PADS2005 PADS Logic PowerLogic

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1 PADS2005 PADS Logic PowerLogic

2 (KGS Technology Ltd.) Mentor ( Innoveda-PADS) PADS PowerPCB APLAC DPS CAD KGS 1989 PADS CAE/CAD/CAM EDA PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB (Working Area) (Library) (Part) (Connection) (Bus) (Off-Page) (Move) (Copy) (Delete) (Edit) (Mode) / (Query/Modify) (Design Rules) (Netlist) SPICE (BOM) PDF (OLE) (Engineering Change Orders (ECO)) PADS Logic (On-line Help) PADS Logic Windows 2000 WindowsXP / /PADS2005/System Design PADS Logic 2

3 (GUI) PADS (Library) (Parts) (Connections) (Buses) (Design Rules) PDF Add Field OLE (Engineering Change Orders (ECO)) 3

4 (GUI) PADS Logic PADS PADS (Grids) ( Pan) (Zoom) Windows (Menu) (Pop-up Menus) (Shortcut Keys) (Toolbars) (Toolboxes) (Pull-down) / (Menu/Command) / (File/Open) (Pop-up Menus) PADS Logic (Pop-up Menu) (Pop-up Menu) Filter 4

5 (Toolbars) (Toolboxes) Windows (Standard Toolbars) (Toolboxes) (Design) (Selection) (Icons) (Toolbars) (Menu Bar) PADS Logic (Toolbar) Window (Menu) (Toolboxes) (Toolbox) ( ) (Toolbox) (Modeless Commands) (Shortcut Keys) (Modeless Commands) (Shortcut Keys) Windows Alt-F PADS Logic 5

6 (Help) Modeless Commands Esc (Pop-up Menu) (Cancel) 56 x 56 (0,0) B 11 x 17 C 17 x 22 (Status Window) PADS Logic (Status Window) (Close) 6

7 (Cursor) X/Y (Status Bar) 1. 0,0 (Status Bar) 2. X/Y (Grids) (Grid) (Design Grid) (Display Grid) (Design Grid) (Design Grid) (Parts) (Connections) (Polygons) (Paths) (Circles) (Rectangles) 2 mils / (Setup/Preferences) (Design Tab) (Design Grid) 7

8 (Display Grid) (Display Dot Grid) (Design Grids) (Design Grids) / (Setup/Preferences) (Global tab) (Display Dot Grid) (Display Dot Grid) (Display Dot Grid) 10 (Zoom) 8

9 (Grid Exercise) (Setup Menu) (Preferences) (Modeless) (Design Grid) (Display Dot Grids) 1. (Display Grid) GD (Modeless) GD (Enter) (Zoom in) (Zoom out) (Dot Grid) (Dot Grid) (Grid) (Using Pan and Zoom) G500 (Enter) (Design Dot Grid) 9

10 (Grid) (Zooming in) (Zooming out) (Using Pan and Zoom) (Modeless) (Value) (Space) / (Setup/Preferences) (Pan) (Zoom) (Mouse) (Mouse) (Zoom) (Mouse) (Zoom) (Zooming in) (Zooming out) (Pan) (Zoom) (View Menu) (Numeric Keypad) Page Up Page Down Home Insert Windows (Scroll Bars) 1. / (File/Open) 10

11 (Pop-up menu) No 2. (File Open) preview.sch (Practice Zoom) (Zoom) 11

12 1. (Toolbar) (Zoom) (Mouse) 2. (Zoom in) 3. (Zoom out) (Zoom) (View) Extents 4 (Zoom) (Zoom) 5 (Panning) (Mouse) Insert (Zoom) Insert key (Pan) (Pan) (Zoom) 1. (Toolbar) (Zoom) 2. (Pan) (Zoom in) (Pan) (Zoom out) 3. (Zoom) (Zoom) 4. (Panning) (Mouse) (Mouse) (Zoom) 12

13 (Pan) (Status Window) (Zooming) (Panning) (Status Window) (Status Window) (Zooming) (Panning) (Zoom) (Status Window) 1. (Status Window) / (Window/Status) 2. (Status Window) (Zoom in) (Zoom out) (Status Window) 3. (Status Window) (Zooming) (Status Window) ( (Panning) (Status Window) (Status Window) (Pan) (Status Window) (Panning) (Bitmap) 1. / (Setup/Preferences) (Global Tab) 13

14 2. (Bitmap) ( ) X Y 3. OK (Preferences) (Status Window) 14

15 4 (Pan) Setup preferences preferences Global 1 Display,Display caching 15

16 Minimum display Display Grid 2 Automatic backups PADS Interval (Number of) Back File 3 Style Samll cross, Large cross Full cross Diagonal Diagonal 4 Text Encoding Chinese Simplify Design 16

17 1 Grids 2 Parameters Tie Dot Bus Angle Preserve Ref Des on paste Allow Floating Connection 3 Sheet : Size Sheet 4 Show Off-page Sheet Number Separators Numbers per Line Text Line Widths 17

18 PADS (Part Editor) (Part Type) PADS (Part Type) (Part Editor) (Pin Decal) (Part Editor) CAE (CAE Decal) (Part Editor) (Part Type) previewstart.sch previewstart.sch 1 (Toolbar) (Open) 2 Save Old File Before Loading? No 3 (File Open) previewstart.sch PADS (Part Type) PADS (Part Type) (Part Type) CAE (CAE Decal) PCB (PCB Decal) DIP PADS (Part Type) (Part type) 7404 CAE (CAE Decal) INV PCB (PCB Decal) DIP14 18

19 6 (A F) PADS Logic PADS-Layout (Part Type) CAE (CAE Decal) PADS-Layout PCB (PCB Decal) (Pin Decal) (Pin Decal) (2D line ) (Pin Decal Editor) 1. / (Tools/Part Editor) (Part Editor) 2 (Part Editor), / (File/New) 2. (Select Type of Editing Item) (Pin Decal) OK 19

20 (Pin Decal Editor) (Pin Decal) (Pin Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) (Pin Decal) PNAME A00 D01 VCC NETNAME #E TYP SWP (Pin Type) (Gate Swap Values) (Pin Types) (Gate Swap) CAE (CAE Decal) (Decal) (Pin Decal) 1. (Toolbar) Decal Editing 2. Decal Editing 2D (Create 2D Line) 3. (Path) 20

21 4. G20 (Design Grid) (Status Bar) X Y X160 Y0 ( (Status Bar) ) 8. (Circle) 9. S

22 10. (Design Grid) (20 mils) 11. (Move Mode) PINNOT (Decal) (Pin Decal) (Pin Decal) 1. / (File/Save As) (Save CAE Decal to Library) 2. \libraries\preview 3. (Name of Item) pinnot New_Pin 4. OK PADS Logic (Pin Decal) PINNOT (Pin Decal) (Pin Decal) (Pin Decal) (Part Editor) / (File/Exit Part Editor) CAE (CAE Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) (2D Line) 22

23 CAE (CAE Decal Wizard) 87C256 (Part Type) CAD (CAE Decal Editor) 1. / (Tools/Part Editor) (Part Editor) 2 (Part Editor) / (File/New) 3 CAD (CAE Decal) OK CAD (CAE Decal Editor) CAE (CAE Decal) CAE 23

24 (Decal) CAE (CAE CAE (CAE Decal) REF (Reference Designation) PART_TYPE (Part Type)( LS74 ) Free Label 1 (Part Type) Free Label 2 (Part Type) CAE (CAE Decal Wizard) CAE (CAE Decals) 1. (Toolbar) Decal Editing Decal Editing 2. Decal Editing CAE (CAE Decal Wizard) 4 Wizard Horizontal 200, Vertical 200 Pin Spacing Horizontal 100, Vertical 100 Box Parameters PIN (Pin Decal) Left pins 10 Right pins 10, Upper pins 0 Lower pins 0 4. OK CAD (CAE Decal) 24

25 CAE (CAE Decal) (Logic Symbols) (Pin Symbols) (Terminal)( (Pin Decal) X) CAE (CAE Decal) (On-line Help) (Terminal) (Pin Symbols) (Terminals) CAE (CAE Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) (Part Type Editor) 1. (Terminal) (Add 2. (Pins) PIN (Pin Decal) OK 3. X (X Mirror) X 25

26 4. (Step) (Repeat) (Terminals) (Step and Repeat) 1. (Step and Repeat) 2. (Direction) (Down) 7 (Distance) 100 (Preview) 3. OK (Step and Repeat) 4. (Add Terminal) (Terminals) CAE (CAE Decal) (Change Pin Decal) (Pin Browse) 2. (Pin) PINNOT Decal) 26

27 3. OK 4. (Pin Decal Assignment Mode) PINNOT (Pin Decal) ( #18 #19) (Pin Decal) PIN PINNOT (Delete) ( #16) Yes #16 CAE (CAE Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) 1. / (File/Save As) (Save CAE Decal to Library) 2. Libraries\preview 3. (File Name) 87C256 (New_Decal) 4. OK PADS Logic CAE (CAE Decal) 87C256 CAE (CAE Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) 87C256 (Part Type) CAE (CAE Decal) / (File/Exit Part Editor) CAE Decal ( ) CAE Decal

28 CAE Decal 7404 CAE Decal (Polygon) 45 Doagonal Modify 2D Line Terminals Add Termina PIN, 7404 PINB, 28

29 mirror ESC (Part Type) 87C256 (Decal) PCB (PCB Decal) 87C256 (Part Type) (Part Editor) (Part Type)87C256 / (Tools/Part Editor) (Part (Electrical Properties) (Part Type) 87C256 CAE (CAE Decal) 26 PCB (PCB Decal) 1. / (File/New) (Select Type of Editing Item) 2. (Part Type) 3. OK (Select type of editing item) 4. (Toolbar) (Edit Electrical) (Part Information) 29

30 5. (Gates) 6. CAE (Browse) 7. (Browse) \Libraries\preview CAE (CAE Decal) 30

31 8. \Libraries\preview 9. (Filter) 87* (Apply) 87C256 (Decal) (Unassigned Decals) 10. (Unassigned Decals) 87C256 (Decal) (Assign) 87C256 (Decal) (Part Type) A(gate A) (Decal) (Assigned Decals) 11. OK CAE (CAE Decal) (On-line Help) PCB (PCB Decal) PCB (PCB Decal) CAE (CAE Decal) (Pin Numbers) (Names) 1. PCB (PCB Decals) 2. \Librares\common (Pin Count) 26 (Apply) 4. SOJ26S (Decal) (Assign) (Decal) 31

32 (Signal Pins) (Power) (Ground) ( PADS ) 1. (Signal Pins) 2. (Unused Pins) (Pin)14 (Add) 3. (Unused Pins) (Pin)26 (Add) 4. (Pin)14 (Signal Names) GND 5. (Pin)26 (Signal Names) VCC 32

33 (Attributes) (Part Type Attributes) 1. (Attributes) (Add) 2. (Attributes) PART DESC Tab 33

34 (Attribute Value) 32K X 8 BIT CMOS EPROM/LATCH 3. (Add) (Attributes) (Values) (Attributes) (Values) $: (leave blank) PART NUMBER: 87C256 MFG #1: SIGNETICS MFG #2: (leave blank) (On-line Help) 4. OK (Part Type) (Electrical Parameters) (Gates) (Pin Numbers) (Pin Names) (Part Type) CAE (Pin Numbers) (Pin Names) (Pin Numbers) (Pin Names) 1. (Edit Gate Decal) OK (Gate) A(Gate A) ( ) OK 2. (Toolbar) Decal Editing Toolbar 34

35 3. (Set Pin Name) Q0 OK 4. (Output Pin) ( ) (Pin Name) Q0 5. (Output Pins) (Pin Name) Q1 Q7 6. (Set Pin Name) A0 OK 7. ( ) (Pin Name) A0 8. (Output Pins) (Pin Name) A1 A14 9. (Input Pin) A2 A14 (NOT) ( ) \ (Pin Name) 1. (Set Pin Name) ALE/ \CE (Pin Name) 2. OK 3. A14 (Input Pin) 4. (Set Pin Name) \OE 5. OK 6. (Input Pin) 7. (Set Pin Name) VPP 8. OK 9. (Input Pin) (Pin Name) (Pin Numbers) 1. (Set Pin Number) 1 OK VPP 1 2. A12 (Pin Number) 2 87C256 Q2 3. Q3 14 GND Q3 15 Q3 4. Q C256 35

36 (Part Type) (Part Type) 1. / (File/Return to Part) (Gate) 2. Yes (Gate) (Part Editor) 3. / (File/Save As) (Save Part and Gate Decals as) 36

37 4. \Libraries\preview 5. (File Name) 87C OK (Part Type) 87C256 (Part Type) (Part Type) 87C256 (Part Type) / (File/Exit Part Editor) (Part Editor) (Schematic Editor) (Part Type) 37

38 (Parts) previewstart 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) PADS Projects\Samples previewstart PADS Projects (Reference Designator) (Part) / (View/Extents) 38

39 1. a. (Zoom) b. X6200 Y8200 c a. / (View/Capture) b. (Capture) (View Name) c. View1 d. OK e. (Close) (View Capture) 3. a. (Design) (Design) b. (Design) (Add Part) 39

40 c. (Add Part) AM100* PADS Logic AM100 *MM MM * AM*P?? d. AM e. Add AM U3 (Reference Designator) 3 5. U8 U9 (Reference Designator) 6. AM

41 (Cancel) ESC (Part) AM (Toolbar) (Delete) U8 2. U3 3. / (View/Redraw) (Redraw) (Delete) 1. / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) previewpart.sch 3. (Save) previewpart.sch 41

42 (Connections) (Power) (Ground) Floating 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) previewpart.sch (Design Toolbox) (Toolbar) (Design Toolbox) (Part) (U3) (Zoomed in) 1. (Design Toolbox) (Add Connection) 2 U U5B 6 CD4001B 42

43 1. (Toolbar) (Move Mode) 2. U3 1 U5B 6 U3 15 (Move) U1 U3 (highlights) 5. Esc (Add Connection) (Move) (Delete) U3 U3 15 (Adding Connections to Power and Ground) (Power) (Ground) (Power) (Ground) (Ground) (Power) (Power) U3 U V 1. U3 4. (Design) (Add Connection) U (Display PG Name), 4 (Power) 43

44 5. U V +12V (Status Bar) (Alternate) Alt+Tab +12V (Status Bar) 6. (Ground) (Power) R5 R2 1. S R5 R5 2. (Add Connection) R (Ground) R5 44

45 4. S R2 R2 5. (Add Connection) R PG (Display PG Name) 7. R (Alternate) Ctrl+Tab +5V 9. R2 +5V (Off-page) (netlist) (Off-page) 1. (Design) (Add Connection) 2. U (Reference Designator) U7 BackSpace 4. (Pop-up menu) (Off-page) 45

46 5. (Pop-up menu) X (X Mirror) 6. U7 (Off-page) (Add Connection) 7. 24MHZ OK Floating PADS2005 PADS / (Setup/Preferences) Design Parmeters Allow Floating Connection 46

47 2 Part PADS2005 previewpart U7 U8 Ctrl U7 U8 2 9 U U8 U8 U7 47

48 1. / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) previewconnect.sch 3. (Save) PADS Logic previewconnect.sch 48

49 (Busses) (Busses) (Bus) (Bus) 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) previewconnect.sch S U7 U7 (Bus) 1. (Toolbar) (Design Toolbar) 2. (Toolbar) (Add Bus) (Add Bus) 4. D[00:07] OK 5. 49

50 (Bus) 1. (Add Connection) 2. U (Add Connection) D00 4. OK D00 5. (Pop-up) (Move) 50

51 6. (Connections) 1. (Toolbar) (Copy Mode) 2. D00 3. (Step and Repeat) (Step and Repeat) 4. (Direction to Down) (Preview) (Step and Repeat) 6. OK U7 7. (Cancel) Esc 51

52 1. / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) previewbus.sch 3. (Save) PADS Logic previewbus.sch 52

53 (Design Data) (Placement) (Properties) (Parts) (Parts) (Part) 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) previewbus.sch (Query) (Item) (Query) (Reference Designators) 1. (Toolbar) (Query Mode) 2. 24MHz (Off-page) / (Query/Modify Netname) 53

54 3. / (Query/Modify Netname) XXX OK 4. 24MHz Net 24MHZ already exists - OK to combine nets? Yes 1. S R500 R500 (Enter) (Logic) (Power) 2. (Zoom in) 3. (Query Mode) R / (Query/Modify Part) (Part Type) (Change Type) (Change 54

55 5. (Filter) cap* (Apply) (Change Type) (Part Types) 6. (Part Types) CAP OK 1206 (Change Part Type) 55

56 8. / (Query/Modify Part) (Reference Designator) (Rename Part) (Rename Part) 9. (Reference Designator)C10 OK 10. (Close) / (Query/Modify Part) Swap Ref.Des (Swap pins) Swap Ref.Des U1 U2 U1 U2 (Swap pins) Pin U5-A 1Pin 2Pin 56

57 1Pin 2Pin U5-A 1Pin 3Pin (Part) (Capacitor) C10 R500 (Mirror) C10 1. (Toolbar) (Move Mode) C10 2. (Pop-up menu) 90 (Rotate 90) 3. (Pop-up menu) Y (Mirror) 4. C10 (Capacitors) (Part) 1. (Query Mode) C10 / (Query/Modify Part) 57

58 2. (Modify) (Attributes) / (Query/Modify Part Attributes) 3. (Attributes) (Names) (Values)?????? (Edit) 4..1 uf??? 5. (Apply Update To) (All Parts This Type) 6. OK 7. / (Query/Modify Part) (Close) CAP uf 8. S R7 R7 10k 58

59 1. / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) previewchange.sch 3. (Save) PADS Logic previewchange.sch 1. (Toolbar) (Select Mode) PADS Logic (Select mode) 2. Select Anything 3. / (Edit/Duplicate) Ctrl

60 6. (Pop-up menu) (Cancel) PowerPreview - Exceeding database limits - Output commands disabled OK PADS Logic Edit Copy Paste ( Ctrl C Ctrl V) Edit Save to File Paste From File a. *.grp b. *.grp 60

61 (Design Rules) (Design rules) (constraints) PADS-Layout (Design rules) (clearance) (routing) (high speed) (constraints) (default condition) (class) (nets) (conditional design rules) (differential pairs) PCB (Layers) (Arrange) (General Default Rules) (Specific Net Rules) (Conditional Rules) previewchange.sch 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) previewchange.sch PCB (Layer Arrangement) PADS Logic PCB (Layer Arrangements) (Associated) (Plane Layers) (Layer Stackup) (Thickness) PCB (Plane Layers) (Multiple Plane Nets) (Two-layer) 1. / (Setup/Layer Definition) (Layer Definition) 61

62 2. (Electrical Layers) Modify. 5. (Modify Electrical Layer Count) 4 OK (Reassign Layers) 62

63 6. OK (Reassign Layers) (Layer Arrangement) (Names) (Assign) (Types) 1. a. (Layers Setup) (Top layer) (Name) (Top layer) (Primary Component Side) b. (Electrical Layer Type) (Component) (Plane Type) No Plane (Vertical) 2. a. (Inner Layer 2) (Ground Plane) b. (Plane Type) CAM (CAM Plane) (Plane Layer) (Assign Nets) c. (Assign Nets) (Plane Layer Nets) d. (All Nets) GND e. (Add) GND (Ground Plane layer) f. OK g. (Routing Direction) (Any) 3. a. Inner Layer 3 (Power Plane) b. (Type) (Mixed Plane) c. (Assign Nets) d. (All Nets) +5V +12V (Add) (Power Plane layer) e. OK f. (Routing Direction) (Any) 63

64 4. a. Bottom (Secondary Component Side) b. (Electrical Layer Type) (Component) (Plane Type) (No Plane) (Horizontal) Stackup (Layer Stackup) (Layer Thickness) (Stackup) 1. (Layers Setup) (Thickness) 2. (Layer List) (Primary Component Side) 3. (Copper Thickness) 1.4 (mils) 1 ounce (1 oz. of copper =.0014 ) 4. (Layer List) (Secondary Component Side) 5. (Copper Thickness) 1.4 (mils) 1 ounce (1 oz. of copper =.0014 ) 6. (Ground Plane layer) (Copper Thickness) 2.1 (mils) (copper weight) 1.5 ounces 7. (Power Plane layer) (Copper Thickness) 2.1 (mils) (copper weight) 1.5 ounces 8. Substrate/Prepreg (middle Substrate) 64

65 Prepreg 8. Substrate Prepreg Dielectric constant OK (Layer Thickness) 11. OK (Layers Setup) (Clearance) PADS Logic (Design Rules) PADS- Layout Group Pin Pair PADS-Layout 1. / (Setup/Design Rules) (Rules) 2. (Design Rule) Mils, (Units) Mils 3. (Default) (Default Rules) 65

66 4. (Clearance) (Clearance Rules) (Clearance) PCB (Clearance) 5. (Clearance) (All) (Clearance) (Input Value) 6. 8 OK 7. (Trace Width) (Minimum) 6 (Recommended) 8 (Maximum) 12 (Same Net) (Clearance) (Clearance Rules) OK 66

67 (Routing Rules) (Plane Layers) (Routing rules) 1. (Default Rules) (Routing) (Layer Biasing) 2. (Power Plane) (Ground Plane) (Remove) (Plane Layers) 3. OK (Routing Rules) 4. (Close) (Default Rules) (Net Clearance Rules) 1. (Rules) (Net) (Net Rules) 67

68 2. +5V 3. Ctrl+click +12V GND +5V +12V GND 4. (Clearance) (Clearance Rules) 5. (Clearance) (All) (Clearance) (Input Value) OK 7. (Trace Width) (Minimum) 10 (Recommended) 12 (Maximum) 15 (Same Net) (Clearance) OK 9. (Close) (Net Rules) 68

69 (Classes) Rules) (Conditional Rules) (Clearance) (Conditional Rule) (Conditional rule) (Design Rule) (Conditional Rules) (Conditional Rule) (Nets) and Classes), (Classes and Classes) (Nets and Layers) 1. (Rules) (Conditional (Conditional Rule Setup) 2. (Source Rule Object) (Nets) (Source Rule Object) 3. +5V 4. (Against Rule Object) (Nets) 69

70 (Against Rule Object) V 6. (Create) (Conditional Rule) (Existing Rule Sets) 7. (Current Rule Set area) (Matrix) 8. (Design Rules) (netlist) PADS -Layout 1. / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) previewrules.sch 3. (Save) PADS Logic previewrules.sch 70

71 PDF (Design) (Netlist) BOM (Bill of Materials) PDF previewrules (Netlist) PowerPCB Tools/PADS Layout Link (Netlist) 1. / PCB(Tools/Netlist to PCB) (Netlist) PADS Layout OK (On-line Help) Notepad (Netlist) Notepad 3. Notepad SPICE Cadence PSpice Intusoft ICAP/4 1 /SPICE (Tools/SPICE Netlist ) 71

72 2 (Output Formats) Intusoft ICAP/4 Berkeley SPICE 3 PSpice 3 (Simulation Setup) 4 SPICE / (Help/Search ) Analog Attributes 72

73 BOM (Bill of Materials) (Bill of Materials) 1. (File/Report) (Reports) 2. (Select Report File) (Output area) (Bill of Materials) 3. (Setup) (Bill of Materials) (Setup) 73

74 4. (Field Header column) (Reference) 5. Ref Des (Enter) 6. (Width column) (Part Name) (Value) 7. (Width column) (Value) OK 8. (Reports) OK (Bill of Materials) (Reports) Notepad 9. Notepad PDF File/Print Acrobat PDF PDF PDF 1 / PDF(File/Create PDF ), 74

75 2 PDF PREVIEW.pdf PDF PDF PDF 3 OK Acrobat 75

76 4 Ref.Des Part Type PADS Logic 5 76

77 77

78 Add Field 1 Add Text 2 Text X X Y Y Font 3 OK Cancel 4 Sutep Preferences Preferences Global Text Encoding Chinese Simplify 78

79 5 Sutep Fonts Fonts 6 System _GB2312, OK 7 Add Text 79

80 8 Text (Size) Font 9 OK Cancel Add Field 1 Add Field Add Field 2 Name Value 3 Name Value OK 80

81 Cancel 4 Add Field Name Cancel 5 KGS Technology Ltd. KGS Technology Ltd. 81

82 PADS Logic OLE (OLE) (Object Linking and Embedding) Windows 2000 Windows XP MS Windows (Embed) MS Word PADS Logic OLE OLE PADS Logic PADS-Layout OLE (Cross Probing) (Nets) (Components) (Pins) PADS-Layout OLE Visual Basic MS C++ PADS-Layout PADS Logic PADS-Layout PCB PADS Logic PADS-Layout (Embedding) (Objects) PADS Logic PADS-Layout OLE (Netlist) PADS-Layout (Schematic Driven) (Placement) PADS-Layout previewrules 1. (Toolbar) (Open) 2. Save Old File Before Loading? No 3. (File Open) previewrules.sch 82

83 (Embedding) (Objects) PADS Logic (Embed Objects) OLE (Embedding) (Bitmap) 1. / (Edit/Insert New Object) (The Insert Object) 2. (Create From File) 83

84 3. (Browse) (Browse) 4. PADS Projects\Samples 5. mentorlogo.bmp (Insert) 6. (Insert Object) OK (bitmap) 7. a. b. c. 8. (bitmap) (bitmap) 9. (bitmap) 84

85 (Embedding) MS Word OLE 1 (Toolbar) (Boarder) 2 / (Edit/Insert New Object) 3 (Create From File) 4 (Browse) (Browse) 5 PADS Projects\Samples 6 Logic Notes.DOC (Insert) 7 (Insert Object).doc 8 Y1 9 (Embedded Object) (Pop-up menu) (Disable) OLE 85

86 OLE Gerber MS Word OLE OLE Gerber (Embedded) (Object) Logic Notes.doc (Embedded Object) 1. Word Word.DOC Wordpad 2. microfarads picofarads (Embedded Object) / (File/Save As) (File Save As) 2. (File Name) preview.sch 3. (Save) PADS Logic preview PADS Logic PADS-Layout OLE PADS Logic OLE PADS Logic PADS-Layout (Schematic-driven) (Placement) (Layout) PC PADS-Layout PADS-Layout 86

87 PADS-Layout (Cross Probing) 1. /OLE PADS Layout (Tools/PADS Layout Link ) PADS-Layout 2. (New) PADS-Layout PADS-Layout OLE PADS-Layout 3. PADS-Layout PADS Logic PADS-Layout PADS Logic PADS-Layout (Netlist) PADS-Layout PADS Logic OLE (Netlist) PADS-Layout (Netlist) 1. (Layout/Router Link Properties) PADS Layout (PADS Layout Link) (Design 87

88 2. (Send Netlist) (Netlist) (Netlist) PADS-Layout OLE PADS-Layout (Netlist)( ASCII) PADS-Layout (Schematic-Driven) (Placement) (Parts) (Nets) PADS-Layout PADS-Layout PADS-Layout 1. (Toolbar) (Drafting) 2. (Drafting) (Library) 3. \Libraries\preview previewboard OK 4. (Modeless) S S (Enter) / (Tools/Disperse Components) 88

89 (Disperse) 7. (Design) (Design) 8. (Design) (Move Component) PADS-Layout (Move Component) PADS Logic 9. J1 PADS-Layout J1 PADS-Layout PADS-Layout J1 PADS-Layout 10. (Flip Side) X1650,Y400 J1 PADS-Layout J1 PADS-Layout PADS-Layout PADS-Layout 1. (Design) (Select) (Move Component) (Select) 89

90 PADS Logic 2. OLE (OLE Connection) (Receive tab) (Receive Selections) PADS-Layout PADS-Layout 3. (Search) (Modeless Command) SSY1 Y1 PADS-Layout Y1 PADS Logic OLE (OLE Connection) (Selection List) (Selection List) 4. SSC3 C3 PADS-Layout C3 5. SSU6 U6 (Selection List) 6. (Selection List) U6B PADS Logic PADS-Layout 90

91 PADS-Layout 3. (Pop-up Menu) (Move Sequential) Yes to All 4. 91

92 (Engineering Change Orders (ECO)) PCB (Engineering Change Order (ECO)) (Pin) (Gate) (Swaps) (Part) PADS-Layout PADS-Layout ECO ASCII *.eco PADS-Layout (Pin)/ (Gate) (Ref. Des.) PADS-Layout preview.sch 1. / (File/Open) 2. \padsview\logicfiles preview.sch 3. Save file before loading? No ECO (Tools) ECO PADS Logic 1. / PCB (Tools/Backward Annotate from PCB) 2. No 3. \padsview\ 92

93 7. (Reference Designations)! (On-line Help) (PADS Logic User's Guide) 93


PADS Router PADS Router (KGS Technology Ltd.) Mentor ( Innoveda-PADS) PADS PowerPCB APLAC DPS CAD KGS 1989 PADS CAE/CAD/CAM EDA PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PA PADS2005 PADS Router ( BlazeRouter) PADS Router PADS Router (KGS Technology Ltd.) Mentor ( Innoveda-PADS) PADS PowerPCB APLAC DPS CAD KGS 1989 PADS CAE/CAD/CAM EDA PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PADS

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