Hair Straightener

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1 使用说明书 Operating Instructions ( 家用 ) 直发器 (Household) Hair Straightener 型号 Model No. EH-HS99 中文...3 English... 15

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3 中文 使用说明书 ( 家用 ) 直发器型号 EH-HS99 目录 安全注意事项... 4 部件名称... 8 关于温度控制系统... 9 关于 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 )... 9 最佳直发效果的技巧 使用前 使用直发器 使用后 清洁 故障排除 规格 感谢您购买这款 Panasonic 产品 在使用本产品前, 请仔细阅读本说明书并妥善保管, 以备将来参考 nanoe 是 Panasonic Corporation 的商标 nanoe 是一种外裹水粒子的纳米大小离子颗粒 3

4 中文 安全注意事项 为减少受伤 死亡 触电 火灾及财产损失的危险, 请务必遵守以下安全注意事项 标志说明 以下标志用于对因无视标志说明和使用不当而导致的危险 伤害和财产损失的程度进行分类和描述 警告 注意 表示可能会导致重伤或死亡的潜在危险 表示可能会导致轻伤或财产损失的危险 以下标志用于对需要遵循的说明的种类进行分类和描述 此标志用于提醒用户注意禁止采取的操作步骤 此标志用于提醒用户注意为了安全操作本产品而必须遵循的操作步骤 安全注意事项 中的图示可能与实际产品不同 警告 请勿存放在儿童和婴幼儿的接触范围之内 请勿让他们使用本产品 - 否则可能导致烫伤 触电或受伤 请勿自行改装 拆解或维修 - 否则可能因运转异常而导致着火或受伤 请联系授权的维修中心进行维修 使用时请勿超出家用电源插座或接线的额定功率 - 在一个家用电源插座上连接太多插头而超出额定功率, 可能会因过热而引发火灾 请勿损坏或改装 或用力弯曲 拉拔或扭曲电源线 另外, 请勿在电源线上面放置重物或挤压电源线 - 否则可能因短路而引发触电或火灾 请勿在使用时捆扎电源线 - 否则可能导致火灾或触电 存放时请勿将电源线缠绕在卷烫梳主体上 - 否则可能导致电源线因负载而断线, 或由于短路而引发触电或火灾 当插头或电源线损坏或发烫时, 请勿使用 - 否则可能因短路而导致烫伤 触电或火灾 4

5 警告 当插头没有在家用电源插座上插紧时, 切勿使用本产品 - 否则可能因短路而导致烫伤 触电或火灾 请勿用湿手将插头插入家用电源插座, 或从电源插座上拔下插头 - 否则可能导致触电或受伤 请勿用湿手操作本产品 - 否则可能因短路而引发触电或火灾 请勿在本产品接通电源时, 或使用后夹板仍很烫时, 使其处于无人看管的状态 - 否则可能导致火灾 烫伤 附近物品变色或变形 请勿将本产品存放在浴室或湿度较大的地方 也不要将本产品放置在可能溅到水的位置 ( 如卫生间台面 ) - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 请勿在易燃物品 ( 如酒精 汽油 稀释剂 喷雾剂 护发产品 卸甲水 ) 附近使用本产品 - 否则可能引发爆炸或火灾 使用本产品时, 请勿在卷烫梳主体或头发上使用发胶或易燃的美发护发产品 - 否则可能导致火灾 触电或烫伤 请勿将本产品放入水中 请勿在水源附近使用本产品 请勿在浴缸 淋浴间 洗脸盆或其他盛水器皿附近使用本产品 - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 本产品上的该标志表示 请勿在水源附近使用本产品 请勿堵住 nanoe 气孔或将发夹等异物插入气孔 - 否则可能导致火灾 触电或烫伤 如果发生异常和故障, 请立即停止使用并拔下插头 - 否则可能导致火灾 触电或受伤 < 异常或故障情况 > 主装置偶而停止, 或电源线或插头异常发烫 主装置变形或发出烧焦的气味 - 请立即向授权的维修中心请求检查或维修 中文 5

6 中文 警告 将插头完全插入到插座中 请务必确保本产品在符合其机身上指示的额定电压的电源上运作 - 否则可能导致火灾 触电或烫伤 使用后务必关闭电源开关并从家用电源插座拔出插头 - 否则可能导致火灾或烫伤 请定期清洁插头, 防止灰尘积聚 - 否则可能因潮湿造成绝缘故障, 从而引发火灾 请拔下插头, 然后用干布擦拭 在浴室内使用本产品时, 使用后请拔下插头, 因为即使本产品关闭后, 接近水仍存在危险 - 否则可能导致事故或受伤 为了进一步保障您的安全, 建议在浴室供电电路中安装一个额定漏电动作电流不超过 30 ma 的漏电保护装置 (RCD) 向 RCD 安装商咨询 - 否则可能导致事故或受伤 本品不宜供肢体 感官或精神上有残疾者 缺乏经验和知识者 ( 包括儿童 ) 使用, 除非有人对此类人加以监督或者对本品的使用加以指导, 且对使用者的安全能承担责任 应监督儿童, 避免其将本产品视为玩具 - 否则可能导致事故或受伤 如果电源线损坏, 为避免危险, 必须由制造厂或其维修代理或类似的专职人员来更换 - 否则可能导致事故或受伤 请正确处置设备包装, 将包装远离婴儿 - 否则可能造成婴儿窒息 注意 存放时, 请勿缠绕电源线 - 否则可能导致电源线因负载而断线, 或由于短路而引发触电或火灾 请勿使本品掉落或受到冲击 - 否则可能导致触电或着火 请勿用于婴幼儿 - 否则可能会造成烫伤 6

7 注意 请勿在使用中或刚使用后触碰阴影部分, 因为这些地方会很烫 - 否则可能会造成烫伤 使用期间请握住主体, 这样手指便不会接触阴影区域 - 否则可能夹到手指并导致受伤 中文 请勿使加热部分接触皮肤 ( 耳朵 额头 颈部等 ) - 否则可能会造成烫伤 请勿强行打开夹板 - 否则可能会造成烫伤 请勿在头发上有烫发液时使用本产品 - 否则可能导致头发或皮肤问题 请勿将本产品用于除打理头发以外的任何其他用途 ( 请勿用于宠物等 ) - 否则可能会造成烫伤 在同一束头发上使用本产品切勿超过 2 次 - 否则可能会烫伤或损伤您的头发 使用后, 请从家用电源插座上拔下插头 - 否则可能会因绝缘老化造成的漏电而引发触电或火灾 拔下插头时, 请捏住插头, 不要拉扯电源线 - 否则可能导致电源线断线, 并可能因电源短路而导致烫伤 触电或火灾 将本产品顺着头发向下滑动到底, 期间不要停顿 请仅在干净 干燥且不打结的头发上使用本产品 建议的使用温度视发型发质而异 ( 参见第 11 页 ) - 否则可能会烫伤或损伤您的头发 注意 定型只能维持 1 天 用洗发水洗发后, 头发将恢复正常状态 nanoe 和直发效果因人而异 7

8 部件名称 中文 A G B C A 夹板梢 B nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口 C 水蒸汽回收口 D 打开 / 关闭锁 E 电源线 F 插头 ( 插头形状因地区而异 ) G 加热板 H nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 指示灯 I 温度设置开关 J 电源开关 K 温度设置指示灯 H D 配件 L 清洁刷 ( 用于 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口 ) I E 关于打开 / 关闭锁滑动打开 / 关闭锁 ( 阴影区域 ) 可锁定和解锁 锁定 未锁定 K J L F 注意 锁定时请勿试图强行打开 否则可能损坏本产品 8

9 关于温度控制系统 关于 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 待机模式 如果温度设定为 230 C 200 C 或 180 C, 且约 10 分钟未使用直发器, 温度将自动降至 170 C 指示灯将在 230 C 200 C 或 180 C, 和 170 C 之间交替闪烁 一旦再次使用直发器, 或按 [-] 或 [+] 温度设置开关, 温度将恢复为 230 C 200 C 或 180 C 230 C 200 C 或 180 C 指示灯将闪烁, 然后点亮 ( 视使用情况而定, 可能不会闪烁而直接点亮 ) 注意 使用时, 请将头发放在夹板中间 ( 若将头发放在夹板边缘, 直发器可能无法检测到其正在使用中 ) 自动关闭功能 自开始使用起已超过 60 分钟时, 本产品将自动关闭 即使正在使用本产品, 电源也将关闭, 因此在此情况下, 请再次打开电源 使用本产品后, 即使忘记关闭电源, 电源也将在 60 分钟后自动关闭 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 是什么? nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 是被水包裹着的微粒子离子, 肉眼不可见 由于 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 是通过收集空气中的水分而产生的, 因此视环境而定, 可能难以在某些情况下生成 这是因为当温度和湿度较低时, 空气中的水分会难以收集 此时将产生负离子 (nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 和负离子生成方式 : 高压放电 ) nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 工作原理 通常而言, 头发具有使其易于产生正电荷的成分 这些成分极易吸引带负电荷的 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ), 使水分渗透至秀发 注意 使用本产品时, 您可能会注意到特有的气味 这是由其产生的臭氧造成的, 对人体无害 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口可能会发出嗡嗡声, 这是排放 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 的声音, 并非故障 中文 9

10 中文 最佳直发效果的技巧 1 梳理头发, 确保头发方向一致 2 扎起头发并将其固定住, 使头发按图中所示分区 如果您的头发浓密, 将头发分成更多区块可以更方便地定型 3 在电源关闭的情况下练习 请在电源关闭的情况下练习, 直至习惯本产品 定型顺序 d c b a 关于直发产品 使用完家用直发烫发液之后, 切勿立即使用本直发器 否则可能会损伤您的头发 ( 使用直发烫发液 3-4 天后, 可使用本直发器 在美容院烫完发 3-4 天后, 也可使用本直发器 ) 关于染发产品 染发会损伤头发 染发后, 请等待 2 到 3 天后方可使用本直发器 如果采用暂时性染发剂, 请在使用前将染发剂洗净并弄干头发 染发后需要一段时间才能稳定着色 对于暂时性染发剂的情况, 如果染发剂未完全洗净, 则会弄脏直发器 此外, 不能烫直湿发 以 1 至 2[3 至 4] 的顺序, 从头后部最底端的头发开始定型 d c b a 头发类型和直发指导直发效果可能因个人头发的卷度和发质而异 难以烫直的头发毛躁发质 易打结发质 10

11 使用前 对加热板加热 1 解锁打开 / 关闭锁 解锁 温度设置开关的 [+] 可提高温度,[ ] 可降低温度 指示灯 温度 发型 发质 约 230 C 卷曲 稍稍受损 约 200 C 约 180 C 中文 约 170 C 2 将插头插入家用电源插座 3 按电源开关以开启直发器 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 指示灯点亮 确认温度设置指示灯 150 正在闪烁 注意 若所有温度设置指示灯均在闪烁, 请勿使用直发器 4 根据头发特质和状态, 使用温度设置开关设定温度 约 150 C 直发受损 确认温度设置指示灯已改变 当所选温度设置指示灯停止闪烁 ( 并点亮 ) 时, 说明直发器已达到所选温度 ( 请注意, 达到工作温度所需的时间因操作环境而异 ) 注意 超过 200 C 时视为高温且可能损伤头发 建议避免在此温度下连续使用, 并仅在头发状况良好时使用 开启直发器后, 将在约 30 秒后达到操作温度 ( 约 100 C) 首次使用直发器时, 务必将温度设定为 150 C 11

12 中文 使用直发器 使用前, 请确认温度设置指示灯已停止闪烁并点亮 烫直 1 拿起一束约 5 cm 宽的头发 请勿拿起过多头发, 否则可能难以烫直头发 2 将该束头发放在夹板中间并夹紧夹板 若要烫直卷发, 请用双手捏住两个夹板梢 请勿用力过度, 否则会使发梢变形 4 使用后, 按电源开关以关闭直发器 请确认 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 指示灯和温度设置指示灯均熄灭 注意 烫直后, 使用发膏 发蜡等使头发定型 避免使用易燃定型产品, 因为它们可能会在受热时产生气体 使用后 1 从家用电源插座上拔下插头 3 在夹紧头发的情况下, 将直发器径直移动至发梢 请慢慢移动直发器 ( 以慢于正常梳发的速度 ) 从该束头发的较低位置开始反复操作 夹紧头发时, 请勿使直发器停留在同一位置 2 通过打开 / 关闭锁合上夹板以进行存放 锁定 12

13 清洁 请在直发器已冷却且插头已从家用电源插座上拔下后再进行清洁 清洁 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口 约每月清洁一次 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口 如此保养可使直发器长期维持 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 产生量 1 通过打开 / 关闭锁合上夹板 清洁直发器 当本产品变脏或有定型产品等附着其上时, 请将抹布浸入肥皂水, 拧干后将本产品擦拭干净 请勿使用酒精 去光水或清洁剂 ( 洗手液等 ) 否则可能导致直发器表面出现裂痕或褪色 中文 2 将 清洁刷 朝 nanoe TM ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口中的金属部分 (a) 插入到底 (a) 3 用刷子来回擦拭金属部分 10 次 (nanoe TM ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口位于两侧 ) ( 位于两侧 ) 13

14 中文 故障排除 问题可能原因措施 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口内产生气泡 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 发射口发出噪音 ( 爆裂声 ) 当温度设定为 [230] [200] 或 [180] 时, 指示灯在 230 C 200 C 或 180 C, 和 170 C 之间交替闪烁 所有温度设置指示灯保持闪烁 达到操作温度前需要一些时间 灰尘 定型产品等附着在产生 nanoe ( 纳米水离子 ) 的针形部位 本产品处于待机模式 达到操作温度 ( 约 100 C) 的时间因地区而异 V: 约 30 秒 V: 约 30 秒 如果仍无法解决问题, 请咨询购买本产品的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行维修 规格 清洁 nanoe 气孔, 除去所有附着物 要恢复使用时, 按 [+] 或 [-] 温度设置开关, 使温度设置恢复为 230 C 200 C 或 180 C 请向购买处请求检查或维修 产品名称直发器执行标准 产品型号 EH-HS99 电源 14 GB4706.1, GB , GB4343.1, GB V V 50 Hz - 60 Hz 220 V V 50 Hz - 60 Hz 原产地泰国功耗 38 W 生产日期请参见商品上的刻字 夹板温度约 150 C 至 230 C 本产品仅适合家庭使用

15 Operating Instructions (Household) Hair Straightener Model No. EH-HS99 Contents Safety precautions Parts identification...20 About the temperature control system About nanoe...21 Tips for best straightening results Before use...23 Using the straightener...24 After use...24 Cleaning...25 Troubleshooting...26 Specifications...26 Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. English nanoe is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation. A nanoe is a nano-sized ion particle coated with water particles. 15

16 English Safety precautions To reduce the risk of injury, loss of life, electric shock, fire, and damage to property, always observe the following safety precautions. Explanation of symbols The following symbols are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when the denotation is disregarded and improper use is performed. WARNING Denotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Denotes a hazard that could result in minor injury or property damage. The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed. 16 This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must not be performed. This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed in order to operate the unit safely. Illustrations in Safety precautions may vary from the actual product. WARNING Do not store within the reach of children or infants. Do not let them use the appliance. --Doing so may cause burn, electric shock, or injury. Never modify, disassemble, or repair. --Doing so may cause ignition or injury due to abnormal operation. Contact an authorized service center for repair. Do not use in a way exceeding the rating of the household outlet or the wiring. --Exceeding the rating by connecting too many plugs to one household outlet may cause fire due to overheating. Do not damage or modify, or forcefully bend, pull, or twist the cord. Also, do not place anything heavy on or pinch the cord. --Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not use with the cord bundled. --Doing so may cause fire or electric shock. Do not wrap the cord around the main body when storing. --Doing so may cause the wire in the cord to break with the load, and may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not use when the plug or cord is damaged or hot. --Doing so may cause burn, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit.

17 WARNING Never use the appliance if the plug fits loosely in a household outlet. --Doing so may cause burn, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. Do not connect or disconnect the plug to a household outlet with a wet hand. --Doing so may cause electric shock or injury. Do not use the appliance with a wet hand. --Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not leave the appliance unattended with the power connected or after use while the Iron Plate is still hot. --Doing so may cause fire, burn, or discoloration or deformation of objects nearby. Do not store the appliance in a bathroom or location with high humidity. Also, do not place in a location where water may spill (such as top of a vanity). --Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. Do not use in proximity of flammable materials (such as alcohol, benzine, thinner, spray, hair care product, nail polish remover). --Doing so may cause an explosion or fire. Do not apply hair spray or flammable hair product to the main body or hair while using the appliance. --Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or burn. Do not immerse the appliance in water. Do not use this appliance near water. Do not use this appliance near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water. --Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. This symbol on the appliance means Do not use this appliance near water. Do not block or insert foreign objects such as hairpins into the nanoe Outlet. --Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or burn. Immediately stop using and remove the plug if there is an abnormality or malfunction. --Failure to do so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. <Abnormality or malfunction cases> The main unit stops occasionally, or the cord or the plug is abnormally hot. The main unit is deformed or smells of burning. --Immediately request inspection or repair at an authorized service center. English 17

18 English WARNING Fully insert the plug. Always ensure the appliance is operated on an electric power source matched to the rated voltage indicated on the appliance. --Failure to do so may cause fire, electric shock, or burn. Always turn OFF the Power Switch and disconnect the plug from the household outlet after use. --Failure to do so may cause fire or burn. Regularly clean the plug to prevent dust from accumulating. --Failure to do so may cause fire due to insulation failure caused by humidity. Disconnect the plug and wipe with a dry cloth. When the appliance is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the appliance is switched off. --Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. For additional protection, the installation of a residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 ma is advisable in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom. Ask your installer for advice. --Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. --Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service center, or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. --Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. Properly dispose the package of the appliance, keep the package away from infants. --Failure to do so may cause suffocation of infants from happening. CAUTION Do not store the cord in a twisted state. --Doing so may cause the wire in the cord to break with the load, and may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not drop or subject to shock. --Doing so may cause electric shock or ignition. Do not use on infants. --Doing so may cause burn. 18

19 CAUTION Do not touch the shaded areas when in use or right after use since they will be hot. --Doing so may cause burn. Hold the main body so the fingers do not touch the shaded areas during use. --Failure to do so may pinch the fingers and cause injury. Do not let the heated section touch the skin (ears, forehead, neckline, etc.). --Doing so may cause burn. Do not forcefully open the Press Plate. --Doing so may cause burn. Do not use the appliance with permanent wave liquids applied to your hair. --Doing so may cause hair or skin trouble. Do not use the appliance for any purpose other than the care of human hair. (Do not use on pets, etc.) --Doing so may cause burn. Do not use the appliance on the same bundle of hair for more than 2 times. --Doing so may cause burn or damage your hair. Disconnect the plug from the household outlet after use. --Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire due to electrical leakage resulting from insulation deterioration. Disconnect the plug by holding onto it instead of pulling on the cord. --Failure to do so may cause the wire in the cord to break, and may cause burn, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. Slide the appliance down entirely through of your hair without stopping. Only use the appliance on clean, dry and tangle-free hair. Recommended temperature for use depends on each hair type of condition. (see 23 page) --Failure to do so may cause burn or damage your hair. Notes Styling will hold for 1 day only. Hair will return to its normal condition after shampoo. Effectiveness of nanoe and straightening may vary among individuals. English 19

20 Parts identification A G B C A Press Plate Tips B nanoe Outlet C Steam Inlet D Open/Close Lock E Cord F Plug (The shape of the plug differs depending on the area.) G Iron Plate H nanoe Lamp I Temperature Setting Switch J Power Switch K Temperature Setting Lamp H D Accessory L Cleaning Brush (for the nanoe Outlet) I E About Open/Close lock Slide the Open/Close lock (shaded area) to lock and unlock. Locked Unlocked K J English L F Note Do not try to force open when locked. This may damage the product. 20

21 About the temperature control system Standby mode If the temperature setting is on 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C and the straightener is left unused for approximately 10 minutes, the temperature will automatically lower to 170 C. The indicator light will blink alternately between 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C and 170 C Once the straightener is used again, or the [-] or [+] temperature setting switches are pressed, the temperature will return to 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C. The 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C light will blink and then light up. (Depending on use, it may light up without flickering.) Note Place hair in the center of the iron plate to use. (If hair is placed on edge of the iron plate, the straightener may not be able to detect it is in use.) Automatic OFF function This unit will automatically turn off when 60 minutes have passed from the start of use. The power will shut off even if you are using this unit, so in this event, please turn on the power once again. After using this unit, even if you forget to shut off the power, after 60 minutes have passed, it will automatically turn off. About nanoe What is nanoe? nanoe is ion particles enveloped in water and is not visible to the naked eye. Since nanoe is generated by collecting water in the air, it may be difficult to generate in certain cases depending on the environment. This is due to the fact that water in the air is difficult to collect when the temperature and humidity level is low. This is when negative ions are generated. (nanoe and negative ion generation method: High-voltage discharge) How nanoe works Generally hair has properties which make it easy to become positively charged with electricity. These properties attract strongly negatively charged nanoe which penetrates the hair with moisture. Furthermore, they make the hair slightly acidic, tighten cuticles and keep your hair strong, elastic and healthy. Notes You may notice a characteristic odor when using this appliance. This is caused by the ozone it generates and is not harmful to the human body. A humming noise may come out of the nanoe Outlet, but this is the sound of nanoe being discharged and is not a malfunction. 21 English

22 1 2 3 Tips for best straightening results Brush your hair to ensure it is lying in the same direction. Bundle and pin to hold your hair in the order shown in the d b illustration. c a If you have thick hair, separating the hair into more blocks will make the styling easier. Practice with the power off. Please practice with the power off until you get used to it. Styling order Start styling from the bottom on the back of your head in the order of 1 to 2 [3 to 4 as well]. d c b a About hair-straightening products Do not use the straightener immediately after a home straight perm liquid is used. Doing so may damage your hair. (The straightener may be used 3-4 days after a straight perm liquid. The straightener may also be used 3-4 days after having your hair treated at a beauty parlor.) About dyeing products Dyeing places great stress on the hair. After dyeing please wait for 2 or 3 days before using the straightener. If you use a temporary dye, wash it out and dry your hair before use. It takes some time after dyeing for the color to settle. In the case of the temporary dye, the dye can dirty the straightener if it is not fully washed out. Also, your hair cannot be straightened when it is wet. English Hair types and straightening guidelines The hair straightening effect may differ among individuals by the degree of curliness and hair type. Hard-to-straighten hair Coarse hair, Kinked hair 22

23 Before use Heating the iron plate 1 Release the Open/Close Lock. Release The temperature is raised using [+] and lowered using [ ] of the Temperature Setting Switches. Indicator Temperature Hair type Hair condition Approx. 230 C Wavy Less damaged Approx. 200 C Insert the plug into the household outlet. Press the Power Switch to turn on the straightener. The nanoe Lamp glows. Confirm that the Temperature Setting Lamp for 150 is blinking. Note Do not use the straightener if all the Temperature Setting Lamps are blinking. Set a temperature by using the Temperature Setting Switches according to the characteristics and condition of your hair. When you use the straightener for the first time, be sure to set the temperature to 150 C. Approx. 180 C Approx. 170 C Approx. 150 C Straight Damaged Confirm that the Temperature Setting Lamp has changed. When the selected Temperature Setting Lamp stops blinking (and glows), the straightener has reached the selected temperature. (Note that the time taken to reach operating temperature may vary depending on the operating environment.) Notes A temperature level of more than 200 is high and may damage your hair. We recommend that you avoid continuous lengthy use of this level, and only use it if your hair is in a suitable condition. After switching on, the straightener reaches operating temperature (approximately 100 C) after about 30 seconds. English 23

24 English Using the straightener Before use, confirm that the Temperature Setting Lamp has stopped blinking and glows. Straightening Hold a bundle of hair with a width of approximately 5 cm. Do not take much hair as it may be difficult to straighten your hair. Clamp the bundle of hair in the center of the Iron Plate. Use both hands and hold both Press Plate Tips to straighten curly hair. Do not use excessive force as it may place a strain on hair ends. With the hair clamped, move the straightener straight toward the hair ends. Move the straightener slowly (at a speed slower than ordinary brushing). Repeat in turn, starting from the lower portion of your bundled hair. 4 When hair is clamped, do not hold the straightener in the same position. After use, press the Power Switch to turn off the straightener. Please confirm that both the nanoe and temperature setting lamps are off. Notes After straightening, style your hair using hair cream, wax, etc. Avoid using flammable styling products, since they may generate gases when heated. After use Remove the plug from the household outlet. 1 2 Shut the Iron Plate with the Open/Close Lock to store it. Lock 24

25 Cleaning Clean the straightener after it has cooled and with the plug removed from the household outlet. Cleaning the nanoe outlet Clean the nanoe Outlet about once per month. This maintenance allows the straightener to sustain the generated level of nanoe over a long period. 1 Shut the Iron Plate with the Open/Close Lock. Cleaning the straightener When this unit has become dirty or styling products, etc. have gotten onto it, please soak a rag in soapy water, wring it out, and wipe the unit clean. Do not use alcohol, polish remover, or detergent (liquid hand soap, etc.). Doing so may crack or discolor the surface of the straightener. 2 Insert the cleaning brush into the base, towards the metal section (a) in the nanoe TM Outlet. 3 Rub the metal section back and forth with the brush 10 times. (nanoe TM Outlets are located on both sides.) (a) (On both sides) English 25

26 English Troubleshooting 26 Problem Possible cause Action Sparks are generated inside the nanoe Outlet. The nanoe Outlet emits a noise (crackling noise). When the temperature is set to [230], [200], or [180] it blinks alternately between 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C and 170 C. All temperature setting lamps keep blinking. It takes time to reach operating temperature. Dust, styling products, etc. are adhered to the pin-shaped portion where nanoe is generated. It is on standby mode. The time to reach operating temperature (approximately 100 C) differs depending on the area V: about 30 seconds V: about 30 seconds Clean the nanoe Outlet to remove any adherents. When resuming use, press the [+] or [-] temperature setting switches and return the temperature setting to 230 C, 200 C, or 180 C. Please request an inspection or repair from place of purchase. If the problems still cannot be solved, contact the store where you purchased the unit or a service center authorized by Panasonic for repair. Specifications Product name Hair Straightner Execution standard Product model EH-HS99 Power source GB4706.1, GB , GB4343.1, GB V V 50 Hz - 60 Hz 220 V V 50 Hz - 60 Hz Place of origin Thailand Power consumption 38 W Date of production See engraving on the commodity. Iron temperature Approx. 150 C to 230 C This product is intended for household use only.

27 MEMO 27

28 MEMO 28

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31 产品中有害物质的名称及含量 有害物质 部件名称 铅 (Pb) 汞 (Hg) 镉 (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) 备注 塑料部件 金属部件电源线 内部配线 电气回路组件 玻璃 陶瓷 仅部分机型含有该部件仅部分机型含有该部件仅部分机型含有该部件 本表格依据 SJ/T 的规定编制 : 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 规定的限量要求以下 : 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 规定的限量要求 此标志标识产品的环保使用期限为 10 年, 在环保使用期限内, 产品中含有的有毒有害物质或元素在正常使用下不会发生外泄或突变, 用户使用该产品不会对环境造成严重污染或对其人身 财产造成严重损害 产品过了环保使用期要废弃时, 必须按国家相关法律法规进行合理处理

32 制造商 : Navanakorn Industrial Estate, Zone 3 No. 106 Moo 18, Khlong 1, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand 进口商 : 北京市朝阳区景华南街 5 号远洋光华中心 C 座 3 层 6 层原产地 : 泰国 CH, EN 泰国印刷 Printed in Thailand EH9210HS Y1017-0

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