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1 Introduction To PUPPET

2 Plan Puppet: Just Simple! features components installation usage Puppet: Never Leave! living example file and service management Maybe Puppet, Maybe Other, Maybe None

3 Just Simple Tool Chain! Birth Of Puppet! Features! Components! WorkShop! Ecosphere

4 配置管理的变迁 配置 文件 版本控制 配置模版 应 用程序 组件管理 依赖管理 流程管理 构建 测试 部署 基础环境 用户 组 服务 包

5 图解包含关系 配置 文件 应 用程序 配置管理 流程管理 基础环境

6 配置管理的变迁 命令 行 脚本 工具平台 Stage 规范化 自动化 智能化 Time Dream True Cloud

7 工具链介绍 系统安装配置管理命令编排监控报警 [1] Kickstart(Linux) Jumpstart (Solaris) YaST(SUSE) Cobbler CFEngine Chef Puppet SaltStack AnsibleWorks Fabric Capistrano Func MCollective SaltStack AnsibleWorks Cacti Ganglia Nagios Graphite Zabbix [1]

8 Three Ways Comparisons Method Puppet MCollective SaltStack AnsibleWorks Native Lang Ruby Python Python Distributed C/S C/S Agentless Desc Lang DSL(Puppet) Yaml Yaml Template ERB Jinja2/Mako Jinja2 CMD Via AMQP ZeroMQ SSH CMD Speed Faster Faster Fast CMD Sec Muti Chooices AES SSH Community Mature Active Active Use Case OpenStack Docker User Google/Intel Apple/Hulu Complexity Difficult Medium Simple [1]

9 Father Of PUPPET Why Puppet Birth! CFengine && ISconf! Why Puppet in Ruby! Perl Vs Python Vs Ruby [1]

10 What Is Puppet + Puppet 是 一个配置并维护你的计算机的 工具!! + 使 用它简单的配置语 言, 你向 Puppet 解释你所希望的机器配置参数, 然后它将根据需要更改配置来匹配你的要求!! + 如果你的配置有所变化, 比如包更新,Puppet 将 自动更新你的机器来匹配 如果它们已经按照要求配置, 那么 Puppet 就会什么也不做

11 C/S Software/Application Server/Agent mode! Server Less mode

12 Why Puppet 强 大的框架简化 大部分系统管理 工作 使 用 Puppet 语 言的代码有很好复 用性

13 Plugin-in System/Framework 增加新类型 ( 资源 ) 为已有类型增加后端 插件化系统和开放 API

14 DSL Language Use Ruby! Declarative! You Specify Configuration, Puppet handles implementation! Use detailed specification! Need things like dependencies

15 Code Snippet class ssh { package { ssh: ensure => installed } file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755, source => 'puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config', require => Package["ssh"] } service { sshd: ensure => running, enable => true, hasrestart => true, hasstatus => true, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"], }}

16 Organization Class Manifest Module Node init.pp class ssh::install { } install.pp files class ssh::config { } config.pp manifests node /^ssh\d+/ {include ssh} class ssh::service { } service.pp templates params.pp

17 Example::Files 内容型 模版型

18 manifests/lquery.pp Contents class wap::cache{! file{'/search/staff/daemon/cache/conf':! ensure => directory,! owner => staff,! group => staff,! mode => 0755,! }! }! class wap::cache::files {! file{'/search/staff/daemon/wap/conf/cache.cfg':! require => File[ /search/staff/daemon/cache/conf ],! ensure => present,! owner => staff,! group => staff,! mode => 0755,! source => puppet:///wapfile/cache.cfg',! }! }

19 Templates manifests/files.pp class ob::files::cache inherits!! ob::params::wap {!! file{ '/opt/pack/ob/conf/cache.cfg':! content => template('observer/cache.cfg.erb'),! require => File['/opt/pack/ob/conf'],!! }! } manifests/params.pp! class ob::params::cache {! $PreFix = 'wap'! $ProcName = 'cache! $ErrNum = 48! $LatNum = 20! $LogLimit = 15! }

20 Templates templates/cache.cfg.erb %>" USER="odin" %>" %>" %>.cfg" RESTART_USER="root" %>.sh"! %>" %>" %>"

21 Innovations 资源的抽象, 一切皆资源 资源是 Puppet 原语 明确资源间依赖关系 解释性配置语 言

22 Features Idempotency! puppet can safely be run multiple times! Cross Platform! RAL allows focus on system ignoring implementation details! Model & Graph Based! resource modeled as type provider fulfilled the resource! graph based system modeling relationships between resources

23 Components Agent! Facter! ENC! Transaction! RAL! Report

24 WorkShop 安装 认证 使 用

25 生态圈 控制台 Dashboard Foreman 配置管理 PUPPET 命令编排 MCollective 静态变量系统 Facter 动态变量系统 Hiera 数据服务 PUPPETDB


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