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3 Spring IoC GoF Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Programming to an Interface not an Implementation Java Java Java GoF Service Locator IoC IoC Spring IoC 3.1 IoC IoC IoC Dependency Injection 1 IoC Hollywood Don t call me, I ll call you 2 IoC IoC IoC IoC IoC IoC 1 IoC IoC IoC JNDI IoC 1 Robert C. Martin The Dependency Inversion Principle http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/dip.pdf 2 Rod Johnson TheServerSide.com Introducing the Spring Framework http://www.theserverside.com/articles/article.tss?l=springframework

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3 Spring IoC Spring org.springframework.beans.factory.beanfactory XmlBeanFactory 3-1 BeanFactory 3-1 BeanFactory BeanFactory XmlBeanFactory example4 appcontext.xml HelloWorldClient appcontext.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd"> <beans> <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld"> <constructor-arg> <ref bean="filehello"/> </constructor-arg> <bean name="filehello" class="com.openv.spring.filehellostr"> <constructor-arg> <value>helloworld.properties</value> </constructor-arg> </beans> Spring appcontext.xml spring-beans.dtd spring-beans.dtd JavaBean BeanFactory Spring BeanFactory Web B spring-beans.dtd 31

Spring example4 3-2 UML 3-2 example4 UML HelloWorldClient.java 1 public class HelloWorldClient { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HelloWorldClient.class); public HelloWorldClient(){ Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("appcontext.xml"); BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource); HelloWorld hw = (HelloWorld)factory.getBean("fileHelloWorld"); log.info(hw.getcontent()); public static void main(string[] args) { new HelloWorldClient(); Spring appcontext.xml XmlBeanFactory appcontext.xml Spring org.springframework.core.io appcontext.xml try { InputStream ins = new FileInputStream("src/appcontext.xml"); BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(ins); HelloWorld hw = (HelloWorld) factory.getbean("filehelloworld"); log.info(hw.getcontent()); catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { log.error(" appcontext.xml ", ex); ApplicationContext appcontext.xml ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appcontext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( new String[] { "appcontext.xml" ); BeanFactory factory = (BeanFactory) appcontext; HelloWorld hw = (HelloWorld) factory.getbean("filehelloworld"); log.info(hw.getcontent()); BeanFactory Spring 32

3 Spring IoC Spring Web J2EE Web Spring ApplicationContext appcontext.xml JavaBean BeanFactory getbean JavaBean JavaBean example4 BeanFactory 1 Bean BeanFactory Bean IoC BeanFactory JavaBean IoC Spring JavaBean Spring BeanDefinition Bean IoC JavaBean 4 JavaBean JavaBean IoC JavaBean Spring JavaBean IoC JavaBean 3-3 JavaBean 3-3 BeanFactory Bean 3 3 Spring Live 33

Spring Spring DTD B spring-beans.dtd 2 Bean JavaBean 3-3 JavaBean JavaBean <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld"> HelloWorld JavaBean <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld" factory-method= createhelloworldinstance > HelloWorld createhelloworldinstance <bean name= helloworldfactory class= com.openv.spring.helloworldfactory /> <bean name="filehelloworld" factory-bean= helloworldfactory factory-method= createhelloworldinstance > filehelloworld JavaBean HelloWorldFactory createhelloworldinstance Spring JavaBean example4 Spring <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld"> <constructor-arg> <ref bean="filehello"/> </constructor-arg> <ref> Spring filehello JavaBean Spring DTD <ref> bean Spring XML BeanFactory ApplicationContext JavaBean local Spring XML JavaBean Spring XML Spring IDE JavaBean local XML parent JavaBean 34

3 Spring IoC 3 JavaBean 3-3 JavaBean <bean> autowire Spring autowire Spring JavaBean JavaBean B <bean> dependency-check Spring JavaBean B setter JavaBean Java primitive Spring JavaBean null <bean id="example11service" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.transactionproxyfa ctorybean"> <property name="transactionmanager"> <ref local="transactionmanager"/> <property name="target"> <ref local="example11servicetarget"/> <property name="transactionattributes"> <props> <prop key="get*"> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly </prop> <prop key="set*"> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED </prop> </props> Spring TransactionProxyFactoryBean transactionmanager target transactionattributes transactionmanager <ref> transactionmanager POJO Spring transactionmanager <bean id="transactionmanager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.jtatransactionmanager"> <property name="usertransactionname"> <value>java:comp/usertransaction</value> 35

Spring <ref> JavaBean <property name="transactionmanager"> <bean class="org.springframework.transaction. jta.jtatransactionmanager"> <property name="usertransactionname"> <value>java:comp/usertransaction</value> JavaBean JavaBean JtaTransactionManager JavaBean setbeanfactory org.springframework.beans.factory. BeanFactoryAware void setbeanfactory(beanfactory beanfactory) throws BeansException; Spring BeanFactory JavaBean InitializingBean org.springframework.beans.factory.initializingbean BeanFactory JavaBean BeanFactory InitializingBean JavaBean void afterpropertiesset() throws Exception afterpropertiesset InitializingBean <bean> init-method InitializingBean <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld" init-method= init > HelloWorld init 6 JavaBean JavaBean 4 JavaBean Spring JavaBean JavaBean getbean JavaBean 5 JavaBean Spring Web Spring JavaBean 36

3 Spring IoC DisposableBean JavaBean Spring destroy-method JavaBean Spring JavaBean singleton JavaBean prototype JavaBean Spring JavaBean JavaBean Spring JavaBean DisposableBean org.springframework.beans.factory.disposablebean BeanFactory JavaBean BeanFactory DisposableBean JavaBean void destroy() throws Exception destroy DisposableBean <bean> destroy-method DisposableBean <bean name="filehelloworld" class="com.openv.spring.helloworld" destroy-method= destroy > HelloWorld destroy Spring DisposableBean destroy destroy-method 6 Bean Bean <bean> <bean> OO Spring Bean Bean <bean> Tapestry Bean Bean Bean Spring JPetStore 7 PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer PropertyOverrideConfigurer PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer Spring Java LDAP Apache DBCP <bean id="datasource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverclassname"> <value>${jdbc.driverclassname</value> <property name="url"> <value>${jdbc.url</value> 37

Spring <property name="username"> <value>${jdbc.username</value> <property name="password"> <value>${jdbc.password</value> ${jdbc.driverclassname ${jdbc.url ${jdbc.username ${jdbc.password Java <bean id="propertyconfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="location"> <value>jdbc.properties</value> jdbc.properties jdbc.driverclassname=com.mysql.jdbc.driver jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/example jdbc.username=sa jdbc.password= PropertyOverrideConfigurer Spring JavaDoc 8 BeanFactoryAware BeanNameAware Spring BeanFactory JavaBean JavaBean BeanFactory JavaBean JavaBean BeanFactoryAware <bean id="datasource" class="org.springframework.jndi.jndiobjectfactorybean"> <property name="jndiname"> <value>java:/mysqlds</value> <bean id="example11servicetarget" class="com.openv.spring.service.impl.example11managerimpl"> <property name="userinfo"> <ref local="userinfodao"/> example11servicetarget datasource Spring 38

3 Spring IoC example11servicetarget datasource BeanFactoryAware Example11ManagerImpl BeanFactoryAware Java BeanFactoryAware JavaBean BeanNameAware org.springframework.beans.factory.beannameaware void setbeanname(string name); InitializingBean afterpropertiesset init-method JavaBean 3.2.2 ApplicationContext BeanFactory JavaBean BeanFactory BeanFactory Spring ApplicationContext ApplicationContext org.springframework.web.context.contextloaderservlet org.springframework.web.context. ContextLoaderListener Web ApplicationContext Spring BeanFactory getbean() JavaBean getbean() JavaBean BeanFactory BeanFactory Spring ApplicationContext ContextLoaderServlet ContextLoaderListener JavaBean ApplicationContext ContextLoaderServlet ContextLoaderListener 3-4 3-5 Log4jConfigServlet Spring ContextLoaderServlet <context-param> <param-name>log4jconfiglocation</param-name> <param-value>/web-inf/classes/log4j.properties</param-value> </context-param> <servlet> <servlet-name>log4jconofigservlet</servlet-name> 39

Spring <servlet-class> org.springframework.web.util.log4jconfigservlet </servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> Spring Web MVC DispatcherServlet 3-4 ContextLoaderServlet 3-5 ContextLoaderListener Log4jConfigListener Spring web.xml <context-param> <param-name>log4jconfiglocation</param-name> 40

3 Spring IoC <param-value>/web-inf/classes/log4j.properties</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class> org.springframework.web.util.log4jconfiglistener </listener-class> </listener> ApplicationContext BeanFactory J2EE ApplicationContext BeanFactory ApplicationContext 1 Web ApplicationContext BeanFactory ApplicationContext ContextLoaderServlet ContextLoaderListener ApplicationContext ApplicationContext Servlet 2.4 Web ContextLoaderServlet ContextLoaderListener Web ContextLoaderListener example11 <?xml version="1.0"?> <web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd" version="2.4">. <context-param> <param-name>contextconfiglocation</param-name> <param-value>/web-inf/applicationcontext.xml</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.contextloaderlistener </listener-class> </listener> </web-app> Servlet 2.2 Web ContextLoaderServlet Servlet 2.3 Web ContextLoaderListener 41

Spring. <context-param> <param-name>contextconfiglocation</param-name> <param-value>/web-inf/applicationcontext.xml</param-value> </context-param> <servlet> <servlet-name>context</servlet-name> <servlet-class> org.springframework.web.context.contextloaderservlet </servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> 2 ApplicationContextAware Spring Spring ApplicationContext JavaBean JavaBean ApplicationContext JavaBean JavaBean Spring JavaBean <ref> ApplicationContextAware org.springframework.context. ApplicationContextAware void setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext applicationcontext) throws BeansException; <bean id="datasource" class="org.springframework.jndi.jndiobjectfactorybean"> <property name="jndiname"> <value>java:/mysqlds</value> <bean id="example11servicetarget" class="com.openv.spring.service.impl.example11managerimpl"> <property name="userinfo"> <ref local="userinfodao"/> example11servicetarget datasource Spring XML example11servicetarget datasource ApplicationContextAware Example11ManagerImpl ApplicationContextAware Java ApplicationContextAware Example11ManagerImpl ApplicationContextAware 42

3 Spring IoC applicationcontext setter datasource JavaBean Spring ApplicationContext getbean() JavaBean id name import org.springframework.context.applicationcontext; import org.springframework.context.applicationcontextaware; public class Example11ManagerImpl implements ApplicationContextAware { private ApplicationContext applicationcontext; public void setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext applicationcontext){ this.applicationcontext = applicationcontext; public DataSource getdatasource(){ DataSource ds = null; ds = (DataSource)applicationContext.getBean("dataSource"); return ds; BeanFactoryAware 3 ApplicationContext ApplicationContext Spring Spring ApplicationContext 3 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext Web classpath WEB-INF/classes WEB-INF/lib jar Spring ClassPathXmlApplicationContext FileSystemXmlApplicationContext Spring FileSystemXmlApplicationContext XmlWebApplicationContext ContextLoaderListener ContextLoaderServlet Spring 3.3 IoC 3.3.1 发布并监听事件 Spring ApplicationContext BeanFactory 43

Spring Spring Spring org.springframework.context.event.applicationevent org.springframework.context.applicationlistener Observer ApplicationEvent ApplicationContext publishevent Spring ApplicationEvent 3-6 ApplicatinEvent ApplicationContext org.springframework.web.context.support.requesthandledevent Spring WebApplicationContext RequestHandledEvent org.springframework.context.event.contextrefreshedevent Spring ApplicationContext Spring ContextRefreshedEvent org.springframework.context.event.contextclosedevent Spring ApplicationContext Spring ContextRefreshedEvent 3-6 ApplicationEvent Spring ApplicationContext Spring ContextClosedEvent org.springframework.context.support. AbstractApplicationContext public void close() { if (logger.isinfoenabled()) { logger.info("closing application context [" + getdisplayname() + "]"); 44

3 Spring IoC // publish corresponding event publishevent(new ContextClosedEvent(this)); // Destroy all cached singletons in this context, // invoking DisposableBean.destroy and/or "destroy-method". ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanfactory = getbeanfactory(); if (beanfactory!= null) { beanfactory.destroysingletons(); Spring RequestHandledEvent org.springframework.web.servlet. FrameworkServlet if (ispublishevents()) { // Whether or not we succeeded, publish an event. this.webapplicationcontext.publishevent(new RequestHandledEvent(this, request.getrequesturi(), processingtime, request.getremoteaddr(), request.getmethod(), getservletconfig().getservletname(), WebUtils.getSessionId(request), getusernameforrequest(request), failurecause)); ApplicationEvent JavaBean ApplicationListener public interface ApplicationListener extends EventListener { /** * Handle an application event. * @param event the event to respond to */ void onapplicationevent(applicationevent event); onapplicationevent Spring org.springframework.web.context.support.performancemonitorlistener PerformanceMonitorListener.java public class PerformanceMonitorListener implements ApplicationListener { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected final ResponseTimeMonitorImpl responsetimemonitor = new ResponseTimeMonitorImpl(); public void onapplicationevent(applicationevent event) { if (event instanceof RequestHandledEvent) { 45

Spring RequestHandledEvent rhe = (RequestHandledEvent) event; // could use one monitor per URL this.responsetimemonitor.recordresponsetime(rhe.getprocessingtimemillis()); if (logger.isinfoenabled()) { // Stringifying objects is expensive. Don't do it unless it will // show. logger.info("performancemonitorlistener: last=[" + rhe.getprocessingtimemillis() + "ms]; " + this.responsetimemonitor + "; client=[" + rhe.getclientaddress() + "]"); ApplicationListener Spring ApplicationEvent instanceof 3.3.2 自定义 JavaBean 属性编辑器 Spring <property name="transactionattributes"> <props> <prop key="get*"> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly </prop> <prop key="set*"> PROPAGATION_REQUIRED </prop> </props> TransactionProxyFactoryBean.java transactionattributes TransactionAttributeSource Spring TransactionAttributeSource JDK JavaBean JDK java.beans.propertyeditor JDK java.beans.propertyeditorsupport PropertyEditor Java TransactionAttributeEditor RuleBasedTransactionAttribute Spring 3-7 Spring FileEditor 46

3 Spring IoC java.io.file 3-7 Spring PropertyEditorSupport setastext() getastext() FileEditor org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.fileeditor.java public class FileEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport { public void setastext(string text) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (StringUtils.hasText(text)) { setvalue(new File(text)); else { setvalue(null); 47

Spring public String getastext() { if (getvalue()!= null) { return ((File) getvalue()).getabsolutepath(); else { return ""; setastext text File getastext File IoC IoC Spring IoC J2EE IoC Spring Spring 3.4 Spring IoC IoC IoC Spring Spring IoC Spring AOP IoC+AOP J2EE Spring Spring IoC Spring AOP Java/J2EE Spring ApplicationContext Spring AOP 48