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戴耐德课件安装指南 DynEd Pro Courseware Installation Guide 戴耐德课件 (IOS 版本 ) 安装指南 DynEd Pro Courseware Installation Guide ios 2 戴耐德课件 (Android 版本 ) 安装 DynEd Pro Courseware Installation Guide Android 6 戴耐德 Pro 课程 Mac OSX 安装指南 DynEd Pro Courseware Installation Guide Mac OSX 10 戴耐德 Pro 课件 Windows PC 安装指南 DynEd Pro Courseware Installation Guide Window PC 13

ios Guide STEP1 找到戴耐德 PRO 课件 App Finding and Downloading the DynEd Pro ios Installation Files 方法一 Option 1 扫描二维码下载 DynEd Pro 课件 App Scan the QR code to download the DynEd Pro App. 方法二 Option 2 登陆苹果店面下载 DynEd Pro 课件 App Go to the Apple store, search for "dyned," and download the DynEd Pro App. 登陆苹果店面 输入 dyned 进行搜索 点击下载 DynEd Pro 课件 App Go to the Apple store. Search for dyned Push here to download the DynEd Pro App.

ios Guide STEP2 设置服务器及语言 Choosing the correct DynEd server 点击右上角齿轮图标进入服务器选择界面请滑动选择 China-2, 再次点击齿轮图标返回登录界面 Click the gear icon in the top right corner and then scroll to select "China 2." Click the gear again to return to the login page. 输入学习账号及密码即可进入课件 ( 请向老师询问学习账号及密码 ) Type in your registered Student E-mail address and password. (If unsure,ask your teacher.)

ios Guide STEP3 下载课程 Downloading DynEd Courseware 点击箭头图标开始下载所需课程课件需要全部 100% 下载完毕后方可以打开, 若中途退出下载, 下次将从您退出的地方继续下载 woa/wa/faq?id=716 Touch the green arrow to start the download. If the download is interrupted for any reason, when the download is next attempted, it will start where it left off. woa/wa/faq?id=716 绿色箭头消失代表下载完毕 The green arrow will disappear once the courseware has been successfully downloaded.

ios Guide STEP4 即刻开始学习 Starting a DynEd Course 点击打开所需课程 Touch the course, and then the desired Unit to open it. 开始学习... and enjoy!

Android Guide STEP1 找到戴耐德 PRO 课件 App Finding and Downloading the DynEd Pro Android Installation Files 方法一 扫描二维码下载 DynEd Pro 课件 App Scan the QR code to download the DynEd Pro App. 方法二 登陆安卓市场下载 DynEd Pro 课件 Go to the Android store, search for "dyned," and download the DynEd Pro App. Option 1 Option 2 登陆安卓市场 Go to the Android store. 输入 dyned 进行搜索 Search for dyned 点击下载 DynEd Pro 课件 App Push here to download the DynEd Pro App.

Android Guide STEP2 设置服务器及语言 Choosing the Correct DynEd Server 点击右上角齿轮图标进入服务器选择界面请滑动选择 China-2, 再次点击齿轮图标返回登录界面 Click the gear icon in the top right corner and then scroll to select China 2. Click the gear again to return to the login page. 输入学习账号及密码即可进入课件 ( 请向老师询问学习账号及密码 ) Type in your registered student ID and password. (Get this from your teacher.)

Android Guide STEP3 下载课程 Downloading DynEd Courseware 点击箭头图标开始下载所需课程课件需要全部 100% 下载完毕后方可以打开, 若中途退出下载, 下次将从您退出的地方继续下载 woa/wa/faq?id=716 Touch the green arrow to start the download. If the download is interrupted for any reason, when the download is next attempted, it will start where it left off. woa/wa/faq?id=716 绿色箭头消失代表下载完毕 The green arrow will disappear once the courseware has been successfully downloaded.

Android Guide STEP4 即刻开始学习 Starting a DynEd Course 点击打开所需课程 Touch the course, and then the desired Unit to open it. 开始学习... and enjoy!

Mac OSX Guide STEP1 找到并下载戴耐德安装文件 Finding and Downloading the DynEd Pro Mac OSX Installation Files 点击这里进入课件下载界面第一步 : 点击选择指定的服务器 ( 请向老师询问需选择的服务器 ) 第二步 : 点击下载 Mac 版本按钮 Click here to open the Download page in your browser. Step 1: Click on the Select your Records Server box 1 and then choose the correct server to use. (Using the correct server is important, so be sure to ask your teacher which server you should use.) Step 2: Click the Download for Mac 2 button

Mac OSX Guide STEP2 安装戴耐德 Pro 课件 Installing DynEd Pro 双击您所下载的 student DMG 的文件 Double click to open the downloaded student DMG file. 双击 Pro 图标进入安装程序 Double click the Pro icon to start the installation. 点击安装按钮 Click the Install button.

Mac OSX Guide STEP3 登陆并学习课程 Logging on and Studying DynEd 输入学生账号和密码进入课件 ( 请向老师询问学习账号及密码 ) Type in your registered student ID and password. (Get this from your teacher.) 下载您所需的课程课程下载完毕后双击打开课程 Highlight course to download and click on OK. Once course is downloaded, double-click to open. 选择您需要的课程 Choose the desired unit... 开始学习... and enjoy!

Windows PC Guide STEP1 找到并下载戴耐德 Windows PC 安装文件 Finding and Downloading the DynEd Pro Windows PC Installation Files 点击这里进入课件下载界面第一步 : 请点击选择服务器按钮 1 ( 选择正确的服务器非常重要, 请向老师询问你需要选择的服务器 ) 第二步 : 点击下载 Windows 版本按钮 2 第三步 : 点击下载按钮 3 Click here to open the Download page in your browser. Step 1: Click on the Select your Records Server box 1 and then choose the correct server to use. (Using the correct server is important, so be sure to ask your teacher which server you should use.) Step 2: Click the Download for Windows 2 button. Step 3: Click the Download 3 button. Step 4: 提示 : 播放此软件需要安装 7.0.4 及以上版本的 Quick Time 播放器, 点击这里下载 Quick Time 播放器 Note: DynEd uses QuickTime. If you don t already have it installed (version 7.0.4 or higher), click here to download the latest version. 点击下载按钮 Click the Download button.

Windows PC Guide STEP2 安装戴耐德 Pro 课件 Installing DynEd Pro 双击打开您所下载的图标 Double click the downloaded DynEd Pro Icon to open it. 请点击 Setup 按钮开始安装 Click the Setup button to start the installation. 点击 安装 Click the Install button.

Windows PC Guide STEP3 登陆并学习课程 Logging on and Studying DynEd 输入学生账号和密码进入课件 ( 请向老师询问学习账号及密码 ) Type in your registered student ID and password. (If unsure,ask your teacher.) 点击下载您所需的课程 Highlight course to download and click on OK. 下载完毕后选择您需要学习的课程, 开始学习 Once course is downloaded, click to open. Choose the desired unit and enjoy! 开始学习... and enjoy!