ABOUT THE SPEAKERS 講者簡介 Mr Andrew Young, Chief Commercial Officer, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) 香港科技園公司首席商務總監楊孟璋先生 Mr Andr

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13-16 / 10 /2015 Hong Kong Electronic Industry Summit 香港電子業論壇 Future Trend of Robotics and Industry 4.0 機器人技術及工業 4.0 的最新趨勢 The robotics industry is seeing a significant growth around the world. In this Summit, representatives from Sun East Technology (Holdings) Limited, a listed company in Hong Kong stock market, and ASTRI will share their views on robotics and industry 4.0, as well as the insights in integration of robotics and information management system. 機器人行業近年有著顯著的增長 在是次香港電子業論壇, 香港上市公司日東科技 ( 控股 ) 有限公司及香港應用科技研究院有限公司的代表將分享他們對機器人及工業 4.0 技術的意見, 及對融合機器人和信息管理系統的見解 Date 日期 : 15 / 10 / 2015 (Thursday 星期四 ) Time 時間 : 11am 12:45pm Venue 地點 : Meeting Room S426-427, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心會議室 S426-427 Language 語言 : English and Putonghua (With simultaneous interpretation service) 英語及普通話 ( 附設即時傳譯服務 ) Remark 備註 : Free admission 免費入座 WIN an ipad!! LUCKY DRAW for Participants Sponsored by Time 時間 10:45am 11:00am 11:00am 11:10am Programme 程序表 Registration 登記 Welcoming Remarks 歡迎辭 Mr Eddy Chan, Treasurer, HKEIA 香港電子業商會司庫陳樹鵬先生 Souvenir Presentation to Speakers 頒發紀念品予演講嘉賓 Mr Daniel Lam, Senior Exhibitions Manager, Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港貿易發展局展覽事務高級經理林國駿先生 11:10am 11:25pm Sharing of Mission to Germany about Robotics and Industry 4.0 分享德國機器人技術及工業 4.0 最新發展考察報告 Mr Andrew Young, Chief Commercial Officer, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) 香港科技園公司首席商務總監楊孟璋先生 11:25am 11:40am 11:40am 11:55am 11:55am 12:05pm 12:05pm 12:20pm 12:20pm 12:45pm Robotics and Industry 4.0 機器人及工業 4.0 技術 Dr T. John Koo, Director, Cyber-Physical Systems, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) 香港應用科技研究院有限公司信息物理系統 (CPS) 總監谷德權博士 Made in China 2025 and Applications of Intelligent Automation 中國製造 2025 及智能自動化的應用 Dr Ming Ge, Principal Consultant, Automation Service Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局自動化科技部首席顧問葛明博士 Tips for maximizing your opportunity - The Key To Making Great Business 融資小貼士 - 助你把握業務拓展機遇 Mr Vincent Wong Director, Business Client Segments, Retail Clients, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行 ( 香港 ) 有限公司中小企業客群管理部董事黃永勝先生 Integration of Robotics and Information Management System 機器人和信息管理系統的融合 Mr Lin Xiaoxin, Chief Technical Officer, Sun East Technology (Holdings) Limited 日東科技 ( 控股 ) 有限公司集團技術總監林曉新先生 Panel Discussion and Q&A Session 專題討論及問答環節 Moderator 主持人 : Ir Dr HL Yiu, Head, Electronics Cluster, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) 香港科技園公司高級經理姚慶良博士 Organisers 主辦機構 : Co-organiser 協辦機構 :

ABOUT THE SPEAKERS 講者簡介 Mr Andrew Young, Chief Commercial Officer, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) 香港科技園公司首席商務總監楊孟璋先生 Mr Andrew Young Meng-cheung joined Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) in September 2011. As the Chief Commercial Officer, Mr Young is responsible for formulating and executing strategies and policies to engage with technology companies and institutions to enrich the ecosystem for technological innovation. He is also responsible for drawing up strategies for strategic partnerships with industry associations, universities and research institutes both locally and internationally to facilitate technology transfer and commercialisation. Mr Young is in charge of driving the development of key technology clusters of biomedical, electronics, precision engineering and material science, green technology and ICT. Mr Young brings more than 20 years of experience in senior management positions in the high technology industry and a strong network of contacts in Hong Kong and overseas. In his past work exposures, Mr Young has successfully identified business opportunities, associated with technology and diverse fields covering biotechnology, engineering, material science, design and soft technology. Mr Young advanced his career in the business development and management consulting area after working several years as an engineer in the construction and defense sectors in Australia. Prior to joining HKSTP, Mr. Young joined the Hong Kong Productivity Council as Senior Consultant and later was appointed as the Director of Partnership Development of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) where he set up the Institute for Enterprises that forged close partnership between commercial sector companies and the university. He also set up the PolyU Enterprises Ltd. and managed related technology spin-off companies, including the renowned MyCar electric car project that he initiated in 2002 and implemented all the way through the company s merger with a US enterprise in 2010. Mr Young obtained his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the South Australian Institute of Technology and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of South Australia. 楊孟璋先生於 2011 年 9 月加入香港科技園公司 作為公司的首席商務總監, 楊先生負責制定及推行策略及政策, 連繫科技公司及研發機構, 令科技生態圈更蓬勃發展 此外, 楊先生主力擬定策略, 與本地及海外業界組織 大專院校及科研機構建立策略合作夥伴關係, 藉此加快技術轉移及科研成果商業化 楊先生亦負責推動下列重點科技領域的發展 : 生物醫療 電子 精密工程及新材料科學 綠色科技, 及資訊科技及電訊 楊先生於高科技行業擁有逾 20 年之高層管理經驗, 且於香港及海外均擁有廣闊的人脈 他曾在過往的工作中成功發掘科技相關的商機, 涵蓋不同技術領域, 包括生物科技 工程 材料科學 設計和軟件科技等 楊先生曾於澳洲任職建築及防衛工程師, 隨後開展其業務拓展及管理顧問的事業 加入香港科技園公司前, 楊先生曾擔任香港生產力促進局高級顧問 ; 及後獲委任為香港理工大學企業合作處總監, 成立了企業發展院, 促進商界與大學建立緊密夥伴關係 楊先生亦成立了理大企業有限公司, 專責管理分拆自大學的科技公司, 包括主理由 2002 年開始籌備的著名電動車項目 My Car, 直至該項目於 2010 年與一家美國公司合併 楊先生持有南澳理工學院 (South Australian Institute of Technology) 機械工程理學學士學位及南澳大學 (University of South Australia) 工商管理碩士學位

Dr T. John Koo, Director, Director, Cyber-Physical Systems, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) 香港應用科技研究院有限公司信息物理系統 ( CPS) 總監谷德權博士 T. John Koo received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, USA, in 2000, and the M.Phil. degree in Information Engineering and the B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, in 1994 and 1992, respectively. Koo joined Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) in 2014. He is leading the efforts on developing innovations in the technical areas of Cyber Physical Systems for the industry. Koo was Professor in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and Visiting Faculty in INRIA, France, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and the University of California at Berkeley, USA. In 2012, Koo received the Certificate for Overseas High-Caliber Personnel in Shenzhen and 2012 Distinguished Young Scientist Award of Scientific Chinese, the China Association for Science and Technology. Koo received the US National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER Development Award, Vanderbilt University, in 2005 and the Distinguished M.Phil. Thesis Award of the Faculty of Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 1994. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of ACM and Sigma Xi. Koo was Founder and Project Leader of the Berkeley Aerial Robot (BEAR) project and Postdoctoral Researcher of the University of Pennsylvania. He was Consultant for ASTRI, ASM Pacific Technology Limited and Stanford Research Institute (SRI). 谷德權博士於 2000 年時在美國加州大學伯克利分校 (UC Berkeley) 電機工程系取得哲學博士學位, 並分別於 1994 年及 1992 年在香港中文大學獲得信息工程哲學碩士及電子工程工程學士學位 谷博士於 2014 年加入香港應用科技研究院 (ASTRI), 領導在信息物理系統 (CPS) 技術領域中適用於工業界的創新開發工作 谷博士曾任中國科學院教授 研究員, 在法國國家信息與自動化研究院 (INRIA) 瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院 (ETH Zurich), 以及美國加州大學伯克利分校擔任過訪問學者 2012 年谷博士入選為 深圳市海外高層次人才 ( 孔雀計劃 / 深圳市千人計劃 ) 及獲得 科學中國人 2012 年度人物 - 傑出青年科學家獎 谷博士於 2005 年獲得 美國國家科學基金會傑出青年教授獎 (US NSF CAREER Award),1994 年獲得 香港中文大學工程學院卓越碩士論文獎 他是電機及電子工程師學會 (IEEE) 高級會員 國際計算機學會 (ACM) 及國際科學研究榮譽學會 (Sigma Xi) 的會員 谷博士是伯克利空中機器人項目 (BEAR) 的創始人和項目負責人, 在賓夕凡尼亞大學擔任過博士後研究員 他也曾在香港應用科技研究院 ASM 太平洋科技有限公司以及加州矽谷斯坦福國際研究所 (SRI) 擔任顧問

Dr Ming Ge, Chief Adviser, Automation Service Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局自動化科技部首席顧問葛明博士 Dr Ge Ming joined the subsidiary of Jardine Matheson Ltd. and Swire Group s joint venture in 1995, and took charge of the design and development of automatic air cargo handling and logistics control system at Hong Kong International Airport. He obtained doctor's degree from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, then worked as postdoctoral researcher at the Industry/University joint laboratory sponsored by National Science Foundation of America. 2004 he returned Hong Kong and worked for Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). He has ever acted as General Manager of Shenzhen subsidiary, Senior Consultant of Mainland Affairs, and CEO of HKPC s Mainland subsidiaries. He took charge of HKPC's business development in Mainland China for 5 years. After that, he was appointed as Principal Consultant HKPC. At present, Dr Ge mainly takes charge of providing research and development of intelligent system, customized automation equipment and system design, process improvement and efficiency enhancement for enterprises and related institutions, and assists enterprises to realize intelligent manufacturing, high-efficiency production, and Lean logistics. Dr Ge also acts as Adjunct Professor of Sun Yat-sen University, Visiting Professor of Guizhou University, Standing Member of the Fifth Committee of Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, and Vice President of Hefei Chinese Overseas Friendship Association, and other social public posts. He is a fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. 葛明博士于 1995 年加入怡和集團和太古集團旗下企業, 負責香港新機場空運貨站的物流自動控制系統的設計和開發工作 2003 年獲得香港中文大學博士學位, 之後在美國國家自然科學基金和産學研聯合實驗室從事博士後的工作 2004 年返回香港, 就職香港生產力促進局 曾任深圳公司總經理 內地事務高級顧問和內地公司集團 CEO, 負責香港生產力促進局內地業務發展 5 年 後調任香港生產促進局首席顧問 目前, 葛博士主要負責為企業和有關機構提供智能系統的研發 客制化的自動化設備和系統設計 流程改善和效率提升, 協助企業實現智能製造 高效生產和精益物流 葛博士目前還擔任中山大學兼職教授 貴州大學客座教授 深圳市科技協會第五屆委員會委員 合肥市海外聯誼會副會長等一系列社會公職 他是香港工程師學資深會員 (Fellow of HKIE)

Mr Lin Xiaoxin, Chief Technical Officer, Sun East Technology (Holdings) Limited 日東科技 ( 控股 ) 有限公司集團技術總監林曉新先生 Mr Lin Xiaoxin, Chief Technical Officer, Sun East Technology (Holdings) Limited, master degree in electromechanical engineering, received High-level professional talent in Shenzhen. One chief drafter of Smart City Society of Shenzhen (SCSS) for <<SMART FACTORY CONSTRUCTION GUIDE OF SMART CITY>> with serial number SQL/SCSS-ZD-10-14LM10 and <<SMART LOGISTICS PLAN GUIDE OF SMART CITY) with serial number SQL/SCSS-GF-13-14M27. Mr Lin has been researching & developing high speed & high accuracy automation electro-mechanical equipment, including assembly and packaging equipment for semiconductors, LED industries and SMT equipment in PCB manufacture market. Also, provide total solution and technical management for automation line integration in the areas of wafer manufacture line, car production line, cupboard production line, tobacco production line, household electrical appliance line, electronics etc. Mr Lin worked in Singapore headquarter of ASM Pacific Technology Limited from 2008 to 2013, the world's largest assembly and packaging equipment supplier for the semiconductors and LED industries. 日東科技 ( 控股 ) 有限公司集團技術總監, 深圳市高層次專業人才, 深圳市智慧城市研究會 智慧城市智慧工廠建設指南 SQL/SCSS-ZD-10-14LM10 和 智慧城市智慧物流規劃導則 SQL/SCSS-GF-13-14M27 主要起草人之一, 曾就職於全球最大半導體設備供應商新加坡研發中心 多年來一直從事於高速高精度設備研發和 SMT 自動化生產線綜合解決方案及其相關技術管理工作, 曾先後負責半導體晶圓自動化生產線 汽車 櫥櫃 煙草 家電 醫藥 電子等行業機器人自動化生產線設備的研發專案的集成解決方案 Remarks 備註 : - Free admission. Seats are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. 免費入場 座位有限, 先到先得 - Trade only and persons under 18 will not be admitted. 只接待 18 歲或以上業內人士進場 - The Organiser reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice. 主辦機構保留任何更改之權利而不作另行通告