202 7 ; 2, ,, 2004, 2 68,,,,4 5, 0,,, ( ), :, ; :, 2009 ; :, 200 ; : :, 2007 ; :, 2009 :, 20 5 ; :, 200 : :, :,

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979 200 * :,, : 0, 0% ; :, ( 0087), 0,,,,,,,, 0, *,, :, :,2006, 47

202 7 ; 2, 987 2004,, 2004, 2 68,,,,4 5, 0,,, ( ), 2 4 5 48 :, 200 2 ; :, 2009 ; :, 200 ; : :, 2007 ; :, 2009 :, 20 5 ; :, 200 : :, 2006 4 :, 2008 2 25, ; :, 2004 7 26 :, 2007 9 ; : :, 2006 2 ; :, 2006 2 ; :, 20 4 ; : :,,,2007, 86 ; :,,2007, 45

:979 200, 200, 0, :, 99 200 6, 59, 40, 0,,, ( ),, 995, 200, 999 2000, 4 995 998,, 0, 2 (995 200) 995 495 996 590 997 460 998 587 ( ) 29 ( ) 6. 2.8,996 5896, 9.% 800 6 5, 4600 4 997 998, 998 5870.05 5 2 4 5,,,, :, 997 6 :, 998 8 : 997 998, 2, :,200 49

202 7 ( ) 200 644 5 ( / ) 2002 640 200 690 2004 780 2005 86 2006 946 200 690, 50 2 6.8,2004 780 2006 946, 85 4 2007 060 060 5 2008 205 205 6 2009 47 47 7 200 690 690 8 (995 200) : 2 4 5 6 7 8 50 000 ( :. ), 2009 : 200., 2004 4 : :, 2008 7 : 2006, 2007 4 : 2008, :,2008 : 2009, :,2009 : 200, :,200 : 2.42,,20 2 2,htp://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/20 02/2/c 72927.htm.

,20 90, 500, 7 8,200 200 640 690, 7 8 50,2007 000,200 690, 7 8 000 :979 200 2 20,,, 20 99, 2009,995 999 2 (99 2009 ) ( ) 99 65 994 4 994 42 994 448 99 2 994 26 600 44,99 649. 2 994 2 995 4 29 8, 408.6 994 995 4 29 8, 994 42.68 4 995 4000,994 448 5 2000 67 2000 4 6 200 550,200 5597 7 200 586 200 4 8 2002 679 2002 4 9 2 4 5 689 000 ( :. ) 7 20 90, ; 2008, 28 4 ( ) : 99 994, :,994 :, 997 2 :, 996, :,996 :, 996 : :2002 9400, 200 5

202 7 2 ( ) 200 528 25 527,200 5279.4 2004 802 2005 852 2004 969 2005 0 2006 87 2005 045 2006 226 2006 966 0 20084,2005 852, 6.% 2 2007 2 2654,2004 2006 969 0 87 2007 25 46 24 50 2655,2006 226 /, 2005 8 4 2006 8,, 29425, 966 5 2006 958,2006 958 6 2007 060,2007 060 7 2008 56 2008 56 8 2008 97 2008 5 9, 28 4 ( ) 79 8 69, 97.0 9 2009 48, 48 瑏瑠 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 瑏瑠 52 :, 2004, :, 2004 :, 2006, :, 2006 :, 2008 : 2006 2007,,htp:// www.molss.gov.cn/gb/zwxx/2007 0/08/content 6799.htm. :,2006 0 20,, htp://www.stats.gov.cn/tjfx/fxbg/t20060 4025879.htm. :, 2007, :, 2007 :, 2008, :,2008 :, 2009, :,2009 :, 200 2 :, 200, :,200

:979 200 2,99 994 00 400,2002 200 600 700,2006 000, : 2 2 (99 2009), 2006, 966 87, 2%,, 999 99 200,,,, 992 99 60 70 2000 67,8 250, 7% 2 000, 0.6% (99 200) : 2, 2 5

202 7,,,,, 59, 988 2009 (988 2009) ( ) 988 70 989 80 990 80 99 90 992 220 992 00 : 2, 992 00 992 00 992 0 200 400 4 99 280 : 99 259,99 258.74 5 99 00 00 6 99 994 5 5 ( ) 254 9976,99 08.9 7 2 4 5 6 7 54,20 80, 988 2002 : 0 77, 999 0 : 992 99, :,99 :, :, :,994 : 28 ( ), 995 4 :, 995 2

:979 200 ( ) 994 42 994 6 49, 42.2 994 60 : 994 287 994 242, 287 2 994 427 995 49,995, 427.0 49.2 995 58 995, 58 4 995 00 : 995 55.8 995 4 287, 55.8 5 996 0 : 997 20 : 998 0 : 998 585 690, 584.8 6 999 426 999, 4 05 298, 70%, 425.7 7 999 0 : 2000 49 : 200 440 : 200 58 200 80 800, 58 8 2 4 5 6 7 8 :, 995 4 :, :,994 :, :,997 :, : (990 999 ), :,200, 255 274 :, :, 999 :, 999 :,, :,2002 :, 200 0 55

202 7 ( ) 2002 460 : 2002 656 000 6 655.87 2002 74 2002 74. 2 200 80 2004 877 200 064 6 242, 200 80.6 47. 5, 064 4 2004 824 2004 824 5 2005 926 2006 09 2005 994 2005 92 2005 5 2005 979 9,2005 926.8,2006 092.7 6, 9.8, 99.49 7 2005 2, 50.6 8 4, 979 9 2005 026 026 瑏瑠 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 瑏瑠 56 :, 2008 6 : :, 200 7 : ( ), 2005 4 :, 2006 :, 2004 0 : (2006), 2006 8 :, 2007 4 : :, ( ) 7 4,2008 :, 2007 9 :, 2008

:979 200 ( ) 2006 070 5, 069.9 2006 96, 96 2 2006 00, 00 2006 984 805, 984.2 4 2006 00 4, 00 5 2006 870, 869.7 6 2006 42 2007 42.2 7 2007 270, 270 8 2007 605 5, 605. 9 2002 659 2004 780 2007 05 2007 4, 2002 659 2004 780,2007 05 瑏瑠 2007 92, 92 瑏瑡 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 瑏瑠 瑏瑡 :, 2009 6 : 0, 2009 : :, 2007 6 :, 2008 2 : :, 2008 7 :, 2008 :, 2008 0 :, 2009 :, 200 5 : 765, 2007 6 :, 2009 2 57

202 7 ( ) 2007 480 2009 899, 266.88 622. 6 4, 480, 899 2 2009 500, 500 2009 28, 28.2 4 4 (988 2002) : 4, 988 70, 994 60,6 995 00, 999 0 2,,2002 460 5,,,, 995 55 00, 2 4 58 : ELES, 2008 4 :, 200 :, 24,2009 :, 200

:979 200 ;2007 605 92,,, : 5 (988 2009) 6 20 80,, 20 : 20 80 200 90 00 400, 2 600 700,2006 000 6 (988 200) : 2 5,200 2007 0% 2%,, 200 2007, 20 59

202 7,, 40 4 979 2009 4 ( ) ( ) 979 99 8 98 2 992 2 982 8 99 5 98 4 994 6 984 995 5 985 997 2 986 5 998 987 8 999 988 7 200 989 7 2004 7 990 4 2009 42 : 997 ; 2002 2, 4,4 7 2 4 60,,, : ; :, :, :,2005 ; :, :,2005

:979 200 7 (979 2009) : : (979 200) 4,,no.C20020,20 2 28,,,,, 979 984,,, 992 800 5,994 850 50, 20 80,,, 0 40,,,,,,,,,,,, 7,,,,,,, 992 2004, 2004 6

202 7 999 8 980, 979, 20 90,,,,,,, 0 8 (979 200) : 7, 6 8, 20 80,, 2000,, 999 980,,, 5 (979 200) : / 5 62 979 90.0 995 48.5

:979 200 980 85.0 996 449.8 98 80.0 997 90.0 982 92.5 998 609. 98 75.0 999 488.9 984 240.0 2000 57.8 985 6.7 200 574.6 986 20.6 2002 628.8 987 5. 200 806.0 988 22.8 2004 822.0 989 82.9 2005 960.8 990 90.0 2006 04.4 99 252.8 2007 45. 992 4.2 2008 80.5 99 24.0 2009 42.7 994 94.4 200 690.0 : 980,, 200 2007 999 : 8 9 (979 200) : 5 5 9,, 20 80, 80 00 80 200 90, 90 200 90 500 90,,200 2002 600, 90 6

202 7 00, 20%,200 690, 0% 0 : 9 (979 0,200 ) 0, LnY=4.25+0.097T T (979 0,980,98 2, 200 );LnY R 2 =0.957,T t 25.8, t 60.,D W 2.28, 9.7%,, 20 90 ( 4 7 99 996 ), ; ( 20 24 998 200 ) (979 200,978 ) : 9, 20 80 90, 80 64

:979 200, 80, 6% 80 90, 992 99, 2,,200 200 978, 6, 0% 2 (979 200) :, 2, 20 80 90,,20 80,,.5 20 80 20, 20 90, 2008 48.5%,200 55.5%, 2,, 2,20 80,,,, 20 80,, 200 20 80, :, 989 6 65

202 7 992,90 26 600,99 649 ( 2), 7 8,99, 09, 2860 248.9 995, 4950, 458 2 2, 2,,,,,,, 20 90,, 0, 2 2 66 :, 995 2 992 995 (2005) 44 (, :, 2005 ),,, 2, : (200 20),CMRC,20

:979 200,,, 0 200,995 4, 99 20, 59, 40, 20 80,, 20, 20 80,,,,,,,, 9.7% 20 80,,,,, : : 67

202 7 placedon Confucianism by Christianity.TraditionalConfucianism doesnotpursue transcendenceeitherinthereligiousorintheontological-epistemologicalsense.in contrasttothereligioustranscendencethathighlightstherelationshipbetween God and man and the ontological-epistemologicaltranscendence that emphasizes the transcendental-experientialstructure,confucianismisanethicalsystemthatataches greatimportancetothecultivationofvirtueandenhancementofthehumanrealm.in the modern context,it would seem unnecessary to citethe religious nature of ConfucianismindefenseofConfucianvalues.However,intermsofthepsycho-social order essential to a socio-political community, Confucianism stresses orderly arrangementsbasedonmoralbeliefs.inthisway,confucianism playsasimilarrole tochristianityinsatisfyingthepeopleandstrengtheningsocialcohesion. ()WageTrendsamongChineseMigrantWorkers:979-200 Lu Feng 47 Theexistingliteraturecontainsscantresearchonthelong-run wagetrendsof Chinese migrant workers.based onthesystematiccolection and organization of relevantdataandmaterials,thisstudygivesaquantitativeestimationoftheleveland evolutionofmigrantworkers wagesduringthereformandopeningupperiod.the studyshowsthattheirnominalwageshavebeenincreasingatanannualrateof0% inthelastthreedecades;thatrealwages,adjustedbythecpi,havegonethrough threestagesofdevelopment;andthattheratioofmigrantworkers wagestothoseof regularemployeesdisplaysanupwardthendownwardtrend. (4)Onthe DevelopmentMode"ofChineseUrbanization LiQiang,Chen Yulinand Liu Jingming 82 Thisstudylooksatthecharacteristicsofthe developmentmode"ofchinese urbanizationfromthedualperspectivesofitsdriversandspatialpaterns.themajor findingisthatthedistinctivefeaturesofchineseurbanizationinclude:government leadership,large-scaleplanning,al-rounddevelopment,stateorcolectiveownership ofland,obviousspatialdiscontinuities,andalackoftheconditionsthatwouldalow forspontaneousurbanizationbycivilsociety.the developmentmode"ofchinese urbanizationgeneralyfalsintoseventypes:establishingdevelopmentareas,building new areas and cities,city expansion,renovation of old cities,building central businessdistricts,townshipindustrializationandvilageindustrialization.although thegovernment-ledmodeofurbanizationdemonstratesthecreativityandflexibilityof thechinesesystem,therearestilsome majorquestionsthaturgentlyneedtobe studiedandresolved:weneedtorespectobjectiveeconomiclawsandpromotebenign 204