購物 Shopping Item 1. G4A Dior 1. 親臨位於德福廣場之 Dior 美妍概念專門店, 即可獲贈 Dior 華麗吊飾乙個 1. Receive complimentary deluxe beauty accessory upon visiting Dior Beauty Bo

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邮 轮 摘 要 ( 仅 供 参 考, 如 有 更 改, 不 另 通 知 ) 总 吨 位 : 151,300 吨 工 作 人 员 : 1,999 进 入 服 役 : Oct 2016 船 舱 总 数 : 1,674 长 度 : 335 米 国 籍 : 国 际 宽 度 : 40 米 楼 层 : 18 巡

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的

Contents Financial Summary and Forecast 1 Sales Breakdown by Product Category 3 Sales Breakdown by Region 5 Breakdown of Key Expenses 7 N

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Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all d


关 于 瓶 装 水, 你 不 得 不 知 的 8 件 事 情 关 于 瓶 装 水, 你 不 得 不 知 的 8 件 事 情 1 水 质 : 瓶 装 的, 不 一 定 就 是 更 好 的 2 生 产 : 监 管 缺 位, 消 费 者 暴 露 于 风 险 之 中 人 们 往 往 假 定 瓶 装 水 是

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計 畫 案, 本 系 預 計 三 場 校 外 參 訪 活 動, 簡 述 如 下 : 參 訪 日 期 :3 月 28 日 ( 三 ), 參 訪 地 點 : 暨 南 大 學 集 集 小 鎮 參 訪 日 期 :4 月 27 日 ( 五 ), 參 訪 地 點 : 大 里 國 際 兒 童 英 語 村 國 立


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德福廣場商戶團體消息優惠計劃 ( 二零一六年一月一日至六月三十日 ) Telford Plaza Special Privilege Program (From 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016) ** 請於享用優惠前出示有效證明文件 Please present a valid privilege card before enjoying the offers * 我們提供以下優惠予以下團體及持卡人 We offer special shopping privilege to the following organizations and card holders: MTR 商場優惠卡持有人及以下機構員工 : MTR Malls Privilege Card Holders and the following organizations: 港鐵公司 MTR Corporation 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland 香港城市大學專上學院 Community College of City University 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education 香港中華基督教青年會 Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong 馬士基集團香港有限公司 Maersk Hong Kong Limited 丹馬士環球物流 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Damco Hong Kong Limited 其士集團 Chevalier Group 電訊盈科 PCCW 中國電信國際有限公司 China Telecom Global Limited 中國建設銀行 ( 亞洲 ) China Construction Bank (Asia) 共同條款細則 : Generic Terms & Conditions: 此優惠只適用於德福廣場商店 This offer can be used at Telford Plaza shop only 此優惠不得兌換現金 現金券或其他貨品及不設退款 This offer cannot be exchanged for cash, gift or cash vouchers or other merchandise and is non-refindable 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions / offers / coupons 購物前請出示有效職員証 / 學生証 / 會員証, 方可享有以上優惠, 影印本無效 Please present the valid staff card / privilege card / student card / membership card before payment, photocopy is not acceptable 參與商戶有權更改其所提供優惠的使用條款及細則而不作另行通知 Participating merchants reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice 如有任何爭議, 參與商戶保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 If case of any dispute, the matters are subjected to the final decision of the Participating merchants

購物 Shopping Item 1. G4A Dior 1. 親臨位於德福廣場之 Dior 美妍概念專門店, 即可獲贈 Dior 華麗吊飾乙個 1. Receive complimentary deluxe beauty accessory upon visiting Dior Beauty Boutique at Telford Plaza - 每人限送乙份, 數量有限, 送完即止 - One per customer, while stock lasts. - 只適用於德福廣場之 Dior 美妍概念專門店 - Offer is applicable only at Dior Beauty Boutique at Telford Plaza. - Parfums Christian Dior - Parfums Christian Dior reserves the right to amend the menu without 保留更改條款及細則之權利而不作另行通知, 並保留一切爭議之最終決定 prior notice and reserves the right to all final decision. 權 2. 尊享手部按摩服務或瞬間彩妝服務, 完成後可獲贈美妍體驗試用裝乙份 2. Enjoy complinmentary hand massage / flash makeup service and receive complimentary beauty samples upon the completion of service. - 每位顧客限享用服務乙次 - One-time offer per customer. - 只適用於德福廣場之 Dior 美妍概念專門店 - Offer is applicable only at Dior Beauty Boutique at Telford Plaza. - Parfums Christian Dior - Parfums Christian Dior reserves the right to amend the menu without 保留更改條款及細則之權利而不作另行通知, 並保留一切爭議之最終決定 prior notice and reserves the right to all final decision. 權 3. 享用 60 分鐘完美活膚面部護理服務乙次 ( 預約費用 :HK$880), 所有費用可換取同等價值之 Dior 護膚產品 3. Enjoy 60-min Capture Totale Facial Treatment with a booking deposit of HK$880, which is fully redeemable for Dior skincare products - 敬請預約服務 每位顧客限享用服務乙次 - Appointment in advance is required; One-time offer per customer - Dior 美妍客戶服務熱線 :(852) 2970 0608 - Dior Beauty Customer Service Hotline: 2970 0608 - 只適用於德福廣場之 Dior 美妍概念專門店 - Offer is applicable only at Dior Beauty Boutique at Telford Plaza. - Parfums Christian Dior - Parfums Christian Dior reserves the right to amend the menu without 保留更改條款及細則之權利而不作另行通知, 並保留一切爭議之最終決定 prior notice and reserves the right to all final decision. 權 2 G7 City Chain 購買正價手錶可享 9 折, 購買 8 折或少於 8 折之減價手錶可享額外 95 折 Enjoy 10% discount on regular-priced watches; Extra 5% off on watches discounted at a rate of 20% or less. - 只適用於正價 HK$15,000 或以下之貨品, 不適用於公價貨品或指定貨品 - Does not apply to the regular-priced items over HK$15,000, the fixedpriced items and selected items. 3 G9 Hiroshima 凡購買任何產品可成為會員, 並可即時享有正價產品 85 折優惠 Free Hiroshima membership upon any purchase and enjoy 15% off on regular price product. - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any promotional. 4 G9A JILL SCOTT 凡購買正價貨品可享八折優惠 Enjoy 20% off on Regular or Fixed price items 5 G13, G62-63 G2000 正價貨品 9 折, 套裝價貨品再 95 折 10% off on regular-priced items, extra 5% off on set price items - 與共同條款及細則相同 - Same as the below Generic Terms & Conditions

6 G14 葆露絲 Bonluxe 1. HK$800 現金券 1. $800 cash coupon 2. 7 折購買功能內衣 1 件 2. 30% off on one regular priced foundation lingerie 3. 免費享用價值 HK$500 之 一對一塑身教室 3. Free one time "Bonluxe Perfect Body Analysis" (worth $500) - 優惠只適用於新客人 - Offers are applicable to new customer only - $800 現金券及 7 折優惠只適用於購買功能內衣 ( 護臀褲系列除外 ) - $800 coupon and 30% off cannot applied to any kind of shorts - 必須先完成教室才可享用優惠 - The analysis should be done prior enjoying the offers - 優惠受條款及細則約束, 詳情請向分店查詢 - Bonluxe (Asia) Limited reserves the right to amend this promotion without notice 7 G15 REGINA MIRACLE 8 G18, P45-46 csl 正價貨品九折 Enjoy 10% off on Regular price items - 優惠只適用於正價貨品 - Offer is valid for regular-priced items only - 不可與其他優惠同時使用 - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts or VIP privileges - 優惠貨品恕不退換 - No returns or exchanges for items purchased with this promotion - Regina Miracle 保留隨時更改條約款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知 - Regina Miracle reserves the rights to refuse admission or withdraw this offer anytime without prior notice. In case of dispute, the decision of Regina Miracle shall be final 上台可獲贈額外 $200 手機配件禮券 Additional $200 handset accessories gift voucher upon any plan subscription - 須選用 6GB 或以上之 csl 300 速 指定服務計劃, 詳情請向店員查詢 - Customer is required to subscribe to a designed csl service plan of 6GB or above - For details, please refer to our sales representative 9 G23-24 中原電器 購買正價貨品滿 HK$2,000, 可獲 HK$100 折扣優惠 Enjoy HK$100 discount upon purchase over HK$2,000 on regular-priced products - 優惠不適用於手機 Apple 產品 平板電腦 公價及特價產品 - Not applicable to mobile phones, Apple products, tablet computer, fixedpriced and discounted products 10 G26 Staccato 11 G29 Joy & Peace 12 G35 Benefit 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular priced items - 皮具護理產品除外 - Exclude leather caring items 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers 購買蜜蠟修眉服務可免費享用蜜蠟脫唇毛服務 Enjoy free lip waxing service upon purchase of brow waxing service - 請先致電 3572 0282 預約服務 - Advance booking is needed at 3572 0282

13 G36 Sasa 14 G39 OTO 15 G45-51 豐澤 FORTRESS 於莎莎德福廣場分店, 購物滿 $200 或以上 ( 折實價 ), 可享 95 折優惠 Any purchase over HK$200 or above (net), you can be enjoy 5% off at Telford Plaza - 此優惠有效期由 2016 年 1 月 1 日至 2016 年 6 月 30 日 - This offer is valid from 1 Jan 2016 till 30 Jun 2016 - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場分店 - This offer is only valid at Telford Plaza store - 此優惠不適用於指定正價貨品, 詳情請各店舖查詢 - Discount does not apply to selected regular-priced items. Please check with frontline staff for details - 此優惠不可與沙沙貴賓卡 信用卡之額外折扣 其他現金券或推廣之額外 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with Sasa VIP, credit card 折扣同時使用 discount promotion, cash coupon and other discount offer - 付款前請出示相關優惠卡, 方可享用此優惠 - Valid ID Card must be presented before payment - 莎莎化粧品有限公司保留修改以上細則之權利, 如有任何爭議, 均以莎莎之最終決定為依據 惠顧 OTO 產品, 可享 95 折優惠 - Our company may vary the terms and conditions governing the use of this offer at anytime. In case of dispute, our decision shall be final Enjoy 5% off upon purchase of OTO products - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers - 此優惠不可以用作購買陳列品 配件 繳付維修及零件費 運費及其他服 - Cannot be used to purchase display units, accessories, pay for 務費用 maintenance and repair and spare part costs, shipping / delivery costs and other service charges 憑卡於德福廣場分店購物滿 $2,000 以上 $100 discount upon purchase of $2,000 or above on single regular-priced ( 以單一正價貨品計算, 指定貨品除外 ) 可享 $100 折扣優惠, item - 詳情請向店員查詢 - Please contact staff for more details 16 G53C OGAWA 凡購買擰擰膝 (OF 2002) 乙部, 即可免費獲贈鬆背寶寶 ( 價值 HK$2,990) 乙部 Upon purchase of OmKNEE (OF 2002), free gift of Mobile Seat XE Plus (Value: HK$2,990) 17 G60 龍島美食店 Lucullus Gourment Shop 購買正價貨品滿 HK$200 可享 9 折 Enjoy 10% discount with regular price purchase over $200 - 不適用於購買現金券 囍咭及禮物籃 - Cannot be used to purchase Cash Voucher, Wedding Voucher & Hamper 18 G66 TUSCAN'S 正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 Regular price item 10% off, extra 5% off on discounted items 19 G70 Sinequanone 正價貨品可享 9 折 10% off regular priced items

20 G72 SK-II 免費享用 Magic Ring Enjoy complimentary Magic Ring professional skin consultant service and - 請先致電約皮膚分析服務時間 - Advanced booking is required - 禮品數量有限, 先到先得, 換完即止 - Gifts are on a first come first served basis while stock lasts - 此優惠不可兌換現金券及與其他折扣, 現金券及其他推廣優惠同時使用 - This offer is not exchangeable for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, coupons or other promotional offers - 如有任何爭議,SK-II 保留最終決定權 - In case of any dispute, SK-II reserves the right on final decision 21 G80 RABEANCO 正價貨品 8 折 20% off on regular-priced items - 不可與其他優惠同時使用 - Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion 22 G84 Porter International 購買任何正價貨品可享 95 折優惠 Enjoy 5% off on regular priced items 23 F9B Columbia 24 F11 Area 0264 購物滿淨價 $1,800, 可獲贈摺置旅行袋 Free foldable bag upon net purchase of HK$1,800 - 數量有限, 送完即止 - while stock lasts 全部貨品九折 All items 10% off - 以上優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - The above offer can not be combined with any other promotions 25 F13 Samsonite 26 F13B Salon Sora 27 F14A-F15A 長豐中西藥房 Cheung Fung Dispensary 正價貨品 95 折優惠 電髮 染髮 焗油及洗吹髮一律九折 參茸海味 9 折 ( 特價品除外 ) Enjoy 5%off on regular-priced item 10% discount for Perm, color, oil treatment and shampoo blow Enjoy 10% discount with regular price purchase of Ginseng - Offer not applicable on discount items 28 F16 adidas 29 F22 Marathon Sports 凡於指定德福廣場 adidas 購買正價貨品 ( 特別版及指定系列除外 ), 均可獲九 10% discount off on regular-priced products at the selected adidas shop at - 折後價格將捨入最接近的五角計算 - The discounted price shall be rounded off to nearest 50 cents 指定正價產品九折 10% off on selected regular-price items - 不適用於指定品牌 特價貨品 寄售貨品及專櫃 - Not applicable for the selected brands, labelled items, consignment products and counter 30 F22A Just 925 凡購買任何貨品, 可獲八五折優惠 15% off for all items 31 F23A FX Creators 32 F26 Skechers 購物出示有效會員證, 可享九折優惠 With presenting the listed ID card, customer can enjoy 10% off - 只限正價及八折或以上產品, 不包括所有聯乘系列, 限量產品或寄賣品 - Only valid for 20% off or below items, excluding all crossover limited edition and consignment items 指定正價貨品 9 折優惠 Selected regular-priced items 10% off - 此優惠不可與其他推廣優惠同時使用 - This offer cannot be used in conjunctions with others promotional offers

33 P51 周生生 Chow Sang Sang 34 P53 PN 35 305 官燕棧 Imperial Bird's Nest 正價鑲嵌珠寶及 18K 金首飾 95 折 Enjoy 5%off on regular price gem-set Jewellery items and 18K gold items - 優惠不適用於購買純金產品 裸鑽 企業禮品 手錶及指定產品 - Offer is not valid on purchase of pure gold item, loose stones, corporate gifts, watches and selected items - 優惠不可與其他推廣優惠同時使用 - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers - 此優惠不適用於易貨 - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with trade-in items 凡惠顧 HK$3,000 以上 ( 單一件貨品計算 ) 即可以 HK$888 優惠換購價值 With any single purchase of HK$3,000 or above, you are entitled to enjoy HK$1,900,18K 白色黃金鑲鑽石耳環壹隻 ( 指定貨品, 數量有限, 換完即止 ) special offer of $888 for one diamond earring. This limited offer is only available while stock lasts - 不適用於分期付款 - Not available for installment payment 1. 乾燕窩正價 9 折 (1 兩起 ) 1. 10% off upon purchase of regular-price dried nest product (1 tael up) 2. 冬蟲夏草正價 85 折 (1 兩起 ) 2. 15% off upon purchase of regular-price cordgceps priduct (1 tael up) - 優惠適用於官燕棧之香港分店 ( 專櫃除外 ) - Offer is applicable only in IBN HK retail outlets (counters excluded) - 優惠不可與其他推廣優惠 特價產品 斤裝批發產品 大量購買批發優惠 - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, wholesales 會員或聯營推廣優惠或現金券同時使用 and bulk purchase discount items, member discount or join promotion or cash coupon - 優惠不適用於網上或電話訂購 - Offer is not application for online or phone order - 如有任何爭議, 官燕棧保留最終決定權 - In case of dispute, the decision of Imperial Bird's Nest shall be final 36 312 Faith 37 313 YMK 購買任何貨品, 可獲九折優惠 購物滿 $1,000 即送 $50 現金券一張 凡購買滿 HKD$1,000, 可獲贈迷你化妝包乙個 ( 建議零售價 $350) All items 10% off. Purchase of HK$1,000 entitled to redeem HK$50 cash coupon Get a free cosmetic bag upon purchase of HKD1,000 net. (Price HKD$350) - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - The offer cannot be used in conjunction with the other offers 38 314 kate 出示有效証件購買任何正價貨品可享 8 折優惠 Enjoy 20% off discount on regular priced items 39 319 Neal's Yard Remedies 凡於 NYR 德福分店購物, 即送精選有機護理迷你裝 2 件 Upon any purchase at Telford NYR store, entitle two organic skincare trial size items - 每張單只限換購一套, 數量有限, 送完即止 - Customer could only redeem one set per transaction. While Stock Lasts 40 320-321 SOFINA 憑卡可免費預約 SOFINA 肌膚分析服務, 完成後獲贈合適之基本皮膚護理產 Upon presenting the card, enjoy complimentary SOFINA skin check service 41 323-324 Aveda 1. 免費頭皮影像分析 ( 敬請預約 ) 1. Free Scalp Camera Consultation (Advance booking is required) 2. invati TM 減少掉髮 # 激活頭皮按摩服務 ( 敬請預約, 預約費用 HK$300, 完成服務可全數換購 Aveda 產品 ) 2. invati TM Scalp Revitalizing massage for Thining Hair (Advance booking is required. Booking fee HK$300 can be fully redeemable to Aveda products after service) 3. 購物成為 Aveda 尊貴會員, 可獲贈專業頭髮護理產品體驗裝乙份 3. Purchase to become Aveda VIP member, and receive a complimentary hair care product experience kit - 優惠 3 每人只限享用優惠乙次 - Each customer can enjoy offer 3 once only - # 指因頭髮斷裂引致的掉髮 - 預約及查詢 :2997-2294 - Booking and inquiries: 2997-2294

42 328 APIVITA 43 341-342 TONYMOLY 44 348 egg Optical Boutique 凡惠顧正價產品滿 $780, 即可享用 9 折優惠 Enjoy 10% off with any purchase on regular-priced items up $780 購買正價產品滿 HK800, 即可免費獲贈 TONYMOLY 花漾活肌潔面泡沫乙份 Upon single net purchase of HK$800, receive a TONYMOLY Floria Nutra Foam Cleanser - 如遇贈品送完, 會以其他贈品代替 - If product is out of stock, will replace by other gift 憑出示有效証件惠顧, 即可獲贈精美禮品一份 Present the card to enjoy a complimentary gift - 每人只限換領一份, 換完即止 - One per member only while stock last for any purchase 45 350A Twelve Cupcakes 凡購買六件或以上正價杯子蛋糕可獲八折優惠 20% discount off upon purchase 6 pieces regular priced cupcakes - 只適用於正價杯子蛋糕 - Only valid for regular priced cupcakes - 不能與其他優惠同時使用 - It cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions / discounts / coupons 46 351 Jipi Japa 47 353 ACTIF 購買正價貨品享 9 折優惠 Enjoy 10% discount on regular priced item - 不可與 VIP 優惠及其他共同使用 - Cannot be used with VIP packages & other promotional offers - 不適用於皮鞋護理用品 - Cannot be used for leather care items 指定正價產品九折 10% off on selected regular-priced items - 不適用於指定品牌 特價貨品 寄售貨品及專櫃 - Not applicable for the selected brand, labelled items, consignment products and counter 48 422 Mothercare Mothercare 品牌正價貨品九五折優惠 5% off discount on mothercare branded regular priced items - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場二期分店 - Offer is valid at Telford Plaza II shop only - 必需於付款前出示有效證件, 方可享此優惠 - Valid privilege card must be presented before payment to enjoy offer - 此優惠不可與其他折扣 推廣優惠 特價貨品 公價貨品及會員優惠同時 - Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, 使用 promotional offers, discounted items, fixed price items and membership discount - 如有任何爭議,Mother and Child Limited 保留最終決定權 - Mother and Child Limited reserves the right to make the final decision upon any disputes 49 503-504 CHICCO 50 505B as little as 51 516 煤氣客戶中心 Towngas 正價貨品 9 折 - 不可與其他優惠共同使用 - Cannot be used conjunction to other promotion offer 購物可享額外 9 折優惠 10% off on regular price items Enjoy extra 10% off - 不可與 VIP 及其他優惠同時使用 - Not applicable to VIP or other promotion offer 凡購買爐具產品一台, 可免費獲贈萬寧現金券壹佰圓 For purchase one unit of appliance product, Mannings cash coupon ($100) will be offered - 此券不能兌換現金, 倘若遺失將不獲補發 - This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash nor replaced if lost - 此優惠可與其他優惠同時使用 - This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotion offers - 如有任何有關優惠上的爭議, 香港中華煤氣有限公司保留優先最終決定權 - Any dispute will be subject to the final decision of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

52 617 快圖美 Fotomax 富士 instax 即影即有相機 / 非林 /Fotogram 方形相片 9 折 Fujifilm instax instant Camera/Film or Fotogram Square Photo 10% discount - 以此優惠惠顧之相片可享有免費重印服務, 但不設退款 / 退換 - Photo printed with this offer can enjoy reprint services but no refund/return will be provided 53 F13A 新德福書局 顧客凡購物滿 $50 正價貨品, 需在同一張發票內, 並在付款前出示有效職員證, 即可獲 9 折優惠, 特價品除外 Purchase $50 or above can enjoy 10% off, except discount items. (Please present the valid card before payment) 餐飲 Food & Beverage Item 1 P26 Ruby Tuesday 優惠一 : 單點食品及非酒精飲品 7 折 Offer 1: 30% off on Food an Beverage 優惠二 : 午餐 85 折 優惠三 : 下午茶套餐 85 折 條款及細則 : Offer 2: 15% off on Lunch Set Offer 3: 15% off on Afternoon Tea Set Terms & Conditions: - 優惠適用於 2016 年 1 月 2 日至 6 月 30 日, 上午十一時三十分至下午五時三十分及逾期作廢 - This offer is available from 2 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 at 11:30am to 5:30pm and shall be invalid after the expiry date. - 午餐供應時段為星期一至五上午十一時三十分至下午三時 ; 下午茶供應時 - Lunch Set is available on Monday - Friday (Public Holiday excluded) at 段為星期一至五下午三時至五時, 公眾假期除外 11:30am to 3:00pm; Afternnon Tea Set is available from Monday - Friday (Public Holiday excluded) 3:00pm to 5:00pm. - 優惠一 : 不包括套餐 酒精類飲品及每月特選食品 - Offer 1 is not applicable to set meals, alcoholic beverages and monthly special items. - 優惠一至三不可同時使用 - Offer 1-3 cannot be used at the same time. - 每檯每次惠顧只限使用優惠乙次 - A limit of 1 offer per table per visit applies. - 只限堂食 - This offer is valid for dine-in only. - 優惠不包括加一服務費 - This offer does not include a 10% service charge. - 須繳付以原價計算之加一服務費 - 10% service charge applies based on original prices. - 不可與其他優惠券 折扣或宣傳優惠共同使用 ( 包括所有 Ruby Tuesday 會員優惠 ) - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher, discount or promotional offer (including Ruby Tuesday membership discounts). 2 G98 吉敏 吉列豚 Katsutoshi Japanese Cutlet Restaurant 正價 85 折 15% off Regular-priced items - 只限堂食, 另原價加一服務費 - Dine-in only. Subject to 10% service charge levied on the original price 3 G99-G100 牛陣 Gyujin 午市 : 牛陣免費升級湯底 - 凡惠顧任何火鍋套餐, 同台客人均可以日式清湯價錢享用任何一款特別湯底或混合湯底 Lunch: Soup base free upgrade - Enjoy any 1 kind of Soup Base or Double Combination Soup with the price of Shabu Shabu Soup woth consumption of any lunch course; offers applicable to customers of the same table 晚市 : 滿 $600 送紅酒一支 Dinner: Free 1 red wine with consumption over $600 - 凡消費滿 $600 ( 不連加一 ), 即可送贈紅酒一支 - 每檯每次只限使用一次, 恕不接受分單 - Offer can only be enjoyed once per transaction, no split bill

4 G102 Oliver's Super Sandwiches 5 F1 School Food 6 P8 茜廊餐廳 Sidewalk Cafe 7 429 牛角日本燒肉專門店 Gyu-Kaku Japanese Yakiniku Restaurant 8 510-513 Pizza Hut 憑證於上午 11 時 30 分後惠顧滿 $50, 即享 $5 現金折扣優惠 Present valid ID card to enjoy HK$5 cash discount upon every purchase of HK$50 or above after 11:30am - 優惠只適用於 Oliver's Super Sandwiches 德福廣場分店食堂及外賣自取 - This offer is valid for dine-in and takeaway at Oliver's Super sandwiches Telford Plaza branch only - 優惠不適用於外送服務 獨立包裝小食 樽裝 / 罐頭飲品 特價套餐 / 產品 蛋糕產品及精選蛋糕下午茶餐 - Not applicable to delivery order, snack items, canned/bottled drinks, discounted combos, cake items & Oliver's cake temptation tea combo - 優惠適用於星期一至日及公眾假期上午 11 時 30 分後 - This offer is valid after 11:30am from Monday to Sunday including public holidays - 請於落單前出示有效優惠卡 / 職員證 / 學生證 / 會員證及聲明使用優惠 (A126) - Please present valid ID card and mention the use of the offer (A126) when placing the order - 優惠不可兌換現金及不可與其他優惠 折扣或優惠券同時使用 - This offer cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or coupons - Oliver's Super Sandwiches 將保留優惠使用之最終決定權 - Oliver's Super Sanswiches reserves the final right on the use of the offer - 優惠有效期至 2016 年 6 月 30 日 - This offer is valid until 30 Jun 2016 堂食九折優惠 - 優惠只適用於星期一至五上午 11 時 30 分至下午 5 時 30 分 - This offer is valid from 11:30am to 5:30pm from Monday to Friday ( 不適用於公眾假期 ) (except public holiday) - 另收加一服務費, 以原價計算 - 10% service charge applies based on original price 正價午市及晚市套餐 85 折 - 優惠只限德福廣場茜廊餐廳 11am 後堂食 ( 午市及晚市歡樂時光套餐 鐵板套餐及其他特惠套餐除外 ) - This offer is valid for fine-in only after 11am at Sidewalk Cafe at Telford Plaza (except joyful lunch set, joyful dusk set and other special set menus) - 請於點菜時出示有效之職員證予服務員 - Valid staff card must be presented while ordering - 加一服務費以原價計算 - 10% service charge will be based on original price - 此優惠不可與任何現金券或折扣優惠同時使用 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any cash coupons or discount, privileges, offer is not applicable to purchase of any cash coupon or gift voucher - 此優惠有效日期由 2016 年 1 月 1 日至 2016 年 6 月 30 日 - This offer is valid from 1 Jan 2016 to 30 Jun 2016 - 此優惠不適用於公眾假期 2 月 14 日 5 月 8 日及 6 月 19 日指定日子, 詳情請向店員查詢 - This offer cannot be used on public holiday, 14 Feb, 8 May, 19 Jun, please ask staff for details - 如有任何爭議, 茜廊餐廳保留最終決定權 - Sidewalk Cafe have the right of final decision 惠顧可享正價 9 折 10% discount on any patronage (Dine-in only) Enjoy 15% discount on regular-price lunch & dinner set Enjoy 10% off discount on regular-priced items upon patronage - 需以信用卡消費 ; 不適用於推廣套餐及食品, 不適用於 1 月 1 日及 2 月 14 日 - Bill settlement by credit card is required; not applicable to promotion sets & food items; not applicable on 1 Jan and 14 Feb 2016 惠顧堂食午市套餐 1 客減 $5 Dine-in purchase of 1 Lunch Set less $5 使用條款 : - 適用於星期一至五 11:00am - 2:30pm,2 月 11 12 日及欲公眾假期除外 - Valid from 11:00am to 2:30pm, Monday to Friday except 11 & 12 February and Public Holiday - 只適用於惠顧堂食, 並需收加一服務費 - Valid for Dine-in only and 10% service charge applies - 優惠不可與其他優惠同用,Pizza Hut / JSA 會員卡 / 長者卡 / 員工証折扣優惠除外 Terms & conditions: - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, except Pizza Card / JSA Card / Senior Citizen Card / Staff Card discount offer

9 520-523 翡翠拉麵小籠包 Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao 九折優惠於指定時間惠顧翡翠拉麵小籠包可享 9 折優惠優惠時段 : 只限星期一至五 10% off To enjoy 10% off on a la carte menu items on Monday to Friday 優惠條款及細則 : - 此優惠不可與套餐及其他優惠同時使用 - This offer cannot be used in conjunction with Set Menu & other promotional offers - 此優惠只適用於堂食及不包括加一服務費 - This offer is for dine in only and not applicable to 10% service charge - 星期六 日 公眾假期 節日前夕及節日當日除外 - Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays, Festival Eves and Festival Days are excluded 娛樂 Entertainment Terms & Conditions: Item 1 612-614 美國冒險樂園 Jumpin Gym U.S.A - 半價入會優惠, 半價 ($10) 申請成為美國冒險樂園會員 ( 原價 $20) - 50% discount for applying Jumpin Gym U.S.A membership (original price: $20) - 每次只可申請一個會籍 ( 新入會或續會均可 ) (MEM15031, MEM15032) - It can be only applied for 1 membership each time (new membership or renewing membership) (MEM15031, MEM15032) 銀行 Bank Item 1 F19 ICBC (ASIA) 1. 本票 / 禮券 $0 手續費 ( 本分行客戶專享優惠 ) 1. Free of charge for Gift Cheque / Cashier's Order (Exclusively for customers with Telford Plaza Branch accounts) 2. 開新綜合帳戶, 豁免首兩年月費 2. For new integrated accounts, the first 2 years monthly service fee will be waived 3. 凡申請信用卡可獲得 $50 超級市場禮券乙張 3. Enjoy $50 supermarket coupon for each Credit Card application - 所有優惠須受有關條款及細則約束, 詳情可向職員查詢 - The above offers are subject to the relevant terms and conditions. For details, please contact the staff of Telford Branch 旅行社 Travel Agency Item 1 602A 度新假期 Tailor Made Holidays 2 602B 心程旅遊 S Travel 3 604B 專業旅運 Travel Expert 購買任何自由行套票 ( 機票 + 酒店 ) 滿 $3,000, 可享 $150 折扣優惠 Enjoy $150 discount upon a minimum spending of $3,000 per person on any travel package (flight+hotel) - 每個訂單限用一次此優惠 - This offer can be used once per booking 惠顧任何心程旅遊產品滿 $2,000, 即享 $100 折扣 Enjoy $100 discount upon purchase $2,000 S Travel product - 優惠只適用一次並以每訂單計算 - This offer can be used once only for each reservation 凡購買指定機票加酒店自由行產品每位滿 HK$3,000, 可享 HK$100 折扣優惠 Enjoy HK$100 discount upon a minimum spending of HK$3,000 per person on appointed travel - 每個訂單限用此優惠一次 - This offer can be used once per booking - 此優惠需於預訂前出示才可使用 - This offer must be presented before reservation