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WOIPFG Releases the First List of Medical Personnel Suspected of Extracting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners October 14, 2014 Since 2000, hospitals in mainland China, regardless of size, specialty, location and qualification, started to perform human organ extractions for transplantation. The timing highly coincides with the genocidal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime. Based on incomplete statistics gathered by WOIPFG, over 800 hospitals in mainland China have conducted human organ transplants. By September 2014, roughly 176,267 kidney transplants, 40,170 liver transplants, 1,928 heart transplants and 137,294 corneal transplants were performed. WOIPFG s investigation into the organ extraction procedures, such as the warm ischemia time and the donors health condition, shows that the majority of the donors were alive when the organs were removed. The large numbers of captive Falun Gong practitioners are likely the donors. The organ removal procedure has become an execution method. Live organ harvesting is against medical ethics and the law. The CCP s persecution of Falun Gong is a crime against humanity and genocide. Any individual involved in the persecution must be held accountable. Due to the fact that the donor would not survive after the heart, liver, lung or both kidneys are extracted, there is no direct testimony from the donor. It is thus not feasible to require a direct testimony from the victims. Since 2006, the Chinese regime has been claiming that the majority of organs came from executed prisoners. But the decreasing number of executed prisoners cannot explain the increasing number of transplants. Prior to 2010, no voluntary organ donation program and almost no donors existed in China. The first organ donation trial program started in 2010 and went into operation since March 19, 2014. The vast majority of transplants performed in China since 2000 do not have organ sources. Therefore, all medical personnel involved in organ extractions are suspected of harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners. Before one can provide clear evidence to prove otherwise, all medical personnel are either considered eye witnesses or are suspected of committing crimes against humanity, crime of murder, and crime of genocide. WOIPFG hereby start investigation and release details of 2,007 medical personnel from 231 hospitals in mainland China. Contents: 1

北京市 City of Beijing... 8 1. 武警总医院器官移植研究所 Institute of Liver Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces. 8 2. 解放军总医院 Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital (301th Hospital of PLA)...11 3. 解放军第 309 医院 309th Hospital of PLA...15 4. 解放军第二炮兵总医院 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army...20 5. 北京大学人民医院 Peking University People's Hospital...21 6. 北京大学第三医院 Peking University Third Hospital...24 7. 北京佑安医院 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University...25 8. 北京军区总医院 The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA...27 9. 解放军第 302 医院 PLA No. 302 Hospital...31 10. 阜外心血管病医院 Fuwai Hospital, CAMS & PUMC...32 11. 空军总医院 Air Force General Hospital, PLA...33 12. 北京朝阳医院 Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital...35 13. 北京安贞医院 Beijing Anzhen Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University...39 14. 中日友好医院 China-Japan Friendship Hospital...41 16. 北京世纪坛医院 Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University...45 17. 首都医科大学附属医院北京地坛医院 Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University...45 18. 北京军区总医院附属八一儿童医院 BAYI Children's Hospital of Beijing Military General Hospital...47 19. 京东中美医院 Jingdong Zhongmei Hospital...48 20. 北京市监狱管理局中心医院 Central Hospital of Beijing Prison Administration Bureau...48 21. 北京同仁医院 Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University...49 上海市 City of Shanghai...49 22. 上海交通大学附属仁济医院 Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.49 24. 复旦大学附属中山医院 Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University...54 25. 第二军医大学附属东方肝胆外科医院 Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Second Military Medical University...61 26. 复旦大学附属华山医院 Huashan Hospital, Fudan University...64 27. 上海瑞金医院 Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine...65 28. 上海新华医院 Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine..68 29. 第二军医大学附属长征医院 Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University...69 30. 上海长海医院 Shanghai Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University...72 31. 同济大学附属东方医院 ( 上海市东方医院 ) Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine...74 32. 解放军第八五医院 85 Hospital of People s Liberation Army...77 33. 上海市第十人民医院... Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital (Tenth People s Hospital of Tongji University)...77 广东省 Guangdong Province...77 34. 中山大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University...77 2

35. 中山大学附属第三医院 The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University...86 36. 广东省人民医院 Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital...90 37. 广东省第二人民医院 Guangdong No.2 Provincial People's Hospital...96 38. 南方医科大学珠江医院 Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University...97 39. 南方医科大学南方医院 Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University...98 40. 广州医科大学第一附属医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University... 102 41. 广州医学院第二附属医院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College... 104 42. 广州医科大学附属第三医院 The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University... 105 43. 中山市人民医院 Zhongshan City People's Hospital... 107 44. 广州军区广州总医院 Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, PLA... 109 45. 东莞市太平人民医院 DongguanTaiping People s Hospital... 112 46. 佛山市第一人民医院 The First People's Hospital of Foshan... 113 47. 暨南大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University... 118 48. 中山大学附属第五医院 The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University... 118 49. 中山大学肿瘤医院 Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center... 119 50. 广东省第二中医院 GuangdongSecond Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital... 120 51. 深圳市第二人民医院 The Second Shenzhen People s Hospital... 120 52. 东莞市人民医院 Dongguan People's Hospital... 121 53. 深圳市南山区人民医院 Shenzhen People s Hospital Sixth People's Hospital (Nanshan Hospital)... 122 54. 广州市眼库 Guangzhou Eye Bank... 123 55. 深圳市第三人民医院 The Third Shenzhen People s Hospital... 123 56. 深圳市人民医院 Shenzhen Shenzhen People s Hospital... 124 江苏省 Jiangsu Province... 127 57. 无锡市人民医院 Wuxi People s Hospital... 127 58. 江苏省人民医院 Jiangsu Province People s Hospital... 131 59. 南京八一医院 The 81st hospital of PLA, Nanjing... 137 60. 苏州大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University... 139 61. 南京鼓楼医院 ( 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 ) Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School)... 144 62. 常州市第一人民医院 The First People's Hospital of Changzhou... 147 63. 南京市第一医院 Nanjing First Hospital... 150 64. 南京军区南京总医院 Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command, PLA... 152 65. 江苏省中医院 Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine... 154 66. 无锡市第三人民医院 Wuxi No.3 People s Hospital... 154 67. 镇江市第一人民医院 Zhenjiang First People s Hospital... 156 68. 南京市第二医院 The Second Hospital of Nanjing... 158 69. 无锡市第二人民医院 Wuxi No.2 People s Hospital... 159 70. 兴化市人民医院 Xinghua People s Hospital... 160 71. 徐州医学院附属医院 The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College... 161 72. 南通医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Nantong Medical College... 163 73. 苏北人民医院 Subei People's Hospital... 166 74. 盐城市第三人民医院 Yancheng No.3 People s Hospital... 167 3

75. 南京市胸科医院 Nanjing Chest Hospital... 168 76. 扬州市第一人民医院 Yangzhou No. 1 People s Hospital... 170 77. 连云港市第一人民医院 The First People s Hospital of Lianyungang... 170 78. 金坛市中医院 Jintan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine... 171 浙江省 Zhejiang Province... 171 79. 浙江大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University... 171 80. 浙江省人民医院 Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital... 178 81. 解放军第一一七医院 117 Hospital of People s Liberation Army... 179 82. 温州医科大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University... 180 83. 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 The Second Affiliated hospital Zhenjiang University School of Medicine... 185 84. 宁波市鄞州第二医院 Yinzhou Second Hospital of Ningbo City... 188 85. 宁波市医疗中心李惠利医院 Ningbo Medical Treatment Center Lihuili Hospital... 191 86. 杭州市第一人民医院 Hangzhou First People s Hospital... 194 87. 嘉兴市第二医院 The Second People's Hospital of Jiaxing... 195 88. 丽水市中心医院 Lishui Central Hospital... 196 89. 宁波市鄞州人民医院 Yinzhou Hospital Affiliated to Medical School of Ningbo University... 197 90. 台州医院 Taizhou Hospital (of Zhejiang Province)... 198 91. 宁波市眼科医院 Ningbo Eye Hospital... 200 92. 浙江邵逸夫医院 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Shool of Medicine, Zhejiang University... 201 天津市 City of Tianjin... 202 93. 天津市第一中心医院 Tianjin First Center Hospital... 202 94. 天津市胸科医院 Tianjin Chest Hospital... 208 95. 天津第三中心医院 Tianjin Third Central Hospital... 209 96. 武警医学院附属医院 Medical College of Chinese People s Armed Police Forces... 209 97. 泰达国际心血管病医院 Taida International Cardiovascular Disease Hospital... 210 山东省 Shandong Province... 211 98. 解放军第 107 医院 PLA No. 107 Hospital... 211 99. 山东省千佛山医院 Shandong Provincial Qianfushan Hospital... 213 100. 解放军第 401 医院 PLA No. 401 Hospital... 218 101. 济南军区总医院 General Hospital of Jinan Military Command... 219 102. 聊城市人民医院 Liaocheng People's Hospital... 226 103. 青岛大学附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University... 229 104. 山东大学第二医院 Second Hospital of Shandong University... 229 105. 山东大学齐鲁医院 Qilu Hospital of Shandong University... 230 106. 山东省立医院 Shandong Provincial Hospital... 234 107. 潍坊市人民医院 Weifang People s Hospital... 237 108. 烟台毓璜顶医院 Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital... 239 109. 滨州医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College... 241 110. 济南市第四人民医院 The Forth Hospital of Jinan... 244 111. 济南市第一人民医院 The First Hospital of Jinan... 245 4

112. 济宁医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University... 245 113. 济南市中心医院 Jinan Center Hospital... 248 114. 日照市人民医院 Rizhao People's Hospital... 249 115. 潍坊医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University... 250 116. 枣庄市中区人民医院 Zaozhuang Shizhong People's Hospital... 252 重庆市 City of Chongqing... 252 117. 第三军医大学新桥医院 Xinqiao Hospital, Third Military Medical University... 252 118. 第三军医大学西南医院 Southwest Hospital of the Third Military Medical University... 255 119. 第三军医大学大坪医院 Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University... 260 120. 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University... 262 121. 重庆医科大学第二临床学院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University263 辽宁省 Liaoning Province... 264 122. 大连医科大学附属第二医院 The Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University... 264 123. 中国医科大学附属第一医院 The First Hospital of China Medical University... 266 124. 解放军第四六三医院 Hospital 463 of PLA... 270 125. 辽宁省人民医院 The People s Hospital of Liaoning Province... 271 126. 沈阳医学院附属第三医院 Third Affiliated Hospital of Shenyang Medical College (also Shenyang 242 Hospital)... 271 127. 大连大学附属新华医院 Dalian University Affiliated Xinhua Hospital... 271 福建省 Fujian Province... 274 128. 福建医科大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University... 274 129. 福州传染病医院 Fuzhou Hospital for Infectious Diseases... 276 130. 福建医科大学附属协和医院 Fujian Medical University Union Hospital... 276 131. 解放军 180 医院 The 180th Hospital of PLA... 281 132. 南京军区福州总医院 Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command, PLA... 282 133. 厦门大学附属第一医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University... 286 134. 解放军第 175 医院 The No.175 Hospital of PLA... 288 135. 福建省第二人民医院 The Second People s Hospital of Fujian Province... 290 136. 莆田市第一医院 The First Hospital of Putian City... 290 四川省 Sichuan Province... 291 137. 华西医院 West China Hospital, Sichuan University... 291 138. 解放军第 452 医院 PLA NO. 452 Hospital... 294 139. 四川省人民医院 Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital... 297 140. 泸州医学院附属医院 The Affiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College... 298 141. 自贡市第一人民医院 Zigong First People's Hospital... 299 142. 绵阳市中心医院 Mianyang Central Hospital... 299 湖北省 Hubei Province... 301 143. 华中科技大学附属同济医院 Tongji Hospital, Huazhong University of Science & Technology. 301 144. 广州军区武汉总医院 Wuhan General Hospital of Guangzhou Military, PLA... 305 5

145. 华中科技大学附属协和医院 Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology... 307 146. 武汉大学中南医院 Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University... 309 147. 襄阳市中心医院 Xiangyang Central Hospital... 311 148. 恩施自治州中心医院 Central Hospital of Enshi (Tujia and Miao) Autonomous Prefecture... 312 湖南省 Hunan Province... 313 149. 中南大学湘雅二医院 The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University... 313 150. 中南大学湘雅三医院 The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University... 317 151. 常德市第一人民医院 The First People s Hospital of Changde... 323 152. 郴州市第一人民医院 Chenzhou No.1 People's Hospital... 324 153. 南华大学附属第二医院 The Second Hospital, University of South China... 324 154. 常德市第三人民医院 Changde No. 3 People s Hospital... 325 155. 邵阳市第一人民医院 The First People's Hospital of Shaoyang... 326 安徽省 Anhui Province... 327 156. 安徽省立医院 Anhui Provincial Hospital... 327 157. 安徽医科大学第一附属医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University... 328 158. 芜湖市第二人民医院 Wuhu No. 2 People s Hospital... 329 159. 淮北市人民医院 Huaibei People's Hospital... 330 160. 淮南东方医院集团总医院 Huainan Oriental Hospital Group General Hospital... 331 161. 皖南医学院第二附属医院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College... 331 162. 武警安徽省总队医院 Anhui Provincial Corps Hospital... 332 163. 解放军第 105 医院 PLA No.105 Hospital... 333 河南省 Henan Province... 334 164. 解放军第 153 医院 PLA 153 Hospital... 334 165. 郑州市第七人民医院 Seventh People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City... 335 166. 郑州市人民医院 People s Hospital of Zhengzhou... 336 167. 郑州大学第一附属医院 First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University... 341 168. 解放军第 150 中心医院 150 th Central Hospital of People's Liberation Army... 342 169. 武警河南总队医院 Armed Police Corps Hospital of Henan... 343 170. 安阳市中医院 Anyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine... 344 171. 南阳市眼科医院 Nanyang City Eye Hospital... 345 172. 河南省职业病医院 Occupational Disease Hospital of Henan Province... 345 173. 郑州市中心医院 Zhengzhou Central Hospital... 346 174. 平煤集团总医院 General Hospital of Pingdingshan Coal Group... 346 广西壮族自治区 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region... 347 175. 解放军第三〇三医院 PLA No. 303 Hospital... 347 176. 南宁市红十字医院 Nanning Red Cross Hospital... 349 177. 广西医科大学第一附属医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University... 350 178. 广西壮族自治区民族医院 Minzu Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region... 351 179. 广西壮族自治区人民医院 People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region... 352 6

180. 解放军一八一医院 181st Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army... 353 181. 柳州市中医院 Liuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine... 355 182. 柳州市工人医院 Liuzhou Worker s Hospital... 355 陕西省 Shanxi Province... 357 183. 西安交通大学第一附属医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University... 357 184. 陕西省人民医院 Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital... 360 185. 咸阳市第二人民医院 Second People s Hospital of Xianyang City... 362 186. 西京医院 Xijing Hospital... 363 187. 西安高新医院 Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital... 367 新疆维吾尔自治区 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region... 369 188. 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 The First Teaching Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University... 369 189. 兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院 Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command... 374 云南省 Yunnan Province... 375 190. 云南肾脏病医院 Yunnan Kidney Hospital... 375 191. 昆明市第一人民医院 First People s Hospital of Kunming City... 376 192. 昆明市延安医院 Yan an Hospital of Kunming City... 377 193. 云南省第三人民医院 The Third People's Hospital of Yunnan Province... 381 194. 昆明医科大学第二附属医院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical university.. 382 195. 云南省第一人民医院 First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province... 382 196. 昆明医学院第一附属医院 First Affiliated hospital of Kunming Medical University... 385 197. 云南省红十字医院 Yunnan Provincial Red Cross Hospital... 386 山西省 Shanxi Province... 387 198. 山西医科大学第一医院 First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University... 387 199. 武警山西总队医院 Shanxi Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces... 389 200. 山西省第二人民医院 The Second People s Hospital of Shanxi... 390 201. 长治医学院附属和济医院 Heji Hospital Affiliated to Changzhi Medical College... 391 202. 长治医学院附属和平医院 Heping Hospital Affiliated to Changzhi Medical College... 392 203. 运城市中心医院 Yuncheng Center Hospital... 392 黑龙江省 Heilongjiang Province... 393 204. 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 The 2 nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University... 393 205. 鸡西市人民医院 Jixi People s Hospital... 398 206. 齐齐哈尔市第一医院 The First Hospital of Qiqihaer City... 399 207. 鸡西矿业集团总医院 The General Hospital of Jixi Mining Group... 400 208. 牡丹江医学院红旗医院 Hongqi Hospital, Mudanjiang Medical College... 401 河北省 Hebei Province... 401 209. 河北医科大学第二医院 The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University... 401 210. 石家庄市第一医院 The first hospital of Shijiazhuang City... 402 211. 承德医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College... 404 7

212. 河北医科大学附属第四医院 Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University... 404 213. 华北煤炭医学院 North China Coal Medical College... 405 内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region... 405 214. 内蒙古医科大学附属医院 Affiliated People's Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University.. 405 江西省 Jiangxi Province... 410 215. 江西省人民医院 Jiangxi Provincial People s Hospital... 410 216. 南昌大学第一附属医院 The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University... 412 217. 南昌大学第二附属医院 The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University... 415 218. 武警江西总队医院 Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces.. 416 贵州省 Guizhou Province... 417 219. 遵义医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical College... 417 220. 贵阳医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College... 419 221. 解放军第四十四医院 PLA No. 44 Hospital... 419 宁夏回族自治区 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region... 421 222. 宁夏医科大学附属医院 The Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University... 421 223. 武警宁夏总队医院 Ningxia Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces. 422 青海省 Qinghai Province... 423 224. 青海大学附属医院 Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital... 423 225. 青海省人民医院 Qinghai Provincial People s Hospital... 424 甘肃省 Gansu Province... 426 226. 兰州军区兰州总医院 Lanzhou General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command, PLA... 426 吉林省 Jilin Province... 427 227. 吉林大学第一医院 First Hospital of Jilin University... 427 228. 吉林大学第二医院 The Second Hospital Jilin University... 427 229. 吉林军医学院附属医院 The Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Military Medical College... 427 230. 北华大学附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of North China University... 429 海南省 Hainan Province... 430 231. 海南医学院附属医院 Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College... 430 北京市 City of Beijing 1. 武警总医院器官移植研究所 Institute of Liver Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 8

臧运金 ZANG Yunjin 陈新国 CHEN Xinguo 吴凤东 WU Fengdong 李威 LI Wei 武警总医院器官肝脏移植研究所副所长 主任医师 教授, 兼任山东大学临床医学院山东省千佛山医院肝脏移植科主任 主任医师, 东方器官移植中心山东分中心主任, 天津市第一中心医院移植学部东方器官移植中心主任医师 Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Liver Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces; Director, Liver Transplantation Shandong Provincial Qianfushan Hospital, Shandong University; Director, Shandong Branch of Organ Transplant Center, Tianjin First Center Hospital 武警总医院器官移植研究所移植外科副主任, 副主任医师 Deputy Director, Department of Transplant Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 武警总医院肝脏移植研究所肝脏移植和肝胆外科治疗组组长 副主任医师 Chief, Therapeutic Group, Department of Liver Transplant, Institute of Liver Transplantation, and General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 2004 年 1 月 ~2008 年 8 月间, 参与天津第一中心医院实施的 1600 例供肝切取, 供体男 1591 例, 女 9 例, 平均年龄 34.5 岁 2002 年 1 月至 2005 年 1 月, 参与山东省千佛山医院实施的 44 例供肝切取, 供体无乙肝 丙肝 艾滋病 梅毒等, 热缺血时间 5~ 10min, 平均 5.6min livers from 1600 "donors" (male 1591, female 9; average age, 34.5 yrs) organized by Tianjin First Center Hospital during January 2004 to August 2008; livers organized by Shandong Provincial Qianfushan Hospital during January 2002 to January 2005, from 44 "donors" with parameter of warm ischemic time 5-10 min (ave, 5.6 min), but without history of hepatitis B or C, AIDS, or syphilis, etc. 参与供体切取 独立完成了 300 多例供体切取,300 多例肝脏移植手术 Participated ever in performing extraction of livers from more than 300 "donors", and in performing the transplantation procedures. 2002 年 5 月 ~2005 年 5 月, 参与实施 437 例供肝快速切取, 供体男 429 例, 女 8 例, 平均年龄 34.6 岁, 热缺血时间最长 8min, 最短 1min, 平均 4.8min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 437 "donors" (male 429, female 8; average age, 34.6 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemic time 1-8 min (ave, 4.8 min), during May 2002 to May 2005. 2002 年 9 月到武警总医院肝移植研究所, 前后参与上千例肝移植手术, 能完成供肝的切取与修剪 Participated in performing extraction and trimmings of livers for around 1000 cases of transplatation from "donors since September 2002. 9

朱晓丹 ZHU Xiaodan 刘煜 LIU Yu 王毅 WANG Yi 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任, 副主任医师, 所长助理 Deputy Director, Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 参与供肝切取, 先后参与肝移植临床管理及手术 400 余例 livers for more than 400 cases of transplantation from "donors", and clinical management of recipients. 2002 年 5 月 ~2005 年 5 月, 参与实施 437 例供肝快速切取, 供体男 429 例, 女 8 例, 平均年龄 34.6 岁, 热缺血时间最长 8min, 最短 1min, 平均 4.8min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 437 "donors" (male 429, female 8; average age, 34.6 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemic time 1-8 min (ave, 4.8 min), during May 2002 to May 2005. 参与供肝切取, 并参与完成多台肝脏移植 亲体肝移植 双供体亲体肝移植 中期孕妇肝移植 小儿亲体肝移植等手术 livers from "donors", and in many cases of liver transplantation, also livingdonor liver transplantation, double donor parent donor liver transplant, liver transplantation in mid-pregnancy of women, and liver transplantation in children from living related donors, etc. 邹卫龙 ZOU Weilong 关兆杰 GUAN Zhaojie 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 武警总医院器官移植研究所主治医师 Attending Physician, Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 从事肝脏移植工作以来, 参加肝脏移植供肝切取术 供肝修整术和肝脏移植手术约 200 余例次 Participated in performing extraction and trimmings of livers from "donors" and liver transplantation for more than 200 cases since working in the institute. 2002 年 5 月 ~2005 年 5 月, 参与实施 437 例供肝快速切取, 供体男 429 例, 女 8 例, 平均年龄 34.6 岁, 热缺血时间最长 8min, 最短 1min, 平均 4.8min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 437 "donors" (male 429, 10

female 8; average age 34.6 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemic time 1-8 min (ave, 4.8 min), during May 2002 to May 2005. 朱雄伟 ZHU Xiongwei 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 参与供体切取 修整 曾参与近 700 余例次肝移植 50 余例次肾移植患者的手术与管理 Participated in performing extraction and trimmings of livers from "donors", and the related over 700 cases of transplantation, also in over 50 cases of kidney transplantation as well as in management of recipients. 范宁 FAN Ning 武警总医院器官移植研究所 Institute of Organ Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 2002 年 5 月 ~2005 年 5 月, 参与实施 437 例供肝快速切取, 供体男 429 例, 女 8 例, 平均年龄 34.6 岁, 热缺血时间最长 8min, 最短 1min, 平均 4.8min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 437 "donors" (male 429, female 8; average age 34.6 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemic time 1-8 min (ave, 4.8 min), during May 2002 to May 2005. 王建立 WANG Jianli 武警总医院器官移植研究所副主任医师 现任武警总医院肝脏移植研究所肝脏移植和肾脏移植带组组长 Chief, Clinic Affairs, Department of Liver and Kidney Transplant Institute of Liver Transplantation, General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 2002 年 5 月 ~2005 年 5 月, 参与实施 437 例供肝快速切取, 供体男 429 例, 女 8 例, 平均年龄 34.6 岁, 热缺血时间最长 8min, 最短 1min, 平均 4.8min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 437 "donors" (male 429, female 8; average age 34.6 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemic time 1-8 min (ave, 4.8 min), during May 2002 to May 2005. 返回目录 2. 解放军总医院 Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital (301th Hospital of PLA) 11

董家鸿 DONG Jiahong 史宪杰 SHI Xianjie 纪文斌 JI Wenbin 段伟东 DUAN Weidong 梁雨荣 LIANG Yurong 解放军总医院肝胆外科医院院长 解放军总医院全军肝胆外科研究所副所长 国家卫生部人体器官移植专家委员会委员 中华器官移植学会常务委员 President, Hospital of Hepatobiliary Deputy Director, Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery of PLA, Chinese PLA General Hospital; Member, Organ Transplantation Committee, The Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China; Standing Member, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科主任医师, 教授 中华医学会北京器官移植分会青年委员 Professor, Chinese PLA General Hospital; Youth Member, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科副主任医师 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科副主任医师 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, Chinese PLA General Hospital 自 1999 年 2 月至 2007 年 2 月, 参与西南医院完成的 407 例次原位全肝肝移植供体切取, 供体热缺血时间在 7min 内 livers for 407 cases of full-size orthotopic liver transplantation in Southwest Hospital during Febuary 1999 to Febuary 2007, from "donors" with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 7 min. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 12

罗英 LUO Ying 金鑫 JIN Xin 王茂强 WANG Maoqiang 罗瑜昆 LUO Yukun 蔡逢春 CAI Fengchun 敖建华 AO Jianhua 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科副教授 副主任医师 Associate Professor, Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院肝胆外科 Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科主任医师 现担任全军器官移植专业委员会委员, 中华医学会北京分会器官移植专业委员会副主任委员 Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital; Member, Society of Organ Transplantation of PLA; Vice President, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 自 2002 年 1 月至 2009 年 1 月间, 参与实施 250 例供肝切取, 供体热缺血时间在 8min 内 livers from 250 "donors with parameter of warm ischemic time less than 8 min, during January 2002 to January 2009. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 13

董隽 DONG Jun 卢锦山 LU Jinshan 史立新 SHI Lixin 洪宝发 HONG Baofa 肖序仁 XIAO Xuren 王威 WANG Wei 黄一飞 HUANG Yifei 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科副主任医师, 副教授 中华器官移植委员会北京分会青年委员 Associate Professor, Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital; Member, Youth Committee, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科 Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科主任医师 教授 Professor, Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital 武警总医院泌尿外科主任医师, 教授 Professor, Department of Urinary General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces 中国人民解放军总医院泌尿外科 Department of Urinary Chinese PLA General Hospital 中国人民解放军总医院眼科主任医师, 教授 Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 截至 2008 年, 参与实施 142 例供肾切取 kidneys from 142 "donors" up to 2008. 1993 至 2003 年间, 参与实施 212 例 (224 眼 ) 穿透性角膜移植供体眼球摘除 corneas for 212 cases (224 eyes) of penetrating corneal transplantation during 1993 to 2003. 14

王丽强 WANG Liqiang 中国人民解放军总医院眼科副主任医师 Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital 1993 至 2003 年间, 参与实施 212 例 (224 眼 ) 穿透性角膜移植供体眼球摘除 corneas for 212 cases (224 eyes) of penetrating corneal transplantation during 1993 to 2003. 杨艳峰 YANG Yanfeng 中国人民解放军总医院眼科 Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital 1993 至 2003 年间, 参与实施 212 例 (224 眼 ) 穿透性角膜移植供体眼球摘除 corneas for 212 cases (224 eyes) of penetrating corneal transplantation during 1993 to 2003. 尹东芳 YIN Dongfang 中国人民解放军总医院眼科副主任医师 Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital 1993 至 2003 年间, 参与实施 212 例 (224 眼 ) 穿透性角膜移植供体眼球摘除 corneas for 212 cases (224 eyes) of penetrating corneal transplantation during 1993 to 2003. 张鲲 ZHANG Kun 中国人民解放军总医院眼科副主任医师 Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital 1993 至 2003 年间, 参与实施 212 例 (224 眼 ) 穿透性角膜移植供体眼球摘除 corneas for 212 cases (224 eyes) of penetrating corneal transplantation during 1993 to 2003. 返回目录 3. 解放军第 309 医院 309th Hospital of PLA 石炳毅 SHI Bingyi 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任 移植外科主任 泌尿外科主任 兼任中华医学会器官移植学分会常委, 中华医学会北京分会器官移植专业委员会副主任委员 Director, Organ Transplant Center, Department of Organ Transplantation, Department of Urinary 309th Hospital of PLA; Standing Member, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation; 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 15

蔡明 CAI Ming 金海龙 JIN Hailong 钱叶勇 QIAN Yeyong Vice President, Beijing Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任医师 现为解放军总医院第三 九临床部器官移植研究室主任 中华医学会器官移植学分会副主任委员 全国肾脏移植专业学组组长 解放军器官移植专业委员会副主任委员 北京医学会器官移植专业委员会主任委员 Organ Transplant Center; Director, Research Division of Organ Transplantation, Clinic Section, 309th Hospital of PLA (belongd to Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital); Vice President (Chief, Group of Kidney Transplantation), Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA); Vice President, Society of Organ Transplantation of PLA; President, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心副主任医师 中华医学会器官移植学分会青年委员会副主任委员 全军器官移植学会青年委员 器官移植 杂志编委 Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA; Vice President, Youth Committee, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA); Member, Youth Committee, Society of Organ Transplantation of PLA; Editoral Member, Organ Transplant 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任医师 解放军总医院 309 临床部全军器官移植中心移植外科主任 北京医学会器官移植专业委员会中青年委员 共参与了近 1000 例的肾脏移植手术和近 100 例肝脏移植手术及供体器官的切取手术 almost 1000 kidneys, and 100 livers for transplantation from donors. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined 16

柏宏伟 BO Hongwei 杜国盛 DU Guosheng 戴新 DAI Xin 邹一平 ZOU Yiping Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA; Director, Department of Organ Transplantation 309th Hospital of PLA (belongd to Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital); Member, Youth Committee, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心泌尿二科副主任, 副主任医师 Deputy Director, Second Department of Urinary Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任医师 现任中华医学会器官移植学分会肝移植学组委员 ; 中华医学会北京器官移植分会青年委员 Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA; Member, Group of Liver Transplantation, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation; Member, Youth Committee, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任医师 现任中华医学会器官移植学分会肝移植学组委员 ; 中华医学会北京器官移植分会青年委员 Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA; Member, Group of Liver Transplantation, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation; Member, Youth Committee, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 解放军第 309 医院肝胆外科 liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 2000 年 1 月到 2006 年 12 月, 参与完成无心跳肝肾供体切取 100 例, 供体男 94 例, 女 6 例, 平均 29 岁 Participated in performing combined liver-kidney extractions from 100 nonheart-beating "donors" (male 94, female 6, average age 29 yrs) during January 2000 to December 2006. 1999.8.6, 1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 17

王亚炜 WANG Yawei 詹胜利 ZHAN Shengli 李为民 LI Weimin 郑方 ZHENG Fang 宋继勇 SONG Jiyong 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院肝胆外科 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心主任医师, 教授 ; 肝胆一科行政主任 Professor, Organ Transplant Center; Director, First Department of Hepatobiliary 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心副主任医师 Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1999.8.6, 1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1999.8.6, 1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 18

许红兵 XU Hongbing 萧荫祺 XIAO Yinqi 杜继东 DU Jidong 曹敏 CAO Min 李州利 LI Zhouli 解放军 309 医院肝胆外科 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军 309 医院肝胆外科 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军 309 医院肝胆外科 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军 309 医院肝胆外科 309th Hospital of PLA 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心副主任医师, 泌尿外科副主任 Organ Transplant Center; Deputy Director, Department of Urinary 309th Hospital of PLA kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 1999.8.6,1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1999.8.6,1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1999.8.6,1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1999.8.6,1999.11.11 和 2000.1.28 实施了 3 例同种原位肝移植术供体切取 livers for 3 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation on August 6, 1999, November 11, 1999, and January 28, 2000, respectively. 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 19

常京元 CHANG Jingyuan 解放军第 309 医院器官移植中心副主任医师 Organ Transplant Center, 309th Hospital of PLA 1988 年 12 月 ~2003 年 4 月, 参与实施单纯肾脏摘取 431 例, 肝 - 肾联合摘取 55 例, 胰 - 肾联合摘取 10 例及心 肝 肾联合摘取 10 例 kidneys from 431 "donors"; in combined liver-kidney extractions from 55 donors ; in combined kidney-pancreas extractions from 10 donors ; and in multi-organ extractions (heart-liverkidney) from 10 donors, during December 1988 to April 2003. 李元新 LI Yuanxin 总参谋部总医院 ( 第 309 医院 ) 普通外科二病区主任 普通外科副主任, 主任医师 Deputy Director (Also Director, Ward Two), Department of General 309th Hospital of PLA 截至 2000 年, 采用整块切取的方法自 6 具尸体获取供肠 截至 2004 年, 采用联合获取的方法, 将肝 小肠 胰 脾和肾一并获取 1 例 2007~ 2009 年, 参与实施 8 次供者腹腔脏器切取 Participated in performing en bloc procurement for extraction of intestines from 6 donors up to 2000; Participated in performing multi-organ extractions (liver- small intestinepancreas-spleen- kidney) from a donor up to 2004; abdominal organs from 8 donors during 2007 to 2009. 返回目录 4. 解放军第二炮兵总医院 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army 周丁华 ZHOU Dinghua 第二炮兵总医院肝胆外科主任医师, 医疗副院长兼第二炮兵肝胆病学研究中心主任 全军器官移植专业委员会常委 Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery; Director, Hepatobiliary Diseases Research Center, Vice President, The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army; Standing Member, Society of Organ Transplantation of PLA 2004~2007 年, 参与实施快速供肝切取 103 例, 供体都是健康的年轻人, 热缺血时间 0~5min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 103 donors (healthy young people during life) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during 2004 to 2007. 20

万葆冬 WAN Baodong 第二炮兵总医院普外科 B 主任医师 Ward B, Department of General The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army 2004~2007 年, 参与实施快速供肝切取 103 例, 供体都是健康的年轻人, 热缺血时间 0~5min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 103 donors (healthy young people during life) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during 2004 to 2007. 赵玮 ZHAO Wei 第二炮兵总医院肝胆外科副主任医师 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army 2004~2007 年, 参与实施快速供肝切取 103 例, 供体都是健康的年轻人, 热缺血时间 0~5min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 103 donors (healthy young people during life) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during 2004 to 2007. 夏启俊 XIA Qijun 第二炮兵总医院肝胆外科 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army 2004~2007 年, 参与实施快速供肝切取 103 例, 供体都是健康的年轻人, 热缺血时间 0~5min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 103 donors (healthy young people during life) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during 2004 to 2007. 卫冰 WEI Bing 第二炮兵总医院肝胆外科 The Second Artillery General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army 2004~2007 年, 参与实施快速供肝切取 103 例, 供体都是健康的年轻人, 热缺血时间 0~5min Participated in performing fast extraction of livers from 103 donors (healthy young people during life) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during 2004 to 2007. 返回目录 5. 北京大学人民医院 Peking University People's Hospital 朱继业 ZHU Jiye 北京大学器官移植中心主任, 主任医师, 教授 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科中心主任, 中华外科学会器官移植学会委员 Professor, Director, Organ Transplant Center; Director, Hepatobiliary Research 2000 年 5 月至 2010 年 12 月, 参与实施 640 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 640 donors during May 2000 to December 2010. 21

黄磊 HUANG Lei Center, Peking University People's Hospital; Member, Organ Transplantation Committee, Chinese Society of Surgery 北京大学人民医院器官移植中心主任医师, 教授 Professor, Organ Transplant Center, Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月至 2010 年 12 月, 参与实施 640 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 640 donors during May 2000 to December 2010. 冷希圣 LENG Xisheng 栗光明 LI Guangming 高鹏骥 GAO Pengji 北京大学人民医院器官移植中心主任医师, 教授 北京大学人民医院肝移植中心主任 Professor, Organ Transplant Center; Director, Liver Transplantation Center, Peking University People's Hospital 北京同仁医院 ( 原北京大学人民医院 ) 肝胆外科教授 主任医师 北京市器官移植学会青年委员 Professor, Peking University People's Hospital ; Member, YouthCommittee, Beijing Society of Organ Transplanation 北京大学人民医院器官移植中心副主任医师, 副教授 Professor, Organ Transplant Center, Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月至 2010 年 12 月, 参与实施 640 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 640 donors during May 2000 to December 2010. 2000 年 5 月至 2010 年 12 月, 参与实施 640 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 640 donors during May 2000 to December 2010. 2001 年 5 月至 2009 年 5 月期间, 参与实施 570 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 570 donors during May 2001 to May 2009. 王东 WANG Dong 高杰 GAO Jie 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科主任医师 副教授, 目前为中华医学会器官移植分会胰腺与小肠移植学组委员 Associate Professor, Peking University People's Hospital ; Member, Pancreas & Small Intestine Transplantation Group, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副教授, 目前为中华医学会器官移植分会肝移植学组委员 Associate Professor, Peking University People's Hospital ; 2001 年 5 月至 2009 年 5 月期间, 参与实施 570 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 570 donors during May 2001 to May 2009. 2001 年 5 月至 2009 年 5 月期间, 参与实施 570 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 570 donors during May 2001 to May 2009. 22

李涛 LI Tao 李新宇 LI Xinyu 彭吉润 PENG Jirun Member, Liver Transplantation Group, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, Peking University People's Hospital 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任医师 Peking University People's Hospital 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科中心教授 主任医师 Professor, Hepatobiliary Surgery Research Center, Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月至 2009 年 12 月, 参与实施 527 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 527 donors during May 2000 to December 2009. 2000 年 5 月至 2010 年 12 月, 参与实施 640 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 640 donors during May 2000 to December 2010. 2000 年 5 月 ~2003 年 6 月, 参与实施 107 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 107 donors during May 2000 to June 2003. 李澍 LI Shu 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科主任医师 Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月 ~2003 年 6 月, 参与实施 107 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 107 donors during May 2000 to June 2003. 王福顺 WANG Fushun 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任 Deputy Director, Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月 ~2003 年 6 月, 参与实施 107 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 107 donors during May 2000 to June 2003. 申占龙 SHEN Zhanlong 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, Peking University People's Hospital 2000 年 5 月 ~2003 年 6 月, 参与实施 107 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 107 donors during May 2000 to June 2003. 23

李照 LI Zhao 北京大学人民医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 讲师 Lecture, Peking University People's Hospital 2001 年 5 月至 2009 年 5 月期间, 参与实施 570 例肝移植供体切取 livers from 570 donors during May 2001 to May 2009. 返回目录 6. 北京大学第三医院 Peking University Third Hospital 宋世兵 SONG Shibing 北京大学第三医院普通外科主任医师 Department of Peking University Third Hospital 有 200 余例供体肝脏切取的经验 livers from more than 200 donors. 马潞林 MA Lulin 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科主任医师 教授 中华医学会器官移植委员会北京分会委员 中华医学会泌尿外科分会肾脏移植学组副组长 Professor, Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital; Member, Beijing Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation; Vice Chief, Kidney Transplantation Group, Chinese Society of Urinary The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 侯小飞 HOU Xiaofei 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科主任医师, 现任职科室党支部书记 中华医学会北京医学器官移植青年委员 Secretary of CCP Committee, Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital; Member, Youth Committee, Beijing Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 24

罗康平 LUO Kangping 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 赵磊 ZHAO Lei 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 王国良 WANG Guoliang 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 卢剑 LU Jian 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 从 2001 年 1 月至 2002 年 11 月, 参与实施 32 例胰肾联合切取 Participated in performing combined kidney-pancrea extractions from 32 donors during January 2001 to November 2002. 张树栋 ZHANG Shudong 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科副主任医师 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 2001 年 1 月到 2005 年 7 月, 参与实施 615 例肾移植供体切取 kidneys from 615 donors during January 2001 to July 2005. 江华 JIANG Hua 北京大学第三医院泌尿外科 Department of Urinary Peking University Third Hospital 从 2001 年 1 月至 2002 年 11 月, 参与实施 32 例胰肾联合切取 Participated in performing combined kidney-pancrea extractions from 32 donors during January 2001 to November 2002. 返回目录 7. 北京佑安医院 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 25

林栋栋 LIN Dongdong 李宁 LI Ning 卢实春 LU Shichun 武聚山 WU Jushan 北京佑安医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副教授, 肝胆外科暨肝脏移植中心行政副主任 Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery & Liver Transplantation Center; Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院肝胆外科主任医师, 教授, 院长 中华医学会器官移植学分会委员 ; 北京医学会器官移植专业委员会副主任委员 Professor, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery; President, Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University; Member, Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation, The Chinese Medical Association (CMA); Vice President, Beijing Society of Organ Transplantation, Beijing Medical Association 北京佑安医院肝胆外科主任医师, 教授 北京佑安医院肝胆外科暨肝脏移植中心主任, 中美肝移植协作中心主任 中华医学会外科学会肝移植分会委员 Professor, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery; Director, Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery & Liver Transplantation Center; Director, Collaborating center of liver transplantation of China-US, Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University; Member, Liver Transplantation Group, Chinese Society of The Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 北京佑安医院肝胆外科副主任医师 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 累计参与供肝修整 200 余例, 主刀切肝 30 余例, 作为第一助手全程参与肝移植 50 余例 Participated in performing trimmings of livers from more than 200 donors ; performed as a chief surgeon participating in extraction of livers from more than 30 donors ; and performed as first assistant during operation in liver transplantation for more than 50 cases. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 均为尸体供者, 年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm 26

返回目录 夏仁品 XIA Renpin 刘源 LIU Yuan 张振 ZHANG Zhen 于新秋 YU Xinqiu 北京佑安医院肝胆外科主任医师 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 北京佑安医院肝胆外科主治医师 Attending Physician, Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 北京佑安医院肝胆外科 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University 北京佑安医院肝胆外科 Beijing YouAn Affiliated Hospital, Capital Medical University ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 供者年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 8. 北京军区总医院 The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA 27

陈永兵 CHEN Yongbing 梅建民 MEI Jianmin 张冬 ZHANG Dong 李世拥 LI Shiyong 白雪 BAI Xue 陈纲 CHEN Gang 北京军区总医院肝胆外科副主任医师 The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA PLA 北京军区总医院肝胆外科副主任医师, 副主任 Deputy Director, The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA PLA 北京军区总医院肝胆外科副主任医师 The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA 北京军区总医院全军普通外科中心主任, 主任医师, 教授 Professor, Director, General Surgery Center of PLA, The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA 北京军区总医院全军普通外科中心副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, General Surgery Center of PLA, The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA 北京军区总医院全军普通外科中心副主任医师, 副教授 Associate Professor, General Surgery Center of PLA, The Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA 2005 年 5 月至 2006 年 4 月, 参与实施 99 例供肝切取, 均为尸体供者, 年龄在 50 岁以下, 热缺血时间在 5min 以内 livers from 99 cadaveric donors (age <50 yrs) with parameter of warm ischemia time 0-5 min, during May 2005 to April 2006. 参加原位肝移植 活体肝移植 60 例次, 参加供肝切取 30 余次 Participated in performing orthotopic liver transplantation and living donor liver transplantation for 60 cases, and extraction of livers from more than 30 donors. 参与多例肝移植, 参与供体的灌洗和保存 Participated in performing for many cases of liver transplantation, and in extraction of livers from "donors" with perfusion and storage of all-grafts. 2005 年 4 月 ~2007 年 7 月, 参与实施 30 例原位肝移植供体切取, 供肝热缺血时间为 2~7min, 平均为 4.6min livers for 30 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation from donors with the parameter of warm ischemia time 2-7 min (average 4.6 min), during April 2005 to July 2007. 2005 年 4 月 ~2007 年 7 月, 参与实施 30 例原位肝移植供体切取, 供肝热缺血时间为 2~7min, 平均为 4.6min livers for 30 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation from donors with the parameter of warm ischemia time 2-7 min (average 4.6 min), during April 2005 to July 2007. 2005 年 4 月 ~2007 年 7 月, 参与实施 30 例原位肝移植供体切取, 供肝热缺血时间为 2~7min, 平均为 4.6min livers for 30 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation from donors with the parameter of warm ischemia time 2-7 min (average 4.6 min), during April 2005 to 28