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9-Aug-19 NAGOYA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CENTER FOR FOREIGNERS ( 英 ) http://jsite.mhlw.go.jp/aichi-foreigner/english.html Phone. 2 8 377,/d 8: 17: Nakagawa-ku Plumber (Air conditioner duct E6-1 Construction sites in Aichi, 232-47891 construction) Gifu, Mie. 18,/d E6-2 E6-3 E6-4 E6- E6-6 E6-7 E6- E6-11 E6-14 E6-1 E6-18 E6-19 E6-2 愛知県名古屋市北区工作機械オペレーター E6-21 愛知県名古屋市南区ドライバー トライアル併用 E6-22 E6-23 Mainami-ku /Nakaku/ Higashi-ku 愛知県名古屋市天白区 愛知県名古屋市天白区 Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Mitsubuchi Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Otowa-cho Aichi-ken, Okazaki-shi, Assembly and processing of Kamimutsuna reinforcing steel Aichi-ken, Nagakuteshi, Shimei/Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, Akatsukicho E6-12 愛知県常滑市大曽町溶接工 E6-13 愛知県安城市根崎町製造 Mie-ken, Kuwana-gun, Kisosaki-cho Gifu-ken, Kaizu-shi, Kaizu-cho Nishi-ku Moriyama-ku construction sites Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Tobishima-mura Aichi-ken, Kiyosu-shi, Asahi Care giver (Trial system) Cook staff, cook assistant, wait staff 金属加工及び検査 企画販売職 ( ドコモショップ ) Maintenance of different types of tires Care giver (Assistant) E6-8 愛知県海部郡飛島村自動車整備士補助 Manufacture operator of car parts Light work relating to internet sales. Operation of auto steel cut machine and other factory work Sales staff in a shoe shop Spray on urethane foam Separation of pet bottle from recycle items Interior renovation 16,/m 8: 17: 8:3 17:3 9 2,/m 9: 18: 18 19,/m 11: 23: 7: 1: 4 23,/m 18,/m 8: 17: 3,/m 18,/m 9: 18: : 19: 34 223,9/m 11: 2: 187,/m 8: 17: 2 8:3 17:3 9 36,/m 9: 18: 211,/m 8:3 17:3 44 229,/m 17,/m 8:3 17: 3 183,/m 12,/d 8: 17: 2,/d 163,/m 8: 17: 2 44 22,/m 1,/h 8: 17: 2 3 2,/h 1,/h 8:1 17: 44 1,7/h 2,/m 8: 17: 2,/m 2,/m 8: 17: 3,/m 9/h 9: 18: : 19: 8h btwn 9-22 1,/h 3,/m 8: 17: 4,/m 17,44/m 8: 17:1 2 39,4/m 186,/m 8: 17: 4 9 22,/m 18 1,/h 8: 17: 3 18: 3: 1,4/h 181,/m 8: 17: 24 9: 18: 38 21,2/m 233-13428291 232-4148791 23-283991 232-41788691 2317-816691 236-788191 23-69291 23-743491 23-248691 237-693391 231-13691 24-4991 22-7267191 2-2121791 23-21188791 232-41922391 233-13683691 233-1373691 232-422991 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 1/29

E6-24 E6-26 E6- E6-29 愛知県豊明市三崎町総合電機工事 E6-3 E6-33 E6-34 E6-3 愛知県名古屋市東区 E6-37 E6-38 愛知県津島市元寺町外構工事 E6-39 E6-4 E6-42 E6-43 E6-44 E6-46 愛知県名古屋市中区サーバー構築 運用エンジニア E6-47 E6-48 愛知県春日井市廻間町 Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Midorigaoka construction sites Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Agui-cho Gifu-ken, Mino-shi, Suhara Midori-ku Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Takinishimachi and construction sites in Kani, Minokamo and Tajimi-city Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Nishihirose-cho 愛知県安城市篠目町 / 岡崎市真福寺町 Gifu-ken, Seki-shi, Ohsugi 岐阜県美濃加茂市古井町 Moriyama-ku Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Joujo-cho 愛知県稲沢市奥田大沢町 生活支援員 Care Worker E6-4 愛知県名古屋市中区店長候補 Exterior wall construction <Urgent> E6-28 愛知県高浜市論地町運転手 ( 大型 ) Manufacture of inspection jig Light work Construction (Canning, plumbing, blacksmith. Also acceptable as an apprentice). Trial employment applicable Programmer システムエンジニアプログラマー ( 経験者 ) Reinforcement and factory work Ceramic raw material processing and manufacture 自動車部品の製造 E6-41 愛知県刈谷市豊田町自動車用部品の生産 Civil construction work and supervision (Apprenticeship available) 事務 ( 医療通訳ポルトガル語 英語 ) Heotel guest room and common space cleaning 製造スタッフ 1,/h 7: 16: 8:3 17:3 1,/h 12: 21:,/d 8: 18: 2,/d 1,/h 8: 17: 2 1,2/h 261,7/m 8: 17: 9 31,7/m 19,/m 8:3 17:3 2 3,/m 8/h 9:3 16: 9:3 18: 1,/h +hrs btwn 9:3-18: 9,/d 8: 17: 16,/d 18,/m 9: 18: 2 3 33,/m 18,/m 9: 17:3 2 64 3,/m,/d 8: 17: 9 18,/d,/m 3,/m 8: 17: 23,/m 8:3 17: 1 28,/m 18 9,9/d 8:3 17:2 2:2 :1 3 9,9/d 18 1,6/h 8: 17: 2: : 2 1,7/h 6:2 1: 2,/m 8: 17: 3,/m 1,/h 1,/h 9: 16: 21,/m 7:3 16:3 9: 18: 3 9 234,/m 11: 2: 2,/m 8:3 22: の間の8 時間程度 2 3 334,/m 24,/m 9: 17:3 2 9 38,/m 9/h hrs. btwn 9: 1: 9/h 18,/m 8: 17: 3 2,/m 2317-846791 234-9797691 237-724791 231-11391 233-13668991 2-298691 233-1383991 232-41136491 23-269991 2317-86291 23-648291 239-6126191 231-189491 231-11198191 26-2862891 -2391 23-2172391 232-442291 232-4431991 2-8711891 236-826791 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 2/29

18,/m 8: 17:3 E6-49 愛知県清須市阿原 Web 販売業務 232-4384991 E6- E6-1 E6-2 愛知県豊橋市下条東町設計 E6-3 E6- E6-7 E6-8 E6-9 E6-63 E6-64 E6-6 愛知県安城市篠目町送迎運転手 E6-66 E6-67 E6-68 E6-69 E6-7 E6-71 E6-72 Aichi-ken, Shinshiroshi, Katayama Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Nirengi-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Kamiebi-cho 岐阜県各務原市那加西市場町 Naka-ku Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Nyoisaru-cho 愛知県名古屋市中村区 E6-6 愛知県名古屋市西区介護職員 Aichi-ken, Gamagorishi, Takeya-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Toyota-cho Gifu-ken, Mizuho-shi, Nodashinden Gifu-ken, Kakamigahara-shi, Unuma Mitsuike-cho Mie-ken, Ise-shi, Uji- Imazaike-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Huji-cho 三重県桑名市陽だまりの丘 Construction sites in Nagoya-shi, Kita-ku and neighboring area. Construction sites in Tokai area. (or all over Japan) Pit Staff, Sales (Yellow Hat, Shinshiro branch) English teacher Car maintenance, body and paint 営業 管理 Hotel housekeeping (Ukeoi) Restaurant staff 介護スタッフ E6-62 愛知県海部郡飛島村フォークリフト作業 ( 請負 ) Tile, Block, Plasterer Cleaning (Ukeoi) Demolishing, civil engineering works Manufacture of car parts (haken) Sales Manufacture (Haken) 介護職員 Sealing work Slinging, construction and civil engineering 2,/m 2,/m 9:3 19: 9 2,/m 18,/m : 19: 12: 21: 2,/m 8: 17: 18,/m 8:3 17:3 9 3,/m 16,/m 9: 17:3 9 2,/m 22,/m 9: 18: 2 7: 19: 24,/m の間の8 時間 1,/h : 14: 9 1,/h 9/h Approx. 3 hrs btwn 9:3 21: 1,1/h 18 18,/m 16: 9: 7: 16: 2,/m 9: 18: 187,/m 7:3 16:3 3 :3 19:3 24,6/m 16:3 :3 1,2/h 8:3 17:3 1,2/h 8,/d 8: 17: 18,/d 9/h 9: 12: 9: 14: 9/h 9/h 12:3 16: 9:3 12:3 9/h 1: 18: 11,/d 8: 17: 4 1,/d 18 1,/h 6:3 1:2 17:3 2:2 2 2 1,/h 18,/m 8:3 17:3 18,/m 1,/h 8:3 17:2 2 17:3 2:2 1,/h 18 181,8/m 7: 16: 2 8:3 17:3 31,8/m : 19: 2,/m 8:3 16:3 44 3,/m 18,/m 8: 17; 44 36,/m 229-6222291 234-998991 234-83191 24-747791 2-2143891 232-418391 232-44714991 23-222491 232-414491 23-869191 23141-1212391 239-626791 222-194891 2-2184191 23-8667191 242-471191 249-43491 24-4469791 232-499391 23-2791 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 3/29

E6-74 E6-7 E6-76 愛知県あま市中萱津生コンクリートの販売 E6-77 E6-78 E6-8 愛知県岡崎市昭和町ボビンの再生 選別作業 E6-81 E6-82 E6-84 E6-8 三重県津市藤方現場作業員 ( 土木 ) E6-86 E6-87 E6-88 E6-89 愛知県名古屋市中区機械設計 E6-91 E6-92 E6-93 E6-94 E6-9 E6-97 Tokai area (Aichi, Gifu, Mie) Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Nakakayazu Mainly inside Toyokawa Hirakawa Aichi, Gifu and Mie Aichi-ken, Hekinanshi, Minato Honmachi E6-79 愛知県豊橋市岩屋町 Gifu-ken, Gero-shi, Hagiwara-cho Gifu-ken, Kani-gun, Mitake-cho, to each construction site. Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Ikuwa-cho/Miegun, Asahi-cho Naka-ku Chikusa-ku Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Mamaharashindenmiya mae 愛知県稲沢市奥田天神町 Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, Nakagiri-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Aoki-cho Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Tsutsujigaoka Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Kitajima Building coating/blast coating Truck driver (4ton or large size) Assembly of scaffoldings, installation of solar panels Press Operator 店内スタッフ アウトレットスーパーエーワン Feeding and management of beef cattle Civil engineering Auto mechanic assistant Cooking Staff (Ukeoi) Spaghetti Restaurant Staff Care Worker General Cleaning Staff at an Office (Ukeoi) 設計 Finishing electromagnetic glass and sanitary ware Inspection and assembly Scaffolding Restaurant waiter and kitchen staff 9,/d 8: 17: 2,/d,/d 8: 17: 2 9 2,/d 9,/d 8: 17: 2 64 22,1/d 18 8,/d 8: 17: 7 39 14,/d 1,/h 8: 17: の間の8 時間以上 1,/h 164,92/m : 19: 22 : 2: 228,488/m の間の4 時間 92/h 1 3,/m 2 16,/m 167,/m 9:3 19:3 14:3 19:3 22,/m 2 1,/d 1,/h 4:3 8:3 4:3 : 1,/h 4:3 13:3 1,/h 12: 14: 1,/h 64 1,3/h 17: 21: 2,/m 9: 17:4 2 9 39,/m 9/h 9: 13: 64 9/h 3,/m 9/h 8: 17: 2 64 1,/h 9/h 16,/d 82/h hrs btwn 9: : 9 9/h 92/h 18,/m 13,/m 11,/d 1,/h 2,/m 9/h 8,/d 8:3 7: 8: 8: 7: 8:3 9: 8: 17: 17: 17: 17: 12: 17: 14: 17: 8:3 17:3 2317-9111491 232-47291 232-461391 2314-34991 23111-1388891 234-248891 23-8291 24-4429891 23-873791 24-842891 243-811691 232-46474191 232-467291 23-2322191 141-12937791 2317-9164891 236-821491 238-347191 239-6398691 234-3491 232-4621391 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 4/29

Gifu-ken, 1,/h 8: 17: Air conditioning parts E6-98 Nakatsugawa-shi, 2 23-8793891 manufacture (Haken) Komanba 1,3/h E6-99 E6-1 E6-2 E6-3 E6-4 E6-7 E6-9 愛知県一宮市奥町ダスキンモップ マット仕上作業 E6-1 E6-111 E6-113 E6-114 E6-11 E6-117 三重県津市香良洲町 E6-118 E6-119 Construction sites Construction worker E6-12 愛知県名古屋市東区部品表作成 E6-121 E6-122 Mie-ken, Matsusakashi, Ooguchi-cho 岐阜県各務原市つつじが丘 Minato-ku Moriyama-ku Minami-ku Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Okudasakai-cho 愛知県北名古屋市宇福寺長田 Aichi-ken, Hekinanshi, Fukushimizumachi Machine and facility technician Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Shimotsuchii/Gifu-ken, Manufacture confectionery Yamagata-shi, Takatomi Gifu-ken, Kakamigaharashi, Nakakayaba-cho Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Eba 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Sakae Forging E6- 愛知県名古屋市中区翻訳業務 Large size truck driver 大型運転手 Disassembling work of electric appliances Cook and wait staff E6-6 愛知県名古屋市中区営業 ( 所長候補者 ) Production and engineering (Dye work) 国際業務 ( 貿易事務 営業 ) および国内業務 ( 企画 広報 ) Sales person (Crepes and Pearl milk tea) Packing and shipping 公共プール監視 ( 香良洲プール ) Systems Engineer 初級プログラマー Plant Operation and Maintenance 2,947/m 8:4 17: 4 9 42,947/m 4,/m 8: 17: 344,/m 2 1,/h 8: 17:3 1,/h,/m 8hrs btwn 1: : 3,/m 184,4/m 8: 17: 2 9 1,2/m 2,/m 8:3 17:1 9 28,/m 3,66,84/y 9: 18: 2 9,48,76/y 18 17,/m 6:4 1: 1 14:4 23: 44 3,/m 22:4 7: 9/h 9: 17:2 3 9: 13: 9 1,/h 12: 17: 188,43/m 8:3 17:3 39 3,3/m 26,/m 8: 17: 2 9 38,/m 17,/m 7hrs btwn 7: 2:3 33,/m 9/h 8hrs btwn 8:3 22:3 9/h 846/h 9: 13: 13: 17: 9/h 9/h 9:3 16:3 9/h 2,/m 9: 18: 2 9 48,/m 13,/d 8: 17: 64 16,/d 2,/m 9: 18: 2 9 3,/m 2,/m 9: 18: 2 9 3,/m 24,/m 8:3 17:3 2 9 24,/m 233-14467691 2-22167691 233-1491791 23-2329191 233-1434891 232-4692991 13-784691 236-77391 236-862991 232-46891 23111-1412191 2-21981791 28-192491 24-462491 243-8247391 232-41137791 233-134491 23-2196791 232-4726891 23-768691 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. /29

Shipping and packing in a 23,/m 8:3 17:3 Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, E6-123 3 company's parts center 222-14741291 Tobishima-mura (Ukeoi) 28,/m 1,/h 6hrs btwn E6-124 愛知県一宮市花池 Webデザイナー 9: 18: 236-8641191 E6-12 E6-126 E6-1 E6-128 E6-129 E6-13 E6-132 E6-133 岐阜県土岐市泉町温水洗浄便座の製造 E6-134 E6-13 E6-136 E6-138 E6-14 E6-141 E6-142 E6-144 E6-146 Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Oitsu-cho Aichi-ken, Obu-shi, Nagane-cho 愛知県岡崎市上三ツ木町 Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Takiro-cho Gifu-ken, Kaizu-shi, Kaizu-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Amagasukashinmachi 三重県四日市市西浦 / 安島 / 鵜の森 Naka-ku 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Akechi-cho E6-139 愛知県一宮市丹陽町事務員 Aichi-ken, Nisshin-shi, Fujishima-cho Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Orizunagata-cho Aichi-ken, Hekinanshi, Rokken-machi Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Nakagawara Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Kamekubi-cho Forklift Driver Factory worker (Forklift operation) トラックドライバー (4t) Wait staff and dish wash 営業 Repair of construction machine Prepare and make packed food, sushi, and onigiri NC drilling (Ukeoi) Cloth cutting E6-14 三重県桑名市新西方衣服の販売員 Factory work (Trial employment system available) Finishing laundry operation Factory work (machine operator) 接客及び調理 Cook (Chinese restaurant)/nagoya-shi Carrying and picking of plastic parts Product project management (Haken) <Urgent> 1,/h 28,/m 8:3 17: 9 3,/m 1,2/h 8: 17: 2 2: : 1,4/h 18 216,3/m 6: 1: 3 16: 1: 9 237,/m 8,/d 8:3 17:3 2 2,/d 1,/h 9: 17: 1,/h 144,4/m 8: 17: 2 3,/m 18 26,/m 1: 23:9 26,/m 162,74/m 8:4 17:2 162,74/m 283,/m 11: 22: : 21: 9 43,/m 9/h : 14: 1,/h 2,/m 8: 18: 3 9 33,/m 22,/m 9: 17: 22 9 3,74/m 23,/m 8:3 18: 28,/m 18 9/h 9: 18: 2: : 2 2 1,19/h 16: 22: 7,2/d 8: 17: 9 1,/d 9/h 8: 1: 8: 17: 1,2/h 1,/h 4+ hrs btwn 8: 17:1 1,/h 18 1,/h 12:4 22:1 8: 17:3 9 1,4/h 22,/m 8:3 17:3 3 48,/m 3 234-98791 23-6171391 23-8346991 23-884691 22-7787691 24-7223291 24-78491 23-87391 134-7876391 232-47344891 13-7739491 23-273491 236-7929291 23-236391 23-236391 23111-143391 24-7246491 24-4683691 2-2282191 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 6/29

E6-147 E6-149 E6-1 E6-11 E6-12 E6-1 E6-16 E6-18 E6-19 E6-16 愛知県日進市折戸町幼稚園教諭 E6-162 E6-163 E6-164 E6-166 E6-167 E6-168 E6-171 E6-172 E6-173 Gifu-ken, Mizunamishi, Wago-cho 岐阜県各務原市前渡北町 / 岐阜県可児郡御嵩町 Moriyama-ku Tenpaku-ku Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Kisogawa-cho Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Shigemoto Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Higashiyama-cho Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Heisaka-cho 三重県松阪市嬉野天花寺町 Gifu-ken, Kakamigahara-shi, Oono-cho Gifu-ken, Nakatsugawa-shi, Nasubigawa E6-17 愛知県名古屋市中区 Aichi-ken, Iwakura-shi, Yatsurugi-cho Parking lot at Niwagun, Oguchi-cho Aichi-ken, Kiyosu-shi, Orizu-cho Aichi-ken, Okazaki-shi, Kitano-cho Delivery and sales 大型トラックドライバー ( トライアル併用 ) BIM Operator (Construction designing) Car maintenance, repair and car inspection. Cooking of lunch and packed meals E6-14 愛知県名古屋市西区建設機械 車両の点検 整備 Wait staff and cook Manufacture and sales of hamburgers, and cleaning Sales and process of meat Collection and transportation of waste 製造工 ( 深夜 ) Large sized truck driver Mold designing Java and C# programmer Cook assistant and Wait staff Restaurant wait staff 測量 書類作成業務のサポート Large sized truck driver Manufacture of confectionery (Light work) Care work in a day care center 12,/d 8: 19: 2 12,/d 3,/m 8: 17: 4 21: 6:,/m 23,668/m 9: 18: 8: 17: 64 48,84/m 17,/m 9: 18: 2 9 3,/m 1,/h 4: 9: 9 1,/h 2,/m 8: 17: 1 9 3,/m 9/h : 14: 11: 1: 1,/h 16:3 2:3 9/h 3+ hrs. btwn : 4:9 9/h 19,/m 8: 17: 24 9 2,/m 8 9 3,/m : 11: 9 3,/m 9: 12: 18 1,1/h 18:1 2:4 1,1/h 32,/m approx. 8 hrs. btwn 6 6: 17: 4,/m 2 18,/m 17,/m 19,6/m 8: 8: 8: 17: 17: 17: : 9: 14: 18:,/m 19,/m 9: 18: 13 31 2,/m 9/h 9: 14: 16:3 22:3 1,/h 9/h : 1: : 16: 1,8/h 18,/m 8:3 17:3 4 9 3,/m 18 338,/m 17: 2: 64 382,/m 1,/h 8: 17: 3 1,/h 1,7/h 8: 17: 1 9: 18: 1,9/h 23-8986491 23-83391 232-42363791 23-2126191 23-23737991 232-47149991 23-138891 236-8767491 239-62991 2312-2919291 23-791 244-4991 2-24291 29-218391 232-439791 232-4794791 232-486991 13-222991 243-8419791 232-41699691 23-8448191 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 7/29

E6-17 愛知県刈谷市相生町 E6-176 E6-178 E6-179 E6-181 岐阜県可児市土田 E6-182 E6-183 E6-184 E6-18 E6-186 E6-187 E6-188 E6-19 愛知県豊田市亀首町自動車用部品の生産 E6-191 E6-192 E6-193 E6-194 Factory worker/parttime/urgent 愛知県刈谷市泉田町 寿町 板倉町 築地町 高倉町 Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Akoo Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Kasahara-cho Moriyama-ku Minato-ku 愛知県北名古屋市鍛冶ヶ一色東 愛知県名古屋市守山区 Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Mizuho-dori Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Shippou-cho Construction sites mainly in Nagakute-shi Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Hitoichiba Construction sites Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Touei-cho Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Shimozawa-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Amagasukashinmachi Machine Operator Scaffolding work E6-19 三重県津市岩田乗務社員 機械技術者 ( 自動車の内装設計 ) 子ども英語のインストラクター アシスタント Installation of net Civil engineering and construction work E6-18 Gifu-ken, Kani-shi Traffic guide guard リフトオペレーター出荷作業要員 Simple construction site work Sorting frozen food (Ukeoi) 機械加工 自動車リサイクルスタッフ Sales (food section in a shopping center) / Contract staff Gardening staff (trainee) Civil engineering worker Collection of waste paper E6-196 三重県桑名市長島町販売 / ジャズドリーム長島店 E6-197 岐阜県瑞浪市明賀台建物解体処理業務 ( 請負 ) 198,/m 9: 18: 2 9 4,/m 2,/m 13: 22: 3 32,/m 1,/h 8: 17: 1,/h 11,/d 8: 17: 1,/d 6 9/h 8: 17: 1,2/h 2,/m 8: 17: 2 21,/m 6 9,/d 8: 17:,/d 1,/h 3+hrs between 13: 2: 1,3/h 173,7/m 8: 17: 3 : 22: 34 3,7/m 9: 12: 2,/m 9: 18: 1 9 32, 2,/m 8:3 17:3 9: 19: 3,/m : 2: 2,/m 8:2 17:2 2 4 23,/m 9,/d 8: 17: 3 44 11,/d 18 1,6/h 6:2 1: 16: :4 2 1,7/h,/d 8: 17:3 12,/d 7,3/d 8: 16: 8: 14: 13,/d 1,/h 8: 17:3 8: 1: 2,/h 17,/m 8: 17: 2,/m 21 16,22/m 16:4 2: 3 7: 16:1 64 16,22/m 174,/m 9:3 18:3 11:1 2:1 9 214,/m 12,/m 8: 17: 2 12,/m 231-12233891 231-1226691 24-473691 23-986791 23-911991 23-873391 23-23931891 222-16113991 232-479191 23-23921991 2317-871991 23-6476191 23-2393691 231-1119991 2-2289891 23-7983491 23-916991 24-722691 24-834691 138-86791 232-48294291 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 8/29

E6-198 E6-2 E6-21 E6-22 E6-23 E6-27 E6-28 E6-29 E6-212 E6-213 愛知県一宮市森本経理事務 E6-216 E6-217 E6-219 E6-22 E6-221 E6-222 E6-224 E6-22 E6-226 Nagoya-shi, Naka-ku, Marunouchi 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Inazawa-shi, Ikebe-cho 愛知県一宮市花池 / 稲沢市下津宮西町 / 江南 市高屋町 Aichi-ken, Gamagori-shi, Hiroishi-cho. Work at various places within Aichi prefecture Aichi-ken, Gamagori-shi, Hiroishi-cho. Work at various places within Aichi prefecture Gifu-ken, Seki-shi, Shimouchi 岐阜県各務原市前渡北町 / 岐阜県可児郡御嵩町 Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Motomachi Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Oaza, Daifuku Gifu-ken, Hashimagun, Ginan-cho 三重県桑名市大字東方 Midori-ku 愛知県名古屋市瑞穂区 Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Kanie-cho construction sites Aichi-ken, Yatomi-shi, Matsuna Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Oode-cho E6-2 愛知県一宮市萩原町 Inventory Management 電気 シーケンス回路設計者及び見習い Onsite Construction Worker 飲食店スタッフ ( トライアル併用 ) Applying Waterproof Sheets for Wooden Houses E6-24 愛知県東海市新宝町化学製品の構内作業員 Applying Waterproof Sheets for Wooden Houses Maachine press operator for rubber products 4 トントラックドライバー ( トライアル雇用併用求人 ) Export management staff/buyer Construction work on an exterior wall, Glass recycling product manufacture Installation of machines / Plant management 訪問介護員 Assist to collect garbage (ukeoi) Cleaning もんじゃ焼き 鉄板焼きの厨房スタッフ Civil engineering and construction works Machining Operator Convenience shop staff 通箱の整理 整頓 入出庫業務 ( 請負 ) 18,/m 8:3 17:3 4 2,/m 18,/m 8:3 17:3 3 64 46,/m 22,/m 7:4 17: 9 41,/m 18 18,/m 9: : の間の8 時間 34 26,/m 18,/d 8:3 17:3 16,/d 18 22,9/m 8: 17: 2: : 9 232,9/m 18 17,/m 8: 16: 2:3 :3 4 44 238,/m 18 82/h 8: 17: 17: 2: 3 1,/h 2: 11: 28,/m 8: 17: 21: 6:,/m 2 242,/m 9:3 2: 44 382,/m 18,/m 9: 17:3 64 28,/m 9/h 9/h 8: 17:3 34,/m 16,/m 8:3 17:3 1 1,11/h 1+hrs btwn 8: 21: 1,43/h 22,/m 8: 17: 9 22,/m 1,/h 7: 1: 1,/h 18 2,/m 1: : 2,/m 2 14,/d 8:3 17:3 2 16,/d 163,9/m 8: 16:4 2 34 288,9/m 92/h 6: 9: 9: 17: 2 1,13/h 17: 22: 18 9/h 6:2 1: 16: :4 9/h 232-484791 233-126391 236-7796391 236-8332491 23141-13191 14-31791291 24-481391 26-332491 23-828291 23-2491 236-8961791 24-484491 2-2348991 24-4838791 233-1442191 233-488491 232-487691 23-64991 23-63991 2317-9694391 236-8187691 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 9/29

12,/d 8: 17: Aichi-ken, Toyoakeshi, Sakae-cho 1 E6-228 Construction worker 44 16,/d 1,1/h 8: 17: Aichi-ken, Takahamashi, Yoshikawa-cho (Haken) Inspection of rubber products. 3 E6-229 2: : 1,3/h 23,/m 7: 16: タイヤ積み込み作業員 ( 早出 2 E6-23 愛知県豊田市新生町 8: 17: 遅出 ) 請負 9 32,/m Repair, modification, accuracy 2,/m 8: 17: Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, check, transfer and launch of 3 E6-231 Higashiyuriage industrial machine and special purpose machine 9 4,/m 9/h : 14: Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Yasujima rooms(miyako Hotel) Cleaning of hotel guest E6-232 9/h 9/h 8: 17: Gifu-ken, Mizunamishi, Sue-cho 2 E6-233 Inspection of ice cream cone 1,/h 83/h 8: 13: E6-234 岐阜県大垣市本今調理 8: 17: 88/h コメリホームセンター取り扱い 1,/h 8: 18: 2 E6-23 三重県津市芸濃町商品の店舗別仕分及び積み込 8: 17: み作業 1,/h 9/h 7: 16: Cook delicatessen and packed E6-236 9: 18: Naka-ku meals 9/h + hrs. btwn7-2 9/h 8: 12: E6-237 Cleaning staff (Ukeoi) Chikusa-ku 9/h 2,/m 8: 17: E6-238 愛知県名古屋市緑区プレス工 9 29,/m,/m 8: 17: 名古屋市名東区 市 E6-239 解体作業員 内及び近郊 9 4,/m 19,9/m 8:1 17: Aichi-ken, Konan-shi, E6-24 Driver's assistant <URGENT!!> Shimamiya-cho 9 29,/m 1,8/h 16:3 19:3 E6-241 愛知県海部郡蟹江町学習指導チューター 16:3 22: 2,/h の間の3 時間以上,/d 8: 17: Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Recycle of ferrous and nonferrous metal E6-242 3 Isshiki-cho 44 13,/d Making cylindrical shape 16,/m 8:3 17:3 Aichi-ken, Obu-shi, objects E6-243 3 Yokone-machi 3,/m E6-246 E6-247 E6-248 E6-249 愛知県安城市三河安城南町 Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Anotsudai Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Takajaya Komori-cho Gifu-ken, Minokamoshi, Kawai-cho 一般事務 Assistance of delivery. Sorting operation inside a warehouse. Paking of screws Assembly E6-2 岐阜県大垣市領家町 NC オペレーター 2,/m 9: 18: 9 24,/m 6 1,/h : 12: 1,/h 86/h 9: 1: 86/h 16,/m 8:1 17:2 3 24,/m 18 11,7/m 8:3 17:3 3 19: 4: 4 198,9/m 233-14891 23-6172691 239-6291 24-49191 249-464391 23-82291 22-813491 243-86891 232-4423791 232-43332391 233-14281391 23-2128991 2313-418391 232-488691 2312-29891 231-1236391 231-122291 243-883291 243-8791 -8191 22-8162491 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. /29

18 22,/m 8: 16:4 2 E6-21 岐阜県可児市土田技能員 ( 製造オペレーター ) 6: 14:3 23-776991 E6-22 E6-23 E6-24 E6- E6-26 E6-261 E6-262 E6-263 E6-264 E6-266 E6-268 E6-269 E6-1 E6-2 E6-3 E6-4 E6- E6-6 Minato-ku Chikusa-ku Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Sasano Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Higashiumetsubo-cho Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Ichigo-cho Aichi-ken, Hekinanshi, Kanayama-cho Aichi-ken, Chiryu-shi, Kamishigehara-cho 愛知県豊川市新桜町通 Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, Shimizugaoka E6-267 岐阜県飛騨市古川町エコツアーガイド Minato-ku Nakagawa-ku 愛知県名古屋市昭和区 愛知県名古屋市名東区 3,/m 16: 1:2 2,/m 8: 18: 2 4,/m 2,/m 8: 17: 64 32,/m 181,/m 7: 16: 9: 18: 9 226,/m 12: 21: 229,488/m 8: 17: 9 29,/m 8,/d 9: 18: 44 12,/d 16,/m 8:3 18:3 3 64 2,/m 93/h 8: 17: 9 1,1/h 18 168,/m 8:3 17:3 19:3 4:3 4 2,/m 8,/d 8: 17: 2 9 9,/d 22,/m 9:4 18:4 2 3 22,/m 1,/d 7:3 17: 18,/d 17,/m 9: 18: 8: 19: 22,/m の間コアタイム8 時間 162,/m 8:3 17:3 2 3 3,/m 97/h 8: 17: 1,1/h 2,/m 8:4 17:4 9 3,/m 2,/h 16: 2: 2,/h 8,/d 8: 17: Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Ooyajyoudoji-cho Reinforcement worker 16,/d 9/h 8: : Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Sanjyou the Morning) Stocking of Products (Early in 92/h Aichi-ken, Tsushimashi, Koutaiji-cho Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Higashibata-machi Electric work CAD operator E6-29 愛知県あま市中萱津営業事務 Maintenance and installation of machines Care giver Machining center, NC milling machine operator/welder Manufacturing and packing of rice crackers Molding Packing and transferring of household items for overseas moving ハウジングアドバイザー ( 賃貸仲介 )/ 豊川店 Demolition work, heavy machinery operator/truck driver Manufacturing of Machines that make Plastic Fiber for Tennis Rackets Clothing etc. Processing of Machines 貿易事務 英語講師 Processing of vegetables, and packaging products. Quality Management 9/h 9: 1: 1,/h 18 168,/m 8: 17: 2 3 21,/m 232-491791 233-192291 23-2421491 1313-1848391 232-464291 239-669491 2312-3291 23111-147291 231-18391 134-831191 23-9347391 24-4673791 233-1616191 232-4791991 23-226691 13-8261891 236-8834191 232-43861491 23-694391 23111-147991 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 11/29

E6-7 E6-8 愛知県岡崎市昭和町糸の選別 検査 仕上作業 E6-9 E6-28 E6-281 E6-282 E6-284 E6-28 E6-286 E6-287 愛知県名古屋市港区ドライバー兼作業員 E6-288 E6-289 E6-29 愛知県一宮市丹陽町生活支援員 ( 介護職 ) E6-291 E6-292 E6-294 E6-29 E6-296 E7-1 Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, Shinano-cho 愛知県知多郡阿久比町 各現場 Gifu-ken, Ena-shi, Iwamura-cho Gifu-ken, Hashima-shi, Ajika-cho Construction site Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, Kukuri Nishi-ku Nakagawa-ku Showa-ku Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Oodetatori-cho Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Sen-i Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Ozaki-cho Aichi-ken, Obu-shi, Hantsuki-cho Gifu-ken, Kakamigahara-shi, Kinzokudanchi Gifu-ken, Kakamigahara-shi, Kozano-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Yamada-cho Nakagawa-ku Waste Collector 一般貨物自動車運送 Knitter Operator Plumber Production Line Worker Cooking staff Driver Caregiver Sawing seat over Convenience store staff Warehouse management (Ukeoi) Clean staff E6-293 愛知県安城市朝日町生産技術 ( 幹部候補 ) Light factory work and inspection Usami Gas station staff Manufacture of rubber product (Haken) E6-297 全国重機オペレーター ( 請負 ) Assembling of gas water heater parts 2,/m 7: 1: 7: 12: 9 3,/m 92/h 92/h 8:3 17: 4,/m 18,/m 8: 17: 1,/m 8: 17: 17,/m 2,/m 8: 17:3 2 64 3,/m 82/h 9: 17: 9: 16: 9/h 17,/m 8: 17: 2,/m 12,/d 8: 17: 2 2,/d 1,3/h 4+ hrs btwn 8: 18: 64 1,13/h 23,/m 8: 17: 2 44 2,/m 898/h 9: 16:4 93/h 9/h 9: 17: 17: 22: 97/h 22: 1: 1,/h 4+hrs btwn 7: 21: 1,3/h 18 178,/m 6:3 1:3 16:3 1:3 44 3,/m 9/h 8: 16: 64 1,/h 4,/m 7: 17: 2 9 4,/m 8/h 8:3 17:3 8/h 9/h 8: 17: 17: 22: 1,2/h 18: 22: 18 1,2/h 8:3 17:1 2: :1 3 1,2/h 21 1,2/h 8: 17: 1,/h 172,/m 8: 17:2 39 172,/m 238-3692391 23-83191 237-7496391 2-1214491 2-23329991 23-8941691 232-4971291 232-49491 23-2284691 233-1442291 2317-876791 236-978791 236-977491 231-12637891 231-12617691 231-1133291 2-2372991 23-8364991 249-472191 24-4924791 232-49691 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 12/29

E7-2 E7-3 E7-4 E7-6 E7-7 E7-14 E7-1 E7-16 E7-17 E7-18 E7-21 E7-22 E7-23 Nishi-ku 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Kisogawa-cho Construction site Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Yamato-cho Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Higashi yuriage Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Amagasukashinmachi 岐阜県土岐市土岐津町 Tenpaku-ku Kita-ku 愛知県名古屋市千種区 Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Taketoyo-cho Construction site in Komakishi, Mitubuchi Aichi-ken, Yatomi-shi, Maegasu-cho 土木作業員 E7- 愛知県名古屋市西区プラスチック成形工 E7-8 愛知県丹羽郡大口町 E7-9 E7- E7-11 Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Ooiwa-cho Aichi-ken, Anjyo-shi, Sato-cho Construction sites mainly in Higashimikawa and Toyohashi city E7-12 愛知県安城市朝日町 Manufacture of industrial thermometer and heater Duct work Demolition of shuttering (Trial employment applicable) Inspection 品質管理スタッフ ( 検査 選別業務 / 日勤 ) Sheet metal welding ton truck driver (Delivry of auto parts) Housing exterior worker 生産技術補佐 ( 解析 ネットワークシステムの構築 ) Truck driver (ton) Light work (Sorting recycable waste) 自動車整備士 Manufacturing operator of auto parts and electric parts Care worker E7-2 愛知県名古屋市港区リユースセンター ファミリーアミューズメントのサービススタッフ Manufacturing site staff Kitchen assistant E7-24 愛知県清須市下河原ジャンボタクシー乗務員 19,/m 8:3 17:3 2 3 23,/m 18,/m 8:3 17: 3,/m 18 2,/m 8:3 17:3 22: 6: 9 4,/m 18 18,/m 8: 17: 16: : 64 23,/m : 8: 8,/d 8: 17: 12,/d 19,/m 8:1 17:2 9 2,/m 176,8/m 8: 17: 2 9 24,34/m,/m 8: 17: 2 3 1,/m 18 12,/d 16: 1: 4 6 14,/d 13,/d 8: 17: 16,/d 16,/m 8: 17: 2 9 2,/m 21 2,/m 8:3 17: 4 : 1: 3,/m 8:3 14:3 144,4/m 8: 17: 2 18,/m 22,/m 8:3 17:3 32,/m 186,/m 8: 17: 2 39 2,/m 16,/m 8:3 17:3 23 2,/m 2,/m 9: 17:3 2 9 24,/m 18 1,/h 8:3 12: 8:3 14: 1,/h 8:3 1: 1,4/h 8:2 17:3 3 44 1,7/h 2,/m : 14: 2 17: 21: 3,/m 143,686/m 7: 2: 9: 22: 64 143,686/m 18: 7: 232-49686191 232-363791 232-462191 232-49421491 236-92691 236-92891 2313-492991 234-113991 231-1314891 234-118691 231-1319691 24-291 24-878191 23-9622491 23-234191 232-147691 23-9491 249-491991 237-8111991 23-737891 232-13991 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 13/29

E7-2 E7-26 E7- E7-3 E7-31 E7-33 E7-34 E7-3 E7-37 E7-38 E7-4 E7-41 E7-42 E7-43 E7-44 E7-4 E7-46 Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Tame-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Shibuya-cho Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Teratsu-cho Gifu-ken, Fuwa-gun, Tarui-cho Gifu-ken, Kakamigahara-shi, Unumayamazaki-cho Midori-ku 愛知県名古屋市昭和区 Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Tanbamaenami Construction sites (in Aichi/Gifu/Mie) Aichi-ken, Kitanagoyashi, Kunotsubo E7-39 愛知県一宮市栄 愛知県稲沢市祖父江町 Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Fujii-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Mifune-cho 愛知県豊川市小田渕町 Mie-ken, Matsusakashi, Kubo-cho Gifu-ken, Toki-shi, Izumi-cho construction site Gifu-ken, Motosu-shi, Mitsuhashi Caregiver Construction Worker Packing (Haken) E7-29 愛知県新城市有海機械オペレーター Manufacture operation line of molded ceiling for car (Haken) Assistant nurse Railroad construction and management Sale staff (Shop manager candidate) IT ソフトウェア開発 Construction worker Restaurant staff ハウジングアドバイザー ( 賃貸仲介 ) 介護 z 北員 ( トライアル併用 ) Assembly and inspection of automobile parts (Haken) Maintenance of scaffolding materials and small machines (Ukeoi) 出荷準備業務 Assistant nurse, caregiver Electronic wiring, electronic communication construction Wait staff / Kitchen staff E7-47 岐阜県岐阜市茶屋新田自動車運搬 解体工 E7-48 岐阜県土岐市泉町製造 ( トライアル併用求人 ) 16,/m 7:3 16:3 8:3 17:3 9 26,/m 9:3 18:3 198,/m 8: 17:3 64 374,/m 1,/h 8: 16:3 8: 12:1 1,/h 9/h 8: 17: 2 4 1,/h 18 1,3/h 6: 1: 1: : 3 1,62/h 8:3 17:3 18 163,/m 8: 17:3 7: 16: 22,/m 11: 2: 18 2,/m 8: 17: 22: 6: 9 4,/m 2,/m 9: 18: 12: 21: 3 2,/m 18,/m 9: 18: 22 64 4,/m 9,/d 8:3 18:3 4 3 14,/d 1,/h 9: 1: 9: 17: 1,3/h 22,/m 9:4 18:4 2 3 22,/m 18 184,8/m 7:3 16:3 9:1 18:1 62 318,6/m 11: 2: 18 1,3/h 7: 16: 17: 2: 3 1,3/h 9,/d 8: 17: 64 13,/d 17,/m 8: 17: 44 2,/m 1,2/h 7: 1: 9: 17: 1,2/h 11: 19: 8,/d 8: 17: 8 17,/d 8/h : 14: 9/h 1,/h approx. btwn 8:3 17:3 1,2/h 2,/m 8: 17: 4 23,/m 234-11979991 239-6749391 23111-14891 231-97191 2-2132391 2-2493791 232-464391 23-26191 23-266691 23-7491 263-8394491 134-837491 236-9447791 231-1369191 233-16438491 2314-3979691 244-46391 23-996791 24-7332491 2-2394391 23-9946691 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 14/29

2,/m 8:3 17:3 E7-49 Food Product Manufacturer 233-1676491 Minato-ku 9 4,/m E7- E7-1 名古屋市南区一般 経理事務 E7-2 E7-3 E7- E7-6 E7-9 E7-6 E7-61 E7-62 E7-63 E7-6 E7-67 E7-68 E7-69 Higashi-ku Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Rokkenya-cho Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Oya-cho E7-4 愛知県海部郡飛鳥村総合職 Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, Higashikariya-cho Aichi-ken, Toyokawa-shi, Zoushi E7-7 愛知県豊田市トヨタ町 Tokai area (Aichi-ken, Gifu-ken or Mie-ken) Gifu-ken, Ibi-gun, Ibigawa-cho Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Geinou cho Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Chuou 三重県松坂市小野江町 Minato-ku E7-66 愛知県名古屋市中区 愛知県春日井市勝川町 Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, Bougane-cho Aichi-ken, Handa-shi, Nitto-cho Geologist Assistant Pavement Construction Assistant Smart phone assembly, repair, and inspection (ukeoi) Preschool staff (JO International Preschool) Driver 自動車開発に関わる英語通訳および事務 E7-8 愛知県瀬戸市暁町金属部品の加工 Assembly of Panels Manufacture and Inspection of Ceramic Products (Haken) Welding of Automobile parts in Tsu-shi (Haken) Traffic Guide and Security Guard トラック運転手 (t) E7-64 岐阜県関市尾太町検査 梱包 ( 岐阜工場 ) Manufacture 情報システムの運用 保守 オペレータ業務 ハウジングアドバイザー ( 賃貸仲介 ) Laundry staff Stainless steel polishing 18 8,/d 8hrs btwn 6: 2: 8,/d 173,6/m 9: 18: 19,96/m 13,/d 8: 17: 9 16,/d 1,/h 8:3 17:3 1,2/h 2,/m 8: 17: 9 3,/m 18,/m 9: 18: 8: 17: 2,/m 6 898/h 6:2 8:1 7: 8:2 2,/h 14: 16: 24,16/m 8:3 17:3 3 9 374,4/m 22,/m 8:3 17:3 2 64 3,/m 187,/m 8: 17: 2 3,/m 18 1,2/h 8: 17: 3 1,/h 1,/h 8: 17: 2 1,4/h 6 7,/d 8: 17: 3,/d 21 17,/m 8: 17: 23,/m 6 9/h 9/h 9: 16: 19,/m 8:3 17:3 9 3,/m 18,/m 9: 17:3 7: 22: 2 64 2,/m 11: 1: 22,/m 9:4 18:4 2 3 22,/m 24,/m 17,/m 8:3 17:3 1,/h 8: 17: 9 1,3/h 23-26443891 233-169991 2317-37491 236-96991 231-129691 231-13672191 2314-482291 23-26478891 238-4124491 22-88891 2-24391 249-62491 243-922891 244-43491 231-13698191 233-1677891 232-2969891 134-83746191 238-418791 237-88491 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 1/29

19,/m 9:3 18:3 愛知県岡崎市八帖南 E7-7 自動車整備士 23-948391 町 34 24,/m E7-71 E7-7 E7-77 E7-78 E7-79 愛知県一宮市栄警備職 ( 機械整備 ) E7-8 E7-82 E7-83 E7-86 E7-89 E7-92 E7-93 Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Ichinokura-cho E7-73 三重県津市羽所町フロント係 E7-74 岐阜県大垣市野口溶接工 Nishi-ku 愛知県名古屋市千種区 Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Tobishima-mura Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Higashimorioka Mie-ken, Matsusakashi, Maenoheta-cho Work site mainly in Aichi, Gifu & Mie E7-84 岐阜県恵那市武並町工場内作業 Nishi-ku Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Tobishima-mura Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Hara-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Honshinmachi Care giver E7-87 愛知県名古屋市西区設計技術職 Light work (Packing of pottery) Building maintenance E7-76 愛知県名古屋市港区出張買取スタッフ 通所介護職員 Trailer Driver Tokai Area Canning and welding E7-81 愛知県岡崎市中岡崎介護職員 ( 老人保健施設 ) Assembly and inspection of electronic components Welding and assembling of water tank Cook assistant E7-91 愛知県一宮市緑アミティ こども英会話講師 Manufacture of snacks and inspection Wait staff and Kitchen staff in Kashiken noodle reataurant E7-94 愛知県刈谷市若松町ソフトウェアエンジニア 9/h hrs btwn 9: 17:1 1,/h 18 17,/m 9: 18: 13: 22: 2 61 236,8/m 22: 9: 17,/m 8: 17: 2,/m 261,/m 8: 17: 64 32,/m 1,/h : 19: 1,/h 98/h 8:4 17: 1,/h 1,/h 8: 17: 2 64 1,/h 18 171,/m 9: 18: 3 18: 9: 181,/m 17,/m 8:1 17: 2 39 26,/m 18 17,/m 8:3 17:3 7: 16: 9 24,/m 11:3 2:3 89/h 9: 16: 9: 17: 1,/h 2,/m 8: 17:3 3 4 3,/m 29,4/m 8:3 17:3 2 9 36,9/m 9/h 7:3 16:3 8:4 17:4 1,/h :3 19:3 161,8/m 8: 17: 3 6: 21: 9 242,4/m : 1: 9/h 6: : 6: 12: 9/h 6: 1: 176,/m 11: 21: 176,/m 18 1,2/h 8: 17: 17: 2: 1,3/h 2,/m :3 21:3 13,/m 2,/m 9: 18: 2 3 3,/m 8 23-237891 13-86618191 22-883991 232-368191 233-1778691 23-36391 23-76391 232-3682191 234-12376491 23-919991 244-9891 22-8922291 86-39991 232-416991 232-449991 231-7614791 236-9173491 234-1244691 239-73744191 231-146391 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 16/29

E7-9 E7-96 E7-98 E7-99 E7- 岐阜県可児市大森 E7-1 E7-2 E7-4 E7- 愛知県犬山市犬山機械設計 製図 E7-6 E7-7 E7-8 E7-9 E7-1 E7-112 E7-113 E7-114 E7-11 E7-117 E7-118 E7-119 Gifu-ken, Toki-shi, Hida-cho Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Nagarafukumitsu Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Nishiakuragawa 三重県四日市市西富田 Nishi-ku Minami-ku Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Taketoyo-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Hosoya-cho Aichi-ken, Gamagoorishi, Hama-cho Aichi-ken, Anjyo-shi, Sato-cho Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Nihongishin-machi 愛知県常滑市セントレア 愛知県常滑市セントレア Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, Dota Gifu-ken, Kakamigaharashi, Naka-nobunaga-cho Higashi-ku Nishi-ku Tenpaku-ku Grazing processing Restaurant staff Manufacture, finishing and packing of ceramics. Clerical work onsite. 賃貸住宅専門リフォーム営業担当 センター運営スタッフ ( トライアル雇用併用求人 ) Kitchen assistant (Ukeioi) Sorting out of plastic bottles Aichi-ken, Yatomi-shi, Nishinakaji-cho Construction Reinforcement work sites in Tokai area Shuttering form carpenter Cleaning (Ukeoi) Production Care worker Production assistant of bread and Japanese/Western confectionery ホテルフロント ( コンフォートホテル中部国際空港 ) 清掃スタッフ Machine processing Delivery and sales of bread English instructor for kids. (Native level English required.) Manufacture and packing of confectionery Cleaning (Ukeoi) 7,2/d 8: 16:4 23-373391 8,/d 9/h 6: 11: : 1: 2-266391 9/h 17: 22: 9/h 8: 17: 8: 12: 24-9226991 9/h 9: 1: 2,/m 9:3 18: 24 24-9441291 4 23,/m 18,/m 7: 16: 1 14: 23: 23-962291 2,/m 22: 7: 1,/h :3 14: 1 : 2: 232-283491 1,/h 1,/h 9: 16: 233-1724991 1,2/h 12,/d 8: 17: 23-766891 2,/d 199,/m 8:3 17:3 2 2313-374791 9 24,/m 23,/m 8: 17:1 12 237-884891 9 3,/m 92/h 7: 16:4 239-7416191 64 1,2/h 1,2/h 9: 18: 13-89492291 1,/h 18 176,/m 6:4 1:4 8: 17: 231-1418991 9 2,/m 8:4 17:3 1,2/h : 9: 6: 9: 231-1414391 1,2/h 18 18,/m 7:4 17:4 13: 23: 24-9486391 4 221,/m 22: 8: 9/h 8: 16: 9: 17: 231-1422291 9/h 17: 1: 2,/m 8: 17: 23-484191 3,/m 138,/m 8: 17: 2-26234691 264,/m 2,/m 6hrs btwn 9: 21: 233-17198991,/m 1,/h 8: 17: 3 232-782691 1,/h 898/h 7: : 7: 11: 231-14261291 64 1,/h * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 17/29

17,/m 8: 17: 22 E7-12 愛知県名古屋市緑区溶接工 233-17328891 9 28,/m 18,/m 8: 17: E7-121 愛知県名古屋市中区工場スタッフ 232-4491 E7-122 E7-123 E7-124 愛知県愛西市諸桑町 E7-12 E7-126 E7-1 E7-13 E7-131 E7-133 E7-134 E7-13 E7-137 E7-138 E7-139 E7-141 Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Obuchi Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Tobishima-mura Aichi-ken, Chita-shi, Shinkatanaike Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, Ogakie-cho Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Ozaki-cho Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Nakano-cho Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Higashiuzura Work sites in Gifu or neighboring area Moriyama-ku Showa-ku Nishi-ku 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Kamizue Higashiyama Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Fuji Aichi-ken, Tahara-shi, Akabane-cho Environment management (Cleaning) Work at the port (Tying down cargo) 電話オペレーター 事務 ( 通訳 翻訳 ) 英語 Factory work (Assembly and sewing) Manufacture line work in a food factory Warehouse management (Ukeoi) E7-128 愛知県豊橋市明海町自動車用部品の生産 E7-129 愛知県大府市横根町射出成形技能工 Light work Waterproof sealing work E7-132 岐阜県土岐市下石町鏡製造加工業務 Manufacture of cardboard making machine Restaurant cook and staff (Ramen Sakuraya) (Part-time) Hotel cleaning (Ukeoi) E7-136 愛知県名古屋市西区自動車整備 ( 要資格 ) ルーム清掃スタッフ Assist in manufacturing chairs and tables. Care worker Delivery (Ukeoi) 4 3,/m 9/h 7:3 11:3 9: 13: 1,/h 14: 18: 19,/m 7:3 1:3 3 3 19,/m 9/h 9: 1: 9: 18: 1,3/h 9/h 8: 16: 2 1,3/h 96/h 6: 1: 2 12: 21: 1,3/h 8hrs btwn 6-21 18 178,/m 6:3 1:3 16:3 1:3 44 3,/m 18 1,6/h 6:2 1: 16: :4 1,7/h 18 2,/m 8: 17: 2: : 9 3,/m 9/h 9: 1: 1 : 16: 1,/h 17,/m 8: 17: 7 34,/m 161,/m 8:3 17:2 3,/m 18,/m 7: 16:4 4 23,/m 18 9/h 18: 22: 19: 23: 2 2 1,/h 2: : 9/h 9:3 1: 64 9/h 21,/m 9: 18: 64 26,/m 94/h 9:4 1:1 1,/h 1,4/h 8:3 17:3 2 1,4/h 18 167,/m 7:3 17:3 8:3 17:3 34 2,/m 11:3 2:3 8,/d 8: 17: 8,/d 236-1891 233-16621991 23-7711791 237-884491 231-1433691 231-14299391 231-134991 231-1388491 24-99391 2-2471291 23-949191 23-614891 23-7491 232-28391 232-791 232-214291 2317-923691 236-8391 133-14891 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 18/29

E7-142 E7-143 愛知県瀬戸市暁町 E7-144 E7-14 E7-146 E7-147 E7-148 岐阜県関市山王通り営業事務 ( 英語対応あり ) E7-149 E7-11 E7-12 E7-13 E7-14 E7-1 E7-16 愛知県稲沢市福島町 E7-17 E7-18 E7-162 E7-16 E7-166 Nishi-ku 愛知県名古屋市中村区 愛知県名古屋市名東事務区 Aichi-ken, Inuyamashi, Massage and relaxation Kitakoken/Komaki-shi, osteopathy Chuou Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Factory worker Tobishima-mura Aichi-ken, Okazaki-shi, Nikki-cho Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, Isshiki-cho Gifu-ken, Kani-gun, Mitake-cho Moriyama-ku Nakagawa-ku Dish Washer (Ukeoi) ド ミーイン名古屋 / フロント係 自動車部品加工業 ( トライア併用 ) Truck driver (2ton and 3ton) Gas station staff E7-16 愛知県みよし市三好町配送 倉庫作業 E7-167 Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Taketoyo-cho 愛知県安城市桜町 / 箕輪町 / 堀内町 Mie-ken, Ise-shi, Tsumura-cho Gifu-ken, Hashima-shi, Shimonaka-cho Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Hinomoto-cho Nishi-ku Nakagawa-ku Cleaning staff (Ukeoi) 自動車用歯車の生産技術業務 ( 派遣 ) 労務職 Construction and coating Care worker Sewing Restaurant staff Metal processing Civil engineering work Heavy equipment operator for demolition Car mechanic 898/h 9: 17: 9: 1: 9/h 2,/m 8: 16:4 3 9 28,/m 146,48/m 8:3 17:1 229,712/m 18,/m 7:3 17: 37,/m 8/h 8: 17: 9: 17: 1,/h : 19: 9/h 9: 17: 13: 17: 1,/d 18,/m 8:3 17:3 4 22,/m 3,/m 13: 22: 2 14: 23: 9 37,/m 1: : 9/h 12: 17: 17: 22: 64 9/h 9: 1: 18 2,/m 9: 18: 2 13: 22: 61 266,8/m 22: 9: 1,2/h : 17: 1,2/h 18 13,/m 13: 22: 1: : 3,/m 24,/m 8: 17: 3 9 24,/m 149,8/m 8:3 17:3 44 188,/m 3,/m 2 3,/m 3 3,8/m 2,/m 9: 18: 2 : 19: 3,/m 11: 2: 2,/m 8: 17: 2 4 3,/m 2 23,/d 22,/m : 19: 3 9 4,/m 28,/m 23,/m 19,37/m 1,/d 8: 8: 8: 8: 17: 17: 17: 17:3 237-89691 231-1431891 231-14379391 242-616391 2-261491 2-264691 26-313391 232-2691 232-28191 13-86613491 23-821791 2-2663291 23-773291 236-191 23-9871391 231-14397491 23-89491 23-947791 23-2177391 232-184491 232-69291 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 19/29

E7-169 愛知県名古屋市中区 E7-171 E7-172 E7-173 E7-174 E7-182 E7-186 E7-187 E7-188 E7-189 Higashi-ku E7-183 名古屋市中区設備設計 E7-184 E7-18 Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Chiaki-cho Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Takatana-cho Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Ueno-cho 愛知県豊田市藤岡飯野町 名古屋市昭和区円上町 Aichi-ken, Niwa-gun, Fuso-cho Aichi-ken, Inazawa-shi, Okudanagarare-cho 愛知県稲沢市祖父江町 各現場 Aichi-ken, Toyokawa-shi, Honohara Aichi-ken, Nukata-gun, Kota-cho レストランサービス ( ホテルレストラン ) Cook, Dietician Middle-sized truck driver (delivery of car parts) Miyoshi to/from Toyota Assist in delivering cardboard boxes 金属加工油の製造 E7-17 愛知県知立市堀切コンビニエンスストアの店長 E7-176 E7-177 E7-178 E7-179 E7-18 岐阜県大垣市荒川町介護職 ( わくわくホーム ) E7-181 Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Yamanoisshiki-cho Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Hisaimyojin-cho Inside Gifu-ken, Kanishi, Gifu-ken, Mino-shi, Sodai Maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing facility (haken) Caregiving work in a day care center Security staff (Traffic security guard B) Molding operator of rubber product JAVA programmer Cleaning work (Ukeoi) 設計 開発業務 Sorting out industrial waste Parts processing, assembly (Factory work) 土木 設備 Interior finish work (Ukeoi) Inspection and assembling and processed plastic products E7-19 愛知県豊田市新生町タイヤ荷揃え作業員 17,/m : 13:4 6:3 1:1 9 243,/m 13:3 22:1 166,/m 6:3 1:3 : 19: 2 64 196,/m 8: 17: 18 168,/m : 14: 16: 1: 6 19,/m 3:3 12:3 9/h 8: 12: 13: 17: 1,/h 16,/m 8:3 17:3 3 9 468,/m 18 18,/m 9: 18: 6: 1: 3 2,/m 22: 6: 18 18,/m 7: 17: 19: : 3 9 3,/m 1,3/h 8: 17: 8:3 17:3 1,/h 18 9/h 8: 17: 1,2/h 1,13/h 8: 17: 2 9 1,2/h 18 16,/m 8: 17: 8:3 17:3 27,/m 16:4 8:4 19,/m 9: 18: 13 31 2,/m 1,/h 8: :4 /h 37,/m 23,/m 9: 18: 3 22,/m 9: 17:4 44 3,/m 9/h 8:1 17: 9 12/h 928/h 8:2 17: 928/h 1,/day,/day 8: 17: 186,/m 8: 16: 186,/m 18 17,/m 8: 17: 2: : 9 2,/m 247,/m 7: 17: 19: : 26 9 32,/m 232-61691 236-2691 231-143191 234-13191 239-6739191 232-13191 24-186491 243-948691 23-69491 26-38291 22-864891 232-1839891 23-2869791 232-448191 23-264891 2313-4949391 236-927291 236-236791 2314-424791 23-9919691 239-686791 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 2/29

Gifu-ken, 19,/m 8:3 17: Kakamigahara-shi, Machine Processing E7-191 3 2-26874291 Kawashima (Experienced worker) 224,/m E7-192 E7-193 E7-194 E7-19 E7-196 E7-197 E7-198 E7-22 E7-23 E7-24 E7-2 E7-26 E7-27 E7-28 E7-29 E7-213 E7-214 Construction sites in Aichi Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Kanie-cho 愛知県小牧市大字本庄 Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Isshiki-cho Aichi-ken, Nagoya-shi East area 愛知県 ( 主に新城市周辺 ) および近県 Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Ichishi-cho 8/h 9: 1: 9: 16: 8/h 9: 17: 8/h 9: 13: 13:3 18: 88/h 18 92/h 4hrs btwn 18: 6: 1,267/h 17,/m 8:2 17: 44 29,/m 18 13/h 6:3 1:2 17: 1: 1,3/h 2 18 24,7/m 7: 16: 2 9: 18: 64 221,/m : 19: 18 8,/d 8hrs btwn 8: 17: 9,/d 18,/m 9: 18: 2 34 4,/m 18,/m 9: 18: 44 24,/m 898/h 9:1 16: 64 9/h 8,/d 8: 17: 2 9 8,/d 22,/m 8: 17: 9 3,/m 1,4/h 8: 17: 1,4/h 8,/d 8: 17: 19,/d 9,/d 7: 16: 17,/d,/d 8: 17: 13,/d 9/h 9: 14:3 Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, 9: 13:3 Kumozunagatsune-cho Cleaning (Haken) Gifu-ken, Kamo-gun, Kawabe-cho Minami-ku 愛知県名古屋市東区 Security guard E7-199 愛知県名古屋市中区 PG( プログラマー ) E7-2 愛知県名古屋市南区工場作業 一般事務 E7-21 koamimachi Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, Yato Mie-ken, Inabe-gun, Touin-cho/Kuwanashi, Moritada Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Hidamarino oka 岐阜県美濃加茂市蜂屋町 岐阜県各務原市鵜沼三ツ池町 Aichi-ken, Ichinomiyashi, Denpoji Food manufacture Cooking and cleaning Manufacture and prepare bento boxes/ night shift 治具設計 機械組立 自動車車両の組立 Caregiver Inspection and manufacture staff Assistance of moving operation 事務 Live eel (Unagi) packing and shipping staff (Haken) Carpentry, board attachment, reform works 林業作業員 Construction worker Inspection of plastic product Operations in Manufacture Line. Metal surface treatment of auto parts (electro plating). ( 英語 ) カスタマーサポート業務管理スタッフ 9/h 84/h 8: 17: 3 9/h 18 1,/h 22: 7: 21 1,/h 2,/m : 19: 9: 18: 3,/m 4 23-74191 24-191 24-142991 24-46791 2-2666891 232-7991 23-2814291 232-77991 233-1787691 236-31691 23-7422191 2317-94391 231-14614891 23-26649191 234-1272391 243-973891 243-977491 -3123791 233-182191 23-2691 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 21/29

213,/m 9: 18: 愛知県名古屋市中村 2 E7-21 介護支援専門員 232-618291 区 23,/m 2,/m 9:3 19:3 Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Sobue-cho 1 E7-216 Fitness club staff 23-7737791 24,/m 9/h 9: 1: 愛知県春日井市松本 E7-217 検査 9: 17: 2317-11267791 町 9/h 1,/h 8: 17: Aichi-ken, Tokonameshi, Taya-cho 2 E7-218 Manufacture staff (Ukeoi) 231-144991 9 1,/h 233,/m 8:1 17: マシニングセンタ工 NCフライ 3 E7-219 愛知県岡崎市土井町 23-9993691 ス工 4,/m 9/h 9: 1: E7-22 愛知県豊田市渡刈町プラスチック仮処理係 239-7674291 9/h 2,/m 8: 17: Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, E7-221 Factory work 243-97291 Shiratsuka-cho 2,/m 2,/m 8:3 17:3 岐阜県各務原市各務 3 E7-223 溶接工 ( 経験者 ) 急募 2-137191 東町 3,/m 9,2/d 8: 17: Can manufacturing and piping 1 E7-224 233-1813691 Minami-ku in plants 64 11,3/d 2,/m 9: 18: E7-22 愛知県名古屋市中区店長候補 approx. btwn 232-214991 232,/m 9: 18: 9/h 9: 14: 愛知県名古屋市千種 E7-226 結婚式場内の清掃 ( 請負 ) 232-6269891 区 9/h Aichi-ken, Tsushimashi, Hiruma-cho framings (foundation of 23-787391 Installation of lightweight,/d 8:3 17:3 E7-2 construction site ceiling/wall) 18,/d 1,4/h 4+ btwn Aichi-ken, Yatomi-shi, E7-228 Forklift operation in warehouse 7: 19: 23-791391 Ukeno-cho 64 1,4/h 211,/m 8:3 17:3 E7-229 愛知県一宮市新生訪問入浴 ( アシスタント ) 236-9122691 4 229,/m 169,1/m 8:3 17:1 Aichi-ken, Chiryu-shi, 2 E7-23 Production control 8:3 14:3 231-14679991 Shinbayashi-cho 44 213,1/m 97/h 8: 17: 愛知県知立市上重原 E7-231 ワイヤーハーネス組付 231-13981991 町 1,/h 92/h approx. 4 E7-232 愛知県碧南市東浦町一般食品売場 ( ドライ ) 7: 12: 23111-1674391 1,2/h 12,/d 7:4 17: Gifu-ken, Anpachigun, Anpachi-cho earth work, stone work Plasterer, block construction, E7-233 22-912891 18,/d 1,2/h 7: 17: E7-234 三重県桑名市長島町軽作業 2 24-626391 1,3/h 18 1,2/h 8: 17:3 Machine processing / Packing E7-23 4 2:3 :3 233-18391 Atsuta-ku and forklift operation (Haken) 1,2/h 9/h 9: 17: E7-236 Inspection and assembling 233-1997291 Minato-ku 1,/h * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 22/29

1,/h + hrs. btwn E7-237 Care giver 8:2 1:2 233-1636491 Minami-ku 1,/h 2,/m 8:3 17:1 愛知県名古屋市千種 E7-238 電気工事施工管理 23-28217391 区 E7-24 E7-241 Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Shippo-cho Aichi-ken, Ama-shi, Tomitsuka Construction work of air duct Light work in a factory E7-242 愛知県瀬戸市共栄通自動車整備 ( 有資格者 ) E7-243 E7-24 Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Hashira-cho Aichi-ken, Miyochishi, Akechi-cho Waterproof treatment Operator of Machining Center E7-246 愛知県大府市追分町製品の製造 加工 出荷 E7-247 愛知県豊川市御油町部品組付 検査員 E7-248 E7-249 E7-2 E7-21 E7-22 E7-23 E7-2 Gifu-ken, Tajimi-shi, Kokeizan-cho Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Taromaru 三重県津市久居東鷹跡町 Naka-ku 愛知県名古屋市千種区 Aichi-ken, Owariasahishi, Kashiwai-cho Construction worker (Core drilling) Packing, loading and unloading of products. 介護職員 ( 夜勤あり ) Kitchen assistant System engineer C# プログラマー Sheet metal work E7-26 愛知県稲沢市奥田金型製造スタッフ E7- E7-28 E7-26 E7-261 Aichi-ken, Tahara-shi, Mutsure-cho Aichi-ken, Toyota-shi, Ooshimizu-cho Aichi-ken, Nagoyashi/Mie-ken, Kuwanashi area Mie-ken, Tsu-shi, Anno-cho Assistant of furniture installation Manufacture of cooked noodles which are sold in convenience stores (Haken) Construction worker Inspection of plastic parts and assembly (Haken) 9 4,/m 196,/m 8: 17:3 3 44 23,/m 1,/h 3+ hrs. btwn 9: 21: 1,2/h 24,/m 9: 17:3 9: 17: 6 3,/m,/d 8: 17: 4 16,/d 2,/m 8: 17: 2 9 2,/m 18,/m 8:3 17:3 2 9 3,/m 9/h 9:1 16: 8:1 17: 64 96/h の間の 時間程度 248,/m 8: 17: 32,/m 2,/m 9: 18: 23,/m 16,/m 8: 17: 8:3 17:3 18,/m 16: 9:3 1,/h :3 14: 17: 21: 9 1,/h 3,/m 9: 18: 13 9,/m 16,/m 9: 18: 2 9 317,/m 18,/m 8: 17: 4 22,/m 17,/m 8: 17: 3 3,/m 8,/d 8: 17: 8,/d 18 1,/h 19: 4: 2: : 1,2/h 21: 6: 8,/d 8: 17:3 44 18,/d 1,/h 8: 17: 4 1,/h 2 23-7944991 23-733891 238-3743791 234-12936691 239-71291 231-1471491 2314-4286191 23-9791 2-42991 243-9788391 23-2824791 232-176691 23-2617691 238-428491 236-99991 234-1299991 13-9436991 24-647891 243-96291 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 23/29

18,/m 8: 18: E7-262 Construction sites Exterior, interior, roofing work 2-484391 E7-263 E7-266 E7-267 E7-268 E7-269 E7- E7-1 E7-2 Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Mitahora Mizuho-ku Nishi-ku 愛知県名古屋市中村区 愛知県名古屋市中川区 Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Ooharu-cho Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Kanie-cho construction site Manufacture of wooden frame Caregiver (Helper) at Mizuho Yawaragi-en Factory work Housekeeping at business hotel (Ukeoi) 添乗員 ハンバーガー類の製造 販売 Processing and assembly of wooden frame chairs Construction worker E7-3 愛知県海部郡飛島村警備員 ( 請 ) E7-4 E7- E7-6 E7-7 E7-9 E7-28 Aichi-ken, Takahamashi, Tado-cho Aichi-ken, Anjo-shi, Higashibata-cho Aichi-ken, Anjyo-shi, Izumi-cho 愛知県半田市州の崎町 Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Hidamari no oka Gifu-ken, Oogaki-shi, Gakuden-cho Product inspection Machine Operator Coating ゴルフ練習場のフロント Confectionary (Wagashi) production Casting engineer E7-281 岐阜県養老郡養老町海外営業担当 E7-282 Moriyama-ku Installation of built-in kitchen E7-284 愛知県名古屋市中区営業 ( 外国人配置支援 ) E2-286 E7-287 Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, Kama-machi construction site Aichi-ken, Ama-gun, Tobishima-mura Asphalt paving work Machine inspection and maintenance 2,/m 9/h 9: 17: 9/h 197,/m 8:3 17:3 9:3 18:3 64 23,/m 7:3 16:3 9/h 8: 17: 2 13: 17: 93/h 8: 12: 9/h 4hrs btwn 9: 1: 1,/h 22,/m 9:3 18:3 9 3,/m 18 9/h 2+ hrs. btwn : 23:9 1,2/h 18,/m 8:3 17: 39 2,/m 2,/m 8: 17:,/m 18 14,368/d 8: 7:9 14,368/d 3 1,/h 8: 17: 9 1,3/h 18 18,/m 8: 17: 2: : 9 2,/m 18,/m 8: 17: 9 22,/m 18 183,/m 8: 16:3 11: 19:3 44 183,/m 1: 23:3 18 1,/h 18: 3: 1,/h 191,/m 8: 17: 2 4 213,/m 2,/m 2,/m 9: 17:,/d 8: 17: 3,/d 22,/m 9: 18: 4,/m 8,/d 8: 17: 1,/d 22,/m 8:3 18: 8:3 17:3 2 64 3,/m 1 2-467191 233-1826691 232-1264791 23-6991 14-1372991 232-467891 23-791691 23-7978691 233-161691 231-132391 231-13881291 231-1423991 237-924991 24-664291 22-9473791 22-96491 23-2483491 232-6898691 238-4173491 23-7989791 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 24/29

8,/d 8: 17: 愛知県一宮市北方町 E7-288 鉄筋工 ( トライアル併用 ) 236-64191 各現場 E7-289 Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Taketoyo-cho Welder (Ukeoi) 13,/d 2,/m 8:3 17:3 64 417,/m 18,/m 8:3 17:3 E7-291 愛知県岡崎市上地工場内作業 3,/m Gifu-ken, 18 163,/m 8: 17: E7-292 Kakamigahara-shi, Civil construction work Oozano-cho 4 3,/m Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, E7-293 Himegaoka Production staff 82/h 9: 1:2 11: 17:3 8/h : 16:2 Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, E7-294 Akoo 8/h 4+ hrs btwn Cutting and sewing of fiber 8: 17: nets 9/h 1,3/h 2+ btwn Mie-ken, Kuwana-shi, Manufacture of concrete E7-29 8: 18: Kaminowashinden secondary products. 1,/h 21 6,768/d 13:3 22:3 E7-296 三重県津市河芸町 tトラック乗務員 6 6,768/d 8/h 9: 18: E7-297 岐阜県大垣市本今ピッキング ( 出荷 品揃え ) 11: 18: 4 9/h 14: 18: 18,/m 9: 18: Inspection of IT device 2 E7-299 operation for corporate use. 64 3,/m E7-3 13,/d 8: 17: 愛知県名古屋市守山 大型トラック運転手区 東海三県 9 14,/d 28,/m 9: 18: E7-31 愛知県名古屋市緑区ファスタ 11: 2: 2 9 48,/m 1: : Aichi-ken, Owariasahishi, Setogawa-cho E7-32 Truck driver 11,3/d 8: 17:3 8 1,/d Aichi-ken, Seto-shi, E7-33 Kamimatsuyama-cho Aichi-ken, Toyohashishi, Jinnoshinden-cho E7-34 Aichi-ken, Tokai-shi, E7-3 Nawa-machi Coffee shop staff Maintenance of boiler 18 22,/m 8 hrs. btwn 6: 22:3 3,/m 16,/m 8:3 17:3 1 3 32,/m 18,/m 8: 17: 4,/m E7-36 18 23,/m 8: 17: 愛知県刈谷市一ツ木自動車 精密機器 電機部品 3 2: : 町の品質管理代行業 4 4,/m Gifu-ken, Kani-shi, E7-37 Dota Forklift operator 16,/m 8: 16:3 247,/m Gifu-ken, Kamo-gun, E7-38 Shirakawa-cho 1. Casting machine operator 18 147,74/m 8: 17: 2 2. Processing machine 23: 8: operator 19,/m Mie-ken, Yokkaichishi, Tomida E7-39 Machine operator (Haken) 18 9/h 6: 1: 4 18: 3: 9 1,3/h Mie-ken, Kuwana-gun, 187,/m 8: 17: E7-3 Kisosaki-cho / Kuwanashi, Welder 3 Nagashima-cho 64 238,/m 237-934391 23-92891 2-693191 23-143491 24-622291 24-68891 243-886791 22-969891 232-698291 23-28677691 239-781691 238-38191 238-443291 234-11429891 237-879891 2-49491 23-842891 -32291 24-98391 24-34191 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 2/29

1,/h 8:1 16: 医療機器の小組立 検査 ( 派 E7-311 三重県四日市市楠町 249-2191 遣 ) 1,/h E7-312 岐阜県高山市天満町 / 花里町 外国人旅行者の多いホステル契約社員 ( 時給制 ) E7-313 岐阜県大垣市浅西射出成形機オペレート業務 E7-314 E7-31 E7-316 E7-317 E7-318 E7-319 E7-32 E7-321 E7-322 Kita-ku Tenpaku-ku construction site 愛知県名古屋市中村区 愛知県名古屋市中村区 Aichi-ken, Komaki-shi, Irukadeshinden Aichi-ken, Kasugai-shi, Higashishinmyo-cho Aichi-ken, Inazawashi, Gichou Aichi-ken, Nishio-shi, Chouda-cho Construction site Kindergarten English teacher Assistant work at construction site Inspection of IT device operation for corporate use. 販売業務に伴う通訳翻訳業務 ( 請負 ) ルート営業 Packing and inspection of plastic products Sorting out and cleaning inside warehouse Care worker (day service) Coating and painting E7-323 Construction sites Construction worker E7-324 愛知県豊田市山之手機械オペレーター E7-32 E7-326 E7-3 E7-328 愛知県知多郡南知多町 Gifu-ken, Gifu-shi, Yanaizu-cho Mie-ken, Matsusakashi, Kubo-cho 三重県桑名郡木曾岬町 E7-329 岐阜県岐阜市中鶉 E8-1 E8-2 Midori-ku Showa-ku 接客係 Construction and assembly/disassembly of scaffoldings [trainee] Assembly, inspection, packing of blood pressure manometer (Haken) 機械オペレーター 外国人実習生事業に関る営業事務 Hospital Assistant Staff Landscaping work, construcion 9/h 8: 21: の間の8 時間程度 1,2/h 18 163,4/m 6: 14: 18: 2: 3 22,/m 898/h 9: 16: 1,/h 6 898/h 8:3 17:3 1,/h 18,/m 9: 18: 2 9 3,/m 18,/m : 19: 11: 2: 64 18,/m 12: 21: 2,/m 9: 18: 9 3,/m 9/h approx. hrs, 8:3 17:4 9/h 1,2/h 9:3 16:3 182,/m 8:3 17:3 9 2,/m 7,/d 8: 17: 2 3 12,/d 9,/d 8: 17: 2 16,/d 23,/m 8: 17: 2 9 3,/m 22,/m approx. 8 hrs. btwn 3 8: 21: 9 2,/m 3 1,/h 8,/d 7:3 8: 1:3 17: 8:3 16:3 11,/d 9/h 8:4 17:3 9/h 7,/d 8: 17: 4 8,/d 21,/m 9: 18: 2 4 21,/m 18 17,/m 8:4 17:1 16:4 9:1 9 17,/m 7: 1:3 16,/m 8: 17: 3,/m 262-27491 22-84691 23-28682191 23-28786291 232-6312691 138-66726791 232-641691 232-322891 2317-336991 236-142191 2312-3137991 237-83891 239-782991 237-93491 2-7291 244-6391 23-81891 2-87691 233-1869291 23-2884291 * Postings written in Japanese are for those who have a high level of Japanese. 26/29