华侨永亨银行 ( 中国 ) 有限公司上海市浦东新区源深路 1155 号华侨银行大厦邮编 : Please complete the appendix and mail it to: 请填写网上银行补充说明并将申请表递至 : A

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华侨永亨银行 ( 中国 ) 有限公司上海市浦东新区源深路 1155 号华侨银行大厦邮编 : 200135 www.ocbc.com.cn Please complete the appendix and mail it to: 请填写网上银行补充说明并将申请表递至 : Velocity@ocbc Application Form Appendix 企业网上银行申请表补充说明 Corporate Internet Banking 贵公司账户的开户分支行之华侨永亨银行 ( 中国 ) 有限公司账户及产品营运部 * 为必填项 COMPANY INFORMATION 公司详情 ( 请与企业网上银行请表信息一致 ) *Company Name 公司名称 *Velocity@ocbc Organisation ID 机构标识 Velocity@ocbc SERVICE PACKAGE (Please tick one) 网上银行服务 ( 请画 选一 ) Upgrade 现有客户升级 Enquiry 查询版 Single User 一人版 1 Authorizer 一人授权版 2 Authorizers 二人授权版 Premium 自定义版 ( 请从第三页开始填写 ) Transactions Authorization 网上交易授权 No transaction allowed. 不允许交易 Any 1 person to finish any transaction. 所有交易动作只需任意一个人来完成 Any 1 Authorizer to approve for any transaction. 所有交易的授权动作都需要授权人中的任意 1 个授权人批准 2 Authorizers together to approve jointly for any transaction. 所有交易的授权动作都需要授权人中的 2 个授权人批准 Complex Access and Authorization controls 提供更复杂的用户权限组合以及授权结构 * 如升级网银版本时需要更新联系人请填写 *Primary Contact Person 第一联系人 ID No. 身份证 证件号码 (Mandatory field for call-back person 若为大额交易联系人, 则为必填项 ) *Mobile 手机号码 Telephone 电话号码 *Primary Signature 第一联系人签名 *Secondary 第二联系人 ID No. 身份证 证件号码 (Mandatory field for call-back person 若为大额交易联系人, 则为必填项 ) 电子邮箱地址 *Mobile 手机号码 Fax 传真号码 Telephone 电话号码 *Secondary Signature 第二联系人签名 * 更新的 2 位联系人中必须有一位是我行预留大额联系人 电子邮箱地址 Fax 传真号码 PAGE 1 第 1 页

Account No. 账号 Account ID Currency 币种 All Accounts/ 所有帐户 1.Trade accounts must be opened through counter before application of trade business 2 Balance check is the default function (group company is not applicable), at least one user must be assigned Balance Checker. Please clearly state in the below table if customer needs to cancel this function. Customer should do balance check and confirmation according to regulation. Bank will take necessary actions against those customers not complete balance check. 1. 国际业务功能需要预先开立国际业务账户 2. 网上银企对帐 ( 集团客户不适用 ) 为网银默认功能 ; 请指定至少一个用户进行银企对账工作 如果需要取消此功能, 请在以下表格中注明 企业应按照监管机构的有关规定, 配合银行进行银企对账工作 对于未按银行要求完成银企对帐的, 银行将按照有关规定采取相应措施 THE HIGHEST DAILY CNY PAYMENT LIMIT (UNIT: 10 Thousand) 公司 CNY 支付交易限额 ( 单位 : 万 ) HIGHEST PAYMENT LIMIT PER TRANSACTION 企业网上银行服务设定的每日单笔转账最高限额为 HIGHEST DAILY PAYMENT LIMIT 企业网上银行服务设定的当日转账最高限额为 PAGE 2 第 2 页

User Setup 用户设置 *User Name 用户名 *User ID 用户 ID 电子邮件 *Phone and Mobile Number 固定电话及手机号码 Payment 转账汇款 Trade 国际业务 *User Functions 用户角色 Investment 投融资业务 Bill Center 票据中心 Group Service 集团业务 *Account ID Balance Checker 银企对账员 ( 集团客户不适用 ) *Authorizor Group 授权人组别 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Inquiry/ 查询 Maker/ 制单 Authorizor/ 授权 Yes/ 是 A C B D PAGE 3 第 3 页

SIGNING MATRIX 授权限额标识 BASE CURRENCY 基准币种 CNY *Matrix ID 授权限额标识 *Module selection 模块选择 *Combination Authorisation Matrix (E.g. A<5mil, A+B=unlimited) 授权组合 ( 如 : A<500 万, A+B= 无限大 ) Orderly authorized 顺序授权 1 Payment/ 转账汇款 Trade/ 国际业务 Investment/ 投融资业务 Bill Center/ 票据中心 Group Service/ 集团业务 Yes/ 是 2 Payment/ 转账汇款 Trade/ 国际业务 Investment/ 投融资业务 Bill Center/ 票据中心 Group Service/ 集团业务 Yes/ 是 3 Payment/ 转账汇款 Trade/ 国际业务 Investment/ 投融资业务 Bill Center/ 票据中心 Group Service/ 集团业务 Yes/ 是 4 Payment/ 转账汇款 Trade/ 国际业务 Investment/ 投融资业务 Bill Center/ 票据中心 Group Service/ 集团业务 Yes/ 是 5 Payment/ 转账汇款 Trade/ 国际业务 Investment/ 投融资业务 Bill Center/ 票据中心 Group Service/ 集团业务 Yes/ 是 Special Instruction 客户特别需求 : PAGE 4 第 4 页

AGREEMENT 协议 (For an enterprise incorporated in the People's Republic of China, to be signed by Legal Representative or authorised person. For an enterprise incorporated outside the People's Republic of China, to be signed by a quorum of members of Board of Directors. For any discrepancy between Chinese and English version, the Chinese shall prevail. ) To: OCBC Wing Hang Bank (China) Ltd ("OCWH Bank") We hereby confirm we have received, read and understood the Terms and Conditions governing Corporate Internet Banking Service. We agree to abide and be bound by the Terms and Conditions governing Corporate Internet Banking Service and understand that any amendments, alterations and additions thereto as may from time to time be made and notified to us as per the method(s) described in the Terms and Conditions. (available at all OCWH Bank branches and at www.ocbc.com.cn). We understand and confirm that the (s) is designated receiver of communication sent by the Bank to the Company and the Bank will keep the signatory specimen of (s). We hereby authorise the Bank to rely upon and act in accordance with the Acknowledgement Receipt of Digipass and Password Mailer given by Telefax by the Company and the Bank. The Bank shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, expenses, claims or liabilities suffered by us as a result of the Bank acting upon Telefaxed received so long as the signatures appearing on any such Telefaxed Acknowledgement Receipt appear on verification to be or purport to be in accordance with the specimen signatures of the authorised signatories of the (s). We shall accept full responsibility for the Telefax given to the Bank or received by the Bank whether such Telefax were given by our authorised signatories or purported to be given by our authorised signatories without our authorisation, knowledge or consent. The authorisation is for the Acknowledgement Receipt of Digipass(es) and Password Mailer(s) only. We acknowledge that we shall not send any other document than the above to the Bank via Telefax without the Bank s prior consent and the Bank is not bound to rely upon and act in accordance with the documents or instructions given by Telefax by the Company. We hereby confirm that we fully understand the legal implications of all clauses (including but not limited to clauses which waive or limit the liabilities or obligations of the Bank) contained herein and agrees to be bound by these clauses. To the extent that the same are not inconsistent with the express terms herein, the Bank's Terms and Conditions governing Corporate Internet Banking Service and any amendments, supplements or replacements thereto from time to time shall form part of and be deemed to be incorporated herein. By signing below, I/we confirm that I/we am/are authorised to sign the application form for and on behalf of the company. ( 在中国注册的单位, 由法定代表人 / 授权签字人签署 ; 在境外注册的公司, 由满足法定最低人数的董事会成员签署 中英文如有不一致处以中文为准 ) 致 : 华侨永亨银行 ( 中国 ) 有限公司 我方在此确认, 我们已经收到 阅读并理解了企业网上银行服务条款和条件 ( 请向当地分支行索取或从我行官方网站 www.ocbc.com.cn 下载 ) 我方同意接受并遵守企业网上银行服务条款和条件, 并理解相关修改 修订和增加均将根据条款和条件中约定的方式不时向我方发出 我方理解并确认我方联系人为银行向我方发送与网上银行业务有关通讯的指定收件人, 且银行将保留联系人的签字样本 我方在此授权银行可以依赖并根据我方通过传真发送的经签收的安全工具和密码签收确认函行事 只要任何该等传真上所显示的签名经核对从外表看显示与我方联络人的签名样本一致或基本一致, 则对于银行依据我方传真行事而导致我方发生任何形式的损失 损害 费用 索赔或义务等, 银行均不承担任何责任 对于由我公司发送给银行或银行收到的传真, 无论由我方授权签署人发出, 还是未经我方授权 认可 同意但声称为我方授权签署人发出, 我方均应当承担完全责任 该授权仅对通过传真发送经签收的动态密码器和密码签收确认函有效 我方确认除上述文件外, 除获得事先银行同意外, 我方不得通过传真发送任何其他文件 ; 且银行无义务相信和执行任何其他通过传真发送的文件或指令 我方在此确认, 我方对本申请表的全部条款 ( 包括但不限于免除或限制银行责任的条款 ) 的法律含义有准确无误的理解且均无疑义, 并同意接受该等条款的约束 如与本申请表的条款没有不符之处, 华侨永亨银行 ( 中国 ) 有限公司企业网上银行服务条款和条件及对其不时进行的任何修订 补充或替换应构成且被视为本申请表的一部分 我方在此确认本申请书由我方授权签字人代表我方签署 Signature or Seal of Legal Representative / Authorised Person 法定代表人 / 授权签字人的签名或私章 The date 签署日期 Common Seal (applicable for the enterprise incorporated within China only) 公章 ( 只适用于在中国境内注册的单位 ) FOR BANK USE 银行专用 Signature Verification Signature Verification System Setting Maker System Setting Checker By OPS/Date: PAGE 5 第 5 页