㜀䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀䜀甀椀搀攀 眀眀眀 昀漀爀攀猀琀挀椀琀礀椀愀 挀漀洀

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刀愀猀猀攀最渀愀嘀椀氀 䄀爀琀攀䈀漀猀挀漀最爀愀渀搀攀 䐀椀爀攀稀椀漀渀攀䄀爀琀椀猀琀椀挀愀䰀甀挀椀愀嘀椀渀挀攀渀琀椀

䤀䤀䤀䴀甀攀猀琀爀愀搀攀 吀攀愀琀爀漀搀攀䰀愀刀漀搀愀愀戀爀椀氀 搀攀 㠀 㘀 Ⰰ 㜀礀㠀愀戀爀椀氀

匀琀 爀 攀猀 猀 䰀攀猀 猀 吀椀 瀀猀昀 漀爀刀攀搀甀挀椀 渀最 匀琀 爀 攀猀 猀吀 漀搀愀礀 戀礀䄀渀最攀氀 愀䴀 䈀椀 猀 椀 最渀愀渀漀Ⰰ倀栀䐀

爀攀猀瀀漀猀琀愀猀猀漀戀爀攀䤀洀瀀氀愀渀琀攀猀䐀攀渀琀 爀椀漀猀伀焀甀攀瘀漀挀 瀀爀攀挀椀猀愀猀愀戀攀爀瀀愀爀愀椀渀瘀攀猀琀椀爀渀攀猀猀攀琀爀愀琀愀洀攀渀琀漀搀攀爀攀愀戀椀氀椀琀愀 漀漀爀愀氀 眀眀眀 猀愀氀漀洀愀漀漀猀琀攀琀漀 挀漀洀 戀爀

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䴀唀䐀䤀䘀伀伀吀䄀一䐀吀䠀䔀䈀伀吀匀圀䄀一䄀一䐀䤀刀吀䌀䠀䄀匀䔀刀 ⴀ 䴀愀爀椀愀䌀愀氀愀渀挀栀椀渀椀 䌀䠀䄀倀吀䔀刀 伀渀挀攀甀瀀漀渀愀琀椀洀攀琀栀攀爀攀眀愀猀愀眀攀氀 ⴀ 洀愀渀渀攀爀攀搀氀椀琀氀攀䜀漀漀瀀戀漀礀挀愀氀攀搀䴀甀搀椀昀漀漀琀 䜀漀漀搀洀愀渀渀攀爀猀眀攀爀攀䴀甀搀椀昀漀漀琀 猀猀瀀攀

䴀愀愀爀搀攀爀甀猀琀椀猀瘀愀渀欀漀爀琀攀搀甀甀爀 䨀漀攀瀀椀攀攀攀 伀眀樀愀愀愀 匀渀攀氀攀爀 Ⰰ 栀愀栀愀 䠀攀栀 㼀 㼀 䘀氀愀猀栀

䈀唀伀一 㤀 匀椀愀洀漀最椀甀渀琀椀愀氀愀昀椀渀攀搀攀氀 愀渀渀漀攀昀愀爀攀甀渀戀椀氀愀渀挀椀漀搀椀焀甀攀猀琀椀瀀爀椀洀椀洀攀猀椀搀椀瘀椀琀愀瀀攀爀渀漀椀搀椀瘀攀渀琀愀漀戀戀氀椀最愀琀漀爀椀漀 倀攀爀氀愀瀀爀椀 ⴀ 洀愀瘀漀氀琀愀愀戀戀椀愀洀漀搀攀挀椀猀漀搀椀挀椀洀攀渀琀愀爀挀椀椀渀焀甀攀猀琀愀瀀椀

䔀渀昀椀渀搀 愀瀀爀 猀 ⴀ 洀椀搀椀 Ⰰ 愀甀挀漀洀洀椀猀猀愀爀椀愀琀搀攀瀀漀氀椀挀攀倀䰀䄀夀䴀伀䈀䤀䰀 䔀一䰀䄀䴀䤀匀匀䤀伀一 䄀瘀攀挀刀攀戀攀氀攀 Ⰰ 渀漀甀猀愀瘀漀渀猀昀椀渀椀渀漀琀爀攀猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀 吀甀攀渀愀猀搀攀氀愀挀栀愀渀挀攀 䴀漀椀樀攀挀漀洀洀攀渀挀攀洀愀 樀漀甀爀渀 攀 搀攀琀爀

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䬀甀氀琀甀爀攀䬀氀甀戀 䌀漀氀愀戀漀爀愀琀椀瘀攀 䄀渀渀甀愀氀刀攀瀀漀爀琀 㐀 ⴀ 㔀


䔀氀挀漀愀挀栀椀渀最渀漀攀猀愀爀琀攀搀攀洀愀最椀愀 一漀栀愀礀琀爀甀挀漀猀渀椀爀攀挀攀琀愀猀洀椀氀愀最爀漀猀愀猀 䔀猀甀渀琀爀愀戀愀樀漀搀攀搀椀挀愀搀漀搀攀挀愀洀戀椀漀礀挀爀攀挀椀洀椀攀渀琀漀 匀椀琀椀攀渀攀猀愀氀最切渀漀戀樀攀琀椀瘀漀 Ⰰ 愀渀椀瘀攀氀瀀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀漀瀀爀漀昀攀猀椀漀渀愀氀 Ⰰ

匀唀䴀䴀䔀刀 䐀䔀䌀䔀䴀䈀䔀刀 䌀栀攀挀欀礀漀甀爀昀爀椀搀最攀愀渀搀爀攀昀爀椀最攀爀愀琀漀爀昀漀爀椀挀攀搀愀洀猀愀渀搀椀挀椀挀氀攀猀 䤀渀猀瀀攀挀琀琀栀攀搀椀猀栀眀愀猀栀攀爀 Ⰰ 椀挀攀洀愀欀攀爀 Ⰰ 愀渀搀眀愀猀栀椀渀最洀愀挀栀椀渀攀昀漀爀氀攀愀欀猀 倀氀甀洀戀椀渀最 ⴀ 琀愀欀攀愀氀漀漀欀愀琀琀

䴀漀爀渀椀渀最吀爀攀愀琀猀 䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䐀攀挀愀昀攀椀渀愀琀攀搀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䄀猀漀爀琀攀搀吀攀愀 Ⰰ 伀爀愀渀最攀愀渀搀䌀爀愀渀戀攀爀礀䨀甀椀挀攀 Ⰰ 嘀椀氀愀䤀琀愀氀椀愀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀倀愀猀琀爀椀攀猀 䌀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀

㤀䐀䄀夀䈀䤀䬀䤀一䤀䘀䄀儀䰀䤀匀吀 夀伀唀刀儀唀䔀匀吀䤀伀一匀䄀一匀圀䔀刀䔀䐀 吀漀猀攀愀爀挀栀琀栀椀猀最甀椀搀攀瀀氀攀愀猀攀瀀爀攀猀猀䌀伀一吀刀伀䰀 䌀吀刀䰀 琀栀攀氀攀 攀爀 ᰠ 䘀 ᴠ 愀渀搀猀攀愀爀挀栀椀渀礀漀甀爀欀攀礀琀攀爀洀猀 䘀漀爀愀瀀瀀氀攀洀愀挀 Ⰰ 甀猀攀琀栀攀䌀伀䴀䴀䄀一䐀 氀攀

䈀椀攀爀洀攀渀甀 猀 ᠠ 䐀攀倀爀漀瀀攀爀攀䈀氀漀渀搀椀渀攀猀 갠㔀 䈀爀甀最猀攀娀漀琀䈀氀漀渀搀倀愀最 㘀 吀漀渀最攀爀氀漀䈀氀漀渀搀倀愀最 㜀 䰀攀昀攀刀漀礀愀氀攀倀愀最 㜀 伀洀攀爀倀愀最 㠀 ᠠ 䐀攀吀椀琀愀渀攀渀猀琀爀椀樀搀 갠㜀 䜀甀氀搀攀渀䐀爀愀愀欀倀愀最 匀琀 䘀攀甀椀氀椀攀渀䜀爀愀

倀刀伀䐀唀䌀吀䜀唀䤀䐀䔀 㔀

圀攀氀挀漀洀攀琀漀瀀爀愀椀爀椀攀瀀愀爀愀搀椀猀攀愀琀䈀氀甀攀猀琀攀洀 吀栀攀爀攀 猀爀漀漀洀昀漀爀礀漀甀愀琀䈀氀甀攀猀琀攀洀 Ⰰ 愀挀漀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀漀昀琀栀爀攀攀 ⴀ 猀琀漀爀攀礀 Ⰰ 琀眀漀 ⴀ 愀渀搀琀栀爀攀攀 ⴀ 戀攀搀爀漀漀洀琀漀眀渀栀漀洀攀猀椀渀渀愀琀甀爀愀氀匀愀最攀䌀爀攀攀欀 Ⰰ 戀甀

䄀刀匀䔀一䄀䰀匀吀唀䈀䔀一 ⴀ 刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 ⴀ 䄀琀昀椀爀猀琀 愀琀琀栀攀戀攀最椀渀渀椀渀最 匀栀攀攀瀀挀栀攀攀猀攀眀椀琀栀爀漀愀猀琀攀搀戀愀挀漀渀 Ⰰ 氀攀琀甀挀攀愀渀搀琀漀愀猀琀攀搀最愀爀氀椀挀 ⴀ 戀爀攀愀搀갠㠀 Ⰰ 䌀愀戀戀愀最攀 ጠ 匀琀爀甀搀攀氀眀椀琀栀洀椀渀挀攀搀洀攀愀琀 Ⰰ

䌀漀洀甀渀椀搀愀搀 䌀䄀䴀倀䄀䴀䔀一吀伀䘀䄀䴀䤀䰀䤀䄀刀 Ⰰ 搀椀瘀攀爀猀椀 渀礀挀漀渀瘀椀瘀攀渀挀椀愀 搀 愀搀攀氀渀椀 漀 爀攀挀爀攀愀挀椀漀渀攀猀愀挀甀 琀椀挀愀猀 䔀氀瘀椀愀樀攀 䌀攀洀攀渀琀攀爀椀漀䴀愀爀椀渀漀 䜀漀爀爀椀漀渀攀猀 氀愀吀爀攀渀稀愀搀攀洀愀爀 愀樀漀猀 猀攀攀椀渀最最漀漀搀

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䴀漀爀渀椀渀最吀爀攀愀琀猀 䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䐀攀挀愀昀攀椀渀愀琀攀搀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䄀猀漀爀琀攀搀吀攀愀 Ⰰ 伀爀愀渀最攀愀渀搀䌀爀愀渀戀攀爀礀䨀甀椀挀攀 Ⰰ 嘀椀氀愀䤀琀愀氀椀愀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀倀愀猀琀爀椀攀猀 䌀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀

䠀伀匀吀䔀䰀䔀嘀伀吀䔀䰀 䠀漀猀琀攀氀䔀瘀漀琀攀氀琀漀渀椀攀琀礀氀欀漀琀爀愀 ǻ 漀渀愀戀愀稀愀渀漀挀氀攀最漀眀愀 Ⰰ 愀氀攀琀愀欀簁攀搀漀猀欀漀渀愀䈁攀洀椀攀樀猀挀攀渀愀漀爀最愀渀椀稀愀挀樀 ᤁ 眀猀稀攀氀 ⴀ 欀椀挀栀瀀爀稀礀樀 ᤁ 漀欀漀氀椀挀稀渀漀嬁挀椀漀眀礀挀栀 倀爀稀礀琀甀氀渀攀眀渀 ᤁ

䔀䐀䤀䌀䤀팀一 䨀唀一䤀伀 嘀䤀匀吀䄀䰀䄀刀䔀嘀䤀匀吀䄀䐀䔀䰀䔀儀唀䤀倀伀䐀䔀䰀䌀伀伀倀䔀刀䄀吀䤀嘀䤀匀䴀伀

BrilliAnts Rulebook - 1jour-1jeu.com

䄀刀匀䔀一䄀䰀匀吀唀䈀䔀一 ⴀ 刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 ⴀ 娀甀洀䄀渀昀愀渀最 匀挀栀愀昀欀 猀攀椀洀匀瀀攀挀欀洀愀渀琀攀氀最攀戀爀愀琀攀渀 Ⰰ 愀甀昀戀甀渀琀攀洀䈀氀愀琀猀愀氀愀琀攀氀攀爀 Ⰰ 搀愀稀甀最攀琀漀愀猀琀攀琀攀猀䬀爀 甀琀攀爀戀愀最甀攀琀攀갠㠀 Ⰰ 䬀爀愀甀琀猀琀爀甀搀攀氀洀椀琀䘀氀攀椀

アハ ートⴀ 匀䤀䐀䔀䐀䘀䄀唀堀圀伀伀䐀䌀䔀䤀䰀䤀一䜀䈀䔀䄀䴀匀䤀渀猀琀愀氀愀琀椀漀渀䴀愀渀甀愀氀 㠀 ⴀ アハ ート㤀㘀 ⴀ 㘀㐀

一唀䈀䤀䄀一嘀䄀唀䰀吀吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀䌀䄀䰀匀伀䰀唀吀䤀伀一匀䘀伀刀吀䠀䔀䠀䔀䄀䰀吀䠀匀䔀䌀吀伀刀 䈀唀䤀䰀䐀䤀一䜀匀吀䠀䄀吀䄀刀䔀㨀 匀伀䰀䤀䐀䌀伀䴀䘀伀刀吀䄀䈀䰀䔀䰀伀一䜀䰀䄀匀吀䤀一䜀䄀䘀䘀伀刀䐀䄀䈀䰀䔀

䰀 琀 氀漀渀最攀琀挀栀愀甀搀琀椀爀攀 猀愀 ǻ 渀 Ⰰ 攀琀搀愀渀猀甀渀挀漀椀渀琀爀愀渀焀甀椀氀攀搀攀氀愀挀氀愀椀爀椀 爀攀 Ⰰ 氀攀猀挀漀氀漀渀椀攀猀搀攀昀漀甀爀洀椀猀爀攀搀漀甀戀氀攀渀琀搀 攀昀漀爀琀猀攀渀瘀甀攀搀攀猀攀瀀爀 瀀愀爀攀爀瀀漀甀爀氀 栀椀瘀攀爀焀甀椀愀瀀瀀爀漀挀栀攀 䰀攀猀刀攀椀

䤀匀匀唀䔀 㜀㘀 䄀倀刀䤀䰀 㘀 一攀眀猀漀渀吀眀漀 吀䠀䔀䴀伀唀一吀䔀䐀䜀䔀䌀伀䴀䈀䔀䌀伀唀一吀刀夀䌀䰀唀䈀䔀匀吀䄀吀䔀吀圀伀一䔀圀匀䰀䔀吀吀䔀刀

D Schedule time away from work for move if needed D Obtain license for parking moving truck (if needed) D Perform computer backups to ensure you don't

䄀昀氀漀眀洀攀琀攀爀椀猀愀挀愀瀀爀椀挀椀漀甀猀搀攀瘀椀挀攀愀渀搀琀栀攀昀氀漀眀洀攀愀猀甀爀攀洀攀渀琀爀攀猀甀氀琀猀漀昀琀栀攀洀漀猀琀猀漀瀀栀椀猀琀椀挀愀琀攀搀昀氀漀眀洀攀琀攀爀愀爀攀愀挀挀甀爀愀琀攀漀渀氀礀椀昀椀琀椀猀挀漀爀攀挀琀氀礀挀愀氀椀戀爀愀琀攀搀 䤀渀昀愀挀琀 Ⰰ 挀愀氀椀戀爀愀琀椀渀最愀昀

㠀 ⴀ 㤀䄀瀀爀椀氀 㤀䌀漀渀爀愀搀䐀甀戀愀椀䠀漀琀攀氀 Ⰰ 唀䄀䔀 眀眀眀 洀攀愀爀挀 㤀 挀漀洀 䄀挀挀爀攀搀椀琀攀搀唀瀀琀漀

䠀伀䴀䔀圀䄀刀刀䄀一吀夀倀䰀䄀一 䌀漀氀漀爀愀搀漀 Ⰰ 䤀搀愀栀漀 Ⰰ 伀爀攀最漀渀愀渀搀圀愀猀栀椀渀最琀漀渀 匀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀倀氀愀渀椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀㨀 一䔀圀 刀攀瀀氀愀挀攀洀攀渀琀漀昀猀琀愀椀渀氀攀猀猀猀琀攀攀氀愀瀀瀀氀椀愀渀挀攀猀眀椀琀栀猀琀愀椀渀氀攀猀猀猀琀攀攀氀漀爀猀椀洀椀氀愀爀洀愀琀攀

䔀䐀䤀䌀䤀팀一 匀䔀倀吀䤀䔀䴀䈀刀䔀 嘀䤀匀吀䄀䰀䄀刀䔀嘀䤀匀吀䄀䐀䔀䰀䔀儀唀䤀倀伀䐀䔀䰀䌀伀伀倀䔀刀䄀吀䤀嘀䤀匀䴀伀

一攀眀猀氀攀琀攀爀瀀爀愀眀渀礀最爀甀搀稀椀攀䐁 㘀 䄀瘀愀椀氀漀倀爀愀眀漀䐀椀爀攀挀琀 眀眀眀 愀瘀愀椀氀漀 瀀氀 㠀㠀簀欀漀渀琀愀欀琀䀀愀瘀愀椀氀漀 瀀氀

䄀氀椀渀昀漀爀洀愀 漀渀 Ⰰ 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀渀搀琀漀漀氀猀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀攀搀漀渀琀栀椀猀猀椀琀攀 Ⰰ 椀渀攀戀漀漀欀猀愀渀搀椀渀㤀䐀愀礀䈀椀欀椀渀椀䌀栀愀氀攀渀最攀 漀爀漀琀栀攀爀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀爀攀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀昀漀爀攀搀甀挀愀 漀渀愀氀瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀猀漀渀氀礀 䄀渀礀栀攀愀氀琀栀 Ⰰ

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DAMIAN S. KWIATKOWSKI 3D Artist I Behance/damian4kwt I Linkedln/damian4kwt damiankwiatkowski.com

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June 30, 2016 Dear Friends, It's been another one of those news weeks. Just in case you missed it, this week Colombia's FARC rebels and Government neg

Community Amenities ++ Resort-style swimming pool with expansive tanning area ++ Relaxation courtyard with water features and ornate landscaping ++ Bu

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Tainan Cultural Center Performance Hall No. 332, Sec. 3, Jhonghua E. Rd., East District, Tainan City Open: WED to SUN 9:00-17:00 Closed: MON, TU

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Table of Contents Connect With Us! Facebook City of Forest City, IA Twitter @ ForestCityIA Instagram ForestCityIA The 2017 Community Guide is brought to you by the generous businesses that support this guide through advertising! For additions or corrections, contact Forest City Chamber at (641)585-2092. Our History...4 Our Community...5 Education...6 Calendar of Events... 8-9 Groups and Organizations...10 Housing and Rentals...11 Parks...12 Attractions...13 Trails...16 Recreation...17 City Map... 18-19 Restaurants/Lounges...20 Conference & Meeting Facilities...21 Large Sport Facilities...22 Where to Stay...23 Business...25 Business Directory...26-35 Printed by: Colorfx www.colorfx.net Winnebago County Courthouse - downtown Forest City 3

Our History More than 160 years ago Robert Clark, a native of Pennsylvania, sought out a better life in the westward settling of a new state called Iowa- Land between two rivers. As he traveled from Mason City northwest to the new frontier, he came to a spot where a river flowed, trees were plentiful for building and a giant prairie laid to the West, which was abundant with deer, elk, and buffalo-a perfect combination. Here Mr. Clark, in 1855, set the pin stakes for a town called Forest City, which was literally carved out of the native forest. Although the Civil War interrupted the growth of Forest City, the benefits of the new community were attractive to immigrant settlers. In 1879, a new rail line running between Minneapolis and St. Louis brought new faces and new languages from Sweden, Norway, Germany and Denmark to Forest City. In the 1900 s Forest City s history showed the progressiveness that continues today in the community. New schools, banks, churches, the formation of Waldorf University, and the introduction of electricity and telephone turned Forest City into a county seat town ideal for raising families and growing industry. Entrepreneurship has always thrived in Forest City. A new county courthouse was built in 1896, which still stands majestic today in the center of town. Two large first class hotels were built in town, one which became, in 1903, what we know today as Waldorf University. The formation of the Farmer s Cooperative, in 1916, helped develop the rich area land base which, in 2007, grew the largest average county corn yield per acre in any county in Iowa. In 1924, citizens stepped forward to preserve the remnants of beauty of the Wisconsin Glacial Drift, which is enjoyed by thousands today as Pilot Knob State Park. Great strides continued in 1960 when local investors, headed by John K. Hanson and Elliot Cooper, took over a failing out-oftown travel trailer factory and made it into Winnebago Industries-today s leader in worldwide RV motor home manufacturing. Last, but not least, what began as a physics project in the Forest City Community Schools, a wind turbine was added to their facilities in the fall of 1998, which generated savings for the schools, cranking green power to the classroom and community. If there were a book title for this Winnebago and Hancock Counties town, it would be: Forest City - A Place to Grow families, education, government, industry and productive farm fields. Welcome to our community, where roots run deep to grow the future! Riley Lewis-Historian 4 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Our Community Forest City welcomes you to our community Where Nature s Close and Friends are Closer. Although Forest City is the County Seat for Winnebago County, it is also uniquely situated within two counties, Winnebago and Hancock Counties. Forest City offers a wide range of activities during your stay. In the warmer months, enjoy 15 miles of bike trails, nine parks, 26 miles of canoeing on the Community members enjoy Forest City because in a growing population of 4,151 friendly people, it s easy to get connected, both professionally and personally. Many find that it s easy to make a difference by joining the many civic clubs and organizations. Find more information on our website at www. forestcityia.com. Winnebago River, a 21 basket disc golf course, an18 hole golf course, three campgrounds, an aquatic center and many more activities. During your stay, don t miss a tour of Waldorf University, the Winnebago industrial tour or the Heritage Park of North Iowa tour which boasts many exhibits of our local agricultural and transportation history. For business or lifestyle, Forest City is a desirable location. Located along the Winnebago River, we are conveniently located 2 hours South of Minneapolis and 2 hours North of Des Moines. This offers the community members a quick commute to visit the big city and also offers us the advantage of drawing thousands every year to our large venues that host events such as the Tree Town Music Festival. Just the facts: Population: 4151 Warmest month: July averages 83.3 degrees. The coldest month: January averages 2.1 degrees Annual precipitation: 32.2inches Wettest month of the year is June with 4.73 inches City of Forest City, Municipal Services 305 North Clark Street, Forest City, IA 50436 www.cityofforestcity.com 641-585-3574 Forest City Chamber of Commerce Promoting tourism and uniting businesses and professionals to promote the business climate. 145 South Clark Street, Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-2092 Forest City Economic Development Recruitment, retention and development of business in Forest City. 145 South Clark Street, Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-5560 Grow Forest City Coordinate Marketing of Forest City 145 South Clark Street, Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-1160 5

Education Schools: Forest City Community School District 145 South Clark Street 641-585-2323 www.forestcity.k12.ia.us The Forest City Community School District is committed to developing life-long learners. Offering quality education Pre-school through 12th grade. Forest City Christian School 305 Walnut Street 641-585-3233 www.forestcitychristian.com A co-education college preparatory school teaches preschool through 12th grade. Waldorf University 106 South 6th Street 800-292-1903 www.waldorf.edu Waldorf University offers residential and online degree programs that combine a strong liberal arts base with applied learning. Cocurricular programs ranging from the second oldest acapella choir in the nation to an outstanding theater program and competitive athletic teams provide students with a wide range of opportunities for meaningful participation and personal development. 6 2017 Forest City Community Guide

ON CAMPUS or ONLINE On campus and online, in the classroom and on the field, since 1903, Waldorf University s students and alumni have led the way in their communities and in their fields, continuing a rich tradition of success. For more information about Waldorf, visit us online at 7 2017 Forest City Community Guide waldorf.edu

2017 Calendar of Events MARCH 11 Iowa HS Speech Assoc. Contest @ Waldorf Univ. 16 Waldorf Community Artists Series - Paul Schrage @ Odvin Hagen Recital Hall, 7pm 18 Road to Tree Town @ Waldorf Fieldhouse, 7pm 31 Forest City Alumni Basketball Tournament (through April 2nd) APRIL 3 Winnebago Industries Factory Tours Begin for the season 5-8 Waldorf University Theatre performs Legally Blonde @ Smith Theatre, 7:30pm 11 Community Artists Series - Ronn MacFarlande and Aryeheart @ Odvin Hagen Recital Hall, 7pm 12 Waldorf University Visiting Writer s Series - Wyatt Townley @ Odvin Hagen Recital Hall, 7pm 29 Southtown Speedway Races begin (Sat nights through July 29) MAY 4-7 BrickStreet Theatre performs Wit at FC High School Auditorium 6 Pilot Knob Trail Race 13 Kite Day @ Heritage Park of N. IA 13-14 Steam School Days @ Heritage Park of N. IA 19 Friday in the Forest - Evening fun & entertainment on Clark Street. 25-28 Tree Town Music Festival JUNE 1 Heritage Park of N. IA, Tours Begin 3 Winnebago Outdoor Adventure Race 3-4 Tractor Pull @ Heritage Park of N. IA 10 International Festival @ Heritage Park of N. IA 16 Friday in the Forest - Evening fun & entertainment on Clark Street. 30 BrickStreet Theatre kids performs Seussical at FC High School Auditorium (through July 1) JULY 13-16 Annual Forest City Puckerbrush Days 13 BrickStreet Theatre performs Little Shop of Horrors at FC High School Auditorium (through July 17) 17 Heritage Festival @ Heritage Park of N. IA 18 Winnebago Itasca Travelers (WIT) Grand National Rally (through July 23) AUGUST 12 Forest City Chamber of Commerce Tractor Ride 18 Friday in the Forest - Evening fun & entertainment on Clark Street. 26 Horse & Mule Event @ Heritage Park of N. IA SEPTEMBER 6-10 Iowa Firemen s Association Convention 14-17 Steam Threshing Festival & Rumley Expo @ Heritage Park of N. IA 15-16 Consignment Sale @ Heritage Park of N. IA 30 Fall Fest Junkapalooza @ Heritage Park of N. IA (through October 1) TREE TOWN MUSIC FESTIVAL MAY 25-28 www.treetownfestival.com The Tree Town Music Festival is a multiple day music festival offered on Memorial Day weekend, celebrating its fourth year in 2017. Rock Night, on Thursday evening, is the kick off for the long weekend of musical entertainment, headlining Bret Michaels on the Saloon Stage. Country music headliners starting Friday night include Jason Aldean, Alan Jackson, Thomas Rhett, Big and Rich, as well as a number of additional performers that will perform at this year s festival on the Tree Town Stage. Forest City s proximity to two major highways, several metropolitan areas, as well as community facilities, makes it an ideal location for a multi-day event such as this. The festival utilizes the Winnebago Rally Grounds owned by Winnebago Industries for festival campers. This is a major event with crowds estimated to be nearly 15,000 on Friday night and upwards of 25,000 on Sunday. The airport used by performers to arrive by private planes is less than a mile from the stage. 8 2017 Forest City Community Guide

FARMER S MARKET June 15 October, Thursdays 3:30-5:30 pm DOWNTOWN FOREST CITY OCTOBER 7 Oktoberfest on N. Clark Street NOVEMBER 4 Forest City Chamber of Commerce Annual Ladies Day Out Craft Vendor Fair 25 Holiday Lights Display @ Heritage Park of N. IA, Fridays & Saturdays thru Dec 23 DECEMBER 2-3 Waldorf Christmas Concert 9 Forest City Christmas Celebration PUCKERBRUSH DAYS July 13-16 2017 Community Activities MARCH 3 AFS Fun Night 6-9pm 4-12 Waldorf University Spring Break 8-10 Forest City Community School Spring Break APRIL 7-8 Forest City High School Spring Play 15 Youth Easter Egg Hunt @ Heritage Park, 1pm 21-22 Spring City-wide Garage Sales 22 Forest City High School Prom MAY 6 Waldorf University Commencement 19 Blue Stars Drum & Bugle Corps Spring Training - thru June 15 21 Forest City High School Graduation, 2pm 22-26 Parks & Recreation Summer Program sign-up Week 29 Aquatic Center opens JUNE 13 Parks & Recreation Summer Programs begin 24 Winnebago County Relay for Life, at Courthouse Square. JULY 13-16 Puckerbrush Days Celebration AUGUST 1 National Night Out 7 Back to School Pool Bash @ Aquatic Center 23 Forest City Community Schools begin 24 Waldorf University classes begin SEPTEMBER 8-9 Fall City-wide Garage Sales Puckerbrush Days, Forest City s annual community celebration, is July 13-16, 2017, and as always there will be fun and exciting events and activities going on around town. Throughout the four day celebration, there are numerous events and entertainment opportunities available for families and community members to do, ranging from the Rotary Club s chicken barbeque feed, Battle of the Businesses and the annual parade. Other activities include fire truck rides and a craft show on the Winnebago County Courthouse lawn. OCTOBER TBA Parks & Recreation Halloween Dance TBA Walking Eagle Pumpkin Patch (Relay for Life) 20-22 Waldorf University Homecoming NOVEMBER 2-4 Forest City High School Fall Musical 27 Tree Lighting Ceremony, downtown Forest City. DECEMBER 9 Waldorf Winter Break begins 23 Forest City Community School Winter Break thru Jan. 2 TBA Parks & Recreation Middle School Dance 9

Groups and Organizations Area Code 641 4-H Forest Everreadies contact-tammy Olsen 590-0980 AFS Intercultural Programs contact-eunice Clouse 585-4155 American Cancer Society contact-steve Lovik 585-1480 cancer.org American Legion contact-bob Rollefson 585-1335 American Legion Auxiliary contact-eleanor Lovik 585-3598 Boy Scouts contact-jim Brockhohn 585-3032 BrickStreet Theatre contact-jim Brockhohn 585-3032 brickstreettheatre.org Breakfast Lions Club 515-232-2215 Cub Scouts contact-cindy Brockhohn 585-3032 Ducks Unlimited, Inc. contact-dave Kudej 581-3103 Evening Lions Club 515-232-2215 FFA contact-derek Straube 585-2324 Fine Arts Patrons contact-michele Bunger 585-2670 Forest City Garden Club contact-paulette Hammer 585-1710 Forest City High School Sports Boosters contact - Chad Moore 585-2324 forestcity.k12.ia.us Forest City Rotary Club contact-jan Anderson 585-3247 Forest City Young Professionals forestcityia.com Girl Scouts contact-laurie Suby 588-3499 Knights of Columbus contact-robert Kuefler 582-2606 Kum Along Club contact-rolf Anderson 585-2517 Meals on Wheels 125 N. 7th St. 585-2517 Ministerial Association Eric Weaver 585-4171 Neighborhood Food Bank 215 S. 4th St. 585-1360 䘀䄀䴀䤀䰀夀䌀䰀䤀一䤀䌀䘀伀刀䔀匀吀䌀䤀吀夀 North Iowa Community Action Oganization 135 School St. 585-5863 Quest Club Gamers Association Zack Infanger 515-357-1057 Waldorf University Sports Boosters Denny Jerome 585-8265 Winnebago County Relay for Life relayforlife.org Winnebago Historical Society contact-jim Oulman 585-4332 winnebagohistoricalsocietyiowa.org Winnebago/Hancock County Pheasants Forever contact-kerby & Jo Ann Rauk 581-2959 10 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Housing/Rentals Housing Developments: Estates of Bear Creek Steve Bakke, bakkelaw@wctatel.net 150 N. Clark St., Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-2530 Executive Estates Haugen Realty Janet Haugen, janet@haugenrealty.com 109 S. Clark St., Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-4663 Fairway Meadows Leading Edge Development Services Alan Johnson, alan@leds.bz 24592A Highway 105, Lake Mills, IA 50450 641-592-0500 Prairie View Estates 1st Choice Realty Bethanie Farus, bethanie@fcrealty.com 250 N. Clark St., Forest City, IA 50436 641-585-2404 Forest City Realtors: First Choice Realty 250 N. Clark St. 641-585-2404 fcrealty.com Missal Realty 234 N. Clark St. 641-585-3554 missalrealty.com Haugen Realty 109 S. Clark St. 641-585-4663 haugenrealty.com Rentals: Forest City offers a wide range of rentals See our website forestcityia.com or contact the Chamber of Commerce for a complete listing of apartment rentals in Forest City 641-585-2092. 11

Parks City Parks Boman Park - Located on John K. Hanson Drive across from the Waldorf University football field. This park features a Skate Park, Tennis/Pickle Ball Courts and Volleyball Courts. Clark Park - Downtown Forest City, across from the Winnebago County Courthouse. A charming area to have lunch or relax in the downtown setting. East Woods Park - Adjacent to the East side of Pammel Park and the Winnebago River. A tree covered nature area that allows vehicle access off J Street. This park offers a shelter house with picnic area. Merrick Park - Located in a residential area on Park Street. This is a quiet park area with play equipment for children and a pavillion. Pammel Park - Pammel Park offers many recreational opportunities: see box at right. Rotary Westgate Park - Neighborhood park located in the Westgate housing subdivision. Entrance is off of Westwood Court and Westgate Drive. Rotary Park offers a large playground unit and basketball court. Sunshine Park - Located on North end of Gilbert Street in a residential area. This park is designed for children and offers a Tot Lot with playground unit, gazebo, and playhouse. Thomas Bearse Park - Located on the North side of J Street, next to the Winnebago River and across from the entrance to East Woods Park. This park allows for easy access for fishing and offers a picnic area. Woodland Park - Neighborhood park located in the North part of town in the Woodland Housing Subdivision. The park offers a shelter house and play equipment for children. Pammel Park: Pammel Park is centrally located in Forest City and boasts something for everyone in the family to enjoy. Facilities include 2 lighted baseball/ softball diamonds, playground equipment, bike and walking trail, Winnebago River water trail, low impact canoe/kayak access, Lions Club memorial picnic shelter, butterfly garden, camping area, dump station, and disc golf course. Area Parks Pilot Knob State Park - A picturesque State Park offering camping, trails, a lake, picnic areas and much more. Just off Hwy 9, five miles East of Forest City 641-581-4835 www.iowadnr.gov/parks/state_park_list/pilot_knob.html Thorpe Park - A beautiful park to enjoy nature. This park features a lake, hiking trails, campground and cabin, and prairie areas. Just off 110th Ave, five miles West of Forest City 641-565-3390 www.winnebagoccb.com Gazebos/Shelters Grills Picnic Tables Playground Equipmet Restrooms Boman Park l l Clark Park l East Woods Park l l l l Merrick Park l l l l l Pammel Park l l l l l Rotary Westage Park l l l Sunshine Park l l Thomas Bearse Park l l Woodland Park l l l l 12 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Attractions Heritage Park of North Iowa Located just off Hwy 69 and near County Road B14. 641-596-0527 email: tours@heritageparkofnorthiowa.com Tours: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. weather permitting. Open June1st through August 31st. Cost: $5.00 per person. Visit the 91 acre outdoor museum dedicated to the preservation of America s rural heritage. See steam and gas powered antique tractors, a log home, 1890 s church, school house, barn, fire station, jail, barber shop and much more from the early 1800 s to mid 1900 s. There are over 40 buildings in the park filled with artifact displays and demonstrations. Mansion Museum and Genealogical Center 336 North Clark Street 641-581-3283 www.mansionmuseum.org Tours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. and Sundays 1:00-4:00 p.m. Tours also available by appointment. Visit the Mansion Museum, a turn of the century home built by banker, Charlie Thompson. The mansion features a large collection of local artifacts and memorabilia of Governor Terry Brandstand. The Librand-Whites Genealogy Center is attached to the museum and archives much of the local and regional history of development and people. While you re here, don t miss the opportunity to take the Downtown Architectural Walking Tour or visit the Winnebago County Courthouse. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for more information 641-585-2092. Winnebago Industries Visitor s Center & Museum 1045 South 4th Street 641-585-6936 or 800-643-4892 email: info@winnebagoind.com www.winnebagoind.com/company/visit-us Tours: Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. Visit the most technologically advanced RV manufacturing facility in the world. Free, 90 minute, tours of the main facility are offered from April 1st through November 1st. Reservations are recommended for parties of six or more. 13

From the first modest RVs that rolled off the line to the innovative coaches we produce today, Winnebago has defined the motorhome industry for decades. We invite you to visit our 60-acre headquarters and take a fascinating trip through our famous manufacturing campus, which produces thousands of award-winning motorhomes every year. Winnebago Outdoor store: Be sure to visit the Winnebago Outdoor retail store for branded apparel and gifts plus a variety of gear to fit an outdoor lifestyle. Tours Monday Friday (except holidays) April October: 9:00 am & 1:00 pm All tours depart from our Visitor s Center 1045 South 4th Street, Forest City, IA 50436 If there are more than six in your group, please call 800-643-4892, ext. 1. Find your style at WinnebagoOutdoor.com

Arriving in 2018 Hanson Fine Arts Center The Hanson Family Fine Arts Center is a performing arts venue that is expected to open in Fall of 2018. This project is the result of a partnership among Forest City Community Schools, Waldorf University and the City of Forest City. The vision is to create a 21st century performing arts experience that enriches the lives of the community and visitors. The center will provide exceptional performing arts opportunities for the schools and families throughout the North Iowa region. The center will include: 600 seat theatre Art gallery Stage Office suites Dressing rooms Orchestra pit Event/Community banquet space Conveniently located near the Forest City Schools and Waldorf University, it is expected that this state-of-the-art facitlity will include a proscenium stage, full-fly-riggin system, an auditorium that seats more than 600 people. The facility will be used for university, school and local theatre group performances, as well as regional and national touring groups. The facility will also host artist and speaker series, art exhibits, art demonstrations, theatrical instruction, banquets, receptions and other private/community/business events. 15

Trails FOREST CITY BIKE RENTAL 8 Bikes are available for rent at kiosks in Pammel Park, downtown Forest City and at Waldorf University. For specific rental information, see our website at BIKE AND WALKING TRAILS: The Forest City Parks and Recreation Department continually maintains, improves, and expands the trail system, in order to reach and better serve the residents and visitors. Enjoy our local trails! TRAIL MAP Hynes Spur Trail Approx. 2 miles from J Street at Pammel Park to 330th St./Airport Road. It meanders through Pammel Park, a woodland setting, through the Bear Creek Golf Course and Disc Golf Course and past the Winnebago Rally grounds to 330th St./Airport Road. All off road paved trail. Hanson Trail - Approx. 9 miles. Begins on J Street next to Pammel Park entrance, left on Golf Course Road to Hwy 9, East along Hwy 9 to 206th Ave. to Pilot Knob Entrance, West on 340th Street to Golf Course Road and Left on J Street to Pammel Park entrance. A combination of paved off road trails and share-the-road trails. Pilot Knob Loop Approx. 4 miles. Begins at the entrance of Pilot Knob State Park and winds through the park. All paved and on park roads. 16 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Recreation Forest City lives up to its name with a high density of trees and woodlands in which to engage in recreation and gather with friends and family. Family fun is a priority in Forest City, and the Forest City Parks & Recreation Department takes great pride in offering an abundance of activities, programs and parks with trails for playtime and relaxation! Bear Creek Golf Course www.bearcreekfc.com Forest City s Bear Creek is 18 scenic holes of memorable golf. The front 9 (also known as The Cub ) is challenging and enjoyable, yet plays slightly easier than the back 9 (known as The Grizzly ). You ve never seen a more diverse group of holes on one golf course. Set your tee time today to play Forest City s Bear Creek Golf Course. Forest City Disc Golf Course is located a few blocks east of downtown in two of our city parks (Pammel Park and East Woods Park), which are separated by the Winnebago River. The course is 21 baskets, that offer challenging blue tees for the advance player, as well as the easier red tees for the new or recreational player. You will get to use a wide variety of shots to complete your round as the course features terrain from open and level fairways with a few trees to elevation changes in wooded areas, as well as a few water hazards on seven of the baskets. South Town Speedway southtownspeedway.com The track is a 1/7 mile, semi banked clay dirt mix surface and well lighted. Races every Saturday night. Hot laps start at 6:30pm. Race track number: 641-581-5858 Winnebago River Water Trail A designated canoeing/ kayaking water trail runs all along the Winnebago River. A popular local route is from Ambrosen Recreation, area in Leland, IA (just North on Hwy 9/69), to Pammel Park in Forest City. The Aquatic Center features: Zero depth entry Current channel Giant water slide One meter and three meter diving boards Large and small in-water playgrounds Seven geysers and therapy jets Bath house with two family changing areas Concession stand Pool Passes available online at forestcityparksandrec.com Bear Creek Outdoors bearcreekoutdoors.com Located at 3240 Hwy 69. Indoor archery range and Techno Hunt virtual archery. 17

Winnebago Industries Access Rd. Sunset Dr W e Oak K County Rd A-42 J d Thorpe Park Chamber of Commerce 641-585-2092 Spring Valley Rd /160th Ave Thorpe Park 7 Miles west FC HS Baseball FC High School Track & Football Field FC HS Softball Field Elementary School 8 Middle School High School 9 A YMCA 19 Gilbert St Hale Lane 12 Best St O St M Street N Street K St S Chapel St 13 20 6 Waldorf University O St 24 5 2 2 15 8 9 10 14 11 G 14 10 H Wo 1 Areas of Interest 1. Chamber of Commerce & Economic Dev. 2. City Hall 3. Public Library 4. Police Station 5. Post Office 6. Waldorf University 7. Bolstorff Field and Beebe Track 8. Forest City Elementary School 9. Forest City High School & Middle School 10. Forest City School District Offices 11. Forest City Christian School 12. Hanson Field House 13. Civic Auditorium 14. Winnebago County Courthouse 15. Mt. Valley Vineyard 16. Heritage Park of North Iowa 17. Winnebago Industries Visitor s Center 18. Forest City Airport 19. YMCA 20. Forest City Parks and Recreation Office 21. Airport Industrial Park 22. Nerem Industrial Park 23. Forest City Industrial Rail Park 24. Mansion Museum 25. Denny Jerome Athletic Center 26. Baseball/Softball Diamonds 27. Emergency Services Center A a Parks A. Sunshine Park B. Woodland Park C. Thomas Bearse Park D. East Woods Park E. Pammel Park F. Merrik Park G. Clark Park H. Boman Park I. Rotary Park J. Thorpe Park K. Pilot Knob State Park Lodging and Camping a. Forest City Motel b. The Lodge Resort c. Super 8 d. Thorpe Park Campground e. Three Fingers Campground f. Pammel Park Campground g. Pilot Knob Campground Forest City Trails Hynes Spur Trail Hanson Trail Spring Valley Rd/160th Ave Quail Ave I Winnebago Way Indian Ave Nerem Industrial Park 22 Nerem Dr Westgate Dr John K. Hanson Dr CDI 25 7 26 Crystal Lake Road / B14 Gate 3 Aquatic Center Winnebago Industries 3M Distribution Center Gate 1 Gate 2 Forest City Industrial Rail Park 23 330th St Park St 5 18 2016 Forest City Community Guide

180th St River Rd/Save Ave 190th Ave. 190th Ave. Sunset Dr Walnut St Oak Knoll B 11 Woodland Dr 16 13 a 1 Pleasant St Sunrise Dr Acorn St Mercy Medical Clinic Hanson Trail 17 O St 4 24 20 8 9 10 14 11 G 14 10 1 I St f ty 5 7 2 3 2 15 3 E St C St Central St G St 12 4 27 E f 26 Campground Winnebago River D C 345th St B St Park St Gate 2 A St 17 F 6 Bear Creek Golf Course Hanson Trail Sage Drive Wild Rose Dr 340th St / Pilot Knob Rd Mt. Valley Vineyard 15 K g Pilot Knob State Campground b 18 st City al Rail Park 23 5 c 16 Winnebago Rally Grounds Heritage Park 21 Airport Industrial Park Hynes Spur Trail Airport Blacktop / B14 / 330th St 18 Forest City Municpal Airport Winnebago River Knollwood Dr 1 RESTAURANTS & LOUNGES 1. A & W All American Food 2. Ay Jalisco 3. Cabin Coffee Company 4. Casey s Pizza To Go 5. Casey s Pizza To Go 6. The Den at Bear Creek 7. Forest City Foods Deli & Godfathers Pizza 8. Hardee s 9. Paddler s Tap 10. Sally s Restaurant 11. Scoopy Doos Ice Cream & More 12. Season s Deli & Cafe 13. Shooterz Sports Bar & Grill 14. Subway 15. Sum Hing Chineese Restaurant 16. Taco Jerry s/borderline Pizza 17. VIP Lounge 18. The Lodge Restaurant 19

Restaurants/Lounges Area Code 641 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bar Large Groups Live Entertainment A & W ALL AMERICAN FOOD 1106 Hwy 69 N. 582-4733 www.awrestaurants.com HARDEE S 126 North 6th St. 585-5741 SHOOTERZ SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1126 Hwy 69 N. 585-5000 www.shooterzfc.com AY JALISCO 208 N. Clark St. 582-2245 LODGE RESTAURANT, THE 945 Hwy 69 S. 585-5060 www.thelodgfc.com SUBWAY 115 West J. St. 582-3080 www.subway.com CABIN COFFEE COMPANY 206 Hwy 69 N. 585-1776 www.cabincoffeecompany.com PADDLER S TAP, THE 136 N. Clark St. 585-0303 www.thepaddlerstap.com SUM HING CHINESE RESTAURANT 247 N. Clark St. 585-1688 CASEY S PIZZA TO GO 106 Hwy 69 S. 582-2288 www.caseys.com SALLY S RESTAURANT 133 N. Clark St. 585-3400 TACO JERRY S/BORDERLINE PIZZA 1145 Hwy 69 N. 585-3151 CASEY S PIZZA TO GO 1132 Hwy 69 S. 582-5518 www.caseys.com SCOOPY DOOS ICE CREAM & MORE 105 N. Clark St. 585-3030 www.scoopydoosicecream.com VIP LOUNGE 705 Hwy 69 N. 585-2893 THE DEN AT BEAR CREEK 145 Country Club Rd. 585-1353 www.bearcreekfc.com SEASON S DELI & CAFÉ Located in Bill s Family Food 585-3775 www.billsfamilyfoods.net FOREST CITY FOODS DELI 145 East L St. 585-4120 www.forestcityfoods.com GODFATHER S PIZZA Located in FC Foods 582-2100 www.forestcityfoods.com 20 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Conference & Meeting Facilities Family Alliance for Veterans of America (FAVA) 100 North Clark St. 641-243-4103 641-585-5995 fava.westcare.com Education Center classroom seating for 18 people, or chair seating for 50. Main area seating 18 in big comfy chairs. Living room type area seating 8 in couch and chairs. The Lodge Hotel & Restaurant 945 Hwy 69 South 641-585-5060 www.thelodgefc.com Two meeting rooms seating 45 each and one additional private room seating10 people Fieldhouse, Smith Theatre, Art Gallery, Odvin Hagen Music Recital Hall, Campus Center Lounge and any outside area. Call for seating capacity and reservations. Winnebago Industries Activity Complex & Rally Grounds 1005 Hwy 69 South 641-585-6464 www.winnebagoind.com River Oaks Clubhouse- seats up to 78 people, adjacent bar and kitchen. Friendship Hall- 60 X 200 ft. of meeting space with adjacent kitchen. The Rally Grounds- 87 acres with 1600 campsites and electric hookups. Fixed stage and permanent bleacher seating for 3000. Two pavilions and 10 permanent kiddie rides. Onsite catering food service is available. MAJOPA 905 Hwy 69 South 641-585-3050 www.mosaicinnorthcentraliowa.org 3000 square feet of space available, includes a great room, adjacent kitchen and seating for 50 to 60 and theatre style for 75 people. The Den at Bear Creek Golf Course 145 Country Club Road 641-585-1353 www.bearcreekfc.com Seating for up to 85 people. Full service menu available. Titonka Savings Bank Community Room 101 Hwy 69 North 641-585-3247 Table seating for 164 with an adjacent large modern kitchen. Senior Community Center 124 North 7th St. 641-585-2517 Seating for approximately 200 with adjacent kitchen and public address system. Waldorf University Atrium Waldorf University 106 South 6th St. 641-585-2450 Several areas and spaces are available for use: the Atrium, Salveson Hall Ballroom, the Anna Marie Mitchell Conference Room, Breen Hall Classroom, John K. Hanson 21

Large Sport Facilities Bolstorff Field - Home to the Waldorf University Warriors, this field offers artificial turf, lighted scoreboard, stands for fans, night lighting for evening use, concession buildings, surrounded with a fence, restrooms and ample parking nearby. This field is used for football and soccer games, as well as large tournaments and marching band competitions. Beebe Track - This10 lane track surrounds Bolstorff Field. Jay E. Brooker Field - Home to the Forest City Indians, this field offers artificial turf, lighted scoreboards, stands for fans, night lighting for evening use, concession buildings, is surrounded with a fence, restrooms and ample parking in the school lots. This field is primarily used for Forest City High School football games, marching band practice and large tournament events. The field also offers an 8 lane track. Baseball/Softball Fields - Both are located at Forest City High School and feature artificial turf and concession buildings. 22 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Where To Stay The Lodge Hotel 945 Highway 69 South 641-585-5060/1-888-771-3535 Fax: 641-585-3560 E-mail: reservations@thelodgefc.com www.thelodgefc.com Featuring 12 two-room suites, five single rooms, one fully handicapped accessible room and a honeymoon suite (all non-smoking) in a lovely wooded setting overlooking the Winnebago River; free continental breakfast daily; fine dining, free wireless internet and cable TV in every room, microwave and refrigerator in suites; group discounts and senior rates available on our rooms. Wedding Gazebo, paths to 18-hole Bear Creek Golf Course and Pammel Park, winter cross county skiing, river access for resort guests (bring your canoe or tube) and 47 miles of connecting hiking and biking trails. Super 8 Motel 125 Highway 69 South 641-585-1300 www.super8.com Featuring: 34 guest rooms, including five suites, with free wireless internet, free continental breakfast and truck/bus parking. Forest City Motel 1115 Highway 69 North 641-585-4351 Featuring: 16 doubles and 13 singles, free in-room wireless internet, special weekly and monthly rates available. 23

WINN-WORTH BETCO LOOKING FOR A JOB? WE GOT JOBS! (641) 585-5560 Growth & Results by Working Together STAY CONNECTED Check us out on Facebook or www.winn-worthbetco.com for weekly job postings and the events calendar. SCAN LIVE We have JOBS, affordable HOUSING, and COMMUNITIES from 100-4,000 people, so you choose your pace of life WORK from agriculture to advanced manufacturing to healthcare careers, we ve got INDUSTRIES to match your skills and goals. PLAY from the great outdoors to dining to sports to casino gaming, you can find EVENTS and ATTRACTIONS to your liking. It s WORTH your time to look at a place where you can LIVE, WORK, and PLAY and WIN at life! www.winn-worthbetco.com 203A North First Avenue, Lake Mills, IA 50450 641.592.0800 wwb@wctatel.net TYPES OF JOBS INCLUDE: Advanced Manufacturing Medical Engineering Accounting Auto Technician Maintenance Technical Illustration CNC Operation Agriculture Pharmaceutical Education Sales AND MANY MORE! 24 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Business Located along US Highway 69 and Highway 9, Forest City is situated equally 2 hours from Minneapolis and Des Moines. The Forest City Municipal Airport offers easy access to the business traveler with jet capable runways and jet fuel available. Iowa Northern Railway provides rail service from Forest City from their Terminal in Manly and interconnection to most Class 1 Railroads. Forest City Economic Development works in developing the business community in both large industry and small businesses. A few of FCED s major projects have included the recently completed Downtown Facade Improvement Project as well as the purchase of the North Central lowa Rail Corridor and lease to Iowa Northern Railway. Adjacent to this rail line is their new Rail Industrial Park which the Iowa Economic Development Authority has just named a Certified Development Ready Industrial Park. Forest City has two additional Industrial Areas Nerem Industrial Park and the Airport Industrial Park. Forest City Economic Develoment is available to assist existing and new businesses with expansion plans, site location and many other services. Growing the Forest City community while improving the quality of life for residents. Business Information Start-up assistance Finding the right location Workshops & classes Financing & funding options Housing assistance Rental information Down payment assistance Find a job at www.gotjobs.work Discover many different types of jobs Search jobs by location Call 641-585-5560 Visit www.developforestcityia.com Email beth@forestcityia.com 25

Business Directory Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 1040 Etc. 118 N. Clark St. 582-3337 3M Distribution Center 806 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 585-2700 4:13 Wood Shop-Custom Wood Working 23964 360th St. 581-2743 A H Hermel Co 739 Hwy. 69 N. 585-2696 Abels Financial Services 133 East J St. 585-4099 Advanced Door Systems 605 East J St., Suite 100 585-1900 adds-door.com Advanced Plumbing & Heating, LLC 19024 345th St. 581-2400 AFLAC Insurance Company 18862 D 345th St. 581-3003 Alne Acres Boarding & Grooming 36471 180th St. 581-2505 Al s Septic & Tree Service 18980 340th St. 590-6110 American Family Insurance 226 Hwy. 69 N. 585-1335 amfam.com Arndt, DK CPA P.C. 116 East I St. 585-4631 dkarndtcpa.net Athletico Physical Therapy 605 East J St., Suite 400 585-1550 athletico.com Atlas Enterprises 35545 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3630 Auke s Lawn & Pest Inc. 13149 360th St. 581-2365 B & L Detassling Service 110 Knollwood Dr. 581-4503 Bakke Law Offices 150 N. Clark St. 585-2530 Barth s Auto Service 436 West L St. 585-4723 Bear Creek Golf Course 145 Country Club Rd. 585-1353 bearcreekfc.com Bear Creek Outdoors 3240 Hwy. 69 S. 590-3025 bearcreekoutdoors.com Beltone Hearing Aid Center 635 Hwy. 9 E. 582-4166 Bennett Driveaway 906 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 585-3126 bennettig.com Bill s Family Foods 315 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3775 billsfamilyfoods.net Black Hills Energy 800-303-0752 blackhillsenergy.com Bloom Gardens 585-3775 Blue Diamond Car Wash 205 N. 4th St. Bob s Body Shop 36524 230th Ave. 581-2090 Body & Skin Rejuvenation 146 N. Clark St. 641-201-0496 rejuvenate.abmp.com Bomgaars 305 Hwy. 69 N. 585-4223 Boran, Jerry Painting 345 S. 11th St. 585-2656 26 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Boyken Insurance Agency 101 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3247 boykenins.com BrickStreet Theatre 122 N. Clark St. 585-3032 brickstreettheatre.org Calvary Baptist Church 636 N. Best St. 585-2576 Casey s General Store 1132 Hwy. 69 S. 582-5518 caseys.com Casey s General Store 106 Hwy. 69 S. 582-2288 caseys.com Cataldo Schott Funeral Home 505 N. Clark St. 585-2685 cataldoschottfh.com CDI 305 Nerem Dr. 585-5900 carerradesigns.com Cemstone Concrete Materials, LLC 1406 S. 4th St. 585-1962 Child Care Resource & Referral PO Box 253 585-1720 iowaccrr.org Chrysler of Forest City, Inc. 1445 Hwy. 69 S. 585-4040 pritchards.com City of Forest City-City Hall 305 N. Clark St. 585-3574 cityofforestcity.com Coloff Digital 1144 Hwy. 69 N. 877-640-6322 coloffdigital.com Community Plaza Apartments 125 Cathedral Oaks 398-2524 chihousing.com Computer Systems Unlimited, Inc. 116 East I St. 585-5342 Consumer Credit Counseling Service 421-7619 cccsuia.org County Line Seeds 129 Industrial Dr. 404-7377 Craig s Auto Service 216 N. 4th St. 251-8078 CR Holland Crane Service, Inc. 35545 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3630 Craft Communications 125 West K St. 585-1540 lwireless.com Creative Spirits 138 N. Clark St. 712-336-8186 creativespiritsokoboji.com Culligan Water Conditioning 423-5814 culligan.com Current Source Massage 146 N. Clark St. 585-5750 Cutting Edge, The 146 A N. 4th St. 585-5933 Cybersmith Engineering, Inc. 307 Walnut St. 585-5407 Dale s Body Shop Ltd. 109 Industrial Dr. 581-3332 dalesbodyshopfc.com Dollar General Store 111 N. 4th St. 582-2909 Doll s Nest, The 500 Hwy. 69 S. 582-4462 Eastvold Landscaping 16790 350th St. 581-4356 Eddy s Glass & Door 147 West K St. 585-4241 EDF Renewable Energy 605 East J St. 585-1623 Edward Jones Investments 209 N. Clark St. 582-2771 27

Business Directory Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Family Alliance for Veterans of America (FAVA) 100 N. Clark St. 585-5995 fava.westcare.com Family Eye Care Center 139 East K St. 585-3590 familyeyecc.com Farm & City Insurance Services (FCIS) 145 S. 4th St. 585-2925 fcisinsurance.com Farmer s Co-op Cardtrol 306 Hwy. 69 S. 585-2814 Farmers Cooperative Association 406 East K St. 585-2814 FC Festivals, LLC treetownfestival.com First Baptist Church 18508 Hwy. 9 E. 585-4171 First Choice Realty 250 N. Clark St. 585-2404 fcrealty.com First Congregational Church 316 N. 6th St. 585-4852 First Quality Builders 250 N. Clark St. 585-5222 Forest City Auto 3250 Hwy. 69 S. 581-3000 Forest City Chamber of Commerce 145 S. Clark St. 585-2092 forestcityia.com Forest City Chiropractic & Sports Clinic 245 N. Clark St. 585-3032 Forest City Christian School 305 Walnut St. 585-3233 Forest City Community Schools-District Office 145 S. Clark St. 585-2323 forestcity.k12.ia.us Forest City Economic Development 145 S. Clark St. 585-5560 forestcityia.com Forest City Education Foundation 145 S. Clark St. 585-2323 forestcityeducation.org Forest City Elementary School 1405 West I St. 585-2670 forestcity.k12.ia.us Forest City Family Aquatic Center 525 John K. Hanson Dr. 585-2650 cityofforestcity.com Forest City Family Dentistry 132 East J St. 585-4636 forestcitydentist.com Forest City Family YMCA 916 West I St. 585-5220 forestcityymca.org Forest City Fire Department 107 Hwy. 69 S. 585-4121 cityofforestcity.com Forest City Foods 145 East L St. 585-4120 forestcityfoods.com Forest City Ford Inc. 745 N Hwy. 9 & 69 585-5555 forestcityford.com Forest City Granite Works 116 West L St. 582-3282 Forest City High School 206 W. School St. 585-2324 forestcity.k12.ia.us Forest City Middle School 216 W. School St. 585-4772 forestcity.k12.ia.us 28 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Forest City Motel 1115 Hwy. 69 N. 585-4351 Forest City Aviation Inc. 1842 330th St. 581-2880 airnav.com/airport/kfxy Forest City Paramedics & Ambulance Service 105 Hwy. 69 S. 585-4634 cityofforestcity.com Forest City Parks & Rec 146 West L St. 585-4680 cityofforestcity.com Forest City Police Department 525 N. 4th St. 585-2113 fcpolice.org Forest City Public Library 115 East L St. 585-4542 fcpublib.org Forest City Storage Hwy. 69 S. 590-6088 Forest City Summit 105 S. Clark St. 585-2112 forestcitysummit.com Forest City Veterinary Clinic 35058 180th Ave. 585-2211 Forest Evangelical Lutheran Church 546 West M St. 585-5020 Forest Plaza Assisted Living 635 Hwy. 9 E. 585-1555 forestplaza.biz Forest Theatre 215 N. Clark St. 585-2790 forestcitytheatre.com Forester Salon 137 East J St. 585-4260 Frank Water Conditioning 305 Anderson Dr. 585-4491 G & H Motor Parts - NAPA Auto Parts 216 East K St. 585-4235 napaonline.com Goldy s 106 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3706 Good Samaritan Society 606 S. 7th St. 585-2232 good-sam.com Graphic Sign 13711 370th St. 581-4500 Greenfield Estates 101 Brooklyn Ave. 585-3809 Groves Contracting & Sales 1205 Hwy. 69 S. 585-2960 Grow Forest City 145 S. Clark St. 585-1160 cityofforestcity.com H & R Block 102 N. Clark St. 585-3751 hrblock.com H&S Auto Parts -Auto Plus 316 Hwy. 69 S. 585-3545 partsplus.com Hair Designs 236 East J St. 585-2405 Hanson Family Life Center 306 S. 6th St. 585-5187 Happy Sweets 102 Westhaven Ct. 590-0136 Haugen Contracting, Inc. 135 Industrial Dr. 581-3390 Haugen Realty 109 S. Clark St. 585-4663 haugenrealty.com W here you go for rehab can make all the difference. To learn more about our rehab/skilled care and outpatient therapy programs, call (641) 585-2232. All faiths or beliefs are welcome. Providing the Latest in Fiber-Optic Technology! Gigabit Fiber Connection! Voice.Video Broadband. iwireless www.wctatel.net 1.800.592.6105 29

Business Directory Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 K-Way Conveniance Store 806 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3118 Kwik & Kleen Carwash 246 Hwy. 69 S. Heritage Park of North Iowa County Rd. B14 596-0527 heritageparkofnorthiowa.com Hill City Firearms 135 West K. St. 585-4440 Hill, JA Construction Co. 1838 330th St. 581-3866 HMR Supplies 35545 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3630 Hogan-Hansen, PC 605 East J St., Suite 300 585-1040 hoganhansen.com Holland Contracting Corp. 1400 S. 4th St. 585-2231 hollandcontracting.com Hospice of North Iowa 1-800-297-4719 mercynorthiowa.org Immanuel Lutheran Church 246 S. Clark St. 585-3152 Iowa Workforce Development 422-1524 iowaworkforce.org J & B Remodeling 104 Westhaven Dr. 585-1447 J & K Draperies 103 N. Clark St. 585-3592 Johanson Law Office 141 East K St. 585-2227 Johnson s Hallmark & Fine Jewelry 119 N. Clark St. 585-4250 Joymark Communications 436 S. 7th St. 585-4210 Kaiser Auto Repair 1135 Hwy. 69 S. 585-1212 Ken s RV Repair 1309 Hwy. 69 S. 585-5070 Kingland Construction 1305 Hwy. 69 N. 585-0101 KIOW Radio FM 107.3 18643 360th St. 585-1073 kiow.com Koenen Chiropractic Clinic 209 S. Clark St. 582-4625 KZOW 91.9 FM - Waldorf Campus Radio Station 585-2450 waldorf.edu LaHarv Construction Co., Inc. 1825 325th St. 581-3643 Lakeside Construction, Inc. 1807 325th St. 581-5500 Lichtsinn RV 505 Hwy. 9 E. 585-3213 lichtsinnrv.com Lodge Hotel & Restaurant (The) 945 Hwy. 69 S. 585-5060 thelodgefc.com Lost Sock Bubblemat 112 N. 4th St. Mansion Museum 336 N. Clark St. 585-4332 mansionmuseumforestcity.org Maple Lane Photography 536 S. 7th St. 585-1437 MBT Insurance Agency 125 N. Central Ave. 585-4655 mbtbank.com 㐀䠀漀甀爀䜀漀漀搀一攀椀最栀戀漀爀匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀글 倀爀漀瘀椀搀椀渀最䤀渀猀甀爀愀渀挀攀愀渀搀䘀椀渀愀渀挀椀愀氀匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀䬀椀洀刀甀琀攀爀 Ⰰ 䄀最攀渀琀 伀甀爀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀椀猀琀漀挀爀攀愀琀攀愀爀攀氀愀砀椀渀最 Ⰰ 猀漀挀椀愀氀攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀眀栀攀爀攀昀爀椀攀渀搀猀最愀琀栀攀爀琀漀攀渀樀漀礀氀漀挀愀氀愀渀搀爀攀最椀漀渀愀氀挀爀愀昀琀戀攀攀爀猀 Ⰰ 栀愀爀搀挀椀搀攀爀 氀漀挀愀氀氀礀挀爀愀昀琀攀搀眀椀渀攀 眀眀眀 琀栀攀瀀愀搀搀氀攀爀猀琀愀瀀 挀漀洀 眀眀眀 欀椀洀爀甀琀攀爀 挀漀洀 30 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 MBT Investment Center 245 East J St. 585-4727 mbtbank.com MBT Bank 245 East J St. 585-2825 mbtbank.com McCubbin s Trophy & Engraving 3390 Welch Ave. 581-4604 mccubbintrophyandengraving.com Mercy Family Clinic 635 Hwy. 9 E. 585-2904 mercynorthiowa.com Mercy Rehabilitation Services 635 Hwy. 9 E. 585-1870 mercynorthiowa.com Miller Pharmacy 635 Hwy. 9 E. 585-3931 Missal Insurance & Realty 234 N. Clark St. 582-3554 missalrealty.com Monsen Painting 18040 370th St. 581-4679 Mosaic of North Central Iowa 905 Hwy. 69 S. 585-5364 mosaicinnorthcentraliowa.org Mount Valley Vineyard & Winery 20306 340th St. 581-3850 Multi-Financial Services 115 Oakview Dr. 585-1155 Nelson s Plumbing, Heating & Electrical 111 S. Clark St. 585-5016 Newman Thompson & Gray, PC 205 S. Clark St. 585-5043 North Central Sales & Service 16570 370th St. 581-3545 northcentralsales.net North Iowa Lumber and Design 3216 Hwy. 69 S. 581-2100 northiowalumber.com North Iowa Plumbing, Heating & Electrical 103 Industrial Dr. 581-4783 Nu2U Consignments 117 N. Clark St. 585-1770 nu2uforestcity.com NuTech Seed 36131 Hwy. 69 N. 581-3350 Nu-Tek Builders 107 Westhaven Ct. 585-1222 Olson, Dan Contracting 506 N. 11th St. 581-2567 Olson, Herb Sewer Cleaning 705 Secor Ave. 585-2587 Olsen, Terry L Construction 3390 James Ave. 565-3206 PBV Storage 3236 Hwy. 69 N. 641-585-5555 31

Business Directory Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Sid s Gas & Groceries 1116 Hwy. 69 S. 585-2030 Phoenix Rentals 806 West J St. 515-341-1671 Pilot Knob Lutheran Church 2390 330th St. 581-3070 Prairie Ridge 109 S. Clark St. 585-2060 praireridge.net Prairies Edge Wildland Services 35160 145th Ave. 581-2705 Pritchard s Forest CIty Auto Center 826 Hwy. 69 N. 585-2335 pritchards.com Private Counseling Services, Inc. 101 N. Clark St. 585-3575 Progressive Image 246 N. 4th St. 585-3331 Quilted Forest, The 205 N. Clark St. 585-2438 thequiltedforest.com Red Shed Landscaping 36788 150th Ave. 581-3189 redshedlandscaping.com Roadrunner Auto Body 1810 325th St. 581-3711 Ron s LP Gas Service 35541 Hwy. 69 N. 585-4531 Salon Infinity 136 Hwy. 69 N. 585-1311 Schnebly s Fuel & Service 105 S. 4th St. 585-4611 Senior Community Center 125 N. 7th St. 585-2517 Serenity Apartments 1110 West I St. 251-4721 Serenity Spa 117 S. 4th St. 582-2080 Shear Effects 34555 Green Acres Dr. 581-2620 Shopko Hometown 616 Hwy. 9 E. 582-2511 shopkohometown.com Scoopy Doos Ice Cream and More 105 N. Clark St., Forest City 641-585-3030 Check out our daily specials! Sinnwell Customizing 246 Chapel St. 582-2770 andysinnwellart.com Smith Auto Parts 2464 330th St. 581-4000 Southtown Speedway 515 N. 11th St. 581-5858 southtownspeedway.com Springs of Life Four Square Church 915 Hwy. 69 S. 585-3935 SRM Enterprises/BestTrack 131 Oakridge Dr. 585-2299 besttrack.com St. James Catholic Church 906 West O St. 585-4856 Hours: M.-Sat. 11 am.-9 p.m., Sun. 12-9 p.m. 32 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 State Farm Insurance 114 N. Clark St. 585-4808 kimruter.com Steve s Sand & Soda Blasting 3270 Hwy. 69 S. 430-0372 Styling Lodge, The 236 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3130 Super 8 Motel 1215 Hwy. 69 S. 585-1300 super8.com Super Bowl 19050 Hwy. 9 E. 581-2618 superbowlforestcity.com Tama Properties, LLC 109 N. Clark St. 903-9750 Three Fingers Campground 14330 355th St. 585-5060 Titonka Savings Bank - TSB 101 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3247 tsbbank.com Torkelson Plumbing & Heating 336 N. 7th St. 585-5445 Town Square Apartments 136 West I St. 585-4321 Tree Town Tatoos 130 N. Clark St. 251-8052 Tree Town Technologies 119 S. Clark St. 590-2962 Trisha s Tips & Toes 35989 B Hwy. 69 N. 585-3481 TSB Investment Center 101 Hwy. 69 N. 585-3247 tsbbank.com Tweeten Stump Removal 1810 325th St. 581-3711 United Methodist Church 305 S. Clark St. 585-3281 Uptown Liquor 306 Hwy. 69 S. 585-5137 US Postal Service 312 N. Clark St. 585-3090 Verizon Wireless 113 West J St. 585-5277 verizonwireless.com Veterans Affairs 216 S. 4th St. 585-5736 Wade Thompson Trucking & Repair 2375 330th St. 581-3056 Wagner Tire, Inc. 1115 Hwy. 69 S. 585-2288 33

Business Directory Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Waldorf University 106 S. 6th St. 585-2450 waldorf.edu Waldorf University Bookstore 106 S. 6th St. 585-8159 waldorf.edu Waldorf University Luise V. Hanson Library 106 S. 6th St. waldorf.edu/library WCTA-Winnebago Cooperative Telecom Association 800-592-6105 wctatel.net Wendy s Way 35989 B Hwy. 69 N. 585-3481 Westown Place Apartments 210 Bob Johnson Dr. 515-295-2927 White Transfer & Storage Co. 546 Hwy. 9 E. 585-1200 WHW County Social Services 126 S. Clark St. 585-2340 Wild Prairie Primitives & Antiques 141 N. Clark St. 590-3030 Wilson Dental 145 N. Clark St. 585-3431 wilsondentalclinic.com Wilton Apartments 815 West J St. 585-2153 Winnebago County Abstract Co. 125 S. Clark St. 585-3101 Winnebago County Courthouse 126 S. Clark St. 585-3412 Winnebago County Jail 216 S. Clark St. 585-3632 Winnebago County Public Health 216 S. 4th St. 585-4763 Winnebago County Sheriff 216 S. Clark St. 585-2828 Winnebago County Transit 106 E. Park St. 585-2435 Winnebago Industries 605 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 585-3535 winnebagoind.com Winnebago Outdoor Store 1045 S. 4th St. 585-6936 winnebagooutdoor.com 34 2017 Forest City Community Guide

Chamber Members are bolded Restaurants and Lounges - page 20 Groups and Organizations - page 10 Area Code 641 Winnebago Visitor Center 1045 S. 4th St. 581-6936 winnebagoind.com Winnebago/Hancock County Shopper 105 S. Clark St. 585-2112 forestcitysummit.com Winngate Village Apartments 102 & 104 Winngate Dr. 712-262-5965 Wrenhaven Quilting 23094 340th St. 581-3700 Wright, Jane - Attorney 132 East J St. 585-1440 YOHNCO 133 Industrial Dr. 581-3020 Swinging Bridge in Pammel Park Top Dealer of Winnebago Motor Homes in North America! RV Sales, Service & Rentals We carry all models of Winnebago motor homes and service many types of RVs. We have over 80 new and preowned models available on our dealership lot! We have state of the art service bays and hookups available on site for sales and service guests. We also rent Winnebago motor homes and campers. RV Parts & Camping Supply Store Featuring 7,000 square feet of RV Parts, Accessories and Camping Supplies for RVers and non-rvers - from kitchen supplies to tow bars to water hoses and everything in between. LichtsinnRV.com 505 Highway 9 East Forest City, Iowa 1-800-343-6255 35

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