科士威集團有限公司 年報 Cosway

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公司資料 二零一五年年報 2

目錄 財務概要 公司資料 主席報告書 管理層討論及分析 董事及高級管理人員履歷 企業管治報告 環境 社會及管治報告 董事會報告 獨立核數師報告 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 綜合財務狀況表 綜合權益變動表 綜合現金流量表 綜合財務報表附註 五年財務摘要

公司資料 Gerard Joseph McMAHON Gerard Joseph McMAHON Gerard Joseph McMAHON Gerard Joseph McMAHON (852) (852) h


目 錄




年報 2014/15 廣澤地產有限公司 目錄 公司資料財務摘要主席報告管理層討論與分析董事及高級管理層簡介董事會報告企業管治報告獨立核數師報告綜合收益表綜合全面收入表財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合

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目錄 公司資料 2 財務概要 3 主席報告 4 管理層討論及分析 7 董事及高級管理層履歷 17 企業管治報告 22 董事會報告 33 獨立核數師報告 40 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 42 綜合財務狀況表 43 綜合權益變動表 45 綜合現金流量表 46 財務報表附註 47

(Incorporated in the Cayman lslands with limited liability) 於開曼 群 島 註 冊 成 立 之 有 限 公 司 Stock Code: 1259 股份代 號 年度報告 年度報告 2014 ANNUAL REPORT


目錄 2 公司資料 3 董事及高級管理層簡歷 5 主席報告 6 管理層討論及分析 10 企業管治報告 17 董事會報告 26 獨立核數師報告 28 綜合全面收益報表 29 綜合財務狀況報表 30 綜合權益變動表 31 綜合現金流量表 32 綜合財務報表附註 94 五年財務摘要 95 主要物業之詳情

威 發 國 際 集 團 有 限 公 司 於 百 慕 達 註 冊 成 立 之 有 限 公 司 股份代號 : 765 2O15

目 錄 公司資料 2 財務摘要 3 榮譽及獎項 年業務發展歷程 6 環境 社會與管治報告 7 主席報告 13 管理層討論及分析 16 董事履歷 35 高級管理層履歷 39 董事會報告 43 企業管治報告 60 獨立核數師報告 69 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 71 綜合財務狀況表 72

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1 目錄






目錄 頁數 2 公司資料 3 主席報告書 4 管理層討論及分析 18 董事會報告 30 企業管治報告 38 獨立核數師報告 40 綜合收益表 41 綜合全面收益表 42 綜合財務狀況表 44 綜合權益變動表 46 綜合現金流表 48 財務報表附註 149 財務資料概要 150 本集團之主要物業詳情


2 4 6 目錄



2 公司資料 4 管理層討論及分析 11 其他資料 14 審閱報告 中期財務報告 16 綜合損益表 17 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 18 綜合財務狀況表 20 綜合權益變動表 21 簡明綜合現金流量表 22 未經審核中期財務報告附註

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目錄 Designed and produced by: Wonderful Sky Financial Group Limited Tel.:

目 錄 公司資料 2 財務摘要 3 管理層討論及分析 4 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 14 簡明綜合財務狀況表 16 簡明綜合權益變動表 18 簡明綜合現金流量表 19 中期簡明綜合財務報表附註 20 其他資料 46



Kinergy Corporation Ltd. 2018

目錄 中期簡明綜合財務報表之審閱報告 2 中期簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 4 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 6 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 7 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 8 中期簡明綜合財務報表附註 9 管理層討論與分析 48 其他資料 63

公司資料 2 主席報告 3 管理層討論與分析 5 董事及高級管理層 16 企業管治報告 21 董事會報告 31 獨立核數師報告 42 經審核財務報表 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 44 綜合財務狀況表 45 綜合權益變動表 47 綜合現金流量表 48 財務狀況表 51 財務報表附註 52 財務概要 11

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目 錄 1 釋義 3 公司資料 4 管理層討論與分析 23 其他資料 31 中期簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告 33 中期簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 35 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 37 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 40 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 42 中期簡明綜合財務報表附註




(1) 13 (2) 45 (3) 69 (4) 73 (5) 82 (6)



01 目錄 02 報 報 21 報 28 報 報 41 年 年報

目錄 公司資料 3 管理層討論與分析 7 其他資料 25 中期簡明綜合財務報表的審閱報告 30 中期簡明綜合損益表 34 中期簡明綜合全面收益表 35 中期簡明綜合財務狀況表 36 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 38 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 39 中期簡明綜合財務報表附註 41

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封面設計 雙輪驅動業務模式 戰略投資 + 財務投資


(1) 14 (2) 47 (3) 70 (4) 74 (5) 83 (6)


2018 中期報告 目錄 2 公司資料 3 本集團財務摘要 中期業績 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告簡明綜合收益表簡明綜合全面收益表簡明綜合財務狀況表簡明綜合權益變動表簡明綜合現金流量表簡明綜合財務報表附註管理層討論及分析其他資料

目錄 公司資料 管理層討論及分析 其他資料 中期簡明綜合資產負債表 中期簡明綜合全面收益表 中期簡明綜合權益變動表 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 中期簡明綜合財務資料附註 百勤油田服務有限公司 二零一八年中期報告

及估值董事就財務報表須承擔之責任 (a) (b) (c) 135 概覽財務表現負責任企業企業管治財務報表


Chinasoft International Limited 中軟國際有限公司 * 於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 股份代號 0354 * 僅供識別


D4N.si 1278.hk CNTD CNTD 54.3% CNTD 85917,760PPP

目 錄

企業背景 % 62.81% (LHI) 61.71% LHI Chelsea % LHI

, ,

關於我們目錄 , ,600 2,

目錄 公司資料 02 管理層討論與分析 04 企業管治及其他資料 14 獨立審閱報告 21 綜合收益表 22 綜合全面收益表 23 綜合財務狀況表 24 綜合權益變動表 26 簡明綜合現金流量表 27 未經審核中期財務報告附註 28


科士威集團有限公司 ( 股份代號 : 288) 2011 年報

科士威集團有限公司 年報 2 0 1 1 Cosway

2 3 4 6 7 8 11 21 22 28 41 42 43 44 46 48 50 52 126 127

02 公司簡介 Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.Cosway MBerjaya GroupBerjaya Group Cosway M ecosway.com Sdn.Bhd. ecosway 2,000 1,724 13 ecosway(www.ecosway.com)

公司資料 03 Massimo Guglielmucci Massimo Guglielmucci OCBC Bank (M) Berhad Asian Finance Bank Berhad CIMB Bank Berhad 83 17 1701 28 26 00288 Massimo Guglielmucci www.coswaycorp.com

04 年內新市場 美國 65 Direct Selling News DSN 100 283.3 Irvine Arcadia 30 新西蘭 7 440 1.61

05 年內新市場 日本 224.6 30 英國 DSN100

06 財務及營運摘要 3,368,483 2,329,278 44.6% 1,399,737 976,325 43.4% 271,115 222,225 22.0% 2,447,187 1,747,877 40.0% 1,065,389 649,463 64.0% 3,368 271 2,329 222 1,727 136 1,324 110 35.29% 1,006 68 41.23% 15% 7% 9% 39% 41% 10% 30% 49%

地域資料 07

08 主席報告書 354 3,370,000,000 2,330,000,000 1,040,000,00044.6%

09 主席報告書 65,970,000 69,610,00024.6% 352,720,000 283,110,000 13 1,724 Country Farm Organic Country Farm OrganicPuchong Bandar Puteri

10 主席報告書

管理層討論及分析 11 2,330,000,000 44.6% 3,370,000,000 28.1% 39.9% ecosway ecosway 13 1,700 976,330,000 43.4% 1,400,000,000 24.6%

12 管理層討論及分析 (a) % % % 3,356.22 99.6 2,318.14 99.5 44.8 12.26 0.4 11.14 0.5 10.1 3,368.48 100.0 2,329.28 100.0 44.6 (b) % % % 1,655.95 49.3 1,257.19 54.2 31.7 1,367.32 40.7 903.24 39.0 51.4 332.95 10.0 157.71 6.8 111.1 3,356.22 100.0 2,318.14 100.0 44.8

13 管理層討論及分析 1,660,000,000 398,760,00031.7% ecosway Blue Ocean* 20050 1,370,000,000 464,080,00051.4% 1,370,000,00067.5% 68.7% 375,850,000 922,730,000 * Blue Ocean W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, Harvard Business School Press, 2005

14 管理層討論及分析 356,360,000 24.8% 444,590,000 163,490,00090,120,000 80% 100

15 管理層討論及分析 % % 39.3 38.3 29.2 26.9 14.9 17.3 7.3 8.8 9.3 8.7 100.0 100.0 68.5% 40% VIP

16 管理層討論及分析 35420030 175,000 500,000 600,000 3,370,000,000 45% 976,330,000 43.4% 1,400,000,000 ev

17 管理層討論及分析 19,030,00044,360,000 81,610,00060,890,000 23.1% 21.5% Country Farm Organic

18 管理層討論及分析 208,200,000 135,210,000 1.31.3 249,000,00011,000,000163,000,000 3,000,000 4.6%

19 管理層討論及分析 17,625,0001.10 375,000 550,616,0000.20 2,753,080,0000.20 97,000,000231,000,0007,000,000 14,000,000195,000,0001,000,000

20 管理層討論及分析 40 42 1,400

董事簡歷 21 66Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.eCosway. com Sdn. Bhd. Cosway Corporation Berhad Singer (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Berjaya Corporation Berhad Sterling Drugs (M) Sdn. Bhd.Warner Lambert (M) Sdn. Bhd. 32 Jardine Fleming Merrill Lynch & Co. Smith Zain Securities Berjaya Group Berhad Berjaya Corporation BerhadBerjaya Sports Toto Berhad 55(Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants)(Malaysian Institute of Accountants) Berjaya Group BerhadBerjaya Corporation Berhad Berjaya Corporation Berhad Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad Berjaya Media Berhad Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Berjaya Assets BerhadBursa Malaysia Securities BerhadBerjaya Corporation Berhad 52Kolej Tuanku Abdul Rahman 2 Hong Leong Group of Companies8Berjaya Corporation Berhad Berjaya Group BerhadBerjaya Group Berhad Berjaya Corporation Berhad Berjaya Land Berhad Berjaya Assets Berhad Magni-Tech Industries Berhad Berjaya Food BerhadBursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Taiga Building Products LtdCosway Corporation Berhad 40Essex Nottingham 55 Aljeffri, Siva, Heng and MonteiroBaharom HamdanLeou & Associates STYL AssociatesDeGem Berhad United Bintang Berhad I-Power Berhad Ramunia Holdings Berhad Nextnation Communication Berhad Sern Kou Resources Berhad 48 Massimo Guglielmucci44 Old Peak Limited Guglielmucci 20Old Peak LimitedGuglielmucci DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Limited GuglielmucciFlinders University

22 企業管治報告書 A.2.1 A.4.1 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 3/4 Massimo Guglielmucci (i) 1/4 (ii) 2/4 (i) (ii) Guglielmucci

23 企業管治報告書 3.13 Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.eCosway.com Sdn. Bhd. Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd. ecosway.com Sdn. Bhd. A.2.1 Guglielmucci 115 A.4.1

24 企業管治報告書 41 Massimo Guglielmucci

25 企業管治報告書 (i) 3/3 (ii) 2/3 2/3 Massimo Guglielmucci (iii) 1/3 (iv) 2/3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Guglielmucci 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

26 企業管治報告書 2. 3. 4. Massimo Guglielmucci Massimo Guglielmucci (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 8

27 企業管治報告書 2,505 716 3,221 (www.coswaycorp.com) 100% 20% (99.99%) 10% (99.99%)

28 董事會報告書 42 125 126 14 15 127128 35 36 34 37 79B22,456,000 746,000 30%30%

29 董事會報告書 Massimo Guglielmucci Massimo Guglielmucci115 110 111 Massimo Guglielmucci 21 13.51B(1) Massimo Guglielmucci Ma ssimo Guglielmucci 13.51B(1)

30 董事會報告書 90 44 571 352 (i) 2 * 7,500,000 7,500,000 0.16% 1 221,706,972 500,000 227,600,500 449,807,472 9.54% 23,844 23,844 0.00% 113,729 113,729 0.00% 125,000 125,000 0.00% 150,000 150,000 0.00% Massimo Guglielmucci 7,731,599 7,731,599 0.16% * 431410 1% 3.5%0.20 1 2: 449,807,472 227,600,500 500,000

31 董事會報告書 (ii) (1) Berjaya Corporation BerhadBCorp 316,000 385,000 701,000 0.02% 47,688 47,688 0.00% 300,000 300,000 0.01% 227,458 227,458 0.01% 104,164Lim Beng Poh (2) Berjaya Land Berhad 40,000 40,000 0.00% (3) Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad 3,428 3,428 0.00% 214,000 214,000 0.02% 229,542 229,542 0.02% 66,000Lim Beng Poh (4) Berjaya Food Berhad 100,000 100,000 200,000 0.14% XV 352

32 董事會報告書 336 5% * Tan Sri Dato Seri Vincent,Tan Chee Yioun 3,060,972,977 6,022,673,292 9,083,646,269 192.66% 617,000,009 13.09% TSVT1 2 Berjaya Corporation Berhad 2,615,220,696 4,566,242,832 7,181,463,528 152.32% 385,000,000 8.17% BCorp2 Cosway Corporation Berhad3 2,142,855,115 4,433,592,257 6,576,447,372 139.48% 385,000,000 8.17% Berjaya Retail Berhad4 115,752,272 565,000,000 680,752,272 14.44% United Industrial Services Ltd.5 429,226,447 191,559,080 620,785,527 13.17% AMMB Holdings Berhad6 400,000,009 400,000,009 8.48% Wan Ming SunWan7 253,636,626 75,898,805 329,535,431 6.99% * 431410 1% 3.5%0.20 1. TSVT BCorp 41.60% TSVT BCorp TSVT 9,083,646,2696,022,673,292 617,000,009 2. BCorpBerjaya Group (Cayman) Limited Berjaya Leisure (Cayman) Limited Cosway Corporation Berhad Prime Credit Leasing Sdn. Bhd. Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn. Bhd. Berjaya Hills Berhad 7,181,463,528 4,566,242,832 385,000,000. 3. Cosway Corporation Berhad 6,576,447,372 4,433,592,257 385,000,000.

33 董事會報告書 4. Berjaya Retail BerhadBRetailBiofield Sdn. Bhd. Singer Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 680,752,272 565,000,000 5. United Industrial Services Ltd.620,785,527 191,559,080 6. AMMB Holdings BerhadAMFB Holdings Berhad AmBank (M) Berhad 400,000,009 7. Wan 329,535,43175,898,805 XV336 10% 30% 1% 12 0.1%5,000,000 71 (i)(ii) (iii) 366,746,054 7.78% 36

34 董事會報告書 (a) (b) 1.10 7,500,000 7,500,000 1.10 500,000 500,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 (c) 1.10 125,000 125,000 (b) (c) 1.10 9,500,000 (375,000) 9,125,000 17,625,000 (375,000) 17,250,000 1.05 5 1.10 (a) (b) (i) 50% * (ii) 30% * (iii) 20% * (c) (i) 40% * (ii) 30% * (iii) 30% * * (b)(c)

35 董事會報告書 7,500,000 5,325 500,000 355 125,000 89 9,500,000 6,744 17,625,000 12,513 36 13.18 13.21 1313.18 13.21 100,000,000261,370,000 BCorp 14A I) (A) (a) UMobile UMobile UMobile 400,000 965,600 334,700 832,600

36 董事會報告書 (B) (a) BCorp BCorp Cosway BCorp 2,500 6,035 1,800 4,500 (b) BLand BLand Cosway BLand 125,000 301,750 109,000 271,100 (c) BToto BToto Cosway BToto 7,500 18,105 3,600 9,000 (d) UMobile UMobile Cosway UMobile 60,000 144,840 43,200 107,500 (C) (a) BCorp BCorp BCorp 5,761,000 3,097,800 13,907,054 7,707,400 (b) Singer Singer Singer 1,500,000 503,700 3,621,000 1,253,200 (c) TT TT TT 786,000 369,200 1,897,404 918,500 (d) BCorp BCorp BCorp 853,000 672,500 2,059,142 1,673,200

37 董事會報告書 II) (A) (a) BCorp BCorp BCorp BCorp 65,000 156,910 32,800 81,600 (b) BLand BLand BLand BLand 155,000 345,345 137,600 342,200 (c) BAssets BAssets BAssets BAssets 560,000 1,351,840 416,200 1,035,400 (d) 7-Eleven 7-Eleven 7-Eleven 7-Eleven 620,000 1,496,680 433,800 1,079,400 (B) (a) BCorp BCorp BCorp 330,000 735,250 204,700 509,400 (b) BCorp BCorp BCorp 1,000,000 2,228,030 (c) BLand BLand BLand 1,500,000 840,400 3,621,000 2,091,000 (d) BAssets BAssets BAssets 18,000 40,105 3,200 7,900 (e) Dijaya Dijaya Dijaya 25,000 55,701 9,700 24,100

38 董事會報告書 (f) UMobile UMobile UMobile 400,000 965,600 19,900 49,500 (g) 7-Eleven 7-Eleven 7-Eleven 450,000 58,400 1,002,613 145,400 (C) (a) BMedia BMedia BMedia 1,300,000 402,400 2,896,439 1,001,100 (b) BLand BLand BLand 1,250,000 960,000 3,017,500 2,388,500 (c) BCorp BCorp BCorp 230,000 555,220 210,800 524,400 (d) BCorp BCorp BCorp 6,000,000 5,840,800 14,484,000 14,531,800 (e) BCorp BCorp BCorp 260,000 627,640 166,200 413,500 (f) BCorp BCorp BCorp 3,750,000 2,731,600 9,052,500 6,796,100 (g) BLand BLand BLand 250,000 603,500 205,900 512,300

39 董事會報告書 BCorpBCorp BLand BCorp BToto BCorp BAssets BLandTSVTBAssets BMedia BCorpTSVTBMedia TSVT UMobile UMobile Tan Sri Dato Danny Tan Chee Sing TSVTDijaya Dijaya TT TT Resources Berhad Tan Sri Dato Danny Tan Chee Sing TSVT TT Resources Berhad TT 7-Eleven BRetailBRetail TSVT7-Eleven Singer BRetailBRetail TSVTSinger CoswayCosway (M) Sdn. Bhd. ecosway.com Sdn. Bhd.BCorp (i) Cosway(ii) (iii) (iv) Cosway 14A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

40 董事會報告書 3000 740 14A.38 25% 48

獨立核數師報告書 41 42 125 141 8 2 18

42 綜合損益表 5 3,368,483 2,329,278 (1,968,746) (1,352,953) 1,399,737 976,325 5 12,430 15,166 (602,046) (347,972) (461,559) (332,797) (18,070) (17,964) 65,972 9,010 6 (44,363) (19,031) 623 373 7 352,724 283,110 10 (81,609) (60,885) 271,115 222,225 11 268,669 211,756 2,446 10,469 271,115 222,225 13 0.02 0.04 12

綜合全面損益表 43 271,115 222,225 5,710 (2,542) 42,210 70,102 47,920 67,560 58,821 (20,000) 38,821 86,741 67,560 357,856 289,785 11 354,798 276,842 3,058 12,943 357,856 289,785

44 綜合財務狀況表 14 388,961 235,007 128,247 15 351,646 264,519 114,990 16 328,363 317,395 9,741 18 16,660 10,392 109 19 513 475 243 23 64,689 45,167 28,336 20 22,426 7,525 2,523 1,173,258 880,480 284,189 21 895,293 581,889 402,138 22 65,826 79,562 78,172 1,048 1,867 23 94,275 66,269 38,670 24 1,137 24 731 24 34,173 25 1,911 1,529 1,287 26 7,373 1,069 395 26 208,203 135,212 92,275 1,273,929 867,397 648,978 27 22,677 1,273,929 867,397 671,655 28 388,443 260,515 230,991 29 199,023 121,906 85,659 30 89 41 52 79,355 66,500 49,466 31 248,752 163,448 58,384 24 11 18 2,899 2,262 2,328 25 3,006 1,040 788 56,002 43,139 28,058 977,569 658,851 455,737 296,360 208,546 215,918 1,469,618 1,089,026 500,107

45 綜合財務狀況表 30 1,633 1,353 985 31 11,229 2,591 35 33 12,230 11,840 34 302,891 391,831 20 61,493 19,502 2,834 29 286 275 389,762 427,392 3,854 1,079,856 661,634 496,253 35(a) 1,104,016 553,400 332,861 34 1,299,514 1,752,505 37(a) (1,338,141) (1,656,442) 125,478 1,065,389 649,463 458,339 14,467 12,171 37,914 1,079,856 661,634 496,253

46 綜合權益變動表 553,400 25,388 2,984 (2,542) (2,058,762) 1,752,505 376,490 649,463 12,171 661,634 268,669 268,669 2,446 271,115 4,917 4,917 4,917 58,821 58,821 58,821 (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) 42,391 42,391 612 43,003 42,391 4,917 38,821 268,669 354,798 3,058 357,856 35 550,616 (452,991) 4,772 102,397 102,397 36 11,155 11,155 44 11,199 (238) 238 12 (52,424) (52,424) (52,424) - (806) (806) 50 (50) 1,104,016 67,779* 2,984* 2,375* 38,821* 10,917* (2,058,762)* 1,299,514 50* 597,695* 1,065,389 14,467 1,079,856 * 1,338,141,000 1,656,442,000

47 綜合權益變動表 332,861 (42,240) 2,984 164,734 458,339 37,914 496,253 211,756 211,756 10,469 222,225 (2,542) (2,542) (2,542) 67,628 67,628 2,474 70,102 67,628 (2,542) 211,756 276,842 12,943 289,785 35 118,039 (2,058,762) (1,940,723) 10,199 (1,930,524) 35 6,500 6,500 (48,154) (41,654) 1,801,721 1,801,721 1,801,721 35 36,000 36,000 36,000 35 60,000 (49,216) 10,784 10,784 (731) (731) 553,400 25,388* 2,984* (2,542)* (2,058,762)* 1,752,505 376,490* 649,463 12,171 661,634

48 綜合現金流量表 3,543,376 2,532,523 (2,208,836) (1,555,051) (1,043,019) (771,159) 291,521 206,313 (66,486) (51,217) 225,035 155,096 458 1,155 14 (136,497) (126,243) 4,235 1,044 22,677 38 (789) (147,493) (6,924) (132,593) (255,784) (30,906) (4,695) (52,424) (806) (731) 1,276 820 38,327 1,620 71 471 (350) 390 11,137 240,985 96,809 (133,308) (526) (123) (28) 25,899 142,110 118,341 41,422 (10,057) 7,888 107,292 57,982 215,576 107,292

49 綜合現金流量表 26 198,401 127,446 26 9,802 7,766 208,203 135,212 26 7,373 1,069 31 (28,989) 215,576 107,292

50 財務狀況表 14 378 255 292 15 91,110 68,852 49,392 17 2,495,635 2,489,599 18 8,200 8,200 8,200 19 200 200 200 2,595,523 2,567,106 58,084 17 10,133 22 5 29 9 23 484 362 305 70,303 26 7,335 412 88 17,957 71,106 402 29 2,468 3,260 630 25 118 17 1,265 4,786 1,288 31 6,165 6,345 6,525 1,400 9,898 15,791 8,561 8,059 55,315 (8,159) 2,603,582 2,622,421 49,925 29 286 275 259 33 12,230 11,840 28,895 34 302,891 391,831 315,407 403,946 29,154 2,288,175 2,218,475 20,771

51 財務狀況表 35(b) 942,962 392,346 118,210 34 1,299,514 1,752,505 37(b) 45,699 73,624 (97,439) 2,288,175 2,218,475 20,771

52 1. 83 17 1701 Berjaya Corporation BerhadB Corp Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad 2.1 2.4 Cosway Corporation BerhadCCBCCBBiofield Sdn. Bhd.BiofieldMadison County LLC Cosway M Cosway (M) Sdn. Bhd.Cosway MCosway M83.89% 6.11% 10.00%1,000,000,000 2,230,399,000 Cosway MPrime Credit Leasing Sdn. Bhd. Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn. Bhd. Berjaya Hills Berhad Tan Sri Dato Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun Rayvin Tan Yeong Sheik ecosway ecosway Cosway M60%eCosway.com Sdn. Bhd.eCosway 40% 107,584,000 239,700,000 ecosway 1,000,000,000 2,230,399,000(a)858,185,074 0.20(b)1,956,800,000 (c)44,700,000 101,962,000 ecosway 40%(a)32,498,5920.20(b) 233,200,000 Cosway MeCosway Cosway MeCosway CCB Cosway MCCL Cosway MCosway M Cosway M (i) Cosway M

53 2.1 (ii) Cosway M (iii) Cosway MCosway M CCL (i)(ii) (iii)(i) (ii) (iii)

54 2.2 1 1 2 3 27 32 39 17 5 4 5 1 2 32 39 5 4 3 27 7 17 4 5 (a) 3 27 3 27 7 12 21 28 31

55 2.2 (b) 7 17 17 4 17 4 16 17 40 (194) (178) 194 178 (10,159) (9,618) (8,747) 10,159 9,618 8,747

56 2.2 (c) 5 1 31 5,985 6,165 (5,985) (6,165) 5,985 6,165 6,345 (5,985) (6,165) (6,345)

57 2.3 1 1 7 1 1 1 3 7 7 3 9 5 10 5 11 5 12 5 13 5 12 12 4 24 2 27 5 28 5 14 14 19 2 1 3 27 1 7 1 34 13 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 12 13 1227 28 2.4

58 2.4 20% 39

59 2.4

60 2.4 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (d) (f) (d) (e) (g) 5 2% 25% 20% 33% 10% 20% 20% 33% 20%

61 2.4

62 2.4 39

63 2.4 (a) (b) (a) (b)

64 2.4

65 2.4 39 (i) (ii)

66 2.4

67 2.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

68 2.4 36

69 2.4 10%

70 2.4 3.

71 3. (a) (b) (c) 351,646,000 264,519,00015 4,326,000 669,000 149,650,000 79,353,00020

72 3. 388,961,000235,007,000 14 328,363,000 317,395,000 16 4. (a) (b)

73 4. 3,356,225 2,318,137 12,258 11,141 3,368,483 2,329,278 6,445 3,670 6,445 3,670 3,356,225 2,318,137 18,703 14,811 3,374,928 2,332,948 (6,445) (3,670) 3,368,483 2,329,278 318,063 277,515 65,971 9,087 384,034 286,602 458 1,155 11,972 14,011 (44,363) (19,031) 623 373 352,724 283,110 1,729,946 1,130,356 347,416 273,095 2,077,362 1,403,451 16,660 10,392 353,165 334,034 2,447,187 1,747,877 666,496 445,622 8,238 8,270 674,734 453,892 692,597 632,351 1,367,331 1,086,243 59,411 31,687 153 132 59,564 31,819 * 146,020 126,255 229 126,434 146,249 252,689 (3,956) (3,956) (65,972) (9,010) (65,972) (9,010) *

74 4. (a) 1,666,538 1,268,329 1,368,997 903,241 332,948 157,708 3,368,483 2,329,278 (b) 754,552 668,934 156,028 118,768 239,739 84,778 1,150,319 872,480 5. 3,256,568 2,277,442 99,657 40,695 12,258 11,141 3,368,483 2,329,278 458 1,155 11,972 14,011 12,430 15,166

75 6. 11,946 4,695 32,417 14,336 44,363 19,031 7. 1,344,569 1,010,030 2,713 2,075 14 59,564 31,819 104,698 67,084 420 196 50 419 105,168 67,699 8 211,370 144,187 11,199 12,170 8,790 30 284 216 12,454 9,006 235,023 153,193 (12,258) (11,141) 6,584 5,750 (5,674) (5,391) 5,134 105 22 3,997 2,539 23 (3,956) 15 (65,972) (9,010) (9,492) 6,005 4,725 2,999 11,773 8,618

76 8. 161 600 922 9,204 1,143 * 4,553 371 5,163 1,449 144 20,369 1,658 20,969 2,580 * 36 (a) 200 80 200 Massimo Guglielmucci (i) 38 (ii) 162 (iii) 80 (iii) 80 600 240 (i) (ii) (iii) Massimo Guglielmucci

77 8. (b) 7,279 4,478 4,766 1,403 17,926 1,440 318 12 1,770 8,719 4,478 5,084 1,415 19,696 485 75 79 34 673 485 75 79 34 673 9,204 4,553 5,163 1,449 20,369 (i) 850 102 952 580 5 300 12 897 (ii) Chin Chee Seng, Derek (ii) (ii) 102 1 103 682 855 300 115 1,952 (iii) (iii) (iii) 288 71 29 388 288 71 29 388 682 1,143 371 144 2,340

78 8. (b) (i) (ii) (iii) Chin Chee Seng, Derek 9. 8 3,102 2,462 805 437 477 468 202 4,852 3,101 1,000,000 1 1,000,0011,500,000 1 1 1,500,0012,000,000 1 1 2,000,0012,500,000 1 3 3 36

79 10. 16.5%16.5% 20,280 11,770 (25) 47,294 38,391 (241) 1,208 8,650 7,455 (259) 86 20 5,885 2,000 81,609 60,885 ecoswaymultimedia Development CorporationMDeCMultimedia Super Corridor Pioneer Status 352,724 283,110 16.5%16.5% 58,199 46,713 18,863 10,656 (4,527) 6,743 19,512 7,740 (23,964) (12,233) 14,361 249 (500) 1,269 (335) (252) 23.1%21.5% 81,609 60,885 22,000 129,000

80 11. 268,669,000 211,756,000 8,528,000157,541,00037(b) 12. 1.529,426,000 52,424,000 13. 268,669 211,756 12,611,732 5,495,200

81 14. 36,047 13,071 41,161 5,935 98,529 14,792 165,796 34,065 409,396 (5,814) (3,453) (13,366) (4,821) (55,892) (9,378) (70,536) (11,129) (174,389) 30,233 9,618 27,795 1,114 42,637 5,414 95,260 22,936 235,007 30,233 9,618 27,795 1,114 42,637 5,414 95,260 22,936 235,007 318 38,529 4,481 81,266 11,903 136,497 38 1,555 587 6,227 311 1,072 9,752 15 77,854 77,854 55,669 3,152 58,821 15 (71,139) (11,487) (82,626) (653) (766) (2,748) (18) (3,591) (1,843) (9,619) (194) (786) (415) (16,017) (2,027) (35,144) (4,981) (59,564) 5,925 735 1,967 154 4,293 (197) 8,019 1,943 22,839 97,889 10,159 19,875 2,726 67,281 13,880 146,121 31,030 388,961 99,075 14,260 29,070 10,995 143,291 29,625 257,987 44,389 628,692 (1,186) (4,101) (9,195) (8,269) (76,010) (15,745) (111,866) (13,359) (239,731) 97,889 10,159 19,875 2,726 67,281 13,880 146,121 31,030 388,961

82 14. 27,572 11,652 34,423 5,071 59,480 11,542 78,059 24,107 251,906 (5,182) (2,905) (10,783) (3,850) (41,538) (7,250) (45,231) (6,920) (123,659) 22,390 8,747 23,640 1,221 17,942 4,292 32,828 17,187 128,247 22,390 8,747 23,640 1,221 17,942 4,292 32,828 17,187 128,247 3,752 1,307 131 32,473 1,955 79,419 7,206 126,243 38 144 151 295 (487) (17) (129) (516) (1,149) (178) (791) (358) (8,596) (994) (18,186) (2,716) (31,819) 4,091 1,049 3,639 120 1,161 178 1,177 1,775 13,190 30,233 9,618 27,795 1,114 42,637 5,414 95,260 22,936 235,007 36,047 13,071 41,161 5,935 98,529 14,792 165,796 34,065 409,396 (5,814) (3,453) (13,366) (4,821) (55,892) (9,378) (70,536) (11,129) (174,389) 30,233 9,618 27,795 1,114 42,637 5,414 95,260 22,936 235,007

83 14. 178 391 569 (42) (272) (314) 136 119 255 136 119 255 202 4 206 (41) (20) (61) (22) (22) 297 81 378 380 192 572 (83) (111) (194) 297 81 378 178 373 551 (9) (250) (259) 169 123 292 169 123 292 18 18 (33) (22) (55) 136 119 255 178 391 569 (42) (272) (314) 136 119 255

84 14. 551,000 39,000 96,911,000 14,293,000 31(b)(ii) 90,230 8,321 7,417 10,159 9,618 8,747 7,659 7,102 3,127 14,810 11,846 108,048 39,851 31,137 82,626,00058,821,000

85 15. 264,519 114,990 38(c) (d) 126,151 14 82,626 14 (77,854) 65,972 9,010 16,383 14,368 351,646 264,519 68,852 49,392 22,258 19,460 91,110 68,852 156,268 194,525 910 1,142 79,650 60,083 10,400 7,800 1,060 969 103,358 351,646 264,519

86 15. 79,650 60,083 10,400 7,800 1,060 969 91,110 68,852 Jordan Lee & Jaafar Sdn. Bhd. 156,268,000 910,000 91,110,000 103,358,000 41 231,284,000 195,484,000 86,700,000 65,233,000 31(b)(i) 127 128 16. 9,741 38(c) (d) 106,934 199,532 1,188 317,395 38(b) 9,579 1,389 328,363

87 16. 328,363,000 14% 22% (a) (i) (ii) (iii) 25% 40% 2% 14% 22% (b) 17. 2,497,740 2,491,704 # (2,105) (2,105) 2,495,635 2,489,599 16,702 6,569 # (6,569) (6,569) 10,133 (1,265) (4,786) 2,504,503 2,484,813 #

88 17. Cosway M 155,000,000 100 ecosway.com Sdn. Bhd. 5,000,000 40 60 2,000,002 100 ecosway Korea Inc.* 3,155,000,000 100 Stephens Properties Sdn. Bhd. 18,280,000 100 Golden Works (M) Sdn. Bhd. 1,000,000 100 Cosway (Cayman) Limited 3,000,000 100 * # 15,040,000 100 Cosway USA Inc.* 5,000 100 ecosway Japan K.K.* 21,000,000 100 Cosway Do Brasil Ltda.* 4,974,657 100 * #

89 18. 8,200 8,200 16,660 10,392 16,660 10,392 8,200 8,200 Coswin (M) Sdn. Bhd. (i) 1 40 Greenland Timber Industries (Private) Limited* 1.40 20 (i) Cosway M * 2,899,000 2,262,000 105,523 77,825 (22,456) (26,004) 7,279 8,180 2,875 3,685

90 19. 39 19 274 256 200 200 513 475 200 200 20. 1,345 2,441 (952) 2,834 10 4,155 1,908 976 7,039 38 9,461 9,461 477 400 (40) 837 5,977 14,210 (16) 20,171 10 7,078 16,104 16 23,198 20,000 20,000 808 1,642 2,450 13,863 51,956 65,819

91 20. 252 2,115 156 2,523 10 980 3,264 669 126 5,039 83 520 29 632 1,315 5,899 669 311 8,194 10 (92) 12,611 3,657 1,137 17,313 76 1,072 97 1,245 1,299 19,582 4,326 1,545 26,752 22,426 7,525 (61,493) (19,502) (39,067) (11,977) 1,865 3,200 5,065 3,657 8,722

92 20. 1,865 3,200 5,065 3,657 8,722 149,650,000 79,353,000 19,394,000 149,650 79,353 19,394 10,716 10,591 160,366 89,944 19,394

93 21. 4,728 2,644 890,565 579,245 895,293 581,889 22. 97,104 105,128 (31,278) (25,566) 65,826 79,562 5 29 1 90 56,325 59,090 1 2 855 1,426 2 3 4,056 1,852 3 4,590 17,194 65,826 79,562 1 5 29

94 22. 25,566 23,770 7 3,997 2,539 (17) (738) 1,732 (5) 31,278 25,566 36,833 44,251 1 19,607 14,899 1 2 832 1,336 2 3 4,000 2,082 3 4,554 16,994 65,826 79,562 1 5 29

95 23. 37,558 10,480 23,359 312 146 107,820 70,353 29,974 151 149 16,330 75,750 54,222 21 67 161,708 156,583 107,555 484 362 (2,744) (45,147) (40,549) 158,964 111,436 67,006 484 362 (64,689) (45,167) (28,336) 94,275 66,269 38,670 484 362 2,744,000 45,147,000 2,744,000 52,337,000 45,147 40,549 7 (3,956) (43,356) 953 8,554 2,744 45,147 24. 1.9 11,000 25. 8.06 8.307.87 8.001,011,000 876,000 118,000

96 26. 198,401 127,446 7,335 412 17,175 8,835 215,576 136,281 7,335 412 (7,373) (1,069) 208,203 135,212 7,335 412 7,373,000 1,069,000 27. 22,677,000 28. 270,269 159,703 1 2 32,293 27,037 2 3 17,967 8,114 3 67,914 65,661 388,443 260,515 30 90

97 29. 126,711 78,264 502 653 72,598 43,917 2,252 2,882 199,309 122,181 2,754 3,535 (286) (275) (286) (275) 199,023 121,906 2,468 3,260 286,000 275,000 30. 55 75% Actuarial Partners Consulting Sdn. Bhd. (Actuarial Society of Malaysia) % % 6.75 6.25 6.00 6.00 197 137 87 77 2 284 216 284 216

98 30. 1,394 1,037 197 137 87 77 2 (70) 114 141 1,722 1,394 89 41 12 31 102 25 212 241 5 1,390 1,010 1,633 1,353 1,722 1,394 1,636 1,548 86 (154) 1,722 1,394 1,636 1,548 1,174 1,108 713 1,636 1,548 1,174 1,108 713 (246) 154 137 159

99 31. (%) (%) (%) BLR+ 1.75 BLR + 1.75 28,989 BLR + 1.75 34,688 56,119 KLIBOR + 56,751 KLIBOR + 23,234 KLIBOR 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 + 0.75 1.00 3.24 12.26 157 3.24 4.70 32 3.24 4.70 28 32 799 TRPMCPR + 728 BLR + 2.00 434 90 0.43 TRPMCPR + 0.43 TBLR + 0.40 2,684 + 2.00 182,306 COF + 2.00 70,603 6 SIBOR + 1.06 0.9445 522 6,165 HKDPLR 6,345 HKDPLR 0.50 0.50 248,752 163,448 58,384

100 31. (%) (%) (%) 32 3.24 12.26 73 3.24 4.70 7 3.24 4.70 35 TRPMCPR + 0.43 1,990 TRPMCPR + 0.43 2,584 TBLR + 0.40 9,166 11,229 2,591 35 259,981 166,039 58,419 (%) (%) (%) HKDPLR 0.50 6,165 HKDPLR 0.50 6,345 HKDPLR 0.50 6,525

101 31. 248,595 163,416 58,356 6,165 6,345 6,525 3,494 3,509 2,584 4,153 259,751 166,000 58,356 6,165 6,345 6,525 157 32 28 73 7 28 7 230 39 63 259,981 166,039 58,419 6,165 6,345 6,525 (a) (b) 0.5 194 (i) (ii) 231,284,000 195,484,000 86,700,000 65,233,000 15 96,911,000 14,293,000 14 (c) 6,165,000 6,345,000 2.2(c) 475 6,165,000 6,345,000 242,610,000 157,251,000 3,674,000 180,000 9,314,000 3,124,000 4,153,000 5,445,000

102 32. 194 36 157 32 86 10 73 7 280 46 230 39 (50) (7) 230 39 31 (157) (32) 31 73 7 33. 3 12,230 11,840 34. 2,190,000,00010 0.20 1 3.5 9.61

103 34. 550,615,766 60,000,000 2,753,078,830300,000,000 0.20 35 1,579,384,234 7,896,921,170 388,279 1,801,721 2,190,000 14,336 14,336 (10,784) (49,216) (60,000) 391,831 1,752,505 2,144,336 32,417 32,417 (18,960) (18,960) (102,397) (452,991) (555,388) 302,891 1,299,514 1,602,405 35. 332,861 118,039 6,500 36,000 60,000 553,400 550,616 1,104,016 (a) Cosway M 332,861,000CCL118,039,00038(c) 6,500,00036,000,000(iii)(iv) 60,000,000550,616,000 (v) (vi)

104 35. (b) 0.20 1,250,000 250,000 (i) 18,750,000 3,750,000 0.20 20,000,000 4,000,000 0.20 591,048 118,210 (ii) 858,185 171,636 (iii) 32,499 6,500 (iv) 180,000 36,000 (v) 300,000 60,000 0.20 1,961,732 392,346 (vi) 2,753,079 550,616 0.20 4,714,811 942,962 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 0.20 18,750,000,000 250,000,0004,000,000,000 858,185,0740.200.20 2.1 32,498,5920.200.20 ecosway 2.1 180,000,0000.20 36,000,000 300,000,000 0.20 60,000,000 0.20 2,753,078,8300.20 550,615,766 0.20 36

105 36. 10% 30% 1% 12 0.1%5,000,000 71 (i)(ii) (iii) 1.10 17,625 1.10 (375) 1.10 17,250 * 17,250 1.10 *

106 36. 12,513,0000.71 11,199,000 (%) 0.00 (%) 105.00 (%) 2.56 310% (%) 1.50 17,250,000 17,250,0003,450,000 15,525,000 17,250,000 0.37% 37. (a) (i) (ii) 25% 50%

107 37. (b) 12,282 (109,721) (97,439) 171,063 171,063 12,282 61,342 73,624 8,528 8,528 11,199 11,199 (238) 238 4,772 4,772 12 (52,424) (52,424) 12,282 10,961 22,456 45,699 2.4

108 38. (a) 22,141,000 PT Berjaya Cosway Indonesia Cosway Indonesia95% Cosway Indonesia 7,909 21,208 2,874 8,616 10,422 (21,683) (6,909) (296) 22,141 Cosway Indonesia 8,036 Cosway Indonesia 14,105 22,141 10,422 10,422 Cosway Indonesia

109 38. (b) 11,328,000 100% 1,843 50 296 117 (557) 1,749 9,579 11,328 296,000 (11,328) 117 (11,211) (c) 2.1 3 Cosway M Cosway MCCL

110 38. (c) CCL Cosway M (i) 118,039 17,478 135,517 (ii) (29,204) 106,313 (i) (ii) Cosway M Cosway MCCL CCL 278 278 64,799 64,799 7,129 7,129 200 200 255 255 5,550 5,550 (6,420) (6,420) (902) (902) (36,703) (36,703) 34,186 34,186 (4,982) 29,204 (101,962) (8,968) 255 (110,675) CCL16,185,000 236,131,000

111 38. (d) Cosway M 47,548,000 Golden Works (M) Sdn. Bhd. GWSB90%GWSB Cosway M 5,965,000 GWSB10% GWSB 17 17 61,352 61,352 178 178 131 131 1,220 1,220 (1,278) (1,278) (15) (15) (9,461) (9,461) 52,144 52,144 (5,217) 46,927 621 38,038 9,510 47,548 (38,038) 1,220 (36,818) GWSB3,646,000

112 39. (i) 908,000 318,000 (ii) (iii) 9,510,000 Cosway Indonesia 8,036,000 14,105,000 Cosway Indonesia 40. 41. (a) 15 11,820 4,167 1,462 1,375 5,471 913 902 368 17,291 5,080 2,364 1,743 (b) 113,127 68,345 79 157 99,958 42,156 37 3,536 216,621 110,501 79 194

113 42. 41 27,082 1,709 28,791 693 29,484 43. 14 15 26 31 44. (a) (i) 2,600 2,221 (ii) 2,388 2,163 (iii) 25,452 12,146 (iv) 8,961 8,062 (v) 2,115 1,838 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) B Corp B Corp

114 44. (b) (i) (ii) 24 33 25 (c) 14,357 2,436 1,449 144 5,163 20,969 2,580 45. 8 513 513 65,826 65,826 23 121,406 121,406 1,911 1,911 7,373 7,373 208,203 208,203 404,719 513 405,232

115 45. 388,443 29 126,711 259,981 2,899 3,006 12,230 302,891 1,096,161 475 475 79,562 79,562 23 100,956 100,956 1,529 1,529 1,069 1,069 135,212 135,212 318,328 475 318,803 260,515 29 78,264 166,039 2,262 1,040 11,840 391,831 911,791

116 45. 200 200 10,133 10,133 5 5 23 172 172 7,335 7,335 17,645 200 17,845 29 502 1,265 6,165 12,230 302,891 323,053 200 200 29 29 70,303 70,303 23 216 216 412 412 70,960 200 71,160

117 45. 29 653 4,786 6,345 11,840 391,831 415,455 46. 208,203 135,212 208,203 135,212 7,373 1,069 7,373 1,069 65,826 79,562 65,826 79,562 23 121,406 100,956 121,406 100,956 513 475 513 475 1,911 1,529 1,911 1,529 405,232 318,803 405,232 318,803 388,443 260,515 388,443 260,515 29 126,711 78,264 126,711 78,264 259,981 166,039 259,981 166,039 2,899 2,262 2,899 2,262 3,006 1,040 3,006 1,040 12,230 11,840 12,230 11,840 302,891 391,831 310,729 391,831 1,096,161 911,791 1,103,999 911,791

118 46. 7,335 412 7,335 412 10,133 10,133 5 29 5 29 23 172 216 172 216 70,303 70,303 200 200 200 200 17,845 71,160 17,845 71,160 1,265 4,786 1,265 4,786 29 502 653 502 653 6,165 6,345 6,165 6,345 12,230 11,840 12,230 11,840 302,891 391,831 310,729 391,831 323,053 415,455 330,891 415,455

119 46. 39 39 200 200 239 239 19 19 200 200 219 219 200 200 200 200

120 47. * 100 (2,378) 100 (63) (100) 2,378 (100) 63 100 (1,563) 100 (182) (100) 1,563 (100) 182 *

121 47. * 100 (63) (100) 63 100 (182) (100) 182 * * % 5 (250) 5 322 5 322 5 12 5 26 5 (113) 5 250 5 (322) 5 (322) 5 (12) 5 (26) 5 113 *

122 47. * % 5 (77) 5 134 5 250 5 10 5 473 5 (23) 5 77 5 (134) 5 (250) 5 (10) 5 (473) 5 23 * 22

123 47. 388,443 388,443 29 126,711 126,711 6,165 242,964 11,790 260,919 2,899 2,899 3,006 3,006 12,230 12,230 15,794 221,114 221,114 458,022 12,070 773,912 245,134 221,114 1,252,230 260,515 260,515 29 78,264 78,264 6,345 157,455 2,663 166,463 2,262 2,262 1,040 1,040 11,840 11,840 21,300 267,138 341,688 630,126 9,647 517,534 281,641 341,688 1,150,510

124 47. 6,165 6,165 29 216 286 502 1,265 1,265 12,230 12,230 15,794 221,114 221,114 458,022 7,430 16,010 233,630 221,114 478,184 6,345 6,345 29 378 275 653 4,786 4,786 11,840 11,840 21,300 267,138 341,688 630,126 11,131 21,678 279,253 341,688 653,750

125 47. 259,751 166,000 (208,203) (135,212) 51,548 30,788 1,065,389 649,463 1,116,937 680,251 4.6% 4.5% 48. (a) 100,000,000 261,370,000 (b) CCB CCB 1.100.20 1.10 49. 2.2 50.

126 五年財務概要 3,368,483 2,329,278 1,726,896 1,324,375 1,005,533 352,724 283,110 178,553 151,202 94,123 (81,609) (60,885) (42,702) (40,733) (25,971) 271,115 222,225 135,851 110,469 68,152 268,669 211,756 120,937 102,134 63,303 2,446 10,469 14,914 8,335 4,849 271,115 222,225 135,851 110,469 68,152 2,447,187 1,747,877 955,844 737,823 612,796 (1,367,331) (1,086,243) (459,591) (321,632) (313,585) (14,467) (12,171) (37,914) (27,030) (17,717) 1,065,389 649,463 458,339 389,161 281,494

物業之詳情 127 3 726 728 729 731 735 736 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 747 748 749 750 751 753 754 755 756 757 12-14 17 1 2L5 63 2 83 84 32 C 803 10 Wisma Cosway, No. 88, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 89 Wisma Cosway, No. 88, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 29 28 7 34 421 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

128 物業之詳情 1067 The lands and buildings, Nos. 144 and 198 Rua São Paulo, Alphaville District, Municipality of Barueri SP, São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil Apartment 1304, 13th Floor and 2 carparking spaces on basement Levels 1 and 2, Edificio San Francisco, No. 152 Alameda Cauaxi, Alphaville District, Municipality of Barueri, São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil 100% 100% 100% Ground Floor and Lower Ground Floor, Shop 12, Block D, Quadrant 716, 100% SCRN Setor Comercial Residencial Norte, Asa Norte, Brasilia DF, Brazil Ground Floor and Mezzanine Floor, Residencial Piemonte, Rua No. 919 Rio Grande do Norte, Funcionários District, Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil 100%
