220 Key words: assembled monolithic concrete shear walls; precast two-way hollow slab; inner joint; slit wall; shear behavior 3 ~ % 80% [1] [

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一 区域法治发展的本体论研究 在一个理论体系中,本体论居于逻辑起点的地位,它所要探究的是一定的社会现象赖以存在的 根基 区域法治发展的本体研究亦不例外,它涵盖了区域法治的概念内涵 必要性与可行性 合法性 与合理性 区域法治发展的各种基础 发展模式( 道路) 发展动力( 机制) 等根本性的理论问题,构


30 7 Vol.30 No.7 2013 7 July 2013 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 219 1000-4750(2013)07-0219-11 1 1 1 2 1 1 (1. 264005 2. 100084) 1 5 TU391; TU392.5 A doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-47513.01.0026 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON SHEAR BEHAVIORS OF ASSEMBLED MONOLITHIC CONCRETE SHEAR WALLS BUILT WITH PRECAST TWO-WAY HOLLOW SLABS CHU Ming-jin 1, LIU Ji-liang 1, CUI Hui-chen 1, HOU Jian-qun 2, ZHOU Yu-long 1, ZHANG Zhong-yong 1 (1. School of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China; 2. Architectural Design & Research Institute, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract: An innovated precast concrete shear wall is presented, assembled monolithic concrete shear walls built with precast two-way hollow slabs. Five new type shear walls and one reinforced concrete shear wall are tested quasi-statically under low cyclic lateral loads for shear performance to acquire their shear failure process and modes. The effects of the inner joint, of the shear-span ratio, of the axial load, and of the amount of the web horizontal reinforcement are investigated. The study proves that the new type shear walls have the adequate deformability, in terms of their failure characteristic and behaviors, which is different to the one of RC walls and develops from integral wall to slit wall for appearing the vertical cracks along he inner joints. As the results, the brittle shear failure is extinct. The test results show that the shear capacity reduces with the increase of shear span ratios, and rise with the increase of the amount of web horizontal reinforcements, the axial load. It can be found that the stiffness is improved with the increment of the axial compression ratio, and the stable load capacity and deformability can be acquired by increasing the shear span ratio. 2013-01-092013-04-29 (51078321) (1973 ) (E-mail: housind@126.com). (1988 )(E-mail: lianglju@163.com) (1989 )(E-mail: chcky@sina.com) (1955 )(E-mail: hjq@tsinghua.edu.cn) (1989 )(E-mail: zhouyulongno.1@163.com) (1989 )(E-mail: zyzytdxtm08@126.com).

220 Key words: assembled monolithic concrete shear walls; precast two-way hollow slab; inner joint; slit wall; shear behavior 3 ~4 10 50 10% 80% [1] [2] [3 6] 1 1 2 SW0 SW2-N SW3-L1 SW4-L2 SW5-N 1440mm 180mm 200mm 2.0 1.5 1.0 2880mm 2160mm 1440mm 280mm 280mm 500mm 600mm 1440 280 140140 50 180 50 2020 2160 160 180160 (a) 2300 500 600 (a) SW0 SW2-N SW5-H 1440 280 140 140 50 180 50 (b) 1 Fig.1 Precast two-way hollow slabs ( ) 5 1 2300 1300 1300 (2740) 160180160 500 (b) SW3-L1(SW4-L2) 2 Fig.2 Dimensions of specimens 1440 (2880)

221 3 1 5 25 8@100 8@180 SW0 1.5 8@200 SW2-N 0.25 SW3-L1 SW4-L2 1.0 2.0 SW5-H 10@200 410mm 5 20mm 6 2 8 SW4-L2 400mm 4 12-8@100 2 25 8@100 8@180 2 25 3 25 8@200 3 25 200 1040 200 (a) SW2-N SW3-L1 SW4-L2 8@100 8@100 2 25 8@180 2 25 45.5 89 45.5 40 40 40 40 40 70 140 140 140 140 140 40 14070 590 590 1180 (a) 200 3 25 10@200 1040 3 25 200 (b) SW5-H 3 Fig.3 Reinforcement in specimens 1 Table 1 Parameters of specimens /mm /mm 1 SW0 1440 180 2160 1.5 8@200 2 1440 180 2160 1.5 8@200 3 SW2-N 1440 180 2106 1.5 0.25 8@200 4 SW3-L1 1440 180 1440 1.0 8@200 5 SW4-L2 1440 180 2880 2.0 8@200 6 SW5-H 1440 180 2160 1.5 10@200 2700mm 1180mm 180mm 140mm 89mm 4(a) 140mm 4(b) 1C12 (b) 4 Fig.4 Precast two-way hollow slabs in specimens 5 Fig.5 Arrangement of dowel bars in ground beams

222 2.0 1.5 1.0 200kN 250kN 300kN 2 1/50 6 Fig.6 Arrangement of precast two-way hollow slabs in specimens C20 C30 2 3 2 Table 2 Tested strength of concrete /d f cu,m /MPa /d f cu,m /MPa SW0 144 32.27 300 41.90 125 31.59 SW2-N 339 41.78 159 37.96 SW3-L1 315 37.52 135 35.04 SW4-L2 339 41.90 159 31.59 SW5-H 300 34.86 125 33.84 f cu,m 3 Table 3 Tested strength of reinforcements f y /MPa 1 f u /MPa A8 2 320 475 A8 3 417 473 C8 572 630 A10 323 452 C12 493 633 C25 484 623 1 f y f u 2 3 SW0 2 2.1 7-7 Fig.7 Test set-up 2.2 1.0 1.5 2.0 26 33 40 19 25 1.5 8 DH3816N BH1 780 600 240 360 E HF EH1 210 EV1 MV1 MH2 EH2 MV2 EV2 MH3 EH3 MV3 EV3 EH4 EV4 EV5 210 500 MV9 MV8 1000 1500 VF MH1 MH1 MH4 MV4 MV5 MH5 MV6 800 1200 630 W WH1 WV1 WH2 WV2 WH3 780 600 360 WV3 WH4 WV4 MH6 WV5 210 (a) 240

223 E W W SW0 E HR9 HR15 HR10 HR7 HR14 HR8 VR1( ) VR2( ) HR5 HR3 HR1 HR13 HR6 HR12 HR4 HR11 HR2 VR3( ) VR4( ) 1 530kN 2 400kN 2 450kN 1 345kN JR3 JR2 JR1 3 (b) 8 Fig.8 Layout of measurement points W (a) 1/240 E SW0 3.1 SW0 SW0 950kN 345kN 400kN ( ) 1 2 530kN 450kN 1 2 mm 45 9(a) 735kN 861kN 9(b) 18.0mm 1015kN 914kN 2.5mm 19.9mm 22.0mm 9(c) 1 2 (b) (c) 9 SW0 Fig.9 Failure process and pattern of SW0 3.2

224 3.2.1 1050kN 400kN 492kN 2 600kN 1 600kN 1 2 10(a) 2 680kN 2 3 4 3 ~4 1/144 1 ( ) 886kN 853kN 10(b) ( 85% ) 1/100 10(c) 1/52 10(d) 10(e) W (b) 2 600kN 1 600kN 4 680kN 2 600kN 1 600kN 3 680kN 1 310kN (a) ±1/240 E (c) (d) 1/52 (e) 10 Fig.10 Failure process and pattern of 3.2.2 SW2-N 0.25 1950kN

225 575kN 605kN 700kN 860kN 860kN 783kN 1/170 991kN 1051kN 8.2% SW3-L1 SW4-L2 1.0 2.0 SW3-L1 1/134 1099kN 1151kN 0.170 30% 1/81 11 SW4-L2 796kN 763kN 1/79 1/55 12 SW3-L2 SW5-H 10@200 56% SW5-H 922kN 944kN 14.8% 1/98 1/73 (a) (b) 11 SW3-L1 Fig.11 Failure process and pattern of SW3-L1 (a) (b) 12 SW4-L2 Fig.12 Failure process and pattern of SW4-L2 SW5-H 4 4.1 [7 8] 13

226 14 /kn /kn 1200 800 400 0 400 800 1200 4 2 0 2 4 /mm 1200 800 400 0 400 800 1200 (a) SW2-N SW3-L1 SW4-L2 SW5-H SW2-N SW3-L1 SW4-L2 SW5-H 2 1 0 1 /mm (b) 13 Fig.13 Skeleton curve of relative deformation at upright cracks 4.2 15-16 - V/f c bh 0 4 85% 1) 2) 3) 70% /H (a) SW0 V/fcbh0 V/fcbh0 14 Fig.14 Picture of specimen removed of precast concrete /H (b)

227 V/fcbh0 V/fcbh0 V/fcbh0 V/fcbh0 /H (c) SW2-N /H (d) SW3-L1 /H (e) SW4-L2 /H (f) SW5-H 15 - Fig.15 Top lateral force-displacement hysteretic loops of walls V/fcbh0 V/fcbh0 SW0 SW2-N SW5-H /H (a) SW3-L1 SW4-L2 /H (b) 16 - Fig.16 Top lateral force-displacement skeleton curves of walls 4 Table 4 Characteristic of peak point and ultimate point V m /f c bh 0 Pm /kn Δ m /mm Δ u /mm H/Δ m H/Δ u Δ u /Δ m SW0 1015 16.50 16.50 0.164 1.264 915 14.75 14.75 138 138 1.00 886 15.30 23.02 0.130 1.000 853 14.67 20.36 144 100 1.45 1051 12.96 21.21 SW2-N 0.141 1.082 991 12.27 22.63 171 99 1.74 1099 11.92 19.32 SW3-L1 0.170 1.310 1151 9.63 16.05 134 81 1.64 796 36.77 57.39 SW4-L2 0.117 0.897 763 36.28 46.74 79 55 1.43 922 26.18 30.33 SW5-H 0.149 1.148 944 17.99 28.51 98 73 1.33 4.3 16 4 1) 20.8%

228 2) 1.0 2.0 1.5 31.0% 10.3% 16(b) SW3-L1 SW4-L2 1/105 1/79 0.114 f c bh 0 0.117 f c bh 0 2.5% 3) SW2-N 1.67 8.2% SW5-H 56% 14.8% 4.4 SW0 17 4 / 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.0 17 Fig.17 Stiffness ratio of walls H/1000 H/300 H/100 SW2-N SW4-L2 SW5-H SW3-L1 4.5 [9] ( ) [10 11] 5 1 5 (1) (2) (3)

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