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盡享全城優惠! Enjoy Citywide Discounts! 為了讓潮流氣息瀰漫全城,Hong Kong in Fashion 推廣活動及高級鐘表品牌活動 國際名表薈萃 與多個品牌及食肆合作, 為你帶來遍及全城的購物及餐飲優惠! To spread the fashion buzz to the wider community, Hong Kong in Fashion citywide campaign and premium timepiece brand event Salon de TE have partnered with leading brands and restaurants to bring you shopping and dining discounts across Hong Kong! 優惠日期 Promotion Period: 15/8 30/9/2018* * 各參與商戶提供的優惠及使用條款有異, 如有任何爭議, 參與商戶保留一切最終決定權, 香 貿發局恕不負責 Please note the terms & conditions set out by participating outlets differ. In case of any disputes, the decisions of the participating shops are final. HKTDC is not liable to any responsibility.

餐飲優惠 Dining Offers 掃描 QR 碼或讚好 Match Box 的 Facebook 頁面, 即可以 8 折購 Get a 20% discount for the sizzling meal they ordered by scanning QR code or like the Facebook page of Match Box. 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 57 號 G 樓 C&D 舖 Shop C&D, G/F, 57 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2868 0363 天然保健食品補充品 9 折優惠 ( 正價貨品 ) 10% off on Natural Health Foods supplement (regular-priced items) 灣仔利東街地庫一樓 B37 舖 Shop B37, Basement 1/F, Lee Tung Avenue Tel: 3556 8686 不能與其他優惠同時使用 Not compatible with other promotional offices 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權 In case of disputes, Shine reserves the right of fina 凡惠顧主餐牌專享 9 折優惠 ( 飲品除外 ) 10% off on a la carte menu (exclude drinks) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 加寧街 9-11 號地下 C 及 D 舖 ( 食街 ) Shops C&D, G/F, 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay (Food Street) Tel: 2576 8650 優惠至 30/9/2018 Offer valid until 30/9/2018 只適用於海饌海鮮及牛扒餐廳堂食 Only valid at Coast Seafood & Grill for dine-in 必須出示活動單張或門票方可享主餐牌 9 折優惠 ( 飲品除外 ) Present this coupon to receive 10% off on 每次交易只可使用此優惠一次 The offer can only be used once per table 另收加一服務費 ( 以原價計算 ) Subject to 10% service charge, applies before discount 此優惠券不可與其他優惠同時使用 ( 括 KPG Royal 卡折扣優惠 ) This coupon cannot be used in conjun (Including KPG Royal Card) 景樂集團保留此優惠之最終使用權 King Parrot Group reserves the right to amend the deta 正價購物滿 HK$300, 可享 88 折 12% off upon spending of HK$300 on regular priced items 灣仔利東街地下一樓 G07 舖 Shop G07, G/F, Lee Tung Avenue Tel: 2542 2880 自助晚餐及自助午餐 8 折優惠 20% off dinner buffet and lunch buffet 香 灣仔謝斐道 238 號世紀香 酒店 1 樓 1/F, Novotel Century Hong Kong, 238 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: 2598 9869 出示活動優惠券或入場證以享用優惠 Show ticket or event badge to redeem the discount off 另收加一服務費 Subject to 10% service charge 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 Above discount cannot be used in conjunction with other 凡惠顧主餐牌專享 9 折優惠 ( 飲品除外 ) 10% off on a la carte menu (exclude drinks) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 8 號地下 A 至 C 舖 Shop A-C, G/F, 8 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2556 7033 優惠至 30/9/2018 Offer valid until 30/9/2018 只適用於帝樂 - 德國餐廳 ( 銅鑼灣 ) 堂食 Only valid at King Ludwig German Restaurant (Cau 必須出示活動單張或門票方可享主餐牌 9 折優惠 ( 飲品除外 ) Present this coupon to receive 10% off on 另收加一服務費 ( 以原價計算 ) Subject to 10% service charge, applies before discount 此優惠券不可與其他優惠同時使用 ( 括 KPG Royal 卡折扣優惠 ) This coupon cannot be used in conjun (Including KPG Royal Card) 景樂集團保留此優惠之最終使用權 King Parrot Group reserves the right to amend the detai 2

歡樂時光每日 Everyday 指定飲品買 1 送 1, 贈開胃小食 Happy hour available all night selected drinks buy one get one free with complimentary venetian cicchetti (chef selection) Mercato8 樓樓威靈頓街 32 號中環 Mercato, Central, 32 D'Aguilar St, 8/F, California Tower, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 3706 8567 優惠不適用於其他折扣或推銷活動 Not applicable with other discounts or promotions 如有任何爭議,Mercato 保留所有最終決定權 Mercato reserves the right of all final decisio 行政午餐及單點餐牌 8 折優惠 20% off executive lunch and a la carte dinner menu 香 灣仔謝斐道 238 號世紀香 酒店 1 樓 1/F, Novotel Century Hong Kong, 238 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: 2598 4599 出示活動優惠券或入場證以享用優惠 Show ticket or event badge to redeem the discount off 另收加一服務費 Subject to 10% service charge 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 Above discount cannot be used in conjunction with other 單點餐牌 9 折 10% off on a la carte menu 銅鑼灣 Fashion 京士頓街 Walk 9 號地下及一樓 K 舖 Shop K, G/F & 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2808 0820 憑券於 FASHION WALK PAPI 分店堂食或外賣自取正價單點餐牌, 即享 9 折優惠, 不適用於加一服務費 其他分店 送遞或購物服務平台 Customers can enjoy a 10% discount on dine-in or takeaway regular-price not applicable to 10% service charge, other stores or orders in other d 此券有效期由 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 This coupon is valid from 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 請於落單前出示此券 此券將放使用後被收回 This coupon must be shown and collected before ord 此券正本方為有效 影印本 電子版本或損毀之現金券均為無效 Only original coupon is accepted. Copy, e- accepted 此券如有遺失, 恕不補發 This coupon will not be replaced for lost 此券不可與其他折扣 優惠或優惠券同時使用 This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any 此券不能兌換現金或任何電子貨幣及不可轉換為其他優惠 This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash or an non-exchangeable 如有任何爭議,PAPI 保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, PAPI reserves the right of 惠顧堂食可享 95 折 5% off for dine in 灣仔利東街地下一樓 G06 舖 Shop G06, G/F, Lee Tung Avenue Tel: 3612 2654 歡樂時光至晚上 9 點 - 精選飲品 5 折 設食物供應 Happy Hour until 9pm - 50% off selected drinks. Food Available. 地下威靈頓街 58-62 號蘭桂坊中環 G/F, 58-62 D Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 6081 5092 全部貨品 9 折 All items 10% off D2 Place TWO 地下 G03 舖 Shop G03, G/F, D2 Place TWO Tel: 2370 9022 僅限晚餐時段 (17:30-22:00) For Dinner only (17:30-22:00) 優惠僅限食物 For Food Only 優惠期為 13/08/2018-17/09/2018 Promotion period between 13/08/2018-17/09/20 3

迷你高爾夫體驗可享 9 折 10% off crazy golf experience at Strokes HK 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號一樓 G2-3 舖 Shop G2-3, 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2877 1800 每人只可享該優惠乙次 Each person can only enjoy the offer ONCE 請向我們的工作人員出示此優惠券以獲享優惠 Present the coupon to our staff to redeem the offe 優惠券只可在香 銅鑼灣 Strokes HK 兌換 The offer must be redeemed at Strokes HK Causew 優惠券不能與其他優惠同時使用 Other offers and promotions cannot be used in conjunctio 優惠券有效期為 15/8-30/9/2018 The discount is valid from 15/8-30/9/2018 優惠券不能兌換現金 Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash. 優惠券僅適用於即場購買 Coupon is valid for walk-in clients only 如有上述使用條款有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終權利 Strokes HK reserves the final right in case of 利是封 9 折 10% off on "Red Pocket" 灣仔利東街地庫一樓 B07 舖 Shop B07, Basement, Lee Tung Avenue Tel: 2518 8310 1. 晚市時段優先訂座 Priority table booking for dinner 2. 免費贈送精選雞尾酒 One complimentary glass of special cocktail 3. 全單 9 折優惠 10% off on your bill 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地下 H2 舖 Shop H2, G/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 3108 2180 出示 Centrestage 參加 的徽章或腕帶, 可免費獲贈 Yum Cha 特色雞 A complimentary of signature cocktail Yum Cha upon presenting the Centrestage participants badge or wristband. 中環威靈頓街 74 號 74 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 3125 3228 此優惠提供至 Centrestage 的參加 ( 參加 需出示徽章或腕帶才能兌換優惠 ) Offer available for Centresta (attendees need to show their badge or wristband to redeem the offer) 優惠只適用於館內用餐 Offer is valid for dine-in only 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other pro 如有任何爭議, 大官廳保留最終決定權 Tycoon Tann reserves the right of the final decision 晚上 10 時前全單 85 折優惠 15% off before 10pm 2 樓 E 單位好利商業大廈德己立街 38-44 號蘭桂坊中環 2/F, Unit E Ho Lee Commercial Building 38-44 D'Aguilar Street Lan Kwai Fong Central Tel: 2539 6503 此優惠提供至 Centrestage 的參加 ( 參加 需出示徽章或腕帶才能兌換優惠 ) Offer available for Centrest their badge or wristband to redeem the offer) 4

1. 歡樂時光 6 折優惠 ( 星期日至四 3-8pm) Happy hour 40% off (Sun-Thu 3-8pm) 2. 外賣自取 9 折優惠 ( 須預先致電下單 ) Self-pickup takeaway orders 10% off (must call in advance) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 59-65 號地下 C&D 舖 Shop C&D, G/F, 59-65 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay (Food Street) Tel: 2352 0198 購買任何中杯飲品, 可享免費升級優惠 A complimentary upgrade of any drink on menu from M size to L size 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號一樓 F-17 舖 Shop F-17, 1/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2111 3936 優惠券有效期 :15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Promotion period: 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 請於點單前聲明並出示此券, 方可享用優惠 Please mention and present the coupon before purcha 本優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 Cannot be used in conjunction with any discounted or pro 如有任何爭議,Chun Mei Limited 保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, the decision of 腕表及精品 Watch and Gift Outlets 正價腕表 8 折優惠 20% off on regular Arbutus timepieces item 香 九龍尖沙咀美麗華廣場 1/F L1 號舖 Kiosk L1, 1st Floor, Mira Place, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 2741 9188 九龍彌敦道 301-309 號裕華國貨地面 G/F., Yue Hwa Department Store, Jordan Tel: 2388 0591 旺角亞皆老街朗豪坊商場 9 樓 02 號舖 Shop 02, 9/F, Langham Place, Mongkok Tel: 2781 2861 優惠券有效期為 15/8-30/9/2018 The discount is valid from 15/8-30/9/2018 優惠券不能與其他優惠同時使用 Other offers and promotions cannot be used in conjunctio 優惠券不能兌換現金 Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權 In case of disputes, Arbutus reserves the right of fi 全場正價商品 85 折 15% off all items 全場精選商品 95 折 5% off selected items Shop 320, The Mall, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway G/F, Hip Shing Hong Centre, No.55 Des Voeux Road Central 2/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wanchai Tel: 2827 6667 age participants (attendees 不適用於專櫃商品 need to Not show applicable to sales counter product 不適用於一口價及換購價商品 Not applicable to set price items and redeemed goods 5

單筆消費滿 $500 現抵 $50 折扣 Each coupon can be used as HK$50 if a single purchase exceeds HK$500 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號 1 樓 K6 Kiosk 6, 1/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 6800 6728 單筆消費滿 $500 現抵 $50 折扣, 逾期無效 Each coupon can be used as HK$50 if a single purc accepted 本券如有塗改或損毀, 則予作廢 This coupon will become invalid if it has been defaced o 本券不能與其他優惠一同使用 This coupon may not be used in conjunction with other dis 本券不能兌現款及不設找贖 This coupon may not be redeemed in cash and no change will 如有任何爭議,MONI HK JEWELLERY 保留最終決定權 In case of any dispute, MONI HK JEWELLE 1. 正價貨品 ( 9 真空煲及禮盒裝除外折 ) 10% off on regular-priced items (except shuttle chef & gift set) 2. 真空煲及禮盒裝 95 折 5% off on shuttle chef & gift set 灣仔利東街地庫一樓 B40 舖 Shop B40, Basement 1/F, Lee Tung Avenue Tel: 2109 0101 正價貨品 9 折 10% off on regular-priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 27-47 號地下 11 及 25 號舖 Shop 11 & 25, G/F, 27-47 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2462 5266 此優惠不可與其他優惠或現金券同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any ot 此優惠受條款及細則約束, 詳情請向店員查詢 Terms and conditions apply. Please ask shop staff 購買任何腕表即可獲 1,000 元珠寶現金券 HK$1,000 jewellery cash voucher will be offered upon any purchase of watch products 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 23-25 號彩星中心地下及地庫 B/F & Ground Floor, Prestige Tower, 23-25 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2739 2333 九龍尖沙咀北京道 10 號寶業大廈地下至 2 樓 G/F - 2/F, Bo Yip Building, 6 Ashley Road & 10 Peking Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2369 2123 九龍尖沙咀北京道 12 號 A 地下及 1 樓 G/F & 1/F, 12A Peking Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2369 1178 九龍尖沙咀海 城海運大廈 2 階 OT281 及 283 號舖 Shop OT 281 & 283, Level 2, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2311 4432 九龍尖沙咀海 城海洋中心 3 樓 315B - 319 及 366-367 號舖 Shop 315B-319 & 366-367, Level 3, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Tel: 2736 6636 九龍尖沙咀海 城 威商場 3 階 3322 號舖 Shop No. 3322, Level 3, Gateway Arcade, Tel: 2311 Harbour 1878 Cit 九龍尖沙咀海防道 49-50 號地下至 5 樓 G/F- 5/F, Nos. 49-50, Haiphong Road, Tsimshatsui, Tel: 2367 8871 Ko 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西 1 號圓方 1 樓 1098 至 1099 及 2 樓 2122 號舖 Shop No.1098-1099 & 2122, 1/F & 2/F, Elements, Tel: 2301 11121 Aust 九龍旺角新世界廣場 (MOKO) 鐵樓層 M56-57 號舖 Shop M56-57, G/F (MTR), Grand Century Tel: Place 2366 (MOKO), 7313 香 銅鑼灣羅素街 58 號地下至 3 樓 B-C 號舖 Shop B and C, G/F-3/F, 58 Russell Street, Tel: 2776 Causeway 0688 B 6

香 銅鑼灣啟超道 16 號地下至 2 樓 G-2/F, 16 Kai Chiu Road, Causeway Bay, Tel: Hong 2895 Kong 6688 新界上水龍琛路 39 號上水廣場 2 樓 201 號舖 Shop Nos. 201, Level 2, Landmark North, No.39 Lung S Shek Wu Hui, Sheung Shui, New Territories Tel: 2323 2308 新界屯門鄉事會路 83 號 V city MTR 層 M-99 號舖 Shop M-99, MTR Level, V city, No. 83 Heung Sze Wui R Tuen Mun, New Territories Tel: 2362 0213 新界元朗廣場地下 003, 005-006, 063 號舖 Shop Nos. 003, 005-006 and 063, G/F, Yuen Long Plaza Yuen Long, New Territories Tel: 2793 0020 青山公路段 98 號地下至 2 樓 No.98 Castle Peak Road, Tai Tong Road, Tel: Yuen 2702 Long, 6311 Ne 新界元朗朗日路 8-9 號及元龍街 9 號形點 I,1 樓 1030-1033 號舖 Shop 1030-1033, Level 1, YOHO MALL I, 8-9 Long Yat 9 Yuen Lung Street, Yuen Long, New Territories Tel: 2566 6180 時裝 Fashion Outlets 1. 購買 agn s b 正價貨品滿 HK$4,000 可享 9 折優惠 ; 滿 HK$8,0 85 折優惠 110% off upon HK$4,000; 15% off upon HK$8,000 spending on agnès b regular-priced items 2. 購買 SPORT b. 正價貨品滿 HK$2,500 可享 9 折優惠 ; 滿 HK$5, 85 折優惠 10% off upon HK$2,500; 15% off upon HK$5,000 spending on SPORT b. regular-priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 2-4 號地下 1&2A 及 1 樓 1 號舖 Shop 1 & 2A, G/F & Shop 1, 1/F, 2-4 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2881 9129 優惠不得兌換現金 信用額或其他貨品 ; 及不得與其他折扣 禮券 AMI 會員卡或推廣優惠同時使用 This offer cannot be used with any other discounts, coupons, AMI membership cards or promotional 購買任何正價貨品可享 95 折優惠 Enjoy 5% off on any regular-priced items 香 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 42-48 號地下 B 舖 y, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Shop B, G/F, 42-48 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2788 0722 只適用於正價貨品, 不能與其他優惠同時使用 Offer cannot be used in conjunction with promotion wloon in Road West, Tsimshatsui 活動優惠價 HK$299 (1 位 ) HK$299/person discounted event price Mongkok, Kowloon D2 Place TWO 115-117 舖 Shop 115-117, D2 Place TWO Tel: 2156 1162 ay, Hong Kong 7

9 折優惠 10% discount 高山道 77 號高山劇場新翼地下 G17-18 G17-18 Ko Shan Theatre New Wing, 77 Ko Shan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon Tel: 5630 7235 香 中環鴨巴甸街 35 號元創坊 B 座 4 樓 H407 室 Unit H407, 4/F, Block B, PMQ 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 5630 7235 優惠日期 : 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Promotion period:15/8/2018-30/9/2018 凡購買指定新貨滿淨價 HK$500, 即時享有 HK$50 折扣優惠 Enjoy instant HK$50 cash discount upon net purchase of HK$500 of the new seasonal items 北角英皇道 500 號 運城 G20-21 號舖 Tel: 2561 1482 新蒲崗太子道東 638 號 Mikiki 地下 G05D 號舖 Tel: 2274 9535 尖沙咀中心 G37A, G37B, G44 及 G49 號舖 Tel: 2723 7221 九龍黃大仙中心北館一樓 N101 - N102 號舖 Tel: 2209 4698 旺角亞皆老街 71 號地下 Tel: 2167 6512 九龍灣德福廣場 F16 號舖 Tel: 3126 9698 屯門時代廣場南翼二樓 19-20 號舖 Tel: 2465 8700 元朗同樂街一號地下 Tel: 2473 4446 上水廣場三樓 332-333 號舖 Tel: 2672 0566 將軍澳彩明商場二樓 237 號舖 Tel: 2462 0598 上水彩園廣場三樓 R18 號舖 Tel: 2790 8312 大埔新達廣場一樓 60 號舖 Tel: 2799 1255 天水圍 T Town South 地下 SG04 號舖 Tel: 2783 7711 青衣城二樓 214B 號舖 Tel: 2794 0327 優惠日期 : 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Promotion period:15/8/2018-30/9/2018 此優惠不能累積使用 This offer cannot be used cumulatively 此優惠不能兌換現金及不能與其它優惠共同使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with ot 影印本及電子版恕不接受 A copy/electronic form of campaign guide map would not be 如有任何爭議,CROCODILE 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 In case of any disputes, CROCODILE shall 正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 10% off on regular-priced items, extra 5% off on discounted items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街地下及一樓 3 號舖 Shop 3, G/F & 1/F, 3 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2505 8982 優惠日期 : 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Promotion period:15/8/2018-30/9/2018 此優惠推廣不可與其他優惠推廣 優惠券及會員折扣一併使用 The promotion cannot be used in conjunction discount coupon or VIP member discount 此優惠推廣僅適用於 Fashion Walk 指定分店 Only applicable to Fashion Walk selected stor 如有任何爭議,D-mop Limited 將保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, the final decisio 購買任何 Fjallraven 服裝,Primus ( 戶外烹飪設備 ) Hanwag 和 ( 徒步鞋 ) 可享 85 折優惠 15% off on all Fjallraven apparels, Primus (outdoor cooking equipment) & Hanwag (trekking shoes) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 2-4 號 C 舖 Shop C, 2-4 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2659 9289 8

正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 10% off on regular-priced items, extra 5% off on discount items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 加寧街 9-11 號地下 A 舖 Shop A, G/F, 9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2881 017 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Offer is valid from 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 指定貨品除外 Selected items excluded 如有任何爭議,JUICE 擁有最終決定權 For any disputes, JUICE decision will be final 正價鞋款及手袋 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced shoes & bags 中環德輔道中 20 號德成大廈地下 5 號舖 Shop 5, G/F, Takshing House, 20 Des Voeux Road, Central Tel: 2524 4782 銅鑼灣駱克道 511 號舖 G/F, 511 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay Tel: 2834 7255 銅鑼灣 SOGO 6 樓 628 號舖 Shop 628, 6/F, Sogo Department Store, Causeway Bay Tel: 2831 8908 銅鑼灣時代廣場 B2 層 B241 號舖 Shop B241, B2/F, Times Square, Causeway Bay Tel: 2679 3711 太古城中心第二期 1 樓 150 號舖 Shop 150, 1/F, Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing Tel: 2590 7503 尖沙咀海 城 2 樓 GW2113 號舖 Shop GW2113, 2/F, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 2377 3980 尖沙咀柏麗大道地下 G53 號舖 Shop G53, Parklane Shopper's Boulevard, Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 2317 7192 旺角朗豪坊地庫 1 樓 15 號舖 Shop 15, B1/F, Langham Place, MongKok Tel: 3514 4529 旺角新世紀 1 樓 163 號舖 Shop 163, 1/F, Moko, Mongkok Tel: 2760 1237 紅磡黃埔花園第 11 期 G7C 號舖 Shop G7C, Site 11, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom Tel: 2334 4689 九龍塘又一城 UG 樓 10 號舖 Shop UG10, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2265 7814 九龍灣德福廣場第一期地下 29 號舖 Shop G29, G/F, Telford Plaza I, Kowloon Bay Tel: 2706 9883 鑽石山荷里活廣場 1 樓 137 號舖 Shop 137, 1/F, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill Tel: 2522 2935 沙田新城市廣場第一期 4 樓 476 號舖 Shop 476, 4/F, New Town Plaza, Phase I, Shatin Tel: 2679 0277 屯門市廣場一期 2 樓 2213 號舖 Shop 2213, 2/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Phase 1, Tuen Mun Tel: 2441 9103 元朗形點 I 1 樓 1053 號舖 Shop 1053, 1/F, YOHO MALL I, Yuen Long Tel: 2557 0622 荃灣廣場 2 樓 232-235 號舖 Shop 232-233, 2/F, Tsuen Wan Plaza, Tsuen Wan Tel: 2787 3921 葵芳新 會廣場 3 樓 340 號舖 Shop 340, 3/F, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong Tel: 2424 2230 9

HK$500 現金券 Laurèl $500 cash voucher 香 中環皇后大道中 31 號陸海通大廈地下 3 號店 Shop No. 3, G/F, LHT Tower, No. 31 Queens Road, Central Tel: 2523 6088 香 金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場 2084 號店 Shop 2084, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Hong Kong Tel: 2234 7341 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道 555 號崇光百貨公司 2 樓 201 號店 Shop 2-01B, 2/F SOGO Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay Tel: 2369 8208 九龍尖沙咀海 城 威商場 2128 號店 Shop 2128, Level 2, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel: 2157 9830 只適用於香 Laurèl 店 Only applicable at Laurèl shop in Hong Kong 只適用於購買正價貨品 Voucher can only be used on regular-priced item 每人只限使用一次 Can only be used once per customer 優惠不能兌換現金 Discount cannot be exchanged for cash 餘額將不獲退還 All remaining value will be forfeited 如有任何爭議,Laurel (Asia) Limited 保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, Laurel (As 不可與其他推廣優惠使用 Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers 指定正價貨品 8 折 20% off on selected regular-priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 66-72 號地下 B 舖 Shop B, G/F, 66-72 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 3565 4500 貨品 9 折優惠 10% off 3 Sun Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 5 St Francis Yard, Wan Chai, Hong Kong G/F Hollywood, HG10 12, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong K11 Art Mall, Shop 101 & 302, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Tel: 2520 0114 每人只限使用一次 One time use only 只適用於正價貨品 Applicable on regular priced products 此優惠不設最低消費 No minimum purchase 此優惠不能與其它優惠共同使用 Cannot be combined with other promotions 如有任何爭議,kapok 保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 Kapok reserves final decision in case of dis 購買任何貨品淨價滿 HK$3,000, 即可獲贈限量禮品一份 Receive a complimentary gift upon any net spending of HK$3,000. 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 3-5, 18-19 號及 1 樓 F-2 號舖 Shop 3-5 & 18-19, G/F & Shop F-2, 1/F,11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2503 5311 此優惠有效期為 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 This offer is valid from 15/8/2018-30/9/201 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other prom 購買正價貨品可享 88 折優惠 12% off on all regular priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 12-14 舖 Shops 12-14, G/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2997 6006 所有貨品不設退換 There are no refunds, returns or exchanges on the redeemed ite 此優惠不可與 MO&Co. VIP 優惠同時使用 Cannot be used in conjunction with MO&Co. VIP Ca 如有任何爭議,V&A Fashion Co., Ltd. 將保留最終決定之權利 In case of any dispute, the dec 10

購買正價貨品可享 88 折優惠 12% off on all regular priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 16B 號舖 Shops 16B, G/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2628 9100 所有貨品不設退換 There are no refunds, returns or exchanges on the redeemed ite 此優惠不可與 MO&Co. VIP 優惠同時使用 Cannot be used in conjunction with MO&Co. VIP Ca 如有任何爭議,V&A Fashion Co., Ltd. 將保留最終決定之權利 In case of any dispute, the dec 可享有 HK$1,000 現金卷 HK$1,000 cash coupon 501 室 5 樓世瑛大廈永樂街 1 號上環 Rm 501, 5/F, Cheung s Building, 1 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan Tel: 2259 5226 消費滿 HKD$5,000 即可享用此券 This coupon is eligible with minimum purchase of HK 每次只限使用一張現金券 Only one coupon can be used each time 敬請預約 Advance booking is required and subject to availability 請于付賬前出示此卷 This coupon has to be presented before purchase 此卷不可兌換現金 This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash or used with other pr MISURINO 保留最終決定權 MISURINO reserves the final right for decision in case 購買貨品滿 幣 $1500 或以上, 即享 9 折購物優惠 Enjoy 10% off on all Items upon net purchase HK$1500 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 24 號舖 Shop 24, G/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2321 2718 此優惠有效期為 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 This offer is valid from 15/8/2018-30/9/201 任意消費 10,000 幣即可獲尊享正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items ( with purchase over HK$ 10,000). 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 29-30 舖 Shop 29-30, G/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 6696 6314 最終解釋權歸 Patrizia Pepe China 所有 Patrizia Pepe China has the authority to ul 自家品牌產品 製衣學堂 和升級改造衣物的課程 可以提供 95 折 5% off house brand products, garment and textile workshop, and premium garment tailoring classes 尖沙嘴漆咸道南 61-65 號首 廣場一樓 F039, F046 舖 Shop F039, F046, 1/F, Capital Plaza, 61-65 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 6345 1905 改衣服務暫時未能提供有關優惠 Garment altering service is not included in the discount Pause & Ponder 保留權利按本公司的絕對酌情權隨時及不時修改或更新本條款和細則 In case of any disputes, P reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of the above 購買兩件或以上正價貨品可享 8 折優惠 20% off upon purchase of 2 or above regular-priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 加寧街 1-3 號地下 B 舖 Shop B, G/F, 1-3 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2427 5399 11

購買指定正價貨品滿 HKD2,000 可享 9 折優惠 10% off regular priced items (with purchases over HK$2000) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 加寧街 5-7 號地下 B 號舖 Shop B, G/F, 5-7 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2890 8261 不能與其他優惠同時使用 Not compatible with other promotional offices 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權 In case of disputes, Shine reserves the right of fin 購買正價貨品可享 9 折優惠 10% discount on full price merchandise 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 8 21 號鋪, 一樓 6 號舖 Shop 8 & 21, G/F & Shop 6, 1/F, 11-19Great George Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2412 1488 優惠日期 : 15/8/2018-16/9/2018 Promotion period: 15/8/2018-16/9/2018 如有任何爭議,Ted Baker (Hong Kong) Limited 保留此優惠之最終決定權 Ted Baker (Hong Kong) in case of any dispute 購買任何貨品可享 8 折優惠 Enjoy 20% off on all items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地下 D 舖 Shop D, G/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2612 9977 1. 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off regular priced items 2. 購物滿淨額 HK$5,000 可享額外 95 折優惠 Extra 5% off upon net purchase of HK$5,000 中環置地廣場 221 店 LANDMARK SHOP 221, CENTRAL Tel: 2868 2826 中環元創方 SG03 店 PMQ, SHOP SG03, CENTRAL Tel: 2721 1818 中環大館 01-G04 店 TAI KWUN, SHOP 01-G04, CENTRAL Tel: 2697 3288 銅鑼灣 FASHION WALK 記利佐治街 11-19 號地下 17 號舖 SHOP 17, G/F, 11-19 GREAT GEORGE STREET, FASHION WALK, CAUSEWAY BAY Tel: 2881 0006 灣仔利東街 G17 店 LEE TUNG AVENUE, SHOP G17, WAN CHAI Tel: 2265 8808 九龍塘又一城 LG1-05 店 FESTIVAL WALK, SHOP LG1-05, KOWLOON TONG Tel: 2265 8381 尖沙咀圓方 1049A 店 ELEMENTS, SHOP 1049A, TSIM SHA TSUI Tel: 2385 9318 此優惠不可與其他推廣優惠及會員折扣同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any membership discounts 此優惠不適用於公價貨品 The offer is not applicable to fixed price items 必須出示此優惠券方可享用優惠 This voucher must be presented before payment 2 items 15% off 1. 兩件貨品 85 折 2. 三件貨品 8 折 3 items 20% off 3. 四件貨品或以上即享 75 折 4 items or more 25% off 九龍荔枝角長義街 9 號 D2 Place ONE 四樓 405 舖 Shop 405, 4/F, D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon Tel: 2153 3385 只限於特定產品 Only on selected items 12

凡購買正價貨品滿 $6,000, 可享 95 折優惠 5% off upon purchase of $6,000 regular priced items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 百德新街 27-47 號地下 11 及 25 號舖 Shop 11 & 25, G/F, 27-47 Paterson Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2558 0262 此優惠推廣不可與其他優惠推廣 優惠券及會員折扣一併使用 The promotion cannot be used in conjunction discount coupon or VIP member discount 此優惠推廣僅適用於 Fashion Walk 指定分店 Only applicable to Fashion Walk selected stor 如有任何爭議,D-mop Limited 將保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, the final decisi 美容 Salons & Beauty 可獲日本品牌 MILBON / LEBEL 旅行洗護髮套裝一套 One set of Japan MILBON/ LEBEL shampoo travel kit (FREE) 銅鑼灣百德新街 57 號海華大廈 1 樓 B 室 Flat B, 1st Floor, Haywood Mansion, No.57, Paterson Street, Hong Kong Tel: 2577 6663 尖沙咀麼地道 30 號 Mody house 11 樓 11th Floor, Mody House, No.30, Mody Road, Kowloon Tel: 2715 6189 數量有限, 送完即止 Gifts are subject to a first-come-first-served basis while st 本公司保留最終決定權 Our company has the final decision in all matters and disput 正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on regular-priced items 九龍尖沙咀河內道 18 號 2 樓 K-11 208 號舖 Shop 208, K-11, 18 Hanoi Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln, H.K Tel: 3122 4455 中環威靈頓街 14-24 號威靈頓公爵大廈 1 樓 1/F, Duke Of Wellington House 14-24 Wellington St., Central, H.K Tel: 2522 3311 香 銅鑼灣告士打道 255-257 號信和廣場 G09 室 Unit G09, G/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 2881 0138 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-31/10/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-31/10/2018 不可與其他優惠同時使用或兌換現金 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other 剪髮可減 $50 Enjoy HK$50 off on hair cut services 焗油 / 電髮 / 染髮可減 $100 Enjoy HK$100 off on treatment, perm and dye services 旺角彌敦道 639 號雅蘭中心 120 號舖 Shop 120, Grand Plaza, Mong Kok, Hong Kong Tel: 2768 8199 敬請預約 Advance booking is required 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-31/10/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-31/10/2018 不可與其他優惠同時使用或兌換現金 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other pr 如有任何爭論,Corner Color Bar 保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, the decision o 13

1. 深層保濕頭髮護理 ( 連吹髮造型 ) 5 折優惠 50% off on deep moisture treatment with blow dry 2. 角蛋白順滑貼服頭髮護理 8 折優惠 20% off on keratin complex smoothing treatment 3. 剪髮服務 ( 連洗吹 ) 8 折優惠 20% off on hair cut service 4. 挑染 / 漸變染色服務 75 折優惠 25% off on balayage / highlight service 中環威靈頓街 86-90 號 2 樓 202-203 室 Unit 02-03, 2/F, 86-90 Wellington Street, Central Tel: 2956 3668 優惠期限由 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 This offer can not be used in conjunction with any othe 此優惠只適用於星期一至星期五 This offer can be used on Monday to Friday only 此優惠不能兌換現金 Is not redeemable for cash 此優惠只限指定髮型師 Selected stylist only 如有任何爭議,DAZ 保留一切最終決定權 In the case of any dispute DAZ has the right to al 可享 9 折優惠 Enjoy 10% off of our service 灣仔利東街地下 G36 舖 G36, G/F, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: 3709 6976 灣仔利東街地庫一樓 B36 舖 B36, 1/F, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: 37052562 此優惠適用於訪 旅客 This offer is applicable for tourists 深層清潔頭皮按摩服務 9 折優惠 ( 按顧客各種頭皮以訂制, 括舒緩清爽 化控油 去屑護理 ) Enjoy 10% off of hair corner deep cleansing hair scalp massage (Customize for all hair scalp include soothing, oil-control, anti-dandruff treatment) 九龍尖沙咀河內道 18 號 2 樓 K-11 208 號舖 Shop 208, K-11, 18 Hanoi Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln, H.K Tel: 3122 4455 中環威靈頓街 14-24 號威靈頓公爵大廈 1 樓 1/F, Duke Of Wellington House 14-24 Wellington St., Central, H.K Tel: 2522 3311 香 銅鑼灣告士打道 255-257 號信和廣場 G09 室 Unit G09, G/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 2881 0138 敬請預約 Advance booking is required 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-31/10/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-31/10/2018 此優惠只適用於星期一至四 This offer is only applicable from Monday to Thursday 此優惠不能與其他折扣優惠, 推廣及換領優惠同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with 如有任何爭論,Hair Corner 保留最終決定權 In case of any disputes, the decision of Hai 14

1. 快閃 TATTOO 體驗 : 如果客人在特定日的下午三時至四時內到訪 INCOCO, 將獲得免費的 CENTRESTAGE 紋身體驗 Flash TATTOO experience: For the guests visit INCOCO during the specific period of time, they will be offered a free CENTRESTAGE tattoo experience. 2. D2 在 Incoco 分店購買 HK$100 或以上可獲贈一件免費 CENTRESTAGE X ARTYOU 人體彩繪 ONE Free CENTRESTAGE X ARTYOU body art upon purchase of HK$100 or above in D2 Incoco Branch. 香 金鐘道 93 號金鐘廊一樓 B08 號舖 ( 快閃時間 8 月 19 日 ) Shop B08, 1/F, Queensway Plaza, 93 Queensway, HK Tel: 5408 1303 荔枝角長順街 15 號 D2-TWO 第二期 1/F 一號銷售點 ( 快閃時間 8 月 25 日 ) K01, 1/F, D2 PLACE-TWO, 15 Cheung Chun Street, Lai Chi Kok Tel: 5408 5651 香 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道 500 號 10/F 誠品書店 ( 近扶手電梯 ( 快閃時間 ) 8 月 20 日 ) 10/F Hysan Place, No. 500, Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 5408 1959 此優惠適用於訪 旅客 This offer is applicable for tourists $950 享用專業染髮及剪髮服務 $950 for hair color and hair cut service 銅鑼灣利園三期 311-315 舖 Shop 311-315, Lee Garden Three, Causeway Bay Tel: 2890 2666 敬請預約 Advance booking is required 優惠只適用於髮型師級別及不可指定髮型師 The offer is valid for stylist grade only and non- 優惠不可與其他推廣優惠同時使用及不可兌換現金, 消費額或其他服務 The offer cannot be used in conjunctio nor cannot be exchanged for cash, credit or other services 如有任何爭議,M Plus Salon 保留最終決定權 In case of dispute, the decision of M Plus 首次試用以下服務可享 7 折優惠 : 剪髮, 燙髮 / 拉直, 染色 Enjoy 30% off for your first time trial of the following service: Hair Cut Hair Perm / Straightening, Colouring 中環威靈頓街 2-8 號 M88,10 樓 10/F, M88, 2-8 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2810 4808 需要提前預訂 Booking in advance is required 優惠不適用於其他折扣或推銷活動 Offer is not applicable with other discounts or promoti 如有任何爭議,Number 8 Hair Salon 保留所有最終決定權 Number 8 Hair Salon reserves the ri 8 折享首次可卸式修甲服務 20% off on first trial of soak-off gel nail service my NAIL NAIL - LHT Tower 香 中環皇后大道中 31 號 LHT Tower 2 樓 ( 於 Queens PRIVATE i SALON 內 ) 2/F, LHT Tower, 31 Queen's Road Central, Central, HK (Inside Queens PRIVATE i SALON) Tel: 2521 4088 my NAIL NAIL Stanley Street 香 中環士丹利街 11 號地下 G/F, 11 Stanley Street, Central, HK Tel: 2530 1182 in NAIL NAIL Fashion Walk 香 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地下及一樓 A 號舖 ( 於 PRIVATE i CONCEPT Shop A, G/F & 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay (Inside PRIVATE i CONCEPT Store) Tel: 2577 2880 15

NAIL NAIL Mira Place 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 132 號美麗華廣場 1 期低層地下 B102 號舖 Shop B102, B1/F, Mira Place 1, No.132 Nathan Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN. Tel: 2377 2884 NAIL NAIL Festival Walk 九龍九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 L2-55 號舖 ( 於 i PRIVATE i SALON 內 ) Unit L2-55, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, KLN (Inside i PRIVATE i SALON) Tel: 2314 0220 NAIL NAIL - Shatin 新界沙田 鐵站連城廣場 11 號舖 Shop Unit 11, Upper Level, Citylink, Shatin Station Circuit, Shatin, N.T. Tel: 2688 0288 敬請預約 Advance booking is required 優惠只適用於指定正價服務, 只限於指定店舖 Offers are applicable on selected regular-priced 首次優惠只限新客戶享用乙次 First trial offer is valid for new customer for once onl 優惠只適用於星期日至四 ( 不適用於公眾假期及其前夕 ) Offers are applicable from Sunday to Thursd and holiday eves) 優惠不得轉讓, 不可兌換現金或與其他推廣優惠同時使用 Offers are not transferable, and cannot be r also cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. 如有任何爭議,PS GROUP 保留此優惠之最終決定權 In case of any disputes, PS GROUP reserves 優惠有效期至 30/9/2018Offers are valid until 30 Sep 2018 9 折選購指定正價產品 10% off on selected regular-priced products P.Code: PGPIB180101-104 PRIVATE i Beauty 香 中環士丹利街 11 號 G/F, 11 Stanley St., Central, HK Tel: 2915 6566 九龍九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 L2-55 號 Unit L2-55, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tel: 2265 8766 條款及細則 : 優惠只適用於指定正價產品 ( 不適用於公價產品 - Balmain Hair, Cefine, Dr. Hauschka, Fill Kerastase, PAPERSELF, Remescar, Steamcream 及所有美髲工具如 GHD, Selfie, Tescom designated regular-prices products (excluded fixed-priced products - B Gulsha, Kerastase, PAPERSELF, Remescar, Steamcream and all hair tools e 優惠不得轉讓, 不可兌換現金或與其他推廣優惠同時使用 Offer is not transferable, and cannot be red also cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers 如有任何爭議,PS GROUP 保留此優惠之最終決定權 In case of any disputes, PS GROUP reserves 優惠有效期至 31/12/2018 Offers are valid until 31/12/2018 85 折惠顧首次剪髮服務 15% off on hair cut service at first visit. P.Code: PG870A 9 折選購指定正價產品 10% off on regular-priced products. P.Code: PG870B PRIVATE i SALON 香 中環畢打街 1-3 號中建大廈 201 號舖 Shop 201, 2/F., Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2522 1112 QUEEN'S PRIVATE i SALON 香 中環皇后大道中 31 號 LHT Tower 2 樓 2/F, LHT Tower, 31 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2234 0900 St PRIVATE i SALON 香 中環士丹利街 11 號地下及地庫 G/F & LG/F, Stanley 11, 11 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2530 3393 H PRIVATE i SALON 香 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地下及一樓 A 號舖 Shop A, G/F & 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 2577 2239 16

i PRIVATE i SALON 九龍九龍塘達之路 80 號又一城 L2-55 號舖 Unit L2-55, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tel:2314 0003 the mira PRIVATE i SALON 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 118-130 號 The Mira Hong Kong B361 B361, The Mira Hong Kong, 118-130 Nathad Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel: 2314 0990 CHIC PRIVATE i SALON 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 118-130 號美麗華廣場 2 期 2 樓 282-83 號舖 Shop 282-83. L2, Mira Place 2, 118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel: 2301 2899 敬請預約 Advance booking is needed 優惠只適用首次惠顧及只可使用一次 The offers are for new customers and for once only. 優惠只適用於星期日至四 ( 不適用於公眾假期 公眾假期前夕 ) The offer is only applicable on Sunday t holiday eves.) 優惠只適用於指定店舖 The offers only apply on selected store 優惠只適用於指定髮型師及髮型技術顧問 The offers only apply to selected stylist and techin 優惠只適用於成人美髮服務 The offers are for adult hair service only 優惠只適用於指定正價產品 ( 不適用於公價產品 - Balmain Hair Kerastase Cefine 及所有美髮工具如 GHD, Self for selected regular-priced items only (exclude fixed-price items: Balmai 優惠不得轉讓, 不可兌換現金或與其他推廣優惠同時使用 The offer is not transferrable, exchange for 如有任何爭議,PS GROUP 保留此優惠之最終決定權 For any disputes, PS GROUP reserves the rig 優惠有效期至 31/10/2018 Offers are valid until 31/10/2018 指定正價貨品 9 折優惠 10% off on selected regular-priced items 金鐘金鐘道 88 號太古廣場商場 3 樓 309 號舖 Shop 309, Level L3, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Tel: 2997 9600 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-31/10/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-31/10/2018 不可與其他優惠同時使用或兌換現金 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other p 尊享 [comfort zone] 面部護理及混合式按摩 85 折 ; 預約 Shel 可享手部快速美甲 15% off [comfort zone] facial and Fusion Massage Book Shellac Pedicure and receive an express Manicure 1-5 樓德己立街 52 號蘭桂坊中環 1-5F, 52 D Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central Tel: 2526 6918 優惠不適用於其他折扣或推銷活動 Not applicable with other discounts or promotions 如有任何爭議,Sense of Touch 保留所有最終決定權 Sense of Touch reserves the right of al 剪髮 / 染燙服務 9 折 10% Discount off for haircut or/& chemical services 香 中環雲咸街 15 號地下 G/F, 15 Wyndham Street, Central, HK Tel: 2801 7870 優惠期限 :15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Offer valid period: 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 此優惠只適用於中環雲咸街店, 只適用於星期一至四, 公眾假期不適用 The offers are only applicable for TO located at G/F, 15 Wyndham Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central (contact numb 必須預約及於預約時說明享用此優惠 ; 請出示會員卡 Advanced booking is required, and the use of o during booking process 此優惠不可與其他推廣優惠 折扣同用 Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offer 如有任何爭議,Toni & Guy 將保留最終決定權及修改權 In case of any s decision disputes, shall TONI&GUY be final. HK Ltd 17

其他 Others 購買任何正價配件 ( 括牆上藝術品, 燈具, 枕頭, 地毯, 坐墊, 花瓶 ) 可享 9 折優惠 10% off on regular priced accessories (wall art, lamp, pillows, rugs, poufs, vases) 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地庫 I 舖 Shop I, B/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2570 0307 購買任何高於 HKD10,000 正價傢俬可享 85 折優惠 15% on all Regular Priced Furniture priced 1. 購買 neon sabre 即減 HK$300 HK$300 off for neon sabre purchase 2. 買一送一 Buy 1 get 1 FREE for drop-in 香 九龍荔枝角長順街 15 號 D2 PLACE TWO 306-308 Shop 306-308, 3/F, D2 Place TWO Tel: 3461 9023 優惠日期 : 15/8/2018-31/12/2018 Promotion period: 15/8/2018-31/12/2018 優惠不可與其他推廣優惠同時使用 Cannot combine with other offer or promotions 除了 VR, 優惠卷可兌換一場遊戲 Drop- in coupons can be redeemed for one session for a 如有任何爭議,Crossfire Arena 保留最終決定權 Crossfire Arena reserves the final right 憑券購買正價貨品滿 幣 $500 或以上, 即享 9 折購物優惠 Enjoy 10% off upon net purchase of HK$500 Francfranc original price items 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 8 號地下及一樓 B 舖 Shop B, G/F & 1/F, 8 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 3583 2528 只適用於 Francfranc Fashion Walk 分店 有效期為 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 Only applicable 15/8/2018-30/9/2018 不可與 VIP 折扣 其他推廣優惠同時使用 Cannot be used in conjunction with VIP discount / 購物可享 9 折優惠 10% off discount 銅鑼灣 Fashion Walk 京士頓街 9 號地下及 1 樓 B 舖 Shop B, G/F & 1/F, 9 Kingston Street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Tel: 2793 1109 優惠期至 30/9/2018 Offer is valid until 30/9/2018 客人必需出示活動單張或門票方可享用優惠 Customers must present the event flier or ticket t 此優惠不適用於購買寄賣貨品 陳列品及換購品 Not eligible for purchase of consignment items, 此優惠不適用於送貨費 安裝費 塑膠購物袋費及其他服務費用 Not eligible for delivery charge, install bag charge and other services charge 此優惠只適用於 GALLEON 分店 Offer is only s physical valid store GALLEON 此優惠不可與其他優惠及分期付款同時使用 The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any o 如有任何爭議,GALLEON 保留此優惠最終決定權 In case of disputes arising out of this offer 全部貨品 95 折 All items 5% off 荔枝角 D2 Place One 四樓 Kiosk 6 Kiosk 6, 4/F, D2 Place ONE Tel: 9820 9282 適用於所有產品和諮詢服務 Applicable to all products and consultation services 穿著本地品牌 / 設計師品牌的服裝或配飾的顧客, 購買產品和服務時可提及品牌名稱即享上述折扣 Customers wearing clothes o accessories of local brands/designer labels can enjoy the above discoun Tarot Pointer 保留對上述條款和條件的解釋的最終決定權 Tarot Pointer reserves the right of fi the above terms and conditions 優惠期為 01/08/2018 至 20/09/2018 Promotion period is between 01/08/2018 and 20 18

支持媒體 Media Partners 19

支持伙伴 20 Supporting Partners