上海领技实业专业经营各式温度传感器其及相关的控制元件, 仪器及设备及加热产品 主要产品系列为单端玻封热敏电阻, 玻封二极管热敏电阻及各种环氧树脂封装小黑头热敏电阻及相关传感器探头的设计制作 产品广泛应用在家电, 通讯, 医疗, 仪表, 工业自动化, 工业智能化,3D 打印等等行业 领技坚持为合作伙伴

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Download "上海领技实业专业经营各式温度传感器其及相关的控制元件, 仪器及设备及加热产品 主要产品系列为单端玻封热敏电阻, 玻封二极管热敏电阻及各种环氧树脂封装小黑头热敏电阻及相关传感器探头的设计制作 产品广泛应用在家电, 通讯, 医疗, 仪表, 工业自动化, 工业智能化,3D 打印等等行业 领技坚持为合作伙伴"



2 上海领技实业专业经营各式温度传感器其及相关的控制元件, 仪器及设备及加热产品 主要产品系列为单端玻封热敏电阻, 玻封二极管热敏电阻及各种环氧树脂封装小黑头热敏电阻及相关传感器探头的设计制作 产品广泛应用在家电, 通讯, 医疗, 仪表, 工业自动化, 工业智能化,3D 打印等等行业 领技坚持为合作伙伴及用户提供专业的服务与支持, 共同创造效益 品质致胜 : 依托专业团队及高效的供应体系, 全方位落实品质监控政策 确保领技所提供的产品与服务符合质量标准 高效服务 : 在速度效益致胜的供应体系中, 领技团队联合整个供应体系, 为我们的合作伙伴及用户提供高效的服务 利益分享 : 始终秉承与合作伙伴创造更多的共同利益的理念 依托完备的供应链为合作伙伴打造共同成长的生态系统, 推进传感器产业的智能化自动化升级 以人为本 : 领技实业始终坚持更高效, 更环保, 更人文的生态系统建设, 为员工, 合作伙伴及用户创造舒适的生活状态 LINGEE INDUSTRY is specialized on state-of-the-art products for measurement and control of Temperature. The main products include MGB and MGD glass sealed NTC thermistor and MEB epoxy resin NTC thermistor and related temperature sensor probes assemblies, which have been widely uses in kinds of industries, such as household electrical appliances, Communications, Medical, instruments, Industrial Automation and Intelligence and 3D printing etc. You can rely on LINGEE for unmatched custom engineering, technical assistance, control and courteous attention. We enjoy developing custom designs. Please don t hesitate to contact us for any information. We believe in active versus reactive customer service. To complement our current business and manufacturing operations, which focus on the needs of our customers (partners). CONNECTING LINGEE INSIDE

3 1 NTC THERMISTOR 负温度系数热敏电阻 热敏电阻 (Thermistor) 是对热敏感的半导体电阻 (Thermal Sensitive Resistor), 其阻值随温度变化而发生非常显著变化的半导体 一般而言分为两大类 一类是电阻值随温度升高而升高的 PTC( Postive Temperature Coefficient) 热敏电阻 另一类是电阻值随温度升高而降低的 NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) 热敏电阻 本目录说明仅限于 NTC 热敏电阻 A thermistor is "a thermally sensitive resistor" that is a semiconductor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature. In general, there are two types thermal senstive resistor. One is PTC ( Postive Temperature Coefficient); the resistance increases as temperature increases. The other is NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient); the resistance decreases as temperature increases. The following description is applicable only to NTC thermistors. 热敏电阻是应用于信息系统与控制系统的敏感元件, 主要用于对温度的测量 控制 保护及用作加热器 热敏电阻是一种由锰 铜 硅 钴 镍 铁 锌等多种金属氧化物为原料烧结而成的陶瓷半导体感热晶体 使用温度在-50~+1000 之间, 涵盖了日常温度控制所需的温度范围 热敏电阻体积小 稳定性好且响应性高, 在国防 工控 通信 汽车 航天等领域以及日常家电中得到了广泛的应用 NTC thermistor is an sensitive elements widely used in information system and control system, which is mainly used for temperature measurements, control, protection and heating. Thermistors are thermally sensitive elements of sintered fine ceramic semiconductor composed of several transition metal oxides, primarily Mn, Co and Ni. Their operating temperature range is from -50 C to C that covers the whole range necessary for ordinary temperature control. They are also small, stable and have great sensitivity. Thanks to these features, they are used in large quantities as temperature sensors and temperature compensation elements in consumer electronic appliances and industrial equipment. 4 个重要的参数 热敏电阻的性能主要以电阻值 B 值 热耗散常数 δ 热时间常数 τ 这 4 个参数来表示 有时也用电阻温度系数 α 作为辅助常数 Basically, characteristics of a thermistors is represented by four constants: resistance R, B constant B, thermal dissipation constant δ and thermal time constant 电阻值 Resistance B 值 B constant R B 热敏电阻 NTC THERMISTOR δ 耗散常数 Thermal dissipation constant 热时间常数 Thermal time constant 电阻值 R (kω) 热敏电阻的电阻值 R 和绝对温度 T 之间, 有以下近似关系 Between resistance R and absolute temperature T, there is the following approximate relationship. 1 1 R1 = R2 exp B( - ) (1) T1 T2 根据公式 可以求证任意温度 T 时的热敏电阻 R Thermistor resistance R at any temperature T can be calculated from equation (1) R1: Resistance (Ω) at absolute temperature T1 (K) 绝对温度 T1 (K) 时的电阻值 R2: Resistance (Ω) at absolute temperature T2 (K) 绝对温度 T2 (K) 时的电阻值 B : B constant B 值

4 2 B constant B (K) B 值是电阻在 2 个温度之间的电阻值变化量的常数, 由以下计算公式得出 B is a constant that expresses a change rate in resistance between two temperatures, which is derived from the equation (1). B = lnr1 - lnr (logR1 - logr2) = (2) T1 T2 T1 T2 B 值一般是 B25 /50 =2000~6000K,B 值越大每 1 的电阻变化率也变大 In general, B constant value ranges B25 C/50 C = 2,000-6,000K. The higher the B value is, the greater the change rate in resistance per 1 C becomes. R1: Resistance (Ω) at absolute temperature T1 (K) 绝对温度 T1 (K) 时的电阻值 R2: Resistance (Ω) at absolute temperature T2 (K) 绝对温度 T2 (K) 时的电阻值 B : B constant B 值 耗散常数 δ (mw/ ) 耗散常数 δ 是指给热敏电阻通电加热时, 热敏电阻晶体表面和引线产生自热的热量大小程度 耗散常数 δ 可以用公式 (3) 计算出附加在热敏电阻上的消耗与相应的温度上升值 Thermal dissipation constant δ is a constant that expresses a degree of radiation from surface and lead wires of a thermistor element, when electric current is applied to heat it up. Thermal dissipation constant δ can be determined by the equation (3) as a ratio between a power consumption applied to a thermistor and a degree of temperature increased by the power. δ = W I²R = T - Ta T - Ta.. (3) Thermal dissipation constant (mw/ C) 耗散常数 (mw/ ) W: Power consumption in thermistor (mw) 热敏电阻的消耗功率 (mw) T : Temperature at heat equilibrium after rising ( C) 升温达到热平衡时的温度值 ( ) Ta : External ambient temperature ( C) 周围温度 ( ) I : Current flowing in a themistor at temperature T (ma) 温度 T 时, 通过热敏电阻的电流值 (ma) R : Resistance of a thermistor at temperature T (kω) 温度 T 时, 热敏电阻的电阻值 (kω) 进行精密温度测量或者控制时, 要观察热敏电阻的耗散常数 δ 的值, 控制电流, 避免通过热敏电阻的电流过大电阻本身加热而 引起的温度误差 此产品介绍中所述耗散常数是指在静止空气中的单个热敏电阻晶体的值 请注意在组装加工成温度传感器之 后其 δ 的値会有变化 In order to measure temperature accurately and to control precicely, it is important to look closely at the value of of a thermistor and minimize electric current so that measurement error caused by heating is eliminated. Thermal dissipation constant in this catalog shows a value when a discrete element is placed in still air. Please note that values for assembled thermal sensors will be different. 热时间常数 τ (sec.) 热时间常数 τ 是在热敏电阻的周围温度或通过热敏电阻的电流在发生激烈变化的情况下, 其电阻值发生急变的时间程度的常数 热时间常数是热敏电阻晶体的温度从初始值到最终值的温度差 (1-1/e), 即到达 63.2% 时所需要的时间 Thermal time constant T is a constant which indicates how fast resistance of a thermistor follows to a change in surrounding temperature or electric current injected. The constant is expressed by a time to reach to (1-1/e) or 63.2% of a difference between initial and final achieving temperatures of a thermistor element.

5 3 型号与分类 Part No. 热敏电阻主要型号和特性 型号 / Part # D (mm) Temperature Range 示意图 /Sturcture Image MG-B ± 0.1 MG-B ± C ~ +300 C MGB MG-B ± 0.2 MG-B ± C ~ +350 C MG-B ± 0.2 MGD MG-D ± 1.0 MG-D ± C ~ +250 C ME-B ± 0.1 MEB ME-B ± 0.1 ME-B ± C ~ +110 C ME-B ± 0.1 Part No. Description M G B F 3950U F M G/E B/D 08 / C R ± % B (25/50 C) B ± % 热敏电阻 G: Glass B: Bead 08: 0.8mm 503=50*10³Ω F ± 1% 3000K F ± 1% Thermistor 玻璃封装 单端式样 12:1.2mm 104=10*10⁴Ω G ± 2% ~ G ± 2% E: Epoxy D: Diode 18:1.8mm 502=50*10²Ω H ± 3% 5000K H ± 3% 环氧封装 二极管式 20:2.0mm 103=10*10³Ω J ± 5% J ± 5% MGB18-103F3950UF M G E B D NTC Thermistor / 负温度系数热敏电阻 Glass sealed thermistor/ 玻璃封装热敏电阻 Epoxy resin coated thermistor/ 环氧树脂封装热敏电阻 Bead structure thermistor/ 单端珠状热敏电阻 Diode structure thermistor/ 二极管式热敏电阻 Outer diameter of the thermistor head/ 热敏电阻头部直径 1.8mm 25 C/ 25 C 电阻值 103=10KΩ=10*10³Ω 503=50KΩ=50*10³Ω 153=15KΩ=15*10³Ω 以此类推 F 3950U F Resistance 25 C ± 1% / 25 C 时电阻值精度为 ± 1%. 以此类推 Beta value at (25/50 C) / B 值 (25/50 C) Tolerance of Beta value/ B 值精度 ± 1%

6 4 选型参考表 SELECTION MANUAL 测温型负温度系数热敏电阻 NTC Thermistor MGB05 MGB08 MGB12 MGB18 MGD18 MEB08 MEB12 MEB14 使用温度 OP Temp. -50 C ~ +300 C -50 C ~ +350 C -50 C ~ +250 C -30 C ~ +110 C 25 C 阻值 25 C 2.0KΩ ~ 200KΩ 2.0KΩ ~ 500KΩ 2.0KΩ ~ 1000KΩ 2.0KΩ ~ 200KΩ B(25/50 C) 3000K ~ 4500K 3000K ~ 4500K 3000K ~ 4500K 3000K ~ 4500K 耗散常数 δ 0.25mW/ C 0.4mW/ C 0.75mW/ C 1.1mW/ C 2.3mW/ C 0.4mW/ C 0.75mW/ C In Still Air mW/ C mW/ C mW/ C mW/ C mW/ C mW/ C mW/ C 热时间常数 τ 1 s 2 s 5 s 10 s 12 s 2 s In Still Air s s s 8-13 s s s 2-5 s 3 s 绝缘电阻 DC50V DC500V DC500V DC100V Insulation R 10MΩ 50MΩ 100MΩ 100MΩ ± 1 % ± 2 % ± 3% ± 5 % ±0.16% ± 1 % ± 2 % ± 3% 头部尺寸 mm 0.55 ± 0.08 Head Dia x 1.1 ± ± 0.08 x 1.5 ± ± 0.2 x 2.2 ± ± 0.2 x 3.2 ± ± 0.2 x 3.8 ± ± 0.1 x 1.6 ± ± 0.1 x 2.2 ± ± 0.1 x 3.0 ± 0.1 引线长度 mm 32mm 70mm 20 ~ 120mm 28 * 2 Leads Customized 订制 Customized 订制

7 5 Temperature measurement Glass-encapsulated sensors 测温型负温度系数热敏电阻 MG PART # 25 C B(25/50 C) PART # 25 C B(25/50 C) MGB08-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGB12-502F3920 MGB12-103F3380 MGB12-103F3470 MGB12-103F3950 MGB12-503F3950 MGB12-503F4000 MGB12-104F3950 MGB12-104F4000 5KΩ F/G/H/J 3920 F 10KΩ F/G/H/J 3380 F 10KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F 10KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F 50KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F 50KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F 100KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F 100KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F PART # 25 C B(25/50 C) PART # 25 C B(25/50 C) MGB18-502F3950 5KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-302F3950 3KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGB18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3350 F MGD18-472F KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F MGB18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3380 F MGD18-502F3280 5KΩ F/G/H/J 3280 F MGB18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-502F3470 5KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F MGB18-503F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3380 F MGB18-503F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3600 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4200 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4230 F MGD18-103F KΩ F/G/H/J 4100 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4250 F MGD18-153F KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F MGB18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4350 F MGD18-203F KΩ F/G/H/J 3470 F MGB18-204F KΩ F/G/H/J 3890 F MGD18-203F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGB18-234F KΩ F/G/H/J 4130 F MGD18-203F KΩ F/G/H/J 4200 F MGD18-203F KΩ F/G/H/J 4230 F MGD18-303F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-473F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-503F KΩ F/G/H/J 3920 F MGD18-503F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-503F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 3950 F MGD18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4200 F MGD18-104F KΩ F/G/H/J 4330 F MGD18-204F KΩ F/G/H/J 3890 F MGD18-204F KΩ F/G/H/J 4000 F MGD18-234F KΩ F/G/H/J 4130 F MGD18-504F KΩ F/G/H/J 4050 F

8 6 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Glass-encapsulated sensors Item R-T TABLE MG KΩ RT 202F F F F F F F F3470 Temp B25/ B25/ B0/

9 7 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Glass-encapsulated sensors Item R-T TABLE MG KΩ RT 202F F F F F F F F3470 Temp R25 2KΩ 10KΩ 10KΩ 10KΩ 10KΩ 10KΩ 20KΩ 5KΩ B25/ B25/ B0/

10 8 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Glass-encapsulated sensors Item R-T TABLE MG KΩ RT 503F F F F F F F F4040 Temp B25/ B25/ B100/

11 9 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Glass-encapsulated sensors Item R-T TABLE MG KΩ RT 503F F F F F F F F4040 Temp R25 50KΩ 50KΩ 100KΩ 100KΩ 100KΩ 200KΩ 230KΩ 500KΩ B25/ B25/ B100/

12 10 Temperature measurement Epoxy resin coated miniature sensors 测温型负温度系数热敏电阻 ME PART # 25 C B(25/50 C) STRUCTURE IMAGE/ 结构示意图 MEB14-202F3950 2KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-222F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-302F3950 3KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-502F3275 5KΩ F/G/H 3275 F MEB14-502F3470 5KΩ F/G/H 3470 F MEB14-502F3950 5KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-103F KΩ F/G/H 3380 F MEB14-103F KΩ F/G/H 3470 F MEB14-103F KΩ F/G/H 3600 F D ± 0.1 MEB14-103F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F 0.8 MEB14-103F KΩ F/G/H 4100 F 1.2 MEB14-303F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F 1.4 MEB14-473F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F 1.6 mm L1 ±0.1 L ± 1 L 2 ±1 d ± ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.3 MEB14-473F KΩ F/G/H 4000 F CUSTOMIZED / 订制 MEB14-503F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-503F4000 MEB14-503F KΩ 50KΩ F/G/H F/G/H F F 1 SPECIAL FOR ELECTRONIC THERMOMETER 电子体温计专用热敏电阻精度 ± 0.05 C MEB14-104F KΩ F/G/H 3920 F MEB14-104F KΩ F/G/H 3950 F MEB14-104F KΩ F/G/H 4000 F MEB14-204F KΩ F/G/H 4000 F MEB13-503F3950L87 50KΩ ±0.16% 3950 F 1 OTHER THERMISTOR / 其他热敏电阻 MGD-S : Glass-sealed SMD type NTC MGD-S : 玻封贴片型 MEF : Thin Film Thermistor MEF : 薄膜热敏电阻

13 11 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Epoxy resin coated miniature sensors Item R-T TABLE ME KΩ RT 202F F F F F F F F3950 Temp B25/ B25/ B0/

14 12 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Epoxy resin coated miniature sensors Item R-T TABLE ME KΩ RT 202F F F F F F F F3950 Temp R25 2KΩ 2.252KΩ 3KΩ 5KΩ 10KΩ 50KΩ 100KΩ 20KΩ B25/ B25/ B0/

15 13 RESISTANCE-TEMP. TABLE Epoxy resin coated miniature sensors for thermometer T( ) Rnor (KΩ) T( ) Rnor (KΩ) T( ) Rnor (KΩ) T( ) R-T TABLE MEB-503E3950 KΩ Rnor (KΩ) T( ) Rnor (KΩ) R37 (1-32)±0.16 % Group Rmax(KΩ) Group Rmax(KΩ) Group Rmax(KΩ) Group Rmax(KΩ) Group Rmax(KΩ)

16 14 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # Chips Probe Filling Cable M. Cable D. Cable L. MST F3380 Φ5*25mm Stainless Steel Epoxy resin PVC 24AWG 2# White 10mm ~ 60000mm W/O OP Temp. <100 <120 <105 CUSTOMZIED NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Water Heater, Solar heater, Air-conditioner, Automobile, Green-house etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 503F3950 <150 Probe Bullet type probe -SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black W/O NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Water Heater, printers, Solar heater, Air-conditioner etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 103F3950 <100 Probe Bell type (Optional: magnet) Filling Thermal grease <300 Cable D. 24AWG 2# Red W/O NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Water/Solar heater, electric radiator, Automobile, Motor, Green-house,stables etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 502F3470 <60 Probe Φ7*25mm ABS <105 Cable D. 2# with White Jacket W/O NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Refrigerator, Water tank, Aquarium, Bathtub, Integral bathroom, showers, etc.

17 15 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 103F3380 <100 Probe Φ5.5*30mm ABS <105 Cable D. 24AWG 2# White W/O NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Refrigerator, Water tank, Aquarium, Bathtub, Integral bathroom, showers, etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <200 Probe Φ4*25mm SS Screw thread Cable M. Teflon cable <200 Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black Spring type plug connector Waterproof sealing ring water heater, milk heater, Automoble, Solar heater ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-503F3950 <150 Probe Φ5*40mm SS Tube Cable D. 2# with black Jacket W/O NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Water/Solar heater, electric radiator, Automobile, Motor, Green-house,stables etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 104F3950 <200 Probe Metal set + ring Cable M. Teflon <200 Cable D. 24AWG 2# Red XH2.54 White NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Oven, Heater, induction cooker, Warmer, Printer etc.

18 16 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F4000 <200 Probe Φ5*30mm SS with flange Cable M. Teflon <200 Cable D. 26AWG Blue Stripped +tin coating NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Water Heater, baby milk heheater, milk warmer, electric vehicle etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-502F3950 <60 Probe Φ5*25mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black XH2.54 White NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Air-conditioner, air-compressor, milk warmer, green-house etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F4200 <200 Probe Φ5*25mm SS Tube Filling Thermal grease <300 Cable M. Teflon <200 Cable D. 24AWG blue XH2.54 white With Silicon sleeve Electric warmer, high-temperature set, heater, oven etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ4 ring SS Tube Cable D. 24AWG 2# White W/O With glass fiber sleeve Motor, Electric warmer, Temperature sets, Automobile, Battery Charger, etc.

19 17 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3600 <100 Probe Φ6*30mm SS Cable D. 26AWG 2# Black XH2.54 White NTC Thermistor temperature sensor Bath tub, Electric warmer, incubator, Steam room etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ4mm rings SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black XH2.54 White With heating-shrinkage sleeve Motor, warmer, Automobile, Battery charger, printer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-502F3950 <60 Probe Epoxy resin coating Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black W/O Air-conditioner, milk warmer, green house, refrigerator etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-502F3470 <60 Probe Epoxy resin coating Cable D. 26AWG 2# Black XH2.54 white Air-conditioner, milk warmer, green house, refrigerator etc.

20 18 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Button type SS shell Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black + 1# white SM-3Y Black With white water level cable water heater, milk warmer, oven, pressure cooker etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ6*25mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black W/O water heater, milk warmer, oven, pressure cooker etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F4200U <200 Probe Φ5*25mm SS Filling Termal grease <300 Cable M. Teflon <200 Cable D. 24AWG Teflon Blue W/O Heater, Oven, high temperature set, water heater, electric warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-204F3900 <300 Probe Φ5*25mm SS + flange setter Filling Termal grease <300 Cable M. Glass fiber <300 Cable D. 24AWG Green pins Black silicon sleeve AirFryer, pressure cooker, heate, rice cooker, oven etc.

21 19 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ5*15mm SS tube Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black XH-3Y White connetor With aluminium Set water heater, milk warmer, oven, pressure cooker etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ5*15mm SS tube Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black XH-3Y White connetor With aluminium Set water heater, milk warmer, oven, pressure cooker etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-204F4000 <300 Probe Φ5*25mm SS + flange setter Filling Thermal grease <300 Cable M. Silicon cable <250 Cable D. 24AWG 2# white connector With Glass fiber silicon sleeve Air fryer, Oven, water heater, milk warmer, oven, pressure cooker etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 18B20 <100 Probe Screw Thread SS Cable D. 3# cable with grey jacket XH-3Y white connector 18B20 Chip heater, temperature controlling set, warme, thermal meters etc.

22 20 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ2.5mm ring SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black JST-2Y connector Shrinkage sleeve + Glass fiber sleeve Motor, Battery, Charger, Printer, Electric warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 18B20 <100 Probe Φ5.6*40mm SS tube + flange Cable D. 3# cable with grey jacket PH-3Y white connector heater, temperature controlling set, warme, thermal meters etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F4000 <250 Probe Φ5.*15mm SS tube + flange Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black + 1# white XH-3Y connector Rice cooker, pressure cooker, oven, warmer, heater etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-234F4160 <300 Probe Aluminium shell + spring Filling Thermal grease <300 Cable M. Glass Fiber cable <300 Cable D. 24AWG 2# red XH-2Y Pressure cooker, rice cooker, heater etc.

23 21 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ5*15mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black XH-3Y With plastic setter Pressure cooker, rice cooker, heater, juice heater etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips 18B20 <100 Probe Φ5.6*40mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black PH-3Y With plastic setter as customized Thermal meter, water heater, warmer, water tank etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F4200 <300 Probe SS screw thread tube Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black SM-2Y Red water heater, Solar heater, Electric warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ5*21mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black +1# white XH-3Y With glass fiber sleeve Pressure cooker, rice cooker, heater, juice heater etc.

24 22 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-222F3950 <60 Probe Φ5*30mm +rings Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black W/O Low temperature sensor, refrigerator, ice box etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-502F3950 <60 Probe Φ7*30mm SS Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black jacket W/O Low temperature sensor, refrigerator, ice box etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ5.6*40mm + flange Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black jacket W/O Low temperature sensor, refrigerator, ice box etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ4*50mm Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black jacket W/O BBQ sensor, oven, heater etc

25 23 SENSORS PROBES ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ6*140mm SS + flange Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black SM-2Y Black Water heater, solar heater, Warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-103F3380 <100 Probe Φ5.6*40mm SS + flange Cable D. 24AWG 2# Black jacket Water heater, solar heater, Warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Φ3.5+Φ7mm + flange Filling High-temperature epoxy resin <250 Cable M. Silicon cable <250 Cable D. 24AWG 2# black SM-2A With water level cable optional Water heater, solar heater, Warmer etc. ITEM # MST OP Temp. CUSTOMZIED Chips NTC-104F3950 <250 Probe Bullet type Filling High-temperature epoxy resin <250 Cable M. Silicon cable <250 Cable D. 24AWG 2# White SM-2A With water level cable optional Water heater, solar heater, Warmer, Oven etc.

26 24 <<<<MORE>>> CUSTOMZIED FEEDBACK ITEM # Chips Probe Filling Cable M. Cable D. Cable L. OP Temp.

27 Electric Appliances 家电 民用 Civilian Applications OA Auto 汽车 ( 温度 ) 传感器 Agri. 农业 Indu. 工业 (TEMPERATURE) SENSOR Fish. 渔业 产业 INDUSTRY Com. 商业 Med. 医疗 ph-ch 理化 研究 R&D Applications 25 烹调器 Cooker 电炉 烤箱 电饭锅 电磁炉 面包机 咖啡机 煤气炉 Stove, Toaster, Cooker,Heating iron, Oven, Pan, Coffee maker 空调冷暖器 空调 取暖器 暖床 电热地毯 电热毯 HVAC Air conditioning, Heaters, Electric carpets, Electric blankets 家用电器 热水器 锅炉 冰箱 干燥机 浴缸 太阳能系统 垃圾处理系统 E-Appliances Boilers, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Room dryer, Solar systems 其他电器 电子体温计 电熨斗 电吹风 染发器 熨衣板 Thermometers, Iron, Hair dryer, Hair coloring device, Ironing board 复印机 传真机 打印机 钟表 照相机 Copier, Fax machine, Printer, watches, Camera 进气 \ 排气温度 冷却水温度 发动机温度 变速箱温度 汽车空调 Intake/Exhaust, Cooling water, Engine, Transmission, air conditioning 温室 催芽机 制茶 牲畜饲养 烘培设备 土壤温度 粮仓温度 Greenhouse,germination,Dryer, baking, granary, Soil,fertilizer 计量器 油温等液体测定 保温器 保温器 恒温器 自动化 Instruments,Thermostat, oil, warmer, Oil bath, Automatic 海水温度测定 声纳 养殖 Temperature control, water temperature, sonar, seaweed farming 冷冻冷藏成列柜 售货机 融雪设备 冷藏车 净水器 Refrigerated display racks/ Trucks, water purifier 皮肤温度 直肠温度 保育器 输液加热器 保温设备 Skin temperature, rectal, incubators, infusion heater 海流温度 气象观测 人造卫星 地热温度 实验室设备 Temperature measuring, atmosphere observation NEW TECH NEW TECH FOR CONNECTING AND READING Chip : Probe : Cable : Terminal : Operation Temperature : Application : Remarks : CUSTOMIZED CENTER



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