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1 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 1/9 頁 How to install ValuNet Deluxe software in a network environment? 如何在網絡環境下安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件? A. Create a share folder and map with a network drive on Windows 7 於 Windows 7 建立共用資料夾, 並設定為 連線網絡磁碟機 (For other versions of Windows, please refer to the Windows User Guide or visit the website of 其他 Windows 版本的操作, 請查閱 Windows 操作手冊或參閱 Section 1 第一部份 : Create a share folder 建立共用資料夾 : Create a new folder with name Tradelink in Drive C. : 於磁碟機 C 建立一個名為 Tradelink 的新資料夾 : Right-click on the folder and select Share with then Specific people : 於資料夾上按滑鼠右鍵選擇 共用對象, 然後選 特定人員 : Add the specific peoples or Everyone for grand rights to access Tradelink folder. : 新增特定人員或 Everyone 來給與權限來使用 Tradelink 資料匣 Section 2 第二部份 :Map the share folder with a network drive 把共用資料夾設定為 連線網絡磁碟機 : Select [Start] Right Click [Computer] Click [Map network drive] : 選擇 [ 開始 ] 右按 [ 電腦 ] [ 連線網路磁碟機 ] : Select the drive which the share folder was stored (e.g. T:). : 選擇已儲存共用資料夾的磁碟機 ( 例如 :T:)

2 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 2/9 頁 : Click [Browse] to select the Tradelink folder. : 按 [ 瀏覽 ] 選取 Tradelink 資料夾 Step 5 : Put a inside the Reconnect at logon checkbox and click [Finish]. 步驟 5 : 於 登入時重新連線 空格上填上 號, 然後按 [ 確定 ] B. Install ValuNet Deluxe 5.6 Server Mode 安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.6 伺務器模式 (For other versions of ValuNet Deluxe software, please refer to the user s guide in the installation CD. 其他萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的版本, 請查閱安裝光碟內的安裝指引 ) Section 1 第一部份 : Installation mode settings 設定安裝模式 : Insert installation CD of ValuNet Deluxe software to the server and execute Install.exe. : 在伺服器放入萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的安裝光碟, 並執行 Install.exe : Select I Accept and click [ValuNet Deluxe Setup] after you have read the software licence agreement. : 細閱授權合約後, 選擇 I Accept 並按 [ValuNet Deluxe Setup] : If the computer is acting as both application and database server, please select Network Installation Server(s) Installation as installation mode. Then, select This PC is a database server and click [Next] to proceed. : 若此電腦同時為應用及數據庫伺服器, 請選擇 Network Installation Server(s) Installation 為安裝模式, 並選擇 This PC is a database server, 然後按 [Next] 進行下一步

3 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 3/9 頁 Section 2 第二部份 : Perform system check 執行系統檢查 : System check will be performed to check if your server meets the minimum requirements of ValuNet Deluxe software installation. After the system check is completed, click [Next] to proceed. If you would like to select the installation mode and perform system check again, please click [Reset Installation Mode]. : 系統會檢查伺服器是否符合安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的最低安裝要求 檢查完畢後, 請按 [Next] 往下一步 若您希望重新選擇安裝模式, 並再次執行系統檢查, 請按 [Reset Installation Mode] Follow-up Action(s) shows the next action that the system is going to perform. Follow-up Action(s) 顯示了系統下一步將要執行的安裝程式 : The essential components of below will be checked to make sure they are properly installed before setting up the database server: After the checking, click [Next] to start database server setup. : 於設定數據庫伺服器前, 系統會檢查以下所需元件是否已安裝妥當 : 檢查完畢後, 請按 [Next] 設定數據庫伺服器 Section 3 第三部份 : Database server setup 設定數據庫伺服器 : Click [Next] at the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 EXPRESS (TL_SQLEXPRESS) InstallShield Wizard welcome page to start installation. : 於微軟 SQL Server 2008 EXPRESS (TL_SQLEXPRESS) 安裝精靈的歡迎畫面按 [Next] 執行安裝 : Click [Yes] after reading the software licence supplemental agreement. : 細閱附加授權合約後, 按 [Yes]

4 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 4/9 頁 : Click [Next] to confirm using the default location for storing the database files. : 按 [Next] 使用預設位置儲存數據庫檔案 Step 4 步驟 4 Step 5 步驟 5 : The database server setup will be started. Please wait until it has finished. : 系統會開始設定數據庫伺服器, 請耐心等候直至此安裝程序完成 : IP address and port number of the server will be displayed. Click [Next] to proceed. : 系統會顯示伺服器的 IP 位址及埠號, 按 [Next] 進行下一步 Step 6 步驟 6 : To continue the installation, please select No, I will restart my computer later. and click [Finish]. : 要繼續執行安裝程式, 請按 No, I will restart my computer later., 然後按 [Finish]

5 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 5/9 頁 Section 4 第四部份 :VeluNet Deluxe program installation 萬利 叻 特級報關軟件程式安裝 : IP address and port number of the server will be displayed again. Click [Next] to continue. : 系統會再次顯示伺服器的 IP 地址及埠號, 按 [Next] 繼續 : Click [Next] at the ValuNet Deluxe Setup Wizard welcome page to start installation. : 於萬利 叻 特級報關軟件安裝精靈的歡迎畫面上, 按 [Next] 執行安裝 : Select Full as installation type to install a full version of the ValuNet Deluxe software. : 於安裝模式一欄, 選擇 [Full] 以安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的完整版本 Step 4 : Click browse to select the itvs4 folder from Drive T (i.e. T:/iTVS4) for ValuNet Deluxe software installation. Then, click [Next]. 步驟 4 : 按 [Browse] 於磁碟機 X 選擇 itvs4 為安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的位置, 然後按 [Next] Step 5 步驟 5 : Select a language of ValuNet Deluxe software and click [Next]. : 選擇萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的語言, 然後按 [Next] Step 6 步驟 6 : Select a folder for storing the program icons. If you would like to use the default folder, please click [Next] to proceed. : 選擇資料夾儲存程式圖示 若使用預設的資料夾, 請按 Next 進行下一步

6 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 6/9 頁 Step 7 步驟 7 Step 8 步驟 8 Step 9 步驟 9 : A summary of your selected settings will be displayed. Please click [Next] to confirm and proceed to the next step. : 系統會列出您所選擇的安裝設定 請按 [Next] 確定並進行下一步 : The ValuNet Deluxe program installation will be started. Please wait until it has finished. : 系統會開始安裝萬利 叻 特級報關程式, 請耐心等候直至此安裝程序完成 : To install the SQL Server(Express), click [OK] twice at the SQL Server(Express) Installation Wizard welcome page. : 於 SQL Server(Express) 安裝精靈的歡迎畫面上, 按 [OK] 兩次執行安裝 0 : To install XML Parser, click [Next] [Install] [Finish]. 0 : 安裝 XML Parser, 按 [Next] [Install] [Finish] : If you are already an existing customer of Tradelink, please read the notice carefully and click [Next] to proceed. : 若您是貿易通的現有客戶, 請細閱注意事項, 然後按 [Next] 到下一步 : To continue the installation, please select No, I will restart my computer later. and click [Finish]. : 要繼續安裝, 請按 No, I will restart my computer later., 然後按 [Finish] Section 5 第五部份 :Setup backup schedule 設定備份程式 : The system will check if you have configured the backup schedule of ValuNet Deluxe. Please click [Setup Backup Schedule] to continue. : 系統會檢查萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的備份程式是否已成功設定 請按 [Setup Backup Schedule] 繼續 : Select a location in the database server for storing the backup files and click [Next]. : 於數據庫伺服器內, 選擇儲存備份檔案的位置, 然後按 [Next]

7 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 7/9 頁 : Setup a regular backup schedule and click [Save]. : 設定定期執行的備份程式, 然後按 [Save] Step 4 步驟 4 : Click [Finish] to complete the ValuNet Deluxe 5.6 Server Mode installation. : 按 [Finish] 完成萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.6 伺務器模式的安裝程序 Remarks 備註 : 1) The backup process can be performed in local drive only. It cannot be performed in network or USB device. 備份程式只可於本機硬碟執行, 網絡磁碟機或流動硬碟不能執行備份程式 2) The backup files can only be restored at the same version of ValuNet Deluxe software. For example, the backup files of ValuNet Deluxe 5.1 cannot be used by ValuNet Deluxe 5.6. 備份檔案只可於同一版本的萬利 叻 特級報關軟件上使用 例如:萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.1 的備份資料, 不能在萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.6 上使用 C. Install ValuNet Deluxe 5.6 Workstation Mode 安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.6 工作站模式 (For other versions of ValuNet Deluxe software, please refer to the user s guide in the installation CD. 其他萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本的安裝程序, 請查閱安裝光碟內的安裝指引 ) Section 1 第一部份 : Installation mode settings 設定安裝模式 : Insert installation CD of ValuNet Deluxe software to the server and execute Install.exe. : 在伺服器放入萬利 叻 特級報關軟件安裝光碟, 並執行 Install.exe : Select I Accept and click [ValuNet Deluxe Setup] after you have read the software licence agreement. : 細閱授權合約後, 選擇 I Accept 並按 [ValuNet Deluxe Setup]

8 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 8/9 頁 : Select Network Workstation ONLY as installation mode and click [Next] to proceed. : 選擇 Network Workstation ONLY, 然後按 [ 下一步 ] Section 2 第二部份 : Perform system check 執行系統檢查 : System check will be performed to check if your workstation meets the minimum requirements of ValuNet Deluxe software installation. After the system check is completed, click [Next] to proceed. If you would like to select the installation mode and perform system check again, please click [Reset Installation Mode]. : 系統會檢查伺服器是否符合安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的最低安裝要求 檢查完畢後, 請按 [Next] 往下一步 若您希望重新選擇安裝模式, 並再次執行系統檢查, 請按 [Reset Installation Mode] Follow-up Action(s) shows the next action that the system is going to perform. Follow-up Action(s) 顯示了系統下一步將要執行的安裝程式 Section 3 第三部份 :ValuNet Deluxe program installation 萬利 叻 特級報關軟件程式安裝 : Click [Browse] to select the location where the ValuNet Deluxe Server Mode has been installed. (e.g. T:\iTVS4) : 按 [Browse] 選擇萬利 叻 特級報關軟件伺服器模式的位置 : Click [Next] on the ValuNet Deluxe Setup Wizard welcome page. : 於萬利 叻 特級報關軟件安裝精靈的歡迎畫面上按 [Next] : Select Workstation as installation mode and click [Next].

9 Release Date 日期 2015/9/7 Doc Ref. 文件檔號 CSFQI 005 C 9/9 頁 : 選擇 Workstation 為安裝模式, 然後按 [ 下一步 ] Step 4 : Click browse to select the folder itvs4 from Drive T (i.e. T:/iTVS4) for ValuNet Deluxe software installation. Then, click [Next]. 步驟 4 : 按 [Browse] 於磁碟機 X 選擇 itvs4 為安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的位置, 然後按 [Next] Step 5 步驟 5 : Follow the steps of Section 4 Step 4 to 2 to complete the ValuNet Deluxe program installation. : 按第四部份 - 步驟 4 至2 的指示完成萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的程式安裝 Section 4 第四部份 :Setup backup schedule 設定備份程式 : The system will check if you have configured the backup schedule of ValuNet Deluxe. If you have already setup the backup schedule during ValuNet Deluxe Server Mode installation, please click [Next] to continue. : 系統會檢查萬利 叻 特級報關軟件的備份程式是否已成功設定 若您於安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件伺服器模式時已設定備份程式, 請按 [Next] 繼續 : Click [Finish] to complete the ValuNet Deluxe Workstation Mode installation. : 按 [Finish] 完成萬利 叻 特級報關軟件工作站的安裝程序 If you need to install ValuNet Deluxe software in another workstation, please repeat Part C Install ValuNet Deluxe 5.6 Workstation Mode. 如你需要於其他的工作站安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件, 請重複 C 部份 - 安裝萬利 叻 特級報關軟件版本 5.6 工作站模式


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