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3 Linux Linux Apache PHP MySQL PHP&MySQL PHP PHP Apache PHP SQL PHP MySQL 1 12 PHP MySQL 3 FabulousWeb 4 PHP 5 LinuxApachePHP MySQL


5 II PHP&MySQL 2.2 MySQL MySQL SQL MySQL PHP PHP MySQL FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb

6 III SourceFab FabulousWeb CLE PHP PHP/Zend afterburner Cache

7 IV PHP&MySQL Zend Cache MySQL Apache Apache MySQL PHP require_once include_once operator === print <<< PHP/Apache/MySQL MS Windows PHP FTP

8 V Session A A.1 Linux/OpenSource A.2 Apache/PHP A.3 MySQL


10 2 PHP&MySQL 1.1 PHP PHP 1995 Rasmus Lerdorf PHP Rasmus Perl CGI PHP Personal Home Page Rasmus Perl C Rasmus PHP-FI Rasmus PHP-FI Zeev Suraski Andi Gutmans PHP Parser PHP PHP PHP PHP Java Java HTML ASP(Active Server Page) PHP PHP Personal Home Page( ) Personal

11 1 PHP PHP PHP HTML.php MySQLmSQL Postgre SyBaseOracle dbase Informix ODBC Apache PHP Linux/BSD/Uinx Win32 Web PHP PHP Apache Unix/Linux WWW Server Microsoft Windows NT IIS Apache WWW Server NetCraft(http// WWW Server Apache 59.69% Apache Apache Apache PHP Apache PHP Apache PHP PHP

12 4 PHP&MySQL <?... <?php... HTML PHP HTML Proxy GIF DB 1.2 PHP PHP PHP Linux/Unix/BSD Windows Linux PHP Apache GIF GD library ( ) MySQL PHP Apache PHP 4.0.4MySQL GD library 1.3 GD library (1) GDtar xvfz gd_1.3.tar.gz (2) gd1.3 cd gd1.3 (3) make (4) libgd.a /usr/lib cp libgd.a /usr/lib MySQL

13 1 PHP 5 (1) mysqltar xvfz mysql tar.gz (2) configure --with-charset=gb2312 (3) make;make install (4) mysql_install_db (5) safe_mysqld --log & configure charset GB2312 MySQL GB2312 Apache + PHP module (Static) (1) tar xvfz apache_ tar.gz (2) tar xvfz php tar.gz (3) cd ~/ apache_ (4) apache ( /usr/local/apache ) configure --prefix=/usr/local/share/apache (5) cd ~/php (6) php ( mysql ) configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_ with-gd=../gd1.3 enable -track-vars (7) make (8) make install (9) cd ~/php (10) apache configure --prefix=/usr/local/share/apache --activate-module = src/modules php4/ bphp4.a (11) make (12) make install (13) cd ~/php (14) cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini

14 6 PHP&MySQL (15) apache (.php PHP ) httpd.conf srm.conf AddType application/ x-httpd-php.php (16) httpd /usr/local/share/apache/bin/apachectl start PHP /usr/local/lib 12 php.ini PHP Apache + PHP module (DSO) Apache Apache Apache DSO(Dynamic Shared Objec) Apache DSO (1) tar xvfz apache_ tar.gz (2) tar xvfz php tar.gz (3) cd ~/ apache_ (4) apache ( /usr/local/apache ) configure --prefix=/usr/local/share/apache --enable-shared=max (5) make (6) make install (7) /usr/local/share/apache/bin/httpd l http-core.c mod_so.c (8) cd ~/php (9) php ( mysql ) configure --with-mysql --with-gd=../gd1.3 with-apxs=/usr/local/share/apache/ bin/

15 1 PHP 7 apxs --enable-track-vars (10) make (11) make install (12) cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini (13) apache (.php PHP ) httpd.conf srm.conf AddType application/ x-httpd-php.php (14) httpd /usr/local/share/apache/bin/apachectl start PHP 8 PHP Apache PHP 1 <html><body> <?php for($t=1;$t<=5;$t++) { echo "<p>hello ".$t." times"; }; </body> </html> (ex1-1.php) php <?php... html php 3 <?... php $ $t echo

16 8 PHP&MySQL. C 2 <html><body> <? $f=fopen("/tmp/counter.data""r"); $counter=fread($f3); echo " ".$counter; fclose($f); $counter++; $f=fopen("/tmp/counter.data""w"); fwrite($f$counter); fclose($f); </body></html> (ex1-2.php) =fopen( ) r = w = fread( ) fwrite( ) $counter++ (C ) Reload

17 1 PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP 4 (int) (double) (string) (bool) PHP $ PHP <html><body> <?php $t=790; $t=$t."237"; echo $t </body></html> (ex1-3.php) $t=790 $t $t PHP is_int()is_doubleis_string() is_bool()

18 10 PHP&MySQL <html><body> <?php $t=790; $t=$t."237"; if (is_int($t)) echo "integer!"; if (is_string($t)) echo "string!"; </body></html> (ex1-4.php) PHP PHP <html><body> <?php $A[1]="Rollaned"; $A[2]=68.7; $A[3]=456; $A["Jessie"]=99; echo "<p> ".$A[1]; echo "<p> ".$A[2]; echo "<p> ".$A[3]; echo "<p> ".$A["Jessie"]; </body></html> (ex1-5.php) PHP ( )

19 1 PHP 11 PHP PHP PHP PHP <?php $A[0]=123; $A[2]=456; $A[3]=789; $B[ x ]=991; $B[ y ]=992; $B[ z ]=993; (ex1-6.php) $A $B $B["x"] $B $A $B <?php $A[0][0]=123; $A[1][1]=456; $A[1][2]=789; $B[ x ][ x ]=991; $B[ y ][ x ]=992; $B[ z ][ y ]=993; (ex1-7.php)

20 12 PHP&MySQL PHP array array <?php $A=array( 0=>1231=>4562=>789 ); $B=array( x =>991 y =>992 z =>993 ); (ex1-8.php) => => A[0] A[1] array <?php $A=array( 0=>array( 0=>1231=>02=>0 ) 1=>array( 0=>01=>4562=>789 )

21 1 PHP 13 ); (ex1-9.php) scope PHP (local) PHP function name(...) {...} <html><body> <?php $a=2; echo "<p> $a"; function test() { $a=5; echo "<p> $a"; }; test(); $a++; echo "<p> $a"; </body></html> (ex1-10.php)

22 14 PHP&MySQL $a=2; echo "<p> $a"; test(); $a++; echo "<p> $a"; test() function test() { $a=5; echo "<p> $a"; }; $a test() $a test() $a $a test() $a Global PHP Global Global <html><body> <?php $a=2; echo "<p> $a"; function test() { global $a; $a=5; echo "<p> $a";

23 1 PHP 15 }; test(); $a++; echo "<p> $a"; </body></html> (ex1-11.php) Global Global global $a $a=5 PHP GLOBAL <html><body> <?php $a=2; echo "<p> $a"; function test() { $GLOBALS["a"]=8; $a=1; echo "<p> $a"; }; test(); $a++; echo "<p> $a"; </body></html> (ex1-12.php) $GLOBAL["a"] "a" $a [ ] test() $a++ $a test() $a

24 16 PHP&MySQL PHP $GLOBAL static variable <html><body> <?php function test() { static $a=1; $a++; echo "<p> $a"; }; test(); test(); test(); </body></html> (ex1-13.php) static $a=1 $a 1 $a test() 2 test() $a++ $a test() $a 3 static $a=1 test()

25 1 PHP 17 PHP 0 <html><body> <?php function test() { static $A; // static $A=array(567) $A[0]++; $A[1]++; $A[2]=$A[2]+2; echo "<p> $A[0]$A[1]$A[2]"; }; test(); test(); test(); </body></html> (ex1-14.php) PHP WWW PHP <html><body> <? $foo=123; echo "<p> $foo"; $foo=$foo+0.456;

26 18 PHP&MySQL echo "<p> $foo"; $foo=$foo." is an float"; echo "<p> $foo"; </body></html> (ex1-15.php) 1 foo foo foo=foo foo 3 foo foo=foo."is a float" foo PHP PHP gettype(variable) integer float string array object unknown type gettype settype(string varstring type) var type type gettype 5 gettype PHP is_int is_floatis_stringis_array is_object is_int (true) is_int(variable) (false) PHP PHP ss (int)ss ii ii=(int) ss (float) variable variable

27 1 PHP PHP <html><body> <?php $x=7; $y="x"; echo "<p> ".$$y; $z="y"; echo "<p> ".$$$z; </body></html> (ex1-16.php) 1 $x=7 2 $y="x" 3 echo $$y PHP $$y $y "x" $x $x 7 $$$z $x 7? CGI button 100 button button1button2 button3...button100 value 1 buttonx PHP ( ) <html><body> <?php for($t=1;$t<=100;$t++) {

28 20 PHP&MySQL $x="button".$t; if ($$x==1) { echo "Pressed button".$t; break; }; }; </body></html> (ex1-17.php) <html><body> <?php if ($button1==1) echo "Pressed button1"; if ($button2==1) echo "Pressed button2"; if ($button3==1) echo "Pressed button3";... if ($button100==1) echo "Pressed button100"; </body></html> (ex1-18.php) PHP PHP C HTML PHP <?php... html html

29 1 PHP 21 <?php... html <html><body> <?php $winner="eric Clapton"; <p>... <?php echo $winner; </body></html> (ex1-19.php) PHP 1 $winner 2 $winner Eric Clapton C $A 38 $A=38 $A Rollaned $A="Rollaned" $A="38" $A $A { $x=3; $y=$x+4; echo $y; }

30 22 PHP&MySQL IF IF 3 if (condition) statement; if else ; if (condition) statement1; else statement2; if elseif elseif else ; f (condition1) statement1; elseif(condition2) statement2; elseif(condition3)... else statementn; condition $x 40 larger than 40 $x 30 less than 30 between 30 and 40 <html><body> <?php $x=37; if ($x>40) echo "larger than 40";

31 1 PHP 23 elseif ($x<30) echo "less than 30"; else echo "between 30 and 40"; </body></html> (ex1-20.php) WHILE WHILE while(condition) statement; condition {} condition WHILE 1 20 <html><body> <?php $x=1; $ODD=""; $EVEN=""; while($x<=20) { if (($x%2)==1) $ODD=$ODD." ".$x; else $EVEN=$EVEN." ".$x; $x=$x+1; }; echo "<p> ODD = ".$ODD; echo "<p> EVEN = ".$EVEN; </body></html> (ex1-21.php)

32 24 PHP&MySQL DO WHILE DO WHILE WHILE WHILE condition DO WHILE DO WHILE DO WHILE do statement; while(condition); 1 9 <html><body> <?php $x=1; do { echo $x; $x=$x+1; } while($x<10); </body></html> (ex1-22.php) FOR FOR C C FOR WHILE DO WHILE FOR FOR for(exp1;exp2;exp3) statement; exp1 for exp3 statement exp2 statement exp2 statement for 1 9

33 1 PHP 25 <html><body> <?php for($x=1;$x<=10;$x=$x+1) echo "$x "; </body></html> (ex1-23.php) exp1 $x=1 $x=3 exp3 $x=$x+1 $x=$x+2exp2 $x<=10 $x<=15 <html><body> <?php for($x=3;$x<=15;$x=$x+2) echo "$x "; </body></html> (ex1-24.php) for <html><body> <table border=1> <tr> <?php for($x=1;$x<=9;$x=$x+1) { echo "<td>"; for($y=1;$y<=9;$y=$y+1) echo "$x * $y = ".$x*$y."<br>"; echo "</td>"; }; </tr> </table> </body></html>

34 26 PHP&MySQL (ex1-25.php) FOREACH PHP foreach <? $a=array(3579); foreach($a as $k => $v) { echo "$k = $v <br>"; }; (ex1-26.php) $a 0 3 $k $v <? $a=array(3579); foreach($a as $v) { echo "= $v <br>"; };

35 1 PHP 27 (ex1-27.php) foreach for foreach SWITCH IF CGI IF/ELSE/ELSEIF <html><body> <?php $Career=" "; echo "<p> $Career"; if ($Career==" ") echo "<p> "; elseif ($Career==" ") echo "<p> "; elseif ($Career==" ") echo "<p> "; elseif ($Career==" ") echo "<p> "; else echo "<p>? "; </body></html> (ex1-28.php)

36 28 PHP&MySQL IF/ELSE/ELSEIF SWITCH switch( ) { case 1 statement1; break; case 2 statement2; break;... case N statementn; break; default statementm; break; }; SWITCH case case break SWITCH case SWITCH default case break case break SWITCH <html><body> <?php $Career=" "; echo "<p> $Career"; switch($career) { case "

37 1 PHP 29 echo "<p> "; break; case " echo "<p> "; break; case " echo "<p> "; break; case " echo "<p> "; break; default echo "<p>? "; }; </body></html> (ex1-29.php) break <html><body> <?php $Career=" "; echo "<p> $Career"; switch($career) { case " echo "<p> "; case "

38 30 PHP&MySQL echo "<p> "; case " echo "<p> "; case " echo "<p> "; default echo "<p>? "; }; </body></html> (ex1-30.php) REQUIRE REQUIRE C #include REQUIRE("filename") PHP REQUIRE filename PHP <html><body> <?php echo "<p> AlphaCall..."; require('ex1-32.php'); echo "<p>..."; </body></html> (ex1-31.php) <?php echo"<p> " (ex1-32.php)

39 1 PHP 31 ex1-32.php INCLUDE INCLUDE REQUIRE INCLUDE INCLUDE filename INCLUDE("filename") INCLUDE PHP <html><body> <?php echo "<p> AlphaCall..."; for($t=1;$t<=4;$t=$t+1) { include("ex1-33.".$t.".php"); }; echo "<p> $#@!$%$@#%&..."; </body></html> (ex1-33.php) <?php echo "<p> ";

40 32 PHP&MySQL (ex php) <?php echo "<p> 1.!"; (ex php) <?php echo "<p> 2.!"; (ex php) <?php echo "<p> 2.!"; (ex php) FUNCTION PHP C function test($x$y) {... return $x; } $x $y return $x function return return return

41 1 PHP 33 Name[100]; Phone[100]; function GetPhoneByName($x) { for($t=1;$t<=100;$t++) { if (Name[$t]==$x) return Phone[$x]; }; } function GetNameByPhone($x) { for($t=1;$t<=100;$t++) { if (Phone[$t]==$x) return Name[$x]; }; } PHP (call by value) (call by address) <html><body> <?php function test($x) { $x=$x+1; echo "<p> $x "; }; $y=37; test($y); echo "<p> $y ";

42 34 PHP&MySQL </body></html> (ex1-34.php) $x test 1 $x $y PHP ( ) & $x & <html><body> <?php function test(&$x) { $x=$x+1; echo "<p> $x "; }; $y=37; test($y); echo "<p> $y "; </body></html> (ex1-35.php) PHP & PHP <html><body> <?php function test($x) { $x=$x+1;

43 1 PHP 35 echo "<p> $x "; }; $y=37; test(&$y); echo "<p> $y "; </body></html> (ex1-36.php)? <html><body> <?php function test($a) { $A[0]=$A[0]+2; $A[1]=$A[1]+2; $A[2]=$A[2]+2; echo "<p> ".$A[0]."".$A[1]."".$A[2]; return $A; }; $B[0]=1; $B[1]=5; $B[2]=9; $C=test($B); echo "<p> ".$B[0]."".$B[1]."".$B[2]; echo "<p> ".$C[0]."".$C[1]."".$C[2]; </body></html> (ex1-37.php)

44 36 PHP&MySQL? PHP C++ C++ <html><body> <?php $D=array( ); function average($a$begin=0$end=9) { for($t=$begin;$t<=$end;$t++) $sum=$sum+$a[$t]; $aver=$sum/($end-$begin+1); return $aver; }; $aver=average($d25); // average of 3456 echo "<p> $aver"; $aver=average($d); // average of all echo "<p> $aver"; </body></html> (ex1-38.php)

45 1 PHP 37 INCLUDE_ONCE/ REQUIRE_ONCE include require include require PHP include_once require_once include requireinclude_once / require_once include / require average() myfunc.inc average() require_once(myfunc.inc) include_once (myfunc.inc) average() PHP PHP PHP CGI ( HTML FORM) HTTP Cookie Graphic Submit 4 4

46 38 PHP&MySQL CGI FORM/CGI C Perl CGI GET PUT GET (Environment Variable) PUT input buffer indexnewsdata.pl?newsfile96=%b8%d4%b2%d3%a4%ba%aee&kkg=43 PHP PHP PHP PHP FORM Name / / FORM HTML <html><body> <form method=get action="ex1-40.php"> <table> <tr> <td> </td><td><input type=text name=name value="" size=42 maxlength=42></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td><td><input type=text name= value="" size=42 maxlength=42></td> </tr> <tr> <th> </th><td><textarea name=message rows="5"cols="40"> </textarea>

47 1 PHP 39 </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right colspan=2><input type=submit name=button value=" "></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body></html> (ex1-39.php) ex1-40.php <html><body> <?php if ($BUTTON==" ") { echo "<p> $NAME"; echo "<p> $ "; echo "<p> $MESSAGE"; }; </body></html>

48 40 PHP&MySQL PHP CGI PHP PHP CGI ( ex1-40.php) PHP ex1-39.php 3 NAME MESSAGE ex1-40.php 3 $NAME$ $MESSAGE PHP CGI CGI GET method PUT method CGI PHP PHP CGI PHP <html><body> <form method=get action="ex1-42.php"> <table> <tr> <td> </td><td><input type=text name=personal[name] value="" size=42 maxlength=42></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td><td><input type=text name=personal[ ] value="" size=42 maxlength=42></td> </tr> <tr>

49 <th> </th><td><textarea name=personal[message] rows="5" cols="40"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right colspan=2><input type=submit name=button value=" "></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body></html> (ex1-41.php) ex1-42.php 1 PHP 41 <html><body> <?php if ($BUTTON==" ") { echo "<p> $PERSONAL[NAME]"; echo "<p> $PERSONAL[ ]"; echo "<p> $PERSONAL[MESSAGE]"; }; </body></html> 123 NAME MESSAGEPHP Group CGI Group CGI CGI <html><body> <form method=post action="ex1-44.php"> <select> <table>

50 42 PHP&MySQL <tr> <td> </td><td>...</td><td><input type=text name=ordernumbofbook[1] value="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td><td>...</td><td><input type=text name=ordernumbofbook[2] value="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td><td>...</td><td><input type=text name=ordernumbofbook[3] value="0"></td> </tr>... <tr> <td> </td><td>...</td><td><input type=text name=ordernumbofbook[10000] value="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right colspan=2><input type=submit name=button value=" "></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body></html> (ex1-43.php) submit ex1-44.php OrderNumbOfBook[..] <html><body> <?php if ($BUTTON==" ") { for($t=1;$t<=10000;$t++)

51 1 PHP 43 echo "<p>".$ordernumbofbook[$t]; }; </body></html> (ex1-44.php) PHP Group CGI <select>... </select> [] ex1-45.php SINGER[] ex1-46.php SINGER[] <html><body> <form method=post action="ex1-46.php"> <p> : <select multiple size=5 name=singer[]> <option value=" "> <option value=" "> <option value=" "> <option value=" "> <option value="yuki">yuki </select> <p> <input type=submit name=button value=" "> </form> </body></html> (ex1-45.php) <html><body> <?php if ($BUTTON==" ") { for($t=0;$t<=5;$t++) echo "<p>".$singer[$t]; };

52 44 PHP&MySQL </body></html> (ex1-46.php) HTTP Cookie cookie cookie communicator IE ( ) HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)HTTP Web ( ) ( ) Netscape Cookie Web Cookie HTML (header) Set-CookieNAME=VALUE; expires=date; path=path; domain=domain_name; secure Cookie CGI Cookie PHP header(...) CGI URL

53 CookieNAME1=OPAQUE_STRING1; NAME2=OPAQUE_STRING PHP 45 NAMExx OPAQUE_STRINGxx Set-Cookie Cookie HTTP_COOKIE ex1-47.php cookie cookie money URL path / / URL ex1-48.php HTTP_COOKIE <?php header("set-cookie: money=12345; path=/; expires= Wednesday, 13-JAN-99 13:00:00 GMT"); <html><body> </body></html> (ex1-47.php) <html><body> <?php echo $HTTP_COOKIE; </body></html> (ex1-48.php) PHP Cookie SetCookie SetCookie SetCookie(string namestring valueint expirestring pathstring domain int secure); Cookie expire Linux/Unix time() mktime() 4

54 46 PHP&MySQL URL 5 domain Cookie HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) SSL Cookie Netscape Cookie http// std/cookie_ spec.html PHP Cookie <?php SetCookie("TestCookie",++$TestCookie,time()+200,"/"); <html><body> <?php echo $TestCookie; </body></html> (ex1-49.php) ex1-49.php Graphic Submit FORM CGI Sumbit WWW Server Submit HTML Submit PHP CGI Submit WWW Server PHP Submit WWW Server PHP ( )

55 <html><body> <form method=get action="ex1-50.php"> <p>... <p> <input type=image src=detailit2.gif border=0 name=button1> <input type=image src=detailit2.gif border=0 name=button2> </form> <?php echo "<p> Button 1 "; echo "($button1_x, $button1_y)"; echo "<p> Button 2 "; echo "($button2_x, $button2_y)"; </body></html> (ex1-50.php) 1 PHP 47 Submit Submit ex1-50.php button1_x button1_y Submit Submit button2 Submit button2 button1 button1_x button1_y ( )

56 48 PHP&MySQL PHP PHP ($HOME)PHP $HOME PHP http daemon PHP daemon PHP HTTP cookie CGI GET/PUT PHP getenv(string varname) varname PHP Microsoft ASP PHP 3 PHP 3 PHP C++ Java PHP PHP C++ Java

57 1 PHP 49 ClassType Object; $Object = new ClassType; $Object->member $this->member $this ex1-51.php People $name $age $this-> $this->name $this->age $name $age <html><body> <? class People { var $name=""; var $age=0; function set_name($x) { $this->name=$x; } function set_age($x) { $this->age=$x; } function show_info($x=8) { echo "<p>".$this->name; echo "<p>".$this->age; echo "<p>".$x; }

58 50 PHP&MySQL }; $p=new People; $p->set_name("rollaned"); $p->set_age(30); echo $p->age; $p->show_info(); </body></html> (ex1-51.php) PHP show_info($x=8) {... } show_info $x 8 PHP ( ) ex1-52.php PHP Student People <html><body> <?php class People { var $name=""; var $age=0; function set_name($x) { $this->name=$x; } function set_age($x) { $this->age=$x; } function show_info($x=8) { echo "<p>".$this->name; echo "<p>".$this-> age; echo "<p>".$x; } }; class Student extends People { var $school; var $department; function set_school($x) { $this->school=$x; } function set_department($x) { $this->department =$x; } function show_info() {

59 echo "<p>".$this->name; echo "<p>".$this->age; echo "<p>".$this->school; echo "<p>".$this->department; } }; $p=new People; $p->set_name("rollaned");$p->set_age(30); echo $p->age;$p->show_info(); echo "<hr>"; $q=new Student; $q->set_school("nthu");$q->set_department("computer Science"); $q->set_name("jessie");$q->set_age(25); $q->show_info(); </body></html> (ex1-52.php) 1 PHP 51 PHP 1.4 HTTP PHP HTTP Cookie GIF WWW WWW HTTP Authentication ID PHP HTTP Authentication Header() ID ID $PHP_AUTH_USER $PHP_AUTH_PW $PHP_AUTH_USER $PHP_AUTH_PW

60 52 PHP&MySQL <? if($php_auth_user!="rollaned" $PHP_AUTH_PW!=" ") { Header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"my Realm\""); Header("HTTP/ Unauthorized"); echo "If you hits Cancel button, then you will see this..."; exit(); }; <html><body> <? echo "<p> I got your ID=$PHP_AUTH_USER"; echo "<p> and password=$php_auth_pw"; </body></html> (ex1-53.php) ex1-53.php ID ex1-53.php PHP ID $PHP_AUTH_USER $PHP_AUTH_PW ID if(... ) ID Rollaned if(...) {...} ID

61 1 PHP 53 Authentication Error if(...) {...} Header(...) ( echoprint HTML ) ID ( ) HTTP authentication ( ) HTTP authentication GIF GIF JPEG HTML GD library GIF CGI CC++ Perl CGI GD library PHP PHP GD library PHP GD library PHP GD library 37

62 54 PHP&MySQL <? /* 1 */ Header("Content-type: image/gif"); /* 2 */ $string=implode($argv," "); /* 3 */ $im=imagecreate(100,50); /* 4 */ $orange=imagecolorallocate($im,220,210,60); /* 5 */ $black=imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,0); /* 6 */ ImageRectangle($im,0,0,90,40,$orange); /* 7 */ ImageLine($im,0,0,90,40,$black); /* 8 */ ImageString($im,4,3,30,$string,$black); /* 9 */ ImageGif($im); /* 10 */ ImageDestroy($im); (ex1-54.php) <html> <body> <img src="ex1-54.php?hellokitty"> </body> </html> (ex1-55.php) GD library ex1-54.php (1) header (2) $string (3) $im 100x50 (4) $im (RGB ) $orange (5) $im (RGB 000 ) $black (6) $im 90x40 $orange (7) $im (00) (9040)

63 1 PHP 55 $black (8) $im 4 (330) (9) $im GIF (10) $im (Upload) HTTP PHP HTML FORM FORM PHP <html><body> <? if ($sendbutton==" ") { echo "<p>".$myuserfile; echo "<p>".$myuserfile_name; echo "<p>".$myuserfile_size; echo "<p>".$myuserfile_type; echo "<p>cp $myuserfile /tmp/$myuserfile_name"; system("cp $myuserfile /tmp/$myuserfile_name"); }; <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="ex1-56.php" method=post> <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value=" "> : <br> <input name="myuserfile" type="file"> <input type="submit" name="sendbutton" value=" "> </form> </body></html> ex1-56.php

64 56 PHP&MySQL Browse FORM myuserfile sendbutton PHP ( ) $myuserfile_name$myuserfile_size $myuserfile_type abc $abc_name$abc_size $abc_type PHP /tmp $myuserfile_name system( )

65 1 PHP 57 php.ini upload_tmp_dir upload_max_filesize 1.5 PHP PHP PHP


67 60 PHP&MySQL 2.1

68 2 MySQL 61 Name Age Sex Married Smith 20 Male Yes Clark 28 Male Yes John 18 Female No Mary 29 Female No ServiceDepart 4 SmithClarkJohn Mary (row ) 1 3 NameAge Sex 3 / / / /

69 62 PHP&MySQL SQL(Simple Query Language) 25 ( ServiceDepart) select * from ServiceDepart where Married=yes and Age>25 and Sex=Male (Clark, 28, Male, Yes) SQL 2.2 MySQL Oracle IBM DB2Sybase Infomix MySQLMySQL ( MySQL 40 MySQL MySQL MySQL MySQL MySQL GPL ( a) MySQL Open Source

70 2 MySQL 63 MySQL MySQL MySQL 3 MySQL Database Server( ) MySQL Database Client( ) MySQL Database MySQL ( / / ) MySQL Database Client MySQL MySQL MySQL C MySQL C C MySQL MySQL 2.3 MySQL MySQL MySQL (1) mysql tgztar xvfz mysql tgz (2) GB2312 configure with-charset=gb2312 (3) make (4) make install (5)./script/mysql_install_db force (6) mysql.server start 6 MySQL MySQL

71 64 PHP&MySQL MySQL mysqld safe_mysqld ( 3 ) mysqld safe_mysqld MySQL mysql.server mysql.server start MySQL server mysql.server stop MySQL server MySQL SQL mysql MySQL Database client SQL Enter Enter SQL MySQL mysql mysql u ID root mysql mysql u root 2.4 SQL SQL (Simple Query Language) SQL SQL SQL ( simple query language )

72 2 MySQL

73 66 PHP&MySQL create database create database PeopleDB; use use PeopleDB;

74 2 MySQL 67 drop database PeopleDB drop database PeopleDB drop database create table ( 1, 2,...) (byte) Tinyint(M) [unsigned] [zerofill] unsigned Smallint(M) [unsigned] [zerofill] unsigned Mediumint(M) [unsigned] [zerofill] unsigned Int(M) [unsigned] [zerofill] BIgint(M) [unsigned] [zerofill] unsigned unsigned Float(Precision) Precision E+38F E E E + 38F

75 68 PHP&MySQL (byte) Float[(M,D)] 4 Double Precision[(M,D)] E E E E Real[(M,D)] Double 8 Decimal[(M,D)] Double M+D Numeric[(M,D)] Decimal M+D Timestamp[(M)] 4 DATE TIME DATETIME ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' 'YY-MM-DD' 'YYMMDD') ( 'HHMMSS' 'HHMMSS' 'HHMM' 'HH' ) DATE TIME 'YYYY-MM-DD HHMMSS' Char(M) [binary] binary M case sensitive Varchar(M) [binary] binary L+1 case sensitive Tinytext Tinyblob Text Blob MediumText MediumBolb LongText LongBlob 255 L L L L+4

76 2 MySQL 69 (byte) Enum( value1, value2,..) Set( value1, value2,..) value1value2, 1 2 value1value2, 1 8 MLD M L D ( ) create table SalaryDB (name char(8), age int(3), address text, salary int(8)) drop table SalaryDB drop table SalaryDB 1 insert into values( 1, 2,...) SalaryDB 3 insert into SalaryDB values(, 28,, 20000) insert into SalaryDB values(, 26,, 25000) insert into SalaryDB values(, 20,, 24000) SalaryDB

77 70 PHP&MySQL name age address salary update update set 1=, 2= where SalaryDB update SalaryDB set age=age+1 SalaryDB name age address salary update SalaryDB set salary=23000 where name= update SalaryDB set salary=26000 where name= SalaryDB

78 2 MySQL 71 name age address salary delete from where delete from SalaryDB where name= SalaryDB name age address salary SalaryDB name age address salary SQL select,, from where

79 72 PHP&MySQL 1 27 select name, age, salary from SalaryDB where age<27 name age salary select name, address from SalaryDB where age<25 and salary>=23000 name address select * from SalaryDB where age<25 or salary>23000 name age address salary select max(salary) from SalaryDB where age>25 max(salary) 25000

80 2 MySQL select count(*) from SalaryDB where salary>20000 count(*) 2 6 ( ) select * from SalaryDB order by salary name age address salary ( ) select * from SalaryDB order by salary desc name age address salary SQL SQL

81 74 PHP&MySQL SQL SQL SQL name( ) age( )depart( ) salary( ) name age depart salary A 26 MIS B 20 MARKET C 29 MIS D 30 MIS E 34 ART F 27 MARKET select distinct depart from TeamDB depart MIS MARKET ART 2 3 select name,salary from TeamDB order by salary desc limit 0,3

82 2 MySQL 75 name salary E D F select * from TeamDB group by depart name age depart salary E 34 ART A 26 MIS B 20 MARKET select * from TeamDB where salary>25000 group by depart name age depart salary E 34 ART F 27 MARKET C 29 MIS

83 76 PHP&MySQL select depart,count(*) from TeamDB group by depart depart count(*) ART 1 MARKET 2 MIS 3 MySQL SQL select MySQL SQL MySQL / alter table add SalaryDB logintime ( ) alter table SalaryDB add logintime time SalaryDB name age address salary logintime NULL NULL NULL logintime NULL logintime

84 2 MySQL 77 update upate SalaryDB set logintime=curtime () SalaryDB name age address salary logintime curtime() alter table drop logintime alter table SalaryDB drop logintime SalaryDB name age address salary MySQL alter table change change SalaryDB 8 name 20 ID alter table SalaryDB change name ID char(20)

85 78 PHP&MySQL SalaryDB ID age address salary MySQL MySQL alter table rename SalaryDB Salary1999DB alter table SalaryDB rename Salary1999DB 2.5 MySQL PHP PHP SQL PHP PHP MySQL PHP MySQL (1) MySQL (mysql_connect) (2) (mysql_select_db) (3) SQL (mysql_query) (4) (mysql_num_rowsmysql_fetch_row) (5) (mysql_close) PHP

86 2 MySQL PeopleDB SalaryDB 27 SQL select name, age, salary from SalaryDB where age<27 PHP <? 1. $DBServer=mysql_pconnect("localhost","root",""); 2. mysql_select_db( PeopleDB,$DBServer); 3. $DBT=mysql_query("select name,age,salary from SalaryDB where age<27"); 4. for ($t=1;$t<=mysql_num_rows($dbt);$t++) { 5. $DBTrow=mysql_fetch_row($DBT); 6. $name=$dbtrow[0]; 7. $age=$dbtrow[1]; 8. $salary=$dbtrow[2]; 9. echo "[name,age,salary]=[$name,$age,$salary]"; 10. echo "<br>"; }; 1mysql_pconnect(host,ID,Passwd) MySQL host ID Passwd MySQL host localhostmysql ID root $DBServer

87 80 PHP&MySQL 2mysql_select_db($DB,$DBServer) $DBServer PeopleDB 3mysql_query($query) SQL $query select name,age,salary from SalaryDB where age<27 4mysql_num_rows($DBT) 5mysql_fetch_row($DBT) (name, age, salary) $DBTrow 6,7,8 $DBTrow mysql_query($query) name age salary $name=$dbtrow[0], $name=$dbtrow[0], $name=$dbtrow[0] $name, $age $salary PHP MySQL PHP MySQL PHP 4 35 MySQL mysql_create_db int mysql_create_db(string database_name, int link_identifier ) mysql_create_db (db) (identifier)

88 2 MySQL 81 mysql_drop_db int mysql_drop_db(string database_name, int link_identifier ) mysql_create_db (db) mysql_connect (identifier) int mysql_connect ([string hostname [port] [/path/to/socket] [, string username [, string password]]]) mysql_connect MySQL hostname IP mysql_pconnect port 3306 username ID password (identifier) int mysql_pconnect ([string hostname [ port] [ /path/to/socket] [, string username [, string password]]]) mysql_pconnect mysql_connect mysql_close mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_pconnect mysql_pconnect int mysql_close(int link_identifier ) mysql_close (identifier) mysql_pconnect mysql_close

89 82 PHP&MySQL mysql_select_db i nt mysql_select_db(string database_name, int link_identifier ) mysql_query link_identifier int mysql_query(string query, int link_identifier ) mysql_query SQL MySQL mysql_fetch_row link_identifier array mysql_fetch_row(int result) mysql_fetch_row mysql_query mysql_fetch_array array mysql_fetch_array(int result) mysql_fetch_array mysql_query_row mysql_query_row mysql_fetch_array Name Age mysql_fetch_array $X $X[ Name ] $X[ Age ] mysql_fetch_row $X[0] $X[1]

90 2 MySQL 83 mysql_fetch_object object mysql_fetch_object(int result) mysql_fetch_object mysql_query_array mysql_field_seek mysql_query_array mysql_fetch_object $X->Name $X->Age int mysql_field_seek(int result, int field_offset) mysql_num_rows mysql_field_seek ( ) mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_object int mysql_num_rows(string result) mysql_db_query mysql_num_rows(string result) mysql_query int mysql_db_query(string database, string query, int link_identifier) mysql_query mysql_select_db mysql_list_dbs mysql_db_query mysql_select_db mysql_query int mysql_list_dbs(void)

91 84 PHP&MySQL mysql_dbname mysql_dbname string (string result, int i) result mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_dbs mysql_dbname <? mysql_connect ("localhost3306"); $x=mysql_list_dbs(); $n=mysql_num_rows($x); for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) echo mysql_dbname($x,$i); mysql_list_tables int mysql_list_tables(string database) mysql_tablename mysql_tablename string mysql_tablename(string result, int i) result mysql_list_tables mysql_list_tables mysql_tablename <? mysql_connect ("localhost3306");

92 2 MySQL 85 $x=mysql_list_tables( ABC ); $n=mysql_num_rows($x); for ($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) echo mysql_tablename($x,$i); ABC

93 3 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb CLE

94 88 PHP&MySQL LinuxFab Open Source FabulousWeb 0.96 FabulousWeb GPL FabulousWeb GPL LinuxFab 1998 LinuxFab Linux / BSD / Unix / OpenSource FabulousWeb LinuxApachePHP MySQL 5 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb 3.1 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb 0.96

95 3 FabulousWeb PHP MySQL 3.22.x 3. PHP (1) php tar.gz (2) cd php (3) configure (4) make php php /usr/local/bin PHP 4. /home/rollaned/fw ( Apache httpd.conf DocumentRoot ) 5. FabulousWeb-0.95.tgz 6. _Initialization.1.mysql /home/rollaned/fw> mysql -u root < _Initialization.1.mysql 7. _Initialization.2.php /home/rollaned/fw> _Initialization.2.php 8. crontab */1 * * * * /home/rollaned/fw/sbin/_prefetch.home.php > /dev/null2>&1 0 6 * * * /home/rollaned/fw/sbin/_login.php > /dev/null 2>&1 1 */1

96 90 PHP&MySQL 2 6:00 9. indexvars.php $SITEHOSTIP=" "; $SITENAME="FabulousWeb"; $LFDN="sp.cis.nctu.edu.tw"; $LOGOFILE="PCC2.gif"; $LOGOALT="Fabulous Web Site"; $SITEMEMBERID="FabulousWebMemberID"; $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER="FabulousWeb"; $DB_TW="XF"; $SITHOSTIP $SITENAME $LFDN $LOGOFILE $LOGOALT cookie cookie $SITEMEMBERID $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER $DB_TW XF FabulousWeb

97 3 FabulousWeb 91 4 FabulousWeb ( ) ( ) FabulousWeb ID guest

98 PHP&MySQL 92 ( ) TODO icon ( 0 )

99 3 FabulousWeb 93

100 94 PHP&MySQL

101 3 FabulousWeb 95 FabulousWeb 3 ( ) 3 FabulousWeb PO BBS

102 96 PHP&MySQL FabulousWeb ( ) 3 ( ) 3 ( )

103 3 FabulousWeb 97 ( Rollaned ) 2 ID 1 ID 3.2 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb

104 98 PHP&MySQL FabulousWeb PHP indexvars.php $SITEHOSTIP=" "; $SITENAME="FabulousWeb"; $LFDN="sp.cis.nctu.edu.tw"; $LOGOFILE="FW1b.gif"; $LOGOALT="Fabulous Web Site"; $SITEMEMBERID="FabulousWebMemberID"; $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER="FabulousWeb"; $SITEHOSTIP $SITENAME ( )$LFDN $LOGOFILE Logo ( /graphics/pic )$LOGOALT Logo FabulousWeb cookie $SITEMEMBERID cookie FabulousWeb cookie $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER cookie FabulousWeb FabulousWeb cookie $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER $SITEFUNCNUMB=3; $DB_TW="XF"; $DB=$DB_TW; $SITESYSTEM_BACKUP_PATH="/tmp";

105 3 FabulousWeb 99 $SITEFUNCNUMB FabulousWeb FabulousWeb 3 $DB $SITESYSTEM_BACKUP_PATH FabulousWeb $SITESYSTEM_BACKUP_PATH $LFDN..tar.bz2 $LFDN..DB.tar.bz $PIC_PATH="pic"; $ICON_PATH="icon"; $EDITORICON_PATH="editor_icon"; $LOCAL_PICURL="/graphics/$PIC_PATH"; $LOCAL_ICONURL="/graphics/$ICON_PATH"; $LOCAL_EDITORICONURL="/graphics/$EDITORICON_PATH"; $PICURL="/graphics/$PIC_PATH"; $ICONURL="/graphics/$ICON_PATH"; $EDITORICONURL="/graphics/$EDITORICON_PATH"; $PICURL FabulousWeb $ICON_PATH FabulousWeb $EDITORICONURL




109 3 FabulousWeb $NEWS_DISP_LIMIT=12; $LINK_DETAIL_DISP_LIMIT=10; $TOPLINK_ALL_DISP_LIMIT=20; FabulousWeb indexhome.1.php indexhome.2.php indexhome.3.php$news_disp_limit $LINK_DETAIL_DISP_LIMIT $TOPLINK_DISP_LIMIT IndexEasy.php IndexHome.1.php



112 106 PHP&MySQL 3.3 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb indexeasy.php indexeasy.php indexbar2.php

113 3 FabulousWeb 107 indexbar1.easy.php indexbar3.easy.php indexmain1.easy.php indexbar1.easy.php indexbar2.php indexmain2.easy.php indexbar3.easy.php require() indexeasy.php require($document_root."/indexmain1.easy.php");... require($document_root."/indexmain2.easy.php"); indexnewsdata.php require($document_root."/indexmain1.news.php");... require($document_root."/indexmain2na.php"); indexmain1.news.php indexbar1.news.php indexmain2na.php indexmain2.xxx.php indexforumdata.php require($document_root."/indexmain1.forum.php");... require($document_root."/indexmain2na.php"); indexmain1.forum.php indexbar1.forum.php

114 108 PHP&MySQL FabulousWeb SiteDB LoginDB SiteDB LOGINCOUNTER POSTCOUNTER PAGEVIEW RUNDAYS PageView indexvars.phpposter3.inc sbin/_login.php LoginDB ID YEAR MONTH DAY WEEK LTOTAL LTODAY PTOTAL

115 3 FabulousWeb 109 PTODAY PAGEVIEW PAGEVIEWTOTAL PageView PageView sbin/_login.php LoginDB crontab FabulousWeb 6: FabulousWeb po_xxx SUB1 SUB2 ID TID PID NAME URL MEMBER ERASEPW TITLE 1 2 URL (1 0 )

116 110 PHP&MySQL DATE CONTENT IP COPYER COPYLID IP po_xxx XXX po_todo po_news SUB1 SUB2 po_news SUB1 po_news SUB1 IDTID PID FabulousWeb TID PID ID TID PID ID

117 3 FabulousWeb 111 POSTER $DBNAME $Sub1 $Sub2 $ExecFileName $ThreadOrder $PostOrder $enablecheckduppo $DiscussionBarTitle $PrivUser $MemberID $IP $ReadThreadLimit $PostCounterUpdate (po_xxx) 1 2 POSTER URL ( ) ( ) ID ( ) IP 1 0 POSTER (method) SetDBEX($DB,EX,$y=0,$z=0) ($DB)$EX POSTER URL$y $z Sub1 Sub2 SetReadOnly() SetNoSearchBar()

118 112 PHP&MySQL SetPrivUser($s) rollaned,lamport,jessie, SetPasteUser($s) rollaned,lamport,jessie, checkpastable($mid) $MID getlid() SetIP() IP SetDupPOchecking() SetMemberID() ID GetPostItem($t,$p) $t $p GetPostItemID($t,$p) $t $p ID DigPOTBINFO() GetPOTBINFO() getpostsize($qsub1=-1,$qsub2=-1)

119 3 FabulousWeb 113 Sub1=$QSUB1 Sub2=$QSUB2 updatepostcounter($tag) ( POTBINFO ) ChineseWeek($y) htmlformat($s) HTML <br> HTML SetOrder($t,$p) ($t $p ) setnolist() setreadthreadlimit($n) setattach() $ExecFileName? setattach() URL ( & ) inprocess() 1 0 setprompt($s) HandleMEMOPOST()

120 PHP&MySQL 114 ShowDiscussionBar() showheader( ) URL handledeletepasswd() handledeletepost() save2podb($id,$tid,$pid,$title,$name,$member) PODB PODB setpastepoint() ( ) settracedb($tracethreadid) ( ) handlesendout() genform() attachnote($notefile) mainbody1() mainbody2()

121 3 FabulousWeb 115 main() mainbody1() mainbody2() POSTER 1. require($document_root."/poster3.inc"); 2. $ExecFileName="indexNewsData.php?NEWSID=$NEWSID"; 3. $poster1=new POSTER; 4. $poster1->setdbex("po_news",$execfilename,$newsid,0); 5. $poster1->setnolist(); 6. $poster1->setorder(1,0); 7. $poster1->setattach(); 8. $poster1->setreadthreadlimit(100); 9. $poster1->setnosearchbar(); 10. $poster1->setduppochecking(); 11. if (!$poster1->inprocess()) 12 shownewscontent($newsid); 13. else 14. shownewstitle($newsid); 15. $poster1->main(); 16. if ($poster1->postcounterupdate!=0) { 17. $PS=$poster1->PostSize; 18. $query="update NewsDB set POSTNUMB=$PS where ID=".$NEWSID; 19. mysql_query($query); 20. }; 1 POSTER 2 POSTER URL

122 116 PHP&MySQL 3 POSTER poster1 4 po_news Sub1 Sub2 0 URL ( $ExecFileName) 5 6 ( ) 7 URL Attache 8 () / 15 POSTER / ( ) POSTER FabulousWeb 3.3.4


124 118 PHP&MySQL HINT BODY SEARCHBODY REPORTMODE ( HTML ) (0 1 ) NewsStruct IDCOUNTER indexnewsdata.php indexnewsdata.php (NEWSID) /indexnewsdata.php?newsid=xx 3 showrbar($title,$fontsize=3,$width="100%",$bgcolor="006666", $fgcolor="white",$align="left") shownewstitle($newsid) shownewscontent($newsid) showrbar(..) shownewstitle($newsid) showrbar( ) $NEWSID shownewscontent($newsid)


126 120 PHP&MySQL URL TYPEID INDPO ( /forum/url) ID po FabulousWeb po_forum po po INDPO INDPO 0 po po_forumindpo 1 po po_forum_$fid$fid ForumBMDB FID FBM VBM STATUS ForumMemoDB FID MID TITLE

127 3 FabulousWeb 121 READONLY POSTNUMB STATUS ForumMemoDB READONLY ( ) indexforumdata.php indexforumdata.php (FID) /indexforumdata.php?fid=xx xx yy yy showforumtitlebar($title,$subtitle,$bm,$url="") $TITLE $SUBTITLE $BM $URL SUB1 SUB2 ( ) po_forum ( po_forum_$fid)sub1 SUB2 3 po_forum SUB1 3SUB2 0 SUB2=1 1 SUB2=2 2

128 122 PHP&MySQL SUB1 SUB N N 1 $EDITMODE=0; if ($MEMBER_LOGIN_ID!="") { $BMA=explode(",",$BM); for ($s=0;$s<sizeof($bma);$s++) if ($MEMBER_LOGIN_ID==$BMA[$s] && $BMA[$s]!="") { $EDITMODE=1; break; } }; $EDITMODE 1 0 $poster1->setprivuser($bm); /indexforumdata.php?fid=xx&mid=yy xx yy

129 3 FabulousWeb 123 $poster1->setreadonly(); $poster1->setpasteuser($bm); FabulousWeb FabulousWeb 4 LinkTypeDB ID CLASS1 CLASS2 TITLE1 TITLE2 LinkDB ID CLASS1 CLASS2 TITLE URL

130 124 PHP&MySQL NOTENUMB NOTEDATE REFCOUNTER LANGUAGE (1: 2: 3: 0: ) LinkNoteDB ID IID RECMAN REC RECPASSWD BODY IFMEMBER STATUS LID FabulousWeb SEARCHBODY HTML TAG HTML PHP (Regular Expression) (eregi_replace) $SEARCHBODY=eregi_replace("\<([^\<\>]*)\>","",$BODY);

131 3 FabulousWeb 125 $BODY HTML TAG $SEARCHBODY MySQL select * from NewsDB where locate(lcase( hello"), lcase (SEARCHBODY)>0 NewsDB SEARCHBODY hello 3.4 FabulousWeb PC Cluster FabulousWeb PC Cluster PC Cluster 5

132 126 PHP&MySQL SourceFab Open Source VA Linux SourceForge ( Open Source LinuxFab SourceFab SourceFab LinuxFab SourceFab LinuxFab FabulousWeb FabulousWeb LinuxFab SourceFab FabulousWeb FabulousWeb FabulousWeb 3.6 CLE CLE CLE ( FabulousWeb CLE

133 3 FabulousWeb FabulousWeb-0.9x.tgz _Initialization.1.mysql CLE ( XF) mysql u root < _Initialization.1.mysql indexvars.php $SITEHOSTIP=" "; $SITENAME="CLE Simulation"; $LFDN="cle.linuxfab.cx"; $LOGOFILE="CLE01.gif"; $LOGOALT="CLE Simulation Web Site"; $SITEMEMBERID="CLESimulationMemberID"; $SITEMEMBERUNIQIDHEADER="CLESimulation"; $SITEMEMBERLANGID="CLESimulationMemberLanguageID"; $SITECHATERID="CLESimulationChaterID"; $DOCUMENT_ROOT="/home/rollaned/CLE"; $DB_TW="CLE"; $SITENAME LFDN cle.linuxfab.cx $LOGOFILE Logo CLE 0.9p1 $DOCUMENT_ROOT $DB_TW CLE 2 _Initialization.2.mysql mysql u root < _Initialization.2.mysql

134 128 PHP&MySQL potato guest potato 2 guest /sbin/_prefetch.home.php crontab crontab e */1 * * * * /home/rollaned/cle/sbin/_prefetch.home.php > /dev/null 2>&1 */1 1 /Cache/ 5 ( ) indexeasy.php.cache indexhome.1.php.cache indexhome.2.php.cache indexhome.3.php.cache

135 3 FabulousWeb 129 indexlistpo.php.cache CLE CLE PHP script indexeasy.php indexbar1.easy.php 3 3 CLE ( 1) clefunction() function clefunction() { $ann=new anner2; $ann->setul(0); $ann->seturlline(0); $ann->setfontsize(2);

136 130 PHP&MySQL $ann->section_begin("cle "); $ann->item(' ','/cleintroduction.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/cl list.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/clegroup.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/clepackage.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/cleproject.php','','<br>'); $ann->section_end(); }; ( 2) cledocument() function cledocument() { $ann=new anner2; $ann->setul(0); $ann->seturlline(0); $ann->setfontsize(2); $ann->section_begin(" "); $ann->item(' ','/clegoodarticle.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/cletechdocument.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/clefaq.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/cleinstallation.php','','<br>'); $ann->section_end(); }; ( )( 3) cleresource() function cleresource() { $ann=new anner2;

137 3 FabulousWeb 131 $ann->setul(0); $ann->seturlline(0); $ann->setfontsize(2); $ann->section_begin(" "); $ann->item('i18n ','/clei18nprogramming.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/clechineseweb.php','','<br>'); $ann->item(' ','/cleenglishweb.php','','<br>'); $ann->section_end(); }; indexbar1.easy.php clefunction(); cledocument(); cleresource(); Search(); Event(); showannounce(); Navigator(); /sbin/_prefetch.home.php ( ) clefunction() clefocument() cleresource()

138 132 PHP&MySQL ( ) clechineseweb.php <? require($document_root."/indexmain1.easy.php"); require($document_root."/poster3.inc"); echo "<td width=90% valign=top>"; showrbar(" "); echo "<ul> <li>linuxfab<a href= <li>sourcefab<a href=

139 3 FabulousWeb 133 <li>linuxcenter <a href= <li>openscope <a href= </ul>"; echo "<p>"; $poster1=new POSTER; $poster1->setdbex("po_clechineseweb","clechineseweb.php"); $poster1->setprompt("? PO"); $poster1->setorder(1,0); $poster1->setreadthreadlimit(10); $poster1->main(); echo "</td>"; require($document_root."/indexmain2na.php"); showrbar() $poster1 setdbex() script po_clechineseweb clechineseweb.php po_clechineseweb FabulousWeb func.createpotb.php <? require($document_root."/indexvars.php"); require($document_root."/func.createpotb.php"); createpotb( po_clechineseweb ); clechineseweb.php

140 134 PHP&MySQL FabulousWeb

141 4 PHP PHP/Zend afterburner Cache Zend Cache MySQL Apache PHP 4 PHP/Apache/MySQL MS Windows

142 136 PHP&MySQL PHP/MySQL PHP Zend PHP PHP/MySQL/Apache PHP 4.0 PHP/MySQL Windows 4.1 Java CGI Java CGI PHP CGI

143 chat create database chat; (ID) (WORDS) (DATETIME) A B ID WORDS DATETIME A Hello B Hi A B A B ID 20 WORDS 200 DATETIME datetime ( ) use chat; create table mychatdb (ID char(20), WORDS char(200), DATETIME datetime);

144 138 PHP&MySQL HTML <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=chatdisplay.php"> 10 chatdisplay.php URL HTML Frame <html> <? echo " <frameset rows=\"73%,27%\" border=1> <frame src=\"chatdisplay.php\"> <frame src=\"chattyping.php\"> </frameset> "; </html> (chat.php) 73% chatdisplay.php 27% chattyping.php http//your_url/chat.php chatdisplay.php <html> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=chatdisplay.php3"> <body bgcolor=ffffff text= link= vlink=003333>

145 4 139 <? $DB=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("chat",$db); $DBT=mysql_query("select ID, WORDS from mychatdb order by DATETIME desc limit 0,13"); $DBTrownum=mysql_num_rows($DBT); echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=90%>"; for ($t=$dbtrownum-1;$t>=0;$t--) { mysql_data_seek($dbt,$t); $DBTrow=mysql_fetch_row($DBT); $ID=$DBTrow[0]; $WORDS=$DBTrow[1]; echo "<tr><td width=10%>$id</td> ; echo <td width=5% align=center></td> ; echo <td width=85%>$words</td></tr>"; }; echo "</table>"; mysql_close($db); </body> </html> chatdisplay.php $DBT=mysql_query("select ID, WORDS from mychatdb order by DATETIME desc limit 0,13"); chatdisplay.php 10 mychatdb 13 (limit 0,13) ( 13 ) ( 13 ) 13 ( IDWORDS) mysql_data_seek

146 140 PHP&MySQL mysql_data_seek($dbt,$t); mysql_fetch_row $DBTrow=mysql_fetch_row($DBT); 13 chattyping.php <html> <body> <? $DB=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("chat",$db); if ($CHATID=="") $CHATID=" "; if (isset($words)) $DBT=mysql_query("insert into mychatdb values('$chatid','$words', now())"); echo "<table width=99% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=left><font size=2><b>"; echo "<form method=get action=chattyping.php3>\n"; echo "$CHATID <input type=text size=50 maxlength=160 name=words value=\"\">"; echo "<input type=hidden name=chatid value=\"".$chatid."\">"; echo " <input type=submit name=sendout value=\" \"> "; echo "</form>"; echo "</font></td>"; echo "<td align=left><font size=2><b>"; echo "<form method=get action=chattyping.php3>\n"; echo "<input type=text size=12 maxlength=160 name=chatid value=\"\">"; echo " <input type=submit name=renamebutton value=\" \"> ";

147 4 141 echo "</form>"; echo "</font></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; mysql_close($db); </body> </html> chattyping.php ID chattyping.php $WORDS ( ) mychatdb if (isset($words)) $DBT=mysql_query("insert into mychatdb alues('$chatid','$words',now())"); form <input type=hidden name=chatid value="$chatid"> ID ( $CHATID) ID CHATID chattyping.php $CHATID ID HTML

148 142 PHP&MySQL CGI Java PHP MySQL HTML 4.2 PHP PHP Apache perl (1) php-4.0.xx.tar.gz (2) cd php-4.0.xx (3) configure (4) make php php /usr/local/bin php PHP Shell Script Hello world! #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <? echo "Hello, world!";

149 4 143 (ex4-1.php) PHP HTML HEADER PHP Shell Script "-q" HEADER -q /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/bin/ PHP echo "Hello, world!" "" chmod (chmod +x ) ls l PHP Shell Script $argc $argv[] #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <? $sum=0; $sum=$sum+$argv[1]+$argv[2]; echo $sum; (ex4-2.php) ex4-2.php ex4-2.php 1 2 Enter 3 Enter chmod +x chmod +x ex4-2.php

150 144 PHP&MySQL $argc #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <? $sum=0; for ($t=1;$t<=$argc;$t++) $sum=$sum+$argv[$t]; echo $sum; (ex4-3.php) ex4-3.php ex4-3.php ex4-3.php PHP PHP Shell Script Linux/Uinx /dev/stdin (stdin standard input ) #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <? $fp=fopen("/dev/stdin","r"); $inputstr=fgets($fp,100); fclose($fp); echo "\n \n"; echo $inputstr; (ex4-4.php) fgets($fp,100) $fp ( "/dev/stdin") 100 Enter

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