目錄 安全注意事項 警告 4 注意 5 安全說明 5 操作說明 部件名稱 6 請即進行保用登記!有關保用條款細則, 請看本說明書最後一頁 Please register your warranty information now! For Warranty Terms & Conditions, p

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1 3 合 1 除蟎殺菌吸塵機 3-in-1 Anti-Mite UV Sterilising Cleaner MKC-112 即時網上登記保用 Online Warranty Registration 在使用之前請詳細閱讀 使用說明書 及 保用條款, 並妥為保存 Please read these instructions and warranty information carefully before use and keep them handy for future reference. 使用說明書 U S E R M A N U A L

2 目錄 安全注意事項 警告 4 注意 5 安全說明 5 操作說明 部件名稱 6 請即進行保用登記!有關保用條款細則, 請看本說明書最後一頁 Please register your warranty information now! For Warranty Terms & Conditions, please refer to the last page of this user manual. 首次使用 7 使用方法 7 如何儲存 8 清潔與保養 清潔吸入口 9 清潔集塵桶 9 清潔集塵桶濾網 9 清潔紫外線殺菌燈管 10 如何清潔過濾海綿 10 常見問題及解決方案 11 技術規格 12 保用條款 23 P.3

3 安全注意事項 安全注意事項 為安全起見, 初次使用產品前請先細閱本說明書, 並妥善保存, 以便作參考之用 本產品只供家居使用 請必須依照說明書內的指示安裝及操作 警告 : 為降低失火 觸電或受傷的危險, 使用吸塵機前, 請遵照以下基本注意事項 若插頭電線損壞, 切勿使用, 若機器無法正常工作, 或發生摔落 損壞 放置於室外或掉入水中等情況時, 請將機器送回售後服務及維修中心 清潔設備之前, 請先拔下插頭, 並使用乾毛巾擦拭, 切勿直接使用水及揮發性液體清潔, 如酒精或乙醚等 該產品適用於殺滅床單 被褥 梳化, 地氈等各種棉製品上的細菌以及清除塵埃 該產品是家用型吸塵機, 請勿用於商業或工業用途以及吸塵機以外的其它用途 身體 智力或者感官有缺陷的人, 或者沒有經驗和能力的人以及兒童不能使用本產品 切勿將多個電器設備的插頭接在同一個電源插座上 拔下插頭前, 請關閉本產品電源開關, 請握住插頭, 切勿直接拉拽電源線 請勿用濕手接觸插頭或吸塵機 清洗後, 請勿使用濕的過濾網, 務必等其完全乾燥, 以免損壞吸塵機 請勿吸入易燃或易爆物, 也請勿在存在易燃易爆的區域內使用 請勿吸入熱的灰塵, 餘燼或巨大尖銳的物體 請勿吸水或其他液體 請將此吸塵機遠離熱源, 如散熱器 火等, 避免陽光直射 每次使用 UV 除蟎吸塵器後, 請給 UV 燈足夠的時間冷卻, 在未冷卻前請勿觸摸, 以免燙傷 切勿將本產品用於表面破損的物品上 切勿將本產品用於可能褪色的物品 注意 請按照銘牌上規定的電源正確使用本產品 本產品不得在室外或潮濕表面上使用, 僅供家庭使用 請勿將任何物品置於開口上, 切勿在開口阻塞的情況下使用, 開口上不得有灰塵, 毛線, 頭髮或任何會降低空氣流量的雜物, 並應避免頭髮 鬆散衣物 手指及身體各部位接近開口及活動零件 本產品移至他處時, 請先關閉本產品 切勿將插頭一直插在插座上, 不使用時或在維修前, 請從電源插座上拔下插頭 切勿以拉扯電線的方式拔下插頭, 拔出時, 應握住插頭而非電線 確保集塵盒及濾網均正確安裝於產品上, 若未正確安裝, 可能會造成損壞或降低效果, 且應在確保濾網已乾燥後再裝入產品中 若有異味 雜音 氣味或冒煙, 請立即停止操作並聯繫售後服務及維修中心 請勿在暖氣機等加熱設備以及易燃噴劑或可燃物品附近使用或放置本產品 安全說明紫外線殺菌燈管 PTC 發熱器安全感應器與微動開關本產品共有兩組光電感測器, 燈管與 PTC 發熱器會在本產品的兩組光電感測器離開清潔面距離 80mm 時自動關閉, 以確保安全 本產品同時還有一個機械微動開關進行強制的安全保護, 燈管會在本產品離開清潔面距離 5-10mm 時自動關閉, 以確保安全 燈管與 PTC 發熱器會在本產品的兩組光電感測器再放回該清潔面時即可重新自動打開 注意 : 本產品的光電感測器對黑色的表面沒有反應 P.4 P.5

4 操作說明 操作說明 部件名稱 首次使用 外包裝袋要遠離兒童, 以防引發窒息的危險! 打開包裝取出產品和零配件 請根據部件圖來確認零配件是否齊全 使用方法 A. 除蟎殺菌系統 : 適用於床鋪 / 被子 / 梳化等地方的除蟎 殺菌及吸塵 安裝 : 如圖 1 所示, 將手持主機插入除蟎吸塵器, 聽到 咔 聲即表示安裝好 拆卸 : 按下圖 2 所示鎖扣按鈕, 將吸塵器向後取出即可分離手持主機與 8 除吸塵器 啟動 : 按主機上的電源鍵啟動吸塵, 按下除蟎吸塵頭後部的 拍打 鍵開啟震動拍打功能, 按下 UV 加熱殺菌 鍵開啟 UV 燈殺菌及 PTC 加熱功能 ( 如圖 2) 拍打鍵 UV 加熱殺菌鍵 觀看操作視頻 15a 16 15b 圖 1 圖 2 鎖扣按鈕 13 1 電源線 12 後輪 HEPA 過濾網 B. 細縫吸塵系統 : 2 手持主機 3 集塵桶 4 細縫吸頭 13 前滾輪 14 出風蓋板 15a 拍打鍵 用於細小縫隙 裂縫 角落等地方的吸塵 安裝 : 如圖 3 所示, 將細縫吸頭插入手持主機的進氣孔即可 啟動 : 按主機上的電源鍵啟動吸塵 5 電源開關按鈕 15b UV 加熱殺菌鍵 1 2 觀看操作視頻 6 集塵桶開關按鈕 16 分離按鈕 7 除蟎吸塵器 17 地面吸塵頭 8 LED 燈 18 伸縮管鎖定鍵 9 震動拍打頭 19 伸縮管 10 UV 殺菌燈管 11 PTC 發熱出風口 20 伸縮管釋放按鈕 圖 3 P.6 P.7

5 操作說明 C. 地面吸塵系統 : 適用於清潔房間地面 安裝 : 如圖 4 所示, 將地面吸塵頭和伸縮管插入手持主機即可 啟動 : 按主機上的電源鍵啟動吸塵 1 2 觀看操作視頻 清潔與保養 清潔吸入口 : 若吸入口阻塞, 可能會造成異常雜音 吸力變小或過熱, 進而導致功能故障 若吸入口有灰塵及異物阻塞, 請徹底清除灰塵及異物 清空集塵桶 : 如圖 5 所示, 按下集塵桶開關按鈕可拆出集塵桶, 將 HEPA 13 濾網拿掉再倒出灰塵 如果過濾網及集塵桶很髒, 可以進行沖洗 然後用乾布擦淨集塵桶 等過濾網乾透後, 重新安裝即可 1 2 觀看操作視頻 圖 4 按掣拆卸伸縮管 圖 5 使用該款吸塵器的頻率取於家中床墊及室內陳設的實際狀況 為獲得最佳效果, 建議應例行清潔的最少次數為 : 新床墊 : 每月清潔一次 舊床墊 : 每週清潔一次 如何儲存存放前, 請拔下電源線 請將本產品存放在兒童無法取得之處 使用過後, 需要將集塵桶及濾網清潔乾淨才能存放, 以免集塵桶與濾網中的殘留物滋生細菌 清潔集塵桶濾網 : 注意 : 切勿用洗衣機清洗濾網, 也不要用熱吹風機吹乾濾網 1. 將集塵桶取下, 將濾網從集塵桶中抽出, 清空集塵桶內及過濾網上的碎屑 2. 使用自來水沖洗濾網, 將濕濾網徹底風乾 建議用戶在每一次使用後, 清潔集塵桶濾網 建議用戶每 12 個月更換一次集塵桶濾網, 以保持最佳效果 濾網用太久, 要更換? 另購 HEPA 濾網替換裝, 配備 2 件 HEPA 濾網 為保持高效淨化能力, 建議每年更換一次 ( 或因具體情況增加更換頻率 ), 以達到更好的清潔效果 觀看操作視頻 立即上網購買 P.8 P.9

6 清潔與保養 常見問題及解決方案 清潔紫外線殺菌燈管 : 警告 : 確保除蟎吸塵器已從電源插座上拔下 1. 用螺絲批擰下燈管護架上的固定螺絲 2. 使用除塵刷清潔並刷亮紫外線殺菌燈管玻璃罩 3. 裝回蓋子至定位, 然後擰緊固定螺絲 提示 : 紫外線殺菌燈管玻璃罩若太髒, 可能會降低除蟎吸塵器的殺菌功效 清潔時, 請小心 不要弄破燈管玻璃罩 1 2 觀看操作視頻 固定螺絲 吸塵機為何無法工作? 檢查電線插頭是否已完全插上 可將其它家電用品插入插座, 檢查電源插座功能是否正常 請確保本產品已平放在表面上 由於紫外線殺菌燈管功能會自動關閉, 當本產品離開待清潔物體的表面時, 紫外線殺菌燈管功能將停止工作 在使用期間, 紫外線殺菌燈管為何會關閉? 提示 : 紫外線殺菌燈管工作 30 分鐘後會自動關閉, 關閉後需重新打開開關 由於紫外線殺菌燈管保護功能會自動關閉, 當本產品離開待清潔物體的表面時, 紫外線殺菌燈管功能將停止工作 只要將除蟎吸塵頭再放回待清潔物體的表面上, 燈管就會自動開啟 燈管在本產品離開表面時會自動關閉, 以確保安全 注意 : 當發現啟動 UV 殺菌燈後, 燈管不亮 請檢查 UV 燈糟中光電感測器孔是否被灰塵掩蓋, 如果是, 可使用家中的清潔刷進行清潔 將除蟎吸塵頭翻器轉後, 使用清潔刷左右往復刷掉光電感應孔內的灰塵 清潔時, 請小心不要損壞光電感應器 其他資訊 排氣出口熱氣, 是安全 正常的現象 新機購買回家的前三個月, 產品中有全新橡膠元件會使吸塵機發出少許氣味, 此為正常現象, 若該氣味是因過濾網的微塵或過敏原過量而產生時, 請立即更換過濾網 由於紫外線殺菌燈管強力的殺菌效果所致, 本產品的紫外線殺菌燈管玻璃罩可能會隨著時間變色, 此為正常現象 本產品屬第二類 (Class ll) 電器, 可為您提供雙重絕緣保護 無需接地線 如果電源線損壞, 為了避免觸電危險, 必須由製造商 其維修或類似部門的專業人員更換 身體 智力或者感官有缺陷的人, 或者沒有經驗和能力的人 ( 包括小孩 ), 在沒有負責他們安全的人員的監督和指導的情況下, 不能使用本產品 光電感測器孔 如何清潔過濾海綿 : 1. 打開過濾海綿蓋子 2. 取出過濾海綿用自來水清洗 3. 曬乾或晾乾過濾海綿 4. 將過濾海綿安裝好 5. 安裝好蓋子 觀看操作視頻 P.10 P.11

7 技術規格 Content 型號 電壓 功率 殺菌燈管 PTC 功率 淨重 電源線長度 產品尺寸 技術標準 MKC V 50Hz 約 475W 6W 90W 2.9kg 4 米 D380/W265/H280mm GB GB GB GB 產品規格及設計如有變更, 恕不另行通知 中英文版本如有出入, 一概以中文版為准 本產品使用說明書以 網上版為最新版本 Safety precautions Warning 14 Attention 15 Safety Instructions 15 Operating Instructions Product Structure 16 First Time Usage 17 Application 17 Storage 18 Care and Maintenance Cleaning the Suction Nozzle 19 Cleaning the Dust Container 19 Cleaning the Dust Filter 19 Cleaning the UV Sterilisation Tube 20 Cleaning the Foam Filter 20 Troubleshooting 21 Technical Specifications 22 Terms & Warranty 23 P.12 P.13

8 Safety Precautions Safety Precautions For safety reasons, carefully read the user manual before using the product. This product is intended for household use only. Follow the instructions in this manual to set up and operate the product properly. Warning! To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or injuries, follow the basic instructions below, before using the vacuum cleaner. Never use the device if the cord is damaged or worn. If the machine stops functioning, or is dropped, damaged, placed outdoors or immersed in water, take it to the nearest authorized service center for examination and repair. Unplug the appliance before cleaning. Use dry towel to rub softly, never use water and volatile liquid for cleaning, such as alcohol and ethers. The appliance is designed for disinfecting and removing dust on various cotton products, such as bed linens, comforters, sofas and carpets. The appliance is intended for household use only, never use it for commercial or industrial purposes. Do not use the appliance for other than intended use. Disabled and handicapped personnel, inexperienced users and children are advised not to use the appliance. Never insert multiple plugs into a single socket. Turn off the appliance before unplugging it. Hold the plug instead of the cord. Never touch the plug or hold the device with wet hands. Thoroughly dry the dust filter after cleaning. A wet filter may damage the cleaner. Do not vacuum flammable materials or use it in hazardous area. Do not vacuum heated dust, ashes or sharp objects. Do not suck in water or other liquids. Keep the appliance away from heat source, such as a heat sink and fire. Do not store it under direct sunlight. After using the UV sterilisation function, give sufficient time for the UV tube to cool down. To prevent scald, do not touch the tube before they are cooled down. Do not operate the machine on surfaces where the material and colour can easily fall off. Attention Choose the correct AC socket outlet. The appliance should not be operated outdoors or on wet surface, it is intended for household use only. Do not place any objects on the suction nozzle. Do not use the device when the suction nozzle is blocked by dust, threads, hair or any objects that will impede aeration. Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers and other parts of the body away from the suction nozzle and movable parts. Switch off the machine before relocating it to somewhere else. Unplug the appliance before repair or when it is not in use. Do not pull the cable to unplug the device. Properly install the dust container and filter. Otherwise, it may damage or hamper the effectiveness of vacuuming. Ensure that the dust filter is thoroughly dried before re-inserting into the machine. If there is any foul smell, abnormal noise or fumes, immediately stop using the appliance and contact authorized service center for examination and repair. Do not store or use the device near heat source, volatile or inflammable materials, such as a heater or aerosol spray. Safety Instructions UV Sterilisation Tube, PTC Heater Temperature Sensor and Micro Switch For safety reasons, the appliance has 2 photo sensors to ensure that sterilisation tubes and PTC heater will automatically switch off when the distance between the device and the target surface exceeds 80mm. The appliance also has a micro switch to ensure that the UV Sterilisation Tube automatically switches off when the distance between the device and the target surface is 5-10mm. The sterilisation tube and PTC heater will be switched on again when the appliance is placed on the target surface. Attention: The photo sensors will not respond to black surface. P.14 P.15

9 Operating Instructions Operating Instructions Product Structure First Time Usage Risk of suffocation: keep children away from plastic packaging. Unpack to retrieve the appliance and its accessories. Check whether all the accessories are present Application A. Anti-mite Sterilisation Mode: Suitable for bed linens, comforters and sofa. Disinfect and remove mite and dust. Installation: As shown in Figure 1, insert the dust mite exterminator into the portable main body, secure it until a click sound is heard. Removal: As shown in Figure 2, press the release button and drag the main body to separate it from the dust mite exterminator. Start up: Press the on/off button to switch on the cleaner. Press the Patting button at the back of the exterminator to initiate the vibration function and press the UV Thermal sterilisation button to activate the sterilisation and PTC heating function. Patting button UV Thermal Sterilisation button 15a 16 15b Figure 1 Figure 2 Release button 1. Cable 2. Portable Main Body 12. Back Wheel 13. Front Wheel HEPA Filter B. Small Nozzle Attachment Function: Suitable for cleaning corners, crevice or small gaps. 3. Dust Container 4. Small Nozzle Attachment 5. On/Off Button 6. Dust Container Release Button 14. Air Vent 15a. Patting Button 15b. UV Thermal Sterilisation button 16. Release Button Installation: As shown in Figure 3, simply insert the small nozzle into the portable main body. Start up: Press the on/off button to switch on the cleaner Dust Mite Exterminator 17. Flat Nozzle Attachment 8. LED Light 18. Length Adjustment Knob 9. Vibration Pads 19. Extensible Tube 10. UV Sterilisation Tube 20. Extensible Tube Release Button 11. PTC Hot Air Heater Figure 3 P.16 P.17

10 Operating Instructions Care and Maintenance C. Flat Nozzle Attachment Function: Suitable for floor cleaning Installation: As shown in Figure 4, simply insert the Flat Nozzle Attachment into the portable main body. Start up: Press the on/off button to switch on the cleaner. 1 2 Cleaning the suction nozzle If the nozzle is blocked, it may create abnormal noise, impede vacuuming effectiveness or lead to overheating, causing malfunctioning. Remove any dust or objects that may obstruct the suction nozzle. Clearing the Dust Container : As shown in Figure 5, press the Dust Container Release Button to detach the dust container. Remove the HEPA filter net and clear the dust. The dust container and filter can be rinsed with water if they are heavily. soiled. Rub and dry the filter properly before re-inserting into the machine. 1 2 Figure 4 Press to release Flat Nozzle Attachment Figure 5 Frequency of usage depends on the condition of the mattress and the actual indoor environment. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to clean: New mattress: once per month. Old mattress: once per week. Cleaning the Dust Filter Attention: Never use a washing machine to clean the dust filter, or dry it with a dryer. 1. Detach the dust container, remove the filter from the dust container, clear any scrap or fragment that is present in the container and filter. 2. Rinse the filter with tap water and air-dry it properly. It is recommended to clean the dust filter every time after usage. It is recommended to replace the filter every 12 months to achieve the best vacuuming result. Storage: Unplug the device prior to storage Store it in areas not accessible to children. Clean the dust container and filter properly prior to storage to prevent the breeding of germs. Want to change your old filter net? The optional HEPA filter package includes 2 filter nets that will help you purify air and clear dust in seconds. It is recommended that the filter be replaced every year (or more frequently according to the actual circumstances). Make your online purchase now P.18 P.19

11 Care and Maintenance Troubleshooting Cleaning the UV Sterilisation Tube Warning: Ensure the Dust Mite Exterminator is unplugged. 1. Unscrew the protective frame using a screw driver. 2. Use a brush to clean and polish the glass cover protecting the sterilisation tube. 3. Screw the protective frame back to the original position. Reminder: If the glass cover is heavily soiled, it may impact the sterilisation function. Clean it carefully so that the glass cover remains intact. 1 2 Unscrew this screw Why does the cleaner fail to start up or stop functioning? Check whether the device is appropriately plugged to an AC socket. Check if the socket functions properly by connecting it to another household appliance. Ensure the machine lies on a flat surface. The UV tube will automatically switch off when the device leaves the target surface. Therefore, the sterilisation function will also be deactivated. Why does the UV tube switch off when the appliance is in use? Reminder: The UV tube will automatically switch off after running for 30 minutes and has to be reactivated. The UV tube will automatically switch off when the device leaves the target surface. Therefore, the sterilisation function will also be deactivated. When the nozzle is placed back into the target surface, the UV tube will instantly be reactivated. To ensure safety, the tube will switch off when it leaves the target surface. Attention: If the LED indicator for UV disinfection fails to light up when the sterilisation mode is activated, check whether the photo sensor aperture inside the UV light trough is blocked by dust. Should that be the case, clean it with a brush. Invert the appliance and use a brush to clean the cavity. Clean it carefully to avoid damaging the photo sensor. Other Information Air vent discharging hot exhaust is a normal phenomenon. During the first 3 months of operation, it is normal that the plastic parts emits a certain smell. If the smell is caused by the accumulation of dust or allergen in the dust filter, replace it immediately. Under normal circumstances, due to the strength of UV sterilisation effect, the colour of the glass cover protecting the UV tube may change over time. The vacuum cleaner is a Class II electrical appliance, which is a double insulated device that does not require an earth wire. If the cable is damaged, it has to be replaced by a technician authorised by the manufacturer or maintenance department to prevent the risk of electric shock. Disabled, handicapped and inexperienced users (including children) are advised to only use the product under the supervision of qualified personnel. Photo sensor aperture Cleaning the Foam Filter 1. Open the lid that covers the foam filter. 2. Take out the foam filter and rinse it with water. 3. Sun-dry or air-dry the foam filter. 4. Re-install the foam filter. 5. Place the lid back to the main body. P.20 P.21

12 Technical Specifications 保用條款 此保用提供德國寶產品之機件在正常使用下壹年保用 ( 自購買日起計算 ) Warranty Terms & Conditions Under normal operations, the product will receive a 1-year full warranty provided by German Pool (effective starting from the date of purchase). Model No. Voltage Power Output UV Tubes Power Output PTC Power Output Net Weight Length of Cable Product Dimension Safety Standards MKC V 50Hz Approx. 475W 6W 90W 2.9kg 4 Metres D380/W265/H280mm GB GB GB GB Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. Refer to for the most up-to-date version of the Operating Instructions. * 貴戶須在購機十天內, 以下列其中一種方式向本公司登記資料, 保用手續方正式生效: 1) 填妥本公司網頁內之保用登記表格 warranty 2) 填妥保用登記卡, 郵寄至本公司 另請填妥以下表格並與正本發票一併保存, 以便維修時核對資料 用戶提供之所有資料必須正確無誤, 否則免費保用將會無效 Please fill out the form below. This information and the original purchase invoice will be required for any repairs. Warranty will be invalid if information provided is found to be inaccurate. 型號 Model No. : MKC-112 機身號碼 Serial No. : 發票號碼 Invoice No. : 購買商號 Purchased From : * This warranty is not valid until Customer registration information is received by our Service Centre within 10 days of purchase via one of the following methods: 1) Visit our website and register online: warranty 2) Complete all fields on the attached Warranty Card and mail it back to our Customer Service Centre. 購買日期 Purchase Date : 1. 未能出示購買發票正本者, 將不獲免費維修服務 2. 用戶應依照說明書的指示操作 本保用並不包括: - 上門安裝 檢驗 維修或更換零件之人工以及一切運輸費用; - 因天然與人為意外造成的損壞 ( 包括運輸及其他 ) ; - 電源接合不當 不依說明書而錯誤或疏忽使用本機所引致之損壞 3. 於下列情況下, 用戶之保用資格將被取消: - 購買發票有任何非認可之刪改 ; - 產品被用作商業或工業用途 ; - 產品經非認可之技術人員改裝或加裝任何配件 ; - 機身編號被擅自塗改 破壞或刪除 4. 總代理有權選擇維修或更換配件或其損壞部份 5. 產品一經被轉讓, 其保用即被視作無效 客戶服務及維修中心 香港 九龍灣啟興道 1-3 號九龍貨倉 10 樓電話 : 傳真 : 電郵 :repairs@germanpool.com 澳門 澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓電話 : 傳真 : Customer who fails to present original purchase invoice will be disqualified for free warranty. 2. Customer should always follow the operating instructions. This warranty does not apply to: - labour costs for on-site installation, check-up, repair, replacement of parts and other transportation costs; - damages caused by accidents of any kind (including transport and others); - operating failures resulted from incorrect voltage, improper operations and unauthorized installations or repairs. 3. This warranty is invalid if: - purchase invoice is modified by unauthorized party; - product is used for any commercial or industrial applications; - product is repaired or modified by unauthorized personnel, or unauthorized parts are installed; - serial number is modified, damaged or removed from the product. 4. German Pool will, at its discretion, repair or replace any defective part. 5. This warranty will be void if there is any transfer of ownership from the original purchaser. Customer Service & Repair Centre Hong Kong Macau 10/F, Kowloon Godown 1-3 Kai Hing Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel : Fax : repairs@germanpool.com 3/F, Edificio Industrial Pou Fung, 145 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau Tel : Fax : 此保用只適用於香港及澳門 This warranty is valid only in Hong Kong and Macau P.22 P.23

13 德國寶 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 German Pool (Hong Kong) Limited 德國寶 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 香港 香港 中國 中國 澳門 澳門 Hong Kong 香港九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道 116 號新寶工商中心 2 期 113 號室 China 廣東省佛山市順德區大良南國東路德順廣場三層 Macau 澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓 香港九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道 116 號新寶工商中心 2 期 113 號室 廣東省佛山市順德區大良南國東路德順廣場三層 澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓 Room 113. Newport Centre Phase II. 116 Ma Tau Kok Road. Tokwawan. Kowloon. Hong Kong. 電話電話 Tel: 傳真傳真 Fax: /F, Takshun Plaza, Nanguo East Road, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong 電話電話 Tel: 傳真傳真 Fax: /F, Edificio Industrial Pou Fung, 145 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 電話電話 Tel: 傳真傳真 Fax: HONG KONG TOP BRAND TEN YEAR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 版權所有 未獲德國寶授權, 不得翻印 複製或使用本說明書作任何商業用途, 違者必究 版權所有 未獲德國寶授權, 不得翻印 複製或使用本說明書作任何商業用途, 違者必究 All rights reserved. Copying, reproducing or using the contents of this manual is not allowed without prior authorization from German Pool, violators will be prosecuted. MKC-112-M-16(1)


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