3 3 WCF runtime (exception) SOAP WCF Service exception FaultContract (attribute) (strong-typed) exception SOAP SOAP WCF Service exception WCF Service

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1 3 3 WCF runtime(exception)soap WCF Serviceexception FaultContract(attribute)(strong-typed) exceptionsoap SOAP WCF Serviceexception WCF Service exception exception exception () third party( ) WCF Service exceptionwcf Serviceexception exception Windows Communication Foundation 67

2 CLRexceptionSOAP WCF Servicemanaged.NET Framework Common Language Runtime(CLR)CLR CLR(system-level) CLRexception Managed exception exception exception More Info SOAP SOAP WCFFaultException(System.ServiceModel) SOAPWCF ServiceFaultExceptionWCF runtime SOAP ProductsServiceWCF Service AdventureWorks FaultException WCF ServiceSOAPexception 1. Visual Studio 2005[Microsoft Press\WCF Step By Step\Chapter 3\ProductsServiceFault]ProductsServiceFault. sln 1Windows Communication FoundationProductsService Service ( c o p y ) 2 W C F S e r v i c e P r o d u c t s S e r v i c e H o s t ProductsClient 68

3 3 2. [ProductsService]ProductsService.cs (code view) 3. ProductsServiceImplLsitProducts 1Data Access Application Block AdventureWorksProduction.Product 4. exception // AdventureWorks Database dbadventureworks; try dbadventureworks = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("AdventureWorksConnection") ; catch(exception e) throw new FaultException( "Exception reading configuration information for the AdventureWorks database: " + e.message, new FaultCode("CreateDatabase")); // DataReader exceptionsystem.servicemodel. FaultExceptionexception operationsoap FaultCode Note FaultCodeWCF runtimesender FaultCodeSOAP Windows Communication Foundation 69

4 5. DataReader // DataReader IDataReader productsreader; try string querystring ProductNumber FROM Production.Product"; productsreader = dbadventureworks.executereader(commandtype.text, querystring catch (Exception e) throw new FaultException( "Exception querying the AdventureWorks database: " + e.message, new FaultCode("ExecuteReader")); // ExecuteReaderexception SOAP 6. // List<string> productslist = new List<string>(); try while (productsreader.read()) string productnumber = productsreader.getstring(0); productslist.add(productnumber); catch (Exception e) throw new FaultException("Exception reading product numbers: " + e.message, new FaultCode("Read/GetString")); // return productslist; 70

5 3 exception SOAP WCFSOAP 1. [ProductsService]Program.cs (code view) 2. Maintry/catchWCF Serviceoperation // try/catchoperation // // // // // proxy.close(); catch (FaultException e) Console.WriteLine("0: 1", e.code.name, e.reason); Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to finish"); Console.ReadLine(); operationsoapwcf runtime FaultExceptionFaultExceptionCatch FaultException 1. [PorductsServiceHost]App.config <connectionstrings>daabadventureworks Windows Communication Foundation 71

6 2. <connectionstrings><add>connectionstring Junk() <connectionstrings> <add name= connectionstring="database=junk;" providername= /> </connectionstrings> 3. ProductsServiceHostProductsClient 4. ProductsServiceHost[Start] W i n d o w s ( ProductsServiceHostTCP8000WCF Service ) 5. Service RunningProductsClient [Enter] ProductsClienttest1 exception( ) E x e c u t e R e a d e r J u n k P r o d u c t s S e r v i c e s e r v i c e ( S O A P ExecuteReader) 6. [Enter]ProductsClient 7. ProductsServiceHost[Stop] 72

7 3 8. App.configconnectionString AdventureWorks 9. <connectionstrings><add>name namex <connectionstrings> <add namex="adventureworksconnection" /> </connectionstrings> ProductsServiceHost[Start] 12. Service RunningProductsClient [Enter] Test1ProductsClientexception ProductsService servicecreatedatabase (SOAPCreateDataBase) CreateDataBasename namex 13. [Enter]ProductsClient 14. ProductsServiceHost[Stop] Note namexname Windows Communication Foundation 73

8 FaultException FaultException WCF Service exceptioncatch (handler)exception.net FrameworkSystem.Exceptionexception SOAP 1WCF Service operation(operation contract)operation operationexception SOAPSOAP exception FaultContract Note operationfaultcontract operation11 operation FaultContractoperationSOAP 1. ProductsServiceFault[ProductsService] ProductsService.cs 2. ProductsService.cs // [DataContract] public class ConfigFault 74

9 3 [DataMember] public string ConfigOperation; [DataMember] public string ConfigReason; [DataMember] public string ConfigMessage; [DataContract] public class DatabaseFault [DataMember] public string DbOperation; [DataMember] public string DbReason; [DataMember] public string DbMessage; SOAP exception SOAP(type) DataContractDataMember 3. IProductsService ProductsService 4. IProductsServiceListProducts operation [ServiceContract] public interface IProductsService // [FaultContract(typeof(ConfigFault))] [FaultContract(typeof(DatabaseFault))] [OperationContract] List<string> ListProducts(); Windows Communication Foundation 75

10 FaultContractListProductsSOAP FaultContract SOAP ListProducts operationsoap ConfigFaultDatabaseFault WCF Service 1. ProductsServices.csProductsServiceImpl ListProducts 2. catch catch(exception e) ConfigFault cf = new ConfigFault(); cf.configoperation = "CreateDatabase"; cf.configreason = "Exception reading configuration information for the AdventureWorks database."; cf.configmessage = e.message; throw new FaultException<ConfigFault>(cf); exceptionconfigfault throw ConfigFault FaultException FaultException(type-specific) exceptionwcf runtime SOAPFaultException (overloaded)configfault 3. catch catch (Exception e) DatabaseFault df = new DatabaseFault(); df.dboperation = "ExecuteReader"; 76

11 3 df.dbreason = "Exception querying the AdventureWorks database."; df.dbmessage = e.message; throw new FaultException<DatabaseFault>(df); DatabaseFaultFaultException catch exception exceptionexception exception exception 4. catch catch (Exception e) DatabaseFault df = new DatabaseFault(); df.dboperation = "Read/GetString"; df.dbreason = "Exception reading product numbers."; df.dbmessage = e.message; throw new FaultException<DatabaseFault>(df); catchdatabasefaultexception tryread() GetString() 5. exception proxy WCFproxy 1. Visual Studio 2005[Microsoft Press\WCF Step By Step\Chapter 3\ProductsServiceFault\ProductsService\bin] 2. svcutil ProductsService.dll Windows Communication Foundation 77

12 svcutilproductsserrvice q q Products.xsdXML(schema) ConfigFaultDatabaseFaultProductssvcutil ConfigFault <xs:complextype name="configfault"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="configmessage" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="configoperation" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="configreason" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> <xs:element name="configfault" nillable="true" type="tns: ConfigFault" /> <xs:complextype name="databasefault"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="dbmessage" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="dboperation" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="dbreason" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> Tempuri.org.xsdXML schema ProductsService service (WSDL)operation operation Products.xsd GetProduct operationproduct ListProductsGetProducts operation 78

13 3 <xs:element name="listproducts"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence /> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="listproductsresponse"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="listprodu ctsresult" nillable="true" xmlns:q1=" com/2003/10/serialization/arrays" type="q1:arrayofstring" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="getproduct"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="productnumber" nillable="true" type="xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="getproductresponse"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minoccurs="0" name="getproductresult" nillable="true" xmlns:q2=" org/2004/07/products" type="q2:product" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> Note ServiceContract(attribute)Tempuri.org ServiceContract(attribute) [ServiceContract (Namespace="Adventure-Works.com")] q Schemas.microsoft.com Serialization.Arrays.xsd XMLSOAPListProducts operationlistproductsreponse Windows Communication Foundation 79

14 q q ListProducts operation SOAP.NET FrameworkList<> Schemas.microsoft.com Serialization.xsdXML SOAP(primitive type)(floatintdecimalstring) Tempuri.org.wsdlWSDL operationxmloperation ListProducts operation <wsdl:operation name="listproducts"> <wsdl:input wsaw:action=" IProductsService/ListProducts" message="tns:iproductsservice_ ListProducts_InputMessage" /> <wsdl:output wsaw:action=" IProductsService/ListProductsResponse" message="tns:iproducts Service_ListProducts_OutputMessage" /> <wsdl:fault wsaw:action=" org/iproductsservice/listproductsconfigfaultfault" name="configfaultfault" message="tns:iproductsservice_ ListProducts_ConfigFaultFault_FaultMessage" /> <wsdl:fault wsaw:action=" IProductsService/ListProductsDatabaseFaultFault" name="database FaultFault" message="tns:iproductsservice_listproducts_database FaultFault_FaultMessage" /> </wsdl:operation> 3. WSDLXMLproxyVisual Studio 2005 svcutil /namespace:*,productsclient.productsservice tempuri.org.wsdl *.xsd svcutilwsdl (*.xsd)c# 80

15 3 proxyc# (1 )svcutil q q Products.csproxy Output.config proxy basichttpbinding Note svcutilweb Serviceproxy Visual Studio 2005 (Add Service Reference) 4. [ProductsClient][Service Reference] 5. [Microsoft Press\WCF Step By Step\Chapter 3\ProductsServiceFault\ProductsService\bin] Products.cs WCF 1. [ProductsClient]Program.cs (code view) 2. Maintrycatch( FaultException) catch(faultexception<configfault> cf) Console.WriteLine("ConfigFault 0: 1\n2", cf.detail.configoperation, cf.detail.configmessage, cf.detail.configreason); catch (FaultException<DatabaseFault> df) Console.WriteLine("DatabaseFault 0: 1\n2", df.detail. DbOperation,df.Detail.DbMessage, df.detail.dbreason); catch (FaultException e) Windows Communication Foundation 81

16 Console.WriteLine("0: 1", e.code.name, e.reason); handlerconfigfaultdatabasefault exceptions ProductsServiceexceptionDetail exception(configoperationconfigmessageconfigreason DbOperationDbMessageDbReason) Important exception handler FaultException handlerhandler exception(compiler) ProductsServiceHost[Start] 5. [Enter] <connectinstrings><add> namexnameconfigexception SOAP 6. [ E n t e r ] ProductsServiceHost 7. App.config<connectinStrings><add> namexname 8. [ProductsService]ProductsService.cs ProductsServiceImplListProducts productreadercolumn 0column 1 82 while (productsreader.read()) string productnumber = productsreader.getstring(1); productslist.add(productnumber);

17 ProductsServiceHost[Start] 11. [Enter] Read/GetStringDatabaseExceptionSOAP 12. [ E n t e r ] ProductsServiceHost 13. [ProductsService]ProductsService.cs column 1column 0 while (productsreader.read()) string productnumber = productsreader.getstring(0); productslist.add(productnumber); ProductsServiceHost [Enter]exception Exception operationexception exceptionoperation exceptionexceptionexception (exceptionwsdlproxy )exception exceptionexception ()FaultException Windows Communication Foundation 83

18 CLR exception.net FrmaeworkWCF Java WCFCLR exceptionsoap SOAP(fault)SOAP SOAPSOAPXMLSOAP SOAP() WCF.NET Framework exceptionsoapsoap WCF Serviceexception 1. ProductsServiceFault[ProductsService] ProductsService.cs 2. IProductsImplListProducts public List<string> ListProducts() int i = 0, j = 0, k = i / j; DivideByZeroException exception ProductsServiceHost[Start] [Enter]ListProducts operation 84

19 3 DivideByZero exceptionexception WCF runtimedefaultexception handlersoap exception 5. ProductsServiceHost serverexception WCF Serviceexception 1. [ProductsServiceHost]App.config 2. <servicebehavior><behavior> <servicemetadatabehavior><servicedebug> <behaviors> <servicebehaviors> <behavior name="productsbehavior"> <servicedebug includeexceptiondetailinfaults="true"/> </behavior> </servicebehaviors> </behaviors> includeexceptiondetailinfaultstruewcf SOAPexception ProductsServiceHost[Start] [Enter] DivideByZero exception exception Windows Communication Foundation 85

20 5. ProductsServiceHost 6. [PorductsService]PorductsService.cs 7. ListProductsDivideByZeroException 8. App.config<serviceDebug>ncludeExceptionDetail InFaultsFalse P r o d u c t s S e r v i c e H o s t [ E n t e r ] ProductsServiceHost servicedebug(behavior) ServiceBehavior ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true)] public class ProductsServiceImpl : IProductsService behavior behavior behaviordebug behavior 86

21 3 behavior behavior includeexceptiondetailinfaults behavior Exception 2WCF Service ServiceHost (instantiate)servicehost(finite-state) ServiceHost(welldefined)WCF runtimeservicehost exception stack channel ServiceHost ServiceHostCreated AddServiceEndPointServiceHost ServiceHost OpenServiceHost( BeginOpen)Binding channel stackservicehostopening exceptionfaultedservicehost channelsopenedopened CloseServiceHost(BeginClose) ServiceHostClosing Windows Communication Foundation 87

22 Abort (stop)(abort)(dispose)servicehost (reclaim) ServiceHostOpen channel stacks ServiceHostchannel ()ServiceHost FaultedServiceHostFaulted AbortServiceHost Open3-1ServiceHost new() Created new() Open() BeginOpen() EndOpen() Opening Faulted Closed Error detected Abort() EndClose() Open Closed() Abort() BeginClosed() Closing 3-1ServiceHost Tip ServiceHostStateServiceHost 88

23 3 ServiceHost2 2-2(error-handling) FaultedServiceHostFaulted // WCF ServiceServiceHost ServiceHost productsservicehost; productsservicehost = new ServiceHost(); // productsservicehostfaulted productsservicehost.faulted += new EventHandler(faultHandler); // FaultHandler // productsservicehost Faulted void faulthandler(object sender, EventArgs e) // productsservicehost // // productsservicehost.abort(); // ServiceHost productsservicehost = new ServiceHost(); // productsservicehost.open(); Note faultcloseabort FaultedAbort FaultHandler WCFsvcutil proxyproxy Windows Communication Foundation 89

24 operation()wcf proxywcf ServiceSAOP Java JavaSOAP WCF(low-level) channelsoap // BindingProductsService BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress( " ChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> factory = new ChannelFactory<IRequestChannel>(binding, address); // ProductsService Service IRequestChannel channel = factory.createchannel(); channel.open(); // ListProducts Message request = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap11, " Message reply = channel.request(request); // // (SOAP) // reply.close(); channel.close(); factory.close(); WCF Service exception() (10 channel) ProductsService service 90

25 3 Message request = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap11, " CreateMessage svcutilclient proxy( WSDL)WSDLoperation operationlistproducts operationwsdl <wsdl:operation name="listproducts"> <wsdl:input wsaw:action=" ListProducts" message="tns:iproductsservice_listproducts_inputmessage" /> </wsdl:operation> action ListProducts operation UnknownMessageReceived // WCF ServiceServiceHost ServiceHost productsservicehost; productsservicehost = new ServiceHost(); // productsservicehostunknownmessagereceived productsservicehost.unknownmessagereceived += new EventHandler<UnknownMessageReceivedEventArgs>(unknownMessage); / UnknownMessageReceived void unknownmessage(object sender, UnknownMessageReceivedEventArgs e) // // MessageBox.Show("A client attempted to send the message " + e.message.headers.action; (WSDL) operation Windows Communication Foundation 91

26 WCF Web Service WSDL WCF(out-of-date)proxy 6 WCF Service FaultExceptionSOAP exceptionfaultcontract exception 92

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