在 ongodb 中实现强事务

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1 在 ongodb 中实现强事务




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7 丰富的查询语句 二级索引 NewSQL


9 {! first_name: Paul,! }! surname: Miller,! city: London,! location: [45.123,47.232],! cars: [! ]! { model: Bentley,! year: 1973,! value: , },! { model: Rolls Royce,! year: 1965,! value: , }!

10 10


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15 !


17 @Transactional! public void transfer(from, to, amount) {! try{!!!begin()!!debit(from, amount);!!credit(to, amount);!!commit();! }! catch(exception e){!!rollback();! }! }! public boolean transfer(from, to, amount) { double origbalance = readbalance(from);! double origbalance2 = readbalance(to);! boolean creditok = false, debitok=false,! try{!!synchronized(from) {!! synchronized(to) {!! debit(from, amount);! credit(to, amount);!! double newbalance = readbalance(from); if(newbalance!= origbalance amount)!!! throw new Exception( wrong );!! }!!}! }! catch(exception e){!! // if debit has been done! undodebit(from, amount);!! return false;! }! return true!! }!

18 db.employee.update({ _id: 100}, {! $inc:! { salary: },! $set: { level: 10 }! }! )! db.employee.update({ level:9}, {! $inc: { salary: },! }! )! db.employee.update( ) db.salary.update( )!


20 T4 T1 DB Transac+on Manager! T1 Queue

21 ! Eric Brewer Professor, UC Berkeley VP Infrastructure, Google


23 强一致 vs 最终一致 Full ACID 强一致 非分布式 无大规模并发 Partial ACID 最终一致 分布式 大规模并发

24 public void transfer(from, to, amount){!!debit(from, amount);!!credit(to, amount);! }!

25 Transaction Compensation

26 hrps://msdn.microso?.com/en- us/library/dn aspx

27 public boolean placeorder(order) {!!!!boolean inventoryupdated,ordersaved, paymentreceived;!!!! }!!inventoryupdated = subtractinventory(order.sku, order.quantity);!!if(inventoryupdated){!!!ordersaved = saveorder(order);!!!if(ordersaved)!!!!paymentreceived = processpayment(order);!!}!!if(!paymentreceived){!!!if(ordersaved)!!!!updateorderstatus(order, "canceled");!!!if(inventoryupdated)!!!!addinventory(order.sku, order.quantity);!!}!!else if(!ordersaved){!!!if(inventoryupdated)!!!!addinventory(order.sku, order.quantity);!!}!

28 !





33 # git clone Account.java LoadTest.java testtransfer() AccountManager.java transfer() debit() debit_compensator() credit() credit_compensator()

34 package com.mongoing.mongosaga;!! public class AccountManager Account public void transfer(from, to, amount) {!!account.debit(from, amount);!!account.credit(to, amount);! }!! }!

35 public class Account {!...! private DBCollection public void debit(string from, double amount){! log.info("debit " + amount+" from account "+from);! accounts.update(new BasicDBObject("name", from),! new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("balance", -1* amount)));! }! public void debit_compensator(string from, double amount){! log.info( compensating debit operation, adding " + amount+" back to "+from);! accounts.update(new BasicDBObject("name", from),! new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("balance", amount)));! public void credit(string to, double amount){! log.info("credit "+ amount+" to "+to);! accounts.update(new BasicDBObject("name", to),! new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("balance", amount)));! }! public void credit_compensator(string to, double amount){! log.info( compensating credit operation, subtract " + amount+" from "+to);! accounts.update(new BasicDBObject("name", to),! new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("balance", -1* amount)));! }!!

36 ...! final class Worker implements Runnable {! int id;! public Worker(int id){ this.id=id; }! public void run(){! int amount = (int)(math.random()*100)+1;! for(int k=0;k<1000;k++){! try{! counter[0]++;! accountmanager.transfer("mona"+ id, "tj"+ id, amount); }! catch(exception e){ counter[1]++; }! }! }! }! int poolsize = 100;! ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);! for (int i = 0; i < poolsize; i++) {! executor.execute(new Worker(i));! }!

37 MacBook- Pro- 13:compensatable tjworks$ mvn clean test - Dtest=LoadTest T E S T S Running com.mongoing.mongosaga.loadtest 224 [main] INFO org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.xmlbeandefini+onreader - Loading XML bean defini+ons from class path resource [applica+oncontext.xml] #### Time used: 25s #### Total compensa+ons: 6994 out of total op: Results : Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0!

38 > db.accounts.aggregate({$group:{_id:"", sum: {$sum: "$balance"}}}) { "_id" : "", "sum" : 0 } > > db.accounts.find().limit(10) { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a3"), "name" : "tj0", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a4"), "name" : "mona0", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a5"), "name" : "tj1", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a6"), "name" : "mona1", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a7"), "name" : "tj2", "balance" : 5000 } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a8"), "name" : "mona2", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867a9"), "name" : "tj3", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867aa"), "name" : "mona3", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867ab"), "name" : "tj4", "balance" : } { "_id" : ObjectId("57319bacc026280ce28867ac"), "name" : "mona4", "balance" : } >


40 SUB POINT Transfers/s Mongo DB MySQL




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