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CSS Firefox Firefox Safari Safari Google Chrome Opera. IE IE IE CSS. @charset CSS @import CSS @media @page CSS @font-face @namespace CSS CSS. IE IE IE Opera. Google Chrome Safari Safari Firefox Firefox * E (E) E F (E)(F) E > F (E)(F) E + F (E)(F) CLSS.classname classclassname ID #idname ididname E[attr] (E)(attr) E[attr="value"] (E)(attr)(value) E[attr ="value"] (E)(attr) (value) E[attr ="value"] (E)(attr) (value) CSS. :link :visited :hover :focus :active :lang() :first-child :first-child :first-line :first-line :first-letter :first-letter :before :before/:after :after

Firefox Firefox Safari Safari Google Chrome Opera. IE IE IE CSS E F (E)(F) E[attr^="value"] (E)(attr) (value) E[attr$="value"] (E)(attr) (value) E[attr*="value"] (E)(attr)(value) CSS :not() :root :nth-child() n * :nth-last-child() n * :nth-of-type() * n :nth-last-of-type() * n :first-child :last-child :only-child :first-of-type * :last-of-type * :only-of-type * :empty :target fragment identifier :enable :disable :checked ::selection :default :first@page :left@page :right@page Firefox.*

CSS Firefox Firefox Safari Safari Google Chrome Opera. IE IE IE CSS. background background-attachment background-color background-image background-position background-repeat border border-collapse border-color border-spacing border- border-top border-right border-bottom border-left border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color border-left-color border-top- border-right- border-bottom- border-left- border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width border-width bottom caption-side clear clip color content counter-increment counter-reset cursor direction display empty-cells float font font-family font-size font- font-variant

Firefox Firefox Safari Safari Google Chrome Opera. IE IE IE font-weight height left letter-spacing line-height list- list--image list--position list--type margin margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left max-height max-width min-height min-width orphans outline outline-width outline- outline-color overflow padding padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside position quotes right table-layout text-align text-decoration text-indent text-transform top unicode-bidi Unicode vertical-align visibility white-space widows

Firefox Firefox Safari Safari Google Chrome Opera. IE IE IE width word-spacing z-index CSS. font-size-adjust font-stretch marker-offset marks register mark@page page @page size @page text-shadow * CSS. azimuth cue cue-after cue-before elevation pause pause-after pause-before pitch pitch-range play-during richness speak speak-header speak-numeral speak-punctuation speech-rate stress voice-family volume Firefox.*

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