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2 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 3 大方廣佛華嚴經 Dà Fāng Guǎng Fó Huá Yán Jīng 十地品第二十六之三 Shí Dì Pǐn Dì Èr Shí Liù Zhī Sān ( 第四地 & 第五地 ) 于闐國三藏法師實叉難陀奉制譯 (699) 佛經翻譯委員會譯英文 (1980,2012) THE AVATAMSAKA SUTRA Chapter 26 The Ten Grounds Part 3 -- 4th & 5th Grounds Chinese translation upon imperial command by Tripitaka Master Siksananda from Khotan (699 CE) Provisional English translation by the Buddhist Text Translation Society (1980, 2012) ( 第四地 ) dì sì dì 佛子聞此廣大行啈可樂深妙殊勝地 fó zǐ wén cǐ guǎng dà hèng kě yào shēn miào shū shèng dì 心皆踊悅大歡喜普散眾華供養佛 xīn jiē yǒng yuè dà huān xǐ pǔ sàn zhòng huā gòng yàng fó (The Fourth Ground) Disciples of the Buddha hearing of these extensive practices, The profound, wondrous, supreme Grounds, Wholeheartedly rejoiced in delight, Scattered flowers everywhere as an offering to the Buddha. 演說如是妙法時大地海水皆震動 yǎn shuō rú shì miào fǎ shí dà dì hǎi shuǐ jiē zhèn dòng 一切天女咸歡喜悉吐妙音同讚歎 yí qiè tiān nǚ xián huān xǐ xī tǔ miào yīn tóng zàn tàn When such wondrous Dharma was proclaimed, The planet s ground shook and the oceans waters rolled, The goddesses in heaven rejoiced in delight, And sang wondrous sounds of praise in unison. 自在天王大欣慶雨摩尼寶供養佛 zì zài tiān wáng dà xīn qìng yù mó ní bǎo gòng yàng fó 讚言佛為我出興演說第一功德行啈 zàn yán fó wèi wǒ chū xīng yǎn shuō dì yī gōng dé hèng The god Ishvara was very happy, And sent down mani-jewels like rain in offering to the Buddhas. He praised them: The Buddha has appeared for our sakes, To explain the foremost practices of merit and virtue.

4 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 5 如是智者諸地義 rú shì zhì zhě zhū dì yì 我今忽然而得聞 wǒ jīn hū rán ér dé wén 於百千劫甚難得 yú bǎi qiān jié shèn nán dé 菩薩勝行啈妙法音 pú sà shèng hèng miào fǎ yīn In a hundred thousand eons it is hard to get to hear Principles such as these, the Grounds of the Wise Ones; Now our chance has come and we can hear The wondrous Dharma-sound of Bodhisattvas sublime practices. 願更演說聰慧者 利益一切諸天人 勇猛大心解脫月 從此轉入第四地 後地決定無餘道 此諸佛子皆樂聞 請金剛藏言佛子 所有行啈相願宣說 爾時 金剛藏菩薩告解脫月菩薩言 : ěr shí yuàn gèng yǎn shuō cōng huì zhě hòu dì jué dìng wú yú dào lì yì yí qiè zhū tiān rén cǐ zhū fó zǐ jiē yào wén yǒng měng dà xīn jiě tuō yuè qǐng jīn gāng zàng yán fó zǐ cóng cǐ zhuǎn rù dì sì dì suǒ yǒu hèng xiàng yuàn xuān shuō jīn gāng zàng pú sà gào jiě tuō yuè pú sà yán 佛子 菩薩摩訶薩第三地善清淨已 欲入第四 fó zǐ pú sà mó hē sà dì sān dì shàn qīng jìng yǐ yù rù dì sì 焰慧地 當修行十法明門 何等為十? 所謂 yàn huì dì dāng xiū xíng shí fǎ míng mén hé děng wéi shí suǒ wèi 觀察眾生界 觀察法界 觀察世界 觀察虛空 guān chá zhòng shēng jiè guān chá fǎ jiè guān chá shì jiè guān chá xū kōng 界 觀察識界 觀察欲界 觀察色界 觀察無 jiè guān chá shì jiè guān chá yù jiè guān chá sè jiè guān chá wú 色界 觀察廣心信解界 觀察大心信解界 sè jiè guān chá guǎng xīn xìn jiě jiè guān chá dà xīn xìn jiě jiè We hope that you, Wise One, will go on to proclaim The path of the next Ground decisively, omitting nothing, For the benefit of every god and human; We disciples of the Buddha would all like to hear it. The Heroic One, big-hearted Moon of Liberation Asked Vajra Treasury, Disciple of the Buddha, We wish you would proclaim from here, in turn, All the hallmarks of practice needed to learn the Fourth Ground. At that time, Vajra Treasury Bodhisattva said to Moon of Liberation Bodhisattva, Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva, Mahasattva who has already mastered the Third Ground and who wishes to learn the Fourth, the Ground of Blazing Wisdom, should cultivate ten methods for understanding the Dharma. What are the ten? They are: contemplating realms of living beings, contemplating realms of Dharma, contemplating realms of worlds, contemplating realms of empty space, contemplating realms of consciousness, contemplating realms of desire, contemplating realms of form, contemplating realms of formlessness, contemplating realms of extensive minds faith and understanding, and contemplating realms of big minds faith and understanding.

6 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 7 菩薩以此十法明門 得入第四焰慧地 pú sà yǐ cǐ shí fǎ míng mén dé rù dì sì yàn huì dì 佛子 菩薩住此焰慧地 則能以十種智 成熟 fó zǐ pú sà zhù cǐ yàn huì dì zé néng yǐ shí zhǒng zhì chéng shóu 法故 得彼內法 生如來家 何等為十? 所謂 fǎ gù dé bǐ nèi fǎ shēng rú lái jiā hé děng wéi shí suǒ wèi 深心不退故 於三寶中生淨信 畢竟不壞故 shēn xīn bú tuì gù 觀諸行啈生滅故 觀諸法自性無生故 觀世間成 壞故 觀因業有生故 觀生死涅槃故 觀眾生 國土度業故 觀前際後際故 觀無所有盡故 是為十 yú sān bǎo zhōng shēng jìng xìn bì jìng bú huài gù guān zhū hèng shēng miè gù guān zhū fǎ zì xìng wú shēng gù guān shì jiān chéng huài gù guān yīn yè yǒu shēng gù guān shēng sǐ niè pán gù guān zhòng shēng guó dù yè gù guān qián jì hòu jì gù guān wú suǒ yǒu jìn gù shì wéi shí The Bodhisattva, using these ten kinds of methods for understanding the Dharma, begins to learn the Fourth Ground, that of Blazing Wisdom. Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva, while staying on this, the Ground of Blazing Wisdom, then can, by using ten kinds of wisdom for maturing dharmas, realize those internal dharmas and be reborn in the Thus Come One s household. What are the ten? He gains rebirth by keeping a profound attitude that does not retreat; by fostering pure faith in the Three Gems which is never destroyed; by contemplating the creation and destruction of all deeds; by contemplating how the intrinsic nature of all dharmas does not arise; by contemplating the coming into being and the destruction of world realms; by contemplating how there things arise because of karma; by contemplating birth and death and nirvana; by contemplating the karma of living beings and countries; by contemplating the borders of before and the borders of afterwards; by contemplating what has no end. Those are the ten. 佛子 菩薩住此第四地 觀內身循身觀 勤勇 fó zǐ pú sà zhù cǐ dì sì dì guān nèi shēn xún shēn guān qín yǒng 念知 除世間貪憂 niàn zhī chú shì jiān tān yōu 觀外身循身觀 勤勇念知 除世間貪憂 guān wài shēn xún shēn guān qín yǒng niàn zhī chú shì jiān tān yōu 觀內外身循身觀 勤勇念知 除世間貪憂 guān nèi wài shēn xún shēn guān qín yǒng niàn zhī chú shì jiān tān yōu Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva who stays upon the Fourth Ground, looks closely at his own person. He invokes the contemplation of the body, diligently and courageously faces the truth and rids himself of the standard, worldly greed and concern. He looks closely at the world around him. He invokes the contemplation of the body, diligently and courageously faces the truth and rids himself of the standard, worldly greed and concern. He looks closely at others. He invokes the contemplation of the body, diligently and courageously faces the truth and rids himself of the standard, worldly greed and concern.

8 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 9 如是 觀內受 外受 內外受循受觀 rú shì guān nèi shòu wài shòu nèi wài shòu xún shòu guān 觀內心 外心 內外心循心觀 guān nèi xīn wài xīn nèi wài xīn xún xīn guān 觀內法 外法 內外法循法觀 guān nèi fǎ wài fǎ nèi wài fǎ xún fǎ guān 勤勇念知 除世間貪憂 qín yǒng niàn zhī chú shì jiān tān yōu In that way, he looks closely at his own feelings and sensations, the feelings and sensations of the world around him, and others feelings and sensations, making a methodical contemplation of feelings. He looks closely at his own thoughts, thoughts of the world around him, and others thoughts, making a methodical contemplation of thoughts. He contemplates his own dharmas, the dharmas of the world around him, and the dharmas of others, making a methodical contemplation of dharmas; he diligently and courageously faces the truth and rids himself of the standard, worldly greed and concern. 復次 此菩薩未生諸惡不善法 為不生故 欲 fù cì cǐ pú sà wèi shēng zhū è bú shàn fǎ wèi bù shēng gù yù 生勤精進 發心正斷 shēng qín jīng jìn 已生諸惡不善法 為斷故 欲生勤精進 發心 正斷 fā xīn zhèng duàn yǐ shēng zhū è bú shàn fǎ wèi duàn gù yù shēng qín jīng jìn fā xīn zhèng duàn 未生諸善法 為生故 欲生勤精進 發心正行 wèi shēng zhū shàn fǎ wèi shēng gù yù shēng qín jīng jìn fā xīn zhèng xíng 已生諸善法 為住不失故 修令增廣故 欲生 yǐ shēng zhū shàn fǎ wèi zhù bù shī gù xiū lìng zēng guǎng gù yù shēng 勤精進 發心正行 qín jīng jìn fā xīn zhèng xíng 復次 此菩薩修行欲定 斷行 成就神足 依 fù cì cǐ pú sà xiū xíng yù dìng duàn xíng chéng jiù shén zú yī 止厭 依止離 依止滅 迴向於捨 zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě Furthermore, to prevent all unwholesome and unskillful dharmas which have not yet arisen from coming forth, the Bodhisattva seeks to diligently and vigorously resolve to really put a stop to them. To put an end to all unwholesome and unskillful dharmas which have already arisen, he seeks to diligently and vigorously resolve to really put a stop to them. So that all wholesome dharmas which have not yet arisen will arise, he seeks to diligently and vigorously resolve to really cultivate them. So that all wholesome dharmas which have already arisen will remain and not be lost, he cultivates to increase and expand them. He seeks to diligently and vigorously resolve to really cultivate them. Moreover, this Bodhisattva cultivates the samadhi of zeal, ceases all action and successfully cultivates the bases of psychic power. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana].

10 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 11 修行精進定 心定 觀定 斷行 成就神足 xiū xíng jīng jìn dìng xīn dìng guān dìng duàn xíng chéng jiù shén zú 依止厭 依止離 依止滅 迴向於捨 yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě 復次 此菩薩修行信根 依止厭 依止離 依 fù cì cǐ pú sà xiū xíng xìn gēn yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī 止滅 迴向於捨 修行精進根 念根 定根 zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě xiū xíng jīng jìn gēn niàn gēn dìng gēn 慧根 依止厭 依止離 依止滅 迴向於捨 huì gēn yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě 復次 此菩薩修行信力 依止厭 依止離 依 fù cì cǐ pú sà xiū xíng xìn lì yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī 止滅 迴向於捨 修行精進力 念力 定力 zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě xiū xíng jīng jìn lì niàn lì dìng lì 慧力 依止厭 依止離 依止滅 迴向於捨 huì lì yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě 復次 此菩薩修行念覺分 依止厭 依止離 fù cì cǐ pú sà xiū xíng niàn jué fēn yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí 依止滅 迴向於捨 修行擇法覺分 精進覺分 yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě xiū xíng zé fǎ jué fēn jīng jìn jué fēn 喜覺分 猗覺分 定覺分 捨覺分 依止厭 xǐ jué fēn yī ué fēn dìng jué fēn shě jué fēn yī zhǐ yàn 依止離 依止滅 迴向於捨 yī zhǐ lí yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě He cultivates the samadhi of vigor, the samadhi of thought, and the samadhi of contemplation, ceases all action and successfully cultivates the bases of psychic power. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. Furthermore, this Bodhisattva cultivates the root of faith. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. He cultivates the root of vigor, the root of mindfulness, the root of samadhi, and the root of wisdom. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. Furthermore, this Bodhisattva cultivates the power of faith. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. He cultivates the power of vigor, the power of mindfulness, the power of samadhi, and the power of wisdom. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. Furthermore, this Bodhisattva cultivates the awakening component of mindfulness. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. He cultivates the awakening component of selecting a dharma, the awakening component of vigor, the awakening component of joy, the awakening component of casting out, the awakening component of samadhi, and the awakening component of renunciation. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana].

12 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 13 復次 此菩薩修行正見 依止厭 依止離 依 fù cì cǐ pú sà xiū xíng zhèng jiàn yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí yī 止滅 迴向於捨 修行正思惟 正語 正業 zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě xiū xíng zhèng sī wéi zhèng yǔ zhèng yè 正命 正精進 正念 正定 依止厭 依止離 zhèng mìng zhèng jīng jìn zhèng niàn zhèng dìng yī zhǐ yàn yī zhǐ lí 依止滅 迴向於捨 yī zhǐ miè huí xiàng yú shě Furthermore, this Bodhisattva cultivates right views. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. He cultivates right thought, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right vigor, right mindfulness, and right samadhi. He emphasizes distaste [for suffering], emphasizes leaving behind [desires], emphasizes cessation [of suffering], and makes transference to serenity/[nirvana]. 菩薩修行如是功德 為不捨一切眾生故 本願 pú sà xiū xíng rú shì gōng dé 所持故 大悲為首故 大慈成就故 思念一切 智智故 成就莊嚴佛土度故 成就如來力 無所 畏 不共佛法 相好音聲悉具足故 求於上上 殊勝道故 隨順所聞甚深佛解脫故 思惟大智 善巧方便故 佛子 菩薩住此焰慧地 所有身見為首 我 人 眾生 壽命 蘊 界 處 所起執著 出 沒思惟 觀察治故 我所故 財物故 著處故 於如是等 一切皆離 wèi bù shě yí qiè zhòng shēng gù běn yuàn suǒ chí gù dà bēi wéi shǒu gù dà cí chéng jiù gù sī niàn yí qiè zhì zhì gù chéng jiù zhuāng yán fó dù gù chéng jiù rú lái lì wú suǒ wèi bú gòng fó fǎ xiàng hǎo yīn shēng xī jù zú gù qiú yú shàng shàng shū shèng dào gù suí shùn suǒ wén shèn shēn fó jiě tuō gù sī wéi dà zhì shàn qiǎo fāng biàn gù fó zǐ pú sà zhù cǐ yàn huì dì suǒ yǒu shēn jiàn wéi shǒu wǒ rén zhòng shēng shòu mìng yùn jiè chù suǒ qǐ zhí zhúo chū mò sī wéi guān chá zhì gù wǒ suǒ gù cái wù gù zhúo chù gù yú rú shì děng yí qiè jiē lí The Bodhisattva cultivates meritorious virtues like these in order to not abandon any living being; in order to sustain his original vows; because great compassion for him is foremost; because he accomplishes great kindness; because he keeps the wisdom of omniscience in mind; so as to adorn Buddha lands; so as to realize the Tathagata s powers, fearlessnesses, uncommon Buddha dharmas, hallmarks, characteristics, and voice; because he seeks the highest, and most sublime Path; because he follows in accord with the deeply profound liberations of a Buddha that he has heard; and because he reflects on great wisdom s skillful expedient means. Disciples of the Buddha, when the Bodhisattva stays on the Ground of Blazing Wisdom, he makes all views of a body his primary consideration. That is because with regard to a self, to others, to living beings, to beings with life spans, skandhas, realms and locations, with regard to those things as arising, being attached to, made to appear and disappear, thought about, contemplated, or regulated, and because with regard to anything that belonging to a self, wealth and possessions and places of attachment, he can become completely liberated.

14 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 15 此菩薩若見 " 業 " 是如來所訶 煩惱所染 皆悉 cǐ pú sà ruò jiàn yè shì rú lái suǒ hē fán nǎo suǒ rǎn jiē xī 捨離 若見 " 業 " 是順菩薩道 如來所讚 皆悉 shě lí ruò jiàn yè shì shùn pú sà dào rú lái suǒ zàn jiē xī 修行 xiū xíng 佛子 此菩薩隨所起方便慧 修習於道 及助 fó zǐ cǐ pú sà suí suǒ qǐ fāng biàn huì xiū xí yú dào jí zhù 道分 如是而得潤澤心 柔軟心 調順心 利 dào fēn rú shì ér dé rùn zé xīn róu ruǎn xīn tiáo shùn xīn lì 益安樂心 無雜染心 求上上勝法心 求殊勝 yì ān lè xīn wú zá rǎn xīn qiú shàng shàng shèng fǎ xīn qiú shū shèng 智慧心 救一切世間心 恭敬尊德無違教命心 zhì huì xīn jiù yí qiè shì jiān xīn gōng jìng zūn dé wú wéi jiào mìng xīn 隨所聞法皆善修行心 suí suǒ wén fǎ jiē shàn xiū xíng xīn 此菩薩知恩 知報恩 心極和善 同住安樂 cǐ pú sà zhī ēn zhī bào ēn xīn jí hé shàn tóng zhù ān lè 質直柔軟 無稠林行啈 無有我慢 善受教誨 zhí zhí róu ruǎn wú chóu lín hèng wú yǒu wǒ màn shàn shòu jiào huì 得說者意 dé shuō zhě yì 此菩薩如是忍成就 如是調柔成就 如是寂滅 cǐ pú sà rú shì rěn chéng jiù rú shì tiáo róu chéng jiù rú shì jí miè 成就 如是忍 調柔 寂滅成就 淨治後地業 chéng jiù rú shì rěn tiáo róu jí miè chéng jiù jìng zhì hòu dì yè If this Bodhisattva sees karmic actions that have been reproved by the Tathagata and are defiled by afflictions, he abandons those actions. If he sees karmic actions that accord with the Bodhisattva Way and have been praised by the Tathagata, he completely cultivates them. Disciples of the Buddha, through the wisdom of expedient means this Bodhisattva uses and his cultivation of the Way and the factors that aid the Way, he thus obtains a kind and nourishing mind; a compliant and yielding mind; a mind of blending and according; a mind of service and making happy; an undefiled mind; a mind of seeking the very highest, supreme Dharma; a mind of seeking supreme wisdom; a mind of rescuing all worlds; a mind of revering honored virtuous ones, and not opposing teachings and instructions; and a mind of according with the Dharma he has heard and skillfully cultivating all of it. This Bodhisattva knows kindness that has been rendered him, and knows to repay that kindness. His mind is receptive to the good, and he is pleasant to associate with. He is upright and gentle, not difficult. He is free from pride, accepts teachings and advice easily, and quickly grasps the intention behind things people say. Thus the Bodhisattva grows accomplished in patience, and in that way grows accomplished in self-control, compliance, and serenity. In that way being accomplished in patience, self-control, and serenity, he masters and adjusts the karmic actions of the next Ground.

16 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 17 作意修行時 得不休息精進 不雜染精進 不 zuò yì xiū xíng shí dé bù xiū xí jīng jìn bù zá rǎn jīng jìn bú 退轉精進 廣大精進 無邊精進 熾然精進 tuì zhuǎn jīng jìn guǎng dà jīng jìn wú biān jīng jìn chì rán jīng jìn 無等等精進 無能壞精進 成熟一切眾生精進 wú děng děng jīng jìn wú néng huài jīng jìn chéng shoú yí qiè zhòng shēng jīng jìn 善分別道非道精進 shàn fēn bié dào fēi dào jīng jìn 是菩薩心界清淨 深心不失 悟解明利 善根 shì pú sà xīn jiè qīng jìng shēn xīn bù shī wù jiě míng lì shàn gēn 增長 離世垢濁 斷諸疑惑 明斷具足 喜樂 zēng zhǎng lí shì gòu zhuó duàn zhū yí huò míng duàn jù zú xǐ lè 充滿 佛親護念 無量志樂皆悉成就 chōng mǎn fó qīn hù niàn wú liàng zhì yào jiē xī chéng jiù When he set his mind on cultivating and maintaining, he gains ceaseless vigor; unadulterated, undefiled vigor; non-retreating vigor; vast, great vigor; boundless vigor; blazing vigor; incomparable vigor; indestructible vigor; vigor to bring all living beings to maturity; and vigor that skillfully distinguishes what is and what is not the Path. The realm of this Bodhisattva s mind is pure. He never loses his deep resolve. His enlightened understanding is clear and keen. His roots of goodness increase and grow. He goes beyond the world s defilements and turbidity. He lets go of all doubts and delusions. He is endowed with perfect clarity of severance, and he experiences profound joy. The Buddhas stay close by him, protect him and keep him in mind. His limitless resolutions and inclinations all become accomplished. 佛子 菩薩住此焰慧地 以願力故 得見多佛 fó zǐ pú sà zhù cǐ yàn huì dì yǐ yuàn lì gù dé jiàn duō fó 所謂 : 見多百佛 見多千佛 見多百千佛 乃 suǒ wèi jiàn duō bǎi fó jiàn duō qiān fó jiàn duō bǎi qiān fó nǎi 至見多百千億那由他佛 皆恭敬尊重 承事供 zhì jiàn duō bǎi qiān yì nà yóu tā fó jiē gōng jìng zūn zhòng chéng shì gòng 養 衣服 臥具 飲食 湯藥 一切資生 悉 yàng yī fú wò jù yǐn shí tāng yào yí qiè zī shēng xī 以奉施 亦以供養 一切眾僧 以此善根 皆 yǐ fèng shī yì yǐ gòng yàng yí qiè zhòng sēng yǐ cǐ shàn gēn jiē 悉迴向 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 於彼佛所 恭 xī huí xiàng ā nòu duō luó sān miǎo sān pú tí yú bǐ fó suǒ gōng 敬聽法 聞已受持 具足修行 jìng tīng fǎ wén yǐ shòu chí jù zú xiū xíng Disciples of the Buddha, when this Bodhisattva stays on the Ground of Blazing Wisdom, through the power of his vows, he can see many Buddhas. Specifically he can see many hundreds of Buddhas, many thousands of Buddhas, many hundreds of thousands of Buddhas, up to and including seeing many hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of Buddhas. He reveres and honors them all, attends upon them, and makes offerings to them, offering up all the necessities: clothing, bedding, food and drink, and medicines. He also makes offerings to all the many Sangha members, and transfers those roots of goodness completely to anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. In the presence of those Buddhas, he reverently listens to the Dharma, and having heard it, he accepts it, and supports it and cultivates it perfectly.

18 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 19 復於彼諸佛法中 出家修道 又更修治 深心 fù yú bǐ zhū fó fǎ zhōng chū jiā xiū dào yòu gèng xiū zhì shēn xīn 信解 經無量百千億那由他劫 令諸善根轉復 xìn jiě jīng wú liàng bǎi qiān yì nà yóu tā jié lìng zhū shàn gēn zhuǎn fù 明淨 míng jìng Moreover, within all those Buddhas Dharma, he leaves the householder s life to cultivate the Way. He then cultivates and regulates even more his deep mind-set of faith and understanding. Passing through limitless hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of eons, he makes brighter and more pure all of his roots of goodness. 佛子 譬如金師 鍊治真金作莊嚴具 餘所有 fó zǐ pì rú jīn shī liàn zhì zhēn jīn zuò zhuāng yán jù yú suǒ yǒu 金皆不能及 菩薩摩訶薩亦復如是 住於此地 jīn jiē bù néng jí pú sà mó hē sà yì fù rú shì zhù yú cǐ dì 所有善根 下地善根所不能及 suǒ yǒu shàn gēn 如摩尼寶 清淨光輪 能放光明 非諸餘寶之 rú mó ní bǎo 所能及 ; 風雨等緣 悉不能壞 菩薩摩訶薩亦 復如是 住於此地 下地菩薩所不能及 眾魔 煩惱悉不能壞 xià dì shàn gēn suǒ bù néng jí qīng jìng guāng lún néng fàng guāng míng fēi zhū yú bǎo zhī suǒ néng jí fēng yǔ děng yuán xī bù néng huài pú sà mó hē sà yì fù rú shì zhù yú cǐ dì xià dì pú sà suǒ bù néng jí zhòng mó fán nǎo xī bù néng huài Disciples of the Buddha, it is just as when a goldsmith smelts and refines pure gold, making it into fine jewelry: no other gold can match it. The Bodhisattva, Mahasattva is also that way. When he stays on this ground, none of his roots of goodness can be matched by any of the roots of goodness of the Grounds below. It is just like a mani jewel, a pure and luminous sphere that radiates a light that no other jewel can match, and no factors such as wind or rain and so forth can destroy. The Bodhisattva, Mahasattva is that way as well. When he stays on this Ground, the Bodhisattvas of the Grounds below are unable to match him, and none of the hordes of demons and afflictions can destroy him. 此菩薩於四攝中 同事偏多 十波羅蜜中 精 cǐ pú sà yú sì shè zhōng tóng shì piān duō shí bō luó mì zhōng jīng 進偏多 餘非不修 但隨力隨分 jìn piān duō yú fēi bù xiū dàn suí lì suí fèn This Bodhisattva, among the four dharmas of attraction, emphasizes collaboration. Among the ten paramitas he emphasizes vigor. He does not fail to cultivate the others, but he only does so according to his strength and his position.

20 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 21 佛子 是名略說 菩薩摩訶薩第四焰慧地 菩 fó zǐ shì míng luè shuō pú sà mó hē sà dì sì yàn huì dì pú 薩住此地 多作須夜摩天王 以善方便 能除 sà zhù cǐ dì duō zuò xū yè mó tiān wáng yǐ shàn fāng biàn néng chú 眾生身見等惑 令住正見 zhòng shēng shēn jiàn děng huò lìng zhù zhèng jiàn 布施 愛語 利行 同事 如是一切 諸所作 bù shī ài yǔ lì xíng tóng shì rú shì yí qiè zhū suǒ zuò 業 皆不離念佛 不離念法 不離念僧 乃至 yè jiē bù lí niàn fó bù lí niàn fǎ bù lí niàn sēng nǎi zhì 不離念具足一切種 一切智智 bù lí niàn jù zú yí qiè zhǒng yí qiè zhì zhì 復作是念 : 我當於一切眾生中為首 為勝 fù zuò shì niàn 為殊勝 為妙 為微妙 為上 為無上 乃至 為一切智智依止者 是菩薩 若發勤精進 於一念頃 得入億數三 昧 得見億數佛 得知億數佛神力 能動億數 世界 乃至能示現億數身 一一身 億數菩薩 以為眷屬 若以菩薩殊勝願力 自在示現 過 於此數 百劫 千劫 乃至百千億那由他劫 不能數知 wǒ dāng yú yí qiè zhòng shēng zhōng wéi shǒu wéi shèng wéi shū shèng wéi miào wéi wéi miào wéi shàng wéi wú shàng nǎi zhì wéi yí qiè zhì zhì yī zhǐ zhě shì pú sà ruò fā qín jīng jìn yú yí niàn qǐng dé rù yì shù sān mèi dé jiàn yì shù fó dé zhī yì shù fó shén lì néng dòng yì shù shì jiè nǎi zhì néng shì xiàn yì shù shēn yī yī shēn yì shù pú sà yǐ wéi juàn shǔ ruò yǐ pú sà shū shèng yuàn lì zì zài shì xiàn guò yú cǐ shù bǎi jié qiān jié nǎi zhì bǎi qiān yì nà yóu tā jié bù néng shǔ zhī Disciples of the Buddha, this is known as a general discussion of the Bodhisattva, Mahasattva s Fourth Ground, that of Blazing Wisdom. When the Bodhisattva dwells upon this Ground, for the most part, he becomes a king of the Suyama Heaven. Using skillful expedients, he can make living beings expel their delusions, such as the view of a body, and so forth, and influence them to hold right views. In giving, kind words, beneficial conduct, and similar work, all of the karmic actions he performs are connected to mindfulness of the Buddha, connected to mindfulness of the Dharma, and connected to mindfulness of the Sangha, up to and including connected to mindfulness of endowment with the Wisdom of the Wisdom of All Modes. He further makes the following reflection: I should be a leader among all living beings; I should be supreme, be especially supreme, be wonderful, be subtle and wonderful, be superior, be unsurpassed, up to and including being one with the Wisdom of All Wisdom upon whom others may rely. This Bodhisattva, if he brings forth diligence and vigor, within the space of a thought, enters a hundred million samadhis. He comes to see a hundred million Buddhas. He comes to know a hundred million Buddhas spiritual powers. He is able to quake a hundred million world-systems, up to and including being able to manifest a hundred million bodies, and with each and every body being able to manifest a hundred million Bodhisattva as his following. If he employs special, supreme power of Bodhisattva vows to appear as he pleases, he surpasses that number. In a hundred kalpas, a thousand eons, up to and including a hundred thousand million nayutas of eons, the number could not be counted or known.

22 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 23 爾時 金剛藏菩薩 欲重宣其義 而說頌言 : ěr shí jīn gāng zàng pú sà yù chóng xuān qí yì ér shuō sòng yán 菩薩已淨第三地 pú sà yǐ jìng dì sān dì 空界識界及三界 次觀眾生世法界 cì guān zhòng shēng shì fǎ jiè 心解悉了能趣入 kōng jiè shì jiè jí sān jiè xīn jiě xī liǎo néng qù rù At that time, Vajra Treasury Bodhisattva, wishing to restate his meaning, chanted these verses that said: The Bodhisattva who has already mastered the Third Ground, Then contemplates thoroughly realms of beings, worlds, and dharma, The realm of space, the realm of consciousness, and the three realms, and Minds understandings, and can engage and master them. 始登焰地增勢力 shǐ dēng yàn dì zēng shì lì 於佛法僧信不壞 觀世成壞業有生 觀前後際亦觀盡 得是法已增慈愍 身受心法內外觀 菩薩修治四勤行啈 神足根力悉善修 生如來家永不退 shēng rú lái jiā yǒng bú tuì 觀法無常無有起 yú fó fǎ sēng xìn bú huài guān fǎ wú cháng wú yǒu qǐ 生死涅槃剎等業 guān shì chéng huài yè yǒu shēng shēng sǐ niè pán chà děng yè guān qián hòu jì yì guān jìn 如是修行生佛家 rú shì xiū xíng shēng fó jiā 轉更勤修四念處 dé shì fǎ yǐ zēng cí mǐn zhuǎn gèng qín xiū sì niàn chù shēn shòu xīn fǎ nèi wài guān 世間貪愛皆除遣 shì jiān tān ài jiē chú qiǎn 惡法除滅善增長 pú sà xiū zhì sì qín hèng è fǎ chú miè shàn zēng zhǎng 七覺八道亦如是 shén zú gēn lì xī shàn xiū qī jué bā dào yì rú shì He first ascends to the Fourth Ground, increasing strength and power, Is born in the Tathagatas family and never retreats. Towards Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, his faith cannot be destroyed. He contemplates dharmas as impermanent and having no arising. He contemplates the creation and destruction of worlds as coming from karma, Birth, death, nirvana and Buddha lands as equally from karma, He contemplates the boundaries of before and after, and contemplates their cessation That is how he cultivates to be born in the Buddha s household. Having obtained this Dharma, he increases in sympathy and kindness, And with ever-increasing diligence, cultivates the four stations of mindfulness. Body, feelings, thoughts, and dharmas, contemplated internally and externally, Worldly greed and worries are expelled in that way. The Bodhisattva cultivates the practice of the four right efforts. Unwholesome dharmas are gone, and goodness grows. The bases of psychic power, the roots, the powers, he skillfully cultivates them all. The seven awakening factors, the eightfold path are also that way.

24 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 25 為度眾生修彼行啈 wèi dù zhòng shēng xiū bǐ hèng 求一切智及佛土杜 本願所護慈悲首 běn yuàn suǒ hù cí bēi shǒu 亦念如來十種力 qiú yí qiè zhì jí fó dù yì niàn rú lái shí zhǒng lì To rescue living beings, he cultivates those practices, Protected by his basic vows, with compassion foremost. He seeks Omniscience and the Buddha countries, And is mindful of the Tathagatas ten kinds of powers. 四無所畏不共法 殊特相好深美音 sì wú suǒ wèi bú gòng fǎ shū tè xiàng hǎo shēn měi yīn 亦求妙道解脫處 及大方便修行彼 yì qiú miào dào jiě tuō chù jí dà fāng biàn xiū xíng bǐ The four fearlessnesses and the uncommon dharmas, The most special marks and characteristics, the deep, beautiful voices. He also seeks the wondrous path, the stations of liberation, Along with great expedients he cultivates these. 身見為首六十二 蘊界處等諸取著 我及我所無量種 shēn jiàn wéi shǒu liù shí èr wǒ jí wǒ suǒ wú liàng zhǒng 此四地中一切離 yùn jiè chù děng zhū qǔ zhuó cǐ sì dì zhōng yí qiè lí With view of body as the first, the sixty-two views Of self and what belongs to self, of limitless kinds, Of skandhas, realms, locations, all attachment to these, Upon the Fourth Ground, he leaves behind all of this. 如來所訶煩惱行啈 智者修行清淨業 以無義利皆除斷 rú lái suǒ hē fán nǎo hèng yǐ wú yì lì jiē chú duàn zhì zhě xiū xíng qīng jìng yè 為度眾生無不作 wèi dù zhòng shēng wú bú zuò Afflicted types of behaviour, reproved by the Tathagata As non-beneficial, he completely cuts off. What the Wise One cultivates, his purified karma, To save living beings, he does them all. 菩薩勤修不懈怠 專求佛道無厭倦 即得十心皆具足 pú sà qín xiū bú xiè dài jí dé shí xīn jiē jù zú zhuān qiú fó dào wú yàn juàn 志期受職度眾生 zhì qí shòu zhí dù zhòng shēng The Bodhisattva cultivates diligently, he is never lax or lazy. He promptly obtains ten mind-sets, and perfects them all. Intently seeking Buddhahood, he never tires or wearies, Determined to ascend to rescue living beings.

26 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 27 恭敬尊德修行法 gōng jìng zūn dé xiū xíng fǎ 捨慢離諂心調柔 shě màn lí chǎn xīn tiáo róu 知恩易誨無慍暴 zhī ēn yì huì wú yùn bào 轉更精勤不退轉 zhuǎn gèng jīng qín bú tuì zhuǎn He reveres honored virtuous ones, and cultivates their dharmas, Knows kindness, is easily instructed, and without annoyance. He abandons pride, does not flatter, is tamed and compliant in mind. He increases in vigor and reaches no-retreat. 菩薩住此焰慧地 悟解決定善增長 其心清淨永不失 pú sà zhù cǐ yàn huì dì qí xīn qīng jìng yǒng bù shī 疑網垢濁悉皆離 wù jiě jué dìng shàn zēng zhǎng yí wǎng gòu zhuó xī jiē lí When the Bodhisattva stays upon this Ground of Blazing Wisdom, His mind is purified, and it is never lost. His enlightened understanding is decisive, his roots of goodness increase and grows. The net of doubts, and turbidities, he completely leaves behind. 此地菩薩人中勝 聽聞正法亦出家 供那由他無量佛 cǐ dì pú sà rén zhōng shèng gòng nà yóu tā wú liàng fó tīng wén zhèng fǎ yì chū jiā 不可沮壞如真金 bù kě jǔ huài rú zhēn jīn This Ground s Bodhisattva is supreme among humans, He has made offerings to limitless nayutas of Buddhas. Upon hearing Right Dharma, he also leaves home, and is as indestructible as pure gold. 菩薩住此具功德 不為眾魔心退轉 以智方便修行道 pú sà zhù cǐ jù gōng dé yǐ zhì fāng biàn xiū xíng dào 譬如妙寶無能壞 bù wéi zhòng mó xīn tuì zhuǎn pì rú miào bǎo wú néng huài The Bodhisattva dwelling here has merit and virtue. Using wisdom and expedients, he cultivates the Path. It spite of hordes of demons, his mind does not retreat, The way a wondrous jewel cannot be dimmed. 住此多作焰天王 普化群生除惡見 於法自在眾所尊 zhù cǐ duō zuò yàn tiān wáng yú fǎ zì zài zhòng suǒ zūn pǔ huà qún shēng chú è jiàn 專求佛智修善業 zhuān qiú fó zhì xiū shàn yè Dwelling here, one is most often a Suyama Heaven king, Has mastery of dharmas, and is revered by multitudes, He teaches many beings to expel their evil views, Intently seeking the Buddhas wisdom and practicing good karma.

28 大方廣佛華嚴經 十地品 第四地 The Avatamsaka Sutra The Ten Grounds The Fourth Ground 29 菩薩勤加精進力 pú sà qín jiā jīng jìn lì 若以願智力所為 ruò yǐ yuàn zhì lì suǒ wéi 獲三昧等皆億數 huò sān mèi děng jiē yì shù 過於此數無能知 guò yú cǐ shù wú néng zhī The Bodhisattva diligently increases the power of vigor, Acquires samadhis, and so forth, numbering in the hundred millions. If he uses the power of vows and wisdom to enact them, It exceeds that number by amounts one cannot know. 如是菩薩第四地 功德義智共相應 所行清淨微妙道 rú shì pú sà dì sì dì suǒ xíng qīng jìng wéi miào dào 我為佛子已宣說 gōng dé yì zhì gòng xiāng yìng wǒ wèi fó zǐ yǐ xuān shuō As it is upon the Fourth Bodhisattva s Ground, The purified, subtle, and wonderful Path cultivated there, Its merit, virtue, and interactions of aspiration and wisdom, I have already proclaimed it now for the disciples of the Buddha.