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McGraw-Hill School Education Group Physics : Principles and Problems G S 24

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的


DENKENOHNEGRENZEN 傳統與創新 耶拿大學概況及生命科学与化学领域博士培养 Beijing Office Yi Zheng 15-10-2016

Jena City 耶拿城市 Beautiful landscape, forest, wild orchids 德國綠色心臟 -- 圖林根森林, 蘭花王國 105,000 inhabitants 約 10 萬 5 千居民 ca. 24,000 students 約 2 萬 4 千名註冊大學生

Jena City 耶拿城市 Innovative high-tech industry (opto-electronics, laser applications, optics, glass, high quality materials, bioinstruments, software) 高科技產業 ( 光電 精密儀器 玻璃 高品質材料 醫藥 醫療技術 生物分析 軟體等 ) 2014(Wirtschaftswoche): 本科及以上學歷人員在就業人口中占 29.3%, 位居德國第二位 ( 全德平均 15.6%)

Jena City 耶拿城市

Jena City 耶拿城市 耶拿 2008 年德國科學之城 Jena Science City 2008 國家基金委員會評選

Jena City 耶拿城市 Scientific research (microbiology, molecular biology, optics, opto-electronics, ecology) 科研 ( 微生物學, 分子生物學, 光學, 光電子學, 生態學 ) Max Planck Institutes, Leibniz Institutes, Helmholtz Institute and other research institutes 馬克斯 普朗克研究所和其他多家研究機構 The Friedrich Schiller University Jena 耶拿大學 Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena 耶拿應用科學大學

Jena City 耶拿城市 Partners in Jena 科研合作 Jena University others


Jena University 耶拿大學 Beutenberg-Campus Institutes FSU - Institute of Applied Physics FSU - Center for Innovation Competence Septomics FSU - Centre for Molecular Biomedicine University Clinic Jena, FSU - Institute of Virology and Antiviral Therapy Fraunhofer Inst. for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Leibniz Inst. of Photonic Technology (IPHT) Leibniz Inst. for Age Research Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) Leibniz Inst. for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) Max Planck Inst. for Biogeochemistry Max Planck Inst. for Chemical Ecology

Jena University 耶拿大學 1548 Academic school founded by Prince Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony (the Magnanimous) 1548 年由薩克森選帝侯約翰 腓特烈建立學校 1557 raised to the status of university by Emperor Ferdinand I 1557 年德皇費迪南一世下詔升級為大學 1558 University of Jena 1558 年正式命名為耶拿大學

Jena University 耶拿大學 席勒 黑格爾 費希特 謝林 赫爾巴特 海克爾漢斯 貝格爾卡爾 蔡司阿貝奧圖 肖特

Jena University 耶拿大學 18 403 students(ws 2015/16) 18 403 名註冊學生 8 508 staff in total(2015) 8 508 名正式員工 3 501 academic staff 3 501 名科研人員 - 381 professors - 381 名教授

Jena University 耶拿大學 重點科研領域 Optics, photonics and photonic technologies 光學 光電 光電技術 Innovative materials and technologies 創新材料技術 Dynamics of complex biological systems 複雜生物系統動力 People in processes of social changes 社會變革進程中對人類的影響 The Weimar-Jena Classicism around 1800 1800 年代耶拿魏瑪古典文學

International Relations 國際關係 & 交流專案 Europe Oulu St. Petersburg University Agreements Dublin Canterbury Groningen Antwerp Paris Riga Moscow Kaliningrad Minsk Kiev Cracow Prague Presov Budapest Iasi Tbilisi Torino Padova Bologna Marseille Pavia Belgrade Veliko Tarnovo Prishtina Rome

International Relations 國際關係 & 交流專案 Aarhus Universitet, Denmark Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Universitet i Bergen, Norway Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy University of Bristol, United Kingdom Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Trinity College Dublin, Ireland University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Université de Genève, Switzerland Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Universidad de Granada, Spain Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, Germany Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania Istanbul University, Turkey Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany Coimbra Group Member Universities Uniwersytet Jagiellónski Kraków, Poland Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands KU Leuven, Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Université de Lyon, France Université Montpellier, France Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy Université de Poitiers, France Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Saint Petersburg State University, Russia Universidad de Salamanca, Spain Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy University of Tartu, Estonia Turun yliopisto Turku, Finland Uppsala Universitet, Sweden Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg, Germany Åbo Akademi University, Finland

International Relations 國際關係 & 交流專案 Partner Universities intaiwan 輔仁大學國立清華大學國立中正大學

Cost per Semster 留學費用 每月人均 No Tuition Fee 免學費 Semester Ticket 註冊費交通費 Rent 房租 Food 餐飲 Clothes 服裝 Books and supplies 書籍學習用品 Health Insurance 醫療保險 Telephone, Internet 電話網路 Spare Time 業餘生活 In total: 總計 0 35 230 200 50 30 80 30 50 705

StudentLife 課餘生活 國際日, 國際聚餐會 集體出遊, Party, 宿舍早餐會 IntRo: 學生社團, 語言交換 合唱團, 舞蹈團, 體育社團, 工作坊 天堂 Barbecue

Jena University 耶拿大學 Ten Faculties 十大學院 Faculty of Theology 神學院 Faculty of Law 法學院 Faculty of Philosophy - Arts and Letters 哲學院 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 經濟學院 Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences 社會科學與行為學院 Faculty of Math. and Computer Science 數學與資訊學院 Faculty of Physics and Astronomy 物理與天文學院 Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences 化學與地學院 Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy 生物與藥學院 Faculty of Medicine 醫學院

Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences 化學與地球學院 Institutes Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Institute for Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry Institute for Physical Chemistry Institute for Technical and Environmental Chemistry Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research (Glass Chemistry) Research Profile Biophotonics and diagnostics (optical technology for life sciences, environmental sciences and medicine) Innovative materials and technologies, soft matter

Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences 化學與地球學院 Research Cooperation "ChemBioSys"- Chemical mediators in complex biosystems Jena School of Microbial Communication (JSMC) AquaDiv@Jena GRK 1257 "Alteration and element mobility at the microbe-mineral interface SPP 1568 "Design and Generic Principles of Self-Healing Materials SPP 1594 "Topological Engineering of Ultrastrong Glasses Abbe School of Photonics International Max Planck Research School "The Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques International Max Planck Research School on Global Biogeochemical Cycles International Leibniz Research School for Microbial and Biomolecular Interactions Photonic Nanomaterials PhoNa Jenaer BioChip Initiative JBCI

Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy 生物與藥學院 Institutes Institute of General Zoology and Animal Physiology Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology with Phyletic Museum Institute of General Botany and Plant Physiology Institute of Systematic Botany with Herbarium Hausknecht and Botanical Garden Institute of Microbiology Institute of Ecology Institute of History of Medicine, Natural Sciences and Technology "Ernst-Haeckel-Haus Research Group Didactics of Biology Institute for Biochemistry and Biophysics Structural Unit Genetics Department of Bioinformatics Institute of Nutrition Institute of Pharmacy

Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy 生物與藥學院 Research Cooperation Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) Jena Center for Microbial Communication(JCMC) Abbe Center of Photonics Center for Molecular Biomedicine (CMB) Frege Centre for Structural Sciences Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM)

Faculty of Medicine / Jena University Hospital 醫學院 over 200 years history, the faculty over 450 years the only university hospital in Thuringia more than 4500 staffs, 25 clinical centers and 27 institutes 250 000 in- and outpatients per year 2200 students of medicine and dentistry Research Profile Sepsis and Sepsis Sequelae Age and Age related Diseases Signalling in Cells Medical Optics and Photonics

Faculty of Medicine / Jena University Hospital 醫學院 Institutes Working groups: Biomolecular Photonics Group Experimental Rheumatology Group Septomics Single-Molecule Microscopy Group Molecular Haemostaseology Group (atherosclerosis) Electron-microscopical Centre Institute of General Medicine Institute of Anatomy Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine Institut of Biochemistry Institut of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Institut of Medicine History Institut of Human Genetics Institut of Immunology Institut of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics Institut of Medical Microbiology Institut of Medical Statistics, Computer Sciences and Documentation Institut of Molecular Cell Biology Institut of Pathology Institut of Pharmacology and Toxicology Institut of Physiology Institut of Physiotherapy Institut of Psychosocial Medicine und Psychotherapy Institut of Forensic Medicine Institut of Transfusion Medicine Institut of Test Animal and Animal Protection Institut of Virology und Antiviral Therapy

Doctoral Studies 攻讀博士 General Requirements Master s degree or equivalent in related fields 相關專業碩士學位 English or German, depending on the research area 英語或德語 Traditional Way In any subjects offered by the University of Jena No application deadline

Doctoral Studies 攻讀博士 Structured Programmes (Postgraduate Schools / Graduate Research Groups) Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) Graduate School of the German Centre for integrative biodiversity research "YDiv Jena School for Microbial Communication(JSMC) Jena School of Molecular Medicine(JSMM) Graduate School Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change "Cultural Orientations and Institutional / Structural Order in Southeastern Europe" DFG Research Training Group "Quantum and Gravitational Fields" Photonic Analysis for Biomedicine - Optical and Spectroscopic Technology for Cell and Tissue Diagnostic Doctoral School of the Imre-Kertész-Kolleg Jena Graduate School of the Jena Center 20th Century History Research Training Group Advanced Photon Science of the Helmholtz Institute Jena Research Training Group "Global Education" Integrated Research Training Group AquaDiva

Jointly founded by Other Non-University Partners

Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) Industry Partners

Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) Interdisciplinary Research

Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) Application for JSMC Positions 1. Online Application upon JSMC Recruitment call 2. Telephone Interviews 3. JSMC Recruitment Meeting Candidate lectures (the candidates present their research experience in 10+5 min talks) One-to-one interviews with project supervisors Visits to Institutes (to get to know the facilities and future colleagues) Get-together with the current PhD Fellows of JSMC Joint dinner with project supervisors (to discuss future plans in a relaxed atmosphere) Guided tour through the town of Jena

Contact Info 聯繫方式 International Office Universitätshauptgebäude Fürstengraben 1 07743 Jena Germany Telefon: +49 3641 931143 Fax: +49 3641 931147 E-Mail: Ms. ZHENG Yi( 鄭怡 ) 耶拿大學北京辦公室北京市朝陽區東三環北路 8 號亮馬河大廈 2 座 1616 北京 100004 Telefon: +86 10 6590 6656 ext.- 36 Fax: +86 10 6590 6393 E-Mail:

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena 歡迎到耶拿留學!