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THE MACALLAN BRAVO SERIES 維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR 贊助 Sponsored by FIRST HALF ~45 小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 蝙蝠 : 序曲 各有所好 # 和查達斯舞 * J. Strauss II: Die Fledermaus: Overture, Chacun à son Goût # and Csárdás* 蘇佩 : 維也納的晨早 正午和夜晚 Suppé: Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna 史托茲 : 至愛 : 你是我心中的王 # Stolz: Der Favorit: Du sollst der Kaiser meiner Seele sein # 倫拜 : 哥本哈根蒸汽火車 加洛普 Lumbye: Copenhagen Steam Railway Gallop 里夏 : 茱迪塔 : 我的吻熱情如火 * Lehár: Giuditta: Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß* 布拉姆斯 : 第五匈牙利舞曲 Brahms: Hungarian Dance No.5 中場休息 interval SECOND HALF ~38 小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 春之聲 J. Strauss II: Voices of Spring 卡爾曼 : 伯爵夫人瑪麗莎 : 我聽到吉卜賽小提琴 * Kálmán: Gräfin Mariza: Höre ich Zigeunergeigen* ARTISTS 小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 雷電 波爾卡 J. Strauss II: Thunder and Lightning Polka 奧芬巴赫 : 格雷斯坦女爵 : 我愛軍人 # Offenbach: La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein: Ah! Que j'aime les Militaires # 德伏扎克 : 第三斯拉夫舞曲,Op.46 Dvorák: Slavonic Dances, Op.46, No.3 奧芬巴赫 : 霍夫曼的故事 : 船歌 * # Offenbach: Les contes d'hoffmann: Barcarolle* # 小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 藍色多瑙河 J. Strauss II: The Blue Danube * 安格斯, 指揮 貝莎德, 女高音 David Angus, conductor *Lee Bisset, soprano # 娃拉克, 女中音 # Aurhelia Varak, mezzo-soprano 19 22 23 請勿飲食 No eating and drinking 請勿拍照 錄音或錄影 No photography, recording and filming 請關掉手提電話及其他電子裝置 Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices 演奏期間請保持安靜 Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance 請留待整首樂曲完結後才報以掌聲鼓勵 Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work 如不欲保留場刊, 請於完場後放回場地入口以便回收 If you don t wish to take this printed programme home, please return it at the admission point for recycling 3

faan 6 志梵志:登 清淨之志,登:達到


維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR 香港管弦樂團仝人祝大家新年快樂! 希望各位享受以維也納的傳統方式來迎接 2013 年! Everyone at the Hong Kong Philharmonic wishes you a happy and prosperous new year. We hope you enjoy seeing 2013 in with Viennese style! The Strauss family arrived in Vienna in 1750 with the retinue of a Hungarian nobleman who visited the city that year; a humble 30-year-old Jewish servant called Johann Michael Strauss came too. Strauss obviously took a liking to Vienna and when the nobleman moved on, he stayed behind, converted to Christianity and married Rosalia Buschin in the city s St Stephen s Cathedral. The couple s second son, Franz Borgias Strauss, became an innkeeper, married, and fathered a son, Johann, who was born in the family s small tavern in a back street in the Leopoldstadt district of the city. That Johann, born on 14th March 1804, soon showed an interest in music; according to one report, when musicians played in the larger of the two rooms in the tavern, the boy crouched under a table, unseen by his father, in order to be able to hear the players. Those players were mostly itinerant fiddlers and folk musicians who earned their refreshment by performing such dances as the Ländler, Deutscher and Tanz, which can be seen as the forerunners of the Waltz. Johann went on to become not only an accomplished fiddler and a composer of dances notably waltzes but the founder of a musical dynasty which has continued through to our own time: Eduard Strauss, who was born in Vienna in 1955, remarked in an interview some years ago that to be called Eduard Strauss and live in Vienna. You cannot imagine the pressure. 8

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR The most famous member of that dynasty was, however, that first musical Johann Strauss son, who was born on 25th October 1825 and given the same name as his father, Johann Baptist Strauss. To avoid confusion, he is usually referred to as Johann Strauss II. His father was against him taking up a career in music and he trained as a banker while having violin lessons behind his father s back. When he left the family home in 1842 he studied music seriously and, two years later, was granted an official licence to give public concerts. His professional début as a conductor was with a 24-piece orchestra he had assembled for a dinner-dance at Dommayer s Casino in Vienna. In that programme he included six of his own compositions, one of which proved to be so popular that it was encored 19 times. It s somewhat surprising to realise that the idea of a holding an annual concert devoted to the music of the Strauss family only began 70 years ago. On 31st December 1939, Clemens Krauss conducted the first of five war-time Strauss concerts in Vienna with the Vienna Philharmonic; the orchestra with which Johann Strauss II was closely associated from 1873 until his death. The War Years were dark days in Austrian history and the concerts had political overtones: It was left to Krauss successor, Josef Krips, to begin the tradition which has lasted to this day when, in 1946, he presented the first of the annual New Year s concerts held in Vienna s famous Musikverein. Today the concert broadcast across the world, reaching a bigger audience than any other serious music broadcast in the world. Today, David Angus leads us through a typical collection of waltzes, polkas and other orchestral gems, while our two guest singers, Lee Bisset and Aurhelia Varak, join us with some classic songs from Viennese operettas. Johann Strauss II (1825-1899) is, of course, represented by two popular waltzes Voices of Spring and The Blue Danube by a polka, Thunder and Lightning, and in music from his most famous operetta, Die Fledermaus (The Bat). 9

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR Hearing Johann Strauss and his orchestra performing in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, in 1839, so captivated a local bandsman that he decided to form his own dance orchestra and compose waltzes, polkas and gallops in the same style. And so popular were his own light orchestral dances that Hans Christian Lumbye (1810-1874) soon became known as The Strauss of the North. His Copenhagen Steam Railway Gallop dates from 1847. Other composers, however, chose to move to Vienna in order to contribute to the city s obsession with light orchestral dances and, in particular, operetta. One of these was Franz von Suppé (1819-1895) whose first musical training was in his native Croatia. Following the death of his father (who had urged his son to pursue a career in law, medicine or, indeed, anything other than music) he moved to Vienna. In 1840, he obtained his first job as a musician; an unpaid post as third assistant conductor at a Viennese theatre, the Theater in der Josefstadt. Composing was his real interest and for that theatre he composed around 40 scores, including an overture for a play called Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna. Several Hungarian composers took up residence in Vienna during the Strauss era. The best known of these, Franz Lehár (1870-1948), was a military bandsman in Hungary. In 1899, he was posted to Vienna, which was to remain his home for the rest of his life. Within a year he had composed his first operetta and went on to write over three dozen, his final one being Giuditta which was premièred at the Vienna State Opera House in 1934. This was a major occasion with no less than 120 radio stations around the world relaying the performance, which starred two of the greatest singers of the day, Richard Tauber and Jarmila Novotna. Lehár s compatriot, Imre Kálmán (1882-1953), moved to Vienna in 1908 following the huge success of his first operetta, The Gay Hussar. He went on to write almost two dozen operettas for the Viennese public including Gräfin Mariza (Countess Maritza). 10

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR There were several native Austrians who followed in the footsteps of the Strauss family. Robert Stolz (1880-1975) was, over the course of a very long and active life, particularly prolific as a composer, producing around 2,000 songs, dances and marches, as well as the music for more than 50 stage works, 60 films and 19 ice revues. Der Favorit (The Favourite), probably his most famous operetta, was written for the Berlin Komische Oper where it was first staged in 1916. Born in Germany as Jakob Eberst but subsequently taking the name of his native village, Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880) made his name, not in Vienna, but in Paris, to which city he moved at the age of 14. He became one of the most popular composers of the day, championing a style of opera which was characterised by a light tunefulness, not at all dissimilar to the style championed by Strauss in Vienna. Among the 100 operettas he composed for the Parisians were La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein (The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein) and Les contes d'hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann) which Offenbach did not live to complete. Although their musical styles were radically different, Johann Strauss II and Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) had considerable mutual respect for each other s music and were also firm friends. But while Brahms is generally regarded today as the composer of heavyweight orchestral works, he was not without his lighter side, and he achieved his first popular successes with several Hungarian Dances published in 1868. And ten years later, Brahms recommended to his own Viennese publisher the music of a young Czech composer, Antonín Dvorák (1841-1904), who also showed his skill in writing light orchestral dances with his series of Slavonic Dances. Dr Marc Rochester 11

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR Die Fledermaus: Chacun à son goût The Bat: Each to his own taste Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein, Man lebt bei mir recht fein, Man unterhält sich, wie man mag, Oft bis zum hellen Tag. Zwar langweil ich mich stets dabei, Was man auch treibt und spricht; Indes, was mir als Wirt steht frei, Duld ich bei Gästen nicht. Und sehe ich, es ennuyiert Sich jemand hier bei mir, So pack ich ihn ganz ungeniert, Werf ihn hinaus zur Tür. Und fragen Sie, ich bitte, Warum ich das denn tu? s ist mal bei mir so Sitte, Chacun à son goût! I love to entertain my guests, And give them a splendid time, They spend the time just as they please, Well past the dawn of day. Although I am bored most of the time, Whatever they do or say; But what is my privilege as the host, Is not permitted to my guests. And if I observe that someone Is not enjoying himself, He s grabbed without a by-yourleave, And thrown out of the house. And would you ask me, Why I behave like that? It s simply my custom: Each to his own taste! Wenn ich mit andern sitz beim Wein, Und Flasch um Flasche leer, Muß jeder mit mir durstig sein, Sonst werde grob ich sehr! Und schenke Glas um Glas ich ein, Duld ich nicht Widerspruch; Nicht leiden kann ich s wenn sie schrei n: Ich will nicht, hab genug! Wer mir beim Trinken nicht pariert, Sich zieret wie ein Tropf, Dem werfe ich ganz ungeniert, Die Flasche an den Kopf. Und fragen Sie, ich bitte, Warum ich das denn tu? s ist mal bei mir so Sitte, Chacun à son goût! When I am drinking with my friends, Emptying bottle after bottle, Everyone else must be as thirsty as I, Otherwise I get very cross! And if I m pouring glass after glass, I accept no refusals; I can t stand it when they yell: No more, I ve had enough! Anyone who won t keep up with me, And behaves like a ninny, I throw, quite unashamedly, The bottle at his head. And would you ask me please, Why I behave like that? It s just my custom, Each to his own taste! 12

Die Fledermaus: Csárdás Klänge der Heimat, Ihr weckt mir das Sehnen, Rufet die Tränen Ins Auge mir! Wenn ich euch höre, Ihr heimischen Lieder, Zieht mich s wieder, Mein Ungarland, zu dir! O Heimat so wunderbar, Wie strahlt dort die Sonne so klar, Wie grün deine Wälder, Wie lachend die Felder, O land, wo so glücklich ich war! The Bat: Czardas Sounds of my homeland, You awaken my longing, You bring tears To my eyes! When I hear you, Songs of my country, I long to be back, In my native Hungary! O homeland, so wonderful, How brightly the sun shines, How green are your forests, How pleasant your meadows, Oh land, where I was so happy! Ja, dein geliebtes Bild Meine Seele so ganz erfüllt, Dein geliebtes Bild! Und bin ich auch von dir weit, ach weit Dir bleibt in Ewigkeit doch Mein Sinn immerdar Ganz allein geweiht. Yes, your beloved image Entirely fills my soul, Your beloved image! And though I am far from you, In all eternity My soul are always With you alone. O Heimat so wunderbar, Wie strahlt dort die Sonne so klar, Wie grün deine Wälder, Wie lachend die Felder, O land, wo so glücklich ich war! Feuer, Lebenslust, Schwellt echte Ungarbrust; Hei! Zum Tanze schnell! Csárdás tönt so hell! Braunes Mägdelein, Mußt meine Tänz rin sein; Reich den Arm geschwind, Dunkeläugig Kind! Zum Fiedelklingen, hoha, Tönt jauchzend Singen, hoha! Mit dem Spor geklirrt, Wenn dann die Maid verwirrt, Senket zur Erd den Blick, das verkündet Glück! Durst ge Zecher, Greift zum Becher, Laßt ihn kreisen Schnell von Hand zu Hand! Schlürft das Feuer Im Tokayer, Bringt ein Hoch Aus dem Vaterland! Ha! Feuer, Lebenslust, Schwellt ächte Ungarbrust; Hei! Zum Tanze schnell! Csárdás tönt so hell! La, la, la, la, la! O homeland, so wonderful, How brightly the sun shines, How green are your forests, How pleasant your meadows, Oh land, where I was so happy! Fire, zest for living, Beat in every true Hungarian heart; Hey! Hurry to the dance! The Czardas rings out clearly! Nut-brown maiden, You must dance with me; Give me your hand quickly, Dark-eyed girl! The tune of the fiddle, hoha, Is joined by cheerful singing, hoha! Let the spurs jangle, And when the girl, full of confusion, Lowers her eyes, You know your lucky hour has come! Thirsty topers, Raise the cup, Pass it in a circle Quickly from hand to hand! Slurp the fire In the Tokay, Give a toast From the fatherland! Ha! Fire, zest for living, Beat in every true Hungarian heart; Hey! Hurry to the dance! The Czardas rings out clearly! La, la, la, la, la! 13

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR Der Favorit: Du sollst der Kaiser meiner Seele sein The Favourite: You should be the emperor of my heart Ich weiß ein Land, das ohne Schranken, Ich weiß ein Reich, worin sich ranken, Wohl tausend zärtliche Gedanken, Um meiner Liebe Rosenpfad. Das ist das Land, worin ich lebe, Das ist das Reich, das ich dir gebe, Auf dessen Thron ich dich nun hebe, ist meines Herzens freier Staat. I know a land without boundaries, I know an empire, wherein entwine A thousand tender thoughts, About my love, Rosenpfad. That is the land where I live, That is the empire I give to you, On whose throne I lift you, In the free land of my heart. Du, Du, du sollst der Kaiser meiner Seele sein. Du, du, du sollst den Purpur tragen ganz allein. Du, du, du sollst das Szepter führen, Du, du, nur du darfst d rin regieren, Du, du, ziehst dort als Sieger ein. You, you, you should be the emperor of my heart. You, you, you should wear the purple, all alone. You, you, you should wield the scepter, You alone may rule there, You will be the conqueror. Wenn du mich liebst, hast du zum Lohne, In meinem Herzen deine Krone, Und schaltest frei auf gold nem Throne, Den meine Liebe dir gebaut. Du bist der Kaiser, den ich wähle, Und deine Wünsche sind Befehle, Gehorchen wird dir meine Seele, Die ich so ganz dir anvertraut. If you love me, you have your reward, My heart is your crown, And do as you will upon the golden throne, Which my love has built for you. I have chosen you as the emperor, and your wishes are orders. You shall be obeyed by my soul, I trust myself wholly to you. 14

Giuditta: Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß Ich weiß es selber nicht, Warum man gleich von Liebe spricht, Wenn man in meiner Nähe ist, In meine Augen schaut Und meine Hände küßt. Ich weiß es selber nicht, Warum man von dem Zauber spricht, Dem keiner widersteht, Wenn er mich sieht, Wenn er an mir vorüber geht. Doch wenn das rote Licht erglüht, Zur mitternächt gen Stund, Und alle lauschen meinem Lied, Dann wird mir klar der Grund: Giuditta: My lips kiss with such fire I don t know why, Men always talk of love, When they come near me, Look into my eyes And kiss my hands. I don t know why, They speak of the magic, That no man can resist, When he sees me, Or passes by. When the lights glow red At midnight, When they listen to my song, Then I understand why: Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß, Meine Glieder sind schmiegsam und weiß. In den Sternen, da steht es geschrieben, Du sollst küssen, du sollst lieben. Meine Füße, sie schweben dahin, Meine Augen, sie lokken und glüh n. Und ich tanz wie im Rausch, denn ich weiß, Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß. My lips kiss with such fire, My limbs are soft and white. It is written in the stars, You must kiss, you must love. My feet hover, they fly, My eyes enchant and sparkle. And I dance as if possessed, for I know That my lips kiss with such fire. In meinen Adern drinn Da rollt das Blut der Tänzerin, Denn meine schöne Mutter war Des Tanzes Königin im gold nen Alcazar. Sie war so wunderschön, Ich hab sie oft im Traum geseh n. Schlug sie das Tambourin Zu wildem Tanz, Da sah man alle Augen glüh n. Sie ist in mir auf s neu erwacht, Ich hab das gleiche Los. Ich tanz wie sie um Mitternacht, Und fühl das eine bloß: The blood of a dancer, Flows in my vein, My mother was queen of the dance In the glittering Alcazar. She was so beautiful, I often dream of her. When she beat her tambourine In a wild dance, All eyes smouldered. My mother lives again in me, I share her destiny. Like her I dance at midnight, And I know this: Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß, Meine Glieder sind schmiegsam und weiß, In den Sternen, da steht es geschrieben, Du sollst küssen, du sollst lieben. My lips kiss with such fire, My limbs are soft and white, It is written in the stars, You must kiss, you must love. Und ich tanz, wie im Rausch, denn ich weiß, Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiß! And I dance as if possessed, for I know That my lips kiss with such fire. 15

維也納新年音樂會 A VIENNESE NEW YEAR Gräfin Mariza: Höre ich Zigeunergeigen Höre ich Zigeunergeigen, Bei des Cymbals wildem Lauf, Wird es mir um s Herz so eigen, Wachen alle Wünsche auf. Klingt ein heißer Csárdástraum, Sinnbetörend durch den Raum, Klingt ein toller, sehnsuchtsvoller, Heißer, wilder Csárdástraum. Winkt im Glase der Tokajer, Rot wie Blut und heiß wie Feuer, Komm und mach die Seele freier, Spiel dazu, Zigeuner! Willst du toll der Freude leben, Soll das Herz vor Lust erbeben, Jauchzend sich zum Himmel heben, Spiel dazu, Zigeuner! Willst du wild die Nacht durchzechen, Wollen wir von Liebe sprechen, Will das arme Herz auch brechen, Spiel dazu, Zigeuner! Spiel! Spiel! Spiel! Spiele mit Gefühl! Alles kannst du mit uns machen, Weinen müssen wir und lachen, Wie es deine Geige will! Wo wohnt die Liebe, Wer kann s mir sagen, Wo wohnt die Liebe, Wen soll ich fragen? Einmal das Herz in toller, Lust verschenken, Küssen, küssen und nicht denken! Einmal nur glücklich sein! Wo wohnt die Liebe, Wer kann s ergründen, Wo wohnt die Liebe, Wer kann sie finden? Nur einmal küssen, Bis der Liebe Flammen schlagen, Über mir zusammen! Einmal nur glücklich sein! Countess Maritza: When I hear the Gypsy violins When I hear the Gypsy violins, And the cymbals crashing in the air, My heart is full of life, And all my desires burn within me. When a sultry Czardas casts, Its dreamy spell upon the scene, Thrusting, burning, reckless, yearning, Wild, alluring Czardas dream. Hear the Tokay glasses clinking, See the blood boiling, Do not waste your time in thinking, Play for me, Gypsy fiddler! When you want to live wildly, So the heart burns fiercely, Soaring high into the Heavens, Play for me, Gypsy fiddler! When you dance wildly through the night, The sound of love s gentle whispers, Will cause the aching heart to break, Play for me, Gypsy fiddler! Play! Play! Play! Play with feeling! Everything made for our pleasure, The wines that make us laugh, All call out for your fiddle! Where is love? Who knows what it brings? Where is love? Why is it so fragrant? Give up to your heart s desire, Be free with your kisses, Kiss, kiss and do not stop! Give up gladly what you will! Where is love? Who knows its causes? Where is love? Who knows where it s found? Just a single kiss, Sets my heart a-flame, Until I am consumed with passion! Just a single kiss! 16

La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein: Ah! Que j aime les militaires Vous aimez le danger, Le peril vous attire, Et vous ferez votre devoir; Vous partirez demain, Et moi je viens vous dire, Non pas adieu, mais au revoir! Ah, que j aime les militaires, Leur uniforme coquet, Leur moustache et leur plumet! Ah, que j aime les militaires, Leur air vainqueur, leurs manières, En eux tout me plaît. Quand je vois là mes soldats, Prêts à partir pour la guerre, Fixes, droits, l œil à quinze pas, Vrai dieu! J en suis toute fière. Seront-ils vainqueurs ou défaits? Je n en sais rien, ce que je sais Ah Ah, que j aime les militaires, J aime, oui! j aime les militaires! Je sais ce que je voudrais: Je voudrais être cantinière, Près d eux toujours je serais Et je les griserais, Avec eux, vaillante et légère, Au combat je m élancerais, Cela me plairait-il, la guerre? The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein: Ah! How I love soldiers You love danger, Risk attracts you, And you will do your duty; You will leave tomorrow, And I have come to say to you, Not farewell, but au revoir! Ah, how I love soldiers, Their smart uniforms, Their moustaches and their plumes! Ah, how I love soldiers, Their triumphant air, their manners, I like everything about them. When I see my soldiers standing there, Ready to set off for war, Standing to attention, eyes front at fifteen paces, Good God, I m so proud of them. Will they conquer or be defeated? I do not know, but what I do know is Ah Ah, how I love soldiers, I love, yes, I love soldiers! I know what I would like: I would like to be a canteen woman, I d be with them all the time, And I would make them tipsy, Forward into battle, valiant and light-footed, I d go with them, Would I like war? Les contes d'hoffmann: Barcarolle NICKLAUSSE Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour, Souris à nos ivresses! Nuit plus douce que le jour, Ô belle nuit d'amour! GIULIETTA, NICKLAUSSE Le temps fuit et sans retour Emporte nos tendresses. Loin de cet heureux séjour Le temps fuit sans retour. Zéphyrs embrasés, Versez-nous vos caresses; Zéphyrs embrasés, Donnez/Versez-nous vos baisers! Ah! The Tales of Hoffmann: Barcarolle NICKLAUSSE Beautiful night, o night of love, Smile upon our bliss! Night that is sweeter than the day, O beautiful night of love! GIULIETTA, NICKLAUSSE Time slips by, and carries away Our feelings of love, never to return. Far from this moment of happiness, Time slips by, never to return. Warm zephyrs, Pour your caresses out over us; Warm zephyrs, Give/Pour out your kisses over us! Ah! 17


安格斯 DAVID Angus 指揮 Conductor...This was a performance where the music-making at times became incandescent. At its heart was the conducting of David Angus, thrillingly on the wavelength of the restless rhythmic surge... Daily Telegraph David Angus is Music Director of Boston Lyric Opera, following a very successful period as Music Director of Glimmerglass Opera in the USA. He is Honorary Conductor of the Flanders Symphony Orchestra and regularly conducts the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Some recent débuts have included the Utah Symphony Orchestra and San Antonio Symphony Orchestra. A natural empathy with young people has seen him being Associate Conductor at London s Guildhall School of Music and Drama in both concert and opera, and for many years he was Vocal Consultant to the Britten-Pears School in Aldeburgh. His professional career began as a répétiteur with Opera North, before becoming Chorus Master and Staff Conductor for Glyndebourne Festival Opera. At Glyndebourne he conducted many operas, both in the Festival and on tour. He has also appeared with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Hallé Orchestra, the BBC Philharmonic and Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra (making his début at the Edinburgh Festival with them), English Chamber Orchestra, and several times with the London Mozart Players for concerts and recordings. David Angus was brought up in Belfast, and was a chorister at King s College, Cambridge. His affinity with the music of Benjamin Britten started when he sang for the composer as a boy at Aldeburgh. He has had a continuing association with Aldeburgh since then conducting, for example, Albert Herring for the Aldeburgh Festival at the Jubilee Hall and recording Britten's Curlew River on CD. 19

貝莎德 Lee Bisset 女高音 Soprano Bisset was a revelation, her mesmerising voice fired by a passion and vitality that were overwhelming The Independent Born and raised in the western Scotland, Lee Bisset studied in Italy and at the Royal Northern College of Music and at the National Opera Studio, where she was sponsored by English National Opera. She has won the Joyce and Michael Kennedy Strauss Prize, the Webster Booth Award, the Dame Eva Turner Award for Dramatic Sopranos, and a Susan Chilcott Scholarship. In 2005 she represented Scotland at the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World. Her recent performances have included Sieglinde in Die Walküre with Opèra São Paulo, Brazil and Longborough Festival Opera, her American début in the title role of Tosca with Opera Memphis, the title role of Kát a Kabanová and Gutrune in Götterdämmerung with Longborough Festival Opera, the tortured and intense protagonist in Nick Fells and Zöe Strachan s Sublimation for Scottish Opera both in Scotland and in Cape Town, and Tosca for Northern Ireland Opera. As a member of the Young Singers Programme at English National Opera she sang Karolka in Jenufa, Erste Dame in Die Zauberflöte and Mimi in La bohème. Her concert repertoire includes Beethoven s Missa Solemnis, Dvorák s Stabat Mater and Requiem, Handel s Samson and Messiah, Mendelssohn s Elijah, Mozart s Requiem, Verdi s Requiem, Strauss The Four Last Songs and Wagner s Wesendonck Lieder. 22

娃拉克 Aurhelia Varak 女中音 Mezzo-soprano Aurhelia Varak made a frisky, irrepressibly boyish Cherubino. Opera News With her beautiful voice, innate musical sensitivity, and charismatic stage presence, the French mezzo-soprano Aurhelia Varak is increasingly in demand on the operatic stages of Europe, America, Asia and, most recently, South America. In addition to the title role of Carmen in Hong Kong (with Opera Hong Kong at the Le French May festival), recent performances have included Carmen in Brazil, Mozart's Requiem in Florence, Mozart s Le Nozze di Figaro and Handel s Giulio Cesare at Glimmerglass Opera, New York, Ravel s L'enfant et les sortilèges at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, the world première performances of Fabio Vacchi s new work at the Teatro Comunale in Florence, Italy, as well as concert performances of Humperdinck s Hansel und Gretel at the National Theatre of Rome. Varak performed the role of Dorabella in a fully-staged production of Mozart s Così fan tutte at the Opera Academy of The Hague and recently sang in Gian Carlo Menotti s opera Amelia al ballo in Spoleto, where Menotti ran the prestigious Festival Dei Due Mondi for most of his life. Varak won 2nd Prize at the 2011 Leoncavallo International Singing Competition in Italy. She is the recipient of a 2005 grant from the Wagner Foundation in Venice, and won the Special Jury Prize at the 2000 International Maîtres du Chant Français Competition. Aurhelia Varak will sing the role of Nicklausse in Offenbach's Les contes d'hoffmann for Opera Hong Kong in the upcoming Le French May. 23

香港管弦樂團 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC 第一小提琴 First Violins 尤瑟夫維奇 / 團長 Igor Yuzefovich/ Concertmaster 梁建楓 / 第一副團長 Leung Kin-fung/ First Associate Concertmaster 王思恆 / 第二副團長 Wong Sze-hang/ Second Associate Concertmaster 朱蓓 / 第三副團長 Zhu Bei/ Third Associate Concertmaster 毛華 Mao Hua 程立 Cheng Li 把文晶 Ba Wenjing 桂麗 Gui Li 許致雨 Anders Hui 李智勝 Li Zhisheng 龍希 Long Xi 梅麗芷 Rachael Mellado 倪瀾 Ni Lan 王亮 Wang Liang 徐姮 Xu Heng 張希 Zhang Xi 24

第二小提琴 Second Violins 范丁 Fan Ting 趙瀅娜 Zhao Yingna 梁文瑄 Leslie Ryang Moon-sun 華嘉蓮 Katrina Rafferty 韋鈴木美矢香 Miyaka Suzuki Wilson 冒田中知子 Tomoko Tanaka Mao 方潔 Fang Jie 何珈樑 Gallant Ho Ka-leung 簡宏道 Russell Kan Wang-to 劉博軒 Liu Boxuan 冒異國 Mao Yiguo 潘廷亮 Martin Poon Ting-leung 黃嘉怡 Christine Wong Kar-yee 周騰飛 Zhou Tengfei 中提琴 Violas 凌顯祐 Andrew Ling 李博 Li Bo 熊谷佳織 Kaori Wilson 黎明 Li Ming 羅舜詩 Alice Rosen 崔宏偉 Cui Hong-wei 付水淼 Fu Shuimiao 洪依凡 Ethan Heath 林慕華 Damara Lomdaridze 孫斌 Sun Bin 王駿 Wang Jun 張姝影 Zhang Shu-ying 首席 Principal 聯合首席 Co-Principal 助理首席 Assistant Principal 25

大提琴 Cellos 鮑力卓 Richard Bamping 方曉牧 Fang Xiaomu 林穎 Dora Lam 陳怡君 Chen Yi-chun 關統安 Anna Kwan Ton-an 陳屹洲 Chan Ngat Chau 張明遠 Cheung Ming-yuen 霍添 Timothy Frank 李銘蘆 Li Ming-lu 宋亞林 Yalin Song 低音大提琴 Double Basses 林達僑 George Lomdaridze 姜馨來 Jiang Xinlai 張沛姮 Chang Pei-heng 馮榕 Feng Rong 費利亞 Samuel Ferrer 林傑飛 Jeffrey Lehmberg 鮑爾菲 Philip Powell 范戴克 Jonathan Van Dyke 長笛 Flutes 短笛 Piccolo 史德琳 Megan Sterling 盧韋歐 Olivier Nowak 施家蓮 Linda Stuckey 雙簧管 Oboes 英國管 Cor Anglais 韋爾遜 Michael Wilson 布若芙 Ruth Bull 史志安 Kenny Sturgeon 單簧管 Clarinets 低音單簧管 Bass Clarinet 史安祖 Andrew Simon 史家翰 John Schertle 簡博文 Michael Campbell 26

巴松管 Bassoons 低音巴松管 Contra Bassoon 莫班文 Benjamin Moermond 李浩山 Vance Lee 崔祖斯 Adam Treverton Jones 圓號 Horns 柏如瑟 Russell Bonifede 周智仲 Chow Chi-chung 高志賢 Marc Gelfo 李少霖 Homer Lee Siu-lam 李妲妮 Natalie Lewis 小號 Trumpets 大號 Tuba 麥浩威 Joshua MacCluer 莫思卓 Christopher Moyse 華達德 Douglas Waterston 雷科斯 Paul Luxenberg 長號 Trombones 低音長號 Bass Trombone 韋雅樂 Jarod Vermette 韋力奇 Maciek Walicki 韋彼得 Pieter Wyckoff 定音鼓 Timpani 敲擊樂器 Percussion 龐樂思 James Boznos 白亞斯 Aziz D. Barnard Luce 梁偉華 Raymond Leung Wai-wa 胡淑徽 Sophia Woo Shuk-fai 豎琴 Harp 鍵盤 Keyboard 史基道 Christopher Sidenius 葉幸沾 Shirley Ip 27

香港管弦樂團 HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC Photo: Keith Hiro The Hong Kong Philharmonic is a vital part of Hong Kong s cultural life, as the city s largest and busiest musical organisation. In 2013/14 the HK Phil will celebrate its 40th professional season, but its roots are well over a century old. The HK Phil has now evolved to become an orchestral powerhouse in the region, and an acclaimed cultural centrepiece of Asia s World City. The HK Phil is formed on the belief that a great city deserves a great orchestra. Annually it presents over 150 concerts for 200,000 music lovers. Featuring an enviable roster of international conductors and soloists, the HK Phil performs a broad variety of music, with many concerts presented free, among them the annual Swire Symphony Under The Stars. Through its acclaimed education programme, over 40,000 young people learned about orchestral music last year. Your comments are music to us! 你的聲音, 我的美樂! 歡迎蒞臨欣賞港樂的音樂會, 我們很想聽到你的寶貴意見, 好讓我們做得更好! 即上 填寫問卷, 成功完成的觀眾有機會贏取港樂音樂會門券兩張 28

在梵志登棒下港樂更上層樓 發出一把像歐洲一級樂團那豐富溫純之聲 周光蓁 亞洲週刊 The players sounded on fire at times and were at one with the podium technically and conceptually. More, please, maestro. Sam Olluver, South China Morning Post The Swire Group Charitable Trust has been the Principal Patron of the HK Phil for six years. Swire s enlightened support, the most generous in the orchestra s history, continues to enable the orchestra to reach towards high artistic goals. The HK Phil s members come from every corner of the globe, joining its strong core of Hong Kong musicians. In September 2012, Jaap van Zweden became the orchestra s Music Director. Future years will see an ambitious series of new projects, with major international tours, renewed local partnerships, and large-scale concert events. The HK Phil has recently commenced a multi-cd recording project for Naxos, featuring works by Chinese composers. The Hong Kong Philharmonic is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic The Hong Kong Philharmonic is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre It s our great pleasure to have you at this HK Phil performance; it would be an even greater pleasure to receive your valuable comments, so that we can make ourselves better. Please complete the online survey at and also earn a chance of winning a pair of HK Phil concert tickets. THANK YOU! 29


感謝伙伴 SALUTE TO OUR PARTNERS 香港管弦樂團衷心感謝以下機構的慷慨贊助和支持 : The Hong Kong Philharmonic would like to express heartfelt thanks to the Partners below for their generous sponsorship and support: 主要贊助 Major Funding Body 首席贊助 Principal Patron 節目贊助 Major Sponsors 如欲查詢有關贊助或捐款事宜, 歡迎致電 2721 2030 或電郵至 與我們聯絡 以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name For sponsorship and donation enquiries, please call 2721 2030 or email 31

大師會 MAESTRO CIRCLE 大師會特別為熱愛交響樂的企業及人士而設, 旨在推動香港管弦樂團的長遠發展及豐富市民的文化生活 港樂謹此向下列各大師會會員致謝 : Maestro Circle is established for the business community and individuals who are fond of symphonic music. It aims to support the long-term development of the Hong Kong Philharmonic and to enrich cultural life. We are grateful to the following Maestro Circle members: 白金會員 Platinum Members David M. Webb 鑽石會員 Diamond Members Peter Siembab 綠寶石 Emerald Members 珍珠會員 Pearl Members 32

多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意 : The Hong Kong Philharmonic is grateful to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support: 樂團席位贊助基金 Chair Endowment Fund 關統安 大提琴 的樂師席位由以下機構贊助 : The Musician s Chair for Anna Kwan Ton-an (cello) is endowed by the following organisation: 邱啟楨紀念基金 C. C. Chiu Memorial Fund 史德琳 首席長笛 的樂師席位由以下人士贊助 : The Musician s Chair for Megan Sterling (Principal Flute) is endowed by the following donors: 蔡博川先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Alex & Alice Cai 常年經費 Annual Fund HK$100,000 or above 或以上 Kerry Holdings Limited 嘉里控股有限公司 Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd 新昌集團國際有限公司 Mr & Mrs S H Wong Foundation Ltd 黃少軒江文璣基金有限公司 HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Mr & Mrs E Chan Mrs K L Chan 陳錦靈夫人 Mr & Mrs Lowell & Phyllis Chang 張爾惠伉儷 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On 梁烈安伉儷 Mr & Mrs Alec P Tracy HK$25,000 HK$49,999 Mr Jackson Kung Ming Foo 龔鳴夫先生 Ms Tse Chiu Ming 謝超明女士 Dr Allen and Sindy Fung 馮玉麟博士伉儷 Ms Doreen Lee 李玉芳女士 Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan and Rotina Leung 梁卓恩先生夫人 Mrs Anna Marie Peyer Mr Stephen Tan 陳智文先生 HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Anonymous (2) 無名氏 (2) Mrs Yu Hu Miao Florence Mr Barry John Buttifant Mr Cheung Ngai Sing Mr and Mrs Edward Bagnall Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 高膺伉儷 Ms Cecilia Aw 柯明儀女士 Mr Edwin Choy 蔡維邦先生 Dr & Mrs Carl Fung Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung 馮慶鏘伉儷 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 馮兆林先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Charles & Keiko Lam Dr Lee Kin Hung 李健鴻醫生 Dr Leung Tze Ching Vincent 梁子正醫生 HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Dr Lilian Leong 梁馮令儀醫生 Dr & Mrs Paul Lu Dr Mak Lai Wo 麥禮和醫生 Dr John Malpas Dr Joseph Pang Dr Tsao Yen Chow 曹延洲醫生 The Wang Family Foundation 汪徵祥慈善基金 HK$5,000 HK$9,999 Anonymous (2) 無名氏 (2) Mr Wai Kar Man Clement Mr Poon Chiu Kim Raymond 潘昭劍先生 Mr & Mrs Michael & Angela Grimsdick Dr William Ho 何兆煒醫生 Dr & Mrs Pang Wing Fuk 彭永福醫生及夫人 Dr Edmond Chan 陳振漢醫生 Mr Chen Chien Hua 陳健華先生 Mr Cheng Kwan Ming Mr Cheung Tak Lung 張德龍先生 Mr Jan Leung & Ms Emily Chow 梁贊先生及周嘉平女士 Dr Josie Close Mr Bradley D Fresia Dr Affandy Hariman Ms Teresa Hung 熊芝華老師 Mr & Mrs Jack Leung Ms Li Shuen Pui Agnes Mr & Mrs Dominic & Candice Liang Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund 駱余劍清紀念基金 Mr & Mrs Ivan Ting 丁天立伉儷 Mr Tso Shiu To Mr Augustine Lee Tit Sun Mrs Evelyn Choi Ms Poon Yee Ling Eligina 33

多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 香港管弦樂團在此向以下商業機構及熱心人士表達由衷謝意 : The Hong Kong Philharmonic is grateful to the following corporations and individuals for their generous support: 學生票資助基金 student ticket fund HK$100,000 or above 或以上 Zhilan Foundation 芝蘭基金會 HK$50,000 HK$99,999 Kerry Holdings Limited 嘉里控股有限公司 Mrs K L Chan 陳錦靈夫人 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund 信興教育及慈善基金 Wing Hang Bank 永亨銀行 HK$10,000 HK$24,999 Anonymous 無名氏 Mr Lawrence Mak 麥耀明先生 Mr Cheung Ngai Sing Long Hin Creative International Ltd 朗軒創意國際有限公司 Mr & Mrs Ko Ying 高膺伉儷 Mr Chan Ching Kit Mr David Chiu Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam 馮兆林先生夫人 Dr & Mrs Kwan Ka Hung 關家雄醫生及夫人 Mr & Mrs Cheuk-Yan and Rotina Leung 梁卓恩先生夫人 Dr Thomas W T Leung 梁惠棠醫生 Lo Kar Foon Foundation 羅家驩慈善基金 Dr Lo Xina Mr & Mrs Bernard Man 文本立先生夫人 Tin Ka Ping Foundation 田家炳基金會 Mr Thomas Wong Kin On 黃建安先生 Mr David Yam Yee Kwan 任懿君先生 Dr M T Geoffrey Yeh 葉謀遵博士 HK$5,000 HK$9,999 Anonymous (4) 無名氏 (4) Mr Iain Bruce Oxford Success (Overseas) Ltd Mr & Mrs James To 涂謹申伉儷 Ms Tsang Kwai Fong Mr Wong Kai Kit Professor David Clarke 祈大衛教授 Mr Ian D Boyce Mr Chen Chien Hua 陳健華先生 Mr Chu Ming Leong Mr & Mrs Kenneth H C Fung 馮慶鏘伉儷 Mr Geoffrey Ko Lok Yu Kim Ching Memorial Fund 駱余劍清紀念基金 Ms Charlotte Lai 羅紫媚及 Joe Joe Dr Lee Shu Wing Ernest 李樹榮博士 Mr & Mrs Henry & Angelina Lee Mr Leung Kam Fai & Ms Lui Chi Yan 梁錦暉先生及呂智殷女士 Mr Richard Li 李景行先生 Mr Stephen Luk Mrs Ruby M Master Mustard Seed Foundation 芥籽園基金 Mr & Mrs John & Coralie Otoshi Mr Paul Shieh Mr Tony Tsoi 蔡東豪先生 Mr Wan Chung On John Mr Wong Kong Chiu Mrs Yu Hu Miao Florence Mr Augustine Lee Tit Sun Mr and Mrs Edward Bagnall Mrs Evelyn Choi Ms Poon Yee Ling Eligina 34

多謝支持 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT 贊助基金 Endowment Trust Fund 贊助基金於一九八三年由以下機構贊助得以成立 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 置地有限公司 The Hongkong Land Group 怡和有限公司 Jardine, Matheson & Company Ltd The Endowment Trust Fund was set up in 1983 with these initial sponsors. 豐銀行慈善基金 The Hongkong Bank Foundation 花旗銀行 Citibank, NA 香港董氏慈善基金會 The Tung Foundation 商藝匯萃 Paganini Project 此計劃由 商藝匯萃 發起及組織 汪穗中先生捐贈艾曼. 謝曼明 (1907) 小提琴. 由冒田中知子小姐使用 張爾惠先生捐贈洛治. 希爾 (c.1800) 小提琴. 由王亮先生使用 鍾普洋先生捐贈多尼. 哈達 (1991) 大提琴. 由張明遠先生使用 史葛. 羅蘭士先生捐贈安素度. 普基 (1910) 小提琴. 由張希小姐使用 This project is initiated and organised by Business for Art Foundation. Donated by Mr Patrick Wang Emile Germain (1907) Violin, played by Ms Tomoko Tanaka Mao Donated by Mr Lowell Chang Lockey Hill (c.1800) Violin, played by Mr Wang Liang Donated by Mr Po Chung EDawne Haddad (1991) Violoncello, played by Mr Cheung Ming-yuen Donated by Mr Laurence Scofield Ansaldo Poggi (1910) Violin, played by Ms Zhang Xi 樂器捐贈 Instrumental Donation 香港管弦協會婦女會捐贈 所捐贈之罕有樂器 安域高. 洛卡 (1902) 小提琴. 由程立先生使用 桑. 巴蒂斯. 維爾翁 (1866) 小提琴. 由第三副團長朱蓓小姐使用 約瑟. 加里亞奴 (1788) 小提琴. 由團長尤瑟夫維奇先生使用 卡洛. 安東尼奧. 狄斯多尼 (1736) 小提琴. 由倪瀾先生使用 為支持 提升樂團樂器素質計劃 而捐贈之其他樂器 德國轉閥式小號兩支 德國華格納大號乙套 翼號乙支 Donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Rare instruments donated Enrico Rocca (1902) Violin, played by Mr Cheng Li Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1866) Violin, played by Ms Bei Zhu, Third Associate Concertmaster Joseph Gagliano (1788) Violin, played by Mr Igor Yuzefovich, Concertmaster Carlo Antonio Testore (1736) Violin, played by Mr Ni Lan Other instruments donated in support of the Instrument Upgrade and Enhancement Project Two German Rotary Trumpets A set of Wagner Tubas A Flugelhorn 35

香港管弦協會有限公司 THE HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY LIMITED 名譽贊助人 Honorary Patron 執行委員會 Executive Committee 行政長官梁振英先生 The Chief Executive The Hon C Y Leung, GBM, GBS, JP 劉元生先生 主席 Mr Y. S. Liu Chair 董事局 劉元生先生 主席 Board of Governors Mr Y. S. Liu Chairman 蔡關穎琴律師蔡寬量教授伍日照先生冼雅恩先生蘇澤光先生 財務委員會 Mrs Janice Choi, MH Prof. Daniel Chua Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Mr Jack C. K. So, GBS, OBE, JP Finance Committee 蘇澤光先生 副主席 Mr Jack C. K. So, GBS, OBE, JP Vice - Chairman 冼雅恩先生 主席 Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Chair 陳祖泳女士邱詠筠女士蔡關穎琴律師蔡寬量教授馮鈺斌博士喬浩華先生林煥光先生梁卓偉教授劉靖之教授羅志力先生伍日照先生, 司庫蘇兆明先生冼雅恩先生威廉. 思眾先生董溫子華女士 Ms Joanne Chan Ms Winnie Chiu Mrs Janice Choi, MH Prof. Daniel Chua Dr Patrick Fung Yuk-bun, JP Mr Peter Kilgour Mr Lam Woon-kwong, GBS, JP Prof. Gabriel Leung, GBS Prof. Liu Ching-chih Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu, Treasurer Mr Nicholas Sallnow-Smith Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan Mr William H. Strong Mrs Harriet Tung 喬浩華先生劉元生先生伍日照先生 籌款委員會 蔡關穎琴律師 主席 邱詠筠女士蘇澤光先生 副主席 伍日照先生吳孟軍先生董溫子華女士應琦泓先生 Mr Peter Kilgour Mr Y. S. Liu Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Fundraising Committee Mrs Janice Choi, MH Chair Ms Winnie Chiu Mr Jack C. K. So, GBS, OBE, JP Vice - Chairs Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Mr Edward Ng Mrs Harriet Tung Mr Steven Ying 贊助基金委員會 伍日照先生 主席 劉元生先生羅志力先生冼雅恩先生 Endowment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Mr Daniel Ng Yat-chiu Chair Mr Y. S. Liu Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik Mr Benedict Sin Nga-yan 聽眾拓廣委員會 蔡寬量教授 主席 龐樂思先生陳祖泳女士邱詠筠女士蔡關穎琴律師紀大衛教授李偉安先生梁卓偉教授羅志力先生 Audience Development Committee Prof. Daniel Chua Chair Mr James Boznos Ms Joanne Chan Ms Winnie Chiu Mrs Janice Choi, MH Prof. David Gwilt, MBE Mr Warren Lee Prof. Gabriel Leung, GBS Mr Peter Lo Chi-lik 38

行政人員 Management 發展部 Development 麥高德 行政總裁 Michael MacLeod Chief Executive 邵睦熙發展總監 Murray Shaw Director of Development 譚穎敏發展經理 Myra Tam Development Manager 行政及財務部何黎敏怡 行政及財務總監 李康銘 財務經理 Administration and Finance Vennie Ho Director of Administration and Finance Homer Lee Finance Manager 張慧芝發展助理經理 朱荻恩發展助理經理 Anna Cheung Assistant Development Manager Judy Chu Assistant Development Manager 李家榮 資訊科技及項目經理 郭文健 行政及財務助理經理 Andrew Li IT and Project Manager Alex Kwok Assistant Administration and Finance Manager 市場推廣部 譚兆民市場推廣總監 陳剛濤市場推廣經理 Marketing Paul Tam Director of Marketing Nick Chan Marketing Manager 陳碧瑜 行政秘書 Rida Chan Executive Secretary 陳嘉惠編輯 Chan Ka Wai Publications Editor 蘇碧華 行政及財務高級主任 Vonee So Senior Administration and Finance Officer 趙綺鈴市場推廣助理經理 Chiu Yee Ling Assistant Marketing Manager 蘇美樺 資訊科技及行政主任 陳麗嫻 接待員 梁錦龍 辦公室助理 Emma So IT and Administrative Officer Pamela Chan Receptionist Sammy Leung Office Assistant 陸可兒企業傳訊助理經理 林美玲客務主任 黃穎詩巿場及傳訊主任 Alice Luk Assistant Corporate Communications Manager Alice Lam Customer Service Officer Natalie Wong Marketing Communications Officer 藝術策劃部 Artistic Planning 樂團事務部 Orchestral Operations 韋雲暉 藝術策劃總監 Raff Wilson Director of Artistic Planning 楊劍騰署理樂團事務總監 Ambrose Yeung Acting Director of Orchestral Operations 趙桂燕 教育及外展經理 Charlotte Chiu Education and Outreach Manager 陳國義舞台經理 Steven Chan Stage Manager 王嘉瑩 藝術策劃經理 Michelle Wong Artistic Planning Manager 何思敏樂譜管理 Betty Ho Librarian 葉掌珠 教育及外展助理經理 Jennifer Ip Assistant Education and Outreach Manager 簡宏道署理樂團人事經理 Russell Kan Acting Orchestra Personnel Manager 林奕榮 藝術策劃主任 Lam Yik Wing Artistic Planning Officer 丁美雲樂團事務助理經理 Natalie Ting Assistant Orchestral Operations Manager 黎樂婷樂團事務主任 Erica Lai Orchestral Operations Officer 蘇近邦運輸及舞台主任 So Kan Pong Transportation and Stage Officer 39

太古音樂大師 Swire Maestro 布拉姆斯第一交響曲 Brahms One 4 & 5-1-2013 Fri & Sat 8pm Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall $300 $200 $160 $120 Jun Märkl/conductor Igor Yuzefovich*/ violin 白遼士 海盜 序曲蕭頌 詩 * 拉威爾 吉卜賽人 * 布拉姆斯第一交響曲 BERLIOZ Le Corsaire Overture CHAUSSON Poème* RAVEL Tzigane* BRAHMS Symphony No.1 TAN DUN Concerto for Orchestra Symphonic Poem on Three Notes Orchestral Theatre Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Tan Dun 譚盾. 香港管弦樂團 TAN DUN HONG KONG PHILHARMONIC 贊助 Sponsored by AIA 譚盾 Tan Dun/composer & conductor CD Out Now 三個音的交響詩 2012 管弦劇場 1990 樂隊協奏曲 2012 Symphonic Poem on Three Notes (2012) Orchestral Theatre (1990) Concerto for Orchestra (2012) 查詢 Enquiry 2721 2030 購票 Tickets 2111 5999 意見 COMMENTS 網頁 WEBSITE 追蹤港樂 FOLLOW THE HK PHIL ON 40