宁波伊特赛机械制造有限公司 NINGBO EAST SEA MACHINERY CO.,LTD Professional Candy Machine Manufacturer NINGBO EAST SEA MACHINERY CO.,LTD Add: No.5 Fangzhuang Road,Qi

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宁波伊特赛机械制造有限公司 NINGBO EAST SEA MACHINERY CO.,LTD Professional Candy Machine Manufacturer NINGBO EAST SEA MACHINERY CO.,LTD Add: No.5 Fangzhuang Road,QiuAi Town,Yinzhou District,Ningbo,China Tel : 0086-574-88410000 / 88358881 Fax: 0086-574-88353777 / 88353888 Post code: 315101 Email: rxj@candy-machines.com Http: www.candy-machines.com 宁波伊特赛机械制造有限公司地址 : 宁波市鄞州区邱隘镇方庄路 5 号东海工业园电话 :0574-88410000 / 88358881 传真 :0574-88353777 / 88353888 邮编 :315101 邮箱 :rxj@candy-machines.com 网站 :www.candy-machines.com www.candy-machines.com

COMPANY PROFILE 公司简介 ESM HONOR 企业荣誉 Ningbo East Sea Machinery Co., Ltd. is the leading company in China confectionary field, who has integrated function as design and develop new products, manufacture and sale, installation, technical training and after service, it's a state high-tech enterprise. The reliable product quality, world's leading R & D capability, innovation and quality service, has made ESM company the leading level in the confectionary field. ESM Company is located in Ningbo, China - an important industrial city, which covers an area of seventy thousand square meters, has a long history with 20 years. ESM company has research and development center, product test factory and production factory. The advanced technology, complete inspection means, is a strong guarantee of high quality products and brand reputation both at domestic and abroad market. At present, the company has been successfully introduced the 6S and the rationalization activities, and developed a comprehensive training system for employees. The company will implement other management activities, which will further enhance the effective management and product quality. Technology is a leading and rapidly growing force in the accumulation of a valuable source. ESM company has strong technology development platform, set up municipal research center, has a strong R & D experts team. In recent years, several ground-breaking R & D results has been classified as municipal new products and state new products by the government. Company has been qualified ISO9001: 2008 international quality system certificate and CE certificate. ESM has exported to more than 40 countries and regions in the past 20 years. PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION IN THE WORLD 产品世界分布图 宁波伊特赛机械制造有限公司是中国糖果机械的领先开发专家, 是一家集设计开发 制造销售 安装调试 技术培训 售后服务等综合能力于一体 专业生产糖果设备的国家级高新技术企业 公司凭借着可靠的产品质量 国际领先的研发能力 不断创新和优质服务的理念, 在糖果机械领域处于领先地位 英国德国 UK Germany 俄罗斯 Russia 公司位于中国东海之滨的重要工业城市宁波, 占地面积达 7 万平方米, 至今已有 20 年的悠久历史 公司内设研究开发, 产品中试实验基地及食品设备生产三大块, 技术力量雄厚, 设备精良, 工艺先进, 检测手段齐全, 有力的保证了产品的高品质, 在国内外市场享有较高的品牌信誉 目前, 公司已成功导入了 6S 和合理化改善活动, 并制订了完善的员工培训体系, 并将进一步在公司内推行其他管理活动, 这将进一步有效的提升公司的管理和产品品质 技术领先是公司积聚力量并迅速成长的宝贵源泉 公司具有强大的技术开发平台, 专门设立了市级研 墨西哥 Mexico 多米尼加 Dominica 哥伦比亚 Colombia 西班牙 Spain 摩洛哥 Morocco 尼日利亚 Nigeria 日本 保加利亚 Bulgaria Japan 乌兹别克斯坦土耳其 Turkey Uzbekistan 中国韩国叙利亚 South Korea China Syria 埃及 伊朗 Iran 巴基斯坦 Pakistan Egypt 孟加拉国 Bangladesh 苏丹 Sudan 印度 India 缅甸 Burma 泰国 Thailand 乌干达 斯里兰卡 越南 Vietnam 菲律宾 Philippines Uganda Sri Lanka 马来西亚 Malaysia 刚果 ( 金 ) 新加坡 Singapore 印尼 Indonesia R.D.Congo 发中心, 拥有一批具有较强研发能力的研发专家团队 近年来, 研发中心的几项突破性研发成果得到国家和市政府的重视, 并分别被列为国家级新产品和市级新产品 公司现已通过 ISO9001:2008 国际质量体系认证和产品的 CE 认证 宁波伊特赛机械制造有限公司在过去 20 余年里已经出口产品超过 40 多个 阿根廷 Argentina 赞比亚 Zambia 南非 South Africa 马达加斯加 Madagascar 国家和地区 1 2

LJC SERIES HARD CANDY / LOLLIPOP DEPOSITING PRODUCTION LINE LJC 系列硬糖 / 棒糖浇注成型生产线 ZBA-II MICRO FILM COOKER ZBA-II 真空薄膜熬糖机 ZBA-II Micro film cooker is able to cook syrup continuously with automatic temperature control. The micro film cooker's feature is its large capacity, fast processing, accurate control of cooking temperature and high vacuum. Rapid cooking and high vacuum can produce good quality and quite transparent syrup, which is suitable for cooking hard boiled candy, fruit hard candy, crystal candy and hard toffee. It is capable of working with depositing line or forming production line. ZBA-II Micro film cooker is a perfect and efficient kitchen equipment. LJC SERIES HARD CANDY / LOLLIPOP DEPOSITING PRODUCTION LINE LJC 系列硬糖 / 棒糖浇注成型生产线 LJC Series hard candy / lollipop depositing production line is an advanced equipment for candy making at present. It integrates mechanical, electric, compressed air, and automatic control. LJC Series's feature is its high capacity, high quality, various product design, easy operation, reliable structure design, and high automatic grade. It can not only produce transparent hard candy, double color candy, double layer with double flavor candy, center filling candy, but also whirl designed product with multiple color and taste. LJC series production line is also possible to produce lollipop includes combined lollipop through install automatic stick insert device. LJC 系列连续真空薄膜浇注生产线是目前先进的糖果浇注生产设备 该设备集机 电 气 自动控制于一体, 具有高 糖果质量好 品种多 操作简便 结构紧凑 自动化程度高等很多特点 LJC 系列连续真空薄膜浇注生产线不仅能生产透明水晶糖 双色糖 双层双味糖 夹心糖, 还可以生产螺旋形喷花糖果等多种色彩和口味的糖果 搭配自动插棒系统, 还可以生产各类单球和双球棒棒糖 ZBA-II 真空薄膜熬糖机具有连续自动熬糖和自动控温功能 设备的特点是高 熬糖速度快 熬煮温度控制精确 真空度高 快速的熬煮并高度真空化使糖浆具有高质量和高透明度 适用于普通硬糖, 水果糖, 水晶糖和硬太妃糖的熬煮 可与自动浇注成型机或其他成型设备配套使用, 是高效的糖浆真空薄膜熬煮设备 LJC-II LJC-III LJC-IV (5g candy) 360kg/h 500kg/h 720kg/h consumption(cooker) ( 熬糖机 ) 16kw consumption(depositor) ( 浇注机 ) 17kw 19kw Compressed air consumption 压缩空气耗量 0.5m 3 /min 0.5m 3 /min 0.5m 3 /min 压缩空气压力 蒸汽耗量 蒸汽压力 水耗量 135000*2000*2700mm 135000*2500*2700mm 135000*2800*2700mm 6000kg 7500kg 8000kg 3 4

LOLLIPOP SERVO DRIVE DEPOSITING PRODUCTION LINE 棒糖伺服浇注成型生产线 ZBA-A MICRO FILM COOKER ZBA-A 真空薄膜熬糖机 LOLLIPOP SERVO DRIVE DEPOSITING MACHINE 棒糖伺服浇注机 ZBA-A Micro film cooker is able to cook syrup continuously with automatic temperature control. The micro film cooker's feature is its large capacity, fast processing, accurate control of cooking temperature and high vacuum. Rapid cooking and high vacuum to produce good quality and quite transparent syrup, which is suitable for cooking hard boiled candy, fruit hard candy, crystal candy and hard toffee. It is capable of working with depositing line or forming production line. ZBA-A Micro film cooker is a perfect and efficient kitchen equipment. ZBA-A 真空薄膜熬糖机具有连续自动熬糖和自动控温功能 设备的特点是高 熬糖速度快, 熬煮温度控制精确 真空度高 快速的熬煮并高度真空化使糖浆具有高质量和高透明度 适用于普通硬糖, 水果糖, 水晶糖和硬太妃糖的熬煮 可与自动浇注成型机或其他成型设备配套使用, 是高效的糖浆真空薄膜熬煮设备 全自动控制熬糖机特点 : 全自动电脑 PLC 控制 Fully automatic control cooker feature: Fully automatic PLC control X - S F J Z - 2-1 1 0 9 2 6 自动传感器控温控压 西门子 300 系列 PLC 和触摸屏操作 Automatic temperature and pressure sensor for accurate control SIEMENS 300 series PLC and touch screen for operation Steam consumpton 蒸汽耗量 蒸汽压力 水耗量 ZBA-II 360kg/h 16kw 2200L/H 1900*1425*2700mm 2500kg ZBA-III 500kg/h 2200L/H 2200*1850*2700mm 3000kg (10g lollipop) (cooker) (depositor) Compressed air consumption ( 熬糖机 ) ( 浇注机 ) 压缩空气耗量压缩空气压力蒸汽压力蒸汽耗量耗水量 LJC-II 500kg/h 16kw 32kw 2m 3 /min 0.65Mpa 20365*1624*2100mm 12000kg LJC-III 720kg/h 32kw 2m 3 /min 0.65Mpa 20365*1964*2100mm 12000kg 5 6

PECTIN JELLY DEPOSITING PRODUCTION LINE 果胶软糖浇注成型生产线 JLM-1200 JELLY COOKER JLM-1200 软糖熬糖机 PECTIN JELLY DEPOSITING MACHINE 果胶软糖浇注机 JLM-1200 Jelly cooker is designed for gelatin, pectin, carrageenan, agar-agar, and various modified starch cooking to produce jelly. This cooker's feature is its binding heat exchanger. It is able to transfer heating energy maximum by the small exchanger. JLM-1200 Jelly cooker possess vacuum chamber to ensure target brix of cooked syrup. JLM-1200 软糖熬糖机是能以明胶 果胶 卡拉胶 琼脂和各种变性淀粉为原料熬制凝胶软糖的先进熬糖机 该熬糖机已经特别设计了捆绑式热交换器, 此类热交换器能够以较小的体积产生最大的热交换量, 并且安装有真空室保证熬煮的糖度 JLM-1200 1200kg/h 喷油系统 Oil spraying system 冷冻压缩机组 Refrigeration device 7kw LJC-II LJC-III LJC-IV 耗水量 1800L/h (5g candy) 360kg/h 500kg/h 720kg/h 蒸汽耗量 600kg/h consumption(cooker) ( 熬糖机 ) 16kw 蒸汽压力 0.7Mpa consumption(depositor) ( 浇注机 ) 17kw 19kw 压缩空气压力 0.6Mpa Compressed air consumption 压缩空气耗量 0.5m 3 /min 0.5m 3 /min 0.5m 3 /min 2000*1200*2450mm 压缩空气压力 蒸汽耗量 MIXING TANK 果胶混料桶 蒸汽压力水耗量 135000*2000*2700mm 6000kg 135000*2500*2700mm 7500kg 135000*2800*2700mm 8000kg 7 8

MOGUL LINE 淀粉模软糖浇注成型生产线 JLM-1200 JELLY COOKER JLM-1200 软糖熬糖机 MOGUL LINE 淀粉模软糖浇注成型生产线 JLM-1200 Jelly cooker is designed for gelatin, pectin, carrageenan, agar-agar, and various modified starch cooking to produce jelly. This cooker's feature is its binding heat exchanger. It is able to transfer heating energy maximum by the small exchanger. JLM-1200 Jelly cooker possess vacuum chamber to ensure target brix of cooked syrup. JLM-1200 软糖熬糖机是能以明胶 果胶 卡拉胶 琼脂和各种变性淀粉为原料熬制凝胶软糖的先进熬糖机 该熬糖机已经特别设计了捆绑式热交换器, 此类热交换器能够以较小的体积产生最大的热交换量, 并且安装有真空室保证熬煮的糖度 耗水量蒸汽耗量蒸汽压力压缩空气压力 JLM-1200 1200kg/h 7kw 1800L/h 600kg/h 0.7Mpa 0.6Mpa 2000*1200*2450mm Compressed air consumption Chilled water consumption Chilled water temperature Starch tray size(l*w*h) Machine area 压缩空气压力压缩空气耗量冷水耗量冷水温度粉盘机器占地面积 TDJ-1250 1000kg/h 105kw 0.7-0.8Mpa 300m 3 /h 315kg/min 4 820*400*56mm 150m 2 OIL COATING MACHINE 涂油机 2900 9 10 14000

HARD CANDY DIE FORMING PRODUCTION LINE 硬糖冲压成型生产线 ZAT VACUUM COOKER ZAT 真空熬糖机 GDJ STEEL COOLING BELT GDJ 钢带冷却输送机 GCH BATCH ROLLER GCH 保温滚床 DHJT-100 ROPE SIZER DHJT-100 均条机 CYJ-1000 DIE FORMING MACHINE CYJ-1000 冲压成型机 ZAT Vacuum cooker, GDJ Steel cooling belt conveyor is the main equipment in die forming hard candy production. The cooked syrup is produced by ZAT Vacuum cooker and fed into the steel cooling belt. Then steel cooling belt cools down hot syrup through kneading, pressing and shoveling. The syrup will keep cooling to target temperature during transportation. It is suitable to work with pulling machine and extruder for making die forming hard candy. It is an ideal equipment for sugar mass' cooling and transportation. ZAT 真空熬糖机 GDJ 钢带输送机是生产冲压糖果的关键设备, 它将糖浆熬制出来后送入钢带冷却输送机, 通过钢带输送机对高温糖浆进行揉碾压铲, 使糖浆在连续输送的同时持续冷却 该设备可与拉白机 挤出机配套使用, 是理想的糖浆熬制 冷却输送设备 CYJ-1000 Die forming machine is able to produce hard candy and milky candy with different shapes and sizes including filled or unfilled. This machine's working speed is controlled by inverter to match the front processing's speed from rope sizer. Automatic scrap collector is convenient for sugar scrap collection and automatic lubrication recycle system is facilitating the machine's maintenance. CYJ-1000 冲压成型机能够连续生产不同形状和带夹心或无夹心的硬糖, 奶糖 该机使用变频器控制糖条的成型速度, 以适应上一级均条机的输料速度 该机还配有自动糖渣回收系统以便于废糖渣的清理, 以及自动循环加油系统方便机器的保养维护 CTS-160 COOLING TUNNEL CTS-160 冷却隧道 蒸汽耗量耗水量 ZAT 600-1000kg/h 26kw 800kg/h 2000kg/h 2600*2450*3030mm GDJ 600-1200kg/h 6.5kw 10640*1310*1300mm Main power voltage Frequency 输入电压频率 CYJ-1000 100m/min 3/PE/380v AC 50 hz 10kw 1094*890*1410mm 1200kg 11 12

LOLLIPOP CHAIN FORMING PRODUCTION LINE 棒糖链式冲压成型生产线 ELGA-800 CONTINUOUS VACUUM ROTOR COOKER ELGA-800 连续真空转子熬糖机 ELGA-800 Continuous vacuum rotor cooker is advanced syrup cooker worldwide which has flash cooking and vacuum continuously. This equipment is vertical design with zero-clearance scraper system, advanced steam heating system and automatic temperature control system to achieve efficient heat exchange. ELGA-800 Continuous vacuum rotor cooker is capable of making hard candy, milk candy and hard toffee. The cooked syrup from this machine is pure transparent without bubble. ELGA-800 连续真空转子熬糖机是世界先进的通用性糖浆连续真空高速熬煮设备, 该设备采用垂直型直流设计 特殊的无缝刮板系统, 先进的蒸汽加热装置和自动控温系统, 使熬糖设备具备优越 高效的热传递特性, 从而实现快速 高效的糖浆熬制性能 ELGA-800 连续真空转子熬糖机适用于敖煮硬糖, 奶糖, 硬太妃糖 该机熬煮的糖浆透明度高, 气泡少, 色泽均匀 Seam consumption ( 单熬煮锅 ) ( 双熬煮锅 ) ( 单熬煮锅 ) ( 双熬煮锅 ) 耗水量蒸汽耗量 ELGA-800 800kg/h (one cooking system) 1500kg/h (two cooking system) 22kw (one cooking system) 40kw (two cooking system) 2000L/h 600kg/h 2010*1560*2480mm GCH BATCH ROLLER GCH 保温滚床 DHJT-100 ROPE SIZER DHJT-100 均条机 ECXS-2000 CHAIN FORMING MACHINE ECXS-2000 链式冲压成型机 ECXS-2000 Chain forming machine is successful innovation for forming article production. This machine's feature is its high capacity, high forming speed, and a wide range of candy product. This machine has inverter to control forming speed effectively and capable of producing various shapes of hard candy with or without center filling, milk candy, toffee and lollipop by chain mould change. The particular advantage of this forming machine is its capacity up to 1000 pieces per minute and easy to change the mould within 10 minutes. The transparent cover is easy for operator watching equipment's running performance. ECXS-2000 链式冲压成型机是最新开发的新型冲压成型机 该机器具有高, 成型速度快, 产品应用范围广等特点 该机器使用变频器控制能够有效控制糖条成型速度, 能生产各种带夹心或无夹心的硬糖, 奶糖, 太妃糖, 棒棒糖 该机的优势是成型速度可高达 1000 粒 / 分钟, 并且模具更换仅需 10 分钟 透明外罩设计能更加方便操作者清楚的看到生产状况 TLS-600 LOLLIPOP COOLING TUNNEL TLS-600 棒糖冷却隧道 ECXS-2000 90m/min GDJ STEEL COOLING BELT GDJ 钢带冷却输送机 DOUBLE COOKER 双转子熬糖机 Voltage Frequency 电压频率 3/PE/380V 50HZ 4.75KW 1200*1200*1560mm 700kg 13 14

TOFFEE DIE FORMING PRODUCTION LINE 太妃糖冲压成型生产线 ITG-300 TOFFEE COOKER ITG-300 太妃熬糖机 ITG-300 Toffee cooker is flexible application in production of caramel, toffee, chewy gum, and candy bar. This cooker adopts an economical and efficient microprocessor system to control cooking. It is not only easy for operation, but also can dissolving and cooking in same vessel at one time. All parts of contact with sugar syrup are made by stainless steel. ITG-300 太妃熬糖机具有灵活性强, 结构简单等特点 它适合于熬煮卡拉蜜尔糖, 太妃糖, 口香糖, 糖排等, 该机采用经济高效的微处理系统进行控制, 不但能够较简单的操作机器, 而且能在一个容器里能同时进行化糖熬糖 机器与糖浆接触部分全部采用不锈钢制成 ELLB-800 PULLING MACHINE ELLB-800 拉白机 ELLB-800 Pulling machine meets most requirements of the confectionery industry. It is qualified for the production of pulled various sugar mass, including high and low boiled sugar masses. It allows to pull high desired structure and texture of the sugar mass. The sugar pulling time and the speed of the pulling arm are adjustable. ELLB-800 拉白机可以满足拉白制糖工艺的各种要求, 可以用于高温熬煮和低温熬煮多种糖浆的推叠拉制 该设备可以拉白结构和质地要求较高的糖浆, 其糖浆拉制时间和机械拉臂速度均可以根据需要进行调整 ITG-300 300kg/batch 6kw 1340*1340*1940mm 900kg ELLB-800 800kg/h 18kw 2980*1680*2330mm 2200kg LQG-300 300-600kg/h Dia of drum 鼓直径 1200-1500mm Drum rotational speed 鼓转速 2.4r/min Durm width 鼓宽度 710mm 1.5kw 2150*1850*1750mm LQG-300 COOLING DRUM LQG-300 冷却鼓 DHJT-100 ROPE SIZER DHJT-100 均条机 CYJ-1000 DIE FORMING MACHINE CYJ-1000 冲压成型机 CTS-160 COOLING TUNNEL CTS-160 冷却隧道 GCH BATCH ROLLER GCH 保温滚床 15 16

AERATING CANDY PRODUCE MACHINE 充气糖果生产设备 PULLING MACHINE & HARD CANDY EXTRUDER 拉白机和硬糖挤出机 CA-250 AUTOMATIC AERATING COOKER CA-250 自动充气熬糖机 CA-250 Automatic aerating cooker is designed for aerating product processing. It is controlled by PLC automatically and touch screen operation. Cooking with vacuum and aerating with mixing are alternate work. CA-250 Aerating cooker is capable of cooking syrup with higher or lower aerating percentage, and is able to increase cooking chamber for condensed milk additive. The cooked syrup from aerating cooker has good quality due to high precision of temperature control. CA- 250 Aerating cooker is suitable for milky and cream article, nougat, marshmallow, and candy bar process. CA-250 自动充气熬糖机是为充气糖果熬煮设计的加工设备, 配备 PLC 自动控制装置, 触摸屏操作, 其真空熬煮 充气搅拌均能自动交替进行, 可对糖浆进行高充气或低充气熬煮, 也可根据需求增配熬煮锅用于炼乳等辅料的添加, 该机具有较高的控制精度, 因此通过该机熬煮的糖浆具有很好的质量 该机适用于奶糖 牛轧糖 棉花糖 糖排的熬煮 DHLB CONTINUOUS PULLING MACHINE DHLB 连续式拉白机 DHLB Pulling machine is applied to pull and fold sugar mass to be white, soft and smooth. It's able to feed in and out continuously. DHLB Pulling machine is an assistant equipment to produce die forming candy. It adopts inverter to control pulling speed. It is usually working together with steel cooling belt and extruder. DHLB 拉白机用于将糖浆进行打叠拉白, 使其松软光滑呈白色 该机可以连续进料拉白, 连续输出, 是生产花色冲压糖果的辅助设备 设备采用变频器控制拉白速度, 可与钢带冷却机 挤出机配套使用 蒸汽耗量 蒸汽压力 压缩空气压力 耗水量 XJC-300 SOFT CANDY EXTRUDER XJC-300 软糖挤出机 Number of candy ropes Dia of extrusion screw Dia of infeed screw Water pressure 挤出糖条数量挤出螺杆直径喂料螺杆直径水压耗水量 XJC-300 300-600kg/h 1-2 ropes 100mm 110mm 18kw 1.5-2kg/cm 2 200L/h 2530*1040*1840mm 1400kg CA-250 250kg/h 18kw 0.6-1.0Mpa 0.6Mpa 1500L/h 2200*1200*2750mm 2000kg Projecting shaft Number Rotate speed weight 甩柄数量转速 DHLB 800kg/h 12pcs 5-30rpm 7.5kw 2580*980*1830mm 2800kg JCH EXTRUDER JCH 挤出机 JCH Extruder is applied to extrude sugar mass for producing hard candy, nougat, and similar product. It is capable of extruding double color and center filling sugar mass. Center filling sugar mass extrusion needs to work with center filling machine. JCH Extruder supplies two design nozzle (double and three nozzles) to extrude different design product. Product can be center-filling, whirl strip, or both two in one. It is able to extrude sugar mass continuously and usually work with die forming machine. JCH Extruder is one of the most important equipments in forming candy production. JCH 挤出成型机适用于硬糖 牛轧糖等多种糖条的挤出 其挤出的糖条形状可分为彩条状和夹心状 生产夹心糖条需要配备夹心机 该机配有不同形式的挤出头 ( 双模头和三模头 ) 可分别挤出不同形式的糖条, 产品可分为夹心 彩条或彩条夹心状 该机可连续挤出, 并与冲压成型设备配套使用, 是生产彩条形冲压糖果的关键设备之一 17 18

KNEADING MACHINE & CENTER FILLING MACHINE 揉糖机和夹心机 AUTO-WEIGHING SYSTEM 自动称重配料系统 ETR-400 KNEADING MACHINE ETR-400 揉糖机 EYT-120 KNEADING MACHINE EYT-120 揉糖机 JL-200 AUTO-WEIGHING SYSTEM JL-200 自动称重配料系统 ETR-400 Kneading machine is applied to knead sugar mass after cooking and adding various flavor and spice to make unique taste of candy product. This machine kneads sugar mass fully and easy for cooling equably. It's an ideal machine for forming candy production. ETR-400 揉糖机是用于揉碾熬制好并添加了各种香料的糖 EYT-120 Kneading machine is applied to knead sugar mass after cooking and adding various flavor and spice to make unique taste of candy product. This machine kneads sugar mass fully and easy for cooling equably. It's an ideal machine for forming candy production. EYT-120 揉糖机适用对熬煮后糖浆的揉碾压制以及对各种 JL-200 Auto-weighing system is ingredient weighing equipment of candy production line. It is able to achieve accurate proportion of different ingredients to ensure taste of final product. During processing of auto-weighing system, this equipment can heat and stir sugar solution continuously to supply the next process. It's an important portion of candy production. 自动称重系统是生产各种糖果的配料设备 各种原料通过自动称重以准确的配比保证糖果的口味 在配料称重过程中, 设备还对熬糖原料进行不断加热和搅拌, 以保证后道工序的顺利进行, 是糖果生产线中非常重要的组成部分 浆, 以保证糖果独特的口味 该揉糖机可充分的揉碾糖浆使之 香精物料的添加揉合, 使糖体更具独特风味 ; 该机揉合充分, 易于均匀冷却, 是理想的冲压糖果生产设备 时效高, 冷却好, 是理想的糖浆揉合设备 ETR-400 EYT-120 15-40kg/batch 350kg/h 2kw 2.5kw 3600*1350*2000mm 1585*1300*1380mm JX CENTER FILLING MACHINE JX 夹心机 JX Center filling machine is designed to center fill in candy product. The center filling ingredient can be chocolate, liquid jam etc. This machine has jacket to keep warm of center filling ingredient. JX 夹心机是用于生产夹心糖果的关键设备 夹心物料可用巧克力, 液体果酱等多种原料 该机带夹套保温, 方便夹心物料的添加 Volume of weighing tank Weighing range 称重锅容量称重范围 JL-200 1000kg/h 200-350L 1kg-350kg Volume of dissolving tank 化糖锅容量蒸汽压力 350-500L 6.5kw 0.2-0.6Mpa JX 蒸汽耗量 250kg/h 50-200L/h 3kw 1000kg 19 20

LABORATORY CANDY MACHINE 实验室机器 CANDY PACKING MACHINE 糖果包装机 ESYA-300 LAB BATCH COOKER ESYA-300 实验室熬糖机 ESYA-300 Lab batch cooker is suitable for cooking syrup in the lab application. This machine can dissolve, pressure, vacuum, aerate and cook to satisfy the desired of creating new candy product in the lab. The cooked syrup from ESYA-300 Lab batch cooker is capable of producing hard candy, soft candy, jelly, toffee, high boiled candy and sugar free product. ESYA-300 实验室熬糖机适用于实验室小批量糖浆的熬煮, 该设备通过对原料进行溶解 加压 真空 充气 熬煮等不同处理方式满足实验室糖果开发对糖浆的不同需求 熬制出来的糖浆能满足硬糖 软糖 凝胶软糖 太妃糖 高温熬制糖果以及无糖糖果的开发 TYPE-1000 PILLOW PACKING MACHINE TYPE-1000 枕式包装机 TYPE- 600 DOUBLE TWIST CANDY PACKING MACHINE TYPE- 600 双扭结糖果包装机 ESYA-300 3-6kg/batch 2kw 蒸汽压力压缩空气压力 0.6Mpa 0.4Mpa 1505*800*2000mm 300kg TYPE-1000 TYPE-600 1000pcs/min 600pcs/min DHYT-02 LAB CANDY DEPOSITING MACHINE DHYT-02 实验室浇注机 LPM-510 LAB PULLING MACHINE LPM-510 实验室拉白机 Product shape Lengh of packing film Voltage 产品形状包装纸长度电压 Round, oval 48-58mm 380V,50Hz 4kw Lengh of product Width of product Height of product 产品长度产品宽度产品厚度 11-35mm 11-25mm 5-20mm 2.2kw 2810*1220*1800mm 900kg 1000kg EL-200 MULTI HEAD WEIGHING AND PACKING MACHINE EL-200 多头计量秤包装机 Range of depositing weight Stroke number 浇注量范围浇注数量 DHYT02 20cavities/min 2-7g 2stroke/times 3kw 1580*1050*2000mm 300kg Safety protection Speed adjust type Voltage 安全保护转速调整方式电压 LPM-510 0.5-1kg/batch 0.75kw Safety cover 保护罩 Knob adjustable 旋钮可调 380V(220V possible) 550*450*680mm 75kg Lengh of bag Width of bag Compressed air consumption 包装袋长度包装袋宽度压缩空气压力压缩空气耗量 EL-200 25-75bags 80-300mm 80-200mm 3kw 0.15m 3 /min 1200*1450*1500mm 1000kg 21 22

ACCESSORIAL MACHINE 辅助设备 ACCESSORIAL MACHINE 辅助设备 EQJZ-50 CHOCOLATE DEPOSITOR EQJZ-50 巧克力浇注机 TYPE-450 SHUFFLE MIXER TYPE-450 型充气打发机 BT-18 3D CANDY DEPOSITING MACHINE BT-18 立体糖果浇注线 YJB-300 MIXING MACHINE YJB-300 搅拌机 EQJZ-50 Chocolate depositor is advanced chocolate machine. This depositor integrates mechanical, electric and pneumatic. It is drove by servo motor and controlled by PLC. This chocolate depositor is capable of moulding, depositing and forming at one time. The unique feature is its fully automatic operation and high capacity. EQJZ-50 是我司自行设计并制造的新型巧克力浇注机, 该机集机, 电, 气于一体, 采用 PLC 控制, 伺服驱动 设计合理, 结构紧凑 压模, 浇注, 成型一次完成, 并且具有全自动, 高的特点 TYPE-450 Shuffle mixer specialize in aerating and mixing continuously for chocolate or marshmallow's production. This machine possesses advanced designing, compact structure, and high grade of automatization, which is perfect to satisfy requirement such as aerating and mixing during automatic food production process. TYPE-450 充气打发机用于巧克力 棉花糖等浆料的连续充气打发 该机设计先进 结构紧凑 自动化程度高, 能较好地解决食品自动化生产过程中对物料充气打发的需求 BT-18 3D Candy depositing machine is irregularly three dimension product depositing equipment. This equipment's feature is its large range of depositing sugar mass and various design of product shapes. It can not only produce 3D or semi-3d candy, but also two color, whirl strip design product through different device. This machine integrates mechanical, electrical and pneumatic control. It is a practical and optimum 3D candy production equipment. BT-18 立体糖果自动浇注成型生产线是新型的异型棒糖和 3D 糖果浇注生产设备 它的特点是浇注流量范围大, 糖形设计变化丰富多样, 不仅可以生产各类立体, 半立体的糖果, 还可以根据不同配置生产双色 喷花等立体糖果 该机集电 气 机于一体, 是理想 实用的 3D 立体糖果浇注设备 蒸汽压力 EQJZ-50 1000kg/h 14kw 0.5-0.7Mpa TYPE-450 100- BT-18 YJB-300 30kg/batch 1.5kw 700*450*1400mm 蒸汽耗量 150kg/h 4kw 7200pcs/h 压缩空气压力 Air consumption 耗气量 900L/h of each candy 单颗糖 5-40g/pcs 1980*1320*1760mm 1000*600*140mm Candy shape 糖果形状 As customer requirement ( 根据客户要求 ) 2200kg 150kg 12kw Compressed air consumption 压缩空气耗量 120m 3 /h Size (L*W) 19600*2800mm ESP-0001 COMBINED FLAVOR/COLOR DOSING PUMP ESP-0001 香精 / 色素计量泵 Z TYPE CONVEY FEEDER Z 字形输送喂料机 6000kg Pressure 压力 ESP-0001 0-80P 0-7.2L/h(single pump) 1.1kw Z Type convey feeder is capable of feeding sugar mass to batch roller automatically. It is composed of a teflon coating trolley, a feeding hopper, an electric box and a lifting transport conveyor. It is possible to transport and feed sugar mass automatically. The maximum capacity can be 800kg/h. Viscosity range Dia of dosing pole 粘度范围柱塞杆直径 1-100000CP 10mm 724*390*275mm Z 字形输送喂料机可用于给保温滚床供应糖膏 该输送机主要由一对表面涂食品级 TEFLON 材料的挤压滚轮, 一个投料口, 一个电控箱, 和一条爬坡输送带组成 可实现自动的喂料输送 最高可达到每小时 800 公斤 23 24