God Is The Strength Of My Heart [E, 100 bpm, 4/4] [Integrity's Hosanna! Music] by Eugene Greco VERSE E.. B/E..A/E.. E. B/E...A/E..Whom.have.I.in.heav-

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或 者 紅 外 線 都 很 明 顯, 顯 示 它 是 又 厚 又 高 的 雲 (C) 丙 處 的 雲 為 對 流 發 展 旺 盛 的 積 雨 雲, 所 以 在 可 見 光 雲 圖 較 明 顯, 而 紅 外 線 雲 圖 較 暗 淡 (D) 甲 處 的 雲 主 要 是 低 層 雲, 所 以 在 可 見



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从 宾 馆 到 又 一 城 是 十 五 分 钟, 从 又 一 城 到 邵 逸 夫 是 十 分 钟, 去 时 一 路 上 坡 很 辛 苦, 回 时 一 路 下 坡 很 轻 松, 很 像 上 小 学 时 的 心 情, 这 是 最 初 几 天 最 深 的 感 受 有 段 时 间 很 少 走 校 内 的 路



God Is The Strength Of My Heart [E, 00 bpm, 4/4] [Integrity's Hosanna! Music] by Eugene Greco E.. B/E..A/E.. E. B/E...A/E..Whom.have.I.in.heav-en.but.You.. E. B/E..A/E.. D6/E.E9. There.is.nothing.on.earth.I.desire..besides.You. Amaj7.. E2/G# E/G#..Esus/F#.Esus/B.B7. E....E/G#.My.heart.and.my.strength.. many. times. they.fail... Amaj7.. G#m7.C#m. Esus/F#. A6/B..But.there.is.one.truth..that.always.will.prevail..A.. E/G#...G#m7...E/G#..God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart......F#m7...F#m7/B.. E. B/E...E...God.is.the.strength...of.my.heart....E/G#.A...G#m7. C#m.B/C#..God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart.and.my.por- tion..c#m.f#m7.e/g#. E/A...A6/B...For- e. -.. ver E...Forever 989 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI Song # 8099 -- CCLI License # 39009

God Is The Strength Of My Heart [F, 00 bpm, 4/4] [Integrity's Hosanna! Music] by Eugene Greco F.. C/F..Bb/F.. F. C/F...Bb/F..Whom.have.I.in.heav-en.but.You.. F. C/F..Bb/F.. Eb6/F.F9. There.is.nothing.on.earth.I.desire..besides.You. Bbmaj7. F2/A. F/A...Fsus/G.Fsus/C.C7. F....F/A..My.heart.and.my.strength.. many. times. they.fail... Bbmaj7. Am7.Dm. Fsus/G. Bb6/C..But.there.is.one.truth..that.always.will.prevail..Bb. F/A...Am7...F/A...God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart......Gm7...Gm7/C.. F. C/F...F...God.is.the.strength...of.my.heart....F/A..Bb..Am7. Dm.C/D...God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart.and.my.por- tion..dm.gm7..f/a.. F/Bb...Bb6/C...For-e. -.. ver F...Forever 989 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI Song # 8099 -- CCLI License # 39009

God Is The Strength Of My Heart [G, 00 bpm, 4/4] [Integrity's Hosanna! Music] by Eugene Greco G.. D/G..C/G.. G. D/G...C/G..Whom.have.I.in.heav-en.but.You.. G. D/G..C/G.. F6/G.G9. There.is.nothing.on.earth.I.desire..besides.You. Cmaj7.. G2/B. G/B...Gsus/A.Gsus/D.D7. G....G/B..My.heart.and.my.strength.. many. times. they.fail... Cmaj7.. Bm7.Em. Gsus/A. C6/D..But.there.is.one.truth..that.always.will.prevail..C.. G/B...Bm7...G/B...God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart......Am7...Am7/D.. G. D/G...G...God.is.the.strength...of.my.heart....G/B..C...Bm7. Em.D/E...God.is.the.strength.of.my.heart.and.my.por-tion..Em.Am7..G/B.. G/C...C6/D...For-e. -.. ver G...Forever 989 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI Song # 8099 -- CCLI License # 39009

Celebrate [G, 44 bpm, 4/4] [EN] by Dave Bankhead and Trish Morgan G......G...G/A...G/B......D.................. G Come.on.and.celebrate Bm His.gift.of.love,.we.will.celebrate Em. C.Am The.Son.of.God.who.loved.us Dsus.D And.gave.us.life G We'll.shout.Your.praise.O.King Bm You.give.us.joy.nothing.else.can.bring Em. Am7.D We'll.give.to.You.our.offering D7. G In.celebration.praise C. Am..Come.on.and.celebrate,.celebrate..G. D/F#.Em..Celebrate.and. sing..am7. D. G..Celebrate.and.sing.to.the.King C. Am..Come.on.and.celebrate,.celebrate..G. D/F#.Em..Celebrate.and. sing..am7. D. D7. G..Celebrate.and.sing.to.the.King 984 Thankyou Music CCLI Song # 895 -- CCLI License # 39009

新的异象, 新的方向 (Give Us Vision) [G, 80 bpm, 4/4] [Stream of Praise] by 郑懋柔 (Tiffany M. Cheng), Word by 游智婷 (Sandy Yu)...G......D/G......C/G......Cm/G......G......D/G......C/G......Cm/G..................................................... G.D/G. Em. Bm. 有敬拜的声音发出,.. 从最高的山到海洋深处 you.jing.bai.di.sheng.yin.fa.chu,.cong.zui.gao.di.shan.dao.hai.yang.shen.chu There's.a.sound.of.worship.rising,.reaching.over.to.the.ends.of.the.earth C. Bm. Em.Am. D 神的儿女要唱一首新歌,. 我们神要做新事 shen.di.er.nv.yao.chang.yi.shou.xin.ge,.wo.men.shen.yao.zuo.xin.shi Sons.and.daughters,.sing.out.a.brand.new.song,.God.is.making.all.things.new G.D/G. Em. Bm. 旧的事都已经过去,.. 在基督里一切都要更新 jiu.di.shi.dou.yi.jing.guo.qu,.zai.ji.du.li.yi.qie.dou.yao.geng.xin Former.glory.is.passing.away,.Jesus.Christ.will.show.us.a.new.way C. Bm. Am. D 新的眼界. 新的异象,. 新的故事. 新的方向 xin.di.yan.jie.xin.di.yi.xiang,.xin.di.gu.shi.xin.di.fang.xiang Give.us.vision,.give.us.a.new.sign,.(a).new.direction.to.follow.You G. D/F#. Em. Bm... 全地都要渴望呼喊,. 荣耀的主我愿祢来..quan.di.dou.yao.ke.wang.hu.han,.rong.yao.di.zhu.wo.yuan.ni.lai..And.all.the.earth.cries.out.to.You,.Glorious.King.we.long.fo.You C. G/B. Am. D.. 天要敞开恩膏倾倒下来,. 神国度的荣耀彰显..tian.yao.chang.kai.en.gao.qing.dao.xia.lai,.shen.guo.du.di.rong.yao.zhang.xian..Let.heaven.pour.out.anointing.on.us,.Your.kingdom.be.revealed.to.us G. D/F#. Em. Bm... 全地都要渴望呼喊,. 荣耀的主我愿祢来..quan.di.dou.yao.ke.wang.hu.han,.rong.yao.di.zhu.wo.yuan.ni.lai..And.all.the.earth.cries.out.to.You,.Glorious.King.we.long.fo.You C. G/B. Am. D. G.. 圣灵引领看见新的异象,. 祢要做新的事在我们中间..sheng.ling.yin.ling.kan.jian.xin.di.yi.xiang,.ni.yao.zuo.xin.di.shi.zai.wo.men.zhong.jian..Let.Spirit.open.our.eyes.to.see.that.everything.will.be.made.new.in.You 205 Stream of Praise Music

新的异象, 新的方向 (Give Us Vision) [A, 80 bpm, 4/4] [Stream of Praise] by 郑懋柔 (Tiffany M. Cheng), Word by 游智婷 (Sandy Yu)...A......E/A......D/A......Dm/A......A......E/A......D/A......Dm/A..................................................... A.E/A. F#m. C#m 有敬拜的声音发出,.. 从最高的山到海洋深处 you.jing.bai.di.sheng.yin.fa.chu,.cong.zui.gao.di.shan.dao.hai.yang.shen.chu There's.a.sound.of.worship.rising,.reaching.over.to.the.ends.of.the.earth D. C#m.F#m.Bm. E 神的儿女要唱一首新歌,. 我们神要做新事 shen.di.er.nv.yao.chang.yi.shou.xin.ge,.wo.men.shen.yao.zuo.xin.shi Sons.and.daughters,.sing.out.a.brand.new.song,.God.is.making.all.things.new A.E/A. F#m. C#m 旧的事都已经过去,.. 在基督里一切都要更新 jiu.di.shi.dou.yi.jing.guo.qu,.zai.ji.du.li.yi.qie.dou.yao.geng.xin Former.glory.is.passing.away,.Jesus.Christ.will.show.us.a.new.way D. C#m. Bm. E 新的眼界. 新的异象,. 新的故事. 新的方向 xin.di.yan.jie.xin.di.yi.xiang,.xin.di.gu.shi.xin.di.fang.xiang Give.us.vision,.give.us.a.new.sign,.(a).new.direction.to.follow.You A. E/G#. F#m. C#m.. 全地都要渴望呼喊,. 荣耀的主我愿祢来..quan.di.dou.yao.ke.wang.hu.han,.rong.yao.di.zhu.wo.yuan.ni.lai..And.all.the.earth.cries.out.to.You,.Glorious.King.we.long.fo.You D. A/C#. Bm. E.. 天要敞开恩膏倾倒下来,. 神国度的荣耀彰显..tian.yao.chang.kai.en.gao.qing.dao.xia.lai,.shen.guo.du.di.rong.yao.zhang.xian..Let.heaven.pour.out.anointing.on.us,.Your.kingdom.be.revealed.to.us A. E/G#. F#m. C#m.. 全地都要渴望呼喊,. 荣耀的主我愿祢来..quan.di.dou.yao.ke.wang.hu.han,.rong.yao.di.zhu.wo.yuan.ni.lai..And.all.the.earth.cries.out.to.You,.Glorious.King.we.long.fo.You D. A/C#. Bm. E. A.. 圣灵引领看见新的异象,. 祢要做新的事在我们中间..sheng.ling.yin.ling.kan.jian.xin.di.yi.xiang,.ni.yao.zuo.xin.di.shi.zai.wo.men.zhong.jian..Let.Spirit.open.our.eyes.to.see.that.everything.will.be.made.new.in.You 205 Stream of Praise Music

君王就在这里 (The King Is Here) [A] [Stream of Praise] by 曾祥怡 (Grace Tseng) A/C#.D. E/G#.A. F#m.B7 Esus4.E A/C#.D. C#/F.F#m Bm.E A. A/C#.D.E/G#.A. F#m.B7. Esus4.E 圣洁耶稣,. 祢宝座在这里 sheng.jie.ye.su,.ni.bao.zuo.zai.zhe.li Jesus,.my.King,.You re.seated.on.the.throne A/C#.D.C#/F.F#m. Bm. E. A. 哈利路亚,. 祢荣耀在这里. ha.li.lu.ya,.ni.rong.yao.zai.zhe.li Hallelujah,.Your.glory.fill.this.place D. E/D. C#m.. 君王就在这里,. 我们欢然献祭..jun.wang.jiu.zai.zhe.li,.wo.men.huan.ran.xian.ji..The.King.is.here,.we.offer.all.our.praise..F#. Bm. E. A... 拥戴祢为王,. 荣耀都归于祢..yong.dai.ni.wei.wang,.rong.yao.dou.gui.yu.ni..Crown.You.Lord.of.lords,.give.glory.to.Your.Name A/C#. D. C#. F#m.. 君王就在这里,. 大能彰显这地..jun.wang.jiu.zai.zhe.li,.da.neng.zhang.xian.zhe.di..The.King.is.here,.You re.robed.in.majesty..f#. Bm.E. A... 和散那归于至高神主耶稣..he.sa.na.gui.yu.zhi.gao.shen.zhu.ye.su..Hosanna.onto.the.glorious.King.of.kings INTERLUDE..(to.verse) A/C#.D. E/G#.A. A/C#.D. E/G#.A. INTERLUDE.2.(to.bridge) A. D/A. F#m E A/C# D. F#m E BRIDGE.A.. D/A..F#m. E 更多更多来高举祢的名,. 更多更多来呼喊祢的名. geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.gao.ju.ni.di.ming,.geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.hu.han.ni.di.ming Higher.and.higher,.we.lift.Your.Holy.Name,.higher.and.higher,.we.lift.a.shout.of.praise.A/C#. D..F#m. E. A. 更多更多来承认祢是主,. 直到那日我再见祢的面 geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.cheng.ren.ni.shi.zhu,.zhi.dao.na.ri.wo.zai.jian.ni.di.mian Louder.and.louder,.declare.that.You.are.Lord,.until.that.day.when.I.see.You.face.to.face 207 Stream of Praise Music

君王就在这里 (The King Is Here) [B] [Stream of Praise] by 曾祥怡 (Grace Tseng) B/D#.E. F#/A#.B. G#m.C#7 F#sus4.F# B/D#.E. D#/G.G#m C#m.F# B. B/D#.E.F#/A#.B. G#m.C#7.F#sus4.F# 圣洁耶稣,. 祢宝座在这里 sheng.jie.ye.su,.ni.bao.zuo.zai.zhe.li Jesus,.my.King,.You re.seated.on.the.throne B/D#.E.D#/G.G#m.C#m.F#. B. 哈利路亚,. 祢荣耀在这里. ha.li.lu.ya,.ni.rong.yao.zai.zhe.li Hallelujah,.Your.glory.fill.this.place E. F#/E. D#m.. 君王就在这里,. 我们欢然献祭..jun.wang.jiu.zai.zhe.li,.wo.men.huan.ran.xian.ji..The.King.is.here,.we.offer.all.our.praise..G#. C#m.F#. B... 拥戴祢为王,. 荣耀都归于祢..yong.dai.ni.wei.wang,.rong.yao.dou.gui.yu.ni..Crown.You.Lord.of.lords,.give.glory.to.Your.Name B/D#. E. D#. G#m.. 君王就在这里,. 大能彰显这地..jun.wang.jiu.zai.zhe.li,.da.neng.zhang.xian.zhe.di..The.King.is.here,.You re.robed.in.majesty..g#. C#m.F#. B... 和散那归于至高神主耶稣..he.sa.na.gui.yu.zhi.gao.shen.zhu.ye.su..Hosanna.onto.the.glorious.King.of.kings INTERLUDE..(to.verse) B/D#.E. F#/A#.B. B/D#.E. F#/A#.B. INTERLUDE.2.(to.bridge) B. E/B. G#m F# B/D# E. G#m F# BRIDGE.B.. E/B..G#m. F# 更多更多来高举祢的名,. 更多更多来呼喊祢的名. geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.gao.ju.ni.di.ming,.geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.hu.han.ni.di.ming Higher.and.higher,.we.lift.Your.Holy.Name,.higher.and.higher,.we.lift.a.shout.of.praise.B/D#. E..G#m. F#. B. 更多更多来承认祢是主,. 直到那日我再见祢的面 geng.duo.geng.duo.lai.cheng.ren.ni.shi.zhu,.zhi.dao.na.ri.wo.zai.jian.ni.di.mian Louder.and.louder,.declare.that.You.are.Lord,.until.that.day.when.I.see.You.face.to.face 207 Stream of Praise Music

Holy Holy Holy (Savior & King) [A, 76 bpm] [Gateway Worship] by John Bacchus Dykes, Reginald Heber, and Walker Beach...A5......A...F#m7......C#m......A...F#m7......C#m............................................... A. F#m7.C#m.Dmaj7.D. A Holy.holy. holy. Lord. God.Almighty E/G#. F#m. E/G#. Bsus. B.Esus..E Early.in.the.morn-ing.our.song.shall.rise.to...Thee A. F#m7.C#m.Dmaj7.D. A Holy.holy. holy. merci- ful.and.mighty F#m.A/E. D. A/C#.Bm7. Esus.A God. in.three.per-sons. blessed.trini- ty TURNF#ROUNB/OUTRO...A...F#m7......C#m......A...F#m7......C#m......(A)...(Last.time).......................................2 A. F#m7.C#m.Dmaj7.D. A Holy.holy. holy. all.the. saints.adore.thee E/G#. F#m. E/G#. Bsus. B.Esus..E Casting.down.their.golden.crowns.around.the.glassy...sea A. F#m7. C#m. Dmaj7.D. A Cheru-bim.and.seraphim.falling. down.before.thee F#m. A/E. D. A/C#.Bm7.E. A Which.wert.and.art.and. ever- more.shall.be...e..d..a..you.are...lord.you.are.lord... F#m.E...You.reign.eternal - ly..a.e. F#m...You.are...Lord.God.Al- mighty D. E.A...My.Savior.and.my...King.3 A. F#m7.C#m.Dmaj7. D. A Holy.holy. holy. man.hath.fallen.from.thee E/G#. F#m. E/G#. Bsus. B. GSUS..E Through.the.blood.of.Christ.Thy.Son.this.soul.can.be.re- deemed A. F#m7. C#m. Dmaj7. D. A Justice.truth.and.mercy.join.with.love.to.crown.Thee F#m.A/E. D. A/C#.Bm7. E.A. Sav- ior.of.sin-ners. soon.returning.king 200 Gateway Create Publishing CCLI Song # 5758706 -- CCLI License # 39009

Hosanna (Be Lifted Higher) [D, 68 bpm, 4/4] [Sidney Mohede] by Israel Houghton, Sidney Mohede, and M. Sidney..D. A. Bm7. D. A/C#.Bm7..Hosanna.in.the.high- est G. A. Em7.A.D..Let.our.King.be.lifted.up,.hosan - na..d. A. Bm7. D. A/C#.Bm7..Hosanna.in.the.high- est G. G/A. Em7.A.D..Let.our.King.be.lifted.up,.hosan - na BRIDGE G. Em7 (Jesus.You).Be.lifted.higher.higher D.Bm7 Be.lifted.higher G. Em7 Jesus.You.be.lifted.higher.higher. D.Bm7 Be.lifted.higher 200 Integrity's Praise! Music, Sound Of The New Breed, Insight Unlimited Publishing, and Insight Unlimited CCLI Song # 578052 -- CCLI License # 39009

Hosanna (Be Lifted Higher) [E, 68 bpm, 4/4] [Sidney Mohede] by Israel Houghton, Sidney Mohede, and M. Sidney..E. B. C#m7. E. B/D#.C#m7..Hosanna.in.the.high- est A. B. F#m7.B.E..Let.our.King.be.lifted.up,.hosan - na..e. B. C#m7. E. B/D#.C#m7..Hosanna.in.the.high- est A. A/B. F#m7.B.E..Let.our.King.be.lifted.up,.hosan - na BRIDGE A. F#m7 (Jesus.You).Be.lifted.higher.higher E.C#m7 Be.lifted.higher A. F#m7 Jesus.You.be.lifted.higher.higher. E.C#m7 Be.lifted.higher 200 Integrity's Praise! Music, Sound Of The New Breed, Insight Unlimited Publishing, and Insight Unlimited CCLI Song # 578052 -- CCLI License # 39009

Build My Life [E, 70 bpm, 4/4] [Housefires] by Brett Younker, Karl Martin, Kirby Kable, Matt Redman, and Pat Barrett E.....A2.....E/G#.....A2............. E. A2 Worthy.of.every.song.we.could.ever.sing E/G#. A2 Worthy.of.all.the.praise.we.could.ever.bring E. A2 Worthy.of.every.breath.we.could.ever.breathe E/G#.A2 We.live.for.You.2 E. A2 Jesus.the.name.above.every.other.name E/G#. A2 Jesus.the.only.one.who.could.ever.save E. A2 Worthy.of.every.breath.we.could.ever.breathe E/G#. A2 We.live.for.You,we.live.for.You..A2. F#m. E/B..Holy.there.is.no.one.like.You,.there.is.none.besides.You C#m7..Open.up.my.eyes.in.wonder. A2. F#m..Show.me.who.You.are.and.fill.me.with.Your.heart E/B. C#m7..And.lead.me.in.Your.love.to.those.around.me BRIDGE A. B. C#m7 I.will.build.my.life.upon.Your.love E/G# It.is.a.firm.foundation A. B. C#m7 I.will.put.my.trust.in.You.alone E/G#.(A) And.I.will.not.be.shaken Said And Done Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing), sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing), Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing), worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing), and Remaining portion is unaffiliated CCLI Song # 7070345 -- CCLI License # 39009