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卡爾加里 落基山 班夫 VIP 冰原 賈斯珀 溫哥華 4/5 天遊 Calgary Rockies Banff VIP Icefield Jasper Vancouver 4/5 Days 團號 Tour Code [Tour Code CGO4/5] 2019 出發日期 Departure Date 6/7-8/31 逢週三 五 六出發 Wed, Fri, Sat 9/1-10/12 逢週三 六出發 Wed, Sat 豪禮大派送價值超過 $110! Exclusive Git Pack Total value over $110! 送精選市區遊 ( 約 3.5 小時 ): 最 TOP 景點全網羅 - 市中心 史丹利公園 加拿大廣場 國際會議中心 冬奧會聖火盆等 乘特色漁港小渡至格蘭維爾半島, 欣賞兩岸如畫風景! Bonus Complimentary Vancouver Mini City Tour (duration: approx.3.5 hrs) covering top attractions such as Downtown, Stanley Park, Canada Place, etc. Exclusive! Bonus Mini Ferry Ride to Granville Island. 溫哥華夜遊 : 買一贈一! 最紅最 TOP 打卡夜景聖地一網打盡 : 蓋斯鎮 - 漫步鵝卵石小徑, 探尋古老城區內的蒸汽時鐘, 潮店, 酒吧, 體驗溫哥華夜生活奧運村 - 漫步福溪, 欣賞科學館及 五彩菠蘿包 " 卑斯體育館的迷人都市夜景加拿大廣場 - 觀賞霓虹燈下五帆酒店, 海風輕撫, 怡然自得 Vancouver Night Tour: Buy One Get One Free! Book your adventure to the top nightscape attractions like Gastown, Olympic Village, Canada Place, etc. 再送溫哥華名品奧特萊斯購物 : 加贈!9 折 VIP 直銷貴賓優惠卡! 舒適的購物環境,70 多個知名品牌如 Armani,Coach,Michael Kors 等, 充裕購物時間! Complimentary Vancouver Designer Outlet Shopping: enjoy the thrill and exciting exploration at the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Vancouver Airport with a bonus VIP discount card. 送精美旅行禮品, 送完即止 ( 按雙人房計算 ; 送完即止 ) Bonus Exquisite travel gifts (per twin room; while supplies last). CGO4 不包含溫哥華住宿, 完團後直接送往溫哥華機場, 恕無法安排精選市區遊及奧特萊斯購物 CGO4 does not provide the complementary city tour and Outlet shopping due to time constraints.

行程亮點 Tour Highlights 卡爾加里機場參團, 可安排溫哥華 / 西雅圖機場或郵輪碼頭離團 ; 行程更省時經濟 Tour greeting at Calgary Airport and tour ending at Vancouver/Seattle Airport/Cruise Pier. 連續兩晚入住國家公園內 : 包括班夫及獨家專享全球限量 32 間的冰川景觀度假酒店並贈送豐盛冰原早餐, 欣賞壯麗的亞迪巴斯加冰川, 星海觸手可及 Two overnights in National Parks. One night stay at Banff, and one night exclusively stay at Glacier View Lodge, the unique hotel in the Columbia Icefield and enjoy bonus complimentary Icefield breakfast. Be amazed by the the broad starlit sky. 唯我獨尊!VIP 冰原包場體驗, 黃昏冰原雪車及清晨天空步道, 體驗絕佳攝影場景 VIP icefield experience. Ride specially arranged Ice Explorer at sunset and step on Glacier Skywalk in the morning. 樂此不疲! 特色自選橡皮艇漂流, 舒緩漂流, 適合各年齡層 Enjoy exciting optional Rafting. 難得 湖途 : 夢蓮湖 露易絲湖 硃砂湖 弓湖等 Explore Famous Lakes: Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, Vermilion Lakes, Bow Lake and more! 貼心安排 Considerate Arrangement 獨家! 省時便利! 送兩天早餐 ; 精心安排全程膳食, 包括露易絲湖堡壘酒店享用豐盛的午餐和特色冰原晚餐 Exclusive! Bonus two complimentary breakfasts. All Inclusive Meal Arrangement available, including the lunch at renowned Chateau Lake Louise and dinner at Icefield. * 如需素食或其他特殊餐食, 請於預訂時告知以便跟餐廳協調及盡力安排 *Please notify us in advance for any dietary request. 人氣推薦! 選擇巴士前三排, 令您視野更開闊, 沿途美景第一時間盡收眼底, 更方便攝影取景 Don t miss the opportunity to capture more by reserving First 3 Rows! 特色體驗 Unique Experience 獨家! 多等級溫哥華酒店選擇, 毗鄰購物 交通及餐廳 更可尊貴升等入住市中心喜來登酒店 - 豪華景觀房 寬大的落地窗可一覽市區及海灣美景 Exclusive! Various hotel options in Vancouver. Upgrade your stay in Vancouver to Deluxe View Room at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. 獨家! 新玩法! 溫哥華出海觀鯨, 尋覓虎鯨 座頭鯨 海豚 海獅 海豹等海洋生

物 ( 約 3-5 小時行程 ; 適用於有半日以上溫哥華自由活動的客人 ) Exclusive! Enjoy a spectacular Whale Watching tour to discover marine habitat, killer whales,humpback whales and more!(about 3-5 hours; applies to guests with half free day in Vancouver). 行程介紹 Itinerary 第一天 : 原居地 - 卡爾加里 - 班夫風情小鎮 - 弓河瀑布 ( 餐 : 晚 ) Day 1: Hometown - Calgary - Town of Banff - Gondola - Bow Falls (Meal: D) 抵達卡加利機場, 約下午 2 點 15 分於內陸航班 8 號行李帶 ( 詢問中心 ) 集合, 前往被譽為 落基山脈靈魂 的班夫鎮 於下午 4 點 30 分在指定酒店大堂集合 親臨弓河瀑布由瑪麗蓮夢露主演的電影 大江東去 的取景地 享受悠閒時刻 - 漫步歐陸風情濃厚的班夫鎮 Please meet at domestic claim belt #8 at Calgary Airport at approx. 2:15pm. Depart for the Rocky Mountains. Meet our guide at hotel lobby around 4:30pm. Head to Bow Falls, known for its featuring in 1953 Marilyn Monroe starred film River of No Return. Explore Town of Banff at your own pace. 住宿 Hotel: Mount Royal / Inns of Banff Superior or similar 或同級 可升級費爾蒙班夫春泉堡壘酒店標准房, 獨家特價升等山景房 Optional upgrade to Fairmont Room at Banff Springs. Exclusive upgrade to Mountain View room. 第二天 : 班夫小鎮 - 纜車 - 夢蓮湖 - 露易絲湖 - 冰原雪車 - 冰川景觀度假酒店 ( 午晚 ) Day 2: Town of Banff - Gondola - Moraine Lake - Lake Louise - Ice Explorer - Glacier View (L/D) 乘硫磺山登山纜車 ( 門票 ),360 度鳥瞰落基山脈和班夫鎮 遠眺城堡山, 前往夢蓮湖 ( 視開放情況 ), 周圍的十峰谷倒映於湖面上 來到露易絲湖, 遠處的維多利亞冰川与湖面交相輝映 經弓湖後, 沿冰原大道進入賈斯珀國家公園更有機會與野生動物邂逅 乘坐獨家安排的 VIP 巨型雪車 冰原探險家號 ( 門票 ) 登上哥倫比亞冰原 入住冰原內唯一的冰川景觀度假酒店, 抬頭便可欣賞暗夜星空 Ride the Gondola (adm) to enjoy a bird s eye view of the Rockies. Passing by Castle Mountain, head to Moraine Lake (subject to road condition) for a fantastic view of the Ten Peaks. Stroll along the Jewel of the Rockies, the Lake Louise. Pass by Bow Lake, admire the wildlife and nature wonders through the Icefields Parkway. At sunset, get a ride on a VIP Ice Explorer (adm). Stay overnight at the only hotel in the Columbia Icefield! 住宿 Hotel: 獨一無二的冰川景觀度假酒店 Glacier View Lodge! * 原行程中碧吐湖將在 6 月開始關閉, 此景點會由雙傑克湖及明尼汪卡湖替代 * As Peyto lake from the original itinerary will be closed starting from June, tour will be replaced with Two Jack Lake and Lake Minnewanka

第三天 : 冰原 - 冰川天空步道 - 亞迪巴斯加瀑布 - 賈斯珀 - 自選活動 - 瑪琳峽谷 - 山河鎮 ( 晚 ) 送早餐 * Day 3: Icefield - Glacier Skywalk - Athabasca Falls - Jasper - Optional Activities - Maligne Canyon - Valemount (D) Comp. B* 獨家享用豐盛的冰原自助早餐後, 來到冰川天空步道 ( 門票 ), 走過探索步道淩空漫步於玻璃走廊觀景臺 遊覽亞迪巴斯加瀑布後, 可參加橡皮艇漂流 ( 自費 ) 或自由活動於賈斯珀小鎮 親臨瑪琳峽谷, 觀賞卡斯特地貌 與落基山脈第一高峰 - 羅布森山拍照留念後, 住宿于山河鎮 After a buffet breakfast at the Icefield, begin your adventure to Glacier Skywalk (adm) and Athabasca Falls. Capture the most magnificent view of the Rockies by River Rafting (optional) or enjoy leisure time at the alpine town of Jasper. Visit Maligne Canyon. Capture a precious moment with the highest point in the Canadian Rockies- Mt. Robson before arriving at Valemount. 住宿 Hotel: Canada s Best Value Inn or similar 或同級 第四天 : 山河鎮 - 湯普森河 - 甘露市 - 參場 - 希望鎮 - 溫哥華 ( 午 ) 送早餐 * Day 4: Valemount - Thompson River - Kamloops - Ginseng Factory - Hope - Vancouver (L) Comp. B* 早上沿著湯普森河, 經威爾斯葛雷省立公園, 前往 花旗參之都 甘露市 參觀加西唯一 GMP 認證參場並瞭解花旗參品種及種植過程 經昔日淘金小鎮希望鎮后傍晚返回溫哥華 Pass through Well s Gray Provincial Park and drive along the Thompson River. Visit the only GMP certified Ginseng factory. Pass through Hope, and arrive in Vancouver by late afternoon. * 早餐由酒店提供 Breakfast subject to hotel availability 抵達溫哥華後,4 天團 (CGO4) 直接送往溫哥華機場 **,5 天團 (CGO5) 繼續行程 ( 晚 ) [For 4 days tour (CGO4): end at Vancouer Airport**. For 5 days (CGO5) tour: transfer to hotel (D)] * 建議 CGO4 的團友搭乘晚上 9:30 後的航班離團 如因天氣 路面 機械等狀況導致行程延誤, 本公司將不負法律責任 Suggested departure flight time after 9:30pm. We are not liable to any delays caused by weather, road conditions and other circumstances. 五天團行程繼續如下 CGO5 continues: 第五天 : 溫哥華 - 原居地 ( 餐 : 早 ) Day 5: Vancouver - Hometown(Meals: B) 上午可自由活動 或探親訪友, 之後前往溫哥華國際機場, 結束愉快旅程

更可免費安排溫哥華名品奧特萊斯購物 ( 限半日以上溫哥華自由活動時間及預定下午 3 點或之後航班的客人 ) Enjoy a free day for shopping. Transfer to Vancouver Airport afterwards. Bonus!Complimentary Vancouver Designer Outlet Shopping (limited to the guests have half free day in Vancouver and Vancouver departure flight after 3:00pm) 或溫哥華 - 西雅圖 - 原居地 ( 餐 : 早 )( 需附加費 ) OR Vancouver - Seattle Hometown (Meals: B)(surcharge applies) 於西雅圖離團的客人早上由溫哥華酒店出發, 中午送達機場,55 號碼頭 ( 市中心 ) 或 91/66 號郵輪碼頭, 建議搭乘下午 3 點後的航班 Depart in the morning and arrive at Seattle Pier 55 (Downtown), Cruise Pier 55 or 91, or Sea-Tac Airport around noon. Suggested departure flight time after 3pm 溫哥華酒店類別 Types of Accommodation in Vancouver: 位於列治文中心區 Located in Central Richmond Type A 超值 Value 酒店 : Hampton Inn By Hilton / Abercorn Inn or Similar 或同級 Type B 豪華 Deluxe 酒店 : Executive Plaza Richmond (Plaza Room) / Westin Wall Centre or Similar 或同級位於溫哥華市中心 Located in Downtown Vancouver Type C 經濟 Budget 酒店 :Barclay Inn or similar 或同級 Type D 特級 Premium 酒店 : Sheraton Wall Centre / Exchange Hotel or Similar 或同級 備註 : * 費用包括 : 專業華籍導遊 ( 及落基山行程內專職司機 ) 酒店及旅遊車 * 費用不包括 : 稅金 膳食 行程內之入場費 ( 須預繳 ) 機票 旅遊保險 所有私人性質之費用 有效簽證及護照有效期為半年以上 ( 如適用 ) 導遊及司機的服務費 ( 旅遊團 : 每天每位 $10; 溫哥華精選市區遊 / 夜遊 : 每位 $5; 溫哥華送機 : 每位 $2; 西雅圖送離 : 每位 $8) * 溫哥華免費接送機時間 ( 按巴士班次 ): 8:00am-9:30pm(A B 類酒店 ); 8:00am- 8:00pm(C D 類酒店 ) * 溫哥華夜遊, 旅遊組合團友尊享 買一贈一 " 優惠! 名額有限, 報名從速 ( 價值每位 $35; 約 2 小時 ;5 月 1 日至 9 月 15 日 ) * 如遇惠斯勒頂峰纜車維修暫停運營, 則特別安排 Sea to Sky 海天纜車行程替代 纜車運營視乎時間及天氣而定, 如有調整, 恕不另行通知 * 第三 / 四位與前兩位共享一個房間, 每房以兩床為準 ; 嬰兒須佔座位, 費用按每位團費收取 * 客人如指定入住團內某一溫哥華酒店, 酌此服務費每房每晚 $40 * 每人限帶手提及寄倉行李各一件 ; 額外行李每件 $35 * 所有酒店房間均禁止吸煙, 違例者酒店將罰款 $350 起 * 團費及落基山酒店升等附加費可能會因各種因素隨時調整

* 團友因個人理由取消定位, 必須以書面通知, 出發前 30 天內取消訂位, 按以下方法辦理 : 1. 出發前 23-30 天 可退還團費的 70% 2. 出發前 15-22 天 可退還團費的 50% 3. 出發前 14 天內更改或取消訂位而不能享用行程內之某一或全部活動 膳食 入場費或酒店住房, 本公司恕不作任何退還 * 升等酒店以及自費活動 ( 飛越加拿大 水上飛機 出海觀鯨 波音工廠 Amtrak 火車等 ) 確認後不可更改, 取消不作任何退款 Remark: *Tour Fare Includes: Expert tour coordinator (separate driver during Rockies tour), accommodation and transportation as per itinerary *Tour Fare Excludes: Applicable taxes, meals, air fares, travel insurance, personal incidentals, visa/valid passport (if applicable) and tips to tour coordinator & driver (Full Day Tour: $10/guest/day; Vancouver Mini City Tour/Night Tour: $5/guest; YVR Departure Transfer: $2/guest; Seattle Departure Transfer: $8/guest) *Free YVR airport transfer time (scheduled operation): 8:00am-9:30pm (Type A & B Hotel) or 8:00am-8:00pm (Type C & D Hotel) *Vancouver Night Tour: special offer Buy One Get One Free for Tour Package guests (Value $35 per guest; Duration about 2 hours; May 1 to Sep 15). Subject to seat availability; while supply last *If Whistler Gondola Peak2Peak is closed for maintenance, it will be substituted by Sea to Sky Gondola excursion. Gondola operations are seasonal and subject to change without notice *Triple and Quad rooms are to be shared with 2 beds; infant occupies a seating and will be charged with tour fare *Service charge of $40 per room per night will be added if you opt to stay at a specific hotel *Limited to one medium sized suitcase and one carry-on luggage per guest. Any additional luggage may be charged of $35 per piece *All hotel rooms are non-smoking. Any violation will be penalized $350 and up (nonrefundable cleaning fee) *Tour fares and hotel upgrade surcharge in Rockies tour are subject to change *Tour Cancellation Policy: (All cancellation request must be submitted in writing) 1. 23-30 days prior to departure date - refund 70% of the tour fare 2. 15-22 days prior to departure date - refund 50% of the tour fare 3. No refund within 14-day prior to departure date. No partial refund on any unused services *Upgrade hotel and optional activities (such as FlyOver Canada, Seaplane, Whale Watching Tour, Boeing Factory, Amtrak Train, etc) are non-changeable and 100% non-refundable for any cancellation.

本公司保留改變行程權利, 以利團體進行 行程中如發生意外而引至傷亡或其他損失 ( 包括行李及財物遺失 ), 當根據航空公司 酒店 餐廳 巴士 火車 郵輪等營運機構所訂之條例, 作為解決依據, 概與本公司無涉 若因天氣, 路面, 機械等狀況而導至行程延誤, 本公司將不負上法律責任 建議購買旅遊保險, 多一份出行保障 We reserve the rights to modify the itinerary without liability. Super Vacation, (hereinafter referred to as the operator ) acts only in the capacity of agents for airlines, hotels, restaurants, bus companies, train companies, shipping lines providing transportations, hotel accommodations, meals and other services. The operator is not liable for any injury, death, loss or damage of personal property resulting from the use of the services. If the services included in the tour cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of the operator, the operator will arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expenses will be payable by tour participants. Purchase of travel insurance is strongly recommended. Pr03182019