䘀刀䔀䐀刀伀匀匀 吀䄀嘀䔀娀䔀䌀䄀䰀䠀伀唀一 䐀䄀䬀倀刀䔀匀䌀伀吀吀 䈀䔀䰀䬀 㔀 䈀伀圀䰀 䐀䔀䌀䔀䴀䈀䔀刀アハ ート 䌀䠀䄀刀䰀伀吀吀䔀 Ⰰ 一䌀 䴀䤀匀匀䤀匀匀䤀倀倀䤀匀吀䄀吀䔀嘀匀一䌀匀吀䄀吀䔀

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PowerPoint Presentation

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爀攀猀瀀漀猀琀愀猀猀漀戀爀攀䤀洀瀀氀愀渀琀攀猀䐀攀渀琀 爀椀漀猀伀焀甀攀瘀漀挀 瀀爀攀挀椀猀愀猀愀戀攀爀瀀愀爀愀椀渀瘀攀猀琀椀爀渀攀猀猀攀琀爀愀琀愀洀攀渀琀漀搀攀爀攀愀戀椀氀椀琀愀 漀漀爀愀氀 眀眀眀 猀愀氀漀洀愀漀漀猀琀攀琀漀 挀漀洀 戀爀

䠀伀匀吀䔀䰀䔀嘀伀吀䔀䰀 䠀漀猀琀攀氀䔀瘀漀琀攀氀琀漀渀椀攀琀礀氀欀漀琀爀愀 ǻ 漀渀愀戀愀稀愀渀漀挀氀攀最漀眀愀 Ⰰ 愀氀攀琀愀欀簁攀搀漀猀欀漀渀愀䈁攀洀椀攀樀猀挀攀渀愀漀爀最愀渀椀稀愀挀樀 ᤁ 眀猀稀攀氀 ⴀ 欀椀挀栀瀀爀稀礀樀 ᤁ 漀欀漀氀椀挀稀渀漀嬁挀椀漀眀礀挀栀 倀爀稀礀琀甀氀渀攀眀渀 ᤁ

圀攀氀挀漀洀攀琀漀瀀爀愀椀爀椀攀瀀愀爀愀搀椀猀攀愀琀䈀氀甀攀猀琀攀洀 吀栀攀爀攀 猀爀漀漀洀昀漀爀礀漀甀愀琀䈀氀甀攀猀琀攀洀 Ⰰ 愀挀漀氀攀挀琀椀漀渀漀昀琀栀爀攀攀 ⴀ 猀琀漀爀攀礀 Ⰰ 琀眀漀 ⴀ 愀渀搀琀栀爀攀攀 ⴀ 戀攀搀爀漀漀洀琀漀眀渀栀漀洀攀猀椀渀渀愀琀甀爀愀氀匀愀最攀䌀爀攀攀欀 Ⰰ 戀甀

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䄀刀匀䔀一䄀䰀匀吀唀䈀䔀一 ⴀ 刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 ⴀ 娀甀洀䄀渀昀愀渀最 匀挀栀愀昀欀 猀攀椀洀匀瀀攀挀欀洀愀渀琀攀氀最攀戀爀愀琀攀渀 Ⰰ 愀甀昀戀甀渀琀攀洀䈀氀愀琀猀愀氀愀琀攀氀攀爀 Ⰰ 搀愀稀甀最攀琀漀愀猀琀攀琀攀猀䬀爀 甀琀攀爀戀愀最甀攀琀攀갠㠀 Ⰰ 䬀爀愀甀琀猀琀爀甀搀攀氀洀椀琀䘀氀攀椀

䈀唀伀一 㤀 匀椀愀洀漀最椀甀渀琀椀愀氀愀昀椀渀攀搀攀氀 愀渀渀漀攀昀愀爀攀甀渀戀椀氀愀渀挀椀漀搀椀焀甀攀猀琀椀瀀爀椀洀椀洀攀猀椀搀椀瘀椀琀愀瀀攀爀渀漀椀搀椀瘀攀渀琀愀漀戀戀氀椀最愀琀漀爀椀漀 倀攀爀氀愀瀀爀椀 ⴀ 洀愀瘀漀氀琀愀愀戀戀椀愀洀漀搀攀挀椀猀漀搀椀挀椀洀攀渀琀愀爀挀椀椀渀焀甀攀猀琀愀瀀椀

BrilliAnts Rulebook - 1jour-1jeu.com

䴀漀爀渀椀渀最吀爀攀愀琀猀 䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䐀攀挀愀昀攀椀渀愀琀攀搀䌀漀昀攀攀 Ⰰ 䄀猀漀爀琀攀搀吀攀愀 Ⰰ 伀爀愀渀最攀愀渀搀䌀爀愀渀戀攀爀礀䨀甀椀挀攀 Ⰰ 嘀椀氀愀䤀琀愀氀椀愀䈀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀倀愀猀琀爀椀攀猀 䌀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀䌀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀䈀爀

アハ ートⴀ 匀䤀䐀䔀䐀䘀䄀唀堀圀伀伀䐀䌀䔀䤀䰀䤀一䜀䈀䔀䄀䴀匀䤀渀猀琀愀氀愀琀椀漀渀䴀愀渀甀愀氀 㠀 ⴀ アハ ート㤀㘀 ⴀ 㘀㐀

䄀昀氀漀眀洀攀琀攀爀椀猀愀挀愀瀀爀椀挀椀漀甀猀搀攀瘀椀挀攀愀渀搀琀栀攀昀氀漀眀洀攀愀猀甀爀攀洀攀渀琀爀攀猀甀氀琀猀漀昀琀栀攀洀漀猀琀猀漀瀀栀椀猀琀椀挀愀琀攀搀昀氀漀眀洀攀琀攀爀愀爀攀愀挀挀甀爀愀琀攀漀渀氀礀椀昀椀琀椀猀挀漀爀攀挀琀氀礀挀愀氀椀戀爀愀琀攀搀 䤀渀昀愀挀琀 Ⰰ 挀愀氀椀戀爀愀琀椀渀最愀昀

䤀匀匀唀䔀 㜀㘀 䄀倀刀䤀䰀 㘀 一攀眀猀漀渀吀眀漀 吀䠀䔀䴀伀唀一吀䔀䐀䜀䔀䌀伀䴀䈀䔀䌀伀唀一吀刀夀䌀䰀唀䈀䔀匀吀䄀吀䔀吀圀伀一䔀圀匀䰀䔀吀吀䔀刀

䰀 琀 氀漀渀最攀琀挀栀愀甀搀琀椀爀攀 猀愀 ǻ 渀 Ⰰ 攀琀搀愀渀猀甀渀挀漀椀渀琀爀愀渀焀甀椀氀攀搀攀氀愀挀氀愀椀爀椀 爀攀 Ⰰ 氀攀猀挀漀氀漀渀椀攀猀搀攀昀漀甀爀洀椀猀爀攀搀漀甀戀氀攀渀琀搀 攀昀漀爀琀猀攀渀瘀甀攀搀攀猀攀瀀爀 瀀愀爀攀爀瀀漀甀爀氀 栀椀瘀攀爀焀甀椀愀瀀瀀爀漀挀栀攀 䰀攀猀刀攀椀

䌀漀洀甀渀椀搀愀搀 䌀䄀䴀倀䄀䴀䔀一吀伀䘀䄀䴀䤀䰀䤀䄀刀 Ⰰ 搀椀瘀攀爀猀椀 渀礀挀漀渀瘀椀瘀攀渀挀椀愀 搀 愀搀攀氀渀椀 漀 爀攀挀爀攀愀挀椀漀渀攀猀愀挀甀 琀椀挀愀猀 䔀氀瘀椀愀樀攀 䌀攀洀攀渀琀攀爀椀漀䴀愀爀椀渀漀 䜀漀爀爀椀漀渀攀猀 氀愀吀爀攀渀稀愀搀攀洀愀爀 愀樀漀猀 猀攀攀椀渀最最漀漀搀

䔀氀挀漀愀挀栀椀渀最渀漀攀猀愀爀琀攀搀攀洀愀最椀愀 一漀栀愀礀琀爀甀挀漀猀渀椀爀攀挀攀琀愀猀洀椀氀愀最爀漀猀愀猀 䔀猀甀渀琀爀愀戀愀樀漀搀攀搀椀挀愀搀漀搀攀挀愀洀戀椀漀礀挀爀攀挀椀洀椀攀渀琀漀 匀椀琀椀攀渀攀猀愀氀最切渀漀戀樀攀琀椀瘀漀 Ⰰ 愀渀椀瘀攀氀瀀攀爀猀漀渀愀氀漀瀀爀漀昀攀猀椀漀渀愀氀 Ⰰ

䔀䐀䤀䌀䤀팀一 䨀唀一䤀伀 嘀䤀匀吀䄀䰀䄀刀䔀嘀䤀匀吀䄀䐀䔀䰀䔀儀唀䤀倀伀䐀䔀䰀䌀伀伀倀䔀刀䄀吀䤀嘀䤀匀䴀伀

一唀䈀䤀䄀一嘀䄀唀䰀吀吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀䌀䄀䰀匀伀䰀唀吀䤀伀一匀䘀伀刀吀䠀䔀䠀䔀䄀䰀吀䠀匀䔀䌀吀伀刀 䈀唀䤀䰀䐀䤀一䜀匀吀䠀䄀吀䄀刀䔀㨀 匀伀䰀䤀䐀䌀伀䴀䘀伀刀吀䄀䈀䰀䔀䰀伀一䜀䰀䄀匀吀䤀一䜀䄀䘀䘀伀刀䐀䄀䈀䰀䔀

䄀氀椀渀昀漀爀洀愀 漀渀 Ⰰ 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀渀搀愀渀搀琀漀漀氀猀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀攀搀眀椀琀栀椀渀琀栀攀猀椀琀攀 Ⰰ 攀戀漀漀欀猀愀渀搀吀栀攀䴀攀琀愀戀漀氀椀挀䄀搀瘀愀渀琀愀最攀䐀椀攀琀 漀爀漀琀栀攀爀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀爀攀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀昀漀爀攀搀甀挀愀 ⴀ 漀渀愀氀瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀猀漀渀氀礀 䄀

䠀伀䴀䔀圀䄀刀刀䄀一吀夀倀䰀䄀一 䌀漀氀漀爀愀搀漀 Ⰰ 䤀搀愀栀漀 Ⰰ 伀爀攀最漀渀愀渀搀圀愀猀栀椀渀最琀漀渀 匀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀倀氀愀渀椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀㨀 一䔀圀 刀攀瀀氀愀挀攀洀攀渀琀漀昀猀琀愀椀渀氀攀猀猀猀琀攀攀氀愀瀀瀀氀椀愀渀挀攀猀眀椀琀栀猀琀愀椀渀氀攀猀猀猀琀攀攀氀漀爀猀椀洀椀氀愀爀洀愀琀攀

一攀眀猀氀攀琀攀爀瀀爀愀眀渀礀最爀甀搀稀椀攀䐁 㘀 䄀瘀愀椀氀漀倀爀愀眀漀䐀椀爀攀挀琀 眀眀眀 愀瘀愀椀氀漀 瀀氀 㠀㠀簀欀漀渀琀愀欀琀䀀愀瘀愀椀氀漀 瀀氀

䄀氀椀渀昀漀爀洀愀 漀渀 Ⰰ 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀渀搀琀漀漀氀猀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀攀搀漀渀琀栀椀猀猀椀琀攀 Ⰰ 椀渀攀戀漀漀欀猀愀渀搀椀渀㤀䐀愀礀䈀椀欀椀渀椀䌀栀愀氀攀渀最攀 漀爀漀琀栀攀爀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀爀攀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀昀漀爀攀搀甀挀愀 漀渀愀氀瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀猀漀渀氀礀 䄀渀礀栀攀愀氀琀栀 Ⰰ

䤀一吀䔀刀一䄀吀䤀伀一䄀䰀 匀䌀䤀䔀一吀䤀䘀䤀䌀 䌀伀一䘀䔀刀䔀一䌀䔀 䌀伀一吀䔀䴀倀伀刀䄀刀夀䤀匀匀唀䔀匀䤀一 䔀䌀伀一伀䴀䤀䌀匀 Ⰰ 䈀唀匀䤀一䔀匀匀 䄀一䐀䴀䄀一䄀䜀䔀䴀䔀一吀 䘀䄀䌀唀䰀吀夀伀䘀䔀䌀伀一伀䴀䤀䌀匀唀一䤀嘀䔀刀匀䤀吀夀伀䘀䬀刀䄀䜀唀䨀䔀嘀䄀䌀 一漀瘀攀洀戀攀爀㤀琀栀 Ⰰ 㘀䬀刀

D Schedule time away from work for move if needed D Obtain license for parking moving truck (if needed) D Perform computer backups to ensure you don't

嘀䄀䰀唀䔀刀䤀一匀䤀䜀䠀吀 一漀 簀樀甀渀 㠀 㜀 Ⰰ 䈀甀氀攀瘀愀爀䔀瘀爀漀瀀攀簀一漀瘀椀匀愀搀簀 簀匀攀爀戀椀愀Ⰰ 䴀椀氀攀渀琀椀樀愀倀漀瀀漀瘀椀挀愀簀䈀攀漀最爀愀搀簀㜀簀匀攀爀戀椀愀吀 䘀 アハ ート㠀 㐀簀吀 アハ ート㤀簀眀眀眀 搀愀琀愀椀渀瘀攀猀琀洀攀渀琀 爀猀 刀攀最甀氀愀琀攀搀戀礀刀

㔀 ꨀ 愀甀氀愀㨀䌀氀愀猀猀椀 ǻ 挀愀 漀䘀椀猀挀愀氀搀攀䴀攀爀挀愀搀漀爀椀愀猀 ጠ 一䌀䴀 㘀 ꨀ 愀甀氀愀㨀吀爀椀戀甀琀漀猀渀漀䌀漀洀 爀挀椀漀䔀砀琀攀爀椀漀爀 䔀砀瀀漀爀琀愀 漀攀䤀洀瀀漀爀琀愀 漀 㜀 ꨀ 愀甀氀愀㨀䄀猀倀爀椀渀挀椀瀀愀椀猀䰀攀最椀猀氀愀 攀猀搀攀䌀漀洀 爀挀椀漀䔀砀琀攀爀

䔀䐀䤀䌀䤀팀一 匀䔀倀吀䤀䔀䴀䈀刀䔀 嘀䤀匀吀䄀䰀䄀刀䔀嘀䤀匀吀䄀䐀䔀䰀䔀儀唀䤀倀伀䐀䔀䰀䌀伀伀倀䔀刀䄀吀䤀嘀䤀匀䴀伀

㘀漀琀琀 㠀渀漀瘀 㠀漀昀 ǻ 挀椀渀攀䌀䄀伀匀簀琀攀愀琀爀漀䔀猀瀀愀挀攀吀甀爀椀渀 䤀吀 唀堀㐀䴀 礀漀甀瀀攀爀昀漀爀洀椀渀琀攀爀渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀氀椀瘀攀愀爀琀猀昀攀猀琀椀瘀愀氀 搀椀昀攀爀攀渀琀椀猀攀渀猀愀稀椀漀渀椀 ⴀ 洀漀瘀椀渀最戀漀搀椀攀猀


匀唀倀倀伀刀吀䤀一䜀䈀唀匀䤀一䔀匀匀 䔀䄀䌀䠀䌀䰀䤀䔀一吀䠀䄀匀䤀吀匀伀圀一倀刀䔀䘀䔀刀䔀一䌀䔀匀 Ⰰ 一䔀䔀䐀匀䄀一䐀䔀堀倀䔀䌀吀䄀吀䤀伀一匀 圀䔀䄀刀䔀䠀䔀刀䔀吀伀䄀䐀䨀唀匀吀吀伀吀䠀䔀䴀䄀一䐀匀唀倀倀伀刀吀吀䠀䔀䌀䰀䤀䔀一吀 匀䈀唀匀䤀一䔀匀匀 倀刀䔀䴀䤀唀䴀䰀䄀圀䘀䤀刀䴀䘀刀伀䴀匀䔀刀䈀䤀䄀

一伀吀刀䔀匀준䰀䔀䌀吀䤀伀一䐀䔀䨀䔀唀堀 㠀

䈀䔀䌀䴀䔀 䈀伀䄀刀䐀䔀䘀䘀䔀䌀吀唀匀䔀刀匀䌀伀一䘀䔀刀䔀一䌀䔀 圀攀搀渀攀猀搀愀礀 Ⰰ 伀挀琀漀戀攀爀 ⴀ 䘀爀椀搀愀礀 Ⰰ 伀挀琀漀戀攀爀 アハ ート Ⰰ 㔀 䰀漀攀眀猀倀栀椀氀愀搀攀氀瀀栀椀愀䠀漀琀攀氀 䴀愀爀欀攀琀匀琀爀攀攀琀倀栀椀氀愀搀攀氀瀀栀椀愀 Ⰰ 倀䄀

吀愀欀攀礀漀甀爀琀愀猀琀攀戀甀搀猀漀渀愀渀攀砀挀椀琀椀渀最挀甀氀椀渀愀爀礀樀漀甀爀渀攀礀愀渀搀攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀琀栀攀眀漀爀氀搀 猀漀氀搀攀猀琀挀甀椀猀椀渀攀椀渀愀渀攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀琀栀愀琀挀漀洀戀椀渀攀猀挀氀愀猀猀椀挀愀氀䴀椀搀搀氀攀䔀愀猀琀攀爀渀愀渀搀䴀攀搀椀琀攀爀愀渀攀愀渀椀渀昀氀甀攀

䴀팀䐀唀䰀伀㨀嘀䤀匀쌀伀䜀䔀刀䄀䰀䐀伀匀一䔀䜀팀䌀䤀伀匀倀伀刀吀唀섀刀䤀伀匀 ጠ 㔀䠀 倀攀爀 ǻ 氀搀漀一攀最 挀椀漀倀漀爀琀甀 爀椀漀 伀猀倀爀椀渀挀椀瀀愀椀猀䤀渀琀攀爀瘀攀渀椀攀渀琀攀猀 アハ ート 伀瀀漀爀琀甀渀椀搀愀搀攀攀䐀攀猀愀 ǻ 漀猀渀漀䈀爀愀猀椀氀攀渀漀䴀甀渀搀漀 㐀 䌀漀洀漀䌀漀

吀攀欀猀琀椀氀稀愀琀甀爀椀稀愀洀椀甀最漀猀琀椀琀攀氀樀猀琀瘀漀 伀瀀爀攀洀愀洀漀琀攀欀猀琀椀氀漀洀 䄀瀀愀爀琀洀愀渀攀䠀漀琀攀氀攀刀攀猀琀漀爀愀渀攀䈀爀漀搀漀瘀攀




䘀伀刀䴀䔀一吀䔀刀䄀 椀渀伀唀吀䐀伀刀 䌀伀䰀䔀䌀吀䤀伀一

䤀琀 猀吀椀洀攀昀漀爀愀 圀攀椀渀瘀椀琀攀礀漀甀琀漀樀漀椀渀甀猀漀渀愀樀漀甀爀渀攀礀琀栀愀琀氀攀愀搀猀琀漀戀攀琀攀爀栀攀愀氀琀栀 Ⰰ 氀攀猀猀琀爀攀猀 Ⰰ 愀渀搀爀攀搀甀挀攀搀瀀愀椀渀 Call Now - (818)

倀爀攀搀欀爀洀礀瘀 倀伀䴀伀䐀伀刀伀䴀伀娀娀䄀刀䔀䰀䰀䄀洀漀稀稀愀爀攀氀愀愀爀愀樀 愀琀愀猀戀愀稀愀氀欀漀甀 䌀䄀刀倀䄀䌀䌀䤀伀䐀䤀䴀䄀一娀伀栀漀瘀 稀 挀愀爀瀀愀挀挀椀漀猀瀀攀猀琀攀洀愀瀀愀爀洀愀稀 渀攀洀 㔀最䬀 㔀最㜀䬀 アハ ート䈀刀唀匀䌀䠀䔀吀吀䄀 㔀最 㤀䬀 搀漀洀 挀 挀栀氀 戀猀爀愀

㠀 ⴀ 㤀䄀瀀爀椀氀 㤀䌀漀渀爀愀搀䐀甀戀愀椀䠀漀琀攀氀 Ⰰ 唀䄀䔀 眀眀眀 洀攀愀爀挀 㤀 挀漀洀 䄀挀挀爀攀搀椀琀攀搀唀瀀琀漀

䠀漀琀攀氀漀瘀 愁欀漀氀愀匀瘀 琀氀 愀匀琀夁攀搀渀 漀搀戀漀爀渀 愁欀漀氀愀夁攀洀攀猀攀氀嘀攀氀欀 䴀攀稀椀夁 䄀䰀䴀䄀一䄀䌀䠀愁欀漀氀渀 爀漀欀 㘀 㜀

䠀椀氀嘀椀琀愀氀瀀漀渀切欀愀渀愀樀猀椀氀渀攀樀愁椀攀戀礀氀椀渀礀瘀甀縁椀瘀愀琀攀氀猀欀礀瀀爀 樀攀洀渀攀樀昀漀爀洀攀 Ⰰ 瘀栀漀搀渀 瀀爀攀搀渀攀愁渀 حي 爀甀愁渀 حي 縁椀瘀漀琀渀 حي 愁琀 حي 氀 吀椀攀琀漀瀀爀 爀漀搀渀 戀礀氀椀渀礀瀀漀挀栀 搀稀愀樀切稀漀猀愀洀 栀漀猀爀搀挀愀䔀甀爀


䄀䜀唀䤀䐀䔀吀伀匀䔀䰀䔀䌀吀䔀䐀圀䄀䰀䬀匀䰀䄀䬀䔀倀䰀䄀䌀䤀䐀 一伀刀吀䠀䔀䰀䈀䄀 吀栀攀嘀椀氀愀最攀漀昀䰀愀欀攀倀氀愀挀椀搀愀渀搀吀漀眀渀漀昀一漀爀琀栀䔀氀戀愀愀爀攀渀攀猀琀氀攀搀愀洀漀渀最琀栀攀䄀搀椀爀漀渀搀愀挀欀䴀漀甀渀琀愀椀渀猀椀渀琀栀攀洀椀搀搀氀攀漀昀愀氀愀爀最攀眀椀氀搀攀爀渀攀猀 吀栀椀

䘀漀漀搀栀攀爀甀洀瀀栀愀渀昀漀爀挀攀栀愀戀爀渀最昀愀洀氀攀 Ⰰ 昀爀攀渀搀愀渀搀昀漀攀漀最攀栀攀爀 吀栀爀漀甀最栀栀甀渀搀爀攀搀漀昀最攀渀攀爀愀漀渀漀甀爀攀攀攀洀攀搀挀甀渀攀栀愀戀攀攀渀瀀愀攀搀搀漀眀渀 Ⰰ 攀愀挀栀爀攀最漀渀搀攀洀漀渀爀愀渀最栀攀甀渀焀甀攀渀最爀攀搀攀渀 Ⰰ 愀瘀漀爀愀渀搀爀攀挀瀀

DAMIAN S. KWIATKOWSKI 3D Artist I Behance/damian4kwt I Linkedln/damian4kwt damiankwiatkowski.com


A STRANGENEW W ORLD PokémonStopMotionAnimatedSeries PitchbyHeyReginerProductions

AN I PSW I TCH EBOOK 4 W ayst o St r engt hen Dat asecur i t yw i t h Net wor kmoni t or i ng

June 30, 2016 Dear Friends, It's been another one of those news weeks. Just in case you missed it, this week Colombia's FARC rebels and Government neg

伀䘀䘀䤀䌀䔀吀䄀匀䬀䴀䄀匀吀䔀刀嘀椀猀甀愀氀 䄀渀愀氀礀猀椀猀刀攀瀀漀爀琀䌀爀攀愀琀椀漀渀唀猀椀渀最伀昀椀挀攀 アハ ート 㘀 䘀攀攀㨀刀䴀㤀㤀倀攀爀倀䄀堀䐀愀琀攀㨀 ⴀ 䄀甀最甀猀琀 㤀嘀攀渀甀攀㨀䄀䌀䤀渀琀攀爀愀挀琀椀瘀攀匀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀 Ⰰ 䬀甀挀栀椀渀最 刀攀最椀猀琀攀爀戀攀昀漀爀攀㤀 㠀

About Us Abak Electrofab Engg. is a fast growing firm in the electrical field industry, known for specializing in a wide range of Power and Control Pa

䄀氀椀渀昀漀爀洀愀 漀渀 Ⰰ 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀渀搀愀渀搀琀漀漀氀猀瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀攀搀眀椀琀栀椀渀琀栀攀猀椀琀攀 Ⰰ 攀戀漀漀欀猀愀渀搀吀栀攀䴀攀琀愀戀漀氀椀挀䄀搀瘀愀渀琀愀最攀䐀椀攀琀 漀爀漀琀栀攀爀 瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀愀爀攀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀昀漀爀攀搀甀挀愀 ⴀ 漀渀愀氀瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀猀漀渀氀礀 䄀

䐀䄀䈀䄀䜀䜀䤀伀 栀愀洀 Ⰰ 猀愀氀愀洀椀洀椀氀愀渀漀 Ⰰ 瀀爀漀猀挀椀甀琀漀搀椀瀀愀爀洀愀 Ⰰ 倀爀漀瘀漀氀漀渀攀瀀椀挀愀渀琀攀 Ⰰ 最漀愀琀挀栀攀攀猀攀 Ⰰ 挀栀攀爀礀琀漀洀愀琀漀攀猀 Ⰰ 挀甀挀甀洀戀攀爀 Ⰰ 漀洀攀氀攀琀攀眀椀琀栀洀甀猀栀爀漀漀洀猀愀渀搀戀愀挀漀渀 Ⰰ 昀爀攀猀栀氀礀猀焀甀攀

瀀愀最攀 吀 倀䬀䤀 圀䔀䈀 吀䔀䄀䐀吀䤀 一䜀 䄀渀攀眀漀瀀瀀 甀渀 愀搀 渀最 洀愀 欀攀 渀最攀砀瀀漀 甀 攀 䌀匀䄀 渀攀眀 攀 愀洀瀀攀搀眀攀戀 攀 吀栀 攀愀 攀 眀漀戀愀渀渀愀搀瀀 愀挀攀洀攀渀 漀洀 眀栀 挀栀 漀 挀栀漀漀 攀 渀挀 甀搀 渀最㨀 吀䤀 䌀䄀匀䌀刀伀䤀 一䜀 匀䬀夀


䜀䤀伀嘀䄀一一䄀䜀䤀䄀一䔀䰀䰀䔀䬀伀䬀伀䬀唀吀唀刀䔀䬀伀䬀伀匀伀䰀䤀䐀䜀䘀䜀䘀伀刀䜀䔀䐀 㜀倀刀䤀䌀䔀匀䠀䔀䔀吀 ⴀ Ⰰ Ⰰ 㐀 䄀嘀䄀䤀䰀䄀䈀䰀䔀匀䤀娀䔀 Ⰰ 䘀䤀一䤀匀䠀䄀一䐀倀刀䤀䌀䤀一䜀

䘀アハ ート ⴀ 匀 樀漀甀爀 挀甀椀猀椀渀攀䌀栀愀洀戀爀攀䌀栀愀洀戀爀攀 匀搀攀圀䌀䈀甀愀渀搀攀爀椀攀䐀攀最琀匀漀甀猀 ⴀ 琀漀琀愀氀吀攀爀愀猀猀攀挀漀甀瘀攀爀琀攀吀漀琀愀氀 䨀愀爀搀椀渀 㐀㐀 Ⰰ 㐀㜀洀눀Ⰰ 㤀アハ ート洀눀 Ⰰアハ ート㐀洀눀㔀 Ⰰ 洀눀Ⰰ 㜀洀눀アハ ートⰀ 㘀㘀洀눀㐀 Ⰰ

Coaching Records Year-by-Year Results All Time Records Vs. Opponents Individual

匀栀最栀 䜀 眀 栀漀û渀搀愀 眀 匀 渀 甀渀 渀 最洀 ﰀ 挀栀渀 刀 甀洀渀 稀 甀 搀渀 渀欀 渀渀渀 䐀愀愀 甀渀 䜀 挀栀 挀栀 ﰀ 匀 稀 甀戀 眀 搀渀戀 渀 眀 甀洀 栀嘀 渀搀渀 愀 稀 甀 嘀 瀀 甀渀最渀戀 洀 匀 瘀 渀搀匀瀀 渀欀 漀洀洀渀 漀 栀 匀漀渀搀 眀 ﰀ 渀

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2015 FOOTBALL BELK BOWL December 30, 2015 2:30 p.m. CST ESPN Charlotte, N.C. Bank of America Stadium (75,413) SCHEDULE (8-4, 4-4 SEC) DATE OPPONENT TV TIME SEPTEMBER (3-1) 5 at Southern Miss FS1 W, 34-16 12 #14/15 LSU* ESPN L, 19-21 19 Northwestern State SECN W, 62-13 26 at #RV/25 Auburn* ESPN2 W, 17-9 OCTOBER (3-1) 3 at #14/15 Texas A&M* SECN L, 17-30 10 Troy SECN W, 45-17 17 Louisiana Tech (HC) SECN W, 45-20 24 Kentucky* SECN W, 42-16 NOVEMBER (2-2) 5 at Missouri* ESPN W, 31-13 14 #3/4/2 Alabama* CBS L, 6-31 21 at Arkansas* ESPN W, 51-50 28 #19/19/18 Ole Miss* ESPN2 L, 27-38 DECEMBER (0-0) 30 Belk Bowl ESPN 2:30 p.m. vs. NC State CT COACHING STAFF On the Sideline Dan Mullen, head coach Manny Diaz, defensive coordinator/lbs Billy Gonzales, co-offensive coordinator/wrs John Hevesy, co-offensive coordinator/ol Tony Hughes, safeties Greg Knox, running backs, special teams Deshea Townsend, cornerbacks David Turner, defensive line In The Booth Brian Johnson, quarterbacks Scott Sallach, tight ends STATISTICAL LEADERS Passing: Prescott (291-435, 3413 yds, 25 TD) Rushing: Prescott (148 att., 541 yds, 10 TD) Receiving: Ross (81 rec., 933 yds, 4 TD) Tackles: Ri. Brown (101 tackles, 12 TFL, 5.5 sacks) AIRWAVES MSU Sports Radio Network Jim Ellis, play-by-play Matt Wyatt, analyst John Correro, sideline ESPN Clay Matvick, play-by-play John Congemi, analyst Dawn Davenport, analyst GAME 13: MSU VS. NC STATE Mississippi State Record 8-4 (4-4 SEC, T5th SEC West) Streak L1 Ranking RV Associated Press RV Amway Coaches NR CFB Playoff Last Game Nov. 28 in Starkville lost to #18 Ole Miss, 38-27 Head Coach Dan Mullen Career Record 54-35 (.607)/seventh year MSU Record same Mullen vs. NCSU 0-0 NC State Record 7-5 (3-5 ACC, 4th ACC Atlantic) Streak L1 Ranking NR Associated Press NR Amway Coaches NR CFB Playoff Last Game Nov. 28 in Raleigh, N.C. lost to North Carolina, 45-34 Head Coach Dave Doeren Career Record 41-23/fifth year NCS Record 18-19/third year Doeren vs. MSU 0-0 STORYLINES MSU Aims For Nine-Win Season Against NC State in 2015 Belk Bowl MSU aims for back-to-back seasons of at least nine victories for the first time in school history as the Bulldogs take on NC State of the ACC in the 2015 Belk Bowl at 3:30 p.m. ET on Dec. 30 in Charlotte. MSU, picked to finish last in the SEC West, earned a tie for fifth place in college football s toughest division with a 4-4 mark. The Bulldogs won at least eight games for the fourth time in the last six years. They seek at least nine victories for the third time in seven years. Dan Mullen, the 2014 Maxwell Football National and SEC AP Coach of the Year, owns the highest winning percentage (.607) at MSU since College Football Hall of Famer Allyn McKeen from 1939-48 (.764, min. 3 seasons). Mullen is the third-longest tenured SEC coach at his current school behind Les Miles and Nick Saban. MSU was 32-65 in the eight years prior to Mullen s arrival. Dan Mullen has led MSU to a school-record six straight bowl appearances. Prior to Mullen s arrival, the previous record for consecutive bowl appearances was three from 1998-2000. Mullen is tied with Jackie Sherrill for most MSU bowl appearances (6), and Mullen is tops in MSU bowl wins (3-2). Since the start of 2014, MSU is the SEC s third-winningest team with an 18-7 record (Alabama 1st, Georgia 2nd). It s the winningest 25-game stretch for MSU since 1999-2001 when they were 19-6. The Bulldogs are making their first-ever Belk Bowl appearance and own a 10-8 record in bowl games. NC State leads the all-time series 3-2 and the two are meeting for the first time since the 1995 Peach Bowl. Dak Prescott, a two-time first-team All-SEC QB and owner of a master s degree as of Dec. 11, holds a 22-10 record as a starter and he has shattered 38 school records entering his final game. For his career, the senior has scored 44 TDs (41 rush, 3 receiving) and been responsible for a schoolrecord 110 TDs (fourth SEC history). For the season, Dak is 291-of-435 for 3,413 yards with 25 TDs and four interceptions. Prescott is the fourth player in FBS history and second in SEC history with 60 pass TDs and 40 rush TDs, joining another Dan Mullen protege in Tim Tebow. Dak ranks third in SEC career total offensive yards (11,470). He needs four passing yards and 26 rushing yards to become only the fourth player in FBS history with 9,000 passing yards and 2,500 rushing yards. Jr. WR Fred Ross takes a school-record streak of four straight 100-yard receiving games into the Belk Bowl. During this streak, the first-team All-SEC selection has combined for 41 catches for 500 yards and three touchdowns. He needs 103 receiving yards to break the MSU single-season record. BY THE NUMBERS 41 Catches by Fred Ross during the month of November, which led all Power 5 Conf. players 92 Tackles for loss by MSU this season (No. 15 nationally, most since school-record 95 in 1999) 5 MSU is one of five SEC teams who have been to a bowl every season this decade (Alabama, Georgia, LSU and Texas A&M the others) 23 Freshmen (true and redshirt) who have played for MSU this season, which is No. 2 in the SEC and No. 13 nationally 96-34 MSU is outscoring opponents in the fourth quarter of games this season (+62, No. 1 in SEC) 81 School-record catches by Fred Ross this season, which is No. 1 in SEC (league-best 70 SEC play) Facebook.com/HailStateFB @HailStateFB @HailStateFB YouTube.com/HailState

BELK BOWL MEDIA SERVICES MSU Athletic Media Relations Staff Three members of the MSU Athletic Media Relations staff will be in Charlotte beginning Christmas night for your media service needs. Bill Martin Kyle Niblett Andrew Piper Bill Martin, Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations Email: BMartin@athletics.msstate.edu Office: (662) 325-0967 Cell: (662) 418-3821 Twitter: @MSUBillMartin Kyle Niblett, Assistant Director of Media Relations Email: KNiblett@athletics.msstate.edu Office: (662) 325-8040 Cell: (662) 418-9139 Twitter: @KyleNiblett Andrew Piper, Assistant Director of Media Relations Email: APiper@athletics.msstate.edu Office: (662) 325-0972 Cell: (662) 418-9183 Twitter: @ADPiper7 Belk Bowl Media Contact Frank Kay serves as the media contact for the Belk Bowl. He can be reached at fkay@raycomsports.com or (704) 378-4428. Team Hotel The team will be headquartered at the Hilton Charlotte City Center on 222 East Third Street from Dec. 25-31. It is approximately 0.4 miles from the media hotel. Team Practices All MSU team practices will take place at Charlotte Latin School on 9502 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, 28277. It is approximately 15 miles SE of the media hotel or a 30-minute drive. The first 20 minutes of practice will be open to media on Saturday, Dec. 26. Media are allowed to shoot photography and video during the open portion of practice on Dec. 26. All other practices will be CLOSED to the media. Post Practice Interviews Post practice interviews will be conducted at Charlotte Latin School on Saturday, Dec. 26 and Sunday, Dec. 27. Please email Bill Martin, Kyle Niblett and Andrew Piper your player and assistant coach requests. Head coach Dan Mullen is also available on those days. Belk Bowl Media Day Head coach Dan Mullen, QB Dak Prescott, WR Fred Ross, CB Taveze Calhoun, DE A.J. Jefferson and LB Richie Brown will be available at Belk Bowl Media Day on Tuesday, Dec. 29 from 10-11 a.m. ET at the Diamonds Direct Lounge at BB&T Ballpark. @MSUMediaAlerts Please follow our media only Twitter handle, @MSUMediaAlerts, for important media information, including changes to the media schedule. This site is for media ONLY. Schedule (All times local and subject to change) Friday, December 25 6 p.m. Buses depart from Seal Complex to Golden Triangle Regional Airport 6:45 p.m. Depart on charter flight for Charlotte, N.C. 9 p.m. Land at Charlotte Douglas International Airport No Media Availability Saturday, December 26 2:15 pm. Team Practice at Charlotte Latin School (first 20 minutes open to the media only) 4:20 p.m. Post Practice Interviews at Charlotte Latin School (head coach Dan Mullen and requested players) Sunday, December 27 10:15-11:30 a.m. - Team at Charlotte Motor Speedway (photo and video opportunity only) 2:30 pm. Team Practice at Charlotte Latin School (CLOSED to the media and public) 4:40 p.m. - Post Practice Interviews at Charlotte Latin School (assistant coaches and requested players; NOTE: players who spoke on Dec. 26 availability will not speak during this session ) Monday, December 28 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Team at Levin Cancer Hospital and Second Harvest Food Bank 2:30 p.m. - Team Practice at Charlotte Latin School (CLOSED to the media and public) No Media Availability 7-9 p.m. - Team at Belk Shopping Spree at South Park Mall Tuesday, December 29 10-11 a.m. - Belk Bowl Media Day at BB&T Ballpark (Diamonds Direct Lounge) 4:50 p.m. - Team Walk Thru (CLOSED to the media and public) Wednesday, December 30 1:15 p.m. Team departs for Bank of America Stadium 1:25 p.m. Team arrives at Bank of America Stadium 3:30 p.m. 2015 Belk Bowl kickoff: Mississippi State vs. NC State ESPN Postgame: Press Conference head coach Dan Mullen and select MSU players will be available in the interview room. MSU locker room will be CLOSED to media. Thursday, December 31 9 a.m. Team departs Hilton Charlotte City Center 10:15 a.m. Depart on charter flight for Starkville, Miss. 10:20 a.m. Arrive at Golden Triangle Regional Airport 10:50 a.m. Arrive at Seal Complex

PERSONAL Birthdate: April 27, 1972 Age: 43 Hometown: Manchester, N.H. Education: 1994 Bachelor s Degree in Exercise and Sport Science from Ursinus College; 1996 Master s Degree in Education from Wagner College Wife: Megan Children: Canon and Breelyn Elisabeth COACHING EXPERIENCE 2009-p Mississippi State (Head Coach) 2005-08 Florida (Offensive Coordinator/ Quarterbacks) 2003-04 Utah (Quarterbacks) 2001-02 Bowling Green (Quarterbacks) 1999-00 Notre Dame (Graduate Assistant Offense) 1998 Syracuse (Graduate Assistant Offense) 1996-97 Columbia (Wide Receivers) 1994-95 Wagner (Wide Receivers) BY THE NUMBERS 54 Overall wins (3rd in MSU history) 3 Bowl game victories (school record) 6 Straight bowl games (school record) 4 Egg Bowl wins (3rd in MSU history) 18 NFL Draft picks since 2010 99 Statistical Records set in Mullen era 3 Wins over Top 10 teams (MSU record) 10 Weeks ranked in Top 10 (MSU record) MSU WINNING PCT. (Min. 6 Yrs.) DAN MULLEN 2014 NATIONAL COACH OF THE YEAR AP SEC COACH OF THE YEAR SEVENTH SEASON @COACHDANMULLEN No one has had more of a profound impact on shaping Mississippi State football into a national contender than Dan Mullen. The 2014 National and Southeastern Conference Coach of the Year, Mullen is in his seventh season in Starkville after guiding the Bulldogs into unprecedented territory, including the fastest ascent from unranked to No. 1 in college football history. Seven years into his tenure, Mullen (54-35,.607) owns the highest winning percentage as a State coach since the late College Football Hall of Famer Allyn McKeen from 1939-48 (.764), and he is third in school history in victories (54). Prior to Mullen s arrival, the school record for consecutive bowl game appearances was three. Under his guidance, the Bulldogs have been to a school-record six consecutive bowl games, including their first Orange Bowl berth in 73 years in December 2014. Mullen has produced at least eight victories in four out of the last six seasons while playing in college football s toughest division. In the 114 years prior, MSU had only produced 11 eight-win campaigns. No coach in school history had ever been a finalist for a national coach of the year honor until Mullen won the Maxwell Football Club s National Coach of the Year award in 2014. He also claimed the Associated Press SEC Coach of the Year award that same fall. The 2014 season was arguably the best in school history as Mullen s group won 10 regular season games for the first time and 10 overall for just the third time. The Bulldogs claimed six SEC wins -- the most by MSU since 1999 -- while finishing second in the difficult SEC West. Mullen developed a team that went from unranked to No. 1 quicker than any in college football history (five weeks; Ohio State made the move in six weeks in 1964). The Bulldogs were the nation s No. 1 team for the first time in 80 years of Associated Press polls following wins over No. 6 Texas A&M and No. 2 Auburn during a raucous stretch in Davis Wade Stadium. MSU became the first team since 1983 Auburn to defeat three consecutive MULLEN S YEAR-BY-YEAR RECORD top-10 ranked teams. The Bulldogs also became the first squad to hold the No. 1 ranking in the inaugural College Football Playoff poll. The year was capped with a berth in the Orange Bowl for the first time since 1941. Mullen s squad rewrote the MSU record books in 2014, shattering 22 single-season records, including 10 by National Player of the Year finalist Prescott. The Bulldogs led the SEC in total offense for the first time since 1982, putting up a school-record 513.8 yards per game. State earned its highest Associated Press poll finish since 1940 (No. 11), and it tied its highest finish ever in the USA Today Amway Coaches poll (No. 12). MSU has shattered 99 team or individual single-game, single-season and career statistical records under Mullen. The Bulldogs have also produced a first-team All-America selection in five out of the last six years. Linebacker Benardrick McKinney became the latest recipient in 2014 before being selected in the 2015 NFL Draft. Player development has been key in Mullen s six previous seasons. Eighteen MSU players have been chosen in the NFL Draft under Mullen s watch since 2010. The five selections in 2015 were the most through the first six rounds of a draft in school history and the most overall in a draft since a school-record five went in 1995. Of the five Bulldogs drafted, three earned two stars in high school, while two were three-star recruits before arriving in Starkville. An additional school-record seven players signed NFL free agent contracts following the 2015 NFL Draft. Off the field, Mullen s players are constant achievers in the classroom and the community donating countless hours to the Starkville area and state of Mississippi. Twenty Bulldogs were named to the 2014 SEC Academic Fall Honor Roll. During Mullen s entire six-year tenure at MSU, 110 players have earned the distinction of SEC Honor Roll recipient. During the historic run to No. 1 in 2014, the Bulldogs 2.76 grade point average was the program s highest ever while 20 of the 21 seniors have earned undergraduate degrees. Coach Rec. Pct. 1. ^Allyn McKeen (1939-48) 65-19-3.764 Year School Overall Record SEC Record Noteable 2. Dan Mullen (2009-p) 54-35.607 2009 Mississippi State 5-7 3-5 def. #20 Ole Miss, 41-27 MSU WINNING PCT. SINCE 1938 2010 Mississippi State 9-4 4-4 Gator Bowl champs, def. Mich. 2011 Mississippi State 7-6 2-6 Music City Bowl champs Coach Rec. Pct. 2012 Mississippi State 8-5 4-4 won first seven games 1. ^Allyn McKeen (1939-48) 65-19-3.764 2013 Mississippi State 7-6 3-5 Liberty Bowl champs, def. UM 2. Dan Mullen (2009-p) 54-35.607 2014 Mississippi State 10-3 6-2 First No. 1 ranking, No. 11 Final AP 3. Murray Warmath (1952-53) 10-6-3.605 2015 Mississippi State 8-4 4-4 School-rec 6th straight bowl appearance 4. ^Darrell Royal (1954-55) 12-8.600 TOTALS 54-35 (.607) 26-30 (.464) ^ - College Football Hall of Famer

REWRITING THE MISSISSIPPI STATE RECORD BOOKS IN THE DAN MULLEN ERA (2009-PRESENT) and team single-game, single-season and career statistical records have been broken in the Dan Mullen era. 99individual Individual Single-Game (15 overall, 6 in 2015) Rushing Yards Anthony Dixon; 252 vs. Kentucky (2009) Yards Per Rush - Anthony Dixon; 7.6 vs. Kentucky (2009) Total Offense - Dak Prescott; 554 at Arkansas (2015) Total Plays - Dak Prescott; 70 at Alabama (2014) Touchdowns Responsible For - Dak Prescott; 7 at Arkansas (2015) Completions - Dak Prescott; 38 at Arkansas (2015) Completion Percentage - Dak Prescott;.769 vs. Texas A&M (2014) Passing Yards - Dak Prescott; 508 at Arkansas (2015) Passing Touchdowns - Dak Prescott; 5 at Arkansas (2015) Consecutive Attempts Without an INT - Dak Prescott; 52 vs. LSU (2015) Receiving Yards - Jameon Lewis; 220 vs. Rice (2013) Receiving Touchdowns - Chad Bumphis; 3 vs. Troy (2012) Interceptions - Richie Brown; 3 vs. Texas A&M (2014) Interception Return Yards - Johnthan Banks; 120 vs. Florida (2009) Interception Touchdowns - Johnthan Banks; 2 vs. Florida (2009) Team Single-Game (7 overall, 4 in 2015) Passing Attempts - 54 vs. LSU (2015) Passing Completions - 34 vs. LSU (2015) Completion Percentage -.800 vs. Memphis (2010) Passing Yards - 508 at Arkansas (2015) Touchdown Passes - 5 at Arkansas (2015); vs. Georgia Tech (2014) Total Plays - 100 vs. Arkansas (2010) Total Offense - 645 at Memphis (2011) Individual Single-Season (34 overall, 8 in 2015) Rushing Yards Anthony Dixon; 1,391 (2009) Rushing Yards by a Quarterback Dak Prescott; 986 (2014) Rushing Yards Per Game Anthony Dixon; 126.5 (2009) 100-Yard Rushing Games Anthony Dixon; 8 (2009) Rushing Touchdowns Vick Ballard; 19 (2010) Total Offense Dak Prescott; 4,435 (2014) Total Offense Yards Per Game Dak Prescott; 341.2 (2014) Touchdowns Responsible For Dak Prescott; 41 (2014) Passing Attempts Dak Prescott; 435 (2015) Passing Completions Dak Prescott; 291 (2015) Completion Percentage Dak Prescott;.669 (2015) Passing Yards Dak Prescott; 3,449 (2014) Passing Yards Per Game Dak Prescott; 284.4 (2015) 200-Yard Passing Games Dak Prescott; 12 (2014) 300-Yard Passing Games - Dak Prescott; 6 (2015) Passing Touchdowns Dak Prescott; 27 (2014) Passing Efficiency Dak Prescott; 151.7 (2014) Consecutive Attempts Without an INT Dak Prescott; 239 (2015) Consecutive Games with a Touchdown Pass - Dak Prescott; 13 (2014) Receiving Touchdowns Chad Bumphis; 12 (2012) Receptions - Fred Ross; 81 (2015) 100-Yard Receiving Games - Fred Ross; 5 (2015) Points Scored Vick Ballard; 120 (2010) Touchdowns Scored Vick Ballard; 20 (2010) PAT Kicks Attempted Evan Sobiesk, 59 (2014) PAT Kicks Made Evan Sobiesk; 56 (2014) Most Kickoff Returns Leon Berry; 38 (2009) Kickoff Return Yardage Leon Berry; 1,015 (2009) Kickoff Return Touchdowns Jameon Lewis; 1 (2012) Yards Per Kickoff Return Leon Berry; 26.8 (2010) Interceptions Corey Broomfield; 6 (2009) Return Yards Per Interception Johnthan Banks; 36.2 (2009) Interceptions Return Yards Johnthan Banks; 145 (2009) Interceptions Returned for a Touchdowns Johnthan Banks & Corey Broomfield; 2 (2009) Bold - indicates current player Team Single-Season (16 overall, 6 in 2015) Total Offensive Yards 6,679 (2014) Total Plays 1,001 (2014) Yards Per Play - 6.7 (2014) Per Game Offense 513.8 (2014) Points Scored 480 (2014) Points Per Game - 36.9 (2014) Most Offensive Touchdowns 60 (2014) Total First Downs 334 (2014) Passing Yardage 3,733 (2015) Passing Yards Per Game 311.1 (2015) Completion Percentage.668 (2015) Completions 291 (2015) Passing Touchdowns 31 (2014) Blocked Kicks 4 (2014, 2015) Most PAT Kicks Made 60 (2014) 100-Yard Receiving Games - 8 (2015) Individual Career (27) Rushing Attempts Anthony Dixon; 910 Rushing Yards Anthony Dixon; 3,994 Rushing Yards by a Quarterback - Dak Prescott; 2,474 100-Yard Rushing Games Anthony Dixon; 17 Rushing Touchdowns Anthony Dixon; 42 All-Purpose Yards Anthony Dixon; 4,443 Total Plays Dak Prescott; 1,655 Total Offense - Dak Prescott; 11,470 Touchdowns Responsible - Dak Prescott; 110 Passing Attempts - Dak Prescott; 1,127 Completions - Dak Prescott; 709 Completion Percentage Dak Prescott;.629 Consecutive Attempts Without an INT - Dak Prescott; 288 Passing Touchdowns Dak Prescott; 66 Passing Yards - Dak Prescott; 8,996 200-Yard Passing Games - Dak Prescott; 28 300-Yard Passing Games - Dak Prescott; 8 400-Yard Passing Games - Dak Prescott; 2 Passing Efficiency Dak Prescott, 145.56 Interception Percentage Dak Prescott;.0195 Receiving Yards Chad Bumphis; 2,270 Receiving Touchdowns Chad Bumphis; 24 Points Anthony Dixon; 276 Touchdowns Scored Anthony Dixon; 46 Yards Per Kickoff Return Leon Berry; 26.7 Kickoff Return Yards Per Game Leon Berry; 84.6 Kickoff Return Touchdowns Leon Berry; 2 Total Yards Per Return Leon Berry; 26.7 Bold - indicates current player

BELK BOWL DEPTH CHART OFFENSE DEFENSE WR 1 De Runnya Wilson 6-5 215 Jr.-2L 16 Joe Morrow 6-4 202 Sr.-2L WR 5 Fred Brown 6-1 196 Jr.-2L 6 Donald Gray 5-10 193 So.-JC WR 8 Fred Ross 6-2 207 Jr.-2L 35 Gabe Myles 6-0 192 So.-1L 22 Malik Dear 5-9 220 Fr.-HS LT 77 Rufus Warren 6-7 299 Sr.-2L 74 Elgton Jenkins 6-4 304 Fr.-RS LG 70 Justin Malone 6-7 320 Sr.-2L 61 Deion Calhoun 6-3 303 Fr.-RS C 60 Jamaal Clayborn 6-4 315 Jr.-2L 64 Jocquell Johnson 6-4 300 Jr.-SQ RG 62 Devon Desper 6-4 305 Jr.-2L 78 Damien Robinson 6-8 325 Sr.-3L RT 58 Justin Senior 6-5 295 Jr.-2L 71 Cole Carter 6-6 299 Jr.-1L TE 84 Darrion Hutcherson 6-7 260 Sr.-1L 81 Justin Johnson 6-3 229 Fr.-HS RB 10 Brandon Holloway 5-8 165 Jr.-2L 32 Ashton Shumpert 6-2 218 Jr.-2L 27 Aeris Williams 6-1 205 Fr.-RS -or- 33 Dontavian Lee 6-1 227 Fr.-RS QB 15 Dak Prescott 6-2 230 Sr.-3L 7 Nick Fitzgerald 6-5 227 Fr.-RS 2 Elijah Staley 6-6 248 Fr.-RS SPECIALISTS PK 25 Westin Graves 6-0 163 So.-1L 40 Devon Bell 6-2 190 Sr.-3L KO 40 Devon Bell 6-2 190 Sr.-3L 43 Logan Cooke 6-5 216 So.-1L P 43 Logan Cooke 6-5 216 So.-1L 40 Devon Bell 6-2 190 Sr.-3L SN 53 Hunter Bradley 6-3 235 Jr.-SQ 38 Joel Baldwin 6-3 225 Fr.-RS HLD 43 Logan Cooke 6-5 216 So.-1L 40 Devon Bell 6-2 190 Sr.-3L DE 97 Johnathan Calvin 6-3 263 Jr.-JC 57 Will Coleman 6-5 250 Jr.-RS DT 94 Nelson Adams 6-3 310 Jr.-2L -or- 88 Nick James 6-5 325 Jr.-2L DT 98 Chris Jones 6-6 308 Jr.-2L 49 Torrey Dale 6-6 252 Jr.-1L DE 47 A.J. Jefferson 6-3 277 Jr.-2L 57 Will Coleman 6-5 250 Jr.-RS LB 45 J.T. Gray 6-0 196 So.-1L 51 Kelan Chairs 6-0 220 So.-1L LB 39 Richie Brown 6-2 245 Jr.-2L 4 Gerri Green 6-4 243 Fr.-RS LB 42 Beniquez Brown 6-1 238 Jr.-2L 28 DeAndre Ward 6-1 228 Jr.-1L CB 7 Tolando Cleveland 6-0 190 Jr.-2L 5 Cedric Jiles 5-10 182 Jr.-1L FS 11 Kivon Coman 6-3 196 Jr.-2L 17 Deontay Evans 5-10 204 Jr.-2L SS 20 Brandon Bryant 5-11 205 Fr.-RS 41 Mark McLaurin 6-2 210 Fr.-HS -or- 12 Jamal Peters 6-2 206 Fr.-HS CB 23 Taveze Calhoun 6-1 180 Sr.-3L 9 Jamoral Graham 5-10 173 So.-1L PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 1 De Runnya Wilson.................................. DA-run-ya 2 Elijah Staley........................................eh-LY-juh 4 Gerri Green.........................................GAIR-ee 9 Jamoral Graham.................................JUH-more-ul 11 Kivon Coman........................................KEY-von 22 Malik Dear....................................... muh-leek 27 Aeris Williams....................................... AIR-ees 23 Taveze Calhoun.......................................tah-VEZ 42 Beniquez Brown............................... ben-knee-quez 62 Devon Desper.....................................DEH-vuhn 74 Elgton Jenkins......................................ELG-tuhn BOLD indicates player has started a game before in his career. KR 10 Brandon Holloway 5-8 165 Jr.-2L 35 Gabe Myles 6-0 192 So.-1L -or- 22 Malik Dear 5-9 220 Fr.-HS PR 8 Fred Ross 6-2 207 Jr.-2L 22 Malik Dear 5-9 220 Fr.-HS

2015 MISSISSIPPI STATE DRESS ROSTER No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Cl. Exp. Hometown (Previous School) 1 De Runnya Wilson WR 6-5 215 Jr. 2L Birmingham, Ala. (Wenonah) 2 Elijah Staley QB 6-6 248 RFr. RS Marietta, Ga. (Wheeler) 4 Gerri Green LB 6-4 243 RFr. RS Greenville, Miss. (Greenville Weston) 5 Fred Brown WR 6-1 196 Jr. 2L Jackson, Miss. (Jim Hill) 5 Cedric Jiles DB 5-10 182 Jr. 1L Clinton, Miss. (Clinton) 6 Donald Gray WR 5-10 193 So. JC Memphis, Tenn. (Copiah-Lincoln CC) 7 Tolando Cleveland DB 6-0 190 Jr. 2L Powder Springs, Ga. (Hillgrove) 7 Nick Fitzgerald QB 6-5 227 RFr. RS Richmond Hill, Ga. (Richmond Hill) 8 Fred Ross WR 6-2 207 Jr. 2L Tyler, Texas (John Tyler) 9 Jamoral Graham DB 5-10 173 So. 1L Decatur, Miss. (Newton County) 10 Brandon Holloway RB 5-8 165 Jr. 2L Tampa, Fla. (Alonso) 11 Kivon Coman DB 6-3 196 Jr. 2L Sheffield, Ala. (Hargrave [Va.] Military Academy) 11 Damian Williams QB 6-1 228 Jr. 2L Metairie, La. (Archbishop Rummel) 12 Jamal Peters DB 6-2 206 Fr. HS Bassfield, Miss. (Bassfield) 14 Zach Jackson LB 6-2 212 Sr. 3L Heidelberg, Miss. (Heidelberg) 15 Dak Prescott QB 6-2 230 Sr. 3L Haughton, La. (Haughton) 16 Joe Morrow WR 6-4 202 Sr. 2L Ocean Springs, Miss. (Ocean Springs) 17 Deontay Evans DB 5-10 204 Jr. 2L McComb, Miss. (McComb) 18 Deddrick Thomas WR 5-9 184 Fr. HS Memphis, Tenn. (Memphis Central) 19 Gus Walley TE 6-4 242 Jr. 1L Richton, Miss. (Greene County) 20 Brandon Bryant DB 5-11 205 RFr. RS Tunica, Miss. (Rosa Fort) 22 Malik Dear WR 5-9 220 Fr. HS Jackson, Miss. (Murrah) 23 Taveze Calhoun DB 6-1 180 Sr. 3L Morton, Miss. (Morton) 24 Chris Rayford DB 6-0 194 RFr. RS Byhalia, Miss. (Byhalia) 25 Westin Graves K 6-0 163 So. 1L Flowood, Miss. (Jackson Prep) 27 Aeris Williams RB 6-1 205 RFr. RS West Point, Miss. (West Point) 28 DeAndre Ward LB 6-1 217 Jr. 1L Wetumpka, Ala. (Wetumpka) 29 Josiah Phillips LB 6-4 236 RFr. RS Starkville, Miss. (Home School) 30 Hayes Walker DB 5-11 195 RFr. RS Jackson, Miss. (Jackson Academy) 32 Ashton Shumpert RB 6-2 218 Jr. 2L Fulton, Miss. (Itawamba) 33 Dontavian Lee RB 6-1 227 RFr. RS Hattiesburg, Miss. (Forrest County Agricultural) 34 Cory Thomas DL 6-5 301 RFr. RS Bessemer, Ala. (McAdory) 35 Gabe Myles WR 6-0 192 So. 1L Starkville, Miss. (Starkville) 37 Bennie Braswell III RB 5-9 170 So. SQ Olive Branch, Miss. (Olive Branch) 37 Bryce Brown K 6-2 180 RFr. RS Katy, Texas (Seven Lakes) 38 Brandon Davis DB 5-9 170 Jr. SQ Memphis, Tenn. (Whitehaven) 39 Richie Brown LB 6-2 245 Jr. 2L Long Beach, Miss. (Long Beach) 40 Devon Bell P/K 6-2 190 Sr. 3L Vicksburg, Miss. (Warren Central) 41 Mark McLaurin DB 6-2 210 Fr. HS Collins, Miss. (Collins) 42 Beniquez Brown LB 6-1 238 Jr. 2L Florence, Ala. (Florence) 43 Logan Cooke P/K 6-5 216 So. 1L Darbun, Miss. (Columbia Academy) 44 Zak Neary DB 6-1 192 RFr. RS Adamsville, Tenn. (Adamsville) 45 J.T. Gray LB 6-0 196 So. 1L Clarksdale, Miss. (Clarksdale) 47 A.J. Jefferson DL 6-3 277 Jr. 2L Summit, Miss. (North Pike) 48 Ryan Brown DL 6-6 266 Sr. 3L New Orleans, La. (Archbishop Shaw) 49 Torrey Dale DL 6-6 270 Jr. 1L Kenner, La. (John Curtis Christian) 51 Kelan Chairs LB 6-0 220 So. 1L Harvey, La. (St. Augustine) 53 Hunter Bradley SN 6-3 235 Jr. SQ Collierville, Tenn. (Collierville) 55 Martinas Rankin OL 6-5 302 Jr. JC Mendenhall, Miss. (Miss. Gulf Coast CC) 56 Nick Proby OL 6-1 291 Sr. SQ D Iberville, Miss. (Mississippi Gulf Coast CC) 57 Will Coleman DL 6-5 250 Jr. RS Tyler, Texas (Tyler JC) 58 Justin Senior OL 6-5 295 Jr. 2L Montreal, Quebec (Hargrave [Va.] Military Academy) 60 Jamaal Clayborn OL 6-4 315 Jr. 2L Jackson, Miss. (Jackson Academy) 61 Deion Calhoun OL 6-3 303 RFr. RS Pleasant Grove, Ala. (Restoration Academy) 62 Devon Desper OL 6-4 305 Jr. 2L Madison, Miss. (Madison Central) 64 Jocquell Johnson OL 6-4 300 Jr. SQ Jackson, Miss. (Copiah-Lincoln [Miss.] CC) 66 Joel Baldwin SN 6-3 220 RFr. RS Tupelo, Miss. (Tupelo) 70 Justin Malone OL 6-7 320 Sr. 2L Madison, Miss. (Madison-Ridgeland Academy) 71 Cole Carter OL 6-6 299 Jr. 1L Caledonia, Miss. (Caledonia)

No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Cl. Exp. Hometown (Previous School) 72 Ronald Cochran OL 6-4 308 RFr. RS Olive Branch, Miss. (Olive Branch) 74 Elgton Jenkins OL 6-4 304 RFr. RS Clarksdale, Miss. (Clarksdale) 77 Rufus Warren OL 6-7 299 Sr. 2L Indianola, Miss. (Gentry) 78 Damien Robinson OL 6-8 325 Sr. 3L Olive Branch, Miss. (Olive Branch) 80 Aaron Hamaker TE 6-4 253 RFr. RS Little Rock, Ark. (Catholic) 81 Justin Johnson WR 6-3 229 Fr. HS Birmingham, Ala. (Hoover) 83 Kareem Vance Jr. WR 6-4 195 So. SQ Charleston, Miss. (Olive Branch) 84 Darrion Hutcherson TE 6-7 260 Sr. 1L Dadeville, Ala. (Copiah-Lincoln [Miss.] CC) 86 Jesse Jackson WR 6-2 210 RFr. RS Petal, Miss. (Petal) 88 Nick James DL 6-5 325 Jr. 2L Long Beach, Miss. (Long Beach) 89 Javous Nicks WR 6-0 170 Jr. SQ Brandon, Miss (University Christian) 90 Grant Harris DL 6-3 273 RFr. RS Bolton, Miss. (Clinton) 92 Brian Houston DL 6-4 240 Jr. RS Vicksburg, Miss. (Vicksburg) 94 Nelson Adams DL 6-3 310 Jr. 2L Brandon, Miss. (Brandon) 95 Braxton Hoyett DL 6-3 300 RFr. RS Pelham, Ala. (Pelham) 97 Johnathan Calvin DL 6-3 263 Jr. JC Jackson, Miss. (Copiah-Lincoln CC) 98 Chris Jones DL 6-6 308 Jr. 2L Houston, Miss. (Houston) PRONUNCIATION GUIDE 1 De Runnya Wilson DA-run-ya 2 Elijah Staley eh-ly-juh 3 Traver Jung Treh-VER 4 Gerri Green GAIR-ee 11 Kivon Coman KEY-von 14 Nick Tiano TEE-ano 18 Deddrick Thomas DEAD-drick 22 Malik Dear muh-leek 23 Taveze Calhoun tah-vez 27 Aeris Williams AIR-rees 42 Beniquez Brown ben-knee-quez 51 Kelan Chairs KEY-lan 62 Devon Desper DEH-vuhn 74 Elgton Jenkins ELG-tuhn COACHING STAFF Dan Mullen, Head Coach Seventh Season Manny Diaz, Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers Second Season Billy Gonzales, Co-Offensive Coordinator/Wide Receivers Third Season John Hevesy, Co-Offensive Coordinator/Offensive Line Seventh Season Tony Hughes, Assistant Head Coach/Recruiting Coord./Safeties Seventh Season * Brian Johnson, Quarterbacks Second Season Greg Knox, Special Teams Coordinator/Running Backs Seventh Season * Scott Sallach, Tight Ends Seventh Season Deshea Townsend, Cornerbacks Third Season David Turner, Defensive Line Sixth Season * - indicates in the press box

SERIES HISTORY NC State leads, 3-2 1930: NCSU, 14-0........ at Raleigh, N.C. 1931: NCSU, 6-0............. at Starkville 1940: MSU, 26-10........ at Raleigh, N.C. 1963: MSU, 16-12......at Philadelphia, Pa. 1995: NCSU, 28-24.........at Atlanta, Ga. at Starkville: NCSU, 1-0 at Raleigh: Tied, 1-1 at Neutral Sites: Tied, 1-1 MSU vs. ACC IN BOWL GAMES MSU leads, 4-3 12/21/1963 MSU 16, NC State 12 Philadelphia, Penn. (Liberty Bowl) 12/28/1974 MSU 26, North Carolina 24 El Paso, Texas (Sun Bowl) 1/1/1993 #19 North Carolina 21, #24 MSU 17 Atlanta, Ga. (Peach Bowl) 1/2/1995 #23 NC State 28, #16 MSU 24 Atlanta, Ga. (Peach Bowl) 12/30/1999 #15 MSU 17, Clemson 7 Atlanta, Ga. (Peach Bowl) 12/30/2011 MSU 23, Wake Forest 17 Nashville, Tenn. (Music City Bowl) 12/30/2014 - #9 Georgia Tech 49, # 7 MSU 34 Miami, Fla. (Orange Bowl) QUICK FACTS Location Starkville, Miss. Founded February 28, 1878 Nickname Bulldogs Enrollment 20,873 President Dr. Mark Keenum Athletics Director Scott Stricklin Faculty Rep Dr. Steven Turner Conference Southeastern (West) Colors Maroon and White Stadium Davis Wade Stadium at Scott Field Capacity 61,337 Constructed 1914 Playing Surface Hybrid Bermuda First Year Football 1895 Years of Football 116th All-Time Record 539-562-39 All-Time SEC Record 185-352-12 All-Time Bowl Record 10-8 THE SERIES: MSU VS. NC STATE This is the sixth meeting between the two teams and the first since the 1995 Peach Bowl won by NC State... It will have been 7,668 days since the two teams last met... The last two meetings have occured in bowl games with State claiming the Liberty Bowl over the Wolfpack in 1963... MSU has faced NC State in bowl games more than any other opponent (this will be the third time)... NC State leads the series 3-2... Head coach Dan Mullen was the receivers coach at Wagner the last time the two teams met... The two teams recently scheduled a 2020-21 regular season series... They will meet on Sept. 12, 2020 at Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh... The Wolfpack return the trip on Sept. 11, 2021 in Davis Wade Stadium. THE LAST MEETING #16 MSU 24 #23 NC State 28 Jan. 2, 1995 Georgia Dome Atlanta, Ga. 64,902 Like it had done two years prior, Mississippi State gained an early advantage in this Peach Bowl match-up. Place-kicker Tim Rogers, MSU s Offensive Player of the Game, booted a 37-yard field goal just 2:21 into the contest, and the Bulldogs had a 3-0 advantage. But, as NC State was able to do throughout the game, the Wolfpack erased that early lead. Running back Tremayne Stephens capped an 80-yard drive with a 2-yard touchdown run to give NCSU a 7-3 lead. Senior running back Michael Davis scored from 11 yards out to give MSU a 13-10 edge. A pair of big plays opened the door for the Bulldogs to take control of the game as the second half began. Forcing the Pack to punt on their first series of the second half, Andre Bennett blocked the NC State kick into the end zone for a safety, and MSU had a two-point lead. On the ensuing free kick, Keffer McGee returned the punt a bowl-record 50 yards, putting the Bulldogs in business at the NCSU 15-yard line. Rejuvenated by the disaster averted, NC State struck for a game-tying touchdown and two-point conversion at the close of the third period. Harvey hit Dallas Dickerson from 3 yards out for the score, and then ran for the extra points. The Wolfpack used a big play of their own, a 62-yard pass play to set up their go-ahead score. Freshman fullback Carlos King bulled in from 11 yards away and State was down 28-21. STATISTICAL BREAKDOWN Conference (NCAA) Ranks Category MSU NCSU MSU NCSU Scoring Offense: 33.0 33.7 5 (45) 3 (38) Total Offense: 451.4 411.9 3 (34) 5 (58) Rushing Offense: 140.3 201.4 12 (102) 4 (32) Passing Offense: 311.1 210.5 2 (17) 10 (80) Scoring Defense: 22.8 23.8 8 (38) 5 (43) Total Defense: 388.4 332.5 10 (57) 5 (19) Pass Defense: 216.8 188.5 10 (56) 5 (22) Rushing Defense: 171.7 144.0 10 (62) 7 (40) Kickoff Return Avg.: 21.33 26.6 5 (56) 1 (8) Punt Return Avg.: 12.00 13.0 7 (29) 4 (17) Time of Poss.: 26:08 33:08 14 (124) 1 (11) 3rd Down Conv. Pct.: 0.418 0.417 4 (46) 6 (47) Opp. 3rd-D Conv. Pct: 0.355 0.333 8 (41) 3 (20) TO Margin: -0.42 0.83 13 (97) 2 (14) Net Punting: 36.14 39.40 10 (93) 5 (27) Fumbles Recovered: 1 9 14 (127) 5 (42) Passes Intercepted: 11 12 6 (57) 6 (51) Fumbles Lost: 13 7 14 (119) 6 (42) Turnovers Gained: 12 21 14 (114) 8 (47) Turnovers Lost: 17 11 8 (47) 2 (5) Passing Efficiency: 154.43 130.10 3 (22) 7 (62) Pass Efficiency Defense 123.99 121.93 12 (60) 8 (5) Fewest Penalties: 48 68 1 (6) 6 (42) Fewest Yards Penalized: 451 637 2 (9) 9 (57) Sacks: 2.08 31 9 (64) 11 (107) Tackles for Losses: 7.7 6.0 4 (12) 4 (25) First Downs: 276 259 2 (29) 4 (51) Red Zone Offense: 0.900 0.846 1 (13) 8 (57) Red Zone Defense: 0.721 0.852 3 (7) 9 (81) * Bold indicates categories MSU is in the top 15 nationally in.

THE NOTEBOOK MORE NOTABLES Cowbells will be permitted in Bank of America Stadium and the NFL s clear bag policy will be enforced. The Bulldogs will wear maroon helmets, maroon jerseys and gray pants for the Belk Bowl. The gray pants were chosen in a fan vote. MSU also wore gray pants against Alabama and Arkansas. MSU owned a 4-1 mark on the road this season, its best since going 4-1 in 1994. MSU has produced a school-record eight 100-yard receiving games this season, surpassing the mark of seven set last year. Four times in the past two years and twice this season (at Arkansas and at Missouri), the Bulldogs have produced multiple 100-yard receivers in the same game. In its last bowl game (Orange Bowl), MSU had three players achieve the feat - Fred Ross, De Runnya Wilson and Joe Morrow. The Bulldogs are tops in the SEC and fourth nationally in fewest penalties with 48 this year. MSU is second nationally in number of different players who have recorded a PBU with 19 (Alabama, 20). The Bulldogs have 14 different players who have caught a pass this season, including nine with 10 or more. The nine with 10 or more leads the SEC. Missouri is next closest with eight. Spreading the wealth: In 10 of the 12 games this season and 19 of the 25 games in the last two seasons, MSU has had at least eight players catch a pass in a game. Under Dan Mullen (since 2009), State is 49-1 when leading at the half and 49-1 when leading at the end of the third quarter. The Bulldogs are 8-0 when leading at the half this season. The Bulldogs are 3-0 this season when scoring first and have won 14 straight games when doing so. The last loss in that scenario was at South Carolina on Nov. 2, 2013. Dak Prescott went into 2015 with a school-record.605 career completion percentage. In 12 games this year, it has climbed to.629. Two of the SEC s top four in freshmen tackles hail from MSU: S Brandon Bryant (third with 57) and LB Gerri Green (fifth with 44). Green was a freshman All-SEC selection. Jr. LB Richie Brown is MSU s leading tackler with 101, which was sixth in the SEC. He s the first Bulldog with 100-plus tackles in a season since Cam Lawrence had 120 in 2012. Brown also led MSU in sacks with 5.5. He s 11 tackles shy of 200 for his career. Jr. DE A.J. Jefferson is tops on the squad in tackles for loss with 13.5, which ranks sixth in the SEC and 66th nationally. Jefferson has had at least one TFL in 10 out of his last 13 games. Dak Prescott in the redzone this year: 27 touchdowns (10 rush, 17 pass) with zero turnovers. As a team, no one in the SEC has been better in redzone offensive percentage than MSU. The Bulldogs have converted 45-of-50 times (90 percent), including TDs in 35-of-50 opportunities (70 percent). MSU ranks 13th nationally in redzone offense. MSU ranked third in the SEC and seventh nationally in redzone defense, allowing 72.1 percent scores (31-of-43). The Bulldogs were No. 2 in the league and No. 4 nationally in touchdown percentage defense, issuing only 17 touchdowns in 43 attempts (39.5 percent). Of State s 47 touchdown drives, 23 of them have occured in two minutes or less (48.9 percent). Jr. LB Beniquez Brown has 6.0 tackles for loss in his last five games combined. Jr. RB/RS Brandon Holloway is one of three FBS players with at least 350 rushing yards, 300 receiving yards and 450 kick return yards this season. Christian McCaffrey of Stanford and Tyler Ervin of San Jose State have also achieved the feat. Holloway has 372 rushing yards, 318 receiving yards and he is fourth in the SEC in kickoff return yards with 498. MSU IS 10-8 IN BOWL GAMES; MULLEN TOPS IN WINS MSU is making its 19th bowl apperarance and school-record sixth straight. Dan Mullen has guided the Bulldogs to a bowl game in six of his seven seasons. The only season he did not was his first one in 2009. Mullen has won more games (three) than any coach in school history. The Bulldogs are 10-8 in bowl games and 3-2 under Mullen. Prior to Mullen, the school record for consecutive bowl appearances was three. Mullen has tied Jackie Sherrill for most bowl game appearances as a head coach. Sherrill coached in six bowls in his 13 seasons. MSU is one of five SEC schools to go bowling in every season this decade, joining Alabama, Georgia, LSU and Texas A&M. Most MSU Bowl Game Appearances Most MSU Bowl Wins Dan Mullen - 6 (in 7 years) Dan Mullen - 3-2 Jackie Sherrill - 6 (in 13 years) Jackie Sherrill - 2-4 Emory Bellard - 2 (in 7 years) Several others - 1-0 BULLDOG, WOLFPACK TIES Two members of the MSU coaching staff served as assistant coaches at NC State. Defensive line coach David Turner was a graduate assistant for the Wolfpack from 1988-89 and then coached the defensive tackles and linebackers from 1995-96. Turner is a native of Goldston, North Carolina (50 miles from Raleigh) and grew up going to NC State games. It will be a homecoming 2015 PLAYER HONORS Ryan Brown Sr. DE 2016 East-West Shrine Game Participant SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week (vs. Troy) Richie Brown Jr. LB SEC Defensive Player of the Week (at Auburn) Taveze Calhoun Sr. CB Campbell Trophy Finalist NFF National Scholar-Athlete (only one in SEC) 2016 East-West Shrine Game Participant SEC Community Service Team Allstate AFCA Good Works Team Nominee Gerri Green Fr. LB Freshman All-SEC (Coaches) Brandon Holloway Jr. RB/RS Second-Team All-SEC (Athlon) Chris Jones Jr. DL Second-Team All-America (Pro Football Focus) SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week (vs. Missouri) Dak Prescott Sr. QB Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award Finalist Manning Award Finalist Senior CLASS Award Finalist Two-time Conerly Trophy Winner Maxwell Award Semifinalist Davey O Brien Award Semifinalist Senior Bowl Watch List First-Team All-SEC (Associated Press, Coaches, ESPN.com) FWAA Autonation National Offensive Player of the Week (vs. Kentucky) Davey O Brien/Manning Quarterback of the Week (vs. Kentucky) Two-time SEC Offensive Player of the Week (vs. Kentucky; at Arkansas ) Fred Ross Jr. WR First-Team All-SEC (Coaches) Second-Team All-SEC (Associated Press, Athlon) De Runnya Wilson Jr. WR Second-Team All-SEC (Coaches) 14 First-Team All-SEC honors produced by MSU in the Dan Mullen era (since 2009; 8 offense, 6 defense)

BULLDOG TRENDS 2015 Mullen August 0-0 1-1 September 3-1 18-8 October 3-1 20-8 November 2-2 12-16 December-January 0-0 3-2 MSU s Conference Record... at home 1-3 15-14 on the road 3-1 11-16 neutral 0-0 0-0 MSU s Non-Conference Record... at home 3-0 18-2 on the road 1-0 7-0 neutral 0-0 3-3 MSU vs. Ranked Opponents... overall 1-4 6-29 at home 0-3 3-15 on the road 1-0 3-11 neutral 0-0 0-3 vs. Top 10 0-1 3-13 MSU s Record in Games... decided by 7 pts or less 1-1 14-9 decided by 3 pts or less 1-1 3-1 Road during the day 0-0 6-8 Road at night 4-1 12-8 Home during the day 3-1 13-5 Home at night 1-2 19-11 MSU s Record When Scoring... less than 20 points 1-3 5-20 20+ points 7-1 23-9 25+ points 7-1 43-8 MSU s Record When Allowing... 14 or fewer points 3-0 27-1 24 or fewer points 7-1 47-9 25+ points 1-3 7-26 MSU s Record When... MSU scores first 4-0 37-8 Opponent scores first 4-4 17-27 Leading after the 1st qtr 5-0 38-5 Trailing after the 1st qtr 3-4 9-23 Leading at halftime 8-0 49-1 Trailing at halftime 0-4 4-31 Leading after the 3rd qtr 7-0 49-1 Trailing after the 3rd qtr 1-4 3-32 Tied going into the 4th qtr 0-0 2-2 MSU s Record With... less than 300 yards 0-0 5-12 400+ yards total offense 6-2 25-10 500+ yards total offense 3-0 20-5 600+ yards total offense 2-0 3-2 less than 100 yards rush 1-2 4-8 100+ yards rushing 6-2 20-11 150+ yards rushing 3-1 18-9 200+ yards rushing 3-0 25-4 250+ yards rushing 1-0 17-6 less than 200 yards pass 0-0 20-18 300+ yards passing 5-2 12-5 350+ yards passing 3-0 4-1 400+ yards passing 1-0 1-1 450+ yards passing 1-0 1-1 for Turner, who attended and coached at Davidson, which is just north of Charlotte. Turner was a member of the 1989 Copper Bowl and 1988 Peach Bowl staffs at NC State. Defensive coordinator Manny Diaz spent more years at NC State than any stop in his coaching career, serving on Chuck Amato s staff from 2000-05. He was a graduate assistant from 2000-01, coached linebackers from 2002-03 and then safeties and special teams from 2004-05. In his final season of 2005, NC State finished eighth nationally in total defense. SENIORS SET FOR FINAL GAME A group of 13 seniors will take the field in an MSU uniform for the final time. They are: K/P Devon Bell, DE Ryan Brown (out with foot injury), CB Taveze Calhoun, SNP Winston Chapman, TE Darrion Hutcherson, OL Justin Malone, CB Kendrick Market (out with ACL), WR Joe Morrow, QB Dak Prescott, OL Nick Proby, CB Will Redmond (out with ACL), OL Damien Robinson and OL Rufus Warren. Here are their accomplishments: Owned a 33-15 (.688) record the second-best of a senior class in school history and best since the 1942 squad (34-5-2) Have gone to a bowl game every year of their careers... One of only three MSU senior classes to do so Produced a 22-6 record at home in Davis Wade Stadium Been ranked for 29 weeks, including a school-record 10 weeks in the Top 10 and five consecutive weeks at No. 1 in 2014... Part of the first team in school history to be ranked No. 1 Shattered 50 school single-season and career statistical records Six of them have graduated with the seven others on pace for graduation this spring One (Prescott) already has his master s degree and one other is working toward his (Calhoun) WHAT TO WATCH FOR... QB Dak Prescott Needs 1 rushing touchdown to tie the MSU career record for rushing touchdowns and 2 to break Anthony Dixon s record of 42 from 2006-09. Needs 62 rushing yards to take second place in SEC career rushing yards by a quarterback, surpassing Arkansas Matt Jones (2,535 from 2001-04). Tim Tebow holds the record (2,947). Needs 4 passing yards to become the 17th SEC player to throw for at least 9,000 yards in a career. Needs 4 passing yards and 26 rushing yards to become just one of four players in FBS history with 9,000 passing yards and 2,500 rushing yards. Needs 119 yards of offense to tally 1,000 yards of total offense in bowl games in his career. Needs 37 passing yards to break his own MSU single-season record for passing yards. Needs 3 passing touchdowns to break his own MSU single-season record for passing touchdowns. Needs 2 rushing touchdowns to tie the MSU career record for most touchdowns scored. WR Fred Ross Needs 4 catches to move into the SEC single-season top 10 for catches and 9 catches to move into the SEC single-season top 5 for catches. Needs 103 receiving yards to break the MSU single-season record for receiving yards of 1,035 set by Mardye McDole in 1978. Ross has 933. Needs 67 yards to become the second 1,000-yard receiver in MSU single-season history. Needs 1 more 100-yard receiving game to tie the MSU career record with eight. DAK PRESCOTT PUTTING UP VIDEO GAME NUMBERS IN BOWLS Dak Prescott is aiming to go over 1,000 yards of total offense in bowl games. In two career bowl game starts, Prescott has amassed nine total touchdowns and 861 yards of total offense. Prescott has accounted for at least four touchdowns in each of his bowl game starts. He holds five MSU bowl game records (four attained in the 2014 Orange Bowl last year against Georgia Tech): completions (33), attempts (51), passing yards (453), touchdown passes (3). The other one is touchdowns responsible for when he had five against Rice in the 2013 Liberty Bowl. Prescott will tie Wayne Madkin (1998-2000) for most bowl game starts by an MSU quarterback with three. PASSING RUSHING TOTAL OFFENSE Comp. Att. Yards TDs INTs Att. Yards TD Yards *2014 33 51 453 3 1 15 47 1 500 *2013 17 28 283 3 0 14 78 2 361 2012 0 1 0 0 0 2 20 0 20 TOTAL 50 80 736 6 1 31 145 3 881 * - denotes started game

MSU PRODUCED A FIRST-TEAM ALL-SEC QUARTERBACK, WIDE RECEIVER IN SAME SEASON SINCE 1978 Dak Prescott and Fred Ross both earned first-team All-SEC honors, representing the first time since 1978 that the school produced a quarterback and wide receiver together on the first team. Prescott is the first two-time first-team All-SEC quarterback for MSU since Billy Stacy in 1956-57. Prior to his arrival, the Bulldogs had not produced a first-team All-SEC QB since Don Smith in 1986. Since 1990, Prescott is one of only four SEC QBs to earn back-to-back first-team All-SEC honors, joining Texas A&M s Johnny Manziel (2012-13), Florida s Tim Tebow (2007-09) and Florida s Shane Matthews (1990-92). Prescott led the SEC in the following categories in conference games: completions (226), completion percentage (67.1), passing yards (2,528), touchdown-to-interception ratio (17:4), passing yards per game (316.2) and total offense per game (363.2). Ross is the first MSU receiver to earn first-team All-SEC coaches honors since Buffalo Bills great Eric Moulds in 1995. In addition, linebacker Gerri Green was named to the Coaches All-SEC Freshman Team. Every previous player under Dan Mullen who has been named All-SEC Freshman has gone on to sign an NFL contract following their collegiate playing career. MSU ONE OF THE SEC S BEST SINCE 2014 Mississippi State is third in the SEC for the best record since 2014 with an 18-7 mark. That is the winningest 25-game stretch since 1999-2001. State was 19-6 from Sept. 4, 1999 to Sept. 3, 2001. Records by SEC teams since start of 2014 season: Alabama - 24-3 Georgia - 19-6 Mississippi State - 18-7 Ole Miss - 18-7 Florida - 17-8 LSU - 16-8 Texas A&M - 16-9 Missouri - 16-10 MSU PICKED LAST, FINISHED AHEAD OF MEDIA POLL AGAIN MSU was picked to finish last in the SEC West standings in the annual media poll at SEC Media Day in July and for the fourth straight year, the Bulldogs placed ahead of where they were projected. State earned a tie for fifth in college football s toughest division with a 4-4 mark. The Bulldogs earned at least a.500 record in conference play in back-to-back years for the first time since 1999-2000. It was the fifth time in seven years under Dan Mullen that MSU finished ahead of where they were projected. SEC East SEC Record Overall Record Florida 7-1 10-2 Georgia 5-3 9-3 Tennessee 5-3 8-4 Vanderbilt 2-6 4-8 Kentucky 2-6 5-7 Missouri 1-7 5-7 South Carolina 1-7 3-9 SEC West SEC Record Overall Record Alabama 7-1 11-1 Ole Miss 6-2 9-3 Arkansas 5-3 7-5 LSU 5-3 8-3 Mississippi State 4-4 8-4 Texas A&M 4-4 8-4 Auburn 2-6 6-6 DAK APPROACHING 9,000-2,500 YARDS CLUB Dak Prescott is one of only two active NCAA FBS players who have thrown for over 8,500 yards and rushed for over 2,000 yards in a career (TCU s Trevone Boykin the other). Prescott needs just 26 rushing yards and four passing yards to become one of only four players in FBS history to throw for 9,000 yards and rush for 2,500 yards in a career. Tim Tebow, another Dan Mullen protege, is the only other SEC player in the 9,000-2,500 club. Both Central Michigan s Dan LeFevour and Nevada s Colin Kaepernick have achieved the feat. BULLDOGS IN THE NFL (19, 13 active) Name Pos. Team Yrs. Denico Autry DL Raiders 2 Johnthan Banks CB Buccaneers 3 Josh Boyd* DE Packers 3 Blaine Clausell^ OL Patriots R Fletcher Cox DE Eagles 3 Dillon Day^ C Broncos R Anthony Dixon RB Bills 6 Kaleb Eulls DL Saints R Gabe Jackson OG Raiders 2 Malcolm Johnson TE Browns R Kyle Love DL Panthers 4 Benardrick McKinney LB Texans R Pernell McPhee OLB Bears 4 Josh Robinson^ RB Colts R Deontae Skinner^ LB Eagles 2 Darius Slay CB Lions 3 Preston Smith LB Redskins R Matt Wells^ LB Rams R K.J. Wright LB Seahawks 5 BOLD indicates played at MSU in Mullen era. * - denotes injured reserve ^ - denotes practice squad CAREER 100-YARD RUSHING GAMES Dak Prescott Sr. QB (9, 1 in 2015) 154, at Texas A&M, 2013 139, at South Alabama, 2014 139, Bowling Green, 2013 133, at Auburn, 2013 121, Auburn, 2014 117, Kentucky, 2015 111, UAB, 2014 105, at LSU, 2014 103, LSU, 2013 CAREER 100-YARD RECEIVING GAMES Donald Gray So. WR (1, 1 in 2015) 117, vs. Georgia Tech, 2014 Brandon Holloway Jr. RB (1, 1 in 2015) 101, at Arkansas, 2015 Joe Morrow Sr. WR (1, 0 in 2015) 117, vs. Georgia Tech, 2014 Fred Ross Jr. WR (7, 5 in 2015, 4 straight) 154, at Arkansas, 2015 117, Ole Miss, 2015 115, at Missouri, 2015 114, Alabama, 2015 107, Arkansas, 2014 103, at Texas A&M, 2015 102, vs. Georgia Tech, 2014 De Runnya Wilson Jr. WR (3, 1 in 2015) 117, at Ole Miss, 2014 105, vs. Georgia Tech, 2014 102, at Missouri, 2015 CAREER 250-YARD PASSING GAMES Dak Prescott Sr. QB (17, 8 in 2015) 508, at Arkansas, 2015 453, vs. Georgia Tech, 2014 348, Kentucky, 2015 347, Louisiana Tech, 2015 335, LSU, 2015 331, Arkansas, 2014 303, at Missouri, 2015 300, Alabama, 2015 290, at Alabama, 2014 284, Southern Miss, 2014 283, vs. Rice, 2013 282, at Ole Miss, 2014 270, at Auburn, 2015 268, Texas A&M, 2014 268, at LSU, 2014 268, Kentucky, 2013 254, Ole Miss, 2015

CAREER GAMES PLAYED/STARTED Player 2012 13 14 15 Total Nelson Adams -- 13/0 13/0 12/3 38/3 Joel Baldwin -- -- -- 1/0 1/0 Devon Bell 13/0 13/0 11/0 12/0 49/0 Hunter Bradley -- -- 3/0 11/0 11/0 Bennie Braswell -- -- 1/0 1/0 2/0 Beniquez Brown -- 13/3 13/12 12/12 38/27 Fred Brown -- 8/0 13/2 12/12 33/14 Richie Brown -- 13/0 13/0 12/12 38/12 Ryan Brown 7/0 13/1 13/12 12/12 45/25 Brandon Bryant -- -- -- 12/7 12/7 Deion Calhoun -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 Taveze Calhoun 13/0 12/12 13/13 11/10 49/35 Johnathan Calvin -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 Cole Carter -- 11/0 11/0 12/0 34/0 Kelan Chairs -- -- 7/0 11/0 18/0 Winston Chapman 13/0 13/0 13/0 2/0 41/0 Jamaal Clayborn -- 7/0 4/0 12/12 23/12 Tolando Cleveland -- 12/0 13/0 12/9 37/9 Ronald Cochran -- -- -- 4/0 4/0 Will Coleman -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 Kivon Coman -- 12/0 13/0 12/12 37/12 Logan Cooke -- -- 9/0 12/0 21/0 Torrey Dale -- 2/0 11/0 12/0 25/0 Brandon Davis -- 3/0 -- 3/0 6/0 Malik Dear -- -- -- 10/0 10/0 Devon Desper -- 7/0 11/2 12/12 30/14 Deontay Evans -- 13/1 13/2 12/1 38/4 Nick Fitzgerald -- -- 1/0 7/0 8/0 Jamoral Graham -- -- 9/0 11/0 20/0 Westin Graves -- -- 4/0 12/0 16/0 Donald Gray -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 J.T. Gray -- -- 6/0 12/0 18/0 Gerri Green -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 Aaron Hamaker -- -- -- 3/0 3/0 Dezmond Harris -- -- 6/0 7/0 13/0 Grant Harris -- -- -- 4/0 4/0 Brandon Holloway -- 11/0 13/0 12/7 37/7 Braxton Hoyett -- -- -- 6/0 6/0 Darrion Hutcherson -- -- 13/0 12/5 25/5 Jesse Jackson -- -- -- 11/0 11/0 Nick James 8/0 -- 13/0 12/9 33/9 A.J. Jefferson -- 13/0 13/0 12/12 38/12 Elgton Jenkins -- -- -- 10/3 10/3 Cedric Jiles -- -- -- 11/0 11/0 Jocquell Johnson -- -- -- 6/0 6/0 Justin Johnson -- -- -- 10/0 10/0 Chris Jones -- 13/3 13/0 12/12 38/15 Dontavian Lee -- -- 1/0 9/0 10/0 Justin Malone 12/4 1/1 12/11 12/12 37/28 Kendrick Market 12/0 13/12 12/4 4/4 41/20 Mark McLaurin -- -- -- 11/0 11/0 Joe Morrow 8/0 13/12 13/0 10/0 44/12 Gabe Myles -- -- 13/3 9/0 22/3 Zak Neary -- -- -- 2/0 2/0 Javous Nicks -- 2/0 2/0 2/0 6/0 Jamal Peters -- -- -- 11/2 11/2 Josiah Phillips -- -- -- 1/0 1/0 Dak Prescott 12/0 11/7 13/13 12/12 48/32 Chris Rayford -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 Will Redmond -- 8/0 12/0 7/7 27/7 Damien Robinson 12/0 13/0 0/0 12/0 37/0 Fred Ross -- 11/0 13/2 12/12 36/14 Justin Senior -- 11/1 13/13 11/11 35/25 Ashton Shumpert -- 12/0 12/0 11/5 33/5 Elijah Staley -- -- -- 2/0 2/0 Cory Thomas -- -- -- 7/0 7/0 Kareem Vance Jr. -- -- 3/0 2/0 5/0 Hayes Walker -- -- -- 1/0 1/0 Gus Walley -- -- 12/0 8/7 20/7 DeAndre Ward -- 2/0 13/0 12/0 27/0 Rufus Warren 7/0 11/0 13/0 10/10 41/10 Aeris Williams -- -- -- 12/0 12/0 De Runnya Wilson -- 13/1 12/10 12/12 37/23 Player Team Years Rush Yards Pass Yards Dan LeFevour Central Michigan 2006-09 2,948 12,905 Trevone Boykin TCU 2012-present 2,049 10,728 Robert Griffin III Baylor 2008-11 2,254 10,366 Colin Kaepernick Nevada 2007-10 4,112 10,098 Tim Tebow Florida 2006-09 2,947 9,285 Dak Prescott Mississippi State 2012-present 2,474 8,996 Chandler Harnish Northern Illinois 2008-11 2,983 8,944 Brad Smith Missouri 2002-05 4,289 8,799 Matt Grothe South Florida 2006-09 2,206 8,669 Nathan Scheelhaase Illinois 2010-13 2,066 8,568 APPROACHING SINGLE-SEASON TACKLES FOR LOSS RECORD MSU has racked up 92 tackles for loss this season, which is three shy of tying the school record of 95 set in 1999. The tally is currently second in single-season school history. Two of the top three marks have all occured under defensive coordinator Manny Diaz watch: MSU Team Single-Season Tackles For Loss Year TFL Defensive Coordinator 1999 95 Joe Lee Dunn 2015 92 Manny Diaz 2010 91 Manny Diaz 2011 90 Chris Wilson/Geoff Collins 2014 84 Geoff Collins DAK JOINS 60-40 CLUB, ONE OF ONLY FOUR IN FBS HISTORY Dak Prescott is just the fourth player in FBS history to rush for 40 touchdowns and throw for 60 touchdowns in a career. One other SEC QB has achieved the feat in Florida s Tim Tebow. Note: All of Brad Smith s TDs occured when Missouri was in the Big 12. Prescott has thrown 66 touchdowns and rushed for 41 touchdowns. Dan Mullen has coached three of the 50-40 players in Tebow, Dak and Bowling Green s Josh Harris. Player Team Years Rush TDs Pass TDs Dan LeFevour Central Michigan 2006-09 47 102 Tim Tebow^ Florida 2006-09 57 88 Colin Kaepernick Nevada 2007-10 59 82 Dak Prescott^ Mississippi State 2012-present 41 66 Pat White West Virginia 2005-08 47 56 Brad Smith Missouri 2002-05 45 56 Josh Harris^ Bowling Green 2000-03 43 55 Jordan Lynch Northern Illinois 2010-13 48 51 ^ - Dan Mullen has coached three in the 50-40 club and two in the 60-40 club. DAK RUSHED FOR AT LEAST 10 TDS THREE STRAIGHT YEARS Dak Prescott is only the third NCAA FBS quarterback in the last 20 years to rush for 10 touchdowns in three straight seasons. Tebow and former Nevada QB/current San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick both did it. Prescott rushed for 13 in 2013, 14 in 2014 and 10 this season. MSU TIED FOR SIXTH NATIONALLY IN BLOCKED KICKS State has blocked four kicks this season, which is tied for second in the SEC and sixth nationally. It s the second straight season that the Bulldogs have blocked four kicks, tying a school record. MSU led the league in that category last season as well. Beniquez Brown became the latest Bulldog to block a kick, recording one on the potential game-winning field goal by Arkansas (29 yards) with 0:39 remaining in the game on Nov. 21 in Fayetteville. Brown has blocked two kicks this season. That ranks second in the SEC and seventh nationally. He blocked a punt in the season-opener at Southern Miss. MSU also blocked a punt against Louisiana Tech (Donald Gray) and blocked a field goal against Alabama (Tolando Cleveland). TONY HUGHES NAMED JACKSON STATE HEAD COACH MSU assistant head coach/safeties coach Tony Hughes was named the head coach at Jackson State on Dec. 14. Hughes has spent all seven years on Dan Mullen s staff with the Bulldogs. Ephraim Banda, MSU s defensive quality control specialist, has been coaching the safeties in bowl practice. The 56-year-old Hughes achieved a lifelong dream of becoming a head coach. THREE SENIORS SIDELINED BY INJURIES IN BELK BOWL Three seniors on the MSU defense will miss the Belk Bowl due to injury: DE Ryan Brown (foot), CB Will Redmond (knee) and S Kendrick Market (knee). In addition, TE Gus Walley (head)

and LB Dez Harris (knee) will miss the contest. Brown suffered a stress fracture in his right foot and underwent surgery in early December. Market suffered a torn ACL in his left knee in the second quarter of the Texas A&M game on Oct. 3 and missed the final seven games of the season. Redmond tore his ACL in his right knee on practice on Tuesday, Oct. 20 and missed the final five games of the year. He was projected one of the top cornerbacks in the nation by ESPN s Mel Kiper. Harris tore his ACL in his left knee in the second half against Louisiana Tech on Oct. 17 and missed the final five games of the year. PLAYING IN AN NFL STADIUM FOR SIXTH STRAIGHT YEAR MSU will be playing in an NFL stadium for the sixth time in seven years and the sixth straight year. Under Dan Mullen, the Bulldogs have played at EverBank Field in Jacksonville (two times), Nissan Stadium in Nashville (once), NRG Stadium in Houston (once) and Sun Life Stadium in Miami (once). Next season, MSU will travel to Gillette Stadium, the home of the New England Patriots, for a game against UMass on Sept. 24 in Foxborough. TAVEZE CALHOUN A FINALIST FOR ACADEMIC HEISMAN Senior cornerback Taveze Calhoun was named a finalist for the Campbell Trophy. The Campbell Trophy recognizes an individual as the absolute best football scholar-athlete in the nation. The Morton, Mississippi, native received an $18,000 postgraduate scholarship as a member of the 12-person NFF National Scholar-Athlete Class. Calhoun was the only player in the SEC to receive the award. After having earned his undergraduate degree in interdisciplinary studies in May 2015 with a 3.51 GPA, Calhoun is now working towards his graduate degree in workforce leadership. Calhoun spent three days in New York City for the 58th NFF Annual Awards Dinner earlier this December. MSU NFF National Scholar-Athletes Frank Dowsing 1972 Stacy Russell 1989 Derek Sherrod 2010 Taveze Calhoun 2015 SEC NFF National Scholar-Athletes Since 2010 Mississippi State 2 Georgia 2 Alabama 2 Texas A&M 1 FOURTH QUARTER, OUR QUARTER MSU is outscoring opponents 96-34 (+62) in the fourth quarter of games this season. That s the largest margin of any team in the SEC. It took 10 weeks for MSU to allow its first fourth-quarter touchdown of the season (Alabama). MSU was the last FBS team to allow a fourthquarter touchdown. Fourth-Quarter Scoring Margin Mississippi State - 96-34 (+62, only 3 TD allowed) Alabama - 107-64 (+43) Ole Miss - 100-76 (+24) LSU - 71-51 (+20) South Carolina - 64-44 (+20) Missouri - 35-22 (+13) Vanderbilt - 58-47 (+11) Georgia - 50-42 (+8) Texas A&M - 58-59 (-1) Florida - 75-79 (-4) Kentucky - 64-80 (-16) Auburn - 70-89 (-19) Tennessee - 51-73 (-22) Arkansas - 61-83 (-22) FRED ROSS, DE RUNNYA WILSON AMONG NATION S BEST WIDE RECEIVERS Jr. WRs Fred Ross and De Runnya Wilson have been a difficult tandem for opposing defenses. Ross, a first-team All-SEC recipient, broke the MSU record for singleseason receptions and led the SEC in the process with 81. His 70 catches in conference games also led the league and were the second-most nationally. Ross broke David Smith s MSU record of 74 in 1970. The 81 catches are also 14th in SEC single-season history. Ross 933 receiving yards this season are third in the SEC and 102 shy of tying the MSU single-season record of 1,035 set by Mardye McDole in 1978. MSU has produced five 100-yard receiving games in the last four contests led by four consecutive from Fred Ross. Ross has five for the season, which is tied for the MSU single-season record with Tony Burks (2006) and Mardye McDole (1978). De Runnya Wilson has one 100-yard receiving game this season. Wilson s nine TD catches this season are second in MSU single-season annals, just three shy of tying Chad Bumphis 2012 school record of 12. Wilson has caught at least one TD pass in five out of his last seven games. He was the first Bulldog to catch a TD pass in four straight games since Bumphis in 2012. Wilson is now in sole possession of second place in MSU career TD catches with 21. Chad Bumphis had a school-record 24 from 2009-12. Eight of Wilson s 21 TD catches have come on third down during his career, including three this year. A.J. JEFFERSON LEADS IN TACKLES FOR LOSS Junior A.J. Jefferson is having one of the best seasons by a defensive end in school history. Jefferson has registered 13.5 tackles for loss. Jefferson has tallied at least one tackle for loss in 10 out of the last 13 games, racking up 15 TFL during that stretch. He did not have a TFL against Louisiana Tech, Alabama or Ole Miss. Jefferson ranks sixth in the SEC in tackles for loss. Jefferson, who has played in 38 career games, has recorded 24.5 tackles for loss in his career. That is ninth in MSU career history. DAK TO BEAR: THE MOST PROLIFIC QB, WR TD COMBO IN SCHOOL HISTORY Senior quarterback Dak Prescott and junior wide receiver De Runnya Wilson are the most prolific touchdown combination in school history. The two broke the mark against Arkansas, connecting for their 18th touchdown, which surpassed Tyler Russell-Chad Bumphis. Top QB-WR Touchdown Combinations in MSU History QB-WR TDs 1. Dak Prescott-De Runnya Wilson 18 2. Tyler Russell-Chad Bumphis 17 3. Kevin Fant-Justin Jenkins 13 Tony Shell-Jerry Bouldin 13 5. Derrick Taite-Eric Moulds 12 6. Rockey Felker-Bill Buckley 10 FOURTH QUARTER COMEBACK With its 51-50 victory at Arkansas on Nov. 21, MSU recorded its largest fourth-quarter comeback since the 2007 Egg Bowl: The Bulldogs trailed 32-21 with 13:00 remaining in the fourth quarter against the Razorbacks. MSU trailed 14-0 in the Nov. 23, 2007 Egg Bowl at the start of the fourth. The win over Arkansas was MSU s largest fourth-quarter comeback in the Dan Mullen era and just the sixth double-digit fourth-quarter comeback in school history. MSU has recorded three fourth-quarter comeback victories in the Dan Mullen era: 2013 Egg Bowl (trailed 10-7, won 17-10 in overtime); 2013 Arkansas (trailed 17-10, won 24-17 in overtime).

DAK S PERFORMANCE AT ARKANSAS ONE OF THE GREATEST IN SEC HISTORY After becoming the first player in the 83-year history of the SEC to record 550-plus yards of total offense and account for seven touchdowns in a single game, Dak Prescott was named SEC Offensive Player of the Week following the 51-50 win at Arkansas on Nov. 21. Prescott tied the SEC record by accounting for seven touchdowns (5 passing, 2 rushing), finishing with 554 yards of total offense (508 passing, 46 rushing), more than any SEC team accumulated that Saturday. He became the first FBS player since 2013 to tally 550 yards of total offense and seven scores in a single game. The team captain also became the ninth SEC player to be responsible for seven touchdowns in a game, the eighth SEC player to throw for more than 500 yards and joined 2012 Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel as the only other SEC player to rack up over 550 yards of total offense in a game. The 51 points MSU scored were the most in an SEC road game in school history. MULLEN REACHES 50 WINS, QUICKEST SINCE 1946 Dan Mullen became the third coach in Mississippi State history to hit the 50-win plateau with the victory over Troy. Mullen, in his 83rd game, became the fastest MSU coach to reach 50 wins since Allyn McKeen won his 50th in his 63rd game on Oct. 26, 1946. By comparison Jackie Sherrill won No. 50 in his 94th game on Sept. 4, 1999. Mullen was the Maxwell Football National Coach of the Year and Associated Press SEC Coach of the Year in 2014. He s led MSU to six consecutive bowl games for the first time in school history while recording a school-record three bowl wins. Top 10 Winningest MSU Coaches (in terms of victories) Head Coach Years Tenure Record Pct. 1. Jackie Sherrill 13 1991-2003 75-75-2.500 2. Allyn McKeen 9 1939-48 65-19-3.764 3. Dan Mullen 7 2009-Present 54-35.607 4. Emory Bellard 7 1979-85 37-42.468 5. W.D. Chadwick 5 1909-13 29-12-2.698 6. Wade Walker 6 1956-61 22-32-2.411 7. Rockey Felker 5 1986-90 21-34.382 Sylvester Croom 4 2004-08 21-38.356 Bob Tyler* 6 1973-78 21-44-2.328 10. Ralph Sasse 3 1935-37 20-10-2.656 Paul Davis 5 1962-66 20-28-2.420 STATE HAS SCORED A TD SIX DIFFERENT WAYS MSU has scored a touchdown six different ways this season and nearly made it seven with the blocked punt against Louisiana Tech that was recovered at the 2-yard line. The Bulldogs have two defensive touchdowns to their credit this season. Score Play Opponent Rush multiple players multiple times Receiving multiple players multiple times Kick Return 100-yards by B. Holloway at Southern Miss Punt Return 77-yards by Fred Ross Troy, Oct. 10 Fumble Return Nelson Adams Troy, Oct. 10 INT Return 73-yards by Brandon Bryant LA Tech, Oct. 17 Blocked FG Return?? Blocked Punt Return?? RICHIE BROWN TACKLING MACHINE Junior linebacker Richie Brown owns the highest grade point average on the team and he s also the squad s leading tackler with 101. He surpassed his entire tackle total of 50 last season by game six this season. The Long Beach, Miss., native ranks sixth in the SEC in tackles. Brown was named SEC Defensive Player of the Week for the second time in his career following MSU s victory at Auburn on Sept. 26. He had career highs in tackles (13), tackles for loss (3.0) and sacks (2.0) against the Tigers. DAK 2ND NATIONALLY IN TD:INT RATIO (25:4) QB Dak Prescott is second nationally in touchdown-to-interception ratio (25:4). Paxton Lynch of Memphis leads the nation (28:3). Prescott saw his school-record streak of consecutive attempts without an interception end at 288 following his pick midway through the second quarter against Kentucky on Oct. 24. It was his first interception since the third play of the 2014 Orange Bowl against Georgia Tech with 14:04 remaining in the first quarter. Dak has thrown only four interceptions in 435 attempts this season. That s the fewest of any player in the nation this season who has thrown at least 430 passes. Dak s consecutive attempts without an INT streak went down third all-time in SEC history: QB Team Consecutive Att. without INT 1. Andre Woodson Kentucky 325 (2006-07) 2. A.J. McCarron Alabama 291 (2011-12) 3. Dak Prescott Mississippi State 288 (2014-15) 4. David Greene Georgia 214 (2004) 5. Tim Tebow Florida 203 (2008) DAK PRESCOTT, MSU SCHOOL RECORD HOLDER QB Dak Prescott has broken 38 MSU school statistical records (8 single-game, 15 single-season and 15 career). He owns every school career passing record. Dak has moved into fourth place in SEC career touchdowns responsible with 110, surpassing Peyton Manning and Chris Leak. Dak is third in SEC career history for rushing yards by a quarterback with 2,411 and third in total offensive yards with 11,470. Only Aaron Murray and Tim Tebow are ahead of Prescott in total offensive yards. For a complete listing of Prescott s school career and single-season records see the Dan Mullen records page. In addition, Dak holds the eight following school single-game records: passing yards - (508 at Arkansas), touchdowns responsible 7 (2015 at Arkansas); touchdown passes 5 (2015 at Arkansas); total offense 500 (2014 Orange Bowl vs. Georgia Tech); plays 70 (2014 at Alabama); consecutive attempts without an interception 52 (2015 vs. LSU); completion percentage (.769, 20-26; 2014 vs. Texas A&M; minimum 20 att.); completions 33 (2014 Orange Bowl vs. Georgia Tech). ALL-TIME WINNINGEST QBS IN SCHOOL HISTORY In terms of winning percentage, no MSU starting quarterback holds a better record than Dak Prescott (.688, minimum 10 starts). Prescott is 22-10 as a starter, and he is the third-winningest quarterback in Bulldog history in terms of wins. All-Time Winningest MSU QBs in terms of Wins Name Years Record Pct. 1. Wayne Madkin 1998-2001 25-15.625 2. John Bond 1980-83 24-21.533 3. Dak Prescott 2012-15 22-10.688 4. Rockey Felker 1972-74 17-15-2.515 5. Chris Relf 2008-11 15-7.682 PRESCOTT NAMED NATIONAL OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF WEEK AFTER KENTUCKY WIN Dak Prescott was the recipient of four awards following his six-touchdown performance against Kentucky in week eight. Prescott was named Autonation National Offensive Player of the Week by the FWAA, SEC Offensive Player of the Week, Davey O Brien Quarterback of the Week and Manning Award Quarterback of the Week. In the win over the Wildcats, Prescott completed 25 passes in 35 attempts for 348 yards and three touchdowns. He also ran the ball 13 times for 117 yards and three scores, making him the first player in school history to record 300-plus passing yards and 100-plus rushing yards in a single game. Prescott became the third FBS player in the last 15 years to total 348-plus passing yards, 100-plus rushing yards, three passing touchdowns and three

rushing touchdowns in a single game, joining Texas A&M s Johnny Manziel and Clemson s Tajh Boyd. FIRST SINCE 1998: PUNT, KICK RETURN TD IN SAME YEAR For the first time since 1998, MSU has returned a punt and a kickoff for a touchdown in the same season. Brandon Holloway returned a kickoff 100 yards for a score in the first quarter of the season-opener at Southern Miss. Then on Oct. 10 against Troy, Fred Ross took a punt back 77 yards for a touchdown in the first quarter. MSU had three punt return TDs and one kick return TD in 1998. 26 BULLDOG DEBUTS A total of 26 Bulldogs have made their collegiate debuts this season, including 15 at Southern Miss (three junior college transfers, nine redshirt freshmen and three true freshmen), three against LSU in week two (two redshirt freshmen and one true freshman) and eight against Northwestern State in week three (seven redshirt freshmen, one junior). LB Gerri Green (RFr.), S Brandon Bryant (RFr.), S Jamal Peters (Fr.), CB Chris Rayford (RFr.), DE Will Coleman (Junior College Transfer), WR Malik Dear (Fr.), DE Johnathan Calvin (Junior College Transfer), OG Deion Calhoun (RFr.), WR Donald Gray (Junior College Transfer), TE Justin Johnson (Fr.), WR Jesse Jackson (RFr.), RB Aeris Williams (RFr.), RB Dontavian Lee (RFr.), QB Nick Fitzgerald (RFr.) and OT Elgton Jenkins (RFr.) all made their debuts against Southern Miss. S Mark McLaurin (Fr.), DT Braxton Hoyett (RFr.) and DT Cory Thomas (RFr.) saw the field against LSU. QB Elijah Staley (RFr.), TE Aaron Hamaker (RFr.), special teams Hayes Walker (RFr.), LB Josiah Phillips (RFr.), SNP Joel Baldwin (RFr.), DT Grant Harris (RFr.) and OL Ronald Cochran (RFr.), C Jocquell Johnson (Jr.) made their debuts against Northwestern State. The true freshmen that have seen the field consistently are Peters, Johnson, Dear and McLaurin. MSU HAS PLAYED THE SECOND MOST FRESHMEN IN THE SEC (INCLUDES REDSHIRT) Mississippi State is right behind Georgia in terms of number of freshmen played this season (true or redshirt) with 23. Four of the 23 are true freshmen (Justin Johnson, Malik Dear, Jamal Peters, Mark McLaurin), while the other 19 are redshirts. That figure is 13th nationally: 1. Rice 31 (10 True, 21 Redshirts) 2. TCU 29 (14 True, 15 Redshirt Freshman) 3. BYU 28 (16 True, 12 Redshirts) Clemson 28 (14 True, 14 Redshirts) 5. Florida Atlantic 27 (16 True, 11 Redshirts) 6. NC State 26 (16 True, 10 Redshirts) USC 26 (15 True, 11 Redshirts) Wyoming 26 (16 True, 10 Redshirts) 9. Boston College 25 (15 True, 10 Redshirts) Texas 25 (17 True, 8 Redshirts) 11. Georgia 24 (22 True, 2 Redshirt Freshmen) Florida State 24 (11 True, 13 Redshirts) 13. Mississippi State 23 (4 True, 19 Redshirts) UCF 23 (13 True, 10 Redshirts) Wake Forest 23 (9 True, 14 Redshirts SEVEN GRADUATES ON THE ROSTER; PRESCOTT EARNS MASTER S DEGREE Seven players on the 2015 MSU roster have already received their undergraduate degrees: CB Taveze Calhoun (interdisciplinary studies), SNP Winston Chapman (agricultural business), OG Justin Malone (criminology), S Kendrick Market (industrial technology), QB Dak Prescott (educational psychology), OL Damien Robinson (human sciences) and OT Justin Senior (political science). Both Malone and Prescott earned their undergraduate degrees in December 2014 prior to the Orange Bowl. Calhoun, a four-time SEC Honor Roll recipient and National Scholar-Athlete, graduated in the spring. Prescott will take the field in Charlotte with his master s degree already in hand after earning it in workforce leadership this December. JUSTIN SENIOR ONLY CANADIAN IN THE SEC Justin Senior, MSU s most experienced offensive lineman with 26 career starts, is the SEC s only current football player who hails from Canada. Senior is one of 14 Canadian natives who are currently playing in the Power 5 Conferences. Senior grew up in Montreal, Quebec, before attending Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia. HONORING KEITH JOSEPH JR. AND SR. On Friday, Nov. 6, true freshman defensive lineman Keith Joseph Jr. and his father, former Bulldog Keith Joseph Sr., were tragically killed in a one-car accident en route to attend their former Pascagoula High School team s playoff game. Joseph Sr. played linebacker for the Bulldogs from 1989-92. Keith Jr. signed with the Bulldogs last February and was redshirting as a true freshman in 2015. Keith Sr. ranks 10th all-time in MSU history with 14 sacks. MSU held a memorial service for the two on campus on Thursday, Nov. 12. The Bulldogs are wearing a helmet decal honoring the Josephs with the letters MJ. Keith Joseph Jr. was affectionately known as MJ to his MSU teammates. Keith Jr. was born Marshean Joseph on July 1, 1997. 16 FIRST-TIME STARTERS A total of 16 MSU players made their first starts this season, including 10 in the season-opener at Southern Miss: A.J. Jefferson (DE), Nick James (DT), Zach Jackson (LB), Richie Brown (LB), Kivon Coman (FS), Tolando Cleveland (DB) Rufus Warren (LT), Jamaal Clayborn (C), Ashton Shumpert (RB) and Gus Walley (TE). Tight end Darrion Hutcherson recorded his first start at Texas A&M. The Bulldogs had four first-time starters against Troy on Oct. 10 - Brandon Holloway (RB), Elgton Jenkins (LT), Nelson Adams (DT) and Brandon Bryant (SS). Jamal Peters (S in nickel) made his first start at Missouri on Nov. 5.

RANKINGS ASSOCIATED PRESS RK. TEAM REC. POINTS 1 Clemson (51) 13-0 1510 2 Alabama (9) 12-1 1465 3 Michigan State (1) 12-1 1382 4 Oklahoma 11-1 1376 5 Iowa 11-2 1221 6 Stanford 12-1 1214 7 Ohio State 11-1 1208 8 Notre Dame 10-2 1070 9 Florida State 10-2 972 10 North Carolina 11-2 949 11 TCU 10-2 936 12 Northwestern 10-2 776 13 Oklahoma State 10-2 767 14 Houston 12-1 710 15 Oregon 9-3 685 16 Ole Miss 9-3 656 17 Michigan 9-3 578 18 Baylor 9-3 426 19 Florida 10-3 420 20 Utah 9-3 323 21 Navy 9-2 271 22 LSU 8-3 270 23 Wisconsin 9-3 197 24 Temple 10-3 94 25 Western Kentucky 11-2 70 RV: Georgia 67, USC 57, BYU 28, Tennessee 23, San Diego State 22, Arkansas 20, Washington State 20, Memphis 10, Bowling Green 8, USF 8, Mississippi State 6. USA TODAY COACHES RK. TEAM REC. POINTS 1 Clemson (55) 13-0 1493 2 Alabama (5) 12-1 1438 3 Oklahoma 11-1 1363 4 Michigan State 12-1 1341 5 Ohio State 11-1 1205 6 Stanford 11-2 1202 7 Iowa 12-1 1184 8 Florida State 10-2 1025 9 Notre Dame 10-2 1016 10 TCU 10-2 927 11 North Carolina 11-2 914 12 Northwestern 10-2 775 13 Oklahoma State 10-2 764 14 Oregon 9-3 655 15 Ole Miss 9-3 627 16 Houston 12-1 626 17 Michigan 9-3 533 18 Florida 10-3 502 19 Baylor 9-3 485 20 Utah 9-3 362 21 LSU 8-3 261 22 Navy 9-2 251 23 Wisconsin 9-3 177 24 Temple 10-3 72 25 Georgia 9-3 68 RV: Western Kentucky 55, USC 51, San Diego State 26, Tennessee 24, UCLA 15, Bowling Green 12, Washington State 12, Memphis 10, Mississippi State 7. COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF RK. TEAM REC. 1 Clemson 13-0 2 Alabama 12-1 3 Michigan State 12-1 4 Oklahoma 11-1 5 Iowa 12-1 6 Stanford 11-2 7 Ohio State 11-1 8 Notre Dame 10-2 9 Florida State 10-2 10 North Carolina 11-2 11 TCU 10-2 12 Ole Miss 9-3 13 Northwestern 10-2 14 Michigan 9-3 15 Oregon 9-3 16 Oklahoma State 10-2 17 Baylor 9-3 18 Houston 12-1 19 Florida 10-3 20 LSU 8-3 21 Navy 9-2 22 Utah 9-3 23 Tennessee 8-4 24 Temple 10-3 25 USC 8-5 MISCELLANEOUS STATS TURNOVER CHART Forced by MSU Forced By Opponent Opponent Fum Int Tot Pts Off Margin Fum Int Tot Pts Off at Southern Miss 2 0 2 3 0 0 2 2 3 LSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 0 0 0 0-2 2 0 2 3 at Auburn 0 1 1 7 0 1 0 1 3 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0-2 2 0 2 3 Troy 1 1 2 7 +2 0 0 0 0 Louisiana Tech 0 1 1 7 +1 0 0 0 0 Kentucky 0 3 3 7 +2 0 1 1 0 at Missouri 0 2 2 3 0 2 0 2 3 Alabama 0 1 1 0-1 1 1 2 0 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0-3 2 1 3 21 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0-2 1 1 2 14 TOTALS 3 9 12 34-2 11 6 17 50 REDZONE CHART MSU Inside Run/ Score Opponent 20 TD Pass TD Pct. FG Pct. at Southern Miss 5 3 1/2.600 1.800 LSU 3 1 1/0.333 2 1.000 Northwestern State 6 6 5/1 1.000 0 1.000 at Auburn 1 1 0/1 1.000 0 1.000 at Texas A&M 3 1 1/0.333 1.666 Troy 1 1 1/0 1.000 0 1.000 Louisiana Tech 6 5 2/3.833 1 1.000 Kentucky 8 6 3/3.750 0.750 at Missouri 3 2 0/2.666 1 1.000 Alabama 3 0 0/0.000 2.666 at Arkansas 6 5 2/3.833 1 1.000 Ole Miss 5 3 2/1.600 2 1.000 TOTALS 50 35 19/16.700 10.900 Opponents Inside Run/ Score Opponent 20 TD Pass TD Pct. FG Pct. at Southern Miss 5 1 0/1.200 3.800 LSU 2 2 2/0 1.000 0 1.000 Northwestern State 3 1 1/0.333 1.666 at Auburn 4 0 0/0.000 2.500 at Texas A&M 5 2 1/1.400 2.800 Troy 2 1 1/0.500 1 1.000 Louisiana Tech 3 1 0/1.333 2.333 Kentucky 3 1 1/0.333 1.667 at Missouri 4 1 1/0.250 2.750 Alabama 2 0 0/0.000 0.000 at Arkansas 7 6 0/6.857 0.857 Ole Miss 3 1 0/1.333 0.333 TOTALS 43 17 7/10.395 14.721

BULLDOG SINGLE-SEASON RECORD BOOK WATCH Total Yards of Offense Player Year Rush Pass Total 1. Dak Prescott 2014 968 3449 4435 2. Dak Prescott 2015 541 3413 3954 3. Tyler Russell 2012-5 2897 2892 4. Don Smith 1985 554 2332 2886 5. Dak Prescott 2013 829 1940 2769 6. Chris Relf 2010 713 1789 2502 7. Dave Marler 1978 (-31) 2422 2391 8. Don Smith 1986 740 1609 2349 9. Derrick Taite 1995 16 2241 2257 10. John Bond 1982 609 1591 2200 Touchdowns Responsible For Player Year Rush Pass Rec TDs 1. Dak Prescott 2014 14 27 1 42 2. Dak Prescott 2015 10 25 0 35 3. Tyler Russell 2012 2 24 0 26 4. Dak Prescott 2013 13 10 2 25 5. Jackie Parker 1952 16 8 0 24 6. Don Smith 1985 6 15 0 21 7. Vick Ballard 2010 19 0 1 20 8. Chris Relf 2010 5 13 0 18 9. Kevin Fant 2003 2 14 0 16 Derrick Taite 1995 0 16 0 16 Don Smith 1986 6 10 0 16 Passing Attempts Player Att. Year Yds. Pct. Cmp. 1. Dak Prescott 435 2015 3413.669 291 2. Dak Prescott 396 2014 3449.616 244 3. Tyler Russell 394 2012 2897.586 231 4. Kevin Fant 351 2003 2151.530 186 5. Tony Shell 335 1988 1884.457 153 6. Tommy Pharr 319 1968 1838.542 173 7. Don Smith 312 1985 2332.458 143 8. Kevin Fant 311 2002 1918.524 163 9. Derrick Taite 309 1995 2241.534 165 10. Todd Jordan 294 1993 1935.446 131 Joe Reed 294 1970 1616.469 138 Passing Completions Player Cmp. Year Yds Att. 1. Dak Prescott 291 2015 3413 435 2. Dak Prescott 244 2014 3449 396 3. Tyler Russell 231 2012 2897 394 4. Kevin Fant 186 2003 2151 351 5. Tommy Pharr 173 1968 1838 319 6. Derrick Taite 165 1995 2241 309 7. Kevin Fant 163 2002 1918 311 Dave Marler 163 1978 2422 287 9. Dak Prescott 156 2013 1940 267 10. Tyson Lee 153 2008 1519 260 Tony Shell 153 1988 1884 335 Completion Percentage (min. 50 attempts) Player Pct. Year Att. Cmp. 1. Dak Prescott.669 2015 435 291 2. Dak Prescott.616 2014 396 244 3. Chris Relf.600 2011 190 114 4. Tyson Lee.588 2008 260 153 Tyson Lee.588 2009 221 130 6. Tyler Russell.586 2012 394 231 Chris Relf.586 2010 220 129 8. Dak Prescott.584 2013 267 156 9. Tyler Russell.582 2010 67 39 10. Dave Marler.568 1978 287 163 Passing Yards Player Yds. Year Att. Cmp. Pct. 1. Dak Prescott 3449 2014 396 244.616 2. Dak Prescott 3413 2015 435 291.669 3. Tyler Russell 2897 2012 394 231.586 4. Dave Marler 2422 1978 287 163.568 5. Don Smith 2332 1985 312 143.458 Passing Yards Per Game Player YPG Year GP Att. Cmp. Yds. 1. Dak Prescott 284.40 2015 12 435 291 3413 2. Dak Prescott 265.31 2014 13 396 244 3449 3. Tyler Russell 241.42 2012 12 394 231 2897 4. Dave Marler 220.18 1978 11 287 163 2422 5. Don Smith 212.00 1985 11 312 143 2332 6. Derrick Taite 203.73 1995 11 309 165 2241 7. Tommy Pharr 200.38 1969 8 258 140 1603 8. Kevin Fant 191.80 2002 10 311 163 1918 9. Tony Shell 188.40 1988 10 335 153 1884 10. Tommy Pharr 183.80 1968 10 319 173 1838 200-Yard Passing Games Player Games Year 1. Dak Prescott 12 2014 2. Dak Prescott 11 2015 Tyler Russell 8 2012 4. Derrick Taite 6 1995 Dave Marler 6 1978 Tommy Pharr 6 1968 7. Dak Prescott 5 2013 Kevin Fant 5 2003 Tommy Pharr 5 1969 Wayne Madkin 5 2000 Tony Shell 5 1988 Don Smith 5 1985 Passing Touchdowns Player TDs Year Att. Cmp. Yds. 1. Dak Prescott 27 2014 396 244 3449 2. Dak Prescott 25 2015 435 291 3413 3. Tyler Russell 24 2012 394 231 2897 4. Derrick Taite 16 1995 309 165 2241 5. Don Smith 15 1985 312 143 2332 Kevin Fant 14 2003 351 186 2151 Derrick Taite 14 1994 220 110 1806 8. Chris Relf 13 2010 220 129 1789 Tony Shell 13 1988 335 153 1884 10. Wayne Madkin 11 1998 199 96 1532 Todd Jordan 11 1993 294 131 1935 Tommy Pharr 11 1969 258 140 1603 Dave Marler 11 1978 287 163 2422 Passing Efficiency Player P.E. Year Yds. TD Int. 1. Dak Prescott 151.72 2014 3449 27 11 2. Dak Prescott 149.93 2015 3413 25 4 3. Tyler Russell 144.54 2010 635 5 6 4. Bruce Threadgill 143.69 1976 807 7 4 5. Tyler Russell 142.20 2013 875 5 3 6. Chris Relf 140.99 2010 1789 13 6 7. Tyler Russell 135.42 2012 2897 24 10 8. Tyler Russell 135.08 2011 1034 8 4 9. Sleepy Robinson 132.93 1991 1167 8 7 10. Derrick Taite 132.67 1994 1806 14 8 Receptions Player Rec. Year Yds. Avg. 1. Fred Ross 81 2015 933 11.5 2. David Smith 74 1970 987 13.3 3. Jameon Lewis 64 2013 923 14.4 Sammy Milner 64 1969 745 11.6 Sammy Milner 64 1968 909 14.2 6. Justin Jenkins 62 2003 880 14.2 Eric Moulds 62 1995 779 12.6 8. Chad Bumphis 58 2012 922 15.9 9. De Runnya Wilson 55 2015 822 14.9 10. Brandon McRae 51 2008 518 10.2 100-Yard Receiving Games Player Games Year 1. Fred Ross 5 2015 Tony Burks 5 2006 Mardye McDole 5 1978 4. Chad Bumphis 4 2012 Justin Jenkins 4 2003 Danny Knight 4 1982 Bill Buckley 4 1972 Receiving Touchdowns Player TDs Year Rec. Yds. Avg. 1. Chad Bumphis 12 2012 58 922 15.9 2. De Runnya Wilson 9 2015 55 822 14.9 3. Justin Jenkins 9 2003 62 880 14.2 4. Justin Jenkins 8 2001 42 661 15.7 5. Eric Moulds 7 1994 39 845 21.7 Danny Knight 7 1982 37 924 25.0 Mardye McDole 7 1978 48 1035 21.6 Bill Buckley 7 1973 41 661 16.1 9. Marcus Green 6 2012 19 215 11.3 Eric Moulds 6 1995 62 779 12.6 Jerry Bouldin 6 1990 32 447 14.0 Bill Buckley 6 1972 47 776 16.5 David Smith 6 1970 74 987 13.3 Sammy Milner 6 1969 64 745 11.6 Receiving Yards Season Player Yds. Year Rec. Avg. 1. Mardye McDole 1035 1978 48 21.6 2. David Smith 987 1970 74 13.3 3. Fred Ross 933 2015 81 11.5 4. Danny Knight 924 1982 37 25.0 5. Jameon Lewis 923 2013 64 14.4 6. Chad Bumphis 922 2012 58 15.9 7. Sammy Milner 909 1968 64 14.2 8. Chad Bumphis 922 2012 58 15.9 9. Justin Jenkins 880 2003 62 14.2 10. Tony Burks 850 2006 35 24.3 -- De Runnya Wilson 822 2015 55 14.9 Tackles For Loss Player TFLs Season Yards 1. Willie Evans 21.0 2005-118 2. Billy Jackson 19.0 1980-116 3. Johnnie Cooks 17.0 1981-63 4. Billy Jackson 16.0 1981-112 5. Chris White 15.5 2010-51 6. Tyrone Keys 15.0 1979-75 Glen Collins 15.0 1981-45 Ashley Cooper 15.0 1999-45 Kevin Sluder 15.0 1999-41 Preston Smith 15.0 2014-31 -- A.J. Jefferson 13.5 2015-65 SEC RECORD BOOK Receptions Player School Year Rec. 1. Jordan Matthews VU 2013 112... 5. James Whalen UK 1999 90 Cobi Hamilton ARK 2012 90 7. Carlos Alvarez UF 1969 88 Chad Jackson UF 2005 88 Alshon Jeffery SC 2010 88 10. Craig Yeast UK 1998 85 11. Randall Cobb UK 2010 84 12. Mike Evans A&M 2012 82 Earl Bennett VU 2006 82 14. Fred Ross MSU 2015 81

BULLDOG CAREER RECORD BOOK WATCH Career Rushing Touchdowns Player TDs Years Att. Yds. 1. Anthony Dixon 42 2006-09 910 3994 2. Dak Prescott 41 2012-p 524 2474 Vick Ballard 29 2010-11 379 2157 4. Michael Davis 27 1991-94 578 2721 5. James Johnson 24 1997-98 453 2452 John Bond 24 1980-83 572 2280 Jackie Parker 24 1952-53 201 663 Career Rushing Yards Player Yds. Years Att. Avg. 1. Anthony Dixon 3994 2006-09 910 4.4 2. Jerious Norwood 3212 2002-05 573 5.6 3. Walter Packer 2820 1973-76 483 5.8 4. Michael Davis 2721 1991-94 578 4.7 5. Michael Haddix 2558 1979-82 425 6.0 6. LaDarius Perkins 2554 2010-13 530 4.8 7. Dak Prescott 2474 2012-p 524 4.7 8. James Johnson 2452 1997-98 453 5.4 9. Dennis Johnson 2284 1974-77 428 5.3 10. John Bond 2280 1980-83 572 4.0 Career 100-Yard Rushing Games Player Games Years 1. Anthony Dixon 17 2006-09 2. Jerious Norwood 13 2002-05 3. James Johnson 12 1997-98 4. Walter Packer 12 1973-76 5. Vick Ballard 10 2010-11 Dicenzo Miller 10 1998-01 Michael Davis 10 1991-94 Michael Haddix 10 1979-82 9. Dak Prescott (QB) 9 2012-p Don Smith (QB) 9 1983-86 Career Offensive Yards Player Years Rush Pass Total 1. Dak Prescott 2012-p 2474 8996 11470 2. Don Smith 1983-86 1868 5229 7097 3. John Bond 1980-83 2280 4621 6901 4. Wayne Madkin 1998-01 146 6336 6482 5. Tyler Russell 2010-13 117 5441 5558 Career Touchdowns Responsible Player Years Rush Pass Rec TDs 1. Dak Prescott 2012-p 41 66 3 110 2. Don Smith 1983-86 21 31 0 52 3. Anthony Dixon 2006-09 46 0 4 50 4. Tyler Russell 2010-13 3 42 0 45 5. John Bond 1980-83 24 18 0 42 Career Passing Attempts Player Att. Years Cmp. Yds. 1. Dak Prescott 1127 2012-p 709 8996 2. Wayne Madkin 887 1998-01 462 6336 3. Kevin Fant 866 2000-03 461 5631 4. Don Smith 738 1983-86 342 5229 5. Derrick Taite 734 1993-96 362 5232 Career Completions Player Cmp. Years Att. Yds. 1. Dak Prescott 709 2012-p 1127 8996 2. Wayne Madkin 462 1998-01 887 6336 3. Kevin Fant 461 2000-03 866 5631 4. Tyler Russell 410 2010-13 699 5441 5. Derrick Taite 362 1993-96 734 5232 Career Completion Percentage Player Pct. Years Cmp. Att. 1. Dak Prescott.629 2012-Present 709 1127 2. Tyson Lee.588 2008-09 283 481 3. Tyler Russell.587 2010-13 410 699 4. Chris Relf.580 2008-11 267 460 5. Dave Marler.568 1977-78 163 287 Career Passing Yards Player Yds. Years Att. Cmp. Pct. 1. Dak Prescott 8996 2012-p 1127 709.629 2. Wayne Madkin 6336 1998-01 887 462.521 3. Kevin Fant 5631 2000-03 866 461.532 4. Tyler Russell 5441 2010-13 699 410.587 5. Derrick Taite 5232 1993-96 734 362.493 Career 200-Yard Passing Games Player Games Years 1. Dak Prescott 28 2012-p 2. Tommy Pharr 11 1967-69 Wayne Madkin 11 1998-01 Kevin Fant 11 2000-03 5. Tyler Russell 10 2010-13 Career Passing Touchdowns Player TDs Years Yds. Int. 1. Dak Prescott 66 2012-p 8996 22 2. Tyler Russell 42 2010-13 5441 23 3. Derrick Taite 38 1993-96 5232 25 4. Wayne Madkin 34 1998-01 6336 35 5. Kevin Fant 33 2000-03 5631 43 Career Receiving Touchdowns Player TDs Years Rec. 1. Chad Bumphis 24 2009-12 159 2. De Runnya Wilson 21 2013-p 127 3. Justin Jenkins 17 2000-03 139 Eric Moulds 17 1993-95 118 5. Bill Buckley 14 1971-73 102 Career Receptions Player Rec. Years Yds. Avg. 1. David Smith 162 1968-70 2168 13.4 2. Chad Bumphis 159 2009-12 2270 14.3 3. Sammy Milner 146 1968-70 1806 12.4 4. Justin Jenkins 139 2000-03 1974 14.2 5. De Runnya Wilson 128 2013-p 1853 14.5 6. Fred Ross 120 2013-p 1532 12.8 Career Receiving Yards Player Yds. Years Rec. 1. Chad Bumphis 2270 2009-12 159 2. Mardye McDole 2214 1977-80 116 3. David Smith 2168 1968-70 162 4. Eric Moulds 2022 1993-95 118 5. Justin Jenkins 1974 2000-03 139 6. De Runnya Wilson 1853 2013-p 128 7. Sammy Milner 1806 1968-70 146 9. Danny Knight 1773 1980-83 81 9. Terrell Grindle 1724 1999-02 119 10. Bill Buckley 1632 1971-73 102 11. Jameon Lewis 1554 2011-2014 113 -- Fred Ross 1532 2013-p 120 Career 100-Yard Receiving Games Player Games Years 1. David Smith 8 1968-70 2. Fred Ross 7 2013-p Chad Bumphis 7 2009-12 Mardye McDole 7 1977-80 4. Justin Jenkins 6 2000-03 Bill Buckley 6 1971-73 Career Points Player Pts. Years TD FG PAT 1. Anthony Dixon 276 2006-09 46 0 0 2. Dak Prescott 260 2012-p 43 0 0 3. Brian Hazelwood 218 1995-98 0 43 89 4. Artie Cosby 211 1983-86 0 48 67 5. Joel Logan 199 1987-90 0 41 76 Career Punting Average Player Avg. Years Punts Yds. 1. Jeff Walker 43.44 1996-99 141 6126 2. Todd Jordan 42.80 1989-93 112 4793 3. Devon Bell 42.41 2012-p 83 3520 4. Logan Cook 42.30 2014-p 50 2116 5. Jared Cook 41.98 2001-04 198 8313 6. Andy Russ 41.96 1993-96 159 6672 Career Tackles For Loss Player TFLs Years 1. Willie Evans 48.5 2002-05 2. Billy Jackson 45.0 1980-83 3. Glen Collins 35.0 1978-81 Jonnie Cooks 35.0 1977-81 5. Tyrone Keys 32.0 1977-80 6. Titus Brown 27.0 2004-07 Mike McEnany 27.0 1979-82 Preston Smith 27.0 2011-14 9. A.J. Jefferson 24.5 2013-p 10. Kevin Sluder 23.0 1996-99 SEC RECORD BOOK Career Touchdowns Responsible Player School Years TDs 1. Tim Tebow UF 2006-09 145 2. Aaron Murray UGA 2010-13 137 3. Danny Wuerffel UF 1993-96 122 4. Dak Prescott MSU 2012-p 110 5. Peyton Manning UT 1994-97 101 Chris Leak UF 2003-06 101 Career Rushing Yards by a QB Player School Years Yds. 1. Tim Tebow UF 2006-09 2,947 2. Matt Jones Ark. 2001-04 2,535 3. Dak Prescott MSU 2012-p 2,474 4. John Bond MSU 1980-83 2,280 5. Johnny Manziel A&M 2012-13 2,169 Career Total Offensive Yards Player School Years Yds. 1. Aaron Murray UGA 2010-13 13,562 2. Tim Tebow UF 2006-09 12,323 3. Dak Prescott MSU 2012-p 11,470 4. Chris Leak UF 2003-06 11,380 5. David Greene UGA 2001-04 11,270 Career Total Passing Yards Player School Years Yds. 1. Aaron Murray UGA 2010-13 13,562 2. Tim Tebow UF 2006-09 12,323 3. Dak Prescott MSU 2012-p 11,470 4. Chris Leak UF 2003-06 11,380 5. David Greene UGA 2001-04 11,270 Career Touchdowns Scored Player School Years TDs 1. Tim Tebow UF 2006-09 57... 6. Anthony Dixon MSU 2006-09 46 Carnell Williams AU 2001-04 46 Mark Ingram UA 2008-10 46 9. Bo Jackson AU 1982-85 45 10. Dak Prescott MSU 2012-p 44

CAREER STARTS OFFENSE DEFENSE LT Rufus Warren - 10 Elgton Jenkins - 2 Justin Senior - 1 LG Justin Malone - 22 C Jamaal Clayborn - 12 RG Devon Desper - 15 Justin Malone - 6 TE Gus Walley - 7 Darrion Hutcherson - 5 WR De Runnya Wilson - 22 Fred Brown - 14 Fred Ross - 14 Joe Morrow - 12 Gabe Myles - 3 RB Brandon Holloway - 7 Ashton Shumpert - 5 DE Ryan Brown - 25 A.J. Jefferson - 12 Chris Jones - 1 DT Chris Jones - 15 Nick James - 9 Nelson Adams - 3 LB Beniquez Brown - 27 Richie Brown - 12 S Kendrick Market - 20 Kivon Coman - 12 Brandon Bryant - 7 Deontay Evans - 4 Jamal Peters - 2 CB Taveze Calhoun - 35 Tolando Cleveland - 9 Will Redmond - 7 Cedric Jiles - 3 RT Justin Senior - 25 Elgton Jenkins - 1 QB Dak Prescott - 32 Damian Williams - 1 OFFENSIVE GAME-BY-GAME STARTERS Game WR WR WR LT LG C RG RT TE RB QB at USM Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Shumpert Prescott LSU Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Shumpert Prescott NW State Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Shumpert Prescott at Auburn Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Shumpert Prescott at Texas A&M Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Hutcherson Shumpert Prescott Troy Wilson F. Brown Ross Jenkins Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Hutcherson Holloway Prescott LA Tech Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Holloway Prescott Kentucky Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Hutcherson Holloway Prescott at Missouri Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Hutcherson Holloway Prescott Alabama Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Walley Holloway Prescott at Arkansas Wilson F. Brown Ross Warren Malone Clayborn Desper Jenkins Walley Holloway Prescott Ole Miss Wilson F. Brown Ross Jenkins Malone Clayborn Desper Senior Hutcherson Holloway Prescott DEFENSIVE GAME-BY-GAME STARTERS Game DE DT DT DE LB LB LB CB SS FS CB at USM Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Market Coman Cleveland LSU Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Market Coman Cleveland NW State Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Evans Coman Calhoun at Auburn Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Market Coman Calhoun at Texas A&M Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Market Coman Calhoun Troy Ry. Brown Adams Jones Jefferson Cleveland (nick) Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Bryant Coman Calhoun LA Tech Ry. Brown Adams Jones Jefferson Cleveland (nick) Ri. Brown Be. Brown Redmond Bryant Coman Calhoun Kentucky Ry. Brown Adams Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Cleveland Bryant Coman Calhoun at Missouri Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Peters (nick) Ri. Brown Be. Brown Cleveland Bryant Coman Calhoun Alabama Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Cleveland Bryant Coman Calhoun at Arkansas Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Z. Jackson Ri. Brown Be. Brown Cleveland Bryant Coman Calhoun Ole Miss Ry. Brown James Jones Jefferson Peters (nick) Ri. Brown Be. Brown Cleveland Bryant Coman Calhoun

PLAYER CAREER HIGHS RUSHING Player Carries Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Long Opponent Malik Dear 3 Twice 52 Texas A&M, 15 1 Texas A&M, 15 52 Texas A&M, 15 Nick Fitzgerald 8 Troy, 15 38 Troy, 15 2 Northwestern State, 15 21 Southern Miss, 15 Brandon Holloway 14 Arkansas, 15 98 Kentucky, 15 1 UT Martin, 14 51 Texas A&M, 14 Dontavian Lee 5 Troy, 15 44 Troy, 15 None 23 Troy, 15 Dak Prescott 26 Alabama, 15 154 Texas A&M, 13 3 Texas A&M, 14 75 Bowling Green, 13 Ashton Shumpert 22 Alcorn State, 13 98 Alcorn State, 13 2 Alcorn State, 13 82 UT Martin, 14 Aeris Williams 8 Kentucky, 15 46 Missouri, 15 1 Twice 15 Missouri, 15 Damian Williams 13 Ole Miss, 13 40 Arkansas, 13 1 Arkansas, 13 29 Southern Miss, 14 PASSING Player Attempts Opponent Completions Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Dak Prescott 52 LSU, 15 38 Arkansas, 15 508 Arkansas, 15 5 Arkansas, 15 Nick Fitzgerald 7 Troy, 15 6 Troy, 15 141 Troy, 15 2 Troy, 15 Elijah Staley 3 Northwestern State, 15 2 Northwestern State, 15 55 Northwestern State, 15 1 Northwestern State, 15 Damian Williams 18 Ole Miss, 13 8 Twice 105 Alcorn State, 13 1 Three Times RECEIVING Player Receptions Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Long Opponent Fred Brown 4 Auburn, 15 69 Texas A&M, 14 1 Five Times 51 Texas A&M, 14 Malik Dear 6 LA Tech, 15 70 LA Tech, 15 2 Ole Miss, 15 27 LA Tech, 15 Donald Gray 5 Kentucky, 15 140 Northwestern State, 15 1 Twice 54 Alabama, 15 Brandon Holloway 5 Twice 101 Arkansas, 15 1 Three Times 63 Kentucky, 15 Darrion Hutcherson 3 Three Times 41 LA Tech, 15 1 Kentucky, 15 19 LA Tech, 15 Justin Johnson 2 Southern Miss, 15 17 Southern Miss, 15 1 Southern Miss, 15 12 Southern Miss, 15 Dontavian Lee 1 Twice 11 LA Tech, 15 None 11 LA Tech, 15 Joe Morrow 6 Georgia Tech, 14 117 Georgia Tech, 14 2 Vanderbilt, 14 55 UT Martin, 14 Gabe Myles 5 UT Martin, 14 69 Arkansas, 15 1 Twice 49 Northwestern State, 15 Dak Prescott 1 Three Times 36 Troy, 13 1 Three Times 36 Troy, 13 Fred Ross 12 Ole Miss, 15 154 Arkansas, 15 2 Twice 69 Arkansas, 14 Ashton Shumpert 4 Southern Miss, 15 37 LSU, 15 None 18 Auburn, 15 Gus Walley 7 LSU, 15 67 LSU, 15 1 Twice 20 UAB, 14 Aeris Williams 2 LA Tech, 15 9 Kentucky, 15 None 9 Kentucky, 15 De Runnya Wilson 10 Arkansas, 15 117 Ole Miss, 14 2 Five Times 63 Missouri, 15 PUNTING Player No. Opponent Yards Opponent Inside 20 Opponent Long Opponent Devon Bell 8 Twice 364 UAB, 14 5 Ole Miss, 13 70 South Alabama, 14 Logan Cooke 6 Alabama, 15 266 Alabama, 15 3 Auburn, 15 65 Troy, 15 KICKING Player PAT Opponent FGs Opponent Long Opponent Points Opponent Devon Bell 12 South Alabama, 13 3 South Alabama, 13 47 Twice 8 LSU, 13 Westin Graves 6 Twice 2 Four Times 44 Auburn, 15 10 Southern Miss, 15 TACKLES Player Tackles Opponent Nelson Adams 4 Twice Hunter Bradley 1 Twice Beniquez Brown 12 Arkansas, 15 Richie Brown 13 Auburn, 15 Ryan Brown 7 Troy, 15 Brandon Bryant 10 Ole Miss, 15 Taveze Calhoun 11 Ole Miss, 13 Johnathan Calvin 6 Texas A&M, 15 Kelan Chairs 4 UT Martin, 14 Tolando Cleveland 7 Twice Will Coleman 3 Alabama, 15 Kivon Coman 9 Twice Torrey Dale 2 Three Times Deontay Evans 10 Georgia Tech, 14 Jamoral Graham 7 Troy, 15 J.T. Gray 10 LA Tech, 15 Gerri Green 11 Troy, 15 Dezmond Harris 4 Southern Miss, 14 Grant Harris 2 Troy, 15 Braxton Hoyett 2 Troy, 15 Nick James 5 Twice A.J. Jefferson 8 LSU, 15 Cedric Jiles 6 Oklahoma State, 13 Chris Jones 8 LSU, 15 Mark McLaurin 3 Three Times Jamal Peters 5 Missouri, 15 Josiah Phillips 1 Northwestern State, 15 Chris Rayford 1 Twice Will Redmond 10 Texas A&M, 14 Cory Thomas 1 Twice DeAndre Ward 5 Kentucky, 15 TACKLES FOR LOSS Player TFL Opponent Nelson Adams 1.0 Twice, both in 14 Beniquez Brown 2.5 UAB, 14 Richie Brown 3.0 Auburn, 15 Ryan Brown 3.5 Troy, 15 Brandon Bryant 1.0 Troy, 15 Taveze Calhoun 2.0 Twice Johnathan Calvin 1.5 Troy, 15 Kelan Chairs 0.5 Troy, 15 Tolando Cleveland 1.5 Twice Will Coleman 1.0 Twice Kivon Coman 1.0 Twice Torrey Dale 1.0 UT Martin, 14 Jamoral Graham 1.0 Troy, 15 J.T. Gray 1.0 Twice Gerri Green 1.5 Northwestern State, 15 Dezmond Harris 1.5 UAB, 14 Braxton Hoyett 0.5 Troy, 15 Nick James 1.0 Twice A.J. Jefferson 2.0 Four Times Chris Jones 2.0 Twice Jamal Peters 1.5 Northwestern State, 15 Will Redmond 1.0 Five Times DeAndre Ward 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 SACKS Player Sacks Opponent Nelson Adams 1.0 Southern Miss, 14 Beniquez Brown 1.0 Twice Richie Brown 2.0 Twice Ryan Brown 1.5 Kentucky, 14 Brandon Bryant 1.0 Troy, 15 Johnathan Calvin 1.0 Texas A&M, 15 Tolando Cleveland 1.0 Troy, 15 Kivon Coman 0.5 Troy, 15 Torrey Dale 1.0 UT Martin, 14 J.T. Gray 0.5 Missouri, 15 A.J. Jefferson 2.0 Southern Miss, 15 Chris Jones 1.0 Nine Times Jamal Peters 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 DeAndre Ward 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 INTERCEPTIONS Player INT Opponent Beniquez Brown 1 Three Times Richie Brown 3 Texas A&M, 14 Brandon Bryant 1 Twice Taveze Calhoun 2 Kentucky, 15 Tolando Cleveland 1 Twice Kivon Coman 1 Missouri, 15 Gerri Green 1 Missouri, 15 Will Redmond 1 Five Times Cory Thomas 1 Kentucky, 15

PLAYER 2015 SEASON HIGHS RUSHING Player Carries Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Long Opponent Malik Dear 3 Twice 52 Texas A&M, 15 1 Texas A&M, 15 52 Texas A&M, 15 Nick Fitzgerald 8 Troy, 15 38 Troy, 15 2 Northwestern State, 15 21 Southern Miss, 15 Brandon Holloway 14 Arkansas, 15 63 Arkansas, 15 None 35 Southern Miss, 15 Dontavian Lee 5 Three Times 57 Northwestern State, 15 None 24 Northwestern State, 15 Dak Prescott 26 Alabama, 15 117 Kentucky, 15 3 Kentucky, 15 49 Southern Miss, 15 Ashton Shumpert 10 LSU, 15 55 Northwestern State, 15 1 Northwestern State, 15 20 Southern Miss, 15 Aeris Williams 8 Kentucky, 15 46 Missouri, 15 1 Twice 15 Missouri, 15 PASSING Player Attempts Opponent Completions Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Dak Prescott 52 LSU, 15 38 Arkansas, 15 508 Arkansas, 15 5 Arkansas, 15 Nick Fitzgerald 7 Troy, 15 6 Troy, 15 141 Troy, 15 2 Troy, 15 Elijah Staley 3 Northwestern State, 15 2 Northwestern State, 15 55 Northwestern State, 15 1 Northwestern State, 15 RECEIVING Player Receptions Opponent Yards Opponent TDs Opponent Long Opponent Fred Brown 4 Auburn, 15 63 LA Tech, 15 1 Three Times 45 LA Tech, 15 Malik Dear 6 LA Tech, 15 70 LA Tech, 15 2 Ole Miss, 15 27 LA Tech, 15 Donald Gray 5 Kentucky, 15 140 Northwestern State, 15 1 Twice 54 Alabama, 15 Brandon Holloway 5 Twice 101 Arkansas, 15 1 Three Times 63 Kentucky, 15 Darrion Hutcherson 3 Three Times 41 LA Tech, 15 1 Kentucky, 15 19 LA Tech, 15 Justin Johnson 2 LSU, 15 17 LSU, 15 1 Southern Miss, 15 12 LSU, 15 Dontavian Lee 1 Twice 11 LA Tech, 15 None 11 LA Tech, 15 Joe Morrow 2 Kentucky, 15 37 Northwestern State, 15 1 Northwestern State, 15 37 Northwestern State, 15 Gabe Myles 2 Texas A&M, 15 69 Arkansas, 15 1 Twice 49 Northwestern State, 15 Fred Ross 12 Ole Miss, 15 154 Arkansas, 15 2 Arkansas, 15 59 Troy, 15 Ashton Shumpert 4 Southern Miss, 15 37 LSU, 15 None 18 Auburn, 15 Gus Walley 7 LSU, 15 67 LSU, 15 1 Southern Miss, 15 18 LSU, 15 Aeris Williams 2 LA Tech, 15 9 Kentucky, 15 None 9 Kentucky, 15 De Runnya Wilson 10 Arkansas, 15 102 Missouri, 15 2 Twice 63 Missouri, 15 PUNTING Player No. Opponent Yards Opponent Inside 20 Oppoment Long Opponent Devon Bell 4 LSU, 15 169 LSU, 15 2 Missouri, 15 54 LSU, 15 Logan Cooke 6 Alabama, 15 266 Alabama, 15 3 Auburn, 15 65 Troy, 15 KICKING Player PAT Opponent FGs Opponent Long Opponent Points Opponent Westin Graves 6 Twice 2 Four Times 44 Auburn, 15 10 Southern Miss, 15 TACKLES Player Tackles Opponent Nelson Adams 4 LSU, 15 Beniquez Brown 12 Arkansas, 15 Richie Brown 13 Auburn, 15 Ryan Brown 7 Troy, 15 Brandon Bryant 10 Ole Miss, 15 Taveze Calhoun 4 Twice Johnathan Calvin 6 Texas A&M, 15 Kelan Chairs 2 Troy, 15 Tolando Cleveland 7 Twice Will Coleman 2 Twice Kivon Coman 9 Twice Torrey Dale 1 Three Times Deontay Evans 6 Southern Miss, 15 Jamoral Graham 7 Troy, 15 J.T. Gray 10 LA Tech, 15 Gerri Green 11 Troy, 15 Dezmond Harris 2 LSU, 15 Grant Harris 2 Troy, 15 Braxton Hoyett 2 Troy, 15 Nick James 5 Twice A.J. Jefferson 8 LSU, 15 Cedric Jiles 3 Southern Miss, 15 Chris Jones 8 LSU, 15 Kendrick Market 9 Southern Miss, 15 Mark McLaurin 3 Three Times Jamal Peters 5 Missouri, 15 Josiah Phillips 1 Northwestern State, 15 Cory Thomas 1 Twice Chris Rayford 1 Twice Will Redmond 5 Twice DeAndre Ward 5 Kentucky, 15 TACKLES FOR LOSS Player TFL Opponent Nelson Adams 1.0 Troy, 15 Beniquez Brown 2.0 Missouri, 15 Richie Brown 3.0 Auburn, 15 Ryan Brown 3.5 Troy, 15 Brandon Bryant 0.5 Twice Johnathan Calvin 1.5 Troy, 15 Taveze Calhoun 1.0 Ole Miss, 15 Kelan Chairs 0.5 Troy, 15 Tolando Cleveland 1.5 Troy, 15 Will Coleman 1.0 Alabama, 15 Kivon Coman 1.0 Missouri, 15 Jamoral Graham 1.0 Troy, 15 J.T. Gray 1.0 Twice Gerri Green 1.5 Northwestern State, 15 Braxton Hoyett 0.5 Troy, 15 Nick James 1.0 Twice A.J. Jefferson 2.0 Four Times Chris Jones 2.0 Missouri, 15 Jamal Peters 1.5 Northwestern State, 15 DeAndre Ward 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 SACKS Player Sacks Opponent Beniquez Brown 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 Richie Brown 2.0 Twice Ryan Brown 1.0 Twice Brandon Bryant 1.0 Troy, 15 Johnathan Calvin 1.0 Texas A&M, 15 Tolando Cleveland 1.0 Troy, 15 Will Coleman 1.0 LA Tech, 15 Kivon Coman 0.5 Troy, 15 J.T. Gray 0.5 Missouri, 15 A.J. Jefferson 2.0 Southern Miss, 15 Chris Jones 1.0 Twice Jamal Peters 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 DeAndre Ward 1.0 Northwestern State, 15 INTERCEPTIONS Player INT Opponent Beniquez Brown 1 Twice Richie Brown 1 Southern Miss, 15 Brandon Bryant 1 Twice Taveze Calhoun 2 Kentucky, 15 Kivon Coman 1 Missouri, 15 Gerri Green 1 Missouri, 15 Will Redmond 1 Auburn, 15 Cory Thomas 1 Kentucky, 15

RUSHING Had 400+ yards rushing:.......................................... at Houston, 2010 (409) Had 300+ yards rushing:..........................................at Kentucky 2014 (326) Had 250+ yards rushing:................................ vs. Northwestern State, 2015 (275) Had 200+ yards rushing:.........................................vs. Kentucky, 2015 (204) Had 70+ rushing attempts:........................................vs. Arkansas, 2010 (70) Had 60+ rushing attempts:..........................................at Auburn, 2011 (63) Had 50+ rushing attempts:.......................................vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (51) Had seven+ rushing TDs:.................................. vs. Middle Tennessee, 2000 (7) Had six+ rushing TDs:..................................... vs. Middle Tennessee, 2000 (7) Had five+ rushing TDs:................................... vs. Northwestern State, 2015 (5) Had four+ rushing TDs:................................... vs. Northwestern State, 2015 (5) Had three+ rushing TDs:...........................................vs. Kentucky, 2015 (3) Had two+ players with 100 yards rushing:..........at LSU, 2014 (Robinson, 197, Prescott 105) Had three+ players with 100 yards rushing:...... vs. NE Louisiana, 1996 (Tony Buckhalter 119, Nakia Greer 110, Robert Isaac 103) PASSING Had 450+ yards passing:......................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Had 400+ yards passing:......................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Had 300+ yards passing:......................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Had 200+ yards passing:........................................ vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (254) Had 40+ pass attempts:...........................................at Arkansas, 2015 (51) Had 30+ pass attempts:............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (51) Had 25+ pass completions:.........................................at Arkansas, 2015 (38) Had 20+ pass completions:.........................................at Arkansas, 2015 (38) Had five+ passing TDs:.............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (5) Had four+ passing TDs:.............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (5) Had three+ passing TDs:............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (5) Had four+ passes intercepted:............................................ at LSU, 2010 (5) Had three+ passes intercepted:...................................... at Alabama, 2014 (4) RECEIVING Had two players with 100 yards receiving:................................at Arkansas, 2015 (Fred Ross, 154; Brandon Holloway, 101) Had 10+ different receivers catch a pass.............................vs. Kentucky, 2015 (10) Had eight+ different receivers catch a pass............................at Arkansas, 2015 (9) COMBINATION OFFENSE Had one 300-yard passer and one 100-yard rusher in a game:........ vs. Brigham Young, 2001 (Kevin Fant 346 pass & Dicenzo Miller 119 rush) Had one 100-yard receiver and one 100-yard rusher in a game:.................. at LSU, 2014 (Jameon Lewis 116 receiving & Josh Robinson 197 rush, Dak Prescott 105 rush) TOTAL OFFENSE Had 600+ yards total offense...................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (631) Had 550+ yards total offense:..................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (631) Had 500+ yards total offense:..................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (631) Had 400+ yards total offense:..................................... vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (402) Had 85+ plays total offense:.........................................at Arkansas, 2015 (86) Had 80+ plays total offense:........................................at Arkansas, 2015 (86) Had 75+ plays total offense:....................................... vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (76) SCORING Scored 60+ points:....................................... vs. Northwestern State, 2015 (62) Scored 50+ points:.................................................at Arkansas, 2015 (51) Scored 40+ points:.................................................at Arkansas, 2015 (51) Scored 30+ points:................................................at Arkansas, 2015 (51) Allowed 60+ points:.........................................vs. South Carolina, 1995 (65) Allowed 50+ points:...............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (50) Allowed 40+ points:...............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (50) Allowed 30+ points:.............................................. vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (38) Was held scoreless:.............................................. at Ole Miss, 2008 (0-45) Was held scoreless at Scott Field:..................................... vs. LSU, 2007 (0-45) Was held scoreless on the road:.................................... at Ole Miss, 2008 (0-45) Was held scoreless at a non-campus site:................vs. Florida, 1989 (21-0 in Tampa, Fla.) Held opponent scoreless:....................................... vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (51-0) Held opponent scoreless at Scott Field:........................... vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (51-0) Held opponent scoreless on the road:........................ at South Carolina, 1998 (38-0) Held opponent scoreless at neutral site:............. vs. Kansas, 1981 Hall of Fame Bowl (10-0) Held opponent without a touchdown:.............................. at Auburn, 2015 (17-9) Held opponent without an offensive touchdown:..................... at Auburn, 2015 (17-9) Held two opponents scoreless in one season:......................................... 2014 Held three opponents scoreless in one season:........................................ 1963 Held an SEC opponent scoreless:................................ vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (51-0) Held two SEC opponents scoreless in one season:..................................... 1998 Scored a two-point conversion passing:..... at Tennessee, 2003 (Brent Smith to Nick Signaigo) Scored a two-point conversion rushing:............. at Texas A&M, 2013 (Dak Prescott rush) Attempted a 2-point conversion:................................ vs. LSU, 2015 (pass failed) TURNOVERS Committed eight+ turnovers:........................................at Arkansas, 2003 (8) Committed seven+ turnovers:........................................... vs. LSU, 2007 (7) Had five+ fumbles:............................................ vs. Georgia Tech, 2009 (5) Lost four+ fumbles:............................................ vs. Georgia Tech, 2009 (4) Lost three+ fumbles:............................................... vs. Arkansas, 2010 (3) Did not commit a turnover:............................................... vs. Troy, 2015 Did not cause a turnover:............................................. vs. Ole Miss, 2015 Recorded six+ takeaways:.......................................... at Kentucky, 2007 (6) Recorded five+ takeaways:.......................................... vs. Arkansas, 2012 (5) Returned three+ interceptions for TDs:............................. vs. Arkansas State, 1994 (Walt Harris - 41; Jimmy Lipscomb - 28; Dwayne Curry - 29) Returned two+ interceptions for TDs:....... vs. Jackson State, 2012 (Darius Slay - 52, Matthew Wells - 22) Returned one interception for a TD:.......... vs. LA Tech, 2015 (73 yards by Brandon Bryant) Returned a fumble for a TD:.......................vs. Troy, 2015 (0 yards by Nelson Adams) Two players had 2+ interceptions...at Middle Tennessee, 2009 (Corey Broomfield - 2; Johnthan Banks - 2) DEFENSE Held opponent to 10 or fewer first downs:................................ vs. Rice, 2013 (7) Held opponent to 0 or fewer yards rushing:................. vs. Florida, 2000 (-78 yds, 22 att.) Held opponent to 25 or fewer yards rushing:................ vs. Kentucky, 2001 (2 yds, 17 att.) Held opponent to 50 or fewer yards rushing:..............vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (49 yds, 27 att.) Held opponent to 50 or fewer yards passing:............................ vs. ETSU, 1998 (27) Held opponent to 100 or fewer yards rushing:............................ at LSU, 2014 (89) Held opponent to 100 or fewer yards passing:............................ vs. LSU, 2015 (71) Held opponent to 200 or fewer yards total offense:...................... vs. Rice, 2013 (145) Held opponent to 250 or fewer yards total offense:..................vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (228) Held opponent to 300 or fewer yards total offense:...................... vs. Troy, 2015 (254) Intercepted five+ passes:........................................... at Memphis, 2002 (5) Intercepted four+ passes:.................................... at Middle Tennessee, 2009 (4) Intercepted three+ passes:..........................................vs. Kentucky, 2015 (3) Scored a safety:.......................................... vs. South Carolina, 2011 (Team) Scored two+ safeties:.................................................vs. Florida, 2000 (2) Recorded nine+ sacks:............................................ at Ole Miss, 1996 (9.0) Recorded eight+ sacks:..................................... vs. Oklahoma State, 1999 (8.0) Recorded six+ sacks:............................................... at Kentucky, 2014 (7) Recorded five+ sacks:.............................................. at Kentucky, 2014 (7) Recorded four+ sacks:................................................. vs. Troy, 2015 (4) Did not record a sack:................................................. vs. Ole Miss, 2015 Had four players record 10+ tackles: vs. Texas A&M, 2012 (B. McKinney, C. Lawrence, N. Whitley, M. Wells) Had three players record 10+ tackles: vs. Texas A&M, 2012 (B. McKinney, C. Lawrence, N. Whitley, M. Wells) Had two players record 10+ tackles:..................vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (R. Brown, B. Bryant) SPECIAL TEAMS Returned a punt for a TD:................................vs. vs. Troy, 2015 (Fred Ross - 77) Returned a blocked punt for a TD:...................... at Auburn, 2009 (Robert Elliott - 10) Returned a kickoff for a TD:............... at Southern Miss, 2015 (Brandon Holloway - 100) Returned a blocked FG for a TD:................. vs. Southern Miss, 2014 (Jay Hughes - 70) Blocked one punt:...................................... vs. LA Tech, 2015 (Donald Gray) Blocked two punts:................ vs. LSU, 1999 (Robert Bean, Eugene Clinton, Rob Knight) Blocked three punts:............... vs. LSU, 1999 (Robert Bean, Eugene Clinton, Rob Knight) Punted 10+ times:................................................ at Ole Miss, 2008 (10) Did not punt:............................................................ vs. Troy, 2013 Blocked a field goal................................... at Arkansas, 2015 (Beniquez Brown) Had a punt blocked:.................................. at Missouri, 2015 (Kentrell Brothers) Had a field goal blocked:.................... at Arkansas, 2013 (Devon Bell 28-yard attempt) Blocked a PAT kick:................................................ vs. UT Martin, 2014 Scored on a blocked PAT kick:........................ vs. Texas A&M, 2000 (Julius Griffith) Missed a kicking PAT:.................................................at Arkansas, 2015 Had a kicking PAT blocked:.........................................vs. Texas A&M, 2014 Recovered an onside kick:..............................................at Kentucky, 2014 MISCELLANEOUS Had 30+ first downs:..............................................at Arkansas, 2015 (32) Had 20+ first downs:............................................. vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (21) Had 20+ penalties:............................................... vs. Clemson, 1999 (21) Had 10+ penalties:..............................................vs. Vanderbilt, 2014 (11) Had 100+ yards in penalties:.................................vs. Gardner-Webb, 2007 (102) Had 35 minutes+ of possession time:................................ vs. Rice, 2013 (35:18) Was involved in a tie game:..................................... vs. Arkansas, 1993 (13-13) Was involved in an overtime game:........................... vs. Ole Miss, 2013 (W, 17-10) THE LAST TIME MSU...

THE LAST TIME AN MSU PLAYER... RUSHING Rushed 40+ times:................................. Michael Davis vs. Ole Miss, 1993 (40) Rushed 35+ times:.................................james Johnson vs. Alabama, 1998 (36) Rushed 30+ times:...................................vick Ballard vs. Arkansas, 2010 (33) Rushed 25+ times:.................................. Dak Prescott at Alabama, 2015 (26) Rushed for 250+ yards:........................... Anthony Dixon at Kentucky, 2009 (252) Rushed for 200+ yards:........................... Anthony Dixon at Kentucky, 2009 (252) Rushed for 175+ yards:............................ Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (198) Rushed for 150+ yards:............................ Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (198) Rushed for 125+ yards:........................... Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (198) Rushed for 100+ yards:............................ Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (198) Rushed for 100+ yards (quarterback):................ Dak Prescott vs. Kentucky, 2015 (117) Rushed for four+ touchdowns:................. James Johnson vs. Central Florida, 1997 (4) Rushed for three+ touchdowns:........................dak Prescott vs. Kentucky, 2015 (3) Rushed for two+ touchdowns:......................... Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (2) Had a run of 80+ yards:............................ James Johnson at Alabama, 1997 (83) Had a run of 70+ yards:............................ Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (73) Had a run of 60+ yards:............................ Josh Robinson at Kentucky, 2014 (73) Had a run of 50+ yards:............................. Malik Dear at Texas A&M, 2015 (52) DEFENSE Intercepted three+ passes:......................... Richie Brown vs. Texas A&M, 2014 (3) Intercepted two+ passes:...........................taveze Calhoun vs. Kentucky, 2015 (2) Intercepted a pass..................................brandon Byant vs. Alabama, 2015 (1) Recovered three+ fumbles:.......................... Chris Correro vs. Memphis, 1987 (3) Recovered two+ fumbles:.......................... Kamau Jackson vs. Tennessee, 2002 (2) Recovered a fumble.................................... Nelson Adams vs. Troy, 2015 (1) Forced two+ fumbles:..........................demario Bobo vs. Gardner-Webb, 2007 (2) Forced a fumble...................................... Brandon Bryant vs. Troy, 2015 (1) Recorded five+ sacks:.................................greg Favors at Ole Miss, 1996 (5.5) Recorded three+ sacks:................................ Willie Evans vs. Tulane, 2005 (3.0) Recorded two+ sacks:................................. Richie Brown at Missouri, 2015 (2) Recorded five+ tackles for loss:....................deljuan Robinson vs. Auburn, 2006 (5.0) Recorded three+ tackles for loss....................... Richie Brown at Auburn, 2015 (3.0) Recorded 20+ tackles:.............................. Mario Haggan vs. Arkansas, 2000 (20) Recorded 10+ tackles:.............................. Richie Brown vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (12) Recorded 10+ tackles in back-to-back games:................ Beniquez, 2015 (Two Straight) vs. Alabama (11), at Arkansas (12) Returned an interception for a touchdown:.......... Brandon Bryant (73) vs. LA Tech, 2015 PASSING Passed for 450+ yards:.............................. Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Passed for 400+ yards:.............................. Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Passed for 300+ yards:.............................. Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (508) Passed for 250+ yards............................... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (254) Passed for 200+ yards:.............................. Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (254) Attempted 45+ passes:............................... Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (50) Attempted 35+ passes:............................... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (42) Completed 30+ passes............................... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (31) Completed 25+ passes............................... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (31) Completed 20+ passes:............................... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (31) Threw four+ touchdown passes:........................ Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (5) Threw three+ touchdown passes:....................... Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (5) Threw five+ interceptions:............................... Michael Henig vs. LSU, 2007 (6) Threw four+ interceptions:....................... Tyler Russell vs. Northwestern, 2012 (4) Threw three+ interceptions:........................... Dak Prescott at Alabama, 2014 (3) Completed pass for 90+ yards:.........kevin Fant to Terrell Grindle vs. Kentucky, 2002 (91) Completed pass for 80+ yards:.........tyler Russell to Jameon Lewis at Memphis, 2011 (80) Completed pass for 70+ yards:............. Dak Prescott to Jameon Lewis at LSU, 2014 (74) Completed pass for 60+ yards:.....dak Prescott to De Runnya Wilson at Missouri, 2015 (63) Completed pass for 50+ yards:............ Dak Prescott to Fred Ross at Arkansas, 2015 (55) SPECIAL TEAMS Scored 10+ points kicking:...................... Westin Graves at Southern Miss, 2015 (10) Kicked five+ field goals:..............................derek DePasquale vs. UAB, 2010 (5) Kicked four+ field goals:.............................derek DePasquale vs. UAB, 2010 (5) Kicked two field goals of 50+ yards:............ Brian Hazelwood vs. Memphis, 1997 (51, 53) Kicked one field goal of 50+ yards:......................... Devon Bell vs. LSU, 2015 (52) Kicked a punt of 70+ yards:....................... Devon Bell at South Alabama, 2014 (70) Kicked a punt of 60+ yards:....................... Devon Bell at South Alabama, 2014 (70) Punted 10+ times................................ Blake McAdams at Ole Miss, 2008 (12) Totaled 175+ kick return yards:.................... on Lewis at Ole Miss, 2012 (183, 5 ret.) Totaled 150+ kick return yards:................ Jameon Lewis at Ole Miss, 2012 (183, 5 ret.) Totaled 100+ kick return yards:............brandon Holloway at Missouri, 2015 (104, 3 ret.) Totaled 50+ punt return yards:.........................fred Ross vs. Troy, 2015 (75, 3 ret.) RECEIVING Caught 15+ passes:..................................eric Moulds at Tennessee, 1995 (15) Caught 10+ passes:.....................................fred Ross vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (12) Caught seven+ passes:..................................fred Ross vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (12) Had 200+ yards receiving:............................. Jameon Lewis, vs. Rice, 2013 (220) Had 175+ yards receiving:............................. Jameon Lewis, vs. Rice, 2013 (220) Had 150+ yards receiving:............................. Fred Ross at Arkansas, 2015 (154) Had 100+ yards receiving:.............................fred Ross vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (117) Caught three+ TD passes:............................... Chad Bumphis at Troy, 2012 (3) Caught two+ TD passes:............................... Malik Dear vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (2) TOTAL OFFENSE Had 450+ yards total offense:........................dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (554) Had 400+ yards total offense:........................dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (554) Had 350 yards+ total offense:........................dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (554) Had 300 yards+ total offense:........................ Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (317) Had 100 yards both passing and rushing: Dak Prescott vs. Kentucky, 2015 (117 rush, 348 pass) SCORING Accounted for five+ touchdowns............ Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (5 pass, 2 rush) Accounted for four+ touchdowns:........... Dak Prescott at Arkansas, 2015 (5 pass, 2 rush) Accounted for three+ touchdowns:.......... Dak Prescott vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (2 pass, 1 rush) Scored four+ touchdowns:.............. Jerious Norwood vs. Ole Miss, 2005 (3 rush, 1 rec.) Scored three+ touchdowns:.................... Dak Prescott vs. Texas A&M, 2014 (3 rush) Scored two+ touchdowns:.......................... Malik Dear vs. Ole Miss, 2015 (2 rec.) Scored two+ non-offensive TDs:...................Johnthan Banks (2 IR) vs. Florida, 2009

RUSHING Had 400+ yards rushing:............................................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (452) Had 300+ yards rushing:............................................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (452) Had 200+ yards rushing:................................................ Ole Miss, 2015 (243) Had 70+ rushing attempts:......................................... Oklahoma State, 1998 (71) Had 60+ rushing attempts:........................................... Georgia Tech, 2014 (61) Had 50+ rushing attempts:...................................... Northwestern State, 2015 (50) Had six+ rushing TDs:................................................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (6) Had four+ rushing TDs:............................................... Georgia Tech, 2014 (6) Had two players with 100 yds rushing:............... Georgia Tech, 2014 (Days 171, Thomas 121) PASSING Had 400+ yards passing:................................................ Arkansas, 2015 (406) Had 300+ yards passing:................................................ Arkansas, 2015 (406) Had 200+ yards passing:................................................ Ole Miss, 2015 (236) Had 60+ pass attempts:................................................texas A&M, 2014 (62) Had 50+ pass attempts:.................................................. Kentucky, 2015 (52) Had 40+ pass attempts:.................................................. Arkansas, 2015 (43) Had 30+ pass attempts:.................................................. Ole Miss, 2015 (30) Had 40+ pass completions:............................................... Kentucky, 1997 (40) Had 30+ pass completions:............................................... Arkansas, 2015 (30) Had 25+ pass completions:............................................... Arkansas, 2015 (30) Had 20+ pass completions:............................................... Ole Miss, 2015 (21) Had five+ passing TDs:................................................... Arkansas, 2015 (7) Had four+ passing TDs:................................................... Arkansas, 2015 (7) Had three+ passing TDs:.................................................. Arkansas, 2015 (7) RECEIVING Had two players with 100 yards receiving in a game:................ UAB, 2014 (JJ Nelson 144 and Josh Magee 100) Had four+ players catch five+ passes:....................................... Arkansas, 2015 (5) Had three+ players catch five+ passes:....................................... Arkansas, 2015 (5) Had 12+ players catch a pass.................................................. Troy, 2013 (12) Had eight+ players catch a pass........................................... Kentucky, 2015 (11) TOTAL OFFENSE Had 650+ yards total offense:......................................... Texas A&M, 2012 (693) Had 600+ yards total offense:......................................... Texas A&M, 2012 (693) Had 550+ yards total offense:........................................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (577) Had 500+ yards total offense:......................................... Texas A&M, 2015 (516) Had 400+ yards total offense:............................................ Ole Miss, 2015 (479) Had 80+ plays total offense:............................................... Kentucky, 2015 (85) Had 75+ plays total offense:............................................... Kentucky, 2015 (85) SCORING Scored 60+ points:..................................................south Carolina, 1995 (65) Scored 50+ points:....................................................... Arkansas, 2015 (51) Scored 40+ points:....................................................... Arkansas, 2015 (51) Scored 30+ points:...................................................... Ole Miss, 2015 (38) Scored a two-point conversion rushing:......................................... Auburn, 2004 Scored a two-point conversion passing:........................................ Arkansas, 2015 Failed on a two-point conversion attempt....................................... Alabama, 2014 TURNOVERS Had five+ fumbles:....................................................... Ole Miss, 2011 (6) Had four+ fumbles lost:....................................................... LSU, 2004 (4) Had three+ fumbles lost:.................................................. Arkansas, 2012 (3) Committed five+ turnovers:............................................... Arkansas, 2012 (5) Did not commit a turnover:................................................texas A&M, 2015 Intercepted five+ MSU passes:................................................. LSU, 2010 (5) Intercepted four+ MSU passes:........................................ Northwestern, 2012 (4) Intercepted three+ MSU passes:........................................... Alabama, 2014 (3) Returned an interception for a TD:...............................Ole Miss, 2015 (Tony Bridges) Returned a fumble for a TD:.................. LSU, 2014 (Danielle Hunter 25-yd fumble recovery) DEFENSE Held MSU to 10 or fewer first downs:..................................... Alabama, 2013 (10) Recorded 10+ sacks:..................................................... Ole Miss, 2008 (11) Recorded seven+ sacks:................................................... Ole Miss, 2015 (7) Scored a safety:...........................................................texas A&M, 2013 Scored two safeties:............................................................ Florida, 2005 Held MSU to 25 or fewer yards rushing:.................................... Alabama, 2011 (12) Held MSU to 100 or fewer yards passing:................................... Ole Miss, 2011 (70) Held MSU to 50 or fewer yards passing:.....................................florida, 2010 (33) Held MSU to 300 or less yards total offense:............................... Ole Miss, 2013 (296) Held MSU to 200 or less yards total offense:............................... Alabama, 2013 (197) Held MSU to 100 or fewer yards both rushing & passing:........ Ole Miss, 2008 (-51 rush, 88 pass) SPECIAL TEAMS Returned a punt for a TD:....................................Alabama, 2015 (Cyrus Jones - 69) Returned a blocked punt for a TD:............................. Ole Miss, 2013 (Terrell Grant - 0) Returned a kickoff for a TD:........................ Tennessee, 2012 (Cordarrelle Patterson - 98) Punted 10+ times:......................................................vanderbilt, 2009 (11) Did not punt:............................................................... Ole Miss, 2010 Missed a kicking PAT:....................................................Jackson State, 2012 Missed two kicking PATs:...................................................... Tulane, 2006 Blocked a field goal:......................................................... Arkansas, 2013 Blocked a punt:............................................................. Missouri, 2015 MISCELLANEOUS Had 30+ first downs:.................................................... Kentucky, 2015 (30) Had 10+ penalties:....................................................texas A&M, 2013 (10) Had 100+ yards in penalties:.......................................... Texas A&M, 2013 (105) Had 35 minutes+ of possession time:........................................troy, 2015 (40:25) Had two 100-yard rushers and one 100-yard receiver:........................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (Days 171 rush, Thomas 121 rush, Waller 114 rec.) Had one 100-yard rusher and one 100-yard receiver:........................ Georgia Tech, 2014 (Days 171 rush, Thomas 121 rush, Waller 114 rec.) INDIVIDUAL RUSHING Rushed 40+ times:......................................deuce McAllister (Ole Miss), 1998 (40) Rushed 35+ times:..............................................kevin Smith (UCF), 2007 (35) Rushed for 200+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (204) Rushed for 175+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (204) Rushed for 150+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (204) Rushed for 125+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (204) Rushed for 100+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (204) Rushed for five+ touchdowns:.............................. Carnell Williams (Auburn), 2003 (6) Rushed for four+ touchdowns:............................. Carnell Williams (Auburn), 2003 (6) Had a run of 80+ yards:.............................. Jonathan Dwyer (Georgia Tech), 2008 (88) Had a run of 70+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (74) Had a run of 60+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (74) Had a run of 50+ yards:................................... Derrick Henry (Alabama), 2015 (74) INDIVIDUAL PASSING Passed for 450+ yards:............................. Steve Taneyhill (South Carolina), 1995 (473) Passed for 400+ yards:...................................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (406) Passed for 300+ yards:...................................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (406) Attempted 60+ passes:..................................... Kenny Hill (Texas A&M), 2014 (62) Attempted 50+ passes:..................................... Kenny Hill (Texas A&M), 2014 (62) Completed 30+ passes:.................................... Brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (30) Completed 20+ passes:....................................... Chad Kelly (Ole Miss), 2015 (21) Threw five+ touchdown passes:............................. Brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (7) Threw four+ touchdown passes:............................. Brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (7) Completed a pass for 80+ yards:................bo Wallace to Evan Engram of Ole Miss, 2014 (83) Completed a pass for 70+ yards:................bo Wallace to Evan Engram of Ole Miss, 2014 (83) INDIVIDUAL RECEIVING Caught 10+ passes:..........................................trent Taylor (LA Tech), 2014 (10) Caught seven+ passes:.....................hunter Henry and Drew Morgan (Arkansas), 2015 (7) Had 150+ yards receiving:................................ Evan Engram (Ole Miss), 2014 (176) Had 100+ yards receiving:................................ Hunter Henry (Arkansas), 2015 (129) Caught three+ TD passes:................................. Jeremy Sprinkle (Arkansas), 2015 (3) Caught two+ TD passes:................................... D. Stringfellow (Ole Miss), 2015 (2) INDIVIDUAL TOTAL OFFENSE Had 500+ yards total offense:....................... Steve Taneyhill (South Carolina), 1995 (512) Had 400+ yards total offense:.............................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (411) Had 100 yards both passing and rushing:.. Justin Thomas (Georgia Tech), 2014, (125 pass/121 rush) INDIVIDUAL SCORING Accounted for six+ touchdowns:........................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (7 pass) Accounted for five+ touchdowns:........................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (7 pass) Accounted for four+ touchdowns:.......................brandon Allen (Arkansas), 2015 (7 pass) Scored four+ touchdowns:............................. Jeremy Sprinkle (Arkansas), 2015 (3 rec.) Scored three+ touchdowns:..........................chad Kelly (Ole Miss), 2015 (2 pass, 1 rush) INDIVIDUAL DEFENSE Intercepted three+ passes:......................................... Craig Steltz (LSU), 2007 (3) Intercepted two+ passes:.................................... Robert Lester (Alabama), 2010 (2) Recorded three+ sacks:..................................jonathan Allen (Alabama), 2015 (3, 17) Recorded two+ sacks:.............................. A Shawn Robinson (Alabama), 2015 (2.5, 13) SPECIAL TEAMS Scored 10+ points kicking:............................. Austin MacGinnis (Kentucky), 2015 (10) Kicked five+ field goals:............................................josh Jasper (LSU), 2010 (5) Kicked four field goals:..................................austin MacGinnis (Kentucky), 2015 (4) THE LAST TIME AN OPPONENT...

2015 SUPERLATIVES MSU Team Highs Points Scored 62 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Total Yards 647 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Rushing Yards 275 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Rushing Attempts 42 vs. Alabama (11/14) Rushing TDs 5 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Passing Yards 508 at Arkansas (11/21) Passes Completed 38 at Arkansas (11/21) Passes Attempted 54 vs. LSU (9/12) Passing TDs 5 at Arkansas (11/21) Passes Intercepted 3 vs. Kentucky (10/24) First Downs 32 at Arkansas (11/21) Penalties 6 (3x) last vs. Ole Miss (11/28) Penalty Yards 62 vs. Kentucky (10/24) Sacks 5 at Missouri (11/5) Opponent Team Highs Points Scored 50 by Arkansas (11/21) Total Yards 516 by Texas A&M (10/3) Rushing Yards 266 by LSU (9/12) Rushing Attempts 50 by Northwestern State (9/19) Rushing TDs 3 by LSU (9/12) Passing Yards 406 by Arkansas (11/21) Passes Completed 30 (3x) last by Arkansas (11/21) Passes Attempted 52 by Kentucky (10/24) Passing TDs 7 by Arkansas (11/21) Passes Intercepted 1 (4x) last by Ole Miss (11/28) First Downs 30 by Kentucky (10/24) Penalties 9 by LSU (9/12) Penalty Yards 95 by LSU (9/12) Sacks 9 by Alabama (11/14) MSU Team Lows Points Scored 6 vs. Alabama (11/14) Total Yards 326 at Auburn (9/26) Rushing Yards 43 vs. LSU (9/12) Rushing Attempts 28 at Southern Mississippi (9/5) Rushing TDs 0 (3x) last vs. Alabama (11/14) Passing Yards 210 at Texas A&M (10/3) Passes Completed 16 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Passes Attempted 18 vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Passing TDs 0 (2x) last vs. Alabama (11/14) Passes Intercepted 0 (5x) last vs. Ole Miss (11/28) First Downs 18 at Auburn (9/26) Penalties 2 (2x) last at Missouri (11/5) Penalty Yards 18 at Missouri (11/5) Sacks 0 (3x) last vs. Ole Miss (11/28) MSU Individual All-Purpose Yds 151 by Brandon Holloway at Southern Miss. (9/5) Rushing Yards 117 by Dak Prescott vs. Kentucky (10/23) Rushing Carries 26 by Dak Prescott vs. Alabama (11/14) Rushing TDs 3 by Dak Prescott vs. Kentucky (10/24) Longest Rush 52 by Malik Dear at Texas A&M (10/3) Passing Yards 508 by Dak Prescott at Arkansas (11/21) Pass Completions 38 by Dak Prescott at Arkansas (11/21) Passing Attempts 52 by Dak Prescott vs. LSU (9/12) Passes Intercepted 0 in 2015 Passing TDs 5 by Dak Prescott at Arkansas (11/21) Longest Pass 63 by Dak Prescott (2x) last at Missouri (11/5) Receiving Yards 154 by Fred Ross at Arkansas (11/21) Receptions 12 by Fred Ross vs. Ole Miss (11/28) Receiving TDs 2 (4x) last by Malik Dear vs. Ole Miss (11/28) Longest Reception 63 (2x) last by De Runnya Wilson at Missouri (11/5) FG s Made 2 (3x) by Westin Graves last vs. Alabama (11/14) FG s Attempted 3 by Westin Graves vs. Alabama (11/14) Longest FG Made 44 by Westin Graves at Auburn (9/26) PAT s 6 by Westin Graves vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Punts 6 by Logan Cooke vs. Alabama (11/14) Punts Average 49.3 by Logan Cooke vs. Ole Miss. (11/28) Longest Punt 54 by Devon Bell (2x) last at at Auburn (9/26) Punt Return Yds 33 by Fred Ross vs. Northwestern State (9/19) Longest Punt Ret. 22 by Fred Ross vs. Northwestern State (9/19) KO Return Yards 100 by Brandon Holloway at Southern Miss. (9/5) Longest KO Ret. 100 by Brandon Holloway at Southern Miss. (9/5) Total Tackles 13 by Richie Brown at Auburn (9/26) Tackles for Loss 3.0 by Richie Brown at Auburn (9/26) Sacks 2.0 (3x) last by Richie Brown at Missouri (11/5) Interceptions 2 by Taveze Calhoun vs. Kentucky (10/24) Int. Return Yards 24 by Will Redmond at Southern Miss. (9/5) Opponent Team Lows Points Scored 13 (2x) last by Missouri (11/5) Total Yards 257 by Northwestern State (9/19) Rushing Yards 73 by Arkansas (11/21) Rushing Attempts 29 by Arkansas (11/21) Rushing TDs 0 (3x) last by Arkansas (11/21) Passing Yards 71 by LSU (9/12) Passes Completed 9 (2x) last by Northwestern State (9/19) Passes Attempted 14 by LSU (9/12) Passing TDs 0 (4x) last by Missouri (11/5) Passes Intercepted 0 (8x) last by Missouri (11/5) First Downs 13 by Alabama (11/14) Penalties 1 by Northwestern State (9/19) Penalty Yards 11 by Northwestern State (9/19) Sacks 1 (3x) last by Kentucky (10/24) Opponent Individual All-Purpose Yds 159 by Leonard Fournette for LSU (9/12) Rushing Yards 204 by Derrick Henry for Alabama (11/14) Rushing Carries 28 by Leonard Fournette for LSU (9/12) Rushing TDs 3 by Leonard Fournette for LSU (9/12) Longest Rush 74 (2x) last by Derrick Henry for Alabama (11/14) Passing Yards 406 by Brandon Allen for Arkansas (11/21) Pass Completions 30 (2x) last by Brandon Allen for Arkansas (11/21) Passing Attempts 44 by Nick Mullens for Southern Miss. (9/5) Passes Intercepted 2 by Nick Mullens for Southern Miss. (9/5) Passing TDs 7 by Brandon Allen for Arkansas (11/21) Longest Pass 60 by Jake Coker for Alabama (11/14) Receiving Yards 81 by Kory Robertson for Southern Miss. (9/5) Receptions 8 by Christian Kirk for Texas A&M (10/3) Receiving TDs 3 by Jeremy Sprinkle for Arkansas (11/21) Longest Reception 60 by Calvin Ridley for Alabama (11/14) FG s Made 3 (4x) last bya. MacGinnis for Kentucky (10/24) FG s Attempted 4 (2x) last by A. MacGinnis for Kentucky (10/24) Longest FG Made 55 by Taylor Bertolet for Texas A&M (10/3) PAT s 3 by Trent Domingue for LSU (9/12) Punts 9 by Jamie Keehn for LSU (9/12) Punts Average 49.0 by Drew Kaser for Texas A&M (10/3) Longest Punt 69 by Cyrus Jones for Alabama (11/14) Punt Return Yds 2 by Tre Davious White for LSU (9/12) Longest Punt Ret. 26 by Christian Kirk for Texas A&M (10/3) KO Return Yards 90 by Curtis Mikell for Southern Miss. (9/5) Longest KO Ret. 37 by Ito Smith for Southern Miss. (9/5) Total Tackles 15 by Brooks Ellis for Arkansas (11/21) Tackles for Loss 3.0 by Jonathan Allen for Alabama (11/14) Sacks 3.0 by Jonathan Allen for Alabama (11/14) Interceptions 1 (4x) last by Tony Bridges vs. Ole Miss (11/28) Int. Return Yards 29 by Marlon Humphrey for Alabama (11/14)

LONG DRIVE SUPERLATIVES Longest Drive MSU Opponents No. of Plays 15, 2x, last (81 yds, 5:24) vs. Kentucky (10/24), results in TD 14 (72 yds, 7:48) by Northwestern State (9/12), results in TD By No. of Yards 98 (11 p, 3:31) vs. LA Tech (10/17), results in TD 91 (12 p, 5:01) by Texas A&M (10/3), results in TD By Time of Possession 5:24 (15 p, 81 yds) vs. Kentucky (10/24), results in TD 7:48 (14 p, 72 yds) by Northwestern State (9/12), results in TD MSU DRIVE CHARTS at Southern Miss Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 10:20 MSU 33 4-67 1:01 Fumble 1st 0:00 MSU 36 0-(-25) 0:00 Fumble 1st 5:26 USM 00 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 1st 0:31 MSU 17 4-28 0:52 Punt 2nd 12:25 USM 21 5-21 1:28 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 8:22 MSU 41 3-8 1:15 Punt 2nd 2:01 MSU 1 5-4 1:50 Punt 2nd 0:02 USM 48 1-0 0:02 End of Half 3rd 15:00 MSU 5 9-95 2:45 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 11:58 USM 40 6-19 1:22 FIELD GOAL 3rd 8:37 MSU 28 13-53 4:35 FIELD GOAL 4th 13:01 MSU 39 6-15 2:27 Punt 4th 7:35 MSU 18 6-82 1:40 TOUCHDOWN 4th 2:45 MSU 12 6-54 2:45 End of Half OPP. DRIVE CHARTS at Southern Miss Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 USM 23 12-44 4:40 Downs 1st 9:19 USM 20 3-0 2:01 Punt 1st 7:18 MSU 11 4-(-3) 1:39 FIELD GOAL 1st 5:26 USM 30 8-70 3:06 TOUCHDOWN 1st 2:14 USM 42 3-(-7) 1:43 Punt 2nd 14:39 USM 16 6-36 2:14 Punt 2nd 10:57 USM 19 3-(-3) 2:35 Punt 2nd 7:07 USM 20 11-79 5:06 Downs 2nd 0:11 MSU 41 1-0 0:09 Interception 3rd 12:15 USM 33 1-0 0:17 Interception 3rd 10:36 USM 26 5-64 1:59 FIELD GOAL 3rd 4:02 USM 22 13-68 6:01 FIELD GOAL 4th 10:34 USM 4 7-39 2:59 Punt 4th 5:55 USM 38 6-16 3:10 Punt LSU Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 25 5-16 2:08 Punt 1st 10:38 MSU 9 3-6 1:39 Punt 1st 4:37 MSU 25 3-(-15) 2:01 Punt 1st 1:51 MSU 23 5-23 2:05 Punt 2nd 11:46 MSU 19 7-36 1:31 Punt 2nd 6:19 MSU 28 3-6 1:57 Punt 2nd 2:45 MSU 37 9-37 2:01 FIELD GOAL 3rd 12:54 LSU 46 9-40 2:50 FIELD GOAL 3rd 6:42 MSU 27 3-5 0:43 Punt 3rd 4:03 MSU 13 14-87 4:18 TOUCHDOWN 4th 12:36 MSU 36 5-25 2:18 Punt 4th 5:32 MSU 18 6-82 1:32 TOUCHDOWN 4th 1:32 MSU 11 11-55 1:32 Missed FG Northwestern State Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 25 5-75 1:39 TOUCHDOWN 1st 7:28 MSU 17 10-83 3:46 TOUCHDOWN 1st 1:09 NSU 33 4-33 1:02 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 13:25 MSU 29 2-43 0:28 Fumble 2nd 0:00 MSU 42 0-(-3) 0:00 Fumble 2nd 10:09 MSU 35 5-65 1:30 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 2:18 MSU 40 5-60 1:22 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 6:54 MSU 40 7-60 2:52 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 1:20 MSU 21 3-79 0:54 TOUCHDOWN 4th 13:57 MSU 37 4-63 1:45 TOUCHDOWN 4th 10:34 MSU 32 3-7 1:27 Punt 4th 5:48 MSU 26 7-74 4:00 TOUCHDOWN LSU Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 12:52 LSU 24 3-9 2:14 Punt 1st 8:59 MSU 48 8-48 4:22 TOUCHDOWN 1st 2:36 MSU 46 2-46 0:38 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 14:46 LSU 20 6-24 3:00 Punt 2nd 10:15 LSU 11 7-28 3:56 Punt 2nd 4:22 LSU 25 3-2 1:37 Punt 2nd 0:38 LSU 39 1-(-5) 0:38 End of Half 3rd 14:54 LSU 24 3-7 2:00 Punt 3rd 10:04 LSU 14 7-75 3:16 Touchdown 3rd 5:59 LSU 30 4-20 1:56 Punt 4th 14:41 LSU 19 3-(-1) 2:05 Punt 4th 10:18 LSU 15 9-42 4:46 Punt 4th 3:55 LSU 29 5-17 2:23 Punt Northwestern State Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 13:21 NSU 25 11-58 5:53 Downs 1st 3:26 NSU 21 3-(-10) 2:17 Punt 1st 0:07 NSU 25 3-(-2) 1:42 Punt 2nd 12:57 NSU 28 3-1 1:12 Punt 2nd 11:45 MSU 39 4-4 1:36 FIELD GOAL 2nd 8:39 NSU 25 11-66 6:12 FIELD GOAL 2nd 0:56 NSU 25 2-12 0:56 End of Half 3rd 14:47 NSU 28 14-72 7:48 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 4:01 NSU 25 4-14 2:41 Punt 3rd 0:07 NSU 15 3-2 1:10 Punt 4th 12:12 NSU 25 3-(-7) 1:38 Punt 4th 9:07 NSU 17 4-19 3:19 Punt 4th 1:48 NSU 25 3-17 1:48 End of Half

MSU DRIVE CHARTS at Auburn Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 8:33 MSU 21 10-79 3:15 TOUCHDOWN 1st 3:01 MSU 37 5-13 2:30 Punt 2nd 11:38 MSU 21 11-79 3:36 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 0:45 MSU 20 1-4 0:45 End of Half 3rd 15:00 MSU 35 7-21 2:20 Fumble 3rd 9:41 MSU 25 3-(-2) 1:24 Punt 3rd 3:06 MSU 25 8-48 1:55 FIELD GOAL 4th 13:26 MSU 16 7-40 3:08 Punt 4th 9:39 MSU 26 3-4 0:59 Punt 4th 6:15 MSU 44 5-16 2:51 Punt 4th 1:07 AUB 43 3-(-6) 1:07 End of Half at Texas A&M Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 9:59 MSU 17 11-63 4:30 FIELD GOAL 1st 3:23 MSU 25 9-40 2:56 Downs 2nd 13:11 MSU 25 4-75 1:38 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 5:49 MSU 20 3-1 1:33 Punt 2nd 1:58 MSU 31 3-1 0:44 Punt 2nd 0:20 MSU 21 1-5 0:20 End of Half 3rd 15:00 MSU 5 4-49 1:44 Fumble 3rd 10:34 MSU 25 11-72 4:29 Fumble 3rd 4:25 MSU 1 3-2 0:52 Punt 3rd 1:48 MSU 32 3-0 0:58 Punt 3rd 0:04 MSU 32 10-68 2:40 TOUCHDOWN 4th 10:41 MSU 20 3-4 1:30 Punt 4th 5:23 MSU 20 4-3 2:18 Downs Troy Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 35 2-65 0:36 TOUCHDOWN 1st 13:16 TROY 0 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 1st 10:46 MSU 28 5-16 1:24 Punt 1st 5:29 MSU 20 3-3 0:49 Punt 1st 3:04 TROY 0 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 1st 1:37 MSU 26 13-50 4:58 FIELD GOAL 2nd 10:12 MSU 48 5-52 1:29 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 5:20 MSU 26 3-9 1:41 Punt 2nd 1:50 MSU 45 4-55 1:03 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 14:36 TROY 30 4-7 1:42 Downs 3rd 3:37 MSU 32 3-0 1:55 Punt 4th 11:22 TROY 49 1-49 0:11 TOUCHDOWN 4th 8:17 MSU 20 5-7 3:11 Punt 4th 0:19 MSU 22 1-23 0:19 End of Half Louisiana Tech Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 25 6-20 1:53 Punt 1st 10:27 MSU 25 4-19 2:09 Punt 1st 4:19 MSU 18 7-82 1:49 TOUCHDOWN 1st 0:24 MSU 27 15-65 3:51 FIELD GOAL 2nd 7:18 MSU 15 12-85 4:25 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 1:03 LT 2 1-2 0:06 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 12:26 MSU 2 11-98 3:31 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 4:44 MSU 25 10-75 3:14 TOUCHDOWN 4th 13:44 MSU 21 5-17 2:17 Punt 4th 7:10 LT 0 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 4th 4:03 MSU 28 3-7 2:31 Punt OPP. DRIVE CHARTS at Auburn Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 AUB 25 13-70 6:27 Interception 1st 5:18 AUB 25 3-9 2:17 Punt 1st 0:31 AUB 20 6-14 3:53 Punt 2nd 7:55 AUB 24 15-67 7:10 Missed FG 3rd 12:40 AUB 44 6-43 2:59 FIELD GOAL 3rd 8:17 AUB 39 12-54 5:11 FIELD GOAL 3rd 1:04 AUB 22 7-29 2:38 Punt 4th 10:18 AUB 11 4-17 0:39 Punt 4th 8:40 AUB 16 5-(-5) 2:25 Punt 4th 3:24 AUB 10 11-56 2:17 FIELD GOAL at Texas A&M Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 TAMU 9 12-91 5:01 TOUCHDOWN 1st 5:29 TAMU 25 6-75 2:06 TOUCHDOWN 1st 0:27 TAMU 35 6-28 2:16 FIELD GOAL 2nd 11:33 TAMU 25 13-18 5:44 PUNT 2nd 4:16 MSU 47 7-17 2:18 Missed FG 2nd 1:14 TAMU 36 5-64 0:54 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 13:16 TAMU 46 8-48 2:42 FIELD GOAL 3rd 6:05 TAMU 3 4-56 1:40 Punt 3rd 3:33 MSU 41 7-9 1:45 Downs 3rd 0:50 TAMU 31 3-(-2) 0:46 Punt 4th 12:24 TAMU 25 7-22 1:43 Punt 4th 9:11 MSU 47 10-35 3:48 FIELD GOAL 4th 3:05 MSU 23 5-18 3:05 End of Half Troy Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 14:25 TROY 7 3-(-7) 1:09 Fumble 1st 13:07 TROY 47 4-(-16) 2:21 Punt 1st 9:22 TROY 18 8-29 3:53 Punt 1st 4:40 TROY 24 6-14 1:36 Punt 1st 2:58 TROY 24 3-6 1:21 Punt 2nd 11:39 TROY 25 3-(-8) 1:27 Punt 2nd 8:43 TROY 25 6-10 3:23 Punt 2nd 3:39 TROY 20 3-(-6) 1:49 Punt 2nd 0:47 TROY 25 1-(-1) 0:47 End of Half 3rd 15:00 TROY 25 3-0 0:24 Interception 3rd 12:54 TROY 23 15-77 9:08 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 1:42 TROY 18 2-82 0:53 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 0:47 TROY 46 10-3 4:25 Downs 4th 11:11 TROY 25 4-19 2:54 Punt 4th 5:06 TROY 31 12-65 4:39 FIELD GOAL Louisiana Tech Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 13:07 LT 20 8-80 2:15 TOUCHDOWN 1st 8:18 LT 27 10-73 3:51 TOUCHDOWN 1st 2:30 LT 25 4-24 2:06 Punt 2nd 11:27 LT 26 9-59 4:04 FIELD GOAL 2nd 2:44 LT 14 3-9 1:41 Punt 2nd 0:49 LT 11 3-(-3) 0:49 End of Half 3rd 15:00 LT 25 4-18 2:34 Punt 3rd 8:55 LT 25 11-65 4:11 FIELD GOAL 3rd 1:24 LT 20 4-19 2:40 Punt 4th 11:27 LT 9 10-41 4:17 Interception 4th 7:00 LT 9 5-22 2:57 Punt 4th 1:32 LT 17 4-14 1:32 End of Half

MSU DRIVE CHARTS Kentucky Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 12:02 MSU 11 3-8 0:57 Punt 1st 8:13 MSU 19 15-81 5:24 TOUCHDOWN 1st 0:56 MSU 25 7-75 2:18 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 11:25 UK 42 5-23 2:07 Downs 2nd 6:03 MSU 14 1-0 0:09 Interception 2nd 3:01 MSU 31 5-69 1:27 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 1:03 MSU 20 3-80 0:29 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 0:00 MSU 43 0-0 0:00 End of Half 3rd 15:00 MSU 25 7-31 2:37 Punt 3rd 10:40 MSU 35 6-57 2:13 Missed FG 3rd 2:55 MSU 25 7-75 1:56 TOUCHDOWN 4th 13:58 MSU 20 11-80 4:44 TOUCHDOWN 4th 6:53 UK 47 3-2 2:35 Punt at Missouri Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 13:45 MSU 38 4-62 0:42 TOUCHDOWN 1st 11:45 MSU 36 5-16 1:31 Punt 1st 8:37 MU 45 3-(-4) 1:29 Punt 1st 5:51 MSU 36 4-11 1:07 Fumble 1st 1:55 MSU 17 10-57 4:06 Fumble 2nd 10:21 MSU 35 3-(-2) 1:26 Punt 2nd 6:52 MU 29 3-29 0:49 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 1:50 MSU 25 3-6 0:27 Punt 2nd 0:18 MSU 37 3-20 0:18 End of Half 3rd 14:52 MSU 23 6-77 2:32 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 12:00 MU 37 6-18 1:59 FIELD GOAL 3rd 6:59 MSU 19 9-81 3:33 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 1:14 MSU 49 9-19 2:47 Missed FG 4th 10:44 MSU 23 8-31 4:22 Punt 4th 2:04 MSU 12 3-13 2:04 End of Half Alabama Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 25 6-5 3:13 Punt 1st 11:04 MSU 47 10-51 3:44 Downs 1st 5:49 MSU 28 5-31 2:12 Punt 1st 1:51 MSU 42 2-5 0:11 Fumble 1st 0:07 MSU 13 5-55 1:01 Missed FG 2nd 12:49 MSU 20 5-15 2:05 Punt 2nd 10:37 MSU 17 3-(-2) 1:22 Punt 2nd 8:32 MSU 15 10-71 2:22 FIELD GOAL 2nd 5:05 MSU 20 13-38 4:50 Downs 3rd 10:38 MSU 18 8-23 3:13 Punt 3rd 5:20 MSU 25 10-54 3:56 FIELD GOAL 4th 9:27 MSU 20 3-7 0:36 Punt 4th 7:53 MSU 25 2-8 0:42 Interception 4th 4:46 MSU 17 8-27 3:42 Downs OPP. DRIVE CHARTS Kentucky Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 UK 25 6-30 2:58 Punt 1st 11:05 UK 31 7-69 2:46 TOUCHDOWN 1st 2:49 UK 25 8-48 1:53 FIELD GOAL 2nd 13:31 UK 13 3-(-5) 2:06 Punt 2nd 9:18 UK 19 7-20 3:15 Punt 2nd 5:54 UK 42 10-27 2:49 Missed FG 2nd 1:34 UK 25 4-17 0:31 Interception 2nd 0:27 UK 42 5-27 0:24 FIELD GOAL 3rd 12:23 UK 12 4-14 1:43 Interception 3rd 8:27 UK 20 12-66 5:32 FIELD GOAL 3rd 0:51 UK 20 5-22 1:53 Punt 4th 9:07 UK 23 7-25 2:14 Interception 4th 4:18 UK 15 11-75 4:18 End of Half at Missouri Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MU 25 3-0 1:15 Punt 1st 13:01 MU 25 3-3 1:16 Punt 1st 10:14 MU 14 5-29 1:37 Interception 1st 7:08 MU 20 3-(-12) 1:17 Punt 1st 4:44 MSU 47 7-34 2:44 FIELD GOAL 2nd 12:49 MU 26 5-10 2:28 Punt 2nd 8:55 MSU 25 4-7 1:50 FIELD GOAL 2nd 5:58 MU 23 10-77 4:08 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 1:23 MU 30 3-(-2) 1:05 Punt 3rd 12:10 MU 29 1-0 0:10 Interception 3rd 9:54 MU 28 6-18 2:55 Punt 3rd 3:20 MU 9 3-9 2:06 Punt 4th 13:27 MU 32 11-45 2:43 Downs 4th 6:22 MU 1 9-87 4:18 Downs Alabama Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 11:47 UA 16 3-3 0:43 Punt 1st 7:20 UA 2 5-37 1:31 Interception 1st 3:37 UA 9 3-8 1:46 Punt 1st 1:40 MSU 47 3-1 1:33 Punt 2nd 14:06 UA 32 3-6 1:17 Punt 2nd 10:44 MSU 0 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 9:15 UA 35 3-65 0:39 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 6:10 UA 25 3-75 1:00 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 0:15 UA 42 0-(-10) 0:15 End of Half 3rd 15:00 UA 35 9-41 4:17 FIELD GOAL 3rd 7:25 UA 20 3-8 2:05 Punt 3rd 1:24 UA 25 14-59 6:57 Missed FG 4th 8:51 UA 26 2-74 0:58 TOUCHDOWN 4th 7:11 MSU 24 4-7 2:25 Downs 4th 1:04 MSU 44 2-10 1:04 End of Half at Arkansas Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 10:16 MSU 23 8-77 2:45 TOUCHDOWN 1st 6:25 MSU 35 7-65 2:48 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 14:13 MSU 25 9-72 2:26 FIELD GOAL 2nd 10:21 MSU 22 9-78 2:46 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 6:11 MSU 26 4-74 1:27 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 0:52 MSU 35 6-16 0:52 Downs 3rd 15:00 MSU 23 0-0 0:00 Fumble 3rd 12:00 MSU 31 1-0 0:11 Interception 3rd 11:39 MSU 20 7-35 2:40 Fumble 3rd 6:56 MSU 29 3-7 1:15 Punt 3rd 1:15 MSU 26 11-74 3:21 TOUCHDOWN 4th 11:11 MSU 32 13-68 4:13 TOUCHDOWN 4th 5:33 MSU 18 6-82 2:28 TOUCHDOWN 4th 0:39 MSU 19 3-(-8) 0:39 End of Half at Arkansas Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 UA 25 11-75 4:44 TOUCHDOWN 1st 7:31 UA 25 3-(-2) 1:06 Punt 1st 3:37 UA 41 9-59 4:24 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 11:47 UA 31 3-3 1:26 Punt 2nd 7:35 UA 20 3-5 1:24 Punt 2nd 4:44 UA 22 10-78 3:52 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 0:00 UA 49 0-0 0:00 End of Half 3rd 15:00 MSU 23 6-23 3:00 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 11:49 MSU 39 1-39 0:10 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 8:59 MSU 40 5-40 2:03 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 5:41 UA 44 7-30 4:26 Downs 4th 12:54 UA 25 3-2 1:43 Punt 4th 6:58 UA 35 3-65 1:25 TOUCHDOWN 4th 3:05 UA 11 9-77 2:26 Missed FG

MSU DRIVE CHARTS Ole Miss Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 15:00 MSU 25 8-37 2:37 Fumble 1st 11:09 MSU 25 3-(-7) 1:43 Punt 1st 5:10 MSU 25 5-15 2:05 Interception 1st 2:57 MSU 37 9-58 3:40 FIELD GOAL 2nd 10:38 MSU 21 3-(-6) 1:56 Punt 2nd 5:04 MSU 21 8-44 2:52 Downs 2nd 1:03 MSU 46 3-(-9) 1:03 End of Half 3rd 13:44 OM 46 5-46 1:50 TOUCHDOWN 3rd 8:05 MSU 20 12-70 2:23 FIELD GOAL 3rd 2:35 MSU 26 3-(-9) 1:33 Punt 4th 13:22 MSU 25 9-75 3:44 TOUCHDOWN 4th 5:00 MSU 36 10-64 3:43 TOUCHDOWN OPP. DRIVE CHARTS Ole Miss Qtr. Time Start Pl-Yds TOP Result 1st 12:23 OM 38 4-62 1:14 TOUCHDOWN 1st 9:26 OM 32 9-68 4:16 TOUCHDOWN 1st 3:05 MSU 0 0-0 0:00 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 14:17 OM 25 8-75 3:32 TOUCHDOWN 2nd 8:42 OM 35 8-44 3:38 Missed FG 2nd 2:12 OM 35 3-1 1:09 Punt 3rd 15:00 OM 25 3-(-1) 1:16 Punt 3rd 11:54 OM 25 11-59 3:49 Missed FG 3rd 5:42 OM 25 7-44 2:57 FIELD GOAL 3rd 1:02 OM 35 7-65 2:40 TOUCHDOWN 4th 9:34 OM 15 7-36 4:34 Punt 4th 1:12 OM 44 3-41 1:12 End of Half

GAME 1 MSU 34 Southern Miss 16 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 8 79 7 72 1 49 9.0 Brandon Holloway 7 51 0 51 0 35 7.3 Ashton Shumpert 8 46 8 38 0 20 4.8 Nick Fitzgerald 2 36 0 36 0 21 18.0 Dontavian Lee 1 6 0 6 0 6 6.0 Aeris Williams 1 2 0 2 0 2 2.0 Malike Dear 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 22 38 0 237 2 44 1 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 5 75 0 44 Ashton Shumpert 4 26 0 12 Gus Walley 3 20 1 14 De Runnya Wilson 5 55 0 42 Justin Johnson 2 17 1 12 Fred Brown 2 14 0 9 Joe Morrow 1 18 0 18 Gabe Myles 1 6 0 6 Malik Dear 1 4 0 4 Darrion Hutcherson 1 2 0 2 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Devon Bell 2 75 37.5 39 1 0 Logan Cooke 2 93 46.5 51 1 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 2 2 38 made 38, 37 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Beniquez Brown 1 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fred Ross 1-25 0 0 0 0 1 14 14 Gabe Myles 0 0 0 1 6 6 1 0 0 Will Redmond 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 24 Richie Brown 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Gerri Green 0 0 0 1-15 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 1 100 100 0 0 0 Southern Miss RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Ito Smith 8 69 0 69 0 44 8.6 Jalen Richard 16 48 0 48 0 8 3.0 Justice Hayes 6 13 0 13 0 7 2.2 Dylan Bradley 2 1 0 1 0 1 0.5 Nick Mullens 4 0 29-29 0 0 7.2 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Nick Mullens 30 44 1 311 1 44 3 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Korey Robertson 6 81 0 44 D.J. Thompson 5 58 0 17 Casey Martin 5 6 0 2 Michael Thomas 4 33 0 17 Jay ShawnWashington 2 50 1 31 Ricky Parks 2 32 0 18 Ito Smith 2 11 0 6 Daythan Davis 1 18 0 18 Justice Hayes 1 17 0 17 Jaylen Richard 1 4 0 4 Curtis Mikell 1 1 0 1 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Tyler Sarrazin 3 1335 45.0 48 1 0 Matthew Moseley 2 73 36.5 39 2 0 Team 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Stephen Brauchle 3 3 37 made 31, 27, 27 Sept. 5, 2015 M.M. Roberts Stadium Hattiesburg, Miss. 36,641 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Michael Thomas 0 0 0 2 39 20 0 0 0 Ito Smith 0 0 0 1 37 37 0 0 0 Curtis Mikell 0 0 0 4 90 27 0 0 0 MSU Pulls Away From Southern Miss, 34-16 Dak Prescott threw for two touchdowns, rushed for another and accounted for 309 yards of total offense as Mississippi State pulled away from a muchimproved Southern Miss squad, 34-16, in the first meeting between the two teams in Hattiesburg since 1989. Brandon Holloway got the scoring going for the Bulldogs, answering a USM field goal with a 100-yard kickoff return for a touchdown with 5:26 remaining in the first quarter. Trailing 10-7 midway through the second quarter, Prescott found true freshman Justin Johnson for a 5-yard TD strike. The Bulldogs held USM short of the goal line on four straight plays from inside the 3-yard line to take a 14-10 lead into the half. Prescott culminated a nine-play, 95-yard drive escaping and finding Gus Walley for a 4-yard touchdown pass with 12:15 to go in the third quarter. The big play of the drive was Prescott s 49-yard scamper down the sideline to set up the score. Westin Graves booted the first made field goals of his career to tack on the lead and Prescott closed the scoring with a 7-yard TD run with 5:55 remaining. Prescott finished with 72 yards on the ground and 237 yards through the air. Richie Brown was MSU s leading tackler with 11 and one interception. A.J. Jefferson notched seven tackles, including two sacks. Jefferson provided the crucial fourth down stop that prevented the Golden Eagles from scoring before the first half. Will Redmond added an interception. Mississippi State 7 7 13 7-34 Southern Miss 10 0 3 3-16 1st 05:39 USM Stephen Brauchle 31 yd FG 05:26 MSU Brandon Holloway 100 yd kickoff return (Graves kick) 02:20 USM Jay Shawn Washington 19 yd pass from Nick Mullens (Brauchle kick) 2nd 10:57 MSU Justin Johnson 5 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 3rd 12:15 MSU Gus Walley 4 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 10:36 MSU Westin Graves 38 yd FG 08:37 USM Stephen Brauchle 27 yd FG 04:02 MSU Westin Graves 37 yd FG 4th 13:01 USM Stephen Brauchle 27 yd FG 05:55 MSU Dak Prescott 7 yd run (Graves kick) Team Stats MSU USM FIRST DOWNS 19 20 Rushing 8 4 Passing 9 15 Penalty 2 1 NET YARDS RUSHING 205 102 Rushing Attempts 28 36 Average Per Rush 7.3 2.8 NET YARDS PASSING 237 311 Completions-Attempts-Int 22-38-0 30-44-2 Average Per Attempt 6.2 7.1 Average Per Completion 10.8 10.4 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 442 413 Total offense plays 66 80 Average Gain Per Play 6.7 5.2 Penalties: Number-Yards 6-60 7-59 PUNTS-YARDS 4-168 6-208 KICKOFFS-YARDS 7-430 3-153 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 2-6-0 0-0-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 3-91-1 7-166-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 2-27-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 22:15 37:45 Third-Down Conversions 8 of 14 4 of 17 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 2 of 4 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 4-5 4-5 Sacks By: Number-Yards 3-26 1-5 PAT Kicks 4-4 1-1

GAME 2 #14/15 LSU 21 #25 MSU 19 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Brandon Holloway 5 37 0 37 0 11 7.4 Ashton Shumpert 10 30 0 30 0 6 3.0 Aeris Williams 1 0 5-5 0 0-5.0 Dak Prescott 10 9 28-19 1 3-1.9 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 34 52 0 335 1 33 3 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 9 66 0 17 De Runnya Wilson 8 86 1 20 Gus Walley 7 67 0 18 Fred Brown 3 53 0 33 Ashton Shumpert 3 37 0 17 Brandon Holloway 2 13 0 10 Justin Johnson 1 9 0 9 Dontavian Lee 1 4 0 4 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Devon Bell 4 169 42.2 54 1 1 Logan Cooke 4 128 32.0 36 1 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 2 2 43 made 43, 24 Devon Bell 1 0 - missed 52 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 2 47 26 0 0 0 LSU RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Leonard Fournette 28 163 4 159 3 26 5.7 Brandon Harris 5 53 5 48 0 18 9.6 Darrel Williams 12 50 5 45 0 12 3.8 Travin Dural 2 17 3 14 0 17 7.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Brandon Harris 9 14 0 71 1 23 1 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Travin Dural 4 15 0 9 Malachi Dupre 2 22 0 20 Colin Jeter 1 23 0 23 John Diarse 1 9 0 9 DeSean Smith 1 2 0 2 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Jamie Keehn 9 351 39.0 58 5 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS none Sept. 12, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 62,531 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Tre Davious White 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lamar Louis 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Donte Jackson 0 0 0 2 39 21 0 0 0 Darrel Williams 0 0 0 1 8 8 0 0 0 MSU Rally Comes Up Short Against LSU, 21-19 No. 25 MSU nearly overcame a 21-6 deficit in the fourth quarter, but No. 14 LSU escaped with a 21-19 win in the Southeastern Conference opener in Davis Wade Stadium. Dak Prescott was a career-best 34-of-52 for 335 yards and one touchdown, including a 5-yard TD pass to De Runnya Wilson with 4:00 to play that pulled the Bulldogs within two. The 34 completions set an MSU team and individual single-game record, breaking Prescott s old mark of 33 set in the 2014 Orange Bowl. MSU came up short on the two-point conversion attempt when Prescott and Ashton Shumpert weren t able to connect in the corner. Prescott was a perfect 6-of-6 on the 82-yard drive. The Bulldogs retained possession with 1:32 left in the game. Prescott again marched MSU down the field from its own 11-yard line. However, Devon Bell s 52-yard field goal sailed wide right as time expired. The Tigers held the Bulldogs to only 43 rushing yards. MSU trailed 14-3 at the half at the hands of LSU s Leonard Fournette who finished with 159 yards rushing and three touchdowns. For the second straight game, Richie Brown was the Bulldogs leading tackler with 11, including 1.5 for loss and one sack. A.J. Jefferson collected two tackles for loss, while Kendrick Market had nine tackles. Scoring LSU 14 0 7 0-21 Mississippi State 0 3 3 13-19 1st 04:37 LSU Leonard Fournette 1 yd run (Domingue kick) 01:58 LSU Leonard Fournette 26 yd run (Domingue kick) 2nd 00:44 MSU Westin Graves 43 yd field goal 3rd 10:04 MSU Westin Graves 24 yd field goal 06:48 LSU Leonard Fournette 18 yd run (Domingue kick) 4th 14:45 MSU Dak Prescott 1 yd run (Graves kick) 04:00 MSU De Runnya Wilson 5 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Prescott pass failed) Team Stats LSU MSU FIRST DOWNS 16 27 Rushing 11 5 Passing 3 19 Penalty 2 3 NET YARDS RUSHING 266 43 Rushing Attempts 47 26 Average Per Rush 5.7 1.7 NET YARDS PASSING 71 335 Completions-Attempts-Int 9-14-0 34-52-0 Average Per Attempt 5.1 6.2 Average Per Completion 7.9 9.9 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 337 378 Total offense plays 61 80 Average Gain Per Play 5.5 4.7 Fumbles: Number-Lost 0-0 0-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 9-95 5-45 PUNTS-YARDS 9-351 8-297 KICKOFFS-YARDS 4-257 5-263 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-2-0 1-21-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 4-49-0 2-47-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 33:12 26:48 Third-Down Conversions 4 of 13 3 of 15 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 1 of 1 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-2 3-3 Sacks By: Number-Yards 3-28 1-5 PAT Kicks 3-3 1-1 Field Goals 0-0 2-3 Points off turnovers 0 0

GAME 3 Northwestern State 13 MSU 62 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dontavian Lee 5 57 0 57 0 24 11.4 Ashton Shumpert 9 55 0 55 1 17 6.1 Dak Prescott 6 59 5 54 0 42 9.0 Aeris Williams 7 37 1 36 1 17 5.1 Nick Fitzgerald 5 28 0 28 2 12 5.6 Malik Dear 1 19 0 19 0 19 19.0 Gabe Myles 2 15 0 15 1 9 7.5 Elijah Staley 1 7 0 7 0 7 7.0 Brandon Holloway 1 4 0 4 0 4 4.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 10 11 0 227 2 49 1 Nick Fitzgerald 4 4 0 90 1 49 0 Elijah Staley 2 3 0 55 1 37 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Donald Gray 4 140 1 49 Malik Dear 3 46 0 19 Gabe Myles 2 58 1 49 Fred Brown 1 48 0 48 Joe Morrow 1 37 1 37 De Runnya Wilson 1 17 0 17 Fred Ross 1 12 0 12 Darrion Hutcherson 1 7 0 7 Brandon Holloway 1 6 1 6 Ashton Shumpert 1 1 0 1 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cook 1 44 44.0 44 1 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS none Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 3 33 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gabe Myles 0 0 0 1 38 38 0 0 0 Darrion Hutcherson 0 0 0 1 12 12 0 0 0 Northwestern State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. De Mard Llorens 10 47 0 47 1 12 4.7 Chris Jones 8 47 4 43 0 16 5.4 J.D. Almond 4 23 3 20 0 19 5.0 Nigel Dora 2 20 0 20 0 11 10.0 Matthew Flores 7 16 4 12 0 8 1.7 Daniel Taylor 10 29 17 12 0 12 1.2 Daniel Hazelwood 1 7 0 7 0 7 7.0 Cody Jones 1 2 0 2 0 2 2.0 Stephen Rivers 2 7 11-4 0 7-2.0 Tuff McClain 1 0 5-5 0 0-5.0 Joel Blumenthal 4 4 12-8 0 2-2.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Stephen Rivers 4 8 0 46 0 18 1 Joel Blumenthal 3 5 0 37 0 16 2 J.D. Almond 2 3 0 28 0 24 1 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Ed Eagan 3 27 0 11 Shakeir Ryan 2 40 0 24 Daniel Taylor 2 19 0 15 Zach White 1 18 0 18 Tuff McClain 1 7 0 7 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Andy Wickman 7 309 44.1 51 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Chris Moore 2 2 52 made 52, 26 Sept. 19, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 61,574 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Wilbur Myers 0 0 0 1 4 4 0 0 0 Ed Eagan 0 0 0 2 48 28 0 0 0 MSU Blows Out Northwestern State, 62-13 Mississippi State set a school single-game record with 647 yards of total offense as the Bulldogs blew out Northwestern State of the FCS Soutland Conference, 62-13. The Bulldogs scored on their first three possessions and led 20-0 after the first quarter. Dak Prescott completed his first nine passes of the game and found Gabe Myles for a 49-yard touchdown pass for the first score. Myles added his second score of the contest on a 6-yard rush with 8:39 left in the second quarter. MSU amassed 364 yards of offense in the first half. Backup quarterbacks Nick Fitzgerald and Elijah Staley saw the first significant action of their careers in the second half. Donald Gray hauled in four passes for 140 yards, including a brilliant over-the-shoulder 45-yard catch in the second quarter that gave Prescott the MSU career passing yards record. Fitzgerald tallied his first career TD pass on a 49-yard strike to Gray in the fourth quarter. Staley s second career pass was a 37-yard TD to Joe Morrow down the far sideline. The Bulldogs held the Demons to 1-of-13 on third down. Kivon Coman led all MSU tacklers with seven, while Taveze Calhoun registered a career-best two tackles for loss. Gerri Green added six tackles and 1.5 tackles for loss. The two teams were meeting for the first time since 1946. Scoring Northwestern State 0 6 7 0-13 Mississippi State 20 14 14 14-62 1st 13:21 MSU Gabe Myles 49 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Cooke pass failed) 03:42 MSU Ashton Shumpert 17 yd run (Graves kick) 00:07 MSU Aeris Williams 1 yd run (Graves kick) 2nd 10:09 NSU Chris Moore 52 yd FG 08:39 MSU Gabe Myles 6 yd run (Graves kick) 02:27 NSU Chris Moore 26 yd FG 00:56 MSU Brandon Holloway 6 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 3rd 06:59 NSU De Mard Llorens 10 yd run (Moore kick) 04:02 MSU Nick Fitzgerald 4 yd run (Graves kick) 00:26 MSU Joe Morrow 37 yd pass from Elijah Staley (Graves kick) 4th 12:12 MSU Donald Gray 49 yd pass from Nick Fitzgerald (Bell kick) 01:48 MSU Nick Fitzgerald 3 yd run (Bell kick) Team Stats NSU MSU FIRST DOWNS 17 26 Rushing 11 15 Passing 6 11 Penalty 0 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 146 275 Rushing Attempts 50 37 Average Per Rush 2.9 7.4 NET YARDS PASSING 111 372 Completions-Attempts-Int 9-16-0 16-18-0 Average Per Attempt 6.9 20.7 Average Per Completion 12.3 23.2 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 257 647 Total offense plays 66 55 Average Gain Per Play 3.9 11.8 Fumbles: Number-Lost 0-0 2-2 Penalties: Number-Yards 1-11 2-20 PUNTS-YARDS 7-309 1-44 KICKOFFS-YARDS 4-210 10-638 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 0-0-0 3-33-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 3-52-0 2-50-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 39:01 20:59 Third-Down Conversions 1 of 13 3 of 5 Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 3 1 of 1 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-3 6-6 Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-5 4-26 PAT Kicks 1-1 8-8 Field Goals 2-2 0-0 Points off turnovers 3 0

GAME 4 MSU 17 #25 Auburn 9 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Brandon Holloway 5 42 0 42 0 14 8.4 Dak Prescott 6 14 0 14 0 8 2.3 Ashton Shumpert 5 11 6 5 0 4 1.0 Gabe Myles 2 2 1 1 0 2 0.5 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 29 41 0 270 2 32 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 7 66 0 19 De Runnya Wilson 5 43 1 17 Gus Walley 5 22 0 9 Fred Brown 4 58 0 21 Malik Dear 3 21 0 9 Gabe Myles 2 37 1 32 Ashton Shumpert 2 23 0 18 Brandon Holloway 1 0 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 5 209 41.8 54 3 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 1 1 44 made 44 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Will Redmond 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 19 Auburn RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Peyton Barber 27 137 0 137 0 18 5.1 Sean White 11 66 37 29 0 21 2.6 Kerryon Johnson 5 28 0 28 0 11 5.6 Roc Thomas 3 21 3 18 0 12 6.0 Stanton Truitt 2 10 5 5 0 10 2.5 Marcus Davis 1 0 8-8 0 0-8.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Sean White 20 28 1 188 0 22 4 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long D haquille Williams 4 49 0 19 Kerryon Johnson 3 32 0 18 Melvin Ray 3 24 0 11 Roc Thomas 3 12 0 13 Peyton Barber 2 19 0 18 Ricardo Louis 2 14 0 8 Marcus Davis 1 22 0 22 Chandler Cox 1 10 0 10 Jason Smith 1 6 0 6 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Kevin Phillips 5 207 41.4 49 1 0 Sept. 26, 2015 Jordan-Hare Stadium Auburn, Ala. 87,451 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Daniel Carlson 4 3 51 missed 26; made 30, 25, 51 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Marcus Davis 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Johnathan Ford 0 0 0 2 46 24 0 0 0 Prescott, Red Zone D Stifle No. 25 Auburn, 17-9 Dak Prescott threw two touchdown passes and Mississippi State s defense made four stops in the red zone to help the Bulldogs beat No. 25 Auburn 17-9 on Saturday night in Jordan-Hare Stadium. MSU recorded back-to-back wins over Auburn for the first time since 1999-2000. Auburn missed on four possessions inside the 10 with new starting quarterback Sean White. On the game s first possession, White completed his first four passes before throwing the ball straight into the hands of cornerback Will Redmond near the goal line. Near the end of the second quarter, the Tigers drove to the 2, but failed on two runs. Prescott was able to set his feet on nearly every throw, connecting with Gabe Myles for a 32- yard touchdown pass over the middle for a 7-0 lead in the first and hitting Wilson down the right sideline for a 14-0 lead in the second. Prescott managed the clock efficiently in the second half, helping the Bulldogs take a 17-6 lead late in the third on Westin Graves 44-yard field goal. Auburn outgained MSU 389-326, including 201-56 on the ground. Richie Brown led all tacklers with a career-best 13, including 12 solo stops, three for loss and two sacks. A.J. Jefferson notched a forced fumble, two tackles for loss and one sack, continuing his streak of five straight games with a tackle for loss. For the first time in the Gus Malzahn era (since 2013), the Tigers failed to score a touchdown. Scoring Mississippi State 7 7 3 0-17 Auburn 0 0 6 3-9 1st 05:18 MSU Gabe Myles 32 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 2nd 08:02 MSU De Runnya Wilson 17 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 3rd 09:41 AU Daniel Carlson 30 yd field goal 03:06 AU Daniel Carlson 25 yd field goal 01:11 MSU Westin Graves 44 yd field goal 4th 01:07 AU Daniel Carlson 51 yd field goal Team Stats MSU AU FIRST DOWNS 18 25 Rushing 4 16 Passing 14 9 Penalty 0 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 56 201 Rushing Attempts 21 50 Average Per Rush 2.7 4.0 NET YARDS PASSING 270 188 Completions-Attempts-Int 29-41-0 20-28-1 Average Per Attempt 6.6 6.7 Average Per Completion 9.3 9.4 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 326 389 Total offense plays 62 78 Average Gain Per Play 5.3 5.0 Fumbles: Number-Lost 1-1 3-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 4-30 6-40 PUNTS-YARDS 5-209 5-207 KICKOFFS-YARDS 4-260 3-192 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-4-0 1-4-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 2-46-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-19-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 23:50 36:10 Third-Down Conversions 4 of 12 4 of 14 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 1 0 of 0 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-1 2-4 Sacks By: Number-Yards 4-37 0-0 PAT Kicks 2-2 0-0 Field Goals 1-1 3-4 Points off turnovers 7 3

GAME 5 #21/22 MSU 17 #14/15 Texas A&M 30 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 18 110 14 96 1 26 5.3 Malik Dear 1 52 0 52 1 52 52.0 Aeris Williams 3 23 0 23 0 10 7.7 Ashton Shumpert 4 17 0 17 0 7 4.2 Brandon Holloway 5 6 1 5 0 3 1.0 Gabe Myles 1 3 0 3 0 3 3.0 Dontavian Lee 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 20 34 0 210 0 21 2 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 11 103 0 21 De Runnya Wilson 3 65 0 19 Malik Dear 2 23 0 16 Fred Brown 2 9 0 7 Donald Gray 1 6 0 6 Brandon Holloway 1 4 0 4 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Devon Bell 3 126 42.0 49 0 0 Logan Cooke 2 71 35.5 39 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Evan Sobiesk 1 1 38 made 38 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fred Brown 0 0 0 1 18 18 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 2 21 17 0 0 0 Texas A&M RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Tra Carson 26 113 3 110 1 21 4.2 Kyle Allen 12 67 2 65 0 12 5.4 Christian Kirk 4 17 0 17 0 9 4.2 James White 3 2 0 2 0 1 0.7 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Kyle Allen 25 41 0 322 2 49 1 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Christian Kirk 8 77 0 32 Josh Reynolds 7 141 0 49 Ricky Seals-Jones 5 34 1 25 Damion Ratley 2 45 1 29 Tra Carson 1 13 0 13 James White 1 9 0 9 Caden Smith 1 3 0 3 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Drew Kaser 4 196 49.0 57 1 2 Oct. 3, 2015 Kyle Field College Station, Texas 104,445 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Taylor Bertolet 4 3 55 made 55; missed 49; made 24, 30 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Christian Kirk 3 41 26 1 18 18 0 0 0 No. 14 Texas A&M Hot Start Too Much for No. 21 MSU, 30-17 Dak Prescott accounted for 306 yards of total offense, but No. 14 Texas A&M s 24-10 start proved to be too much to overcome for MSU in a 30-17 loss at Kyle Field. The Aggies started the game with a 12-play, 91-yard drive that was culminated on a fourth down conversion at the 1-yard line with Kyle Allen finding Ricky Seal-Jones. MSU responded with a field goal on its first possesion, but A&M answered with a 73-yard drive in 2:06 to make the deficit double-digits. The critical point came late in the second quarter. After true freshman Malik Dear scampered 52 yards for a touchdown, MSU had the momentum and the football again with 1:58 to play. The Aggies forced a three-and-out and Allen marched them down the field for another score. A&M tallied 330 yards of total offense in the first half but was limited to only two field goals in the final two quarters. MSU had chances to cut into the lead but two costly turnovers on fumbles by De Runnya Wilson and Aeris Williams halted Bulldog drives. Fred Ross finished with a game-high 11 receptions and 103 yards receiving. Richie Brown and Beniquez Brown each finished with a game-high 11 tackles. The attendance of 104,445 was the largest crowd Mississippi State has ever played in front of. Scoring Mississippi State 3 7 0 7-17 Texas A&M 14 10 3 3-30 1st 09:59 TAM Ricky Seals-Jones 1 yd pass from Kyle Allen (Taylor Bertolet kick) 05:29 MSU Westin Graves 38 yd field goal 03:23 TAM Damion Ratley 29 yd pass from Kyle Allen (Taylor Bertolet kick) 2nd 13:11 MSU Taylor Bertolet 55 yd field goal 11:33 MSU Malik Dear 52 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 00:20 TAM Tra Carson 1 yd run (Taylor Bertolet kick) 3rd 10:34 TAM Taylor Bertolet 24 yd field goal 4th 12:24 MSU Dak Prescott 5 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 05:23 TAM Taylor Bertolet 30 yd field goal Team Stats MSU A&M FIRST DOWNS 20 23 Rushing 10 10 Passing 9 13 Penalty 1 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 196 194 Rushing Attempts 34 45 Average Per Rush 5.8 4.3 NET YARDS PASSING 210 322 Completions-Attempts-Int 20-34-0 25-41-0 Average Per Attempt 6.2 7.9 Average Per Completion 10.5 12.9 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 406 516 Total offense plays 68 86 Average Gain Per Play 6.0 6.0 Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-2 1-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 3-30 5-53 PUNTS-YARDS 5-197 4-169 KICKOFFS-YARDS 4-235 7-431 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-7-0 3-41-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 3-39-0 1-18-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 26:12 33:48 Third-Down Conversions 5 of 14 10 of 20 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 2 1 of 2 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-3 4-5 Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-2 2-12 PAT Kicks 2-2 3-3 Field Goals 1-1 3-4 Points off turnovers 0 13

GAME 6 Troy 17 MSU 45 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dontavian Lee 5 44 0 44 0 23 8.8 Nick Fitzgerald 8 38 9 29 1 13 3.6 Ashton Shumpert 6 14 0 14 0 6 2.3 Logan Cooke 1 11 0 11 0 11 11.0 Elijah Staley 2 11 0 11 0 11 5.5 Aeris Williams 3 9 0 9 0 5 3.0 Brandon Holloway 5 10 3 7 0 9 1.4 Dak Prescott 1 3 0 3 0 3 3.0 Malik Dear 2 0 3-3 0 0-1.5 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Nick Fitzgerald 6 7 0 141 2 49 0 Dak Prescott 3 6 0 74 1 59 0 Elijah Staley 1 2 0-4 0 0 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long De Runnya Wilson 3 82 1 48 Fred Ross 2 64 1 59 Donald Gray 2 58 1 49 Justin Johnson 1 6 0 6 Fred Brown 1 5 0 5 Malik Dear 1-4 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 5 243 48.6 65 1 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 1 1 42 made 42 Oct. 10, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 60,866 Dominant First Half Lifts MSU Over Troy, 45-17 Nick Fitzgerald, who stepped in for an ill Dak Prescott, accounted for 170 yards of total offense and three touchdowns as MSU used a dominant first half to roll past Troy, 45-17, in Starkville. The Bulldogs led 38-0 at the break. Prescott played only the first three series of the game. He woke up on gameday with a stomach virus and was ill most of the day. Troy dominated the time of possession (40:25) in the game, but managed only two trips to the red zone against State s physical, bend-but-don t-break defensive scheme. The tempo for the game was set early. On the second play from scrimmage, Prescott found Fred Ross for a 65-yard touchdown catch. On the ensuing Troy possession, quarterback Brandon Silvers fumbled into the end zone and Nelson Adams recovered it for a touchdown. Ross then scored on a 77-yard punt return at the 3:04 mark. It was the first punt return for a TD by MSU since 2011. After Troy botched a 51-yard field goal attempt early in the fourth quarter, Fitzgerald connected with Donald Gray for a 49-yard touchdown to re-extend the MSU lead. Gerri Green led the Bulldogs with a career-best 11 tackles, while Ryan Brown collected a career-high 3.5 tackles for loss. Scoring Troy 0 0 14 3-17 Mississippi State 21 17 0 7-45 1st 14:24 MSU Fred Ross 59 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 13:16 MSU Nelson Adams 0 yd fumble recovery (Westin Graves kick) 03:04 MSU Fred Ross 77 yd punt return (Westin Graves kick) 2nd 11:39 MSU Westin Graves 42 yd field goal 08:43 MSU De Runnya Wilson 28 yd pass from Nick Fitzgerald (Graves kick) 00:47 MSU Nick Fitzgerald 1 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 3rd 03:46 TROY Dontreal Pruitt 5 yd run (Jed Solomon kick) 00:49 TROY Brandon Burks 74 yd run (Jed Solomon kick) 4th 11:33 MSU Donald Gray 49 yd pass from Nick Fitzgerald (Graves kick) 00:27 TROY Jed Solomon 21 yd field goal Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 3 75 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beniquez Brown 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 Kelan Chairs 0 0 0 1 15 15 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 2 38 21 0 0 0 Troy RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Brandon Burks 15 98 12 86 1 74 5.7 Dontreal Pruitt 18 82 26 56 1 11 3.1 Andre Flakes 9 21 12 9 0 9 1.0 John Johnson 1 0 17-17 0 0-17.0 Brandon Silvers 3 0 22-22 0 0-7.3 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Dontreal Pruitt 12 17 0 90 0 22 2 Dallas Tidwell 3 12 1 12 0 8 0 Brandon SIlvers 5 7 0 40 0 16 2 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Deondre Douglas 6 35 0 14 Teddy Ruben 5 53 0 16 Bryan Holmes 5 34 0 22 Brandon Burks 1 8 0 8 Clark Quisenberry 1 6 0 6 Emanuel Thompson 1 4 0 4 Andre Flakes 1 2 0 2 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Kay Ryan 8 326 40.8 53 0 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Jed Solomon 1 1 21 made 21 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Teddy Ruben 0 0 0 1 18 18 0 0 0 Deondre Douglas 0 0 0 2 44 44 0 0 0 Team Stats TROY MSU FIRST DOWNS 19 12 Rushing 9 8 Passing 8 4 Penalty 2 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 112 125 Rushing Attempts 46 33 Average Per Rush 2.4 3.8 NET YARDS PASSING 142 211 Completions-Attempts-Int 20-36-1 10-15-0 Average Per Attempt 3.9 14.1 Average Per Completion 7.1 21.1 Passing Touchdowns 0 3 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 254 336 Total offense plays 82 48 Average Gain Per Play 3.1 7.0 Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-1 1-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 3-20 3-28 PUNTS-YARDS 8-326 5-243 KICKOFFS-YARDS 3-159 8-504 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 0-0-0 3-75-1 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 3-62-0 3-53-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 1-2-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-1 Possession Time 40:25 19:35 Third-Down Conversions 6 of 19 2 of 10 Fourth-Down Conversions 2 of 3 1 of 2 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-2 1-1 Sacks By: Number-Yards 0-0 4-36 PAT Kicks 2-2 6-6 Field Goals 1-1 1-1 Points off turnovers 0 7

GAME 7 Louisiana Tech 20 MSU 45 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 10 51 17 34 1 15 3.4 Aeris Williams 6 26 0 26 1 7 4.3 Dontavian Lee 3 21 0 21 0 10 7.0 Brandon Holloway 8 24 10 14 0 12 1.8 Nick Fitzgerald 2 5 0 5 0 3 2.5 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 30 43 0 347 3 45 2 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long De Runnya Wilson 7 85 2 20 Malik Dear 6 70 0 27 Brandon Holloway 4 32 0 19 Fred Brown 3 63 1 45 Darrion Hutcherson 3 41 0 19 Fred Ross 3 36 0 17 Aeris Williams 2 5 0 5 Dontavian Lee 1 11 0 11 Donald Gray 1 4 0 4 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 4 186 46.5 55 2 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 1 1 26 made 26 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Malik Dear 1 7 7 3 56 34 0 0 0 Donald Gray 1 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Bryant 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 73 73 Louisiana Tech RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Boston Scott 10 55 0 55 0 11 5.5 Jarred Craft 14 40 0 40 0 9 2.9 Jeff Driskel 6 20 10 10 0 9 1.7 Ryan Higgins 1 7 0 7 0 7 7.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Jeff Driskel 25 41 1 303 2 31 2 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Trent Taylor 10 130 1 31 Jarred Craft 5 56 0 19 Paul Turner 4 41 1 21 Ricky Jones 2 25 0 25 Marlon Watts 2 24 0 15 Kameron McKnight 1 16 0 16 Marlon Seets 1 11 0 11 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan McPherson 1 24 24.0 24 0 0 Gerald Shouse 3 143 47.7 55 1 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Jonathan Barnes 2 2 33 made 33, 27 Oct. 17, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 61,651 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Trent Taylor 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jaqwis Dancy 0 0 0 5 58 21 0 0 0 After Slow Start, MSU Rolls Over Louisiana Tech, 45-20 After trailing 14-0 10 minutes into the first quarter, MSU responded outscoring Louisiana Tech 45-6 the rest of the way to go undefeated in non-conference regular season play with a 45-31 victory in Starkville. Dak Prescott accounted for four touchdowns and was an efficient 30-of-43 for a season-best 347 yards and three touchdowns with no interceptions. Aeris Williams put the Bulldogs on the scoreboard with a 2-yard touchdown run with 2:30 left in the first quarter. Trailing 17-10, Prescott marched MSU down the field on a 12-play, 85-yard drive culminating with a 5-yard TD pass to De Runnya Wilson to tie the game at 17 all. The biggest play of the day came right before the half when Donald Gray broke through and blocked a punt that was recovered by Brandon Bryant at the 2-yard line. On the ensuing play, Prescott gave MSU the lead for good on a 2-yard keeper. The Bulldogs led 24-17 on the break. MSU picked up where it left off on the first series of the second half, going on a season-long 11-play, 98-yard drive. Prescott found Wilson for the second time for a 20-yard pass to cap the drive. Bryant showed his playmaking ability again in the fourth quarter, intercepting Jeff Driskel and returning it 73 yards for a touchdown to put MSU up 45-20 with 7:10 to go. J.T. Gray led all tacklers with a career-high 10. Scoring Louisiana Tech 14 3 3 0-20 Mississippi State 7 17 14 7-45 1st 10:52 LT Paul Turner 21 yd pass from Jeff Driskel (Jonathan Barnes kick) 04:27 LT Trent Taylor 16 yd pass from Jeff Driskel (Jonathan Barnes kick) 02:30 MSU Aeris Williams 2 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 2nd 11:33 MSU Westin Graves 26 yd field goal 07:23 LT Jonathan Barnes 33 yd field goal 02:53 MSU De Runnya Wilson 5 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 00:57 MSU Dak Prescott 2 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 3rd 08:55 MSU De Runnya Wilson 20 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 04:44 LT Jonathan Barnes 27 yd field goal 01:30 MSU Fred Brown 12 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 4th 07:10 MSU Brandon Bryant 73 yd interception return (Westin Graves kick) Team Stats LA Tech MSU FIRST DOWNS 24 28 Rushing 8 10 Passing 14 16 Penalty 2 2 NET YARDS RUSHING 110 93 Rushing Attempts 32 30 Average Per Rush 3.4 3.1 Rushing Touchdowns 0 2 Yards Gained Rushing 122 127 Yards Lost Rushing 12 34 NET YARDS PASSING 303 347 Completions-Attempts-Int 24-41-1 30-43-0 Average Per Attempt 7.4 8.1 Average Per Completion 12.1 11.6 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 413 440 Total offense plays 73 73 Average Gain Per Play 5.7 6.0 Fumbles: Number-Lost 0-0 2-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 7-60 4-38 PUNTS-YARDS 5-161 4-186 KICKOFFS-YARDS 5-313 8-488 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-1-0 2-28-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 5-58-0 3-56-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 1-73-1 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 33:36 26:24 Third-Down Conversions 4 of 15 6 of 13 Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 1 1 of 1 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-3 6-6 Sacks By: Number-Yards 2-16 2-9 PAT Kicks 2-2 6-6 Field Goals 2-2 1-1

GAME 8 Kentucky 16 MSU 42 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 13 120 3 117 3 21 9.0 Brandon Holloway 6 36 0 36 0 18 6.0 Aeris Williams 8 27 0 27 0 6 3.4 Malik Dear 3 12 0 12 0 9 4.0 Dontavian Lee 5 8 1 7 0 3 1.4 Nick Fitzgerald 1 5 0 5 0 5 5.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 25 35 1 348 3 63 1 Fred Ross 1 1 0 34 0 34 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Brandon Holloway 5 98 1 63 Donald Gray 5 56 0 14 De Runnya Wilson 4 91 1 34 Darrion Hutcherson 3 40 1 14 Fred Brown 2 35 0 24 Joe Morrow 2 24 0 15 Fred Ross 2 11 0 12 Malik Dear 1 9 0 9 Aeris Williams 1 9 0 9 Justin Johnson 1 9 0 9 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 3 112 37.3 50 2 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 1 0 - missed 26 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taveze Calhoun 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 0 Cory Thomas 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 12 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 2 38 22 0 0 0 Kentucky RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Stanley Williams 18 114 19 95 0 25 5.3 Sihiem King 3 31 0 31 0 16 10.3 Drew Barker 3 20 0 20 0 10 6.7 Patrick Towles 6 20 7 13 1 9 2.2 Jojo Kemp 2 3 1 2 0 3 1.0 Mikel Horton 1 2 0 2 0 2 2.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Patrick Towles 23 42 2 218 0 22 1 Drew Barker 7 9 1 42 0 11 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Dorian Baker 7 56 0 14 C.J. Conrad 6 56 0 22 Garrett Johnson 5 74 0 19 Jeff Badet 3 19 0 11 Alexander Montgomery 2 16 0 10 Stanley Williams 2 16 0 14 Blake Bone 1 8 0 8 Charles Walker 1 8 0 8 Ryan Timmons 1 8 0 8 Sihiem King 1 4 0 4 T.V. Williams 1-5 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Landon Foster 4 153 38.2 47 2 0 Oct. 24, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 61,168 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Autin MacGinnis 4 3 48 made 44; missed 48; made 48, 32 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Alexander Montgomery 0 0 0 1 16 16 0 0 0 Sihiem King 0 0 0 2 31 20 0 0 0 Chris Westry 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 J.D. Harmon 0 0 0 1 23 23 0 0 0 Prescott s 6 TDs Too Much For Kentucky, 42-16 Dak Prescott tied a school record with six touchdowns responsible, running for three and throwing for three, as MSU played its most complete game of the season in a 42-16 win over Kentucky under the lights in Davis Wade Stadium. Prescott became the first player in school history to throw for 300 yards and rush for 100 yards in the same game. UK held a 10-7 lead after the first quarter, but the Bulldogs outscored the Wildcats 35-6 the rest of the way. Prescott hit De Runnya Wilson for a 13-yard touchdown early in the second. The senior then engineered a 5-play, 69-yard drive in 1:27 and hit Brandon Holloway for an 8-yard touchdown. The score was setup by a 63-yard reception down the sideline by Holloway. Four plays later, Taveze Calhoun recorded the first of his two interceptions on the night of Patrick Towles and, after a short drive, Prescott ran 20 yards for another touchdown. In the second half, Kentucky squandered a first-and-goal with a series of penalties and had to settle for 32-yard field goal. The Bulldog offense responded immediately, as Prescott hit Darrion Hutcherson for a 13- yard touchdown. Prescott rushed for another touchdown in the fourth quarter. He finished with 465 yards of total offense, which was third in school annals. He was named National Offensive Player of the Week for his efforts. Calhoun added another acrobatic interception in the second half. Kivon Coman finished with a game-high nine tackles, while Beniquez Brown had seven tackles, including 1.5 tackles for loss. MSU rushed for a season-best 204 yards. Scoring Kentucky 10 3 3 0-16 Mississippi State 7 21 7 7-42 1st 08:19 UK Patrick Towles 2 yd run (Austin MacGinnis kick) 02:49 MSU Dak Prescott 1 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 00:56 UK Austin MacGinnis kick 44 yd field goal 2nd 13:38 MSU De Runnya Wilson 13 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 01:34 MSU Brandon Holloway 8 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 00:34 MSU Dak Prescott 20 yd run (Graves kick) 00:03 UK Austin MacGinnis kick 48 yd field goal 3rd 02:55 UK Austin MacGinnis kick 32 yd field goal 00:59 MSU Darrion Hutcherson 13 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 4th 09:14 MSU Dak Prescott 18 yd run (Graves kick) Team Stats UK MSU FIRST DOWNS 30 30 Rushing 12 11 Passing 14 19 Penalty 4 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 163 204 Rushing Attempts 33 36 Average Per Rush 4.9 5.7 NET YARDS PASSING 260 382 Completions-Attempts-Int 30-52-3 26-36-1 Average Per Attempt 5.0 10.6 Average Per Completion 8.7 14.7 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 423 586 Total offense plays 85 72 Average Gain Per Play 5.0 8.1 Fumbles: Number-Lost 0-0 0-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 3-30 6-62 PUNTS-YARDS 4-153 3-112 KICKOFFS-YARDS 5-301 7-427 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 0-0-0 1-0-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 4-70-0 2-38-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-0-0 3-9-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 32:51 27:09 Third-Down Conversions 8 of 16 5 of 11 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 1 of 2 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 2-3 6-8 Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-3 1-6 PAT Kicks 1-1 6-6 Field Goals 3-4 0-1 Points off turnovers 0 7

GAME 9 #25/24/20 MSU 31 Missouri 13 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 14 68 21 47 0 17 3.4 Aeris Williams 6 49 3 46 0 15 7.7 Brandon Holloway 6 24 0 24 0 9 4.0 Ashton Shumpert 8 19 4 15 0 7 1.9 Gabe Myles 2 0 8-8 0 0-4.0 Justin Malone 0 3 0 3 0 0 0.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 27 40 0 303 4 63 3 Nick Fitzgerald 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 11 115 1 36 De Runnya Wilson 4 102 2 63 Brandon Holloway 3 9 0 3 Fred Brown 2 28 1 20 Darrion Hutcherson 2 26 0 24 Ashton Shumpert 2 21 0 13 Donald Gray 1 5 0 5 Gabe Myles 1 0 0 0 Aeris Williams 1-3 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 4 167 41.8 49 2 1 Team 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 2 1 36 made 36; missed 49 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 3 104 69 0 0 0 Kivon Coman 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Gerri Green 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Missouri RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Tyler Hunt 6 87 2 85 0 72 14.2 Ish Witter 12 81 0 81 0 17 6.8 Russell Hansbrough 16 71 9 62 1 14 3.9 Ray Wingo 1 3 0 3 0 3 3.0 Drew Lock 10 20 36-16 0 16-1.6 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Drew Lock 11 26 2 107 0 35 5 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Emanuel Hall 3 34 0 14 J Mon Moore 3 17 0 12 Tyler Hunt 1 35 0 35 Jason Reese 1 9 0 9 Sean Culkin 1 6 0 6 Russell Hansbrough 1 5 0 5 Ray Wingo 1 1 0 1 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Corey Fatony 7 278 39.7 56 1 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Andrew Baggett 2 2 35 made 31, 35 Nov. 5, 2015 Faurot Field Columbia, Mo. 58,878 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Kentrell Brothers 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jason Reese 0 0 0 1 8 8 0 0 0 John Gibson 0 0 0 1 22 22 0 0 0 Finis Stribling 0 0 0 2 31 25 0 0 0 Prescott Paces No. 20 MSU in Rain-Soaked Win at Missouri, 31-13 Not even a heavy rain storm could stop Dak Prescott and No. 20 Mississippi State against the SEC s top scoring defense in a rare Thursday night game. Prescott accounted for 351 yards of total offense and threw four touchdowns as the Bulldogs won their fourth straight by a score of 31-13 at Missouri. It was the first meeting between the two teams since 1984. Prescott became the 10th player in SEC history with 10,000 yards of total offense after entering the game needing just 65, and he became the sixth player in history to account for 100 touchdowns. Fred Ross got the scoring started by catching a 36-yard Prescott strike in stride on the fourth play of the game. State led 14-13 at the half following a terrific 28- yard touchdown catch in the corner by De Runnya Wilson. That score was setup by a 69-yard kickoff return by Brandon Holloway. The Bulldogs then outscored the Tigers 17-0 in the second half. Wilson made his second touchdown grab and Fred Brown added one. Chris Jones, Beniquez Brown and Richie Brown registered two tackles for loss apiece. Beniquez Brown was MSU s leading tackler with eight. Kivon Coman and Gerri Green registered their first career interceptions. Scoring Mississippi State 7 7 17 0-31 Missouri 3 10 0 0-13 1st 13:03 MSU Fred Ross 36 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 02:00 MIZ Andrew Baggett 31 yd field goal 2nd 07:05 MIZ Andrew Baggett 35 yd field goal 06:03 MSU De Runnya Wilson 28 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 01:50 MIZ Russell Hansbrough 14 yd run (Andrew Baggett kick) 3rd 12:20 MSU De Runnya Wilson 5 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 10:01 MSU Westin Graves 36 yd field goal 03:26 MSU Fred Brown 8 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) Team Stats MSU MU FIRST DOWNS 23 16 Rushing 11 9 Passing 12 6 Penalty 0 1 NET YARDS RUSHING 127 215 Rushing Attempts 36 45 Average Per Rush 3.5 4.8 NET YARDS PASSING 303 107 Completions-Attempts-Int 27-41-0 11-26-2 Average Per Attempt 7.4 4.1 Average Per Completion 11.2 9.7 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 430 322 Total offense plays 77 71 Average Gain Per Play 5.6 4.5 Fumbles: Number-Lost 3-2 1-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 2-18 6-38 PUNTS-YARDS 5-167 7-278 KICKOFFS-YARDS 6-362 4-253 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-17-0 1-8-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 3-104-0 4-61-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 2-0-0 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Miscellaneous Yards 0 0 Possession Time 29:38 30:22 Third-Down Conversions 8 of 16 5 of 16 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 1 0 of 2 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 3-3 3-4 Sacks By: Number-Yards 5-35 3-22 PAT Kicks 4-4 1-1 Field Goals 1-2 2-2 Points off turnovers 3 3

GAME 10 #3/4/2 Alabama 31 #20/20/17 MSU 6 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Brandon Holloway 7 34 0 34 0 19 4.9 Nick Fitzgerald 5 25 1 24 0 13 4.8 Dak Prescott 26 72 58 14 0 17 0.5 Fred Ross 1 9 0 9 0 9 9.0 Ashton Shumpert 1 5 0 5 0 5 5.0 Aeris Williams 2 4 1 3 0 4 1.5 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 22 43 1 300 0 54 9 Nick Fitzgerald 1 2 0 4 0 4 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 8 114 0 41 De Runnya Wilson 3 38 0 23 Brandon Holloway 3 31 0 22 Donald Gray 2 59 0 54 Gus Walley 2 27 0 19 Gabe Myles 2 9 0 8 Aeris Williams 2 7 0 7 Fred Brown 1 19 0 19 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 6 266 44.3 59 2 1 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 3 2 39 missed 50; made 31, 39 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 4 57 16 0 0 0 Brandon Bryant 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Alabama RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Derrick Henry 22 208 4 204 2 74 9.3 Bo Scarbrough 3 13 0 13 0 8 4.3 ArDarius Stewart 1 8 0 8 0 8 8.0 Jake Coker 1 6 0 6 0 6 6.0 Damien Harris 3 4 0 4 0 2 1.3 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Jake Coker 15 25 1 144 1 60 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Calvin Ridley 5 76 1 60 ArDarius Stewart 4 32 0 19 Kenyan Drake 2 13 0 8 O.J. Howard 1 15 0 15 Damien Harris 1 5 0 5 Richard Mullaney 1 3 0 3 Derrick Henry 1 0 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB JK Scott 5 200 40.0 47 1 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Adam Griffith 2 1 42 made 42; missed 32 Nov. 14, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 62,435 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Cyrus Jones 1 69 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marlon Humphrey 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 29 29 No. 17 MSU Streak Snapped By No. 2 Alabama, 31-6 No. 17 Mississippi State saw its four-game winning streak come to an end as No. 2 Alabama jumped out to a 21-3 halftime lead and never looked back in Starkville. The Bulldogs, who entered the game with the SEC s best redzone offense, were unable to come away with touchdowns in three redzone opportunities, including two in the first half. The Tide punted on four of its first five possessions and Jake Coker was picked off by Brandon Bryant in the other possession. MSU was unable to take advantage. Alabama captured the momentum on Cyrus Jones 69- yard punt return touchdown with 10:44 left in the second quarter. The Bulldogs then went three-and-out, and Coker hit Calvin Ridley for a 60-yard score. MSU managed a field goal, but Derrick Henry broke loose for the Tide s third big play, accounting for a 74-yard run with 5:10 to go in the half. Dak Prescott was sacked nine times on the day, but he did manage to throw for 300 yards for the fourth straight game. Fred Ross was his leading target with his second straight 100- yard receiving game on eight catches. MSU outgained the Tide 393 to 379 but big plays proved to be the difference. Alabama controlled the time of possession and field position in the second half. Beniquez Brown was the Bulldogs leading tackler with a career-best 11 tackles. Kivon Coman added nine tackles. Scoring Alabama 0 21 3 7-31 Mississippi State 0 3 3 0-6 2nd 10:44 UA Cyrus Jones 69 yd punt return 08:36 UA Calvin Ridley 60 yd pass from Jake Coker (Adam Griffith kick) 06:10 MSU Westin Graves 31 yd field goal 05:10 UA Derrick Henry 74 yd run (Adam Griffith kick) 3rd 10:43 UA Adam Griffith 42 yd field goal 01:24 MSU Westin Graves 39 yd field goal 4th 07:53 UA Derrick Henry 65 yd run (Adam Griffith kick) Team Stats UA MSU FIRST DOWNS 13 20 Rushing 8 8 Passing 4 11 Penalty 1 1 NET YARDS RUSHING 235 89 Rushing Attempts 30 42 Average Per Rush 7.8 2.1 NET YARDS PASSING 144 304 Completions-Attempts-Int 15-25-1 23-45-1 Average Per Attempt 5.8 6.8 Average Per Completion 9.6 13.2 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 379 393 Total offense plays 55 87 Average Gain Per Play 6.9 4.5 Fumbles: Number-Lost 0-0 3-1 Penalties: Number-Yards 4-40 4-40 PUNTS-YARDS 5-200 6-266 KICKOFFS-YARDS 6-377 3-192 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-69-1 1-3-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 4-57-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-29-0 1-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 26:30 33:30 Third-Down Conversions 5 of 14 7 of 19 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 1 1 of 4 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 0-2 2-3 Sacks By: Number-Yards 9-55 0-0 PAT Kicks 4-4 0-0 Field Goals 1-2 2-3 Points off turnovers 0 0

GAME 11 #25 MSU 51 Arkansas 50 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Brandon Holloway 14 63 0 63 0 12 4.5 Dak Prescott 15 50 4 46 2 11 3.1 Ashton Shumpert 3 22 0 22 0 9 7.3 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 38 50 1 508 5 55 2 Gabe Myles 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 10 154 2 55 De Runnya Wilson 10 93 1 12 Brandon Holloway 4 101 1 45 Fred Brown 4 39 1 13 Gabe Myles 3 69 0 44 Darrion Hutcherson 3 18 0 7 Gus Walley 2 10 0 7 Malik Dear 1 12 0 12 Joe Morrow 1 12 0 12 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 1 35 35.0 35 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 1 1 21 made 21 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 3 57 22 0 0 0 Malik Dear 0 0 0 2 43 26 0 0 0 Arkansas RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Alex Collins 19 60 7 53 0 8 2.8 Jared Cornelius 1 9 0 9 0 9 9.0 Kody Walker 7 9 2 7 0 3 1.0 Brandon Allen 1 5 0 5 0 5 5.0 Dominique Reed 1 0 1-1 0 0-1.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Brandon Allen 30 43 0 406 7 52 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Hunter Henry 7 129 2 39 Drew Morgan 7 84 1 20 Jeremy Sprinkle 6 47 3 19 Jared Cornelius 5 81 1 19 Alex Collins 3 7 0 14 Dominique Reed 2 58 0 52 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Toby Baker 4 183 45.8 51 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Cole Hedlund 1 0 - blocked 29 Nov. 21, 2014 Razorback Stadium Fayetteville, Ark. 71,936 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Jared Cornelius 0 0 0 1 15 15 0 0 0 Dominique Reed 0 0 0 5 104 35 0 0 0 K. Richardson 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Prescott Rallies No. 25 MSU To Fourth Quarter Comeback in 51-50 Shootout Dak Prescott delivered the greatest performance by a quarterback in MSU history, accounting for a school-record 554 yards of total offense and an SECrecord-tying seven touchdowns. In the process, he guided the No. 25 Bulldogs to its largest fourth-quarter comeback since 2007, defeating Arkansas 51-50 in Fayetteville. Beniquez Brown preserved the victory, blocking a potential Arkansas game-winning 29-yard field goal off the foot of Cole Hedlund with 0:39 remaining. MSU ran out the clock. Prescott rallied MSU from a 42-31 deficit, engineering a 74-yard drive that culminated with one of his two rushing scores and a 68-yard drive with 6:58 to play to make it 44-42 Bulldogs. The Razorbacks responded behind Brandon Allen s arm, going on a touchdown drive in 1:25 to retake the lead. However, Prescott did it again, taking MSU 82 yards and finding Fred Ross for the eventual game-winner -- a 14-yard strike -- with 3:05 to play. Ross finished with 154 yards receiving, including a one-handed, 55-yard touchdown catch and run in the first half. Beniquez Brown led MSU with 12 tackles in addition to the blocked field goal. The teams combined for 1,110 yards of offense. Scoring Mississippi State 14 17 0 20-51 Arkansas 7 14 21 8-50 1st 10:16 UA Drew Morgan 20 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Cole Hedlund kick) 07:31 MSU Brandon Holloway 38 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 03:37 MSU Dak Prescott 4 yd run (Graves kick) 2nd 14:13 UA Jeremy Sprinkle 5 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Hedlund kick) 11:47 MSU Westin Graves 21 yd field goal 07:35 MSU Fred Brown 8 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 04:44 MSU Fred Ross 55 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 00:52 UA Jared Cornelius 9 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Hedlund kick) 3rd 12:00 UA Jeremy Sprinkle 3 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Hedlund kick) 11:39 UA Hunter Henry 39 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Hedlund kick) 6:56 UA Hunter Henry 18 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Hedlund kick) 4th 12:54 MSU Dak Prescott 3 yd run (Graves kick) 06:58 MSU De Runnya Wilson 10 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) 05:33 UA Jeremy Sprinkle 10 yd pass from Brandon Allen (Brandon Allen pass from Jared Cornelius) 03:05 MSU Fred Ross 14 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Graves kick) Team Stats MSU ARK FIRST DOWNS 32 24 Rushing 10 2 Passing 21 21 Penalty 1 1 NET YARDS RUSHING 123 73 Rushing Attempts 35 29 Average Per Rush 3.5 2.5 NET YARDS PASSING 508 406 Completions-Attempts-Int 38-51-1 30-43-0 Average Per Attempt 10.0 9.4 Average Per Completion 13.4 13.5 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 631 479 Total Offense plays 86 72 Average Gain Per Play 7.3 6.7 Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-2 2-0 Penalties: Number-Yards 3-30 1-9 PUNTS-YARDS 1-35 4-183 KICKOFFS-YARDS 9-548 8-475 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 1-7-0 0-0-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 5-100-0 6-119-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 1-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 1-15-0 Possession Time 27:51 32:09 Third-Down Conversions 8 of 13 8 of 14 Fourth-Down Conversions 1 of 2 0 of 1 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 6-6 6-7 Sacks By: Number-Yards 0-0 2-4 PAT Kicks 6-7 6-6 Field Goals 1-1 0-1 Points off turnovers 0 21

GAME 12 #19/19/18 Ole Miss 38 #23/21/21 MSU 27 Mississippi State RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Dak Prescott 21 106 43 63 1 35 3.0 Brandon Holloway 10 55 0 55 0 13 5.5 Malik Dear 3 30 0 30 0 21 10.0 PASSING Com Att Int Yds TD Long Sacks Dak Prescott 31 42 1 254 2 28 7 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Fred Ross 12 117 0 24 De Runnya Wilson 5 65 0 28 Brandon Holloway 5 24 0 8 Donald Gray 3 18 0 8 Malik Dear 2 20 2 13 Joe Morrow 1 9 0 9 Darrion Hutcherson 1 4 0 4 Ashton Shumptert 1 1 0 1 Gabe Myles 1-4 0 0 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Logan Cooke 3 148 49.3 50 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Westin Graves 2 2 27 made 22, 27 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Fred Ross 1 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brandon Holloway 0 0 0 2 36 19 0 0 0 Malik Dear 0 0 0 1 33 33 0 0 0 Ole Miss RUSHING Att. Gain Lost Net TD Long Avg. Jaylen Walton 16 98 5 93 0 33 5.8 Chad Kelly 11 84 7 74 1 27 6.7 Jordan Wilkins 5 55 1 54 1 38 10.8 Askeem Judd 4 28 4 24 0 21 6.0 PASSING Com Att. Int. Yds. TD Long Sacks Chad Kelly 21 30 0 236 2 36 0 RECEIVING No. Yds. TD Long Damorea a Stringfellow 5 84 2 36 Jaylen Walton 5 34 0 15 Laquon Treadwell 4 22 0 17 Cody Core 3 17 0 8 Evan Engram 2 43 0 26 Quincy Adeboyejo 2 36 0 18 PUNTING No. Yds. Avg. Long I20 TB Will Gleeson 2 31 15.5 18 0 0 Gary Wunderlich 1 37 37.0 37 0 0 FIELD GOALS Att. Made Long KICKS Gary Wunderlich 3 1 48 missed 38, 33; made 48 Nov. 28, 2015 Davis Wade Stadium Starkville, Miss. 62,265 Punts Kickoffs Intercepted ALL RETURNS No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. No. Yds. Lg. Collins Moore 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tony Bridges 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 45 Jaylen Walton 0 0 0 1 9 9 0 0 0 No. 18 Ole Miss Tops No. 21 MSU on Senior Day, 38-27 No. 18 Ole Miss jumped out to a 21-0 lead in the first quarter, taking advantage of two turnovers and never looking back as No. 21 MSU fell 38-27 on Senior Day in Davis Wade Stadium. Dak Prescott, in his final home game, accounted for three touchdowns. Fred Ross became the first Bulldog to go over the 100-yard receiving mark in four straight games, and in the process, shattered the school single-season record for receptions. The Rebels led 28-3 at the half. MSU outscored Ole Miss 24-10 in the second half but the first-half deficit proved to be too much. Prescott scored the Bulldogs first touchdown on a 1-yard run and Westin Graves knocked a 27-yard field goal through to make it 28-13 with 5:42 to go in the third quarter. However, Ole Miss responded with 10 unanswered points. True freshman Malik Dear accounted for both of MSU s touchdowns in the fourth quarter, catching a 13-yard touchdown pass and a 7-yarder on Dak s final career pass at home. Richie Brown collected a game-high 12 tackles, including 2.5 tackles for loss. Redshirt freshman Brandon Bryant added a career-best 10 tackles. Prescott was sacked seven times for a loss of 41 yards. Scoring Ole Miss 21 7 3 7-38 Mississippi State 0 3 10 14-24 1st 11:09 OM Chad Kelly 27 yd run (Gary Wunderlich kick) 05:10 OM D. Stringfellow 2 yd pass from Chad Kelly (Gary Wunderlich kick) 03:05 OM Tony Bridges 45 yd interception return (Gary Wunderlich kick) 2nd 14:17 MSU Westin Graves 22 yd field goal 10:45 OM D. Stringfellow 36 yd pass from Chad Kelly (Gary Wunderlich kick) 3rd 11:54 MSU Dak Prescott 1 yd run (Westin Graves kick) 05:42 MSU Westin Graves 27 yd field goal 02:45 OM Gary Wunderlich 48 yd field goal 4th 13:22 OM Jordan Wilkins 38 yd run (Gary Wunderlich kick) 09:38 MSU Malik Dear 13 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) 01:17 MSU Malik Dear 7 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Westin Graves kick) Team Stats OM MSU FIRST DOWNS 26 21 Rushing 14 9 Passing 11 12 Penalty 1 0 NET YARDS RUSHING 243 148 Rushing Attempts 37 34 Average Per Rush 6.6 4.4 NET YARDS PASSING 2 1 Completions-Attempts-Int 21-30-0 31-42-1 Average Per Attempt 7.9 6.0 Average Per Completion 11.2 8.2 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 479 402 Total Offense plays 67 76 Average Gain Per Play 7.1 5.3 Fumbles: Number-Lost 2-0 1-1 Penalties: Number-Yards 3-11 6-50 PUNTS-YARDS 3-68 3-148 KICKOFFS-YARDS 7-440 5-319 Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD 2-0-0 1-15-0 Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 1-9-0 3-69-0 Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD 1-45-1 0-0-0 Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD 0-0-0 0-0-0 Possession Time 30:26 29:34 Third-Down Conversions 6 of 12 7 of 16 Fourth-Down Conversions 0 of 0 2 of 3 Red-Zone Scores-Chances 1-3 5-5 Sacks By: Number-Yards 1-3 3-5 PAT Kicks 0-3 2-5 Field Goals 1-3 2-2 Points off turnovers 14 0

NELSON ADAMS DEFENSIVE TACKLE 6-3 310 Jr.-2L Brandon, Miss. (Brandon) #94 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Tallied three tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Tied a career high with four tackles versus #14 LSU. Made his first career start at defensive tackle in the Troy victory, recovering a fumble in the end zone for his first career touchdown and making three tackles with one tackle for loss. ADAMS CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/0 11 3 8 1.5-1 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2014 13/0 19 6 13 2.0-9 1.5-9 0/0 1 0-0 2015 12/3 23 5 18 1.0-3 0.0 0/1 1 0-0 TOTALS 38/3 53 14 39 4.5-13 1.5-9 0/1 2 0-0 DEVON BELL PUNTER/KICKER 6-2 190 Sr.-3L Vicksburg, Miss. (Warren Central) #40 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Punted twice for a 37.5 average in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded an average of 42.2 yards per punt on four attempts versus #14 LSU. Punted three times for an average of 42.0 yards per punt at No. 14 Texas A&M. BELL S CAREER PUNTING STATS YEAR G NO. YARDS I20 LG AVG 2012 13 0 0 0 0 0.0 2013 13 24 990 14 62 41.2 2014 11 50 2,160 18 70 43.2 2015 12 9 370 2 54 41.1 TOTALS 49 83 3,520 34 70 42.4 BELL S CAREER KICKING STATS YEAR G PAT/ATT PCT. FG/ATT PCT. PTS LONG/OPP 2012 13 43/44.977 14/21.667 85 47 / NWSTRN 2013 13 25/26.962 6/14.429 43 40 / OK STATE 2014 11 ***** DID NOT ATTEMPT ***** 2015 12 0/0 N/A 0/1.000 0 N/A TOTALS 49 68/70.971 20/35.571 128 47 / NWSTRN BELL S CAREER FIELD GOAL BREAKDOWN YEAR 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ LG BLK 2012 0-0 4-4 6-10 4-7 0-0 47 2 2013 0-0 4-5 1-4 1-5 0-0 40 1 2014 ***** DID NOT ATTEMPT ***** 2015 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 N/A 0 TOTALS 0-0 8-9 7-14 5-12 0-1 47 3 BENIQUEZ BROWN LINEBACKER 6-1 238 Jr.-2L Florence, Ala. (Florence) #42 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Tallied four tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, while also becoming the first Bulldog since NFL corner Darius Slay in 2012 to block a punt. Made six tackles versus #14 LSU, including one for loss. Totaled four tackles, a pass breakup and a sack in the Northwestern State win. Credited with seven tackles, two quarterback hurries and half a sack in the win at #25 Auburn. Registered 11 tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Tallied seven tackles, 0.5 tackles for loss and his third career interception in the Troy victory. Recorded five tackles in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky win with seven tackles and 1.5 tackles for loss. Led the team with eight tackles, 2.0 tackles for loss and a sack in the victory at Missouri. Had a game-high 11 tackles against No. 2 Alabama. Blocked a field goal attempt in the final minute to preserve a 51-50 win at Arkansas, while also finishing with a career-best 12 tackles, including 1.5 tackles for loss. Completed the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss with eight tackles. BROWN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/3 39 16 23 4.5-9 0.0-0 0/2 0 0-0 2014 13/12 62 30 32 7.0-24 2.0-12 0/0 2 2-24 2015 12/12 90 43 47 9.0-28 2.0-12 0/0 1 1-2 TOTALS 38/27 191 89 102 20.5-61 4.0-24 0/2 3 3-26 FRED BROWN WIDE RECEIVER 6-1 196 Jr.-2L Jackson, Miss. (Jim Hill) #5 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Had two catches for 14 yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded 53 receiving yards on three receptions versus #14 LSU. Caught a 48-yard pass in the Northwestern State win. Hauled in a career-high four receptions for 58 yards in the win at #25 Auburn. Totaled three catches for 63 yards and a touchdown in the Louisiana Tech home win. Notched his second receiving touchdown of the season in the victory at Missouri. Finished the Arkansas road win with a touchdown and 39 receiving yards on four catches. BROWN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 8/0 5 74 14.8 0 19 / TEXAS A&M 2014 13/2 18 299 16.6 2 51 / TEXAS A&M 2015 12/12 25 371 14.8 3 48 / NW STATE TOTALS 33/14 48 744 15.5 5 51 / TEXAS A&M

RICHIE BROWN LINEBACKER 6-2 245 Jr.-2L Long Beach, Miss. (Long Beach) #39 Sept. 21, 2015 SEC Defensive Player of the Week 2015 HIGHLIGHTS The first Mississippi State linebacker since 2012 with 100-plus tackles in a season. Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying 11 tackles to go along with his fifth career interception. Became the first MSU player since Mario Haggan in 2002 with double-digit tackles in each of his first two games, recording 11 tackles and 1.5 tackles for loss versus #14 LSU in week two. Credited with four tackles in the Northwestern State win. Totaled career highs in tackles (13, 12 solo), tackles for loss (3.0) and sacks (2.0) in the win at #25 Auburn. Collected a game-high 11 tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Registered four tackles in the Troy victory. Recorded seven tackles and half a sack in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with seven tackles, a tackle for loss and a pass breakup. Tied a career high with two sacks in the victory at Missouri, tallying five tackles total. Hurried the quarterback three times and made six tackles against No. 2 Alabama. Had 1.5 tackles for loss and 10 tackles in the win at Arkansas. Made a game-high 12 tackles with 2.5 tackles for loss in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. BROWN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/0 38 16 22 3.0-15 2.0-13 0/0 0 1-5 2014 13/0 50 24 26 1.0-1 0.0-0 0/1 3 3-54 2015 12/12 101 47 54 12.0-54 5.5-38 0/0 2 1-3 TOTALS 38/12 189 87 102 16.0-70 7.5-51 0/1 5 5-62 RYAN BROWN DEFENSIVE END 6-6 266 Sr.-3L New Orleans, La. (Archbishop Shaw) #48 2016 East-West Shrine Game Participant Oct. 12, 2015 SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Underwent surgery on his foot in early December and will mis the Belk Bowl. Tallied a game-high four quarterback hurries in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, finishing with three tackles and a sack. Made five tackles versus #14 LSU, including 1.0 tackles for loss. Credited with three stops in the Northwestern State win. Totaled four tackles and a quarterback hurry in the win at #25 Auburn. Made four tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Named SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week after recording a career-high seven tackles in the Troy victory to go along with a career-high 3.5 tackles for loss for -38 yards. Registered a sack in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with four tackles, one tackle for loss, a pass breakup and a quarterback hurry. Collected three tackles and a tackle for loss in the victory at Missouri. Made four tackles, 0.5 tackles for loss, broke up a pass and had a quarterback hurry against No. 18 Ole Miss. BROWN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 7/0 15 3 12 1.0-5 0.5-5 0/0 2 0-0 2013 13/1 13 6 7 2.5-8 1.0-5 0/0 0 0-0 2014 13/12 39 17 22 7.0-30 3.5-25 0/0 0 0-0 2015 12/12 39 13 26 8.0-55 2.5-25 0/0 5 0-0 TOTALS 45/25 106 39 67 18.5-98 7.5-60 0/0 7 0-0 BRANDON BRYANT SAFETY 5-11 205 Fr.-RS Tunica, Miss. (Rosa Fort) #20 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Finished third among SEC freshmen and first among SEC freshmen defensive backs with 60 tackles. Made his MSU debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying one tackle and a pass breakup. Collected four tackles versus #14 LSU. Credited with five stops in the Northwestern State win. Totaled five tackles, half a sack and a pass breakup in the win at #25 Auburn. Recorded three tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Made his first career start in the Troy victory, forcing a fumble which led to a defensive touchdown and finishing with four tackles and a 13-yard sack. Returned his first career interception 73 yards for his first career touchdown in the Louisiana Tech home win, while also recovering a blocked punt and finishing with a career-high six tackles. Finished the Kentucky victory with five solo tackles and a pass breakup. Tallied six tackles in the victory at Missouri. Hauled in his second career interception and made four tackles against No. 2 Alabama. Made four tackles in the win at Arkansas. Had a career-high 10 tackles (8 solo) in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. BRYANT S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 12/7 57 42 15 2.0-19 1.5-17 1/0 3 2-73 TOTALS 12/7 57 42 15 2.0-19 1.5-17 1/0 3 2-73

TAVEZE CALHOUN CORNERBACK 6-1 180 Sr.-3L Morton, Miss. (Morton) #23 2016 East-West Shrine Game Participant 2015 Campbell Trophy Finalist 2015 NFF National Scholar-Athlete 2015 Allstate AFCA Good Works Team Nominee 2015 SEC Community Service Team 2015 HIGHLIGHTS The only SEC player to be a finalist for the 26th William V. Campbell Trophy, which serves as the most prestigious academic award in college football. Missed the season-opening victory at Southern Miss as a precautionary measure. Made his season debut with a four-tackle performance versus #14 LSU in week two. Tied a career high with 2.0 tackles for loss in the Northwestern State win, finishing with five tackles. Credited with four tackles in the win at #25 Auburn. Tallied a season-high seven tackles (six solo) at No. 14 Texas A&M while also making one tackle for loss and breaking up a pass. Totaled three tackles, one tackle for loss and two pass breakups in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with a career-high two interceptions to go along with three tackles. Had five tackles and a tackle for loss against No. 2 Alabama. Broke up two passes and made five tackles in the win at Arkansas. Registered a tackle for loss in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. TOLANDO CLEVELAND CORNERBACK 6-0 190 Jr.-2L Powder Springs, Ga. (Hillgrove) #7 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying a career-high seven tackles. Credited with four solo tackles in the win at #25 Auburn, including one an eight-yard loss. Totaled three tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M in his second start of the season. Tied a career high with seven tackles in the Troy victory, finishing with 1.5 tackles for loss, a sack and a pass breakup in his third start of the season. Finished the Kentucky victory with three tackles and a tackle for loss. Blocked a field goal attempt against No. 2 Alabama. Forced a fumble and made five solo tackles in the win at Arkansas. Finished the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss with five tackles. CLEVELAND S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 12/0 9 7 2 0.5-1 0.0-0 2/1 1 0-0 2014 13/0 29 21 8 2.0-6 0.5-4 0/1 7 2-50 2015 12/9 39 24 15 3.5-20 1.0-5 1/0 2 0-0 TOTALS 37/9 77 52 25 6.0-27 1.5-9 3/2 10 2-50 CALHOUN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 13/0 24 15 9 0.5-1 0.0-0 1/0 0 0-0 2013 12/12 45 33 12 1.5-4 0.0-0 1/1 4 3-101 2014 13/13 53 35 18 3.5-8 0.0-0 1/0 9 1-0 2015 11/10 37 23 14 6.5-22 0.0-0 0/0 7 2-(-3) TOTALS 49/35 159 106 53 12.0-35 0.0-0 3/1 20 6-98 JOHNATHAN CALVIN DEFENSIVE END 6-3 263 Jr.-JC Jackson, Miss. (Copiah-Lincoln [MS] CC) #97 2015 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his MSU debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded his first tackle as a Bulldog versus #14 LSU. Collected four tackles in the Northwestern State win, including 1.0 tackles for loss and half a sack. Credited with his first two career solo tackles in the win at #25 Auburn. Tallied a sack and a career-high six tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Totaled four tackles and a career-high 1.5 tackles for loss in the Troy victory. Registered four tackles and two quarterback hurries in the Louisiana Tech home win. Had a tackle for loss in both the victories against Kentucky and Missouri. CALVIN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 12/0 26 12 14 5.5-14 1.5-5 0/0 0 0-0 TOTALS 12/0 26 12 14 5.5-14 1.5-5 0/0 0 0-0 WILL COLEMAN DEFENSIVE END 6-5 250 Jr.-RS Tyler, Texas (Tyler [TX] JC) #57 Made one tackle in his MSU debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Collected three tackles in the Northwestern State win, including 0.5 tackles for loss. Credited with two tackles and one tackle for loss in the Louisiana Tech home win. Had a tackle for loss against No. 2 Alabama, finishing with three total stops. COLEMAN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 12/0 12 5 7 2.5-3 0.0-0 0/0 1 0-0 TOTALS 12/0 12 5 7 2.5-3 0.0-0 0/0 1 0-0

KIVON COMAN SAFETY 6-3 196 Jr.-2L Sheffield, Ala. (Hargrave [VA] Military Academy) #11 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying four tackles. Recorded five tackles versus #14 LSU. Had a game-high seven tackles in the Northwestern State win. Credited with six tackles in the win at #25 Auburn. Totaled five tackles and a pass breakup at No. 14 Texas A&M. Tallied four stops and his first career sack in the Troy victory. Registered five tackles and a pass breakup in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with a career-high nine tackles. Hauled in his first career interception in the victory at Missouri, finishing the game with seven tackles, a tackle for loss and a pass breakup. Tied a career high with nine tackles against No. 2 Alabama. Collected eight tackles and a pass breakup in the win at Arkansas. Made three tackles against No. 18 Ole Miss. TORREY DALE DEFENSIVE TACKLE 6-6 270 Jr.-1L Kenner, La. (John Curtis Christian) #49 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his season debut at defensive tackle in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Credited with a tackle for loss in the Troy victory. DALE S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 2/0 2 2 0 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2014 11/0 4 2 2 1.0-4 1.0-4 0/0 1 0-0 2015 12/0 9 5 4 0.5-1 0.0-0 0/0 1 0-0 TOTALS 25/0 15 9 6 1.5-5 1.0-4 0/0 2 0-0 COMAN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 12/0 15 13 2 1.0-1 0.0-0 0/1 0 0-0 2014 13/0 39 22 17 1.0-1 0.0-0 0/0 6 0-0 2015 12/12 72 37 35 4.0-17 0.5-3 0/0 6 1-0 TOTALS 37/12 126 72 54 6.0-19 0.5-3 0/1 12 1-0 LOGAN COOKE PUNTER 6-5 216 So.-1L Darbun, Miss. (Columbia Academy) #43 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Punted two times for 93 yards (46.5 average), recording one inside the 20 and one touchback in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Finished the Troy victory with a career-high 48.6 yards per punt on five attempts, including a career-long 65-yard punt. Boomed four punts for an average of 46.5 yards in the Louisiana Tech home win, including two inside the 20-yard line. Finished the Kentucky victory with two of his three punts landing inside the 20-yard line. Punted four times for an average of 41.8 yards in the win at Missouri. Averaged 44.3 yards per punt on six attempts against No. 2 Alabama, placing two inside the 20-yard line. Punted three times for an average of 49.3 yards in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. COOKE S CAREER PUNTING STATS YEAR G NO. YARDS I20 LG AVG 2014 9 10 414 2 51 41.4 2015 12 40 1,702 15 65 42.5 TOTALS 21 50 2,116 17 65 42.3 MALIK DEAR WIDE RECEIVER 5-9 220 Fr.-HS Jackson, Miss. (Murrah) #22 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, catching one pass for four yards. Tallied three receptions for 46 yards and ran once for a gain of 19 in the Northwestern State win. Scored his first career touchdown on a 52-yard run at No. 14 Texas A&M, while also finishing with two receptions for 23 yards. Became the first true freshman since 2009 to have six receptions in a game in the Louisiana Tech home win, making six grabs for 70 yards. Did not play in the Missouri or Alabama games due to injury. Caught two touchdowns and ran three times for 30 yards in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. DEAR S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 10/0 19 192 10.1 2 27 / LA. TECH TOTALS 10/0 19 192 10.1 2 27 / LA. TECH DEAR S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 10/0 11 110 10.0 1 52 / TEXAS A&M TOTALS 10/0 11 110 10.0 1 52 / TEXAS A&M

DEONTAY EVANS SAFETY 5-10 204 Jr.-2L McComb, Miss. (McComb) #17 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Tallied six tackles and a pass breakup in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Made his first start of the season in the Northwestern State win, totaling six tackles. Credited with four tackles in the Troy victory. Collected three solo tackles in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with three solo stops. EVANS CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/1 19 11 8 0.0-0 0.0-0 1/0 0 0-0 2014 13/2 34 22 12 1.0-2 0.0-0 0/0 3 0-0 2015 12/1 32 20 12 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 2 0-0 TOTALS 38/4 85 53 32 1.0-2 0.0-0 1/0 5 0-0 WESTIN GRAVES KICKER 6-0 163 So.-1L Flowood, Miss. (Jackson Prep) #25 2015 HIGHLIGHTS The first kicker in school history to start off the season a perfect 7 for 7 in field goal attempts. Became the first MSU kicker since 2012 to make two field goals of 30-plus yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, connecting on field goal attempts of 37 and 38 yards, the first two makes of his career. Nailed a 43-yard field goal and a 24 yard field goal versus #14 LSU. Made good on a career-long 44-yard field goal attempt in the win at #25 Auburn. Connected on a 38-yard field goal attempt in the first quarter at No. 14 Texas A&M. Split a 42-yard field goal attempt through the upright in the Troy victory. Made a 26-yard field goal in the Louisiana Tech home win. Hit a 36-yard field goal in the victory at Missouri. Tied a career high with two field goals made against No. 2 Alabama, connecting on attempts of 31 and 39 yards. Made a 21-yard field goal in the win at Arkansas. Connected on two field goal attempts in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss (22, 27). GRAVES CAREER KICKING STATS YEAR G PAT/ATT PCT. FG/ATT PCT. PTS LONG/OPP 2014 4 4/5.800 0/1.000 4 N/A 2015 12 46/47.979 14/17.800 88 44 / AUBURN TOTALS 16 50/52.962 14/18.778 92 44 / AUBURN GRAVES CAREER FIELD GOAL BREAKDOWN YEAR 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ LG BLK 2014 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0 N/A 0 2015 0-0 5-6 6-6 3-4 0-1 44 0 TOTALS 0-0 5-6 6-6 3-5 0-1 44 0 NICK FITZGERALD QUARTERBACK 6-5 227 Fr.-RS Richmond Hill, Ga. (Richmond Hill) #7 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, rushing two times for 36 yards. Was a perfect 4 for 4 through the air with 90 yards and a touchdown in the Northwestern State win, while also rushing five times for 28 yards and two scores on the ground. Completed 6 of 7 passes for 141 yards and two touchdowns in the Troy victory, while also carrying the ball eight times for 29 yards and a score. FITZGERALD S CAREER PASSING STATS YEAR G/GS CMP ATT INT PCT YDS TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 7/0 11 14 0.786 235 3 49 / NW STATE TOTALS 7/0 11 14 0.786 235 3 49 / NW STATE FITZGERALD S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 7/0 23 127 5.5 3 21 / NW STATE TOTALS 7/0 23 127 5.5 3 21 / NW STATE DONALD GRAY WIDE RECEIVER 5-10 193 So.-JC Memphis, Tenn. (Copiah-Lincoln [MS] CC) #6 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the second quarter of the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Had four receptions for a career-best 140 yards and a touchdown in the Northwestern State win, recording the most receiving yards by a Bulldog since Jameon Lewis had 220 in the 2013 Liberty Bowl. Hauled in two catches for 58 yards in the Troy victory, including a 49-yard touchdown reception. Recorded his first career blocked punt and first career punt return (21 yards) in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with 56 receiving yards on a career-high five receptions. Pulled down a career-long 54-yard reception against No. 2 Alabama. GRAY S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 12/0 19 346 18.2 2 54 / ALABAMA TOTALS 12/0 19 346 18.2 2 54 / ALABAMA

J.T. GRAY LINEBACKER 6-0 196 So.-1L Clarksdale, Miss. (Clarksdale) #45 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made four tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Collected four tackles versus #14 LSU. Totaled four tackles in the Northwestern State win, including 1.0 tackles for loss. Credited with five tackles in the win at #25 Auburn. Tallied four tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Recorded seven tackles in the Troy victory. Had a career-high 10 tackles in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with four tackles. Registered three tackles and a sack in the victory at Missouri. Had eight tackles and a tackle for loss against No. 18 Ole Miss. DEZ HARRIS LINEBACKER 6-4 239 So.-1L McCalla, Ala. (McAdory) #46 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made a solo tackle in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded two tackles versus #14 LSU in week two. Credited with three stops in the Northwestern State win. Tore his ACL Oct. 17 against Louisiana Tech, ending his season. HARRIS CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2014 6/0 10 6 4 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2015 7/0 9 3 6 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 TOTALS 13/0 19 9 10 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 GRAY CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2014 6/0 9 4 5 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2015 12/0 56 24 32 2.5-8 0.5-3 0/0 0 0-0 TOTALS 18/0 65 28 37 2.5-8 0.5-3 0/0 0 0-0 2015 All-SEC Freshman Team GERRI GREEN LINEBACKER 6-4 243 Fr.-RS Greenville, Miss. (Greenville Weston) #4 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Finished fifth among SEC freshmen with 44 tackles. Made his MSU in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying three solo tackles. Recorded a game-high seven tackles in the Northwestern State win, including 1.5 tackles for loss. Credited with three tackles in the win at #25 Auburn. Tallied four tackles at No. 14 Texas A&M. Registered his first career double-digit tackle game in the Troy victory, finishing with a game-high 11 stops. Collected five tackles in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with four solo tackles and a pass breakup. Hauled in his first career interception in the victory at Missouri, tallying three tackles and a tackle for loss. GREEN S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 12/0 44 19 25 2.5-9 0.0-0 0/0 1 1-0 TOTALS 12/0 44 19 25 2.5-9 0.0-0 0/0 1 1-0

2015 All-SEC Second Team (Athlon) BRANDON HOLLOWAY RUNNING BACK 5-8 165 Jr.-2L Tampa, Fla. (Alonso) #10 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Along with Heisman Trophy finalist Christian McCaffrey of Stanford and San Jose State s Tyler Ervin is one of three players in the FBS with at least 300 rushing yards, 300 receiving yards and 450 kick return yards. Recorded a career-high 151 all-purpose rushing yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, becoming the fourth player in MSU history to return a kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown. Led the team with 97 all-purpose yards versus #14 LSU. Hauled in his first career touchdown reception in the Northwestern State victory. Carried the ball five times for 42 yards in the win at #25 Auburn. Made his first career start at running back in the Troy victory. Had four receptions for 32 yards in the Louisiana Tech home win. Finished the Kentucky victory with a career-high 172 all-purpose yards, catching a career-high five passes for a career-best 98 yards and a touchdown, while also rushing six times for 36 yards and returning two kickoffs for 38 yards. Rushed six times for 24 yards, caught three passes and returned three kickoffs for 104 yards in the victory at Missouri, including a 69-yard return. Recorded 34 rushing yards, 31 receiving yards and 57 kick return yards against No. 2 Alabama. Finished the win at Arkansas with a game-high 221 all-purpose yards and a touchdown, running for a season and game-high 63 yards on 14 carries while also recording his first career 100-yard receiving game (101). Accounted for 115 all-purpose yards in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss, rushing for 55 yards, tallying 36 kick return yards and totaling 24 receiving yards. HOLLOWAY S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 11/0 8 38 4.8 0 15 / ALCORN ST 2014 13/0 45 294 6.5 1 51 / TEXAS A&M 2015 12/7 79 372 4.7 0 35 / S. MISS TOTALS 36/7 132 704 5.3 1 51 / TEXAS A&M HOLLOWAY S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 11/0 7 77 11.0 0 34 / TROY 2014 13/0 4 10 2.5 0 6 / UAB 2015 12/7 29 318 11.0 3 63 / KENTUCKY TOTALS 36/7 40 405 10.1 3 63 / KENTUCKY HOLLOWAY S CAREER KICK RETURN STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 11/0 3 113 37.7 0 95 / ALCORN ST. 2014 13/0 8 159 19.9 0 23 / ALABAMA 2015 12/7 21 498 23.7 1 100 / S. MISS TOTALS 36/7 32 770 24.1 1 100 / S. MISS DARRION HUTCHERSON TIGHT END 6-7 260 Sr.-1L Dadeville, Ala. (Copiah-Lincoln [MS] CC) #84 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his season debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, catching his first pass for MSU in the third quarter. Made his first career start at No. 14 Texas A&M. Tallied three catches for 41 yards in the Louisiana Tech home win after tallying two catches for nine yards in his first 19 career games played. Scored his first career touchdown in the Kentucky victory, finishing with three receptions for 40 yards. Totaled two catches for 24 yards in the victory at Missouri. HUTCHERSON S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2014 13/0 0 0 0.0 0 N/A 2015 12/5 14 138 9.9 1 24 / MISSOURI TOTALS 25/5 14 138 9.9 1 24 / MISSOURI NICK JAMES DEFENSIVE TACKLE 6-5 325 Jr.-2L Long Beach, Miss. (Long Beach) #88 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made one solo tackle in his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Collected two tackles versus #14 LSU. Totaled a career-high five tackles in the Troy victory. Had his first career tackle for loss and a quarterback hurry in the win against Kentucky. Credited with four tackles in the victory at Missouri. Tallied two tackles, a tackle for loss and a quarterback hurry against No. 2 Alabama. Registered three tackles, including one for loss, in the win at Arkansas. Tied a career high with five tackles against No. 18 Ole Miss, forcing a fumble and recording a tackle for loss. JAMES CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 8/0 6 1 5 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2013 ***** DID NOT PLAY ***** 2014 13/0 11 4 7 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2015 12/9 20 7 13 2.0-3 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 TOTALS 33/9 37 12 25 2.0-3 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0

A.J. JEFFERSON DEFENSIVE END 6-3 277 Jr.-2L Summit, Miss. (North Pike) #47 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Ninth in school history with 24.5 career tackles for loss. Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying seven tackles and a career-high 2.0 sacks. Tied a career high with 2.0 tackles for loss to go along with a career-high eight tackles versus #14 LSU. Totaled three tackles and 1.5 tackles for loss in the Northwestern State win. Credited with five tackles, a career-high tying 2.0 tackles for loss, one sack and a forced fumble in the win at #25 Auburn. Registered three tackles, a tackle for loss, a pass breakup and a quarterback hurry at No. 14 Texas A&M. Registered seven tackles, a career-high tying 2.0 tackles for loss and a sack in the Troy victory. Finished the Kentucky victory with three stops and a tackle for loss. Collected three tackles and a sack in the victory at Missouri. Broke up two passes and had a tackle for loss in the win at Arkansas. JEFFERSON S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/0 19 12 7 4.0-17 2.0-11 1/0 1 0-0 2014 13/0 28 14 14 7.0-23 2.5-17 2/1 0 0-0 2015 12/12 44 27 17 13.5-65 5.0-43 1/0 1 0-0 TOTALS 38/12 91 53 38 24.5-105 9.5-71 4/1 2 0-0 CHRIS JONES DEFENSIVE TACKLE 6-6 308 Jr.-2L Houston, Miss. (Houston) #98 2015 Second-Team All-American (Pro Football Focus) Nov. 9, 2015 SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made five tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, while also breaking up a pass. Recorded a career-high eight tackles versus #14 LSU in week two. Credited with three stops in the Northwestern State win. Tallied five tackles and one tackle for loss at No. 14 Texas A&M. Notched four tackles and a sack in the Louisiana Tech home win. Had a tackle for loss in the Kentucky victory. Named SEC Defensive Lineman of the Week after tying a career high with 2.0 tackles for loss in the victory at Missouri, including a sack for six yards. Registered three tackles against No. 2 Alabama. Finished the win at Arkansas with three tackles, one tackle for loss, one quarterback hurry and a pass breakup. JONES CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2013 13/3 32 17 15 7.0-28 3.0-26 0/0 3 0-0 2014 13/0 26 9 17 3.5-13 3.0-12 0/0 2 0-0 2015 12/12 39 14 25 7.5-21 2.5-16 0/0 4 0-0 TOTALS 38/15 97 40 57 18.0-62 8.5-54 0/0 9 0-0 CEDRIC JILES CORNERBACK 5-10 182 Jr.-1L Clinton, Miss. (Clinton) #5 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made three tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Totaled three tackles and a game-high two pass breakups in the Northwestern State win. JILES CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 3/0 5 4 1 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 1 0-0 2013 11/3 20 14 6 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 2014 ***** DID NOT PLAY ***** 2015 11/0 14 8 6 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 4 0-0 TOTALS 25/3 39 26 13 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 5 0-0 DONTAVIAN LEE RUNNING BACK 6-1 227 Fr.-RS Hattiesburg, Miss. (Forrest County Agricultural) #33 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, rushing once for six yards. Carried the ball five times for 57 yards in the Northwestern State win. Averaged a game-high 8.8 yards per carry in the Troy victory. Ran three times for 21 yards and caught one pass for 11 yards in the Louisiana Tech home win. Did not play in the Missouri or Alabama games due to injury. LEE S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 9/0 21 135 6.4 0 24 / NW STATE TOTALS 9/0 21 135 6.4 0 24 / NW STATE LEE S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 9/0 2 15 7.5 0 11 / LA. TECH TOTALS 9/0 2 15 7.5 0 11 / LA. TECH

KENDRICK MARKET SAFETY 5-10 196 Sr.-3L Batesville, Miss. (South Panola) #26 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made five solo tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Collected nine tackles versus #14 LSU in week two. Did not play in the Northwestern State win due to a foot injury. Credited with eight tackles (six solo) in the win at #25 Auburn. Tore his left ACL Oct. 3 at No. 14 Texas A&M, ending his collegiate career. MARKET S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 12/0 13 7 6 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 1-3 2013 13/12 62 43 19 1.5-5 0.0-0 1/0 1 0-0 2014 12/4 49 29 20 1.5-3 0.0-0 0/0 1 0-0 2015 4/4 23 13 10 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 0-0 TOTALS 41/20 147 92 55 3.0-8 0.0-0 1/0 2 1-3 GABE MYLES WIDE RECEIVER 6-0 192 So.-1L Starkville, Miss. (Starkville) #35 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Caught one pass for six yards and returned one kickoff for six yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded a career-high 111 all-purpose yards in the Northwestern State win, scoring his first two career touchdowns with 58 receiving yards, 38 yards kick returning and 15 rushing yards. Scored on a 32-yard touchdown reception in the win at #25 Auburn. Did not play in the Troy, Louisiana Tech and Kentucky victories due to injury. Returned to action in the victory at Missouri. Finished the win at Arkansas with a career-high 69 receiving yards on just three receptions. MYLES CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2014 13/3 22 178 8.1 0 26 / UT MARTIN 2015 9/0 12 175 14.6 2 49 / NW STATE TOTALS 22/3 34 353 10.4 2 26 / UT MARTIN MYLES CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2014 13/3 4 35 8.8 0 20 / TEXAS A&M 2015 9/0 7 11 1.6 1 9 / NW STATE TOTALS 22/3 11 46 4.2 1 20 / TEXAS A&M MYLES CAREER KICK RETURN STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2014 13/3 0 0 0.0 0 N/A 2015 9/0 2 44 22.0 0 38 / NW STATE TOTALS 22/3 2 44 22.0 0 38 / NW STATE JOE MORROW WIDE RECEIVER 6-4 202 Sr.-2L Ocean Springs, Miss. (Ocean Springs) #16 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Caught one pass for 18 yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Made a 37-yard touchdown reception in the Northwestern State win. Did not play in the Troy and Louisiana Tech victories due to injury. Returned to action the Kentucky win, catching two balls for 24 yards. MORROW S CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2012 8/0 5 53 10.6 0 17 / JACKSON ST 2013 13/12 18 211 11.7 1 31 / TEXAS A&M 2014 13/0 17 344 20.2 4 55 / UT MARTIN 2015 10/0 6 100 16.7 1 37 / NW STATE TOTALS 44/12 46 708 15.4 6 55 / UT MARTIN JAMAL PETERS SAFETY 6-2 206 Fr.-HS Bassfield, Miss. (Bassfield) #12 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, making his first career tackle. Credited with two tackles versus #14 LSU in week two. Tallied four tackles, 1.5 tackles for loss and a sack in the Northwestern State win. Totaled two tackles and his first two career pass breakups in the Troy victory. Did not play in the Louisiana Tech home win due to injury. Returned to action in the Kentucky victory, finishing with two tackles. Made his first career start in the victory at Missouri, recording five tackles. Registered four tackles against No. 18 Ole Miss. PETERS CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 11/2 22 11 11 1.5-7 1.0-5 0/0 2 0-0 TOTALS 11/2 22 11 11 1.5-7 1.0-5 0/0 2 0-0

DAK PRESCOTT QUARTERBACK 6-2 230 Sr.-3L Haughton, La. (Haughton) #15 2015 All-SEC First Team (Coaches, AP, Athlon, ESPN.com) 2015 Manning Award Finalist 2015 Senior Class Award Finalist Maxwell Award National Player of the Week (at Arkansas) Athlon National Offensive Player of the Week (at Arkansas) FWAA National Offensive Player of the Week (Kentucky) Davey O Brien Award National QB of the Week (Kentucky) Manning Award National QB of the Week (Kentucky) SEC Offensive Player of the Week (Kentucky, at Arkansas) 2016 Senior Bowl Watch List Owns 38 School Records 15 Career, 15 Single-Season, 8 Single-Game 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Fourth player in FBS history with 60 career passing touchdowns and 40 career rushing touchdowns. One of 10 players in FBS history to have thrown for over 8,500 yards and rushed for more than 2,000 yards in a career. Led the SEC in week one with 309 yards of total offense (237 passing, 72 rushing) in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, tallying three touchdowns. Broke the single-game school record with 34 completions on a career-high 52 attempts versus #14 LSU in week two, recording 335 passing yards and two touchdowns (one passing, one rushing). Was 10 for 11 with 227 yards and two touchdowns in the air in the Northwestern State win, while also rushing six times for 54 yards. Threw for 270 yards and two touchdowns on 29 of 41 passing in the win at No. 25 Auburn. Ran 18 times for 96 yards and a touchdown at No. 14 Texas A&M, while going 20 of 34 through the air for 210 yards. Played only three series in the Troy victory due to a stomach bug, completing three out of six passes for 74 yards and a touchdown. Completed 30 of 43 passes for 347 yards and four total touchdowns (3 passing, 1 rushing) in the Louisiana Tech home win. Named the FWAA Offensive Player of the Week, the Davey O Brien Award National Quarterback of the Week and the SEC Offensive Player of the Week after tying a school record with six touchdowns responsible for in the win against Kentucky Finished the win versus UK 25-of-35 through the air for 348 yards and three touchdowns, while rushing for a season-high 117 yards and three touchdowns. Performance against the Wildcats made him the first SEC player since Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton in the 2010 SEC Championship Game to account for six-plus scores in a league game, the first player in school history to throw for over 300 yards and rush for over 100 yards in the same game and the third FBS player in the last 15 years with 348-plus passing yards, 100-plus rushing yards, three passing touchdowns and three rushing touchdowns in a single game. Passed for 303 yards and four touchdowns on 27-of-40 passing against a Missouri defense that entered the game third nationally in scoring defense (12.5 points per game). Threw for 300 yards against No. 2 Alabama. Became the first player in SEC history and the first FBS player since 2013 to record 550-plus yards of total offense and account for seven touchdowns in a single game, finishing the Arkansas road win with 508 passing yards, five passing touchdowns, 46 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns. The 554 yards of total offense was more than the 13 other SEC teams totaled Nov. 21. With the performance, tied the SEC record with seven touchdowns in a single game (ninth player in SEC history) and became the eighth player in SEC history to throw for 500 yards in a single game. Set an Egg Bowl record with 31 completions against No. 18 Ole Miss, finishing with 254 yards and two touchdowns through the air while rushing for 63 yards and a score on the ground. PRESCOTT S CAREER PASSING STATS YEAR G/GS CMP ATT INT PCT YDS TD LP/OPPONENT 2012 12/0 18 29 0.621 194 4 29 / S. ALABAMA 2013 11/7 156 267 7.584 1,940 10 65 / RICE 2014 13/13 244 396 11.616 3,449 27 74 / LSU 2015 12/12 291 435 4.669 3,413 25 63 / KENTUCKY TOTALS 48/32 709 1,127 22.629 8,996 66 74 / LSU PRESCOTT S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2012 12/0 32 118 3.7 4 15 / TEXAS A&M 2013 11/7 134 829 6.2 13 75 / BGSU 2014 13/13 210 986 4.7 14 56 / LSU 2015 12/12 148 541 3.7 10 49 / S. MISS TOTALS 48/32 524 2,474 4.7 41 75 /BGSU WILL REDMOND CORNERBACK 6-0 186 Sr.-2L Memphis, Tenn. (East) #2 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Hauled in his fourth career interception and made five solo tackles in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Collected five tackles (four solo) versus #14 LSU in week two, allowing zero completions despite being targeted twice. Credited with five stops in the Northwestern State win. Returned his fifth career interception for 19 yards in the win at #25 Auburn, finishing with four solo tackles and a quarterback hurry. Totaled three tackles and a pass breakup in the Louisiana Tech home win. Tore his right ACL on Oct. 20, ending his collegiate career. REDMOND S CAREER DEFENSIVE STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2012 ***** DID NOT PLAY ***** 2013 8/0 23 14 9 2.5-5 0.0-0 0/0 2 0-0 2014 12/0 51 37 14 3.0-3 0.0-0 0/0 5 3-5 2015 7/7 25 18 7 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 1 2-43 TOTALS 27/7 99 69 30 5.5-8 0.0-0 0/0 8 5-48

FRED ROSS WIDE RECEIVER 6-2 207 Jr.-2L Tyler, Texas (John Tyler) #8 2015 All-SEC First Team (Coaches, Athlon) 2015 All-SEC Second Team (AP) 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Broke the single-season school record with 81 receptions, 100-yard receiving games (5) and consecutive 100-yard receiving games (4). Led the SEC in league-games only with 8.8 receptions per game and 93.2 receiving yards per game. Also led the SEC against ranked teams with 29 receptions for 297 yards. Led the team with five receptions and 75 receiving yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Recorded 66 receiving yards on nine receptions versus #14 LSU, while also returning one punt for 21 yards. Had a game-high seven catches for 66 yards in the win at #25 Auburn. Collected a game-high 103 receiving yards on 11 catches at No. 14 Texas A&M, his third career 100-yard receiving game. Touched the ball five times for 139 all-purpose yards and two touchdowns in the Troy victory, recording a 59-yard touchdown reception and a 77-yard punt return for a touchdown. Hauled in three passes for 36 yards in the Louisiana Tech home win. Registered 115 receiving yards on 11 receptions in the victory at Missouri, catching one touchdown pass. Had a game-high eight catches for 114 yards against No. 2 Alabama. Finished the win at Arkansas with a career-high 154 receiving yards on 10 receptions, recording three straight 100-yard receiving games for the first time in his career while tying a career best with two touchdowns. Totaled 112 receiving yards on a career-high 12 receptions, the third most in school history and the most since Eric Moulds had a school-record 15 in 1995. The fourth straight game of 100 yards marked a school-record, while his five 100-yard receiving games tied a school record. ROSS CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 11/0 9 115 12.8 0 23 / ALCORN ST 2014 13/2 30 489 16.3 5 69 / ARKANSAS 2015 12/12 81 933 11.5 4 59 / TROY TOTALS 36/14 120 1,532 12.8 9 69 / ARKANSAS ROSS CAREER PUNT RETURN STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 11/0 0 0 0.0 0 N/A 2014 13/2 7 75 10.7 0 34 / GA. TECH 2015 12/12 15 157 10.5 1 77 / TROY TOTALS 36/14 22 232 10.5 1 34 / GA. TECH ASHTON SHUMPERT RUNNING BACK 6-2 218 Jr.-2L Fulton, Miss. (Itawamba) #32 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, running eight times for 38 yards and catching four passes for 26 yards. Rushed 10 times for 30 yards and caught three passes for 37 yards versus #14 LSU. Carried the ball nine times for 55 yards and a touchdown in the Northwestern State win. Did not play in the Louisiana Tech home win due to injury. Rushed for 22 yards on just three carries in the win at Arkansas. SHUMPERT S CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 12/0 46 190 4.1 3 14 / ALCORN ST 2014 12/0 47 274 5.8 2 59 / UT MARTIN 2015 11/5 54 201 3.7 1 20 / S. MISS TOTALS 35/5 147 665 4.5 6 59 / UT MARTIN SHUMPERT S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 12/0 4 22 5.5 0 14 / ALCORN ST 2014 12/0 3 18 6.0 0 8 / OLE MISS 2015 11/5 14 118 8.4 0 18 / AUBURN TOTALS 35/5 21 158 7.5 0 18 / AUBURN CORY THOMAS DEFENSIVE TACKLE 6-5 301 Fr.-RS Bessemer, Ala. (McAdory) #34 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut versus #14 LSU in week two. Credited with his first career tackle in the Northwestern State win. Returned his first career interception 12 yards in the Kentucky victory. THOMAS CAREER STATS YEAR G/GS TT UT AT TFL-YDS SCK-YDS FF/FR PBU INT-YD 2015 7/0 2 0 2 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 1-12 TOTALS 7/0 2 0 2 0.0-0 0.0-0 0/0 0 1-12

GUS WALLEY TIGHT END 6-4 242 Jr.-1L Richton, Miss. (Greene County) #19 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his first career start in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss, catching three passes for 20 yards and a touchdown. Recorded career highs in receptions (7) and receiving yards (67) versus #14 LSU. Caught five passes for 22 yards in the win at #25 Auburn. Missed the Texas A&M, Troy and Kentucky games due to injury. Had 27 receiving yards on two catches against No. 2 Alabama. WALLEY S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 ***** DID NOT PLAY ***** 2014 12/0 4 49 12.2 1 20 / UAB 2015 8/7 19 146 7.7 1 19 / ALABAMA TOTALS 20/7 23 195 8.5 2 20 / UAB AERIS WILLIAMS RUNNING BACK 6-1 205 Fr.-RS West Point, Miss. (West Point) #27 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Made his collegiate debut in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Scored his first career touchdown in the Northwestern State win, finishing with seven carries for 36 yards. Ran the ball six times for 26 yards and a touchdown in the Louisiana Tech home win, while also recording his first two career receptions. Averaged 7.7 rushing yards on six carries in the victory at Missouri, finishing with 46 yards on the ground. 2015 Second-Team All-SEC (Coaches) DE RUNNYA WILSON WIDE RECEIVER 6-5 215 Jr.-2L Birmingham, Ala. (Wenonah) #1 2015 HIGHLIGHTS Finished second in the SEC in the regular season with nine receiving touchdowns. Ranks second in school history with 21 receiving touchdowns. Caught two passes for 55 yards in the season-opening victory at Southern Miss. Had a touchdown reception for the third straight year versus LSU, finishing week two against the Tigers with 86 yards and a score on eight receptions. Pulled down five receptions for 43 yards and a touchdown in the win at #25 Auburn. Tallied three catches for 65 yards at No. 14 Texas A&M. Finished with a game-high 82 receiving yards on three receptions in the Troy victory, scoring one touchdown. Tied a career high with two touchdown receptions in the Louisiana Tech home win, finishing with seven grabs for a team-high 85 yards. Had 91 receiving yards in the Kentucky victory, finishing with four receptions and a touchdown. Scored two touchdowns on four receptions in the victory at Missouri, tallying a season-high 102 receiving yards, including a career-long 63-yard reception. Had 38 receiving yards on three catches against No. 2 Alabama. Recorded a career-high 10 receptions in the win at Arkansas, finishing with 93 receiving yards and a touchdown, breaking the school record for the most prolific quarterback-wide receiver touchdown tandem (18 TD receptions from Dak Prescott). Pulled down five catches for 65 yards in the Egg Bowl against No. 18 Ole Miss. WILSON S CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2013 13/1 26 351 13.5 3 59 / LSU 2014 12/10 47 680 14.5 9 44 / LSU 2015 12/12 55 822 14.9 9 63 / MISSOURI TOTALS 37/23 128 1,853 14.5 21 63 / MISSOURI WILLIAMS CAREER RUSHING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 12/0 37 167 4.5 2 17 / NW STATE TOTALS 12/0 37 167 4.5 2 17 / NW STATE WILLIAMS CAREER RECEIVING STATS YEAR G/GS NO. YDS AVG. TD LP/OPPONENT 2015 12/0 6 18 3.0 0 9 / KENTUCKY TOTALS 12/0 6 18 3.0 0 9 / KENTUCKY

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Combined Team Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games Date Opponent Score Att. Sep 05, 2015 at Southern Miss W 34-16 36641 * Sep 12, 2015 #14 LSU L 19-21 62531 Sep 19, 2015 NORTHWESTERN STATE W 62-13 61574 * Sep 26, 2015 at #25 Auburn W 17-9 87451 * Oct 03, 2015 at #14 Texas A&M L 17-30 104455 Oct 10, 2015 TROY W 45-17 60866 Oct 17, 2015 LOUISIANA TECH W 45-20 61651 * Oct 24, 2015 KENTUCKY W 42-16 61168 * Nov 05, 2015 at Missouri W 31-13 58878 * Nov 14, 2015 #2 ALABAMA L 6-31 62435 * Nov 21, 2015 at Arkansas W 51-50 71936 * Nov 28, 2015 #18 OLE MISS L 27-38 62265 Rushing gp att gain loss net avg td lg avg/g Dak Prescott 12 148 741 200 541 3.7 10 49 45.1 Brandon Holloway 12 79 386 14 372 4.7 0 35 31.0 Ashton Shumpert 11 54 219 18 201 3.7 1 20 18.3 Aeris Williams 12 37 177 10 167 4.5 2 17 13.9 Dontavian Lee 9 21 136 1 135 6.4 0 24 15.0 Nick Fitzgerald 7 23 137 10 127 5.5 3 21 18.1 Malik Dear 10 11 113 3 110 10.0 1 52 11.0 Elijah Staley 2 3 18 0 18 6.0 0 11 9.0 Gabe Myles 9 7 20 9 11 1.6 1 9 1.2 Logan Cooke 12 1 11 0 11 11.0 0 11 0.9 Fred Ross 12 1 9 0 9 9.0 0 9 0.8 Justin Malone 12 0 3 0 3 0.0 0 0 0.2 Total 12 392 1970 286 1684 4.3 18 52 140.3 Opponents 12 480 2436 376 2060 4.3 13 74 171.7 Passing gp effic comp-att-int pct yds td lg avg/g Dak Prescott 12 149.93 291-435-4 66.9 3413 25 63 284.4 Nick Fitzgerald 7 290.29 11-14-0 78.6 235 3 49 33.6 Elijah Staley 2 211.68 3-5-0 60.0 51 1 37 25.5 Team 5 0.00 0-2-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 Gabe Myles 9 0.00 0-1-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 Fred Ross 12 385.60 1-1-0 100.0 34 0 34 2.8 Total 12 154.43 306-458-4 66.8 3733 29 63 311.1 Opponents 12 123.99 245-396-11 61.9 2601 15 60 216.8 Receiving gp no. yds avg td lg avg/g Fred Ross 12 81 933 11.5 4 59 77.8 De'Runnya Wilson 12 55 822 14.9 9 63 68.5 Brandon Holloway 12 29 318 11.0 3 63 26.5 Fred Brown 12 25 371 14.8 3 48 30.9 Donald Gray 12 19 346 18.2 2 54 28.8 Malik Dear 10 19 192 10.1 2 27 19.2 Gus Walley 8 19 146 7.7 1 19 18.2 Darrion Hutcherson 12 14 138 9.9 1 24 11.5 Ashton Shumpert 11 14 118 8.4 0 18 10.7 Gabe Myles 9 12 175 14.6 2 49 19.4 Joe Morrow 10 6 100 16.7 1 37 10.0 Aeris Williams 12 6 18 3.0 0 9 1.5 Justin Johnson 10 5 41 8.2 1 12 4.1 Dontavian Lee 9 2 15 7.5 0 11 1.7 Total 12 306 3733 12.2 29 63 311.1 Opponents 12 245 2601 10.6 15 60 216.8 Field Goals fg pct. 01-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-99 lg blk Westin Graves 14-17 82.4 0-0 5-6 6-6 3-4 0-1 44 0 Devon Bell 0-1 0.0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 PAT Scoring td fg kick rush rcv pass dxp saf pts Westin Graves - 14-17 46-47 - - - - - 88 Dak Prescott 10 - - - - 0-1 - - 60 De'Runnya Wilson 9 - - - - - - - 54 Fred Ross 5 - - - - - - - 30 Brandon Holloway 4 - - - - - - - 24 Fred Brown 3 - - - - - - - 18 Malik Dear 3 - - - - - - - 18 Gabe Myles 3 - - - - - - - 18 Nick Fitzgerald 3 - - - - - - - 18 Aeris Williams 2 - - - - - - - 12 Donald Gray 2 - - - - - - - 12 Brandon Bryant 1 - - - - - - - 6 Joe Morrow 1 - - - - - - - 6 Gus Walley 1 - - - - - - - 6 Darrion Hutcherson 1 - - - - - - - 6 Record: Overall Home Away Neutral All games 8-4 4-3 4-1 0-0 Conference 4-4 1-3 3-1 0-0 Non-Conference 4-0 3-0 1-0 0-0 Team Statistics MS OPP FIRST DOWNS 276 253 Rushing 109 114 Pas s ing 157 124 Pena lty 10 15 RUSHING YARDAGE 1684 2060 Rushing Attempts 392 480 Average Per Rush 4.3 4.3 Average Per Game 140.3 171.7 TDs Rushing 18 13 PASSING YARDAGE 3733 2601 Comp-Att-Int 306-458-4 245-396-11 Average Per Pass 8.2 6.6 Average Per Catch 12.2 10.6 Average Per Game 311.1 216.8 TDs Passing 29 15 TOTAL OFFENSE 5417 4661 Average Per Play 6.4 5.3 Average Per Game 451.4 388.4 KICK RETURNS: #-Yards 33-704 40-710 PUNT RETURNS: #-Yards 18-216 10-125 INT RETURNS: #-Yards 11-130 4-74 FUMBLES-LOST 20-13 12-1 PENALTIES-Yards 48-451 55-466 PUNTS-AVG 50-41.4 67-39.5 TIME OF POSSESSION/Game 26:09 33:51 3RD-DOWN Conversions 66/158 65/183 4TH-DOWN Conversions 9/20 8/17 Interceptions no. yds avg td lg Will Redmond 2 43 21.5 0 24 Taveze Calhoun 2-3 -1.5 0 0 Brandon Bryant 2 73 36.5 1 73 Cory Thomas 1 12 12.0 0 12 Kivon Coman 1 0 0.0 0 0 Richie Brown 1 3 3.0 0 3 Beniquez Brown 1 2 2.0 0 2 Gerri Green 1 0 0.0 0 0 Punting no. yds avg lg tb fc i20 50+ blk Logan Cooke 40 1702 42.5 65 6 19 15 12 0 Devon Bell 9 370 41.1 54 1 4 2 1 0 Team 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Punt Returns no. yds avg td lg Fred Ross 15 157 10.5 1 77 Malik Dear 1 7 7.0 0 7 Beniquez Brown 1 31 31.0 0 0 Donald Gray 1 21 21.0 0 0 Total 18 216 12.0 1 77 Opponents 10 125 12.5 1 69 Kick Returns no. yds avg td lg Brandon Holloway 21 498 23.7 1 100 Malik Dear 5 99 19.8 0 34 Gabe Myles 2 44 22.0 0 38 Donald Gray 1 33 33.0 0 33 Kelan Chairs 1 15 15.0 0 15 Gerri Green 1-15 -15.0 0 0 Fred Brown 1 18 18.0 0 18 Darrion Hutcherson 1 12 12.0 0 12 Total 33 704 21.3 1 100 Opponents 40 710 17.8 0 44 All Purpose g rush rcv pr kr ir total avg/g Brandon Hollowa 12 372 318 0 498 0 1188 99.0 Fred Ross 12 9 933 157 0 0 1099 91.6 De'Runnya Wilso 12 0 822 0 0 0 822 68.5 Dak Prescott 12 541 0 0 0 0 541 45.1 Malik Dear 10 110 192 7 99 0 408 40.8 Total 12 1684 3733 216 704 130 6467 538.9 Opponents 12 2060 2601 125 710 74 5570 464.2 Total Offense g plays rush pass total avg/g

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Game Results (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games Date Opponent Score Overall Conference Time Attend Sep 05, 2015 at Southern Miss W 34-16 1-0 0-0 3:25 36641 * Sep 12, 2015 #14 LSU L 19-21 1-1 0-1 3:30 62531 Sep 19, 2015 NORTHWESTERN STATE W 62-13 2-1 0-1 3:00 61574 * Sep 26, 2015 at #25 Auburn W 17-9 3-1 1-1 3:07 87451 * Oct 03, 2015 at #14 Texas A&M L 17-30 3-2 1-2 3:22 104455 Oct 10, 2015 TROY W 45-17 4-2 1-2 3:04 60866 Oct 17, 2015 LOUISIANA TECH W 45-20 5-2 1-2 3:16 61651 * Oct 24, 2015 KENTUCKY W 42-16 6-2 2-2 3:49 61168 * Nov 05, 2015 at Missouri W 31-13 7-2 3-2 3:12 58878 * Nov 14, 2015 #2 ALABAMA L 6-31 7-3 3-3 3:27 62435 * Nov 21, 2015 at Arkansas W 51-50 8-3 4-3 3:40 71936 * Nov 28, 2015 #18 OLE MISS L 27-38 8-4 4-4 3:10 62265

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Overall Team Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games Team Statistics MS OPP SCORING 396 274 Points Per Game 33.0 22.8 Points Off Turnovers 34 50 FIRST DOWNS 276 253 Rushing 109 114 Passing 157 124 Penalty 10 15 RUSHING YARDAGE 1684 2060 Yards gained rushing 1970 2436 Yards lost rushing 286 376 Rushing Attempts 392 480 Average Per Rush 4.3 4.3 Average Per Game 140.3 171.7 TDs Rushing 18 13 PASSING YARDAGE 3733 2601 Comp-Att-Int 306-458-4 245-396-11 Average Per Pass 8.2 6.6 Average Per Catch 12.2 10.6 Average Per Game 311.1 216.8 TDs Passing 29 15 TOTAL OFFENSE 5417 4661 Total Plays 850 876 Average Per Play 6.4 5.3 Average Per Game 451.4 388.4 KICK RETURNS: #-Yards 33-704 40-710 PUNT RETURNS: #-Yards 18-216 10-125 INT RETURNS: #-Yards 11-130 4-74 KICK RETURN AVERAGE 21.3 17.8 PUNT RETURN AVERAGE 12.0 12.5 INT RETURN AVERAGE 11.8 18.5 FUMBLES-LOST 20-13 12-1 PENALTIES-Yards 48-451 55-466 Average Per Game 37.6 38.8 PUNTS-Yards 50-2072 67-2646 Average Per Punt 41.4 39.5 Net punt average 36.1 35.4 KICKOFFS-Yards 76-4666 59-3561 Average Per Kick 61.4 60.4 Net kick average 41.2 39.5 TIME OF POSSESSION/Game 26:09 33:51 3RD-DOWN Conversions 66/158 65/183 3rd-Down Pct 42% 36% 4TH-DOWN Conversions 9/20 8/17 4th-Down Pct 45% 47% SACKS BY-Yards 25-182 31-191 MISC YARDS -13 0 TOUCHDOWNS SCORED 51 30 FIELD GOALS-ATTEMPTS 14-18 21-28 ON-SIDE KICKS 0-1 2-4 RED-ZONE SCORES (45-50) 90% (31-43) 72% RED-ZONE TOUCHDOWNS (35-50) 70% (17-43) 40% PAT-ATTEMPTS (48-49) 98% (29-29) 100% ATTENDANCE 432490 359361 Games/Avg Per Game 7/61784 5/71872 Neutral Site Games 0/0 Score by Quarters 1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT Total Mississippi State 93 123 84 96 0 396 Opponents 93 74 73 34 0 274

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games Rushing gp att gain loss net avg td lg avg/g Dak Prescott 12 148 741 200 541 3.7 10 49 45.1 Brandon Holloway 12 79 386 14 372 4.7 0 35 31.0 Ashton Shumpert 11 54 219 18 201 3.7 1 20 18.3 Aeris Williams 12 37 177 10 167 4.5 2 17 13.9 Dontavian Lee 9 21 136 1 135 6.4 0 24 15.0 Nick Fitzgerald 7 23 137 10 127 5.5 3 21 18.1 Malik Dear 10 11 113 3 110 10.0 1 52 11.0 Elijah Staley 2 3 18 0 18 6.0 0 11 9.0 Gabe Myles 9 7 20 9 11 1.6 1 9 1.2 Logan Cooke 12 1 11 0 11 11.0 0 11 0.9 Fred Ross 12 1 9 0 9 9.0 0 9 0.8 Justin Malone 12 0 3 0 3 0.0 0 0 0.2 Team 5 7 0 21-21 -3.0 0 0-4.2 Total 12 392 1970 286 1684 4.3 18 52 140.3 Opponents 12 480 2436 376 2060 4.3 13 74 171.7 Passing gp effic comp-att-int pct yds td lg avg/g Dak Prescott 12 149.93 291-435-4 66.9 3413 25 63 284.4 Nick Fitzgerald 7 290.29 11-14-0 78.6 235 3 49 33.6 Elijah Staley 2 211.68 3-5-0 60.0 51 1 37 25.5 Team 5 0.00 0-2-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 Gabe Myles 9 0.00 0-1-0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 Fred Ross 12 385.60 1-1-0 100.0 34 0 34 2.8 Total 12 154.43 306-458-4 66.8 3733 29 63 311.1 Opponents 12 123.99 245-396-11 61.9 2601 15 60 216.8 Receiving gp no. yds avg td lg avg/g Fred Ross 12 81 933 11.5 4 59 77.8 De'Runnya Wilson 12 55 822 14.9 9 63 68.5 Brandon Holloway 12 29 318 11.0 3 63 26.5 Fred Brown 12 25 371 14.8 3 48 30.9 Donald Gray 12 19 346 18.2 2 54 28.8 Malik Dear 10 19 192 10.1 2 27 19.2 Gus Walley 8 19 146 7.7 1 19 18.2 Darrion Hutcherson 12 14 138 9.9 1 24 11.5 Ashton Shumpert 11 14 118 8.4 0 18 10.7 Gabe Myles 9 12 175 14.6 2 49 19.4 Joe Morrow 10 6 100 16.7 1 37 10.0 Aeris Williams 12 6 18 3.0 0 9 1.5 Justin Johnson 10 5 41 8.2 1 12 4.1 Dontavian Lee 9 2 15 7.5 0 11 1.7 Total 12 306 3733 12.2 29 63 311.1 Opponents 12 245 2601 10.6 15 60 216.8 Punt Returns no. yds avg td lg Fred Ross 15 157 10.5 1 77 Beniquez Brown 1 31 31.0 0 0 Donald Gray 1 21 21.0 0 0 Malik Dear 1 7 7.0 0 7 Total 18 216 12.0 1 77 Opponents 10 125 12.5 1 69 Interceptions no. yds avg td lg Brandon Bryant 2 73 36.5 1 73 Taveze Calhoun 2-3 -1.5 0 0 Will Redmond 2 43 21.5 0 24 Kivon Coman 1 0 0.0 0 0 Richie Brown 1 3 3.0 0 3 Beniquez Brown 1 2 2.0 0 2 Gerri Green 1 0 0.0 0 0 Cory Thomas 1 12 12.0 0 12 Total 11 130 11.8 1 73 Opponents 4 74 18.5 1 45 Kick Returns no. yds avg td lg Brandon Holloway 21 498 23.7 1 100 Malik Dear 5 99 19.8 0 34 Gabe Myles 2 44 22.0 0 38 Darrion Hutcherson 1 12 12.0 0 12 Fred Brown 1 18 18.0 0 18 Gerri Green 1-15 -15.0 0 0 Donald Gray 1 33 33.0 0 33 Kelan Chairs 1 15 15.0 0 15 Total 33 704 21.3 1 100 Opponents 40 710 17.8 0 44 Fumble Returns no. yds avg td lg Nelson Adams 0 0 0.0 1 0 Total 0 0 0.0 1 0 Opponents 1 15 15.0 0 15

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games PAT Scoring td fg kick rush rcv pass dxp saf pts Westin Graves - 14-17 46-47 - - - - - 88 Dak Prescott 10 - - - - 0-1 - - 60 De'Runnya Wilson 9 - - - - - - - 54 Fred Ross 5 - - - - - - - 30 Brandon Holloway 4 - - - - - - - 24 Gabe Myles 3 - - - - - - - 18 Malik Dear 3 - - - - - - - 18 Nick Fitzgerald 3 - - - - - - - 18 Fred Brown 3 - - - - - - - 18 Aeris Williams 2 - - - - - - - 12 Donald Gray 2 - - - - - - - 12 Nelson Adams 1 - - - - - - - 6 Joe Morrow 1 - - - - - - - 6 Ashton Shumpert 1 - - - - - - - 6 Gus Walley 1 - - - - - - - 6 Justin Johnson 1 - - - - - - - 6 Darrion Hutcherson 1 - - - - - - - 6 Brandon Bryant 1 - - - - - - - 6 Devon Bell - 0-1 2-2 - - - - - 2 Logan Cooke - - - - - 0-1 - - 0 Total 51 14-18 48-49 - - 0-2 - - 396 Opponents 30 21-28 29-29 - 1 1-1 - - 274 Total Offense g plays rush pass total avg/g Dak Prescott 12 583 541 3413 3954 329.5 Brandon Holloway 12 79 372 0 372 31.0 Nick Fitzgerald 7 37 127 235 362 51.7 Ashton Shumpert 11 54 201 0 201 18.3 Aeris Williams 12 37 167 0 167 13.9 Dontavian Lee 9 21 135 0 135 15.0 Malik Dear 10 11 110 0 110 11.0 Elijah Staley 2 8 18 51 69 34.5 Fred Ross 12 2 9 34 43 3.6 Logan Cooke 12 1 11 0 11 0.9 Gabe Myles 9 8 11 0 11 1.2 Justin Malone 12 0 3 0 3 0.2 Team 5 9-21 0-21 -4.2 Total 12 850 1684 3733 5417 451.4 Opponents 12 876 2060 2601 4661 388.4 Field Goals fg pct. 01-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-99 lg blk Westin Graves 14-17 82.4 0-0 5-6 6-6 3-4 0-1 44 0 Devon Bell 0-1 0.0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 0 FG Sequence Mississippi State Opponents Southern Miss (38),(37) (31),(27),(27) LSU (43),(24),52 - Northwestern State - (52),(26) Auburn (44) 26,(30),(25),(51) Texas A&M (38) (55),49,(24),(30) Troy (42) (21) Louisiana Tech (26) (33),(27) Kentucky 26 (44),48,(48),(32) Missouri (36),49 (31),(35) Alabama 50,(31),(39) (42),32 Arkansas (21) 29 Ole Miss (22),(27) 38,33,(48) Punting no. yds avg lg tb fc i20 50+ blk Logan Cooke 40 1702 42.5 65 6 19 15 12 0 Devon Bell 9 370 41.1 54 1 4 2 1 0 Team 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 50 2072 41.4 65 7 23 17 13 1 Opponents 67 2646 39.5 58 3 24 15 9 2 Kickoffs no. yds avg tb ob retn net ydln Devon Bell 72 4469 62.1 31 2 Logan Cooke 4 197 49.2 2 0 Total 76 4666 61.4 33 2 17.8 41.2 23 Opponents 59 3561 60.4 21 3 21.3 39.5 25 Numbers in (parentheses) indicate field goal was made.

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games All Purpose g rush rcv pr kr ir total avg/g Brandon Hollow 12 372 318 0 498 0 1188 99.0 Fred Ross 12 9 933 157 0 0 1099 91.6 De'Runnya Wils 12 0 822 0 0 0 822 68.5 Dak Prescott 12 541 0 0 0 0 541 45.1 Malik Dear 10 110 192 7 99 0 408 40.8 Donald Gray 12 0 346 21 33 0 400 33.3 Fred Brown 12 0 371 0 18 0 389 32.4 Ashton Shumper 11 201 118 0 0 0 319 29.0 Gabe Myles 9 11 175 0 44 0 230 25.6 Aeris Williams 12 167 18 0 0 0 185 15.4 Dontavian Lee 9 135 15 0 0 0 150 16.7 Darrion Hutcher 12 0 138 0 12 0 150 12.5 Gus Walley 8 0 146 0 0 0 146 18.2 Nick Fitzgerald 7 127 0 0 0 0 127 18.1 Joe Morrow 10 0 100 0 0 0 100 10.0 Brandon Bryant 12 0 0 0 0 73 73 6.1 Will Redmond 7 0 0 0 0 43 43 6.1 Justin Johnson 10 0 41 0 0 0 41 4.1 Beniquez Brown 12 0 0 31 0 2 33 2.8 Elijah Staley 2 18 0 0 0 0 18 9.0 Kelan Chairs 11 0 0 0 15 0 15 1.4 Cory Thomas 7 0 0 0 0 12 12 1.7 Logan Cooke 12 11 0 0 0 0 11 0.9 Justin Malone 12 3 0 0 0 0 3 0.2 Richie Brown 12 0 0 0 0 3 3 0.2 Taveze Calhoun 11 0 0 0 0-3 -3-0.3 Gerri Green 12 0 0 0-15 0-15 -1.2 Team 5-21 0 0 0 0-21 -4.2 Total 12 1684 3733 216 704 130 6467 538.9 Opponents 12 2060 2601 125 710 74 5570 464.2

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Overall Defensive Statistics (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games Tackles Sacks Pass defense Fumbles blkd ## Defensive Leaders gp ua a tot tfl/yds no-yds int-yds brup qbh rcv-yds ff kick saf 39 Richie Brown 12 47 54 101 12.0-54 5.5-38 1-3 2 3.... 42 Beniquez Brown 12 43 47 90 9.0-28 2.0-12 1-2 2 2.. 2. 11 Kivon Coman 12 37 35 72 4.0-17 0.5-3 1-0 6 1.... 20 Brandon Bryant 12 42 15 57 2.0-19 1.5-17 2-73 3.. 1.. 45 J.T. Gray 12 24 32 56 2.5-8 0.5-3....... 47 A.J. Jefferson 12 27 17 44 13.5-65 5.0-43. 3 6. 1.. 14 Zach Jackson 11 20 24 44 4.0-12 1.0-6. 2 1.... 4 Gerri Green 12 19 25 44 2.5-9. 1-0 1 1.... 7 Tolando Cleveland 12 24 15 39 3.5-20 1.0-5. 2 1. 1 1. 98 Chris Jones 12 14 25 39 7.5-21 2.5-16. 4 5.... 48 Ryan Brown 12 13 26 39 8.0-55 2.5-25. 5 10.... 23 Taveze Calhoun 11 23 14 37 6.5-22. 2--3 7..... 17 Deontay Evans 12 20 12 32... 2..... 97 Johnathan Calvin 12 12 14 26 5.5-14 1.5-5.. 3.... 2 Will Redmond 7 18 7 25.. 2-43 1 1.... 88 Nick James 12 9 16 25 3.0-7... 3. 1.. 26 Kendrick Market 4 13 10 23......... 94 Nelson Adams 12 5 18 23 1.0-3.. 1. 1-0... 12 Jamal Peters 11 11 11 22 1.5-7 1.0-5. 2..... 9 Jamoral Graham 11 16 3 19 1.0-1... 1.... 41 Mark McLaurin 11 10 7 17... 3..... 28 DeAndre Ward 12 5 9 14 1.0-5 0.5-4....... 5J Cedric Jiles 11 8 6 14... 4..... 57 Will Coleman 12 5 7 12 2.5-3.. 1 2.... 46 Dezmond Harris 7 3 6 9......... 49 Torrey Dale 12 6 3 9 0.5-1.. 1..... 95 Braxton Hoyett 6. 4 4 0.5-2........ 90 Grant Harris 4. 3 3......... 53 Hunter Bradley 11 3. 3......... 34 Cory Thomas 7. 2 2.. 1-12...... 24 Chris Rayford 12 1 1 2......... 33 Dontavian Lee 9 1 1 2......... 51 Kelan Chairs 11. 2 2 0.5-1........ 29 Josiah Phillips 1. 1 1......... 40 Devon Bell 12 1. 1......... 32 Ashton Shumpert 11 1. 1...... 1.. 3C Winston Chapman 2. 1 1......... 43 Logan Cooke 12 1. 1......... 5 Fred Brown 12 1. 1......... 1 De'Runnya Wilson 12 1. 1......... 35 Gabe Myles 9. 1 1......... 8 Fred Ross 12 1. 1......... 27 Aeris Williams 12. 1 1......... 38 Brandon Davis 3 1. 1......... 6 Donald Gray 12.......... 1. Total 12 486 475 961 92-374 25-182 11-130 52 40 1-0 5 4. Opponents 12 453 447 900 68-277 31-191 4-74 61 39 13-15 18 1.

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Team Game-by-Game (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games TEAM STATISTICS Rushing Receiving Passing Kick Returns Punt Returns tot Date Opponent no. yds td lg no. yds td lg cmp-att-int yds td lg no. yds td lg no. yds td lg off Sep 05 at Southern Miss 28 205 1 49 22 237 2 44 22-38-0 237 2 44 3 91 1 100 2 6 0 0 442 Sep 12 LSU 26 43 1 11 34 335 1 33 34-54-0 335 1 33 2 47 0 26 1 21 0 21 378 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STATE 37 275 5 42 16 372 4 49 16-18-0 372 4 49 2 50 0 38 3 33 0 22 647 Sep 26 at Auburn 21 56 0 14 29 270 2 32 29-41-0 270 2 32 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 4 326 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 34 196 2 52 20 210 0 21 20-34-0 210 0 21 3 39 0 18 1 7 0 7 406 Oct 10 TROY 33 125 1 23 10 211 3 59 10-15-0 211 3 59 3 53 0 21 3 75 1 77 336 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 30 93 2 15 30 347 3 45 30-43-0 347 3 45 3 56 0 34 2 28 0 7 440 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 36 204 3 21 26 382 3 63 26-36-1 382 3 63 2 38 0 22 1 0 0 0 586 Nov 05 at Missouri 36 127 0 17 27 303 4 63 27-41-0 303 4 63 3 104 0 69 1 17 0 17 430 Nov 14 ALABAMA 42 89 0 19 23 304 0 54 23-45-1 304 0 54 4 57 0 16 1 3 0 3 393 Nov 21 at Arkansas 35 123 2 12 38 508 5 55 38-51-1 508 5 55 5 100 0 26 1 7 0 7 631 Nov 28 OLE MISS 34 148 1 35 31 254 2 28 31-42-1 254 2 28 3 69 0 33 1 15 0 15 402 Mississippi State 392 1684 18 52 306 3733 29 63 306-458-4 3733 29 63 33 704 1 100 18 216 1 77 5417 Opponents 480 2060 13 74 245 2601 15 60 245-396-11 2601 15 60 40 710 0 44 10 125 1 69 4661 Games: 12 Avg/rush: 4.3 Avg/catch: 12.2 Pass effic: 154.43 KR avg: 21.3 PR avg: 12.0 All purpose avg/game: 538.9 Total offense avg/gm: 451.4 Tackles Sacks Fumble Pass Defense blkd PAT Attempts off Date Opponent ua a total tfl-yds no-yds ff fr-yds int-yds qbh brup kick kick rush rcv saf t/o pts Sep 05 at Southern Miss 57 24 81 3.0-26 3.0-26 0 0-0 2-27 4 4 1 4-4 0 0 0 3 34 Sep 12 LSU 24 66 90 6.0-17 1.0-5 0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 1-1 0 0 0 0 19 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STAT 32 58 90 13.0-56 4.0-26 0 0-0 0-0 1 5 0 8-8 0 0 0 0 62 Sep 26 at Auburn 55 30 85 8.0-55 4.0-37 1 0-0 1-19 8 3 0 2-2 0 0 0 7 17 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 44 45 89 4.0-9 1.0-2 0 0-0 0-0 1 3 0 2-2 0 0 0 0 17 Oct 10 TROY 26 78 104 15.0-82 4.0-36 1 1-0 1-2 3 9 0 6-6 0 0 0 7 45 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 41 34 75 4.0-11 2.0-9 0 0-0 1-73 5 4 1 6-6 0 0 0 7 45 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 53 24 77 10.0-27 1.0-6 0 0-0 3-9 5 7 0 6-6 0 0 0 7 42 Nov 05 at Missouri 49 16 65 11.0-52 5.0-35 1 0-0 2-0 3 4 0 4-4 0 0 0 3 31 Nov 14 ALABAMA 26 34 60 4.0-5 0.0-0 0 0-0 1-0 7 0 1 0-0 0 0 0 0 6 Nov 21 at Arkansas 40 32 72 7.0-15 0.0-0 1 0-0 0-0 1 7 1 6-7 0 0 0 0 51 Nov 28 OLE MISS 39 34 73 7.0-19 0.0-0 1 0-0 0-0 1 5 0 3-3 0 0 0 0 27 Mississippi State 486 475 961 92.0-374 25.0-182 5 1-0 11-130 40 52 4 48-49 0 0 0 34 396 Opponents 453 447 900 68.0-277 31.0-191 18 13-15 4-74 39 61 1 29-29 0 1 0 50 274 Punting Field Goals Kickoffs Date Opponent no. yds avg long blkd tb fc 50+ i20 md-att long blkd no. yds avg tb ob Sep 05 at Southern Miss 4 168 42.0 51 0 1 1 1 2 2-2 38 0 7 430 61.4 0 0 Sep 12 LSU 8 297 37.1 54 0 1 5 1 2 2-3 43 0 5 263 52.6 1 0 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STAT 1 44 44.0 44 0 0 1 0 1 0-0 0 0 10 638 63.8 7 0 Sep 26 at Auburn 5 209 41.8 54 0 1 3 2 3 1-1 44 0 4 260 65.0 2 0 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 5 197 39.4 49 0 0 1 0 0 1-1 38 0 4 235 58.8 2 0 Oct 10 TROY 5 243 48.6 65 0 1 3 3 1 1-1 42 0 8 504 63.0 5 0 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 4 186 46.5 55 0 1 2 2 2 1-1 26 0 8 488 61.0 3 0 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 3 112 37.3 50 0 0 3 1 2 0-1 0 0 7 427 61.0 3 0 Nov 05 at Missouri 5 167 33.4 49 1 1 1 0 2 1-2 36 0 6 362 60.3 2 0 Nov 14 ALABAMA 6 266 44.3 59 0 1 1 2 2 2-3 39 0 3 192 64.0 2 1 Nov 21 at Arkansas 1 35 35.0 35 0 0 1 0 0 1-1 21 0 9 548 60.9 2 1 Nov 28 OLE MISS 3 148 49.3 50 0 0 1 1 0 2-2 27 0 5 319 63.8 4 0 Mississippi State 50 2072 41.4 65 1 7 23 13 17 14-18 44 0 76 4666 61.4 33 2 Opponents 67 2646 39.5 58 2 3 24 9 15 21-28 55 2 59 3561 60.4 21 3

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Opponent Game-by-Game (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games OPPONENT STATISTICS Rushing Receiving Passing Kick Returns Punt Returns tot Date Opponent no. yds td lg no. yds td lg cmp-att-int yds td lg no. yds td lg no. yds td lg off Sep 05 at Southern Miss 36 102 0 44 30 311 1 44 30-44-2 311 1 44 7 166 0 37 0 0 0 0 413 Sep 12 LSU 47 266 3 26 9 71 0 23 9-14-0 71 0 23 4 49 0 21 1 2 0 2 337 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STATE 50 146 1 19 9 111 0 24 9-16-0 111 0 24 3 52 0 28 0 0 0 0 257 Sep 26 at Auburn 50 201 0 31 20 188 0 22 20-28-1 188 0 22 2 46 0 24 1 4 0 4 389 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 45 194 1 21 25 322 2 49 25-41-0 322 2 49 1 18 0 18 3 41 0 26 516 Oct 10 TROY 46 112 2 74 20 142 0 22 20-36-1 142 0 22 3 62 0 44 0 0 0 0 254 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 32 110 0 11 25 303 2 31 25-41-1 303 2 31 5 58 0 21 1 1 0 1 413 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 33 163 1 25 30 260 0 22 30-52-3 260 0 22 4 70 0 23 0 0 0 0 423 Nov 05 at Missouri 45 215 1 72 11 107 0 35 11-26-2 107 0 35 4 61 0 25 1 8 0 0 322 Nov 14 ALABAMA 30 235 2 74 15 144 1 60 15-25-1 144 1 60 0 0 0 0 1 69 1 69 379 Nov 21 at Arkansas 29 73 0 9 30 406 7 52 30-43-0 406 7 52 6 119 0 35 0 0 0 0 479 Nov 28 OLE MISS 37 243 2 38 21 236 2 36 21-30-0 236 2 36 1 9 0 9 2 0 0 1 479 Opponents 480 2060 13 74 245 2601 15 60 245-396-11 2601 15 60 40 710 0 44 10 125 1 69 4661 Mississippi State 392 1684 18 52 306 3733 29 63 306-458-4 3733 29 63 33 704 1 100 18 216 1 77 5417 Games: 12 Avg/rush: 4.3 Avg/catch: 10.6 Pass effic: 123.99 KR avg: 17.8 PR avg: 12.5 All purpose avg/game: 464.2 Total offense avg/gm: 388.4 Tackles Sacks Fumble Pass Defense blkd PAT Attempts off Date Opponent ua a total tfl-yds no-yds ff fr-yds int-yds qbh brup kick kick rush rcv saf t/o pts Sep 05 at Southern Miss 41 14 55 5.0-16 1.0-5 1 2-0 0-0 1 4 0 1-1 0 0 0 3 16 Sep 12 LSU 35 52 87 5.0-34 3.0-28 0 0-0 0-0 8 8 0 3-3 0 0 0 0 21 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STAT 27 44 71 2.0-6 1.0-5 2 2-0 0-0 0 0 0 1-1 0 0 0 3 13 Sep 26 at Auburn 32 24 56 3.0-7 0.0-0 1 1-0 0-0 6 6 0 0-0 0 0 0 3 9 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 35 40 75 4.0-15 2.0-12 2 2-0 0-0 3 8 0 3-3 0 0 0 3 30 Oct 10 TROY 20 48 68 4.0-10 0.0-0 1 0-0 0-0 4 2 0 2-2 0 0 0 0 17 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 36 40 76 8.0-34 2.0-16 2 0-0 0-0 3 6 0 2-2 0 0 0 0 20 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 47 28 75 3.0-5 1.0-3 0 0-0 1-0 1 4 0 1-1 0 0 0 0 16 Nov 05 at Missouri 42 32 74 11.0-41 3.0-22 3 2-0 0-0 8 5 1 1-1 0 0 0 3 13 Nov 14 ALABAMA 46 47 93 12.0-58 9.0-55 3 1-0 1-29 4 7 0 4-4 0 0 0 0 31 Nov 21 at Arkansas 40 50 90 2.0-4 2.0-4 2 2-15 1-0 0 6 0 6-6 0 1 0 21 50 Nov 28 OLE MISS 52 28 80 9.0-47 7.0-41 1 1-0 1-45 1 5 0 5-5 0 0 0 14 38 Opponents 453 447 900 68.0-277 31.0-191 18 13-15 4-74 39 61 1 29-29 0 1 0 50 274 Mississippi State 486 475 961 92.0-374 25.0-182 5 1-0 11-130 40 52 4 48-49 0 0 0 34 396 Punting Field Goals Kickoffs Date Opponent no. yds avg long blkd tb fc 50+ i20 md-att long blkd no. yds avg tb ob Sep 05 at Southern Miss 6 208 34.7 48 1 0 2 0 3 3-3 31 0 3 153 51.0 0 0 Sep 12 LSU 9 351 39.0 58 0 0 5 1 5 0-0 0 0 4 257 64.2 2 0 Sep 19 NORTHWESTERN STAT 7 309 44.1 51 0 0 3 2 0 2-2 52 0 4 210 52.5 1 1 Sep 26 at Auburn 5 207 41.4 49 0 0 4 0 1 3-4 51 0 3 192 64.0 2 1 Oct 03 at Texas A&M 4 196 49.0 57 0 2 0 2 1 3-4 55 0 7 431 61.6 3 0 Oct 10 TROY 8 326 40.8 53 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 21 0 3 159 53.0 0 0 Oct 17 LOUISIANA TECH 5 167 33.4 55 1 0 0 1 1 2-2 33 0 5 313 62.6 2 0 Oct 24 KENTUCKY 4 153 38.2 47 0 0 2 0 2 3-4 48 0 5 301 60.2 3 0 Nov 05 at Missouri 7 278 39.7 56 0 0 3 1 1 2-2 35 0 4 253 63.2 1 0 Nov 14 ALABAMA 5 200 40.0 47 0 0 2 0 1 1-2 42 1 6 377 62.8 2 0 Nov 21 at Arkansas 4 183 45.8 51 0 0 3 1 0 0-1 0 1 8 475 59.4 1 1 Nov 28 OLE MISS 3 68 22.7 37 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 48 0 7 440 62.9 4 0 Opponents 67 2646 39.5 58 2 3 24 9 15 21-28 55 2 59 3561 60.4 21 3 Mississippi State 50 2072 41.4 65 1 7 23 13 17 14-18 44 0 76 4666 61.4 33 2

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Game Superlatives (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS Rushes 26 Dak Prescott vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Yards Rushing 117 Dak Prescott vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) TD Rushes 3 Dak Prescott vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Long Rush 52 Malik Dear at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Pass attempts 52 Dak Prescott vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Pass completions 38 Dak Prescott at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Passing 508 Dak Prescott at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) TD Passes 5 Dak Prescott at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Long Pass 63 Dak Prescott vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 63 Dak Prescott at Missouri (Nov 05, 2015) Receptions 12 Fred Ross vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Yards Receiving 154 Fred Ross at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) TD Receptions 2 De'Runnya Wilson vs Louisiana Tech (Oct 17, 2015) 2 De'Runnya Wilson at Missouri (Nov 05, 2015) 2 Fred Ross at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) 2 Malik Dear vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Long Reception 63 Brandon Holloway vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 63 De'Runnya Wilson at Missouri (Nov 05, 2015) Field Goals 2 Westin Graves at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 2 Westin Graves vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) 2 Westin Graves vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) 2 Westin Graves vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Long Field Goal 44 Westin Graves at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) Punts 6 Logan Cooke vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Punting Avg 49.3 Logan Cooke vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Long Punt 65 Logan Cooke vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) Punts inside 20 3 Logan Cooke at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) Long Punt Return 77 Fred Ross vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) Long Kickoff Return 100 Brandon Holloway at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) Tackles 13 Richie Brown at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) Sacks 2.0 A.J. Jefferson at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 2.0 Richie Brown at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) 2.0 Richie Brown at Missouri (Nov 05, 2015) Tackles For Loss 3.5 Ryan Brown vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) Interceptions 2 Taveze Calhoun vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015)

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Game Superlatives (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games TEAM GAME HIGHS Rushes 42 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Yards Rushing 275 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) Yards Per Rush 7.4 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) TD Rushes 5 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) Pass attempts 54 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Pass completions 38 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Passing 508 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Per Pass 20.7 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) TD Passes 5 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Total Plays 87 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Total Offense 647 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) Yards Per Play 11.8 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) Points 62 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) Sacks By 5 at Missouri (Nov 05, 2015) First Downs 32 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Penalties 6 at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 6 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 6 vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Penalty Yards 62 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Turnovers 3 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Interceptions By 3 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Punts 8 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Punting Avg 49.3 vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Long Punt 65 vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) Punts inside 20 3 at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) Long Punt Return 77 vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015)

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Game Superlatives (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games OPPONENT INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS Rushes 28 L. Fournette, vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Yards Rushing 204 Derrick Henry, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) TD Rushes 3 L. Fournette, vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Long Rush 74 Burks, Brandon, vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) 74 Derrick Henry, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Pass attempts 44 MULLENS, Nick, at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) Pass completions 30 MULLENS, Nick, at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 30 Brandon Allen, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Passing 406 Brandon Allen, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) TD Passes 7 Brandon Allen, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Long Pass 60 Jake Coker, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Receptions 10 TAYLOR, Trent, vs Louisiana Tech (Oct 17, 2015) Yards Receiving 141 Josh Reynolds, at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) TD Receptions 3 Jeremy Sprinkle, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Long Reception 60 Calvin Ridley, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Field Goals 3 BRAUCHLE, S., at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 3 Daniel Carlson, at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) 3 Taylor Bertolet, at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) 3 A. MacGinnis, vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Long Field Goal 55 Taylor Bertolet, at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Punts 9 Jamie Keehn, vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Punting Avg 49.0 Drew Kaser, at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Long Punt 58 Jamie Keehn, vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Punts inside 20 5 Jamie Keehn, vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Long Punt Return 69 Cyrus Jones, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Long Kickoff Return 44 Douglas, D., vs Troy (Oct 10, 2015) Tackles 15 Brooks Ellis, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Sacks 3.0 Jonathan Allen, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Tackles For Loss 3.0 Jonathan Allen, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) Interceptions 1 Chris Westry, vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 1 M. Humphrey, vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) 1 K. Richardson, at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) 1 Tony Bridges, vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015)

The Automated ScoreBook Mississippi State Game Superlatives (as of Nov 28, 2015) All games OPPONENT TEAM GAME HIGHS Rushes 50 vs Northwestern State (Sep 19, 2015) 50 at Auburn (Sep 26, 2015) Yards Rushing 266 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Yards Per Rush 7.8 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) TD Rushes 3 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Pass attempts 52 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Pass completions 30 at Southern Miss (Sep 05, 2015) 30 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 30 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Passing 406 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Yards Per Pass 9.4 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) TD Passes 7 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Total Plays 86 at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Total Offense 516 at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Yards Per Play 7.1 vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Points 50 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) Sacks By 9 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) First Downs 30 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Penalties 9 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Penalty Yards 95 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Turnovers 3 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) Interceptions By 1 vs Kentucky (Oct 24, 2015) 1 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015) 1 at Arkansas (Nov 21, 2015) 1 vs Ole Miss (Nov 28, 2015) Punts 9 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Punting Avg 49.0 at Texas A&M (Oct 03, 2015) Long Punt 58 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Punts inside 20 5 vs LSU (Sep 12, 2015) Long Punt Return 69 vs Alabama (Nov 14, 2015)

INDIVIDUAL GAME BY GAME STATISTICS PASSING Dak Prescott Att Cmp Int Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 38 22 0 237 2 44 LSU 52 34 0 335 1 33 Northwestern State 11 10 0 227 2 49 at Auburn 41 29 0 270 2 32 at Texas A&M 34 20 0 210 0 21 Troy 6 3 0 74 1 59 Louisiana Tech 43 30 0 347 3 45 Kentucky 35 25 1 348 3 63 at Missouri 40 27 0 303 4 63 Alabama 43 22 1 300 0 54 at Arkansas 50 38 1 508 5 55 Ole Miss 42 31 1 254 2 28 TOTALS 435 291 4 3413 25 63 Nick Fitzgerald Att Cmp Int Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSU --- DNP --- Northwestern State 4 4 0 90 1 49 at Auburn --- DNP --- at Texas A&M --- DNP --- Troy 7 6 0 141 2 49 Louisiana Tech 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kentucky 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Missouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 Alabama 2 1 0 4 0 4 at Arkansas --- DNP --- Ole Miss --- DNP --- TOTALS 13 11 0 235 3 49 RUSHING Ashton Shumpert Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 8 46 8 38 0 20 LSU 10 30 0 30 0 6 Northwestern State 9 55 0 55 1 17 at Auburn 5 11 6 5 0 4 at Texas A&M 4 17 0 17 0 7 Troy 6 14 0 14 0 6 Louisiana Tech --- DNP --- Kentucky 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Missouri 8 19 4 15 0 7 Alabama 1 5 0 5 0 5 at Arkansas 3 22 0 22 0 9 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 54 219 18 201 1 20 Brandon Holloway Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 7 51 0 51 0 35 LSU 5 37 0 37 0 11 Northwestern State 1 4 0 4 0 4 at Auburn 5 42 0 42 0 14 at Texas A&M 5 6 1 5 0 3 Troy 5 10 3 7 0 9 Louisiana Tech 8 24 10 14 0 12 Kentucky 6 36 0 36 0 18 at Missouri 6 24 0 24 0 9 Alabama 7 34 0 34 0 19 at Arkansas 14 63 0 63 0 12 Ole Miss 10 55 0 55 0 13 TOTALS 79 386 14 372 0 35 Dak Prescott Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 8 79 7 72 1 49 LSU 10 9 28-19 1 3 Northwestern State 6 59 5 54 0 42 at Auburn 6 14 0 14 0 8 at Texas A&M 18 110 14 96 1 26 Troy 1 3 0 3 0 3 Louisiana Tech 10 51 17 34 1 15 Kentucky 13 120 3 117 3 21 at Missouri 14 68 21 47 0 17 Alabama 26 72 58 14 0 17 at Arkansas 15 50 4 46 2 11 Ole Miss 21 106 43 63 1 35 TOTALS 148 741 200 541 10 49 Nick Fitzgerald Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 2 36 0 36 0 21 LSU --- DNP --- Northwestern State 5 28 0 28 2 12 at Auburn --- DNP --- at Texas A&M --- DNP --- Troy 8 38 9 29 1 13 Louisiana Tech 2 5 0 5 0 3 Kentucky 1 5 0 5 0 5 at Missouri 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alabama 5 25 1 24 0 13 at Arkansas --- DNP --- Ole Miss --- DNP --- TOTALS 23 137 10 127 3 21 Dontavian Lee Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 1 6 0 6 0 6 LSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 5 57 0 57 0 17 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 2 0 0 0 0 0 Troy 5 44 0 44 0 23 Louisiana Tech 3 21 0 21 0 10 Kentucky 5 8 1 7 0 3 at Missouri --- DNP --- Alabama --- DNP --- at Arkansas --- DNP --- Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 21 136 1 135 0 23 Aeris Williams Att Gn Ls Net TD Lng at Southern Miss 1 2 0 2 0 2 LSU 1 0 5-5 0-5 Northwestern State 7 37 1 36 1 17 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 3 23 0 23 0 10 Troy 3 9 0 9 0 5 Louisiana Tech 6 26 0 26 1 7 Kentucky 8 27 0 27 0 6 at Missouri 6 49 3 46 0 15 Alabama 2 4 1 3 0 4 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 177 10 167 2 17

INDIVIDUAL GAME BY GAME STATISTICS RECEIVING Fred Brown Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 2 14 0 9 LSU 3 53 0 33 Northwestern State 1 48 0 48 at Auburn 4 58 0 21 at Texas A&M 2 9 0 7 Troy 1 5 0 5 Louisiana Tech 3 63 1 45 Kentucky 2 35 0 24 at Missouri 2 28 1 20 Alabama 1 19 0 19 at Arkansas 4 39 1 13 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 25 371 3 48 Malik Dear Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 1 4 0 4 LSU 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 3 46 0 19 at Auburn 2 12 0 8 at Texas A&M 2 23 0 16 Troy 1-4 0 0 Louisiana Tech 6 70 0 27 Kentucky 1 9 0 9 at Missouri --- DNP --- Alabama --- DNP --- at Arkansas 1 12 0 12 Ole Miss 2 20 2 13 TOTALS 19 192 2 27 Donald Gray Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 0 0 0 0 LSU 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 4 140 1 49 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 1 6 0 6 Troy 2 58 1 49 Louisiana Tech 1 4 0 4 Kentucky 5 56 0 14 at Missouri 1 5 0 5 Alabama 2 59 0 54 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0 Ole Miss 3 18 0 8 TOTALS 19 346 2 54 Joe Morrow Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 1 18 0 18 LSU 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 1 37 1 37 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 Troy --- DNP --- Louisiana Tech --- DNP --- Kentucky 2 24 0 15 at Missouri 0 0 0 0 Alabama 0 0 0 0 at Arkansas 1 12 0 12 Ole Miss 1 9 0 9 TOTALS 6 100 1 37 Gabe Myles Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 1 6 0 6 LSU 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 2 58 1 49 at Auburn 2 37 1 32 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 Troy --- DNP --- Louisiana Tech --- DNP --- Kentucky --- DNP --- at Missouri 1 0 0 0 Alabama 2 9 0 8 at Arkansas 3 69 0 44 Ole Miss 1-4 0 0 TOTALS 12 175 2 49 Fred Ross Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 5 75 0 44 LSU 9 66 0 17 Northwestern State 1 12 0 12 at Auburn 7 66 0 19 at Texas A&M 11 103 0 21 Troy 2 64 1 59 Louisiana Tech 3 36 0 17 Kentucky 2 11 0 12 at Missouri 11 115 1 36 Alabama 8 114 0 41 at Arkansas 10 154 2 55 Ole Miss 12 117 0 24 TOTALS 81 933 4 59 De Runnya Wilson Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 2 55 0 42 LSU 8 86 1 20 Northwestern State 1 17 0 17 at Auburn 5 43 1 17 at Texas A&M 3 65 0 19 Troy 3 82 1 48 Louisiana Tech 7 85 2 20 Kentucky 4 91 1 34 at Missouri 4 102 2 63 Alabama 3 38 0 23 at Arkansas 10 93 1 12 Ole Miss 5 65 0 28 TOTALS 55 822 9 63 Ashton Shumpert Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 4 26 0 12 LSU 3 37 0 17 Northwestern State 1 1 0 1 at Auburn 3 32 0 18 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 Troy 0 0 0 0 Louisiana Tech --- DNP --- Kentucky 0 0 0 0 at Missouri 2 21 0 13 Alabama 0 0 0 0 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 13 117 0 18 Dontavian Lee Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 0 0 0 0 LSU 1 4 0 4 Northwestern State 0 0 0 0 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 Troy 0 0 0 0 Louisiana Tech 1 11 0 11 Kentucky 0 0 0 0 at Missouri --- DNP --- Alabama --- DNP --- at Arkansas --- DNP --- Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 2 15 0 11 Gus Walley Rec Yds TD Lng at Southern Miss 3 20 1 14 LSU 7 67 0 18 Northwestern State 0 0 0 0 at Auburn 5 22 0 9 at Texas A&M --- DNP --- Troy --- DNP --- Louisiana Tech 0 0 0 0 Kentucky --- DNP --- at Missouri 0 0 0 0 Alabama 2 27 0 19 at Arkansas 2 10 0 7 Ole Miss --- DNP --- TOTALS 19 146 1 19

INDIVIDUAL GAME BY GAME STATISTICS RETURN YARDAGE Kickoff Returns Punt Returns Brandon Holloway No. Yds Lng No. Yds Lng at Southern Miss 1 100 100 (TD) 0 0 0 LSU 2 47 26 0 0 0 Northwestern State 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 2 21 17 0 0 0 Troy 2 38 21 0 0 0 Louisiana Tech 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kentucky 2 38 22 0 0 0 at Missouri 3 104 69 0 0 0 Alabama 4 57 16 0 0 0 at Arkansas 3 57 22 0 0 0 Ole Miss 2 36 19 0 0 0 TOTALS 21 498 100 0 0 0 Kickoff Returns Punt Returns Fred Ross No. Yds Lng No. Yds Lng at Southern Miss 0 0 0 1-25 -25 LSU 0 0 0 1 21 21 Northwestern State 0 0 0 3 33 22 at Auburn 0 0 0 1 4 4 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 1 7 7 Troy 0 0 0 3 75 77 Louisiana Tech 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kentucky 0 0 0 1 0 0 at Missouri 0 0 0 1 17 17 Alabama 0 0 0 1 3 3 at Arkansas 0 0 0 1 7 7 Ole Miss 0 0 0 1 15 15 TOTALS 0 0 0 15 157 77 Kickoff Returns Punt Returns Gabe Myles No. Yds Lng No. Yds Lng at Southern Miss 1 6 6 0 0 0 LSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Northwestern State 1 38 38 0 0 0 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 0 0 Troy --- DNP --- Louisiana Tech --- DNP --- Kentucky --- DNP --- at Missouri 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alabama 0 0 0 0 0 0 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 2 44 38 0 0 0 PUNTING Logan Cooke No. Yds Avg Lng I-20 at Southern Miss 2 93 46.5 51 1 LSU 4 128 32.0 36 1 Northwestern State 1 44 44.0 44 1 at Auburn 5 209 41.8 54 3 at Texas A&M 2 71 35.5 39 0 Troy 5 243 48.6 65 1 Louisiana Tech 4 186 46.5 55 2 Kentucky 3 112 37.3 50 2 at Missouri 4 167 41.8 49 2 Alabama 6 266 44.3 59 2 at Arkansas 1 35 35.0 35 0 Ole Miss TOTALS 37 1554 42.0 65 13 Devon Bell No. Yds Avg Lng I-20 at Southern Miss 2 72 37.5 39 1 LSU 4 169 42.2 54 1 Northwestern State 0 0 0 0 0 at Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 at Texas A&M 3 126 35.5 49 0 Troy 0 0 0 0 0 Louisiana Tech 0 0 0 0 0 Kentucky 0 0 0 0 0 at Missouri 0 0 0 0 0 Alabama 0 0 0 0 0 at Arkansas 0 0 0 0 0 Ole Miss 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 9 370 41.1 54 2 FIELD GOALS Devon Bell Made Missed at Southern Miss none none LSU none 52 Northwestern State none none at Auburn none none at Texas A&M none none Troy none none Louisiana Tech none none Kentucky none none at Missouri none none Alabama none none at Arkansas none none Ole Miss none none TOTALS 0-1 Westin Graves Made Missed at Southern Miss 38, 37 none LSU 43, 24 none Northwestern State none none at Auburn 44 none at Texas A&M 38 none Troy 42 none Louisiana Tech 26 none Kentucky none 26 at Missouri 36 49 Alabama 31, 39 50 at Arkansas 21 none Ole Miss 22, 27 none TOTALS 14-17

DEFENSIVE GAME BY GAME STATISTICS Tackles (UT-AT-TOT) at USM LSU NWSt at AU at A&M Troy LaTech UK at MU Bama at Ark UM TOTALS Nelson Adams 2-1-3 0-4-4 0-2-2 1-1-2 0-2-2 0-3-3 1-0-1... 0-1-1 0-1-1 1-1-2 0-2-2 5-18-23 Devon Bell.............................. 1-0-1... 1-0-1 Hunter Bradley......... 1-0-1 1-0-1.................. 1-0-1 3-0-3 Beniquez Brown 3-1-4 2-4-6 4-0-4 4-3-7 1-10-11 1-6-7 2-3-5 4-3-7 5-3-8 6-5-11 6-6-12 5-3-8 43-46-90 Richie Brown 5-6-11 4-7-11 0-4-4 12-1-13 4-7-11 2-2-4 3-4-7 2-5-7 4-1-5 1-5-6 5-5-10 5-7-12 47-54-101 Ryan Brown 1-2-3 1-4-5 0-3-3 2-2-4 2-2-4 3-4-7 0-1-1 2-2-4 1-2-3 1-0-1... 0-4-4 13-26-39 Brandon Bryant 1-0-1 2-2-4 3-2-5 3-2-5 2-1-3 3-1-4 6-0-6 5-0-5 5-1-6 2-2-4 2-2-4 8-2-10 42-15-57 Taveze Calhoun... 1-3-4 3-2-5 0-4-4 6-1-7... 2-1-3 2-1-3... 4-1-5 4-1-5 1-0-1 23-14-37 Johnathan Calvin... 0-1-1 0-4-4 2-0-2 4-2-6 2-2-4 1-3-4 1-0-1 2-0-2 0-2-2...... 12-14-26 Kelan Chairs............... 0-2-2.................. 0-2-2 Winston Chapman... 0-1-1.............................. 0-1-1 Tolando Cleveland 6-1-7 1-0-1 1-0-1 4-0-4 2-1-3 1-6-7 0-1-1 2-1-3 0-1-1 0-1-1 5-0-5 2-3-5 24-15-39 Will Coleman 0-1-1... 0-3-3...... 0-1-1 1-1-2... 2-0-2 2-1-3...... 5-7-12 Kivon Coman 3-1-4 1-4-5 3-4-7 4-2-6 4-1-5 0-4-4 3-2-5 5-4-9 6-1-7 2-7-9 4-4-8 2-1-3 37-35-72 Logan Cooke...... 1-0-1........................... 1-0-1 Torey Dale...... 1-0-1 1-0-1 1-1-2 0-1-1 1-1-2...... 1-0-1 1-0-1... 6-3-9 Deontay Evans 5-1-6 0-1-1 2-4-6 1-1-2 1-1-2 3-1-4 3-0-3 3-0-3 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-1-1 2-0-2 20-12-32 Jamoral Graham...... 1-0-1...... 5-2-7 1-1-2 6-0-6 2-0-2...... 1-0-1 16-3-19 J.T. Gray 3-1-4 1-3-4 1-4-5 2-3-5 1-3-4 0-7-7 5-5-10... 2-1-3 1-0-1 1-1-2 4-4-8 21-32-53 Gerri Green 3-0-3 0-1-1 1-5-6 2-1-3 1-3-4 2-9-11 3-2-5 4-0-4 2-1-3 0-1-1 1-1-2... 17-23-40 Dezmond Harris 1-0-1 1-1-2 0-2-2 0-1-1 0-1-1 1-0-1 0-1-1............... 3-6-9 Grant Harris...... 0-1-1...... 0-2-2.................. 0-3-3 Braxton Hoyett...... 0-1-1...... 0-2-2.................. 0-3-3 Nick James 1-0-1 1-1-2... 0-1-1... 0-5-5 0-1-1 0-1-1 3-1-4 1-1-2 1-2-3 2-3-5 9-16-25 Zach Jackson 2-4-6 0-4-4 1-1-2 2-2-4 6-3-9 0-3-3 0-2-2 2-0-2 2-0-2 0-3-3 5-2-7... 20-24-45 A.J. Jefferson 5-2-7 3-5-8 1-2-3 4-1-5 2-1-3 2-5-7 2-0-2 2-1-3 3-0-3 1-0-1 1-0-1 1-0-1 27-17-44 Cedric Jiles 1-2-3 1-0-1 1-2-3... 1-0-1 0-1-1 1-0-1 1-0-1 0-1-1...... 2-0-2 8-6-14 Chris Jones 4-1-5 0-8-8 0-3-3 0-2-2 3-2-5 0-1-1 2-2-4 1-1-2 2-0-2 2-1-3 0-3-3 0-1-1 14-25-39 Dontavian Lee.................. 0-1-1 1-0-1............ 1-1-2 Kendrick Market 5-0-5 1-8-9... 6-2-8 1-0-1..................... 13-10-23 Mark McLaurin... 0-1-1 2-1-3... 1-1-2... 1-0-1 0-2-2 3-0-3 1-0-1 0-1-1 2-1-3 10-8-17 Gabe Myles.............................. 1-0-1... 1-0-1 Jamal Peters 1-0-1 0-2-2 3-1-4... 0-1-1 0-2-2... 1-1-2 4-1-5... 1-0-1 1-3-4 11-11-22 Josiah Phillips...... 0-1-1........................... 0-1-1 Chris Rayford.................. 1-0-1 0-1-1............ 1-1-2 Will Redmond 5-0-5 4-1-5 2-3-5 4-0-4 1-1-2 0-1-1 2-1-3............... 18-7-25 Cory Thomas...... 0-1-1...... 0-1-1.................. 0-2-2 DeAndre Ward...... 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-1-1 0-2-2 0-1-1 5-0-5... 0-2-2 0-1-1... 5-9-14 De Runnya Wilson........................... 0-1-1...... 0-1-1 TFL-Yards at USM LSU NWSt at AU at A&M Troy LaTech UK at MU at Bama at Ark UM TOTALS Nelson Adams............... 1.0-3.................. 1.0-3 Brandon Bryant...... 0.5-2 0.5-4... 1.0-13.................. 2.0-19 Beniquez Brown... 1.0-3 1.0-3 0.5-5... 0.5-2... 1.5-3 2.0-5 0.5-1 1.5-3 0.5-3 9.0-28 Richie Brown... 1.5-6... 3.0-19...... 0.5-2 1.0-1 2.0-14... 1.5-5 2.5-7 12-54 Ryan Brown 1.0-9 1.0-2......... 3.5-38 0.5-3 1.0-1 0.5-1...... 0.5-1 8.0-54 Taveze Calhoun...... 2.0-12 0.5-2 1.0-4............ 1.0-1... 1.0-2 5.5-21 Johnathan Calvin...... 1.0-4... 1.0-2 1.5-2... 1.0-4 1.0-2......... 5.5-14 Kelan Chairs............... 0.5-1.................. 0.5-1 Tolando Cleveland......... 1.0-8... 1.5-7... 1.0-5............ 13.5-20 Will Coleman...... 0.5-1.................. 1.0-1...... 1.5-2 Kivon Coman...... 0.5-3 0.5-3... 0.5-3... 0.5-1 1.0-5 0.5-1 0.5-1... 4.0-17 Jamoral Graham............... 1.0-1.................. 1.0-1 J.T. Gray...... 1.0-3............... 0.5-3...... 0.5-3 1.5-6 Gerri Green...... 1.5-3............... 1.0-6......... 2.5-9 Braxton Hoyett............... 0.5-2.................. 0.5-2 Zach Jackson...... 1.0-2............ 2.0-7...... 1.0-3... 4.0-12 Nick James..................... 0.5-1... 1.0-1 0.5-1 1.0-4 3.0-7 A.J. Jefferson 2.0-17 2.0-6 1.5-6 2.0-14 1.0-1 2.0-8... 1.0-4 1.0-8... 1.0-1... 13.5-65 Chris Jones... 0.5-0 0.5-6... 1.0-2 0.5-0 1.0-4 0.5-0 2.0-8... 1.0-1 0.5-0 8.5-22 Jamal Peters...... 1.5-7........................... 1.5-7 DeAndre Ward...... 0.5-4...... 0.5-1.................. 1.0-5 Sacks-Yards at USM LSU NWSt at AU at A&M Troy LaTech UK at MU at Bama at Ark UM TOTALS Beniquez Brown...... 1.0-3 0.5-5............ 0.5-4......... 2.0-12 Richie Brown... 1.0-5... 2.0-17...... 0.5-2... 2.0-14......... 5.5-38 Ryan Brown 1.0-9............ 1.0-13 0.5-3............... 2.5-25 Brandon Bryant......... 0.5-4... 1.0-13.................. 1.5-17 Johnathan Calvin...... 0.5-3... 1.0-2..................... 1.5-5 Tolando Cleveland............... 1.0-5.................. 1.0-5 Kivon Coman............... 0.5-3.................. 0.5-3 J.T. Gray........................ 0.5-3......... 0.5-3 Zach Jackson..................... 1.0-6............ 1.0-6 A.J. Jefferson 2.0-17... 0.5-5 1.0-11... 0.5-2...... 1.0-8......... 5.0-43 Chris Jones...... 0.5-6......... 1.0-4... 1.0-6......... 2.5-16 Jamal Peters...... 1.0-5........................... 1.0-5 DeAndre Ward...... 0.5-4........................... 0.5-4

NCAA Statistics Mississippi St. - 2015-16 Football Ranking Summary thru games 12/12/2015 Statistic National Conference Rank Rank Value National Leader Value Conference Leader 3rd Down Conversion Pct (127 ranked) 46 4 0.418 Texas Tech 0.519 Arkansas 0.460 3rd Down Conversion Pct Defense (127 ranked) 41 8 0.355 Boston College 0.241 Tennessee 0.277 4th Down Conversion Pct (127 ranked) 89 11 0.450 Navy 0.917 Tennessee 0.786 4th Down Conversion Pct Defense (127 ranked) 49 8 0.471 Penn St. 0.167 Vanderbilt 0.235 Blocked Kicks (77 ranked) 6 2 4 BYU 8 Alabama 5 Blocked Kicks Allowed (127 ranked) 28 5 1 27 teams tied 0 4 teams tied 0 Blocked Punts (28 ranked) 11 3 2 Temple 5 Missouri Alabama Blocked Punts Allowed (124 ranked) 61 7 1 60 teams tied 0 6 teams tied 0 Completion Percentage (127 ranked) 13 1 0.668 Western Ky. 0.720 Mississippi St. 0.668 Defensive TDs (41 ranked) 41 5 2 Arkansas St. 8 Alabama Ole Miss Fewest Penalties (127 ranked) 4 1 48 Navy Georgia Tech Fewest Penalties Per Game (127 ranked) 5 1 4.00 Georgia Tech Navy Value 3 3 4 4 38 Mississippi St. 48 38 3.17 Mississippi St. 4.00 3.17 Fewest Penalty Yards (127 ranked) 7 2 451 Navy 324 Tennessee 440 Fewest Penalty Yards Per Game (127 ranked) 8 2 37.58 Navy 27.00 Tennessee 36.67 First Downs Defense (127 ranked) 74 11 253 Boston College 166 Georgia 173 First Downs Offense (127 ranked) 35 3 276 Bowling Green 374 Ole Miss 313 Fumbles Lost (127 ranked) 115 14 13 Arkansas Ohio South Carolina Fumbles Recovered (127 ranked) 127 14 1 Navy Virginia Tech 3 Arkansas 3 South Carolina 3 15 Florida 15 Vanderbilt Kickoff Return Defense (127 ranked) 12 1 17.75 Memphis 14.90 Mississippi St. 17.75 Kickoff Returns (127 ranked) 58 5 21.33 Tennessee 33.41 Tennessee 33.41 Net Punting (127 ranked) 92 10 36.14 Utah 43.67 Florida 41.89 Passes Had Intercepted (127 ranked) 3 1 4 Navy 2 Mississippi St. 4 Passes Intercepted (127 ranked) 59 6 11 Arkansas St. 26 Alabama 16 Passing Offense (127 ranked) 16 2 311.1 Washington St. 397.0 Ole Miss 333.7 Passing Yards Allowed (127 ranked) 56 10 216.8 Georgia 146.1 Georgia 146.1 Passing Yards per Completion (127 ranked) 70 8 12.20 Army West Point 23.02 LSU 14.10 Punt Return Defense (127 ranked) 114 12 12.50 Oklahoma 0.70 Florida 3.69 Punt Returns (127 ranked) 28 7 12.00 Texas A&M 19.68 Texas A&M 19.68 Red Zone Defense (127 ranked) 7 3 0.721 Appalachian St. 0.625 Georgia 0.645 Red Zone Offense (127 ranked) 13 1 0.900 Washington St. 0.943 Mississippi St. 0.900 Rushing Defense (127 ranked) 72 10 171.7 Alabama 74.0 Alabama 74.0 Rushing Offense (127 ranked) 102 12 140.3 Ga. Southern 355.6 LSU 245.9 Sacks Allowed (127 ranked) 97 12 2.58 Air Force 0.15 Arkansas 1.00 Scoring Defense (127 ranked) 36 8 22.8 Wisconsin 13.1 Alabama 14.4 Scoring Offense (127 ranked) 42 5 33.0 Baylor 48.0 Ole Miss 40.3 Tackles for Loss Allowed (127 ranked) 53 5 5.67 Georgia 3.42 Georgia 3.42 Team Passing Efficiency (127 ranked) 22 3 154.43 Western Ky. 178.37 Arkansas 165.91 Team Passing Efficiency Defense (127 ranked) 60 12 123.99 Michigan 94.98 Alabama 100.98 Team Sacks (127 ranked) 64 9 2.08 Arizona St. Penn St. 3 3 11 11 3.67 Alabama 3.54 3.67 Team Tackles for Loss (127 ranked) 11 4 7.7 Boston College 9.6 Missouri 8.8 Time of Possession (127 ranked) 125 14 26:08 Stanford 35:23 Arkansas 34:07 Total Defense (127 ranked) 58 10 388.4 Boston College 254.3 Alabama 258.2 Total Offense (127 ranked) 33 3 451.4 Baylor 604.6 Ole Miss 514.8 Turnover Margin (127 ranked) 97 13-0.42 San Diego St. 1.46 Florida 0.77 Turnovers Gained (125 ranked) 115 14 12 Arkansas St. 34 Florida 25 Turnovers Lost (127 ranked) 41 7 17 Navy 7 LSU 9 Winning Percentage (126 ranked) 36 6 0.667 Clemson 1.000 Alabama 0.923

Statistic All Purpose (200 ranked) Player Brandon Holloway Fred Ross National Conference Value National Leader Rank Rank 107 132 10 13 Conference Value Leader Value 99.00 Christian McCaffrey, Stanford 268.92 Leonard Fournette, LSU 177.27 91.58 Blocked Kicks (7 ranked) Beniquez Brown 7 2 2 Bronson Kaufusi, BYU 4 Kentrell Brothers, Missouri 3 Combined Kick Returns (200 ranked) Brandon Holloway 64 4 498 William Likely, Maryland 1,197 Evan Berry, Tennessee 804 Completion Percentage (115 ranked) Dak Prescott 14 1 0.669 Brandon Doughty, Western Ky. 0.718 Dak Prescott, Mississippi St. 0.669 Completions Per Game (100 ranked) Dak Prescott 10 1 24.25 Luke Falk, Washington St. 38.00 Dak Prescott, Mississippi St. 24.25 Field Goal Percentage (110 ranked) Westin Graves 29 2 0.824 Garrett Schwettman, Western Ky. 0.933 Daniel Carlson, Auburn 0.846 Field Goals Per Game (130 ranked) Westin Graves 63 11 1.17 Michael Badgley, Miami (FL) 2.27 Taylor Bertolet, Texas A&M Daniel Carlson, Auburn Forced Fumbles (32 ranked) Carl Nassib, Penn St. 0.50 Myles Garrett, Texas A&M 0.42 Fumbles Recovered (24 ranked) Kyler Fackrell, Utah St. 5 Zach Cunningham, Vanderbilt T.J. Holloman, South Carolina Interceptions Per Game (145 ranked) Shawun Lurry, Northern Ill. 0.7 Dominick Sanders, Georgia Donovan Wilson, Texas A&M Kickoff Return TDs (10 ranked) Brandon Holloway 10 2 1 Morgan Burns, Kansas St. 4 Evan Berry, Tennessee 3 Kickoff Returns (118 ranked) Brandon Holloway 41 3 23.7 Evan Berry, Tennessee 38.3 Evan Berry, Tennessee 38.3 Passes Defended (32 ranked) William Jackson, III, Houston 2.0 Jalen Tabor, Florida 1.5 Passing Efficiency (115 ranked) Dak Prescott 27 3 149.9 Vernon Adams Jr., Oregon 179.6 Brandon Allen, Arkansas 165.2 Passing TDs (156 ranked) Dak Prescott 20 3 25 Brandon Doughty, Western Ky. 45 Brandon Allen, Arkansas 29 Passing Yards (130 ranked) Dak Prescott 18 2 3,413 Matt Johnson, Bowling Green 4,700 Chad Kelly, Ole Miss 3,740 Passing Yards Per Game (130 ranked) Dak Prescott 19 2 284.4 Luke Falk, Washington St. 387.8 Chad Kelly, Ole Miss 311.7 Passing Yards per Completion (115 ranked) Dak Prescott 77 9 11.73 Justin Thomas, Georgia Tech 17.93 Brandon Harris, LSU 14.10 Points Responsible For (198 ranked) Dak Prescott Westin Graves Points Responsible For Per Game (199 ranked) Dak Prescott Westin Graves 11 164 12 175 2 17 2 20 1.83 1.83 3 3 0.4 0.4 210 Brandon Doughty, Western Ky. 286 Chad Kelly, Ole Miss 222 88 17.7 Trevone Boykin, TCU 22.5 Chad Kelly, Ole Miss 18.5 7.3 Punt Return TDs (13 ranked) Fred Ross 13 6 1 Cyrus Jones, Alabama 3 Cyrus Jones, Alabama 3 Punt Returns (59 ranked) Fred Ross 29 6 10.5 Cameron Sutton, Tennessee 18.7 Cameron Sutton, Tennessee 18.7 Punting (104 ranked) Dalton Schomp, Fla. Atlantic 48.0 Drew Kaser, Texas A&M 48.0 Receiving TDs (168 ranked) Receiving Yards (200 ranked) Receiving Yards Per Game (200 ranked) Receptions Per Game (200 ranked) De'Runnya Wilson Fred Ross Fred Ross De'Runnya Wilson Fred Ross De'Runnya Wilson Fred Ross De'Runnya Wilson 24 168 36 59 37 59 16 83 2 14 3 6 3 6 1 6 9 Corey Coleman, Baylor 20 Drew Morgan, Arkansas 10 4 933 Roger Lewis, Bowling Green 1,476 Laquon Treadwell, Ole Miss 1,082 822 77.8 Josh Doctson, TCU 132.7 Laquon Treadwell, Ole Miss 90.2 68.5 6.8 Tajae Sharpe, Massachusetts 9.3 Fred Ross, Mississippi St. 6.8 4.6 Rush Yards Per Carry (169 ranked) Dak Prescott 155 16 3.66 Matt Breida, Ga. Southern 8.19 Stanley Williams, Kentucky 7.07 Rushing TDs (170 ranked) Dak Prescott 50 7 10 Derrick Henry, Alabama 23 Derrick Henry, Alabama 23 Rushing Yards (199 ranked) Dak Prescott 170 17 541 Derrick Henry, Alabama 1,986 Derrick Henry, Alabama 1,986 Rushing Yards Per Game (200 ranked) Dak Prescott 178 16 45.1 Leonard Fournette, LSU 158.3 Leonard Fournette, LSU 158.3 Sacks (67 ranked) Carl Nassib, Penn St. 1.29 Myles Garrett, Texas A&M 0.96 Scoring (192 ranked) Westin Graves Dak Prescott 77 192 10 19 7.3 Kenneth Dixon, Louisiana Tech 13.2 Derrick Henry, Alabama 10.6 5.0 Solo Tackles (62 ranked) Fish Smithson, Kansas 7.9 Kentrell Brothers, Missouri 6.1 Tackles For Loss (36 ranked) Shaq Lawson, Clemson 1.7 Myles Garrett, Texas A&M Charles Harris, Missouri Total Interceptions (65 ranked) Shawun Lurry, Northern Ill. 9 Eddie Jackson, Alabama Dominick Sanders, Georgia Donovan Wilson, Texas A&M Total Offense (200 ranked) Dak Prescott 10 2 329.5 Patrick Mahomes, Texas Tech 397.3 Chad Kelly, Ole Miss 347.3 Total Tackles (150 ranked) Richie Brown Beniquez Brown 59 121 6 15 1.5 1.5 8.4 Kentrell Brothers, Missouri 12.7 Kentrell Brothers, Missouri 12.7 7.5 Yards per Pass Attempt (115 ranked) Dak Prescott 37 3 7.85 Vernon Adams Jr., Oregon 10.19 Brandon Allen, Arkansas 9.08 Yards per Reception (199 ranked) De'Runnya Wilson Fred Brown 93 97 11 12 14.95 Mack Hollins, North Carolina 25.39 Antonio Callaway, Florida 20.10 14.84 5 5 5

BOWL HISTORY ALL-TIME BOWL RESULTS (18 GAMES) RECORD: 10-8 DaDate Bowl Opponent Location Venue Attendance Result Score 1/1/37 Orange Duquesne Miami, Fla. Orange Bowl 9,210 L 12-13 1/1/41 Orange Georgetown Miami, Fla. Orange Bowl 29,554 W 14-7 12/21/63 Liberty NC State Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Stadium 8,309 W 16-12 12/28/74 Sun North Carolina El Paso, Texas Sun Bowl 26,035 W 26-24 12/27/80 Sun Nebraska El Paso, Texas Sun Bowl 34,723 L 17-31 12/31/81 Hall of Fame Kansas Birmingham, Ala. Legion Field 41,672 W 10-0 12/29/91 Liberty Air Force Memphis, Tenn. Liberty Bowl 61,497 L 15-38 1/1/93 Peach North Carolina Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia Dome 69,125 L 17-21 1/2/95 Peach NC State Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia Dome 64,902 L 24-28 1/1/99 Cotton Texas Dallas, Texas Cotton Bowl 72,611 L 11-38 12/30/99 Peach Clemson Atlanta, Ga. The Georgia Dome 73,315 W 17-7 12/31/00 Independence Texas A&M Shreveport, La. Independence Stadium 36,974 W 43-41[OT] 12/29/07 Liberty UCF Memphis, Tenn. Liberty Bowl 63,816 W 10-3 1/1/11 Gator Michigan Jacksonville, Fla. EverBank Field 68,352 W 52-14 12/30/11 Music City Wake Forest Nashville, Tenn. LP Field 55,208 W 23-17 1/1/13 Gator Northwestern Jacksonville, Fla. EverBank Field 48,612 L 20-34 12/31/13 Liberty Rice Memphis, Tenn. Liberty Bowl 57,846 W 44-7 12/31/14 Orange Georgia Tech Miami Gardens, Fla. Sun Life Stadium 58,211 L 34-49 COACHES IN MSU BOWL GAMES 1/1/37 Orange Duquesne Ralph Sasse John Smith 1/1/41 Orange Georgetown Allyn McKeen Jack Hagerty 12/21/63 Liberty North Carolina State Paul Davis Earle Edwards 12/28/74 Sun North Carolina Bob Tyler Bill Dooley 12/27/80 Sun Nebraska Emory Bellard Tom Osborne 12/31/81 Hall of Fame Kansas Emory Bellard Don Fambrough 12/29/91 Liberty Air Force Jackie Sherrill Fisher DeBerry 1/1/93 Peach North Carolina Jackie Sherrill Mac Brown 1/2/95 Peach North Carolina State Jackie Sherrill Mike O Cain 1/1/99 Cotton Texas Jackie Sherrill Mac Brown 12/30/99 Peach Clemson Jackie Sherrill Tommy Bowden 12/31/00 Independence Texas A&M Jackie Sherrill R.C. Slocum 12/29/07 Liberty UCF Sylvester Croom George O Leary 1/1/11 Gator Michigan Dan Mullen Rich Rodriguez 12/30/11 Music City Wake Forest Dan Mullen Jim Grobe 1/1/13 Gator Northwestern Dan Mullen Pat Fitzgerald 12/31/13 Liberty Rice Dan Mullen David Bailiff 12/31/14 Orange Georgia Tech Dan Mullen Paul Johnson BEST BOWL-GAME WINNING PCT. BY MSU COACH Coach Record Pct. Sylvester Croom 1-0 1.000 Paul Davis 1-0 1.000 Allyn McKeen 1-0 1.000 Bob Tyler 1-0 1.000 Dan Mullen 3-2.600 Emory Bellard 1-1.500 Jackie Sherrill 2-4.333 Ralph Sasse 0-1.000 MSU BOWL GAMES MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS 1963 LIBERTY BOWL Ode Burrell 1974 SUN BOWL Terry Vitrano Jimmy Webb - Outstanding Lineman 1981 HALL OF FAME BOWL John Bond John Bond (MSU Offense) Johnie Cooks (MSU Defense) 1991 MSU LIBERTY BOWL Kenny Roberts (MSU Offense) Keo Coleman (MSU Defense) 1993 PEACH BOWL Greg Plump (MSU Offense) Marc Woodard (MSU Defense) MOST BOWL GAME WINS BY MSU COACH Coach Record Pct. Dan Mullen 3-2.600 Jackie Sherrill 2-4.333 Sylvester Croom 1-0 1.000 Paul Davis 1-0 1.000 Allyn McKeen 1-0 1.000 Bob Tyler 1-0 1.000 Emory Bellard 1-1.500 Ralph Sasse 0-1.000 1995 PEACH BOWL Tim Rogers (MSU Offense) Larry Williams (MSU Defense) 1999 PEACH BOWL Wayne Madkin - Offensive 2000 INDEPENDENCE BOWL Willie Blade - Defensive 2007 LIBERTY BOWL Derek Pegues 2011 GATOR BOWL Chris Relf 2011 MUSIC CITY BOWL Vick Ballard 2013 LIBERTY BOWL Dak Prescott Jameon Lewis (MSU Offense) Preston Smith (MSU Defense)

BOWL RECORDS PASSING TEAM RECORDS MOST COMPLETIONS MSU: 33 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 25 vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 18 vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) Opponent: 27 by Michigan (2011 Gator) 26 by Wake Forest (2011 Music City) FEWEST COMPLETIONS MSU: 3 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 3 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) Opponent: 1 by Air Force (1991 Liberty) 5 by North Carolina (1974 Sun) 5 by NC State (1963 Liberty) 5 by Duquesne (1937 Orange) MOST ATTEMPTS MSU: 51 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 45 vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) Opponent: 56 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 48 by Wake Forest (2011 Music City) FEWEST ATTEMPTS MSU: 6 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) 8 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) Opponent: 2 by Air Force (1991 Liberty) 11 by Texas A&M (2000 Independence) MOST YARDS MSU: 453 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 296 vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) Opponent: 306 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 254 by Michigan (2011 Gator) FEWEST YARDS MSU: 28 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) 44 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) Opponent: 10 by Air Force (1991 Liberty) 58 by NC State (1963 Liberty) MOST INTERCEPTIONS THROWN MSU: 4 vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 2 vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 2 vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) Opponent: 5 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 4 by Duquesne (1937 Orange) PUNTING MOST PUNTS MSU: 11 vs. UCF (2007 Liberty) 11 vs. Georgetown (1941 Orange) Opponent: 9 by Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 9 by Duquesne (1937 Orange) HIGHEST PUNTING AVERAGE MSU: 53.0 vs. NC State (1995 Peach) Opponent: 48.0 by NC State (1995 Peach) RETURNS MOST PUNT RETURNS MSU: 5 vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 5 vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) Opponent: 8 by Wake Forest (2011 Music City) MOST PUNT RETURN YARDS MSU: 101 vs. NC State (1995 Peach) Opponent: 54 by UCF (2007 Liberty) MOST KICKOFF RETURNS MSU: 5 vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 5 vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 5 vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 5 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) Opponent: 8 by Michigan (2011 Gator) 6 by Rice (2013 Liberty) MOST KICKOFF RETURN YARDS MSU: 129 vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 128 vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) Opponent: 191 by Michigan (2011 Gator) RUSHING MOST ATTEMPTS MSU: 68 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 58 vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) Opponent: 69 by Air Force (1991 Liberty) 61 by Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 54 by Nebraska (1980 Sun) FEWEST ATTEMPTS MSU: 32 vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 33 vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 33 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) Opponent: 25 by Michigan (2011 Gator) 32 by Rice (2013 Liberty) 34 by Clemson (1999 Peach) MOST YARDS MSU: 455 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 275 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) Opponent: 452 by Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 318 by Air Force (1991 Liberty) FEWEST YARDS MSU: 87 vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 93 vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) Opponent: 35 by Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 61 by Rice (2013 Liberty) SCORING MOST POINTS SCORED MSU: 52 vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 44 vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) Opponent: 49 by Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 41 by Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 38 by Texas (1999 Cotton) LARGEST MARGIN OF VICTORY MSU: 38 pts (52-14) vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 37 pts (44-7) vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) Opponent: 27 pts (38-11) by Texas (1999 Cotton) 23 pts (38-15) by Air Force (1991 Liberty) MOST FIELD GOALS ATTEMPTED MSU: 6 vs. NC State (1995 Peach) Opponent: 3 by UCF (2007 Liberty) MOST FIELD GOALS MADE MSU: 5 vs. NC State (1995 Peach) Opponent: 2 by Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 by NC State (1995 Peach) TOTAL OFFENSE MOST YARDS MSU: 605 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 533 vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 499 vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 485 vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) Opponent: 577 by Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 463 by Texas (1999 Cotton) 402 by North Carolina (1974 Sun) FEWEST YARDS MSU: 158 vs. Georgetown (1941 Orange) 195 vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) Opponent: 145 by Rice (2013 Liberty) 206 by Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 219 by UCF (2007 Liberty) MOST PLAYS MSU: 86 vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 84 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) Opponent: 90 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 86 by Wake Forest (2011 Music City) FEWEST PLAYS MSU: 56 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) 59 vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 59 vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) Opponent: 48 by Rice (2013 Liberty) 53 by North Carolina (1993 Peach) 58 by Texas A&M (2000 Independence) MISCELLANEOUS TEAM RECORDS MOST FIRST DOWNS MSU: 33 vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 27 vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 26 vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) Opponent: 27 by Texas (1999 Cotton) 26 by Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) FEWEST FIRST DOWNS MSU: 8 vs. Georgetown (1941 Orange) 12 vs. Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 12 vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) Opponent: 7 by Rice (2013 Liberty) 13 by North Carolina (1993 Peach) MOST PENALTIES MSU: 21 vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 11 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) Opponent: 8 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 7 by Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) MOST PENALTY YARDS MSU: 188 vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 122 vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) Opponent: 90 by Georgetown (1941 Orange) 82 by Clemson (1999 Peach) 82 by Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) FEWEST PENALTIES MSU: 1 vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) 2 vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) Opponent: 1 by Duquesne (1937 Orange) 2 by NC State (1995 Peach) 2 by North Carolina (1974 Sun) FEWEST PENALTY YARDS MSU: 5 vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) 23 vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) Opponent: 5 by Duquesne (1937 Orange) 15 by NC State (1995 Peach) MOST FUMBLES MSU: 5 vs. Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 5 vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) Opponent: 3 by North Carolina (1974 Sun) 2 by four teams MOST FUMBLES LOST MSU: 4 vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 2 vs. Air Force (1991 Liberty) 2 vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) Opponent: 2 by NC State (1963 Liberty) 1 by seven teams

BOWL RECORDS INDIVIDUAL RECORDS PASSING MOST COMPLETIONS 33 by Dak Prescott vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 24 by Greg Plump vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 18 by Chris Relf vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 17 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 17 by Wayne Madkin vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 13 by Derrick Taite vs. NC State (1995 Peach 12 by Tyler Russell vs Northwestern (2013 Gator) 12 by Chris Relf vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) 12 by Matt Wyatt vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) MOST ATTEMPTS 51 by Dak Prescott vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 40 by Greg Plump vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 38 by Wayne Madkin vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 28 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 28 by Tyler Russell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 28 by Derrick Taite vs. NC State (1995 Peach) 24 by Matt Wyatt vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 23 by Chris Relf vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 20 by PeeWee Armstrong vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) MOST YARDS 453 by Dak Prescott vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 287 by Greg Plump vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 283 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 281 by Chris Relf vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 176 by Wayne Madkin vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 156 by Matt Wyatt vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 141 by Derrick Taite vs. NC State (1995 Peach) 129 by Chris Relf vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) MOST TOUCHDOWN PASSES 3 by Dak Prescott vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 3 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 3 by Chris Relf vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 2 by Tyler Russell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 by Wayne Madkin vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) MOST INTERCEPTIONS THROWN 4 by Tyler Russell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 by Greg Plump vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 2 by John Bond vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 2 by Chris Relf vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) PUNTING MOST PUNTS 11 by Blake McAdams vs. UCF (2007 Liberty) 11 by Sonny Bruce vs. Georgetown (1941 Orange) HIGHEST PUNTING AVERAGE 53.0 by Andy Russ vs. N.C. State (1995 Peach) 3 punts 50.0 by Dana Moore vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 5 punts BLOCKED PUNTS Andre Bennett vs. NC State (1995 Peach) Hunter Corhern vs. Georgetown (1941 Orange) RECEIVING MOST RECEPTIONS 9 by De Runnya Wilson vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 9 by Jameon Lewis vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 8 by Willie Harris vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 6 by Joe Morrow vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 6 by Fred Ross vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 5 by Jameon Lewis vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 5 by Kenny Roberts vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 5 by Chris Smith vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) MOST YARDS 220 by Jameon Lewis vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 127 by Willie Harris vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 117 by Joe Morrow vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 105 by De Runnya Wilson vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 102 by Fred Ross vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 79 by LaDarius Perkins vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 79 by Mardye McDole vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 65 by Michael Carr vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 63 by Jameon Lewis vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 62 by Lahitia Grant vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 62 by Keffer McGee vs. NC State (1995 Peach) MOST TOUCHDOWN RECEPTIONS 2 by De Runnya Wilson vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 1 by Fred Ross vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 1 by Malcolm Johnson vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 1 by LaDarius Perkins vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 1 by Artimus Samuel vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 1 by Arceto Clark vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 1 by Malcolm Johnson vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 1 by Michael Carr vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 1 by Arceto Clark vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 1 by Arceto Clark vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) 1 by Ricco Sanders vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 1 by Donald Lee vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 1 by Dicenzo Miller vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 1 by Dontae Walker vs. Clemson (1999 Peach) 1 by Lahitia Grant vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 1 by Olanda Truitt vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 1 by Trenell Edwards vs. Air Force (1991 Liberty) 1 by Michael Haddix vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 1 by Fred Walters vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) RUSHING MOST ATTEMPTS 24 by Anthony Dixon vs. UCF (2007 Liberty) 24 by Walter Packer vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 23 by Donald Ray King vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) 22 by James Johnson vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 20 by Vick Ballard vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 20 by Terry Vitrano vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 19 by LaDarius Perkins vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 17 by John Bond vs. Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) MOST YARDS 183 by Walter Packer vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 180 by Vick Ballard vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) 164 by Terry Vitrano vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 143 by Dontae Walker vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 112 by James Johnson vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 96 by Donald Ray King vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) MOST RUSHING TOUCHDOWNS 3 by Vick Ballard vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 3 by Dontae Walker vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 2 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 2 by Vick Ballard vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) 2 by Walter Packer vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) SCORING MOST POINTS SCORED 18 by Vick Ballard vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) 18 by Dontae Walker vs. Texas A&M (2000 Independence) 16 by Tim Rogers vs. NC State (1995 Peach) 12 by De Runnya Wilson vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 12 by Dak Prescott vs. Rice (2013 Liberty) 12 by Vick Ballard vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) 12 by Walter Packer vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 10 by Evan Sobiesk vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 8 by Devon Bell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 8 by Vic Nickels vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) MOST FIELD GOALS ATTEMPTED 6 by Tim Rogers vs. NC State (1995 Peach) 3 by Dana Moore vs. Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) 2 by Evan Sobiesk vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 2 by Devon Bell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 by Brian Hazelwood vs. Texas (1999 Cotton) 2 by Chris Gardner vs. North Carolina (1993 Peach) 2 by Vic Nickels vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) 2 by Justin Canale vs. NC State (1963 Liberty) MOST FIELD GOALS MADE 5 by Tim Rogers vs. NC State (1995 Peach) 2 by Evan Sobiesk vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) 2 by Devon Bell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 2 by Vic Nickels vs. North Carolina (1974 Sun) MISCELLANEOUS MOST INTERCEPTIONS 2 by Nickoe Whitley vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator) 1 by many players (most recent follow) 1 by Beniquez Brown vs. Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) MSU LONG PLAYS LONGEST RUSH 72, Vick Ballard vs. Wake Forest (2011 Music City) LONGEST PASS 81, Chris Relf to LaDarius Perkins vs. Michigan (2011 Gator) LONGEST PUNT 82, Ike Pickle vs. Duquesne (1937 Orange) LONGEST FIELD GOAL 47, Devon Bell vs. Northwestern (2013 Gator); Dana Moore vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) LONGEST PUNT RETURN 50, Keffer McGee vs. NC State (1995 Peach) LONGEST KICKOFF RETURN 62, Glen Young vs. Nebraska (1980 Sun) LONGEST INTERCEPTION RETURN 40, Derek Pegues vs. UCF (2007 Liberty) OPPONENT LONG PLAYS LONGEST RUSH 69, Synjyn Davis of Georgia Tech (2014 Orange) LONGEST PASS 72, B. Brumbaugh to E. Hefferle of Duquesne (1937 Orange) LONGEST PUNT 63, Bucky Scribner of Kansas (1981 Hall of Fame) LONGEST FIELD GOAL 47, Kris Stockton of Texas (1999 Cotton Bowl) LONGEST PUNT RETURN 24, Bracey Walker of North Carolina (1993 Peach) LONGEST KICKOFF RETURN 41, Martavious Odoms of Michigan (2011 Gator) LONGEST INTERCEPTION RETURN 44, Cliff Baskerville of North Carolina (1993 Peach)

1937 ORANGE BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 12 DUQUESNE 13 January 1, 1937 Orange Bowl Miami, Fla. A desperation 72-yard touchdown pass from tailback Boyd Brumbaugh to end Ernie Hefferlie spelled an end to Mississippi State s upset hopes as Duquesne edged the Bulldogs 13-12 in the first decade of Orange Bowl history. With time running out, coach John Little Clipper Smith s Dukes went to the air. His team had thrown six straight incompletions before Brumbaugh heaved one after fading back all the way to his own 20-yard line. Hefferlie cradled it in at the State 25 and scored untouched for the game-winner. A shouting, shirt-sleeved crowd of 9,210 went wild when Brumbaugh s bull s eye in the final period pulled the Dukes from almost certain defeat, a local newspaper account detailed. Coach Ralph Sasse s Bulldogs, who ended the year at a hearty 7-3-1 after the postseason clash, scored first on a 10-yard run by back Ike Pickle. Pickle later boomed an 82-yard punt for an Orange Bowl record that still stands. After Brumbaugh plunged 1 yard and a PAT kick put the Dukes of Pittsburgh, Pa., ahead 7-6, State reversed the advantage again when tailback Pee Wee Armstrong of Meridian lofted a 40-yard touchdown pass to Fred Walters of Laurel to give the Bulldogs a 12-7 lead. That same twosome had combined for a 65-yard scoring pass to give MSU a stunning 13-7 upset at Army during the 1935 season. Armstrong s scintillating passes had provided State with the impetus to gain the lead. His aerial strikes set up Pickle s touchdown run prior to his throw to Walters to gain Mississippi State the lead. Brumbaugh later found Hefferlie for the game-winning TD pass in the fourth quarter. The Dukes edged State after two Bulldog conversion tries had failed. The narrow loss to Duquesne was a microcosm of the 36 season for State. The Maroons lost three games by a total of 20 points. Mississippi State 6 6 0 0 = 12 Duquesne 0 7 0 6 = 13 MSU Pickle 10 run (kick failed) DU Brumbaugh 1 run (Brumbaugh kick) MSU Walters 40 pass from Armstrong (kick failed) DU Hefferlie 72 pass from Brumbaugh (kick failed) MSU DU First Downs 12 14 Rushing Yards 111 199 Passing Yards 159 110 Passes (C-A-I) 8-23-0 5-15-4 Total Offense 270 309 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 Penalties-Yards 1-5 1-5

1941 ORANGE BOWL #9 MISSISSIPPI STATE 14 #13 GEORGETOWN 7 January 1, 1941 Orange Bowl Miami, Fla. The Associated Press proclaimed following State s standout season: Mississippi State reigns as undisputed king of football in the Deep South. State s 13-0 trouncing of Alabama and subsequent acceptance of an Orange Bowl bid eliminated any doubt that the Maroons were gridiron kings of these parts. Almost a year before the United States of America officially entered World War II, Mississippi State downed the Georgetown Hoyas (who reigned strongly in Eastern football circles in those days) 14-7 in the 41 Orange Bowl to end the year with a 10-0-1 record and a No. 9 ranking nationally. Coach Allyn McKeen s crew scored in the first quarter when tackle John Tripson covered a blocked Hoya punt in the end zone and Wilbur Dees extra point gave the Bulldogs a quick 7-0 lead. State s rugged defense took control in the second quarter after the Bulldogs had jumped ahead 14-0 when tailback Billy Jefferson scored on a 2-yard dive play and Sonny Bruce kicked the PAT. Georgetown dented Coach McKeen s vaunted defense for the lone Hoyas TD of the day in the third quarter when Benny Castiglia hit paydirt on a 2-yard run. But MSU managed good ball control behind the running of tailback Harvey Johnson and the defensive work of all-america end Buddy Elrod to secure its first bowl win. State was led by Starkville native Hunter Corhern, a captain of the team and an outstanding guard. MSU was considered to have the finest line in the South during the 40 season, a group that boasted three all-southeastern Conference performers, plus the aforementioned Elrod, a consensus all-america. When asked to compare all his great teams at Mississippi State, head coach Allyn McKeen said, Some of the school s greatest wins came during the 1939 season, but I have to go with the 1940 team as my best. Mississippi State 7 7 0 0 = 14 Georgetown 0 0 7 0 = 7 MSU Tripson blocked-punt recovery (Dees kick) MSU Jefferson 2 run (Bruce kick) GU Castiglia 2 run (Lio kick) MSU GU First Downs 8 14 Rushing Yards 106 125 Passing Yards 52 104 Passes (C-A-I) 5-11-0 10-23-3 Total Offense 158 229 Fumbles-Lost 2-0 1-0 Penalty Yards 71 90 Attendance: 29,554

1963 LIBERTY BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 16 NC STATE 12 December 21, 1963 Philadelphia Stadium Philadelphia, Penn. Hot coffee froze on press box ledges between kickoff and halftime, but the action on the field was warm enough to offset eight-degree temperatures and 17 mile-perhour winds outside as coach Paul Davis Bulldogs took a 16-12 win over the North Carolina State Wolfpack. As the Bulldogs capped a 7-2-2 season before their first national television audience (on NBC, with the legendary Lindsey Nelson providing play-by-play) at Philadelphia Stadium, a blocked punt helped provide MSU s margin of victory for the second bowl game in a row. In the first quarter, MSU end Bill McGuire blocked a Dave Houtz punt at the N.C. State 26, and fellow end Tommy Inman scooped up the loose football and ran it 11 yards for an MSU score. Justin Canale s PAT made it 7-0. Quarterback Sonny Fisher gave the Bulldogs a little more breathing room later in the period as the Laurel, Miss., resident sprinted 3 yards for a second touchdown. Canale s extra-point kick failed, but the future pro football standout later redeemed himself. He gave MSU a 16-0 second-quarter lead with a 43-yard field goal into the gusty wind. But North Carolina State made a bit of a comeback bid, aided by 122 yards on 11 penalties assessed against the aggressive Bulldogs. The Wolfpack scored the last two touchdowns of the game, but both two-point conversion attempts failed. Coach Davis and his team had heaters on the State bench and a Plexiglas canopy to protect them from the frigid air. The defense did a good job all day, especially considering the conditions, Davis said. We had a stronger line. Mississippi State 13 3 0 0 = 16 NC State 0 6 0 6 = 12 MSU Inman 11 blocked-punt return (Canale kick) MSU Fisher 3 run (kick failed) MSU Canale 43 FG NCSU Rossi 1 run (pass failed) NCSU Barlow 5 pass from Rossi (pass failed) MSU NCSU First Downs 16 15 Rushing Yards 53-275 52-176 Passing Yards 28 58 Passes (C-A-I) 3-6-1 5-12-0 Total Offense 303 234 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 2-2 Penalties-Yards 11-122 3-25 Rushing: (MSU) Granger 13-94, Fisher 16-81 1TD, Burrell, 10-69, Hodges 8-21, Sparks 4-18, Edwards 2-(-8); (NCSU) Rossi 18-67 1TD, Falzarano 12-42, Scarpati 7-22, Kazarsky 7-21, Clark 7-17, Houtz 1-7. Passing: (MSU) Edwards 1-1-18-0; Fisher 2-5-10-1; (NCSU) Rossi 5-12-58-0 1TD. Receiving: (MSU) Bland 2-17, Inman 1-11; (NCSU) Barlow 3-30 1TD, Clark 1-23, Scarpati 1-5. Attendance: 8,309

1974 SUN BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 26 NORTH CAROLINA 24 December 28, 1974 Sun Bowl El Paso, Texas Mississippi State s 26-24 Sun Bowl win over North Carolina was one of the truly great contests of the 1974-75 bowl season. Coach Bob Tyler s Bulldogs, who finished 9-3 and 18th in the nation, set the stage for the game when Most Valuable Offensive Player Terry Vitrano took a handoff from quarterback Rockey Felker and sprinted 55 yards on the game s opening play. While a rising fog blanketed the field during most of the first half, Vitrano gained big chunks of real estate to end the day with 164 yards on 20 carries, including a game-winning, two-yard touchdown run. That run capped a 6:29 drive that ate most of the fourth-quarter clock, ending at the 3:41 mark. Three times MSU faced third downs on the drive and State faced a fourth-and-2 at the UNC 25-yard line, where Felker called his own number, clawing for 15 yards. Felker then ran eight more yards to set up Vitrano winning score. The drive reminded both Tyler and Felker of the Bulldogs 29-28 win over Memphis State earlier in the year, a game in which State drove 98 yards in the closing two minutes for the win. All-America defensive tackle Jimmy Webb, named Most Valuable Defensive Player in the game, registered one of his most critical 12 tackles of the day on a fourth-and-short situation at midfield in the fourth quarter to preserve the MSU win. MSU s All-SEC tailback Walter Packer piled up 183 yards on 24 attempts, scoring on runs of 1 and 16 yards while Vic Nickels kicked field goals of 24 and 32 yards. Mississippi State s 455 yards of rushing, which still stand as a Sun Bowl record, were just a bit much for the Tar Heels, coached by MSU grad Bill Dooley. This team was better than we expected in a lot of ways, Tyler said. I think we re a year ahead. We established unity in our program that usually takes two seasons to establish. I ve never been more confident or enthusiastic about the future than I am right now. Mississippi State 7 3 10 6 = 26 North Carolina 7 0 14 3 = 24 MSU Packer 1 run (Nickels kick) UNC Betterson 1 run (Alexander kick) MSU Nickels 24 FG UNC Betterson 6 run (Alexander kick) MSU Packer 16 run (Nickels kick) UNC Jerome 29 pass from Kupec (Alexander kick) MSU Nickels 32 FG UNC Alexander 26 FG MSU Vitrano 2 run (kick failed) MSU UNC First Downs 25 22 Rushes-Yards 68-455 54-277 Passing Yards 44 125 Passes (C-A-I) 3-8-0 5-15-1 Total Offense 499 402 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 3-0 Penalties-Yards 5-45 2-30 RUSHING: (MSU) Packer 24-183 2TD, Vitrano 20-164 1TD, Felker 14-69, Johnson 7-22, Smith 3-17; (UNC) Voight 17-90, Betterson 19-84 2TD, Oliver 9-57, Lamens 4-32, Jerome 4-14, Kupec 1-(-10). PASSING: (MSU) Felker 2-7-33-0; Johnson 1-1-11-0; (UNC) Kupec 5-15-125-1 1TD. RECEIVING: (MSU) Lewis 2-27, Barkum 1-17; (UNC) Norton 2-61, Jerome 2-42 1TD, Waddell 1-22. Attendance: 26,035

1980 SUN BOWL #17 MISSISSIPPI STATE 17 #8 NEBRASKA 31 December 27, 1980 Sun Bowl El Paso, Texas The scene was the same as six years earlier in the Sun Bowl when Mississippi State engaged a team that had as much talent as any football power in the nation. This bowl trip proved to be less successful, however, as coach Tom Osborne s Huskers prevailed in a 31-17 contest. Mississippi State had won five consecutive regular-season games to enter the contest with a 9-2 record under coach Emory Bellard, but Nebraska was just a bit too deep and powerful as the Huskers took a 17-0 halftime lead. State s high-powered offensive attack, which set school records for total offense and rushing offense, later cut the margin to 24-17 behind the option play of freshman quarterback John Bond of Valdosta, Ga. He ran for one touchdown on a 1-yard sneak and hit all-sec tailback Michael Haddix of Walnut, Miss., for an 11-yard TD pass and MSU s final touchdown. The day, however, belonged to Nebraska s defense, which held Bond to minus- 8 yards rushing on 16 carries, and to seven completions in 19 attempts with two interceptions. Sophomore kicking specialist Dana Moore from Baton Rouge, La., booted a 47-yard field goal and had a 64-yard punt, enabling him to achieve an MSUrecord, 50-yard punting average for the afternoon. I am proud of our team and the season we had, Bellard said. We just flat out gave Nebraska too many opportunities. Our defense played well enough to win. Looking at what we have, we will be back next year. Mississippi State 0 0 3 14 = 17 Nebraska 7 10 7 7 = 31 UN Brown 23 run (Seibel kick), 12:30 1st UN Seibel 22 FG, 3:23 2nd UN Finn 8 pass from Quinn (Seibel kick), 1:57 2nd MSU Moore 47 FG, 7:12 3rd UN Franklin 2 run (Seibel kick), 2:16 3rd MSU Bond 1 run (Morgan kick), 11:44 4th UN McCrady 52 pass from Quinn (Seibel kick), 3:21 4th MSU Haddix 11 pass from Bond (Morgan kick), 1:00 4th MSU UN First Downs 15 16 Rushes-Yards 53-93 54-159 Passing Yards 102 159 Passes (C-A-I) 7-19-2 9-19-1 Total Offense 195 318 Fumbles-Lost 5-4 1-1 Penalties-Yards 4-30 4-37 RUSHING: (MSU) King 23-96, Haddix 4-14, Wonsley 1-8, McDole 5-7, Collins 1-2, Parenton 2-(-4), Bond 16-(-8), Moore 1-(-21); (UN) Franklin 17-67 1TD, Redwine 13-42, Brown 1-23 1TD, Craig 5-13, Steels 2-9, Kotera 2-7, Johnson 3-3, Quinn 11-(-5). PASSING: (MSU) Bond 7-19-102-2 1TD; (UN) Quinn 9-19-151-1 2TD. RECEIVING: (MSU) McDole 4-69, Price 1-25, Haddix 1-11 1TD, Doss 1-7; (UN) McCrady 2-107 1TD, Brown 2-16, Steels 2-14, Davies 1-9, Finn 1-8 1TD, Kotera 1-5. Attendance: 34,723.

1981 HALL OF FAME BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 10 KANSAS 0 December 31, 1981 Legion Field Birmingham, Ala. With Defensive Most Valuable Player and all-america linebacker Johnie Cooks of Leland, Miss., leading a fierce charge, Mississippi State scored its first bowl shutout win by downing the Kansas Jayhawks of the Big Eight Conference 10-0 to improve its bowl record to 4-2. It was, indeed, a day for the defense. The Bulldogs, aided by a steady mist that fell throughout the day, held Kansas to 35 yards rushing on 40 attempts, intercepted a pair of Jayhawk passes, and forced a fumble. State recorded its first shutout since 1979. Lightning struck early for the Bulldogs as all-sec defensive back Rob Fesmire of Nashville, Tenn., recovered a Ricky Green fumble on the opening kickoff and the opportunistic Bulldogs scored on the next play. Quarterback John Bond, State s Offensive Most Valuable Player and the game s MVP, sprinted 17 yards around right end on the first play from scrimmage and Bob Morgan s PAT gave the Bulldogs an early 7-0 lead. Place-kicker Dana Moore iced the game with a 22-yard field goal with just over 11 minutes left in the first half for the final margin of victory. The Bulldogs advanced to 8-4 and moved up to 17th in the final AP national poll. Moore also set a record, averaging 49.1 yards per punt on nine kicks. Wingback Danny Knight of Natchez, Miss., contributed a big 37-yard sprint down the left sideline on a third-and-long situation while Cooks, defensive tackles Glen Collins, Earnest Barnes and a number of unsung heroes on the specialty teams gathered together to provide the Bulldogs with the ingredients necessary for a satisfying bowl win. The whole defensive unit played extremely well, MSU head coach Emory Bellard said. We didn t ring the bell quite enough on offense, but we did move the ball down the field a good bit. Mississippi State 7 3 0 0 = 10 Kansas 0 0 0 0 = 0 MSU Bond 17 run (Morgan kick) MSU Moore 22 FG MSU KU First Downs 12 14 Rushing Yards 53-236 40-35 Passing Yards 51 171 Passes (C-A-I) 5-16-0 15-31-2 Total Offense 287 206 Fumbles-Lost 5-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards 10-65 7-82 RUSHING: (MSU) Knight 10-79, Bond 17-79 1TD, King 14-38, Haddix 7-25, Windham 3-5, Edwards 1-5, Wonsley 1-5; (KU) Taylor 20-61, Jones 7-20, Green 1-(-2), Smith 7-(-9), Frederick 5-(-35). PASSING: (MSU) Bond 5-16-51-0; (KU) Smith 8-22-61-2; Frederick 7-9-110-0. RECEIVING: (MSU) Haddix 2-16, Price 1-15, Richardson 1-13, Aldredge 1-7; (KU) Taylor 7-41, Johnson 3-34, Capers 2-57, Bastin 2-20, Jones 1-19. Attendance: 41,672

1991 LIBERTY BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 15 AIR FORCE 38 December 29, 1991 Liberty Bowl Memphis, Tenn. An all-time Liberty Bowl crowd of 61,497 looked on as the wishbone-attack of the Air Force Academy spoiled Mississippi State s return to the bowl scene with a 38-15 victory over the Bulldogs in the 33rd annual Liberty Bowl postseason contest. Directed by all-wac quarterback and Liberty Bowl MVP Rob Perez, the Falcons piled up 318 net yards rushing while attempting only two passes in this ESPN telecast. A potent ground attack earned AFA a 37:34-22:26 edge in possession time. The Falcons jumped on MSU early as they posted three unanswered touchdowns before the Bulldogs dented the scoreboard just before halftime. AFA scored on a pair of 1-yard plunges by Jason Jones and Perez in the opening stanza. A 35-yard fumble return by Air Force s Shannon Yates at the 6:12 mark of the second quarter stretched the lead to 21-0. The Bulldogs got on the scoreboard with the final score of the first half, a 4-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Sleepy Robinson to tight end Trenell Edwards. After the intermission, AFA added a third-quarter, 20-yard field goal by Joe Wood and a 31-yard touchdown gallop by Scott Hufford to build the Falcons insurmountable lead to 31-7 with 14:19 remaining in the contest. Making its first bowl appearance in 10 years, MSU scored its final points on a 7-yard run by fullback Michael Davis with 7:23 left on the game clock. Mississippi State 0 7 0 8 = 15 Air Force 14 7 3 14 = 38 AFA Jones 1 run (Wood kick), 5:07 1st AFA Perez 1 run (Wood kick), 2:11 1st AFA Yates 35 fumble return (Wood kick), 6:12 2nd MSU Edwards 4 pass from Robinson (Gardner kick), 0:35 2nd AFA Wood 20 FG, 2:31 3rd AFA Hufford 31 run (Wood kick), 14:19 4th MSU Davis 7 run (Robinson pass from Jordan), 7:23 4th AFA Simpson fumble recovery (Wood kick), 6:05 4th MSU AFA First Downs 18 19 Rushes-Yards 36-163 69-318 Passing Yards 121 10 Passes (C-A-I) 13-24-1 1-2-1 Total Offense 284 328 Fumbles-Lost 3-2 2-0 Penalties-Yards 5-35 4-31 Time of Possession 22:26 37:34 RUSHING: (MSU) Roberts 8-62, Robinson 15-41, Williamson 5-28, Davis 2-18 1TD, Jordan 3-7, Prince 2-7, Galloway 1-0; (AFA) Perez 26-114 1TD, Jones 21-73 1TD, Gray 1-33, Hufford 1-31 1TD, Banks 5-23, Baker 4-18, Onuoha 5-12, Young 4-11, Parisi 2-3. PASSING: (MSU) Robinson 6-12-49-0 1TD; Jordan 7-12-72-1; (AFA) Perez 1-2- 10-1. RECEIVING: (MSU) Roberts 4-28, W. Harris 3-37, Edwards 2-25 1TD, Davis 2-19, Prince 1-9, James 1-3; (AFA) Wilkie 1-10. Attendance: 61,497

1993 PEACH BOWL #24 MISSISSIPPI STATE 17 #19 NORTH CAROLINA 21 January 1, 1993 The Georgia Dome Atlanta, Ga. Despite jumping out to a 14-0 first-quarter lead, Mississippi State couldn t hold off a North Carolina squad playing an inspired second half as the Tar Heels posted a 21-17 victory in the first Peach Bowl held inside The Georgia Dome. The Bulldogs jumped on top early, scoring on their first possession when Greg Plump found Olanda Truitt on a 2-yard touchdown pass. MSU added to that lead when Kenny Roberts raced 22 yards on the final play of the first quarter to give the Bulldogs a 14-0 lead. State had a chance to put the game away in the second quarter, but a pair of Plump-to-Truitt touchdown passes were called back due to Bulldog holding penalties. Trailing 14-0 at halftime, North Carolina took the second half kickoff and drove 82 yards to score on Natrone Means 1-yard plunge. Later in the third period, the Tar Heels Bracey Walker broke through to block a Todd Jordan punt and raced 24 yards into the end zone to tie the game at 14-14. North Carolina took the lead for good early in the fourth quarter when UNC s Cliff Baskerville intercepted a Plump pass and returned it 44 yards for the go-ahead touchdown. After Chris Gardner s 46-yard field goal made the score 21-17, the Bulldogs had their chances to win the game late. MSU drove inside the Tar Heel 30 twice in the game s final three minutes, but an interception and loss on downs, respectively, doomed the Bulldogs final chances. Mississippi State 14 0 0 3 = 17 North Carolina 0 0 14 7 = 21 MSU Truitt 2 pass from Plump (Gardner kick), 11:09 1st MSU Roberts 22 run (Gardner kick), 0:00 1st UNC Means 1 run (Pignetti kick), 12:39 3rd UNC Walker 24 blocked-punt return (Pignetti kick), 6:38 3rd UNC Baskerville 44 interception return (Pignetti kick), 12:36 4th MSU Gardner 46 FG, 8:42 4th MSU UNC First Downs 24 13 Rushes-Yards 41-144 36-149 Passing Yards 296 106 Passes (C-A-I) 25-45-2 7-17-2 Total Offense 450 255 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 1-1 Penalties-Yards 9-87 4-36 Time of Possession 34:33 25:27 RUSHING: (MSU) Roberts 9-64 1TD, Davis 10-32, T. James 6-24, Prince 5-19, Jordan 1-9, Hudson 1-5, Truitt 1-0, Plump 8-(-9); (UNC) Means 21-128 1TD, Faulkerson 4-9, Thomas 9-6, Jordan 1-3, Brooks 1-3. PASSING: (MSU) Plump 24-40-2 287 1TD, Jordan 1-4-0 9, Hudson 0-1-0 0; (UNC) Thomas 7-16-2 106, Jerry 0-1-0 0. RECEIVING: (MSU) Wi.Harris 8-127, Roberts 5-49, Truitt 3-31 1TD, Prince 2-23, Clanton 2-21, James 2-0, Ward 1-20, C.Jones 1-16, Knight 1-9; (UNC) Brooks 2-60, Jerry 2-20, Means 1-15, Holliday 1-13, Felton 1-(-2). Attendance: 69,125

1995 PEACH BOWL #16 MISSISSIPPI STATE 24 #23 NC STATE 28 January 2, 1995 The Georgia Dome Atlanta, Ga. For the second time in three years, Mississippi State earned a berth in the Peach Bowl. And for the second time in three years, the Bulldogs held a third-quarter lead over its counterpart. But again, State could not maintain that advantage, dropping a 28-24 decision to NC State. Like it had done two years prior, Mississippi State gained an early advantage in this Peach Bowl match-up. Place-kicker Tim Rogers, MSU s Offensive Player of the Game, booted a 37-yard field goal just 2:21 into the contest, and the Bulldogs had a 3-0 advantage. It would be the first of a bowl-record and school-standard tying five field goals for Rogers. But, as NC State was able to do throughout the game, the Wolfpack erased that early lead. Running back Tremayne Stephens capped an 80-yard drive with a 2-yard touchdown run to give NCSU a 7-3 lead. Rogers and Steve Videtich traded field goals around the first-quarter break before the Bulldogs mounted a touchdown drive of their own. Senior running back Michael Davis scored from 11 yards out to give MSU a 13-10 edge. A pair of big plays opened the door for the Bulldogs to take control of the game as the second half began. Forcing the Pack to punt on their first series of the second half, Andre Bennett blocked the NC State kick into the end zone for a safety, and MSU had a two-point lead. On the ensuing free kick, Keffer McGee returned the punt a bowl-record 50 yards, putting the Bulldogs in business at the NCSU 15-yard line. Unable to advance the ball into the end zone, State settled for a Rogers field goal and its lead was just 18-13. Three plays later, however, Larry Williams, State s Defensive Player of the Game, put his team back in scoring position with a standout defensive play. On a second-and-16 play from the NCSU 30, Williams sacked quarterback Terry Harvey, stripped him of the football, and then recovered the pigskin at the 21. But once again, the Bulldog attack was not able to capitalize, and Rogers was forced to convert a 36-yard field goal. Rejuvenated by the disaster averted, NC State struck for a game-tying touchdown and two-point conversion at the close of the third period. Harvey hit Dallas Dickerson from 3 yards out for the score, and then ran for the extra points. The Wolfpack used a big play of their own, a 62-yard pass play to set up their go-ahead score. Freshman fullback Carlos King bulled in from 11 yards away and State was down 28-21. Mississippi State 6 7 8 3 = 24 NC State 7 6 8 7 = 28 MSU Rogers 37 FG, 12:29 1st NCSU Stephens 2 rush (Videtich kick), 9:21 1st MSU Rogers 21 FG, 2:57 1st NCSU Videtich 45 FG, 13:21 2nd MSU Davis 11 run (Rogers kick), 7:29 2nd NCSU Videtich 36 FG, 0:08 2nd MSU Safety (blocked punt), 13:27 3rd MSU Rogers 29 FG, 10:45 3rd MSU Rogers 36 FG, 8:36 3rd NCSU Dickerson 3 pass from Harvey (Harvey run), 1:12 3rd NCSU King 11 run (Videtich kick), 13:06 4th MSU Rogers 30 FG, 4:47 4th MSU NCSU First Downs 16 20 Rushes-Yards 35-117 48-172 Passing Yards 185 164 Passes (C-A-I) 14-29-0 14-25-1 Total Offense 302 336 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 2-1 Penalties-Yards 6-53 2-15 Time of Possession 26:49 33:11 RUSHING: (MSU) Davis 13-51 1TD, Bouie 12-51, McCrary 3-10, Moulds 2-10, Clark 2-(-1), Taite 3-(-4); (NCSU) Stephens 21-105 1TD, King 6-38 1TD, Brown 7-25, Hill 1-4, Fitzgerald 3-3, Bender 2-3, Harvey 7-0, Grissett 1-(-6). PASSING: (MSU) Taite 13-28-0 141, Clark 1-1-0 44; (NCSU) Harvey 11-18-0 139 1TD, Bender 3-7-1 25. RECEIVING: (MSU) McCrary 3-39, C. Jones 3-39, Watkins 3-20, McGee 2-62, Bouie 1-11, M. Brown 1-9, Moulds 1-5; (NCSU) Dickerson 3-31 1TD, Grissett 2-68, Guffie 2-30, King 2-9, Fitzgerald 2-5, Stephens 1-9, Thomas 1-8, Hill 1-4. Attendance: 64,902

1999 COTTON BOWL #23 MISSISSIPPI STATE 11 #20 TEXAS 38 January 1, 1999 Cotton Bowl Dallas, Texas Playing in their first traditional New Year s Day bowl game since the 1941 Orange Bowl, the Bulldogs faced an enormous task in trying to stop the University of Texas and its Heisman Trophy winner Ricky Williams. Behind Williams Cotton Bowl record 203 yards rushing and two touchdowns, the Longhorns snapped their seven-game losing slide to Jackie Sherrill and defeated Mississippi State 38-11 in the Southwestern Bell Cotton Bowl Classic. Texas struck early in the contest behind the arm of quarterback Major Applewhite. The freshman found Wayne McGarity late in the opening period on a 59-yard scoring strike, giving Texas an early 7-0 lead. The Longhorns took advantage of good field position and a long pass play to take a 14-0 lead, as Applewhite again called McGarity s number for a 52-yard touchdown with 5:11 to go in the first half. Mississippi State would close out the scoring in the half with a 39-yard field goal from senior Brian Hazelwood. After showcasing their passing game in the first half, Texas began to exploit a tired Bulldog defense with a running game that featured the NCAA s career rushing leader in Williams, who got the scoring started in the second half with a 37-yard gallop to stretch the Longhorns lead to 21-3 just 2:26 into the second half. A Kris Stockton field goal would extend the UT lead to 24-3 six minutes later. The Bulldog offense, led by James Johnson s 112 yards on the ground, still struggled to find its niche against a stubborn Texas defense. An injury to star all-purpose receiver Kevin Prentiss in the opening half made their task even more difficult. Unable to keep the weary MSU defense off the field, the Bulldogs were victimized by another Williams scoring run at the 2:42 mark of the third period as Texas grabbed control of the contest with a 31-3 advantage. Mississippi State 0 3 0 8 = 11 Texas 7 7 24 0 = 38 UT McGarity 59 pass from Applewhite (Stockton kick), 2:17 1st UT McGarity 52 pass from Applewhite (Stockton kick), 5:11 2nd MSU Hazelwood 39 FG, 2:32 2nd UT R. Williams 37 run (Stockton kick), 12:34 3rd UT Stockton 47 FG, 6:39 3rd UT R. Williams 2 run (Stockton kick), 2:42 3rd UT Cavil 18 pass from Applewhite (Stockton kick), 0:14 3rd MSU Grant 5 pass from Wyatt (J. Johnson rush), 10:07 4th MSU UT First Downs 18 27 Rushes-Yards 32-87 43-238 Passing Yards 205 225 Passes (C-A-I) 16-40-1 15-26-0 Total Offense 292 463 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 1-0 Penalties-Yards 9-89 5-55 Time of Possession 27:59 32:01 RUSHING: (MSU) J.Johnson 22-112, D.McKinley 2-7, Rainey 1-2, Prather 1-(-3), Madkin 4-(-11), Wyatt 2-(-20); (UT) R.Williams 30-203 2TD, Mitchell 7-26, Brown 3-15, Applewhite 3-(-6). PASSING: (MSU) Wyatt 12-24-0 156 1TD, Madkin 4-16-1 49; (UT) Applewhite 15-26-0 225 3TD. RECEIVING: (MSU) Grant 4-62 1TD, K.Cooper 4-38, Love 2-33, Kelly 2-14, J.Johnson 1-22, D.McKinley 1-20, Prentiss 1-8, Butler 1-8; (UT) R.Williams 5-45, McGarity 4-132 2TD, Cavil 3-31 1TD, Lewis 2-26, Nunez 1-(-9). Attendance: 72,611

1999 PEACH BOWL #15 MISSISSIPPI STATE 17 CLEMSON 7 December 30, 1999 The Georgia Dome Atlanta, Ga. Behind the impetus that had been the key all season defense Mississippi State downed Clemson 17-7 in the 1999 Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl in Atlanta s Georgia Dome. The win gave State its 10th victory of the season, grouping the 99 Bulldogs with MSU s 40 edition which also posted 10 victories. MSU notched the win despite allowing the most yardage it had all season (391), with 301 of that coming from quarterback Brandon Streeter who passed 50 times in the game. Defense was the norm in the first half for both squads as the teams played to a scoreless tie at halftime.the closest either team got to a score in the first half was when Clemson advanced to State s 9-yard line late in the first quarter. But Tiger Tony Lazzara s field goal attempt was blocked by Bulldog senior Robert Bean, who registered his seventh career blocked kick. State wasted little time breaking the scoring ice in the second half. After Pig Prather returned the opening kickoff after intermission 45 yards to the MSU 47-yard line, the Bulldogs drove 31 yards on seven plays to set up a 39-yard field goal from Scott Westerfield at the 12:39 mark. Three possessions later, Clemson threatened to answer, driving to the State 13 where it faced a fourth-and-7. The Tigers elected to go for it, but the MSU defense held firm, with defensive lineman John Hilliard batting down a Streeter pass. The quarter would end with State leading 3-0. The fourth quarter would be quite a different story in terms of point production, as the teams combined for three touchdowns in the final frame. State extended its lead to 10-0 on the first full drive of the final period, going 43 yards on 10 plays with quarterback Wayne Madkin scrambling for a 2-yard score. The drive was set up at Clemson s 43-yard line on an interception by Bulldog Eugene Clinton, one of five State pickoffs in the contest. Clemson would answer on the ensuing possession with its only score of the night. The Tigers drove 70 yards on eight plays with Streeter diving in from a yard out. But State was not intimidated. The Bulldogs answered that challenge with a solid eight-play, 57-yard charge of their own. Madkin, the game s Most Valuable Offensive Player, found tailback Dontae Walker on the left side and Walker jaunted 15 yards for the touchdown which iced the game for MSU at 17-7 with 4:31 remaining in regulation. Mississippi State 0 0 3 14 = 17 Clemson 0 0 0 7 = 28 MSU Westerfield 39 FG, 12:39 MSU Madkin 2 run (Westerfield kick), 11:40 CU Streeter 1 run (Lazzara kick), 8:15 MSU D.Walker 15 pass from Madkin (Westerfield kick), 4:31 MSU CU First Downs 16 24 Rushes-Yards 33-89 34-85 Passing Yards 176 306 Passes (C-A-I) 17-38-0 25-56-5 Total Offense 265 391 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards 21-188 8-82 Time of Possession 30:41 29:19 RUSHING: (CU) Rambert 18-70, Dantzler 9-8, Streeter 4-7 1TD, Wofford 1-5, Witherspoon 1-2, Zachery 1-(-7). (MSU) Madkin 5-37 1TD, Miller 10-24, D.Walker 9-18, Rainey 3-14, Griffith 3-1, Gibson 1-0, Team 2-(-5). PASSING: (CU) Streeter 24-44-4-301, Dantzler 1-6-1-5. (MSU) Madkin 17-38- 0-176 1TD. RECEIVING: (CU) Gardner 7-75, Wofford 6-147, Lawyer 5-46, Cyrgalis 2-21, Rambert 2-8, Bailey 1-9, Seth 1-3, Reames 1-(-3). (MSU) Miller 3-54, Sirmones 2-21, D.Walker 2-20 1TD, Griffith 2-14, McCaskey 2-9, M.Butler 1-21, Love 1-20, Huntington 1-6, Lee 1-5, Gibson 1-3, Belcher 1-3. Attendance: 73,315

2000 INDEPENDENCE BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 43 TEXAS A&M 41 (OT) December 31, 2000 Independence Bowl Shreveport, La. Willie Blade blocked an extra point, Julius Griffith ran it to the end zone for a two-point conversion, and Wayne Madkin scored from 6 yards out all in overtime to give Mississippi State a hard-fought, 43-41 decision over Texas A&M in the snow-filled Independence Bowl. The Aggies took advantage of a couple of early MSU miscues on the snow-covered field to take a 14-0 edge seven minutes into the game. After scoring following a mishandled MSU snap just over two minutes into the contest, A&M continued to control momentum on fullback Ja Mar Toombs 4-yard plunge. Toombs had a game-high 193 yards. Jackie Sherrill s Bulldogs fought back in the second quarter. With Toombs running through the State defense, Dontae Walker returned the favor to the Aggie stoppers, tallying 143 yards of his own. The sophomore took a handoff up the middle and scurried for 40 of those yards over the goal line to cut the lead. With just over a minute until halftime, State scored behind Wayne Madkin. After the junior quarterback rushed for 10 yards, he connected on two pass plays, the second a four-yard score to Dicenzo Miller to tie the game at 14. A&M bounced back with 31 seconds left in the half to take a 20-14 lead into the locker room. Quarterback Mark Farris lofted a ball high and deep into the heavy falling snow, finding Robert Ferguson on a 42-yard score. The Aggies tried to put the game out of reach with two fourth-quarter touchdowns. On the opening play of the period, Farris once again went deep, this time connecting with Bethel Johnson on a 35-yard strike. A two-point conversion put the Aggies up 28-21. Toombs extended the lead on the following possession, rushing in from 13 yards to give A&M a 35-21 edge. Walker cut the lead back to seven as he rushed in from 32 yards out, and, after a Marco Minor interception put MSU at the Aggie 4-yard line, Madkin found tight end Donald Lee in the end zone for the touchdown that sent the game into overtime, tied 35-35. In the extra session, Toombs rushed in from 25 yards out on the first play to put A&M up 41-35. Blade reached up and blocked the Aggie extra point try. Eugene Clinton picked up the loose ball and pitched to Griffith who ran it in for two points. Faced with a must-score situation on State s first overtime try, Madkin rushed down to the Aggies 6-yard line and then took a keeper into the end zone to clinch the 43-41 win in what has become known as Snow Bowl 2000. Mississippi State 0 14 7 14 8 = 43 Texas A&M 14 6 0 15 6 = 41 TAMU Whitaker 9 run (Kitchens kick), 12:56, 1st TAMU Toombs 4 run (Kitchens kick), 8:06, 1st MSU Walker 40 run (Westerfield kick), 9:22, 2nd MSU Miller 4 pass from Madkin (Westerfield kick), 7:22, 2nd TAMU Ferguson 42 pass from Farris (Kitchens kick failed), 0:46, 2nd MSU Walker 1 run (Westerfield kick), 11:55, 3rd TAMU Johnson 35 pass from Farris (Whitaker rush), 14:51, 4th TAMU Toombs 13 run (Kitchens kick), 9:20, 4th MSU Walker 32 run (Westerfield kick), 8:17, 4th MSU D.Lee 3 pass from Madkin (Westerfield kick), 1:30, 4th TAMU Toombs 25 run (Kitchens kick failed) MSU Griffith PAT return MSU Madkin 6 yd run MSU TAMU First Downs 16 14 Rushes-Yards 40-246 47-209 Passing Yards 71 133 Passes (C-A-I) 9-19-0 9-11-1 Total Offense 317 342 Fumbles-Lost 4-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards 6-45 7-71 Time of Possession 28:59 31:01 RUSHING: (MSU) Walker 16-143 3TD, Miller 11-48, Jus. Griffith 2-17, Madkin 11-38 TD. (TAMU) Toombs 35-193 3TD, Whitaker 8-16 TD, Weber 2-2, Farris 2-(-2). PASSING: (MSU) Madkin 9-19-0-71 2TD. (TAMU) Farris 9-11-1-133 2TD. RECEIVING: (MSU) Miller 4-30 TD, D.Lee 2-29 TD, Lindsey 1-7, Butler 1-3, Jus. Griffith 1-2. (TAMU) Ferguson 3-54 TD, Toombs 2-(-4), Johnson 1-35 TD, Porter 1-31, Taylor 1-15, Weber 1-2. Attendance: 36,974

2007 LIBERTY BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 10 UCF 3 December 29, 2007 Liberty Bowl Stadium Memphis, Tenn. Mississippi State cashed in on Central Florida s fourth turnover of the game, marching to the lone touchdown of the day late in the fourth quarter, to defeat the Knights 10-3 in the 49th renewal of the AutoZone Liberty Bowl, a game that was otherwise very defensive in nature. With the win, MSU ended the 2007 season at 8-5, its most wins since 2000, and improved to 2-0 all-time over UCF which ended the year 10-4 after winning its last seven games and claiming the Conference USA crown. The Bulldogs also improved to 7-6 all-time in bowl games with the victory and has now been victorious its last three bowl appearances. The late score, a 1-yard plunge by running back Anthony Dixon, came with just 1:54 remaining in the game. It capped a 10-play, 59-yard drive, State s longest of the day by almost 20 yards, that was setup by Bulldog Keith Fitzhugh s interception of Knight quarterback Kyle Israel, his third throwing miscue of the contest. But until that point in the game, neither team had generated much offense in a game very much controlled by the defenses. Only two second quarter field goals - one by each team - graced the scoreboard in the first three quarters and the teams would combined for just 418 yards of total offense in the affair. After a scoreless first quarter started the lowest scoring first half in Liberty Bowl history, UCF finally broke scoring ice after gaining excellent field position at the Bulldog 46 early in the second period. The Knights then moved the ball 18 yards to set up a Michael Torres 45-yard field goal that just cleared the crossbar. UCF led 3-0 with 11:49 to go before the intermission. After the Knights forced a State punt on the next drive, the Bulldogs got their first break of the afternoon. MSU s Derek Pegues, named the game s Most Valuable Player, picked off the first of two passes at the Knight 46 and returned it 40 yards to the 6-yard line. UCF stood strong, however, and held MSU to a 22-yard Adam Carlson field goal, tying the game at the 6:02 mark. UCF would have scoring chances on two consecutive drives in the third and fourth periods but Torres, who came into the game having hit 19-of-21 field goals on the year, would miss from 32 and 37 yards on those drives, negating some offensive momentum that the Knights had built at that point in the contest. Dixon ended the day with 86 yards on 24 carries for the Bulldogs, who managed just 198 yards from scrimmage the entire game. The game s attendance of 63,816 established a new Liberty Bowl record. The previous record of 61,497 was set in 1991 when the Bulldogs played Air Force. UCF 0 3 0 0 = 3 Mississippi State 0 3 0 7 = 10 UCF Torres 45 FG, 11:49, 2nd MS Carlson 22 FG, 6:02, 2nd MS Dixon 1 run,(carlson kick), 1:54, 4th UCF MSU First Downs 13 10 Rushes-Yards 47-131 41-160 Passing Yards 88 39 Passes (C-A-I) 10-24-3 8-20-1 Total Offense 219 199 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 0-0 Penalties-Yards 3-25 5-45 Time of Possession 31:08 28:52 RUSHING: (UCF) Smith 35-119, Israel 11-13, Francis 1-(-1). (MSU) Dixon 24-86 TD, Burks 2-25, Carroll 6-21, Ducre 6-20, Smith 1-5, Hart 1-4, Team 1-(-1). PASSING: (UCF) Israel 10-24-3-88. (MSU) Carroll 8-18-1-39, Henig 0-2-0-0. RECEIVING: (UCF) Smith 3-12, Ross 2-27, Rabazinski 2-26, Watters 2-13, Aiken 1-10. (MSU) Ducre 3-10, Smith 2-7, Dixon 1-10, Hart 1-8, Burks 1-4. Attendance: 63,816

2011 GATOR BOWL #21 MISSISSIPPI STATE 52 MICHIGAN 14 January 1, 2011 EverBank Field Jacksonville, Fla. It was an offensive clinic from start to finish for Mississippi State, as the Bulldogs manufactured 485 total yards en route to a dominating 52-14 win against Michigan in the 66th annual Gator Bowl at EverBank Field. Mississippi State set several school bowl records with points scored (52) and margin of victory (38). In addition, the 485 total yards of offense were second only to the 499 gained against North Carolina in the 1974 Sun Bowl. Chris Relf, named the game s MVP, completed 18 of his 23 passes for 281 yards and three touchdowns. The 281 passing yards were the second most in MSU bowl history. They are also the only two quarterbacks to throw for more than 200 yards in a bowl game. Relf, a junior from Montgomery, Ala., also scored on the ground from 1-yard out and finished with 311 total yards. As prolific as MSU s offense was, so too was the defense. The Bulldogs held the Wolverines (7-6) to 342 yards, with 153 coming in the opening quarter. Michigan did enjoy a 14-10 lead after the first frame, but failed to score another point the remainder of the game. Quarterback Denard Robinson was limited to a season-low 51 yards after grounding out 59 in the first quarter. Robinson s arm produced the game s first points when he connected with Roy Roundtree for a 10-yard scoring strike. MSU quickly answered, though, and evened the score when Relf hit Arceto Clark from 4 yards out. On their next possession, the Bulldogs took their first lead at 10-7 on a 42-yard field goal by Derek DePasquale. Back came the Wolverines, however, who went back on top following a 27-yard touchdown pass from Robinson to Martavious Odoms. That play, though, would be Michigan s last highlight of the game. From that point, it was all Mississippi State. With 11:38 left in the first half, Vick Ballard scored the first of his three touchdowns to give MSU a 17-14 lead. Then with 6:35 remaining, Relf found the end zone to extend the advantage to 24-14. But the Bulldogs weren t done, as they scored again with 25 seconds left, this time on a 15-yard pass from Relf to Ricco Sanders, his first-career TD reception, for a 31-14 lead. In the second half, the Bulldogs, who converted 9 of their 17 third-down attempts and were 5 of 5 on fourth down, got two more touchdowns from Ballard covering 1 and 7 yards. Ballard finished the year with 19 rushing touchdowns, breaking the single-season mark of 16 set by Jackie Parker in 1952. MSU s final points were the result of a 31-yard pass from Relf to Michael Carr, the first touchdown of the freshman s career. Mississippi State 10 21 14 7 = 52 Michigan 14 0 0 0 = 14 MICH - Roundtree 10 pass from Robinson (Gibbons kick), 10:56, 1st MS - Arceto Clark 4 yd pass from Chris Relf (D. DePasquale kick), 5:31, 1st MS - D. DePasquale 42 yd field goal, 2:23, 1st MICH - Odoms, M. 27 yd pass from Robinson, D. (Gibbons, B. kick), 0:34, 1st MS - Vick Ballard 2 yd run (D. DePasquale kick), 11:38, 2nd MS - Chris Relf 1 yd run (D. DePasquale kick), 6:35, 2nd MS - Ricco Sanders 15 yd pass from Chris Relf (D. DePasquale kick), 0:25, 2nd MS - Vick Ballard 1 yd run (D. DePasquale kick), 6:19, 3rd MS - Vick Ballard 7 yd run (D. DePasquale kick), 0:10, 3rd MS - Michael Carr 31 yd pass from Chris Relf (D. DePasquale kick), 10:31, 4th MSU MICH First Downs 26 17 Rushes-Yards 58-204 25-88 Passing Yards 281 254 Passes (C-A-I) 18-23-1 27-41-1 Total Offense 485 342 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 1-1 Penalties-Yards 3-23 5-40 Time of Possession 35:15 24:45 RUSHING: (MSU) Vick Ballard 20-76; L. Perkins 9-40; Robert Elliott 6-36; Chris Relf 15-30; Adrian Marcus 7-24; Tyler Russell 1-minus 2. (Michigan) Robinson, D. 11-59; Shaw, Michael 4-19; Smith, Vincent 7-13; Toussaint, F. 2-5; Grady, Kelvin 1-minus 8. PASSING: (MSU) Chris Relf 18-23-1-281. (Michigan) Robinson, D. 27-41-1-254. RECEIVING: (MSU) Chris Smith 4-46; Michael Carr 3-65; Arceto Clark 3-45; L. Perkins 2-79; Ricco Sanders 2-23; Brandon Heavens 2-12; Vick Ballard 2-11. (Michigan) Roundtree, Roy 9-53; Stonum, Darryl 7-59; Hemingway, J. 4-49; Koger, Kevin 2-42; Smith, Vincent 2-17; Odoms, M. 1-27; Toussaint, F. 1-5; Shaw, Michael 1-2. Attendance: 68,325

2011 MUSIC BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 23 WAKE FOREST 17 December 30, 2011 LP Field Nashville, Tenn. Donning the Maroon and White for the final time, senior running back Vick Ballard put the team on his back as he rushed for a career-high 180 yards and two touchdowns to propel Mississippi State to a 23-17 victory against Wake Forest in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl. The Pascagoula, Miss., native was named MVP, while his production was the second best in MSU bowl history. It was the Bulldogs fifth-consecutive bowl win, a streak that tied Rutgers for the longest in the nation. MSU also improved to 9-6 in bowl outings, with a 4-2 mark against ACC foes. Ballard deserves a bulk of the credit for MSU s latest achievement, breaking free down the sidelines for a 60-yard scoring scamper with 34 seconds left in the opening quarter to even the game at 7-apiece after the Demon Deacons had scored on a 14-yard run by Brandon Pendergrass. In the second quarter, Mississippi State turned to its passing game to take the lead for good when senior quarterback Chris Relf connected with a wide open Arceto Clark for a 31-yard scoring strike and a 13-7 advantage following the missed PAT. The touchdown was set up when junior defensive end and All-American Fletcher Cox blocked a Wake Forest field goal. The final points of the half resulted in a 33-yard Derek DePasquale field goal which put MSU up, 16-7. In the second half, though, Wake Forest grabbed the early momentum when Tommy Bohanon closed the gap to 16-14 on a 1-yard plunge. However, it would be as close as the Demon Deacons would get. Ballard made sure of that in the fourth quarter when he broke free for a 72-yard touchdown, the longest in MSU bowl history, to swell the lead to 23-14. Wake would score again on a 46-yard field goal by Jimmy Newman, but from that point the MSU defense thwarted any comeback hopes by taking its play to another level. Offensively, MSU outgained Wake, 382-287. Relf threw for 129 yards on 12-of-19 passing, while also rushing for another 64 yards en route to finishing his career as MSU s winningest quarterback (15-7). The defense was led by the play of Cox and Corey Broomfield, who registered a career-best two tackles behind the line of scrimmage to go along with a team-high nine tackles. It was a unit that recorded six sacks, the most since having seven in a 47-35 home win against No. 3 Florida on Sept. 30, 2000. Mississippi State 7 9 0 7 = 23 Wake Forest 7 0 7 3 = 17 WF Pendergrass 14 run (Newman kick), 4:24 1st MS Vick Ballard 60 run (DePasquale kick), 3:04 1st MS Arceto Clark 31 pass from Chris Relf (DePasquale kick failed), 12:41 2nd MS - DePasquale 33 yd field goal, 5:44 2nd WF - Bohanon 1 run (Newman kick), 11:00 3rd MS - Vick Ballard 72 run (DePasquale kick), 12:53 4th WF - Newman 46 yd field goal, 3:27 4th MSU WF First Downs 14 21 Rushes-Yards 39-253 38-63 Passing Yards 129 224 Passes (C-A-I) 12-20-2 26-48-0 Total Offense 382 287 Fumbles-Lost 3-2 0-0 Penalties-Yards 6-48 5-39 Time of Possession 24:10 35:50 RUSHING: (MSU) Ballard 14-180, Relf 15-64, Perkins 6-15, Team 2-(-2), Bumphis 2-(-4). (WF) Pendergrass 24-73, Reynolds 2-8, Givens 2-6, Bohanon 1-1, Team 1-(-1), Price 8-(-24). PASSING: (MSU) Relf 12-19-2-129. (WF) Price 24-46-0-214, Wulfeck 1-1-0-1, Davis 1-1-0-9. RECEIVING: (MSU) Smith 5-47, Clark 2-38, Ballard 2-9, M. Johnson 1-37, Perkins 1-1, Bumphis 1-(-3). (WF) Campanaro 10-128, Givens 9-54, Pendergrass 2-19, Parker 2-9, Price 1-9, Dembry 1-4, Bush 1-1. Attendance: 55,208

2013 GATOR BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 20 #20 NORTHWESTERN 34 January 1, 2013 EverBank Field Jacksonville, Fla. The No. 20 Northwestern Wildcats (10-3) downed the Mississippi State Bulldogs (9-5) 34-20 in the TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl. Northwestern wasted no time getting on the board when Quentin Williams returned a Tyler Russell interception 29 yards just 47 seconds into the game. Jeff Budzien added a pair of field goals on the Wildcats next two drives from 34 and 37 yards, respectively. The Bulldog defense then stopped the Northwestern offense on back-to-back drives leading to MSU s first points of the day. Devon Bell got the scoring going with a 27-yard field goal. After MSU forced a three-and-out, Russell connected with Arceto Clark for an 18-yard touchdown and sent State to the locker room only trailing by three. Nickoe Whitley stopped Northwestern s first drive of the second half with the first of his two interceptions on the day. Three minutes later, Bell tied his career-long with a 47-yard field goal to square the game at 13 apiece. The Wildcats quickly retook the lead with a six-play, 76-yard drive that only took 1:12 off the clock and then added another touchdown with 1:35 left in the third quarter to take 27-13 lead into the final stanza. MSU tacked on another touchdown when Russell floated a pass to Malcolm Johnson in center of the endzone just 3:18 into the fourth quarter. The MSU defense forced another three-and-out on Northwestern s next drive but, Russell s fourth interception of the day was returned 44 yards to the five yard line. The Wildcats punched in their final touchdown to secure the win. Josh Robinson finished the game as State s leading rusher with 91 yards on seven carries. Junior LaDarius Perkins added 85 yards on 19 carries. Clark finished with three catches for 36 yards and a touchdown, while Johnson hauled in two catches for 24 yards and a score. Chad Bumphis also grabbed three catches for 18 yards in his final game as a Bulldog. Russell completed 12-of-28 for 106 yards, two touchdowns and four interceptions. Mississippi State 0 10 3 7 = 20 Northwestern 10 3 14 7 = 34 NU - Williams 29 yd interception return (Budzien kick), 14:13 1st NU - Budzien 34 yd field goal, 4:49 1st NU - Budzien 37 yd field goal, 14:48 2nd MS - Devon Bell 27 yd field goal, 4:48 2nd MS - Arceto Clark 18 yd reception from Tyler Russell (Bell kick), 1:06, 2nd MS - Bell 47 yd field goal, 10:37 3rd NU - Jones 3 yd run (Budzien kick), 9:25 3rd NU - Siemian 4 yd run (Budzien kick), :26 3rd MS - Malcolm Johnson 14 yd reception from Russell (Bell kick), 11:42 4th NU - Mark 3 yd run (Budzien kick) 8:10 4th MSU NU First Downs 18 19 Rushes-Yards 33-186 40-161 Passing Yards 106 196 Passes (C-A-I) 12-29-4 21-36-3 Total Offense 292 357 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 1-0 Penalties-Yards 6-47 2-20 Time of Possession 26:12 33:48 RUSHING: (MSU) Perkins 19-91, Robinson 7-91, Prescott 2-20, Bumphis 1-3, Russell 4-11. (NU) Colter 11-73, Mark 13-60, Siemian 2-14, Jones 6-14, Trumpy 3-7, Riley 2-5, Team 3-0. PASSING: (MSU) Russell 12-28-4-106, Prescott 0-1-0-0. (NU) Siemian 12-20-1-120, Colter 9-16-2-76. RECEIVING: (MSU) Clark 3-36, M. Johnson 2-24, Smith 2-24, Bumphis 3-18, Marcus 1-7, Robinson 1-(-3) (NU) Vitale 7-82, Fields 2-41, Jones 5-39, Lawrence 2-18, Prater 2-7, Riley 1-6, Mark 2-3 Attendance: 48,612

2013 LIBERTY BOWL MISSISSIPPI STATE 44 RICE 7 December 31, 2013 Liberty Bowl Stadium Memphis, Tenn. Mississippi State ended the year and its 2013 season and year with a fitting celebration Tuesday, ousting the Rice Owls 44-7 to claim victory in the 55th AutoZone Liberty Bowl. The margin of victory was the largest in any bowl game played thus far in 2013. With the win, the Bulldogs secured their fourth-straight winning season and Dan Mullen earned the record for most bowl wins by any MSU coach ever, now 3-1 in four bowl appearances in his five seasons as the Bulldog mentor. State dominated the game on both sides of the ball, with the defense holding Rice s top-15 national rushing attack to only 61 yards on the ground in the game while the Bulldog offense racked up 533 total yards on the other side of the ball. After the Owls took an early 7-0 lead, the Bulldogs went on to score 44 unanswered points in the convincing win. Five different State players scored touchdowns in the contest. State set school and Liberty Bowl records in the game. Sophomore quarterback Dak Prescott accounted for five touchdowns responsible for (a Liberty Bowl record) while throwing for 283 yards and three scores and rushing for two others. Junior receiver Jameon Lewis set the all-time MSU record for receiving yards in any game - regular or post season - with 220 yards on nine catches. MSU ended 2013 on a flurry, winning consecutive overtime games at Arkansas and against arch rival Ole Miss at home to become bowl eligible and vault itself into Tuesday s contest in Memphis. Rice 7 0 0 0 = 7 Mississippi State 7 20 14 3 = 44 RICE Charles Ross 1 yd run (Boswell kick), 6:41 1st MS LaDarius Perkins 10 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Sobiesk kick), 2:01 1st MS Ashton Shumpert 1 yd run (Sobiesk kick), 9:49 2nd MS Malcolm Johnson 13 yd pass from Dak Prescott (kick blocked), 4:32 2nd MS Artimus Samuel 4 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Sobiesk kick), 0:10 2nd MS Dak Prescott 5 yd run (Sobiesk kick), 7:25 3rd MS Dak Prescott 11 yd run (Sobiesk kick), 1:42 3rd MS Taylor Earhart 19 yd field goal, 4:45 4th RICE MS First Downs 7 27 Rushes-Yards 32-61 46-239 Passing Yards 84 294 Passes (C-A-I) 8-16-0 18-30-0 Total Offense 145 533 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards 3-18 2-30 Time of Possession 24:42 35:18 RUSHING: (RICE) Charles Ross 10-28, Jowan Davis 7-21, Luke Turner 4-17, Dennis Parks 1-2, Team 1-(-1), Taylor McHargue 6-(-2), Driphus Jackson 3-(-4). (MS) Dak Prescott 14-78, LaDarius Perkins 13-47, Josh Robinson 3-45, Ashton Shumpert 7-29, Nick Griffin 4-18, Damian Williams 3-11, Sam Cowart 1-6, Josh Hand 1-5. PASSING: (RICE) Taylor McHargue 8-15-0-84, Driphus Jackson 0-1-0-0. (MS) Dak Prescott 17-28-0-283, Damian Williams 1-2-0-11. RECEIVING: (RICE) Dennis Parks 3-38, Connor Cella 1-19, Klein Kubiak 1-15, Donte Moore 1-6, Andre Gautreaux 1-4, Jordan Taylor 1-2. (MS) Jameon Lewis 9-220, De Runnya Wilson 3-37, Malcolm Johnson 1-13, LaDarius Perkins 1-10, Robert Johnson 1-10, Artimus Samuel 1-4, Joshn Robinson 1-3, Ashton Shumpert 1-(-3). Attendance: 57,846

2014 ORANGE BOWL #7 MISSISSIPPI STATE 34 #12 GEORGIA TECH 49 December 31, 2014 Sun Life Stadium Miami Gardens, Fla. Mississippi State (10-3) fell behind 14-0 in the first quarter and Georgia Tech s (11-3) triple-option attack proved to be the difference in a 49-34 score in the 2014 Capital One Orange Bowl at Sun Life Stadium. It was the Bulldogs first appearance in the contest in 73 years, capping a 10-win season. A turnover on MSU s first possession led to a Tech touchdown, setting the tone for the rest of the evening. Both teams combined for nearly 1,200 total yards with most of State s coming through the air and nearly all of Tech s on the ground. MSU junior quarterback Dak Prescott set several records over the course of the evening, throwing for over 400 yards and becoming the all-time record Bulldog holder for yards in a career at MSU, surpassing Don Smith. He also set the school single-game record for total offense with exactly 500 yards against Tech, 453 coming through the air. The highlight of the evening was Prescott s Hail Mary 42-yard touchdown pass to Fred Ross as time expired in the first half. Ross caught the touchdown off a deflection in the end zone that pulled the Bulldogs to within 21-20. However, Tech s ground attack quickly got rolling in the second half with a 69-yard touchdown run a minute into the third quarter. The Yellow Jackets scored 21 unanswered points. MSU s De Runnya Wilson caught two touchdown passes in the fourth quarter but it proved to be too late. Mississippi State 0 20 0 14 = 34 Georgia Tech 14 7 21 7 = 49 GT Synjyn Days 3 yd run (Butker kick), 12:38 1st GT Darren Waller 41 yd pass from Justin Thomas (Butker kick), 2:37 1st MS Evan Sobiesk 32 yd field goal, 12:57 2nd MS Dak Prescott 5 yd run (Sobiesk kick), 9:53 2nd MS Evan Sobiesk 30 yd field goal, 5:12 2nd GT Justin Thomas 13 yd run (Butker kick), 00:29 2nd MS Fred Ross 42 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Sobiesk kick), 00:00 2nd GT Synjyn Days 69 yd run (Butker kick), 14:05 3rd GT Justin Thomas 32 yd run (Butker kick), 7:58 3rd GT Justin Thomas 15 yd run (Butker kick), 4:17 3rd MS De Runnya Wilson 7 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Sobiesk kick), 14:53 4th GT Synjyn Days 4 yd run (Butker kick), 11:54 4th MS De Runnya Wilson 12 yd pass from Dak Prescott (Sobiesk kick), 2:20 4th MS GT First Downs 33 26 Rushes-Yards 33-152 61-452 Passing Yards 453 125 Passes (C-A-I) 33-51-1 7-12-1 Total Offense 605 577 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-0 Penalties-Yards 5-40 3-45 Time of Possession 25:13 34:47 RUSHING: (MS) Josh Robinson 13-75, Dak Prescott 15-47, Ashton Shumpert 4-25, Jameon Lewis 1-5. (GT) Synjyn Days 21-171, Justin Thomas 14-121, Zach Laskey 10-63, Charles Perkins 7-59, Deon Hill 5-23, B.J. Bostic 2-15, Dennis Andrews 1-1. PASSING: (MS) Dak Prescott 33-51-1-453. (GT) Justin Thomas 7-12-1-125. RECEIVING: (MS) Joe Morrow 6-117, De Runnya Wilson 9-105, Fred Ross 6-102, Jameon Lewis 5-63, Malcolm Johnson 3-36, Robert Johnson 2-17, Gus Walley 1-7, Fred Brown 1-6. (GT) Darren Waller 5-114, Micheal Summers 2-11. Attendance: 58,211

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