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1 NetWeaver 7.3 EhP1 ABAP on Redhat Enterprise Linux Server 62 for Oracle112 High Availability System Installation Created by 1. 安装规划 Parameter Host A Host B Host C For ASCS Database Dialog Instance Central Instance Instance SID PCI DI1 DBSID PCI Hostname PRDCI PRDDB PRDDI System number ASCS(01)/CI(02) DI(03) IP Password sap sap sap HardDisk 120G 120G 120G CPU RAM 4G 4G 4G VMWareName sles11prdci sles11prddb sles11prddi

2 Global Host Trans Host /sapmnt/pci/profil e /sapmnt/pci/global /sapmnt/pci/exe /usr/sap/trans 2. 安装 OS 2.1 Host A Hostname:prdci 虚拟机名字 :rhel62prdci OS Setup




6 点 Power on this vietual machine 开始安装 安装后 #setup

7 关闭防火墙 Vmware Tools Installation

8 2.1.2 VNC Configuration 1)#vncserver 密码 sap1234 vi /root/.vnc/xstartup #twm & startkde & 2) 设置 VNC 远程端口 ) 检查启用端口 #netstat -alp grep Xvnc chkconfig vncserver on chkconfig -list grep vnc

9 chkconfig --level 5 vncserver on /etc/hosts prdci.17yok.com prdci prddb.17yok.com prddb prddi.17yok.com prddi Java 在 prdci Host A 下载 Java, 并安装 cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731 rpm ivh jre-7u11-linux-x64.rpm vi /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.7.0_11 export JAVA_BIN=/usr/java/jre1.7.0_11/bin export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools/jar export JAVA_HOME JAVA_BIN PATH CLASSPATH export CPIC_MAX_CONV=2000 执行以下语句使生效 source /etc/profile 参数设置 vi /etc/sysctl.conf kernel.shmall = kernel.shmmax = kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = fs.file-max = net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = net.core.rmem_default = net.core.rmem_max = net.core.wmem_default = net.core.wmem_max =

10 #oracle 112 fs.aio-max-nr = fs.file-max = net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range= net.core.rmem_max= net.core.wmem_max= #nw731 kernel.sem = sysctl -p 使生效 vi /etc/security/limits.conf * soft nproc * hard nproc * soft nofile * hard nofile vi /etc/pam.d/login session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so 新增一行 2.2 Host B Hostname:prddb OS Setup VNC Configuration /etc/hosts Java cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731 rpm ivh jre-7u11-linux-x64.rpm

11 2.2.5 参数设置 rpm -qa grep ksh rpm -e ksh el6.x86_64 rpm -ivh pdksh el5.x86_64.rpm vi /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.7.0_11 export JAVA_BIN=/usr/java/jre1.7.0_11/bin export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools/jar export JAVA_HOME JAVA_BIN PATH CLASSPATH export CPIC_MAX_CONV=2000 export ORACLE_SID=PCI export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/PCI/112_64/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib export INVENTORY_LOCATION=/oracle export DB_SID=PCI export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin 2.3 Host C Hostname:prddi 3. 安装 ASCS(HostName:PRDCI) 3.1 安装 HOST A Hostname:PRDCI cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731/install4linux-sp01./sapinst

12 PCI

13 输入密码 sap123456


15 uid/gid 在其他服务器安装需要用 #startsap 检查一下 ASCS 能否起来

16 3.2 配置共享目录 vi /etc/exports /sapmnt/pci/exe *(rw,no_root_squash) /sapmnt/pci/global *(rw,no_root_squash) /sapmnt/pci/profile *(rw,no_root_squash) /sapmnt/ci1/exe *(rw,all_squash,anonuid=99,anongid=504) /sapmnt/ci1/global *(rw,all_squash,anonuid=99,anongid=504) /sapmnt/ci1/profile *(rw,all_squash,anonuid=99,anongid=504) /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start 启动 nfs exportfs rv 生效 4. 安装 Database Instance(HostName:PRDDB) HOST B Hostname:PRDDB 4.1 Mount mkdir /sapmnt mkdir /sapmnt/pci mkdir /sapmnt/pci/exe mkdir /sapmnt/pci/global mkdir /sapmnt/pci/profile mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/exe /sapmnt/pci/exe mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/global /sapmnt/pci/global mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/profile /sapmnt/pci/profile umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/exe /sapmnt/pci/exe umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/global /sapmnt/pci/global

17 umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/profile /sapmnt/pci/profile 永久 mount vi /etc/fstab 4.2 安装 cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731/install4linux-sp01./sapinst 在 Host: PRDCI su pciadm startsap 点 OK 继续

18 密码 sap 以上 UID 和 GID 必须与 PRDCI 上 pciadm 用户的 UID 和 GID 一致



21 手工创建 orapci 用户, 密码必须与前面一致 sap export DISPLAY=:0.0 su orapci cd /oracle/stage/112_64/database/sap./runinstaller 不能运行 mkdir /oracle/pci chmod 777 /oracle/pci./runinstaller



24 Rpm 包下载网站 rpm -ivh pdksh el5.x86_64.rpm rpm -qa grep ksh rpm -e ksh el6.x86_64 rpm -ivh pdksh el5.x86_64.rpm 继续安装 oracle

25 sapmnt/<sid>/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brarchive

26 Could not change owner of /sapmnt/<sid>/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brarchive to user 506(orapci) 503(sapsys) chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linux86_64/brarchive /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64 是 PRDCI 上的共享目录 System call failed. Error 22 (Invalid argument) in execution of system call 'lchown' with parameter (/sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brarchive 在 host : prdci 上操作 useradd u 506 g 503 orapci chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brarchive chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brbackup chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brconnect chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brrecover chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brrestore chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brspace chown orapci:sapsys /sapmnt/pci/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brtools 此问题解决, 继续安装 安装成功 vncserver mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/exe /sapmnt/pci/exe mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/global /sapmnt/pci/global

27 mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/profile /sapmnt/pci/profile su - orapci lsnrctl start exit su pciadm startdb 5. 安装 Central Instance(HostName:PRDCI) 5.1 安装 Hostname:prdci 确保 ASCS 和 DB 已经起来 cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731/install4linux-sp01./sapinst



30 点 Yes


32 安装成功

33 6. 安装 Dialog Instance(HostName:PRDDI) 6.1 Mount mkdir /sapmnt mkdir /sapmnt/pci mkdir /sapmnt/pci/exe mkdir /sapmnt/pci/global mkdir /sapmnt/pci/profile mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/exe /sapmnt/pci/exe mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/global /sapmnt/pci/global mount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/profile /sapmnt/pci/profile umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/exe /sapmnt/pci/exe umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/global /sapmnt/pci/global umount PRDCI:/sapmnt/PCI/profile /sapmnt/pci/profile 永久 mount vi /etc/fstab 6.2 安装 cd /mnt/hgfs/nw731/install4linux-sp01./sapinst





38 出现以上问题是因为安装过程中改变过文件目录共享属性, 重启 prdci/prddb/prddi 并重 新安装, 就通过此问题 安装成功 7. Exporting and Mounting the Global Transport Directory 7.1 设置共享 global transport directory 设置在 host:prdci 的 /usr/sap/trans 1.Log on as user root to the host where the global transport directory /usr/sap/trans resides. 2.Make sure that /usr/sap/trans belongs to the group sapsys and to the user root. 3.If not already done, export the directory using Network File System (NFS). 在 host:prdci 做如下操作 vi /etc/exports /usr/sap/trans *(rw,no_root_squash)

39 /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start 启动 nfs exportfs rv 生效 7.2 Mount mkdir /usr/sap/trans mount PRDCI:/usr/sap/trans /usr/sap/trans 8. SAPGUI 730 安装 8.1 SAPGUI 730 for Java 安装 java jar PlatinGUI730Linux_ jar install cd /opt/sapclients/sapgui7.30/bin 从 CI 登陆 SAP./sapgui /H/prdci/S/3202 从 DI 登陆 SAP./sapgui /H/prddi/S/3203

40 8.2 SAPGUI 730 for Windows 安装

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