如何使用CiscoSecure NT 2.5及以上版本 (RADIUS) 为VPN 5000客户端到VPN 5000集中器做认证

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1 如何使用 CiscoSecure NT 2.5 及以上版本 (RADIUS) 为 VPN 5000 客户端到 VPN 5000 集中器做认证 目录 简介先决条件要求使用的组件规则配置网络图配置 Cisco Secure NT 2.5 配置改为 PAP 认证 VPN 5000 RADIUS 配置文件更改添加 IP 地址分配增加记账功能验证故障排除 Cisco Secure NT 服务器不可达身份认证失败用户输入的 VPN 组密码与 VPNPassword 不一致 RADIUS 服务器发送的组名在 VPN 5000 中不存在相关信息 简介 Cisco Secure NT (CSNT) 2.5 及更高版本 (RADIUS) 能够为 VPN GroupInfo 和 VPN Password 返回虚拟私有网络 (VPN) 5000 供应商特定的属性以在 VPN 5000 集中器中对 VPN 5000 客户端进行身份验证 以下文档假设在添加 RADIUS 身份验证之前已使用本地身份验证 ( 因此我们的用户 localuser 在组 ciscolocal 中 ) 然后, 针对本地数据库中不存在的用户, 将身份验证添加到 CSNT RADIUS 中 ( 利用从 CSNT RADIUS 服务器返回的属性, 将用户 csntuser 分配到组 csntgroup 中 ) 先决条件 要求

2 本文档没有任何特定的要求 使用的组件 本文档中的信息基于以下软件和硬件版本 : Cisco Secure NT 2.5 Cisco VPN 5000 集中器 Cisco VPN 5000 Client 本文档中的信息都是基于特定实验室环境中的设备编写的 本文档中使用的所有设备最初均采用原始 ( 默认 ) 配置 如果您使用的是真实网络, 请确保您已经了解所有命令的潜在影响 规则 有关文档规则的详细信息, 请参阅 Cisco 技术提示规则 配置 本部分提供有关如何配置本文档所述功能的信息 注意 : 要查找本文档所用命令的其他信息, 请使用命令查找工具 ( 仅限注册用户 ) 网络图 本文档使用以下网络设置 : 配置

3 本文档使用以下配置 : VPN 5000 集中器 VPN 5000 客户端 VPN 5000 集中器 [ IP Ethernet 0 ] SubnetMask = Mode = Routed IPAddress = [ IP Ethernet 1 ] Mode = Routed SubnetMask = IPAddress = [ VPN Group "ciscolocal" ] IPNet = /24 Transform = esp(md5,des) StartIPAddress = MaxConnections = 4 [ General ] EthernetAddress = 00:00:a5:f0:c9:00 DeviceType = VPN 5001 Concentrator ConfiguredOn = Timeserver not configured ConfiguredFrom = Command Line, from IPSecGateway = [ Logging ] Level = 7 Enabled = On LogToAuxPort = On LogToSysLog = On SyslogIPAddress = SyslogFacility = Local5 [ IKE Policy ] Protection = MD5_DES_G1 [ VPN Users ] localuser Config="ciscolocal" SharedKey="localike" [ Radius ] Accounting = Off PrimAddress = " " Secret = "csntkey" ChallengeType = CHAP Authentication = On [ VPN Group "csnt" ] Transform = ESP(md5,Des) MaxConnections = 2 IPNet = /24 StartIPAddress = AssignIPRADIUS = Off StartIPAddress =

4 IPNet = /24 StartIPAddress = Transform = ESP(md5,Des) MaxConnections = 1 [ VPN Group "csntgroup" ] MaxConnections = 2 StartIPAddress = Transform = ESP(md5,Des) IPNet = /24 Configuration size is 2045 out of bytes. VPN 5000 客户端 Note: None of the defaults have been changed. Two users were added, and the appropriate passwords were entered when prompted after clicking Connect: username password radius_password localuser localike N/A csntuser grouppass csntpass Cisco Secure NT 2.5 配置 遵循该步骤 1. 配置服务器以与集中器通信

5 : 2. 转到 Interface Configuration > RADIUS (VPN 5000) 并检查 VPN GroupInfo 和 VPN

6 Password: 3. 在 User Setup 中使用密码 ( csntpass ) 配置用户 ( csntuser ) 并将该用户放置在 Group 13 中后, 在 Group Setup Group 13 中配置 VPN 5000 属性

7 : 改为 PAP 认证 假设已使用质询握手身份验证协议 (CHAP) 身份验证, 您可能希望更改为密码身份验证协议 (PAP), 这使您能够让 CSNT 使用 NT 数据库中的用户密码 VPN 5000 RADIUS 配置文件更改 [ Radius ] PAPAuthSecret = "abcxyz" ChallengeType = PAP 注意 : CSNT 还将配置为使用 NT 数据库对该用户进行身份验证 用户看到的内容 ( 三个密码框 ): Shared Secret = grouppass RADIUS Login box - Password = csntpass RADIUS Login box - Authentication Secret = abcxyz 添加 IP 地址分配

8 如果用户的 CSNT 配置文件在 Assign static IP Address 中设置为特定值, 并且 VPN 5000 Concentrator 组设置为 : AssignIPRADIUS = On 那么, 从 CSNT 向下发送 RADIUS IP 地址并将其应用于 VPN 5000 集中器上的用户 增加记账功能 如果您希望将会话记帐记录发送给 Cisco Secure RADIUS 服务器, 请添加到 VPN 5000 集中器 RADIUS 配置 : [ Radius ] Accounting = On 您必须在 VPN 5000 上使用 apply 和 write 命令, 然后使用 boot 命令才能使此更改生效 CSNT 的记帐记录 11/06/2000,16:02:45,csntuser,Group 13,,Start,077745c ,,,,,,,,, , /06/2000,16:03:05,csntuser,Group 13,,Stop,077745c ,20,,, 104,0,1,0,, , 验证 本部分所提供的信息可用于确认您的配置是否正常工作 命令输出解释程序工具 ( 仅限注册用户 ) 支持某些 show 命令, 使用此工具可以查看对 show 命令输出的分析 show system log bufferinfo seconds Command loop started from on PTY1 Notice seconds New IKE connection: [ ]:1041:csntuser Debug seconds Sending RADIUS CHAP challenge to csntuser at Debug seconds Received RADIUS challenge resp. from csntuser at , contacting server Notice seconds VPN 0 opened for csntuser from Debug seconds Client's local broadcast address = Notice seconds User assigned IP address vpn trace dump allvpn5001_a5f0c900# vpn trace dump all 6 seconds -- stepmngr trace enabled -- new script: ISAKMP primary responder script for <no id> (start) 91 seconds :: [ ]:1042 (start) 91 seconds doing irpri_new_conn, 0) 91 seconds doing irpri_pkt_1_recd, 0) new script: ISAKMP Resp Aggr Shared Secret script for [ ]:1042 (start) 91 seconds doing irsass_process_pkt_1, 0) 91 seconds doing irsass_build_rad_pkt, 0) 91 seconds doing irsass_send_rad_pkt, 0) 91 seconds :: [ ]:1042 (done) 93 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 93 seconds doing irsass_radius_wait, 0) 93 seconds doing irsass_send_rad_pkt, 0) 93 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) 95 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start)

9 95 seconds doing irsass_radius_wait, 0) 95 seconds doing irsass_send_rad_pkt, 0) 95 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) 95 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 95 seconds doing irsass_radius_wait, 0) 95 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) 95 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 95 seconds doing irsass_rad_serv_wait, 0) 95 seconds doing irsass_build_pkt_2, 0) 96 seconds doing irsass_send_pkt_2, 0) 96 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) 96 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 96 seconds doing irsass_check_timeout, 0) 96 seconds doing irsass_check_hash, 0) 96 seconds doing irsass_last_op, 0) end script: ISAKMP Resp Aggr Shared Secret script for [ ]:1042:csntuser, 0) next script: ISAKMP primary responder script for [ ]:1042:csntuser, 0) 96 seconds doing irpri_phase1_done, 0) 96 seconds doing irpri_phase1_done, 0) 96 seconds doing irpri_start_phase2, 0) new script: phase 2 initiator for [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 96 seconds doing iph2_init, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_build_pkt_1, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_send_pkt_1, 0) 96 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) 96 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 96 seconds doing iph2_pkt_2_wait, 0) 96 seconds doing ihp2_process_pkt_2, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_build_pkt_3, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_config_sas, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_send_pkt_3, 0) 96 seconds doing iph2_last_op, 0) end script: phase 2 initiator for [ ]:1042:csntuser, 0) next script: ISAKMP primary responder script for [ ]:1042:csntuser, 0) 96 seconds doing irpri_open_tunnel, 0) 96 seconds doing irpri_start_i_maint, 0) new script: initiator maintenance for [ ]:1042:csntuser (start) 96 seconds doing imnt_init, 0) 96 seconds :: [ ]:1042:csntuser (done) <vpn trace dump done, 55 records scanned> 故障排除 下面是您可能遇到的可能错误 Cisco Secure NT 服务器不可达 VPN 5000 调试 Notice seconds New IKE connection: [ ]:1044:csntuser Debug seconds Sending RADIUS CHAP challenge to csntuser at Debug seconds Received RADIUS challenge resp. From csntuser at , contacting server Notice seconds <no ifp> (csntuser) reset: RADIUS server never responded. 用户看见什么 : VPN Server Error (14) User Access Denied

10 身份认证失败 Cisco Secure NT 上的用户名或密码错误 VPN 5000 调试 Notice seconds New IKE connection: [ ]:1045:csntuser Debug seconds Sending RADIUS CHAP challenge to csntuser at Debug seconds Received RADIUS challenge resp. From csntuser at , contacting server Debug seconds Auth request for csntuser rejected by RADIUS server Notice seconds <no ifp> (csntuser) reset due to RADIUS authentication failure. 用户看见什么 : VPN Server Error (14) User Access Denied Cisco Secure: 转到 Reports 和 Activity, 并且失败的尝试日志显示失败 用户输入的 VPN 组密码与 VPNPassword 不一致 VPN 5000 调试 Notice seconds New IKE connection: [ ]:1046:csntuser Debug seconds Sending RADIUS CHAP challenge to csntuser at Debug seconds Received RADIUS challenge resp. From csntuser at , contacting server 用户看见什么 : IKE ERROR: Authentication Failed. Cisco Secure: 转到 Reports 和 Activity, 并且失败的尝试日志没有显示失败 RADIUS 服务器发送的组名在 VPN 5000 中不存在 VPN 5000 调试 Notice seconds New IKE connection: [ ]:1047:csntuser Debug seconds Sending RADIUS CHAP challenge to csntuser at Debug seconds Received RADIUS challenge resp. From csntuser at , contacting server Warnin seconds User, "csntuser", has an invalid VPN Group config, "junkgroup" Notice seconds (csntuser) reset: connection script finished. Notice seconds -- reason: S_NO_POLICY (220@772) 用户看见什么 : VPN Server Error (6): Bad user configuration on IntraPort server. Cisco Secure: 转到 Reports 和 Activity, 并且失败的尝试日志没有显示失败

11 相关信息 Cisco Secure ACS for Windows 支持页 Cisco VPN 5000 系列集中器终止销售公告 Cisco VPN 5000 集中器支持页 Cisco VPN 5000 客户端支持页 IPSec 支持页面 RADIUS 支持页 请求注解 (RFC) 技术支持和文档 - Cisco Systems

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