OOP with Java 通知 Project 4: 5 月 2 日晚 9 点

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1 OOP with Java Yuanbin Wu

2 OOP with Java 通知 Project 4: 5 月 2 日晚 9 点

3 复习 Protected 可以被子类 / 同一包中的类访问, 不能被其他类访问 弱化的 private 同时赋予 package access class MyType { public int i; public double d; public char c; protected void set(double x) { d = x; protected void set(int y) {i = y; public double get() { return d; public class MySubType extends MyType{ public void set(double x){ i = (int)x; public void set(char z) {c = z; public static void main(string [ ]args){ MySubType ms = new MySubType(); ms.set(1.0); System.out.println(ms.get()); System.out.println(ms.i); System.out.println(ms.d);

4 复习 Upcasting 继承 子类具有父类的所有方法和数据 Sub-class is a type of base class 类型转换 : 父类的引用可以指向子类对象 class Instrument { public void play() { static void tune(instrument i) { //... i.play(); public class Wind extends Instrument { public static void main(string[] args) { Wind fute = new Wind(); Instrument.tune(fute);

5 复习 final 关键字 final 数据 static final int j = 1; final int[ ] a = new int [10]; Blank final, 构造函数中初始化 final 参数 final 方法 : 不能重写 final 类 : 不能继承 immutable


7 Quiz class Test { public static void main(string[] args) { final int arr[] = {1, 2, 3{; for (final int i : arr) System.out.print(i + " ");

8 Quiz class Complex { private double re, im; public Complex(double re, double im) { this.re = re; this.im = im; Complex(Complex c) { System.out.println("Copy constructor called"); re = c.re; im = c.im; public String tostring() { return "(" + re + " + " + im + "i)"; public static void main(string[] args) { Complex c1 = new Complex(10, 15); Complex c2 = new Complex(c1); Complex c3{ = c1; System.out.println(c2==c3{);

9 Quiz class Base { public void show() { System.out.println("In Base"); class Derived extends Base { public void show() { System.out.println("In Derived"); public class Main { public static void main(string[] args) { Base b = new Derived(); b.show();

10 Quiz class Base { public Base() { System.out.println("In Base"); class Derived extends Base { public Derived() { System.out.println("In Derived"); public class Main { public static void main(string[] args) { Base b = new Derived();

11 Quiz class Base { private void show() { System.out.println("In base"); class Derived extends Base { public void Derived() { System.out.println("In Derived"); public class Main { public static void main(string[] args) { Derived d = new Derived(); d.show();

12 多态 Upcasting 与多态 动态绑定 Downcasting

13 Upcasting 类型 基本类型 (byte, short, char, int, long, foat, double) 类 (class, array) 类型检查 基本类型的转换关系 class A 的引用只能指向 class A 的对象 ( 即, 类型需要一致 ) class A{ class B{ A a = new A(); B b = new B(); // A a = new B(); compile error

14 Upcasting Upcasting 同一基类的不同子类可以被视为同一类型 ( 基类 ) 放宽类型一致性 class A{ class B{ A a = new A(); B b = new B(); // A a = new B(); compile error class A{ class B extends A{ A a = new A(); B b = new B(); A a = new B(); // upcasting

15 Upcasting Upcasting 的优点 简化接口

16 class Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Instrument.play() + n); public class Wind extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Wind.play() + n); public class Stringed extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Stringed.play() + n); public class Brass extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Brass.play() + n); public class Music { public static void tune(wind i) { i.play(); public static void tune(stringed i) { i.play(); public static void tune(brass i) { i.play(); public static void main(string []args){ Wind fute = new Wind(); Stringed violin = new Stringed(); Brass frenchhorn = new Brass(); tune(fute); tune(violin); tune(frenchhorn); Without upcasting

17 class Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Instrument.play() + n); public class Wind extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Wind.play() + n); public class Stringed extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Stringed.play() + n); public class Brass extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Brass.play() + n); public class Music { public static void tune(instrument i) { i.play(); public static void main(string []args){ Wind fute = new Wind(); Stringed violin = new Stringed(); Brass frenchhorn = new Brass(); tune(fute); tune(violin); tune(frenchhorn); With upcasting 1. 接口变简洁 2. play() 方法能正确的调用对应的重写 (override) 后的子类方法 多态 (Polymorphism) 参数 Instrument i 可以代表不同的子类, 并能正确调用它们的方法 ( 即, 有多种表现形态 )

18 多态 class Super { public void f() { System.out.println( In Super ); public class Base1 extends Super { public void f() { System.out.println( In Base1 ); public class Base2 extends Super { public void f() { System.out.println( In Base2 ); public class Tester { public static void main(string []args){ Super s = new Base1(); s.f(); s = new Base2(); s.f();

19 upcasting 问题 public class Music { public static void tune(instrument i) { i.play(); public static void main(string []args){ Wind fute = new Wind(); Stringed violin = new Stringed(); Brass frenchhorn = new Brass(); tune(fute); tune(violin); tune(frenchhorn); tune() 方法是如何知道调用哪一个子类的 play()? 多态是如何实现的?

20 动态绑定 C 语言 编译 源代码 hello.c 编译器 可执行程序 hello.exe hello.o 程序输入 可执行程序 程序输出

21 C 语言 可执行文件 静态绑定 (static binding) : 函数的位置在编译时确定 #include <stdio.h> void hello(){... int main(){ hello(); 编译 函数 hello() 的机器码 hello() 函数 main() 的机器码 hello();... 编译后, main() 函数能够确定的知道 hello() 函数的位置 源代码 hello.c 可执行程序 hello.exe hello.o

22 class Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Instrument.play() 多态 + n); public class Wind extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Wind.play() + n); public class Stringed extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Stringed.play() + n); public class Brass extends Instrument { public void play(int note) { System.out.println( Brass.play() + n); public class Music { public static void tune(instrument i) { i.play(); public static void main(string []args){ Wind fute = new Wind(); Stringed violin = new Stringed(); Brass frenchhorn = new Brass(); tune(fute); tune(violin); tune(frenchhorn); 编译 class Instrument 的机器码 play(note)... class Wind 的机器码 play(note)... class Stringed 的机器码 play(note)... class Brass 的机器码 play(note)... class Music 的机器码 tune(instrument i) { i.play() main() { tune(fute) tune(violin) tune(frenchhorn) 随机给定 tune() 函数的参数? 编译器无法确定 play() 函数的位置!? 动态绑定 (dynamic binding) : 函数的位置在运行时才能确定

23 public class Shape { public void draw() { public void erase() { public class Circle extends Shape { public void draw() {System.out.println( circle draw ); public void erase() { System.out.println( circle erase ); public class Square extends Shape { public void draw() {System.out.println( square draw ); public void erase() { System.out.println( square erase ); public class Triangle extends Shape { public void draw() {System.out.println( triangle draw ); public void erase() { System.out.println( triangle erase ); public class RandomShapeGenerator { public Shape next() { double r = Math.random(); if (r < 0.3{) return new Circle(); else if (r >= 0.6) return new Tirangle(); else return new Square(); upcasting Circle draw() erase() Shape draw() erase() Square draw() erase() Triangle draw() erase() public class Shapes { private RandomShapeGenerator gen = new RandomShapeGenerator(); public static void main(string []args) { Shape[]s = new Shape[9]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) s[i] = gen.next(); for (Shape shp:s) s.draw(); Dynamic Binding

24 动态绑定 静态绑定 函数的调用在编译后便确定 也称 early binding 优点 : 快速, 易于 debug 缺点 : 接口繁琐 动态绑定 函数的调用在运行时才能确定 也称 late binding 优点 : 接口简洁 缺点 : 函数调用需要额外开销, 给 debug 带来困难

25 动态绑定 upcasting+ 多态 带来的扩展性 class Instrument { public void play(int note) {System.out.println( Instrument.play() + n); public void adjust() {System.out.println( Instrument.adjust ) public class Wind extends Instrument { public void play(int note) {System.out.println( Wind.play() + n); public void adjust() {System.out.println( Wind.adjust ) public class Stringed extends Instrument { public void play(int note) {System.out.println( Stringed.play() + n); public void adjust() {System.out.println( Stringed.adjust ) public class Brass extends Instrument { public void play(int note) {System.out.println( Brass.play() + n); public void adjust() {System.out.println( Brass.adjust ) public class Music { public static void tune(instrument i) { i.play(); public static void main(string []args){ Wind fute = new Wind(); Stringed violin = new Stringed(); Brass frenchhorn = new Brass(); tune(fute); tune(violin); tune(frenchhorn); 无需改变! 1. 增加新的接口, 并不影响原有的只依赖于旧接口的代码 2. 原因 : tune 的实现只与父类的相关

26 动态绑定 动态绑定 Java 中的所有方法都采用动态绑定, 除了 final static 原因?

27 动态绑定 public class Super { public int field = 0; public int getfield() {return field; public class Sub extends Super { public int field = 1; public int getfield() {return field; public int getsuperfield() {return super.field; public class FieldAccess { public static void main(string []args){ Super sup = new Sub(); System.out.println(sup.field); System.out.println(sup.getField()); Sub sub = new Sub(); System.out.println(sub.field); System.out.println(sub.getField()); System.out.println(sub.getSuperField()); 数据成员不使用动态绑定

28 动态绑定 构造函数中使用重写函数 public class Super { public Super() { System.out.println( Before Super draw ); draw(); System.out.println( After Super draw ); public void draw() { System.out.println( draw ); public class Sub extends Super { public int field = 1; public Sub(int f) { field = f; System.out.println( Sub + field); public void draw() { System.out.println( draw + field); public class Test { public static void main(string []args){ Sub sub = new Sub(5); 输出?

29 动态绑定 构造函数 初始化顺序 分配内存空间, 默认初始化 ( 设置为 0) 初始化父类 ( 递归!) 静态成员初始化 ( 首次创建该类对象 ) 数据成员初始化 ( 按照定义顺序 ) 调用构造函数

30 动态绑定 构造函数初始化顺序 public class Super { int sup_field = 1; public Super(){... public class Sub extends Super { public int sub_field = 1; public Sub(int f) { 1. 初始化父类 2. 初始化子类的数据 sub_field = f;

31 class Meal { Meal() { print("meal()"); class Bread { Bread() { print("bread()"); class Cheese { Cheese() { print("cheese()"); class Lettuce { Lettuce() { print("lettuce()"); class Lunch extends Meal { Lunch() { print("lunch()"); class PortableLunch extends Lunch { PortableLunch() { print("portablelunch()"); public class Sandwich extends PortableLunch { private Bread b = new Bread(); private Cheese c = new Cheese(); private Lettuce l = new Lettuce(); public Sandwich() { print("sandwich()"); public static void main(string[] args) { new Sandwich(); Output: Meal() Lunch() PortableLunch() Bread() Cheese() Lettuce() Sandwich()

32 动态绑定 构造函数中使用重写函数 BUG! public class Super { public Super() { System.out.println( Before Super draw ); draw(); System.out.println( After Super draw ); public void draw() { System.out.println( draw ); public class Sub extends Super { public int field = 1; public Sub(int f) { field = f; System.out.println( Sub + field); public void draw() { System.out.println( draw + field); public class Test { public static void main(string []args){ Sub sub = new Sub(5); 1. 子类的方法 : 在子类对象创建之后才有意义 2. 构造函数中, 避免使用将被重写的函数

33 动态绑定 函数重写 相同的函数 : 函数名与参数列表相同 协变的返回值 被重写的函数返回值可以是原函数的子类 class Grain { public String tostring() { return Grain ; class Wheat extends Grain{ public String tostring() { return Wheat ; class Mill { Grain process() { return new Grain(); class WheatMill extend Mill{ Wheat process() { return new Wheat(); public class CovariantReturn { public static void main(string []args){ Mill m = new Mill(); Grain g = m.process(); System.out.println(g); m = new WheatMill(); g = m.process(); System.out.println(g);

34 动态绑定 总结 静态绑定 : 函数在编译时确定 动态绑定 : 函数在运行时才能确定 除了 final, static 外所有函数都为动态绑定 在构造函数中减少使用可能会被重写的函数

35 Downcasting Is-a 关系 父类与子类的接口完全相同 Shape draw() erase() Circle draw() erase() Square draw() erase() Triangle draw() erase()

36 Downcasting Is-like-a 关系 子类添加了新的方法 Upcasting: 父类引用指向子类的对象 安全的 Downcasting 子类引用指向父类的对象 不安全 Useful void f() void g() MoreUseful void f() void g() void u() void v() void w() 但当一个父类引用指向子类时, 可以将该引用强制转换为子类引用

37 Downcasting public class Downcasting { public static void main(string []args){ Userful x = new Userful(); Userful y = new MoreUseful(); x.f(); y.f() // y.u(); compile error, u() not in Useful ((MoreUseful)x).u; // run time error ((MoreUseful)y).u; // downcasting Useful void f() void g() MoreUseful void f() void g() void u() void v() void w()

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