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1 !

2 NO: Bob Wang Ver Bob Wang Ver Bob Wang Ver Melthaw Zhang Ver Bob Wang Ver Orient Sun Ver LishiFeng Ver

3 UML (Behavior) UML Case Javadocs


5 SRP OCP Liskov (LSP) (DIP) ISP dx

6 Java Packages Packages Dependencies jar Binary Components Principles of Package Design / The Release/Reuse Equivalency Principle (REP) 94 The Common Closure Principle (CCP) The Common Reuse Principle (CRP) The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP) The Stable Dependencies Principle (SDP) The Stable Abstractions Principle (SAP) Object Diagrams

7 Active Objects (State Diagrams) SMC ICE

8 UML (notation) Fowler IT Conceptual Specification Implementation (Dog) (Animal) UML Figure 1-1 (generalization) Animal Dog Animal Dog Dog Animal Sparky 8 116

9 Animal Dog UML UML UML UML (static diagrams) (Dynamic diagrams) (Physical diagrams) Listing 1-1 Figure 1-2 (Class Diagram) Listing 1-1 TreeMap add get TreeMap TreeMapNode topname reference TreeMapNode TreeMapNode -- nodes TreeMapNode itskey itskey itskey Comparable itsvalue 9 116

10 (associations)

11 1 «interface» Comparable (interface) Listing 1-1 TreeMap TreeMapNode topnode TreeMap topnode Figure 1-3 (Object Diagram) (snapshot) itskey (links) Figure 1-3 nodes

12 Figure 1-4 (sequence diagram) TreeMap.add TreeMap add topnode (null) TreeMap TreeMapNode topnode TreeMap add topnode (guards) TreeMapNode (construction)

13 (data tokens) TreeMap activation add Figure 1-5 (collaboration diagram) treenode TreeMap.add (links) TreeMap.add 1 TreeMapNode.add UML (finite state machines) Figure 1-6 Figure 1-6 Locked UnLocked coin pass

14 (transitions) Figure 1-6 Locked coin Unlocked Unlock Unlocked pass Locked Lock Unlocked coin Unlocked Thankyou Locked pass Locked Alarm UML [Fowler00]: UML Distilled, 2d. ed. Martin Fowler, Addison Wesley, 199?


16 UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML UML Figure 2-1 LogiServlet Servlet UserDatabase LoginServlet HTTPRequest HTTPResponse UML Listing-2-1 UML

17 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 UML

18 UML (roadmaps)

19 Figure 2-4 Space Polyline Polyline LinearObject Lines LinearObject Points UML UML (Figure 2-5)


21 Button Dialler Button digit Dialler Dialler digit displaydigit Screen Dialler tone Speaker

22 Radio Screen ( ) Figure 2-6 (class) (association) UML (aggregation) (composition) (relationships)

23 Button Dialler Button Dialler Button Button Button Dialler Button Button Dialler (interface) Figure 2-8 Button (token) Button ButtonListener buttonpressed Button Dialler Button Figure 2-6 Dialler Button Dailler ButtonListener buttonpressed Dialler Button

24 ButtonDiallerAdapter ButtonListener buttonpress digit(n) Dialler digit Dialler ButtonDiallerAdapter Listing

25 Figure 2-9 Figure 2-6 Figure UML UML


27 UML Case UML case UML case UML case UML UML case IDE IDE CASE Cool UML IDE Case Case

28 UML Java UML ER wiki Javadocs Javadocs UML 5 UML Case UML case IDE UML Case UML

29 UML

30 UML Figure 3-1 Dialler Figure private # (protected) + (public)

31 UML Figure 3-3 Phone Button Phone Button Figure button Phone Figure 3-4 PhoneBook PhoneNumber (*) Java Vector List HasA has Phonebook PhoneNumbers Hasa IsA 6 UML Figure 3-5 Employee

32 (inheritance) UML SalariedEmployee Emplyee Employee UML (base class) UML Java Java Figure 3-6 Figure 3-7 COM

33 Figure 3-8 ATM WithdrawTransaction CashDispenser CashDispenser UI WithDrawlUI PromptForAccount informcashdispenserempty

34 UI UI UI Listing 3-1 UML Figure 3-8 «interface» «interface» java «utility» «interface» «interface» java Figure

35 «utility» «utility» Booch Figure 3-10 «persistent» «C-API» «struct» «function» UML {abstract Figure 3-11 {abstract Figure 3-12 UML

36 {abstract {author=martin, date= , file=shape.java, private UML {abstract UML java boolean (true) {abstract {abstract=true Figure 3-13 {abstract UML whole/part Figure 3-14 Figure

37 UML UML Figure 3-15 Figure 3-16 UML Java C++ (owner) (ward) UML Figure

38 Java java Figure 3-18 Address Address String Address Address String UML (multipicity) Figure 3-19 BinaryTreeNode 2 * 0..* Java 1..* ,2..5,9..*

39 Figure 3-20 UML «creates» (factory) «local»

40 «parameter» «delegates» UML PROXY DECORATOR COMPOSITE7 UML Java UML Figure 3-22 «anonymous»

41 Figure 3-23 Java weak soft phantom Figure 3-24 Figure

42 Java Figure 3-26 LoginServlet Employee empid Employee UML UML UML UML UML [Booch94]: Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, Grady Booch, Benjamin Cummings, 1994 [GOF94]: Design Patterns, Gamma, Helm, Vlissides, Johnson, Addison Wesley,

43 UML UML 1978 James Grenning Figure 4-1 (lifelines)

44 (data tokens ) (Time) LoginServlet (Activation) login login login getemployee e getemployee Employee e getemployee Employee EmployeeDB getemployee EmployeeDB Listing 4-1 Figure 4-2 ShapeFactory Listing

45 Java Figure 4-3 UML X X Listing 4-3 clear topnode (nil) TreeMap TreeNode UML Figure

46 46 116

47 Figure 4-5 UML Listing 4-4 Payroll Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure

48 Figure 4-7 Figure

49 (loop) if payemployee *[while id := idlist.next()] (guard) false UML java payemployee payemploy [payday] if ifpayday true CalculatePay,CalculateDedutions sendpayment UML (clunky?) Listing

50 OO Figure 4-9 caller callee telco (off hook) received dial tone (ringing) (playing ringback) Figure

51 Figure 4-10 (race condition) (asychronous message) Figure 4-11 UML

52 Listing 4-5 listing 4-6 Figure 4-11 Listing 4-5 Listing 4-6 Log logmessage LogText logmessage

53 UML Figure

54 T1 Log T1 Log T2 Listing 4-6 T2 (active objects) Figure 4-13:

55 Log logmessage Log Figure 4-14 Logger AsynchronousLogger Figure 4-15 logger Logger AsychronousLogger Logger Figure


57 (Use case) UML UML UML (stimulus)

58 (stimulus) Check Out Item : 1 UPC UPC

59 UPC Code Not Read UPC UPC No UPC Code UPC UPC UPC Alistair Cockburn UML System Boundary Diagram Figure 5-1 (actor) (stimulus)

60 Java

61 UML UML UML UML 12 Rigidity (Fragility) (immobility) (Viscosity) (Needless Complexity) (Needless repetition) cut paste

62 (Opacity) UML (interface) (Polymorphism) OOPL [Martin2002] SRP GUI XML OO

63 Figure 6-1 XML SAX JDOM Employee Access Oracle Employee Employee Employee XML Employee XML EmployeeDatabase Employee Figure 6-2 UML Figure 6-3 Persistable Employee Employee Persistable Persistable Employee Figure 6-3 Persistable Employee PersistableEmployee Employee

64 - OCP ( ) Figure 6-4 EmployeeDB (facade) Employee (facade) API OCP EmployeeDB Employee Employee API Empoyee TheDatabase API (Unit test) Employee Employee Employee Employee (interface) Figure 6-5 API Empolyee API Employee

65 Employee OCP GUI MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER 30 GUI GUI API Terminate Terminate Terminate Terminate (terminated) Terminate

66 OCP GUI API OCP GUI Figure 6-6 OCP EmployeeTerminatorModel EmployeeTerminatorDialog GUI Terminate EmployeeTerminatorModel EmployeeTerminatorDialog EmployeeTerminatorModel EmployeeTerminatorController Listing 6-1 Listing 6-4 Java EmployeeTerminatorController selectionchanged terminate terminate employee EmployeeTerminatorDialog Listing 6-1 EmployeeTerminatorView.java import java.util.vector; public interface EmployeeTerminatorView { void enableterminate(boolean enable); void setemployeelist(vector employees); void clearselection(); Listing 6-2 EmployeeTerminatorController.java public interface EmployeeTerminatorController { public void selectionchanged(string employee); public void terminate(); EmployeeTerminatorModel

67 selectionchange Listing 6-3 EmployeeTerminatorModel.java import java.util.vector; public class EmployeeTerminatorModel implements EmployeeTerminatorController { private EmployeeTerminatorView view; private Vector employees; private String selectedemployee; public void initialize(vector employees,employeeterminatorview view) { this.employees = employees; this.view = view; view.setemployeelist(employees); view.clearselection(); view.enableterminate(false); // EmployeeTerminatorController interface public void selectionchanged(string employee) { view.enableterminate(employee!= null); selectedemployee = employee; public void terminate() { if (selectedemployee!= null) employees.remove(selectedemployee); view.setemployeelist(employees); view.clearselection(); view.enableterminate(false); EmployeeTerminatorDialog GUI EmployeeTerminatorView

68 Listing 6-4 EmployeeTerminatorDialog.java import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.listselectionevent; import javax.swing.event.listselectionlistener; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.actionevent; import java.awt.event.actionlistener; import java.util.vector; public class EmployeeTerminatorDialog implements EmployeeTerminatorView { private JFrame frame; private JList listbox; private JButton terminatebutton; private EmployeeTerminatorController controller; private Vector employees; public static final String EMPLOYEE_LIST_NAME = "Employee List"; public static final String TERMINATE_BUTTON_NAME = "Terminate"; public void initialize(employeeterminatorcontroller controller) { this.controller = controller; initializeemployeelistbox(); initializeterminatebutton(); initializecontentpane(); private void initializeemployeelistbox() { listbox = new JList(); listbox.setname(employee_list_name); listbox.addlistselectionlistener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valuechanged(listselectionevent e) { if (!e.getvalueisadjusting()) controller.selectionchanged( (String)listBox.getSelectedValue()); ); private void initializeterminatebutton() { terminatebutton = new JButton(TERMINATE_BUTTON_NAME); terminatebutton.disable();

69 terminatebutton.setname(terminate_button_name); terminatebutton.addactionlistener( new ActionListener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { controller.terminate(); ); private void initializecontentpane() { frame = new JFrame("Employee List"); frame.getcontentpane().setlayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.getcontentpane().add(listbox); frame.getcontentpane().add(terminatebutton); frame.getcontentpane().setsize(300, 600); frame.pack(); public Container getcontentpane() { return frame.getcontentpane(); public JFrame getframe() { return frame; // functions for EmployeeTerminatorView interface public void enableterminate(boolean enable) { terminatebutton.setenabled(enable); public void setemployeelist(vector employees) { this.employees = employees; listbox.setlistdata(employees); frame.pack(); public void clearselection() { listbox.clearselection();

70 model dialog dialog controller model model clearselection Figure 6-7 model dialog clearselection dialog model setselection model dialog (unit test) ( Listing 6-5 Listing 6-6 ) OCP TestEmployeeTerminatorModel model EmployeeTerminatorView model view SELF SHUNT Listing 6-5 TestEmployeeTerminatorModel.java import junit.framework.testcase; import junit.swingui.testrunner; import java.util.vector; public class TestEmployeeTerminatorModel extends TestCase implements EmployeeTerminatorView { private boolean terminateenabled = true; private String selectedemployee; private Vector noemployees = new Vector(); private Vector threeemployees = new Vector(); private Vector employees = null; private EmployeeTerminatorModel m;

71 public static void main(string[] args) { TestRunner.main(new String[]{"TestEmployeeTerminatorModel"); public TestEmployeeTerminatorModel(String name) { super(name); public void setup() throws Exception { m = new EmployeeTerminatorModel(); threeemployees.add("bob"); threeemployees.add("bill"); threeemployees.add("robert"); public void teardown() throws Exception { public void testnoemployees() throws Exception { m.initialize(noemployees, this); assertequals(0, employees.size()); assertequals(false, terminateenabled); assertequals(null, selectedemployee); public void testthreeemployees() throws Exception { m.initialize(threeemployees, this); assertequals(3, employees.size()); assertequals(false, terminateenabled); assertequals(null, selectedemployee); public void testselection() throws Exception { m.initialize(threeemployees, this); m.selectionchanged("bob"); assertequals(true, terminateenabled); m.selectionchanged(null); assertequals(false, terminateenabled); public void testterminate() throws Exception { m.initialize(threeemployees, this); assertequals(3, employees.size()); selectedemployee = "Bob";

72 m.selectionchanged("bob"); m.terminate(); assertequals(2, employees.size()); assertequals(null, selectedemployee); assertequals(false, terminateenabled); assert(employees.contains("bill")); assert(employees.contains("robert")); assert(!employees.contains("bob")); // EmployeeTerminatorView interface public void enableterminate(boolean enable) { terminateenabled = enable; public void setemployeelist(vector employees) { this.employees = (Vector) employees.clone(); public void clearselection() { selectedemployee = null; TestEmployeeTerminatorDialog SELF SHUNT TestTerminatorController dialog controller Listing 6-6 TestEmployeeTerminatorDialog.java import junit.framework.testcase; import junit.swingui.testrunner; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.vector; public class TestEmployeeTerminatorDialog extends TestCase implements EmployeeTerminatorController { private EmployeeTerminatorDialog terminator;

73 private JList list; private JButton button; private Container contentpane; private String selectedvalue = null; private int selectioncount = 0; private int terminations = 0; public static void main(string[] args) { TestRunner.main(new String[]{"TestEmployeeTerminatorDialog"); public TestEmployeeTerminatorDialog(String name) { super(name); public void setup() throws Exception { terminator = new EmployeeTerminatorDialog(); terminator.initialize(this); putcomponentsintomembervariables(); private void putcomponentsintomembervariables() { contentpane = terminator.getcontentpane(); HashMap map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < contentpane.getcomponentcount(); i++) { Component c = contentpane.getcomponent(i); map.put(c.getname(), c); list = (JList) map.get( EmployeeTerminatorDialog.EMPLOYEE_LIST_NAME); button = (JButton) map.get( EmployeeTerminatorDialog.TERMINATE_BUTTON_NAME); private void putthreeemployeesintoterminator() { Vector v = new Vector(); v.add("bob"); v.add("bill"); v.add("boris"); terminator.setemployeelist(v); public void testcreate() throws Exception { assertnotnull(contentpane);

74 assertequals(2, contentpane.getcomponentcount()); assertnotnull(list); assertnotnull(button); assertequals(false, button.isenabled()); public void testaddonename() throws Exception { Vector v = new Vector(); v.add("bob"); terminator.setemployeelist(v); ListModel m = list.getmodel(); assertequals(1, m.getsize()); assertequals("bob", m.getelementat(0)); public void testaddmanynames() throws Exception { putthreeemployeesintoterminator(); ListModel m = list.getmodel(); assertequals(3, m.getsize()); assertequals("bob", m.getelementat(0)); assertequals("bill", m.getelementat(1)); assertequals("boris", m.getelementat(2)); public void testenableterminate() throws Exception { terminator.enableterminate(true); assertequals(true, button.isenabled()); terminator.enableterminate(false); assertequals(false, button.isenabled()); public void testclearselection() throws Exception { putthreeemployeesintoterminator(); list.setselectedindex(1); assertnotnull(list.getselectedvalue()); terminator.clearselection(); assertequals(null, list.getselectedvalue()); public void testselectionchangedcallback() throws Exception { putthreeemployeesintoterminator(); list.setselectedindex(1); assertequals("bill", selectedvalue); assertequals(1, selectioncount);

75 list.setselectedindex(2); assertequals("boris", selectedvalue); assertequals(2, selectioncount); public void testterminatebuttoncallback() throws Exception { button.doclick(); assertequals(1, terminations); // implement EmployeeTerminatorController public void selectionchanged(string employee) { selectedvalue = employee; selectioncount++; public void terminate() { terminations++; OCP dialog model dialog model UI( ) UI dialog model model dialog RMI OCP Figure 6-6 FLIP-FLOP OCP OCP OCP test-first Listing 6-7 model model dialog

76 Listing 6-7 ShowEmployeeTerminator.java import java.awt.event.windowadapter; import java.awt.event.windowevent; import java.util.vector; public class ShowEmployeeTerminator { static Vector employees = new Vector(); static EmployeeTerminatorDialog dialog; public static void main(string[] args) { initializeemployeevector(); initializedialog(); rundialog(); private static void initializeemployeevector() { employees.add("bob"); employees.add("bill"); employees.add("robert"); private static void initializedialog() { EmployeeTerminatorModel model = new EmployeeTerminatorModel(); dialog = new EmployeeTerminatorDialog(); dialog.initialize(model); model.initialize(employees, dialog); private static void rundialog() { dialog.getframe().addwindowlistener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowclosing(windowevent e) { for (int i = 0; i < employees.size(); i++) { String s = (String) employees.elementat(i); System.out.println(s); System.exit(0); ); dialog.getframe().setvisible(true);

77 Liskov (LSP) (subtypes) (base types) if instanceof LSP OCP LSP (base classs) instanceof (Downcast) Figure 6-8 Employee calcpay SalariedEmployee HourlyEmployee VolunteerEmployee calcpay 0 calcpay VolunteerEmployee calcpay calcpay

78 0 VolunteerEmployee calcpay calcpay UnpayableEmloyeeException try/catch Employee LSP VolunteerEmployee Employee if instanceof OCP LSP LSP

79 instanceof LSP VolunteerEmployee Volunteers calcpay Employee calcpay (DIP) A B ( ) Vector String DIP Vector String UML UML DIP ISP (fat class)

80 Figure 6-9 StudentEnrollment EnrollmentReportGenerator prepareinvoice postpayment AccountsReceivable getname getdate postpayment StudentEnrollment EnrollmentReportGenerator EnrollmentReportGenerator postpayment

81 Figure 6-10 StudentEnrollment 1 SRP 2 OCP 3 LSP 4 DIP 5 ISP OCP SRP ISP DIP (proactively) (reactively) (the sore spots) [Feathers2001]: The 'Self'-Shunt Unit Testing Pattern, Michael Feathers, May, 2001,

82 [Martin2002]: The Principles, Patterns, and Practices of Agile Software Development, Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall,

83 dx Melthaw Zhang dx dx dx s use-case use-case user story story use-case use case N

84 story story 8 story 4 story story story 6 story story story story story story story story 3 4 story story story story 7 story

85 story story story 150 story story story story 25 story story story 4 10 story

86 25 story. 20 story story 10 story story story story story 10 story 8 story 16 story story story 16 story 15 story 30 story story. story 23 story 23 story story 23 story story

87 . story story story. story dx

88 .. dx story QA user story use-case story dx

89 . API., dx dx dx check out check out check in check

90 in check out check in dx check in check in check in dx UML JAVA dx UML JAVA UML dx Martin UML sequence use-case. dx UML UML dx UML dx XP( ) XP dx [Kruchten1998]: The Rational Unified Process, Philippe Kruchten, Addison Wesley,

91 Reading, MA, [Fowler1999]: Refactoring, Martin Fowler, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999 [Martin1999]: RUP vs. XP, Robert C. Martin, 1999, [Beck1999]: Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999 [Jeffries2000]: Extreme Programming Installed, Ron Jeffries, et. al, Addison Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ, [Beck1999], [Jeffries2000]

92 Orient Sun Java Java package.jar Java Packages Java packages (namespaces) Java.class class A.B.C.class A/B/C.class Java.class.java classpath UML UML Figure 8-1 Figure

93 contains Figure 8-3 Java import UML dependency Figure 8-4 import consultant-scheduler.consultantcalendar calendarutilities.calendar Java import.jar Binary Components.jar

94 UML Figure 8-5 CalendarRenderer Calendar Principles of Package Design [PPP2002]

95 SRP CCP CCP ISP CRP A B B C A C JDepend (see

96 Figure 8-6 ( ) [PPP2002] OCP SAP SAP SDP SAP DIP DIP SDP SAP [PPP2002]

97 ADP build problems 2 2. see for just such a tool

98 Object Diagrams Orient Sun UML (Snapshot) (GUI) Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-1 Space Space

99 Active Objects Listing 9-1 SocketService socket socket


101 Figure 9-3 Figure 9-4 SocketService servicethread servicethread servicethread ServerRunner (Active Ojbect) start stop setpriority Thread Runnable Runnable Runnable


103 (State Diagrams) LiShiFeng UML FSMs FSMs (GUI) FSMs FSMs Figure 10-1 State Transition Diagram (STD)

104 Prompting for Login showloginscreen Prompting for Login hideloginscreen (Transitions) Prompting for Login login Validating User validateuser Figure 10-1 initial pseudo state Prompting for Login superstate Sending Password Failed Sending Password Succeeded OK Prompting for Login showloginscreen validateuser dsendpassword Login event / action Figure 10-2 entry exit Figure 10-2 FSM UML Figure

105 UML Figure 10-3 exit entry UML Figure 10-3 myaction exit entry Figure 10-1 FSM Figure 10-4 Figure 10-5 S3 pause Cancelable pause

106 entry exit Figure 10-6 FSM exit entry FSM Some State Sub entersuper entersub FSM Sub2 Some State exitsub2 exitsuper Sub Sub2 e2 exitsub entersub2 Figure 10-7 UML FMS FSM

107 FSM FSM FSMs STTs State Transition Tables STDs State Transition Diagrams Figure 10-8 STT Figure

108 STT STT Locked coin Unlocked Unlock Locked coin Unlocked Unlock Locked pass Locked Alarm Unlocked coin Unlocked Refund Unlocked pass Locked Lock SMC STT C++ STT SMC SMC Turnstile SMC Listing 10-1 smc.txt URL FSMName SMC Context SMC Listing 10-2 Context Listing 10-1 Turnstile.sm Context TurnStileContext

109 FSMName TurnStile Initial Locked { Locked { Coin Unlocked Unlock Pass Locked Alarm Unlocked { Coin Unlocked Thankyou Pass Locked Lock Listing 10-2 TurnStile.java (Generated) public class TurnStile extends TurnStileContext { private State itsstate; private static String itsversion = ""; private static Locked itslockedstate; private static Unlocked itsunlockedstate; public TurnStile() { itslockedstate = new Locked(); itsunlockedstate = new Unlocked(); itsstate = itslockedstate; public String getversion() { return itsversion; public String getcurrentstatename() { return itsstate.statename(); public void Pass() { itsstate.pass(); public void Coin() { itsstate.coin();

110 private abstract class State { public abstract String statename(); public void pass() { FSMError("Pass", itsstate.statename()); public void coin() { FSMError("Coin", itsstate.statename()); private class Locked extends State { public String statename() { return "Locked"; public void pass() { Alarm(); itsstate = itslockedstate; public void coin() { Unlock(); itsstate = itsunlockedstate; private class Unlocked extends State { public String statename() { return "Unlocked"; public void pass() { Lock(); itsstate = itslockedstate; public void coin() { Thankyou(); itsstate = itsunlockedstate; FSM

111 ICE GUI Figure FSM UML SMC Listing

112 Listing 10-3 ice.sm Context RootFSM Initial init FSMName RootFSMGen Version rcm FSMGenerator smc.generator.java.smjavagenerator Pragma Package root { init { init login { login <displayloginscreen >hideloginscreen { login determiningusermode { cancel end { determiningusermode < { cleanupthumbnails checkuserstate { auto autobatch { manual gettingmanualbatch { createselector autobatch < { setuserauto displaythumbnailauto { manual gettingmanualbatch { createselector select gettingautobatch { createselector itemchanged * worktypeitemchanged redisplay * displaythumbnailauto exit end { gettingautobatch <getnextautobatch { nextbatchfound batchsplashauto { nobatchfound determiningusermode { nobatchdialog

113 gettingmanualbatch <isbatchavailable { batchesfound manualbatch { nobatchfound autobatch { manualbatch < { setusermanual displaythumbnailmanual { auto autobatch { refresh gettingmanualbatch { select batchsplashmanual selectmanualbatch redisplay * displaythumbnailmanual exit end { (processingbatch) >hidethumbnailscreen { ok * { cancel * { complete determiningusermode { completebatch cleanupbatch requeue determiningusermode { requeuebatch cleanupbatch reject determiningusermode { rejectbatch cleanupbatch assign * assignpage exit end requeuebatch processingautobatch : processingbatch { stop processingautobatchstopped { complete gettingautobatch { completebatch cleanupbatch reject gettingautobatch { rejectbatch cleanupbatch openpage pageautobatch { redisplay * displayautothumbnailprocessing processingautobatchstopped : processingbatch { complete determiningusermode { completebatch

114 cleanupbatch reject determiningusermode { rejectbatch cleanupbatch openpage pageautobatchstopped { stop processingautobatch { redisplay * displayautothumbnailprocessing processingmanualbatch : processingbatch { openpage pagemanualbatch { redisplay * displaymanualthumbnailprocessing (batchsplash) <displaybatchsplashscreen >hidebatchsplashscreen { batchsplashauto : batchsplash { ok processingautobatch {allmode initbatch displayautothumbnailprocessing complete gettingautobatch {completebatch hidethumbnailscreen batchsplashmanual : batchsplash { ok processingmanualbatch {allmode initbatch displaymanualthumbnailprocessing complete determiningusermode {completebatch hidethumbnailscreen (page) <displaypagescreen >hidepagescreen { assign * {assignpage redisplaypagescreen setzone * {assignzone redisplaypagescreen pageautobatch : page { goback processingautobatch displayautothumbnailprocessing

115 pageautobatchstopped : page { goback processingautobatchstopped displayautothumbnailprocessing pagemanualbatch : page { goback processingmanualbatch displaymanualthumbnailprocessing end <exitprogram { UML FSM FSM


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