第1章 在线考试系统

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1 ASP+SQL Server ASP

2 ASP Web

3 IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server

4 SQL IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server

5 IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server JavaScript JavaScript

6 IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server

7 ASP SQL IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server JavaScriptindexof VBScript ASP

8 IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server JMail IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server


10 VBScript BOF EOF Randomize timeout Session

11 1.1 Intern Internet Internet Web Web B/S Browser/Web/DataBase Browser/Server B/S Web Web Server Browser/Server PresentatioonB Data Service Web Web Web Web HTTP Web IE

12 Web Web SQL Web Web Web Web SQL SERVER2000 Browser/Server B/S



15 SQL Server2000 SQL Server2000 test test 1.1 admin student examination test rightorwrong selecting filling 1.1 test SQL Server Windows 1 admin1.2 adminadminpassword 2 SQL Server test admin admin adminpasswordadmin Primary admin admin nvarchar 10 adminpassword nvarchar 6 2student 1.3 studentname (studentpassword)sex class studentnumber registerdata 6 studentnumber student studentnumber nvarchar 8 studentname nvarchar 10 studentpassword nvarchar 6 sex char 2 class nvarchar 30 registerdata smalldatetime

16 3examination 1.4 examinationid studentnumber score examinationdata pass makeup makeupdata 7 examinationid studentnumber Pass 0 makeup examination examinationid int studentnumber nvarchar 8 score int examinationdata smalldatetime pass bit makeup int makeupdata smalldatetime 4test 1.5 examinationid rightorwrongid rightorwrongscore selectidselectscore fillingscore setupdata 8 examinationid examinationid test examinationid int rightorwrongid int rightorwrongscore int selectid int selectscore int fillingid int fillingscore int setupdata smalldatetime 5 rightorwrong 1.6 rightorwrongid question answer setupdata 4 rightorwrongid rightorwrongid rightorwrong rightorwrongid int question nvarchar 250 answer bit setupdata smalldatetime 6 selecting1.7

17 4 selectid question 1 Result1 2 Result2 3 Result3 4 Result4 answer setupdata 8 selectid selectid selecting selectid int question nvarchar 250 result1 nvarchar result2 nvarchar result3 nvarchar result4 nvarchar answer nvarchar 100 setupdata smalldatetime 7 filling1.8 f question answer setupdata 4 fillingid fillingid filling fillingid int question nvarchar 250 answer nvarchar 250 setupdata smalldatetime 8 examination test student examination examinationid test examination examination studentnumber student studentnumber SQL Server 1.6

18 1.6 PK FK NULL






24 IIS SQL Server IIS IIS Internet Information Server Internet WEB FTP Mail Windows 2000 WEB IIS Windows 2000 Windows 9x/Me IIS PWSWEB 1 Windows XP IIS 10 IIS Windows IIS 1 2 / Windows Windows 3 Internet IIS 1 2 Internet Internet zxks

25 6 d:\software\zxks Internet SQL Server SQL Server test 1.23

26 1.24 conn.asp <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn connstr="provider=sqloledb;data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=test;User ID=sa;Password=yanyan;" recordset conn.open connstr firework jpg gif top.htm index.asp 1.25

27 (top.htm) <!--#include file="top.htm"--> images <img border="0" src="images/2.gif" width="778" height="167"></td> Login.asp 1.27

28 a a 1 3 b b 3 5 c c 2 2 student pwd Pwd type password * onclick onclick="check()" 1 ASP ASP session <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <% conn.asp javascript check() // javascript check() <script language=javascript> function check() { // student if (document.form1.student.value=="") {alert(" "); document.form1.student.focus(); // student return false;} // IE // pwd t if (document.form1.pwd.value=="") {alert(" "); document.form1.pwd.focus(); // pwd return false;} // IE // ctype, ctype add document.form1.ctype.value="add"; document.form1.submit(); // form1 } </script> vbscript student session.timeout= ctype "ctype" add session if trim(request("ctype"))="add" then

29 session("student")="" session("classes")="" session("id")="" session("number")="" session("sex")="" sql="select * from student where studentname='"&trim(request("student"))&"' and studentpassword='"&trim(request("pwd"))&"'" sql set rs=conn.execute(sql) sql javascript, if rs.eof then <script language=javascript> alert(" "); </script> <% vbscript session else session("student")=rs("studentname") session("classes")=rs("class") session("number")=rs("studentnumber") session("sex")=rs("sex") session("timen")=now <script language=javascript> //javascript index.asp var now=new Date() //index.asp IEhistory window.navigate("index.asp?time="+now.gettime()); </script> <%end if end if 2 <html>... <!--#include file="top.htm"--> <% top.htm <table border="0" cellpadding="4" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="778" height="100"> <% a <tr> <td align="center"> <table border="0" width="100%" id="table1"> <% b <form name=form1 action=""> <input type="hidden" name="ctype" > <% <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="300" id="table2"> <% c <input type="text" name="student" size="20" class="line" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; padding:1px; height:22"></td> <% <input type="password" name="pwd" size="20" class="line" style="height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"></td> <% <input type="button" value="" name="b1" onclick="check()"

30 class="line" style="width: 60; height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF"> <input type="reset" value=" " name="b2" class="line" style="width: 60; height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF"></td> <% <td><a href="register.asp"> </a></td> <% <td><a href="admin/index.asp"> </a></td> <% <td><img border="0" src="images/login.jpg" width="299" height="289"></td> <% </html> top2.htm register.asp (top2.htm) top file="top2.htm"--> 1.28 <!--#include 1.28 top.htm src=" images/2.jpg" src=" images/7.jpg" (register.asp) 1.29

31 a a 6 3 b 1 ASP ASP <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <% conn.asp javascript check() <script language=javascript> function check() { if (document.form1.student.value=="") // {alert(" "); // document.form1.student.focus(); // return false; // IE } if (document.form1.pwd.value=="") // {alert(" "); // document.form1.pwd.focus(); // return false; // IE } if (document.form1.classes.value=="") // {alert(" "); // document.form1.classes.focus(); // return false; // IE } if (document.form1.number.value=="") // {alert(" "); // document.form1.number.focus(); // return false; // IE } // ctype, ctype add document.form1.ctype.value="add"; document.form1.submit(); // form1 } </script> vbscript javascript ctype "ctype" add

32 if trim(request("ctype"))="add" then sqlfind="select * from student where studentnumber='"&trim(request("number"))&"'" sql set rsfind=conn.execute(sqlfind) sql if not rsfind.eof then student <script language=javascript> //javascript alert(""); </script> vbscript student javascript login.asp else sqlin="insert into student (studentname,studentpassword,sex,class,studentnumber) values('"&trim(request("student"))&"','"&trim(request("pwd"))&"','"&trim(req uest("sex"))&"','"&trim(request("classes"))&"','"&trim(request("number"))&"' )" sqlstudent set rs=conn.execute(sqlin) sql login.asp <script language=javascript>//javascript alert(" "); window.navigate("login.asp"); </script> <% end if end if 2 <html>... <!--#include file="top2.htm"--> <% top2.htm <form name=form1 action=""> <% <input type="hidden" name="ctype"> <input type="text" name="student" size="20" style="height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px" class="line"></td> <td width="200"> (*)</td> <select name="sex" size="1" style="border: 1px solid #000000" class="line"> <option value=" "> </option> <option value=" "> </option> </select> <input type="password" name="pwd" size="20" style="height: 22; border: 1px solid #000000" class="line"></td> <td> (6 )</td> <input type="text" name="classes" size="20" style="height: 22; border: 1px solid #000000"></td> <input type="text" name="number" size="20" style="height: 22; border:

33 1px solid #000000"></td> <input type="button" value=" " name="b1" onclick="check()" style="height: 22; width: 60; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF" class="line"> <input type="reset" value=" " name="b2" style="width: 60; height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF"></td> <% </tr> </table></form> </html> ASP ASP session <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <% conn.asp javascript check() <script language=javascript> function check() {if (document.form1.id.value=="") // id {alert (" "); // document.form1.id.focus(); // id return false;} // IE if (document.form1.pwd.value=="") // pwd {alert (" "); // document.form1.pwd.focus(); // pwd return false;} // IE document.form1.ctype.value="types";// ctype, ctype add document.form1.submit(); // form1

34 } </script> vbscript session admin.asp if request("ctype")="types" then sqlfind="select * from admin where admin='"&trim(request("id"))&"' and adminpassword='"&trim(request("pwd"))&"'" sqladmin set rs=conn.execute (sqlfind) sql admin admin.asp if rs.eof then <script language=javascript> //javascript alert(""); history.back(); // </script> <% else session("adminid")=rs("admin") admin <script language=javascript> window.navigate("admin.asp"); admin.asp </script> <%end if else 2 <html> <form name=form1 action=""> <% <input type=hidden name=ctype > <input type="text" name="id" size="20" style="height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"></td> </tr> <input type="text" name="pwd" size="20" style="height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"></td> <input type="button" value="" name="b1" onclick="check()" style="width: 60; height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF"> <input type="reset" value="" name="b2" style="width: 60; height: 22; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background-color: #FFFFFF"></td> <% </form> <%end if

35 JavaScript indexof


37 SQL Server2000 SQL Server2000 tsgl tsgl 6.1 admin borecorder 1 admin tsgl id username password 3 SQL Server admin id Primary Key 1

38 admin ID int username nvarchar 50 password nvarchar 50 2 borecorder 6.3 id name bo_total bo_dep bo_owner bo_time bo_retime bo_flag return_time bo_remark 10 id Primary Key 1 1 bo_flag borecorder bo_id int bo_name nvarchar 50 bo_total int bo_dep nvarchar 50 bo_owner nvarchar 50 bo_time smalldatetime bo_retime smalldatetime bo_flag int return_time smalldatetime bo_remark nvarchar go


40 IIS SQL Server IIS SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server tsg conn.asp <!--#include file="inc/conn.asp"--> <% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr="provider=sqloledb;data Source=work;Initial Catalog=tsg;User ID=sa;Password=sa;" conn.open connstr default.asp 6.9

41 6.9 <html> 1 main main1 A:link A:active A:visited A:hover <STYLE type=text/css>.main { FONT-SIZE: 12px }.main1 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt }.main2 { FONT-SIZE: 16px }.main3 { FONT-SIZE: 7px }.main4 { FONT-SIZE: 10px } A:link { COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:visited { COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:active { COLOR: #ff0000; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { COLOR: #aa0000; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } </STYLE>

42 <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <% conn.asp 2 <% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") recordset sqltext="select * from borecorder where bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" borecorder bo_flag 0 rs.open sqltext,conn,1,1 sql MaxPerPage dim MaxPerPage MaxPerPage=20 20 'showpages If rs.eof and rs.bof then call showpages response.write "<p align='center'><font color='#ff0000'> </font></p>" response.end End if ', dim text,checkpage text=" " Rs.PageSize=MaxPerPage for i=1 to len(request("page")) checkpage=instr(1,text,mid(request("page"),i,1)) if checkpage=0 then exit for end if next Cur 1 CurrentPage CurrentPage 1 If checkpage<>0 then If NOT IsEmpty(request("page")) Then CurrentPage=Cint(request("page")) If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1 If CurrentPage > Rs.PageCount Then CurrentPage = Rs.PageCount Else CurrentPage= 1 End If borecorder If not Rs.eof Then Rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage end if Else CurrentPage=1 End if call showpages showpages call list list If Rs.recordcount > MaxPerPage then call showpages end if 4list

43 list Sub list() <form method='post' action='search.asp'> <% <% <input type="button" value="" onclick=" window.location='add_info.asp'" style="font-family:,, Arial; font-size: 9pt; height:20px;background-color:#d4d0c8;" onmouseover ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#ffc864'" onmouseout ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#d4d0c8'"> <input type="button" value="" onclick=" window.location='info_check.asp'" style="font-family:,, Arial; font-size: 9pt; height:20px;background-color:#d4d0c8;" onmouseover ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#ffc864'" onmouseout ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#d4d0c8'"> <input type="button" value="" onclick=" window.location='old.asp'" style="font-family:,, Arial; font-size: 9pt; height:20px;background-color:#d4d0c8;" onmouseover ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#ffc864'" onmouseout ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#d4d0c8'"> <% <select name='class' size='1' tabindex='0' style="font-size: 9pt"> <option value=' '> </option> <option value=''></option> <option value=' '> </option> <option value=' '> </option> <option value=' '> </option> <option value=''></option> <option value=''></option> <option value=''></option> <option value=''></option> </select> <% <input type='text' name='name' size='11' onmouseover = "this.style.backgroundcolor = '#E5F0FF'" onmouseout = "this.style.backgroundcolor = ''" style="font-family:,, Arial; font-size: 9pt; height:18px;background-color:#f3f3f3;border:1 solid black"> <% <input type='submit' value='' name='submit' style="font-family:,, Arial; font-size: 9pt; height:20px;background-color:#d4d0c8;" onmouseover ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#ffc864'" onmouseout ="this.style.backgroundcolor='#d4d0c8'"> <% if not rs.eof then borecorder i=0 i0 do while not rs.eof <tr class=main1> <td width="6%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_id")</td> <td width="18%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_name")</td> <td width="8%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_total")</td>

44 <td width="10%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_dep")</td> <td width="11%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_owner")</td> <td width="13%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_time")</td> <td width="13%" align="center" height="23"><%=rs("bo_retime")</td> <td width="9%" align="center" height="23"><a href="#" title=<%=rs("bo_remark")><font color="#000000"><u></u></font></a></td> <td width="9%" align="center" height="23"><%if DateDiff("d", rs("bo_retime"), date())<0 then 0<%else<font color=red><%=datediff("d", rs("bo_retime"), date())</font><%end if</td> </tr> <% i=i+1 if i >= MaxPerpage then exit do rs.movenext loop end if <% End sub rs.close conn.close </form> <% 5showpages showpages sub showpages() <% response.write "<form method=post action='default.asp'>" <% Response.write "<font color='#000000'>-</font>" If currentpage > 1 Then response.write "<a href='default.asp?&page="+cstr(1)+"'><font color='#000000'></font></a><font color='#000000'><b>-</b></font>" Response.write "<a href='default.asp?page="+cstr(currentpage-1)+"'><font color='#000000'> </font></a><font color='#000000'><b>-</b></font>" Else Response.write "<font color='#000000'>-</font>" Response.write "<font color='#000000'>-</font>" End if If currentpage < Rs.PageCount Then Response.write "<a href='default.asp?page="+cstr(currentpage+1)+"'><font color='#000000'> </font></a><font color='#000000'><b>-</b></font>"

45 Response.write "<a href='default.asp?page="+cstr(rs.pagecount)+"'><font color='#000000'> </font></a> " Else Response.write "<font color='#000000'> -</font>" Response.write "<font color='#000000'> </font> " End if Response.write "<font color='#000000'> :</font>" & "<font color=#ff0000>" & Cstr(CurrentPage) & "</font>" & "<font color='#000000'>/" & Cstr(rs.pagecount) & "</font> " Response.write "<font color=#ff0000>" & Cstr(MaxPerPage) & "</font>" & "<font color='#000000'> / &nbsp" & " </font>" & "<font color=#ff0000>" & Cstr(Rs.RecordCount) & "</font>" & "<font color='#000000'> </font> " response.write "</td><td align='right'>" response.write "<font color='#ffffff' class=main1> </font><input type='text' name='page' size=4 maxlength=4 class=smallinput value="&currentpage&"> " response.write "<input class=buttonface type='submit' value='go' name='cndok' style='background-color: #e1f0ff'></span> " </form> <%end sub </body> </html> default.asp Search.asp <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" <!--#include file="conn.asp" --> <% conn.asp 1 SQL <%

46 bo_class Class bo_class=request("class") bo_name name bo_name=request("name") set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") recordset borecorder sqltext="select * from borecorder " bo_class bo_name name bo_flag bo_retime if bo_class=" " then sqltext=sqltext &" where bo_name like '%"& request("name") &"%' and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class="" then bo_class bo_ name owner bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where bo_owner like '%"& request("name") &"%' and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class=" " then bo_class bo_ name dep bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where bo_dep like '%"& request("name") &"%' and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class=" " then bo_class bo_ name total bo_flag bo_reti sqltext=sqltext &" where bo_total ="& request("name") &" and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class=" " then bo_class bo_flag bo_reti sqltext=sqltext &" where datediff('d', bo_retime, date()) >= "& request("name") &" and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class="" then bo_class name bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where datediff('d', bo_time, # "&request("name")& "#) >0 and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class="" then bo_class name bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where datediff('d',# "&request("name")& "#, bo_time ) >0 and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class="" then bo_class name bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where datediff('d', bo_retime, # "&request("name")& "#) >0 and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" elseif bo_class="" then bo_class "name bo_flag bo_retime sqltext=sqltext &" where datediff('d', bo_retime, # "&request("name")& "#) <0 and bo_flag=0 order by bo_retime asc" end if rs.open sqltext,conn,1,1 sql 2 html html

47 <html> <% main main1 A:link A:active A:visited A:hover <STYLE type=text/css>.main { FONT-SIZE: 12px }.main1 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt } 2 <% dim MaxPerPage MaxPerPage MaxPerPage=20 20 'showpages If rs.eof and rs.bof then call showpages response.write "<p align='center'><font color='#ff0000'> </font></p>" response.end End if ', dim text,checkpage text=" " Rs.PageSize=MaxPerPage for i=1 to len(request("page")) checkpage=instr(1,text,mid(request("page"),i,1)) if checkpage=0 then exit for end if next Login.htm 6.11

48 6.11 <html> <% main main1 A:link A:active A:visited A:hover <STYLE type=text/css>.main { FONT-SIZE: 12px }.main1 { FONT-SIZE: 14px }.main2 { <FORM language=javascript name=form1 action=check.asp method=post> <% <% <TD class=main1 width=120 height=25><input maxlength=16 size=13 name=uid style="font-size: 14px"> </TD> <% <TD class=main1 width=120 height=25 bgcolor="#e1f0ff"><input maxlength=16 size=15 name=pwd type="password" style="font-size: 9pt"> </TD> <% <DIV align=center><input class=main type=submit size=3 value= name=submit2> </DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> </form> </body> </html>



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