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Conyers Dill & Pearman Clarendon House 2 Church Street Hamilton HM11 Bermuda MUFG Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited 26 Burnaby S

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香港聯合交易所有限公司 聯交所 創業板 創業板 之特色 創業板之定位 乃為較於聯交所上市之其他公司帶有更高投資風險之公司提供一個上市之市場 有意投資之人士應瞭解 投資於該等公司之潛在風險 並應經過審慎周詳之考慮後方作出投資決定 創業板之較高風險及其他特色表示創業板較 適合專業及其他資深投資者 由於創業板上市公司新興之性質所然 在創業板買賣之證券可能會較於主板買賣之證券承受較大之市場波動風險 同時 無法保證在創業板買賣之證券會有高流通量 香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本報告之內容概不負責 對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲 明 並明確表示概不就因本報告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任 本報告乃遵照香港聯合交易所有限公司創業板證券上市規則之規定而提供有關仁智國際集團有限公司之資料 仁智國際 集團有限公司各董事願就本報告共同及個別承擔全部責任 並經作出一切合理查詢後確認 就彼等所知及所信 本報告 所載之資料在各重大方面均屬準確及完整 且無誤導或欺詐成份 及本報告並無遺漏任何事實致使本報告所載任何聲明 產生誤導

4 6 8 11 15 20 21 28 30 31 32 34 35 37 39 132

2 8082


4 2013

5 Fine Dying

6 353 32 MUFG Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited 26 Burnaby Street Hamilton HM11 Bermuda 183 22 8082 +852 3150 8082 +852 3150 8092 Clarendon House 2 Church Street Hamilton HM11 Bermuda

8 Benevolence is our core value & Revolutionizing the deathcare industry through Innovative Thinking is our mission

9 230,000,000 88,800,000


11 305.5%39,427,000 9,723,000 19,957,000 19,470,000 9,723,000 Era Investment (Holding) Inc.EIHIForrex (Holding) Inc.Forrex Grand Creation Investments Limited Grand Creation EIHI100% Forrex Grand CreationForrex EIHI 50% EIHI 75% EIHI 50% 230,000,000 215,917,000 6,890,000 14,243,000 36.12%70.86% 249,706,000 45,417,000 230,160,000 11,193,00011,772,000 14,769,000 3,296,000 42,848,000 60,636,000

12 226,000,000 4,000,000 375,000 8,909,000 8,970,000 3,643,000 146.23% 15% 19% POS CRM EIHI EIHI 50%

13 33 125 93 25,985,000 18,479,000 31(b) 8,426,000 11,260,000 490,873,000 285,507,000 69,475,000 58,398,000 2.24 5.63 68,490,00035,151,000 194.85%29.54%


15 15 A.2.1 A.2.1 14

16 5.48 5.67 A.2.1

17 9/9 1/1 10/10 1/1 11/11 1/1 2/2 4/4 0/1 11/11 1/1 2/2 4/4 1/1 11/11 1/1 2/2 4/4 1/1 1,450,0001,450,000 350,000 1,000,000 2 500,000999,999 1 3

18 28 29

19 20 10 (i) (ii) (iii)

20 37 60 5 48 25 1997 48 718 56 20 8061 59 25 Fortune Take International Limited University of Hull 2326 612 Richard Andrew Connell Connell59 Connell Connell Connell FTSE250Dignity plc Connell 48 20 47 AJ Corp 15

21 19 5 30 132 15 30 32 84 5.09

22 352 (A) 1 183,594,000 512,820,512 696,414,512 45.88% 2 6,000 9,838,653 9,838,653 0.65% 3 603,571,428 603,571,428 39.77% 183,600,000 1,126,224,593 1,309,824,593 86.30% 4 660,000 33,494,489 34,154,489 2.25% 4 400,000 1,117,346 1,517,346 0.10% 4 270,000 1,340,816 1,610,816 0.11% 4 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.07% 1. New Brilliant Investments LimitedNew Brilliant183,594,000 New Brilliant0.04 0.03920,000,000New Brilliant 512,820,512 New Brilliant 2. 6,000 9,832,653 0.4479,832,653 3. AXA Direct Asia II, L.P.603,571,428 4.

23 (B) Richard Andrew Connell 64,811,682 64,811,682 44,928,005 44,928,005 (c) 1 9,832,653 9,832,653 357,551 357,551 1,117,347 1,117,347 1,430,204 1,430,204 4,245,918 4,245,918 11,173,469 11,173,469 15,170,000 15,170,000 223,469 223,469 1,117,347 1,117,347 446,938 446,938 670,408 670,408 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.447 0.738 0.191 0.526 0.477 0.254 0.118 0.738 0.254 0.392 0.254 0.254 31,732,651 15,170,000 46,902,651

24 2 12,737,755 12,737,755 9,609,183 9,609,183 7,151,020 7,151,020 5,810,204 5,810,204 3,575,510 3,575,510 5,184,489 5,184,489 1,264,836 1,264,836 9,832,653 9,832,653 0.191 0.513 0.479 0.477 0.626 0.526 0.443 0.447 55,165,650 55,165,650 86,898,301 15,170,000 102,068,301 0.113

25 336 New Brilliant 1 183,594,000 512,820,512 696,414,512 45.88% 1 183,594,000 512,820,512 696,414,512 45.88% 2 6,000 9,832,653 9,838,653 0.65% 3 603,571,428 603,571,428 39.77% 183,600,000 1,126,224,593 1,309,824,593 86.30% AXA PE Asia Manager Limited 4 603,571,428 603,571,428 39.77% 4 706,253,165 706,253,165 46.53% 1,309,824,593 1,309,824,593 86.30% 5 452,678,571 452,678,571 29.82% MM3 International Limited 6 100,000,000 100,000,000 6.59% Forrex (Holding) Inc.Forrex 7 159,326,424 159,326,424 10.50% 6 7 100,000,000 159,326,424 259,326,424 17.09% Ho Sai Lon Mark 248,076,441 248,076,441 16.34% 46,968,000 44,928,005 91,896,005 6.05% 90,666,664 90,666,664 5.97%

26 1. New Brilliant 183,594,000 New Brilliant0.04 0.039 20,000,000 New Brilliant 512,820,512 New Brilliant 2. 6,000 9,832,653 3. AXA Direct Asia II, L.P 603,571,428 4. AXA PE Asia Manager Limited AXA Direct Asia II, L.P.AXA AXA AXA0.787 0.161 12,500,000 97,175,000 603,571,428 AXA 706,253,165(i) New Brilliant 696,414,512 (ii) 9,838,653 AXA 5. AXA New Brilliant AXA New Brilliant (i) 6,250,000 (ii) 12,500,000AXA New Brilliant AXA3,125,000 6. MM3 International Limited Forrex Era Investment (Holding) Inc.EIHI 7. 30,750,000 3% ForrexForrex 3% 0.193 159,326,424 Forrex ForrexEra Investment (Holding) Inc.EIHI Forrex Forrex Forrex Grand Creation Investments LimitedGrand Creation EIHIGrand Creation ForrexGrand CreationForrex EIHI 50% EIHI EIHI 336 5% 30% 30% 37

27 35 36 17.38A 11.23 10,000 50,000 () 50,000,000 12% 2.21 31(b)

28 30 131


30 2.1 5 39,427 9,723 7 (230,160) (25,184) (2,833) (215,917) 6,890 6(a) 1,795 893 6(b) (11,174) (9,236) 7 (14,769) (3,296) 7 (11,193) (1,978) (3,758) (47,465) (39,090) (300,701) (47,597) 11 375 8,909 11 (8,970) (3,643) (309,296) (42,331) 17 (2,690) 7 (309,296) (45,021) 12 59,590 (396) (249,706) (45,417) (130,332) (45,327) (119,374) (90) (249,706) (45,417) 14 (0.086) (0.086) (0.034) (0.034)

31 2.1 (249,706) (45,417) 3,049 357 (246,657) (45,060) (127,826) (45,012) (118,831) (48) (246,657) (45,060)

32 2.1 2.1 15 51,317 35,453 12,543 16 29,266 13,189 10,433 17 140,048 142,738 18 260,092 21 24,848 25,812 27,741 365,523 214,502 193,455 20 113,836 11,886 12,083 21 2,505 9,360 1,103 22 36,728 24,658 23 583 1,771 2,461 24 8,426 11,260 32,045 125,350 71,005 72,350 25 1,132 353 428 22 2,535 26(a) 25,211 12,254 5,399 26(b) 154 28 26,843 29 28,848 55,875 12,607 34,675 69,475 58,398 37,675 434,998 272,900 231,130

33 2.1 2.1 26(a) 1,076 26(b) 2,487 27 83,716 5,321 4,894 28 40,252 29 96,148 85,564 76,131 24,393 22,062 246,996 114,023 81,025 188,002 158,877 150,105 30 3,795 3,795 2,530 32 31,356 134,482 126,927 35,151 138,277 129,457 152,851 20,600 20,648 188,002 158,877 150,105

34 19 78 78 19 256,952 296,988 257,030 297,066 100 1 23 583 1,771 24 949 691 1,632 2,463 26(a) 8,612 7,193 28 25,000 19 52 33,612 7,245 (31,980) (4,782) 225,050 292,284 29 96,148 85,564 24,393 22,062 120,541 107,626 104,509 184,658 30 3,795 3,795 32 100,714 180,863 104,509 184,658

35 30 32 31 31 29 2,530 68,768 31,713 8,575 19 221,354 3,933 28,609 (227,830) 137,671 69,087 206,758 2.1 (8,214) (8,214) (48,439) (56,653) 2,530 68,768 31,713 361 19 221,354 3,933 28,609 (227,830) 129,457 20,648 150,105 (45,327) (45,327) (90) (45,417) 315 315 42 357 315 (45,327) (45,012) (48) (45,060) 1,265 48,809 50,074 50,074 411 411 411 3,347 3,347 3,347 3,795 117,577 31,713 676 19 221,765 7,280 28,609 (273,157) 138,277 20,600 158,877

36 30 32 31 31 29 3,795 117,577 31,713 676 19 221,765 7,280 28,609 (273,157) 138,277 20,600 158,877 (130,332) (130,332) (119,374) (249,706) 2,506 2,506 543 3,049 2,506 (130,332) (127,826) (118,831) (246,657) 22,722 22,722 251,082 273,804 763 763 763 1,215 1,215 1,215 3,795 117,577 31,713 25,904 19 222,528 8,495 28,609 (403,489) 35,151 152,851 188,002

37 2.1 (309,296) (45,021) 2,690 4,239 1,639 13,632 9 (195) 230,160 629 11,193 763 411 1,215 3,347 11,772 9,270 (309) 663 (135) (463) (375) (8,909) 8,970 3,643 (91) (28,911) (31,638) (3,964) 197 6,958 (8,050) (12,070) 779 (75) 127 6,902 2,757 (22,254) (44,734) 581 217 (4,290) (300) (25,963) (44,817)

38 2.1 (4,004) (9,432) 722 19 3,800 (1,488) (13,574) (429) 33 568 (2,900) (402) (26,335) 50,074 25,000 (2,535) 22,465 50,074 (3,900) (21,078) 11,260 32,045 1,066 293 8,426 11,260

39 1. Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11 Bermuda353 32 19 2. 2.1 4

40 2. 2.1 (a) 11 11 11 Era Investment (Holding) Inc.EIHI 31 11

41 2. 2.1 (a) EIHI 16,869 (7,146) 9,723 (8,877) 6,044 (2,833) 7,992 (1,102) 6,890 896 (3) 893 (9,236) (9,236) (4,333) 1,037 (3,296) (3,758) (3,758) (43,469) 4,379 (39,090) (51,908) 4,311 (47,597) 8,909 8,909 (4,766) 1,123 (3,643) (47,765) 5,434 (42,331) (2,690) (2,690) (47,765) 2,744 (45,021) 1,279 (1,675) (396) (46,486) 1,069 (45,417) (45,327) (45,327) (1,159) 1,069 (90) (46,486) 1,069 (45,417)

42 2. 2.1 (a) EIHI EIHI 48,680 (13,227) 35,453 16,557 (4,014) 12,543 25,375 (12,186) 13,189 22,547 (12,114) 10,433 140,048 140,048 142,738 142,738 212,765 (212,765) 225,115 (225,115) 25,972 (160) 25,812 27,741 27,741 312,792 (98,290) 214,502 291,960 (98,505) 193,455 80,959 (69,073) 11,886 72,134 (60,051) 12,083 9,737 (377) 9,360 1,670 (567) 1,103 18,364 18,364 36,728 12,329 12,329 24,658 1,771 1,771 2,461 2,461 11,545 (285) 11,260 33,949 (1,904) 32,045 122,376 (51,371) 71,005 122,543 (50,193) 72,350 867 (514) 353 502 (74) 428 1,229 (1,229) 1,222 (1,222) 20,732 (8,478) 12,254 12,107 (6,708) 5,399 5 (5) 1,229 (1,229) 1,222 (1,222) 28,848 28,848 24,057 (11,450) 12,607 43,906 (9,231) 34,675 98,319 (39,921) 58,398 78,637 (40,962) 37,675 411,111 (138,211) 272,900 370,597 (139,467) 231,130

43 2. 2.1 (a) EIHI EIHI 2,586 (1,510) 1,076 1,437 (1,437) 70,688 (65,367) 5,321 71,556 (66,662) 4,894 14,539 (14,539) 14,715 (14,715) 85,564 85,564 76,131 76,131 22,062 22,062 195,439 (81,416) 114,023 163,839 (82,814) 81,025 215,672 (56,795) 158,877 206,758 (56,653) 150,105 3,795 3,795 2,530 2,530 143,744 (9,262) 134,482 135,141 (8,214) 126,927 147,539 (9,262) 138,277 137,671 (8,214) 129,457 68,133 (47,533) 20,600 69,087 (48,439) 20,648 215,672 (56,795) 158,877 206,758 (56,653) 150,105

44 2. 2.1 (a) EIHI (47,765) 2,744 (45,021) 2,690 2,690 2,349 (710) 1,639 4 (4) 629 629 411 411 3,347 3,347 9,270 9,270 1,235 (572) 663 (8,909) (8,909) 4,766 (1,123) 3,643 (5) 5 (34,668) 3,030 (31,638) 541 (344) 197 4,647 (4,647) (8,021) (29) (8,050) (6,035) (6,035) (12,070) 365 (440) (75) 7,869 (967) 6,902

45 2. 2.1 (a) EIHI (35,302) (9,432) (44,734) 217 217 (300) (300) (35,385) (9,432) (44,817) (19,906) 10,474 (9,432) (13,574) (13,574) 153 (582) (429) (2,906) 6 (2,900) (36,233) 9,898 (26,335) 50,074 50,074 (1,229) 1,229 48,845 1,229 50,074 (22,773) 1,695 (21,078) 33,949 (1,904) 32,045 369 (76) 293 11,545 (285) 11,260

46 2. 2.1 (a) 1012 13 10 EIHI EIHIEIHI 12 13 1 19 27 28 20 1 7

47 2. 2.1 (b) 19 (2) 32 (1) 36 (1) 39 (1) 21 (1) 9 (3) 10 (1) 1227 (2) (2) (1) (2) (3) 2.2 249,706,000 25,963,000

48 2. 2.2 10,000,000 15% 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 50,000,000 16,000,000 12% 2.3 (a)

49 2. 2.3 (a) (i) 39

50 2. 2.3 (a) (ii) (iii) (b) 2.4 11 11

51 2. 2.4 2.5 2.6

52 2. 2.6 2.7 3 1 /3% 33 1 /3% 20% 5% 10% 20% 33 1 /3% 10% 33 1 /3%

53 2. 2.7 2.9 2.8 (a)

54 2. 2.8 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.9

55 2. 2.9 2.10 (a) (b)

56 2. 2.11 (i)(ii) (a) (b) 2.12 (a)

57 2. 2.12 (b) 2.13 2.14

58 2. 2.15 2.16 2.17 (a) (b) (i)

59 2. 2.17 (b) (i) (ii) (iii)

60 2. 2.18 2.19 2.20 (a) (b)

61 2. 2.20 (b) (c) 2.21 (a) 5%

62 2. 2.21 (b) (c) 2.22 (a)

63 2. 2.22 (a)

64 2. 2.22 (b) 2.23 2.24

65 2. 2.25 (a) (i) (ii)(iii) (b) (c) (d) (e)

66 2. 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29

67 3. 3.1 (a) (i) (ii) 100100 489,000 218,000 (b)

68 3. 3.1 (c) (d) 10,000,000 15% 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000

69 3. 3.1 (d) 50,000,000 16,000,000 12% 435 487 210 1,132 2,535 2,535 18,728 818 19,546 26,843 19,955 20,297 67,095 147,925 147,925 44 1,250 2,466 3,760 21,742 29,398 170,556 20,297 241,993

70 3. 3.1 (d) 200 153 353 12,144 1,076 13,220 147,925 147,925 300 3,689 3,989 12,344 300 152,843 165,487 3.2

71 3. 3.2 55,875 12,607 246,996 114,023 302,871 126,630 35,151 138,277 8.62 0.92 3.3 1 2 1 3 3

72 3. 3.3 3 (85,564) 1,771 (83,793) (10,584) (1,188) (11,772) (96,148) 583 (95,565) (10,584) (1,188) (11,772) 3 (76,131) 2,461 (73,670) 2.2 (853) (853) (9,433) 163 (9,270) (85,564) 1,771 (83,793) (9,433) 163 (9,270)

73 4. 2.2 (a) 230,160,000 (b) (c)

74 4. (d) 10,584,000 (e) 11,193,000 (f) (g)

75 4. (h) 1,188,000 5.

76 5. 27,650 11,777 39,427 (256,184) (8,283) (264,467) (36,234) 375 (8,970) (309,296) 478,491 5,579 484,070 1,471 2,700 592 583 1,457 490,873 (147,076) (1,195) (148,271) (9,059) (25,000) (96,148) (24,393) (302,871) 16,106 859 16,965 915 17,880 2,780 1,977 4,757 55 4,812

77 5. 6,989 2,734 9,723 (9,760) (6,656) (16,416) (31,181) (2,690) 8,909 (3,643) (45,021) 82,983 8,501 91,484 2,513 3,096 140,048 36,728 7,774 1,771 2,093 285,507 (9,304) (719) (10,023) (8,981) (85,564) (22,062) (126,630) 311 194 505 1,134 1,639 19,512 1,849 21,361 6,712 28,073

78 5. 19,876 19,470 9,723 81 39,427 9,723 10% 11,777,0002,734,000 27,650,0006,989,000

79 6. (a) 909 246 886 647 1,795 893 (b) 135 463 34 (11,772) (9,270) (11,174) (9,236) (i) 1,188,000163,000 (ii)10,584,000 9,433,000

80 7. 13,632 2,075 1,016 230,160 8 25,985 18,479 4,239 1,639 9 11,193 1,450 1,450 (309) 663 494 1,950 411 4,812 3,372 8. 24,339 16,862 763 721 1,397 162 220 25,985 18,479

81 9. 161 (i) 3,812 15 3,827 (i) 2,016 763 15 2,794 5,828 763 30 6,621 180 180 180 180 180 180 540 540 540 5,828 763 30 7,161

82 9. (i) 3,435 266 14 3,715 (i) 1,722 144 14 1,880 5,157 410 28 5,595 156 156 156 156 156 156 468 468 468 5,157 410 28 6,063 (i)

83 10. 9 2,590 2,356 51 153 45 41 2,686 2,550 1,000,000 2 2 1,000,0011,500,000 1 1 3 3

84 11. (3,292) (79) (2,125) (3,553) (3,802) (8,970) (3,881) 238 (8,970) (3,643) 2.2 8,485 10 135 365 207 82 375 8,909 (8,595) 5,266

85 12. (91) 59,681 (396) 59,590 (396) 16.5%16.5% 25%25%

86 12. (309,296) (45,021) 65,741 3,907 833 66 (2,975) (863) 124 109 (4,133) (3,615) 59,590 (396) 13.

87 14. (a) 505,946,000 0.1 (130,332) (45,327) 1,517,838 1,324,767 (b)

88 15. 11,474 3,860 661 1,745 2,716 20,456 4,154 1,675 17,321 1,307 347 369 25,173 (943) (3) (536) (1,482) 65 (4) 3 5 69 15,693 4,592 17,317 1,971 2,089 2,554 44,216 775 305 1,049 555 757 1,371 4,812 21,180 3,861 1,649 1,675 353 87 28,805 (395) (1,076) (1,471) (3,700) (3,700) 1,100 53 619 119 25 230 2,146 35,048 8,811 20,634 4,320 2,829 3,166 74,808 4,361 795 283 823 1,651 7,913 391 414 58 364 412 1,639 (320) (499) (819) 24 2 4 30 4,776 889 343 1,187 1,568 8,763 1,450 1,297 429 545 518 4,239 10,558 635 11,193 (1,058) (1,058) (35) (35) 324 27 16 7 15 389 17,073 2,848 788 1,739 1,043 23,491 17,975 5,963 20,634 3,532 1,090 2,123 51,317 10,917 3,703 17,317 1,628 902 986 35,453 7,113 3,065 378 922 1,065 12,543

89 15. 75 3,682 16. 396 10,037 10,433 2,900 2,900 429 429 56 56 825 10,093 2,900 13,818 15,341 79 15,420 663 3 666 825 26,097 2,900 82 29,904 (429) (200) (629) (429) (200) (629) (9) (9) (429) (200) (9) (638) 396 26,097 2,700 73 29,266 396 10,093 2,700 13,189 396 10,037 10,433

90 16. 429,000 3.0% 3.0% 15.5% 15.4% 17. 140,048 142,738 (2,690) (140,048) 140,048

91 17. 33EIHI % % Era Investment (Holding) Inc. (i) 50,000 50 50 20,000,000 90 75 (i) Grand Creation (ii) EIHI EIHI

92 17. EIHI 568 3,754 138,900 121,242 139,468 124,996 (35,845) (18,978) (1,074) (1,393) (36,919) (20,371) 447,960 456,947 (54,486) (55,004) (124,203) (127,229) (178,689) (182,233) 371,820 379,339

93 17. 14,292 (10,190) 2 (2,408) (10,868) 3,350 (5,380) (5,380)

94 17. 377,200 (5,380) 371,820 185,910 (45,862) 140,048 18. 585,271 (163,371) (166,959) 5,151 260,092 260,092

95 18. 230,160,000 (i) 166,959,000 (ii) 63,201,000 17.55% 19.00% 3% 19. 78 78 305,895 296,988 (48,943) 256,952 298,988

96 19. % % (v) 1 100 Billion Station Limited (i) 10,000 100 100 5,000,000 100 100 1 100 100 Grand Creation Investments Limited Grand Creation(i) 1 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 (i) 1 100 100 Sage Death Care Services Holdings Limited 1 100 100 17 100 100 1 100 100

97 19. % % (ii) 33,333,330 60 60 (ii) (iv) 10,500,000 100 100 (ii) 1,000,000 100 Era Investment (Holding) Inc. (vi) 50,000 50 (ii) (iii) (vi) 20,000,000 90 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) EIHIEIHI75% 70% 3,800,000 3,665,000135,000 EIHIForrex (Holding) Inc. ForrexGrand Creation Investments LimitedGrand CreationForrexEIHI 50% EIHI

98 19. 152,851,00020,600,000 132,079,000EIHI16,223,000 EIHI3,152,000 EIHI 369,459 43,178 41,735 (137,390) (1,094) (860) 232,069 42,084 40,875

99 19. EIHI 18,945 (190,091) (87) (82) (186,829) (1,210) (297) (117,176) (484) (117) EIHI EIHI EIHI 2,433 (1,491) (11,108) 568 1,642 12,750 3,001 151 1,642

100 20. 113,836 11,886 12,083 6,036 429 690 63,201,000 107,800 11,457 11,393 113,836 11,886 12,083 21. 27,079 27,735 28,844 7,207 274 230 27,353 35,172 28,844 (24,403) (25,004) (11,430) (808) (16,311) (445) (24,848) (25,812) (27,741) 2,505 9,360 1,103 60

101 22. 2,535,000 36,728,000 23. 2.2 583 1,771 2,461 2.2 24. 8,265 11,260 32,045 949 691 Sage Dignity Trust 161 8,426 11,260 32,045 949 691

102 24. Sage Dignity Trust 2,549 7,084 8,233 796 580 5,611 2,847 7,906 266 1,329 15,906 153 111 8,426 11,260 32,045 949 691 25. 30 200 165 13 31 60 88 35 61 90 147 911 487 160 1 210 153 255 1,132 353 428 30

103 26. (a) 18,636 10,768 3,336 8,132 4,817 480 480 480 480 480 (i) 430 1,972 1,583 1,896 5,665 110 25,211 13,330 5,399 8,612 7,193 (1,076) 25,211 12,254 5,399 8,612 7,193 (i) (b) (i) 862 (ii) 1,779 2,641 (2,487) 154 (i) (ii)

104 27. 10,784 67 173 67 396 10,957 67 463 91,265 5,388 5,357 3,408 94,673 5,388 5,357 83,716 5,321 4,894

105 27. 4,894 396 31 5,321 5,321 (59,681) 138,358 (282) 83,716 5,357 31 5,388 5,388 (60,948) 150,153 80 94,673

106 27. 463 (396) 67 67 (1,267) 11,795 362 10,957 9,865,0006,732,000 59,788,00040,799,000 28. (i) 31,969 (ii) 20,000 20,000 (iii) 10,126 (iv) 5,000 5,000 (40,252) 26,843 25,000

107 28. (i) EIHI 50%EIHI 37,436,00043,590,000 EIHI 29,287,0005.94 EIHI 50% EIHI 2,220,0002,590,000 1,476,0006.4 5.946.4 (ii) 19% (iii) (iv) 15% 26,843 25,000 11,969 7,986 46,798 25,000 20,297 67,095 25,000

108 29. (a) New Brilliant Investments Limited 20,000,000 1 1 1.53601 0.04 0.048 0.039 1 (b) Forrex (Holding) Inc(i) Era Investment (Holding) Inc. (ii) 36,900,0002.130,750,000 2.22.1 2.2 03360 2.1 2.2 0.123 2.1 1.23 30,000,000 0.236 2.2 9,337,000 0.193 2.2 (c) AXA Direct Asia II, L.PAXA12,500,000 97,174,0003 33 0.787 0.197 0.161 3 AXA

109 29. (a) 1 3 21,789 186,400 208,189 18,523 57,608 76,131 267 9,166 9,433 18,790 66,774 85,564 18,790 66,774 85,564 307 10,277 10,584 19,097 77,051 96,148 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 13.17% 14.01% 50 318,000

110 29. (b) 2.2 (i) 28,848 3,502 (951) 2.2 (9,337) 22,062 22,062 3,253 (922) 24,393 (i) 2.213.4%

111 30. 0.0025 32,000,000 32,000,000 80,000 80,000 0.0025 1,517,838 1,011,892 3,795 2,530 (i) 505,946 1,265 0.0025 1,517,838 1,517,838 3,795 3,795 (i) 0.10 505,945,99850,595,000521,000

112 31. (a) 29 1 3 1 3 (a) 1.89% 1.96% (b) 43.6% 49.2% (c) 13.3% 15.6% (d) (b) (i) (ii) (iii)(iv) 30% (i)(ii) (iii)

113 31. (b) 1 9,832,653 9,832,653 0.447 357,551 357,551 0.738 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.191 1,430,204 1,430,204 0.526 4,245,918 4,245,918 0.477 11,173,469 11,173,469 0.254 15,170,000 15,170,000 0.118 223,469 223,469 0.738 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.254 446,938 446,938 0.392 670,408 670,408 0.254 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.254 31,732,651 15,170,000 46,902,651

114 31. (b) 2 12,737,755 12,737,755 0.191 9,609,183 9,609,183 0.513 7,151,020 7,151,020 0.479 5,810,204 5,810,204 0.477 3,575,510 3,575,510 0.626 5,184,489 5,184,489 0.526 1,264,836 1,264,836 0.443 9,832,653 9,832,653 0. 447 55,165,650 55,165,650 86,898,301 15,170,000 102,068,301 0.402 0.402 (i) (ii)

115 31. (b) (i) 1 9,832,653 9,832,653 0.447 357,551 357,551 0.738 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.191 1,430,204 1,430,204 0.526 4,245,918 4,245,918 0.477 11,173,469 11,173,469 0.254 223,469 223,469 0.738 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.254 446,938 446,938 0.392 670,408 670,408 0.254 1,117,347 1,117,347 0.254 31,732,651 31,732,651

116 31. (b) (i) 2 12,737,755 12,737,755 0.191 9,609,183 9,609,183 0.513 7,151,020 7,151,020 0.479 5,810,204 5,810,204 0.477 3,575,510 3,575,510 0.626 5,184,489 5,184,489 0.526 1,264,836 1,264,836 0.443 9,832,653 9,832,653 0. 447 55,165,650 55,165,650 86,898,301 86,898,301 0.402 0.402

117 31. (b) (a) (b) 3.5 (c) 5 (d) (e) 763,000411,000 102,068,301 102,068,301255,171 36,453,717

118 31. (c) Richard Andrew Connell 2.0 10,800,000 43,200,0000.50 0.333 0.275 30,000,000 0.184 (i) (i) Richard Andrew Connell 64,811,682 64,811,682 0.333 44,928,005 44,928,005 0.184 (i)

119 31. (c) (i) Richard Andrew Connell 64,811,682 64,811,682 0.333 44,928,005 44,928,005 0.184 (i) (ii) (a) 25% (b) 50% (c) 75% (a) 5,000,000 10,000,000

120 31. (c) (b) 10,000,000 10,000,000 (c) 15,000,000 10,000,000 (a) (b) 3.5 (c) 2 4 (d) (e) 109,739,687 109,739,687 1,215,000 3,347,000 109,739,687 109,739,687274,239 29,574,694

121 32. 3536 (a) (i)59,873,000 (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (b) 10%50%

122 32. 31 31 29 68,768 31,713 221,354 3,933 28,609 (205,401) 148,976 (20,680) (20,680) (i) 48,809 48,809 3,347 3,347 411 411 117,577 31,713 221,765 7,280 28,609 (226,081) 180,863 117,577 31,713 221,765 7,280 28,609 (226,081) 180,863 (82,127) (82,127) 1,215 1,215 763 763 117,577 31,713 222,528 8,495 28,609 (308,208) 100,714 33,184,00020,680,000 (i) 0.10 505,945,99850,595,000521,000

123 33. 50% (i) Forrex (Holding) Inc.ForrexGrand Creation Investments LimitedGrand Creation EIHIGrand Creation ForrexGrand CreationForrexEIHI 50% EIHI EIHI 28,805 585,271 15,420 11,795 7,243 754 568 (19,733) (76,999) (150,153) 402,971 (251,082) 151,889 EIHI 151,889 568 568 EIHI 50%463,000

124 34. (a) 583 583 2,239 2,239 8,426 8,426 10,665 583 11,248 67,095 67,095 2,535 2,535 96,148 24,393 120,541 11,549 11,549 96,148 105,572 201,720

125 34. (a) 1,771 1,771 5,759 5,759 36,728 36,728 11,260 11,260 53,747 1,771 55,518 85,564 22,062 107,626 3,988 3,988 85,564 26,050 111,614

126 34. (a) 2,461 2,461 821 821 24,658 24,658 32,045 32,045 57,524 2,461 59,985 76,131 28,848 104,979 2,755 2,755 76,131 31,603 107,734

127 34. (b) 583 583 100 100 949 949 1,049 583 1,632 25,000 25,000 96,148 24,393 120,541 480 480 96,148 49,873 146,021

128 34. (b) 1,771 1,771 1 1 691 691 692 1,771 2,463 85,564 22,062 107,626 52 52 2,376 2,376 85,564 24,490 110,054

129 35. 2,297 3,734 1,576 450 3,873 4,184 450,0001,350,000 36.

130 37. 17 22 26 28 975 666 12 300 300 3,151 45 923 37 923 900 (a) 6,398 6,063 763 7,161 6,063

131 37. (b) 36,728,000 22 26 28 38. 50,000,000 12%

132 39,427 9,732 7,423 66,099 49,108 (130,332) (45,327) (182,474) (62,090) (9,840) 490,873 285,507 265,805 345,399 27,268 (302,871) (126,630) (115,700) (173,639) (18,049) 188,002 158,877 150,105 171,760 9,219 (i) 30 32 33 (ii) (iii)