Duddell s at St. Thomas Church - A History... The first church building was part of the original St. Thomas Hospital and became a parish around

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Duddell s at St. Thomas Church - A History... The first church building was part of the original St. Thomas Hospital and became a parish around 1496. It was named after Thomas Becket whose cult pilgrimage to Canterbury began at London Bridge. The church was renamed St. Thomas the Apostle following the abolition of the Becket cult in 1538 during the Reformation. The present church was built to designs by Thomas Cartwright in 1703. In 1821 the Old Operating Theatre was built in the garret of the church where this scientific facility is still today housed as the oldest surviving operating theatre in England. Its use as a church became redundant in 1899 and the parish merged with St. Saviour s which became Southwark Cathedral in 1905; St. Thomas Church then served as the Chapter House for the cathedral. Permission to use St. Thomas Church as a restaurant was granted to Duddell s in 2016. Award-winning London-based architects Michaelis Boyd were commissioned to restore the interiors of the building, one of the finest examples of Queen Ann architecture. Their design for Duddell s London was inspired by the traditional 1960 s Hong Kong tea restaurant, making use of colour and pattern to create a retro space with a contemporary twist, while respecting the traditional architecture and fabric of the listed building. The original Duddell s was founded in Hong Kong in 2013 and was soon celebrated for its unique restaurant and arts space concept. Duddell s London opened its doors in November 2017. As with its Michelin-starred Hong Kong counterpart, Duddell s London showcases authentic Cantonese cuisine and hand-crafted dim sum, using only the freshest, high quality ingredients.

廚師推介 CHEF S RECOMMENDATIONS 都爹利會館北京鴨 Duddell s Peking duck (served with 8 types of condiments) 每日制作分量有限 Limited portions daily 72 whole / 38 half 二食 ( 任擇其一 ) 2nd Course (choose one) 松露醬炒 Truffle sauce 干邑黑椒爆炒 Black pepper Martell 薑蔥爆炒 Ginger & spring onion 使用傳統廣式香料, 炮製本菜式需時超過四十八小時 鴨子醃至入味後, 仔細風乾, 使其皮肉分離, 得出香脆細膩 溶於口中的美味鴨皮 烤鴨佐以八款不同配料, 包括茴香砂糖 陳皮芝麻醬 酒香白豆醬 柚子 菠蘿 青瓜和香蔥, 客人可按個人喜好自行組合不同口感和味道 Using classic Cantonese spices, this renowned dish takes over 48 hours to bring to fruition. In order to separate skin from flesh, the duck is air dried resulting in delicate, crunchy skin that melts in the mouth. Served with eight types of condiments, the eater is allowed to playfully create their own combination of texture and taste. Think fennel sugar, aged mandarin and sesame dressings, white wine bean sauce, pomelo, pineapple, cucumber and spring onion. 松茸螺頭燉雞湯 Double-boiled matsutake soup with sea whelk, chicken and baby cabbage 16 燉湯是粵菜中的寵兒, 它的營養價值及帶來的暖意, 是其大受歡迎的原因 湯品看似簡單, 但卻包含了不少功夫, 甘香味美 我們先以雞肉 豬肉及巴馬火腿熬成上湯, 然後加入松茸 螺頭及菜膽燉煮 Double boiled soups are popular in Cantonese cooking both for their taste and medicinal properties. Seemingly simple, but overtly rich and fragrant, a supreme broth is first made with chicken, pork and parma ham. It is then reduced before the addition of matsutake mushroom, sea whelk and baby cabbage. 廣東點心三部曲 Cantonese dim sum symphony 16 點心是廣東菜中適合互相分享的小點, 蒸點 炸點 烤點俱備, 和中國茶同享, 甚佳 大廚 Daren Liew 特別挑選三款不同點心放在一起, 包括鮮蝦金魚餃 帝皇蟹餃和鮮蝦帶子餃 Dim sum is a Cantonese tradition featuring delicate sharing plates comprised of steamed, fried or baked dumplings, typically enjoyed with Chinese tea. Chef Daren has selected the finest dumplings for his Dim Sum Symphony: gold fish shaped prawn dumpling, jade-leaf king crab dumpling and scallop & prawn dumpling. 紅酒安格斯炆牛 Smoked black Angus ribs with red wine soy and baby peach 22 來自美國的安格斯牛肋肉, 以傳統粵菜常用的小荳蔻 八角及蔗糖煙燻, 然後以香濃的豉油紅酒汁炆煮, 並加入日本蜜桃, 帶來絲絲甜意 Short ribs of black Angus beef, sourced from US pasture, are smoked using a traditional Cantonese seasoning of cardamom, star anise & brown cane sugar. They are then braised in a rich concoction of red wine and superior Cantonese soy sauce, before paired with baby peaches from Japan.

蜜汁豆豉巴克夏叉燒 Honey glazed char siu with soy beans 26 叉燒是粵菜中的招牌菜式, 是餐牌上的熱賣常客 我們使用高級的英國巴克夏豬肉, 其肉質鬆軟, 肉味濃郁 叉燒外層塗上高山蜜糖, 慢烤至焦糖化及微焦 Barbecued pork occupies an iconic place in Cantonese cooking and an esteemed place on any menu. Using Berkshire pork of the highest quality, the flavour is already strong, and meat is tender. Glazed in high mountain honey, it is slowly roasted until the right amount of charring and caramelisation occurs. 慢煮豉油雞 ( 限量 ) Cantonese soya chicken (limited portions) 26 豉油雞是粵菜眾多雞肉菜式中的經典 大廚 Daren 採用法國的布雷斯雞, 再以上等豉油 丁香 八角 月桂葉等材料慢煮雞隻, 帶出布雷斯雞的天然鮮甜味道 豉油雞最後以香片茶葉煙燻, 增添風味 A classic Cantonese dish featuring the famed Poulet de Bresse chicken from France, chosen by chef Daren for the sweetness found in the flesh, one that is only intensified after being slowly poached in a master stock of supreme soya sauce, clove, star anise, clove and bay leaf. The soya chicken is then smoked with jasmine tea leaf to add another flavour dimension. 富貴鹽香雞 Crispy salted chicken 23 雞在廣東菜佔有非常重要的一席位 我們選用來自法國里昂的布雷斯雞, 以傳統方式養飼, 不使用激素或抗生素 雞隻先以加入巴馬火腿 日本瑤柱及蝦米等熬成的上湯浸泡, 再風乾十二小時, 令雞肉香嫩多汁 雞肉最後以滾油炸至雞皮香脆, 享用時蘸上少許淮鹽, 最為美味 The humble chicken holds an esteemed place in Cantonese cooking. We use Poulet de Bresse chicken from Lyon, a breed raised with old-world care and without hormones or antibiotics. These chickens are bathed in a hot broth with Parma ham, Japanese dried scallop and dried shrimp before being air dried for hours. This makes the chicken supremely juicy and tender. Finished in hot oil, the skin is crisp, making it perfect for dipping in an addictive mixture of salt and spice. 鴛鴦柚子蝦 Yin Yang prawn crispy prawn with citrus dressing 16 我們的鴛鴦蝦正好表現了道家陰陽兩極相輔相成的思想 燙熱的炸蝦, 搭配下火的青檸葉柚子醬, 二者一拍即合, 成為倫敦都爹利會館的一道美味前菜 Our Yin Yang prawns demonstrate how seemingly opposite forces can, in fact, complement one another a guiding Taoist principle. The hot crunch of fried prawns is offset by a cooling yuzu-lime leaf sauce. It is a superbly balanced appetiser to introduce the palate to Duddell s.

廚師推介 CHEF S RECOMMENDATIONS 黑松雜菌香醋焗鱈魚 Truffle roasted black cod with lily bulb and Nameko mushroom in Chinese aged vinegar 36 這是經典粵菜的現代變奏, 採用銀鱈魚, 取其奶油般香滑幼嫩的高雅口感 菜式特別為倫敦都爹利會館而創, 大廚加入帶果仁味道的百合和滑子菇, 巧妙突顯黑松露的味道 Using black cod, a fish beloved in Cantonese cooking for its intensely rich, buttery flavour, this dish is a contemporary take on a classic. Created especially for Duddell s London, Chef Daren employs the use of lily bulbs, a nutty Chinese vegetable and Nameko mushroom, to heighten the presence of the truffles. 香煎脆米法國多寶魚 Wok-fried French turbot with Chanterelle mushroom and garlic 31 這一道菜展現了新鮮食材及精巧調味在粵菜的重要性 我們使用野生法國多寶魚, 魚肉滑溜甘香 大廚起鑊快炒魚肉, 放在雞油菇上, 再灑上脆米通及香蒜, 既美觀又美味 A combination that showcases the integral place fresh produce and refined seasoning occupies in Cantonese cooking. French turbot has been sourced for both its smooth texture and clean flesh. Quickly work fried and finished on a bed of Chanterelle mushrooms and asparagus. 都爹利龍蝦燴麵 Duddell s supreme lobster noodle 48 上湯龍蝦燴麵是高級粵菜的明星菜式 龍蝦在中國文化中, 被視為宴客必備的高級食材, 常在節慶等重要日子的餐桌佔一席位 本菜式選用加拿大龍蝦, 上湯則以老雞 烤鴨骨 紅蘿蔔及薑烹煮四小時而成 龍蝦先以上湯燴煮, 再加入羊棲菜 百合及薑蔥爆炒 燴麵使用新鮮蛋麵, 以龍蝦上湯烹煮入味, 最後鋪上龍蝦, 鮮甜無比 This dish sits at the pinnacle of Cantonese fine-dining. In many Chinese cultures, the highly prized lobster, sourced from the waters of Canada, is best saved for special celebratory occasions. Braised with golden supreme stock which is cooked for 4 hours, this dish is then stir-fried with hijiki seaweed, lily bulb, ginger and spring onion. 金瑤智利鮑魚燴飯 Abalone rice with shimeji mushroom and asparagus 34 海鮮是廣東菜愛用的食材, 而鮑魚是其中尊貴之選 本菜式採用的鮑魚來自純淨 不受污染的智利海岸, 先以雞肉及豬骨熬成的上湯煨煮八小時, 再加入黃耳 靈芝菇和露筍 Seafood is seen as a great delicacy in Cantonese cuisine, with abalone a royal example. Abalone, fished from the clean and unpolluted coastline of Chile, is simmered in a rich golden chicken and pork broth for 8 hours before finished with yellow fungus, shimeji mushroom and asparagus.

前菜 APPETISERS 香脆琵琶龍蝦伴豐水雪梨辣味沙律 Slipper lobster salad with Hosui pear and chilli cress 風沙軟殼蟹 Spicy almond soft shell crab 椒鹽炸菇鮮魷 Salt and pepper squid with Hon Shimeji mushroom 香煎雞鍋貼 Pan-fried chicken dumpling 和牛金盞 Wagyu beef in crispy cup 鵝肝牛肉多士 Foie gras beef on toast X.O. 醬牛𦟌伴海草沙律 X.O. beef shin with sea vegetables 烤鴨春卷 Roasted duck spring roll 陳皮香鴨沙律 Aged mandarin duck salad 香炸松露春卷 Truffle spring roll (v) 牛肝菌蒜心素雞 Vegetarian chicken with garlic shoot in porcini sauce (v) 20 14 8 14 8 18 8 8

湯 SOUP 鮮蝦酸辣湯 Hot and sour soup with prawn 芥蘭鮑魚雞絲羹 Abalone broth with chicken and kale 帝皇蟹肉粟米羹 King crab sweet corn soup with asparagus 上素酸辣湯 Vegetarian hot and sour soup (v) 8 14 7

海鮮 SEAFOOD 黑蒜豆瓣醬炒琵琶龍蝦 Slipper lobster with black garlic and organic basil in chilli bean sauce 烏魚子艷紅辣子蝦 Prawn with bottarga chilli sauce 香辣薄荷蝦 Spicy mint prawn 金絲香菇清炒鮟鱇魚 Monk fish with morel mushroom, garlic shoot and crispy dough 豆豉爆鮟鱇炒魚 Wok-fried monk fish fillet in black bean sauce 巴馬火腿松茸多寶魚 Steamed turbot with matsutake mushroom, serrano ham and supreme broth X.O. 醬山藥菇菌海鮮煲 X.O. seafood pot with luffa melon, morel mushroom and wild yam 38 26 26 28 28 31 30

肉類, 家禽 MEAT & POULTRY 乾蔥香煎澳洲和牛 Australian Wagyu beef in supreme soy and spring onion X.O. 醬京蔥爆牛柳條 Sautéed beef tenderloin in X.O. sauce 干邑黑椒爆牛肉 Martell black pepper beef 石榴麻香雞 Roasted pomegranate chicken 砵酒雞煲 Toban port wine chicken 港式燒鴨 Cantonese roasted duck with natural jus 生煎麻香羊柳 Rhug Estate lamb with shishito pepper and eryngii mushroom 橙酒甜酸咕嚕肉 Sweet and sour Cointreau Berkshire pork 48 30 24 26 21 28 24 19

蔬菜 VEGETABLES 和牛香菇麻婆豆腐 Mapo tofu with Wagyu beef, shiitake mushroom and scallions 香雞肉碎魚香芥蘭 Stir-fried kai lan with minced chicken in spicy shrimp sauce 松露野菇炒露筍 Sautéed asparagus, wild mushroom in black truffle sauce (v) 上湯珍菌燴豆腐 Braised bean curd with morel mushroom in supreme stock (vegetarian option available) 蒜炒白菜 Stir-fried baby pak choi in garlic (v) 黑椒素雞 Black pepper vegetarian chicken (v) 16 13 15 9 13

飯, 麵 RICE & NOODLES 港式海鮮炒米 Seafood vermicelli, Cantonese-style 豉油皇炒麵 Cantonese soya noodle 松露帶子蛋白炒飯 Truffle and scallop egg white fried rice 金瓜欖菜鮮菇炒飯 Pumpkin and shiitake mushroom vegetable rice (v) 香蔥蛋炒飯 Egg fried rice and spring onion 茉莉香飯 Steamed jasmine rice (v) 10 14 9 5 4