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420 Power Yoga 練 420~432 年 CHIA-NAN ANNUAL BULLETIN VOL. 31, PP. 420 432, 2005 Power Yoga 練 鶴 理 理 摘 要 年 力 不良 不 力 來 年來 (core strengthening) 療 流 來 力 度 降 說 power yoga 練 141 練 不 power yoga 練 power yoga 練 了 力 數 度 狀 數降 率降 異 (p<.05) power yoga 數 數 數 練 異 power yoga 兩 數 (p<.05) 率 (p<.05) 不 power yoga (p<.05) 療 power yoga 練 來 復 力 行 更 力 數

421 前 言 見 (1998) 兩 肋 不 狀 行 80% 歷 療 力降 不 (Tye & Brown, 1990) 1/3 1/3 狀 1-5 1/3 狀 六 (Deyo & Tsui-Wu, 1987) 說來 異 狀 理 療 84 年 紐 蘭 理 療 (Mckenzie R.A.) 類 不 (postural syndrome) (dysfunction syndrome) (derangement syndrome) Plowman(1992)85% 力 力 降 罹 率 裂 (motor control) 異 不 什 療 80% 4-6 不 (Akuthota & Nadler, 2004) 復 率 60-85%(Valkenburg & Haanen, 1982) 年 力 不良 不 力 2003 來 來 理 不 不 (Twomey & Taylor, 1994) John Hill (2004) 更 念 度 參 療 (Waddell 1987) 年來 (core strengthening) 療 流 來 說 復 理 療 行 (core stability exercise) 練 力 度 降 70% 復 率 yoga 拉 (pilates)(feldenkrais)(somatics) (Akuthota & Nadler, 2004) yoga power yoga 力 練 Power yoga 念 念 陸 2003 Power yoga 流 力 不 練 練 力 流 來 量 力 力 Power yoga 力 連 力 不 更 靈 (Swenson, 2001) power yoga ashtanga

422 Power Yoga 練 力 練來 立 力 力 兩 異 練 不 異 Ashtanga 了 練 不 年 練 參 power yoga 度 更 power yoga 更 年 (Swenson, 2001) Feuerstein(2000) 療 識 (self-awareness) 療 念 理 念 (somatic or psychological dysfunctions) (body awareness) 療 (holistic treatment)(birch, 1995 & 2000) 力 律 見 理 理 療 不 復 率 Power yoga 療 靈 更 力 更 易 力 更 & 2003 劉 1990 (Akuthota & Nadler, 2004)(2003) 力 兩年來 power yoga 力 度 數 power yoga 易見 98% Yoga (Burton Goldberg Group, 1993) Bastille Gill- Body(2004) 復 練 度 (Timed Movement Battery) (Berg Balance Scale) 數 Brikel Edgren(2000) 兩 連 15 hatha yoga 練 量 (vital capacity) Ray (2001) hatha yoga 練兩 力 (aerobic capacity) hatha yoga 量 (maximum oxygen uptake) 了 練 (specific) Tran (2001) 律 hatha yoga 年 度 力 兩 連 8 練 力 30 60 度 度 力 力 力 度 呂 1997 金 1997 2004 Galantino(2004) 良 (modified hatha yoga) 行 兩 連 六 練 (functional measurements)(balance) 度 (flexibility) (disability) (depression) 度 異 Greendale21 年 75(hyperkyphosis) 女 行 兩 連 12 hatha yoga

423 練 練 0.52 度 立 度 48%(postural awareness)58% (physical functioning) 數 power yoga 練 力 理 行 不 練 異 研究方法 理 141 3 60 參 power yoga 練 38 BMI 24 行 14 六 練 43 1. 料 年 數 度 0 不 10 率 數 樓 路 療 2. 量 度 數 力 1. 狀 說 練 流 練 度 力 2. 93 年 3 6 理 律 理 行 3. 練 (1)Power Yoga 練 參 power yoga 練 練 80 練 2-5 不 力 練 1 Power yoga 力 列 2

424 Power Yoga 練 1 Power Yoga 練 5-10 power yoga 練 領 5-8 Power yoga 練 45-60 連串 流 來 行 力 2 5-10 5-10 領 識 靈 5-10 兩 30 度 2 Power yoga 力 參 料來 Stiles M, 2003 降

425 (2) 練 參 練 練 力 練 參 60 練 3 3 練 5-10 量 8-10 30-40 度 率 55%-80% 20-30 度 率 55%-80% 15-20 量 力 練 15-20 度 率 55%-80% 3-5 (3) 練 量 料 理 料 行 錄 SPSS 10.0 for Windows 行 <.05 行 1. 練 數 率 力 度 數 2. 練 t 練 3. 練 異 立 數 異 F (p<.05) (Scheffe) 研究結果 練 數 1 power yoga56% 14 練 降 34% 22% 15.2% power yoga 練 練 數 例 6.2%

426 Power Yoga 練 1 數 2 power yoga 練 40%14 練 降 20% 20% 11.9% 2.5% power yoga 練 兩 利 2 數 3 power yoga 練 8% 療 14 練 降 2% 6% 1.2% power yoga 練 數 例 療 例 2.4% 3 療 數

427 4 power yoga 練 67.8% 6.8% 25.4% 不 4 power yoga 練 數 5 22% 39% 39% 不 power yoga 練 數 5 數 練 t 練 4 power yoga 練 (p<.05) 異 數降 率 數 4 power yoga 練 t 數 (M±SD) (M±SD) t p 數 50 3.96±1.64 1.82±1.70 8.37*.00 率 35 1.83±0.79 0.74±0.70 6.35*.00 58 25.71±7.38 29.79±8.16-7.97*.00 (cm) 59 36.17±8.01 39.39±7.88-7.01*.00 p<.05

428 Power Yoga 練 5 (p<.05) 異 度 (p<.05) 異 練 5 練 t 數 (M±SD) (M±SD) t p 數 42 2.47±2.40 2.48±2.47-0.03 0.97 率 31 0.96±0.20 0.94±0.19 0.19 0.85 40 29.48±7.55 30.8±8.56-2.01 0.051 (cm) 40 34.80±6.46 33.08±7.23 3.07* 0.004 p<.05 6 數 降 率 (p<.05) 異 力 度 (p<.05) 力 練 力 度 6 練 t 數 (M±SD) (M±SD) t p 數 10 5.20±1.87 3.90±2.51 1.49 0.17 率 7 2.57±0.79 1.71±0.95 1.44 0.20 17 29.06±8.07 33.88±8.75-4.86* 0.00 (cm) 17 28.85±9.70 35.32±8.12-4.26* 0.001 p<.05 料 練 數 率 power yoga power yoga 練 異 立 數 練 異 7 14 不 練 異 (Scheffe) 數 (F=6.86) 異 (p<.05) power yoga 數 Power yoga 練 率 (F=3.677) 異 (p<.05) power yoga 率 數 (F=6.42) 異 (p<.05) power yoga(f=24.73) 異 (p<.05) power yoga

429 7 練 異 數 率 (cm) Power yoga (mean±sd) (mean±sd) (mean±sd) 3.96±1.64 2.47±2.40 5.20±1.87 1.82±1.70 2.48±2.47 3.90±2.51 1.83±0.79 0.96±0.20 2.57±0.79 0.74±0.70 0.94±0.19 1.71±0.95 25.71±7.38 29.48±7.55 29.06±8.07 29.79±8.16 30.80±8.56 33.88±8.75 36.17±8.01 34.80±6.46 28.85±9.70 39.39±7.88 33.08±7.23 35.32±8.12 p<.05 1 power yoga 2 3 P 0.002* 1<2 1<3 0.03* 1<2 0.002* 1>2 3>2 0.00* 1>2 3>2 討 論 Power yoga 練 不 (elongation) 不良 不 更 串聯 power yoga 練 了 力 數 度 狀 數降 率降 異 (p<.05) Luskin & Newell(2000) (asanas) 練 Ananthanarayanan & Srinivasan (1994) 行復 練 69% 度 (mobility)power yoga 數 數 兩 練 力 度 (p<.05) 數 率 異 數 power yoga 不 power yoga 兩 數 (p<.05) 異 率 (p<.05) 不 power yoga (p<.05) 了 練 不 練 power yoga 良 了 (2003)

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432 CHIA-NAN ANNUAL BULLETIN VOL. 31, PP. 420 432, 2005 Power Yoga 練 ABSTRACT The Influence of Power Yoga Training in University Students with Low Back Pain Ching-Ju Huang and Pi-Hao Chu Department of Recreation and Health Care Management, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan, Taiwan 71710, R.O.C. ABSTRACT University students often complain about low back pain because of poor postures and using muscles improperly. Core strengthening such as yoga has already been considered as the major trend for treating back pain in recent years. This kind of exercise decreases back pain by improving motor control of central muscles, stability of spine, muscle strength, and flexibility. This study was designed to investigate the improvements of low back pain in university students. One hundred and forty one subjects were divided into 3 groups: power yoga group weight control group and control group according to different training programs. After 14 weeks training programs, the significant improvements were found in subjects of power yoga group, including: perceived pain scale pain frequency abdominal muscles endurance, and trunk flexibility. Besides, the influence of daily life and the quality of sleep because of low back pain both decreased in percentage of people in power yoga group. In weight control group, abdominal muscles endurance and trunk flexibility were only significantly improved. Comparing the results after training with different groups, significant results were found in: 1. more improvements of perceived pain in power yoga group comparing with that in other two groups. 2. less pain frequency in power yoga group comparing with that in weight control group. Both yoga group and weight control group showed greater results in abdominal muscles endurance and trunk flexibility comparing with those in control group. Power yoga training program could be suggested as a exercise prescription for back pain suffers to improve their back pain. Further researches should be suggested to investigate the recurrences of low back pain in power yoga group and measure the stability of lumber-pelvic region by pressure biofeedback instruments. Key words: Power Yoga, Low Back Pain, Perceived Pain Scale