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625,793,297 XV352 429,950,088 12 429,950,088 68.70% 133,100 4 20,000 34 153,100 0.024% 10,000 4 10,000 0.002% 1. Artson Global Limited Artson Thelma Holdings Limited ThelmaThelma429,950,088ThelmaFortune Crest Inc. Fortune Crest Gala Way Company Inc. Gala Way350,722,65679,227,432429,950,088 Tung Holdings (Trustee) Inc. THTI 2. Fortune CrestGala WayFortune CrestGala Way 350,722,65679,227,432 3. 20,000 4. (a) XV78 (b)352(c) XV2 3 9

XV23 336 Artson Global Limited* 429,950,088 1 Hanberry Global Limited # 429,950,088 2 Thelma Holdings Limited* 429,950,088 3 429,975,319 4 Archmore Investment Limited* 429,950,088 5 Edgemont Holdings Limited* 429,950,088 6 Javier Global Limited* 429,950,088 7 Bartlock Assets Ltd. # 429,950,088 8 Flowell Development Inc. 429,950,088 9 Izone Capital Limited* 429,950,088 10 Jeference Capital Inc.* 429,950,088 11 Tung Holdings (Trustee) Inc.* 429,950,088 12 Fortune Crest Inc.* 350,722,656 13 & 15 Gala Way Company Inc.* 79,227,432 14 & 15 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 68.70% 56.04% 12.66% 1. ArtsonThelma 56.36%ThelmaArtson 2. Hanberry Global Limited Hanberry Thelma 43.64%ThelmaHanberry 3. ThelmaArtsonHanberryFortune CrestGala Way 10

4. HanberryThelmaThelma429,950,088 25,231 5. Archmore Investment Limited Archmore Edgemont Holdings Limited Edgemont ArtsonThelmaThelma429,950,088 6. EdgemontArchmore 7. Javier Global LimitedEdgemont 8. Bartlock Assets Ltd.HanberryThelma Thelma429,950,088 9. Flowell Development Inc.ArtsonThelma Thelma429,950,088 10. Izone Capital LimitedArtsonThelma Thelma429,950,088 11. Jeference Capital Inc.ArtsonThelma Thelma429,950,088 12. THTI 13. Fortune Crest350,722,656 14. Gala Way79,227,432 15. Fortune CrestGala Way * * # # XV23 336 11

13.51B(1) 13.51B(1) 12

Faulkner Global Holdings Limited Shanghai Port Group (BVI) Development Co., Limited 78.67 Fortune Crest Gala Way68.70% 553,985,20788.53% 61,953,5369.90% 13

15 16 17 18 20 21 1. 22 2. 22 3. 26 4. 28 5. 28 6. 29 7. 30 8. 30 9. 30 10. 30 11. 31 12. 31 13. 34 14. 34 15. 35 16. 35 17. 36 18. 36 19. 37 20. 37 21. 38 14

1640 34 34 2410 34 15

5 3,115,056 2,832,496 (2,870,409) (2,592,239) 244,647 240,257 39,944 27,689 50,843 44,055 (267,916) (221,421) (16,980) 16,360 6 50,538 106,940 8 (68,748) (43,114) 1,470 2,046 6,601 7,555 (10,139) 73,427 9 (35,551) (20,290) (45,690) 53,137 12 35,370 469 (10,320) 53,606 (10,320) 53,606 (7.3) 8.5 5.7 0.1 11 (1.6) 8.6 2240 16

(10,320) 53,606 5,296 9,028 (21,360) (16,064) 9,028 4,400 (4,781) 2,462 (1,410) 3,273 (100) (10) (120) (6,411) 10,125 (22,475) 19,153 (32,795) 72,759 (68,165) 72,290 35,370 469 (32,795) 72,759 2240 17

13 5,821,814 6,251,457 13 310,000 270,000 13 7,775 7,972 7,736 10,833 139,868 148,840 13 38,622 49,204 1,407 1,476 7,853 243 59,848 60,414 24,016 45,383 213,589 217,889 169,769 40,863 6,802,297 7,104,574 116,157 102,157 14 623,081 589,936 9,109 2,571 6,007 6,503 17,040 386,700 294,720 15 1,825 9,259 8,637 3,179 3,425 1,526,195 1,940,975 2,682,754 2,964,722 12 453,473 3,136,227 2,964,722 9,938,524 10,069,296 16 62,579 62,579 17 4,573,967 4,619,934 4,636,546 4,682,513 18

19 3,634,320 3,930,025 87,191 65,221 39 38 11,628 3,721,550 4,006,912 18 818,098 740,260 3,677 7,526 19 594,481 624,158 6,903 7,927 1,423,159 1,379,871 12 157,269 1,580,428 1,379,871 5,301,978 5,386,783 9,938,524 10,069,296 2240 19

246,088 238,340 (63,184) (41,739) (35) (9,408) (5,018) 173,461 191,583 47,434 80,711 (131,350) (29,927) (31,171) (34,293) (86,793) 23,150 1,230 (413) (6,343) 492 378 26,697 21,058 9,262 8,175 9,067 12,693 (155,545) 75,602 234,330 (223,740) (311,142) (151,617) (61,601) (375,357) (138,413) (357,441) 128,772 1,940,975 1,625,219 (53,754) (3,905) (1,665) 1,525,875 1,752,326 1,525,875 1,752,326 2240 20

62,579 4,619,934 4,682,513 9 (13,172) (13,172) 62,579 4,606,762 4,669,341 (32,795) (32,795) 62,579 4,573,967 4,636,546 62,579 4,456,707 4,519,286 72,759 72,759 62,579 4,529,466 4,592,045 2240 21

1. Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda2533 Tung Holdings (Trustee) Inc. 5 12 2. 34 (a) 9 15 15 40 22 20142016 15 9 22

2. (b) 9 9 9 9 (i)(a) 45,383 45,383 (i)(b),(ii) 217,617 217,617 (i)(a) 45,383 (45,383) (i)(b) 217,889 (217,889) (ii) 589,936 (12,897) 577,039 (i)(b),(ii) 17,037 17,037 (i)(b) 17,040 (17,040) 10,069,296 (13,172) 10,056,124 4,267,850 (13,172) 4,254,678 4,682,513 (13,172) 4,669,341 4,267,850 (ii) (13,172) 4,254,678 23

2. (b) 9 (i) 9 9 (a) (b) (ii) 9 9 39 16,061 12,897 9 28,958 24

2. 20152017 9 16 23 17 2015201723 91716 16 1616 20(b)12 25

3. 3.1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 48,897 48,897 331,796 331,796 6,007 6,007 24,016 24,016 380,693 6,007 24,016 410,716 1 2 3 35,852 35,852 252,728 252,728 6,140 6,140 1,825 1,825 45,383 45,383 288,580 7,965 45,383 341,928 123 26

3. 3.1 23 3 3 45,383 (1) (6) (21,360) 24,016 32,889 4,400 37,289 3.2 1,519,082 1,807,166 1,517,932 1,805,997 2,115,238 2,122,859 2,063,394 2,095,766 220,092 220,589 234,929 242,672 27

3. 3.2 4. 5. 3,101,854 2,817,890 13,202 14,606 3,115,056 2,832,496 28

6. 15,331 213 10,406 5 5,281 5,688 13,202 14,606 22,590 21,180 92 895 876 896 1,523 27 6,388 6,075 5,696 610 138 349 6 11,926 128,907 14,723 138,156 11,141 68,166 3,445 54,888 3,446 117,231 120,399 2,800 27,843 2,484 26,714 17,064 16,446 7,758 7,439 1,847 576 810 827 1 192 9,500 10,791 5,491 121 108 9,382 29

7. 2,586 2,174 77 76 241 200 2,904 2,450 8. (68,874) (49,379) 126 6,265 (68,748) (43,114) 9. (613) (64) (7,491) (8,957) (8,104) (9,021) 158 (262) (27,605) (11,007) (27,447) (11,269) (35,551) (20,290) 10. 2.14 13,392 2.14 30

11. 625,793 625,793 (45,690) 53,137 (7.3) 8.5 35,370 469 5.7 0.1 12. (a) (i) 62,455 65,637 (9,765) (50,143) 52,690 15,494 213 5 (14,473) (12,870) (570) 27 37,860 2,656 (1,848) (1,917) 36,012 739 (642) (270) 35,370 469 (ii) 22,177 18,882 2,056 (456) (7,786) (7,684) 16,447 10,742 31

12. (b) 370,615 5,155 23,949 53,754 82,858 453,473 (c) 99,739 6,552 11,242 117,533 24,070 15,666 39,736 157,269 32

12. (d) Middle Harbor 304.7 193.0 193.0 (e) 7,863 17,268 33

13. 6,251,457 270,000 7,972 49,204 6,578,633 (743) (76) (819) 39,944 39,944 (2,817) (2,817) 162,952 56 866 163,874 12 (370,615) (370,615) (3,179) (657) (3,836) (215,241) (121) (10,791) (226,153) 5,821,814 310,000 7,775 38,622 6,178,211 6,076,673 220,000 7,818 60,143 6,364,634 1,044 146 1,190 27,689 27,689 307,516 2,311 2,486 312,313 (1,926) (1,926) (207,631) (108) (5,491) (213,230) 6,175,676 250,000 7,856 57,138 6,490,670 14. 393,136 399,673 (24,962) (16,061) 368,174 383,612 94,835 86,291 147,450 107,756 12,622 12,277 623,081 589,936 34

14. 1030 331,885 344,374 21,665 27,608 6,969 7,523 7,655 4,107 368,174 383,612 15. 1,825 16. 900,000,0000.10 90,000 90,000 65,000,0001 65,000 65,000 50,000,0001 50,000 50,000 205,000 205,000 625,793,297625,793,2970.10 62,579 62,579 35

17. 172,457 88,547 4,696 43,344 43,040 4,267,850 4,619,934 9 (13,172) (13,172) 172,457 88,547 4,696 43,344 43,040 4,254,678 4,606,762 (21,360) (6,411) (5,024) (32,795) 172,457 88,547 4,696 21,984 36,629 4,249,654 4,573,967 172,457 88,547 4,696 30,852 27,079 4,133,076 4,456,707 4,400 5,725 62,634 72,759 172,457 88,547 4,696 35,252 32,804 4,195,710 4,529,466 8,092 10,236 85,528 103,856 (13,388) (13,388) 172,457 88,547 4,696 43,344 43,040 4,267,850 4,619,934 18. 203,610 179,189 140,077 113,216 453,917 420,654 20,494 27,201 818,098 740,260 103,988 138,973 88,905 32,483 5,687 1,309 5,030 6,424 203,610 179,189 36

19. 1,266,357 1,531,192 252,725 275,974 2,115,238 2,122,859 3,634,320 3,930,025 257,135 256,258 46,498 33,998 290,848 333,902 594,481 624,158 4,228,801 4,554,183 20. (a) 300,688 267,148 (b) 174,227 34,711 208,938 69,813 29,252 99,065 62,448 17,524 79,972 32,568 11,375 43,943 6,848 9,472 16,320 1,242 14,525 15,767 347,146 116,859 464,005 145,501 32,294 177,795 75,240 29,604 104,844 67,999 19,162 87,161 46,791 11,630 58,421 19,295 8,210 27,505 8,920 19,381 28,301 363,746 120,281 484,027 37

21. 3,101,854 13,438 (236) 3,115,056 170,105 (107,650) 62,455 3,177,511 (11,152) 61,690 50,538 37,860 37,860 88,398 (68,748) (68,748) (1,848) (1,848) (70,596) 1,470 1,470 1,470 6,601 6,601 6,601 (71,829) 61,690 (10,139) 36,012-36,012 25,873 (5,342) (30,209) - (35,551) (642) - (642) (36,193) (77,171) 31,481 - (45,690) 35,370-35,370 (10,320) 162,657 56-162,713 1,161-1,161 163,874 197,073 - - 197,073 18,168-18,168 215,241 10,912 - - 10,912 - - - 10,912 2,817,890 14,835 (229) 2,832,496 144,707 (79,070) 65,637 2,898,133 19,120 87,820 106,940 2,656 2,656 109,596 (43,114) (43,114) (1,917) (1,917) (45,031) 2,046 2,046 2,046 7,555 7,555 7,555 (14,393) 87,820 73,427 739 739 74,166 (7,016) (13,274) (20,290) (270) (270) (20,560) (21,409) 74,546 53,137 469 469 53,606 309,476 2,311 311,787 526 526 312,313 193,044 193,044 14,587 14,587 207,631 5,599 5,599 5,599 38

21. 7,175,457 2,150,310 9,325,767 10,307 10,307 148,977 148,977 7,334,741 2,150,310 9,485,051 12 453,473 453,473 7,788,214 2,150,310 9,938,524 (5,037,236) (107,473) (5,144,709) 12 (157,269) (157,269) (5,194,505) (107,473) (5,301,978) 7,404,001 2,499,615 9,903,616 16,840 16,840 148,840 148,840 7,569,681 2,499,615 10,069,296 (5,320,815) (65,968) (5,386,783) 39

21. 2,251,962 5,366 337,811 20,265 447,702 244 77,581 37 * 136,801 3,115,056 162,713 62,455 1,161 3,177,511 163,874 2,014,511 2,707 341,685 43,418 395,545 162 80,755 * 265,500 2,832,496 311,787 65,637 526 2,898,133 312,313 * 40