第 1 頁共 7 頁 100 年學測英文考科 第壹部分 : 單選題 ( 占 7 2 分 ) 一 詞彙 ( 占 1 5 分 ) 說明..第 1 題至第 15 題, 每題 4 個選項, 其中只有一個是最適當的答案, 畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對得 1 分 ; 未作答 答錯 或畫記多於一個選項者

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1 大學入學考試中心 100 學年度學科能力測驗試題 英文考科 - 作答注意事項 - 考試時間 :100 分鐘題型題數 : 第壹部分 單選題共 56 題 第貳部分 非選擇題共 2 大題 作答方式 : 選擇題用 2B 鉛筆在 答案卡 上作答, 修正 時應以橡皮擦拭, 切勿使用修正液 ( 帶 ) 非選擇題請在 答案卷 上作答, 務必使用筆 尖較粗之黑色墨水的筆書寫, 且不得使用鉛 筆 更正時, 可以使用修正液 ( 帶 ) 祝考試順利

2 第 1 頁共 7 頁 100 年學測英文考科 第壹部分 : 單選題 ( 占 7 2 分 ) 一 詞彙 ( 占 1 5 分 ) 說明..第 1 題至第 15 題, 每題 4 個選項, 其中只有一個是最適當的答案, 畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對得 1 分 ; 未作答 答錯 或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 1. All the new students were given one minute to introduce themselves to the whole class. (A) briefly (B) famously (C) gradually (D) obviously 2. His dark brown jacket had holes in the elbows and had to light brown, but he continued to wear it. (A) cycled (B) faded (C) loosened (D) divided 3. Everyone in our company enjoys working with Jason. He s got all the qualities that make a partner. (A) desirable (B) comfortable (C) frequent (D) hostile 4. Eyes are sensitive to light. Looking at the sun could damage our eyes. (A) hardly (B) specially (C) totally (D) directly 5. We were forced to our plan for the weekend picnic because of the bad weather. (A) maintain (B) record (C) propose (D) cancel 6. Three people are running for mayor. All three seem confident that they will be elected, but we won t know until the outcome of the election is announced. (A) particles (B) receivers (C) candidates (D) containers 7. If you a traffic law, such as drinking and driving, you may not drive for some time. (A) destroy (B) violate (C) attack (D) invade 8. Applying to college means sending in applications, writing study plans, and so on. It s a long, and it makes students nervous. (A) errand (B) operation (C) process (D) display 9. Dr. Chu s speech on the new energy source attracted great from the audience at the conference. (A) attention (B) fortune (C) solution (D) influence 10. Everyone in the office must attend the meeting tomorrow. There are no allowed. (A) exceptions (B) additions (C) divisions (D) measures 11. To make fresh lemonade, cut the lemon in half, the juice into a bowl, and then add as much water and sugar as you like. (A) decrease (B) squeeze (C) freeze (D) cease 12. Buddhism is the religion in Thailand, with 90% of the total population identified as Buddhists. (A) racial (B) competitive (C) modest (D) dominant 13. When I open a book, I look first at the table of to get a general idea of the book and to see which chapters I might be interested in reading. (A) contracts (B) contents (C) contests (D) contacts 14. The children were so to see the clown appear on stage that they laughed, screamed, and clapped their hands happily. (A) admirable (B) fearful (C) delighted (D) intense 15. Typhoon Maggie brought to I-lan County a huge amount of rainfall, much greater than the rainfall of the season in the area. (A) average (B) considerate (C) promising (D) enjoyable - 1 -

3 100 年學測 第 2 頁 英文考科 共 7 頁 二 綜合測驗 ( 占 1 5 分 ) 說明..第 16 題至第 30 題, 每題一個空格, 請依文意選出最適當的一個答案, 畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對得 1 分 ; 未作答 答錯 或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 When it comes to Egypt, people think of pyramids and mummies, both of which are closely related to Egyptian religious beliefs. The ancient Egyptians believed firmly in life 16 death. When a person died, his or her soul was thought to travel to an underworld, where it 17 a series of judgments before it could progress to a better life in the next world. For the soul to travel smoothly, the body had to 18 unharmed. Thus, they learned how to preserve the body by drying it out, oiling and then 19 the body in linen, before placing it in the coffin. Egyptians also built pyramids as 20 for their kings, or pharaohs. The pyramid housed the pharaoh s body together with priceless treasure, which would accompany him into the next world. 16. (A) for (B) by (C) after (D) into 17. (A) went through (B) made up (C) changed into (D) turned out 18. (A) remain (B) remind (C) repair (D) replace 19. (A) wrapped (B) wrapping (C) to wrap (D) being wrapped 20. (A) galleries (B) landmarks (C) companies (D) tombs On March 23, 1999, the musical MAMMA MIA! made its first public appearance in London. It 21 the kind of welcome it has been getting ever since. The audience went wild. They were literally out of their seats and singing and dancing in the aisles. MAMMA MIA! has become a 22 entertainment phenomenon. More than 30 million people all over the world have fallen in love with the characters, the story and the music. The musical has been performed in more than nine languages, with more productions than any 23 musical. Its worldwide popularity is mainly due to its theme music, which showcases ABBA s timeless songs in a fresh and vital way 24 retains the essence of both pop music and good musical theater. It has 25 so many people that a film version was also made. To no one s surprise, it has enjoyed similar popularity. 21. (A) is given (B) was given (C) has given (D) had given 22. (A) worthy (B) global (C) sticky (D) physical 23. (A) one (B) thing (C) other (D) else 24. (A) how (B) what (C) where (D) that 25. (A) appealed to (B) presented with (C) resulted in (D) brought about Which is more valuable? Water or diamonds? Water is more useful to mankind than diamonds, and yet 26 are costlier. Why? Called the diamond-water paradox, this is a classic problem posed to students of economics. The answer has to do with supply and demand. Being a rare natural resource, diamonds are 27 in supply. However, their demand is high because many people buy them to tell the world that they have money, 28 as conspicuous consumption in economics. In other words, the scarcity of goods is 29 causes humans to attribute value. If we 30 surrounded by an unending abundance of diamonds, we probably wouldn t value them very much. Hence, diamonds carry a higher monetary value than water, even though we find more use for water. 26. (A) the above (B) the former (C) the following (D) the latter 27. (A) traded (B) weakened (C) limited (D) noticed 28. (A) term (B) termed (C) terms (D) was termed 29. (A) what (B) which (C) why (D) how 30. (A) be (B) being (C) to be (D) were - 2 -

4 第 3 頁共 7 頁 100 年學測英文考科 三 文意選填 ( 占 1 0 分 ) 說明 : 第 31 題至第 40 題, 每題一個空格, 請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者, 並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對得 1 分 ; 未作答 答錯 或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 Popcorn is one of the snacks that rarely fail to make watching a movie more fun. However, the modern way of preparing this 31 snack may carry an unhappy secret. Research by the U.S. government now reports that microwave popcorn may contain substances that can cause health 32. Researchers found that commercial popcorn companies often coat their microwave popcorn bags with a 33 called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which has been found to cause both cancer and lung disease in laboratory animals. Making matters worse, the artificial butter substitute that generally 34 with microwavable popcorn contains a common food-flavoring substance. This substance, according to health scientists, is 35 for some serious lung diseases. For an easy and 36 alternative, nutritionists suggest that we pop our own popcorn. All that is 37 is a large, high pot, about four tablespoons of vegetable oil and a small handful of organic popcorn kernels. When the kernels start 38, shake the pot to let the steam escape and to let the unpopped kernels fall to the bottom. As soon as the popping slows down, 39 the pot from the stove. Then pour the popcorn into a bowl and season with a small 40 of real butter or olive oil and natural salt. And the healthy and fun snack is ready to serve. (A) chemical (B) amount (C) popping (D) popular (E) comes (F) healthy (G) needed (H) responsible (I) remove (J) problems 四 閱讀測驗 ( 占 3 2 分 ) 說明..第 41 題至第 56 題, 每題 4 個選項, 請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個答案, 畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對得 2 分 ; 未作答 答錯 或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 為題組 There is a long-held belief that when meeting someone, the more eye contact we have with the person, the better. The result is an unfortunate tendency for people making initial contact in a job interview, for example to stare fixedly at the other individual. However, this behavior is likely to make the interviewer feel very uncomfortable. Most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting a few seconds. But eye contact which persists longer than that can make us nervous. Another widely accepted belief is that powerful people in a society often men show their dominance over others by touching them in a variety of ways. In fact, research shows that in almost all cases, lower-status people initiate touch. Women also initiate touch more often than men do. The belief that rapid speech and lying go together is also widespread and enduring. We react strongly and suspiciously to fast talk. However, the opposite is a greater cause for suspicion. Speech that is slow, because it is laced with pauses or errors, is a more reliable indicator of lying than the opposite. 41. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? (A) Rapid speech without mistakes is a reliable sign of intelligence. (B) Women often play a more dominant role than men in a community. (C) Speaking slowly is more often a sign of lying than speaking quickly. (D) Touching tends to be initiated first by people of higher social positions.

5 100 年學測 第 4 頁 英文考科 共 7 頁 42. What is true about fixing your eyes on a person when you first meet him/her? (A) Fixing your eyes on the person will make him/her feel at ease. (B) It is more polite to fix your eyes on him/her as long as you can. (C) Most people feel uneasy to have eye contact for over a few seconds. (D) It doesn t make a difference whether you fix your eyes on him/her or not. 43. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage? (A) Facial expressions. (B) Physical contact. (C) Rate of speech. (D) Eye contact. 44. What is the main idea of the passage? (A) People have an instinct for interpreting non-verbal communication. (B) We should not judge the intention of a person by his body language. (C) A good knowledge of body language is essential for successful communication. (D) Common beliefs about verbal and non-verbal communication are not always correct 為題組 It is easy for us to tell our friends from our enemies. But can other animals do the same? Elephants can! They can use their sense of vision and smell to tell the difference between people who pose a threat and those who do not. In Kenya, researchers found that elephants react differently to clothing worn by men of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups. Young Maasai men spear animals and thus pose a threat to elephants; Kamba men are mainly farmers and are not a danger to elephants. In an experiment conducted by animal scientists, elephants were first presented with clean clothing or clothing that had been worn for five days by either a Maasai or a Kamba man. When the elephants detected the smell of clothing worn by a Maasai man, they moved away from the smell faster and took longer to relax than when they detected the smells of either clothing worn by Kamba men or clothing that had not been worn at all. Garment color also plays a role, though in a different way. In the same study, when the elephants saw red clothing not worn before, they reacted angrily, as red is typically worn by Maasai men. Rather than running away as they did with the smell, the elephants acted aggressively toward the red clothing. The researchers believe that the elephants emotional reactions are due to their different interpretations of the smells and the sights. Smelling a potential danger means that a threat is nearby and the best thing to do is run away and hide. Seeing a potential threat without its smell means that risk is low. Therefore, instead of showing fear and running away, the elephants express their anger and become aggressive. 45. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about Kamba and Maasai people? (A) Maasai people are a threat to elephants. (B) Kamba people raise elephants for farming. (C) Both Kamba and Maasai people are elephant hunters. (D) Both Kamba and Maasai people traditionally wear red clothing. 46. How did the elephants react to smell in the study? (A) They attacked a man with the smell of new clothing. (B) They needed time to relax when smelling something unfamiliar. (C) They became anxious when they smelled Kamba-scented clothing. (D) They were frightened and ran away when they smelled their enemies

6 第 5 頁共 7 頁 100 年學測英文考科 47. What is the main idea of this passage? (A) Elephants use sight and smell to detect danger. (B) Elephants attack people who wear red clothing. (C) Scientists are now able to control elephants emotions. (D) Some Kenyan tribes understand elephants emotions very well. 48. What can be inferred about the elephant s behavior from this passage? (A) Elephants learn from their experiences. (B) Elephants have sharper sense of smell than sight. (C) Elephants are more intelligent than other animals. (D) Elephants tend to attack rather than escape when in danger 為題組 It was something she had dreamed of since she was five. Finally, after years of training and intensive workouts, Deborah Duffey was going to compete in her first high school basketball game. The goals of becoming an outstanding player and playing college ball were never far from Deborah s mind. The game was against Mills High School. With 1:42 minutes left in the game, Deborah s team led by one point. A player of Mills had possession of the ball, and Deborah ran to guard against her. As Deborah shuffled sideways to block the player, her knee went out and she collapsed on the court in burning pain. Just like that, Deborah s season was over. After suffering the bad injury, Deborah found that, for the first time in her life, she was in a situation beyond her control. Game after game, she could do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching others play the game that she loved so much. Injuries limited Deborah s time on the court as she hurt her knees three more times in the next five years. She had to spend countless hours in a physical therapy clinic to receive treatment. Her frequent visits there gave her a passion and respect for the profession. And Deborah began to see a new light in her life. Currently a senior in college, Deborah focuses on pursuing a degree in physical therapy. After she graduates, Deborah plans to use her knowledge to educate people how to best take care of their bodies and cope with the feelings of hopelessness that she remembers so well. 49. What is the best title for this passage? (A) A Painful Mistake (B) A Great Adventure (C) A Lifelong Punishment (D) A New Direction in Life 50. How did Deborah feel when she first hurt her knee? (A) Excited. (B) Confused. (C) Ashamed. (D) Disappointed. 51. What is true about Deborah Duffey? (A) She didn t play on the court after the initial injury. (B) She injured her knee when she was trying to block her opponent. (C) She knew that she couldn t be a basketball player when she was a child. (D) She refused to seek professional assistance to help her recover from her injuries

7 100 年學測 第 6 頁 英文考科 共 7 頁 52. What was the new light that Deborah saw in her life? (A) To help people take care of their bodies. (B) To become a teacher of Physical Education. (C) To become an outstanding basketball player. (D) To receive treatment in a physical therapy office 為題組 Redwood trees are the tallest plants on the earth, reaching heights of up to 100 meters. They are also known for their longevity, typically 500 to 1000 years, but sometimes more than 2000 years. A hundred million years ago, in the age of dinosaurs, redwoods were common in the forests of a much more moist and tropical North America. As the climate became drier and colder, they retreated to a narrow strip along the Pacific coast of Northern California. The trunk of redwood trees is very stout and usually forms a single straight column. It is covered with a beautiful soft, spongy bark. This bark can be pretty thick, well over two feet in the more mature trees. It gives the older trees a certain kind of protection from insects, but the main benefit is that it keeps the center of the tree intact from moderate forest fires because of its thickness. This fire resistant quality explains why the giant redwood grows to live that long. While most other types of trees are destroyed by forest fires, the giant redwood actually prospers because of them. Moderate fires will clear the ground of competing plant life, and the rising heat dries and opens the ripe cones of the redwood, releasing many thousands of seeds onto the ground below. New trees are often produced from sprouts, little baby trees, which form at the base of the trunk. These sprouts grow slowly, nourished by the root system of the mother tree. When the main tree dies, the sprouts are then free to grow as full trees, forming a fairy ring of trees around the initial tree. These trees, in turn, may give rise to more sprouts, and the cycle continues. 53. Why were redwood trees more prominent in the forests of North America millions of years ago? (A) The trees were taller and stronger. (B) The soil was softer for seeds to sprout. (C) The climate was warmer and more humid. (D) The temperature was lower along the Pacific coast. 54. What does a fairy ring in the last paragraph refer to? (A) Circled tree trunks. (B) Connected root systems. (C) Insect holes around an old tree. (D) Young trees surrounding a mature tree. 55. Which of the following is a function of the tree bark as mentioned in the passage? (A) It allows redwood trees to bear seeds. (B) It prevents redwood trees from attack by insects. (C) It helps redwood trees absorb moisture in the air. (D) It makes redwood trees more beautiful and appealing. 56. Why do redwood trees grow to live that long according to the passage? (A) They have heavy and straight tree trunks. (B) They are properly watered and nourished. (C) They are more resistant to fire damage than other trees. (D) They produce many young trees to sustain their life cycle

8 第 7 頁 共 7 頁 100年學測 英文考科 第 貳 部 分 非 選 擇 題 占 28分 一 中 譯 英 占 8分 說明 1.請將以下中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 2.請依序作答 並標明題號 每題4分 共8分 1. 臺灣的夜市早已被認為足以代表我們的在地文化 2. 每年它們都吸引了成千上萬來自不同國家的觀光客 二 英 文 作 文 占 20分 說明 1.依提示在 答案卷 上寫一篇英文作文 2.文長約100至120個單詞 words 提示 請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容 並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展 寫出一個涵 蓋連環圖片內容並有完整結局的故事 -7-

9 100 學年度學科能力測驗英文考科選擇題參考答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 1 A 21 B 41 C 2 B 22 B 42 C 3 A 23 C 43 A 4 D 24 D 44 D 5 D 25 A 45 A 6 C 26 D 46 D 7 B 27 C 47 A 8 C 28 B 48 A 9 A 29 A 49 D 10 A 30 D 50 D 11 B 31 D 51 B 12 D 32 J 52 A 13 B 33 A 53 C 14 C 34 E 54 D 15 A 35 H 55 B 16 C 36 F 56 C 17 A 37 G 18 A 38 C 19 B 39 I 20 D 40 B

10 2016/5/25 [ 大學入學考試中心選才電子報 ] 第 199 期 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 199 友善列印 回選才首頁 100 指考簡章發售及重要注意事項 100 指考身心障礙考生應考服務申請 100 學測成績複查結果僅 1 人級分異動 100 學測國文考科非選擇題評分說明 100 學測英文考科非選擇題評分說明 如何善用學科知能量表中的興趣組型 100 大學招生資訊快報 - 甄選入學 100 大學招生資訊快報 - 科技校院申請 繁星高中與明星大學相輔相成 大學入學招生制度改變的省思 二 三月份中心活動焦點 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 第一處/ 林秀慧 100 學年度學科能力測驗已於 1 月 日舉行完畢, 而今年英文考科的試題延續前幾年的題型, 包含了選擇題與非選擇題兩部分, 第壹部分總分 72 分, 皆為單選題, 題型包括了詞彙題 綜合測驗 文意選填, 及閱讀測驗 ; 第貳部分總分 28 分, 共分為兩種題型 :( 一 ) 中譯英, 為文意相連貫的兩個小題, 每小題 4 分, 共 8 分 ; 依各句所呈現的句法與詞彙進行評分 ( 二 ) 英文作文則採看圖作文的題型, 以連環漫畫的形式呈現, 但第四張圖片空白, 讓考生發揮想像力, 自由發展 ; 考生必須根據提示, 運用所學詞彙 句法寫出切合主題 並具有統一性與連貫性的短文, 占分比例與往年一樣, 總分為 20 分 今年的非選擇題試題, 無論是中譯英或英文作文, 命題得宜, 符合一般高中生的英語學習歷程及生活經驗, 考生不難發揮 今年之非選擇題閱卷工作, 共聘請 143 位閱卷委員 ( 含正 副召集人 ), 由各公 私立大學英文相關科系教授擔任, 共分為 12 組 為使各閱卷委員評分標準一致, 英文考科於 2 月 9 日上午九時召開 英文科閱卷評分標準訂定會議, 由正 副召集人和 12 位協同主持人共同參與, 就 3000 多份隨機抽取的考生答案卷詳加討論 分析, 草擬評分標準原則, 編制閱卷參考手冊, 以供閱卷委員共同參考 ; 並從中選出中譯英與英文作文之參閱卷以及試閱卷, 目的在確保閱卷之公平性 在擬定參考答案的同時, 也仔細參考各語料庫 ( 如 COCA BNC), 確保答案之正確性 正式閱卷當天 (2 月 10 日 ) 上午九時,140 多位閱卷委員齊聚一堂, 由正召集人統一說明評分原則 參考樣卷等資料, 建立評分標準共識, 並討論評分時應注意的事項, 旋即進行試閱的工作 試閱結束後, 正 副召集人及 12 位協同主持人再召開 評分標準再訂定會議, 對評分標準進行討論與修正, 待評分共識一致後, 才開始進行正式閱卷工作 與往年不同的是, 今年英文考科的閱卷採螢幕閱卷方式進行, 試卷隨機配卷給閱卷委員, 若一 二閱分數差距超出許可範圍 ( 中譯英部分差距大於 2 分, 英文作文部分差距大於 5 分 ), 則由第三閱 ( 由協同主持人擔任 ) 評分, 以求閱卷之合理性與公平性 而今年也增加了第四閱的機制, 若三閱分數差距過大, 則由正 副召集人偕同另一名資深閱卷委員進行評閱, 以減少評分的差異 玆將今年非選擇題部分各題之參考答案 評分標準說明如下 ( 依據 100 學年度學科能力測驗人工閱卷英文考科評分標準訂定會議 之決議 ), 以供各界參考 今年國文 英文考科預計於 3 月 18 日公布引導寫作佳作供外界參考, 屆時請至大考中心網站查詢 05.htm 1/5

11 2016/5/25 [ 大學入學考試中心選才電子報 ] 第 199 期 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 一 中譯英 說明 : 1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 2. 請依序作答, 並標明題號 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 1. 臺灣的夜市早已被認為足以代表我們的在地文化 2. 每年它們都吸引了成千上萬來自不同國家的觀光客 本題型旨在評量考試是否能將中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文句子之能力 今年中譯英的句型與詞彙, 皆為高中生應該熟習的, 評量的重點在於考生是否能運用熟悉的字詞 ( 例如 : 夜市 night markets 在地文化 local culture 吸引 attract 成千上萬 hundreds and thousands of 觀光客 tourists 或 visitors 等 ) 與基本句型 ( 例如 :have long been regarded as 等的用法 ), 將中文句子翻譯成正確且達意的英文句子 所測驗之標的詞彙 (target words) 都屬於大考中心參考詞彙表四級內之詞彙, 中等程度以上的考生如果能夠使用正確的句型與字詞, 並且注意拼字, 應該能有理想的表現 和往年一樣, 今年的考生在拼字 ( 如 : 將 night markets 寫成 nightmarkets, 或者把 culture 寫成 colture 等 ) 單複數 (countries 寫成 countrys) 的掌握仍有進步的空間 試題之參考答案及評分標準, 請見以下說明 1 : 參考答案 : 第 1 題 參考答案 : 第 2 題 05.htm 2/5

12 2016/5/25 [ 大學入學考試中心選才電子報 ] 第 199 期 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 評分標準 : 1. 本大題總分 8 分, 每小題滿分 4 分 2. 各部分獨立且各為 1 分 ; 每個錯誤扣 0.5 分, 各部分扣完為止 3. 相同之拼字錯誤只扣一次 4. 句首未大寫或標點符號不妥, 各扣 0.5 分, 只扣一次 二 英文作文 說明 : 1. 依提示在 答案卷 上寫一篇英文作文 2. 文長約為 100 至 120 個單詞 (words) 評分標準 : 本大題總分 20 分 今年的英文作文與去年的看圖作文相同, 四格圖片只畫了三格, 並沒有提供結局, 希望給考生更多的寫作發揮空間 英文作文主要在於評量考生能否具 05.htm 3/5

13 2016/5/25 [ 大學入學考試中心選才電子報 ] 第 199 期 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 備基礎的語法能力及使用適當詞彙 句型以寫出一篇具連貫性 統一性的英文作文 目前, 英文作文採整體式評分 (holistic scoring), 分為五等級 : 特優 (19 20 分 ) 優 (15 18 分 ) 可(10 14 分 ) 差(5 9 分 ) 劣(0 4 分 ) 評分主要依據為考生的作答內容, 閱卷委員仔細評估其內容是否切題 組織是否具連貫性 句子結構與用字是否能妥適表達文意, 以及拼字與標點符號是否使用正確等 但為確認評分之一致性, 在試閱時, 閱卷委員皆被要求須完全理解各分項的評分標準, 英文作文的分項式評分指標包含下列 5 項 : 內容 (5 分 ) 組織(5 分 ) 文法句構(4 分 ) 字彙拼字(4 分 ), 及體例 (2 分 )( 詳見表 1) 根據作答說明, 文長約 100 至 120 個字詞, 若字數嚴重不足, 則扣 1 分 表 1: 英文作文分項式評分指標 2 等級優可差劣項目主題 ( 句 ) 清楚切題, 主題不夠清楚或突主題不明, 大部分文不對題或沒寫 ( 凡 內容組織文法 句構字彙 拼字體例 並有具體 完整的顯, 部分相關敘述相關敘述發展不全文不對題或沒寫 相關細節支持 發展不全 或與主題無關 者, 其他各項均以零分計算 ) (5 4 分 ) (3 分 ) (2 1 分 ) (0 分 ) 重點分明, 有開重點安排不妥, 前重點不明 前後不全文毫無組織或未 頭 發展 結尾, 後發展比例與轉承連貫 按提示寫作 前後連貫, 轉承語語使用欠妥 使用得當 (5 4 分 ) (3 分 ) (2 1 分 ) (0 分 ) 全文幾無文法錯文法錯誤少, 且未文法錯誤多, 且明全文文法錯誤嚴 誤, 文句結構富變影響文意之表達 顯影響文意之表重, 導致文意不 化 (4 分 ) (3 分 ) 達 (2 1 分 ) 明 (0 分 ) 用字精確 得宜, 字詞單調 重複, 用字 拼字錯誤只寫出或抄襲與題 且幾無拼字錯誤 用字偶有不當, 少多, 明顯影響文意意有關的零碎字 許拼字錯誤, 但不之表達 詞 影響文意之表達 (4 分 ) (3 分 ) (2 1 分 ) (0 分 ) 格式 標點 大小寫幾無錯誤 格式 標點 大小違背基本的寫作體 寫等有錯誤, 但不例或格式, 標點 影響文意之表達 大小寫等錯誤甚 多 (2 分 ) (1 分 ) (0 分 ) 1.{ }( 大括弧 ) 表示皆為可使用之字詞, 而 ( ) 則表示可省略之字詞 2. 改編自張武昌等 ( 民 93) 英文寫作能力測驗規劃研究 (VI) 研究報告 台北 : 大考中心 後經 95 學年度學科能力測驗人工閱卷英文考科評分標準訂定會議 修改 05.htm 4/5

14 2016/5/25 [ 大學入學考試中心選才電子報 ] 第 199 期 100 年學科能力測驗英文考科非選擇題評分說明 版權所有財團法人大學入學考試中心基金會 ** 如欲轉載請註明索引出處 ** 05.htm 5/5

(Microsoft Word - 100\246~\276\307\264\372\302\275\304\266.doc)

(Microsoft Word - 100\246~\276\307\264\372\302\275\304\266.doc) 英 文 考 科 - 作 答 注 意 事 項 - 考 試 時 間 :100 分 鐘 題 型 題 數 : 第 壹 部 分 單 選 題 共 56 題 第 貳 部 分 非 選 擇 題 共 2 大 題 作 答 方 式 : 選 擇 題 用 2B 鉛 筆 在 答 案 卡 上 作 答, 修 正 時 應 以 橡 皮 擦 拭, 切 勿 使 用 修 正 液 ( 帶 ) 非 選 擇 題 請 在 答 案 卷 上 作 答, 務

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