RIP4 on your computer: set RIP_ROOT environment variable setenv RIP_ROOT /usr/$user/rip4 Edit src/makefile to define paths to netcdf library and inclu

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1 RIP: Appendix G Read/Interpolate/Plot Cindy Bruyère Features: RIP Quality slides (publish quality) Can do shaded plots More than 2 overlays Lots of diagnostics Relatively easy to use Not as easy as GRAPH, but one can get up to speed fast Makes LOTS of extra data files Need NCAR Graphics Adding diagnostic variables require code changes Must rerun if new images are needed General: Requires NCAR Graphics Documentation: In program tar file under the Doc/ directory /ripug.html /ripug_v4.html Purpose: Horizontal plots on σ, pressure, height, θ, θ e, or PV surfaces Vertical cross sections Skew-T/log p soundings Forward and backward trajectories Generate input data for Vis5D Input Data: RIP on Your Computer: MM4 or MM5 output, MM5 input and preprocessors RIP4 can also input WRF data setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/ncarg set RIP_ROOT environment variable setenv RIP_ROOT /usr/$user/rip make <machine type> (it ll make suggestions) make dec (example) RIP has 2 parts (RIPDP and RIP) January

2 RIP4 on your computer: set RIP_ROOT environment variable setenv RIP_ROOT /usr/$user/rip4 Edit src/makefile to define paths to netcdf library and include file on your computer: new NETCDFLIB and NETCDFINC make <machine type> (it ll make suggestions) make dec (example) RIP4 has 2 parts (RIPDP and RIP) ripdp_mm5 ripdp_wrf RIPDP: RIPDP is RIP Data Preparation RIP does not read MM5 system data directly Pre-processor runs to put data into RIP input format RIP puts each variable at each time into a separate file LOTS of files HINT: mkdir storm_case Running ripdp: Optional ripdp n namelist-file \ <model_data_name> \ <input_file1 input_file2> use directory as part of the model_data_name Example: ripdp -n storm_case/mmout../mm5/run/mmout_domain1 Running ripdp_mm5: ripdp_mm5 [ n namelist-file] \ <model_data_name> [basic/all] \ <input_file1 input_file2> new Example ripdp_mm5 -n storm_case/mmout basic mm5out RIPDP Namelist: &userin ptimes=0,-72,1,ptimeunites= h,tacc=90., discard= LANDMASK,H2SO4, iexpandedout=1 &end ptimes times for RIPDP to process 0,1,2 0,-72,1 0, 3,-24,3, 48 ptimeunits h, m, s tacc tolerance (s) for times defined by ptimes (time accuracy) RIPDP Namelist: &userin ptimes=0,-72,1,ptimeunites= h,tacc=90., discard= LANDMASK,H2SO4, iexpandedout=1 &end discard list of variables that will not be processed (RIP4 - only if all is selected on the command line) iexpandout 1=expanded domain, 0=nonexpanded domain (only for TERRAIN and REGRID) January

3 RIP: read the output generated by RIPDP read User Input File (UIF) ( First section is a list of general parameters (namelist format) Second section is a series of plots in the Plot Specification Table (PST) Running RIP: created by ripdp / ripdp_mm5 rip [-f] model-data-set-name \ rip-execution-name User Input File (UIF) Example rip -f storm_case/mmout generate meta file (same as for GRAPH) use directory as part of the model_data_set_name output ; metacode RIP UIF RIP namelist - userin Use namelist to control processing times, intervals title information text quality on a plot whether to do time series, trajectory, or to write output for Vis5D Full explanation for namelist variables is available in the user document RIP namelist - userin idotitle first part of first title line titlecolor color of title lines ptimes, ptimeunits times to process tacc tolerance for processing data timezone display of local time iusedaylightrule 1 applied, 0 not applied iinittime plotting of initial time ivalidtime plotting of valid time inearsth plot times as 2 / 4 digits flmin, frmax, fbmin, ftmax frame size ntextq text quality RIP namelist - userin ntextcd text font fcoffset 12 means hour 12 of the MM5 forecast is considered hour 0 by you idotser generate time series output idescriptive more descriptive titles icgmsplit split metacode into several files maxfld reserve memory for RIP (10-15) itrajcalc 0, 1 ONLY when doing trajectory calculations (use also namelist trajcalc) imakev5d 0, 1 generate Vis5D data January

4 ======== feld=tmc; ptyp=hc; vcor=s; levs=b1; cint=2; > -16,blue,0,yellow, 16,orange, 32,light.gray feld=slp; ptyp=hc; cint=2; linw=2 ======== Appendix A has a list of all of the keywords feld=tmc; ptyp=hc; vcor=p; levs=850; cint=2; > -16,blue,0,yellow, 16,orange, > 32,light.gray feld=tmc; ptyp=hc; vcor=p; levs=850; cint=2; > -16,blue,0,yellow, 16,orange, > 32,light.gray feld=tmc; ptyp=hc; vcor=p; levs=850; cint=2; > -16,blue,0,yellow, 16,orange, 32,light.gray colr=white; intv=5 January

5 NCAR/M M M feld=tmc; ptyp=hc; vcor=p; > levs=850,700,-300,100; cint=2; > -16,blue,0,yellow, 16,orange, > 32,light.gray 850 mb 500 mb 700 mb 400 mb 600 mb 300 mb RIP PST different color fill: feld=ter; ptyp=hc; cint=50; > cmth=fill ;cosq= -1e-5,, > 1e-5,white, 3000, brown time=0 RIP PST different color fill: 㼉㼈㼏㼇 㻠 㼛㼏㼘㼖㻞 㻃㼓 㼗㼜 㼓 㻠 㼋 㼋㻞 㻃㼆㼋㼉 㻞㼏 㻃㼆㼒 㼖㼔 㻠 㻔 㻏 㼇 㼄㼕㼎㻑 㼊 㼕㼄㼜 㻏 㻕 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼜 㼈㼏㼏㼒 㼚 㻏 㻃㻡 㻃㻃㻖 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻗 㻏 㼜 㼈㼏㼏㼒 㼚 㻏 㻘 㻏 㼜 㼈㼏㼏㼒 㼚 㻏 㻙 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻡 㻃㻃㻚 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼜 㼈㼏㼏㼒 㼚 㻏 㻛 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻜 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻡 㻃㻃㻔 㻓 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼜 㼈㼏㼏㼒 㼚 㻏 㻔 㻔 㻏 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻔 㻕 㻏 㼇 㼄㼕㼎㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻔 㻖 㻏 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻡 㻃㻃㻔 㻗 㻏 㼇 㼄㼕㼎㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻔 㻘 㻏 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻃㻔 㻙 㻏 㼅 㼏㼘㼈㻏 㻔 㻚 㻏 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻔 㻛 㻏 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻡 㻃㻃㻔 㻜 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼄㼜 㻏 㻕 㻓 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼄㼜 㻏 㻕 㻔 㻏 㼇 㼄㼕㼎㻑 㼊 㼕㼈㼈㼑㻏 㻃㻕 㻕 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼄㼜 㻏 㻡 㻃㻃㻕 㻖 㻏 㼏㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻑 㼊 㼕㼄㼜 㻏 㻕 㻗 㻏 㼚 㼋㼌㼗㼈 㼉㼈㼏㼇 㻠 㼐 㼄㼓 㻞 㻃㼓 㼗㼜 㼓 㻠 㼋 㼅 㼉㼈㼏㼇 㻠 㼗㼌㼆㻞 㻃㼓 㼗㼜 㼓 㻠 㼋 㼅 㼗㼌㼐 㼈㻠 㻓 January

6 RIP PST cross section: feld=pvo; ptyp=vc; crsa=10,30; crsb=30,10; vcor=p; vwin=1050,200; cint=.25; > cmth=fill ;cosq=0,white,4,dark.gray; > cbeg=0; cend=5 feld=the; ptyp=vc; cint=2; colr=red feld=uuu,vvv,omg; ptyp=vv RIP PST skew-t: feld=tic; ptyp=sb; sloc=kord; hodo; sngdg feld=tmc; ptyp=sc; colr=red feld=tdp; ptyp=sc; colr=blue feld=uuu,vvv; ptyp=sv; > hodo; sndg January

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圖 1. 手 工 搭 棚 [] 與 PCB 印 刷 電 路 板 PCB 除 了 電 路 之 外, 也 放 置 各 種 電 子 零 件 如 圖 2 所 示, 電 子 零 件 與 PCB 的 接 合 方 式 有 二 : 插 件 式 (Pin Through Hole, PT 作 者 : 楊 哲 彰 (2005-02-23); 推 薦 : 徐 業 良 (2005-02-28) 附 註 : 本 文 為 元 智 大 學 機 械 系 自 動 化 機 械 設 計 課 程 教 材 Protel 電 腦 輔 助 電 路 設 計 軟 體 入 門 (2) PCB 製 作 與 輸 出 在 先 前 的 文 件 中, 介 紹 了 Protel 99 SE 的 基 本 操 作, 並 且 以 穩

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