[] LUMINA GROUP LIMITED [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][] 1% %0.005% 0.01 [ ] [] [] [] [] [][]32 342C[]. [][][][] [] [][][][] [] [][][][] [][][][] [] [

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Start display at page:

Download "[] LUMINA GROUP LIMITED [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][] 1% %0.005% 0.01 [ ] [] [] [] [] [][]32 342C[]. [][][][] [] [][][][] [] [][][][] [][][][] [] ["


1 LUMINA GROUP LIMITED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

2 [] LUMINA GROUP LIMITED [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][] 1% %0.005% 0.01 [ ] [] [] [] [] [][]32 342C[]. [][][][] [] [][][][] [] [][][][] [][][][] [] [] [] [] [][] [][][ ][] [] [][] []

3 . i

4 [] ii

5 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] i ii... iii [] [] [] iii

6 [] I-1... II-1... III-1... IV-1... V-1 iv

7 [] [] [] [] [] % % % % 6, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

8 (i) (ii)(iii)(iv) ,

9 ( ) % 10.4% 5.4%L 10, % 76.1% 81.5% % 16.8% 7.9% i. ii. iii. [] 3

10 i. ii. iii. iv. [] % 39.3% 53.9% 20.3% 12.7% 13.3% % 19.4% 21.3% 7.9% 8.9% 10.7% % 45.2% 40.6%16.5% 14.4% 13.7% 4

11 [][] Foxfire [ ]Foxfire [] ,100 74,772 14,236 26,426 17,411 25,531 5,281 9,768 14,586 21,860 4,586 6,779 12,191 18,208 3,836 5, ,879 12,628 18,033 19,276 13,023 18,401 5

12 ,887 22,231 6, % 34.1% 37.0% % 139.8% 45.3% 67.9% % [] 6

13 (i) (ii) , ,351 56,569 25, ,819 41,847 30, ,416 56, L L11.1 L2012L % % [] 7

14 [] [][][][][] [] [][] [][] [] [][][] [] [] [] []24 [][] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] (i) (ii) 8

15 []%[] [][] [][] [][] []

16 [] [] [][] [] [][] [] 1 [] [] [] [] 2 1 [][][ ][][ [] ] 2 [] [][](i) [] (ii) [] (iii) [] 10

17 [] [] 2016 [ ][] [] 11

18 [ ] [][] 1 6 [] [] [] [ ]Foxfire 12

19 L [ ] [ ][] E [ ] [ ] [] Foxfire Foxfire Limited

20 Golden Second Golden Second Limited [] 14

21 [] [] [] [] [] [ ] [ ] 24 15

22 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 16

23 [] [] [] [] [] [] [ ] [] 0.01 [] 17

24 [] [] [ ] 2016 [ ][] % [] 18

25 [] [] [] [] [] 19

26 [] [] [] [] [] (i) (ii)(iii) [](iv)[] % 34.1% 37.0% [] 20

27 [] % 16.8% 7.9% 21

28 22

29 (i)(ii) (iii) [] 23

30 % 61.3%62.7%[] % 25.4% 26.5% 24

31 [] / / [] [] % 10.5%8.5% 25

32 [] 26

33 []

34 [] [][] [] [][][] [][][][] [][][ ] [][] [][][] 28

35 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 29

36 [] [] [] [ ] [] [] [] [] [] 30

37 [ ] [ ] [] 31

38 [ ] [ ] [] 32

39 [ ] [ ] [] 33

40 H 6 37 E 77 R F F [] [ ] 34

41 [] [] [] [] [] A&B [] [ ] 35

42 Clifton House 75 Fort Street P.O. Box 1350 Grand Cayman, KY Cayman Islands B-C B-C H B-C 36

43 [] []

44 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] , [] (i) (ii) 38

45 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 380,000 [ ] , , % % % 5.5% 6.5%

46 % % % %

47 OK , A , B

48 42

49 % % % % % 14.1% 5.8% % 14.0% 7.0%

50 20103, , %10.1% %202013,

51 %

52 300 [] , % % % 36.0% 46

53 1, (%) % % 16.2% % 5 3.1% % III III 16 47

54 201614, %0.30% II 4.210%

55 95A 95B 3(1) (I) 21 (II) (III)( )4(2) (3) 1 2 ( )

56 ( )4 1 2 (a) (b)1 102I 50

57 3 21 ( 3 ) (i) (ii) 3(10,000) 3A (a) (b) 550,000 51

58 10 9 (a) (b) I II % % (i) 12(ii) 406 (i) 12(ii) 52

59 I II A2 A2 I 53


61 (i) 57(ii) 42015%(iii) 42010% (i) 57(ii) (iii)47 4.7(iv) 10% (i) (ii) 55

62 (i) (ii) (iii) B(0) , , D3 (I) (II) 56

63 (i) 1,00010,000(ii) (I) (II) 10,000100,000 (III) (IV) (i) (ii)(iii)

64 7 7A 13E 13F 13G 13H 13I (a)(b) (c)(d) (e) 7 7A 13E 13F 13G 13H 13I 500,000100, (a) (b) (c) 59 () 58

65 500, ,000 59I (i)18(ii) (iii) (vi) 200,

66 200, ,000500, (1B) 2 40(1B) 40(1) 100,000 60

67 57 43C (i) (ii) (a) (b) 43D ,000 43F 43C (i) (ii)

68 (Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works) (a) (b) (c) (d)

69 ( ) [] 63

70 2005 (i) (ii) 2005 (i)(ii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii)(iii) I L 64

71 AJA Registrars LtdISO ISO OHSAS 18001:2007 L [] Golden Second (i) (ii) (i) 9,000(ii) 1,000 1, (i) 1,000Li Sin Fun Li(ii)2,300Li 67.0% Li33.0% Li Li ,000 65

72 Golden SecondGolden Second 1 Golden Second (i)(ii) 10, Golden SecondGolden Second 1 Golden Second Golden Second Golden Second Golden Second1.0050, Golden Second Golden Second Golden Second Golden Second 505,000, Golden Second95.0% 5.0% [] 66

73 2016 [ ] Golden Second 94Foxfire5 Golden Second [] [] Golden Second 505,000,000 [ Golden Second (i) (ii) Golden Second95.0% 5.0% [] [] [] [] 5,000, [] [] 67

74 [] [] (i) (ii) [] [][][ ] [] (i)(ii) (iii)[] [] 28 [] [] HKEx-GL29-12 []HKEx- GL

75 [] (1) Golden Second Golden Second Golden Second (2) Golden SecondGolden Second Golden Second 997 (3) Golden Second5,000,000[] [] (4) ,000 38,000, (5) 2016 [ ]Golden Second 94Foxfire 5Golden Second [] Foxfire 69

76 [] [] Foxfire 75.0% 70

77 [][] 100% 71

78 % % % % 37, , , , , , , , , , , , % % 98.6% 97.9% 72

79 L L L % % % % 44, , , , , , , , , , (i) (ii) % 61.3% 62.7% , [] % 73

80 (i) (ii)(iii) (iv)(v) (vi) 20 []

81 L L 168 L [] 21 75

82 ,000 60:40 290, ,00090, , %

83 a [] b. 10%[]

84 c [][][] % (i)(ii) a. 10% 5.8% 6.3% 9.4% 78

85 [][] b. [] [] [] [] ,000654, L 2012L %

86 a [] [] [] b. [][] 4. ERP [] [] (i) (ii) 80

87 % % % % 6, , , , , , , , , , , ,

88 a. 82

89 b. ( )

90 ,

91 1 2 A ,505 7,191 L ,490 7,184 F G D E C E L ,000 5,000 4, ,070 4,561 4,050 4,050 3,880 3,308 3,100 2,985 6,230 2,

92 19.5% 10.4% 5.4%L 10, , ,351 56,569 25, ,819 41,847 30, ,416 56,

93 ,706 25, ,894 5,143 25,600 30,812 87

94 (i) (ii) % 76.1% 81.5% % 16.8% 7.9% 2. 88

95 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 89

96 6. 90

97 5% 10% 5%

98 24 L 92

99 % % % % 44, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , % 98.6% 97.9% % 22.9% 20.6% % 15.0% 11.6% % % % % 33, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

100 % 63.5% 55.5% % 1 A 3, B 3, L 2, C 2, D 2,

101 % 1 L 9, E 7, F 4, B 3, A 3, % 1 L 9, G 2, H 2, I 1, B 1,

102 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. I % 39.3% 53.9% 20.3% 12.7% 13.3% 5% 5% 96

103 L L L % 12.7% 10.0% L L 2014L L L L2013 L L (i) (ii) 97

104 (iii) (iv) 5% 10%5% (v) 12 (vi) (vii) (viii) (i) (ii)(iii) (iv) 98

105 (i) (ii) (iii) (i)(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i)(ii) (iii)(iv) 99

106 ,000226,

107 % 1 A 1, B C D E % 1 A 4, C 2, B 1, D 1, E

108 % 1 A 2, C E F D % 19.4% 21.3% 7.9% 8.9% 10.7% 5%

109 (i) (ii) % 61.3% 62.7% 103

110 % 1 A 2, B 1, C 1, D E

111 % 1 E 7, A 5, F 3, B 3, C 2,

112 % 1 E 4, F 2, A 1, C 1, B 1, % 45.2% 40.6% 16.5% 14.4% 13.7% 5% 106

113 ISO

114 [] ISO 9001:2008 AJA Registrars Limited ISO 14001:2004 AJA Registrars Limited OHSAS 18001: 2007 AJA Registrars Limited ISO ISO OHSAS

115 [] 109

116 282 (i)(ii) 110

117 AJA Registrars LimitedISO 14001: ,

118 200 (i)(ii) (i)500,000 (ii)20 112


120 B C ,009 28, A ,850 15%8.01A [] 32L6(2) [] 342(1)(b) 34(2) 114

121 kinying.com.hk lumina.com.hk []B

122 9(3)(b) (3)(b) 10 (a) (b)

123 9(3)(b) ,

124 9(3)(b)

125 (i) (ii) [] [] [] []E. (i) [] (ii) (iii) 119

126 (iv) (v) (vi) (a) (b)

127 [] (a) 2016 [ ] (b) (i) (ii)(iii) (iv) (c) (d) [] (e) (f)

128 (g) (h) (i) 122

129 [][] Foxfire []Foxfire [] 30% 30% [] [] (i)(ii)(iii) (a) (b) 123

130 4.0 [] 2.7 [] 124

131 [] [] [] []24 [] 13.16A [](i)(ii)

132 2. 1. (i)(ii) (i) (ii)30 2. (a) 10% 126

133 (b) 5% (i) (ii) 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a)[] [ ] (b)[] [] 127

134 [] [] II [] [] [] [] [] 128

135 [] [] [] [] [] [] [ ] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 129

136 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 130

137 [] [][] [] [] 131

138 [] [] (i)(ii) [] [] 4.01% 132

139 [] [] [] [] (a) [] (b) [] (c) (d) [ ](i)(ii) (iii) (iv) [] []24 133

140 [][] [][] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [] []%[]% [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [][][] 134

141 [] [] [] [] 135

142 [ ] 2016 [ ] [ ] 2016 [ ] [ ] 2016 [ ] [] 136


144 Golden Second A.2.1 A

145 [ ] [] [ ] TCL

146 [ ] EC Harris (Hong Kong) Limited (i)(ii) (iii) [] C. 1. (b) [](i) (ii) (iii) XV 140

147 [] 17.50(2)(h) (v) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

148 (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii)

149 A.19 6A.23 (i) (ii) (iii) [][] [] (iv)

150 []18.03[] 2016 [ ] C [ ] B [ ]15 A.5 144

151 2016 [ ] ,395,0001,569, , ,153 1, ,460,

152 [] [][] 146

153 [][] XV23 10% [] [] [] []% Foxfire [] []% Foxfire [] Foxfire Foxfire [][] [] XV23 10% 147

154 [] [10,000,000,000] 0.01 [10,000,000] [100] [] [1] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [][] [] 11.23(7)[] 25% [][] [] 148

155 [] 2016 [ ][] D [ ] [] [] [] 2016 [ ] [] [] [] []20% (i) (ii) (iii) []. A

156 [] [] 10% [] []. A. 6. (i) (ii) (iii). [] A.3. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)(v) [] []

157 [] [] [] [] 151

158 [] 5% 10%

159 [] 3 153

160 ,000226,000 [] [] ,100 74,772 14,236 26,426 (28,689) (49,241) (8,955) (16,658) 17,411 25,531 5,281 9,768 1 (160) (226) (2,665) (3,446) (695) (1,366) [] [] 14,586 21,860 4,586 6,779 (2,395) (3,652) (750) (1,401) 12,191 18,208 3,836 5,

161 , , % % % % 6, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , % % % % 44, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

162 97.5% 98.6% 97.9% % 22.9% 20.6% % 15.0% 11.6% [] % % % % 6, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , % 25.4% 26.5% % 61.3% 62.7% 156

163 % 10.5% 8.5% % 2.8% 2.3% +/-5% +/-10% +/-15% /-315 +/-630 +/ /-625 +/-1,250 +/-1, /-221 +/-442 +/ /-263 +/-526 +/ /-522 +/-1,043 +/-1, /-185 +/-369 +/

164 +/-5% +/-10% +/-15% /-803 +/-1,606 +/-2, /-1,509 +/-3,017 +/-4, /-522 +/-1,044 +/-1, /-671 +/-1,341 +/-2, /-1,260 +/-2,519 +/-3, /-436 +/-872 +/-1, % % % % 12, , , , , , , , , , , % 34.1% 37.0% 158

165 ,226 1, ,665 3, ,366 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) 159

166 [] [][][] [][][] [] [][][][] [] [ ] [] [][] [] [] [] 16.5% % 16.7% 20.7% % , ,

167 , , % % % 37.0% % [] [] [] % 20.7% []

168 % % % [] % % , , % (i) (ii)

169 % % % % % 16.7%16.5% % % % 163

170 ,887 22,231 4,618 6,815 14,213 17,065 7,135 3,898 (147) (103) (8,001) (30) (3,799) (22,771) (1,000) 10,267 5,809 (1,866) 3,868 1,711 11,978 11,978 6,169 11,978 6,169 10,112 10, (i) 0.1 (ii)0.1 (iii) (i) 0.6 (ii)

171 (iii) 1.2(iv) (i) 2.6 (ii) 1.5 (iii) 1.3 (iv) ,

172 ,568 9,893 11,394 10, , ,894 10,271 12,151 17, ,978 6,169 10,037 9,244 26,514 26,413 34,934 37,686 2,646 3,871 6,248 8, ,105 2,190 2, ,897 1, ,000 2,690 2,690 2,690 3,343 3,222 4,623 5,104 7,635 13,785 16,901 18,679 18,879] 12,628 18,033 19, , , ,

173 , , ,

174 ,960 81,899 98,189 (48,140) (73,525) (87,188) 7,820 8,374 11,001 7,894 10,271 12,151 (74) (1,897) (1,150) 7,820 8,374 11,

175 ,615 1,916 1, ,432 1,579 1,878 3,348 3,

176 ,430 5,483 6, ,209 1, , ,568 9,893 11, ,611 2,681 5, ,209 1, , ,749 7,091 9, ,000226,

177 %

178 ,063 2,599 5, , ,646 3,871 6, %


180 []E. 1. 5%30% 5% 75,000 30%450,000 5% 30%

181 ,000 2,690 2,690 2, [] ,00073,00094,000 82, [] 175

182 , [] ,000 93,0009,

183 [] [] % 34.1% 37.0% % 24.4% 20.4% % 139.8% % 67.9%

184 % % % % % % % [] % % % % %

185 [] 2006 []6 179

186 [] (C) [] 17 [] (i) (ii) , ,351 56,569 25, ,819 41,847 30, ,416 56,

187 L11.1 L2012L % % [] [][](i) [] (ii) [] (iii) [] 181

188 [] [] [] 182

189 [] 183

190 [] 184

191 [] 185

192 [] 186

193 [] [] [][][][][]% [] [] [] [][] [] [][][][ ] [] [] 187

194 6A.07 [] [] [][] [] [] [][][][]% [] % 188

195 [ ] [] 189

196 [ ] [] 190

197 [ ] [] 191

198 [] [][ ][][] [] [ ] , % 100% 95%* [95%] , % 100% 95%* [95%] Golden Second Limited Golden Second , % 95%* [95%] * Golden Second 5% Golden Second I-1

199 Golden Second Golden Second A1 [] Golden Second [] A I-2

200 (A) ,100 74,772 14,236 26,426 (28,689) (49,241) (8,955) (16,658) 17,411 25,531 5,281 9,768 1 (160) (226) (2,665) (3,446) (695) (1,366) [] [] 9 14,586 21,860 4,586 6, (2,395) (3,652) (750) (1,401) 12,191 18,208 3,836 5,378 12,191 18,208 3,836 5,378 I-3

201 ,568 9,893 11, , ,894 10,271 12, ,978 6,169 10,037 26,514 26,413 34, ,646 3,871 6, ,105 2, ,897 1, ,000 2,690 2,690 3,343 3,222 4,623 7,635 13,785 16,901 18,879 12,628 18,033 19,276 13,023 18, ,656 13,023 17,481 19,276 13,023 17, ,276 13,023 18,401 I-4

202 i ,155 9,775 9,775 12,191 12,191 12, (2,690) (2,690) (2,690) ,656 19,276 19,276 (620) ,208 18,208 18, (24,461) (24,461) (24,461) ,403 13,023 13,023 5,378 5,378 5,378 ii (920) (920) (300) 17,781 17, , ,656 19,276 19,276 3,836 3,836 3, ,492 23,112 23,112 (i) 1 Golden Second Golden Second 5% (ii) Golden Second 50 5,000,000Golden Second95.0% 5.0% I-5

203 ,586 21,860 4,586 6, (1) 14,887 22,231 4,618 6, (554) 3,697 (2,627) (39) (3,551) (1,651) (1,501) (46) (1,251) (573) 1,225 (164) 2, , ,490 20,838 7,135 3,898 (277) (3,773) 14,213 17,065 7,135 3,898 1 (139) (93) (1) (9) (48) (25) (14) (35) (8,000) (8,000) 8,000 (147) (103) (8,001) (30) I-6

204 ,040 2,690 (4,149) (1,000) (1,000) (2,690) (24,461) (3,799) (22,771) (1,000) 10,267 (5,809) (1,866) 3,868 1,711 11,978 11,978 6,169 11,978 6,169 10,112 10,037 I-7

205 [] [][] (1) Golden Second Golden Second50, Golden Second (2) Golden Second Golden Second 997 (3) Golden Second 5,000,000Golden Second 95.0% 5.0% (4) ,000 38,000, (5) 2016 [ ]Golden Second 94Foxfire LimitedFoxfire Golden Second[] Foxfire 2016 [ ] I-8

206 [] I-9

207 , (a)(b) I-10

208 I-11

209 I-12

210 I-13

211 I-14

212 I-15

213 I-16

214 4. 3 I-17

215 ,615 16,142 21,532 3,731 7,149 9, I-18

216 3,663,000 1,943,0001,974, % 20% 17% % ,646 2,646 2, ,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,731 3,731 3,731 I-19

217 % ,871 3,871 3, ,690 2,690 2,690 2,690 4,459 7,149 7,149 % ,248 6,248 6, ,690 2,690 2,690 2,690 7,183 9,873 9,873 I-20

218 ,090 67,029 11,850 25,003 9,010 7,743 2,386 1,423 46,100 74,772 14,236 26,426 (i)(ii) ,090 9,010 46,100 12,960 4,291 17,251 (2,665) 14,586 I-21

219 ,029 7,743 74,772 22,950 2,355 25,305 1 (3,446) 21, ,850 2,386 14,236 3,926 1,355 5,281 (695) 4, ,003 1,423 26,426 9, ,768 [] (1,366) [] 6,779 I-22

220 3 [] ,000266,000239,000 10% A 9,380 9,463 2,470 2,638 B * 7,736 * * C # # # 3,520 D * * * 3,203 * 10% # I-23

221 8. (a) (i) (ii) , (ii) , (ii) (ii) I-24

222 (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (a) ,153 1, ,327 1, ,000, I-25

223 ,395 1, ,098 5,151 1,204 1, ,693 6,954 1,612 2, ,395 3, , % ,586 21,860 4,586 6,779 2,407 3, ,119 (5) (8) (12) (7) 14 2,395 3, ,401 I-26

224 ,690, ,461, , , % 20% I-27

225 ,430 5,483 6, ,209 1, , ,568 9,893 11, % 28% 16% ,749,0007,091,0009,576, ,611 2,681 5, ,209 1, , ,749 7,091 9,576 I-28

226 (160) ,000226, [] [] , , ,387 I-29

227 ,960 81,899 98,189 (48,140) (73,525) (87,188) 7,820 8,374 11,001 7,894 10,271 12,151 (74) (1,897) (1,150) 7,820 8,374 11, ,878,0003,348,000 3,428, ,615 1,916 1, ,432 1,579 1,878 3,348 3, ,000 I-30

228 ,000 2,690 2,690 [] ,063 2,599 5, , ,646 3,871 6, ,517 1, ,105 2, Golden Second I-31

229 , ,517 1, ,435 2, ,244 I-32

230 ,2501, ,000 73,00094,000 (B) ,460,000 (C) [ ] (D) [ ] [ ] I-33

231 [] II-1

232 [] II-2

233 [] II-3

234 [] II-4

235 [] II-5

236 [ ][] III-1

237 2.1.3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) III-2

238 % 20% III-3

239 % III-4

240 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) III-5

241 III-6

242 III-7

243 III-8

244 (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) (e) III-9

245 (a) (b) III-10

246 (a) (b) (c) III-11

247 (a) (b) 95%) III-12

248 III-13

249 (a) (b) III-14

250 20% III-15

251 III-16

252 III-17

253 37A(1) Foss v. Harbottle III-18

254 (i) (ii) (iii) III-19

255 (a) (b) 20116(3) III-20

256 (i)(ii)(iii) (i) (ii) III-21

257 % % III-22

258 A B-C [] 2. (a) ,000 38,000, (b) 2016 [ ]Golden Second [94]Foxfire [5] (c) 2016 [ ]Foxfire (d) 2016 [ ] [9,962,000,000] 380, ,000,000 (e) [][] [100,000,000] [10,000,000,000][] [] []A. 3. IV-1

259 (f) [ ] (a) 9,962,000, ,000 38,000, ,000,000 10,000,000, (b) [] [] (i) [] (aa) [] (bb)[][](cc) [] [] (ii) [] [] [] []Foxfire (iii) D. IV-2

260 (iv) (1) []20% [] (2) (v (1) (2) (3) (v) [] [] 10% (1) (2) IV-3

261 (3) (vi) (iv) (v) [] [] 10% (vii) [] 4. [][] [][] [] 5. [] [] [] IV-4

262 6. [] (a) (i) 2016 [ ] 3. (ii) IV-5

263 (iii) 10% 10% 30 5% (iv) (v) (i) (ii) IV-6

264 (vi) 30 (vii) (b) [][] [] (c) IV-7

265 (d) [] [] (e) 26 [] IV-8

266 B. 1. [] (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. (a) (b) kinying.com.hk lumina.com.hk [] IV-9

267 C. 1. (a) [] XV XV (i) [] []% FoxfireFoxfire Foxfire (ii) Foxfire 1 100% IV-10

268 (b) [] [] 732, ,000 [] [] 120, , ,000 IV-11

269 (c) (i) (ii) (iii) ,395,0001,569,000504, [] [][] [] XV % Foxfire [] [] IV-12

270 3. []23 4. [] (a) [][] [] XV2 3 10% (b) XV78 XV (c) E. 7. [] (d) [] (e) E. 7. IV-13

271 D [ ] IV-14

272 (a) (b) (d) 1.00 (c) (a) (b) 12 1% IV-15

273 12 1% (d) (i) (ii) (iii) [][] [] (e) (i) []10% [][] [][] 10% (ii) 10% (ii) IV-16

274 (iii) (iii) (iv) 30% (f) 10 (g) (h) IV-17

275 (i) (j) 14 IV-18

276 (k) (i) (ii) 10.18(3) IV-19

277 (l) (i) (ii) (f) (h) (j) (k) (p) (iii) (k)(i) (iv) (k)(ii) (v) (vi) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) IV-20

278 (5) (6) (vii) (g) (viii) (ix) (m) (n) (o) [] IV-21

279 (p) (q) 12 (i)0.1%(ii) 5,000,000 IV-22

280 (i) (ii) (iii) (q) (r) (i) (ii)[] [] (s) 23 IV-23

281 E. 1. B. 1.(b) (a) [] [][] [] [ ] (i) [] [] (ii) (iii) IV-24

282 (iv) (v) (b) [] 2. [] 3. [] [][] [] IV-25

283 4. [][ ] , [] 1 6 IV-26

284 8. [][] 9. [] [][] 44A 44B 11. (a) [] (i) (ii) (iii) [] IV-27

285 (b) (c) (d) [] [] [] (e) [] 24 (f) (i) (ii) (g) (h) (i) (j) 12. [] 32L 4 [] IV-28

286 13. (a) (b) (c) [] IV-29

287 [][]E. 8. []B. 1. [] [] Golden Second 5. [] Appleby[] []B []E V-1

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