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1 Washer Dryer Instructions for use AWI64120 AWI64121

2 概述 請仔細閱讀本操作指南及所有隨本洗衣機提供的資料 請妥善保存本操作指南, 以備日後供其他使用者參考 本產品設計只適用於家居或下列之類似環境 : - 一般商店 辦公室及其他工作環境的職員專用廚房 ; - 農莊 ; - 供入住酒店 汽車旅館及其他住宅式旅店之顧客使用 ; - 提供簡單住宿及早餐服務之旅舍 即使在上述環境下, 本產品亦只適合作家居或一般酒店房間管理的操作目的 ( 包括由專家或有經驗用家作商業用途 ), 而不適合作任何其他用途 假如本產品在不符合以上描述的條件下進行操作, 產品的壽命有可能因而縮短, 同時產品之保養服務將會失效 任何因為不符合家居操作用途 ( 即使本產品被安置於家居環境中 ), 導致產品本身損壞或造成其他傷害或毀壞, 本製造商將根據法律授予的一切權利, 不承擔任何相關責任 棄置本產品應注意事項本產品所有包裝物料均使用環保及可循環再用物料所製 請以符合環保的方式棄置包裝物料 您的產品供應商或當地相關議會組織應可為你提供有關現行棄置方法的詳情 透過廢物循環再造的步驟, 便可從舊機中回收有價值的物料 注意 : 棄置舊機前, 請先將電源插頭拔除, 並剪斷電線 請將電源插頭與舊機一併棄置 當棄置舊洗衣機時, 請將洗衣機門鎖弄壞, 並確保不能上鎖, 以避免小童意外被關在產品之內 2

3 目錄 頁數 概述 2 有關運送的一般注意事項 4 安全事項 4 快速啟動操作 5 控制說明 6 程序表 14 程序選擇鈕 16 洗衣劑格 19 洗衣劑 助洗劑及使用份量 20 有用建議 22 主洗 23 乾衣 25 自動洗衣 / 乾衣操作 26 乾衣操作 27 清潔及日常保養 29 故障診斷 30 技術格規 32 設定及安裝 33 開動本產品前, 請確保產品經已裝妥, 並檢查清楚所有搬運安全螺絲已按第 33 頁的指示拆除 3

4 有關運送的一般注意事項 當貨品運抵時, 請檢查清楚以下物品經已隨產品一併附上 : - 操作指南 - 保用證書 - 進水管 - 液體洗衣劑或漂白劑格同時檢查產品於運送途中是否受損, 如發現損毀, 請聯絡最就近的授權技術支援服務代理 安全事項 注意 : 有關洗衣機的清潔或保養程序 1) 拔除電線插頭 2) 關上水龍頭 3) 惠而浦所有產品的電線均配有地線的插頭 請確保電源供應配備地線設計, 假如沒有, 請向合資格專業人士求助 4) 切勿以沾濕的手腳接觸本產品 赤足時切勿操作產品時 5) 不建議使用萬能插蘇 轉換插座及 / 或拖板 注意 : 洗衣程序操作時, 水溫可高達攝氏 90 度 6) 打開機門前, 檢查清查洗衣桶內沒有積水 7) 除非有負責人身安全的人士提供適當監督及指示, 否則本產品的設計並非為患有身體 知覺 心理功能障礙 或缺乏有關操作經驗及知識的人士 ( 包括兒童 ) 使用 請看管兒童, 切勿讓兒童玩弄洗衣機 8) 拔除插頭時, 切勿拉扯電線 ; 應緊握電線插頭本身 9) 切勿將本產品放置於露天環境下 ( 包括會被雨淋 太陽直射等地方 ) 10) 如搬運本產品時, 切勿把持控制面板上的按鈕或洗衣齊格 在運送過程中, 切勿讓機門壓向小車, 同時切勿在沒有安裝機座軟墊的情況下搬運產品 4

5 11) 重要事項! 假如要將產品安放在地毯上, 必須確保機底排氣孔不被阻塞 12) 遇有產品操作不正常或出現毀壞, 請馬上關機 關上水龍頭, 並不要操作洗衣機 請向授權技術支援服務代理查詢有關維修安排, 並要求代理使用原廠零件 假如沒有依照上述說明操作洗衣機, 將有機會危及產品的安全 13) 假如產品的電源線需要更換, 請向授權技術支援服務代理查詢 洗衣 乾衣 假如需要在洗衣程序結束後自動開始乾衣程序, 請以乾衣選擇按鈕選 取所需之程序 快速啟動操作 - 用門把手 A 打開機門 ( 請參閱第 6 頁, 圖 1) - 選擇衣物並放入洗衣機 - 關上機門 - 按照本操作指南之程序指引將洗衣劑注入洗衣劑格 - 選擇程序 - 等候 停止 (STOP) 指示燈閃爍 亦可選擇在洗衣程序結束後, 自行選擇乾衣程序並放入衣物 按附加功能按鈕 ( 如有需要 ) - 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 - 程序開始 完成洗衣後 - " 停止 (STOP)" 指示燈會亮著 - 等候片刻待門鎖可供開啟 ( 程序完成後約 2 分鐘 ), 機門上鎖 指示燈隨之熄滅 - 將程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置以關掉洗衣機 - 打開機門, 拿出衣物 請參閱第 33 頁的指示正確安裝洗衣機 5


7 門把手 以指頭按壓門把手內側的推桿打開洗衣機門 A 程序選擇鈕附 關機 位置 B 選擇鈕可左右旋動 當轉動程序選擇鈕時, 洗衣機會被啟動,. 停止 (STOP)" 指示燈會閃爍 此指示燈會不斷閃爍直至洗衣機啟動或程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵啟動已選程序 當選定程序後, 程序選擇鈕將維持於已選程式的位置, 直至操作結束 請將選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置, 以關掉洗衣機 注意 : 當每次洗衣機操作結束後, 或當要進行下一次洗衣操作, 在選擇並啟動任何程序之前, 必須先將程序選擇鈕轉回 關機 位置 機門上鎖 指示燈 當機門妥善關上, 同時洗衣機正在操作時, 機門上鎖 指示燈將亮著 假如在機門打開的情況下按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵, 指示燈會瞬間閃爍, 然後熄滅 如機門沒有關妥, 指示燈將不停閃爍 本產品備有獨特的安全設計, 防止機門在操作結束後可以立即打開 請待洗衣程序完成後約 2 分鐘, 同時 機門上鎖 指示燈熄滅後, 方行打開機門 在程序結束後, 請將程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置 7 C

8 預校開機時間 鍵 利用本功能鍵, 閣下可預先設定洗衣程序並讓洗衣操作延遲 3 6 或 9 小時後才開始 要預校開機時間程序, 請按以下步驟 : 設定所需程序 ( 停止 (STOP) 指示燈會閃爍 ) 按 預校開機時間 鍵 ( 每按鍵一次, 預校開機時間為 3 6 或 9 小時, 而其指示燈會閃爍 ) 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵以啟動本功能 ( 相關指示燈會停止閃爍並亮著 ) 當完成計時, 預選的程序將會自動啟動 取消預校開機時間功能 : 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵直至指示燈熄滅 ( 停止 (STOP) 指示燈會閃爍 ) 可按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵直接啟動已選程序, 或可將選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置取消已選程序 D 警告 : 在洗衣機操作過程中, 假如電源突然中斷, 洗衣機的一組記憶系統會記下已選程序的設定, 並在恢復電源時, 接續未完成的操作 操作剩餘時間 指示燈 為了讓你方便控制時間, 洗衣機設有指示燈系統, 讓你隨時知道餘下的操作時間 E 指示燈 90: 餘下時間多於 60 分鐘 指示燈 60: 餘下時間少於 60 分鐘 指示燈 30: 餘下時間少於 30 分鐘 指示燈 15: 餘下時間少於 15 分鐘 指示燈 STOP: 程序結束 8

9 脫水轉速 鍵 脫水操作的作用是盡可能將衣物中的水份弄走, 同時不破壞衣物纖維 閣下可根據需要自行調校洗衣機的脫水轉速 閣下除可按本鍵調減最高的脫水轉速, 更可取消整個脫水操作 如需重新啟用脫水操作, 請按鍵直至閣下所需要設定的轉速出現 而為保護衣物本身, 系統不容許讓轉速設定超過在已選程序下自動設定的數值 調校脫水轉速, 毋須暫停洗衣機操作 F 注意 : 本洗衣機設有一組獨特的電子系統, 當洗衣桶內的衣物分佈不平均時, 可防止脫水操作進行 這設計可減低洗衣機操作的噪音和震動, 同時有助延長閣下洗衣機的壽命 脫水轉速 指示燈 每當選定一項程序之後, 相關的最高脫水轉速會自動透過指示燈顯示 可透過 脫水轉速 鍵選擇較低的脫水轉速, 相關指示燈會亮著 G 要啟動 附加功能, 必需先按下相關功能鍵, 再按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 除污洗衣 鍵 只需按下僅限在棉質程序下可供選用的 除污洗衣 鍵, 本產品具備的全新感應器設計將發揮功效 新的感應器能夠在洗衣操作過程中, 同時選擇和維持於理想水平, 並管理洗衣桶的機械操作 在全新洗衣系統下, 洗衣桶於特定的時刻會以兩種不同的速度旋轉 在洗衣劑進入衣物的一刻, 洗衣桶的旋轉速度將有助洗衣劑平均分佈於衣物上 ; 當進入洗衣及過水程序, 洗衣桶的轉速將會加快以強化清潔的效能 全賴這套全新系統, 洗衣過程的效率得以提升, 同時不會增加程序操作所需時間 H 9

10 深層過水 鍵 只需按下本功能鍵, 全新的感應系統設計將為閣下啟動一套全新的洗衣操作程序 而本功能僅限在棉質和混合衣物程序下可供選用 本輔助功能充份照顧衣物中的微細纖維, 並呵護披上衣服的皮膚 當選用本功能, 清洗衣物所需的耗水量將會增加, 再結合洗衣桶在注水和排水時採用全新的複合式轉速設計, 確保令閣下的衣物徹底清洗和過水 為了清除殘留在衣物纖維中的洗衣劑, 當選用本功能後, 過水時耗用的水量將會增加 本功能是特別為幼嫩及敏感皮膚人士而設, 以免受即使是極微量的洗衣劑殘留物刺激, 引致出現各種痕癢及敏感徵狀 我們亦建議閣下利用本功能, 清洗小孩衣服及其他纖維幼細的衣物時, 以及毛巾或類似衣物, 原因是上述衣物的纖維較易吸收大量洗衣劑 為確保閣下操作洗衣機時獲得最佳效果, 在選擇纖幼 羊毛及手洗衣物時, 本功能將自行啟動 I 乾衣選擇 鍵 當程序選擇鈕並非處於 關機 位置, 便可按本功能鍵選擇所需之乾衣程序 ; 每按鍵一次, 一組指示燈將亮起以表示已選的乾衣效果 如需在乾衣程序啟動前取消選項, 請重複按鍵直至指示燈熄滅, 或可將選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置 如需在乾衣程序進行期間取消操作, 持續按下本鍵 2 秒, 直至散熱指示燈亮起 ; 由於洗衣桶在操作期間溫度相當高, 我們建議閣下先讓乾衣機完成整個散熱過程後, 才將程序選擇鈕轉回 關機 位置, 同時取出衣物 乾衣程式指示燈 指示燈顯示所選程序及 / 或乾衣時間 : L M 自動程序 : 可從三個自動程序選擇其中一項, 洗衣乾衣機會依據衣物實際多寡及乾衣類別計算所需的乾衣時間 按啟動鍵後, 相關指示燈會亮著, 並顯示餘下的乾衣時間 = 額外乾衣程序 ( 建議用於毛巾 浴衣及大型衣物 ) = 一般乾衣程序 = 熨燙乾衣程序 10

11 實用提示 : 30 分鐘的乾衣程序建議用於衣量較少 ( 少於 1 公斤 ) 或濕度較低的衣物 當乾衣達至所選擇的程度, 洗衣乾衣機會自動結束程序 如非必要, 切勿在乾衣程序結束前終止洗衣乾衣機之操作 時間程序 : 120 分鐘 90 分鐘 60 分鐘 30 分鐘 : 雙功能指示 : 當從三個自動程序選擇了其中一項時, 指示燈會顯示餘下的乾衣時間 也可選擇其已設定時間的乾衣程序 散熱程序 : 每次乾衣操作結束後, 系統將進行為時 10 分鐘的散熱程序 冷水洗 鍵 當按下這個按鍵後, 每個程序都會轉成冷水清洗而不會更改其他設定 ( 如水位, 時間, 轉速等...) 窗簾, 小地毯, 人造纖細衣物, 易染色衣物在此新程序下都能安全清洗 N 易熨貼 鍵 易熨貼功能 ( 不適用於棉質洗衣程序 ) 加上專為特定物料而設的獨特衣物防皺系統, 可將衣物摺痕減低 混合衣物 在最後兩次過水程序 ( 沒有脫水 ) 進行時, 水會逐漸冷卻, 冷卻後會以柔和的模式去脫水, 以確保衣物保持在最寬鬆的狀態 纖細衣物 在最後兩次過水程序 ( 沒有脫水 ) 完成後, 洗衣機會停在最後的過水程序, 選擇指示燈會閃爍 洗衣桶內的衣物仍處於水中, 從而減少摺皺, 更容易熨貼 羊毛 / 絲質 當最後的過水程序完成後, 洗衣桶內的衣物仍處於水中, 從而減少摺皺, 更容易熨貼, 此時選擇指示燈會閃爍 按下 易熨貼 鍵來啟動操作, 洗衣機會自動排水來完成操作 若你不想進行脫水程序並只啟動排水程序 : - 將功能選擇調到 " 關機 OFF" 位置 ; - 選擇排水功能 ; - 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵重新開啟洗衣機 11 O

12 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 P 選擇程序時, 請待 " 停止 (STOP)" 指示燈閃爍後, 才按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 按以開始所選程序 ( 相關指示燈會亮著 ). 注意 : 當按下 啟動 / 暫停 鍵, 產品會在數秒後才開始操作 在程序開始後 ( 暫停 ) 更改設定於洗衣程序操作時持續按下 啟動 / 暫停 鍵約 2 秒, 可暫停運作 當洗衣機進入暫停模式," 操作剩餘時間 " 指示燈 " 脫水速度 " 和 " 選項鍵 " 指示燈會同時閃爍 再次按下 啟動 / 暫停 鍵來重新啟動程序 假如需要在洗衣操作過程中加入或取走衣物, 請等候約 2 分鐘待安全設計為機門解鎖 當閣下完成所需動作後, 請關上機門, 按 啟動 / 暫停, 產品將接續未完成的操作 取消程序如需取消程序, 請將選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置 重新選擇其他程序 將程序選擇重設於 關機 位置 按鍵指示燈指示燈在按下相關功能鍵時將會亮起 假如個別功能選項不適用於已選程序, 其按鍵指示燈將首先閃爍, 隨後熄滅 Q 12


14 MAX , C ** * * * * 2 1 * * * * * * * * * 14 建議衣量公斤 , 溫度 C 90 3:00 3:20 3:00 3:00 1:50 2:10 2:00 2:00 2:00 0:25 0:07 0:04 0:15 1:00 1:00 0:30 0:59 1:50 1:50 2:20 3: ** * * * * II I * * * * * * * * * * 程序表耐洗衣物棉質 亞麻織物棉質 混合耐洗棉質 混合衣物混合衣物及合成纖維極纖細衣物混合 耐洗衣物棉質 混合衣物 合成纖維混合棉質注入洗衣劑及添加劑程序適用衣物種類白色白色及預洗不易染色衣物易染色衣物纖細衣物不易染色衣物及預洗合成纖維快速脫水排水纖細衣物 30 分鐘速洗 可機洗 羊毛手洗混合 乾衣棉質 乾衣 1) 程序選擇鈕標示耐洗衣物耐洗衣物耐洗或混合衣物過水合成纖維 ( 尼龍 ) ( 時 : 分 ) 不易染色衣物易染色衣物特別衣物大概時間

15 請閱讀下列注意事項 : 如要清洗較髒污的衣物, 建議將洗衣量減至最大 4 公斤 實驗室參考資料 ( 參考 EN 標準 ) 洗衣選擇程序 ** 乾衣首次乾衣操作載入 4 公斤衣物 ( 衣物包括 : 枕袋及抹手巾 ), 並選用棉質乾衣程序 ( ) 下之一般乾衣程序 ( ). 第二次乾衣操作載入 2 公斤衣物 ( 衣物包括 : 床單 2 張及抹手巾 ), 並選用棉質乾衣程序 ( ) 下之一般乾衣程序 ( ). 脫水轉速可因應衣物標籤上的建議而減少, 或當清洗極纖細衣物時, 可完全取消脫水操作 請使用脫水轉速鍵選取有關功能 * 可與自動乾衣操作併用的程序 假如只有少量衣物需特別以漂白劑清除表面污漬, 可以利用洗衣機的特設功能, 為部份需要特別處理的衣物進行預先清除污漬的程序 先將漂白劑注入特設的漂白劑容器, 然後將容器放入洗衣劑格內標示為 II 的儲存格, 然後 選用特設的 過水 程序 當操作完成後, 先關掉洗衣機, 再放入其餘衣物, 然後選用合適的程序如常進行操作 1) 程序所需時間取決於洗衣量 衣物類別 水壓及溫度等 15

16 程序選擇鈕 本洗衣機因應衣物的類型和骯髒程度, 已根據洗衣過程 溫度和過程操作所需時間, 預設不同類型的洗衣程序 ( 請參閱洗衣程序表 ) 棉質棉質程序能提供最高的洗衣及過水效能 程序中包含多次脫水操作, 可確保衣物徹底過水 最後一次脫水操作轉速可達脫水轉速上限, 目的是令衣物獲得最佳的脫水效果 棉質程序包括一次預洗步驟 這一選項是針對非常骯髒的衣物, 而且可與主洗程序獨立操作 如選用預洗功能, 請將額外份量的洗衣劑注入洗衣劑格內以 I 字標示的儲存格 ( 請參閱本指南中題為 洗衣劑 的章節 ) 我們建議預洗操作的洗衣劑用量為主洗程序所需之 20% MAX 混合及合成纖維衣物洗衣桶的旋轉規律和注水量經過精心計算和安排, 令主洗及過水操作發揮出最佳的洗衣效果 溫和的脫水轉速可減少衣物起皺 特別 過水 程序本程序包括三次過水操作及一次中途脫水操作 ( 操作時間可透過適當按鍵步驟自行縮短甚至取消 ) 本程序適用於處理任何類型的衣物, 例如用於手洗衣物之後 本操作程序亦可視之為漂白程序 ( 請參閱洗衣程序表 ) 特別 脫水 程序本 脫水 程序會以最高轉速操作 ( 亦可透過適當按鍵步驟自行調減 ) 排水本程序僅將水排出洗衣機 16

17 特別纖細衣物此一全新洗衣操作採用洗衣 浸泡相間步驟, 建議用作處理十分纖細的衣物 洗衣及過水會配合較高注水量進行操作, 以確保達至最佳的效果 羊毛程序這項獨特的洗衣操作, 既可徹底清洗衣物, 又不破壞衣物的纖維 整個操作過程中夾雜停頓的空檔 程序採用的最高洗衣溫度為攝氏 40 度, 過程最後包括 3 次過水及一次短脫水步驟 特別 手洗 本洗衣機另具備柔和的手洗操作程序 本程序的操作是專為標明 只可以手洗 的衣物而設 程序採用的洗衣溫度為攝氏 30 度, 過程最後包括 3 次過水及一次短脫水步驟 30 分鐘速洗本 30 分鐘速洗程序的整個操作時間約為 30 分鐘, 衣物載入量最多為 2 公斤, 洗衣溫度為攝氏 30 度 請注意, 如選用速洗程序, 我們建議閣下採用的洗衣劑量應為洗衣劑產品包裝上建議份量的 20% 日日洗此特別設計的洗衣程序能保持高質素的洗衣效果, 同時大大縮短了洗衣時間 此程序的洗衣溫度為攝氏 60 度, 過程包括 2 次過水和 1 次高速脫水 棉質慳電洗 40 此特別程序即使你在衣物滿載時, 以攝氏 40 度的洗衣溫度操作亦能達到攝氏 60 度的洗衣效果, 讓你能節省電源 此洗衣程序的時間接近 3 小時 17

18 混合慳電洗 20 C 這項創新的程序可讓閣下將多種不同類型和顏色的衣物, 例如棉質 合成纖維和混合衣物, 以攝氏 20 度一同清洗, 而且洗衣效果出眾 使用本程序的耗電量, 僅為一般以攝氏 40 度使用棉質程序所需的 40% 乾衣注意 : 假如使用儲放濃縮洗衣粉或洗衣液的洗衣球, 在啟動烘乾程序之前, 請先將洗衣球從洗衣桶取出 在乾衣操作過程中, 洗衣桶會改變旋轉方向, 目的是避免衣物纏結在一起, 從而帶來平均的乾衣效果 而在整個乾衣程序最後 10 分鐘, 洗衣機會利用涼風以令衣物減少起皺 高溫乾衣高溫乾衣程序適用於棉質及尼龍衣物, 有關衣料成份請參閱衣物上之標籤 低溫乾衣低溫乾衣程序適用於合成纖維及混合衣物, 有關衣料成份請參閱衣物上之標籤 自動半量洗衣系統 洗衣機設有自動調節水位系統 此系統會因應衣物載入量而自動調節適量的洗衣用水量和過水用水量 這不但能減低用電量和用水量, 同時亦不會影響洗衣和過水效果 洗衣機的用電量和用水量總會配合衣物載入量, 自動地以最低的成本達至最好的清洗效果, 同時亦能節約能源, 保護環境 18

19 洗衣劑格 PR 洗衣劑格分成三個儲存格 : - 以 I 字標示的儲存格用作存放預洗程序用洗衣劑 ; - 以 圖形標示的儲存格用作存放專用添加劑 衣物柔順劑 芳香劑 衣漿粉 亮白劑等 ; - 以 II 字標示的儲存格用作存放主洗程序用洗衣劑 如使用洗衣液, 請將隨機附上的特製容器放入洗衣劑格中標示為 II 的儲存格內 該容器可確保洗衣液在洗衣過程中適當的時間, 讓洗衣液進入洗衣桶 該特製容器必須安裝到洗衣劑格中標示為 II 的儲存格內 假如閣下利用 過水 程序進行漂白操作, 也需要用上該特製容器 注意 : 個別洗衣劑使用較困難 如洗衣劑生產商建議注入洗衣球使用, 請遵照有關建議 注意 : 只可將液體用品注入以 圖形標示的儲存格 本洗衣機已預設程序, 不論在選用任何洗衣操作程序的情況下, 均於最後一次過水步驟時自動取用添加劑 19

20 洗衣劑 助洗劑及使用份量 洗衣劑選擇一般用途洗衣劑 - 洗衣粉具備徹底清潔及漂白功效, 特別適用於高溫洗衣程序 ( 攝氏 60 度或以上 ), 能有效處理非常骯髒的衣物 - 洗衣液適用於處理含油脂的污漬, 例如皮膚油脂污漬 化妝品及油份 這類洗衣劑不適宜用於清洗染有污漬的方物, 因為洗衣液不含有漂白劑成份 - 生物性洗衣劑, 有部份無法提供真正徹底的清潔功效 洗衣添加劑 - 軟水劑在水的硬度被界定為硬至極硬時, 可發揮減少使用洗衣劑的功效 - 預洗用品適合在主洗程序前, 配合針對污漬的處理程序一起使用 使用預洗用品令後續的洗衣程度能以低溫或配合不含漂白成份的洗衣劑進行 - 衣物柔順劑可幫助減少合成纖維衣物中形成靜電, 同時令衣物變得柔順 如閣下採用烘焙式乾衣機, 即使不使用衣物柔順劑, 衣服亦同樣柔軟 請勿將含溶劑成份物品放入洗衣機! 請將洗衣劑及其他洗衣添加劑儲放於小童不可觸及之處 當準備注入洗衣劑前, 請檢查清楚洗衣劑當中不含任何外來物 洗衣劑用量一般顯示在洗衣劑包裝之上 使用時請參照有關指示 20

21 洗衣劑量 僅使用適合洗衣機用之洗衣劑 儘可能減少用化學用品, 以獲取最佳的洗衣效果 若按衣物骯髒程度及洗衣劑種類作考慮, 愈少使用化學用品可令衣物獲得最好的呵護 洗衣劑量取決於 : - 水的硬度 : 視乎水的硬度和洗衣劑的種類, 某些情況下可減少洗衣劑用量 - 骯髒程度 : 可按衣物的骯髒程度減少洗衣劑用量 - 洗衣量 : 假如只清洗少量衣物, 可減少洗衣劑用量 洗衣粉用量一般及低濃縮洗衣粉 : 如清洗一般骯髒衣物, 請選擇不設預洗的程序 將洗衣粉倒入以 II 標示的儲存格 假如清洗非常骯髒衣物, 請選擇附設預洗的程序 將 1/4 的洗衣粉倒入以 I 標示的儲存格, 再將餘下 3/4 的洗衣粉倒入以 II 標示的儲存格 假如使用衣物柔順劑時, 請先放入洗衣粉, 然後再放入柔順劑至 II 字標的儲存格 假如使用超濃縮洗衣粉份量不足一份, 請按產品包裝指示上所示的衣服類型和份量使用 取出洗衣粉時, 為免卻量度適當份量的麻煩, 可用隨產品提供的專用量杯 洗衣液用量 洗衣液的用量可參照相關產品的包裝上指示 有關指示適用於所有不包括預洗操作的程序 可透過使用特別設計放置於洗衣桶內的容器 ( 須另外購買 ) 或某些附帶同類容器的洗衣機型號, 以使用洗衣液 不同洗衣溫度下使用洗衣劑的建議當清洗非常骯髒的白色衣物時, 我們建議使用攝氏 60 度或以上的棉質洗衣程序, 配合能在中溫 / 高溫使用並含有漂白成份的普通洗衣粉, 能令洗衣效果更佳 在攝氏 40 度至 60 度的洗衣溫度下, 選擇洗衣劑時需因應該種衣物物料和衣物骯髒程度, 普通洗衣粉適用於清洗較骯髒的白色衣物和不易染色的衣物, 而洗衣液或護色洗衣粉適用於清洗一般骯髒而易染色的衣物 在攝氏 40 度以下的洗衣溫度下, 我們建議使用專為較低洗衣溫度而設的洗衣液或洗衣劑 當清洗羊毛或絲質物料時, 需使用適合清洗該物料的洗衣劑 洗衣劑的份量請參考洗衣劑包裝上的指示標籤 21

22 給使用者的有用建議 以下建議可助閣下在使用家庭電器時, 獲得最具環保效益和經濟成效 每次以全機衣量進行洗衣操作 為了盡可能減省耗電 耗水和洗衣劑用量, 我們建議閣下洗衣時應放入全機衣量, 但不要超出建議的洗衣量上限 以全機衣量進行一次洗衣操作, 比較以一半洗衣量的分兩次進行洗衣操作, 可節省高達 50% 耗電量 什麼情況下才真正需要進行預洗? 僅當衣物非常骯髒時! 按一般骯髒的衣物為例, 不使用預洗操作較使用此選項, 可節省 5 至 15% 耗電量 應如何選擇合適的洗衣溫度? 在進行機洗衣前先用除污劑處理衣物, 可減少以攝氏 60 度洗衣的需要 使用攝氏 60 度洗衣比較攝氏 90 度洗衣, 可節省多達 50% 耗電量 使用乾衣程序之前 在使用乾衣操作前, 利用高速脫水操作減少衣物的水份, 既省電也省時間 22

23 主洗 將衣物分類 - 建議閣下只清洗可配合水和洗衣劑進行的可供機洗衣物, 當中不包括只適宜乾洗的物品 - 假如閣下需要清洗地毯 床單或其他重物, 盡可能避免進行脫水操作 - 請按照衣物的類別 骯髒程度及適用洗衣溫度分類 任何時候, 應遵照衣物標籤上的建議處理衣物, 以確保衣物得到最適當的呵護及保障 可以高溫清洗衣物 顏色 容易處理衣物 纖細及羊毛 手洗 標籤上如有以下圖案的衣物則不適宜機洗 : 乾洗假如清洗極纖細物品如窗簾 內衣 內褲等, 建議使用洗衣網或洗衣袋 - 羊毛物品必須標明為 全羊毛, 同時標明 防皺褶 或 可機洗 - 新買顏色物品常會出現脫色情況 這樣會導致其他一同清洗的淺色物品被染色 因此我們建議首次清洗顏色物品時, 應與其他物品分開處理 往後清洗時, 不脫色物品如跟白色物品一同清洗, 洗衣溫度不可高於攝氏 40 度 注意 : 當進行衣物分類時 - 請確保衣物沒有藏有金屬物件 ( 例如萬字夾 扣針 胸針 硬幣等 ); - 如有枕袋, 請將枕袋的鈕扣扣好 ; 其他拉鍊 鎖扣 魚眼鈕扣 皮帶扣及長袍衣物的索帶, 亦請加以適當整理 ; - 移除窗簾上的掛鈎 ; - 請仔細閱讀衣物上的洗滌標籤 ; - 假如為衣物分類時, 發現部份衣物上有頑固污漬, 請取出衣物, 並安排以特效洗衣劑或除污劑清洗 - 我們建議閣下如清洗毛巾類型衣物時, 不要放入最大衣量, 因為這類衣物吸水性較強, 在洗衣過程中重量會明顯增加 23

24 正確洗衣操作 為衣物作準備 A) 將衣物分類 將衣物放入洗衣機 B) 打開洗衣機門 C) 將衣物放入洗衣機 關上機門, 同時檢查沒有衣物阻礙機門關妥並上鎖 將洗衣劑注入洗衣機 D) 拉出洗衣劑格, 選定洗衣劑並按產品生產商指示及本操作指南第 20 頁的建議, 注入適當份量 注入其他洗衣添加劑 ( 請參閱第 20 頁 ) 關上洗衣劑格 選擇洗衣程序 請參閱程序表或洗衣機上的程序描述, 以選擇最合適的程序 轉動程序選擇鈕以啟動所選程序 待 停上 (STOP) 指示燈閃爍 按下附加功能鍵 ( 如有需要 ) 檢查水龍頭經已打開, 並確保排水管安放位置妥當 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 當按下 啟動 / 暫停 鍵後, 洗衣機將按所選程序完成各步驟操作 洗衣機操作期間, 程序選擇鈕將一直停留在已選程序的位置上, 直至程序操作完成 警告 : 在洗衣機操作過程中, 假如電源突然中斷, 洗衣機的一組記憶系統會記下已選程序的設定, 並在恢復電源時, 接續未完成的操作 當程序操作完成程序結束時, 停上 (STOP) 指示燈會亮著 等候片刻待門鎖可供開啟 ( 程序完成後約 2 分鐘 ) 機門上鎖 指示燈將會熄滅 將程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置以關掉洗衣機 打開機門, 取出衣物, 並關上水龍頭 24

25 乾衣 請勿為塑膠製或易燃衣物進行乾衣 重要事項 : 本乾衣功能只適用於已清洗及經排走水份之衣物 警告 : 衣物標籤上指示的乾衣時間可視作一般情況下適用, 為了獲取最佳的乾衣效果, 我們建議在首次使用時, 可設定較標籤指示為低的乾衣時間, 目的是幫助掌握所需程度的乾衣效果 我們建議不要為易破損的衣物進行乾衣 一些長毛絨織物, 由於在處理過程中容易造成氣管阻塞, 也應避避免作乾衣操作 用作乾衣的水會經由密封的排水管道排走, 因此操作時洗衣機不會出冒出蒸汽 重要事項 : 切勿在乾衣操作開始後打開機門 ; 請等待程序中的散熱步驟結束後, 方行打開機門 只為已經排走水份之衣物進行乾衣 本洗衣 / 乾衣機具備兩種乾衣功能 : 1 棉質 毛巾類衣物 亞麻織物 大麻布等 程序選擇鈕上以 作標示 建議事項在乾衣操作期間, 洗衣桶速轉將高於正常, 目的是讓衣物平均分佈, 以提升乾衣功效 2 混合衣物 ( 合成纖維 / 棉質 ) 合成纖維衣物, 程序選擇鈕上以作標示 25

26 自動洗衣 / 乾衣操作 警告 : 最多可放入 4 公斤乾衣物, 否則可能影響乾衣效果 洗衣 : 拉出洗衣劑格, 選定洗衣劑並注入適當份量 根據所需清洗之衣物類型 ( 例如非常骯髒棉質衣物 ), 先參考洗衣程序表選擇程序, 但不要按啟動鍵, 按下列步驟為洗衣作準備 : 轉動程序選擇鈕至所需程序, 讓洗衣機進入備用狀態 待 停上 (STOP) 指示燈閃爍 檢查水龍頭經已打開, 並確保排水管安放位置妥當 乾衣 : 選擇所需之乾衣程度 乾衣程度選擇包括適用於毛巾及浴袍之額外乾衣 ( ) 乾衣後可免於熨燙衣物適用之一般乾衣 ( ), 以及乾衣後適宜熨燙的衣物適用之熨燙乾衣 ( ) 假如閣下希望為乾衣操作設定時限, 請按 乾衣選擇 鍵直至所需時間之指示燈號亮起 按 啟動 / 暫停 鍵 當按下 啟動 / 暫停 鍵後, 洗衣機將按所選程序完成各步驟操作 洗衣機操作期間, 程序選擇鈕將一直停留在已選程序的位置上, 直至程序操作完成 洗衣乾衣機將繼續完成整個乾衣程序 乾衣操作期間, 乾衣程序指示燈將保持亮著, 直至進入散熱步驟, 以 亮起 作標示的指示燈將 當程序結束 程序結束時, 停上 (STOP) 指示燈會亮著 等候片刻待門鎖可供開啟 ( 程序完成後約 2 分鐘 ) 機門上鎖 指示燈將會熄滅 將程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置以關掉洗衣機 打開機門, 取出衣物, 並關上水龍頭 26

27 正確乾衣操作 : 乾衣過程 - 打開洗衣機門. - 放入最多 4 公斤衣物 - 如有大型物品 ( 如床單 ) 或吸水性較強衣物 ( 如 牛仔布衣物 ), 請減 - 關上機門 - 轉動程序選擇鈕至位置 選擇所需之乾衣程度 乾衣程度選擇包括適用於毛巾及浴袍之額外乾衣 ( ) 乾衣後可免於熨燙衣物適用之一般乾衣 ( ), 以及乾衣後適宜熨燙的衣物適用之熨燙乾衣 ( ) 假如閣下希望為乾衣操作設定時限, 請按 乾衣選擇 鍵直至所需時間之指示燈號亮起 隔熱機門設計由於乾衣操作會令機門玻璃溫度上升, 因此機門玻璃之外特設保護層, 以防止雙手觸及機門玻璃釀成危險 在一般情況下使用, 毋須將保護層從機門上移除 警告 : 不要隨意觸摸機門 - 請確保進水單向閥已開啟 - 請確保排水位置妥當 警告 : 切勿為羊毛衣服或附軟墊的物品 ( 例如縫製被 縫製外套等 ) 進行乾衣 假如屬纖細衣物, 請以晾乾處理, 並載較少量衣物清洗, 以防起皺 按啟動 / 暫停鍵 乾衣操作期間, 程序選擇鈕將一直停留在 程序的位置上, 直至乾衣操作完成 乾衣期間, 乾衣程序指示燈將保持亮著, 直至進入散熱步驟, 以 作標示的指示燈將亮起 當程序結束 程序結束後," 停止 STOP" 指示燈會亮著 等候片刻待門鎖可供開啟 ( 程序完成後約 2 分鐘 ) 機門上鎖 指示燈將會熄滅 將程序選擇鈕轉到 關機 位置以關掉洗衣機 打開機門, 取出衣物, 並關上水龍頭 27

28 乾衣時間表 ( 按分鐘計 ) 程序 棉質 混合衣物 最小衣量 1 公斤 最大衣量 4 公斤 最小衣量 1 公斤 最大衣量 3 公斤 額外乾衣 (Extra) 一般乾衣 (Cupboard) 熨燙乾衣 (Iron ) 由 30 分鐘由 30 分鐘由 30 分鐘 至 230 分鐘至 220 分鐘至 170 分鐘 由 30 分鐘由 30 分鐘由 30 分鐘 至 170 分鐘至 150 分鐘至 80 分鐘 有用建議 : 請勿將未清洗的衣物放入洗衣乾衣機內 衣物如沾上煮食油 阿司通 酒精 石油 火水 除漬劑 松節油 蠟或除蠟劑, 請先以熱水並加入額外份量的洗衣劑清洗, 然後才放入洗衣乾衣機進行乾衣 請勿將下列物件放入洗衣乾衣機進行乾衣, 包括發泡膠 浴帽 防水衣料 橡膠襯裡衣物, 以及附軟墊之衣物及枕頭 使用時各種衣物柔順劑或同類用品時, 應遵照產品生產商的指示 乾衣程序中最後階段的操作不會產生高熱 ( 散熱程序 ), 目的是避免衣物因過熱而受到損壞 警告 : 切勿在乾衣程序結束前終止洗衣乾衣機之操作, 如有必要, 則應盡快將所有衣物從洗衣機內取出並攤開, 以讓熱力釋放 28

29 清潔及日常保養 切勿將含有酒精成份的沙布及 / 或稀釋劑用於洗衣機表面, 只需以濕布加以清潔便可 洗衣機所需的日常保養項目非常有限 : - 清潔洗衣劑格 - 清潔過濾器 - 清潔機門玻璃 清潔洗衣劑格 儘管非必然, 但應定時清潔用作存放漂白洗衣劑及添加劑之儲存格 1) 先抽出儲存格, 過程中可能要稍加力度, 但應避免強行抽出 2) 打開水龍頭, 徹底清潔儲存格 3) 將儲存格妥善放回原位 清潔過濾器本洗衣機設有專用的過濾器, 作用是阻隔一些體積較大 容易造成排水管淤塞之沉澱物或雜物 ( 如硬幣 衣鈕等 ), 同時方便取走該些沉澱物或雜物 我們建議過濾器應最少每一個月清潔一次 清潔步驟如下 : 1) 取出過濾器之前, 請先將一條吸水力強的毛巾放置於過濾器下方, 以便吸走可能積存在排水泵內的少量積水 2) 按逆時針方向轉動過濾器直至固定於垂直位置, 便可將過濾器取出並加以清潔 3) 完成清潔後, 將過濾器放回原位, 並按順時針方向轉動直至固定, 然後按相反次序完成其餘上述步驟 清潔機門玻璃請定時用濕布清潔機門的玻璃 假如水中的沉積物和雜質積聚於玻璃表面, 可能會導致機門漏水 切勿利用含侵蝕性的清潔劑進行清潔, 這樣會令玻璃出現損蝕 洗衣機如需搬遷或長期閒置 假如洗衣機需要搬遷或將長期閒置於溫度較低的地方, 必需先將洗衣機所有喉管的積水完全排走 確保切斷主電源, 讓喉管垂下並置於盤內, 直至所有水被排出 完成後, 請按相反次序完成上述步驟 29

30 什麼原因導致 各種可自行解決的事故 故障診斷 故障說明可能原因排解方法 1. 無法啟動任何程序 2. 洗衣機沒有進水 沒有連接上電源沒有開啟電源電力中斷保險絲燒掉洗衣機門沒有完全關上 參閱第一項故障水龍頭被關上程序選擇鈕未有轉到正確位置進水管扭曲 接上電源按下啟動 / 暫停鍵檢查供電來源檢查保險絲關妥洗衣機門 進行相關檢查打開水龍頭將程序選擇鈕轉到所需及正確位置保持進水管暢通 3. 洗衣機沒有排水 4. 洗衣機附近地板有積水 排水管淤塞或扭曲家中排水通道受阻排水泵過濾器淤塞 水龍頭與進水管之間密封圈出現滲漏家中排水通道受阻洗衣劑格被沉積物阻塞 保持排水管暢通清理家中排水通道檢查過濾器 更換密封圈, 並妥善接駁水龍頭與喉管清理家中排水通道清潔洗衣劑格 5. 洗衣涌沒有旋轉 6. 洗衣桶轉動時, 機身劇烈震動 7. 無法打開機門 洗衣機內積水未排走選擇了 停止旋轉 ( 只限於個別型號 ) 洗衣機放置水平不理想沒有拆除運送用的保護設計洗衣桶內衣物分佈不平均 程序結束後兩分鐘上鎖時限未解除 等候數分鐘待洗衣機的水排走按重設鍵或轉動 停止旋轉 取消功能 調整機腳高度拆除運送用的保護設計將衣物重新平均分佈於洗衣桶內 等候兩分鐘待系統解除上鎖 在乾衣操作期間, 洗衣桶速轉將高於正常, 目的是讓衣物平均分佈, 以提升乾衣功效 當洗衣機的洗衣桶轉動時, 會發出有別於正常的聲響, 原因是洗衣機裝配了有刷電機, 以提升操作表現 如察覺洗衣桶內的水位水平偏低, 原因是新款的洗衣機設計能以較少耗水量, 達至等同以往的洗衣及過水效果 30

31 注意事項 : 操作洗衣機時使用不含磷酸鹽的環保洗衣劑可能會產生下列現象 : - 過水操作後排走的水呈較混濁狀態, 原因是水中含有懸浮的沸石, 但這現象並不會影響過水的效果 - 清洗後的衣物表面會出現白色粉末 ( 沸石 ), 原因是沸石不會被衣物纖維吸收, 但這些粉末不會影響衣物的顏色 - 最後一次過水操作中出現泡沫並不代表過水效果欠佳 - 有證據顯示, 洗衣劑成份中的負離子表面活性劑難以從衣物中清除的情況經常會發生, 在這種情況下, 即使衣物中的負離子表面活性劑含量極少, 也能造成大量泡沫 - 即使重複進行過水程序, 亦無法杜絕上述情況出現 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND GUARANTEE Your new appliance is fully guaranteed by the manufacturer for 12 months against electrical/mechanical breakdown excluding: A. Any faults which occur due to bad installation or misuse of the machine. B. Any faults which occur due to repair of, or interference with, the machine by any person not authorised by the manufacturer to carry out service. C. Any faults which arise from parts fitted to the machine which are not the manufacturers original parts. D. Any faults arising from non-domestic use or unusual or abnormal use of the machine. E. Any faults arising from operation at an incorrect voltage. F. Any faults arising from incorrect operation of the machine. The guarantee applies to Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland only, and is an addition to your statutory rights. After Sales Service If, having investigated the possible malfunctions on the chart on the previous page, you believe the appliance is not working correctly, please call our After Sales Service dept. on telephone number: Gias Service - Tel: Support Service (Eire ) 31

32 Fig. 2 技術規格 最大衣量最大乾衣量水壓 淨機身尺寸 ( 不包括機門及按鈕 ): 闊深高 6 公斤 4 公斤 0,05 0,8 MPa 60 厘米 54 厘米 82 厘米 備注 : 有關電子規格的技術內容, 請參閱張貼於洗衣機正面 ( 機門位置 ) 的技術規格表 如上圖示 本產品符合 73/23/EEC 及 89/336/EEC 指令 ( 其後為指令 2006/95/EC 及 2004/108/EC) 及其後繼的安全標準 32

33 擺放及安裝 1 取走聚苯乙烯機腳保護墊, 並將洗衣機放置於接近日後長期擺放之地方 ( 圖 1) 小心剪掉將喉管固定於機身背部的索帶 ( 圖 2) 拆除 3 顆固定螺絲 ( 標記 A) 及 3 個定位膠墊 ( 標記 B) ( 圖 3) 2 拆除螺絲 ( 標記 C) 另一個定位膠墊將跌落在機身內側 將機身傾斜, 便可取走上述定位膠墊 利用附帶於操作指南包裝內的 4 個螺孔保護塞, 覆蓋機身背部 4 個螺絲孔 ( 圖 4) 3 4 警告 : 切勿將包裝棄置於小童可觸及的地方, 以免造成危險並釀成意外 如圖所示, 將隔音墊放置於機腳下方 Apply Type the 1 insulation sheet of corrugated Type 2 material to the base as shown. Use the 4 feet to level the machine with the floor: a) Turn the nut clockwise to release the screw adjuster on the foot. b) 調校機腳以保持機身與地面成水平 : a) c) 按順時針方向鬆開螺帽以便調校機腳 b) a ch 以旋扭方法調整機腳高度, 直至機身固定於地面上 c) 按逆時針方向轉動前方機腳螺帽, 直至螺帽緊貼機身底部 C B A 33

34 注意 : 我們建議閣下保留固定螺絲以便日後搬遷之用 對於任何沒有依照本產品製造商所訂立指示安裝本產品而帶來任何損失, 產品製造商將不會負責 同時, 產品用家必需負擔所有安裝費用 接駁水管本產品必須使用全新的喉組接駁主要供水裝置 老舊的喉組不應重複使用 本洗衣機所用進水管接駁洗衣機進水部份和冷水供應裝置的接頭, 採用 3/4 吋直徑的氣密螺紋管規格 本洗衣機只利用冷水供應, 因此只需利用一條喉管接駁冷水供應裝置 請勿將進水管接駁上熱水供應裝置 冷水供應系統具備良好的能源效益 只有用作洗衣的水需要加熱 不論需要供水的裝置是熱水壼 熱水煲, 或本洗衣機, 使用時都不會導致供水管道產生熱量流失 最小 4 cm 最大 100 cm +2,6 mt 最大 最小 50 cm 最大 85 cm 34

35 注意 : 建議每次完成洗衣後應關掉水龍頭, 以確保洗衣機與供水裝置徹底分隔 而為確保洗衣機正常操作, 排水管的排水末端 ( 接水口 ) 的離地距須介乎最小 50 至最大 85 厘米 接駁電線安裝完成後, 必須保留足夠空間確保電源線頭伸手可及 假如我們提供的電源插頭並不適用請剪斷電線並將之妥善銷毀! 閣下切勿將電源插頭用在其他電器之上, 假如將剪掉的插頭連接到插座, 外露的電線將有機會構成危險 更換合適插頭, 請按以下步驟 : 接駁 至插頭的插腳 黃 綠色線以英文字母 E 標示, 或標以標記或塗上綠色, 或塗上黃 綠兩色 藍色線以英文字母 N 標示, 或塗上藍色 啡色線以英文字母 L 標示, 或塗上紅色 警告本產品必須接上設有地線的電源 保險絲及電源插頭本產品只限連接到額定值為 13 安培的電源插座使用 產品預設的電源插頭備有 BS 1362ASTA 認可的 13 安培保險絲, 更換時必須採用相同設計 假如遺失保險絲封蓋, 請勿使用插頭直至重新裝上合適的封蓋 合適的封蓋 ( 可向當地的零售商選購 ) 必須與插頭底部導入部份的顏色或標示文字相同 35

36 36

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38 dsfkldhskglhk 38

39 Introduction Please read these instructions for use carefully and all other information enclosed with the washing machine. Keep all documentation in a safe place for future reference or for any future owners. This appliances is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: - staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; - farm houses; - by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; - bed and breakfast type environments. A different use of this appliance from household environment or from typical housekeeping functions, as commercial use by expert or trained users, is excluded even in the above applications. If the appliance is used in a manner inconsistent with this it may reduce the life of the appliance and may void the manufacturer s warranty. Any damage to the appliance or other damage or loss arising through use that is not consistent with domestic or household use (even if located in a domestic or household environment) shall not be accepted by the manufacturer to the fullest extent permitted by law. Notes on disposal All packaging material used is environmentally-friendly and recyclable. Please help dispose of the packaging via environmentally-friendly means. Your supplier or local council will be able to give you details of current means of disposal. Valuable materials can be salvaged from an old appliance via scrap reprocessing. Note: pull out the mains plug from any old appliance. Cut the power cable and dispose of it, together with the plug. When disposing of an old washing machine, please ensure that the door lock is rendered inoperable to prevent children shutting themselves in the appliance. 39

40 Contents Page Introduction 39 General delivery notes 41 Safety notes 41 Quick start 42 Description of controls 43 Programme Table 50 Programme selector 52 Detergent drawer 55 Detergents, washing aids and amounts to use 56 Useful advice for the user 58 The main wash 59 Drying 61 Automatic washing/drying cycle 62 Drying cycle 63 Cleaning and routine maintenance 65 Investigating malfunctions 66 Technical data Setting up + installation BEFORE SWITCHING ON THE APPLIANCE MAKE SURE IT IS CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND THAT THE TRANSIT SCREWS ARE REMOVED AS SHOWN IN PAGE

41 General delivery notes Please check that the following items are delivered with the appliance: - Instruction manual - Certificate of guarantee - Inlet hose - Liquid detergent or liquid bleach compartment Check that no damage has occurred during transit, and if so, call your nearest Authorised Technical Support Service agent. Safety notes. Note: for cleaning or maintenance of the washing machine. A) Pull out the plug B) Turn off the tap C) Whirlpool equips all its appliances with earthing. Ensure that the mains supply is earthed, and if it is not, seek assistance from a qualified person. D) Do not touch the appliance when hands or feet are wet or damp. Do not use the appliance with bare feet. E) The use of adapters, multiple connectors and/or extensions is not recommended. Note: water temperature can reach 90 C during the wash cycle. F) Check there is no water left in the drum before opening the door. G) This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. H) Do not pull the power cable or the appliance itself to remove the plug from the socket. I) The appliance must not be exposed to weather conditions (rain, direct sun, etc...) ) When moving the appliance never lift it by the controls or by the detergent drawer. When in transit never rest the door against the trolley or transport the appliance without the polystyrene base. 41

42 K) N.B! If the appliance is installed on a carpeted floor ensure that the ventilation holes on the base of the appliance are not obstructed. L) If the appliance is not running properly or breaks down, switch it off, turn off the tap and do not tamper with the appliance. Consult only the Authorised Technical Support Service for possible repair and ask them to use original spare parts. Failure to comply with the above can compromise the safety of the appliance. M) If the appliance s power cable should ever need replacing, consult the Authorised Technical Support Service Washing Quick start - Open the door by using the handle A (Fig. 1, page 43) - Select laundry and put it in the machine - Close the door - Put detergent in the compartments as indicated in the programme guide in this instruction manual - Select programme - Wait for the STOP indicator light to flash DRYING If you would like the drying cycle to begin automatically after washing, select the programme required using the Drying Selection button. Otherwise it is possible to finish the wash and then decide on the drying programme and load. Press additional function buttons (if required) - Press the Start/Pause button. - The programme starts. After washing - The indicator light STOP will go on. - Wait for the door lock to be released (about 2 minutes after the programme has finished). The Door Security indicator light will go out. - Switch off the washing machine by turning the selector to OFF position. - Open the door and remove the laundry. Ensure that the machine is correctly installed in line with the instructions found on page

43 Description of controls Fig. 1 D CE MG F B Q R H ILNOP A Door handle Programme selector with "OFF" position "Door Security" indicator light "Start delay" button "Time To End" and "Start delay" indicator light "Spin speed" button "Spin speed" indicator light "Stain wash" button "Intensive rinse" button "Drying selection" button Drying programme indicators "Cold wash" button "Easy iron" button "Start/Pause" button Buttons indicator light Detergent drawer 43 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R

44 Door handle To open the door turn the handle in the manner illustrated in fig. A PROGRAMME selector with "OFF" position Rotates in both directions. The machine is turned on by selecting a programme via the programme selector. This status will be indicated by the "STOP" indicator light flashing, this light will continue to flash until the machine has started or the machine is returned to the "OFF" position. B Press the "Start/Pause" button to start the selected cycle. Once a programme is selected the programme selector remains stationary on the selected programme till cycle ends. Switch off the washing machine by turning the selector to "OFF". Note: The programme selector must be return to the "OFF" position at the end of each cycle or when starting a subsequent wash cycle prior to the next programme being selected and started. DOOR SECURITY indicator light The Door Security indicator light is illuminated when the door is fully closed and the machine is ON. When "Start/Pause" is pressed on the machine with the door closed the indicator will flash momentarily and then illuminate. If the door is not closed the indicator will continue to flash. A special safety device prevents the door from being opened immediately after the end of the cycle. Wait for 2 minutes after the wash cycle has finished and the Door Security light has gone out before opening the door. At the end of cycle turn the programme selector to "OFF". 44 C

45 START DELAY button Appliance start time can be set with this button, delaying the start by 3, 6 or 9 hours. Proceed as follows to set a delayed start: Select a programme ( STOP indicator light blinks). Press "Start delay " button (each time the button is pressed the start will be delayed by 3, 6 or 9 hours respectively and the corresponding light will blink). Press "Start/Pause" to commence the Start delay operation (the indicator light associated with the selected Start delay time stops blinking and remains ON). At the end of the required time delay the programme will start. To cancel the Delay Start function : press the "Start delay " button until the indicator lights will be off (The "STOP" light blinks) and the programme can be started manually using the "Start/Pause" button or switch off the appliance by turning the programme selector to "OFF" position. D Warning: If there is any break in the power supply while the machine is operating, a special memory stores the selected programme and, when the power is restored, it continues where it left off. TIME TO END indicator light In order to manage your time better, this washing machine features an indicator light system that keeps you constantly informed on the remaining cycle time. Indicator light 90: Remaining time above 60 minutes. Indicator light 60: Remaining time less than 60 minutes. Indicator light 30: Remaining time less than 30 minutes. Indicator light 15: Remaining time less than 15 minutes. Indicator light STOP: End of the programme. E 45

46 SPIN SPEED button The spin cycle is very important to remove as much water as possible from the laundry without damaging the fabrics. You can adjust the spin speed of the machine to suit your needs. By pressing this button, it is possible to reduce the maximum speed, and if you wish, the spin cycle can be cancelled. To reactivate the spin cycle press the button until you reach the spin speed you would like to set. To prevent damage to the fabrics, it is not possible to increase the speed over that which is automatically suitable during the selection of the program. It is possible to modify the spin speed without to pausing the machine. F Note: The machine is fitted with a special electronic device, which prevents the spin cycle should the load be unbalanced. This reduces the noise and vibration in the machine and so prolongs the life of your machine. SPIN SPEED indicator light G When you set a program, the maximum possible spin speed will be automatically shown by the relevant indicator light. Choosing a smaller spin speed by the appropriate button, the relevant indicator light will go on. The option buttons should be selected before pressing the "Start/Pause" button. STAIN WASH button By pressing this button, which can only be activated in the Cotton cycles, the sensors in the new system come into operation. They affect both the selected temperature, keeping it at a constant level throughout the wash cycle, and the mechanical function of the drum. The drum is made to turn at two different speeds at crucial moments. When the detergent enters the garments, the drum rotates in such a way that the detergent is distributed in a uniform manner; during the wash and rinse procedures, however, the speed increases in order to maximise the cleaning action. Thanks to this special system, the efficiency of the wash procedure is improved WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN THE LENGTH OF THE PROGRAM. H 46

47 INTENSIVE RINSE button By pressing this button you can activate a special new wash cycle in the Cotton and Mixed Fabrics programs, thanks to the new Sensor System. This option treats with care the fibres of garments and the delicate skin of those who wear them. The load is washed in a much larger quantity of water and this, together with the new combined action of the drum rotation cycles, where water is filled and emptied, will give you garments which have been cleaned and rinsed to perfection. The amount of water in the wash is increased so that the detergent dissolves perfectly, ensuring an efficient cleaning action. The amount of water is also increased during the rinse procedure so as to remove all traces of detergent from the fibres. This function has been specifically designed for people with delicate and sensitive skin, for whom even a very small amount of detergent can cause irritation or allergy. You are advised to also use this function for children s clothing and for delicate fabrics in general, or when washing garments made of towelling, where the fibres tend to absorb a greater quantity of detergent. To ensure the best performance for your wash, this function is always activated on the Delicates and Woollens/Hand Wash programs. DRYING SELECTION button With the programme selector not in the OFF position, press the button to select the required drying programme; an indicator will light to display the drying result selected each time you press the button. To cancel the selection before the start of a drying programme, press the button repeatedly until the indicators go out or return the programme selector to the OFF position. To cancel the cycle during the drying phase, hold the button down for 2 seconds until the cooling indicator lights up; given the high temperature inside the drum, we recommend that you allow the dryer to complete the cool down period before returning the programme selector to the OFF position and removing the laundry. Drying programme indicators The indicators display the type of programme and/or drying time: 47 I L M Automatic Programmes: By selecting one of these 3 automatic programmes, the washerdryer will calculate the time needed for drying and the residual dampness required, according to the load and drying type selected. After pressing the START button, one of the indicators will light to display the drying time remaining. = Extra dry drying programme (recommended for towels, bathrobes and bulky loads) = Cupboard dry drying programme = Iron dry drying programme

48 USEFUL TIPS: The 30 minute drying programme is recommended for small loads (less than 1 kg) or slightly damp loads. Your washer-dryer ends the cycle automatically when it reaches the drying level selected. For the correct operation of the appliance, it is preferable not to interrupt the drying phase unless it is really necessary. Timed programmes: 120 minutes 90 minutes 60 minutes 30 minutes: Dual function indicators: If one of the 3 automatic drying programmes is selected, the indicators display the drying time remaining They may be used to select timed drying programmes. Cool down phase : Switched on during the final cool down period, in the last 10 minutes of each drying phase. COLD WASH button By pressing this button it is possible to transform every programme into a cold washing one, without modifying other characteristics (water level, times, rythmes, etc...). Curtains, small carpets, man made delicate fabrics, non coulor fast garments can be safely washed thanks to this new device. EASY IRON button The Easy Iron function (Not available on COTTON programmes) minimizes creases as much as possible with a uniquely designed anti-crease system that is tailored to specific fabrics. MIXED FABRICS - the water is gradually cooled throughout the final two rinses with no spinning and then a delicate spin assures the maximum relaxation of the fabrics. DELICATE FABRICS after the final two rinses with no spinning the machine stops in the final rinse stage and the option indicators blink. The load is held in the water in the drum, thus reducing creasing and enabling easier ironing. WOLLENS/SILK after the final rinse the load is held in the water in the drum, thus reducing creasing and enabling easier ironing and the option indicators blink. To complete the cycle press the Easy Iron button and the machine will pump out the water and complete the cycle. If you do not want to spin the clothes and activate drain only: - Turn the programme selector to the "OFF" position; - Select programme drain only ; ; - Switch on the appliance again by pressing the "Start/Pause" button. 48 N O

49 START/PAUSE button P When a programme is selecting, wait for the STOP indicator light to flash before pressing the "Start/Pause" button. Press to start the selected cycle (according to the selected cycle one indicator lights will go on). NOTE: When the "Start/Pause" button has been pressed, the appliance can take few seconds before it starts working. Changing the settings after the programmes has started (PAUSE) The programme may be paused at any time during the wash cycle by holding down the "Start/Pause" button for about two seconds. When the machine is in the paused mode, the indicator light "Time To End", spin speed and option buttons will flash. To restart the programme, press the "Start/Pause" button once again. If you wish to add or remove items during washing, wait 2 minutes until the safety device unlocks the door. When you have carried out the manoeuvre, close the door, press "Start/Pause" button and the appliance will continue working where it left off. CANCELLING THE PROGRAMME To cancel the programme, set the selector to the OFF position. Select a different programme. Re-set the programme selector to the OFF position. Buttons indicator light Q These light up when the relevant buttons are pressed. If an option is selected that is not compatible with the selected programme then the light on the button first flashes and then goes off. 49

50 TABLE OF PROGRAMMES PROGRAM FOR: FOR: PROGRAMME SELECTOR ON: kg EIGHT TEMP. TEMP. 1) CHARGE DETERGENT MAX C C kg (hours:minutes) 2II I1 Resistant fabrics Cotton, Cotton, linen linen Cotton, Cotton, mixed mixed resistant Cotton, Cotton, mixed mixed * * * * * * * * * * Mixed Mixed fabrics fabrics and and synthetics Fast coloureds with Mixed, Mixed, resistant Prewash Cotton, Cotton, mixed mixed fabrics, synthetics Synthetics (nylon, (nylon, perlon), perlon), mixed mixed cotton cotton * * * * * * * * * * * * Whites Whites with Prewash Fast coloureds Non Non fast fast coloureds coloureds Delicates Fast coloureds Synthetics Non Non fast coloureds Rinse Fast spin Drain only 6 6 ** ** : : : : : : : : : :25-0:07-0:04 - Very Very delicate delicate fabrics fabrics Delicates :15 40 MACHINE WASHABLE woollens 1,5 1,5 40 1:00 40 Hand wash :00 30 SpecialS SpecialS Rapid 30 minutes * * Resistant Fabrics * * Resistant Fabrics * * Resistant or Mixed fabrics Cotton -- Drying : : : : :00 - Mixed -- Drying 3 3-2:20-50

51 Please read these notes When washing heavily soiled laundry it is recommended the load is reduced to 4 kg maximum. Information for the test laboratories (Ref. EN Standards) Washing Use the programme ** Drying First drying with 4kg (the load consist: pillowcases and hand-towels) selecting the cotton drying programme ( ) cupboard dry ( ). Second drying with 2kg (the load consist: 2 sheets and hand towels) selecting the cotton drying programme ( ) cupboard dry ( ). The spin speed may also be reduced, to match any guidelines suggested on the fabric label, or for very delicate fabrics cancel the spin completely this option is available with a spin speed button. * Programmes for automatic drying. When only a limited number of articles have stains which require treatment with liquid bleaching agents, preliminary removal of stain can be carried out in the washing machine. Pour the bleach into the liquid bleach container,inserted into the compartment marked II in the detergent drawer, and set the special programme. When this phase has terminated, switch off the appliance, add the rest of the fabrics and proceed with a normal wash on the most suitable programme. 1) The time of the cycle depends on the amount of load, type of fabrics, water pressure and temperature, etc. 51

52 Programme selector For the various types of fabrics and various degrees of dirt the washing machine has different programme bands according to: wash cycle, temperature and leng of cycle (see table of washing cycle programmes). COTTONS The Cotton programme is designed for maximum washing and rinsing efficiency. With spin cycles in between, the programme guarantees the laundry is rinsed perfectly. The final spin cycle ensures laundry is spun dry as much as possible up to the maximum speed. The Cotton programme includes a Prewash cycle. This option is particularly useful for really dirty loads and can be used independently of the main wash programme. Additional detergent for the Prewash part of the programme should be added to the first compartment of the soap drawer labelled "I" (please refer to the section of this manual entitled Detergent ). We recommend you use only 20% of the quantity used for the main wash programme. MAX MIXED AND SYNTHETIC FABRICS The main wash and the rinse gives best results thanks to the rotation rhythms of the drum and to the water levels. A gentle spin will mean that the fabrics become less creased. SPECIAL RINSE PROGRAMME This programme carries out three rinses with a intermediate spin (which can be reduced or excluded by using the correct button). It can be used for rinsing any type of fabric, eg. use after hand-washing. This program can be also used as cycle of Bleaching (see table of washing cycle programmes). SPECIAL SPIN PROGRAMME Programme SPIN carries out a maximum spin (which can be reduced by using the correct button). DRAIN ONLY This programme drains out the water. 52

53 SPECIAL DELICATE FIBRES This is a new wash cycle which alternates washing and soaking and is particularly recommended for very delicate fabrics. The wash cycle and rinses are carried out with high water levels to ensure best results. WOOL PROGRAMME This special cycle enables to thoroughly wash garments without damaging them. The cycle comprises of alternate periods of activity and pauses. The programme has a maximum temperature of 40 and concludes with 3 rinses and a short spin. SPECIAL HAND WASH This washing machine also has a gentle Hand Wash programme cycle. This programme allows a complete washing cycle for garments specified as Hand Wash only on the fabric care label. The programme has a temperature of 30 C and concludes with 3 rinses and a slow spin MINUTE RAPID PROGRAMME The minute rapid programme allows a complete washing cycle cycle to to be be carried out in approximately minutes, with with up up to to a a maximum load load of of 2 2 kg kg and a temperature of 30 C. When selecting the " " programme, please note that we recommend you use only 20% of of the the recommended quantities shown shown on on the the detergent pack. DAILY LOAD This specially designed programme maintains the high quality wash performance whilst greatly reducing the wash time. The programme is designed with a temperature of 60 C and concludes with 2 rinses and a high speed spin sequence. COTTON ECO 40 This special programme has been studied to allow you to obtain the best washing performance, even at full load, as the 60 C Cotton programme (the normative cycle), but with the advantage of an energy saving due to 40 C temperature, instead of 60 C. The length of this programme lasts almost the 3 hours. 53

54 MIXED ECO 20 C This DRYING innovative programme, allows you to wash different fabrics and colours together, Note: Dispensers such as cottons, used synthetics for concentrated and mixed fabrics powders at only and 20 C liquid and detergents must be removed from the drum before commencing the provides tumble drying an excellent programmes. cleaning performance. Consumption on this program is about 40% of a conventional 40 C cottons wash. The drum changes direction during the drying cycle to prevent the laundry from tangling and hence produce even drying. Cool air is used during the last ten minutes of the drying cycle to minimise creasing. DRYING LOW Note: HEAT Dispensers used for concentrated powders and liquid Low detergents temperature must be drying removed programme from the for drum synthetics before and commencing mixed fibres, the always tumble refer drying to the programmes. care label. The drum changes direction during the drying cycle to prevent the laundry HIGH from tangling HEAT and hence produce even drying. Cool air is used during the High last ten temperature minutes of drying the drying programme cycle to for minimise Cottons creasing. and linen items, always refer to the care label Suitable for a light 1.5kg load size (e.g. 4 shirts) or slightly dirty LOW HIGH fabrics, HEAT this cycle will wash, rinse, spin and dry your garments in WASH'N under Low High temperature an DRY hour. 59 drying programme for for Cottons synthetics and linen and mixed items, always fibres, We always refer recommend to refer the care to the label that care you label. reduce the detergent dosage when using When you only have a few items to wash and dry in a hurry, this 59 minute cycle is the ideal time saver! Suitable for a light 1.5kg load size (e.g. 4 shirts) or slightly dirty fabrics, HIGH LOW HEAT this cycle will wash, rinse, spin and dry your garments in under Low High WASH'N temperature DRY 59 an hour. drying programme for for Cottons synthetics and linen and mixed items, always fibres, We always refer recommend to refer the care to the label When you only have that care a you label. few reduce items to the wash detergent and dry dosage in a hurry, when this using 59 this programme to avoid wastage. Auto half load Auto half load The washing machine is fitted with a self adjusting water level system. This The washing system enables machine the is fitted machine with to a self use adjusting the amount water of water level system. needed to wash and rinse the laundry This system in relation enables to the the particular machine to load. use the amount of water needed to wash and rinse the This laundry results in relation in a reduction to the particular of the water load. and electricity used, without in any way compromising the This washing results in and a reduction rinsing performance. of the water and electricity used, without in any way compromising In the fact washing the amount and rinsing of water performance. and electricity used will always be appropriate for the clothes load. The In fact washing the amount machine of water automatically and electricity ensures used excellent will always washing be appropriate results at minimum for the clothes cost whilst load. The respecting washing the machine environment automatically. ensures excellent washing results at minimum cost whilst respecting the environment. 54

55 Detergent drawer PR The detergent drawer is split into 3 compartments: - the compartment labelled "I" is for prewash detergent; - the compartment labelled " " is for special additives, fabric softeners, fragrances, starch, brighteners etc; - the compartment labelled "II" is for main wash detergent. If liquid detergents are used, please insert the special container supplied into the compartment marked II in the detergent drawer. This ensures that the liquid detergent enters the drum at the right stage of the wash cycle. This special container must be inserted into the compartment marked " II " in the detergent drawer, also when you wish to use the "RINSE" programme as BLEACHING cycle. NOTE: Some Detergents are Difficult to utilise. Ensure to use an in drum dispenser if recommended by the detergent Manufacturer. Note: only put liquid products in the compartment labelled. The machine is programmed to automatically take up additives during the final rinse stage for all wash cycles. 55

56 Detergents, washing aids and amounts to use Choice of detergent General purpose detergents - Powder detergents, for a thorough wash, with bleaching agent, particularly suitable for use in hot wash programmes (60 C and over), for heavily soiled and stained laundry. - Liquid detergents, particularly suitable for grease stains, such as greasy skin marks, cosmetics and oil. These detergents are not suitable for washing stained laundry, as they do not contain bleach. - Biological detergents, not all the products available give a really thorough wash. Additional laundry aids - Water softener, means less detergent can be used where water hardness is classed as hard to very hard. - Prewash substances, for the programmed treatment of stains prior to the main wash. Using them means the subsequent wash can be at a low temperature or with bleach-free detergents. - Fabric softener, prevents static build-up in synthetic fabrics and softens fabrics. If you own a tumble dryer, clothes are softened even without the use of a fabric softener. Do not put solvents in the washing machine! Keep detergents and other laundry products out of children s reach. Before pouring in the detergent check that there are no foreign bodies in the detergent drawer. Dosage details are usually shown on the detergent packaging. Follow those instructions. 56

57 Dosages Only use use detergents which are are suitable for for use use in in a a washing machine. You You will will obtain the the best best results from from your your wash with with the the minimum use use of of chemical products and and the the best best care care for for your your laundry if you if you take take into into consideration the the degree of of soiling as as well well as as the the type type of of detergent to to choose. The The amount of of detergent to to use use depends on: on: - - water hardness: depending on on the the hardness of of the the water and and the the type type of of detergent used, it it is is possible to to reduce the the amount of of detergent. - - the the degree of of soiling: it is it is possible to to reduce the the amount of of detergent used depending on on the the degree of of soiling. - - amount of of laundry: it is it is possible to to reduce the the amount of of detergent when washing only only a a small amount of of laundry. Dosage for for powder detergent For For normal and and low low concentration detergents: for for normally soiled laundry choose a a programme without prewash. Put Put the the detergent in in compartment II II of of the the drawer. For For heavily soiled laundry, choose a a programme with with prewash. Put Put 1/4 1/4 of of the the detergent in in compartment I, I, 3/4 3/4 in in compartment II II of of the the drawer. When using water softeners, first first put put in in the the detergent, then then add add the the softener to to compartment II. II. For For highly concentrated detergents not not in single dose format, follow what is is shown on on pack exactly as as regards type type and and amount of of dosage. To To avoid the the difficulty of of checking if the if the detergent has has been taken up, up, use use the the dosage aids aids provided in in the the detergent packaging. Liquid detergent dosage Liquid detergents may may be be used in in accordance with with the the instructions on on the the relevant packaging, for for all all programmes without prewash, by by using the the special container which is is placed in in the the drum or, or, for for those models that that have it, it, in in the the special insert for for liquid detergents. Recommendations on the use of detergent at various temperatures When washing heavily soiled whites, we recommend using cotton programs of 60 C or above and a normal washing powder (heavy duty) that contains bleaching agents that at medium/ high temperatures provide excellent results. For washes between 40 C and 60 C the type of detergent used needs to be appropriate for the type of fabric and level of soiling. Normal powders are suitable for white or colour fast fabrics with high soiling, while liquid detergents or colour protecting powders are suitable for coloured fabrics with light levels of soiling. For washing at temperatures below 40 C we recommend the use of liquid detergents or detergents speci cally labeled as suitable for low temperature washing. For washing wool or silk, only use detergents speci cally formulated for these fabrics. For dosage amounts please follow the instructions on the detergent package label. 57

58 Useful advice for users Tips on using your domestic appliance in the most environmentally-friendly and economical way Do a full load in your washing machine To prevent any possible waste of energy, water or detergent we recommend that you put a full load in your washing machine, not exceed the recommended maximum load size. Up to 50% energy saving can be made with one full load compared to two half load washes When is prewashing really needed? Only with particularly dirty loads! Energy savings of 5 to 15% are made by not selecting the prewash option for normal soiled laundry. Which wash temperature should you choose? Using stain removers before machine washing reduces the need to wash at temperatures over 60 C. Energy savings of up to 50% can be made by using a 60 C wash temperature rather than 90 C Before using a drying programme... SAVE energy and time by selecting a high spin speed to reduce the water content in laundry before using a drying programme. 58

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KDC-U5049 KDC-U4049 Made for ipod, and Made for iphone mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to ipod, or iphone,

KDC-U5049 KDC-U4049 Made for ipod, and Made for iphone mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to ipod, or iphone, KDC-U5049 KDC-U4049 Made for ipod, and Made for iphone mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to ipod, or iphone, respectively, and has been certified by the developer

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