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1 705-D00-0 TUDIO TROBE : /Tel: (806) /Fax: / godox@godox.com GODOX Photo Equipment Co., Ltd. Add: Building, Yaochuan Industrial Zone, Tangwei Community, Fuhai treet, Bao an District, henzhen, China Tel: (806) Fax: godox@godox.com godox.com Made in China 说明手册 Instruction Manual

2 前 言 警告 感谢您使用 DII 系列影室闪光灯, 此产品持久耐用 功能齐全 性能稳定, 全方位支 持专业摄影师的各种光效创意, 适用于婚纱摄影 人像摄影 产品拍摄等 产品有以 下亮点 : 目 内置神牛.4G 无线 X 系统 50 级闪光强度随意选择,LCD 显示屏从 /-/( 或 ) 准确定位输出功率 50W 大功率造型灯,5%-00% 手动调光输出稳定, 同一功率连续输出变化不超过 % 防预闪功能, 带一次预闪功能的相机用光控可实现同步拍摄 秒后调节参数智能记忆, 开机自动恢复使用神牛 Xpro X XT 或 FT-6 功率遥控器, 远程控制闪光灯功率大小 造型灯开关 蜂鸣器使能及引闪 录 0 前言 0 警告 0 注意事项 0 部件 0 机身 0 LCD 显示屏 04 附件 04 可选购附件 04 使用 04 固定闪光灯 05 接通电源 05 造型灯使用 05 功率调节 05 试闪按钮 05 同步触发 06 GR/ 按钮 06 光控使用 06 声音提示 06 组合健 06 报警显示 06 记忆存储功能 06 无线控制功能 07 装卸闪光灯管 08 产品参数 08 维护保养 在使用本设备前请仔细阅读以下警告内容, 并妥善保管以便所有本产品使用者可随时参阅 请勿私自拆卸产品, 如产品出现故障须由本公司或授权的维修人员进行检查维修 请保持干燥 : 请勿用湿手接触产品, 亦不可将产品浸入水中或暴露于雨中 请勿让儿童接触本产品 摄影灯适用于通风的环境, 使用时请保持灯光源部分及散热孔不被堵塞, 请勿在易燃易爆的环境中使用 摄影灯采用电源插头做为断接装置, 应保持随时便于操作 使用时严禁用手接触灯光发热部件 安装及连接附件时, 请关闭开关断开电源, 装卸闪光灯管 / 造型灯时, 请确认灯管为冷却状态, 避免烫伤, 还需佩戴绝缘手套 请勿将闪光灯头正对人眼闪光 ( 特别是婴儿的眼睛 ), 否则可能会在短时间造成视力障碍 在不使用时, 请断开电源 注意事项 闪光灯在全功率的情况下连续引闪 0 次后, 需冷却 分钟左右 如果连续使用而不冷却就会产生高温积热 不可长时间连续使用造型灯, 否则可能造成安装在灯头上的柔光箱等易燃附件燃烧 有易燃附件时建议不要连续使用造型灯超过 0 分钟 如使用超过 0 分钟, 请冷却 分钟后再继续使用 使用束光筒时, 请勿长时间点亮造型灯或过频闪光 ( 全功率每分钟不多于 6 次 ) 积热会导致闪光灯外壳受损或造成灯的损坏 避免突然的碰撞, 防止闪光灯管或造型灯受损

3 部 件 机身 0..4G内置无线符 6. 温度报警显示. 内置无线频道 7. 内置无线组别. 内置无线频道拨码盘 8. 闪光灯功率显示 4. 光控显示 9. 造型灯关 5. 声音显示 0. 造型灯在PROP模式. 造型灯在百分比 显示功率模式. 造型灯在闪光灯 引闪的时候灭 附件. 电源线. 灯头保护罩. 造型灯 4. 说明书 5 7 可选购附件 BUZZ蜂鸣按键 9. 外置无线控制插座 0. LCD显示屏. 光控接收器. 造型灯指示灯. 试闪指示灯 4. 调节旋扭+ET键. 电源插座. 同步线插孔. 电源开关 4. TET试闪按键 5. MOD/造型灯按键 6. /光控模式按键 7. GR/频道/组别按键 5. 保险丝座 6. 托架 7. 伞孔 8. 方向调节把手 使 LCD显示屏 用 固定闪光灯 可搭配本公司以下摄影附件使用 以获得最佳的拍摄效果和使用体验 Xpro X XT或FT-6功率遥控器遥控器 逆变器 柔光箱 反光伞 灯架 蜂巢 雷达罩 束光筒等 取下灯头保护罩 装上 造型灯并套上玻璃灯罩和 反光灯罩(另购) (如想卸 下反光灯罩 请往后按灯 7 头上的附件释放钮 同时 8 9 PROP 0 % 逆时针旋转反光灯罩至松 开即可 如图一附图)

4 将闪光灯设备安装在一个合适的灯架上, 调整好托架 (6) 并扭紧固定, 方向调 节把手 (8) 可按用户要求调节灯的方向 伞孔 (7) 可以插上各类影楼伞 接通电源 通过电源线接通交流电源与闪光灯, 拨动闪光灯上的电源开关 () 造型灯使用 造型灯按键 (5) 短按可选择造型灯的模式 ( PROP 百分比 ); 长按可以开启或关闭造型 灯在引闪的时候灭的功能 造型灯点亮 4 小时后会自动关闭, 以防在无人状态的长时间点亮, 导致高温积热产生 : 造型灯关闭 PROP: 造型灯的功率随着闪光灯的变化而变化, 闪光灯功率越大, 造型灯越亮 百分比 : 手动调节造型灯亮度 (5%-00%) 设置 : 屏幕显示 <> 时, 短按 <MOD/> 键进入 PROP 模式, 令屏幕显示 PROP 屏幕显示 <PROP> 时, 短按 <MOD/> 键进入百分比调节模式, 令屏幕显示百分比亮度 短按 ET 键, 令百分比亮度闪烁, 旋转调节旋钮可从 5% 至 00% 选择亮度 再次短按 ET 键, 退出调节 屏幕显示 <PROP> 时, 短按 <MOD/> 键可返回 <> 模式 4 在非 <> 模式下, 长按 秒 <MOD/> 键开启造型灯在引闪的时候灭的功能, 屏幕显示 ( ), 再长按 <MOD/> 键退出此模式 功率调节 如有易燃附件在灯头上, 不可长时间点亮造型灯, 最好是点亮 0 分钟后请冷却 分钟后再继续使用, 并注意易燃附件温度 闪光功率通过调节旋扭 (4) 来控制, 可以从 / 至 / 自由调节,LCD 显示屏 (0) 将对所选择功率作准确显示, 满足客户在不同环境下对光源的要求 LCD 显示屏显示 -- 时, 表示闪光引闪功能关闭 从高档调节至低档, 需要按下试闪按钮来放电以获得 所需的功率 试闪按钮 欲使闪光灯测试闪光而不拍照, 请按试闪按钮 (4) 摄影师可以通过试闪按钮结合 功率调节旋钮 (4) 来调节闪光亮度 按住 ET 键并开机, 可查看闪光灯的版本号 同步触发 同步线插孔 () 规格为 Φ.5mm, 此处 可插入同步线或者触发器触发插头对 闪光灯进行同步引闪 GR/ 按钮短按可以调节内置无线组别,LCD 组别显示在闪烁时, 旋转调节旋钮可以更改组别 ; 长按可以选择内置无线频道,LCD 频道显示在闪烁时, 旋转调节旋钮可以更改频道 光控使用光控模式有 种选择, 由 LAVE光控模式按键 ( 6) 进行切换 非光控模式 :LCD 没有显示 或, 表示光控功能已关闭 光控单元设置 : 按 </> 键选择 功能, 闪光灯可作为副灯使用, 创造多种 照明效果, 适用于手动闪光环境 它会与主闪光灯的第一次闪光同步触发闪光, 效 果与使用无线引闪器一致 光控单元设置 : 按 </> 键选择 功能, 闪光灯可作为副灯使用, 适用于 TTL 闪光环境 具有防预闪功能, 使用带一次预闪功能的相机能用光控实现同步拍 摄 它会与主闪光灯的第二次闪光同步触发闪光, 即 次光控引闪 声音提示 蜂鸣按键 (8) 控制蜂鸣提示的打开和关闭, 当 LCD 显示声音符时, 表示蜂鸣提示音打开 ; 当 LCD 没有显示声音符时, 表示蜂鸣提示音关闭 每次回电充满时会响 BI 一声, 提示可以引闪 组合键同时长按 <GR/> 键和 </> 键可以开 / 关内置无线,LCD 没有显示无线符和频道表示内置无线关闭, 显示则表示内置无线开启 同时按住 </> 键和 <BUZZ> 键, 可恢复出厂设置 报警显示 E0 没有连接温度传感器 E 充电中, 秒内检测电容电压没有上升 E 温升最快的元器件超过额定温度 E 放电电容电压 > 额定值 +0% 报警声音,BIBI 0.5s 响一次, 单击 ET 键可停止报警鸣叫 记忆存储功能 闪光灯设有参数记忆功能, 调节参数 秒后未变更的, 闪光灯会自动存储设置好的参 数 下次开机使用时初始设置跟关机前一致 无线控制功能 闪光灯内置.4G 无线传输, 可以配合 X XT6 功率遥控器使用 同时按下 <GR/> 和 < /> 按钮开启内置无线, 令屏幕显示 < >, 此时表示进入 内置.4G 无线状态 如果在拍摄现场不止一个无线闪光系统, 您可以通过更改通讯频道 来防止信号干扰 保证主控单元和从属单元设置为相同的频道编号即可

5 设置通讯频道 长按<GR/>按钮秒, 频道编号闪烁显示 旋转调节旋钮从至 中选择频道 按下<ET>设置按钮, 确定 设置通讯组别 别编号闪烁显示 型号 D00II D400II 闪光能量 00W 400W 闪光指数(m IO 00) 旋转调节旋钮从0至 F中选择组别 按下<ET>设置按钮, 确定 闪光灯内置无线控制插座,配合特定遥控器使用,您可以实现对闪光灯的无线控 制 将FT系列遥控器的接收端插入无线控制插座,手持遥控器发射端,即可远程 闪光功率调控 5600±00K AC0V-0V~60Hz或AC0V-40V~50Hz 5.0~0.0 (/~/) 造型灯功率 50W 回电时间 闪光触发控制方式 色温 电源电压 短按<GR/>按钮 组 产品参数 秒内 同步线插孔 光控感应 试闪按钮 无线控制插座 控制闪光灯的功率开关和大小 闪光灯触发等 您也可以将发射端置于相机热 闪光持续时间 靴上,通过相机快门来进行同步引闪 同步端口输出参数 5V UB端口输出参数 5V/00mA (仅限神牛接收器) 保险丝 尺寸 净重 /000~/800s AC0V-0V~60Hz: 8A / AC0V-40V~50Hz: 5A 灯体直径Φ.7CM 含把手高8.CM 含保护罩长7CM 约.7KG 约.9KG 维护保养 更多遥控器的使用方法,请查阅FT系列遥控器的说明书 装卸闪光灯管 关闭所有电源并拔下电源线 带上绝缘手套 将闪光灯管上的铁丝拧松 用平衡力拿 住灯管两脚间 轻轻往外拉出卸下旧灯管 将旧灯管两脚上的套管取下套到新灯管两 脚 拿住新灯管两脚间 对准灯头上两铜柱 用平衡力往里推进 最后将铁丝绕灯管 弹片并拧紧固定好灯管 闪光灯在工作时 如发现异常 应立即关掉电源 查明原因 灯体应避免震动 平时注意表面除尘 灯体稍有发热为正常现象 无特别需要时 勿连续引闪 除灯管与造型灯消耗品用户可用原厂配置的自行装卸更换外 所有闪光灯概由本厂指定可 供原厂配件之维修部负责 年保修 由于灯管与造型灯为消耗品 不在年保修范围 经发现擅自检修此闪光灯 将取消闪光灯之一年保修期 维修需要收取相关费用 如果本品出现故障或者被水淋湿 唯有在专业人员维修后方可继续使用 在维修和清洁本品时请断开电源 如有技术更改 恕不另行通知

6 FOREWORD Thanks for choosing DII series studio flash. It is a durable and good quality strobe with complete functions to help photographers create desired lighting effects. The product is suited for wedding, portrait, and product photography. The DII flash offers: Built-in Godox.4G wireless X system Precise output displayed on LCD panel, 50 steps from / to / (or ) in 0. increments High-qualified modeling lamp, 50W output and 5% to 00% manual light adjustment Outstanding output stability, a tolerance of % under the same output Anti-preflash function, enabling synchronization with cameras having a onepreflash firing system Adjusted parameters intelligently remembered after s and automatically recovered after a restart Wireless control of the flash power ratio, the on-and-off of modeling lamp and buzzer, as well as flash triggering with Godox Xpro, X, XT or FT-6 flash trigger CTENT Warning To prevent damage to the product or injury to you or to others, read the following warnings in their entirety before using this product. Keep these safety instructions where users can read them for ready reference. Do not disassemble or modify. hould the product break down, send the defective back to the authorized service center for inspection and maintenance. Keep dry. Do not handle with wet hands, immerse in water, or expose to rain. Keep out of reach of children. Please put the device in a ventilation environment and keep the parts of lighting and heat dissipation holes are unobstructed. Do not use in flammable environment. As this product adopts make and break device, please keep it easy to be used. No touching the heating parts of this product. Please turn off the power and wear insulated gloves before installing and connecting accessories. When replacing the tube or modeling lamp, please make sure that the tube is cool and wear insulated gloves to prevent burns. Do not flash directly towards naked eyes (especially those of babies), otherwise it may lead to visual impairment. Disconnect from the power supply when it will not be used for an extended period. 09 Foreword 0 Warning 0 Caution Names of Parts Body LCD Panel Accessories eparately old Accessories Operations Flash Preparation Power Connection Modeling Lamp 4 Power Output Control 4 Test Button 4 ync Triggering 4 GR/ Button lave Trigger Model 5 Buzz Function 5 Key Combination 5 Alarm Display 5 Memory Function 6 Wireless Control Function 7 Tube Replacement 8 8 Technical Data Maintenance CAUTI After 0 continuous flashes at full power, the flash should be cooled down for about minutes. Overheating will occur if it is used continuously without cooling down. Do not keep using the modeling lamp for a long time; otherwise flammable accessories attaching to flash head, e.g. softbox will get burnt. A 0-minute time is recommended in this case. After 0 minutes, cool it down for minute. When using a snoot, do not keep the modeling lamp on for a long time or fire too frequently (not over six times for one minute). Overheating will result in damages for strobe housing and/or studio light. Avoid sudden impacts as this can damage the flash tube and/or modeling lamp

7 LCD Panel NAME OF PART Body PROP % 0. Built-in.4G Wireless Transmission. Built-in Wireless Channel. Built-in Wireless Channel Dial 4. lave Model Indicator 5. Beep 6. Temperature Alarm Display 7. Built-in Wireless Group 8. Flash Output 9. Modeling Lamp is off 0.Modeling Lamp is in the PROP mode.modeling Lamp shows the power in percentage.modeling Lamp is off when triggering the flash Accessories Power Cord Lamp Cover Modeling Lamp Instruction Manual. AC Power ocket 0. LCD Display. ync Cord Jack. Light ensor. Power witch. Modeling Lamp Indicator 4. Test Button. Test Indicator eparately sold accessories 5. MOD/ Modeling Lamp Button 4. elect Dial + ET Button 6. / lave Model Button 5. Fuse 7. Group/Channel Button 6. Mounting Bracket 8. BUZZ Button 7. Umbrella Input The product can be used in combination with the following accessories sold separately, so as to achieve best photography effects: Xpro, X, XT or FT-6 remote control, Power Inverter, oftbox, Photographic Umbrella, Light tand, Barndoor, noot, etc. 9. Wireless Control Port 8. Direction Adjusting Handle

8 OPERATI Flash Preparation. Take down the lamp cover. Install the modeling lamp and put on the glass protection cover and the standard reflector (optional accessory). (To uninstall the standard reflector, press the release button on the flash head and turn the standard reflector counter-clockwise to take it out, as illustrated in the picture.). Attach the flash unit onto an appropriate light stand. Adjust the mounting bracket (6) for a good angle and make sure it is tightened and fixed. Use the direction adjusting handle (8) to adjust the flash to a desired direction. Umbrella input (7) is for different photo umbrellas to put in. Power Connection Use the power cord to connect the flash to an AC power source and turn on the power switch (). Modeling Lamp hort press the Modeling Lamp Button (5) to choose the modeling lamp s mode (, PROP and percentage); and long press the Modeling Lamp Button (5) to switch on or off the function that the modeling is off when triggering the flash. Modeling lamp will be off automatically after lighting for 4 hours, avoiding overheat due to long-time lighting when the user is not nearby. : Modeling lamp is off. PROP: The modeling lamp's power changes with the flash's power. The bigger power the flash has, the brighter the modeling lamp is. Percentage: Adjust the modeling lamp's light brightness manually from 5% to 00%. etting:. When is displayed, short press the <MOD/> Button to enter PROP mode. Now the LCD panel shows PROP.. When PROP is displayed, short press the <MOD/> Button to enter Percentage mode. hort press the ET Button and the percentage value is blinking. Turn the elect Dial to choose the light brightness from 5% to 00%. hort press the ET Button to exit.. When PROP is displayed, short press the <MOD/> Button can back to <> mode. 4. When in N mode, long press the <MOD/> Button for seconds to switch on the function that the modeling is off when triggering the flash. Now the LCD panel shows ( ). Long press the <MOD/> Button again to exit this mode. When there is flammable accessory on the flash unit, do not keep the modeling lamp on for a long time. It is recommended to cool it down for one minute after 0 minutes' working. Power Output Control elect dial (4) decides different power output, satisfying light requirements in different environment. The power is adjustable freely from / to / which will be accordingly shown on the LCD display (0). "--" on the display indicates that the flash triggering function is turned off. Press the test button to discharge power when the flash output is adjusted from high to low. Test Button To fire the flash without taking a picture, press the test button (4). It can also help adjust the flash brightness when combined with the select dial (4). Press the ET button and turn on the flash to view its version. ync Triggering The sync cord jack () is a Φ.5mm plug. Insert a trigger plug here and the flash will be fired synchronously with the camera shutter. ynchronously press the / button and BUZZ button to recover factory settings. GR/ Button hort press the GR/ button can adjust the built-in wireless group. When the group indicator on the LCD panel is blinking, turn the select dial to change. And long press the GR/ button can adjust the built-in wireless channel. When the channel indicator on the LCD panel is blinking, turn the select dial to change

9 lave Trigger Model Three slave triggering models are available and can be set by pressing slave model button (6). No optical control: or is not displayed on the LCD panel, indicating the slave triggering function is shut down. Optic econdary Unit etting: In M manual flash mode, press </> button so that this flash can function as an optic secondary flash with optic sensor. With this function, the flash will fire synchronously when the main flash fires, the same effect as that by the use of radio triggers. This helps create multiple lighting effects. Optic econdary Unit etting: Press </> button so that this flash can also function as an optic secondary flash with optic sensor in M manual flash mode. This is useful when cameras have pre-flash function. With this function, the flash will ignore a single preflash from the main flash and will only fire in response to the second, actual flash from the main unit. Buzz Function The BUZZ button (8) is used for deciding whether there is sound reminder for ready flash after recharging. When the buzz indicator is on the LCD panel, the buzz function is working; when it is disappear, the buzz function is not working. A BI sound will be heard when it s fully charged. Wireless Control Function The flash unit has built-in.4g wireless transmission, which can be used together with X and XT6 flash trigger. ynchronously press the <GR/> Button and the </> Button can turn on the built-in wireless transmission and the < > is displayed. If there are other wireless flash systems nearby, you can change the channel IDs to prevent signal interference. The channel IDs of the master unit and the slave unit(s) must be set to the same. etting the Communication Channel Long press the <GR/> Button for seconds until the channel IDs is blinking. etting the Communication Group Turn the elect Dial to choose the channel from to. Press the <ET> Button to confirm. Key Combination ynchronously press the <GR/> Button and the </> Button can turn on/off the built-in wireless transmission. If there are no wireless and channel indicators displayed on the LCD panel, the built-in wireless transmission is off. On the contrary, the built-in wireless transmission is on. Alarm Display E0 The temperature sensor is not connected. E When charging, the capacitance and voltage are not rising within second. E The fastest heating-up component is over the extra temperature. E Discharged capacitance and voltage>rating +0% Alarm sounds, BIBI, ringing per 0.5 second. Press ET button to stop alarming. Memory Function The device is equipped with memory function for the panel setting. It will help remember the panel setting seconds after you set it. When starting up the flash next time, the panel setting will be the same as that before powering it off. hort press the <GR/> Button for seconds until the group IDs is blinking. Turn the elect Dial to choose the group from 0 to F. Press the <ET> Button to confirm

10 The flash unit is built in with a Wireless Control Port so that you can wirelessly adjust the power level of the flash and the flash triggering. To control the flash wirelessly, you need a FT-6 remote control set (oncamera and on-flash). Insert its receive end into the Wireless Control Port on the flash and insert the transmit end into the camera hot shoe. ettings made on the hotshoemounted transmit and receive ends will be wirelessly communicated to the flash. Then you can press the camera shutter release button to trigger the flash. You can also hold the transmit end at hand to control your off-camera flash. For full instructions on the use of FT series remote control, see its user manual. Tube Replacement hut down the power and remove the power cord before replacing the flash tube and wear insulated gloves. Then, loosen the iron wire on the tube, keep a balanced hold on the two feet of the flash tube and pull out the old tube gently. Take down the feet casing from the old tube and put it on the new one. Hold two feet of the new tube, and target directly towards the two copper outlets, then push them slightly in. Twine the iron wire on the stainless steel sheet to fix the flash tube. TENICAL DATA Model Max Power (W) Guide Number(m IO 00) Color Temperature Operating Voltage Power Output Control Modeling Lamp (W) Recycle Time Triggering Method Flash Duration Parameters output from the sync cord jack Parameters output from the UB port Fuse Dimension Net Weight MAINTENANCE D00II 00W 58 D400II 400W Flash diameter.7cm, height of flash with handle 8.CM, length of flash with lamp cover 7CM Approx..7KG 5600±00K within s 65 AC0V-0V~60Hz or AC0V-40V~50Hz, 5.0~0.0(/~/) 50W ync cord, Test button, lave triggering, Wireless control port /000~/800s 5V 5V/00mA (only for Godox receiver) AC0V-0V~60Hz: 8A / AC0V-40V~50Hz: 5A Approx..9KG hut down the device immediately when it works abnormally and find out the reason. Avoid sudden impacts and the lamp should be dedusted regularly. It is normal for the lamp to be warm when in use. Avoid continuous flashes if unnecessary. Maintenance of the flash must be performed by our authorized maintenance department which can provide original accessories. The flash-tube and the modeling lamp are user-replaceable. Replacement tubes and lamps can be obtained from the manufacturer. This product, except consumables e.g. flash tube and modeling lamp, is supported with a one-year warranty. Unauthorized service will void the warranty. If the product had failures or was wetted, do not use it until it is repaired by professionals. Disconnect the power when cleaning the flash or when changing the flashtube / modeling lamp. Changes made to the specifications or designs may not be reflected in this manual

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