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1 Opto-Electronic Engineering 光电工程 Article 年, 第 5 卷, 第 期 同轴纳米柱对亚波长金属牛眼结构 EOT 的调控. 杨泽华, 宋阳, 陈爽, 高亚臣 * 5 摘要 : 牛眼结构是一种典型的纳米光学结构 本文设计了一种带有同轴纳米柱的牛眼结构, 利用时域有限差分法 (FDTD) 研究了该结构的增强透射效应 研究发现, 柱的半径和高度对透射特性具有显著的影响, 恰当选择柱的半径和高度会得到最大的透射强度 另外, 牛眼结构对环境折射率有较高的灵敏度 理论分析表明, 该种结构的透射增强效应是由局域表面等离激元与表面极化等离激元相互作用产生 这为纳米光学元件的研发与应用提供一个新的思路 关键词 : 表面等离激元 ; 光异常透射 ; 牛眼结构 ; 时域有限差分法中图分类号 :O73 文献标志码 :A 引用格式 : 杨泽华, 宋阳, 陈爽, 等. 同轴纳米柱对亚波长金属牛眼结构 EOT 的调控 [J]. 光电工程,,5(): 7 Control of EOT of subwavelength metal bullsee structures b coaial nano-columns Yang Zehua, Song Yang, Chen Shuang, Gao Yachen * College of Electronic Engineering, Heilongjiang Universit, Harbin, Heilongjiang 5, China; Department of Information Engineering, Chaoang Teachers' College, Chaoang, Liaoning, China Abstract: The bullsee structure is a classic nano-optical structure. This article designs a new bullsee structure with coaial nano-pillars. We used the time-domain finite difference method (FDTD) to stud the EOT of the structure. Studies show that the radius and height of the column have a significant impact on the transmission characteristics. The proper choice of the radius and height of the column will support the maimum transmission intensit. In addition, the bullsee structure has a higher sensitivit to the environmental refractive inde. Theoretical analses show that the enhancement transmission effect of the structure is caused b the interaction between the local surface plasmon and the surface plasmon polariation. This provides a new idea for the development and application of nano-photonic components. Kewords: surface plasmon; EOT; bullsee structure; finite difference time domain method Citation: Yang Z H, Song Y, Chen S, et al. Control of EOT of subwavelength metal bullsee structures b coaial nano-columns[j]. Opto-Electronic Engineering,, 5(): 7 收稿日期 :--; 收到修改稿日期 :-- 基金项目 : (F7) 作者简介 : (997-) 通信作者 : (99-) 7-

2 引言 99 Ebbesen (etraordinar optical transmission EOT) [] EOT Ebbesen Ghaemi Wood [-5] Koerkamp EOT [-] Leec Thio [9-] [,] [] [-3] [-5] [-] [9-] EOT Thio [] Leec ±5 [] [3-] [5] [] (time-domain finite difference method FDTD) EOT 结构与计算方法 X-Z X-Y SiO Ag 3 nm 5 nm P= nm nm 3 nm R = kp 5( k=,,3...) nm R = kp+ 5( k=,,3...) nm FDTD Solution FDTD Solution nm nm X Ag Palik [7] 图 纳米柱牛眼结构的模型 X-Z 面截面图 ; X-Y 面截面图 Ag Fig. Model of the bullsee structure with nano-column. X-Z cross section; X-Y cross section 3 仿真结果与讨论 SiO 3. 纳米柱的半径对透射特性的影响 nm 5 nm 75 nm 9 nm nm nm nm K Wavelength/μm E r= nm r=5 nm r=75 nm r=9 nm r= nm 图 纳米柱半径不同的牛眼结构的透射率 Fig. Transmittance of the bullsee structures with different-radii nano-columns 7-

3 λ = 33 nm nm 7 nm ( r = nm) λ = nm Leec [] r = 5 nm λ = 53 nm r = nm 7 nm r = 75 nm 9 nm λ = 53 nm λ = 7 nm r = nm λ = 3 nm EOT r = 75 nm 9 nm nm λ = 9 nm r = 5 nm 7% r = nm % r = nm 5 nm nm (c).. (d).. (e).. (f).. 图 3 纳米柱半径不同时, 牛眼结构在共振波长下的电场分布 XOZ 电场 (λ= nm, r= nm); XOY 电场 (λ= nm, r= nm);(c) XOZ 电场 (λ=53 nm, r=5 nm); (d) XOY 电场 (λ=53 nm, r=5 nm); (e) XOZ 电场 (λ=7 nm, r= nm); (f) XOY 电场 (λ=7 nm, r= nm) Fig. 3 Electric field distributions of the bullsee structures with different-radii nano-columns at the resonance wavelengths. XOZ electric field(λ= nm, r= nm); XOY electric field(λ= nm, r= nm); (c) XOZ electric field(λ=53 nm, r=5 nm); (d) XOY electric field(λ=53 nm, r=5 nm); (e) XOZ electric field(λ=7 nm, r= nm); (f) XOY electric field (λ=7 nm, r= nm) 7-3

4 (surface plasmon polariation SPP) (local surface plasmon LSP) λ = nm 3(c) r = 5 nm 3(d) LSP 3(e) 3(f) r = nm LSP r = 75 nm 9 nm r = 75 nm 9 nm r = 75 nm λ = 5 nm λ = 7 nm λ = 5 nm λ = 7 nm λ = 5 nm λ = 7 nm Thio [] 5 5 nm (c) (d) 图 纳米柱的半径不同时, 牛眼结构在共振波长下的电场分布 XOZ 电场 (λ=5 nm, r=75 nm); XOZ 电场 (λ=7 nm, r=75 nm);(c) XOZ 电场 (λ=5 nm, r=9 nm);(d) XOZ 电场 (λ=7 nm, r=9 nm) Fig. Electric field distributions of the bullsee structures with different-radii nano-columns at the resonant wavelengths. XOZ electric field(λ=5 nm, r=75 nm); XOZ electric field(λ=7 nm, r=75 nm); (c) XOZ electric field(λ=5 nm, r=9 nm); (d) XOZ electric field(λ=7 nm, r=9 nm) 7-

5 图 5 r=75 nm 时电场分布的两种模式 模式 ; 模式 Fig. 5 Two modes of electric field distribution of the bullsee structure with 75 nm nano-column. Mode ; Mode ( ) r r /=75 nm EOT r = nm.75 75% r / r = 9 nm. % 3. 纳米柱高度对于透射特性的影响 r = 5 nm h 3 nm nm 5 nm nm 5 nm 7 nm 7 nm h = 3 nm λ = 53 nm 7 nm λ = 33 nm h = nm h = 3 nm 5% h = 5 nm h = 3 nm 3% EOT XOY XOZ (c) LSP r = nm (d) r = 5 nm 3 nm h=3 nm h= nm h=5 nm h= nm h=5 nm. r/nm Wavelength/μm 图 纳米柱不同半径时, 牛眼结构的透射电场峰值 Fig. Transmitted electric field peaks of bullsee structures with different-radii nano-columns 图 7 填充不同高度纳米柱时牛眼结构的透射率 Fig. 7 Transmissions of bullsee structures with differentheight nano-columns 7-5

6 .. (c). (d) 图 填充不同高度的纳米柱时, 牛眼结构在共振波长下的电场分布 XOZ 静态电场 (λ=57 nm, h= nm); XOY 静态电场 (λ=57 nm, h= nm);(c) XOZ 静态电场 (λ=59 nm, h= nm);(d) XOY 静态电场 (λ=59 nm, h= nm) Fig. Electric field distributions of the bullsee structures with different-heights nano-columns at the resonance wavelengths. XOZ electric field (λ=57 nm, h= nm); XOY electric field (λ=57 nm, h= nm); (c) XOZ electric field (λ=59 nm, h= nm); (d) XOY electric field (λ=59 nm, h= nm) 9 EOT h = 3 nm h = nm h = 3 nm % % h = nm h = 3 nm 5% % 3.3 环境折射率对透射特性的影响 [-9] r=5 nm r=5 nm λ = 53 nm λ = 7 nm λ = 93 nm λ 3 = 93 nm λ = 9 nm nm/riu Karabchevsk EOT [] ( 39 nm/riu~5 nm/riu) Min Hung Lee [9] ( 3 nm/riu~53 nm/riu) 7-

7 h/μm 图 9 透射电场强度在不同高度纳米柱时的透射曲线 Fig. 9 Transmitted electric field peaks of bullsee structures with different-heights nano-columns (etch).333(water).33(ethanol).3(glcol).73(glcerol) Wavelength/nm S=53. nm/riu Wavelength/μm Refractive inde 图 环境折射率不同时的结构透射率 ; 主透射峰波长与折射率的函数图 Fig. Transmissions of the structure surrounded b different refractive inde materials; The graph of the main transmission peak s wavelength vs refractive inde 结论 r = nm h = nm 9% 53. nm/riu LSP SPP LSP 参考文献 [] Ebbesen T W, Leec H J, Ghaemi H F, et al. Etraordinar optical transmission through sub-wavelength hole arras[j]. Nature, 99, 39(): 7 9. [] Ghaemi H F, Thio T, Grupp D E, et al. Surface plasmons en- 7-7

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9 Control of EOT of subwavelength metal bullsee structures b coaial nano-columns Yang Zehua, Song Yang, Chen Shuang, Gao Yachen * College of Electronic Engineering, Heilongjiang Universit, Harbin, Heilongjiang 5, China; Department of Information Engineering, Chaoang Teachers' College, Chaoang, Liaoning, China. XOY electric field(λ=57 nm, h= nm) Overview: In 99, the Ebbesen team reported the phenomenon of etraordinar optical transmission in arras of subwavelength hole on metal substrate. Since then, people have conducted etensive research on the mechanism of EOT and proposed several theoretical models. Ebbesen, Ghaemi et al. proposed surface plasmon ecitation and Wood etraordinar effects. In, Koerkamp et al. studied the influence of the aspect ratio of the rectangular aperture on the transmission peak and the central wavelength. The believed that the coupling between local waveguide resonance and plasmon resonance led to EOT. Similar models also have compound diffraction evanescent wave mode proposed b Leec and Thio et al. At present, people mainl use square holes, round holes, triangular holes, wedge-shaped slits, and groove arras to stud EOT. The bullsee structure is a kind of round-hole structure. It is a single-hole structure surrounded b periodic surface corrugation proposed b Thio in. Due to its circular smmetr, it can make Hugens waves better matches the plasmon mode under random polaried light, so it has a higher transmission coefficient than the square-hole structure and the groove arra structure. We designed a bullsee structure with coaial nano-pillars and used the finite-difference time-domain method to simulate the transmission characteristics of proposed new structure. The specific simulation tool we used is FDTD Solution. We studied the influence of the radius and height of the nano-column on the transmission. The results show that changing the radius and height of the column can significantl change the peak and resonance wavelength of the main transmission peak. When the nano-column has a radius of nm and a height of nm, the bullsee structure obtains the maimum transmission intensit, whose the main transmission peak increases b about 9% compared to the bullsee structure without filling. In addition, the main transmission peak wavelength of the structure changes approimatel linearl with the ambient refractive inde, and the refractive inde sensitivit can reach 53. nm/riu. Theoretical analses show that the phsical mechanism of the effect of nano-columns on the transmission characteristics of bullsee structures is that under the ecitation of incident light, the LSP polaried b the nano-columns couples with the SPP and LSP eisting in the structure, resulting in a change in resonance position and intensit, further leading to frequenc shifts and peak changes. B changing the geometr of the nano-pillars, the transmitted light intensit of the bullsee structure can be controlled. In addition, because the structure has a high sensitivit to environmental refractive inde, it has potential applications in the field of refractive inde sensors. Citation: Yang Z H, Song Y, Chen S, et al. Control of EOT of subwavelength metal bullsee structures b coaial nano-columns[j]. Opto-Electronic Engineering,, 5(): 7 Supported b Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (F7) * 7-9

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