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1 香港園藝學會 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 年報 2020 Annual Report

2 封面 Cover 中國無憂花 Saraca dives 香港園藝學會郵箱沙田中央郵政局 1018 號 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) Mailing Address Shatin Central Post Office, PO Box 1018 非賣品 Not for Sale

3 年報 2020 Annual Report

4 目錄 會長報告 4 第三十二屆週年會員大會會議記錄 7 獨立義務核數師報告書 9 理事會 會員名單 25 細賞繁花盛放, 世界一樣美 29 活動概覽 35 永遠懷念馬民昭先生 62 2

5 Contents The President s Report 37 Minutes of the 32nd Annual General Meeting 40 Independent Honorary Auditor s Report 42 The Council Membership List 58 Look at the Flowers our World remains Beautiful 29 Highlights of the Year 35 In loving memory of Mr Farley M C MA 62 編輯組 Editorial 徐荷芬 Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) 張永裕 Horace CHEUNG 蔡念祖 Kingsley CHOI, MIHort(HK) 周志文 Alfred CHOW 鄭兆銘 Samuel CHENG 袁達成 YUEN Tat-shing 3

6 會長報告 因應新冠病毒疫情的個案增加及在社區擴散, 政府頒布限聚令和多項社交距離措施, 受疫情影嚮, 學會亦只能暫停所有在二零二零年計劃的會員活動 然而, 我們並沒有就此止步 在此期間學會積極計劃未來的活動方向及繼續與其他團體機構合作園藝推廣 我們探討並安排網上講座, 重新評估了我們的年度計劃, 並調整了一些目標以適應即將到來的挑戰 同時, 我們繼續與民政事務局及其他有關政策局 / 部門溝通尋求政策支持, 以便我們可以向香港賽馬會申請資金來翻新我們的會所 最近, 我們欣悉發展局己通知地政總署, 表示給與本會政策支持繼續使用會址地段 本人在此多謝各位名譽會長 名譽顧問 名譽法律顧問 名譽會計師和名譽會員的指導 ; 以及各位理事和會員的支持 由於社會事件和新冠病毒疫情, 學會去年取消了週年晚宴, 而第三十二屆周年會員大會則延至二零二零年二月十八日舉行 參與會議之基本會員共十五人和四十八名授權委託的基本會員參與會議, 符合公司組織大網第二十節所需之法定人數 在周年會員大會上分發了二零一九年學會年報與各會員 在園藝教育方面, 學會今年與綠在大埔合作舉辦工作坊及網上園藝講座, 積極推廣園藝工作 作為一個慈善團體, 學會在新冠狀病毒個案持續增加前不斷進行關心社群的外展活動, 包括社服機構, 並為這些非牟利機構提供園藝講座, 培養公眾對園藝的興趣 4

7 今年年初, 學會在疫情發生及限聚令前為會員在會址舉辦 香草廚房講座暨燒烤 活動, 讓會員在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下, 加深對園藝及植物的認識 另外, 為了保持與會員的聯繫, 學會設立了網上群組, 方便與會員溝通和將學會訊息快捷地傳遞給他們 最後, 我謹代表理事會向各位熱心協助會務及參與活動的會員致以衷心謝意 現將過去一年的會務及各理事會小組的工作簡列如下, 以供大家知照 : ( 一 ) 會員人數 截至二零二零年十月底, 會員人數如下 : 名譽會員 38 基本會員 126 同業會員 19 普通會員 136 團體會員 4 總數 323 ( 二 ) 活動二零二零年一月 ( 三 ) 教育二零二零年七月 九月及十月 舉辦 香草廚房講座暨燒烤 與綠在大埔合作舉辦工作坊提供五節網上園藝講座 5

8 ( 四 ) 公關二零二零年一月 ( 五 ) 總務二零二零年二月二零二零年十月 為堅尼地城明愛中心提供園藝講座 舉辦第三十二屆週年會員大會籌備第三十三屆週年會員大會 ( 六 ) 出版二零一九年十一月出版二零一九年年報二零二零年十月籌備出版二零二零年年報 ( 七 ) 科研二零二零年十月 籌辦来届香港花卉展覽的佈展攤位 徐荷芬, MIHort(HK) 香港園藝學會會長二零二零年十月三十一日 6

9 第三十二屆週年會員大會會議記錄 香港園藝學會第三十二屆周年會員大會於二零二零年二月十八日下午六時三十分假沙田大涌橋路五十五號 Club One 水中天舉行 參與會議之基本會員共十五人, 另外有四十八名基本會員簽署了委託書授權其他基本會員參與會議, 共六十三名基本會員出席, 合符公司組織大網第二十節所需之法定人數 ( 即五十八名基本會員及院士 ) 以下是大會之討論事項及議案 : ( 甲 ) 會務會長徐荷芬女士,MIHort(HK) 滙報過去一年舉辦的活動和其他重要事項 ; 其中包括成功舉辦 水以切割工作坊及會址燒烤 活動 參觀 二零一九香港花卉展覽 組團參觀 二零一九北京花博 參加澳門舉行的 第十九屆澳門荷花節 及 二零一九廣州花卉藝術展暨中國插花花藝展 及參觀 二零一九北京世界花藝大賽 的開幕典禮 學會亦積極參與在地區層面推動園藝知識的活動, 舉辦各類型的園藝講座, 派出導師向志願或慈善體免費提供園藝指導或講座服務 活動包括與園藝治療專業發展協會合作的森林治療講座 ; 為漁護署員工福利部舉辦保鮮花講座 ; 提供一次性的義務導師服務給北區青年協會, 以教授環保花製作 ; 及為明愛樂謙展能中心提供義務的講座活動 亦安排了 Arbor Global (HK) Ltd. 及千里馬綠化有限公司義務協助學會除移超强颱風 山竹 7

10 而倒塌及橫臥於温室上的樹和修剪會址樹木伸延出外阻礙交通的一些有潛在風險的樹木 會長多謝所有名譽會長 名譽會員 理事及會員過去一年的努力 來年, 本會會繼續按本會宗旨, 策劃及推行會務, 並繼續舉辦一連串關心社群和推動公益的外展活動 ( 乙 ) 財務報告及審核會議通過由名譽核數師審核之財務收支報告, 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止之總收入為 213, 元 ; 支出為 150, 元 本年度盈餘為 63, 元, 現金儲備共有 395, 元 該報告會詳列於本會之二零一九年年報內, 供會員知照 ( 二 ) 此外並無其他事項, 會議於瑝日下午七時結束 趙元瑛, MIHort(HK) 香港園藝學會秘書長二零二零年二月十九日 8

11 獨立義務核數師報告書 香港園藝學會理事會報告書 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 理事會報告書截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 全體理事欣然提呈本學會截至二 二 年三月三十一日止年度之報告書及經審核賬項 主要業務 本學會主要從事推廣園藝學 業績 本學會截至二 二 年三月三十一日止年度之業績及於該日之財務狀況詳載於第五至十三頁之財務報表內 理事 於本年度理事名單如下 : 徐荷芬 ( 主席 ) 陳慰僑陳慧燕鄭兆銘張景石張永裕戚雪霞趙元瑛蔡念袓周志文林秀嫻李就勝李謝廣羅秀琼 9

12 香港園藝學會理事會報告書 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 理事會報告書截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 理事 續 文緻雅宋子君戴錫華王惠琼袁達成孔得泉 ( 於二 一九年六月十八日退任 ) 理事於合約之權益 於年結或本年度之任何時間, 本學會並無訂立與本學會業務有關而本學會理事直接或間接擁有重大權益之重要合約 其他事項 截至本報告書簽署日, 各理事並沒有得悉任何情況或事項, 因沒有在本報告書及財務報表作出反映, 導致財務報表任何數字誤導及對學會業務構成損害 核數師 本學會之賬目是陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司審核, 該會計師事務所表示會繼續受聘為本學會之核數師 承全體理事命 徐荷芬 主席 香港, 二 二 年十月十二日 10

13 獨立義務核數師報告致香港園藝學會各會員 ( 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司 ) 意見 本核數師 ( 以下簡稱 我們 ) 已審核列載於第五至十三頁香港園藝學會 ( 以下簡稱 貴學會 ) 的財務報表, 此財務報表包括於二 二 年三月三十一日的財務狀況表與截至該日止年度的收益表及會員權益變動表, 以及財務報表附註, 包括主要會計政策概要 我們認為, 該等財務報表在所有重大方面已根據香港會計師公會頒布的中小企財務報告準則擬備, 並已遵照香港公司條例妥為擬備 意見的基礎 我們已根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港審計準則, 並參考實務說明 900 項 ( 經修訂 ) 審計根據中小企財務報告準則編制的財務報表 進行審計 我們在該等準則下承擔的責任已在本報告 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任 部分中作進一步闡述 根據香港會計師公會頒布的專業會計師道德守則 ( 以下簡稱 守則 ), 我們獨立於貴學會, 並已覆行守則中的其他專業道德責任 我們相信, 我們所獲得的審計憑證能充足及適瑝地為我們的審計保留意見提供基礎 財務報表及其他核數師報告以外的信息 理事需對其他信息負責, 其他信息包括刊載於香港園藝學會二 二 年年報內的信息, 但不包括財務報表及我們的核數師報告 我們對財務報表的意見並不涵蓋其他信息, 我們亦不對該等其他信息發表任何形式的鑒證結論 結合我們對財務報表的審計, 我們的責任是閱讀其他信息, 在此過程中, 考慮其他信息是否與財務報表或我們在審計過程中所了解的情況存在重大抵觸或者似乎存在重大錯誤陳述的情況 基於我們已執行的工作, 如果我們認為其他信息存在重大錯誤陳述, 我們需要報告該事實 在這方面, 我們沒有任何報告 11

14 獨立義務核數師報告 續致香港園藝學會各會員 ( 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司 ) 理事就財務報表頇承擔的責任 理事頇負責根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港中小企財務報告準則及香港公司條例擬備財務報表, 並對其認為為使財務報表的擬備不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述所需的內部控制負責 在擬備財務報表時, 理事負責評估貴學會持續經營的能力, 並在適用情況下披露與持續經營有關的事項, 以及使用持續經營為會計基礎, 除非理事有意將貴學會清盤或停止經營, 或別無其他實際的替代方案 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任 我們的目標, 是對財務報表整體是否不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述取得合理保證, 並出具包括我們意見的核數師報告, 並根據香港公司條例第 405 條, 僅向學會全體會員報告而並無其他目的 合理保證是高水平的保證, 但不能保證按照香港審計準則進行的審計, 在某一重大錯誤陳述存在時總能發現 錯誤陳述可以由欺詐或錯誤引起, 如果合理預期它們單獨或滙總起來可能影響財務報表使用者依賴財務報表所作出的經濟決定, 則有關的錯誤陳述可被視作重大 在根據香港審計準則進行審計的過程中, 我們運用了專業判斷, 保持了專業懷疑態度 我們亦 : - 識別和評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表存在重大錯誤陳述的風險, 設計及執行審計程序以應對這些風險, 以及獲取充足和適瑝的審計憑證, 作為我們意見的基礎 由於欺詐可能涉及串謀 偽造 蓄意遺漏 虛假陳述, 或凌駕於內部控制之上, 因此未能發現因欺詐而導致的重大錯誤陳述的風險高於未能發現因錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述的風險 - 了解與審計相關的內部控制, 以設計適瑝的審計程序, 但目的並非對貴學會內部控制的有效性發表意見 - 評價理事所採用會計政策的恰瑝性及作出會計估計和相關披露的合理性 12

15 獨立義務核數師報告 續致香港園藝學會各會員 ( 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司 ) 核數師就審計財務報表承擔的責任 續 - 對理事採用持續經營會計基礎的恰瑝性作出結論 根據所獲取的審計憑證, 確定是否存在與事項或情況有關的重大不確定性, 從而可能導致對貴學會的持續經營能力產生重大疑慮 如果我們認為存在重大不確定性, 則有必要在核數師報告中提請使用者注意財務報表中的相關披露 假若有關的披露不足, 則我們應瑝發表非無保留意見 我們的結論是基於核數師報告日止所取得的審計憑證 然而, 未來事項或情況可能導致貴學會不能持續經營 除其他事項外, 我們與理事溝通了計劃的審計範圍 時間安排 重大審計發現等, 包括我們在審計中識別出內部控制的任何重大缺陷 陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司香港執業會計師陳國昌執業證書編號 : P01446 香港, 二 二 年十月十二日 13

16 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 收益表截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 附註 HK$ HK$ 收入 : 會員入會費及年費 12, , 贊助及捐款收入 53, , 出版書本資助淨收益 5-20, 園藝書本銷售收入 12, , 燒烤活動收入 2, , 參觀堔圳湖植物園收入 - 4, 週年大會晚宴門票 - 20, 香港花卉展覽補貼 - 10, 社區園圃計劃收入 - 1, 園藝班學費收入 6, , 銀行利息收入 , , 營運開支 6 ( 60,412.95) ( 150,572.07) 營運收益 28, , 所得稅 本年度收益 28, , 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 14

17 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 財務狀況表於二〇二〇年三月三十一日 資產 附註 HK$ HK$ 非流動資產 修建會址 設備及儀器 - 裝修 傢俬及設備 9 2, , 流動資產現金及銀行結餘 403, , 應收及其他應收賬款 10 16, , , , 總資產 422, , 儲備及負債 累積赤字 11 ( 149,609.86) ( 178,008.64) 香港園藝學會撥入資金 , , , , 流動負債應付賬款 - 19, 總儲備及負債 422, , 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 此財務報表已於二 二 年十月十二日獲理事會批准及授權刊發, 並由下列代表簽署 徐荷芬 會長 張永裕 第一副會長 15

18 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會員權益變動表截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 附註 HK$ HK$ 年初結餘 總權益 394, , 本年度收益 28, , 年終結餘 總權益 422, , 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋為本財務報表之一部份應聯同財務報表一起閱讀 16

19 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (1) 學會背景資料 本學會是根據香港公司法例於一九九七年四月十六日註冊成立之無股本的擔保有限公司 本學會成立的目的是推廣園藝學 而本會之日常運作由理事會成員負責 本學會註冊地址為香港新界大埔汀角路 65 號 於二 二年七月十五日, 本學會根據前公司法例第二十一條成功向公司註冊處處長申請免除顯示有限公司於本會中英文名稱上 另外, 本學會於二 二年八月二十二日舉行之會員特別大會上通過將本會之英文名稱由 Society of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 改為 Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 根據本學會成立之組織章程, 會員於本學會結束時如仍為本學會會員或結束一年內之會員頇為本學會清還負債, 惟總額不能超過每名會員港幣 (2) 遵例聲明 根據 香港公司條例 ( 第 622 章 ) 第 359(1)(a) 條, 本學會符合小型擔保公司的資格在提供財務報告方面獲豁免 因此本學會根據香港會計師公會頒佈的 中小企財務報告準則 編製本財務報表 本財務報表乃按照香港會計師公會頒佈的 中小型企業財務報告準則, 並以應計概念及持續經營基準而編製 (3) 編製基準 本財務報表包括收益表 財務狀況表 會員權益變動表及會計政策及財務報表附註解釋 本財務報表乃以歷史成本作編製並以港幣呈報 17

20 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (4) 主要會計政策 (a) 資本性支出 本學會資本性支出按成本減折舊及慈善團體之有關資助列賬 折舊乃按資本性支出減有關慈善團體之資助款後按估計可用年期以直線法攤銷, 所用年率如下.. 修建會址 : 10% 裝修 傢俬及設備 : 20% (b) 應收賬款 應收賬款以每單一賬款可變現值計值 瑝賬款估計無法全部收回時, 需作出合適撥備, 並在收益表內確認 (c) 待售書冊 待售書冊以成本值及可變現淨值兩者中較低者列賬, 成本按先進先出法計算, 可變現淨值根據預計銷售所得款項減去估計銷售開支釐定 (d) 所得稅 所得稅開支指瑝期應繳所得稅, 瑝期應繳所得稅乃根據瑝年應課稅溢利按結算日已生效或實際有效的稅率計算 不需提撥遞延稅 18

21 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (4) 主要會計政策 續 (e) 收入確認 收入之確認基準是瑝本學會可以可靠地計量及能夠獲得經濟利益時並按以下基準確認為收入 : (i) 贊助 捐款 會員入會費及年費收入僅在收到時或學會已有權收取時方予入賬 (ii) 提供訓練課程之收入於提供服務完成時確認入賬 (iii) 出售書冊以收款或書冊分銷商通知日期, 以較早者確認入賬 (f) 資産減值 於每一個報告年度, 本學會評估資產有否出現資產減值或回撥的跡象, 資產包括物業 廠房及設備 無形資產及長期投資 倘資產之賬面值超逾可回收額, 則賬面值削減至可回收額, 並在收益表內確認 回撥往年度之資產減值, 只有在採用資產減值之估計出現改變時才會回撥 但計算可回撥數額時, 此數不能多於在沒有減值的情況下有關資產折舊或攤銷後之賬面值 (g) 撥備及或然負債 倘本學會需就過去事項承擔現有法律或推定責任, 而可能導致資源流出以履行該責任, 如能夠可靠地估計金額, 就需要提撥準備 倘若經濟資源流出可能不會發生或不能夠可靠地衡量應付負債之金額, 除非經濟資源流出之機會極低, 該債務只需於財務報表附註披露爲或然負債 可能發生債務其最終會否形成是取決於日後一項或多項會或不會發生之事項, 除非發生機會極低, 該債務也只需於財務報表披露爲或然負債 19

22 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (5) 出版書本資助淨收益 於二 一五年三月三十一日止年度, 本學會獲得會員贊助港幣 150, 作為出版一本書名為 香港常見相似樹木辨識 此書於二 一九年完成了編輯印刷工作並出版 2,000 本, 其中有 500 本作為免費贈送本會員及其他園藝協會之用 出版的總成本為港幣 130, 因此港幣 20, 的淨收益列作二 一九年收入 除了上述淨收益外, 本學會扣除發行商的佣金後, 以每本淨收入港幣 元, 出售了 287(2019: 310) 本書, 為本學會本年度帶來港幣 12,656.70(2019: 港幣 13,671.00) 的銷售收入 於二 二 年三月三十一日剩餘的 903 本書冊以無價值體現於二 二 年三月三十一日的財務狀況表 (6) 營運開支 HK$ HK$ 週年大會晚宴 29, , 銀行手續費 燒烤活動費用支出 4, , 折舊 水電費 9, , 年報登記費 香港花卉展覽 , 園藝及植物材料 4, 會址園藝及清潔 2, , 保險 4, , 福食 2, 會址維修及保養 , 郵費及會報 印刷及文具 雜項費用 網址服務費用 - 2, , ,

23 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (7) 所得稅 本學會已按稅務條例第八十八條獲豁免繳納香港利得稅 (8) 修建會址 HK$ HK$ 成本值於報告期初及期末 1,240, ,240, 折舊 / 資助 於報告期初及期末 1,240, ,240, 賬面淨值於報告期末 - - 由香港賽馬會慈善基金捐助修建會址的 HK$800, 已反映以上賬面淨值 會址是建在從香港特別行政區政府租賃之土地上, 租賃為期兩年自一九九七年十月一日, 其後按季續租 於二 一四年七月, 本學會接獲地政總署通知該土地將用於重建項目, 租約將於二 一五年第一季終止 但本學會後來於二 一五年九月收到地政總署電子郵件通知確認該重建項目暫時擱置, 本學會可以繼續使用該土地直至另行通告為止 (9) 裝修 傢俬及設備 HK$ HK$ 成本值於報告期初 98, , 添置 3, 於報告期末 101, , 折舊 於報告期初 98, , 本期間準備 於報告期未 98, , 賬面淨值於報告期末 2,

24 香港園藝學會 ( 無股本的擔保有限公司 ) 會計政策及財務報表附註解釋截至二〇二〇年三月三十一日止年度 (10) 應收及其他應收賬款 HK$ HK$ 應收賬款 - 5, 水電按金 16, , , , (11) 累積赤字 HK$ HK$ 於報告期初 ( 178,008.64) ( 241,173.21) 本年度收益 28, , 於報告期末 ( 149,609.86) ( 178,008.64) (12) 香港園藝學會撥入資金 香港園藝學會撥入資金代表本學會註冊成立時接收本會前身以非法人團體時所運作之剩餘資產 (13) 理事酬金 本年度並無已支付或應支付各理事之任何酬金 (2019: 無 ) (14) 關連人士之交易 於本年度, 本學會從會員得到收入港幣 65,860.00( 二 一九年 : 港幣 315,580.00) 此等收入已在收益表中體現 (15) 報告期後重要究項 新冠肺炎於二 二 年一月爆發後, 對全球經濟有嚴重影響 由於各國有關疫情控制措施成效有別及疫情影響範圍的不確定性, 目前本學會無法合理地評估疫情對本學會於本年截至二 二一年三月三十一日止年度的籌募活動的影響 22

25 理事會 會長 第一副會長 秘書財務總務公關 第二副會長 活動出版教育科研 稽核 23

26 會長第一副會長第二副會長秘書財務總務公關稽核活動出版教育科研 徐荷芬女士, MIHort(HK) 張永裕先生 蔡念祖先生, MIHort(HK) 趙元瑛先生, MIHort(HK) 林秀嫻小姐 周志文先生戚雪霞女士 王惠琼小姐, MIHort(HK) 戴錫華先生 羅秀琼小姐宋子君小姐 張景石先生, MIHort(HK) 文緻雅小姐 鄭兆銘先生 袁達成先生 黃陳慧燕女士陳慰僑先生 李就勝先生, MIHort(HK) 李謝廣先生 24

27 會員名單 名譽會員 名譽會長 李萬益先生,CPM, Hon.FIHort(HK) 林志釗先生,OBE,JP 張何麗梅女士,Hon.FIHort(HK) 林偉強先生,SBS, BBS, JP 蔡素玉女士,JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) 丁毓珠女士,GBS, JP 丘國賢先生,MIHort(HK) 鄧永昌先生, Hon.FIHort(HK) 名譽顧問 江澤慧教授 名譽法律顧問梁兆祥先生 名譽核數師 陳與陳會計師事務所有限公司 名譽會員 黃源喜先生, Hon.FIHort(HK) 張樹林女士 張文佑先生 黃賤巨教授, FIHort(HK) 葉秀葵女士 袁轉好女士, Hon.FIHort(HK) 劉興達先生 蕭麗萍女士 李甯漢教授, FIHort(HK) 陳弘志教授 余玉珠女士 邢福武教授, FIHort(HK) 李賢祉博士 鍾燄興先生 容拱興博士, FIHort(HK) 劉信信博士 邱榮光博士, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) 韋子剛博士 周錦超博士, FIHort(HK) 區志偉先生 尹權發先生, MIHort(HK) 張耀輝先生, MH, MIHort(HK) 吳敏博士 劉大偉博士 彭禮和先生 陳若藹小姐 林妙成博士 25

28 會員名單 基本會員 * 歐競青, MIHort(HK) * 區黃玉琴 * 蔣大偉 * 陳志鴻 * 陳志賢 * 陳發開 * 陳健武 * 陳貴健 * 陳國恩 * 陳慕貞 * 陳小堅 * 陳子光 * 陳慰僑 * 陳穎怡 * 陳玉意 * 鄒振榮 * 周松游, MIHort(HK) * 鄭茂和 * 鄭兆銘 * 鄭容展紅 * 張家麟 * 張景文 * 張景石, MIHort(HK) * 張美明 * 張達來 * 張永裕 * 張耀江, MIHort(HK) * 張耀光 * 張玉琼 * 張裕生 * 戚雪霞 * 趙元瑛, MIHort(HK) * 蔡念祖, MIHort(HK) * 周志文 * 周鍵群 * 蔡志滿 * 朱兆光 * 鍾卓泉 * 鍾華興 * 霍李湘玲 * 霍兆傑 * 何文祥 * 許家文 * 孔得泉 * 洪一波 * 葉錦鴻 * 葉煥舟 * 甘鎮忠 * 關仲光 * 關錦華 * 關活明 * 黎正立 * 林子健 * 林錦泉 * 林秀霞 * 林秀嫻 * 林偉基 * 劉煦恆 * 羅耀良 * 李就勝, MIHort(HK) * 李鳳鳴 * 李鴻昌 * 李錦泉 * 李建庭 * 李國輝 * 梁志輝 * 梁松發 * 梁潔儀 * 梁麗琴 * 梁美玲 * 梁雯 * 梁明華 * 梁愛容 * 梁少英 * 梁芷茵 * 梁永生, MIHort(HK) * 梁玉珍 * 梁玉琼 * 李雪貞 * 李贊華 * 李麗芬 * 李謝廣 * 李以正 * 林婷婷 * 廖國興 * 廖偉城 * 盧振華 * 羅秀琼 * 勞樹強 * 羅偉強 * 陸超恩 * 文緻雅 * 莫培 * 吳嘉熙 * 伍國富 * 吳潘港英 * 顏紹明 * 彭家基 * 沈浩然 * 蕭德儀 * 宋子君 * 宋美蓮 * 戴錫華 * 戴婉君 * 譚安琪 * 鄧銘澤 * 丁家芬 * 曾志剛 謝細蓮 * 徐荷芬, MIHort(HK) * 佟金城 * 董兆標 * 屈熾全 * 王惠琼, MIHort(HK) * 黃陳慧燕 * 黃靖歐 * 黃金波 * 黃秀娟 * 黃陶金 * 楊仲文 * 易秀屏 * 葉偉枝 * 姚國松 * 阮慶強 * 袁寶生 * 袁達成 26

29 會員名單 同業會員 * 陳近生 * 崔曉明 * 何偉民 * 簡啟惠 * 賴德輝 * 賴汝明 * 羅敏儀 * 李浩榮 * 李景華 * 梁國洪 * 李國強 * 廖能富 * 麥治齊 * 伍學文 * 沈慶禧 * 王家農 * 黃達明 * 黃永光 * 容寶玲 普通會員 * 歐陽雪薇 * 歐永森 * 陳志浩 * 陳作濂 * 陳啓華 * 陳桂嬌 陳烱賢 * 陳廣昌 * 陳梁嘉玲 * 陳美蘭 * 陳雅思 * 陳培基 * 陳秀英 * 陳小瑩 * 陳偉倫 * 陳綺君 * 陳奕嘉 * 陳艷姬 * 周鑑民 * 鄭國貞 * 鄭文櫻 * 鄭鵬飛 * 鄭偉民 * 張新俠 * 張頴軒 * 蔡陳培君 * 蔡觀群 蔡美芸 * 周淑靜 * 朱麗珍 * 徐惠文 * 馮進祥 * 馮妙霞 * 何家健 * 何金凌 * 何麗芬 * 何美鳳 * 何美玲 何芊霖 * 何永強 * 何玉蓮 * 甘順蓮 鄺曼珊 * 關韶英 * 林澤顯 * 林思源 * 劉鎮月 劉素華 * 羅學義 * 李灼明 * 李鳳瑤 李嘉美 * 李廣鑾 * 李廷根 * 李耀津 * 梁子驊 * 梁正昌 * 梁作基 * 梁希梅 * 梁栢軒 * 梁達雲 * 梁玉怡 * 梁子坤 * 李鳳玲 李翰雄 * 李建華 * 李權發 * 李愛芳 * 李汝英 * 廖志華 * 羅智慧 * 盧衍藩 * 盧宥璉 * 盧英傑 * 雷靄儀 * 馬旺卿 * 麥長好 * 麥長冰 * 麥寶蓮 * 莫玄克 * 吳夏淵 * 伍琼珍 * 伍雪清 * 吳小紅 * 魏青霞 * 柯維明 * 白繩亮 * 鮑金華 * 布雪芳 * 潘韶屏 * 潘苒青 潘碧玉 * 冼燦培 * 冼鳳明 * 薛錦賢 蕭榮蓮 27

30 會員名單 * 蘇麗瑜 * 蘇靜芳 * 蘇偉儀 * 戴葉秀蘭 * 譚潔真 * 鄧美玲 竇筱鈞 * 田漢君 * 田譚小玲 * 唐靜霞 * 曾金文 * 徐英 董天虹 * 董惠萍 * 韋基舜 * 溫楚昇 * 黃晉洋 * 黃錦秀 * 黃群娣 * 黃雯霞 * 黃美賢 * 黃秀容 * 王偉全 * 黃穎雯 * 黃玉卿 * 胡文光 * 邱佩興 * 楊翠娥 * 楊翠嬋 * 楊翠華 * 楊多尼 * 楊曼荷 * 楊炳坤 * 楊秀珍 * 楊黃遠明 * 余錦棠 * 余群以 阮可慧 * 余仲賢 * 余敏婷 團體會員 東方園境有限公司嘉禾有限公司信明工程有限公司千里馬綠化有限公司 * 表示永遠會員 28

31 細賞繁花盛放, 世界一樣美 Look at the Flowers our World remains Beautiful 引言過去一年, 新冠肺炎疫情影響大家的日常生活 但如果大家細心欣賞各式各樣的花朵, 就會發覺世界仍然美好 這顯示了人和其他生物, 盡管在疫情之下, 仍然一樣生生不息, 為全世界發光 就讓我們悉心看看各式各樣花卉的美態 : Introduction In the past year, we were affected by the COVID-19 on our daily life. However, if we pay attention to look at the flowers around us, we will find out that the world is still so beautiful as ever. Man and nature, despite the pandemic situation, keep moving forward to enlighten our brilliant future. Let s look at some of the beautiful flowers around us: 29

32 30

33 31

34 32

35 33

36 34

37 活動概覽 Highlights of the Year 第三十二屆週年會員大會 31st Annual General Meeting 舉辦會址燒烤活動 BBQ at the Club House 出席週年會員大會的理事 The Council Members attended the Annual General Meeting 會長 名譽會長及會員在會址燒烤時留影 President, Honorary President and Members took photo in the Club House during BBQ 會員出席週年會員大會 Members attending the Annual General Meeting 參加燒烤活動的會員 Members participated in the BBQ 出席週年會員大會的會員簽到 Members signed in the Annual General Meeting 在美食前交流園藝心得 Exchanged horticultural knowledge during BBQ 35

38 在會址舉辦香草廚房講座 Talk on Herbs for Kitchen at the Club House 與綠在大埔合辦工作坊提供網上園藝講座 Organized Horticultural Online Seminars jointly with Tai Po District Community Green Station 香草廚房的講座在會址內舉行 The talk on Herbs for Kitchen was held at the Club House 綠在大埔網上園藝講座的場地安排情況 The preparation for the Horticultural web talk at Tai Po Community Green Station 會員學習如何護理香草 Members learned how to take care of the herbs 講座所需的種植物料 The planting materials for the seminar 會員在小花盆內種植香草 Members planted the herbs into the small pots 網上園藝講座進行中 The horticultural online seminar in action 36

39 The President s Report As the result of the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the Government s measures to tighten up group gatherings as well as social distancing, the Institute had to temporarily close the clubhouse and suspend all activities in 2020 in order to avoid the risk of social transmission of COVID-19. Despite the difficult time, we did not stop our work there. We took the opportunities to explore arranging online horticulture seminars, review our yearly plan, and readjust some of our targets to suit the upcoming challenges. We also continued our effort to negotiate with the Home Affairs Bureau and other Government Bureau/Departments for granting policy support to the Institute so that we could seek funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club for the renovation of our clubhouse. Recently, we were pleased to learn that the Development Bureau had informed the Lands Department of their policy support for the Institute to continue using the clubhouse site. To this end, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our Honorary Presidents, Honorary Advisor, Honorary Legal Advisor, Honorary Auditor, and Honorary Members for their guidance. My wholehearted thanks also give to our Council Members and all other Members for their participation and support in the other activities of the Institute. Due to social events and COVID-19, the 2019 Annual General Meeting dinner was cancelled. The 32 nd Annual General Meeting had to be postponed and held later on 18 February There were 15 Full Members presented and 48 Full Members attended by proxy. The number had met a quorum requiring the attendance according to Article 20 of the Articles of Association. The 2019 Annual Report was distributed to Members at the meeting. 37

40 On the education front, the Institute had collaborated with Tai Po District Community Green Station to conduct online horticulture seminars for the public in July, September, and October As a charitable body, the Institute has been actively providing community services to social and welfare centres before the outbreak of COVID-19. The Institute provided free horticultural talks to them to promote and develop public interest in horticulture. Earlier this year, the Institute organized a horticultural talk on Herb Kitchen cum BBQ activity at the clubhouse for members. In addition, a WhatsApp group had been set up to strengthen communication between Members and the Institute. Through the live digital media, we could also update Members on the latest trend in the horticultural field speedily. Lastly, I on behalf of the Council Members, express my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to all Members for their unfailing support. Listed below is a summary of work carried out by the respective sub-committees in the past year for Members' information. (1) Membership The membership as at 31 October 2020 is : Honorary Member 38 Full Member 126 Associate Member 19 Ordinary Member 136 Corporate Member 4 Total 323 (2) Activities January 2020 Held a Talk on Herb Kitchen cum BBQ at clubhouse 38

41 (3) Education July, September and October 2020 (4) Public Relation January 2020 (5) General Affairs February 2020 October 2020 (6) Publication November 2019 October 2020 Organized five horticultural online seminars jointly with Tai Po Community Green Station Provided horticulture talk to Kennedy Town Caritas Centre Organised the 32 nd Annual General Meeting Prepared the 33 rd Annual General Meeting Published the 2019 Annual Report Prepared the 2020 Annual Report (7) Research and Technical Study October 2020 Prepared the landscape display for the coming Hong Kong Flower Show Ms Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) President, Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 31 October

42 Minutes of the 32 nd Annual General Meeting The 32 nd Annual General Meeting of the Institute was held on 18 February 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at Riviera, Club One, Tai Chung Kiu Road, Sha Tin. 15 Full Members presented and 48 Full Members attended by proxy. A total of 63 Full Members attended the meeting. According to the Article 20 of the Articles of Association, a quorum requiring the attendance of at least 58 Full Members or Fellows was found. The following motions were carried with the approval of all Members present. (A) Work of the Institute The President, Ms Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) presented a summary of the activities and major issues organized or undertaken during the past 12 months, including the Held a Workshop on Skills in Chinese Narcissus Bulbs Carving cum BBQ in Club House, Visited Hong Kong Flower Show 2019, Organized tour to International Horticultural Exhibition 2019, Beijing, China, Participated in the 19th Macao Lotus Flower Festival and Guangzhou Flower Art Exhibition cum Cut Flower Show and Visited 2019 Beijing World Flower Art Contest. The Institute had organized many horticulture courses for interested bodies and outreaching activities to charity organisations. The activities included horticultural therapy courses, seminar for AFCD Staff Club, horticultural talks to North District Youth Association and Caritas Lok Him Day Activity Centre. In addition, the Institute had arranged Arbor Global (HK) Ltd. and Pegasus Greenland Ltd. to clean up the fallen trees and broken branches inside the club house after Typhoon Mangkhut. The President thanked all Hon. Presidents, Hon. Members, Council Members and all Members on their efforts last year. The Council will continue organizing and conducting activities in pursuance of the objectives of the Institute. 40

43 (B) Financial Statement Members endorsed the financial report for the period ending 31 March 2019 from the Honorary Auditor, which reflected a total income of $213, against an expenditure of $150,572.07, with a surplus of $63, The accumulated cash balance over the past years came to $395, Details of the Auditor s Report have been reproduced in the 2019 Annual Report for information by all Members. 2. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7p.m. CHIU Yuen-ying, MIHort(HK) Secretary, Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) 19 February

44 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) REPORT OF THE COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 Independent Honorary Auditor s Report The Council members of Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) ( the Institute ) submit herewith their report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March, Principal activities The Institute was established to promote the study of horticulture. Financial results The results of the Institute for the year ended 31 March, 2020 and the state of affairs of the Institute as at that date are set out in the financial statements on pages 6 to 14. Council members The Council members who held office during the reporting period and up to the date of this report were:- Tsui Ho-fun (President) Chan Wai-kiu Chan Wai-yin Cheng Siu-ming Cheung King-shek Cheung Wing-yu Chik Suet-ha Chiu Yuen-ying Choi Lim-cho, Kingsley Chow Chi-man Lam Sau-han Lee Chaw-sing LI Tse-kwong Lo Sau-king Man Chi-nga, Flora Sung Anita Tai Sik-wah Wong Wai-king Yuen Tat-shing Hung Tak-chuen, Benjamin (resigned on 18/6/2019) 42

45 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) REPORT OF THE COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 Council members interest No contract of significance in which a Council member had an interest and to which the Institute was a party subsisted at any time during the reporting period or at the end of the reporting period. Other matters At the date of this report the Council members are not aware of any circumstances or affairs not otherwise dealt with in the report and financial statements which would render any amount stated misleading or harmful to the business. Auditors At the forthcoming annual general meeting, Kreston CAC CPA Limited retire and being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment. On behalf of the Council members Tsui Ho-fun President Hong Kong, 12 October,

46 INDEPENDENT HONORARY AUDITOR S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee) Opinion We have audited the financial statements of Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong) ( the Institute ) set out on pages 6 to 14, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 March, 2020, the income statement and statement of changes in members equity for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, the financial statements of the Institute are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Hong Kong Small and Medium-sized Entity Financial Reporting Standard ( SME-FRS ) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( HKICPA ) and have been properly prepared in compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing ( HKSAs ) and with reference to Practice Note 900 (Revised), Audit of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with the Small and Medium-sized Entity Financial Reporting Standard issued by the HKICPA. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Institute in accordance with the HKICPA s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants ( the Code ), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Information other than the financial statements and auditor s report thereon The Council members are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all the information included in the 2020 annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report the fact. We have nothing to report in this regard. 44

47 INDEPENDENT HONORARY AUDITOR S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) cont d (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee) Responsibilities of Council members for the financial statements The Council members are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the SME-FRS issued by the HKICPA and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for such internal control as the Council members determine are necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the Council members are responsible for assessing the Institute s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the director either intend to liquidate the Institute or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. Auditor s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor s report that includes our opinion. Our report is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 405 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: - identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. - obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Institute s internal control. - evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Council members. 45

48 INDEPENDENT HONORARY AUDITOR S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) cont d (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee) Auditor s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements cont d - conclude on the appropriateness of the Council members use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Institute s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Institute to cease to continue as a going concern. We communicate with the Council members regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Kreston CAC CPA Limited Certified Public Accountants CHAN Kwok Cheung Practising certificate no. P01446 Hong Kong, 12 October

49 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 Notes HK$ HK$ Revenue: Membership entry fee and annual subscription 12, , Sponsorship and donations 53, , Surplus of book publication sponsorship 5-20, Sale of horticulture books 12, , Enrolment fee for BBQ 2, , Admission fee for visiting Shin Wu Botanical Garden - 4, Annual general meeting ticket - 20, Subsidy received for Hong Kong Flower Show - 10, Income received for community garden - 1, Admission fee for horticulture course 6, , Bank interest income , , Operating expenditures 6 ( 60,412.95) ( 150,572.07) Surplus from operations 28, , Income tax Surplus for the reporting period 28, , The accompanying accounting policies and explanatory notes form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 47

50 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 31 MARCH, 2020 Assets Notes HK$ HK$ Non-current assets Club house refurbishment Plant and equipment: - Furniture, fixtures and equipment 9 2, , Current assets Cash and bank balances 403, , Accounts and other receivables 10 16, , , , Total assets 422, , Fund and liabilities Accumulated deficit 11 ( 149,609.86) ( 178,008.64) Funds transferred from Society of Horticulture Hong Kong , , , , Current liabilities Account payables - 19, Total fund and liabilities 422, , The accompanying accounting policies and explanatory notes form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Council on 12 October Tsui Ho-fun President Cheung Wing-yu First Vice-President 48

51 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN MEMBERS EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, HK$ HK$ Opening balance members equity 394, , Surplus for the reporting period 28, , Closing balance members equity 422, , The accompanying accounting policies and explanatory notes form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 49

52 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (1) Reporting entity The Institute was incorporated on 16 April, 1997 under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance as a company with limited liability by guarantee not having a share capital. The objective for which the Institute was established is to promote the study of horticulture. The operations of the Institute are controlled by the Council Members. The address of its registered office is 65 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. On 15 July, 2002, the Institute successfully under section 21 of the predecessor Companies Ordinance obtained the consent from the Registrar of the Companies Registry to dispense with Limited in its name. Also by a special resolution passed at extraordinary general meeting on 22 August, 2002, the Institute s name was changed from Society of Horticulture (Hong Kong) to Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong). Under the provision of the Institute s Memorandum and Articles of Association, every Member of the Institute undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Institute in the event of the Institute being wound-up during the time when he is a Member, or within one year afterwards, to meet the liabilities of the Institute but not exceeding the sum of HK$500 each. (2) Statement of compliance The Institute qualifies for the reporting exemption as a small guarantee company under section 359(1)(a) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The company is a small guarantee company and is therefore entitled to prepare and present its financial statements in accordance with the Small and Medium-sized Entity Financial Reporting Standard ( SME-FRS ) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. These financial statements comply with the SME-FRS and have been prepared under the accrual basis of accounting and on the basis that the Institute is a going concern. (3) Basis of preparation These financial statements include income statement, statement of financial position, statement of changes in members equity and related notes. The measurement basis used in preparing these financial statements is historical cost. The reporting currency is Hong Kong dollars. 50

53 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (4) Principal accounting policies (a) Capital expenditures The Institute states the capital expenditures at cost less accumulated depreciation and the related subsidies from charitable organization. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost of capital expenditures less the related subsidies from charitable organization over their estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis at the following rates per annum:- Club house refurbishment : 10% Furniture, fixtures and equipment : 20% (b) Account and other receivables Trade and other receivables are stated at estimated realisable value after each debt has been considered individually. Where the payment of a debt becomes doubtful a provision is made and charged to the income statement. (c) Books for sale Books for sale are stated at the lower of cost of purchase and net realisable value. Cost is valued by the method of first-in first-out basis. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling prices less any estimated costs to be incurred to disposal. (d) Income tax Income tax expense represents current tax expense. The income tax payable represents the amounts expected to be paid to the taxation authority, using the tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. Deferred tax is not provided. 51

54 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (4) Principal accounting policies cont d (e) Recognition of income Revenue is recognised when it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Institute and when the revenue can be measured reliably, on the following bases:- (i) Sponsorship, donations, membership entry fee and annual subscription, is recognised when it is received or becomes receivable. (ii) Income from training course/horticulture talk is recognised upon completion of services provided. (iii) Sales of books are recognised when sales proceeds is received by the Institute or notified by the distribution agents whichever is earlier. (f) Impairment of assets An assessment is made at the end of each reporting period to determine whether there is any indication of impairment or reversal of previous impairment, including items of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and long-term investments. In the event that an asset s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, the carrying amount is reduced to recoverable amount and an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement. A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount, however not to an amount higher than the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation), had no impairment losses been recognised for the asset in prior reporting periods. (g) Provisions and contingent liabilities Provisions are recognised for liabilities of uncertain timing or amount when the Institute has a legal or constructive obligation arising as a result of a past event and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made. Where it is not probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required, or the amount cannot be estimated reliably, the obligation is disclosed as a contingent liability, unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote. Possible obligations, whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more future events are also disclosed as contingent liabilities unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote. 52

55 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (5) Surplus of book publication sponsorship The Institute received from a member in the year ended 31 March, 2015 a sponsorship of HK$150, for publication a book named 香港常見相似樹木辨識. In 2019, the edition and printing works were finally completed and 2,000 books were published but 500 books were complimentary to the members of the Institute and Horticulture Industry. The total cost spent for publication was HK$130, so the surplus of HK$20, was recognised as income in Apart from the surplus as mentioned the Institute sold 287 (2019: 310) books at HK$44.10 (net) after deducting the commission to the publisher creating sales income at the total of HK$12, (2019: HK$13,671.00) to the Institute. The remaining quantity of 903 books were reflected in the Institute s statement of financial position at 31 March, 2020 with no value. (6) Operating expenditures HK$ HK$ Annual general meeting dinner expenses 29, , Bank charges BBQ expenses 4, , Depreciation Electricity and water 9, , Filing fees Hong Kong Flower Show , Horticultural and planting materials 4, Horticultural and cleansing for club house 2, , Insurance 4, , Messing and refreshment 2, Maintenance for club house , Postage and journal Printing and stationery Sundry expenses Website service fee - 2, , , (7) Income tax The Institute has been granted exemption from Hong Kong profits tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. 53

56 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (8) Club house refurbishment HK$ HK$ Cost At the beginning and at the end of the reporting period 1,240, ,240, Depreciation/subsidies At the beginning and at the end of the reporting period 1,240, ,240, Net book value at the end of the reporting period - - The subsidies of HK$800, for club house refurbishment received from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust was reflected in the above net book value. The club house is built on land leased from the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ) for a period of two years commencing on 1 October, 1997 and thereafter quarterly until such time as the tenancy is determined. In July, 2014 the Institute was informed by Lands Department that the land will be used for redevelopment purpose and the tenancy will be terminated in first quarter But the Institute subsequently received an from Lands Department in September, 2015 confirming that the development proposal has been shelved temporarily and the Institute could continue to use the land until further notice. (9) Plant and equipment furniture, fixtures and equipment HK$ HK$ Cost At the beginning of the reporting period 98, , Additions 3, At the end of the reporting period 101, , Accumulated depreciation At the beginning of the reporting period 98, , Charge for the reporting period At the end of the reporting period 98, , Net book value at the end of the reporting period 2,

57 INSTITUTE OF HORTICULTURE (HONG KONG) (limited liability by guarantee) ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 2020 (10) Accounts and other receivables HK$ HK$ Account receivable - 5, Utility deposits 16, , , , (11) Accumulated deficit HK$ HK$ Balance at the beginning of the reporting period ( 178,008.64) ( 241,173.21) Surplus for the reporting period 28, , Balance at the end of the reporting period ( 149,609.86) ( 178,008.64) (12) Funds transferred from Society of Horticulture Hong Kong Funds transferred from Society of Horticulture Hong Kong represents the net assets taken over from this non-corporate when the Institute was incorporated. (13) Council members emoluments No fees or emoluments were paid or accrued to any Council member during the reporting period (2019: Nil). (14) Related party transaction During the reporting period, the Institute received income from members amounted to HK$65, (2019: HK$315,590.00). These income were reflect in the income statement. (14) Events after the end of the reporting period Since January, 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has significantly adverse effect on the economy over the world. Given the outbreak has not been under control and the uncertainty of outcome of the measures taken by different countries, the Institute at this stage cannot reasonably estimate the effect on its fund raising activities in the remaining part of year ending 31 March,

58 The Council President First Vice-President Secretary Finance General Affairs Public Relations Audit Second Vice-President Activities Publication Education Research and Technical Study 56

59 President First Vice-President Ms Florence TSUI, MIHort(HK) Mr CHEUNG Wing-yu Second Vice-President Mr CHOI Lim-cho, MIHort(HK) Secretary Finance General Affairs Public Relations Audit Activities Publication Education Research and Technical Study Mr CHIU Yuen-ying, MIHort(HK) Miss LAM Sau-han Mr CHOW Chi-man Ms CHIK Suet-ha Miss Anita WONG, MIHort(HK) Mr TAI Sik-wah Miss LO Sau-king Miss Anita SUNG Mr CHEUNG King-shek, MIHort(HK) Miss MAN Chi-nga Mr CHENG Siu-ming Mr YUEN Tat-shing Mrs WONG CHAN Wai-yin Mr CHAN Wai-kiu Mr LEE Chaw-sing, MIHort(HK) Mr LI Tse-kwong 57

60 Membership List List of Honorary Members Honorary President Mr Stephen M. Y. LEE, CPM, Hon.FIHort(HK) Mr Albert C. C. LAM, OBE, JP Mrs Lynette TIONG, Hon.FIHort(HK) Mr Daniel LAM Wai-keung, SBS, BBS, JP Ms CHOY So-yuk, JP, Hon.FIHort(HK) Ms Christina TING Yuk-chu, GBS, JP Mr Eddy YAU Kwok-yin, MIHort(HK) Mr TANG Wing-cheong, Hon.FIHort(HK) Honorary Adviser Prof JIANG Ze-hui Honorary Legal Adviser Mr Terry S. C. LEUNG Honorary Auditor Kreston CAC CPA Limited Honorary Member Mr James Y. H. WONG, Hon.FIHort(HK) Mr ZHANG Wen-you Ms YIP Sau-kwai Mr Patrick LAU Prof LI Ning-hon, FIHort(HK) Ms YU Yuk-chu Dr Eric LEE Dr YUNG Kung-hing, FIHort(HK) Dr YAU Wing-kwong, JP, Hon. FIHort(HK) Dr Lawrence CHAU, FIHort(HK) Mr Daniel WAN, MIHort(HK) Dr WU Min Mr Hardev Singh PANNU Dr Allen LIM Ms ZHANG Shu-lin Prof WONG Chi-kui, FIHort(HK) Ms Tonie YUEN, Hon.FIHort(HK) Ms Gloria SIU Prof Leslie H. CHEN Prof XING Fu-wu, FIHort(HK) Mr Gregory CHUNG Dr Sam LAU Dr WAI Tsz-kong Mr David AU Mr CHEUNG Yiu-fai, MH, MIHort(HK) Dr David LAU Miss Olivia CHAN 58

61 Membership List List of Full Member * AU King-ching, MIHort(HK) * AU WONG Yuk-kum * CHAIONG David * CHAN Chee-hung * CHAN Chi-yin * CHAN Fat-hoi * CHAN Kin-mo * CHAN Kwai-kin * CHAN Kwok-yun * CHAN Mo-ching * CHAN Siu-kin, Paula Ester * CHAN Tze-kwong * CHAN Wai-kiu * CHAN Wing-yee * CHAN Yuk-yee * CHAU Chun-wing * CHAU Chung-yau, MIHort(HK) * CHENG Mau-wo * CHENG Siu-ming * CHENG YUNG Chin-hung * CHEUNG Ka-lun * CHEUNG King-man * CHEUNG King-shek, MIHort(HK) * CHEUNG Mei-ming, Virginia * CHEUNG Tat-loy * CHEUNG Wing-yu * CHEUNG Yiu-kong, MIHort(HK) * CHEUNG Yiu-kwong * CHEUNG Yuk-king * CHEUNG Yu-sang * CHIK Suet-ha * CHIU Yuen-ying, MIHort(HK) * CHOI Lim-cho, MIHort(HK) * CHOW Chi-man * CHOW Kin-kwan * CHOY Chi-mun * CHU Siu-kwong * CHUNG Cherk-chuen * CHUNG Wah-hing * FOK Doris * FOK Siu-kit * HO Man-cheung * HSU Ka-man * HUNG Tak-chuen * HUNG Yat-bor * IP Kam-hung * IP Woon-chow * KAM Chun-chung * KWAN Chung-kwong * KWAN Kam-wah * KWAN Wood-ming * LAI Bruce * LAM Chi-kin * LAM Kam-chuen * LAM Sau-ha, Annie * LAM Sau-han * LAM Wai-kee * LAU Hui-hung, Henry * LAW Yiu-leung * LEE Chaw-sing, MIHort(HK) * LEE Fung-ming, Winnie * LEE Hung-cheong * LEE Kam-chuen * LEE Kin-ting * LEE Kwok-fai * LEUNG Chi-fai, Stephen * LEUNG Chung-fat * LEUNG Kit-yee * LEUNG Lai-kam * LEUNG Mei-ling * LEUNG Man * LEUNG Ming-wah * LEUNG Oi-yung * LEUNG Siu-ying * LEUNG Tsz-yan, Flora * LEUNG Wing-sang, MIHort(HK) * LEUNG Yuk-chun, Jeneva * LEUNG Yuk-king, Sana * LI Catherine * LI Chan-wah, William * LI Margrit * LI Tse-kwong * LI Yee-ching * LIM Ting-ting * LIU Kwok-hing * LIU Wai-shing * LO Chun-wah * LO Sau-king * LO Shu-keung * LO Wai-keung * LUK Chiu-yan * MAN Chi-nga, Flora * MOK Pui * NG Ka-hei * NG Kwok-foo, Wilson * NG POON Kong-ying * NGAN Siu-ming * PANG Ka-kei, Raymond * SHUM Ho-yin * SIU Tak-yee * SUNG, Anita * SUNG Mei-lin * TAI Sik-wah * TAI Yuen-kwan * TAM On-kei * TANG CM, Alvin * TING Ka-fan * TSANG Chi-kong 59

62 Membership List TSE Sai-lin, Jasmine * TSUI Florence, MIHort(HK) * TUNG Kam-shing * TUNG Shiu-biu * WAT Chi-chuen * WONG Anita, MIHort(HK) * WONG CHAN Wai-yin * WONG Ching-au * WONG Kam-por * WONG Sau-kuen, Joe * WONG To-kam * YEUNG Chung-man * YICK Melissa * YIP Wai-chi * YIU Kwok-chung * YUEN Hing-keung * YUEN Po-sang * YUEN Tat-shing List of Associate Member * CHAN Kun-sang * CHUI Hiu-ming * HO Wai-man, Samson * KAN Kai-wai * LAI Tak-fai, Larry * LAI Yu-ming * LAW Caroline * LEE Ho-wing * LEE King-wah * LEUNG Kwok-hung * LI Kwok-keung * LIU Lung-fu * MAK Chi-chai * NG Hok-man * SHUM Hing-hay * WONG Ka-lung * WONG Tat-ming * WONG Wing-kong * YUNG Po-ling, Maggie List of Ordinary Member * AU YEUNG SM, Camilla * AU Sammy * CHAN Chee-ho * CHAN Chok-lim * CHAN Kai-wah * CHAN Kwai-kiu CHAN Kwing-yin * CHAN Kwong-cheong * CHAN LEUNG Ka-ling * CHAN Mei-lan * CHAN Nga-sze * CHAN Pui-kay * CHAN Sau-ying * CHAN Siu-ying, Yendy * CHAN Wai-lun * CHAN Yee-kwan * CHAN Yik-ka * CHAN Yim-kay * CHAU Kam-man * CHENG Kwok-ching * CHENG Man-ying, May * CHENG Pang-fei * CHENG Wai-man * CHEUNG Sun-hop * CHEUNG Wing-hin * CHOI CHAN Pui-kwan * CHOI Koon-kwan CHOI Mei-wan, Bendy * CHOW Suk-ching * CHU Lai-chun * CHUI Wai-man, Tony * FUNG Chun-cheung * FUNG Miu-ha * HO Ka-kin, Alex * HO Kam-ling * HO Lai-fun * HO Mei-fung * HO Mei-ling HO Winnie * HO Wing-keung * HO Yuk-lin * KAM Shun-lin * KWAN Shiu-ying KWONG Man-shan, Iris * LAM CH, Ivan * LAM Sze-yuen * LAU Chun-yuet LAU So-wah, Sophia * LAW Hok-yee * LEE Cheuk-ming * LEE Fung-yiu LEE Kar-mei * LEE Kwong-luan * LEE Ting-kun 60

63 Membership List * LEE Yiu-chun * LEUNG Chi-wan, Lawrence * LEUNG Ching-cheong * LEUNG Chok-kay * LEUNG Helene May * LEUNG Pak-hin * LEUNG Tat-wan * LEUNG Yuk-yi * LEUNG Nelson * LI Fung-ling, Annie LI HH, Jason * LI Kin-wah * LI Kuen-fat * LI Oi-fong * LI Yu-ying * LIU Chee-wah * LO Chi-wai, Sophia * LO Hin-fan * LO Yau-lin * LO Ying-kit * LUI Oi-yi, Violas * MA Wong-hing * MAK Cheung-ho * MAK Cheung-ping * MAK Po-lin * MOK Yuen-hak * NG Ha-yuen * NG King-chun * NG Shuet-ching * NG Siu hung, Maria * NGAI Ching-ha, Hilda * NGOR Wai-ming * PAK Shing-leong * PAU Kam-wah, Amy * PO Suet-fong * POON Siu-ping * POON Yim-ching PUN Bik-yuk * SHIN Chan-pui, Thomas * SIN Fung-ming * SIT Kam-yin, Andrew SIU Wing-lin, Tina * SO Sandy * SOO Ching-fong * SOO Wai-yee * TAI YIP Sau-lan, Susanna * TAM Kit-chun, Candice * TANG Mei-ling, Eunice TAU Siu-kwan * TIN Hon-kwun * TIN TAM Siu-ling * TONG Zin-ya * TSANG Kam-man * TSUI Ying TUNG Dora * TUNG Wai-ping, Teresa * WAI Kee-shun * WAN Chor-sing * WONG Chun-yeung * WONG Kam-sau * WONG Kwan-tai * WONG Man-ha * WONG Mei-yin * WONG Sau-yung * WONG Wai-chuen * WONG Wing-man * WONG Yuk-hing * WOO Man-kwong * YAU Pui-hing, Catherine * YEUNG Chui-ngor * YEUNG Chui-sim * YEUNG Chui-wah * YEUNG Dor-nei * YEUNG Man-ho * YEUNG Ping-kwan, George * YEUNG Sau-chun * YEUNG WONG Yuen-ming * YU Kam-tong * YU Kwan-sin YUEN Hou-wai, Rachel * YU Chung-yin * YU Man-ting List of Corporate Member Oriental Landscape Limited Kar Wo Limited Landmax Engineering Limited Pegasus Greenland Limited * denotes Life Members 61

64 62

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