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1 全日餐厅零点菜单 ALL DAY DINING A LA CARTE MENU 午餐和晚餐菜单 LUNCH & DINNER MENU 开胃菜和色拉 APPETIZERS & SALADS 田园色拉 (V) 48 Fresh Garden Salad (V) 各式新鲜生菜, 青瓜, 胡萝卜, 樱桃番茄, 牛油果, 朝鲜蓟搭配千岛汁, 油醋汁, 芝麻汁, 蜂蜜芥末汁或橄榄油 Assorted fresh crispy lettuce, cucumber, carrot, cherry tomatoes, avocado and artichokes. Served with your choice of Thousand Island dressing, Italian vinaigrette, honey-mustard or olive oil 凯撒色拉 (P) 58 Caesar Salad (P) 新鲜罗马生菜, 培根, 帕玛芝士, 蒜蓉面包和凯撒汁 Fresh Romaine lettuce, crisp bacon, shaved Parmesan, croutons and Caesar dressing 加鸡胸肉 Add grilled chicken breast 18 加烟熏三文鱼 Add smoked salmon 18 加扒海虾 Add grilled prawn 18 香草芝士番茄烤面包 58 Bruschetta alla Checca 脆烤意式面包配以蒜味番茄佐以芝士和鲜罗勒 Baked sliced ciabatta top with virgin olive oil,garlic tomato,cheese and fresh basil 香草焗蘑菇 58 Baked Mushrooms 蘑菇釀入罗勒香草酱 乾番茄酱 马苏里拉芝士, 配醃辣甜椒 芝麻菜, 巴马臣芝士 Filled with basil pesto, sun-dried tomato pesto and mozzarella. Finished with roquito peppers, rocket and parmesan. Let us know if you want it without roquito peppers 牛油果藜麦沙拉 58 Avocado Quinoa 藜麦 牛油果 烤南瓜 车厘茄 红莓乾 新鲜百里香 蕃茜 柠檬油 Quinoa, avocado, roasted pumpkin, cherry tomatoes, cranberries, fresh thyme, parsley, lemon oil dressing 主厨精选沙拉 68 Chef Salad

2 鸡肉 猪肉火腿 芳堤娜芝士及艾曼托芝士 马苏里拉芝士 鸡蛋 橄榄 酸豆 车厘茄 青菜沙律 招牌沙律酱 Chicken, ham hock, fontina, Emmental, mozzarella, egg, olives, capers, cherry tomatoes, mixed leaves, house dressing 薄切三文魚 88 Carpaccio di Salmone Affumicato 烟三文鱼, 橙肉, 小萝卜, 酸豆, 刁草, 酸豆柠檬油汁, 面包条 Smoked salmon, orange, radish, capers, dill, caper lemon oil dressing & bread stick 意式冻肉拼盘 (P) 88 Italy Cold Cut Selection (P) 帕尔马火腿 色拉米肠 烟熏香草三文鱼 芝士 青瓜片 风干樱桃番茄 橄榄 配南瓜沾酱以及意式面包 A selection of Parma ham, salami, smoked salmon, cheese,cucumber, sundry tomatoes, olives, pumpkin & mint dip, served with foccacia. Great to share with friends 汤 SOUP 每日列汤 38 Daily Soup 意大利蔬菜汤 (V) 38 Minestrone (V) 法式洋葱汤 48 French Onion Soup 厨师精心制作的牛骨浓汤配以, 红洋葱及奶酪面包给您带来异国的口味 Beef soup and Onion with Cheese Bread 香烤奶油南瓜汤配蒜香黄油面包丁 48 Baked Pumpkin Cream Soup with Butter & Garlic Croutons. 经过烤制的南瓜加以鲜奶油慢火制成的浓汤, 香滑可口, 配以黄油蒜香面包丁 Baked fresh pumpkin add cream cooked soup, served with butter & garlic croutons 科涅克酒香蘑菇奶油汤 58 Cream of Mushroom Soup with Cognac 新鲜蘑菇制成的科涅克酒香奶油浓汤, 给您不一样的感觉 Fresh mushroom and cream soup cooking with Cognac

3 三文治和汉堡 SANDWICHES & BURGERS 所有三文治和汉堡都搭配新鲜绿色蔬菜色拉和薯角 All sandwiches and burgers are served with fresh green salad and potato wedges 素食三文治 (V) 48 Healthy ALT Sandwich (V) 牛油果, 生菜, 番茄搭配全麦面包 Avocado, lettuce, tomato on multigrain bread 扒鸡肉三文治 (P) 58 Grilled Chicken Sandwich (P) 扒鸡胸, 培根, 鸡蛋, 番茄, 生菜, 蛋黄酱搭配黑麦面包 Grilled chicken breast, bacon, egg, tomato, lettuce and mayonnaise on rye bread 牛排三文治 68 Steak Sandwich 香煎牛排, 洋葱蘑菇, 车达芝士, 芥末搭配意大利面包 Grilled steak with onion, mushroom, cheddar cheese, mustard on ciabatta bread 焗芝士火腿三文治 68 Baked Cheese and Ham Sandwich 任选白面包或全麦包配芝士及火腿 Choice of white bread or whole wheat bread, served with cheese and ham 吞拿鱼牛角包三文治 78 Tuna Salad with Croissant Sandwich 洋葱蛋黄酱拌制的吞拿鱼配牛角包, 提子干 Onion mayonnaise with tuna fish,served with croissant and raisins 牛肉汉堡 88 Beef Burger 牛肉, 酸黄瓜, 洋葱, 培根, 番茄, 鸡蛋, 车打芝士 Beef, pickled cucumber, onion, bacon, tomato, egg and cheddar cheese 现烤扒类

4 FROM THE GRILL 新西兰羊排 280 克 228 New Zealand Lamb Chops 280g 澳大利亚西冷牛排 220 克 288 Australian Beef Sirloin 220g 澳大利亚肉眼牛排 220 克 328 Australian Beef Ribeye 220g 为您提供以下配菜和酱汁 Served the following dishes and sauce 土豆泥, 薯角, 扒芦笋, 秋葵, 炒蘑菇, 蒜蓉西兰花, 迷你胡萝卜 Mashed potato, potato wedges, grilled asparagus, okra, sautéed mushroom, garlic broccoli,mini carrot 黑椒汁, 红酒汁, 蘑菇汁, 迷迭香汁, 边尼式汁, 柠檬黄油汁, 薄荷汁 Black pepper sauce, red wine sauce, mushroom sauce, rosemary sauce, Béarnaise sauce, lemon butter sauce, mint sauce 西式风味主菜 Main Course 勃艮第红酒烩鸡 98 Coq au vin 传统法式红酒烩鸡配有胡萝卜, 蘑菇和土豆泥 Braised chicken with red wine, carrot and mushrooms, served with mashed potatoes 浓汁烩牛仔膝 108 Ossobuco alla Milanese 米兰式烩牛仔膝配番茄汁, 白酒, 柠檬皮碎和土豆泥 Special braised veal shank in tomato sauce, white wine, grated lemon rind and mash potatoes 茉莉香煮挪威三文鱼佐刁草黄油汁 148 Boiled Norwegian Salmon in Jasmine with Grass Butter Sauce 清香茉莉花茶浸挪威三文鱼文火慢煮搭配时令蔬菜和刁草黄油汁 Norwegian salmon infused with seasonal vegetables and dillao butter juice 咖喱奶油汁银鳕鱼 158 Baked Cod fish with Curry Cream Sauce 烤银鳕鱼配黄油时蔬, 青葱奶油汁焗土豆和蘑菇芝士焗蕃茄杯及芦笋咖喱奶油汁 Cod with butter vegetables, gratin potato & leek cream sauce,gratin tomato with mushroom & cheese, served with asparagus & curry cream sauce.

5 意大利风味 Italian flavor 意式香肠披萨 (P) 58 Pepperoni Pizza (P) 萨拉米肠, 番茄汁, 马苏里拉芝士 Salami, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese 玛格丽特披萨 68 Margherita Pizza 番茄汁, 马苏里拉芝士, 樱桃番茄, 新鲜罗勒叶 Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, cherry tomato, fresh basil 传统四季披萨 (P) 68 Pizza prosciutto cruto e funghi (P) 火腿, 蘑菇, 橄榄, 亚之竹以及罗勒 Ham, mushrooms, olives, garlic butter and basil 帕尔玛火腿披萨 (P) 78 Pizza Parm (P) 番茄酱, 马苏里拉芝士, 帕尔玛风干火腿, 巴马臣芝士和芝麻菜 Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Prosciutto, Parmesan and rocket leaves 海鲜披萨 78 Seafood Pizza 大虾, 青口, 鱿鱼, 扇贝 Shrimp, mussel, squid, scallop 传统肉酱意面 68 Spaghetti Bolognaise 意大利面配蒜茸, 洋葱, 新鲜罗勒, 番茄肉酱, 帕玛芝士 Spaghetti with minced garlic, onion, fresh basil, tomato meat sauce and Parmesan cheese 番茄海鮮意粉 88 Linguini ai Frutti di Mare 番茄酱配上新鲜海鲜, 特级橄榄油及樱桃番茄 新鲜罗勒叶 with Fresh Assorted seafood and cherry tomatoes and fresh basil in a pomodoro sauce 罗勒香草醬意粉 68 Spaghetti al Pesto Genovese

6 新鲜罗勒香草酱, 樱桃番茄, 巴马臣芝士, 松子仁 Spaghetti with Basil pesto, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan and pine nuts 卡尔博纳拉意粉 68 Carbonara Penne 经典的意粉食谱, 配以由鸡蛋及烟肉煮成的香滑奶油汁 A Roman recipe of rich creamy pasta sauce made with eggs, Parmesan and pancetta ham 焗肉酱千层面 88 Lasagna Classica 番茄肉酱鸡蛋宽面叠层烘烤, 混合浓香白汁和多种芝士 Layers of pasta sheets with Bolognese sauce, tomatoes, béchamel, Parmesan 意大利式大虾烩饭 128 Gamberetti Risotto 大虾肉配上意大利饭, 风干番茄橄榄酱, 巴马臣芝士和蕃茜碎 Prawns with risotto, olives, onions, sun-dried tomatoes and Tapenade sauce. Parmesan and parsley 中式风味及东南亚美食 CHINESE & SOUTH EAST ASIAN SPECIALTIES 印尼炒饭 68 Nasi Goreng 印尼炒饭配以鲜虾, 鸡肉, 鸡蛋和桑巴酱, 牛肉沙爹串, 炸鸡翅, 南洋虾片, 煎蛋和泡菜 Fried rice with shrimp, chicken, egg and Nasi Goreng Sambal, served with beef satay, deep fried chicken wings, prawn crackles, fried egg and pickles 海南鸡饭 88 Hainan Chicken Rice 嫩滑鸡肉配自制微辣酱, 新加坡甜酱油, 姜汁, 鸡饭和香浓鸡汤 Poached chicken with homemade chilli sauce, sweet soya sauce, ginger sauce, chicken flavored rice and chicken soup 特色刀削面, 打卤面 (P) 38 Special sliced noodles, braised noodles 刀削面配时蔬, 猪肉卤, 番茄鸡蛋, 海带黄花 Sliced noodles with vegetables, pork brine, tomato eggs, seaweed brine 红烧牛腩面 48 Beef Noodle Soup 经典的牛肉汤配牛肉, 煮鸡蛋, 青菜 with braised beef, boiled egg and vegetables

7 本地羊肉汤 48 Mutton Soup by Local Style 鲜美羊肉汤粉条配健康蔬菜和手工烙饼 Fresh boiled mutton soup with glass noodles with healthy vegetables and handmade pancakes 炒粿条 (P) 58 Char Kway Teow (P) 粿条, 牛肉, 韭黄, 银牙, 洋葱 Fried rice noodle with beef, chives, bean sprout and onion in dark soy sauce 甜点 DESSERTS 香草奶油布丁 58 Vanilla Crème De Brûlée 搭配野果酱和薄饼 Served with wild fruit marmalade and crispy 经典拿破仑 68 Classic Napoleon 千层酥配白巧克力香草奶油 Feuilletage with chocolate vanilla cream 芝士蛋糕 68 Baked Cheese Cake 搭配香缇奶油及各式浆果 Served with Chantilly cream and mixed berries 茉莉花巧克力蛋糕 88 花茶蛋糕搭配巧克力冰激凌, 香缇奶油及巧克力汁 Jasmine tea chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream, chantilly cream and chocolate sauce 冰淇淋 58

8 Ice Cream 自选两个球 : 香草, 巧克力, 抹茶, 草莓, 芒果, 咖啡 Your choice of two scoops ice cream: vanilla, chocolate chips, green tea, strawberry, mango and coffee 时令切片果盘 48 Fresh Sliced Seasonal Fruit Plate

Pizza, Pasta and Sandwiches 意 大 利 面, 比 萨 和 三 明 治 Traditional Margarita Pizza 68.0 传 统 玛 格 丽 特 匹 萨 Tomato and cheese with fresh basil 番 茄 芝 士 及 新 鲜 罗 勒

Pizza, Pasta and Sandwiches 意 大 利 面, 比 萨 和 三 明 治 Traditional Margarita Pizza 68.0 传 统 玛 格 丽 特 匹 萨 Tomato and cheese with fresh basil 番 茄 芝 士 及 新 鲜 罗 勒 Appetizer and Salads 头 盘 和 沙 拉 ADD A La Carte Menu Roasted Tuna with Sichuan Pepper Crust 88.0 川 式 花 椒 烤 吞 拿 鱼 Sweet potato mousseline, green beans, black olive and vinaigrette 甜 薯 酱 泥, 青 豆, 黑 橄 榄 香 醋

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Rice Noodle, Bean thread, Macaroni Soup or Demae Ramen 米 粉, 粉 絲, 湯 通 粉 或 出 前 一 丁 即 食 麵 41 加 蛋 一 個 Add An Egg 1.00 42 鮮 牛 肉 通 粉 Lean Beef Macaroni Soup S1 Soup 湯 雜 菜 羅 宋 湯 Russian Borscht.4.00 S2 鮮 蘑 菇 忌 廉 湯 Fresh Mushroom Cream Soup 5.00 S3 粟 米 忌 廉 湯 Sweet Corn Cream Soup...5.00 S4 蜆 仔 忌 廉 湯 Baby Clam Cream Soup.5.00 Vegetable /Salad 蔬 菜 及 沙 律 11 油 鹽

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