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1 How to Respond to God as we are Called To Work 回應神對工作的呼召 November 4, 2018, Sunday Chinese Bible Church of MD 孔雷漢卿 Elaine Kung AT&T Director (retired), Called To Work Founder/President Elaine Kung Copyright

2 Expectations 期望 What are your challenges in work? 你工作面臨的挑戰是什麼? What questions do you want to get answered? 你有什麼問題想得到回答? Elaine Kung Copyright 2

3 感謝神星期一又到了! Called To Work Office Politics & Biblical Values 如何更享受工作 辦公室政治與聖經價值觀 Elaine Kung Copyright 3

4 如何更享受工作 回應神對工作的呼召 這份工作極之呆板 工作環境惡劣 金錢及工作的滿足感上都得不到足夠回報 老闆要求太多, 同事不合作, 沒有升級的機會, 工作即繁瑣又枯燥, 連家人也不欣賞我們的辛勞, 所付出與得到的不能成正比, 工作意義實在不大, 做一些不適合甚至是自己厭惡的工作, 做工只是為了餬口 我們應如何看所做的工作呢? 聖經對這個佔據了人生大部分清醒時間的層面有何教訓? Elaine Kung Copyright 4

5 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15 耶和華神將那人安置在伊甸園 使他修理看守 創世記 2:15 God is my CEO 神是大老板 My 3 goals at work 我工作的三個目標 360 o Leadership 360 度領導力 事業 voca tion 工作 job: MINISTRY! 事工 vocal: call, not occupy/occupation Elaine Kung Copyright 5

6 事業 (vocation) 工作 (job) 投身於自己有才幹和覺得應該做的工作, 好好的計劃和安排, 不能忽視我們對家人應有的責任 不少人前半生用於工作, 後半生甚至退休時才全力發揮自己的才幹 可在工作以外發揮自己的才幹, 即放工後做自己想做的事 從現有的工作中找樂趣, 嘗試喜歡自己的工作 嘗試學習改善彼此的關係 最要緊的是禱告, 求上帝幫助做這重大的決定, 也應依據尋求祂旨意的步驟 MINISTRY! 事工 Elaine Kung Copyright 6

7 Prayer: God works 祷告 : 神工作 Lord, thank you for giving us hope, especially about our leadership role and about our jobs. Thank you for inviting us to become a new generation of leaders / workers like Authors 作者 : Moses, Luke Builders 建設者 : Noah, Nehemiah Community Developers 社區開發人員 : Joshua, Ezra Home Makers 家庭照顧 : Martha, Mary Judges 士師, 法官 : Deborah, Gideon Managers 經理 : Adam, Eve Musicians 音樂家 : David, Mary Pastors 牧師 : Paul, Timothy Retailers 零售商 : Lydia, Demetrius Teach us how to take our jobs more seriously and ask WWJD as we are Called To Work, build your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven In Jesus name, amen! Elaine Kung Copyright 7

8 32 years 8 months in AT&T: 16 jobs, 19 bosses 軟件定義網絡部門的產品營銷主管 Elaine Kung Director 孔雷漢卿 中國分公司 貝爾實驗室半導體 執行教育 8 ReFirement 12/7/2017 小型企業分析 Small Business Analytics 光纖網路 Fiber to the Business 1995: AT&T China Director 1985: R&D Engineer Bell Labs, AT&T China Semiconductor Devices 4/8/1985 Executive Education: Columbia, U Penn, Cornell Cornell, Princeton Electrical Engineering Materials Science 康奈爾普林斯頓電子工程, 材料科學 TX MD, NY NJ Elaine Kung Copyright Network on Demand & Integrated Experience 商業 產品 市場 Business Product Marketing & Delivery Mobility, Wireline, Networking Content Distribution, Security, Consulting Managed Hosting (AVP job offer budget freeze) 2000: Managed Hosting AVP job offered Hong Kong to U.S. Living on the Edge (child) Miraculous Living American Dream (adult) Rethink Possible Born in Hong Kong < 香港到美國 Humble Beginning 8

9 Sample Retirement Cards from Coworkers 来自同事的退休卡片 Your work ethic, dedication to the business, and knowledge are all without question. But to be able to marry that so beautifully with your giving heart, your committed faith, and love of others is a legacy that will impact us all for years to come. 工作恪尽职守, 学识渊博 奉献之心, 坚定信心, 爱护他人会一直影响着我们 Elaine Kung Copyright 9

10 如何更享受工作 Called To Work 8 to 6, 6 to 8 工作乃是祝福 工作在生活上要取得平衡 工作之外要有休息 工作裏的人際關係 工作中傳福音的可能性 Elaine Kung Copyright 10

11 我們有時會把自己的信仰與生活分割了, 沒有把信仰投入工作裏 上帝不單關心我們在教會的侍奉, 也重視我們工作上的表現 祂留意我們工作的每一刻 我們也不可以忘記工作帶來最大的賞賜, 是我們可在其中得益處 箴言 14:23 一切勞苦都有益處 勞苦指辛勞工作 Elaine Kung Copyright 11

12 工作乃是祝福 工作對我們各方面的影響很大, 工作開心的人身心都得益處 工作本是上帝給人的祝福, 因祂在人犯罪前已給人工作, 且所要做的工作 ( 創二 15) 乃回應一章 28 節上帝所交付的, 那裏本是個祝福 工作本身不是刑罰, 而是祝福, 但若處理的不好, 它會變得更痛苦 人類的壽命增加了 Elaine Kung Copyright 12

13 Invest in your Whole Self 投資你的整個自我 Living Sacrifice 活祭 Healthy Habits Time/Self/Life Management S.E.L.F. C.A.R.E. Give Back C.A.L.L.E.D. To Work 工作 神 God 游戲 R.E.L.A.X. 人 People Elaine Kung Copyright 13

14 工作之外要有休息 我見人 莫強如在他經營的事上喜樂. 因爲這是他的分 - 傳道書 3:22 六日要勞碌作你一切的工. 但第七日是向耶和華你神當守的安息日. 這一日你 無論何工都不可作 - 出埃及記 20:9-10 我知道世人 莫強如終身喜樂行善 並且人人喫喝 在他一切勞碌中享福. 這也是神的恩賜 - 傳道書 3:12-13 Elaine Kung Copyright 14

15 如何更享受工作 Called To Work 8 to 6, 6 to 8 工作乃是祝福 工作在生活上要取得平衡 工作之外要有休息 工作裏的人際關係 工作中傳福音的可能性 Elaine Kung Copyright 15

16 D.R.I.V.E. 标杆人生 To be more kingdom-minded, how God calls us, equips us to D.R.I.V.E. and impact those around us, at work, home, church, community, living a more integrated and satisfying life Whole self. Discover 5P for your career/life journey work is more than a paycheck, thank God it's Monday! Review the strengths, personal brand and personalities to build better team and leadership influence Integrate your 5P across personal, family, work, community life - how to balance vs. converge View others better than yourself, others-centered leadership style - Servant Leader of Integrity Excellence in offering yourself as living sacrifice and Experience true S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Elaine Kung Copyright 16

17 17 Discover & Influence with 5P 發現, 實現人生目的, 5P 影響力 I N T E R N A L E X T E R N A L Performance People Influence Passion Principle Purpose Vision 如何提供表現? How do you excel in your Performance? 如何和他人互動? How do you interact with People? 你的熱情? What is your Passion to invest in? 你的原則? What guides your Principles? 你的人生目標? What is your PURPOSE in life? Elaine Kung Copyright 17

18 Leadership (12 words) Ability to Influence Others to be their best For the greater good 能夠影響他人 成為他們的最佳 為大體的好處 Elaine Kung Copyright 18

19 Discover & Influence with 5P 發現, 實現人生目的, 5P 影響力 I N T E R N A L E X T E R N A L Performance People Passion Principle Purpose Contribution Commitment Aptitude, Attitude Hard Skills Communication Relationship Leadership Soft Skills EQ 資質 態度品牌貢獻 委身 硬實力 Motivation Interests Give Back Invest Time, Talent, Treasure Values Wisdom Choices Decisions 交流 信任人際關係領導力 軟實力 情商動機興趣 Foundation Empower Encourage Energize 回饋投入時間 才能和資源 信心智慧品格 價值觀選擇 決定 基礎授權鼓勵激勵 Elaine Kung Copyright 19

20 7 Faith Pillars of Life Excellence Relationship Influence Serve Integrity Calling BALANCE Elaine Kung Copyright P a g e 20

21 工作裏的人際關係 自我省察, 因為良好的人際關係, 始於內心尋求與人和平相處 留意自己會否只講求個人成就, 忽視團隊精神 學習控制 (Regulate) 調節自己的情緒, 將感受化作建設性的溝通和行動, 思考如何迎向新挑戰及與同事建立美好關係 接受大家性格相異 生活習慣不同之處, 認識同事的處事作風, 設身處地去瞭解別人的思想和感受 要以善對惡, 實踐保羅的教訓, 建立 E.Q. Elaine Kung Copyright 21

22 Review strengths & identity in Christ Strengths 优势 Strategic and proactive thought leadership 策略与前瞻性 Execution with excellence 优秀执行力 Passionate dedication with integrity 正直热情地投入 Natural networking and coaching 人际关系网及训练 Leadership style Opportunities 机遇 领导方式 Communication & listening skills 沟通倾听 Inspiring team building vs. micro-managing 激励团队建设 vs 细微管理 Technical and sales experience 技术与销售经验 Know your S.W.O.T. 360 o Feedback Demanding 要求高 Weaknesses 弱势 Perfectionist 完美主义者 Multi-tasking on multiple priorities 多优先级中的多重任务 Overdoing Needs more selective prioritization vs. 有选择性的优先次序 Balance Threats 挑战 Too quick to bring complex situation to resolution 过快解决复杂情况 More self-awareness of audience 更多的自我意识 Intense & driven 强烈, 主动 ( 矫枉过正 vs. 平衡 ) Needs more 360 o leadership 全方位领导力 Elaine Kung Copyright 22

23 Personal Brand 個人品牌 In my DNA, how God created me and gifted me: What, How Passionate, Purpose Driven, Visionary Leadership 熱情 目標驅動 愿景式領導 Execution with Excellence for Complex Programs 複雜問題的出色執行力 Analytics, Automation, Process, Marketing, Customer Service 分析 自動 過程 市場 服務顧客 Deep Business & Technology Experiences, US & Global 商業技術 深入經歷 全美全球 Strengths Finder: ABCDR 成就 信仰 連通 培養 責任 [Achiever, Belief, Connectedness, Developer, Responsibility] Elaine Kung Copyright 23

24 工作中傳福音的可能性 你們的光也當這樣照在人前, 叫他們看見你們的好行為, 便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父 馬太福音 5:16 你要專心仰賴耶和華, 不可倚靠自己的聰明, 在你一切所行的事上都要認定他, 他必指引你的路 箴言 3:5-6 Elaine Kung Copyright 24

25 AT&T VP s Surprise 來自 VP Elaine s Retirement Party Electric personality 強烈個性 Live authentically Always persevere Irreplaceable 真實生活 永遠堅持 不可替代 Never to be forgotten 不被遺忘 Eternally optimistic 永恆樂觀 Kinetic force of nature 天然雲動力 Uniquely spiritual Natural leader 獨特屬靈天生領導 AT&T Headquarter Dallas, TX Nov. 27, 2017 Grew through adversity 逆境生長 Elaine Kung Copyright 25

26 Invest in your Whole Self 投資你的整個自我 Living Sacrifice 活祭 Healthy Habits Time/Self/Life Management S.E.L.F. C.A.R.E. Give Back C.A.L.L.E.D. To Work 工作 神 God 游戲 R.E.L.A.X. 人 People Elaine Kung Copyright 26

27 D.R.I.V.E. 标杆人生 To be more kingdom-minded, how God calls us, equips us to D.R.I.V.E. and impact those around us, at work, home, church, community, living a more integrated and satisfying life Whole self. Discover 5P for your career/life journey work is more than a paycheck, thank God it's Monday! Review the strengths, personal brand and personalities to build better team and leadership influence Integrate your 5P across personal, family, work, community life - how to balance vs. converge View others better than yourself, others-centered leadership style - Servant Leader of Integrity Excellence in offering yourself as living sacrifice and Experience true S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Elaine Kung Copyright 27

28 Balance vs. Convergence 平衡 & 集合 呼召 CALLING CAREER 事業 C O M M U N I T Y 社區, 群體 Elaine Kung Copyright 2 8

29 Convergence is Integration 綜合生活 呼召 事業 社區, 群體 綜合生活 Elaine Kung Copyright 2 9

30 C o n v e r g e n c e i s I n t e g r a t i o n Whole Person Discipleship Elaine Kung Copyright 30

31 Sample Retirement Cards from Coworkers 来自同事的退休卡片 You truly take Jesus to work with you and allow His light to shine through you. 真正将神带到工作中, 神的光通过你而闪耀 Elaine Kung Copyright 31

32 Sample Retirement Cards from Coworkers 来自同事的退休卡片 You have been such an incredible inspiration to me. You ve shown what it looks like to bring the joy of the Lord with you everywhere you go, including work. I ve always found it difficult to find meaning in my work that I feel ties to my faith, but you have been a demonstration of what that looks like. 你所到之处都充满了神的喜乐 你很好地示范了工作的意义应该是怎样的 Elaine Kung Copyright 32

33 H.E.A.R.T.S. 無論做甚麼, 都要從心裡做, 像是給主做的, 不是給人做的 - 歌羅西書 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your H.E.A.R.T.S., as working for the Lord, not for human masters. - Colossians 3:23 Elaine Kung Copyright 33

34 God is my CEO Work is a Blessing 神是大老板 - 工作是祝福 Whatever you do, work at it with all your H.E.A.R.T.S., as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 Humility 謙卑 vs. secret agent 臥底特工 EQ 情商 build up, enthusiastic & positive 熱情 Available to help others succeed 協助他人取得成功 Reflect & leverage your talents/strengths 利用你的才華 Teachable & do your best to glorify work 受教 Share & pray for the work and people 為工作和人祈禱 Elaine Kung Copyright 34

35 EQ: Emotional Quotient (12 words) Don t let others words and actions Degrade your value Control your response 不要讓別人的言語和行動 改變你的價值 控制你的回應 Elaine Kung Copyright 35

36 Romans 羅馬書 12:9-21 Love in Action: EQ 愛人不可虛假 惡, 要厭惡 ; 善, 要親近 愛弟兄, 要彼此親熱 ; 恭敬人, 要彼此推讓 殷勤, 不可懶惰 ; 要心裏火熱, 常常服事主 在指望中要喜樂 ; 在患難中要忍耐 ; 禱告要恆切 聖徒缺乏, 要幫補 ; 客, 要一味地款待 逼迫你們的, 要給他們祝福 ; 只要祝福, 不可咒詛 與喜樂的人要同樂 ; 與哀哭的人要同哭 要彼此同心 ; 不要志氣高大, 倒要俯就卑微的人 不要自以為聰明 不要以惡報惡 ; 眾人以為美的事要留心去做 若是能行, 總要盡力與眾人和睦 親愛的弟兄, 不要自己伸冤, 寧可讓步, 聽憑主怒 ; 因為經上記着 : 主說 : 伸冤在我, 我必報應 所以, 你的仇敵若餓了, 就給他吃, 若渴了, 就給他喝 ; 因為你這樣行就是把炭火堆在他的頭上 你不可為惡所勝, 反要以善勝惡 Elaine Kung Copyright 36

37 Romans 12:9-21 Love in Action: EQ 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at p.e.a.c.e. with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Elaine Kung Copyright 37

38 P.E.A.C.E. Positive: peer pressure, influence, politics 積極 : 同事壓力, 影響, 辦公室政治 Effective communication 有效溝通 Appealing interpersonal and leadership skills 人際交往技巧, 領導能力 Conflict management strategy 解決衝突 Emotional Quotient EQ 提高情商 Elaine Kung Copyright 38

39 Effective Communication 有效溝通 Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. 多說金話箴言 25:11 一句話表達得合宜, 就像金蘋果放在銀盤中 Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. 少開金口箴言 17:28 愚拙人緘口也算聰明 ; 他默不作聲就是智慧 Appreciation 表揚稱謝 Thank you, I like how you follow through with details. Catch them do right, instead of Catch them do wrong. Acceptance 接納 Love the unlovable, Forgive the unforgivable. Apology 道歉 I am sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me. 360 feedback. Elaine Kung Copyright 39

40 How to Handle Politics 掌控政治 Matthew 馬太福音 10:16 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 我差你們去, 如同羊進入狼羣 ; 所以你們要 靈巧像蛇, 馴良像鴿子 Elaine Kung Copyright 40

41 Avoid G.R.O.A.N.S. 避免呻吟 Low EQ Symptoms Gossip, greedy Revenge Obsess in self pity, worry 閒言閒語 意圖報復 自我憐憫 Against Biblical values e.g. mean spirit, form cliques, take sides 反對聖經價值觀 : 心胸狹窄, 拉幫結派 Negative reaction, get personal/angry 消極反應 Selfish agenda, stress 自私議程 Elaine Kung Copyright 41

42 Work on S.H.I.N.E. 致力於發光 Develop High EQ Let your light S.H.I.N.E. before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 Servanthood: others centric, win-win, no return, accept 僕人心志 Humility: apology, open, humor, listen, collaborate, mistakes 謙卑謙遜 Integrity: be yourself, truth, speak up, good/bad times 正直誠實 Nurture respect: empathy, relationship, ally, network 培育尊重, 協同合作 Empathy: EQ, by choice, respond, take high road, self control 情感共鳴, 注重情商 Elaine Kung Copyright 42

43 God s Word Wisdom 神的话语 智慧 敬畏耶和華是知識的開端 箴言 1:7 因為神賜給我們, 不是膽怯的心, 乃是剛強 仁愛 謹守的心 提摩太後書 1:7 就是忘記背後, 努力面前的, 向著標竿直跑, 要得神在基督耶穌裡從上面召我來得的獎賞 腓立比書 3:13-14 應當一無罣慮, 只要凡事藉著禱告 祈求, 和感謝, 將你們所要的告訴神 神所賜 出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心懷意念 腓立比書 4:6-7 Elaine Kung Copyright Let go, Let God Chinese, purpose 43

44 Sunday Night Blue Conclusion 星期日夜抑鬱症總結 Last day at AT&T on Thursday, December 7, 2017 Miraculous Closure and Conclusion. 不可思议的结束与总结 It s been an absolute pleasure working with you at AT&T. We have been through some crazy times between org A and org B through it all you impress me and those around you with your grace, kindness and positive attitude. 令我深刻的 : 你的恩典優雅 善良仁慈 积极态度 Elaine Kung Copyright 44

45 D.R.I.V.E. 标杆人生 To be more kingdom-minded, how God calls us, equips us to D.R.I.V.E. and impact those around us, at work, home, church, community, living a more integrated and satisfying life Whole self. Discover 5P for your career/life journey work is more than a paycheck, thank God it's Monday! Review the strengths, personal brand and personalities to build better team and leadership influence Integrate your 5P across personal, family, work, community life - how to balance vs. converge View others better than yourself, others-centered leadership style - Servant Leader of Integrity Excellence in offering yourself as living sacrifice and Experience true S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Elaine Kung Copyright 45

46 True Work Salvation testimonies to share with others at work Understanding God's plan for us at work Compassion and empathy for coworkers and bosses Christ-centered commitment and lifestyle at work Encouraging attitudes, words and actions Strength from God thru daily devotions & continual prayers Servant heart leadership at work Elaine Kung Copyright 46

47 C.A.L.L.E.D. To Work! 职场使命 Created to work with strengths and satisfaction 被創造出來工作的優勢和滿足人生 Available to help others succeed with contributions 帮助他人成功 Lead with passion and people/networking skills 热情与能力来领导 Learn to grow in WHAT (aptitude, hard skills) 学习成长 and HOW (attitude, soft skills) Encourage with financial benefits 财务效益来鼓励 Delight in seeking God through career growth 乐于在工作成长中寻求神 Elaine Kung Copyright 47

48 Work! Jesus first Others second You last Be J.O.Y.ful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 主為先他為從你為末 常常喜乐不住祷告凡事谢恩 靠神事半功倍 >> 靠人事倍功半 By God s grace: Half the effort Double the result By our own ability: Double the effort Half the result Elaine Kung Copyright 48

49 Top 5 ReFirement Reflections (AT&T Farewell Dec 2017) Look backward, forward/upward [2018 updates] 1. Passionate about my work, love coming to work every day. Work is more than a paycheck. Thank God it's Monday. [2018: Active in local ministries and community to encourage workers to be their best at work, integrate their faith with work as Servant Leaders of Integrity] 2. Making best effort to take Jesus to work, learning to receive God's blessings and be a blessing to others. Every day is a gift, filled with miracles and pleasant surprises. [2018: Expanding our Called To Work ministry and partnership locally and globally] 3. Another full life post-retirement waiting for me to embark on, and spending more time with families in CA, MD, NJ, Hong Kong. [2018: 7 trips to Asia, 2 to Europe, 12 days has been the longest duration at San Diego home alone, in between speaking & family trips in U.S. and overseas] 4. Continue to give back to the community with my passion for Public Speaking (Leadership, Marriage, Parenting, Life Skills, STEM), Coaching, serving at Church & Called To Work Ministries, Non-Profit Boards. [2018: By God s grace, for God s glory, spoke to thousands around the world] 5. Speaking and travels in US/Asia/Europe have been booked through October [2018: God opens doors for 2019 speaking and ministry trips locally and globally] Elaine Kung Copyright 49

50 5P: Experience Abundant Blessings from God 經歷來自神的豐富的祝福 愉快的驚喜 Pleasant surprises Daily surprises with God s 5Ps in little things and big things 在大事小事上帶著神的 5P 經歷日常的驚喜 預備 力量 許諾 Provisions Power God provides the right people at right time/place God s plan is better than ours, beyond our ability 神會提供對的人在對的時間和地點神的安排好于我們自己的, 超出我們能力範圍的 God helps us to do what seems impossible Love the unlovable, Forgive the unforgivable 去愛不可愛的, 去原諒不可原諒的 存在 Promises 神的話語是活生生的 God s Word comes alive 在日常生活中使經文個性化 Personalize Scriptures in daily life 時時處處經歷神的旨意 Experience God s will in up/down Presence 對聖靈感到敏感心靈的觸角 24 小時 *7 天就像呼吸一樣 Sensitive to the Holy Spirit Spiritual antenna 24x7 like breathing Elaine Kung Copyright 50

51 如何更享受工作 8 to 6 6 to 8 Called To Work Your work is more than a paycheck: Job vs. Ministry 工作不只是为了薪水 : 工作 vs. 事工 Theology of Work: Work as Worship Bridge the Sacred and Secular Divide Glorify God at Work vs. Secret Agent Encourage employees/employers 鼓励 Equip leaders/influencers 装备 Expand marketplace ministry networks 扩展 工作活出敬拜 Be a blessing and receive blessings from God 接受祝福, 成為祝福 Thank God it s Monday! 感謝神星期一又到了! Take Jesus to Work empty seat for Jesus at work 带神到工作中, 让神出现介入 S.H.I.N.E. for Jesus brightly salt and light Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 为耶稣闪耀发光 - 盐和光 Elaine Kung Copyright 51

52 我們用聖經和見證去討論如何與難以相處的人打交道, 如何處理辦公室政治和變得自信, 解決茅盾衝突, 將敵人轉變為朋友, 提高情商并建立積極正面的人際關係 去體驗如何回應神對我們在工作的呼召, 讓耶穌介入工作, 如何更享受工作, 工作不單為收入 在工作中有做鹽和光的生命, 讓神的話語生命化和生活化 在不同人生階段中, 兼顧家庭 工作及教會事奉, 成為 全職事奉 神的满足人生和一生 Elaine Kung Copyright 52

53 Daily Prayer in our Response to God as we are Called To Work Start Doing 1. Empty chair for work 2. 5 mins prayer before work 3. Prayer work Stop Doing 1. Gossip 2. Complain 3. Unbiblical attitude & action Do More 1. Pray for coworkers, customers 2. Meditate God s word, 5P blessings 3. SELF CARE, manage life/time Do Less 1. Slack work 2. Overcommit without boundary 3. Workaholic Elaine Kung Copyright 53

54 Elaine Kung Copyright 54

55 5-Minute Prayer Before Work Thank God for our job. Tell God what we need to accomplish. Tell God our greatest concern. Pray for at least one person boss, coworker, customer. Pray for the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control Galatians 5:22) Ask God to build our EQ and use our gifts. Surrender our day into God s hands. Ask God to feed our soul. Thank God for His 5P blessings: His Presence, Power, Promises, Provisions, Pleasant surprises. Elaine Kung Copyright 55

56 工作前 5 分钟祷告 為我們的工作感謝神 告訴神我們需要完成什麼 告訴神我們最關心的 至少為一個人祈禱 -- 老闆 同事 顧客 為聖靈的果子禱告 ( 仁愛 喜樂 和平 忍耐 恩慈 良善 信實 溫柔 節制 加拉太書 5:22-23 ) 求神建立我們的情商, 並使用我們的恩賜 把我們的日子交到神的手中 求神餵養我們的靈魂 感謝神給他的 5P 祝福 : 神的同在, 力量, 應許, 供應, 驚喜 Bill Hendricks, Elaine Kung Copyright 56

57 Called To Work goes back to 1996 Called To Work began as an annual workplace Christianity conference founded by Elaine Kung, an AT&T manager, and hosted by Rutgers Community Christian Church in Somerset, NJ. CTW 起初是由 Elaine Kung,AT&T 經理, 創建的一個年度職場基督大會, 并由在新澤西 Somerset 的 Rutgers 教會主辦 Elaine Kung Copyright 57

58 Called To Work ministry Vision: Advance God s kingdom in the workplace around the world through whole person Discipleship and Evangelism of working Christians as Spiritfilled Ambassadors for Christ in their everyday lives. 遠景 : 在世界範圍內通過完備和動化做事的基督徒來開啟和擴大神的國度, 從而在每天生活中成為充滿靈性的基督使徒 Mission: Encourage workers, Equip leaders and organizations, Expand workplace ministry partnerships and geographic networks in the US and beyond. 使命 : 特別注重美國和美國以外的亞裔和多民族教會以鼓舞同工, 完備領導者和組織, 擴大職場牧師合夥和地域網路 Ministry Resources: Provide a scalable framework of workplace Christianity resources and best practices that can be applied individually, in small groups or large organizations. 資源 : 提供大規模有關職場的基督徒資源和最好的可用於在小型或大型團體中個人運用的實踐操作 Elaine Kung Copyright 58

59 Called To Work conferences in Some Themes Overcoming Work Work Journey of Faith Running the Race in the Workplace In God We Trust At Work! Tower of Refuge and Strength Soar Like Eagles Renewal of the Mind Light Up Your Workplace Called for Such a Time as This Balancing Work Life Some Past Speaker Roles: Some Workshop Topics How do we trust and obey God at work in seeking, keeping, changing employment Overcoming challenges in career, relationships, finances Running through corporate politics and reorg Running wiser by discovering your gifts Live a purpose-driven work life Balance work, family and ministry needs Biblical view of work: service, witness, righteousness Working in wisdom through your career stages How to manage your career and honor God s will Security in times of instability Business Leaders: ADC, AG Edwards, Alcatel Lucent, AT&T, CNN Anchor, Ernst & Young, J&J, JP Morgan Chase Public Servants and Sports: White House Staff, Mayor, Governor Candidate, Univ. Basketball Coach, NFL Player Ministry Leaders/Authors: Christian Working Women, Christian College, Church, InterVarsity, Radio, Scripture Union Elaine Kung Copyright 59

60 2016 reunion with past Called To Work speakers Attended Summit in Dallas Honorable Ed Moy, 38 th Director of U.S. Mint ( ) Doug Hunter, Former FCCI President Bob Harp, Director at Biola Bus. School Bill Hendricks, DTS Director of Hendricks Center of Leadership Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Founder of Faith & Work at Redeemer 60

61 Called To Work workplace missions track Annual Baltimore, Houston, San Diego Help AFC Chinese Missions Convention CMC attendees to understand the Why, What and How of work theology, practical teaching on how to bridge the secular and sacred divide, to glorify God and worship God across vocations at the local, national and global perspectives Work as Worship. 幫助 CMC 參與者理解同工方法論之為何 是何以及如何, 如何橋接世俗與神性的實務教學, 從而在當地 全國甚至全世界範圍內榮耀和敬拜主 Encourage employees/employers Equip leaders/influencers Expand workplace ministry networks Be encouraged equipped empowered in the workplace to receive blessings from God and be a blessing to others at work! 在這個論壇中讓自己鼓舞著, 完備著, 充實著, 從而領受來自神的祝福和祝福他人 Elaine Kung Copyright 61

62 Chinese Missions Convention-Baltimore 2019 Called To Work 12/28-12/30/19 Speaker/Moderator: Elaine Kung 孔雷漢卿 12/28 Saturday 11:15am-12:30pm How to Respond to God as we are Called To Work 2:00pm-3:15pm Called To Work: Case Studies in Workplace Ministry 4:15pm-5:30pm 回應神對工作的呼召 12/29 Sunday 2:00pm-3:15pm Called To Work Panel: Inter-Disciplinary Missions Dialogue with Workplace Ministers Called To Work 座談會 : 跨宣教與職場事工的對話 Campus Ministry 彭招羊牧師, Missional Church 黃光賜牧師, Effective Discipleship 郭振游教授, Workplace ministers 孔毅, 林豐樑 ; 主持人 : 孔雷漢卿 4:15pm-5:30pm Called To Work Panel: Dialogue with Pastors and Workplace Ministers Called To Work 座談會 : 牧師與職場事工的對話 CBC-MD- 程德鵬牧師, RCCC-NJ- 欒大端長老, Fort Bend CC-TX, CBC-San Diego, Workplace ministers 孔毅, 林豐樑長老 ; 主持人 : 孔雷漢卿長老 12/30 Monday 4:15pm-5:30pm Next Generation Panel 座談會 - 搶救下ㄧ代王健安博士, 程德鵬牧師, 孔雷漢卿長老 ; 主持人 : 鄭立新牧師 Elaine Kung Copyright 62

63 Called To Work Resources: Drew s Sample Topics Christian Business Owner Declaration of Independence Doing Work Enthusiasm Makes a BIG Difference How to be a Godly Employee (10 Commandment version) Idol-free Work Zone poster Industrious or Workaholic? How do you draw the line? Making Work School is God s Tool Yahoo! He Arose! That s why I m so happy to work poster 3 Reasons to form a Christian Corporate Cultural Diversity Group 4 Tips on Sharing Salvation with Coworkers 4 Whom and Why are you Working? 5 Tips on Growing in Christ 6 Reasons Why your Church should Reach the Workplace 6 Teen Tips on Work 7 Tips on Leading a Fruitful Workplace Bible Study 8 Tips on Hosting an Evangelistic Workplace Event Elaine Kung Copyright 63

64 Called To Work Resources: Elaine s Sample Topics 45-minute Podcast interview by Dr. Darrell Bock at Dallas Theological Seminary 45-minute Podcast interview by Kelley Johnson Cubicles & Christ Interview video by Senior Pastor Neil Tomba at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas 9-minute on Elaine's story; 35-minute panel on Called To Work Blog on Elaine's journey and Called To Work written by Lorraine Grubbs Called To Work and Elaine s Integrated Life Journey Called To Work Use Cases, Workplace Ministry Networks by Category Chinese English Called To Work Workplace Ministry Maturity Models Chinese English 職場事工的成熟度模型 Daily Workplace Prayer Models Chinese English 每天工作的禱告模型 How to Respond to God as we are Called To Work Chinese English 如何更享受工作 Office Politics & Biblical Values Chinese English 如何處理辦公室政治 Retirement Party in November 2017 at AT&T HQ in Dallas Sample Speaking Topics Chinese English 演講主題的例子 Soft Skill Talks Video Recordings: Building up Grit/AQ and Conflict Resolution Skills Effective Communication and Personal Branding Effective Time/Life Management Leadership and Personal Networking Work Life Balance Chinese English 工作之樂 : 在人生各階段去平衡家庭, 工作和服事 Elaine Kung Copyright 64

65 Sample Weekly Devotion Topics Clear Concise Practical Elaine Kung Copyright 65

66 Do you ever get afraid and work? Proverbs 1:33 (KJV): "But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil." COWMENTARY: Years ago, the Lord ministered to me through this passage in a huge way, during a season when my business was struggling and I was getting afraid and scared. There's a wonderful promise in Proverbs 1 that if you and I listen to and apply genuine God-breathed wisdom in our lives, we SHALL be safe and secure, to the point that we don't even evil speak about potential evil. Fear of evil will not invade and permeate our thoughts, emotions, words and actions. Even at work. APPLICATION: Today, are you full of fear at work? You needn't be, if you are hearkening to wisdom. To receive divine wisdom, meditate upon the Word. Listen to the Spirit's promptings. Ask the Lord for wisdom in prayer, as Solomon did and as James exhorted believers to, and it shall be given to you. You do NOT have to spend each day at work a bundle of nerves full of anxiety and stress. Elaine Kung Copyright 66

67 Called To Work Resources 資源 資源 : 提供大規模有關職場的基督徒資源和最好的可用於在小型或大型團體中個人運用的實踐操作 Past Called To Work conference topics since 1996 Past AFC Chinese Missions Convention CMC annual Called To Work track materials, e.g. West (San Diego 2014), South (Houston 2015, 2018), East (Baltimore 2016, 2019) Daily prayers at work: before, during, after 工作日常禱告 website for more Free Devotion with PRACTICAL Work Tips every Wednesday Seek God daily to experience 寻求并经历 Elaine Kung Copyright 67

68 Elaine s journey by God s Grace for God s Glory Chinese interview article Work in October 2017 by Chinese Entrepreneur Association in Delaware: %88%ab%e4%ba%ba%e7%9a%84%e7%a5%9d%e7%a6%8f-%e8%ae%bf%e8%b0%88called-to-work%e5%88%9b%e5%a7%8b/ Time Management Zoom Online Recording with slides for George Mason University My Training International in VA in May 2018: Parenting Conference Home at Lord s Grace Christian Church, Mountain View, CA in April 2018: WeChat Talk Recordings on Parenting: Parenting Teenagers in Mandarin Parenting Adult Children in Mandarin Parenting Communication Skills in Mandarin Career Development for Young People in English Elaine Kung Copyright 68

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