今期內容 CONTENTS 專題 FEATURE 賀特區成立十周年 中醫藥節 隆重舉行 HKBU launches Chinese Medicine Festival to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the Mot

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2 今期內容 CONTENTS 專題 FEATURE 賀特區成立十周年 中醫藥節 隆重舉行 HKBU launches Chinese Medicine Festival to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the Motherland 中醫藥學院持續及專業教育部與時並進再創新猷 Division of Continuing & Professional Education - Advancing for the betterment of CM Profession 研究專題 RESEARCH FEATURES 4 中醫藥理論在現代科學製劑上的應用楊智鈞博士 Application of Chinese Medicine Theory in Modern Pharmaceutics Dr. Yang Zhi Jun 學術研討 ACADEMIC EXCHANGES 中醫藥專題講座 CM Seminar 黃帝內經 的學習方法 及 經典語言對臨床的指導作用舉例 李今庸教授湖北中醫藥學院教授及湖北省中醫藥學會會長 The Study of Huang Di Nei Jing and The Importance of Classical Studies in Clinical Practice Prof. Li Jin Yong Hubei University of Chinese Medicine 6 讀中醫經典, 重臨床實踐 及 怎樣辨治疑難病 熊繼柏教授. 湖南中醫藥大學教授 CM Classics and Clinical Practice: Two Vital Elements in Achieving Success and The Diagnosis of Problematic Diseases Prof. Xiang Ji Bo Hunan University of Chinese Medicine

3 新面孔 NEW FACES 蔣明博士 張文選博士 谷鐵光高級講師 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 2006 世界中醫藥大會國際專家學者雲集探索中醫藥發展之路 World renowned experts share insights at 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine 兩所新診所投入服務 Two more Chinese medicine clinics in service 尖沙咀中醫藥診所喬遷之喜 Tsimshatsui Chinese Medicine Clinic moves to newly-acquired premises 中醫藥學院於 二 六年研究評審工作 中獲卓越成績 SCM scores 100 in the Research Assessment Exercise 2006 中藥學會於二 七年香港花卉展覽榮獲特別獎 Society of Chinese Materia Medica scoopes special prize at Hong Kong Flower Show 2007 和富博士後中醫藥研究基金 中期報告暨 認識中醫多一點 講座 Wofoo Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme - Mid-term report cum CM Seminar 學院集思會 - 凝聚力量集思廣益 SCM Retreat 2007 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 (RMIT). 香港浸會大學合辦健康科學 ( 中醫 ) 學士學位二零零七年畢業典禮 Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine) Conferment Ceremony 2007 國際現代化中醫藥及健康產品展覽會暨會議 2007 The School exhibits at the ICMCM 2007 中醫及中藥迎新營 2007 Orientation Camp 2007 開學禮為學生展開新一年 School Opening Ceremony kicks off new academic year 中醫藥博物館設不同展區以多角度介紹中醫藥歷史 CM Museum shows the unique features of Chinese Medicine from different angles 學者新著 STAFF PUBLICATIONS 香港容易混淆中藥 英譯本主編 : 趙中振教授 李應生先生 English version of the book Easily Confused Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong Chief Editors: Prof. Zhao Zhong Zhen, Mr. Li Y.S. Tommy 戰勝柏金遜症 主編 : 李敏博士 當代藥用植物典 主編 : 趙中振教授. 蕭培根教授 產品推介 NEW PRODUCTS 浸大中醫藥研究所有限公司推出 浸大尚方 中藥產品及出版新書 專家應診 : 常見都市病中醫療法 中醫專欄 FROM OUR EXPERT 中醫藥預防乳腺癌復發轉移闡述焦智民醫師 學術考察團到訪韓國為學制改革取經 Faculty members visited Korea, paving way for Curriculum Reform

4 4 專題 FEATURE 一九九七年七月一日, 香港回歸祖國 十年來, 中醫藥在 基本法 的保障下, 得到特區政府的大力推動, 在規管制度及教育方面都取到了長足的進步和發展 無獨有偶, 香港浸會大學全力發展中醫藥教育及科研, 也始於一九九七年, 包括建立中醫藥研究所及開辦中醫藥持續教育課程 浸會大學更是全港第一間創辦中醫本科教育的高等學府, 先後推出中醫學士 / 生物醫學理學士 ( 榮譽 ) 學位課程及中藥學士 ( 榮譽 ) 學位課程 因此, 浸會大學被譽為香港中醫藥高等教育的先鋒 在回歸十周年這個值得紀念的時刻, 學院希望作一個全面的檢視, 並計劃如何善用香港的優勢和特點, 制定日後中醫藥的發展策略 Hong Kong returned to its motherland on 1 July With the support of the Government, the development of Chinese medicine over the past ten years has undergone rapid changes in the aspects of legislation and education. HKBU launched the Chinese medicine programmes and services at almost the same time as Hong Kong's return to China. HKBU is the first UGC-funded institution that provides higher education in Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. During the past ten years, the School has nurtured a new generation of quality Chinese medicine practitioners, professionals and researchers. At the 10th anniversary of the Hong Kong's return to China, it is time to conduct a comprehensive review of the School s development and to plan its future strategy. 為慶祝香港回歸祖國十周年, 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院聯同六所醫療與科研機構, 以及中醫藥業界於六月廿六日至七月一日舉辦大型中醫藥節 目的是讓香港市民更深入了解香港回歸祖國後中央政府對特區的支持, 尤其促使中醫藥在香港一日千里的發展 中醫藥節啟動典禮於六月廿六日在香港會議展覽中心舉行, 出席儀式的主禮嘉賓包括國家衞生部副部長兼中醫藥管理局局長王國強先生 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室副主任李剛先生 衞生福利及食物局局長周一嶽醫生 衞生署署長林秉恩醫生 醫院管理局主席胡定旭先生 浸會大學校董會主席王英偉先生 吳清輝校長和中醫藥學院院長劉良教授 浸大校長吳清輝教授在致辭時表示, 浸會大學開辦中醫藥課程及中醫醫療保健服務與香港回歸的時間差不多是同步的, 在慶祝回歸十周年的同時, 也正好是回顧浸會大學推動中醫藥發展工作的時刻 他說 : 希望中醫藥節能令大家對中醫藥過去十年在香港的發展有更透徹的了解, 並能引發大家深入探討中醫藥今後在香港的發展路向 中醫藥節內容豐富, 除了 香港與浸會大學中醫藥發展十年回顧展覽 外, 繼有 中醫藥發展論壇 及 中醫養生保健論壇, 多位中醫藥著名講者親臨主講, 數百名市民及註冊中醫師出席, 場面熱鬧

5 專題 FEATURE 5 此外, 學院還安排了參觀中醫診所 中藥街及草藥公園的活動, 吸引過百名市民參加 另外, 學院轄下七間診所在六月二十八日舉行了全港最大型的義診, 惠及約七百名市民 至於在奧海城舉辦的 中醫藥展覽 情志養生 及全港中學校際中醫藥問答比賽亦吸引了過萬名人次到場參觀 是次中醫藥節是特區政府成立十周年紀念的認可活動中唯一一項與中醫藥有關的項目 ; 由余仁生 ( 香港 ) 有限公司冠名贊助, 合辦機構包括香港賽馬會中藥研究院 東華三院 仁濟醫院 基督教靈實協會 香港註冊中醫學會和香港中藥聯商會 To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Hong K o n g s r e t u r n t o China, the School of Chinese Medicine jointly organized a Chinese Medicine Festival with six other organizations from 26 June to 1 July. An opening ceremony was h e l d o n 2 6 J u n e a t t h e Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Mr. Wang Guo Qiang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health; and Director General, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PRC; Mr. Li Gang, Deput y Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR; Dr. York Chow, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food; Dr. Lam Ping Yan, Director of Health; Mr. Anthony Wu, Chairman of Hospital Authority; Mr Wilfred Wong, Chairman of the Council and the Court, HKBU; Prof. Ng Ching Fai, President and Vice- Chancellor of HKBU; and Prof. Liu Liang, Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU. Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Ng Ching Fai said that H K B U h a d l a u n c h e d t h e Chinese medicine programme a n d C h i n e s e m e d i c i n e services at almost the same time as Hong Kong's return to China; therefore, now is the appropriate time to review HKBU's Chinese medicine development process. "I hope the festival will help the general public b et ter u nderstand the development of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong and to participate in the discussion on its future," he said. The event offered a wide range of activities including a series of public forums, an exhibition as well as a visit to the "Chinese Medicine Street" and Chinese Herbal Park. All these events w e r e w e l l - r e c e i v e d b y a 亮燈儀式為中醫藥節揭開序幕 A lighting ceremony kicks off the CM Festival ( 左起 ) 衞生福利及食物局局長周一嶽醫生 國家衞生部副部長兼中醫藥管理局局長王國強先生 中醫藥學院院長劉良教授 (From left) Dr. York Chow, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food; Mr. Wang Guo Qiang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health; and Director General, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PRC; Prof. Liu Liang, Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU 全港中學校際中醫藥問答比賽得獎隊伍 Winner of the Secondary School Intercollegiate Competition on Chinese Medicine large number of registered Chinese medicine practitioners and the public. The free-of-charge consultations by CM practitioners provided on 28 June by the seven clinics of the School benefited about 700 members of the public. The CM Festival was the sole Chinese medicinerelated event among the accredited events for the 10th anniversary celebrations. The six co-organizers were Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Yan Chai Hospital, Haven of Hope Christian Ser vice, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Merchants Association. The event was sponsored by Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Limited.

6 6 專題 FEATURE 香港浸會大學中醫藥學院持續及專業教育部一貫致力提升本港中醫藥業界專業與學術水平, 自 1997 年起積極籌辦多元化及配合中醫藥發展的課程, 為在職從業員及對中醫藥有興趣的人士提供提升學歷及專業水平的進修途徑 現時所開辦的長短期課程包括中醫 中藥 針灸 推拿 骨傷 美容等六大類, 在校生總人數達一千多人 為了配合香港中醫藥管理委員會要求註冊中醫在執業年度持續進修的相關規定, 該部於 2005 年 3 月起增辦註冊中醫進修中醫藥學機制認可的進修課程 / 科目, 同時還定期開辦免費的學術專題講座, 出席的註冊中醫至今已達 5,000 人次, 在業界引起了熱烈的反響 經過十年的發展, 目前該部已成為香港主要的中醫藥持續進修及專業教育中心 現代互聯網技術突飛猛進 日新月異 藉互聯網之便捷, 業界之間的溝通與交流變得更加容易, 而授業解惑也不再局限於傳統的課堂教學模式, 在網上學習和進修課程已經成為一種新的發展趨勢 有見及此, 中醫藥學院持續及專業教育部早於 2003 年創辦了專為中醫藥學術交流而設的網上論壇 中醫大講堂 ( com), 並於 2006 年底推出網上進修中醫藥平臺 中醫大學堂 ( 創辦這兩個姐妹網站之目的是為了打破學派 時間及地域界限, 讓海內外業界人士 註冊中醫師 中醫藥學生以及中醫藥愛好者可以暢所欲言, 各抒己見, 自由地進行交流與討論 ; 同時亦為他們提供學習中醫藥的新途徑, 讓學員更加方便地在網上學習中醫藥並獲取最新的進修資訊, 真正達到 隨時隨地 自我增值 的目的 為了滿足業界廣泛的要求, 中醫大學堂 將在十月下旬增添兩項課程, 分別是 針灸醫籍選 及 張仲景治胃法的臨床應用 這是繼 註冊中醫進修中醫藥學專題講座系列 金匱要略 選講 以及 傷寒論 後推出的新課程 針灸醫籍選 為針灸學的理論課程, 通過學習不僅可以提高針灸理論水平, 並且對針灸的源流和發展, 以及歷代針灸學術流派有全面的瞭解, 同時亦培養學員閱讀針灸古典文獻的能力 本課程由北京中醫藥大學教授 現任持續及專業教育部訪問學者趙立岩教授主講 至於 張仲景治胃法的臨床應用, 重點是就 傷寒論 和 金匱要略 中治胃諸法, 結合臨床實例, 與學員分享講者多年運用仲景治胃法治療各種胃病的寶貴經驗 本講題由該部訪問學者張啟文教授主講, 他是中國著名傷寒經方大師劉渡舟教授的首屆研究生 北京中醫藥大學教授及主任醫師 今後持續及專業教育部將一如既往, 繼續開辦各種類型及品質優良的課程與講座, 使廣大中醫藥業界人士可以與時並進, 不斷提升專業與學術水平 Th e D i v i s i o n o f C o n t i n u i n g & Professional Education ( D C P E ) of t h e S c h o o l of Chinese Medicine has been focusing its efforts in enhancing the academic and professional standard of the CM industry. In order to meet the needs of both the in-service practitioners a n d i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a r e interested in Chinese medicine, the Division has been offering d i v e r s i f i e d p r o g r a m m e s since At present, the Division runs six categories of programmes, namely Chinese Medicine, Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Tui Na, Orthopaedic and Beauty Care. They have a student body of over 1,000. To cope with the requirements stipulated by the Chinese Medicine Ordinance that all registered CM practitioners should pursue continuing education in Chinese medicine, D C P E h a s b e e n of fe r i n g a c c redite d p rogrammes/ subjects since March Apart from that, the Division

7 專題 FEATURE 7 also offers free-of-charge seminars to the CM practitioners. Over the past ten years, DCPE has become a major provider of professional programmes for continuing studies in Chinese medicine. With the advancement of internet technology, learning and teaching are no longer limited to traditional classroom setting. In this regard, DCPE launched the HKBU Chinese Medicine Online Forum ( and the HKBU Chinese Medicine Online Education Website ( in 2003 and 2006 respectively. Taking the advantage that the online platforms are not bound by time, place or different schools of thought, self-learning and academic exchange among the CM practitioners, students and interested parties can be achieved. Two new programme and seminar, namely "Selected readings of Chinese Medicine Classics in Acupuncture and Clinical Practice of Zhang Zhong Jing s Methods in curing Stomach Illness will be offered in late October 2007 via the The former programme emphasizes the theories, history and development of acupuncture. It aims at equipping students with the ability of reading CM classics in acupuncture. The programme will be taught by Prof. Zhao Li Yan, who is a Professor of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine & Pharmacology, as well as a Visiting Scholar of DCPE. The Seminar on Clinical Practice of Zhang Zhong Jing s Methods in curing Stomach Illness places emphasis on the curing methods of 中醫藥學院持續及專業教育部主任衛明醫師 Mr. Wai Ming, Director of the Division of Continuing & Professional Education, SCM stomach illness as introduced in the Treatise of Diseases (Shang Han Lun) and the Golden Chamber. Prof. Zhang Qi Wen will share with students his valuable clinical experience in using Zhang Zhong Jing s methods in curing various stomach diseases. Prof. Zhang was a student of Prof. Liu Du Zhou, a famous specialist in Shang Han Lun. He is also a Professor of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine & Pharmacology and a Visiting Scholar of DCPE. The Division of Continuing & Professional Education will continue to provide diversified programmes and seminars in order to improve t h e p rofessional k n ow ledge of t h e CM practitioners and keep them abreast of the latest development of the profession.

8 8 研究專題 RESEARCH FEATURES 楊智鈞博士是位中藥藥劑和藥物遞送系統製劑處方專家, 他正專注於通過研究中醫藥傳統經驗和西藥藥物遞送系統理論的關聯性探尋新途徑和新處方, 為中西潛在有效藥物開發新的製劑產品 Dr. Yang Zhi Jun is an expert in Pharmaceutics in Chinese materia medica and drug delivery system (DDS). Dr. Yang s research focus is on the exploration of new processes and new formulations by combining the experience of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the theories of DDS, so as to develop new preparations for the potential active pharmaceutical ingredients. 中藥是中醫治病最重要的一個組成部分, 也是中醫理論的主要應用途徑 然而, 中藥的臨床應用至今仍以千年前的煎藥取汁飲用為主, 即使稍有發展, 中藥製劑產品也離不開傳統的丸散膏丹之類 究其原因, 主要是由於中藥黑箱似的模糊性治病原理, 例如歸經理論和引藥學說 楊智鈞博士及其研究隊伍試圖將中醫藥理論應用到比較成熟和現代的製劑技術上, 探索及研究療效機理, 製備高效率, 外型美觀, 方便服用及攜帶的製劑產品 有鑒於早期西藥與中藥非常相似, 所以中藥裏可以被人體吸收, 又能直接在病竈組織起效果的具藥理作用的小分子應當和西藥基本一致 藥理上可能不同的是中藥在服用時常常是多種藥理作用的多種小分子同時被吸收分佈到體內各種組織, 於多種受體起作用 ; 而西藥則多為單一分子, 只在單一受體起作用, 或者是幾種明確的分子在幾種明確的受體上起作用 在製劑上, 中藥服用後除一些小分子外, 也有少量大分子會被吸收, 這些大分子可能具有直接的藥理作用, 如蛇毒蛋白入血就會引起溶血等 ; 也有一些分子不具備藥理作用, 但卻可以引導小分子到達病竈組織 ; 亦有一些分子可於細菌病毒等外邪以及病理細胞受體上起作用, 如磷脂可以在體內形成小球, 把包裹在其中的藥理小分子送到肝臟及淋巴系統 目前, 楊智鈞博士及其研究人員 結合應用中醫藥經驗理論 現代成熟製劑技術以及藥物遞送理論, 已經成功研發了源於法國紅豆杉的抗癌特效成分多西紫杉醇的脂質體 根據國內一家製藥公司對該新製劑所做的初步藥理數據推斷, 脂質體可以使多西紫杉醇治療胃腸癌的劑量減少到原來的三分之一左右, 大大提高療效, 亦可降低其毒副作用 楊博士及其隊伍還致力研究中藥的無活性大分子和藥理小分子的相互作用, 探索在靶向給藥和藥物遞送方面的應用前景 這些研究已引起日本和北美等地學術機構和製劑學者的廣泛關注, 楊博士跟他們已達成了多項合作意向 Ch i n e s e m a t e r i a m e d i c a p l a y s a n i m p o r t a nt role of Chinese medicine in treating diseases. Also, it serves as the access in applying and practicing the Chinese medical theories. Despite that, its clinical application is still limited to the extraction and processing of medical herbs into traditional pills, ointment and powder. The limitation is due to the vague therapeutic theories of Chinese medicine, such as the Guijing theory (Doctrine of Channel Distribution of Chinese Medicine). In order to clarify the mechanism of Chinese medicine and to develop more efficient and convenient CM products, Dr. Yang Zhi Jun and his research team work along the line of applying Chinese medicine theories in modern pharmaceutics. In view that the western medicine in the early period is similar to Chinese medicine, the active component of CM that can be absorbed by human body should also be similar to that of western medicine. They differ in the way that CM may work on multi-targets, with therapeutic effects on unclear organs or receptors; while western medicine usually targets on the clear receptors. In pharmaceutics, apart from small molecules, some large molecules of CM can also be absorbed by human body. Some of them even have direct pharmacological effects, such as the snake venom proteins, which can cause haemolysis. Some molecules may not have direct pharmacological effects, but they may guide the small molecules to reach the source of disease. Some other molecules may also have the effect on virus and bacterium. For instance, phospholipids can take the shape of spherical form and carry the small molecules to liver and the lymph system. In present, Dr. Yang and his team have successfully developed the docetaxel liposomes by combining the Chinese medicine theories, modern pharmaceutical theories and Drug Delivery Theory. According to the primary data given by a pharmaceutical factory, the use of docetaxel liposomes can enhance the therapeutic effects in curing gastrointestinal cancer. It also helps easing the side effects brought about by traditional dosage. Dr. Yang and his team also study the interaction between the non-active large molecules and the pharmacological small molecules, with the aim of exploring the application of drug targeting and drug delivery. The above research has already aroused the interest of many scholars in Japan and North America, bringing in more research collaborations.

9 學術研討 ACADEMIC EXCHANGES 9 學院邀得湖北中醫藥學院教授及湖北省中醫藥學會會長李今庸教授於二月廿八日及三月二日來港主持中醫藥專題講座 黃帝內經 的學習方法 及 經典語言對臨床的指導作用舉例 李教授擅長經典醫籍的校勘及訓詁, 他在講座上跟師生分享其研究多本中醫藥經典的心得 We were proud to have Prof. Li Jin Yong of the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine to deliver lectures on The Study of Huang Di Nei Jing and The Importance of Classical Studies in Clinical Practice on 28 Feb and 2 March respectively. Prof. Li, being an expert in the exegesis of Chinese medicine classics, shared his valuable experience in studying CM classics with us. 中醫藥專題講座. C M S E M I N A R 湖南中醫藥大學熊繼柏教授於五月十八至十九日應學院之邀來港主講專題講座 讀中醫經典, 重臨床實踐 及 怎樣辨治疑難病 熊教授從事臨床 50 年, 擅長中醫內科, 並擅治婦科及兒科病證, 對診治疑難病症和急症有獨到經驗 他在會上跟師生分享要學好中醫, 必須熟讀中醫經典及多作臨床實踐, 他更分析多個疑難病的特徵及診治方法, 供師生參考 The School also invited Prof. Xiang Ji Bo of the Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, to hold 2 seminars on 18 and 19 May. The topics were CM Classics and Clinical Practice: Two Vital Elements in Achieving Success and The Diagnosis of Problematic Diseases. Prof. Xiang has over 50 years of clinical experience and is an expert in internal medicines, as well as gynecology and pediatrics. He shared his experience on how to diagnose and treat problematic diseases.

10 10 新面孔 NEW FACES 在 2007/08 新學年有三位新老師加入中醫藥學院的大家庭, 各位在校園碰面時緊記要打招呼! 蔣明博士, 高級講師 Dr. Jiang Ming Senior Lecturer 蔣明博士來學院任教前為南京中醫藥大學教授, 從事 金匱要略 教學工作 25 年 2000 年開始主持南京中醫藥大學 金匱要略 教研室工作, 該課程獲選為江蘇省高等學校二類優秀課程 蔣博士對運用經方治療臨床雜病頗有心得, 發表過 30 多篇研究論文, 如 藥物的規律性組合研究及其方劑學意義 關於痰飲與細胞間質液 ph 的相關性 以及 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯功效探析 等 目前主要負責教授中醫經典古籍 Before joining the School of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Jiang Ming lectured in the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for 25 years. She is an expert in Chinese medical classics, especially T he Golden Chamber. Dr. Jiang is also an expert in treating miscellaneous diseases by using formulas recorded in Chinese medical classics, and has published over 30 articles in this area. At our School, Dr. Jiang is mainly responsible for teaching Chinese medical classics. 張文選博士, 高級講師 Dr. Zhang Wen Xuan Senior Lecturer 張文選博士在加入中醫藥學院前是北京中醫藥大學教授, 主要從事中醫經典 傷寒論 與溫病學的研究 近年來重點進行經方與溫病方的方証理論研究, 提出了辨方証論治體系的認識, 獨立撰寫 溫病方証與雜病辨治, 其中論述了應用溫病方治療雜病與現代難治病的理論與經驗 張博士目前主要負責教授中醫經典古籍 Dr. Zhang Wen Xuan worked a t t h e B e i j i n g U n i ve r s i t y o f C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e & Pharmacology before joining t h e S c h o o l o f C h i n e s e Medicine. He is an expert in Chinese medical classics, especially The Treatise of Diseases. In recent years Dr. Zhang has focused his study on the theory of formula and syndrome in respect to warm diseases. He is mainly r e s p o n s i b l e fo r te a c h i n g Chinese medical classics at our School. 谷鐵光高級講師 Mr. Gu Tie Guang Senior Lecturer 谷鐵光高級講師畢業於南京中醫藥大學, 之前在澳洲西悉尼大學健康科學系從事中醫專業的教研工作 他分別在中國 日本及澳洲從事過中醫基礎 中醫診斷 方劑學及腎系疾病的教學 臨床及研究二十多年 谷老師熟悉海內外中醫藥高等教育的現狀及特點, 目前主要協助學院推動中醫藥國際教育化, 以及擔任其他教學 臨床和研究工作 Mr. Gu Tie Guang graduated from the Nanjing University o f Tr a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e Medicine. Before joining us, Mr. Gu worked at the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia. He has over 20 years of experience in the teaching and research of Chinese medicine fundamental theories, diagnostics, Chinese herbal prescriptions as well as renal diseases. At our School, Mr. Gu is putting his knowledge and skills together for the internationalization of Chinese medicine.

11 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 世界中醫藥大會 於十一月二十三至二十五日在九龍香格里拉酒店舉行, 吸引了五百多位來自全球二十三個國家及地區的權威學者 政府官員和管理專家共同探討中醫藥的未來發展藍圖 是次活動為五十周年校慶主題學術慶祝活動之一, 會議以 探索中醫藥發展之路 為題, 與會者分別就多個範疇進行深入研討, 分享世界各地的研究及管理經驗與成果, 藉此推動中醫藥的現代化與國際化進程 與會者於三日的會議上發表超過一百四十篇論文報告, 就中醫藥的發展提出宏觀及前瞻性建議 大會亦於會議期間與香港賽馬會中藥研究院及世界衛生組織西太平洋區辦事處合辦工作坊, 為與會者提供一個學術交流的寶貴機會 2006 World Congress on Chinese Medicine was held from November 2006 at Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel. More than 500 renowned scholars, government officials and medical management professionals from 23 countries and regions attended the Congress, which was a signature event celebrating the University's 50th Anniversary. With the theme "Charting the Course of Development", the Congress focused on sharing research and management experience in areas that can accelerate the modernization and internationalization of Chinese medicine. The Congress featured more than 140 paper presentations, covering a broad overview and indepth discussion on the latest strategies in the development and research findings of Chinese medicine. Workshops were jointly organized by SCM, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine and the Western Pacific Region Office of the World Health Organization, providing valuable opportunities to scholars for academic interflow. 香港中文大學沈祖堯教授 ( 左 ) 與耶魯大學鄭永齊教授 ( 右 ) Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK (left) and Prof. Yung Chi Cheng, Yale University (right)

12 12 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 為 了擴大在本港的醫療保健服務, 學院積極推動與公立醫院合作, 發展中西醫合作的醫療服務模式 在過去一年, 學院與醫管局 伊利沙伯醫院及仁濟醫院合作, 開辦 陳漢賢伉儷現代中醫治療研究中心 及 仁濟醫院暨香港浸會大學中醫診所及臨床教研中心 陳漢賢伉儷現代中醫治療研究中心 位於伊利沙伯醫院, 早於去年十月六日起開始試業, 並於二零零六年十二月十二日隆重開幕 中心設有不同專科, 包括內科 腫瘤科 婦科 針灸 推拿 骨傷 耳鼻喉科及皮膚科等 除中醫治療外, 還提供嶄新的中西醫合療門診服務供病人選擇 另外, 由仁濟醫院 浸會大學和醫院管理局合辦的 仁濟醫院暨香港浸會大學中醫診所及臨床教研中心 亦於本年三月廿三日開幕, 成為學院與政府和非牟利機構攜手合辦的第四所中醫診所 診所位於下葵涌分科門診及特殊教育中心內, 以腫瘤科病人服務為主, 輔以針灸治療 中心並與中醫藥學院和廣東省中醫院緊密合作, 進行科研計劃, 作為中醫臨床研究的基地 In order to foster and meet the needs of the development of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong, the SCM has been working closely with the Government to promote integrated medical services in public hospitals. In the past year, two Chinese medicine clinics, namely the Mr. & Mrs. Chan Hon Yin Modern Chinese Medicine Research and Service Centre, and the Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre were opened, signifying a new era of the local medical system. Jointly established by HKBU and the Hospital Authority, the Mr. & Mrs. Chan Hon Yin Modern Chinese Medicine Research and Service Centre at Queen Elizabeth Hospital officially opened on 12 December 2006 to launch its innovative integrated Chinese and Western medical services. The Centre provides consultations in various specialist fields, offering an enhanced choice of treatments to the public. Patients have the choice of either receiving Chinese medical treatment or a collaborative consultation by specialists of Chinese and Western medicine. Besides, a Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre jointly-operated by the Yan Chai Hospital, HKBU and the HA was officially opened on 23 March The Clinic brings to four the number of Chinese medicine clinics run by the SCM in conjunction with the Government and non-profit-making organizations. Situated in Ha Kwai Chung Polyclinic and Special Education Centre, the Clinic's focus is squarely on oncology, providing cancer patients with acupuncture and other treatments. In addition, the Clinic will collaborate with our School and the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to conduct evidence-based clinical research activities in Chinese medicine. 學 院的尖沙咀中醫藥診所於本年六月七日遷往新購置的自置物業, 並舉行慶祝會 今次是學院首次自置物業開設診所, 標誌著學院進一步發展醫療保健服務, 為大眾提供更高水平的服務 當天節目豐富, 繼有問答遊戲及小丑表演魔術, 學院更邀請了校長 副校長和中醫藥學院同事約七十人參加 新的尖沙咀診所位於堪富利士道宏貿發展大廈十一樓, 鄰近地鐵站, 佔地三千多平方呎, 共有六個診症室, 開設專科 骨傷 針灸 推拿, 以及新設的皮膚治療, 並全面推行電子化病歷管理 More than 70 staff members, including President and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ng Ching Fai, Vice-Presidents and colleagues from the SCM, celebrated on 7 June the relocation of the School's Tsimshatsui Chinese Medicine Clinic to newly-purchased premises. It was the first time that the School bought its property to house its new CM clinic. This signified the rapid development of the School in recent years, contributing to the growing quality of CM services. Located on the 11/F of the Mass Resources Development Building at Humphreys Avenue near the Tsimshatsui MTR station, the clinic occupies an area of 3,000 square feet with six consultation rooms. Chinese medicine services provided include specialty consultation, bone setting, acupuncture, therapeutic massage and the newly introduced Chinese medicine dermatology. A computerized management system is used for patient records.

13 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 13 大 學教育資助委員會於三月公佈 二零零六年研究評審工作 結果, 中醫藥學院獲得一百分滿分, 這代表學院的教學人員努力從事學術研究, 並達國際水平, 可見學院多年來在研究上追求卓越的成果 The UGC announced the results of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2006 in early March. The School obtained full mark which represents that all our faculty members being assessed in the exercise have been ranked as active and productive researchers. This reflects the effort of our school in excelling in research over the years and we have made remarkable improvements to achieve international excellence in CM research. 藥學會參加二零零七年香港花卉展覽, 以 香港鮮草藥 為主題, 展出了部份香港常見及常用的鮮草藥, 並榮獲特別獎 中是次展覽讓市民知道並非所有中藥都要經過炮製後才入藥, 有不少是可以生用, 更可以作食材烹調出美味的菜式 展覽中展出了不少中草藥的原植物及草藥鮮用時的面貌, 當中很多是市民在日常生活中經常接觸到的 另為配合大會主題花 洋葵 而特設展板, 讓市民從中藥角度認識洋葵 The Society of Chinese Materia Medica participated in the Hong Kong Flower Show 2007 and won a special prize. 同學獲獎後與老師拍照留念, 分享喜悅 Students share the honour with SCM faculty members. With the theme of Folk Medicinal Herbs, an array of fresh herbs often found and used in Hong Kong was exhibited. Most people think that Chinese medicine should be processed before use. Actually many herbs can be used in their fresh form and their curative effect are even better. Some are even great ingredients for making delicacies. In the exhibition, many living plants of folk medicinal herbs were displayed. The booth also displayed Pelargonium hortorum, the theme flower of the Show, from the perspective of Chinese herbal medicine.

14 14 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 承 蒙和富基金慷慨捐款成立 和富博士後中醫藥研究基金 及贊助一項有關中藥複方治療功能性便秘的臨床研究, 學院於四月廿一日舉行中期報告會及講座, 由卞兆祥博士及兩位博士後研究員戴自誠博士及歐陽嘉慧博士分別就 中藥複方治療功能性便秘 研究及開發降血脂及抗癌的中藥 及 探討黃芪對大腸癌的治療機理及發展方向 發表報告 當天還同時舉行了 認識中醫多一點 講座, 由專家為大眾講解體質屬性 With the generous donations of the Wofoo Foundation Ltd., our School was able to set up a Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme and conduct a clinical study on Chinese herbal formula in treating functional constipation. Dr. Bian Zhao Xiang and two postdoctoral fellows, Dr. William Tai and Dr. Kathy Au Yeung, reported in a seminar held on 21 April the progress of their studies, namely A clinical study on the efficacy of Chinese herbal formula in treating functional constipation, Research and development of anti-hyperplipidemia and anti-cancer drugs in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Explore the underlying anti-carcinogenic mechanisms and therapeutic potential of Astragalus membranaceus in the treatment of colon cancer. A seminar was also held on that day with experts sharing with the audience on the concept of body nature and constitution from the perspective of Chinese medicine. 學 院於八月十日至十二日在珠海舉行集思會, 各同事聚首一堂, 從不同層面及角度思考 探索學院的發展策略 學院很榮幸邀請到副校長 ( 研究及拓展 ) 蔡亞從教授參與是次集思會, 為同事主持一個以 研究機遇 為題的專題講座, 分享他對學術研究的心得, 他更提出學院應該以建立一所中醫醫院為長遠目標, 各同事獲益良多 今年集思會的主題是 三三四 教改, 同事以小組形式討論及檢討現時課程結構, 提出了多方面具建設性的改革重點及方案 在會議完畢後, 同事參觀無公害農產品種植場, 一嘗採摘新鮮水果的樂趣, 整個集思會在輕鬆的氣氛下結束 The School Retreat was held from Aug in Zhuhai, with the theme of Curriculum Reform. Prof. Tsoi Ah Chung, Vice-President (Research & Institutional Advancement) was invited to give a seminar on Research Opportunities, during which he shared with colleagues his valuable views in research development. He gave an insightful advice that the School should pursue a long term plan in establishing a Chinese medicine hospital. This would surely further sharpen the School s leading role in the field of CM. During the meeting, colleagues participated actively and gave constructive suggestions on how the School should get prepared itself for the curriculum reform. On the 3rd day of the retreat, colleagues visited an organic farm where they tasted fruits freshly plucked from the trees. The retreat ended in a very joyful atmosphere.

15 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 15 由 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學 (RMIT) 與浸會大學合辦的 健康科學 ( 中醫 ) 學士學位課程 第七屆畢業典禮於七月二十一日假香港君悅酒店舉行 院長劉良教授及墨爾本理大副校長 ( 科學 工程及技術分校 ) 戴安. 艾爾康教授 (Professor Daine Alcorn) 擔任主禮嘉賓 今年共有四十八位學生成功修畢課程, 獲墨爾本理大頒授學位 當日出席典禮的師生及親友近二百人 劉良教授致辭說, 中醫藥學院在過去十年除致力發展教研和醫療保健服務外, 在推動香港中西醫療服務和臨床科研方面亦不遺餘力 連同去年於伊利沙伯醫院開設, 提供中西醫合作研究和醫療服務的中醫診所, 學院轄下的診所數目增至七間, 遍佈港九 目前學院正努力促使政府於香港十八區的公營醫院開設中醫診所, 並逐步開設中醫治療病房, 致最終正式設立中醫院 他勉勵畢業生要將推動香港中醫藥發展和促進中醫藥國際化視為己任 RMIT 健康科學 ( 中醫 ) 學士學位畢業生接受畢業證書 A graduate receives the award parchment conferred by RMIT 48 graduates were awarded the Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine) by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT) at a Conferment Ceremony held on 21 July. The programme is offered by RMIT in collaboration with HKBU. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Liu Liang, Dean of SCM, and Prof. Daine Alcorn, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Science, Engineering & Technology Portfolio of RMIT. Around 200 guests witnessed this joyful moment. In his speech, Prof. Liu noted that the SCM has in the past decade spared no effort to incorporate Chinese medicine into Hong Kong's public medical and healthcare framework. The School's new clinic which integrates Chinese and western medicine opened in Queen Elizabeth Hospital last year, bringing its total number of CM clinics throughout the territory to seven. SCM is gathering momentum to urge the government to open CM clinics in the public hospitals in all 18 districts of Hong Kong, and in phases, to establish CM wards in public hospitals, which will eventually lead to the set up of a full-fledged CM hospital in Hong Kong. He also encouraged the graduates to commit themselves to the development of Chinese medicine in both Hong Kong and overseas. 院長劉良教授為畢業典禮致歡迎辭 P r o f. L i u L i a n g p r e s e n t s t h e welcoming speech 學院考察團訪問首爾國立大學 SCM academic delegation visited the Seoul National University 由 院長及各部門主管組成的學術考察團, 包括劉良教授 蕭文鸞教授 趙中振教授 方宏勳教授 卞兆祥博士 衛明醫師及羅英婷女士, 於五月六日至十日到訪韓國, 參觀了多所大學的醫學院及博物館, 包括慶熙大學韓醫學院 首爾國立大學的藥劑學院 Korea Institution of Oriental Medicine (KIOM) 及許浚博物館 是次訪問目的在於向韓國專家取經, 初步了解對方如何設計六年制的韓醫課程, 為日後學制改革做準備 此外, 訪問團亦參觀了新落成的慶熙大學附屬東西新醫學綜合醫院, 觀摩韓醫中西醫合作的模式, 以及跟當地專家商討研究合作事宜 An academic delegation, including Prof. Liu Liang, Prof. Wendy Hsiao, Prof. Zhao Zhong Zhen, Prof. David Fong, Dr. Bian Zhao Xiang, Mr. Wai Ming and Ms. Helen Law, visited Korea in May. During the 5-day visit, the delegation visited a number of medical schools, hospitals and museum, including the Kyung Hee University and its East-West Neo Medical Centre, College of Pharmacy of the Seoul National University, the Korea Institution of Oriental Medicine (KIOM) and the Heojun Museum. The purpose of this visit was to acquire the knowledge in designing the 6-year curriculum of the Korean Tradition Medicine such that the School could get prepared itself for the coming curriculum reform. Moreover, the delegation also visited the newly founded hospital of East-West Neo Medical Centre of the Kyung Hee University. The delegation also explored with the Korean experts the opportunities for research collaboration.

16 16 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 今 年的 ICMCM 於八月十六日至二十日假香港會議展覽中心舉行 學院轄下的浸大中醫藥研究所有限公司首度推出其研發之天然健康保健品, 向公眾人士銷售, 並設試飲活動 此外, 院長劉良教授及多位研究生亦積極參與會議, 作演講及口頭報告 The School exhibited at the International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) 2007 from August at the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Institute for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine Ltd. (IACM), the commercial arm of the School, launched 3 newly developed Chinese Medicine health care products to the public. Prof. Liu Liang and many other post-graduate students also participated actively in the conference by making speech and verbal presentations. 醫藥學會及中藥學會分別於八月底舉行迎新營, 歡迎新同學加入中醫藥學院這個大家庭 中中醫藥學會的迎新營在長洲香港明愛愛暉營舉行, 主題為 薪火相傳 學會透過一系列的活動, 讓杏林學子團結一致 多位老師及超過 40 位學長亦有到場支持, 包括余堅文博士 張世平博士 卞兆祥博士 薛益明博士和石焱博士 透過老師的參與, 將中醫藥火炬傳給莘莘學子 至於中藥學會的迎新營 肆藥營, 則在烏溪沙青年新村舉行 於兩日三夜的營會中, 學會安排了多項遊戲及活動, 例如地區定向 偵探遊戲及水戰等, 讓新生互相認識 劉良院長 蕭文鸞教授 趙中振教授 禹志領博士 余堅文博士 周華博士和陳虎彪博士亦有出席八月二十五日晚的燒烤會, 實行師生同樂 兩個迎新營各有特色, 學長們藉此與師弟妹分享學習心得, 增加他們對學院的歸屬感, 不論老師或同學都能盡興而歸 The Chinese Medicine Society and the Society of Chinese Materia Medica organized two orientation camps in end August, extending a warm welcome to around 40 freshmen. The aims of the orientation camps were to guide the freshmen in adjusting to the new environment; to arouse their sense of belonging to the School, and to give them chances of getting acquainted with their fellow classmates. To this end, a series of activities such as sharing sessions, games and BBQ were organized. Faculty members such as Prof. Liu Liang, Prof. Wendy Hsiao, Prof. Zhao Zhong Zhen, Dr. Bian Zhao Xiang, Dr. Kevin Yue, Dr. Zhang Shi Ping, Dr. Chen Hu Biao, Dr. Zhou Hua, Dr. Yu Zhi Ling, Dr. Xue Yi Ming and Dr. Shi Yan also participated in the orientation camps. Both the faculty members and students enjoyed the activities very much and the event ended in a very joyful atmosphere.

17 學院動態 HIGHLIGHTS 17 學 院於九月三日舉行開學禮, 今年學院邀請了副校長 ( 學術 ) 陸大章教授蒞臨主持典禮 陸教授在致辭時鼓勵同學積極學習, 奠定良好的基礎 另外, 院長劉良教授 教學部主任蕭文鸞教授及中藥課程主任趙中振教授亦向同學致辭 當日場面熱鬧, 所有老師 中醫及中藥課程的全日制學生聚首一堂, 師生在愉快的氣氛下開展新學年 A School Opening Ceremony was held on 3 September. Prof. Franklin Luk, Vice-President (Academic) was invited to officiate the ceremony. He encouraged our students to work hard so as to lay the foundations for future advancement. As usual, Prof. Liu Liang, Dean of SCM, Prof. Wen Luan Wendy Hsiao, Director of the Teaching Division, and Prof. Zhao Zhong Zhen, Course Director of the BPharm (Hons) programme also gave speeches to our students. The ceremony was wellattended by teachers and students of the SCM. 陸大章副校長 ( 學術 ) 勉勵同學積極學習 Prof. Franklin Luk, Vice-President (Academic) encourages SCM students to study hard 過籌委會 物業處與設計公司多次會議後, 中醫藥博物館的設計草圖已經完成 計劃中的博物館分多個展區, 從多角度介紹中醫藥歷史 經博物館的入口是一個半圓形的接待區, 內有一個人型銅像, 展示人體的穴位 ; 再加上一個大事年表, 讓參觀者可初步了解中國醫藥的成就及大事 離開接待區後, 訪客會進入一個有關中醫發展與歷史的展區, 內設一個五行柱以簡介中醫五行理論, 以及民初中藥店, 展示一系列古代中藥量度及炮製器具 另一個展區主題是中醫藥在香港的發展, 介紹傳統中醫藥在本地的特色, 以及香港作為連繫傳統中醫藥和西醫的橋樑所扮演的角色, 當然還會介紹香港浸會大學開辦全港首個中醫藥學位課程 再加上一個名為文化長廊的展區, 介紹歷代著名中醫師及其名言, 整個中醫藥博物館一定會令參觀者認識中醫藥的價值及其在當代迅速的發展 為了增加吸引度, 展覽館還備有小型影院, 透過影片介紹中醫藥的基礎原理 ; 另外, 還有讓訪客一嘗當中醫滋味的多媒體遊戲及針灸練習台等互動遊戲, 讓參觀者能親身體驗, 加深他們對中醫藥的認識 工程開展在即, 期望博物館能盡快以嶄新面貌向國際社會及公眾人士展示中醫藥的博大精深 After several meetings with the Steering Committee and the Estate Office, the contractor has finally come up with a draft floor plan of the Chinese Medicine Museum. The museum is planned to have divided zones, each with a specific theme. Visitors will be greeted at an Orientation Pylon where they will be drawn to a 2-metre high Bronze Statue showing the acupuncture meridians of human body. A time chart showing great events of traditional Chinese medicine will also be displayed. Visitors will then be guided to the District of History and Development with a Pentagon Pillar graphically showing the 5 elements of CM. They will proceed onwards to a miniature medicine shop displaying ancient measuring and processing devices of CM. As for the District of CM in Hong Kong, it is aimed at highlighting the characteristics of CM, as well as the role of HK in integrating CM and traditional western medicine. Together with the District of Culture Corridor, where quotes and contributions of famous doctors in the history of CM will be displayed, visitors will surely be able to explore the cultural heritage as well as the modern advancement of Chinese medicine. Apart from traditional display panels, there will be a number of interactive games, like diagnostic game and acupuncture practice game, as well as a mini-theatre showing videos about Chinese medicine. The project will start soon after the finalization of the floor plan and it is hoped that the Museum will be open to the public in the near future.

18 18 學者新著 STAFF PUBLICATIONS 香港容易混淆中藥 英譯本 English version of the book Easily Confused Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong 主編 : 趙中振教授 李應生先生 Chief Editors: Prof. Zhao Zhong Zhen, Mr. Li Y.S. Tommy 本書為 香港容易混淆中藥 的英譯本, 旨在向國際市場推廣中醫藥知識, 以推動中醫藥普及化及國際化 本書對於提供正確中醫藥資訊及品質監控起正面作用, 中藥鑑定是中醫藥標準化及國際化的基礎, 英譯本為此肩負重要角色 由香港中藥聯商會出版 中醫藥學院編著的 香港容易混淆中藥 中文版於二零零五年出版, 受到業界與學界的廣泛歡迎, 英譯本則以中文版為藍本, 在翻譯的同時, 亦對書中品種進行了補充 This publication is an English version of the book Easily Confused Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong. Authentication is fundamental to the standardization and internationalization of Chinese medicine. The book makes a very positive contribution to the quality control of Chinese medicine worldwide. It also helps introducing Chinese medicine to the international market. Its Chinese version was published in 2005, and was well-received by the public. Using the Chinese manual as a blueprint, the English version, instead of being a translated publication, is enriched in the contents with more supplementary information on Chinese materia medica. 戰勝柏金遜症 主編 : 李敏博士 本書有系統地介紹了中醫對柏金遜症的認識, 以及中藥 針灸 推拿 按摩等傳統中醫藥治療柏金遜症的方法 柏金遜症是一種慢性腦部神經系統退化性疾病, 至今發病成因未明, 亦未有完全根治的方法 目前的治療多以服用多巴胺類西藥為主要治療方法, 但長期服用西藥, 藥效會下降, 還會產生一定的副作用, 例如便秘 噁心 嘔吐 食慾不振等胃腸道症狀, 或會出現失眠 嗜睡 抑鬱 記憶力減退等症狀 醫學界近年採用中西醫的結合方法來治療柏金遜症, 以期減少長期服用西藥而導致的 開 - 關現象 及其他副作用 本書還提供了適合於不同體質和證型的柏金遜症患者的中醫藥膳和食療, 供患者及其家屬參考 當代藥用植物典 主編 : 趙中振教授. 蕭培根教授 本書詳細介紹全球八百多種常用藥用植物, 內容豐富, 圖文並茂, 資料新穎詳實 每篇文章包括藥用植物名稱 古今研究概述 化學成份 最新藥理發現 原植物及藥材圖片 臨床應用及未來發展評注等等 編者採錄近年最新研究文獻, 總結傳統經驗, 結集最新成果, 對從事中醫藥臨床與研究的工作者, 有深遠的指導意義 全書分為四冊 : 東方篇兩冊 西方篇及嶺南篇各一冊, 將先後以繁體 簡體及英文出版

19 產品推介 NEW PRODUCTS 19 浸大中醫藥研究所有限公司推出以下三款天然健康中藥產品, 以及保健書籍, 浸大職員可享特別折扣優惠 如欲訂購, 請於 下載訂購表格, 詳情請致電熱線 查詢. 香港浸會大學名中醫師處方. 浸大中醫藥研究所有限公司嚴謹監控生產. 所有成份經過嚴格挑選及測試, 確保重金屬 農藥殘餘及微生物等符合法定標準 生津利咽方 ( 無糖顆粒沖劑, 每盒 10 包 ) 原價 :HK$88/ 盒, 特價 HK$80/ 盒適合睡眠不足 煙酒過多 肺火燥咳 咽喉腫痛的都市人 補氣潤燥方 ( 無糖顆粒沖劑, 每盒 10 包 ) 原價 :HK$88/ 盒, 特價 HK$80/ 盒特別針對香港氣候的特質而研製, 是清心潤肺 補氣養陰 益胃生津及滋潤降火的天然保健飲料 靈芝精華膠囊 ( 每盒 60 粒 ) 原價 :HK$488/ 盒, 特價 HK$440/ 盒採用全天然野生靈芝精華研製而成的優質保健品 靈芝補氣安神, 止咳平喘, 長期服用能改善體質, 提升免疫力 專家應診 : 常見都市病中醫療法 主編 : 劉良教授原價 :HK$78, 特價 HK$70 本書從中醫角度介紹三十一種都市人常見的疾病問題, 通過生動 易於理解的手法, 解釋疾病的癥狀 成因及食療方法, 讓讀者進行自我保健 本書的作者皆是中醫藥學院著名的學者及醫師, 包括卞兆祥博士 李敏博士 魏祝娣副教授 涂豐博士 王永欽醫師 黃賢樟醫師 黃霏莉醫師 孫鋒醫師 李小萍醫師, 以及彭俊生醫師

20 20 中醫專欄 FROM OUR EXPERT 中醫藥預防乳腺癌復發轉移闡述 焦智民醫師 乳腺癌的復發或轉移, 中醫學認為 :1) 正氣內虛是前提和決定因素 ;2) 餘毒未盡是關鍵因素 ;3) 沖任失調和血瘀是重要條件 ;4) 七情內傷 飲食不潔 勞倦過度也是不可忽視的因素 因此, 要預防乳腺癌復發或轉移, 治療應注重治本 扶正為主, 祛邪為輔, 扶正時首重脾腎 臨床可用生黃蓍 白術 茯苓 薏苡仁 陳皮等益氣健脾運脾, 扶助氣血, 顧護後天 淫羊藿 肉從蓉 巴戟肉 鹿角片 補骨脂 山茱萸 天冬 枸杞子等補益腎氣, 調攝沖任, 固攝先天 並根據情況選加養陰生津, 滋陰養血之品 祛邪則選用三棱 莪術 石見穿 蜈蚣 全蝎等活血軟堅 ; 半夏 山慈姑 夏枯草 大貝母 皂角刺等化痰消腫 ; 蛇莓 龍葵 重樓 半枝蓮 藤梨根 魚腥草 蒲公英等清熱解毒 ; 天南星 蜂房等以毒攻毒 如此, 扶正祛邪兼顧, 扶正以祛邪, 祛邪不傷正, 兩者相輔相成, 標本同治 同時, 還要注意生活調養, 精神調攝, 飲食調理, 勞逸結合, 方可達預防復發轉移的目的 ( 以上藥物需由註冊中醫師根據病人情況來使用為宜 ) 聯絡資料 Contact Us 九龍塘浸會大學道七號賽馬會中醫藥學院大樓 Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building, 7 Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon 院長辦公室 Dean s Office 四樓 4/F 電話 Tel:(852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 scmd@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: 浸大中醫藥研究所有限公司 IACM Ltd. 二樓 205 室 Rm 205, 2/F 電話 Tel:(852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 iacm@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: 教學部 Teaching Division 四樓 4/F 電話 Tel:(852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 cmtd@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: hk/~scm/fulltime 研究及開發部 Research & Development Division 二樓 205 室 Rm 205, 2/F 電話 Tel:(852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 scmrdd@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: hk/~scm/research 臨床部 Clinical Division 一樓 1/F 電話 Tel:(852) (852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 scmcld@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: hk/~scm/clinical 持續及專業教育部 Division of Continuing & Professional Education 四樓 417 室 Rm 417, 4/F 電話 Tel:(852) / (852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 dcpe@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website: 秘書處 Secretariat 四樓 4/F 電話 Tel:(852) 傳真 Fax:(852) 電郵 scm@hkbu.edu.hk 網址 Website:

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