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1 (Incorporated in Malaysia) ( 於馬來西亞註冊成立 ) Financial Disclosure Statements 財務披露報表 For the six months period ended 30 June 2018 截至 2018 年 6 月 30 日止 6 個月期間

2 Financial Disclosure Statements for the six months period ended 30 June 2018 截至 2018 年 6 月 30 日止 6 個月期間的財務披露報表 In compliance with the disclosure requirements set out in the Banking (Disclosure) Rules issued by Hong Kong Monetary Authority ( HKMA ), the following key financial information of (the Branch ) has been provided. The information is also available at the Branch located at 25th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, our Head Office s internet website ( and the Public Registry of HKMA. 本公佈內披露有關聯昌銀行有限公司香港分行 ( 本分行 ) 的財務資料是參照香港金融管理局 ( 金管局 ) 發出之銀行業 ( 披露 ) 規 則而制定 此資料披露可於本分行位於香港皇后大道中 15 號置地廣場告羅士打大廈 25 樓的分行地點, 本分行總行的互聯網網站 ( 及香港金融管理局公共查冊處索閱 Income Statement 損益表 For the six months period ended 6 個月期間至 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 Interest income 利息收入 80,347 62,736 Interest expenses 利息支出 (58,329) (45,361) Net interest income 淨利息收入 22,018 17,375 Other operating income 其他營運收入 Net gains arising from trading in foreign currencies 來自非港元貨幣交易的淨收益 33,170 13,881 Net (losses) / gains on securities held for trading purposes 來自持有作交易用途的證券的淨 ( 虧損 )/ 收益 (33,839) 5,358 Net gains / (losses) from other trading activities 來自其他交易活動的淨收益 / ( 虧損 ) 27,303 (17,975) Net fees and commission income 收費及佣金淨收入 6,824 2,770 Other income 其他收入 10,468 4,681 Total operating income 總營運收入 65,944 26,090 Operating expenses 經營開支 (36,501) (35,935) Net release of impairment losses and provisions for impaired loan and receivables 減值損失及為已減值貸款及應收款項而提撥的準備金的淨回撥 Profit / (loss) before taxation 除稅前利潤 /( 虧損 ) 29,822 (9,845) Tax expenses 稅項開支 - - Profit / (loss) after taxation 除稅後利潤 /( 虧損 ) 29,822 (9,845) 1

3 Balance Sheet 資產負債表 Assets 資產 Cash and balances with banks 現金及銀行結餘 355, ,193 Due from Exchange Fund 存放外匯基金存款 10,100 5,040 Amount due from overseas offices of the institution 存放於該機構的海外辦事處的數額 1,255, ,869 Reverse repurchase agreements 反向回購協議 233,424 - Certificates of deposits held 持有的存款證 613, ,496 Securities held for trading purposes 持有作交易用途的證券 595, ,670 Loans and receivables 貸款及應收款項 2,564,948 2,888,607 Investment securities 投資證券 753, ,464 Tangible fixed assets 有形固定資產 5,064 6,456 Total assets 資產總額 6,388,032 6,551,795 Liabilities 負債 Deposits and balances from banks 尚欠銀行存款及結餘 3,274,215 1,383,575 Deposits from customers 客戶存款 1,882,827 2,210,816 Amount due to overseas offices of the institution 結欠該機構的海外辦事處的數額 1,067,707 2,603,031 Repurchase agreements 回購協議 148, ,750 Other liabilities and provisions 其他負債及準備金 91,742 97,891 Capital and reserves 資本及儲備 (76,559) (100,268) Total liabilities 負債總額 6,388,032 6,551,795 2

4 Income Statement Additional Information 損益帳額外資料 Other income 其他收入 For the six months period ended 6 個月期間至 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 Services fee earned from overseas offices 收取海外辦事處的服務收入 7,438 4,639 Income from non-trading investments 非交易投資收入 3, ,468 4,681 Operating expenses 經營開支 For the six months period ended 6 個月期間至 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 30 Jun 年 6 月 30 日 Staff expenses 員工開支 21,175 21,748 Rental expenses 租金開支 5,176 4,896 Others 其他 10,150 9,291 36,501 35,935 Balance Sheet Additional Information 資產負債表額外資料 Cash and balance with banks 現金及銀行結餘 Cash 現金 178, ,498 Balance with banks 銀行結餘 20,317 69,695 Placement with banks maturing within one month 於一個月內到期的銀行存款 156,943 - Impairment allowance on placement with banks 銀行存款減值準備 Collective impairment allowances 組合減值準備 (16) - Individual impairment allowances 個別減值準備 , ,193 Individual impairment allowances for impaired assets are made against exposures in accordance with relevant accounting policies of the Branch. Collective impairment allowances are centrally assessed at Head Office of the Branch and allocated to the Branch. 個別減值準備是根據本分行的相關會計政策為減值貸款單獨計提的減值準備 組合減值準備由總行集中評估並分配給本分行計提 3

5 Balance Sheet Additional Information (continued) 資產負債表額外資料 ( 續 ) Loans and receivables 貸款及應收款項 Advances to customers 客戶貸款 2,451,339 2,824,811 Impairment allowances 貸款減值準備 Collective impairment allowances 組合減值準備 - - Individual impairment allowances 個別減值準備 - - Accrued interest receivable 應收利息 20,778 26,146 Other accounts and receivables 其他賬目及應收帳款 92,831 37,650 2,564,948 2,888,607 Individual impairment allowances for impaired assets are made against exposures in accordance with relevant accounting policies of the Branch. Collective impairment allowances are centrally assessed at Head Office of the Branch. As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there was no collective impairment allowance allocated for exposures maintained in the Branch. 個別減值準備是根據本分行的相關會計政策為減值貸款單獨計提的減值準備 組合減值準備由總行作出計提 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行的風險承擔並不需要計提組合減值準備 Impaired loans and advances 減值貸款及墊款 As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no loans and advances to customers or banks which are individually determined to be impaired. 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行並無任何個別被斷定為減值的對客戶或銀行的已減值貸款及放款的數額 Deposits from customers 客戶存款 Demand deposits and current accounts 活期存款及往來帳戶 94,020 89,851 Savings deposits 儲蓄存款 12,341 12,151 Time deposits 定期存款 1,776,466 2,108,814 1,882,827 2,210,816 Other liabilities and provisions 其負債及準備金 Accrued interest payable 應付利息 14,739 13,646 Other accounts and payables 其他帳目及應付帳款 77,003 84,245 91,742 97,891 4

6 Off-balance Sheet Exposures 資產負債外風險承擔 Derivative 衍生工具 The following table summarises the gross contractual underlying principal amounts of derivative. The contractual amounts of these instruments indicate the volume of transactions outstanding as at the balance sheet date. They do not represent amounts at risk. 下表列示衍生工具交易的合約總額 這些工具之合約金額指於資產負債表日仍未平倉之交易額 而該等金額並不代表風險金額 Exchange rate contracts 滙率關聯衍生工具合約 6,795,125 9,552,203 Interest rate contracts 利率衍生工具合約 820,813 1,070,758 7,615,938 10,622,961 The following table summarises the fair value of derivative. The fair value does not take into account the effect of bilateral netting arrangements. 下表列示衍生工具的公平價值 公平價值沒有考慮到雙邊淨額結算的影響 Fair value assets 公平價值資產 Fair value liabilities 公平價值負債 Fair value assets 公平價值資產 Fair value liabilities 公平價值負債 Exchange rate contracts 滙率關聯衍生工具合約 50,566 50,906 22,818 22,401 Interest rate contracts 利率衍生工具合約 25, ,477 7,247 76,338 51,009 27,295 29,648 Contingent liabilities and commitments 或然負債和承擔 Direct credit substitutes 直接信貸替代項目 40,962 40,798 Transaction-related contingencies 交易關聯或有項目 - 1,400 Other commitments 其他承諾 2,831,877 2,716,805 Others (forward forward deposit placed) 其他 ( 遠期有期存款 ) 78,472-2,951,311 2,759,003 The above amounts represent a worst case scenario of credit risk exposures arising from these instruments, without taking into account any collateral held or other credit enhancements attached. The amounts do not represent amounts at risk at the balance sheet date. 上述金額乃於最壞情況下這些工具所產生之信貸風險, 並未計入所持有之任何抵押品或附帶之其他信貸保障措施 該等金額並不代表資產負債表日之風險金額 5

7 Analysis by Major Country or Geographical Segment 按主要國家或地域分部作出細目分類 International claims 國際債權 Non-bank private sector Banks Official sector Non-bank financial institutions Nonfinancial private sector Others Total 非銀行私營機構 銀行 官方機構 非銀行業 金融機構 非金融業私營機構 其他 總額 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 HK$ m 港幣百萬元 Offshore centres 離岸中心 ,486-3,348 of which: Hong Kong 其中 : 香港 ,486-3,304 Developing Asia-Pacific 發展中的亞太區國家 2, ,681 of which: Malaysia 其中 : 馬來西亞 1,363-1,363 China 中國 1, ,093 Offshore centres 離岸中心 ,709-3,719 of which: Hong Kong 其中 : 香港 ,709-3,676 Developing Asia-Pacific 發展中的亞太區國家 2, ,500 of which: Malaysia 其中 : 馬來西亞 1,090-1,090 China 中國 1, ,297 A major country or geographical segment means a country or geographical segment to which not less than 10% of the Branch s total international claims are attributable after taking into account any recognized risk transfer. 主要國家或地域分部是指在計算任何認可風險轉移後, 該國家或地域分部有不少於本分行的國際債權的總額的 10% 是歸因於該國家或地域 分部的 Advances to customers by major geographical segments 客戶貸款按照對方所在地作出細目分類 Gross advances to customers Overdue advances to customers Impaired advances to customers Individual impairment allowances 客戶貸款總額逾期的客戶貸款減值客戶貸款個別減值準備 Hong Kong 香港 2,451,339 Hong Kong 香港 2,824,811 A major country means a country to which not less than 10% of the Branch s total loans are attributable after taking into account any recognized risk transfer. 主要國家是指在計算任何認可風險轉移後, 該國家有不少於本分行的客戶貸款總額的 10% 是歸因於該國家的 6

8 Advances to customers by industry sectors 客戶貸款按行業分類資料 Gross loan and advances 貸款金額 % of gross loan covered by collateral 抵押品值佔貸款總額比率 Gross loan % of gross loan and advances covered by collateral 貸款金額抵押品值佔貸款總額比率 % Loans for use in Hong Kong Industrial, commercial and financial 在香港使用的貸款工業 商業及金融 Property development 物業發展 - 0% 800,000 0% Electricity and gas 電力及氣體燃料 800,000 0% 450,000 0% Wholesale and retail trade 批發及零售貿易 - 0% 273,551 0% Transport and transport equipment 運輸及運輸設備 570,000 0% - 0% Others 其他 - 0% 150,000 0% 1,370,000 0% 1,673,551 0% Loans for use outside Hong Kong 在香港以外使用的貸款 1,081,339 0% 1,151,260 0% 2,451,339 0% 2,824,811 0% % Overdue or rescheduled assets 過期或經重組資產 Analysis of overdue loans and advances 過期貸款細分 As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no overdue loans and advances to customers or banks. 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行並無任何給予客戶或銀行的過期貸款及墊款 Analysis of rescheduled loans and advances 經重組貸款細分 As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no rescheduled loans and advances to customers or banks. 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行並無任何給予客戶或銀行的經重組貸款及墊款 Overdue or rescheduled assets (continued) 過期或經重組資產 ( 續 ) Analysis of overdue other assets 其他過期資產 As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no other overdue assets. 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行並無其他過期資產 Repossessed assets 收回資產 As at 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no repossessed assets. 及 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 本分行並無經收回資產 7

9 Non-bank Mainland Exposures 對非銀行類客户的內地相關風險承擔 On-balance sheet exposure 資產負債表內風險承擔 Off-balance sheet exposure 資產負債表外風險承擔 Total exposures 總風險承擔 1. Central government, central government-owned entities and their subsidiaries and joint ventures (JVs) 2. Local governments, local governmentowned entities and their subsidiaries and JVs 3. PRC nationals residing in Mainland China or other entities incorporated in Mainland China and their subsidiaries and JVs 4. Other entities of central government not reported in item 1 above 5. Other entities of local governments not reported in item 2 above 6. PRC nationals residing outside Mainland China or entities incorporated outside Mainland China where the credit is granted for use in Mainland China 中央政府, 中央政府控股的機構及其子公司和合資企業 地方政府, 地方政府控股的機構及其子公司和合資企業 内地居民及在中國内地成立的其他機構及其子公司和合資企業 其他未包括在分類 1 中, 屬於中央政府的機構 其他未包括在分類 2 中, 屬於地方政府的機構 對非內地機構及非内地居民, 而涉及的貸款於內地使用 306,194 1,098,603 1,404, , , Other counterparties where the exposures are considered by the reporting institution to be non-bank Mainland China exposures 其他被視為帶有中國內地非銀行類風險承擔的交易對方 Total 總額 1,107,058 1,098,603 2,205,661 Total assets after provision 扣減準備金後的資產總額 6,388,032 On-balance sheet exposures as percentage of total assets 資產負債表內風險承擔佔資產總額的百分率 17.33% 8

10 Non-bank Mainland Exposure (continued) 對非銀行類客户的內地相關風險承擔 ( 續 ) On-balance sheet exposure 資產負債表內風險承擔 Off-balance sheet exposure 資產負債表外風險承擔 Total exposures 總風險承擔 1. Central government, central government-owned entities and their subsidiaries and joint ventures (JVs) 2. Local governments, local governmentowned entities and their subsidiaries and JVs 3. PRC nationals residing in Mainland China or other entities incorporated in Mainland China and their subsidiaries and JVs 4. Other entities of central government not reported in item 1 above 5. Other entities of local governments not reported in item 2 above 6. PRC nationals residing outside Mainland China or entities incorporated outside Mainland China where the credit is granted for use in Mainland China 中央政府, 中央政府控股的機構及其子公司和合資企業 地方政府, 地方政府控股的機構及其子公司和合資企業 内地居民及在中國内地成立的其他機構及其子公司和合資企業 其他未包括在分類 1 中, 屬於中央政府的機構 其他未包括在分類 2 中, 屬於地方政府的機構 對非內地機構及非内地居民, 而涉及的貸款於內地使用 219, , , , Other counterparties where the exposures are considered by the reporting institution to be non-bank Mainland China exposures 其他被視為帶有中國內地非銀行類風險承擔的交易對方 37,547-37,547 Total 總額 708, ,037 Total assets after provision 扣減準備金後的資產總額 6,551,795 On-balance sheet exposures as percentage of total assets 資產負債表內風險承擔佔資產總額的百分率 10.81% 9

11 Currency risk 貨幣風險 Foreign currency exposures arising from trading, non-trading and structural positions with net position (in absolute terms) in a particular foreign currency constituting not less than 10% of the total net position in all foreign currencies are disclosed as follows: 以下披露因買賣 非買賣及結構性倉盤而產生的外匯淨額 ( 按絕對數值計 ) 佔機構所持有外匯淨盤總額的 10% 或以上的外匯風險承擔 : USD 美元 JPY 日元 CNH 人民幣 Equivalent in HK$ m 港幣百萬元等值 CAD 加拿大元 AUD 澳元 SGD 新加坡元 NZD 紐西蘭元 Spot assets 現貨資產 4, ,363 Spot liabilities 現貨負債 (4,258) - (3) - - (187) - (4,448) Forward purchases 遠期買入 3, ,657 Forward sales 遠期賣出 (3,419) (141) (12) (3) (4) - (2) (3,581) Net option position 期權淨持倉量 - - Net long position 長倉淨持倉量 (7) 1 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (9) Net structural position 結構性淨持倉量 - - Total 總計 USD 美元 JPY 日元 CNH 人民幣 Equivalent in HK$ m 港幣百萬元等值 CAD 加拿大元 AUD 澳元 SGD 新加坡元 NZD 紐西蘭元 Spot assets 現貨資產 4, ,654 Spot liabilities 現貨負債 (3,698) (1) (4) - (1) (429) - (4,133) Forward purchases 遠期買入 4, ,095 Forward sales 遠期賣出 (4,872) (84) (231) (4) (8) (394) (1) (5,594) Net option position 期權淨持倉量 - - Net long position 長倉淨持倉量 (1) - (3) (1) 22 Net structural position 結構性淨持倉量 - - Total 總計 Liquidity risks 流動性風險 Liquidity information 流動性資料 For the quarter ended 季度期間至 For the six months period ended 6 個月期間至 30 Jun Mar Jun 年 6 月 30 日 % 2018 年 3 月 31 日 % 2017 年 6 月 30 日 % Average Liquidity Maintenance Ratio 流動性維持比率的平均值 77.74% 76.74% 63.99% The quarterly average liquidity maintenance ratio ( LMR ) is the arithmetic mean of average value of each month s average LMR during the quarter. 季度期間的流動性維持比率的平均值是該季度內每個月的 LMR 的平均值的算術均數 The semi-annual average liquidity maintenance ratio ( LMR ) is the arithmetic mean of the average value of each month s average LMR during the six months period. 半年度的流動性維持比率的平均值是該 6 個月內每個月的 LMR 的平均值的算術均數 10

12 Consolidated Group Level Disclosure 綜合集團層面的披露 The information set out below is based on the consolidated accounts of CIMB Bank Berhad. 以下所載資料乃根據聯昌銀行有限公司的綜合賬目編制 Capital and capital adequacy 資本及資本充足比率 RM m/% RM m/% 百萬馬幣 / 百分比 百萬馬幣 / 百分比 Shareholders equity 股東權益 38,621 38,105 Capital adequacy ratio Common equity Tier 1 ratio 普通股權益第一級資本比率 12.28% 12.23% Tier 1 ratio 第一級資本比率 13.36% 13.38% Total capital ratio 總資本比率 17.52% 16.99% Other financial information 其他財務資料 RM m RM m 百萬馬幣 百萬馬幣 Total assets 資產總額 435, ,060 Total liabilities 負債總額 396, ,955 Total loans and advances 貸款及放款總計 272, ,789 Total customer deposits 客戶存款總計 293, ,900 For the six month period ended 6 個月期間至 30 Jun Jun 年 6 月 30 日 2017 年 6 月 30 日 RM m RM m 百萬馬幣 百萬馬幣 Profit before tax 除稅前利潤 2,600 2,580 11

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