附件一競賽規程 2018 年第二十五屆成大全國大專院校羽球公開賽競賽規程 一 宗旨為增進國際大專院校教職員生身心健康, 並推廣羽球運動 提升羽球技術水準及聯絡情誼為目的, 特舉辦本比賽 二 指導單位教育部大專院校體育總會三 主辦單位國立成功大學教務處體育室四 承辦單位國立成功大學教務處體育室羽球校代

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1 附件一競賽規程 2018 年第二十五屆成大全國大專院校羽球公開賽競賽規程 一 宗旨為增進國際大專院校教職員生身心健康, 並推廣羽球運動 提升羽球技術水準及聯絡情誼為目的, 特舉辦本比賽 二 指導單位教育部大專院校體育總會三 主辦單位國立成功大學教務處體育室四 承辦單位國立成功大學教務處體育室羽球校代表隊五 協辦單位台南市體育總會羽球委員會勝利體育事業股份有限公司中華民國成功大學羽球校友同學會六 比賽日期及地點中華民國 107 年 7 月 12 日至 7 月 15 日 ( 星期四至日 ) 國立成功大學光復校區中正堂體育館七 參賽資格與分組 1. 公開組 男單 男雙 女單 女雙 混雙參賽資格 : 國內外大專院校在學學生 國內外大專院校教職員備註 : 雙打組合僅限一名全國甲組球員 2. 一般組 男單 男雙 女單 女雙 混雙參賽資格 : 國內大專院校在學學生 成大羽球隊校友 成大羽球隊校友之配偶備註 : 大專體總公告之不得參加一般組的球員限報公開組 空大不得報名此組 3. 校內組 男單 男雙 女單 女雙 混雙參賽資格 : 成功大學在學學生

2 備註 : 曾進入羽球校代表隊訓練滿一年以上者不得報名校內組 曾參加過全大運羽球項目個人賽或團體賽者不得報名校內組 大會將不主動審查此項資格, 若經檢舉資格不符將被判失格且不退還報名費 4. 青壯組 男單 男雙 女單 女雙 混雙參賽資格 : 國內大專院校教職員 成大校友 成大羽球隊校友之配偶 大專院校在學學生 (30 歲以上 ) 空大學生 (30 歲以上 ) 備註 : 若曾為體育系 體保生 獨招生 體資生及全國甲組球員符合參賽資格且 35 歲以上者亦可報此組 5. 企業組 團體賽 ( 混雙 男雙 混雙, 三點制, 不可兼點 ) 參賽資格 : 凡贊助達 NT20,000 元之公司或社團 參賽選手需為同個公司企業或同校社團成員備註 : 球員名單至多八人 國內甲組球員不得報名此組 年齡需為 30 歲以上 企業組和校友組僅能擇一參加 女生可打男生點, 不可棄點, 不可兼點 6. 校隊校友組 團體賽 ( 混雙 男雙 混雙, 三點制, 不可兼點 ) 參賽資格 : 以校為單位, 整隊需為同校畢業之羽球隊校友備註 : 球員名單至多八人 甲組選手和大學為體資 / 體保生畢業的選手只能下第一點混雙 企業組和校友組僅能擇一參加 女生可打男生點, 不可棄點, 不可兼點 凡以企業單位報名, 大會將為貴單位於賽事期間製作廣告宣傳 ( 詳見贊助企劃書 ) 每人限報兩組 ( 需不同組別 ) 個人組如報名不足 6 隊則取消該組比賽 八 資格限制

3 1. 跨組挑戰 : 校內組球員可報名一般組 一般組球員可報名公開組 2. 年齡限制 : 限 30 歲以民國 77 年 1 月 1 日計 3. 升級限制 : 曾獲成大羽球公開賽校內組單打前兩名或校內組雙打第一名者, 一律須報名一般組參賽. 4. 凡曾為體育系 體保生 獨招生及國內甲組球員, 需符合青壯組參賽資格且 35 歲以上才可報青壯組 5. 國外大專院校學生僅限報公開組, 享報名費全免 九 報名方法 1. 活動費用 : 公開組 一般組 青壯組單打 :NT500 元 / 組 雙打 :NT800 元 / 組 校內組單打 :NT400 元 / 組 雙打 :NT600 元 / 組 校友組團體賽 :NT6000/ 隊 企業組及校隊校友組採邀請制, 欲報名者請私訊粉專 以上包含獎牌獎品 場地活動及保險等費用, 報到時由大會致贈每位參賽選手 2018 年紀念衫 紀念品乙份, 本人出示學生證方可領取 2. 報名時間 : 網路報名 4 月 21 日至 5 月 12 日當天至 17:00 為止, 凡於 4/27 日前完成報名者, 將另贈送公開賽相關紀念品 3. 報名方法 : 採全面網路報名 校內外教職員生請逕於 成大羽球公開賽 NCKUOPEN 臉書粉絲專頁 ( 之連結報名, 上傳以下 A 至 C 項資料 : A. 報名表資料 ( 含 2 吋照片乙張, 限用一年內證件照 ) B. 匯款單收據或轉帳交易明細表 ( 須附清楚照檔 ) 帳號 :( 中華郵政 700) 戶名 : 國立成功大學女子羽球校隊吳稚蓁 C. 學生證 ( 如無註冊章, 須附在學證明 ) 畢業證書 教職員識別證( 正反掃描檔案 ) 或可證明其在校學籍之證件擇其一 國內大專院校學籍之外籍生 僑生及陸生 國外大專院校生請另於粉專連結報名 謝絕無摺存款 本學期畢業者, 請提早影印學生證或掃描畢業證書, 大會恕不接受成績單等在學證明 匯款或轉帳資料請一併於報名時填寫完整 如須開立報名費收據, 另請於粉專 收據申請單 連結網址填寫, 若無填寫者, 恕不接受補發 十 公開抽籤與賽程公佈

4 本次大會之賽程一律採用電腦亂數抽籤, 種子選手參考上屆成大羽球公開賽及 106 學年度大專盃個人賽 全部賽程將於 6 月公布在臉書粉絲專頁 ( 成大羽球公開賽 NCKU OPEN) 十一 競賽方式 1. 本次比賽為混合賽制 ; 預賽採用分組循環, 複決賽則為單淘汰制 2. 所有組別 ( 團體組 個人組 ) 競賽均為一局 30 分 (15 分換邊,29 平不加分 ) 3. 凡中途棄權退出比賽者, 不予列入名次, 得分亦不予計算 4. 循環賽計分方式 ( 參照全大運羽球項目 ) 個人組 : (1) 先比積分 ( 勝者得 2 分, 敗者得 1 分, 棄權得 0 分 ), 以積分多寡計算名次, 積分相等時, 以該兩組比賽之勝方獲勝 (2) 如遇三組或三組以上積分相同時, 以該組各組比賽結果, 依下列順序判定 : a.( 總勝分 ) - ( 總負分 ) 之差大者獲勝 b. 總勝分高者獲勝 c. 如仍無法判定名次時, 則由裁判長主持抽籤決定 團體組 : (1) 先比積分 ( 勝者得 2 分, 敗者得 1 分, 棄權得 0 分 ), 以積分多寡計算名次 (2) 積分相等時, 以該兩組比賽之勝方獲勝 (3) 如遇三隊或三隊以上積分相同時, 以該組各隊比賽結果, 依下列順序判定 : a.( 勝點數 ) - ( 負點數 ) 之差大者獲勝 b.( 總勝分 ) - ( 總負分 ) 之差大者獲勝 c. 如仍無法判定名次時, 則由裁判長主持抽籤決定 十二 選手須知 1. 參賽者須攜帶學生證或身分證明, 以便查驗及領取選手證, 選手證須於比賽時出示 ( 學生證需蓋有當學期註冊章, 若無該學期註冊章請附上在學證明 ) 2. 判定棄賽或棄權說明棄賽 : 除所報兩組賽程時間衝突外, 未能於規定時間內出賽者, 須事先告知大會, 即放棄該場次之比賽 ( 仍可參與其他場次之賽程 ) 棄權 : 除所報兩組賽程時間衝突外, 未能於規定時間內出賽且未事先告知大會者, 則取消該選手該組所有賽程, 已完賽部分均屬無效, 亦不列入名次 ( 唱名出賽逾 5 分鐘未到視同棄權, 時間以大會時鐘為準 ) 3. 比賽場次經大會排定後不得要求變更 如遇特殊情形, 大會有權修正, 全部賽程將公布於臉書粉絲專頁, 選手不得異議 如有未盡事宜, 得由大會修正公布實施 4. 選手證遺失請攜帶學生證, 提前 30 分鐘至競賽組申請補發 每份酌收工本費 50 元 5. 賽程公布後不可換人 頂替或更改場次時間 6. 欲報名校內組及一般組之選手,7/12 ( 四 ) 開始即有賽程, 請預先安排行程

5 7. 報名截止後公布成功報名名單, 如有誤請於公布更改期限內聯繫大會, 賽程抽籤後恕難增加或更改組別 8. 報名後若因故無法參賽, 請於公布成功報名名單之確認期結束前告知主辦單位, 方可全額退報名費, 逾期僅退紀念衫及紀念品 9. 凡報名視同同意個資使用於本活動, 如刊登姓名於賽程 比賽結果名次欄 保險 刊登本活動相關之照片... 等 10. 如欲代領選手之紀念品 紀念衫, 請於報到處出示該選手學生證 ( 可以拍照以圖片檔替代 ), 並留下代領者之姓名與手機號碼以示證明 11. 如對對方資格有異議者, 須於比賽開始前自行向大會舉證, 如舉證屬實, 則取消該選手資格, 已賽部分均不計 12. 如遇天災等不可抗力之因素, 大會將臨期於臉書粉絲專頁公告相關因應措施, 屆時請選手注意 13. 上述如有大會未盡之事宜, 主辦單位保有最終更改之權利 十三 獎勵辦法 1. 各組參賽隊數達六隊以上, 取前二名頒發獎牌 獎品及獎狀 2. 各組參賽隊數達十二隊以上, 取前四名頒發獎牌 獎品及獎狀 3. 各組參賽隊數達三十二隊以上, 取前四名頒發獎牌 獎品及獎狀 ; 第五到八名頒發獎品及獎狀 4. 公開組取前三名頒發獎金單打 : 第一名 3,000 第二名 2,000 第三名 1,000 雙打 : 第一名 4,000 第二名 3,000 第三名 2,000 混雙 : 第一名 4,000 第二名 3,000 第三名 2,000 成績證明申請補發, 每份酌收工本費 100 元 女單 女雙報名隊數若多於 16 隊, 各名次獎金增加 1,000 元 男單 男雙 混雙報名隊數若多於 32 隊, 各名次獎金增加 1,000 元 十四 贊助歡迎工商團體以及各校教職員鼎力贊助, 贊助名單將公佈於比賽場地 秩序冊及成大羽球隊網頁中致謝 ( 請與涂國誠老師聯絡 phila@mail.ncku.edu.tw) 十五 備註 1. 敬請密切注意成大羽球公開賽臉書粉絲專頁 成大羽球公開賽 NCKU OPEN ( 如有更動事項將公布於粉絲專頁 2. 如有任何問題請洽總召徐嘉駿同學電話 : 總召嚴若瑜同學電話 : 成大羽球公開賽信箱 :nckuopen@gmail.com

6 th National Intercollegiate NCKU Badminton Open Competition Regulations I. Purpose II. III. IV. We aim to improve both mental and physical health of university students, teachers and staff in Taiwan, to develop the technical standard of badminton, to promote badminton sport, and to make friendly contacts with other universities. Adviser Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation Organizer NCKU Physical Education Office Implementer NCKU Badminton Representative Team V. Co-organizer VI. VII. Tainan City Sports Association Badminton Committee Victor Co. Ltd NCKU Alumni Badminton Club (Competition) Date and Location Date: July 12th 2017 to July 15th 2018 (Thursday to Sunday) Location: NCKU Cheng Kung Hall ( 國立成功大學中正堂 ) Competition Divisions and Categories 1. Open Division Men s Singles, Men s Doubles, Women s Singles, Women s Doubles, Mixed Doubles Eligibility: international and overseas students international and overseas teachers Remarks: Each doubles team allow one Group A player to participate only. 2. General Division Men s Singles, Men s Doubles, Women s Singles, Women s Doubles, Mixed Doubles Eligibility: all current Taiwan university students NCKU badminton team alumni NCKU badminton team alumni s spouse Remarks:

7 Players who announce that cannot participate General Division by Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation are only available to register Open Division National Open University is not allowed to register this category 3. NCKU Division Men s Singles, Men s Doubles, Women s Singles, Women s Doubles, Mixed Doubles Eligibility: all current NCKU students Remarks: Players who have been trained in the school team for more than one year are not allowed to register NCKU Division. Players who participate in National Intercollegiate Badminton Competition, either individual or team competition are not allowed to register NCKU division. If it is proved that the players violated competition regulations, they will be disqualified and the organizers will not return the registration fee. 4. Mature Division Men s Singles, Men s Doubles, Women s Singles, Women s Doubles, Mixed Doubles Eligibility: all Taiwan university teachers and staff NCKU alumni NCKU alumni s spouses current university students over the age of 30. National Open University students over the age of 30 Remarks: Students of Department of physical education, sports gifted students, sports recommended students, independent admission students who are qualified and over the age of 35 are allowed to register this category 5. Corporate Division Team Competition Each tie consists of three matches: mixed doubles, men s doubles, mixed doubles (each player may only play one match per tie). Eligibility: all companies or clubs who donate over NT$20,000 all members should be in a same company or club Remarks : one team of up to eight players over the age of 30

8 Players are only allowed to register one category, either corporate division or alumni division. Women can replace the men s matches. A team cannot abandon a match and a player cannot play for two or more matches. 6. All University Badminton team alumni Division Team Competition Each tie consists of three matches: mixed doubles, men s doubles, mixed doubles (each player may only play one match per tie). Eligibility: all members should be alumni who have graduated from the same school Remarks: one team of up to eight players University sports gifted students or sports recommended students are only allowed to participate the first mixed doubles. Players are only allow to register one category either corporate division or alumni division. Women can replace the men s matches. A team cannot abandon a match and a player cannot play for two or more matches. There will be advertising opportunities for sponsors throughout the event. Please read the sponsorship plan for details. Every player can participate up to 2 different categories only Individual categories which less than 6 participators (team) will be cancelled. VIII. Qualifications and Restrictions 1. Cross-Division Challenge: NCKU players can register for the general division and players in the general division can register for the open division. (Players registered in the open division may not register in other divisions.). 2. Age restrictions: players must be 30 years old or under. 3. Those who have previously won single (1st or 2nd place) or doubles (1st place only) titles in NCKU division in NCKU Open can only register for the general division. 4. Former Students of Department of physical education, sports recommended students, and independent admission students who are qualified for the eligibility of the Mature Division and over the age of 35 are allowed to register Mature Division 5. All university students from overseas are exempt from registration fees but are limited to register for the open IX. Registration Procedure

9 1. Registration fees: (expenses) Open division, general division, mature division: singles: NT$500/player doubles: NT$800/team NCKU division: singles: NT$400/player doubles NT$600/team Alumni Team Competition: NT$6000/team Corporate division and all university badminton team alumni participate by invitation only. To participate, please send a direct message to NCKU Open s Facebook page. Registration fees include trophy and prizes, stadium rental and insurance costs. Each player will receive a 2018 NCKU Open T-shirt and souvenir. Student card must be shown to receive souvenirs. 2. Registration period: online registration is open from April 21 to May 12 5pm GMT+8. Those who register before April 27 will receive a special souvenir. 3. Registration procedure: online registration Please register by following the link on the NCKU Open s Facebook page ( and upload documents A to C A. Registration form (with one 2in certificate photo and must be taken in the past one year. B. Receipt of registration fee or transfer transaction details (a clear photo is needed) Account No. : (Chunghwa Post 700) Account Name: 國立成功大學女子羽球校隊吳稚蓁 C. Student card(if no stamp of enrollment, a certificate of enrollment is needed), certificate of graduation, teachers or staffs identification card (should be scan both front and back side) or any documents which prove enrollment status. For international students and overseas students, please register by another link in NCKU Open s Facebook page. Deposit without passbook is unavailable. Students graduating this semester please make copies of student identity card and graduation certificate before graduation, grade transcripts are not accepted for registration. Details of registration fee or transfer transaction must be filled completely with the registration form. For a receipt please go to the NCKU Open s Facebook Page and apply through the Receipt Application Form link. X. Competition Schedule Announcement The competition schedule will be determined by drawing random computer generated lots, seeded players refer to the result of NCKU Open 2018 and National Intercollegiate Individual category. All competition schedules will be announced in June on the NCKU Open Facebook page. XI. Competition Format

10 1. Multi-stage tournaments will be used for the NCKU Open; a grouping cycle is used for preliminary rounds and a single elimination system is used for the intermediary and final rounds. 2. Every game for all categories (team or individual category) will be played to 30 points. (Players change ends after 15 points, if both players reach 29 points the match will still played until 30 points, no deuce) 3. Grouping cycle score format (refer to national collegiate badminton competition) Individual category: (1) First competing with accumulated points (winner gain 2 points, loser gain 1 point, and forfeit gain 0 point), teams will be ranked according to their points. (2) If 2 teams have the same amount of points, the team who defeated the other team during the last matchup of the 2 teams will be the winner. (3) If 3 or more teams have the same accumulated points, the winner will be chosen according to the competition results below: a. Total winning points total loss points. The team that has a greatest difference wins. b. Total winning points. The team that has the highest points wins. c. If it still cannot decide which team wins, the head judge will decide by drawn. Team category (1) First competing with accumulated points (winner gain 2 points, loser gain 1 point, and forfeit gain 0 point), teams will be ranked according to their points. (2) If 2 teams have the same amount of points, the team who defeated the other team during the last matchup of the 2 teams will be the winner. (3) If 3 or more teams have the same accumulated points, the winner will be chosen according to the competition results below: a. Total winning matches total loss matches. The team that has a greatest difference wins. b. Total winning points total loss points. The team that has a greatest difference wins. c. If it still cannot decide which team wins, the head judge will decide by drawn. XII. Information for Players 1. In order to receive their player identity cards, players must show organizers their student cards or proof of identity.

11 Players must present their player identity card before each match. (The student card should show that players are enrolled in the current semester. If not shown on the student card, players must attach proof of current course enrollment). 2. Determination to Retire and Disqualification Regulations Retire: If a player is unable to play in a match, they must notify organizers in advance. Players retired can still play in future matches. (If a player in competing in two matches whose times clash, organizers will wait for the player). Disqualification : If a player is unable to play in a match and fails to notify organizers in advance, they will not be disqualified from competing in the category. However players may continue competing in other categories. (If a player does not appear on the court within the first five minutes of a match starting, they will be withdrawn from the category. Match starting times are in accordance with the organizer s clock). 3. No changes will be made to the competition schedule after it is released on the NCKU Open s Facebook page. Player requesting to alter the competition schedule are not accepted. In exceptional circumstances, the organizers have the right to change the schedule if needed. 4. If players lose their player identity card, they must present their student card to the organizers at least 30 minutes before their match starts in order to be allowed to compete. The replacement fee for each player identity card is NT$ Players cannot represent, replace others or change the match time after the schedule were published. 6. The NCKU Division and General Division matches will commence on the first day of the competition, July 12 th (Thursday). Players registered in these divisions are reminded to organize transport and accommodation in advance. 7. After the registration deadline, the list of successful applicants will be released. If players have any problems (e.g., name error) please contact the organizers immediately. Amendment will be made within the Revision period. After lots are drawn to determine the competition schedule, no further changes can be made. 8. If players register but are later unable to attend the competition, they will be fully refunded if they notify organizers within the Revision period. No refund can be given after the revision period; however, players will still receive a T-shirt and souvenir. 9. By registering, players agree to give organizers access to the personal information they disclose in their application. This information may later be used by organizers in relation to the competition, for example when announcing match results, in photos etc. 10. Players may ask another person to collect a souvenir or T shirt on their behalf. The player s student card (can be replace by a soft copy) must be presented to organizers and the person collecting the items must leave their name and phone number.

12 11. If a player suspects/believes their opponent is not qualified/not allowed to play the match because of eligibility or identity issues, please contact the organizers with evidence. If it is proved that the players violated competition regulations, they will be disqualified from competing and all previous match results will be invalid. 12. With force majeure such as natural disasters and other unforeseeable circumstances, organizers will release announcements on the NCKU Facebook Page and make relevant changes/take necessary measures (related to the post!). Players please pay close attention to all announcements. 13. NCKU Open organizers have the right to make all final revisions and amendment. XIII. Prize Information 1. If over six players or doubles teams register in a category, the top two players will receive a trophy, prize and certificate. 2. If over 12 players or doubles teams register in a category, the top four players will receive a trophy, prize and certificate. 3. If over 32 players or doubles teams register in a category, the top four players will receive a trophy, prize and certificate. 5 th to 8 th place will receive prize and certificate. 4. Open Division-top three players will receive bonuses. Singles: 1st Place NT$3,000, 2nd Place NT$2,000, 3rd Place NT$1,000. Doubles: 1st Place NT$4,000, 2nd Place NT$3,000, 3rd Place NT$2,000 Mixed Doubles: 1st Place NT$4,000, 2nd Place NT$3,000, 3rd Place NT$2,000 The cost for each extra copy of a certificate is NT$100 If over 16 players or doubles teams register for the women s singles or women s doubles competitions, the award money will increase by NT$1,000 If over 32 players of doubles teams register for the men s singles, men s doubles or mixed doubles competitions, the award money will increase by NT$1,000 XIV. Sponsorship The NCKU Open welcomes sponsorship from all interested companies, organizations and individuals. The names of all sponsors will be posted at the venue for the duration of the competition, and published in the NCKU Open guidebook and on the NCKU Facebook page. (For more information contact Professor Guo-Cheng Tu phila@mail.ncku.edu.tw) XV. Remarks 1. For all information and further announcements please check the NCKU Open s Facebook page ( 2. If you have any questions, please contact Chia Chun Hsu: Jo Yu Yen: NCKU Open nckuopen@gmail.com


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施 的 年 度 維 修 工 程 已 於 4 月 15 日 完 成, 並 於 4 月 16 日 重 新 開 放 給 市 民 使 用 ii. 天 水 圍 游 泳 池 的 年 度 維 修 工 程 已 於 3 月 31 日 完 成, 並 於 4 月 1 日 重 新 開 放 給 市 民 使 用 iii. 元

施 的 年 度 維 修 工 程 已 於 4 月 15 日 完 成, 並 於 4 月 16 日 重 新 開 放 給 市 民 使 用 ii. 天 水 圍 游 泳 池 的 年 度 維 修 工 程 已 於 3 月 31 日 完 成, 並 於 4 月 1 日 重 新 開 放 給 市 民 使 用 iii. 元 地 委 會 文 件 2016/ 第 25 號 ( 於 6.5.2016 會 議 討 論 ) 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 在 元 朗 區 內 舉 辦 的 康 樂 體 育 活 動 及 設 施 管 理 綜 合 匯 報 (2016 年 5 月 號 報 告 ) 目 的 本 文 件 旨 在 向 各 委 員 匯 報 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 ( 康 文 署 ) 於 2016 年 2 月 至 5 月 在

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國立臺灣藝術大學 國 立 臺 灣 藝 術 大 學 藝 術 與 人 文 教 學 研 究 所 碩 士 學 位 論 文 本 論 文 獲 國 家 教 育 研 究 院 博 ( 碩 ) 士 論 文 研 究 獎 助 課 外 讀 物 對 於 國 小 低 年 級 國 語 科 教 科 書 輔 助 性 之 研 究 - 以 新 北 市 100 年 度 國 民 小 學 推 動 閱 讀 計 畫 優 良 圖 書 為 例 指 導 教 授 : 張 純

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